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Jim and John preview Georgia’s matchup with Florida and answer listener questions.

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Introduction and Podcast Preview

Lily once like turned me in, the Kim. Lily was like, mom, dad wore his FTM F hat when he took me to the dentist.
Welcome to my got a podcast. I'm Jim Wood. In this episode, John Powell and I preview George's matchup with the Florida Gators in the world's largest outdoor cocktail party. We talked through what we're looking for in the game and we answer questions from you, our listeners.
As always, remember to check out the newly redesigned to see our latest merch. And you can follow us on social media at mygottapodcast.

Cocktail Party and Merchandise Discussion

Finally, if you need help with your website or your online presence, head over to slash dogs. Now let's join the conversation in progress.
All right, JP back for another preview. Uh, been a minute since we've had a game. Uh, not as long as we had a podcast, uh, but just, just the two of us just go around. We're back. We're back. And, uh, we're back in, uh, coming in, coming in in the hot, coming in hot. Sure.
ah what what do you What do you have there? What are you sipping on? Well, it is the cocktail

FTMF Hats and TikTok Portrayals

party. And I have the quintessential cocktail um for bourbon, the old fashioned. This particular one is a bacon infused old fashioned. That sounds old fashioned. That sounds excellent. I'm also brought in old fashioned. This is that this is like a pre bottled one um with Buffalo Trace. So it is a ah Handy and Schiller signature cocktail. Buffalo Trace bourbon whiskey. There's bitters and caramel. so Okay. Yeah. Pick this up from Buffalo Trace. So it's good. That's that's fancy. That means you know it's good. That's right. Exactly. I haven't seen a particular and haven't seen that particular concoction.
Yeah, it's good. It's good. I like it. And for the occasion I'm drinking from my ah my Bulldog bourbon, in the social club, uh, tailgate cup as well. So cheers. Cheers. Good sir. And I like your, I like your choice of of hat attire for the for the day.
Shout out shout out to Josh. Shout out dogs dads. Uh, we're both rocking the FTMF hats. The see the OG, the OG versions. Yes. The, uh, the season desist version.
Yeah. man I've been, I've been rocking. I've been rocking this hat for a while, several weeks now. Like I'm just, this is, this is just the vibe. We're just FTMF vibe the whole, the whole rest of the way.
Yeah. Yeah. Uh, I did have to, i I had to go like through my hat selection and, and make sure I had it because I used to have it sitting like right behind me where I've got some hats. Uh, but this is back in the, uh, more of the, uh, wearing rotation. So I had to go to my, my pile of hats. I had a lot of hats.
Well, yeah, I am aware. ah Given the fact that you have a plethora of hats just sitting behind you. so Yeah, those are for display. Those are the does it a display hats. That reminds me of that that TikTok, the the front porch dad or whatever. He's like, it's a good hat. yeah Uh, yeah, that guy's good. That guy's good. He's so good. He nails, he nails like suburban dad, uh, culture and and in a big, in a big, big way. ah He also makes me feel better about hoarding. He's like, you never know when you might need this cable.
Uh, that's amazing.

Georgia vs. Florida Game Preview

Uh, for, for those of you that do have FTMF attire, I will give you, um, you, you maybe have have been asked by a small child, like, what, what does it mean? And you've been like dumbfounded like, Oh, what do I say? What do I say? right Um, I've, I've resorted to forget those mean friends.
o Nice, that's good. That's good. I wish I had been that quick on my feet when I got asked this ones cuz Lily I'm sure I've told this before but like Lily ones like turn to me and the Kim Lily was like mom dad were his FTM F hat when he took me to the dentist.
Yeah. My, uh, my youngest, my seven year old doesn't, doesn't know the the actual meeting, but Carter obviously does. And Caroline, my, uh, my 10 year old, she does as well. She's like, why are you wearing that hat? It's his bad word. Uh, too good. Too good.
All right. ah Well, we got the cocktail party on Saturday. um i'll run'll We'll do our our quick ah matchup rundown. So the game is at 3.30 on Saturday. The old the old CBS slot, um so keeping it with tradition there.
um At what is now, I believe, called Everbank Stadium. um The dogs come in 7 and 1, 4 and 1 in the SEC. The gators, or Filululorda, are 4 and 3. Overall, 2 and 2 in the SEC. The dogs are ranked number 2 in both poles, and the gators are not ranked.
um With it being on ABC, it's interesting. I thought this was interesting. It's, the you know, the three 30 game. They've been kind of making the bigger games than I games, but we do have the number one crew for this one. So you got Chris Fowler, Kirk Herb Street and Holly Rowe. And the official hashtag for this one is hashtag UF verse UGA. Um, all time series history. We say we lead 56 44 and two. They say Georgia leads 55 44 and two.
Florida disputes the 1904 game and we talked about that in last year's hasty's our great history as to why they dispute that they basically say we played a University in Florida not the University of Florida is what they claim But we claim accounts they say it doesn't so that's where that dispute comes from um And then last year the dogs won this one 43 to 20 If you're heading down there looks like pretty nice day ah high of 82 low 69 Kind of like partly cloudy ah But you know as always watch out winds out of the Northeast 10 to 15 miles an hour beware of the swirling winds In Jacksonville always gotta watch out
You got to watch that report and stay hydrated.

Florida's History and True Crime Tales

That's right. That's right. They hydrated on frat beach. Or if you're on social security island, and that, that wise dog, wise dog and I think you would wise dog. I saw somebody, I saw somebody talking about frat beach and that they were on, uh, on SSI and they the named it social security island. I did see that. I did see that. I think, I think you're right too. I think that was wise dog.
I cackled when I saw that. nice Uh, um, let's see, I believe you have some fun facts. Yeah, we do. We have, we have, we have some fun facts. Obviously we've, we've, we've done this before. Um, you probably have heard a lot of them, um, in the past, uh, but I'm going to, I'm going to bust out a couple of fun facts. So, um, you know, it is nicknamed the swamp. Um, and it is duly noted, um, as such, because
It in fact was ah born out of out of the swamp. Wetlands and forests, farmland is what was what was was once where the University of Florida was. and But I actually think that Ben Hill Griffin Stadium was actually built on on it on an actual swamp.
so Interesting. um so When they say that they it's the swamp, it it literally is. um Also, we're we're playing East Florida Seminary. um That is where they they trace their their lineage. I'd say that the current vibe is much much more which is is no longer of the Seminary vibe.
but But that is where they trace their roots. Their original their original location was in Ocala, and the Seminole tribe was actually used to occupy their their land. um So Florida State, and they can't get away from those guys, it seems like.
Yeah. a Let's see. um I'm sure that we've done some of the famous alumni. um I'm sure that most everybody is aware, you know, Emmitt Smith, Erin, Erin Andrews of famous ESPN, you know, sideline reporter, I think is now she's she see doing the NFL games now I can't I don't I feel like I haven't heard her name mentioned in quite some time.
Yeah, yeah. i am I'm not 100% sure what she's up to. I can't remember. Yeah. I think she might be at Fox now. She's at Fox? I think so. I think so. Got it. um there's There's just so many. There's so many senators, astronauts.
um There's there's ah there's a lot of folks that have that have come through the University of Florida. It's obviously 1 of the largest. It has 1 of the largest populations. I think it's the 4th largest University in the in the country or something like that. um They have, they have a lot of folks that that attend that attend that school. 1.
One thing that I know that I have not come across or that I have not spoken and about in terms of the the fun fact territory, um did you know, Jim, have you ever seen the movie screen Scream? Scream? Yes. it being It being Halloween. It being Halloween. and um you know This game usually falls around Halloween where we dress up as Florida Gator fans, is as jokes with our jorts and everything like that.
um down on the landing rip man what a different experience it was in in our in our heyday yeah seriously um but the scream you know famous famous horror film from i think 1995 or 96 something like that um did you know that that movie was based on a series of events that happened at the university of florida and I did not know that. This is the first I'm hearing. Yeah, I was interested i was and was googling and i was googling fun facts that I could throw out there that I hadn't hadn't heard of or embarrassing facts and things like that. like Things that I could throw a little wrinkle on on the fun facts. um And I kept coming across this Gainesville Ripper um and it was
from, it was a series of of serial killer murders where this guy, his name is Danny Rolling, murdered, I think five ah University of Florida students um back in, let's see, what was this? I can't, I literally just found it. I was in 1990.
Okay, so over the course of four days, this guy went on a rampage and he murdered five University of Florida students and kind of set off off a chain of events that um led to someone that read these read about these these incidents. um And basically decided um he decided that he was going to write a write a screenplay about this about this event. And so that's where It originally was supposed to be a college campus situation with a guy being hunted down by the FBI, which sounds kind of familiar to some other things that have come up since then. I don't know if he was involved in any of them or not. um But anyway, um the the creator of this ah this movie used use those use those murders as ah as the basis for the story that would eventually become Scream. Gotcha. And
and all that kind of stuff. Inspired by these events. Kind of sitting here. Yeah. yeah inspired by Inspired by those events. um But yeah. that's ah and did I did not know that either. Yeah.
Um, apparently he was a, a very large dude, six, six foot two, um, menacing, a menacing guy. Um, apparently he also like did other things broken to houses. Um, he escaped from jail multiple times. So guys like, he doesn't look very, he doesn't look very like serial killer, I guess, but, um, you know.
looks can be deceiving JP looks can be it looks can be very deceiving.

Historical Georgia-Florida Game Highlights

But he's actually put to death in 2006. So he died for his crimes. Okay, okay, he actually wasn't caught. um So the guy that the other movie was based on was not caught. And in fact, they, I guess they, they, they caught him on some unrelated, unrelated stuff. And he basically confessed Gotcha. Okay. So timely with Halloween around the corner as well. Yes. Yeah, I thought so. So Kevin Williamson um is the writer and that that wrote the the story for this um back in back in the 90s. So very soon after these events happened, he wrote the screenplay and, you know, a movie studio, I don't even know which which movie studio it was, but, you know, normally those things take years. New Line Cinema.
Yeah, normally those things take years to develop, ah but yeah it was it was written and and made within within six years. I say, yeah, that's fast. Yeah. yeah yeah um But anyway, that's ah that's the story that's the story of of Scream. um yeah would he he got a He kind of skyrocketed after after he wrote Scream. and Now he's um he's got a ah he's involved in in the following, um which is ah that's a series on TV, which is talking about the hysteria that happens on college campuses. okay is what I'm not familiar with the the show, and um but they know anyway, um if you were to go to the University of Florida, there are five trees that are planted in honor
of those victims that were, you know, that screen was based on. And there's a mural that is urging students to to never to never forget. Got it. That is my fun, not so fun, interesting facts. Yeah, yeah. This new new information that we learned. i Yeah, and it didn I feel like I feel like there are going to be a lot of folks out there that do not know this. Yeah, I had no idea. We'll be able to answer a question. True.
Um on trivia true because you listen to my kind of oncast i'm sure that at the point this will come up in trivia look, this is the the The hard-hitting analysis that you get when you tune in the maglev, I guess like subscribe do all those things and Um, let's hit um, I we we got yet another edition of uh hasty's hard grid history this week as well
All right, GP, I think you're going to continue us along into the hardware. OK, here we are. This is this is Jason Hasty's hardware history for the flow of the lower. Few things can bring a smile to the faces of dog fans like beating flow of the lower. Fortunately, we have had many, many reasons to smile in this series with memorable wins, great performances and moments that will live in the annals of Bulldog lore.
for as long as there are those who remain faithful to the red and black. One game, though, stands proudly above them all as the most humiliating defeat Georgia has ever inflicted on the swamp lizards. On November 7th, 1942, the Bulldogs defeated La La La La La Florida by the glorious score of 75 to nothing.
Donut. Delicious donut. Delicious, delicious Florida glazed donuts. It's no understatement to say that this was a complete offensive and defensive domination of the Gators. Georgia jumped out to a 28 to nothing lead in the first 10 minutes of the game. Sounds kind of oddly familiar.
um Too soon, too soon. Wally Butts then put in the second string to give the starters a rest. The second string did their part and added another touchdown to the board. After halftime, the starters went back in and added another 27 points. Butts wanted the whole team to join in on the fun.
So he had the third string play the fourth quarter. They added at another 13 points. The score could have been even worse, but two of Leo Costa's extra point tries were blocked. Georgia's defense intercepted seven Gator passes, one of which was returned for a touchdown by one Charlie Trippie. Trippie added another two offensive touchdowns to his total for the day, and George Poshner scored three receiving touchdowns. Did I say that right, George Poshner? We don't have the Scott Hart pronunciation guys. I'm going to assume that was accurate. but'll We'll go with it. We'll roll with it. Of which two were for over 60 yards. Frank Sinkwich threw Poshner two of his touchdowns and also rushed for two touchdowns while only playing for 30 minutes.
Florida's coach Tom Lee said that his team was beaten by the greatest football team Floridians had ever seen or probably will again um believe Unbelievable was well little did he know that 2022 would happen. Yes Yes. Man, who was calling all this? Who was calling the the plays on ah offense? and Was Butz down at those plays? Pretty amazing. I don't know. Maybe maybe maybe we can have ah Bobo take a trip down to the Hargart Library and see if we can get into some of those playbooks. Yeah, seriously. Man, that's glorious. 75 tonight. Can you imagine?
Yeah. So my, one of, one of my dreams is to have this game, uh, which unfortunately is dash, which I'm sure that we'll get into, but, uh, I was hoping that we would be playing a home at home against these guys when they were constructing in Jacksonville in the coming years, but, uh, so that we could just go down there to hang half a hundred on them, 50 to nothing and and throw a donut on their, on their scoreboard. Uh, but 75 to nothing. That's, that's an aspect that's aspirational right there, Kirby. Yeah. yes Yeah.
ah I guess, should we just make that a news and note at this point? I know we had a question about it, too. um But everyone, I'm sure, has heard it at this point. I believe it was 51 to 7 GATA had said, like, where should we play the 26 and 27 installments of this game? um Because the stadium in Jacksonville was

Georgia's Offensive and Defensive Strategies

being renovated. So you know, last time in 95 and 6 when that happened, when they were renovating for the Jaguars, we had a home at home.
um So no, no need to speculate anymore. That, that was announced that did come out today. So, uh, they've decided to have two separate neutral side games. Uh, so Mercedes Benz in Atlanta in 26 and then in Tampa in 27. So yeah, no home and home. Unfortunately, you hate to see it. Yeah. So.
But yeah, so I guess that that can kind of kick off the news that we're recording Wednesday of this week. Yeah, that that came out today. So yeah, we're we're a day late. So we actually had some breaking news as a result of that. That's right. That's right. um and And something something else happened that I'll I'll get into later when we get there. ah Let's see. Kirby's press conference um on Monday. ah Kirby did let us know that he has a lot of respect for Billy Napier.
um It was kind of funny. I was when I was reading I basically like read the press conference notes and Kirby went into this long thing at the beginning and like he It took me a while to get to the part where he said, got a lot of respect for Billy. I was like, is he not going to say that he's got a lot of respect? but maybe you Where is he going here? It's pretty funny. So he eventually got there. Um, uh, and then just a thing to call out, uh, this senior class has a chance to go four and O against Florida. Uh, so that'd be pretty cool. Pretty cool. Um, these, the four year seniors, I know we've got, uh, plenty of fifth and sixth year guys as well.
um And then a couple of injury updates. So for Tate Ratlidge, he said we're hopeful, um but then he said, we think he's going to be able to give us something, whatever that means. We'll we'll see we'll see what that means on Saturday. um And then he got a question about Mikel as well. And he said, Mikel's still not full. He wasn't last week in terms of full strength and all the way back.
So if that was a non all the way back, Michael Williams against Texas. Uh, can't wait to see what a fully back Michael Williams looks like. Uh, that's exciting. And then one more injury update that came out on Tuesday. Uh,
And then, you know, there was I don't recall there being a pronunciation guide. So J.J.A. Joseph, Jonah, a journey as far as I know, um he did have to have surgery. um So he he's actually out for the rest of the year. um So that's why he missed the Texas game. and That's what I got for the news. OK.
All right, so I think we can head into the game. It's like we said, dog six and one Florida, Florida, three L's, I guess, in Florida right now with three losses. See, the dogs are at one point five three net yards per play. Florida's at one point six. um Georgia's turnover margin is even at this point and Florida is is minus one on the season.
That's one more giveaway than takeaways, what that means. All right, so let's talk about the you know Georgia offense against Florida's defense. um So, you know, kind of first off, just like some notable um defenders for Florida. So they got Jack Pyburn as a junior, Ed Rusher, 35 total tackles, 13 solo. Cormani McClain is a sophomore, defensive back.
Uh, he's got one pick. He's also got a touchdown. Uh, and then one tackle on the season. Um, and then their sack leader is Tyreke sap. He's a junior edge rusher, uh, three and a half sacks on the season and 25 total tackles.
um And then we we actually got, ah we had a couple of listener questions that were like specific to the offense. um So I'm going to kick it off with with one of those. um Alice Garntow said, guys, I know the focus will be on ETN playing against his former team, but I think the dogs need both Frazier and ETN to have a big day. ah Offensive line run game need to continue to improve as the dogs chase another championship. Thoughts and go dogs.
um So I don't know if you have any reaction to that, JP. I mean, I still expect ETN to carry the ball who it would. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's been the case, particularly against Texas, right? Like we haven't had a hundred yard rusher yet. I think that we probably have the best opportunity to do so, um, in this game, because their run defense is not particularly that great.
Right. um So you know as far as I can see it on paper, like it looks it looks as though that we should be able to run on these guys. But that said, we kind of thought that we would be able to run on some of the teams in the past. um So we've had a pretty heavy dose of Carson Beck in much of the games this season. um I think that you know as Carson Beck goes, so does this team that's kind of been the the operating mode yeah all season long here. yeah um Don't turn the ball over. We win the game by two touchdowns. It seems to be the quick and dirty on how this how these games typically would go.
Yeah, I agree. And I think to just, I don't know, like with Frazier, I mean, I think he obviously very talented, um, and has definitely flashed, but for whatever reason, um, you know, just with the rotation and and frankly, like, I think with the volume that we're running, which isn't super high.
like I think ETN is capable of carrying that load. like Usually, we're a bit more run heavy, and so you're constantly rotating those guys. I think i think ETN is is ah capable of handling the load that we're giving him right now. so um But Hick and would love to see Frazier rip off a long one, like we've seen him be able to do. um I think the other thing, too, is just with ET and going up against these guys, I know that Kirby did get asked that in the press conference and he kind of put it down a little bit. I was like, you know, like, love it and has played against Missouri since he's been here and all that kind of stuff. So um I don't know. I don't I don't know. what It'll be like, I'm not sure. I know the fans aren't happy with ETN. I don't know how the players so much feel like and because I feel like there definitely are different dynamics when these guys leave. um So I don't know. We'll see. Hopefully it doesn't just.
hope my hope with that kind of stuff is just that he doesn't get overly amped up because of that so probably just kind of go with the more evil uh even keel approach Yeah, I mean, like I said, I think that, uh, I don't know. I don't know if it's in coaches over unders or not, but, uh, I don't know. It'll it'll be, ah it'll be a question. It'll be a labor to get to a hundred yards rusher. Uh, I feel like so, but you know, we're doing he's he's due. Yeah. At any point he, he seems like he's just within a whisker of busting a long touchdown run.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. um The other thing, this is the other thing from recording at daylight. We got a question from a friend of the show, Tim Riley. you know he So he texted us today, like, oh man, I let like got a podcast nation down, didn't get my question in. like There's still time. There's still time. We haven't recorded yet. So don't have a graphic for it, but he gave us kind of like an offensive and deep question. So I think for the offense, Tim had said, uh, who has a bigger role, lucky a la Bowers ask or Florida linebackers stopping lucky and the next level run support. So.
I mean, I don't want to put any, I don't want to put Bowers ask on, on anyone. Um, but I do think that lucky has, I think he's kind of shown he's the number one, like pass catching tight end for this offense. Um, and I think we've had success with the tight end against Florida the past few years. So I'm going to go with, with lucky here.
Yeah. I mean, if I had to go and i had to go on it, like we we need we need guys to step up. We need guys to catch balls. you know Lucky has been not immune to those issues in the last you know several games. But I think that you know if he has a if he has a Bowers-esque game, like yeah clearly he's going to be the the bigger role.
Yeah, yeah. i'm I'm glad you mentioned the catch the ball factor here because that's what I'm looking for. What did we work on over the bye week? Did we work on get catching? I think you were like the receivers need to walk around ah with a football on campus at all times like holding onto the ball. um Yeah. Like I want to see that like out of the gate snatching footballs out of the air kind of thing, you know.
So, um, would love to see us come out and do that. And, you know, you know, how does the unofficial official receiver do, you know, in his second game as the unofficial official receiver? Uh, so obviously looking for good stuff from Dylan. Bill, he had a good, good game against these guys last year. So.
Yeah, catch the dang ball. Catch the dang ball. I think if if they hadn't been walking around campus with the ball duct taped to their hands, um they should have been. Yeah. Side note, the original unofficial official wide receiver followed the podcast on Twitter. So what's up? here yeah Hey, how's it going, bud?
Um, big fans, big fan. Check out, check out some of the gifts from the, from, from past years. But, uh, I can only assume that someone in your circles pointed out that, that we had passed the torch and that's why you're here to check it, to check out, check out the new unofficially official, my gotta pocket, a wide receiver, my gotta podcast. That's right.
That's right. Cool. Yeah. Um, I guess that's a, I guess that's about it. You know, I think, I think Kirby got a lot of questions about Carson Beck and his performance, et cetera. But, you know, I feel like if we catch the ball, uh, that's, I feel like that's been kind of slowing us down early in games and, you know, just get that confidence built up. I think, I think cars will be fine here.
Yeah, I took a moment and hung out with john teach tweets sports earlier this week. um And as we were sitting around the fire a conversation went to the Florida game, obviously. And I think that we we kind of arrived at that.
The difference between you know the stats and balance of the world and and Carson Beck right now is it seems like it is it is mental. like I'm not a psychologist. I'm not a psychiatrist. But it seems like that we've got a head case for a head case at quarterback kind of situation.
um They say that 90% of the game is mental or whatever. um I think that these early drops kind of mess with his head. um One of the things that ah John and I were talking about was if you can recall like press conferences and things like that,
like Kirby would actually actively like call out Stetson Bennett. um And when they would be when you would see him arguing like in the Orange Bowl, for example, when Kirby was like yelling about the time and the clock and stuff, like,
Stetson would actually like push back on him and I feel like it would just be the monster. but yeah i right But then, you know, there's there's some guys, there's some guys, some kids, um you know, i'm i've I've got four kids myself and some of them respond better to that type of in your face, you know, ah constructive criticism for lack of a better description.
um And then some are just words of affirmation type type folks, you know, like they they need to be built up. And if you, you know, come down on them, there it's it's harder for them to recover from different situations. And, you know, my youngest is in that vein too. You come down and on her, like it just shuts down. um Carter responds well to, you know, harsh criticism.
Um, you know, there's, there's all sorts of different ways that you can talk about motivating people. yeah And some, um some are motivated by that in your face approach. Um, Kirby very much is, you know, the king of that. I've seen many others in the coaching circles that are in that same vein as well. But I have not heard him be critical of Carson Beck ever. Like, have you ever heard him talk negatively about Carson Beck at all?
Yeah, no, he's generally like, if anyone asks any kind of critical type question, he defends him and kind of steps in. I was like, well, to me, you know, and says what, says what he thinks. And you know he he he wants to more point this out to the folks that are asking. A lot of things, no offense that you guys don't, don't understand about football. So I feel like that's kind of his take.
Yeah. Well, um, he also doesn't criticize his quarterback ever. So yeah, I think like my conspiracy theory, our conspiracy theories is that, um, that's because he can't handle it. Yeah. Could be, could be. Yeah. Good. Treat the different, uh, players with the different tactics. They're agreed that you may be honest with them there.
Yeah, being um being able to deploy your people is part of the part of the equation and managing personnel and managing personalities. Yeah, it's all wrapped up in that in that coaching hat. And um anyway, the I say all that was a long winded way of saying that I think that the drops mess with Carson and kill his confidence. And if you can catch the dang ball guys, you'll help the quarterback out. Yeah.
All right. Uh, let's see. So as far as the. Other side of the ball. So what we're looking for when, when Florida has the ball, um, again, so just notable folks, uh, DJ lagway is now the starting quarterback true freshmen, um, with Graham Mertz is out, uh, for the season with an injury.
um But lagways been been good since then been installed there. So he's 62% passer 1024 yards five touchdowns five picks um And he also is active in the run game. I would say um that trying to Say he's he's pretty he's he's a rusher too, right? Yeah, he does run he will run um and they'll run you know, like the zone read type stuff I mean, so Um, and they've got two backs. Uh, so Montrell Johnson is a senior 70 carries 373 yards, four touchdowns. There's this other kid, the freshmen Jaden Baugh. I don't, hopefully I'm saying that name correctly, but 53 carries 259 yards, five touchdowns. Um, and by the way, all five touchdowns were against Kentucky. Uh, so he scored five touchdowns in a, in a single game. So we've got to watch out for their, their freshman back.
um Leading receivers are Elijah Badger, he's a senior, 22 catches, 524 yards and two touchdowns, and Kaimir Dyke, senior receiver, 21 catches, 420 yards and two touchdowns.
um So, yes, you know, and I would say they've been kind of like resurgent, I guess, of late. They've they've looked, I would say, different with lagway. But they also, you know, they they played Tennessee really tough. Like the offense looked pretty good in that game. So, um however, having said that, I had a listener question. J.R. Reel said the lagway hype is giving me Richardson 2021 vibes. We all know how that ended. and So.
I don't know. and I don't know if you've seen, uh, Richardson like pulled himself out of the game for the c Colts. And then I benched him or something. So, yeah, I don't know. Yeah. He, uh, he basically was like, I'm, I'm, I'm tired. I'm tired i'm tired boss yeah dog tired man. George Foster was all over him for that on Twitter.
and so I'm sure, I'm sure George is pretty brutal. Yeah, and pretty brutal. He was like, he was like the offensive line in the quarterback are the people that don't get to come out in an NFL game. He's like, I'm sorry. That's just how it works. Anyway, we can move on from that. Um, yeah man, thanks. Unless you're physically, unless you're physically hurt.
Yeah, yeah. i would But man, I would love that. I would love nothing more than to have an end of half ah barrage of turnovers leading to 21 points. um We had at the end of the 2021 first half. ah Sign me up for that. Yeah, for sure, for sure.
Um, okay. So we're talking, we're talking the the Florida offense. Yeah. Florida offense. Yeah. And so, ahw ahead so I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna rattle off. I'm gonna rattle off some stats.
okay let me how should i do this let me let me let me me rattle off a couple of so these are these are his passing these are his passing yards you mentioned the rushing performance i'm gonna rattle off some passing yard numbers because i'm starting to feel less worried about him and maybe that uh you know our our peers have kind of figured figured him out um Okay, so, so lagway. These are his numbers. 54 yards passing A&M, 76 yards passing Mississippi State, 50 yards passing UCF, 98 yards passing versus Tennessee, 259 yards versus Kentucky. I think Kentucky. Was that the first game that he was actually like, unleashed because he has very similar attempts. like So Samford, he played a lot against Samford, but like Mertz also played in those other games from what I, from my memory, Mertz, like, I think he was like playing. Um, but in the Tennessee game is when Mertz like went down, like out for the season. So I think Kentucky was his first start. I could be wrong. I could be wrong, but yeah.
And then his rushing yards, 46 versus Kentucky, one versus Tennessee, 11 versus UCF, 22 versus Mississippi State, negative 20 begins to A&M. He had 46 versus Kentucky on 10 carries. So it looks like that they have started utilizing his legs more basically is kind of what I'm saying.
So I say all that to say that, you know, maybe this will be a nice, you know, we're talking about like SEC match-ups as we roll forward. like how do we How do we, nobody really worries me on on on the schedule the rest of the way or that we could potentially play. um A and&M worries me a little bit with their mobile quarterback situation, the Marcel guy, Marcel Reed. So this might be a a nice little, you know, warmup for what that might look like because he's a mobile guy. He's, you know, he's obviously creating yards with his with his feet. He can pass.
And that's usually been, ah you know, that's been Kirby Smart's kryptonite is the mobile quarterback. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah. But all of this production is coming against Kentucky. Right. Like I think we no we really don't know what he's capable of yet. Right. I will say I do recall like in recruiting times, uh, our guy, Trigga Trey was pretty high on like way, uh, for what that's worth. Um, I do, I do love the touchdown to inner interception ratio being a one. Uh, I do like that. Um, I like our ads there. So, uh, young man has thrown some interceptions.
um So yeah, I mean, I think young quarterback and then the amount of havoc that we saw our defense create against Texas. I feel like we'll be able to scheme some stuff up and figure out a way to do that here as well.
Um, which leads me to a friend of the show, Tim Riley's defensive question, who has a more impactful game? DJ lagway or Jalen Walker. Um, you know, maybe it's hard for a single linebacker to have a bigger impact than the quarterback fatigue, but I don't know, man, maybe not. If he plays like he played against Texas, watch out.
Well, I think that part of the, part of that equation is, is how, how full go is, is Michael Williams going to be, is he going to be as full go as he was versus Texas? Is it, where is he going to be, you know, better right or seriously, you know, so if, if, if Michael Williams can occupy bodies and occupy attention.
That frees up Jalen Walker to wreak havoc. I mean, it's the, if, if Mike, it's, it's just like this, this defense looks totally different when Michael l Williams is involved. Yeah. Period. Um, that includes Jalen

Georgia's Defense and Special Teams Focus

Walker. Like he looks totally different when he's got, you know, freedom. Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. Um, only other thing, reminder.
Unfortunately, we are without Dan Jackson and Janelle Aguero for the first half. so they're They have to miss the first half because of their... I'm doing air quotes for those who are just listening, targeting in the second half of the Texas game. I'm going to have to battle and and fight through that. so It's Jacory Thomas season in the secondary.
Yeah, man. Next man up. I guess on the one hand, on the one hand, it's nice because we had the bi-week for them to kind of get up to speed. sure So you've got, you've got the bi-week you've got time this week. So they're able to get reps. And not only that, but like the coaching staff knows not only do they need reps, but they need first team reps. And so they maybe have gotten more first team reps than they normally would have because they know.
They know that Dan Jackson is going to be out in general. So hopefully that means that we've gotten some better, you know, more, more, more reps at the first team so that they're prepared, better prepared for that. Plus the extra time. Right. Agreed. I like that.
Cool. Um, yeah, I don't know. I, I think, I think Florida's, um, offense has been, I mean, I guess kind of like we said, like one game looks good against Kentucky. Um, you know, but Kentucky's defense isn't, isn't the Georgia defense. I guess Kentucky's offense is terrible.
and Honestly, Florida, theyin't like it's not that they ain't played anybody, but they ain't beat anybody. so like The real team that they played, they lost too. Their losses are Miami A&M in in Tennessee. Kentucky is you know their best win. um Second best win, I guess, is Mississippi State. and Then they beat UCF in Sanford. so Those are their four.
Yeah, I would say that um yeah so they lost to Miami, A and&M, Tennessee. um And yeah, I mean, you look at you look at the teams that they've played and what their schedules match up with. um Yeah, i i don't know i don't I don't know what to say other than to say that the the teams that they they've lost to appear to have weaker schedules than we do.
Yeah. Um, so anyway, I think that even though they've beaten, even though they've lost to, you know, these better teams or whatever, those better teams are, I feel like are not as good as we are. Yeah. Okay. Let's see. Got a couple of special teams notes. Uh, so we mentioned early when we talked about the weather, just remember when you're, uh, when the kickers are lining up to get a field goal in this stadium, be aware of the swirling winds, especially when they're kicking towards the river. So just always remember that.
um On the Florida side, I'm sure we talked about this last year. Let's see there. Trey Smack is their junior kicker. He's perfect on an extra points, seven of nine on field goals. They do have an Australian punter. Jeremy Croshaw, he's averaging 46.3 yards a punt. He's from Emu Plains, New South Wales, Australia. He was discovered by Prokic Australia.
Um, he had, and ah he had a big game, uh, pointing against us last year. Um, so they take their specialist teams seriously at Florida. Do you have an Australian kicker? And as we learned from Thorson, you know, I guess, you know, Thorson got the luck of the draw and then he got to come to Georgia. This guy, unfortunately had to go to Florida. Like, I guess that's kind of how you, when you roll the dice with bro kick Australia, some guys get to go to be a dog and some have to go to Florida. Just how it works.
I guess that's probably about it on the special teams. Other than, you know, again, hopefully we'll continue this streak of no ah positive punt returns. Positive yardage punt returns against Brett Thorsen. Yeah. I mean, at this point, that is, that is my thing that I'm looking for. Yeah. Um, yeah, that's, that's what I would be. That's what I would be looking for if I were, um, looking for something from the special teams. Cool. You know, we did, we did block a kick against these guys last year. We blocked a punt. Wouldn't mind seeing a block come in somewhere. Also just kick the ball off into the end zone and I'll move on. Sorry.
Yeah, seriously. Just a just kick it deep, guys. Just kick it deep. Are you ready for the listener questions? Yes. All right. Listener questions, as always, are presented and brought to you by Working Web Media. ah so We sat down with Working Web Media last offseason to redesign our website, got it launched. You can go check that out. My God, a podcast.
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uh bread building building bonus tm tm tm we all number one we all agree that the cocktail party is a rivalry what is a rivalry which teams are and are not our rivals i thought way too long about this when he sent this in Uh, I have an answer and it's gonna, it's a little bit different than a joke I've been making this season. Um, so I've done something. Um, so here's my thoughts. My joke has been if the schools don't disagree on the record, is it a rivalry, right? Like that's been my joke.
I don't feel like that can be the definitive thing and here's why because if we made that the rule then our rivals would be Florida and Georgia Tech which obviously rivals but I can't leave out Auburn and I went back and double-checked for what I could find we actually do not argue about the all-time series record with Auburn and I'm going to give a two-pronged approach. I'm going to say one of two things need to be true. Either one, the team's dispute, the the the all-time series record, or two, the game has a name. like If the game doesn't have a name, it I'm not sure that's your rival.
so You know, all three of our rivals that fell into that all have a name, uh, of the game. Uh, and then two of them have disputed records. So I'm going to go with that that for my youth. What that takes out is Tennessee growing up. I always considered, you know, kind of like when I came of age as a Georgia fan, I considered Tennessee rival, but in reality, we just haven't played them that much. And that was kind of like a nineties thing. So.
Yeah, I would say that that's, that's, so that's, that's, that's pretty good. I like that one. Okay. Okay. If your game has a name yes and you just, and you dispute the records. Yeah. Yeah. Got to be one of those two, at least one of the two. Are there any, like, I'm trying to think, like, are there any big game? Like, what what is the Florida, Florida state game? See, that's the one thing I, yeah, I don't know if that, like, does that have a name? I don't know if it has an a name, but maybe they argue about the all time series record.
Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. So like, I'm not sure. That's where I gave it to one of the two. The other thing that I would say that you might be able to, you might be able to layer in on that is like, if there's a trophy that changes, that changes hands that's and in the game, which I don't know, like obviously Georgia, Florida, which I,
right I didn't realize for so long that we had an oar that was exchange chains. Do you see the picture that I took of it? Like it's in the Tate Center? Yeah, yeah. But I had never like i never like known that that was like a a thing.
like What is it? um Paul Bunyan's axe or whatever, or the Egg Bowl? like yeah yeah You see these guys like like hoisting and hoisting these trophies in the half field or whatever on there when they when they win the game. and it's like I don't ever remember anybody hoisting like an ore. It's huge. It's huge. It couldn't be lifted. It's enormous. It would mean it could be it could be lifted, right? like I mean, but not like a guy, because usually those are like like one guy can hold it. you know like It would take like the offensive line to lift the thing. It is enormous. need i need i need someone I need someone's attempt. I need the Tate Ratledge and the guy. I'm not saying that I doubt Tate Ratledge that he couldn't lift it.
I'm just saying. it would be a little it be little I'd like to see someone trying to lift it with one hand. like Can someone lift it with one hand, and please? It's yeah it's pretty it's free large. OK, I think that's fair. I think that's good. um And then second, he just said, should we leave the game in Jacksonville or move it to home and home? I don't know. it anyone where we're Is this where we're going to get into the the other questions about this?
Well, this is where 51-7 GTA also asked, where should it be played? If there's two years at this point, that's moot because we know where it's going to be played. So it's going to be in Atlanta in 26 and then Tampa in 27, which was on his list of possibilities.
Well, the question was, should. Correct, correct. So should. To me, no. To me, my personal opinion is, and like, sorry, Josh, just cover your ears. Josh and I argue about this all the time. We discuss it. We discuss it and disagree. We don't argue.
ah um To me, this game has always been a neutral game. It's been it's only been played off. This game has only been played on campus seven times ever.
Uh, this is not a home and home game. And I think it's something that's unique to college football, these neutral site rivalry games. There's not a whole lot of them. You've got this one, you've got army Navy, you've got, um, Texas and Oklahoma. Um, yeah there's not a lot of these, these out there. Um, so I don't know, maybe I'm a old man, get off my lawn kind of thing there, but that's my, that's my feeling is nothing sacred. I don't know. Traditions exist for a reason.
I mean, I think that there's ways that you can adapt tradition and adapt the college-esque-ness that makes playing games on campus special. I guess for me, like as a as an Atlanta-based an atlantabased Georgia fan, I recognize that not everybody shares this this opinion because they maybe live in another state or another area of Georgia where

Game Location Debates and Traditions

getting to Athens is is more difficult. So when when games are in Atlanta, they're much more easily um accessible for a number of different folks from, you know, thanks to the direct flights to Atlanta um or the straight shot up the up the interstate or whatever the case may be.
Or the accessibility of you know, just hotels and you know options for people to stay at because they have family in Atlanta or whatever Yeah, I get it um But as an Atlanta based Metro Atlanta based fan um You know, I'm tired of I'm tired I get I get tired of like we've got Georgia Tech now that's gonna be played at the bins um we've got the SEC championships at the Benz. We've got the Chick-fil-A stuff at the Benz and you know the the bowl games that we've played at the Benz. We've got the National Championship is also going to be played at the Benz. The Georgia 40 games not played at the Benz.
jp I know, but I'm just saying like we've got these, these we're we're used to playing in all these different venues. I guess my point is- And it is it is going to be played, it is going to be played at the bins. So like if we have an opportunity, if we have an opportunity to do something different, I'm just saying that like I would like to have the opportunity to play a home and home, which on paper should be the easiest solution possible, possibly imaginable.
um for a situation where you've got ah a neutral site game that's historically held in Jacksonville like hey let's for a change of pace do exactly what we've done in the past which is play a home and home.
Yeah. that in it That in and of itself is a tradition, Jim. Two two different questions though. I feel like I always want to confirm one thing really quick. 51-7 GTA's question was, where should it be played for those two years, right? When we can't play in Jacksonville.
Should it be home and home or should it be neutral? Brett's question is like, across the board, should we leave the game in Jacksonville or should it become a home and home? And I'm saying, so what I'm questioning is are we agreeing? I agree 26 and 27 should have been a home and home. If you can't win in Jacksonville, play at home and home. I agree. We did that once before. Let's do it again. Totally agree with that. But for the long term of the game, I don't want it. Like I like it how it is, but that's me.
That's fair. I won't, and I won't freak out if it changes. Like, uh, like I'm not going to act like it's the end of the world or whatever. Like, you know, it's, it it, it, there are things that it would benefit, like unbalanced home and away schedules and all these kinds of things. And like the fact that we've been away for five weeks, although I would argue Texas and Oklahoma play a neutral site game and Texas didn't go five weeks without a home game. So like, I don't know why we have to do that and they don't, whatever. Um, I think some of that stuff can be fixed with scheduling. So.
i I like it in Jacksonville. I went every year when I was in college. I went every year from 98 to 06 or 05. Then when we had kids, we stopped going and maybe we'll start going again. um yeah when we're We don't have to worry about kids in school and stuff somewhere we're down the line. Right now Kim's like, what?
Uh, but yeah, hold up. Yeah. So, yeah, I don't know. Jacksonville is not that great of a beach, you know, sorry for anybody that, that does like St. Simon's is a good, a good solution for that. But, um, yeah, I mean, in my opinion, I feel like that the, obviously money talks and that's, that's what's ultimately going to make all these decisions, but in a perfect world, the,
rotation should be home and home, Jacksonville, and I guess the Benz. Or you could just do home and home in Jacksonville and just rotate them. Just rotate them. So that so that that way you kids you get your on-campus college football experience. ah By the way, like let's just this is say it. like When you go to these neutral side of games, these conference championship games, like, yeah, it's great. But like, it is nowhere near the atmosphere of a 90,000 plus Sanford stadium. I agree. my it's just It's just not the same vibe, not only of the vibe in the stadium, but also the vibe outside the cultural experience. Yeah. ah
like i don't i Don't I don't disagree. with that My only point is like I don't to disagree like I don't understand why we would get rid of the season opener at the bends Don't get rid of this game. I guess that's my point like saying oh we keep going to the bends Well fine then don't go to the bends but like don't take this a game away like to me It's like you can they're not mutually exclusive kind of thing like you can be a guess. Yeah, that's that Yeah, that's fine. I just I just think that we should like it's just mind-boggling to me that you know, I you go to school for four years and you never play at the swamp like what the hell i mean no one no very few georgic layers of airplay there but i think we gotta move on
Well, you're gonna have to have another episode about that. Let's go to Fletcher Proctor. We'll work into the basketball 30 seconds or a minute or something. Fletcher says, I'm going to need a trick play of some kind involving Jayden Rashada throwing a screen to ETN. And those two celebrate the touchdown with Harry Dog, who removes his head as children's cream to reveal Mike White in the costume. So, love it Fletcher.
Uh, I will add, I know you sent me this morning JP some highlights of Georgia's basketball exhibition last night. Uh, pretty exciting. Shout out. Shout out to the Smith bros. Uh, there's apparently some chatter about the Georgia's performance in versus UCF. And I listened to it and he said, he said, was it one 14 to 70 something? Yeah, it was a major blow. one I was like, what i I'm not a basketball, I'm not a college basketball guy, but like 114 is a lot of points for college basketball, isn't he? goes Yes. Yeah. Like, like anywhere you slice it, like whoever you're playing, like that's a lot of points in in college basketball.
Yeah, so a couple of newcomers in the front court, we had a couple of freshmen, Asa Newell, and I believe believe it's, serre I would have said Cyril, but I heard the announcer, I believe it's Cyril. Cyril. Cyril. Yeah. So I'm excited. I'm excited about the basketball team this year. I was texting Matt more about them yesterday, so I'm excited. let me I mean, the highlights the highlights that I saw made it look like it was the dang Harlem Globetrotters. I know.
Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, if they're playing like that, it looks like they're going to, I don't know, it looked fun. It looked fun. I hope it's fun to be in this tech this season. It appeared to be a fun brand of of basketball. yes That is for sure. Like, yeah. Yeah. I think I saw at one point, like the guy's surreal or surreal. Um, he was, he had blocked like multiple shots in that game. And after one of them, he like padded the guy on on his bottom, like and Better luck next time, buddy. ah Amazing. Amazing. All right, Fletcher. There's your, there's your basketball minute. but Hope that was a enjoyable. All right. We may have, we have to extend it to the two minutes. May have to, may have to, when the season kicks off, if they're going to keep dunking the ball like that. It's going to, it's We're going to have to come up with a nickname for, um, like the, the high flying dogs or something like that. Yeah, seriously. Uh, nicknames. Welcome. Fletcher. Let us know if you got one. Yeah.
All right, so Rambo just had a comment. You bet your cocktail. I'm wearing the same underwear I wore during the Texas game. Held with the gator. So, you know. Thanks. Rambo. Rambo is ah taking the wardrobe next level. John Michael Dee says, how how long does it take before we hear Kirby's leaked audio, either pregame or from halftime, and how much better will it be than Coach Yo's Telling the Titans? I don't want to see them yeah gain another yard. Hashtag. Sorry, Carter.
Yeah, I mean like the leaked Florida audio was always good because Kirby actually like really doesn't like them. I know like that the one that got leaked like the day of the game against TCU like wasn't from that day. um He wouldn't say that about TCU but he's he says that kind of stuff against Florida. I love it when it leaks too and Kirby claims that he like sometimes you're kind of like this like is he doing this on purpose like is he does he want it to leak? He swears he doesn't.
So I don't know. I guess I feel like I feel like the culprit would be Brian Gantt. True. True. He's like he's always behind Kirby. He's always within, ah you know, arm arms length of of Kirby at at the games and stuff. So like I feel like he's got his phone out just recording stuff and he just like drops it to the media. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. That makes I like that. I like that. It's making this my conspiracy theory for how these things get leaked.
Amazing. as It's an inside job. yeah The leaks are coming from inside the building. Yes, yes. All right, let's see. Will Garland says, ah assuming Jordan nation is looking for a new head coach soon, who would be the ideal candidate out there to help make sure Georgia continues to see this game as just a fun fuse to go to Amelia Island and party for the weekend? um I mean, obviously, there's no reason for the Florida Gators to make a head coaching change.
Uh, I think that's the official opinion, but I do have a guy, you know, I have a guy. Okay. let I mean, Dan Mullen is available. sure He's waiting in the wings. He's beaten Kirby. He's beaten Kirby. Okay. Okay. Oh man. You've got any better argument than I do. my Mine was I know of a guy, you know, with, with head coaching experience, uh,
Believe is, you know, currently a defensive coordinator in the ACC, you know, when Guillof Collins, when you want to give him a call, he can infuse. He's big on culture. He can build the culture there. You know, he's going to turn around strength and conditioning with, you know, calisthenics on the field and weightlifting on the field before the game. So, you know, maybe hit him up. What's the what's the Florida equivalent to Waffle House? Good question.
i i don't know love less do they have I don't know. I think do. I would say, I would say Perkins would, would, would have been a good, a good answer there, but, uh, Perkins is bankrupt now. Okay. Uh, Perkins is like a, like a, I hop type, type restaurant, but I used to always go with my, uh, my grandfather down there. Gotcha.
So we got we got ah two options for you there. Well, yeah. Yeah. All right. Let's see. I think we we we may have answered this one maybe by ah revealing our drinks. So Herman Wood said, what's your go to cocktail for the cocktail party? Mine's a Kentucky mule. Your choice. Yeah. Oh, sorry. He said mine's a Kentucky mule because screw Florida and the beauty came in here.
Yes. Amen. So yeah, I mean, I know we both have old fashions. Um, I do love a Kentucky meal though. So I think it's, yeah I guess, I guess I could always, I could always throw it back to the landing days and, uh, just throw it in, just throw it in a, uh, bourbon and Coke situation. Man. um I was the idiot with like a hurricane and one of the huge football. So I was about to say, you've got a football somewhere, don't you? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a piggy bank now.
Yeah, dude, they used to serve those things in footballs. and that's That's like a ah relic of the past. You should you should donate that to the Hargart Library. Oh, true. I gotta keep that. I gotta keep that. I i like that. I imagine that's what your kids are going to be asking you. You should give that away, and you're going to be like, I need to keep that. Yeah, dad, why do you have all this

Fan Stories and Rivalry Memories

stuff? Why do you have all this stuff?
yeah Let's see, boss dog said, i I've never been to the cocktail party. It's at the top. It is at the top of my bucket list. What is your favorite part about that entire trip? Excluding seeing all the Gators fans leaving halfway through the third quarter. I haven't been in a minute.
I mean, in school, I haven't been in a minute in school. I loved, you know, it was like a long weekend. It was like fall break or whatever. m ah Fall break is the right word, but whatever we had like multiple days off of class. So we would we would take off and go down and go to the beach somewhere for a couple of days and then like change hotels and stay somewhere closer to the to the stadium i Saturday night. So I mean, for me, it's just like the whole trip. You get a beach weekend in ah with good weather. It's a change up from the fall weather. good ah
you know, so like pretty cool um temperature and stuff. So to me, it's just the whole whole experience. um You know, we have, we had like figured out this one like tailgate spot that we got like every year. We went that same spot like every year as a kind of like between the landing and the stadium. um Although, you know, the landing is gone. So I guess that's not there to do it. Yeah. But to me, it's kind of. Yeah, I was going to say the the landing would have been a good a good thing for you to experience. However, it is not a thing anymore.
yeah i don't even know like what I don't even know what but people do now. So I've done i've done ah multiple things. I've never actually done the frat beach thing, but I've been to i've been to the Jacksonville beaches yeah as a civilian ah fairly recently, actually. I've got some friends at my company that own um that um beach houses down there that they rent out. I actually explored going down, but she had already rented her house out.
Um, so I would say that, you know, go experience frat beach. Cause you know, I think what on Friday and on Friday, uh, Friday, there you have kids out there. You'll see them walking around with their gallon or gallon jugs and dressed in their Halloween costumes and getting into wrestling matches and running ok Oklahoma drills and stuff like that's gotta be, yeah.
Uh, Boston looks, looks pretty young. Um, I think that you could probably hang with those guys. Um, go down there and check it out. Um, and then I've also done, I've done the St. Simon's Island thing. Uh, did that in college. Uh, that was cool. Um, I've also done, um, just staying in a hotel, like nearby yeah kind of thing. Yeah.
Yeah, I've done, I've done all the all the options. And I think that they all have their merits. Yeah, I would, I would definitely like if you know, if you had the time, I would definitely recommend the get down there early and hit the beach ahead of time. I always loved doing that.
The other thing, too, is just the environment. like I know not to rehash the whole like on-campus versus the neutral thing, but the difference between this and like a bowl game, like it is literally split down the middle. like Red and black one side, blue and orange the other. And it's not like normal. um So it is different. And like when you walk in there, like it feels different. And when both teams run out of the tunnel, like the respective fan base you know explodes.
um So it is it's it is cool. It's cool. it's very To me, it's a very different environment. It's not like anything anything else you're going to see. Sorry. ah All right, let's see. A couple more, just kind of about the game.
or kind of along along this vein. So Blake Davis um said, what made you truly hate Florida? I was 10 when they came to Sanford in 95 and beat us. Thankfully, the Braves won the World Series at night to remove some of this thing. For me, it was actually, I would say it was 91, which was our next question was about the 91 game. um I guess, you maybe I'm just a little older. But like I was 11, though. so yeah I don't remember a ton about Georgia football before then, but I definitely remember the 91 cocktail party. It was raining. Um, we were not as good as them, but we played them really tough. And there was like a crazy thing at the end where like, I may not get this entirely right. I wanted to think we went for two and it looked like we got it to tie the game before they had called timeout. And we had to re we had to rerun the play and then we didn't get it and we lost.
Uh, like that was the final score. That's how I remember it. Who knows? Um, so that, that was it for me. Uh, cause I was like, whatever, like we scored, uh, they took it away from us kind of thing. So that was it and for me personally.
I would say that it's not one specific incident. It's more um just a conglomeration of experiences with Florida fans in general. um Have you ever have you ever like experienced losing to these guys? like It's kind of like the the georgia tech ah Georgia Tech thing. Have you ever traveled to this game and lost this game?
For a large swath of Georgia fans, you've probably experienced it. You've got those jackwagons and their jorts and boots and you know cowboy trucker hats, whatever, and they're just chomping at you. um I would say that ah the games that I went to, you know obviously we didn't win. um hearing hearing the the Hearing the cheer, you know it's great to be a Florida Gator.
like permeating throughout that stadium as we were leaving was just like, I don't know, it just it just triggered something inside of me. And then having to listen to their fans, like talk trash, you know, they were the, they were the original 1980, 1980 chance, right? Like, right.
they were the They were the original folks that that that that started that for me. um But yeah, I would say that you know all of that just creates a hatred or seething, as as Yara put it, a yeah ah villain origin story.
Um yeah The uh, the other thing that I would say is uh, I guess if I had to pinpoint a situation I will never forget it, uh being at the landing there's I can't it had to have been in 2003 I want to say 2003 possibly 2002 I can't remember which which year it was I'd have to go back in the memory but deep in the memory bank But we went to the landing. I think that Tyler ah in thailand and us, we we stayed it like a days in. like that that was my That was my experience of we just went, stayed at a hotel like 40 minutes away, nowhere on the beach, like not not St. Simon's, like that kind of thing. We just found this cheap hotel that had a pool. And there were a bunch of kids there, basically.
Um, and we went with girlfriends, friends, all fraternity brothers, all that stuff. Like it was a big, big crew. And I'll never forget going into the stadium, into the landing. And there's just a sea of people there. And I had my wallet pickpocket and like, I had lost my wallet and that sea of people. Like there was just like, like you literally couldn't move. It was kind of like, I equate it to the only other time that I felt anymore cramped would probably have been the Tennessee, the goalposts.
come down like where I literally thought that we were gonna possibly die like I was trying to fight people off of my girlfriend and it was like five two at the time yeah um anyway like when I lost my wallet like that was like the worst but that's just the worst and then we lost the game I'm never coming back here I'm never coming back here like I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure Corey Smith wrote that song and that year Uh, all right. I'll see venture in investment partners said, I don't have a good responses, but he said in 91, why didn't Dwayne Simmons get a bulldog medal of honor for taking on the entire Florida team coaches and sideline reporters in the final minute of that cold, rainy horror show. He should be in the Georgia of football ball hall of fame. So active defines legend river hero, dgd. So that was actually that game I was talking about. It was in in the rain. My memory isn't as as clear about Dwayne Simmons. Uh, but.
From whatever call he was like from, I think same high school or county as Garrisonhurst. So, D.G.D. D.G.D. for sure. And then, Roos Dixie's dog said, ah what is your best memory or story regarding the Georgia wind over Florida? So.
um Mine, I'll just say the only time I've seen us be them in person, 2004. Like I said, I you know got to college in 98. I went every year from 98 to 05. I saw us win one game in 2004, and it was glorious.
So, um, I can still see David green, the touchdown fast, he threw to Fred Gibson and Gibson just caught it like with his fingertips and winning the end zone. Uh, I was a little obnoxious in the, I was, we were sitting, I was with Patrick and we were sitting like in the Florida section. I cheered a little, I cheered a little lab. So that that's it for me. That's the only time I've seen him seen us win there in person because I haven't been to the X and so five or no six. Sorry. I won. No, yeah. No, five, five haven't been back.
I think that my memory regarding a win is the gift that Kirby gave us the that resulted in these hats being created. yeah um That's probably one of the best memories I think that I've ever had because it solidified, I feel like that that moment solidified into so many Georgia fans, like hearts and minds. Like he he won Georgia's hearts and minds in that moment specifically.
um i think that when that happens i i don't know i'm trying to remember back because i know that there's a there's a particular georgia fan and he used to be more active on twitter shout out a really Um, um, he, uh, Mike, Mike Schneider, he's a a Florida friend of the family. Um, and he used to talk so much trash about Georgia and Florida. And I used to hear from him all the time. Like, what do you think about the game? Like, and he would always reach out, but he's been noticeably quiet. Like where are you been buddy? How are you doing? Right.
Anyway, um, and he, yeah, he was like, you guys got her number. You're never going to win the national championship though. good look Yeah. Put that to bed twice. Yeah, exactly. but Like I said, like I said, Kirby won hearts and minds. And I think that was a catalyst for all the things that came after that. That's a good one. That's a good one.
All right. This one is for you. This one was directed directly to you. JP from Chad Jarvis. Chad Jarvis wants to know how many L's are in Florida? Six to seven. They're good for six to seven.
Uh, so, you know, right now they're at three losses. So are there, do we is like, cause it has to be, it's always at least Florida. So right now there's four L's maybe like, do you add an L per loss? You know, like when they, when they have one Oscar, the full Lord, I don't know. We don't have to go to the

Humorous Debates and Preferences

exact rules. I agree. It's at least my word. It's my word. I can do whatever I want with it. That's right. That's right. Just know that there's a lowercase F it's always a lowercase. Good. Good point.
I see in the show notes, it's capital out Jim. So I have to, I have to correct you. Okay. Okay. Sorry. i spell i spell ah All right. Next up it's time for hug dogs. Would you rather fire? but
Jason's would you rather he's he says these are caters wear jean shorts. Would you rather sent in from the beach? I believe. Hug dogs been just bid down at the beach ah for the week with Dana. So hope you're having a great time. All right. First one. Would you rather wear jean shorts or checkerboard overall? I feel like I could push.
This is this where you take the cyanide pill. Yes. I saw someone cheated in the answers. Someone replied and was like, I would wear red and black checkerboard overall. So it's like, well, I think but then you just cheated.
but it That's funny. That's funny. That's a good answer. I feel like I could wear jean shorts that are not jorts, like non-cutoffs, like 90s style, like skateboarder jean shorts.
theyre like gonna wear gn if you' going to wear gos out there like
I don't know. I guess. I feel like I could make jean shorts. I think I could make non-jorts more fashionable and like less obnoxious than checkerboard. Are you going to throw some carpenter shorts out there? navy old Old Navy carpenter shorts.
amazing. I guess i'll I'll riff off of the checkerboard thing and and say like I could throw some like black some black jorts out there. Yeah, and nice. they make They make black they make black jean black jeans. like reg de to Red Red jeans. Nice. Yeah, okay you can find those.
I feel like that now we're getting into cross colors territory. Sure. I don't know. I don't know if cross colors it was a thing for you, but those. Oh, I remember that. I remember that. Okay. and Cross colors. Let's see. Second one. Would you rather ETN scores three touchdowns or Rashadah scores one? um I mean, to me, I want ETN to score three because it's just because that's what I'm going to give a long answer. Actually, wait, hold on. Hold on. ha would you This is would you rather? would you rather Yeah.
Yeah, yeah. Well, so I guess the thought process is that if Rashadah is scoring one, then yeah we're up we're up pretty big because we haven't seen any backups really. like Yeah, it's been a minute. It's been a minute. So I'm going to say that if he's if he's scoring one, then that means that the game is well out of hand and he's he's operating in the offense. So I'll say Rashadah score one. Okay. That's fair. That's fair. Also, if it involves a trick play with a hairy dog revealed to be Mike White, and then it's just icing on the cake.
Uh, but um I'll add ah I'll I add a wrinkle on my rashhata score one because the reason we scott is short rashhada scored one is because etn already scored three nice you're you're having your cake and eating it too ah would you rather st simons or amelia island e a i think email i'm going to go some they're so similar yeah i'm going to go st simons but i would say i don't have like a good I'll have to go Amelia Island on this one. That's fine. We can, we can split that one. Uh, would you rather pimento cheese or chicken salad Sammy? I'm going to go pimento cheese. I'm not huge on the chicken salad. Yeah, for sure. Okay. Pimento cheese. Um, yeah, not, not, not a chicken salad fan. Although I will say like, isn't there like a, I don't know what, I don't know what it is. I want to say it's like a New York style chicken salad or something like that, where it's got like the raisin or cranberries or whatever in it.
It's chicken salad chick. Yeah, yeah. very it's It's like the basic chicken salad, chickenck like chicken salad. And my mother-in-law used to make it, and that was my first introduction to it. And actually Costco costco sells this like giant like this giant bucket of it. And in the summertime, we'll get it. And I'll just gnaw on that for lunches and stuff. like I do like that chicken salad, but ah overall, I'll take the pimento cheese, particularly the ah
particularly the master's pimento cheese sandwich for sure all right the last one would you rather uh beach walks for beach walks would you rather coffee walk in the morning or wine walk in the evening and then you said i'm about to wine walk and he finished up with the godox not a big wine fan so i'm gonna go coffee walk in the morning um i like i don't like the coffee walk in the morning particularly where you guys are at I'm actually with you. I'm gonna agree. I'm gonna agree with you there. Because you get to see the sunrise pretty starkly from from that vantage point. True. I'm just a morning. I like the morning walk. The only trade-off is you gotta to get up super early. Well, yeah, I'm not getting up early. I'm not getting up late. When I get up... You're not a sunrise on the beach guy? No, no. I'm just not a morning person, period.
I'm not usually, I'm not usually, but like I like to get up like when we go on vacation, my wife will be like all about like being there for get to watch watch the watch the entire sunrise. yeah I'm usually good for one day of that, but like when I start seeing that the sun is starting to come up, then I'll then i'll make my way down there.
Gotcha gotcha. All right. That's it for Jason's would

Game Predictions and Broadcasting Changes

you rather? so Thanks hug dog. Like I said, hope hope hope you all had a great week down there and Pull us through against the Gators in the cocktail party even you have to cheer you have to cheer for For all of us that are not there. So that's right. That's prepare prepare accordingly, sir. All right time for one one more
My God, a freshman trying to put glasses on it. This time for coaches that are over. If I recall, I believe I am up by one now, right?
Yeah. Yeah. Who's counting? Who's counting? So yeah, I kept chopping. So let's see. All right. I'm going to go first. So we got a trio of ETN over-unders for the offense. Over, under, ETN rush yards at 100 yards. I'm going over, baby. Ooh. I'm going to go under.
Okay. Uh, over to you. over undering I'm still in show me territory. That's fine. That's fine. I understand. I understand. Um, second one over to you over, under one and a half touchdowns for ETN over, over.
Man, I agree. I mean, he had what? Three against Texas or was it two? Either way, it's still over. One and a half. I'm gonna agree. Over. ah My turn. ETN receptions, two and a half. I feel like this is a good number. I feel like two... i I'm just gonna go over again. Try it back to that. Over. i say um I'll say over just to pitch. Okay. Okay. Let's see. Now, onto the defense and over to you. One and a half forced turnovers.
It's a good line. It is. I'm going to go over. I decided that before you said that, I decided I was just going to do the opposite of whatever you do. So I'm going to go under. I'm going to go under. And then the next one over, under two and a half sacks. I'm going to go over. I will also go over. OK. And then DJ Lagway passing yards over, under 200. I'm going to go over. I'm going to go under. I didn't make the same decision.
Over under total field goals attempted at three and a half. Um, I'm going to go over. I'll go over it as well. Okay. And then last one to you miscellaneous over under percentage of empty seats on the Florida side by the start of the fourth quarter over under 60%. Start of the fourth quarter. I'm going to go over. Okay. I decided to just agree with you over.
shenanigans were about to be had. All right, coach, thank you, as always, uh, for some, for sending those in, uh, always much. All right. Final predictions. Um, so let's see, kind of running through everything on this game. So Georgia is favored by 16. Um, the over under is 52. So that gives an applied score of Georgia 34 Florida 18. Um,
Odd shark has a predicted the predicted score stuff for I truck is kind of an outlive but the rest are all kind of lined up So I'd shark has this Georgia thirty three point six to Florida twenty eight point eight cultural insiders has Georgia thirty point one nine to Florida nineteen point two um and then CBC are two has Georgia twenty nine and a half to Florida 19.2 and then our scoring impact has Georgia 31.7 to Florida like 22. So I feel like I saw some highlights from this game last year and I was reminded of the whole like remember how like we used to just give up a touchdown on the first drive like every game last year. um Yeah. and So that's kind of how that game went. Like they scored right away. And then we just like poured it on and then they kind of like, you know, they got the rest of the those scores late.
um You know, like I said, I've said like they did. I think they played well against. They played well against Tennessee. They kind of exploded against Kentucky, but I think Kentucky is really struggling right now, so I just don't know how how much to put into there. But I think I think they'll I think they could get some points on this late. um So I'm going to go kind of in line with what this stuff is saying. I've got a dogs when 31 to 17. OK, I'm going to go 3820. OK, cool. I like yours.
I think that we, we tack on, we tack on some gravy at the end. I like it. I like it, man. Um, I'm excited. I'm excited for this one. I'm excited to get back to, get back to football. It was, uh, I miss, I miss getting to watch our dog Saturday. How excited, how excited are you to hear for the first time ever, not the CBS for this game?
Yeah. See that is, that is sad. That is, I'm not excited about that. Not excited about that either. You know, it was weird last week with like, um, was it Oregon and Illinois had like, like that was the CBS three 30 game and it had, it had, you know, it had Brad and Gary. Uh, so I watched that to hear them. Uh, it was kind of surreal. It was weird. I didn't like it. Yeah. So I think that was, I don't know if that was, I can't recall if that was on your news and notes or whatever, but, uh,
on the call, Kirk, Kirk, Kirk street, Chris Fowler. Yeah. For the first time ever. Yeah. Oh, that's the first time they've ever called this game. It's the first time that they've ever called this game. Oh, okay. I did not. Yeah. I said that they were on the call, but I did not point out that it was the first time they ever called it. That is cool. Although how much, how much Herber Street's dog we're going to have to see.
oh god Dude, I am so over Ben. I hope at this point, like there there may be like an alligator that gets too close to him. Like, I mean, I'm done. I'm done. Did you watch? and Did you watch an MLSU? Because yeah, they have the the calling or whatever.
Yeah, well, and then, yeah, and then they definitely showed that dog with Ben, uh, at some point, but like at the end of the game, it was like the post game and they're given their like post game thoughts or whatever. And Ben was like in the booth and like herb street kept like leaning over to pet the dog and like calm them down and stuff. I'm like, why is the dog in the TV, like in the broadcast booth? I'm so confused. Like what was going on?
I mean, it must've been like, like, and it must've been something and along the lines, like that Herb Street just negotiated it. Like, I don't, I don't know. I don't know what like Illuminati, like program Herb Street's on, like what, what contracts in blood that he signed. yeah But like, dude, he's like, I don't know. I'm, I'm Herb Streeted out. Let's just say it that way.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like he's sees he's definitely not where he was for me. Like when we were in school, it was like, oh, Herb Street is so cool, you know? I never i never liked Herb Street for the for the record. I mean, I liked him like when we were in school. No. um I would much rather have Ron Franklin. I would actually much rather have Todd Blackledge, like period, end of story.
um Like whatever happened to Todd, like I'd rather have Todd Blackledge like taste of the town. Taste of the yeah. And then Kirk Herbstreak's dog, sorry Carter. But yeah, um i you know, I will say that um I heard someone mention it that Greg McElroy is like ascending the the ranks of of that, you know, that ilk. I actually enjoy him better than and Herb Street.
I'll say, I know Coach Trilloch was telling me a story that he like he ran into Greg McElroy. He said he was pretty cool. so like Got to got talk to him at a game. He said he said it was very, very nice. I actually chatted with him for a bit. It's fine. All right. Actually, on that note, Coach has some games for us to pick.
Yeah, there's so there's other are other games. There are other games. um We'll just go in the order. I've got these. Let's see. So at 745 on SSC network, you got Kentucky at number Tennessee. Tennessee is 16 and a half point favorite. And I don't even, I think Brock Vannegut got benched. I mean, he got pulled in that in the Florida game. So I don't know if he's going to start this game or so.
Just continuing, just continuing a long line of UGA quarterbacks that have been completely vindicated of Kirby's decision making. Right. Fully, fully vindicated Kirby's decision making. Right. Yeah. I'm going to go with Tennessee though.
Yeah, I think Tennessee is going to pull that one up. Then you got. That would be hilarious. and that That's a big rivalry. That's a big rivalry game. It is. It is. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Kentucky does a checkerboard kind of thing too, right? Blue and white yeah at times. Yeah. Then you got that the the noon kickoff is number 19 Ole Miss at Arkansas. 12 o'clock ESPN. Ole Miss is a seven point, seven point favorite. I mean, I guess, I guess I'll go with the Fighting Hunters, although Arkansas's, uh, been better than I thought they're going to be. I'll say that. Okay. I'm tired of Lane Kiffin crying about this, that and the other. Yeah. I'm going with the fighting Pittman's on this one for the upset. okay I can, I can get behind that. I think that, I think that Lane Kiffin is like, I don't know. I, the vibes that I'm getting is that they're the, the lane train is starting to derail.
Hmm. Okay. Yeah. I mean, they're not living up to the pre-season expectations with what they did in the portal. I'll say that. Not at all. I mean, to put it in perspective, like I recognize that it's at Arkansas, but the spread here is seven points and the spread of the Georgia game is what? Three points or something like that, that Ole Miss is favored by currently. Right. I know that that spread is going to change, but like how insulting is that as a Georgia fan? Right. Whatever. FTMF. FTMF.
Uh, next one I think is this, I thought was up your sorry a Next one I think is a weird line. Number 10, Texas A and&M is a two and a half point favorite at South Carolina. That game's a seven 30 PM. So I see, but you got SCC, c you know, leading Texas A and&M and we had two and a half point favorite on the road. I thought that was interesting.
Yeah, so um John and I actually talked about this game as well and i I mentioned to him that I thought that this was a trap game for A and&M. e ah I do think that that this is going to be an interesting, this will be an interesting game from a ah film accumulation perspective so LSU talked about in their first game press conference that they were not prepared, that they didn't prepare for um you Marcel Reed. I have a feeling that the this game in particular is going to push them to the limits, much like the Georgia georgia game did with Alabama.
Um, much like that the Georgia game probably did with Texas, um, to where they're going to have to, they're going to have to pull out all the stops to, to beat South Carolina. I feel like at, at South Carolina, that's historically a tough place to play. Yeah. It is tough to play on the road in the SEC, as George, George says.
True. But he got at the end of the day. Oh, who do I got? Yeah. um I'm going to take South Carolina on that one. That's what that's what I had told you. OK, cool. I'm going to go with A n&M, but I do. I think something stinks about this line. So maybe I'm being silly. Something stinks about this line. And then the last one is Vanderbilt at Auburn, both unranked, 1245 on the SEC network. Auburn's saved by six and a half. I also like is Diego Pavio and not playing or something like what's going on with there? Like because Auburn's pretty bad.
um It's, it's, uh, it's Jordan here. I guess, I guess that's true, but also I think it's kind of ridiculous that Vanderbilt's not ranked. I mean, Texas was like number five and Vanderbilt was 25 and they lost to him by three. Like, I feel like you should still be 25. Yeah. he lost to a Top, you know, five team by three points, but whatever I digress. I can't, I mean, I mean, wouldn't it be great if Vandy went in and wanted Auburn? Give me, give me Vandy.
Yeah, that's right that's kind of what I'm feeling. Give me Vandy in the the battle for the Christian post-game press conference winner. That's funny. That's good. I'd much rather see Pavia, you know, invoking the name of Jesus more so than the other dude. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. Yes. Okay. I'm all in for that too. I like it.
All right. Yeah. and And, you know, and their head coach, Brad Guzzan. Sorry, I still can't, he looks just like crazy.
He does yeah, and then he's gonna then he's gonna go in a goal keep for the united in a playoff game against messy. Sorry night Oh, yeah, that's a it's a must-win. It's a must-win game situation What's what's your what's your coverage just pick for that one? I mean Unfortunately probably miami but like guzan kept them in that first game like without guzan that first one would have been ugly Uh, yeah, whatever. I don't pick against my teams atlanta. Okay guzan's gonna shut them down Hey man, the Benz for Atlanta United is a tough place to play. That's true.

Fan Interference and Weekend Plans

Give me, give me Atlanta United. I and like it. We're adding and MLS picks to the podcast. Hey man, we're, we're scraping the bottom of the barrel for professional league playoff situation. So that's right well bra the couldn't, the Braves couldn't attack it. And then you got, you got Freddie Freeman going off. So like drowning, drowning your sorrows and.
Do not like off playoff playoff appearances. Do not ideal. Not ideal. No suboptimal. I actually, ah I may be in the minority on this, but i'm I'm rooting. I'm rooting for the Dodgers. If the Braves can't win, like let Freddie get another ring. Yeah, that's fine. Make it make his move. Make his move be be worth it. um But dude, talk about the beginning of the world series. Like how about the guy that like had like tried to rip off mo Mookie Beck's glove, man. That's crazy.
I'm calling it the reverse Bartman. The reverse Bartman. Yeah. That's what I'm calling. Dude. All right. So, so here's, here's, here's my thing is like, that guy like made a conscious decision. Like he, he reached out and grabbed Mookie, like almost immediately. But then like in the struggle, someone also made the additional like decision to reach his hand out and stop Mookie from like, he physically like grabbed Mookie's arm first.
Yeah, like that guy's decision-making processing is very questionable at best. like Yeah. Yeah. Well, they got, they got kicked out and I know MLB asked the Yankees to like, don't let them in tonight, uh, to ban on them tonight. So yeah, um um maybe, maybe they'll be banned, but I have a feeling like it's a very New York. Like I saw like Dave Portnoy was like, these guys, this guy's my hero. Um, like the, the bar stool.
Yeah. yeah l president say yeah um I feel like that that sentiment is probably like pretty like universally accepted amongst the Yankee fan base, even though they got booed. I feel like the average layperson is probably like, yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe. I'll have to ask them. The average Yankees fan that's the from New York, like yeah from broad, like the I've got a buddy like that. I'll ask him. I made i just made fun of him last night and told him to control his fans. and it's is york The New York fans yeah like probably like are all about it. you know yeah what is ah I know on Saturday, Lily requested that I make wings for the game. so i think I think we'll probably do that. and Then just wanted to say, don't worry, Kim and I plan to do our pre-game run.
So I think that's about, that's about it. who we yeah Yeah, we don't we don' have a whole lot going on this weekend. We've got, um, like it's, it's like the calm before the basketball storm, because they just, they just had the draft. Actually tonight we found out who occurs team who's cursed with shutout coach Aaron.
um the uh so we've got basketball coming up but baseball is is on a bit of a hiatus here for the november month um so we actually don't have any sports score going on this weekend um so that that will be that will be interesting i'll probably catch up on some yard work for sure um yeah other than that um i haven't decided what i'm gonna have um i like wings that's a good idea it's a good idea yeah we could have a wing ah a wing off impose parts
it's going off ah I'm also like, like, in the back of my mind, I'm like, maybe she could get some gator bites or something. Yeah, there used to be a place I used to go to up in Georgia 400. They had some good like fried gate. I can't remember, but there is a place in East Cobb that has a, there's a place in East Cobb that has that serves gator tail, but you have to like order it ah way ahead of time. Gotcha. You can always just go fry Kalamari, which 99% of the the quote unquote gator bites that you have is probably Kalamari anyway. Interesting.
That could be ah an easy substitution for something that you could find in the freezer section at Publix or whatever the Publix version, Harris Teter. I don't know what it is up there. Here? and we Yeah. Well, we got Publix. Oh, you do? Oh, yeah. Yeah. We do have Publix now. Yeah. We also have Harris Teter. Harris Teter is our version of Kroger, their own bike. Yeah. That's the Kroger up there. Yeah. Yeah. yeah But the Publix is now actually Publix.
Well, cool, man. ah you know enjoy Enjoy a cocktail for the cocktail party. Hopefully everyone does

Closing Remarks and Social Club Nod

and grab be your favorite cocktail for the party this weekend. It's not my go-to because it wasn't like mentioned, but I did have a paper plane with but Mr. Smith around around his fire. um and It was pretty ah pretty awesome. so Maybe I'm going to make a ah paper plane just for just for the Bourbon barman Social Club.
Nice. Go, man. FTMF and go dogs. FTMF, go dogs.