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Ole Miss Preview | 2024 Georgia Football image

Ole Miss Preview | 2024 Georgia Football

S5 E175 · My God a Podcast! A podcast for Georgia Bulldogs
278 Plays3 months ago

Jim and John are joined by Hunter Jones to preview Georgia’s matchup with Ole Miss and answer listener questions.

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Introduction and Episode Overview

You know what I realized today is I'm getting old. My memory is not getting any better. Welcome to the club, Hunter. Welcome to parenthood. Welcome to My Got A Podcast. I'm Jim Wood. In this episode, John Powell and I are joined by Hunter Jones to preview Georgia's matchup with the Ole Miss Rebels. We talk through what we're looking for in the game, and we answer questions from you, our listeners. As always, remember to check out the newly redesigned to see our latest merch. And you can follow us on social media at MyGottaPodcast.

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Finally, if you need help with your website or your online presence, head over to slash dogs. Now let's join the conversation in progress. You know, we, we, we said on the tweet that solicited questions that we were going to have a special guest potentially ended up with two special guests, the live podcast debut of true man. Say hello. True at the Jones. true at the jones has entered the chat hey buddy say hi the the conversation in progress this time we we're pretty sure included uh true its first words which clearly were go dogs clearly were go dogs hey go dogs yeah he's he's like what's going on? Yeah. He's like, I came to talk about Carson Beck and his eye black. Yeah, that was horrible. Yeah, horrible. He said, I could have done a butter job painting on his eye black. True man would throw zero interceptions. Zero. I mean, granted, he can't throw the football, but still. He still throws zero interceptions. Oh, man.

Game Attendance and Bourbon Talk

It's good to have you back on the podcast. It's good to be back on. When it's Ole Miss week. Oh, goodness. We'll see you all at the Georgia Tech game. We'll see you at the Georgia Tech game. I'll be the cutest one there. Yes, for sure. Amazing. He'll be there for the Black Friday blackout game. The blackout game. when we got Ole Miss on, who we refer to as the Fighting Hunters, got to have Hunt the Jones on the podcast. Do we, John, I saw you had a drink. What do you, what do you have there? Oh, I've got just, we've been, we've been discussing with a friend of the show, Yara from Chapel Bill Curve, educating her on the the bourbons and one of the things that we've talked to her about is the fact that there's really good bourbon that is available on the shelf that you don't have to beg and borrow or steal from or spend too much money on so tonight I've got just regular old Four Roses bourbon out of the half gallon. Nice. It is a solid bourbon, good sipper, and it is quite affordable. Yes, I'm a big fan of the Four Roses myself. I was checking those out today. I went by the ABC store today. Didn't get any of that. I'm not drinking what I bought today because I bought some Old Forester 1920 because I was out. I just like to have that around for the, when you feel a cold coming on. Are you feeling feverish? No, no, no. I'm good. But we had a cold run through the house recently and so we're low. But I, when Hunter is on, I always make sure, I make sure to have old elk. Yeah. So I've got the Old Elk. This was a barrel pick from last year. It is a Wheat Lovers. Actually, it's a couple years. Wheat Lovers 2022 barrel number one is what this is. I'm going to disappoint you, Jim. I actually have not had a bottle of Old Elk at my house in probably going on two years now since I finished my store pick that I had. No way. I haven't seen one in the store that I've been willing to pull the trigger on. The local store that I usually go to to get that kind

Ole Miss Traditions and History

of stuff, he actually sold the store. So the guy who does all the great picks is not doing the picks anymore because he sold it he's actually focusing on building his own bourbon brand you might have seen it I don't know if it's in Georgia yet or not it's called K Luke bourbon okay K Luke K Luke L-U-K-E K Luke K Luke have not have not come across that one it. It's really good. It'll run you about a hundred bucks, but I mean, the one that I've had was really good and that's kind of his personal brand. I don't know how he started it, what kind of partnership, who it's with or anything, but he sold the whole liquor store and everything so he can go promote it and focus on it. Interesting. Gotcha. We were just talking about that like I mentioned we've been educating Yara. I had a chat with her about like if you wanted to start your own bourbon company like there are ways that you could execute that. I'd be curious to know if he's he already does already have his own juice or is he just sourcing it from MGP? Not sure if he's sourcing it or if it's his own. How old is it? He's very serious about it. It's not that old. I want to say how old is the actual bourbon itself? How old has he been doing this? Since he started started this this company company or whatever because in a couple years it has to age for two years before it can actually before you can actually like you know sell it basically yeah it's been a couple years i don't know the exact two or three i want to say okay so it could be it could be his own juice so looks like he's won some awards so nice yeah i'm curious now cheers hunter well good to have you back um cheers i don't have a drink right now but that's okay i'm doing bath time so that's okay understandable understandable um be a man excited to have you on for old miss again uh i know i know i had folks reach out to me like actually after we did this last year uh enjoying your insight that you're able to give on the team. So we don't always have someone who knows everything about the opponent. So I think it's cool. We take advantage when we can, and it's a good excuse to see your beautiful face again. For sure. It's always a pleasure to be on. You know, I love talking to y'all guys. I feel like we need to have our yearly meetup before the meetup at the tailgate. That's right. That's right. Absolutely. For sure. All right. Why don't we run through... We can just jump into the matchup. Actually, I should say, if you're new, you can follow... Be sure to follow Hunter on Twitter, at Hunter Jones. You can get all the uniform insights across really everything, but Georgia, Ole Miss, not just football either, baseball, all the good things. So be sure to go out and follow Hunter. I always forget to say stuff like that. So just wanted to put that out there. All right. So dogs heading to Oxford against Ole Miss Saturday, 3.30 PM Eastern kickoff at Vaught Hemingway stadium. The dogs are coming in seven and one and five and one in the sec Ole Miss seven and two, three and two in the sec. The dogs are number two in both polls. Although the CFP first poll came out tonight, and Georgia's third in that behind Oregon and Ohio State. Ole Miss is 16-12 across APN coaches, so pretty big discrepancy there. The game is on ABC. Sean McDonough, Greg McIlroy, and Molly McGrath on the call. The official hashtag is hashtag UGA verse miss and all time series record. Georgia leads this one 33, 13 and one with the last meeting being just last year. So the dogs won that one 52 to 17 in Athens, which was a big one last year at night game. I don't, I don't have like the but I did see it sounds like there could be some weather, like there could be some rain. I think it's forecast to have potential rain on Saturday so we can get into the how do quarterbacks grip a wet football kind of conversation. Yeah, it's actually a tropical system. It's a hurricane. It's supposed to be a hurricane out in the Gulf. I was just watching the weather before the election stuff got turned on. And it's supposed to be, I think they said Friday afternoon, a category one out south of us in Louisiana. But they're expecting maybe some wind shear, break it up. And they don't think it's going to make landfall as a hurricane, last he said, but it's going to be that. Whatever that leftover is is what will be hitting Oxford around Saturday. Gotcha. We really need to watch that. That's it for the matchup. Sounds like there could be some swirling wins potential. Yeah, seriously. Definitely swirling. Yeah, watch this space. Watch this space for Saturday. I know, actually, I believe we've outsourced the fun facts to Hunter. I don't know if we've entirely done that. Sean, you may have a few, but I know Hunter's got some to bring as well. Yes. I figured that hearing from the expert would be better. I'm curious to know what the inside sources indicate. Yeah, it was really tough, actually, to get some fun facts. I was trying to think back on some things that just the average person wouldn't know or the internet wouldn't post for the average person to find from being a undergrad and a grad student there but like you know what I realized today is I'm getting old my memory is not getting any better welcome to the club welcome welcome to parenthood it gets worse the more you have also your hair will get grayer yeaher. Yeah, man. I was thinking back like, man, what are some secret things I learned from undergrad? And then I'm counting back. I seem to recall from the last time we did this. 10 years ago. Isn't there like a Tiffany stained glass window on campus? Yeah, it's at Ventress Hall. Yeah, Ventress. Is that the hall that was the hospital or the morgue during the Civil War or something like that? It was one of them. A lot of those old buildings were something during the Civil War. There's a lot of Civil War history at Ole Miss and in Oxford, obviously. But Ventress Hall, it looks like a castle for those of y'all that'll be on campus. It's right on the corner of the, the Southwest corner of the Grove and the circle where they meet right there. So it's like a, it looks like a red brick castle. Cool. Nice. Are there any traditions that they're going to be partaking in that may be of interest for folks to check out? Like there's something like the dog walk or, you know, anything of that nature. Yeah, they actually have, it's called the walk of champions. It starts right at the outside of the student union, which I will say is way, way, way nicer than when I was in school now it's it's not even fair what they've got in there now but the walk of champions starts at the student union it goes straight down the middle of the grove and makes its way to Vaught-Hemingway Stadium and the team will pull up to the side of the student union and get out and walk. It's just like how the dog walk is, but it's the length of the Grove and campus all the way to the stadium. Gotcha. And I know you, you had, I'm cheating looking at the show notes, but you had given some insight into like the name of Oxford for the city and where that came from. So it's actually purposefully named Oxford because back when there was no public institution of higher learning in Mississippi, the people who lived where Oxford is, they really wanted to get the university. So they named Oxford Oxford in of attracting uh the university to be more of an academic town um and it worked so they in 1844 um the university of mississippi was chartered by legislature and then in 1848 it opened up and we had the university of mississippi in ox. That's right. So they faked it until they made it kind of thing. Yeah, they faked it until they made it. Nothing wrong with a little name recognition going on there. Yeah, the power of branding. Yeah. Hunter, I do have a question. I always send something and this was something that someone had said, hey, you guys should ask Hunter about this. Where does the name Ole Miss come from? It's actually the name of a yearbook, I believe. I can't remember the year, but they called the yearbook the Ole Miss and the name just kind of stuck as uh you know a short shortening of mississippi miss old mississippi old miss so i do have a little bit of historical uh perspective on that um this again this is coming from uh this is coming from google so you can correct correct or not. Since the university's nickname, Ole Miss, originated in 1897 as the contest to name the school's yearbook. That was how it came from. But the historical vernacular, Ole Miss, is actually derived from the way that domestic slaves on the southern plantations referred to their the plantation mistresses distinguishing her from the young missus yeah i i had heard that too that's um one of the things that permeates uh when you're up there they would say like the old missus of that you know um that's kind of where that comes from yeah can't confirm if that's true but i mean where there's smoke there's fire i guess yeah there's a lot of smoke there's a lot of smoke and fire when it comes to that topic in general yeah mississippi yeah for mississippi in general yeah um but yeah that's that's kind of wild that that it's you know they've what did they moved they moved one of the statues in 2020 or something like that to like away from the centralized campus i can't remember which which statue it was but i did remember yeah there were actually two uh it's a confederate statue i can't remember exactly what like its purpose was but it was basically a confederate soldier. And there was one on the square in downtown Oxford and then in front of the courthouse. And then there's one, it was in the circle, which is right adjacent to the Grove. The circle is like the center point of Ole Miss's campus. And if you were looking at a map, they actually would face in a direction where they would meet directionally at a point. I don't know the significance of why they met, but that's just what I remember. Tell us about the... Oh, go ahead, John. I was just saying it's crazy that the Ole Miss moniker has kind of stuck around given all that context. Considering that they tried to wipe out Colonel Reb, right? Dude, which by the way, I get the historical context and all that, but man, what an awesome mascot. He gave us the colonel reb is crying song which is always legendary but anyways he's pretty much been wiped out i mean you don't really see anything you definitely don't see anything officially uh from the university with colonel reb but i mean even the uh the off-brand type stuff is it's kind of been phased out and you don't see a lot of them. I know there's, like, a guy who dresses up like a real-life Colonel Reb, like he's got a real mustache and everything, and then they have the old mascot costume that the Colonel Reb Foundation, I think is what they're called, is trying to preserve, and you might see him roaming around campus on game days, but that's pretty much it of what's left of Colonel Reb. As a card-carrying member of the secondary market official merch, do you still see it in the secondary merch? Not a lot. I mean, I really don't see it a lot at all, to be honest with you. Everybody's kind of Ole Miss has done a really good job with their branding of introducing. It was not popular when they first introduced it, just because people are so opposed to change, especially at Ole Miss. But the M out of the Ole Miss the script M they started putting it standing alone I think back when I was about to graduate was when it first started popping up and it's kind of really taken off as you know being the secondary to the Ole Miss and you can get the Ole Miss in two different layouts so you've got the one that you see on the football helmet that staggered Ole Miss and then you can put them side by side with each other Ole Miss to mix it up and then they take the M and they put it out and of course there's the throwback UM the staggered UM that you see on the baseball hat. That's pretty popular. Those are pretty much the main ones that you see around now. You see a lot of the SIP, too. I forgot about that one almost. They took the SEC logo, and instead of SEC, it's S-I-P. Lane Kiffin's kind of been the one that's really been pushing that one. Yeah. Yeah. Come to the SIP. The kind of recruiting pitch, right? Right. For the folks that are going, tell the folks about your brick you've got. All right. So if you're going to Oxford and to the game, to the Grove, you can go on a little scavenger hunt and find me and Meg the Jones have permanent residence in a brick for our double, you know, I guess they call it double dogs at Georgia. Right. Yeah. I guess we're, we're double rebs at Ole Miss. So in the circle, not the Grove, but the circle, which is to the grove, there's a flagpole right in the middle. If you find the path, there's like, I want to say there's like 10 paths that go in different directions from the middle of that flagpole. If you go to the one that leads directly to Carrier Hall, you will be able to find the brick that has mine and Meg's name and graduating information on it from both of our degrees. Nice. Nice. That's cool. That's cool. And then I know. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And then I know being as we are recording on election night, although I don't expect to learn anything tonight. I think you had an election related fun fact as well. Yeah. So the first ever presidential debate hosted in the state of Mississippi took place on Ole Miss's campus in the Ford Center in 2008 between Barack Obama and John McCain. So's another almost getting historical on us there. That's crazy. Of all the elections that we've had over the years, the first presidential debate held in the state of Mississippi was that recent. That was great. I love it, uh bringing in the outside outside inside sources fun packs um then we've got the we do have a hasty's hargaret um old miss related as well um which i guess john you get me to i can do that i've got it up okay all right
it says hasty as hard history
All right. right. Hasty is Harvard history coming in from Jason Hasty. You can go and say hi to Jason over at the Hargaret library in Athens. And he's got the full ah athletic association archives over there. All right. The name Manning has become synonymous with SEC football. Archie, Peyton, and Eli all played quarterback in the SEC and each played at a high level. Now Arch is the fourth generation of Mannings to play a quarterback in the SEC SEC.

Georgia Football History with Ole Miss

All four Mannings have faced the Bulldogs, and the results for all involved have been mixed. While Georgia's history against Arch, Eli, and Payton is recent enough to be well known, we should look back to the first time that Georgia faced a member of the Manning family. Georgia and Ole Miss didn't play before the 1940 season. Despite the late start to the series, from 1966 until 2002, Georgia and Ole Miss played every year. 1968 saw the first major expansion of Sanford Stadium and was the sir third season that Larry Munson was the radio voice for the Dogs. The 1968 game, Georgia-Ole Miss game, was one of the biggest in the series. Georgia was number 17 in the AP poll after having started the season unranked. The Dawgs started the season with a controversial 17-17 tie with Tennessee, but then defeated Clemson in Athens and South Carolina in Columbia. Ole Miss was ranked number 13 after wins over Memphis State, Kentucky, and number 11, Alabama. Archie Manning was a highly touted sophomore in his first season on the Ole Miss varsity team.
georgia had a stout defense featured safety jigs scott defensive tackle bill staill and defensive ends steve greer and billy pay scott and stanfield would later later start on the miami dolphins no name defense in nineteen seventy two leading the dolphins to the only undefeated season in nfl history scott would be named mvp of super bowlip and the game on october t twelvelf nineteen sixty eight start off poorly for georgia passed for a touchdown while Georgia's offense was anemic, amassing only 63 yards at the end of the first half. The second half was a different story. Quarterback Mike Cavins passing put Georgia back in the game while the defense stifled Ole Miss. Billy Payne and Jake Scott each intercepted Manning. Kent Lawrence rushed for a score and Mike Cavins passed to Billy Price for the two-point conversion. Jim McCullough added two field goals. Georgia's Dennis Hughes ended the day with six pass receptions for 134 yards, which included a 64-yard touchdown reception from Cavin. Man, Bobo, we need to dial some of that up on Saturday. In the first meeting with the Manning, Georgia came out on top 21 to seven. Georgia jumped to number 10 in the AP poll following the win over Ole Miss. The Dogs closed out the season undefeated, but with a tie against a powerful Houston team to go along with the tie with Tennessee. The Houston game was also the very first time Georgia played an integrated team in Sanford Stadium. At the end of the season, Vince Dooley and athletic director Joel Eaves agreed to take the team to New Orleans to play Arkansas, then a member of the Southwestern Conference in the Sugar Bowl. Georgia's players, who might have been disappointed in not going to Miami for the Orange Bowl, didn't perform up to the standard they'd set the rest of the season and fell to the Razorbacks 16-2 to end the year with an overall 8-1-2 record and a number 8 final ranking. This was during the era when the final polls were issued after the last game of the season and did not account for the results of bowl games. Oddly, this Georgia team was named national champions in one poll, the Litkin House poll. This poll, though recognized by the NCAA, carried little weight, and no one claims a national championship because of it, though some schools who may or may not be named auburn would almost certainly do so so that's what we got from jason hasty i will say if you're watching on youtube and you've been checking out the pictures he did add that uh the picture that's up right now is like vince dooley in like a u.s military ad or something um he said like the they had the this is from the inside of the program of that bowl game. He said the cover had fallen off, but still had this picture in there. It's pretty interesting. That is kind of crazy. You mentioned a couple of the players that were in that game and a name stuck out in there that might ring ring some bells for some you know native Georgians Billy Payne man talk about a throwback name yeah yeah um is as one of the intercepted you know Billy Payne of of uh of the famous Olympic committee uh he was a a big big a proponent big proponent that that brought brought the the Olympics Olympics to to to Atlanta Atlanta in um in 96 96. and And then then um also then also he he was was chairman at the Augusta National. Correct. Yeah. And under his leadership, they brought the first woman to Augusta National. Yeah. Yeah. Accurate. Big information there. Anyway,, a sidebar slash fun fact. No, that was good.

Discussion on Game Strategies and Key Players

That was good. Off of Hastie's Hargaret history. Yeah. Yeah. No, shout out Jason Hastie. If you're, if you're in Athens, definitely stop by the Hargaret library. I promise you'll, you'll enjoy it. He's got a amazing artifacts there. All right. If we were Alabama, we'd probably claim that national championship. I agree. I would be shocked if they don't claim something from that poll because they claim everything. I had a couple of news and notes from Kirby's press conferences. He did get a question around limiting turnovers and basically about Carson throwing picks. He said out of 73 snaps, he had 68 winning decisions. But he said, I think the concern is the mistakes can't be catastrophic. So continues to, I think, kind of talk up and defend Carson a bit there. So that was his take there. And the other thing, just injury related. On Monday, he said he felt good about ETN. Today, he said he was a little, took it back a little bit, said he ran around a little bit, loosened up, took some reps. So it didn't sound quite as positive. And then he got a question on my leg. He's on a black jersey, right? Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, he's like in a black jersey, like a no contact jersey. So I don't know. We'll see. We'll see about that. And then he got asked about. Yeah, right. Seriously. Yeah. And then he. What's less than hopeful? He did drop the hopeful line on Smile. Smile London,, Robinson, and Anthony Evans. He got asked about all three of those, and he said, hopefully those guys are back. I don't know. We'll see. I don't know, Hunter, if you've heard anything that Lane said at his media availability. Honestly, I didn't look. I don't know if there's anything that's been buzzing with Lane lately. Yeah, I haven't seen anything. Honestly, I've kind of checked out of all the social medias this week. That's probably a good idea. Just in general. Why is that? Is something going on? Yeah, I don't know. Maybe you might be able to provide this insight. Isn't there an injury that they're dealing with with their top wide receiver or something like that? Yeah, Trey Harris. Yeah, Trey Harris. It's also in the hopeful category of whether or not he's going to play. Yeah, he was a little banged up before the LSU game and he got hurt in the LSU game and he hasn't played since, basically. So, who knows? He tried to warm up against Oklahoma and ended up not going and then I don't even think he attempted it against Arkansas. Watch the space. Yeah, seriously. Watch that space and then the weather space. Definitely needs to keep an eye on it in the saturday i mean having their leading wide receiver i feel like it's going to be pretty important yeah yeah um okay let's see so what we can get into kind of the uh we're looking for kind of on the field um so just some overall things georgia is net yards per play is at 1.71 right now ole miss is at 3.33. Georgia minus one in the turnover margin, so that's on the bad side. Ole Miss plus seven turnover margin. So doing very well there on the turnover side is Ole Miss. Or do I have that backwards? Ole Miss has 15 takeaways. Never mind, I'm backwards. Oh, yeah, yeah. And eight takeaways. Yeah. So that's right. So as far as what we're looking at when Georgia has the ball, I'm curious, actually, I guess, Hunter, if I'm kind of calling out the right guys here. So leading tackler is Chris Paul. He's a junior linebacker, 65 tackles total, two and a half sacks. Trey Amos, senior cornerback, leads the team with three interceptions. And also has 35 tackles. And then Sunterine Perkins, sophomore linebacker, leads the team with nine sacks. I know Walter Nolan, also a big name on that Ole Miss defense transfer from Texas A&M. Yeah, I mean, the Ole Miss defense has pretty much been totally revamped, especially up front. You've got Prince Lee and Walter and big JJ Piggy, the mayor of Oxford, as well as Jared Ivey. That was kind of the emphasis that Lane had coming out of the Georgia game last year was that skill-wise, Ole Miss might have been able to match up well with teams like Georgia and Alabama, but where they were really lacking was up front, especially on the D-line. They were getting pushed around. So the big takeaway from the Georgia game was if we ever are going to compete with a team like Georgia, you've got to get the big guys up front. So that was the push in the portal, and that's where you see Prince Lee and Walter coming in. The linebackers are finally kind of up to the SEC par, and there have been some transfers in the defensive backfield as well. So Ole Miss on defense has been pretty much revamped from the team you saw last year in Athens to look more like a true SEC defense. Got it. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, the defense has been consistent this year. Like that, you think Ole Miss, you think offense with Lane Given, but seems to be kind of the reverse this year, honestly, just at least from a consistency standpoint. Yeah, definitely. I mean, they're way more consistent than the offense. I mean, don't get me started on how inconsistent the offense is, especially when it seems like they're playing a defense that has any kind of pulse. It's like they don't show up or they might show up for a drive and score on a big play and then it's nothing the rest of the game. They're very frustrating to watch. Yeah. So we got a listener question from Fresh IRC Podcast, kind of just pulling into this section, asked, should the Georgia offense take a run-first approach amidst the inconsistencies in the passing game? So obviously, been turning the ball over a lot. I'm curious your take there, Hunter, on how Ole Miss plays the run. Could that be a solid tactic for Georgia? I mean, general consensus is going to say, yeah, it would be a good idea to try to keep the ball out of Jackson Dart's hand, and you do that by running the ball. But the honest truth is that I think the Ole Miss defensive line is probably their strong suit. So I don't know if that's going to be a path to success for Georgia with those guys up front, especially with Georgia's inconsistent ability to run the football. Yeah. And just looking at the numbers statistically, Ole Miss has only given up 82.2 yards rushing a game, which is like second in the country in rushing defense. So I don't know. I'm kind of feeling like, I know, John, you said it in our Florida review, right? It's kind of like, this is the team and they are who they've shown us. And I think that's kind of been the identity has actually been more of the opposite of kind of throw to set up the run as opposed to run to set up the throw. And you've got the short passing game as kind of an extension of the run game. I don't, I really don't see us getting away from that, especially if we don't have a hundred percent healthy ETM. I don't know. That's just kind of my, I feel like it's more like just protect the football. Like, you know if, if Carson can do what Kirby said, like, okay, sure. He's making like, he's hitting that high, high percentage of excellent plays or whatever or, but the poor ones just cannot be, to use Kirby's word, catastrophic. I mean, throw the ball away. Throw the ball away. If you just throw the ball out of bounds on those, and you don't have the pick, it makes a huge difference. What do you think, JP? Yeah, I mean, the story of this game is ultimately going to be,, you know, in the games that I guess that there's a couple of different ways that I could think about this game. You know, I think that somebody tweeted out earlier today, I know John shared it with us. It wasn't his tweet, but he shared it with us that, you know, Georgia's actually averaging more points per game on games when Carson Beck throws interceptions. Yeah, that's wild. Which is just absolutely mind-boggling to me. So ultimately what that means is we're probably going to be good for somewhere in the region of 35 to 30 points on average. It looks like generally speaking, we've played some tougher defenses than Ole Miss has. I think that our offense will not be surprised by how good their defense is because we played the number one defense in the country because we've played Texas and they have one of the best defenses in the country. I don't know. As far as just what I'm looking for is just stop throwing interceptions. I'd love, we have our hats on. We have run, run the dang ball. I would love to run the dang ball and you know what, you know, to a certain extent, maybe there's, maybe there's some stuff that we're holding back on because we flexed Peanut out there in the last game. We've got Dwight out there that could potentially be an option for us with an injured situation at the running back position. I don't know. I don't know that we're going to be seeing a whole lot. I think that this just is the team. I think that statistically, it seems like that we should be watching for how many passes Carson throws if you are one that is concerned about the interceptions. Because when he throws 40 or more passes is when we get on the opposite side of the interception game. But when he throws less than 40 passes, we have a higher likelihood of not turning the ball over. I think that if we don't turn the ball over, we're going to win this game. Period. Straight up. That is just the way that things are going this year. If we win the turnover battle, we will absolutely win this game. What the margin of victory is, I don't think that Kirby Smart truly cares. Ultimately, I think that's really what we're going to be looking for is do we turn the ball over? If we don't, it's a guaranteed win. The only team that can beat Georgia is Georgia. Yeah, I still firmly believe that. All right. Why don't we talk about the Georgia defense and what we're looking for with Ole Miss. So, you know, impressive numbers from Jackson Dart. So 71% completion percentage, 3,210 yards, 21 touchdowns, only three picks. He's also the team's second-leading rusher, 77 carries, 254 yards and three touchdowns. You got Henry Parrish Jr., senior tailback, 678 yards, 10 touchdowns, and 130 carries. Like we said, Trey Harris is the leading receiver, 987 yards and six touchdowns, but don't know if we'll see him or not. Second-leading is Caden Lee's a sophomore. 615 yards. 36 receptions and a touchdown. I think for me, what I was kind of curious about this year, and Hunter, just looking for your thoughts here, was I really like Judkins a lot. I felt like he was a really good back. However, it seems like the ground game, they've been able to maintain the ground game even with that loss yeah um i don't know what it's going to look like coming into this game because i do know that parish got hurt um in the arkansas game but they do have ulysses bentley who was the number two behind judkins last year and it's kind of been a conspiracy amongst Ole Miss fans, kind of where Bentley has been all year. He didn't, I believe he didn't even really get a meaningful snap until the LSU game. And in the LSU game, he was kind of the primary performer. And then he disappeared again in the Oklahoma game. And everybody's kind of speculating like, oh, you know, what did he do? Is he in Lane's wheelhouse? But there's never been anything to come out, not even any smoke. So, honestly, I don't know what's going on with him. But he's a dangerous running back. I mean, he was the two behind Judkins, like I said. So, he's capable. Okay. Over, under on carries for Piggies in this game? I'm going to say over three. Three. That's a lot. I think if Ole Miss gets into a fourth and short, Lane's going to go for it, and he's probably going to give it to Piggies. And especially if Ole Miss is down within the three-yard line trying to score, Piggies is going to get it. Yeah. I think it's wild that we're still talking about. Like, I remember in, John, one of our it was probably like our second episode or something, like very early in my Got a Podcast, when he was like a freshman at Auburn. Yeah, he used to play aturn yeah and you're like i found this guy piggies like he's a big boy and we're talking about him and then and then now here he is at old miss on the on the defense and uh you know playing mixing in a little offense as well it's crazy this guy's been around forever the stetson bennett of old miss right right um or yeah was it was it stackhousehouse or Brinson? I don't know if it's like they've been around for forever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stackhouse has been here for a long time. I'd say a more accurate comparison if you want the Ole Miss comparison. I feel like I can give it because being a Georgia fan, he's, he's actually, no, that's not a good one. He's the Jordan Davis of Ole Miss. That's the best one I can come up with. He's their Jordan Davis. Is he that beloved? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they call him the mayor of Oxford. He graduated from Oxford high school. So he, he's a hometown boy too. Okay. Okay. So coming back to Ole Miss was a homecoming. Leaving Auburn to Ole Miss. Got it. JP, anything you're looking for specifically from the Georgia defense or what you're trying to stop? I mean, from the defense, I think that it seems like Ole Miss is going to get to their yards. It seems like they're pretty good at breaking the intermediate explosive plays. I think that the bulk of those types of plays are coming in the 20 to 30 yard ranges. They far outnumber us in terms of the offensive plays that they're able to execute in that, that are those big, those big chunk yards. I think that managing those as best as possible is going to be priority number one for us, because if you can keep the game in front of you against this team, I think that you're going to be able to control the clock, you know, stay in front of the sticks, that kind of thing. I think that that's, that's what I'll be looking for is can we keep the, can we keep the, the, can we keep the, their offense in front of us, not letting anybody get behind us, like what was able to do against Malachi Starks. They were able to rattle off that chunk yard gains when we had defenders that were looking in the backfield. I don't know that we're necessarily going to be too concerned about that in this game because they do have the number one passing offense in the country. So a lot of those passes are more like runs because they're going to be like quick screens and things like that. Right, Hunter? I think that they leverage the passing game more as a running game in many ways. So if they're swinging things out and keeping it outside the tackles, things like that, as far as how they have to get yards through the passing game. I like our options there. The only thing that I'll be looking for is can we tackle in space? Yeah. And I remember, I mean, last year, I mean, we were able to get pressure and get after Jackson Dart. So that's kind of what I'll be watching there. I would love to see the defense come out like we talked about what we saw against what we saw against Texas and didn't exactly see against Florida and hoping that defense comes out with the hair on fire kind of thing. I don't know. We'll see. There's a couple of things wrapped up there. We talk about Carson Beck and all the crap that we're giving him. Jackson Dart is in that same vein too like Carson Beck has seven interceptions. Jackson Dart has five. I think that I'm sorry, against the ranked opponents, against the ranked teams, Carson Beck has seven interceptions and Jackson Dart has five interceptions. Jackson know jackson Dart darts fairly pedestrian they're fairly even like and frankly you know you talk about these two quarterbacks they're fairly even against ranked opponents so i don't necessarily know that jackson dart's going to be able to i don't know outshine our quarterback necessarily remember remember what happened last year um yeah it's kind of where i was going because remember, he took off one time and took a pretty big hit. So curious to see that. Is he trying to run and is he willing to risk taking that big hit? Because that really affected him last year, I feel like. Yeah. I mean, just from my observations watching him this year, that's still in him. It's just kind of who he is. He's not going to be one to be shy about contact. He's done a little better about sliding, but when he gets in that competitive zone, like it's close, he's feeling it. He's trying to run people over. He got himself bloodied up a little bit against Wake Forest. They were beating Wake Forest pretty bad. He's trying to run people over and get his helmet knocked off and still trying to run people over and get in their face after. He's definitely a gamer. He'll be prone to take some hits because that's just who he is. Gotcha. Yeah. A couple of talking about those hits on the quarterback, a couple of things I'll be looking for from the defense. So Ole Miss is prone to allowing him to get hit and, frankly, allowing tackles for loss. So, you know, we are only you we know talk about our offensive line and how I don't talk to Stacey Searles on occasion. We're only giving up 10 sacks and we've only given up 33 tackles for loss. Ole Miss has allowed was it 19 sacks on the season and 49 tackles for loss? But yeah, I think that that's something to consider as well. One thing that they do have, you know, talking about, you know, on the offense is they do seem to get to the quarterback more so than our guys do. But I think that's an indication of some of the offenses that they've played. But anyway, it seems like that they have given up more sacks than we have, and I don't think that we're necessarily off the charts in that regard. I think you made the joke that our Joe Moore Award, like preseason we were talking about Joe Moore Awards, and now we're like, yeah, about that. Right, right. Yeah, they need to act like it. So another thing, John, you brought up, which I think is going to be a very accurate point, and Georgia did a really good job about it last year, is Ole Miss, they're going to try to take shots. That's where a lot of their passing yards come from is the deep shot, the play action deep shot. They're setting that up as they go, and that's kind of their bread and butter, which is what makes them very frustrating to watch as an Ole Miss fan. When the shot plays are not hitting, it's like three and out, three and out, three and out, and no time is going off the clock. Kind of like a feast or famine. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Which I guess kind of leads into that inconsistency that you were talking about that you've been seeing from them. Yeah, I mean, I just go back to the... I hate to say that they ain't played anybody when they've played some pretty good teams but the defenses that they have played have not been as good as us. I think that South Carolina might have been the best defense they've played but yeah I think that we're going to give them much more of a test than they're probably anticipating. And I would say that this game has slowly, as the season has progressed, become less and less of a concern given some of the results that have happened over the course of the season. Yeah, yeah. Okay, Hunter, before we go into special teams, is there anything else we're missing on the Ole Miss offense? I think y'all got it. There's another receiver you might recognize, Juice Wells, South Carolina transfer. He's always a big play threat. They've been trying to get him more and more involved over the last couple of weeks. They've been missing him. Him and Darn are not totally synced up. But, he's you know, a big play guy, and he's dangerous. Especially if Trey Harris is out, he's going to be somebody that they're looking to. Okay. Got it. Okay, a couple of special teams things. So the specialists for Ole Miss, they got a senior kicker, Caden Davis. 15 of 18 on field goals, also 46 of 48 on extra points. He's missed a couple of extra points. Fire him into the sun. College kickers scenario? They should not have lost that Kentucky game. You got to make that field field goal, goal man man. yeah You're you're a a senior senior kicker. kicker you You got got to to make make that that field goal at home no excuse okay okay watch this space on the kicking situation um but they do take special teams seriously they do have an australian punter uh so fraser fraser mason i believe senior punter um he's averaging 46.23 yards a punt so they got an aust guy. Looks like Micah Davis is the kick returner. Anything to watch out there, Hunter? Can Brett Thorson keep his negative punt return yardage for the season? Yeah, I don't see any threats. As long as Thorson's back there, punting away, Georgia doesn't have to worry about that. I guess my only other special teams thing is kick it off out of the end zone. The other thing to watch is I will say I felt like we missed Anthony Evans against Florida. Kirby's hopeful that he'll be back. I kind of doubt it this week at least, so we'll see. I'll be looking for Thorson to have a much better game. Well, yeah, if we don't he doesn't have to punt as many times as he did last game. I think Tony Waller said, like, he was worried that Thorson was going to have rhabdo because he had to punt so many times. You were saying something, John, sorry. No, that's what I was saying. I was saying I'm hoping that Thorson, when he's called on, has a better performance because I think that his net punting average took a hit in the Florida game. Yeah, yeah. I mean, when the announcers are saying, and that is not a good punt. Right, yeah. From our guy, that's like, I'm not used to that. Right, right. Yeah, that was wild. All right. Let's hit the list of questions. So as always, listener questions are brought to you by Working Web Media. So Working Web Media, they worked with us to redesign our website last off season. So we really wanted to upgrade it. One of the things that I really didn't like was our old merch store. It was on a separate site and everything. So we were able to consolidate that, sit down and work with them, and being able to increase our product line, have more merch in there. So that was excellent. But also they walked through everything with us, went through the options on layouts, color scheme, et cetera, and were able to get us a great finished product really in a short amount of time. So if you're a small business out there, you need some help with your website, or maybe even just some help with your online presence through social media, reach out to them. And I know they'd love to work with you. So you can head over to slash dogs, and then they will know that we set you their way. All right. As this has become customary, first up, list of questions. We have the building bonus, TMTMTM for umbred building. Number one, Ole Miss calls themselves the Rebels, but what is their

Mascot History and Coaching Comparisons

mascot? At one point, I think there was a shark involved, but we haven't seen it in a while. Hunter, thankfully we have you to educate us on this. I believe there was a bear at one point too. Just kind of throwing that out. Yeah. It's, it's, it's, it's a thorn inside embarrassment. They're the rebels. The Ole Miss rebels is the official, you know, nickname. They haven't had a rebel mascot since Colonel Red. And there was a bear, a black bear in between. And he was so unpopular that they kind of phased him out under the darkness of night and tried to phase in Tony the land shark who also is kind of embarrassing and so you don't see a whole lot of him other than like some kid stuff. But Juice Kiffin is kind of taking the place of the mascot, Lane Kiffin's dog. He's all over social media. He's got his own social media post. And he's like Lane's version of Herb Street's dog. I was just going to say, do they have like doggy playdates? Do they go to the dog park together? I'm sure it's been on their calendar at least. Okay. But so basically there isn't, is there an official mascot for the school at this point? I think it's still the Landshark, but like I said, he's not popular. And so so i don't other than just you know some like illustrations for kids like coloring books and stuff you don't really see him that much anymore okay i remember i may be making this up but in my mind i remember there being like like a student vote or something like to try to pick the mascot and there was like a like an underground effort to try to get it to be like admiral ackbar from star wars uh it was a rebel fighter uh for the rebellion i mean i don't know i kind of feel like that would have been good it's a trap uh that could have worked i feel like i feel like i was during my undergrad time when that vote happened and and the choices were just as awful as what we ended up with. I mean, there was the hotty toddy guy, which was like this really did you all ever see the cartoon that used to come on Cartoon Network? Like this was back when I was a kid. It's called Johnny Bravo. I remember Johnny Bravo, yeah. He looked like Johnny Bravovo except he was just gray he had no like distinguishing features other than he was like a dark gray guy with sunglasses and he was muscular and they had him in different attire like there was a grove attire uh mascot version of him which was actually just him in pledge attire he was in a a navy blue blazer with a navy blue and red striped tie, which is pledge attire, not grove attire. And then there was like a preppy version of him where he was like in a polo and shorts. And then there was like a basketball version and a football version. It was awful. Okay. All the voting choices were were awful. awful. Okay Hopefully that suffices for Brett. Second question. Do you think this is Kiffin's last stop or will he take the Florida or Florida State job? I feel like Florida State has diminished in value anyway, so I'm not sure how much he would really want to go there if they decide to make a change. That's my take. I mean, I know I'm biased, but I think Ole Miss is a better job than Florida at this point. Yeah. I think Ole Miss is a better job for sure from a vibes check situation. I don't know. If I were Kiffin, I would retire at Ole Miss. Yeah. I mean, it's really going to come down to the NIL. If he can keep leveraging the NIL the way he has been and keep that support up and keep getting players, there's no reason for him to leave Ole Miss. Even if you don't, I feel like Ole Miss has a... I don't know. Do you really think that Ole Miss would be satisfied with nine and ten win seasons and occasionally being in the conversation for the SEC championship, which in turn would mean that you would be occasionally in the conversations for the, or that Ole Miss would be in, not you, but you know what I mean, that they would be in the conversation for the CFB? Yeah, I think that the expectation for Ole Miss from the Ole Miss fan base moving forward with what they have contributed and the resources that are being put in place is that Lane needs to have Ole Miss in the playoff conversation, in the expanded playoff conversation on a yearly basis. And I think that in the current setup, he can be in that conversation every year. So I don't really see a reason for him to take another job, especially not Florida or Florida State. Is Alabama on, where does Alabama rank on y'all's always-on opponents? We don't play Alabama this year. I'm not really sure what's going to happen to it with the new scheduling format. You can't really call it a big rivalry because it's kind of like Georgia and Alabama. They don't really win a lot when they play them. Talking about rivalries and Hasties-Hargett history, since we're talking about rivalries, I didn't realize that we played Ole Miss that regularly. Yeah, I mean, we played them every year. And when it was, even when the SEC expanded to 12 teams, the original format was you played everyone in your division, and then you had two permanent opponents on the other side, and then you rotated one. And when was that way old miss our george's permanent opponents from the west were auburn and old miss and so that was the way we played old miss every year uh you know through 2002 so 2002 was the last year of that and then it you know went to the one permanent opponent rotation so yeah it's a we've played a lot for sure yeah okay uh let's see next up 51 to 7 gata so another one uh so and this one he had a picture of tommy tuberville uh as coaching auburn and old miss he said a lot has changed in the sport over the years which school now has the better football job auburn or old miss you know because you know once once upon a time tommy tuberville left old miss to go become the the head coach at aub I mean, current? What's that? In a pine box. He made the comment that the only way he would leave Oxford was in a pine box. Yeah. I mean, current state? I'm going to say Ole Miss again. I know it, but I think Auburn's kind of a dumpster fire. I think that Auburn has been a dumpster fire for so long that it's kind of like they're in a hole and that they've been struggling to dig themselves out of for quite some time. And yeah, I don't know. I don't know that they're ever going to be able to recover from that. Yeah. I mean, hard to say never, but I would say this, like right now, could let's you see Lane, say Auburn decides to move on. Could you see Lane leaving Ole Miss and going to Auburn this offseason? I could not see that happening. Rivalry. If you want to talk about in-state competition, who you're competing with on a yearly basis, Auburn has to compete with Alabama, obviously, in the state, and Georgia immediately next door, whereas at Ole Miss, you're talking about Mississippi State as your main competition in the state, and I guess LSU and, of course, Alabama and Auburn are your borders. But I think it's a no-brainer when you look at it with your consistent competition on the field, recruiting, all the things. Auburn's definitely a tougher spot, too, to be successful, I feel like. Yeah, yeah, I agree. I agree. Okay, let's see. Next up, we have Fletcher Proctor. Georgia Hoops starts this week. Well, it's year-round for some. So which players are you excited to see break out? You think Silas and or Asa makes all SEC first team? Oh, wait, football. He has a football question. But I will do the basketball at least 30 seconds because we talked about basketball last game. In our last episode, we discussed the fact that Georgia won the opener. I would say Asa Newell, I'm obviously most excited about, and he lived up to his billing in the first game, tying... First two games. Yeah, well, the other one was exhibition. Last night was the first actual game that counts. Closer than you would like against Tennessee Tech, but Aza Newell delivered with 26 points. I think tied Dominique for the most points in a debut by a freshman. So definitely excited about Aza. And the Dogs have their second game is on Sunday against Texas Southern. So Georgia basketball underway. I'm excited about it. With an Ole Miss grad as the head coach. And Mike White played basketball at Ole Miss. Alright, so football question from Fletcher. Does Kirby tell Carson enough of the manufactured adversity? And we see another blowout a la 2023. Do we see that in the cards that this game could go the same way it went last year? It's absolutely in the cards. It's definitely in the cards. Yeah. Well, like I talked about earlier, with Ole Miss being so inconsistent, I mean, last year when I came on here, I was worried about Ole Miss because they have, and they still do, they have all the pieces in place to be that very dangerous, very explosive team that is capable of putting up a ton of points and beating you. But it seems like every time they play an actual team with a pulse, they don't show up. Right. I mean, I would say that they lost to Kentucky, guys. Yeah, yeah. Kentucky's not good. We played them close, but we didn't follow through and lose. We held them off. Well, I mean, I'm just saying, like, they lost to Kentucky. Yeah, yeah. That was a home game also. At home, at home, yeah. Yeah. They lost to LSU, which that seemed like it was a game of both head coaches were trying to lose that game. They barely won again. I'd say barely. It was a tight-ish game against Oklahoma. These are not great teams. They're one thing that I would say that they are outstanding on is the South Carolina game is starting to look, you know, with each passing week, that looks like a much better win. But, like, that's really it. They've beaten up Arkansas, which that was a fairly good defense. But other than the Arkansas game and all of these, like, you know, they beat up on wake forest they beat up on georgia southern they beat up on middle tennessee they beat up on firman like these are not like juggernauts of of the stc yeah i mean i think the main thing with old miss uh just having watched all their games their team of missed opportunities they their record is what it is because of missed opportunities. Now, the Kentucky game, they come out flat, and it's inexcusable the way they played against Kentucky, especially, as you said, week to week. It looks worse and worse, but they also did miss a field goal that could have tied the game at the end. Not that you want to be in that position, but Luke plays. Kentucky fumbled when they were trying to go up and fumbled it right, happened to be right into the hands of the other player for the touchdown. And then the LSU game has been the most frustrating so far with, you know, just the, I was texting y'all in the group chat that night. Like it just felt like they were leaving. I mean, they left 21 points out, out there on the field and the first quarter that, you know, you could have took that crowd out of that game. Totally different ball game. you just you let lsu hang around until death valley at night got you yeah um just like i said they're inconsistent and and they're this this season we're talking about a totally different game if a couple things a drop pass uh may field goal go differently for Ole Miss we're talking about a very different game as far as the perspective leading into it right now yeah yeah uh and they've got a three-year starter at quarterback I mean right in the SEC that that's not nothing you know yeah right yeah uh let's see John Michael D says just went 4-0 against a lousy, ugly, vile, nasty, wretched, and stinking gators. I know we have some warts, but what a time to be alive. Since I'm a little stitious, I asked you all, was Stet enough to lead us to a natty in 21? So I'd ask the same about Beck. Is Beck enough? I'll start. I mean, if the Georgia defense plays the way that Georgia defense can play, I mean, I think that was kind of the caveat back then. I think Stetson hadn't become stick radius just yet back in 21, like he was in 22. But I mean, if the Georgia defense seeing what the Georgia defense could do against Texas, I mean, I still think, yes. I mean, I think if Beck plays the way, the way he played against Florida, like in a playoff game, you know, no, but he also doesn't have to play that way I mean if he can if he can focus and we can see I'd say like the back of last season but even if it's somewhere in the middle you know like if we get like Clemson back or like third quarter Alabama back or you know which that was kind of ridiculous but like somewhere in the middle then I then I think yes I don't think he has to carry this team. Go for

Georgia's Championship Potential

it, Hunter. He definitely doesn't have to carry it. Even looking at Texas, Texas is obviously Georgia's best win of the year. Even in the Texas game, we didn't get good back. He was still, I would say, he was bad. He was just not bad enough that it hurt them them like the defense was playing good enough giving them a short field to work with that they were able to capitalize but you know he was still not a good quarterback and we went into the number one team and pretty handily beat them i mean i don't know about y'all but i i never felt in doubt about the game. Like I never at any point was like, oh, we might lose this game. And so I think the answer to the question is, yeah, he's enough. If Georgia defensively plays up to what we know that they are now capable of playing up to, he can almost be bad back. We're not going to like it in the process. We're going to have some hand-wringing and some nervous texts in the thread, but they can still win against any team in the country. Agreed. He had no interceptions in the first three games. Prior to the Alabama game this year, he had zero interceptions. He had a pick pick less game after that against Auburn didn't throw a pick um so he he can do it he can do it but yeah I don't I'm kind of leaning on that too like it doesn't have to be all him um on on the back still in the back uh train I guess Trent Thacker uh said your friends at Chapel Belker mentioned last week that if Beck's interception numbers regressed to the mean that we'd be in great shape in upcoming games. After the Florida game, I'm starting to wonder if three interceptions is the mean for him. Thoughts on his struggles. Again, I think he's just, he's trying to force things that aren't there. And my hope is that Bobo can sit down with him and show him that on film of just, look, man, if you just throw the ball away like if it's not there and again i think those are happening like on first down a lot like live to see another play kind of deal and that right there i think that fixes it so i don't think three is the main though i mean he didn't really turn the ball over last year you know um i know bowers and mcconkey are gone but i just i don't i don't feel like this is like this is beck kind of thing yeah the only thing that concerned me and we talked about it in the thread saturday was it's it's it's not i mean it is that he throws the picks right but it's his body language after he throws the picks it's his body language uh you know kirby's kirby's been very um what's a good word um positive and how he's trying to spin uh everything around back and uh he's not easily critical of him um and we were kind of talking like you, maybe he needs to chew him out a little bit and see if he'll respond. And then we got the clip that he did chew him out a little bit and Carson kind of like wouldn't even look at him and kind of just had that look on his face that, you know, we all commented at the time was concerning that if that's what he reverts to as a character trait when he does face the adversity and Kirby actually gets onto him, then I didn't like that look. Yeah, I totally missed it when it happened. I went back and looked. I felt like it wasn't as bad as what I was worried that it would be when I think I found it. But yeah, and I pulled up Aaron King's question because he said, what's your take on how Kirby's coaching slash handling back? He's been very positive, complimentary, but behaved very differently with Stetson. And yeah, I mean, I think I just kind of chalked that up to knowing how to deal with different players. But I know, John, you talked about that even a bit last episode of kind of like maybe sometimes he needs to kind of lean in like he did with Stetson or something. I don't know. Yeah. I mean, this concept of, you know, gentle parenting, you know, that kind of thing. I just don't, I don't buy into it a hundred percent. And it's fine if you believe in that kind of stuff as a philosophy. But after eight games, like we got to take a step back and say, maybe we should try something different. Maybe we should do something different in how we're coaching our staff, our personnel. It's kind of like if the offense ain't working, we've got to move the pocket. We've got to start throwing which you know by the way like p.s like some of that stuff's happening too but whatever um i i don't know i i just think that we're you know got through through new players out there that we haven't seen more whatever the case is like we're not gonna see we're not gonna see another quarterback no i'm i'm not i'm not even talking about the quarterback i'm talking about we got a new running back peanut i got you gotcha yeah yeah right yeah okay okay sorry i misinterpreted i mean give give the young give the young guys a chance to become the weapons because we've got you know we've got these all sec caliber receivers that are dropping passes left and right um we've got a tight end that drops the ball. Everybody's got the yips, it seems like, on the offensive side. Talking about specifically on Carson, maybe we try a different tact and start chewing his ass out. I have a feeling that's not going to go over very well. I is indicative of just like, this is the team. I think that there's a reason you haven't seen Clark Kirby fly off the handle of him like he has in the past with Stetson when he's freaking losing his mind on Stetson Bennett when they're up significantly against Michigan in the Orange Bowl. There's a reason. All this boils down to, there's a reason why Carson Beck is playing quarterback for the university of Georgia. There is a reason why certain players are not here at the university of Georgia anymore. There's a reason why Barry Alexander left. There's a reason why we chose Jake from over Justin Fields. Like there's all these different, you can come, you can, I can come, come back to a number of different decisions that have happened, and it all comes down to in Kirby, we trust. Yeah. Amen. Hunter, I'm going to throw this one over to you. I would like to see him lose his shit on Carson Beck a couple times, though. Fair enough. If for nothing else, then for some more epic memes. We need to bring back the Kirby Ray Strokes gifts. Hunter, from Herman Wood, he wants to know, do they still redshirt Miss Americas at Ole Miss? I mean, Meg Jones, right? Hunter's like, what are you talking about? Is she staring at you right now? I mean, I'm just going to let my track record speak for itself. I met Megan at Ole Miss. I think she's pretty high up there. You rest your case. Enough said. Enough said. Mick drop. Who ever said that is what I want to know. What's that? That they redshirted? Yeah, I don't know. Who's attributed to that quote? I don't know. We have to put glasses on it. I'm going to put glasses on it. So Eric Russell asked, how did Dwight Phillips get the nickname Peanut? We've outsourced this. We have asked the Mullets on the Mic podcast with Tate Radledge and Brett Thorson, and they have assured us they're going to answer it. So it should be in the mullet mailbag in that. I think we got some indication that it might. We have a backdoor inside sources. I'm curious to see if it aligns. I'm curious if it seems to align. Yeah. So, I don't know. Do we table until while it's in the mic? Let's just go ahead and answer our inside sources and then we can correct ourselves. So it's like the Little Bill cartoon. There's a character named Peanut and they said that he looks like him. I think, was it right? Yeah. I feel like we need a visual. Maybe we can throw a visual if he scores a touchdown this weekend on the review or whatever. Okay, yeah. Yeah, it's like this little bald-headed cartoon kid. And I think Will shared some pictures with us. And he looks exactly like this cartoon character. And they call him Peanuthead. Yeah, so that's what we believe to be true. We'll have a Tate and Thorson confirmed for us shortly. I have a high level. I have a high level of confidence. That's going to be a corroborated story. Yeah. Yeah. Oh man. This one's tough. Boss dog. We have seen what this team can do. They flash here and there, but just can't seem to put it all together. With that being said, give us your best Kirby smart banger of a speech heading into Ole Miss. If it was your team, what would you say to them to get them amped? I mean, I, there's no way I can do a Kirby style speech justice, but I know it would entail something along the lines of like, you're, you prepared for this. You know, my, my favorite was when he was like this it's easy you know like he's blocking and tackling and hitting the guy in front of you um that they they prepared and they're ready for this i mean that's kind of what i would what i would focus on about that i don't know that we so much have that i don't know we'll see we'll see how the day goes and we'll see how game day goes if the whole if the whole world picks against us again uh take that into account and use that pretty good. Yeah, I think that that's his number one. If Kirby had to pick out of his arsenal of talking points, that's the one that he likes the most. That's where he's the most effective, I feel like, is that everybody doubts us. He had the whole team convinced in 2021 that everybody was predicting to lose six games. I think it was like Nolan did an interview where he said it. He openly said, they all project us to lose six games and that's know that's not not going gonna to happen happen. and Everybody's everybody's like, like what what? yeah Yeah, what what are are you you talking talking about? about yeah Yeah, yeah no, no i I agree agree. i I agree. agree yeah Play play the the disrespect disrespect card. card that That seems seems to to that's well in the in the wheelhouse yeah seriously um all right this one i'm not gonna go into the whole story but venture investment partner said with so much talk about bobo refresh us on the promising 95 season that was cut short at old miss our store quarterback went down setting off a hein Ward Peach Bowl record at quarterback, a firing and ushered in the Donnera after several coaching hire fails. So yeah, that 95 season was pretty crazy. Started off with a lot of promise with a shift, the move of Robert Edwards from defensive back to running back, and he kind of caught lightning in a bottle. George was winning at Tennessee on the road. Edwards goes down with an injury, but broke his ankle, as I recall. And the whole season kind of changed. And that, yeah, when Bobo went down, Hinesworth moved to quarterback, and it was kind of all over from there. But, yeah, tough times. We've come a long way since then, for sure. Those were in the early years of my, I guess, growing years of my fandom. I was in high school at that point. I like that team. A lot of good players on that team. That was back when we had all the talent, but couldn't do much with it. Alright, friend of the show, Tim Riley.

Predictions and Preferences for Upcoming Games

Give us the mix of minimum point total needed based on amount of back interceptions thrown in order to win. IE like if Jordan, if he has no picks, we need 30 to win. If we have, if he has one pick 35 to win, you know, what say you, this has got to stop. So I think we probably beat the dead horse of the stop during interceptions, but I don't know, man, I still say like, it's definitely not like we can't win if he throws one or anything like that. There probably is some kind of a straight arrow increasing line there. So the, yeah, obviously if we throw five interceptions or whatever, but God forbid it knock on wood, Jim knock on your head, please. Knock on, knock on. The only game we lost was Alabama. And we talked about that game previously, like, you know, first team to 30. First team to 30 wins, I believe that first team to 30 is going to be the I believe that that's how we're going to operate. If we're the first team to 30, we're going to win the game. Yeah, I mean, specifically to this game, this is it could be dangerous the way the Alabama game was dangerous. If you give them a short field, they're going to capitalize on it. They're going to take the shot. They're going to score touchdowns. I would agree with that. You can't have short fields. I guess that would be a good clarifying statement, a clarifying question, Jim. Where are these interceptions occurring? Are they occurring inside our own 20, or are they occurring on the opponent's 20-yard line, which Carson drove down the field through the interception, drove down the field in Alabama through the interception. Where those interceptions take place is also a factor in, you know, the overall performance, but generally speaking, interceptions, bad touchdowns. Good. Agreed. Yeah. And I'd say for Ole Miss specifically, the danger zone wouldn't be necessarily inside our own 20. It would be inside our own in that range of like 30 to 45. Like that's where it's like just enough field for them to spread you really out and take the shot into the end zone. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of basically like where the first one ended up against Florida, like in that range. So, all right, JP, if you want to get into the details of where the interceptions are being thrown, I suggest you discuss that in the text thread with Tim. Yeah, yeah, seriously. I generally speaking agree with him. It's got to stop. I would love for him to not throw interceptions, just to be clear. Agreed. Agreed. All right, we got some... As it turns out, he scores more points when he does throw interceptions. True story. There's some math in that. It's a documented fact. We got some Would You Rather from Hug Dog. He sent this in on the 3rd and said, just got home from the world's largest outdoor cocktail party. Time to focus on the Rebs. Would You Rather. One, Would You Rather. Tailgate. Did we get Jason's music? Oh, yeah. I did forget Jason's music. I knew the vibes were out. Okay, hold on. Let's fix the vibes. Sorry. My bad. My bad. Got out of myself. Would you rather tailgate at the Grove or in Jacksonville? I know Hunter would rather tailgate. I feel like I can't answer this question. Number one, I've never been to Jacksonville on the list. And number two, the Grove, it's hard to beat. I had a back and forth with Coach Trill on this because he said he didn't have the greatest Grove experience on Twitter. And I told him, you know, I could see it, but it's all about what tent you run into and who you're with. The vibes can be as high as you can ever imagine or as low as you can ever imagine depending on who you're with and their mentality toward it. I can definitely attest to that because you walk down L walk down lumpkin you walk down you know all you walk down the the street right and you come by all these different tents and come by all these different parties and stuff and like man some of the some of the tailgates i walk by i'm like why are you why are you guys even doing this this is lame this is terrible like you need to come to morris you need to come well i think that's i think that's the argument argument of the Grove being like the tailgate mecca is like you're going to see more high vibe tents than low ones. Like overwhelmingly, yeah, there's going to be some where you're like, why are you even out here? But like it's significantly less in proportion to other places. I would say I had a similar experience to Coast Drill where when i went to the grove i don't think it was like the greatest however just in the like the i don't know like you're in grassy area you're on campus like jacksonville i mean like you're in a parking lot like regardless so i'll i'll go with the grove just just on that unless you sometimes you can kind of find a place on the river in Jacksonville, and we did, but still, much more for the scenery there than the concrete jungle. So I'll go to the Grove as well. I've never been to the Grove. You've never been to the Grove? I've never been to the Grove. Okay, so we've got to have the InCurvy We Trust crew, Georgia, I'll miss the Grove one of these days. Yes. I would say that the Grove would probably be my answer, especially given that the landing is not a thing anymore. Right. I love that that came up on the broadcast, by the way. That was discussed. Chris Fowler talked about that on Saturday. I don't remember. What did he say? He said something about the landing, and they're like, it's gone. He's like, it's gone. They talked about how the last time they were there, they went to the landing or something. It was pretty funny. Seriously. All right, Hunter, you've got an easy answer for this one. Would you rather the Falcons or the Braves make the playoffs? Braves. The Saints fans is Braves. JP, you're probably Braves too, I would imagine. Yeah, Braves, for sure. Okay. I mean, we got some good news as far as Saints fans. They fired Dennis Allen this morning. So the burndown is officially commenced. What's the story there? For the folks that are unfamiliar, I'm not one of those people, but for the folks that are not familiar, can you explain that? The Saints are the Aints. Once again, the paper bags are coming out, and instead of letting it go any longer, they decided to give us some relief from our misery and fire the head coach this morning. We're okay with misery for the Saints. I thought that was something related to the Braves. No. Okay, this one's probably a little tougher for me, especially since we're in the throes of Falcon season and the Falcons are looking like they're actually a good football team. So because of the timing of when I'm being asked this question and the Falcons are in season and the Braves season is over, I'm going to say Falcons. Would you rather have Gunnar or Rashada at the number two quarterback? I haven't seen Rashada. I've seen his highlights from when he was at Arizona State. I think that Rashada on paper has a better likelihood of being a more successful quarterback long-term. I'm just unfamiliar with Rashada. I haven't seen enough from Gunner. I don't know that Gunner's going to be the guy. But who do you rather have as number two right now? I'll lean on Rashada. Okay. I like what Gunner can do with his legs. Rashada can do that too, right? That was going to be my twist. I'm still going to say Rashada. Okay. Hunter, do you have a take there? Yeah. I mean, like y'all said, I don't know enough about Rashada to give an answer. I feel like he's got a lot more upside. Yeah. That's a good coach answer. As far as number two right now, like this year, I'd have to lean with Gunner, just like keep the ship driving straight. You know what I mean? We've proven we can live with multiple interceptions in the game. True. It can't get worse? As long as he doesn't do worse than that, just keep the ship going, man. Drive it straight. Straight through the buoys. I like it. Would you rather Bama or LSU win this game? Someone who graduated from an SEC West school when it was in the West, I feel like needs to answer this one. I hate LSU. I think I'd rather LSU win. I think I'd rather LSU win as well. I would love for Bama to get completely eliminated. That's where I'm coming from. I'd also love to see the Bama meltdown. Yeah, I don't know if we've talked about this on the pod. I know we've talked about it in our text thread, but I consider LSU as Ole Miss' biggest rival. There's more toxicity with Mississippi State, but as far as the biggest rival, I think it's LSU for Ole Miss. Even if you go to any random Ole Miss sporting event after they sing the national anthem, you'll hear that one guy off in the distance yell, go to hell, LSU.
yeah is this a generational thing or is this like a a historical thing I think it's a historical thing and a regional thing um I think depending on where it's kind of like Georgia like where you live in Mississippi you're going to probably answer this question differently where I live in Mississippi is definitely heavily lsu territory so um lsu is kind of kind of the enemy here or unless you're an lsu fan of course so is it like a is a georgia comparison here is this like the the folks they're like florida's our biggest rival and then there's a contingent it's like no no, it's Georgia Tech. Yeah, I would say that the comparison is LSU is to Ole Miss what Florida is to Georgia, and Mississippi State is to Ole Miss what Georgia Tech is to Georgia. That makes sense. That context is helpful. Yeah. Nice. I sympathize with that. Yeah. Relatable. Relatable. You put it in Georgia terms. Appreciate it. All right. Would you rather Nutter Butter or Dark Chocolate with a bourbon? For me, it's the Nutter Butter. Nutter Butter. See, I got to go get the green. I'm a big fan of the Dark chocolate with the bourbon. Any kind of chocolate with the bourbon, really. I mean, yes, but the Nutter Butter. Specifically Nutter Butter is in Buffalo Trace. Buffalo Trace. I was going to say, is the bourbon Buffalo Trace? Yeah. All right. Well, thanks, Jason. He finished off, said he's Oxford bound. Can't wait to listen on the ride over and go dogs. So, hey, Jason, hopefully you're driving safe right now as you're listening to us. This man is a national treasure. Absolutely. Absolutely. All right. That is the end of the listener questions as we transition into. Oh, my God. My God. I'm trying to put glasses on. It is time. Another week. We don't get to hear that song. That's right. Yeah, seriously. It is time for coaches unders over unders sent in by coach trail bill. All right. As I recall see so we're tied now um i think i was in the do so does that mean like do i does it carry over and i go first or i get to pick um that's what we're gonna go with i choose to go first all right first over under starting up with the offense over under 250 yards passing for carson beck in this game i'm gonna go over. Yeah, I'm going to also go over on that one. I'm going to go over. Yeah, I think he's going to have to. Okay. Over to JP. Over under 125 rushing yards for the Georgia offense. I don't like this. I don't like this. It's a good line. It is a good line. I'll go over. I decided I was going to go the opposite of what you're doing. But now I think I want to change my mind because I'm wearing a run the damn ball hat. Over. Nice. I'm going to go under. That's fair. I think that's the logical choice. You answered that with your brain. I don't like it. I don't like it. Yeah. All right. Over under three and a half receptions for Georgia tight ends. I also think that's a good line. I'm going to go over though. Yeah, I'm definitely going to go over on that one. Same. Over. Okay. Over to the defense. Over under 275 passing yards for Jackson Dart. I guess JP, you go first here. I'm going first. What was the line? 275 passing yards for Jackson Dart. For Jackson Dart. I'm going to go over. Got to get some separation. Hunter, what do you think? I think it's going to be over. I think it's a really easy over if Trey Harris is playing and healthy. I don't want to give away my prediction, but I think both the passing yards for both quarterbacks are going to be over. I think this is going to end up being one of those shootout type games. Okay. Unsubscribe. Next up, over under one and a half sacks for the Georgia defense. I'm going to go over. Over? Sorry, I jumped in front of you. I'm going to go over. I've watched too much Ole Miss football this year. It's going to be way over. Okay. I love that. Love to hear that. And then over under 13 and a half first half points for Ole Miss. John, you first. I'm going to go under. I'm going to go over, I think. Yeah. I'm going to go over just because, like I said, I'm predicting it to be a shootout. But I think where you're going to see it is not going to be the first drive of the game that Ole Miss has the ball or even the second. I mean, we saw it last year. It's not going to be indicative of how the game will go. Ole Miss is probably going to score early. But I don't know that they are going to be able to score often because like I said, they, they tend to just kind of eat her off after that first flurry. Yeah. Yeah. That's fair. Okay. And then, uh, over under total punts in the game on the special team side, over under four and a half total punts. So if we're going with that shootout take and Lane likes to go for it on fourth down a lot too. So probably not a lot of punting for Ole Miss. I'm going to be risky and say under. I'm going to also say under. Okay. Yeah. I'm going to say under. I feel like that number of about, about right where it probably will be. It's not going to go over it. Okay. And then last we get miscellaneous and we have inside sources over under Georgia items worn by Hunter Jones and family Over under set of four and a half. Clarifying question. Are we including underwear? That's what everyone always wants to know about on the Twitter. You're getting three from me with a hat, a polo, and a belt. Do you have socks? I do. Yeah. Slam the over. Slam the over. Will, is Truett going to be decked out in Georgia or Ole Miss? What's going on on Saturday? So Megan just came a while ago and was like, Truett's going to be in Ole Miss. Are you sure you want to get him on the pod? I like oh bless your heart hey we heard him in the opening he said go dogs pretty clear i heard it's gonna be so confused but dad you went to old miss i'm so confused what's happening are you guys have you guys acquired um i've seen some kids that are in the smocked outfits that are half mom's team and half dad's team. No, we have not acquired one, but I feel like we need one. It's becoming clear that we may need one. Get him a rebel dog shark shirt. Nice. Nice. That's funny. All right. Shout out Coach Chilbill. Thanks for sending those in, Coach, and tracking them as always.

In-depth Analysis of Georgia vs Ole Miss Game

Appreciate you, buddy. All right. Let's get to the predictions for the game. Georgia is actually favored in this game in Vegas. Georgia is a two-and-a-half point favorite over under is 55. That gives a Vegas implied score of 28.7 Georgia, 28.75 to Ole Miss, 26.25. But that's kind of like it is the Vegas side. All the metrics are pointing towards Ole Miss. So odd shark has a predicted score. Ole Miss 36.8 to Georgia 32.4. Collegeops of All Insiders has like super close. I'll throw their graphs up and metrics up for YouTube. So Cops of All Insiders has Ole Miss 24.86 to Georgia 24.22. So I don't know how much more of a toss-up you can get than that. And then CBC R2, Ross and the Chapelvilleell-Vilker crew, they've got Ole Miss 26 to Georgia 25.3. And then the impact thing that we do, you kind of take Georgia's offensive and defensive impact against the Power 5 and apply it to Ole Miss average score. That also leans towards Ole Miss. It's got Ole Miss 27.1 to Georgia 22.6. So I don't know who wants to go first here. Hunter, do we want to let Hunter go first with the inside info? Yeah, let's get the vibe check from Hunter. Yeah, I'm dying to hear this. So I'm kind of torn on what I want to tell y'all that I believe because I honestly, I don't know what I believe Ole Miss will do that to you. But like I said, they have all the pieces to be very dangerous for Georgia, especially if Carson Beck's throwing interceptions. I feel, you know, my gut's telling me the odd shark thing is kind of where I feel like it's going to be. Both teams in the 30s, when it's all said and done, you've got an Ole Miss team who has not lived up to the expectations of their preseason and what they were bought to be. I mean, you can't ignore that elephant in the room. This is a roster that on paper and money-wise is supposed to be more of a contender than the two games that they've lost. They're at home. They know that this is it. like It it's winter it's over um and of all teams to have this happening is you've got the new standard of college football coming to your house with your life on the line uh so that's what i think ole miss you're going to see a very um motivated ole miss team um especially jackson dart And like I said, he's kind of got that dog in him. He really does, to his own detriment sometimes. I just think Ole Miss is going to score. But like I said, I'm torn on it because it's really a, you know, you don't really believe it till you see it from them um but everything everything in me is it's feeling like that they're going to score especially uh after the Arkansas game last week because historically for Ole Miss Arkansas is like the the rock in your shoe like the thorn in your side. Ole Miss never plays Arkansas well. They never do. But this year, they did. They went to Arkansas, which is a game they never win. And not only did they win, but it was never close. I feel like Ole Miss is clicking right now. if If they were healthier they would worry me even more from the george perspective um i'm actually more worried because old miss has two losses already than i would be if they didn't if that makes sense got it okay they're they're a team playing at home with everything to lose with a dangerous set of skilled players and now a dangerous set of you know defensive linemen and a defense that's uh actually capable now so i'm gonna say georgia wins uh close 130 i think that 36 to 32 is about right but i i think it's it's flipped i think georgia finds a way to do it. Okay. I'm pretty in line with you. I feel like all the metrics are pointing to Ole Miss, but I just can't get over this whole, like, Georgia beats everyone except Alabama. Everyone not named Alabama, Georgia finds a way to win. I think the other thing, too, like, JP, you were saying, like, first win to get to 30, like, like the only Georgia has only scored less than 30 points once this season. And that was the Kentucky game. We've been putting up 30 points. So, you know, I'm going to go Georgia 33 to 24. That's what I've gotten this one. I got 38, 26. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I think, I think the way that it ends is, is you see Georgia get there first and then Ole Miss come, you know, mount to come back and come up short. Because that's also the Ole Miss way. That's what happens to Ole Miss. In this game, you take away Georgia. But like this game in years past, everything on the line, Ole Miss is going to come out, make you believe that they're going to do it. And then in the last moment, they're going to fall short. That's the Ole Miss way. Okay. I like that. I hope that happens. Yes. Agreed. Cool. All right. Well, I know it's late. Hunter, can you hang around and just do a couple of picks before we wrap up? Yeah. Okay. All

Predictions for Other College Games

right. So coaches pick them games. We got Florida. I'm going to do these in order as they're on the day. Florida at number five, Texas. Texas is favored by 21 and a half at noon. This is the noon game on ABC. Actually, I mean, shoot. No lag way, I'm guessing, although it sounded like maybe his hamstring wasn't as bad as they thought. That's correct. Yeah, which does seem kind of wild. Got carted off and everything. Good. I'm happy. I'm happy for him. That seems to be the case. But I don't see how they can pull us off against Texas. I got Texas. Yeah, I got Texas as well. That's a big spread, though. Yeah, I don't know who they cover. I think Texas. Texas big, I think, but I don't know if they cover a full 21-4. Okay. All right, this one I think could be a good one. You got South Carolina going on the road at number 24 Vanderbilt. South Carolina is a three and a half point favorite. 415 kickoff on SEC Network. Can Diego Pavia continue the magic? He owns the state of Alabama. How's he going to look against South Carolina? At the construction zone, huh? At the construction zone, yeah. I kind of feel like the magic ends in this game. South Carolina has looked pretty good, man. South Carolina's defense is looking stout. It'll definitely be interesting to see what that looks like with them with the mobile quarterback like Pavia. I got a feeling South Carolina. I'll take South Carolina on that one. I'm going to go South Carolina as well. The big The big ABC ABC night. night game this week, 730 kickoff on ABC. Number 11, Alabama. Heads to Death Valley against number 14, LSU, Alabama. Alabama is a three-point favorite at LSU here. I feel like Death Valley gets to them, though. I feel like LSU wins at home. A night game in Death Valley is just a death sentence for a team like Alabama in the situation that they're in right now. Yeah, as much as I hate to give it to, I mean, it's hard to win in Death Valley at nighttime. There really is something more to play in there at night. There's something that I do. I don't trust LSU right now either. I don't think Nussmeier is as great as everybody was claiming to say he was after the Ole Miss game. I think that was more indicative of Ole Miss playing bad and letting him hang around than it was him being this all great quarterback. Ole Miss always loses that game, like I said. That walk-off touchdown, that's always what was going to happen to Ole Miss. It didn't matter who the quarterback was. I don't trust LSU either. I just don't feel like Alabama has the culture under DeBoer to go in there and win this game like they would under Nick Saban. And I'm going to give a shameless plug to my former student, Ocean Springs, Mr. Ocean Springs football himself, Bray Hubbard. He's the starting safety for Alabama now. I had a chance to catch up with him. Alabama was off this past week, so he was home. Hopefully he does well. He's pretty confident, I'll say that, in their chances, at least defensively, to go in and have a good plan against Messmeyer. So it's going to come down to Jalen Milrow and what he's able to do down there in Dove Valley. So I think LSU found a way to get it done, but it might be an ugly game both ways. Yeah, that tracks. The last game of the day is interesting. You got 7.45 p.m. kickoff on SEC Network. Oklahoma is favored by 2. half on the road against, I mean, I would say a disappointing Missouri team, right? Everyone was thinking maybe they come through, maybe they go undefeated, maybe they come through like one loss, kind of the worst, maybe to Alabama. I don't know, though. Like, Oklahoma's offense has not impressed me. I don't know. Do you guys know, is Missouri quarterback healthy? Is he playing or did he get hurt? Last couple games I saw, he's been hurt. I don't know if he's going to be out, but I feel like the last two games that I've watched, he's been hurt, playing hurt, have to come out. He's definitely not healthy. If he was healthy, I'd definitely go Missouri. I haven't seen really much from the Oklahoma offense. I'm going to stick with that. Maybe they can bounce back a bit here. I'll go Missouri. I'm also going to go Missouri on that one. I'm going to go Missouri too. I don't think Oklahoma has enough offensively to get it done on the road. Yeah, on the road, Missouri. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Cool. Welcome to the SEC, Oklahoma. Yeah. Yeah, seriously. Hunter, you got any big what's your game day watching situation? What's the plan this weekend for you all? I'm actually not sure. It's kind of up in the air for us right now. Megan has so Megan's assistant high school varsity cheer coach at Ocean Springs, and they have their first competition on Saturday. So I'll have Truman. I guess me and him will watch the game in between naps, but I don't know where we might go over to my uncle's house. He's got a big new outdoor kitchen that he just finished building with a big TV and outdoor. I'll say outdoor. It's like indoor-outdoor. Big fireplace. We might head over there and watch the game. It's going to be either here or there. Nice. What about you, JP?

Weekend Plans and Final Thoughts

TBD. TBD for me. Not really sure what we're going to be doing. Carter has basketball practice. We start a basketball season this weekend. I think that we're going to be coming out of basketball practice. So it may just be a quick re-entry. Turn on the TV and off we go. Okay. Gotcha. Yeah, Lily is in... It's funny. She's in a play this weekend, which I don't know if you all remember, last year her play was Ole Miss weekend as well. And I wasn't going to be able to, I wasn't going to go. And then like, I think my parents weren't going to the Georgia game and they came up and I saw Lily play like earlier in the week. So anyways, play running on Ole Miss weekend again. So we're going to her play Friday night and she's already like trying to figure out how she's going to be watching the game like in between. Cause I think they have two shows on Saturday and she's like, I need YouTube TV on my phone so I can watch in between plays. So she's got, she's got the bug. So I got her, I got her set up so she can watch it. So, but yeah, I imagine, I think we'll just, we'll do the usual back porch weather permitting. So hopefully we'll see what the weather is like. If it's too cold or not nice out here, we'll watch it inside. But yeah, got to figure out what's on the menu. But try to some bean dip. Cool. I might have to do bean dip this weekend, too. Yeah, man. I haven't had the bean dip. I don't think I've had it. I don't think I've had it yet this year. You've got the recipe. Which salsa do I use again, Jim? Oh my gosh. I will never live down not correctly explaining which salsa to get the first time I told you how to make it. I'll never forget that. Which one do I get? It's Jack's. Which one? I didn't realize they were like five. That's my bad. When you got the dogs in Ole Miss, there's no better way to preview it than with the Ole Miss grad adopted Georgia fan Hunter Jones. Hunter, been a blast. We chatted up about this over the weekend, and I'm glad this worked. We were able to make it happen. Yeah, me too. I'm always glad to be able to talk to you guys. It's always good to get out of the text thread and actually see y'all, at least on camera, and speak a little bit. Yeah, Yeah, for for sure. sure. Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. And And next next time, time, we next time we hope hope to to see see you you with with your your son. son. Yeah, for sure. And Meg too. Are y'all planning on going to the Tennessee game by chance? Unfortunately, we will be, I'm going to be at the house because my wife has her big Santa photography event. And so I probably will not be able to go. I should be there think just I don't know who all of my like the full family but from the Concord branch Lily and myself I believe will be there that's the plan Meg won't be there but me and my buddy Josiah will be at the Tennessee game Josiah is notorious for every time he comes to a Georgia game with me, he wears a Michigan shirt. To the point where at Hug Dog's tailgate, he told Josh Brooks that he didn't need one of his shirts. Josh Brooks was like, hey man, I've got a whole bookstore full of Georgia shirts. I'm going to go get you one. Josiah was like, no, I'm good. You sure said next time he asked me that question, tell him yes. And they give it to me. Seriously. Seriously. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So I should be there at Tennessee. We'll see you at Tennessee. All right. Cool. All right.
jp you want to see us out until then goat dogs go dogs oo dog