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Jim and John review Georgia’s 2024 season and answer listener questions.

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I mean, that was another thing that happened since we recorded his tick tock went away and then it came back.
Welcome to my got a podcast. I'm Jim Wood. In this episode, John Powell and I reviewed Georgia's 2024 season. We talk about what stood out to us, a few current events, and we answer questions from you, our listeners.
As always, remember to check out the newly redesigned to see our latest merch. And you can follow us on social media at mygottapodcast. Finally, if you need help with your website or your online presence, head over to slash dogs. Now let's join the conversation in progress.
Well, we're back. We are back. We are back. It feels good to be back to June. It's nice to that's the get on get on the recording machine and talk through some things.
like how we Are we doing this? How do we do this? but ah what i do lands i do my handss what you I tell you what I am going to do with my hands.

Bourbon Talk: Four Roses Exploration

I'm going to drink the bourbon that I have in my cup. Nice segue into the bourbon. What do you, what is in your cup? Um, I am drinking a four roses, single barrel barrel strength, uh, from my local shop hop screen and vine.
I have been I'm thinking I feel like I might have mentioned this on the on one of the episodes but back in late fall. um But this is a bottle that they have been waiting on um for a while. The owner told me about it a while back and I said, Ooh, because I missed out on it last time he had it because they sold out like in a week. Gotcha. Yeah, you did mention that. I think you mentioned that when we were talking maybe Christmas for Gil.
yeah it was it Yeah, it was around that it was around that time i was waiting for I was waiting for it. It was like in any moment situation. And I think that I was expecting it and it was going to be like a Christmas present to myself. um But I ended up getting another bottle of their other store pick, which was the High West Syrah finished bourbon, which is fantastic. And he does have some left and I'm debating about going over and buying the rest of it.
um This one is fantastic. um It is, if you are not familiar, and Jim, I don't know how familiar you are with the Four Roses situation, but um when you buy a single barrel, a barrel select, um and frankly, you could get it and off the shelf in a single barrel or whatever, but they have recipe formats that usually start with the letter O. Are you familiar with this? like This particular one that I have from Hopps, for example, is OBSF.
Okay. I'm not, I'm not familiar. Okay. Well, then we're going to have a little education because I also was curious about some of these things. I know a little bit about them based on what I can see in the recipe, but we'll have a little fun facts episode or fun facts segment off the cuff, off the cuff, off the cuff. JP's fun facts about four words.
but not the four roses. yes um Okay, so I was curious about this as well. So it it was kind of selfish in my own regard, because I was wanting to learn a little bit about myself, um about what I'm drinking. So if you have four roses, they will all the rest of it's a recipe OBSF. They have o e OESV, OESF, OBSV, OESO, like there's and there's a whole bunch of them. I think there's like, I want to say there's like 10, four roses, single barrel recipes. And you can actually buy, um if you're curious, you can actually buy, like they have a little box set situation that you can purchase that has little mini bottles of everything so you can like have a little sampling of every recipe that they have available to them.
So the the code of what those letters mean um is as as follows. So every every recipe starts with a letter O. And this is why I kind of got into it. It's like, why is everything O? I never don't don't really understand that. So um The O is where it is distilled. So it is distilled in Four Roses Distillery. You may ask yourself, what does that have to do with Four Roses, the letter O? ah Four Roses was originally called Old Prentice disill Distillery and when it was built in 1910. So the O is the reference for that is distilled at Four Roses.
Spoiler alert, every recipe is O and this is just how they do this. So the first letter is always O. So the second letter is going to be an an indication of which mash bill it is built off of. um They have a B or an E. The B mash bill is their high rye mash bill, which is I think 35% rye, 5% malted barley. um And that is that is the one that I have. I have OB. b
SF and then we'll get to the S. um So you either have B or E. And then the third letter is always S for the distillate, which is straight bourbon whiskey. um So that yeah, it just, it basically it just means that that's, you know, it's it's straight bourbon whiskey that you're, that you're, you're getting. Right.
um And then the last letter is one of the ones that varies the most. And that is going to be indicative of the five different yeast strains that they use for each of the different recipes. um Those letters are as follows. so um the The letter V, which this is all coming from four roses. I don't know if there's any funny changing of all this, but this is kind of like how they defined it, right? Yeah.
V gives notes of delicate fruit, K um has slight spice, and O has fruit flavors, Q has a floral essence, and F imparts minty herbal notes. So I have the O, four roses, B, higher I mash bill,
S, straight verdant, F, which is the minty herbal notes. um So this is a rye forward bourbon, and if you are the type of person that enjoys the the rye whiskeys, you will probably enjoy this bourbon. If you're a type of person that enjoys scotch, you will probably enjoy this bourbon. and Um, so it's a little like hotter. It's well, so it's a single barrel. This is, think is's a I think this one is 119 proof. So this specific one is, it's a, it's an 11 year, five months, uh, whiskey. So w which was actually part of the reason I i wanted to get it. Cause it was.
over 10 years. yeah um And under 12 years, which, you know, Weller 12, the, the ah Eagle rares, those are 10 year bourbons. This is and Russell's reserve, you know, those Russell's 13. So anyway, like, ah older whiskies tend to be, you know, better. yeah Generally speaking,
Uh, but yeah, this one is 119 proof, which is another, you know, it's not too hot. It's not too, not too hot, not too, definitely not too weak. Um, yeah but yeah, to your point, rye whiskeys typically have typically are basically gasoline in my opinion, but yeah, your, mile your mileage may vary on how you feel about that. yeah Um, but yeah, that's a, that's a quick, that's a quick rundown on, on the, uh,
on the recipes. the the The flavor profile for the one that I've purchased, full flavored viscous with prominent notes of mint, spice, and berry is the exact recipe. And each one of them has different ones um that are associated with it. Like for example, OESV, I feel like Hunter, if you're listening, find yourself into OESV. The tasting notes on that are round and sweet with notes of caramel, stone fruit, and pear.
Yeah, I need to try that one. Hunter and I have the same bourbon palette. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You might also enjoy OBSK. Baking spice, aroma, sweet vanilla, and cherry on the palette. Very spice forward. Might be a nice Christmas one.
um But yeah, there's there's a whole I'll send this to you separately, Jim. yeah um There's a whole list of the you know the the flavor profiles, tasting notes, or whatever. um the I guess that the squirreling of that is going to come with you know these are these are like the the baseline, I guess is kind of what I would describe. yeah So when you're dealing with a barrel strength, single barrel, every single barrel is going to be unique depending on how it's aged, you know, all the different factors that go into, you know, what makes a bourbon and ah particularly a single single barrel bourbon.
um you know what it is yeah um yeah yeah this one this one was distilled on march 21st 2013 it was barreled april 18th 2013 and it was bottled september 18th 2024 gotcha which is crazy to think about but this bottle of bourbon is older than one of my children so were two of my two of my children That is crazy. I, uh, man, now I kind of wish I had a four roses so I could read off of things, but I don't, I have, yeah I went to maker's mark 46, uh, French hoax. So an old, an old faithful. I, I, I, at the same time I bought this, I bought one of those because I was out and frankly,
You know, I want to say, I want to savor the, the good berbers that i have. And so, yeah, well, not that, not that 46 is bad, but you know what I mean? yeah Um, I tend to want to savor the nice ones. Um, and then, uh, the ones that I could easily get off the shelf for my, are my daily drivers. And I did get a bottle of makers 46. Yeah, it's ah it's a great daily one. I know I'm the same way. um I was like debating because, you know, found the midwinter nights dram back around Christmas ish time. um But I had to pour another one of those when it snowed because Hunter inspired me with his picture of his bottle in the snow. And so I recreated that with much less snow than he had. um But yeah, so otherwise trying not to drink off of that one so much.
um Just to wrap the bow around the overall Four Roses conversation, um you may be asking yourself, like I have a Four Roses bourbon in my bar. I wonder which recipe it is. um I just have the regular Four Roses, et cetera. There is a breakdown of what those would consist of. So the Four Roses, the flagship,
um the Four Roses bourbon is a blend of all 10 recipes and it's aged for a minimum of five years. So that's just the regular Four Roses bourbon. Fantastic, fantastic bourbon. You can buy it in a handle. um My neighbors and I have talked about that. That is a great bourbon, kind of like the Maker's Mark, you know, handle or whatever. Like it's just a good, this is a good bourbon, right? yeah wood Woodford Reserve. You know, these are bourbons that everybody can find. You don't have to pay a ton a ton of money on for for a good bourbon. That's why i've kind of I've stressed less about bottle chasing because I've just been able to find really good bourbon that I don't have to beg, borrow, and steal and yeah know put ah put a down payment on, ah or you know take a second mortgage out to buy, that kind of thing.
yeah um There's four rows of small batch um that is going to be the next next level up. It usually comes in like an oval bottle and I think it usually has like a light brown um ah light brown label on it.
um That is a blend of four specific recipes. OBSK, OBSO, and OESK. OESK and OESL. Those are the four the four recipes that that particular blend matches up with. yeah um I personally don't enjoy that that one.
um you know Even though it's a higher price point, I don't typically enjoy that one for me, but you may like it. um The next step up is the small batch select, um which I love yeah and do enjoy. that That is one of the bottles that I have for one of the custom labels that I had made from Four Roses.
um for the 2021 national championship that I kind of refill from time to time. yeah um That one is, oh, and the small batches, the small batches age for six to seven years, just to you know give you give me context on the aging profiles and why they they are what they are. ah Small batch select is the non-chill filtered 104 proof. So each step up usually is a higher proof and that's part of the reason why it's more expensive. um That bourbon's aged for six to seven years as well and it uses six different recipes. OBSV, OBSK, OBSF, OESV, OESK, and OESF.
Um, so it is a little bit different than the small batch. So that's probably why I prefer the small batch select because the combination of the four bourbons that they have. Um, and that's, you know, people joke like, Hey, why are you mixing bourbons? You know, Oh, yeah I've never thought about mixing bourbons. Well, the distilleries do it themselves. right Um, when it's called a batch bourbon, it's because they have batched it together out of multiple different bourbons that they make themselves. So if you are drinking a four rows of small batch and you're the type of person that says, oh, I never mixed my bourbons. Well, you're literally drinking a bourbon suicide drink. nice um And then the the single barrel, obviously, that's that's what we were just talking about.
Um, oh, the single barrel that I have is a barrel select, but you can buy a four roses, single barrel. And I guess it's like the, the distillery version of, you know, what they consider their single barrel. Um, it is not blended and just uses one recipe, hence the single barrel. And they bought every bottle comes in at 100 proof.
And it is a seven to nine year old OBSV. So if you have drank a four roses single barrel, you are drinking an OBSV. So if you like that, that is the recipe. Got it. Yeah. And I've got I know I have that for sure. So that's also good.
There you go. Nice. And then you you can go up from there. There's other stuff like the barrel strength. That's the one that I have. Obviously there's 10 different recipes. They have the four roses limited edition. And that's where things get um even more complex. But typically it's going to be the OESV.
or the OESK or the OBSV. And those are all like 12 to 16 year age profiles, a 14 year, and then the OBSV one that I was talking about is a 25 year. So they have all those different um have all those different combinations as well. So that limited edition, those are the ones that are

College Football Playoff Changes and Georgia's 2024 Season

you know the coveted bottles for four roses, like the Weller 12, if you will, ah of four roses.
Right. Cool, man. Cool. JP's fun bobon bourbon facts. Yeah, fun bourbon facts. John, if I missed it if i missed anything, ah feel free to correct me in the comments.
Nice. And like and subscribe. but Yeah. And he's back, by the way. He's back. John is back. As ah as a recording time. Yeah. John Treatsports, he's back. Was he ever a really gone? These are the questions we're asking. Let's see. Much has happened since we last talked. There's been a lot that's happened in the college football football world.
So really? Are you sure? Yeah. Georgia lost their last game. So I don't know what else happened after that. Yeah. It was kind of like, I kind of blacked out. Is there more happening since then? So let's see. The last time we had an episode, the semis hadn't even happened yet. Right? So I think it was like, we recorded like that week where Yes, because you were like, wait, they play Thursday, like that week when it was happening. Um, I will say like, I feel like they could probably rework the schedule a bit of this expanded playoff went a little too late in the calendar for my taste. Although it sounds like that's not happening. I guess other is a note. I think they already announced the game of like the year after next. I think it's going to be Vegas like he had been later. So, um, I think I could be getting that wrong. Whatever. But so yeah, I don't know. It's here to stay. It is what it is. Um, what's, what is the, um, is it Steven a Smith as his famous line? We do not care. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So.
I don't know. I definitely, um, I wanted to be wrong. I feel like unfortunately, I feel like I was kind of right on the regular season thing, but like being diminished, but I got to get over it. Like they're not going to change it back. So I think it is a different sport now, Jim. Yeah, it's different. It's different.
So yeah, so the first year of this is the first year of like, I feel like that this, this past year was the, you know, when, when people talk about like the live ball era for baseball or whatever, like, I don't know what the name for this era is going to be for college football, but like,
You have the pre-forward pass or modern football or whatever. like yeah You have the NCAA restrictions and then you have the brief period of time where it was the n NIL era and now it is the NFL light era.
Um, yeah, or the NFL minor leagues. Um, however, I feel like that that's, that's the, that's the thing. Um, yeah, the, the team, the team that, uh, the team that spent the most money and frankly, uh, also, I guess the, something that's happened is the it's, it's come out that Ohio state lost more than 30 something million dollars. Like that and that was like last year, by the way.
ah i was listening to About that so it wasn't this year. So we'll have to wait until those numbers come out A year later, I guess I don't know. I'm not sure exactly how that works But yeah, I i was I listened to some other today and they caveat it or or whatever called out that that was last year Which I didn't realize from whatever sweet I Um, I read it on the internet, Jim. Yes. So it's obviously true. Um, you didn't get it from deep seek. Hopefully I'm sorry. Um, uh, but yeah, I don't know, you know, whatever team who did not advance to their conference championship game won the first 12 team playoff and that's kind of, it is what it is.
ah I don't I don't like that I think it's interesting to like that none of the top four season made the semi-finals so there will be I expect weeks next year um and then the probably be bigger changes after the the following year so we'll see we'll see where it goes yeah I imagine that those changes are going to be just adding more teams Jim Yeah, I think I i could see um auto bids, not auto buys, getting rid of the auto buys. I could see that being a thing. So we'll see. I don't know. the I guess the the biggest thing from from my perspective.
looking back. um I watched the, and of and this is going to be somewhat pivoting to some other topics, but I watched the NFL playoffs. I've been watching the NFL playoffs a little bit here and there. um It is definitely interesting to see, you know, the conference championships in a world where it is ah very important to win different components of your regular season and to get home field advantage and all these kinds of different things for the NFL playoffs. Yeah. um It's interesting that the NFL is where the NFL light, you know, they, you know, you had the bills had to go to Arrowhead Stadium to play Patrick Mahomes in front of their home, their home crowd. Yeah. um I think that that is a spiking the football to use a football phrase.
That is a spiking the football to college football to play these games, all of them, up until up until the national championship game on college campuses. yeah um youre You to do bowl games, great. Anything that's outside of the college football playoff is reserved for the bowl games. I feel that vhemment vehemently,
um I don't care about the you know Rose Bowl, Sugar Bowl, like all those different things, traditions. You can still do those things just outside the CFP. And that's just the reality of of what we're working with now. I think that if you make the CFP, it should be a rewarded system where you get to play as the higher ranked team, you get to play on college campuses. um yeah that's just that's just That's just how

What Defines a Successful Season for Georgia?

I feel about it. I agree with Josh on one thing. So Josh, don't say I don't ever agree with you on anything.
Um, play college football games on college campuses and play them on Saturdays period. No disagreements for me. I'm with you. I'm with you. Yeah. I could rant for a very long time about that. Um, the fact that we had to travel to New Orleans to deal with all of the things that we had to deal with in that situation. None of us would be immune from similar things if they were asked to go to, you know, uh, the Rose Bowl or whatever.
Um, those are all great experiences. And I know that those of you that went to the Rose Bowl, your magical experience and all that kind of stuff. But just imagine if we did all that in Athens. Yeah. Rose Bowl is magical. I'm one of those people. Um, I do agree with that. I know there are some that say like, just have the national championship be the Rose Bowl.
Every year, you know, it's, it's warm. It's a historic setting. I don't agree with that because it's an outdoor stadium. Um, I think that the, I think that the, the premier game for the sport should be enddoor indoors, you know, protected from elements. Cause imagine playing a national championship game in the mud, like you heart harken back to NFL films and the Super Bowl being played and the mud or whatever. Um,
Yeah. Yeah. I don't. That's fair. I don't know. and thats it I think it should be a controlled environment that eliminates all BS, you know, as much BS, I guess is what I should say. Yeah. No, I'm with you. I'm with you. I generally feel the same way. I guess the only thing I was going to add to the kind of the whole playoff and just to kind of on the whole season thing like this is the season review.
After all, um yes, when we did our episode with Nathan and Yara, shout out Chapel Bill curve. I think it was Nathan that at one point that kind of stopped us and like, what, what is, what is a successful season for George? And, you know, and this was like during the second bye week, I think when we talked to them.
Um, and I mean, to me, make the quarterfinal, make a quarterfinal of the college football playoff. I define that as successful. I think in mine, I can't remember exactly what I said. I think I might've even just said, make the playoff. I think ya Yara was like, win it all or something, but like championship or bust. Right. Right. Um, but I mean, I, I feel like especially, you know, considering the schedule we had, we lost our quarterback and the SEC championship game and all that kind of stuff, like.
Yeah. Uh, I don't think it's anything like, Hey, hang your head about there's things you can be frustrated about. Sure. Everyone is. and I know the team is as frustrated, if not more than we are, by the way it ended. Um, but overall success was frustrated. People are frustrated about the season. Oh yeah.
Yes. I thought everybody was happy. um the way The way he had ended, the way he had ended. Although I had, that's where I had kind of decided I was going to, I was pulling, I was pulling for Notre Dame. I'll say that when he got to the last game. um I was kind of of the, ah we can say we lost the team that won it all kind of thing. It was kind of where I was in the, I i want James Franklin to lose.
Camp in that game. Yeah. Yeah. And then when I do, I do like, I do like Marcus Freeman. I do too. He seems like a good dude. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. Except when he's, except when he's dancing in the sidelines, beating my team, right? Then he's dead to me. Yeah. Like Stacy. Yeah. So yeah. But like I said, I feel like it's a successful season, made the first 12 team playoff, earned a buy in the first 12 team playoff.
You know, could have gone further, didn't, but I, think I call it a success. Yeah. I think that, um, you know, a famous, a famous coach once said that, you know, winning the SEC championship should be the goal of every Georgia football team. Um, you know, you win the SEC championship, the chances of you being in the national conversation of playing for more, um, overwhelmingly is greater than if you don't win the SEC championship.
um Ohio State, frankly, was, you know, kind of in that vein. I mean, they had to really battle through. I mean, if you go and look at the schedule that they had to get through it to to win what they won, like they deserve they deserve to win the national championship.
Um, I think that your mileage may vary on how you feel about how they got there, but have it since they did get there, they did beat a lot of teams and they beat a lot of good teams in order on their, on their, you know, scorched earth to to get to the ah title. Yeah.
Um, they had the harder draw, um, as a result of their own failings in the regular season, which I know Jim, you and I kind of agree that under normal circumstances, they would not even have sniffed, uh, expanded postseason before the 12 team playoff. Yeah. Um, yeah. Cause they didn't win their nest. They didn't run their conference and they lost to an unranked Michigan team.
What's that, what's the that Venn diagram where like Ohio state is the only, uh, did the first college football national champion that, uh, didn't win a conference, lost to their rival and lost to an unranked team that had never happened before. Yeah. And so.
and it was But I want to be clear, like my issues are with the system itself, not with the application. like I have no issue with the committee. I have no issue with who got in. I have no issue with the seedings based on the format. I think they actually think they got all that right, personally. I have no issues.
Um, I think again, I would, I think, I think the team's getting a buy because they won their conference. It made it lopsided and it made the bracket weird. So I would over complicated things. It did. I would get rid of that. Like I said, I would get rid of that. I would just say seated how they're like, if you want to say they're in cool, but that shouldn't jump them up to a three seat or a four seat, you know? Yeah. And then rejigger and rejigger everything after the first round. So there's some mechanical things I would change, but like, but again, this year of like the application of the system. No, I had no issues like with how it was set up. I felt like they actually followed their process, which I actually thought was pretty cool. Honestly, I didn't a hundred percent believe they would do that. I felt like they would manipulate stuff to get match ups and I actually feel like they did. They didn't. So, um, I thought, I thought that was a good job.
Yeah. Cool. and was For what it was, we got what we were advertised. Yes. Yes. That's fair. i like That's a good way to put it. Yeah. You want a playoff? Here's your stinking playoff. Although nobody asked for a 12-team playoff, to be fair. i i Most people that I know yeah were would have been happy with six, because as we saw throughout the season,
There were not six elite teams. Yeah. Yeah. I think, yeah, I agree. I think six would have been enough. Eight would have made sense. 12 was kind of out of of nowhere to me. What was Ohio state ranked going into the playoff where they ranked six?
Let's see ranked. So they were the eight seeds. So yeah, they would have been ranked six because they were the two teams that jumped because of that. So yeah. Yep. So they would still would have been in, they would have been the last team in a six time. Yeah. Yeah. I would have been fine with that. I feel like that that frankly should have been the cutoff. Yeah. Yeah. Which, which would have had what Georgia playing the six seed. Technically.
Because we were the number one Z, right? and where We were yeah we were two two. So we would have, had if if you needed a 16, you would have had a bye. So one would play the winner of what, three and five? Or no. Yes. And then visualizing two would play the winner of, or two would play, sorry, one would play the winner of three and six. And then two would play the winner of there you go whatever. It's close enough.
Somewhere Josh is screaming at us. I'm like, look, I need to make a bracket. I need to write this down. I'm a visual learner, Jim. Uh, um, I guess the other thing that hadn't happened, like that happened after the season, but before the playoffs, but I guess it was rat free recorded was

Impact of NIL and Transfer Portal on College Football

Mr. Carson Beck. Uh, yes. I guess the lesson, the lesson we recorded, he was declared for the NFL. Um, obviously never submitted his paperwork and then.
Into the portal. He goes and is off to shocking Miami. Um, his girlfriend, if you don't know, plays basketball at Miami right now. Pretty sure she'll be out of college eligibility, but I don't know. I don't know if that and has anything to do. They're not reportedly lots of NIL money, um, tied to that. So I don't know. Best wishes. Mr. Beck back to his ah home state of Florida.
Yeah, I'm I'm unfamiliar with this person, Jim. Apparently, so is the Georgia football ah video team. um If you didn't notice the season highlight reel that came out from the official account, I didn't see there's not like a frame of Carson Beck. That was ah you can say a lot without any words. And that was a lot.
Yeah. I mean, a lot was said in many words by some of the players and the lead up to, you know, the festivities of the, of the post-season. Yeah. Um, yeah. Um, whatever. I don't, I don't miss, I don't wish any ill will on anyone, but, um, if you don't want to be here, pack your bags, you're out of here. Yeah. Adios. Don't let the, don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.
And you're clearly you're clearly in it for the wrong reasons. But if you transfer into Georgia, it's wholesome.
Well, this is this dance. You leave Georgia. You're going for the bag. You could come in for the Georgia right reasons. Wholesome decision. Wholesome decision. Yes. So it's all good. Man. So so what's what's the what's the Ohio State kid? jim Is it Jeremiah? Is that Jeremiah Smith? I can't remember which one he is. ah yeah Yes. Yes. So if you want to come wholesome, it's a wholesome, good decision to come on down.
Yeah. Yeah. You know, I mean, again, people leave ETN came to Georgia for the right reasons. Wondering when them win a championship wanted to be wholesome. Yes, exactly. In branch, the branch brothers. Yeah. Yeah. Quality wholesome decision. Right reasons. Right reasons. All right. Yeah. Well, we we don't have a TikTok boy.
He's gone. He's been gone. Man. Yeah. I don't know. It is what it is. but it's his less tiktock The less TikTok boys we have on the team is probably, generally speaking, ah not a bad thing. I mean, that was another thing that happened since we recorded is TikTok went away and then it came back.
ah went away for like what, 12 hours or something. Yeah. Yeah. I love like everyone was posting like its synthesis gone. Uh, you know, here's my last tick tock. And then it was, I think you were the one that told me it was back. You like it's back. Yeah. I was seeing people posting pictures of their tick tock, uh, screens on Twitter. I mean, I didn't know what I was going to do with all about without all my bookmarks, like recipes and stuff. So.
listen and they do I still haven't really, like, I haven't really fully leveraged the power of, of the TikToks. That's probably a good thing. It's kind of annoying. I'm like, I've got, I've got the reels that I know show up from TikTok from seven weeks ago or whatever, but I don't need another social media app. And frankly, I am a little concerned about it being Chinese held. So.
but The algorithm's really good, man. that's what That's what the people say. That's what the people say, Jim. The algorithm is really good. I don't go into Instagram except to watch the reels that you send me, and I'm really slow at that. I apologize. I'm going to get that out on the podcast. It's okay. i Daniel Smith and I ping pong ping pong the the the reels back and forth. Amazing. Amazing. Shout out Brothers Know Best. Also back. Also back. New episodes out. Like, subscribe.
Among the many others that that ping pong reels back and forth. um Yeah, the there there are videos about that, right? Like you and your buddy, like, yeah, never say a word to each other, but we're just sitting reels back and forth ping ponging reels back and forth. So again, so again.
All right. Well, why don't we, why don't we hit the listener questions and then if we have anything else we want to, we want to wrap it below and we can, we can do that. I think we've got some, we've got some listener questions that, uh, are going to tie into some other things that I would probably want to talk about. Okay. Right. Cool. We can do that. Um, let's see, let's remind everyone listener questions are brought to you by working with media.
If you're listening and you hear us talk about working web media every episode, but you're not really sure what to do, let's just do me a favor. Head over to slash dogs. Check it out. um See what they've got there to offer you. ah you know Maybe you've got a small business. Maybe you need some help with your online presence. They can help you with all these things. and They're a small You know, family owned business as well. So shout out Working Web Media. ah Definitely appreciate everything you do for us. We have mentioned they've redid our website. You can go check it out. You can check out the merch store. We got the new koozies out. Those have been a hit. um So go check those out. um But yeah, definitely support i'll appreciate all the support from ah the folks over at Working Web Media.
All right. Let's see. First up, we have red building and the building bonus. Tm, Tm, Tm. Number one, why do you think we haven't seen any coaching changes? Do you want to take the first? Oh, I think we, I think everyone should be the prepared for the possibility that it's because there aren't going to be any. that That's a possibility.
Um, the other one is even if there are, I, I'm not really surprised there haven't been any yet. I would wait until after the late signing day, um, before anything happened. There's also a whole coaching carousel, you know, NFL is winding down and you get coaches could be leading to NFL staffs, et cetera. Um, so there's, there'll be more shifting and just in general.
Yeah, I would say, uh, didn't, wasn't, didn't John, was it John that sent us a ah breakdown of the timelines and how that worked? I don't remember, but I know someone did like how, like in the past, like when certain things happened.
Yeah. In one of our text threads, in one of the text threads that we're on, I'm pretty sure it was John shared out like basically a framework of how the schedule sets up in relation to how the calendar sets up for when and how long you have access to contacting recruits on the road, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Um, and I think that that actually like made a lot of sense because if you were like me, you expected from day one that, you know, Mike Bobo, you're, you're, you're out or whatever, or Stacey cereals, you're fired or whatever.
um can't find I can't find, i was I was trying to pull up the text, but um basically it was something along the lines of, you know, you only have a certain number of days where you can be on the road before the dead periods start and where you have spring practice start when the soft, dead period is. And so like all that all that netted out to when we made coaching changes in the past, it's typically been after the signing after the signing period. yeah And you could interpret that at a number of different ways, but based on how the calendar sets up and how long you have, like you basically need coaches
on the road in January, doing the in-home visits, doing as much, you know, glad handing and NIL-ing, if you will. um new new world lexicon and i doing Doing as much of the recruiting as possible in this period that you are allowed to do it. And if you are hiring a new coach, that means that new coach has to come in and establish these new relationships really fast. And it's a risk that I feel like that our head coach who is risk averse in many ways, um or at least is trying to be more calculated about stuff,
um I feel like hedges these bets against that it's better to have people on the road recruiting that know the kids, that know our system, that know what we're doing, that know our goals, all these different things so that the ramp up period for new coaches is not quite as critical. yeah um It's more important and Kirby Smart even addressed some of this in recent press conferences that as much as everybody wants to think that the coach has a lot to do with the decisions and not to say that he doesn't, but money seems to be what makes the decisions lately anyway. So the fact that you are putting yourself in a situation where you're adding variables on things that may or may not ultimately matter um is probably, you know, like I said, if you were a gambling person, you go with the odds and the odds are that you just kind of roll with the, roll with who brung you here.
until you don't need to. And some of that may be netted

Georgia Football: Strategy and Future Challenges

out with, you know, most of our coaches are probably going to be going to promotion situations or, you know, like to the NFL, for example, or in the case of, um you know,
head coaching jobs, you know, all those kinds of things in college football. So those things haven't been settled yet because the NFL is still playing and not a whole lot of premier jobs are opened and the coped in the college world. So all that to say that I think that it has a lot more to do with the schedule that they've been given than we probably would want to admit.
Yeah. Yeah. Totally agree. But to your point, like if changes are going to happen, I think what the in the in the message, he he kind of outlined a couple of like, this is what happened in the past and the recent past. like Todd Monken wasn't hired until after the signing period, for example. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
For sure. He didn't leave until after the signing period. Right. Right. So. Yep. Yeah. No, I agree. I'm with you. um Let's see. Second part. What is Bobo going to do to run the dang ball more than our opponents next season? ah The running back room underperformed for the first time in years. I think Bobby had a question about that as well.
Oh, let's, yeah, let's pull that up. I think you're right. Um, let's see, buddy. He actually put some data behind it too. Yeah. I was impressed. Yeah. Let's pull that up. Uh, let's see. I'm gonna. How's it possible? Yeah. How's it possible that the dogs were a 100 second and nation in the wrestling yard per game in 2024 after being 21st in 2023 19th in 2022 with the expected improvement from Florida and Auburn in 2025. Could the dog schedule be as tough next year? 22. No, that's ah kind of additional stuff. But yeah, okay. I think it's a couple of things. I was worried about this running back room coming into the season. I'll say that. um And I just felt like the depth wasn't there. And I feel like that's kind of ended up how it played out. Like we had good top end talent. ETN was great, but he got hurt.
Um, Frazier freshmen, right? So that will help at least him being a sophomore next year. Um, but then like our depth pieces of, you know, uh, the Robinson's, um, both had, were coming off injury and then continue to have injury issues throughout the year. So I think that, and then also offensive line struggles. So, um,
I don't know. I don't know that it's so much what Bobo was going to do with other than your buddy, maybe ah other than I think it's, can our backs that we have stay healthy and what's your buddy Stacy going to do now? That's my, my take. I think you also probably can't ignore the Del McGee impact there. That's yeah, that's, that's fair.
Um, but as I just was talking through, like performance is not a coaching is not as heavily ah impacted by coaching in general, but, um, that sharp of a drop-off to me is, um, indicative of why ETN was brought in. Cause probably would have been in a significantly worse situation had he not been brought in. yeah Um,
I mean, think about that. Think of ah those years that Bubby said 22 and 23. I mean, you've got Dejan. In 2022, you had Kenny McIntosh, Dejan Edwards, Kendall Milton. Like you had all three of those guys. Yeah. You just hit on something that I was just about to talk through as well. Um, we, Kenny McIntosh is going to go down as, you know, one of the most important components of, of our teams, James Cook, you know, is is in that vein as well.
i'm James Cook probably is going to be one of the most underrated players in the history of Georgia. Like, I feel like that he's going to be one of those guys that just doesn't have the, like, he's not going to be like Herschel or, you know, Heinz Ward or anything like that. But he's having a big impact at the next level and very clearly was a part of what we had going on and in our world. Yeah.
So you have you have all these different personnel changes that have happened over time. We talk about, and it's been very, I feel like the the the Brock Bowers situation has been way more amplified because of what he did on the field at Georgia that was so like abundantly obvious, whereas like you know the people that were talking about James Cook, Dejan Edwards, all those guys, those guys were you know not as prominently prominently like popular, I guess. I don't know if lack of a better description, but like we We harp on the drop off at the wide receiver position and are receiving stats. And Lad McConkie and Brock Bowers were a part of that. You know, same things have happened in the personnel department for UGA. I feel like that we have had this short end of the stick on the injury front. Like we just, man, I don't i don't know if those kids i don't know if those guys are ever going to, ever going to, you know, pan out. You know, hey I hate to say that, but, um, they haven't really made an impact yet.
Yeah. I mean, it happens. Right. I mean, but we, we hear about it. We hear about like the spring that Branson Robin Robinson has had like, yeah, I was stoked to finally see what the the fully operational battle station looks like yeah because he's been described as the battle station. Right. Um, I mean, think about like Kendo Milton when it was like, that doesn't look like, look like Kendo Milton anymore. And then it's like it at the end of last year, like all of a sudden he did, you know, it's like, it makes a huge difference like health. oh my
like don don no Sorry, sorry. Don't go to the draft guys. Don't go to the draft. Yeah, I know. Seriously. Okay. Um, let's see. Brett said he ended with a side note. The G is still on the hashtag as of January 27th. When he said that I do believe we're recording on January 29th. I believe the power G has gone on that Twitter. Yeah.
yeah I noticed that I noticed that when I, when I looked at his tweet, uh, today when I was pulling together the notes, I didn't, I didn't see it on there. So I guess, I guess, uh, Elon finally pulled himself, himself out of the doge, uh, the doge, his doge, uh, responsibilities to eliminate our go dogs. Must have, must have.
All right, let's see. Next up, we got Bobby Wilson. ah Bobby says, yeah, it's gone. Bobby says, love your podcast on YouTube. So reminder, you could be like Bobby and and watch us and see us on YouTube. If you if you wish, instead of listening to the audio form, either way is fine.
um If you're watching on YouTube, you can see my, I do, I do have a new hat. I don't know if you saw my new hat, John, SEC champion, SEC champions hat. So I wanted to celebrate it. So arrived this week. You can see our our beautiful shining faces on the YouTubes. I, we don't do a good enough, we don't do a great job of ah splicing up the videos like some other podcasts do and posting them on on the socials, but I have found multiple podcasts through their little quick videos on on social media. So maybe we should do that. But I also like watching some people on on YouTube. And there's probably other podcasts that I would watch on YouTube too. I just don't know that they're out there, but we are on YouTube. Fair enough.
Uh, let's see questions for Bobby. Number one, what was the best thing about our 2024 season? And what was the worst? I mean, I think the best thing is we won the SEC championship. Um, I think that we won the SEC championship the way that we won the SEC championship was amazing. Yeah. It took everybody. Like I gave up. You did too.
but you dudes Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Seriously. In back to back games, by the way, uh, cause I had that same feeling against tech, but fortunately that game did that. Oh man. Yeah, seriously. Um, uh, what was the worst? Um, for me, the worst was the feeling at the end of the Notre Dame game that we were that word when it was obvious that we were going to lose the game. Um,
you know, like we talked about, we talked about wind probability on here when the wind probability swung in like the 99.9% phase. And that was the worst part for me, because um I personally think that if we play that game nine times out of 10, we beat them or you know, we play that game 10 times, we beat them nine times out of 10. And it just so happens that we played one of our worst games, one of our worst games for in the worst time possible.
Yeah, I mean, I guess to use all I'm going to I'm just going to not I'm going to say something else. That's probably it for me, too. But I'm going to say something else is probably like the aftermath of the Ole Miss game um because of the way it felt at the time. Like it felt like that it eliminated us from the SEC Championship game at the time. It seemed like a logical thing. And then it took all that chaos to get back to it.
Um, so at the time that was probably the worst, although actually that's not even true. The thing that felt the worst to me in the very moment was the moment where I thought we had lost to Georgia Tech. Um, like when they scored their last touchdown of regulation, like I, it was over and I sat there until Dan Jackson caused that fumble. I was just sitting there coming to terms with the fact that we were losing, do it we were going to lose.
When we scored the touchdown before Dan Jackson caused the bumble, I didn't even clap. People were cheering and I just looked up at Kim and I was like, too late. Doesn't matter. I just thought I was in a bad spot. Dark place. I was in a dark place. Dude, but then when Dan Jackson caused that bumble, I just sprung back to life and was freaking out and was just like, dirty Dan.
So like that was kind of like worst but to amazing. Like that flip of the switch was was crazy for me. and so the under The Undertaker gift in live form. Yeah, exactly. That's funny. You're you're you're like you're like ah Lloyd Christmas and and Dumb and Dumber like, <unk> we're going to lose the Notre Dame.
yeah It's dry heaving. yeah are We're going to lose to Georgia State. I'm going to change my answer on the on the best um the best part. okay um as we were As we were talking through it, like honestly, like when I look back at this season, like what what do I think about? like Yes, the games were great. But honestly, like the best thing about this this season is that I got to enjoy tailgating in Athens a lot.
yeah um I think back on the conversations that I've had with Kelsey at Hugdog's house, um I think back on conversations that I've had with people various people, Chuck, you know, talking about bacon, um or the bacon candy, um all the different interaction points that yeah that we've had at the tailgate are things that I actually like,
remember more vividly than even some components of the games themselves. um yeah yeah we talk about um um we talk about the you know You only have so many Saturdays to do this and to do it with people that you enjoy. you know I got to bring Carter you know up for several games, didn't get to bring some of the other other folks in the family. but Um, you know, next time, yeah but getting to go to those games, you know, shout out to the friends that have, you know, coach gave me tickets for one of the games that we went to. Um, you know, that, that was, that was a good, that that that was the best thing for the 2024 season for me was, was all, all the things that we get to do that are, you know, meaningful that are wrapped in the, wrapped in the pageantry that is college football.
Hmm. Well said, we'll say I'll second that. and second Um, all right. Second one from body. Uh, what is your honest feelings on n NIL and the portal now, and how will this impact George's ability to remain dominant? I'll hang up and listen. Oh, well, we always appreciate the hang up and listen. Sign off.
Um, and I guess we kind of talked about it earlier, honestly, I think where where you said, like, when you're doing the recruiting and everything, like it's the money, you know, that's about as straightforward as I can get on my honest feeling.
and NIL is a problem. It is a virus that has infected our sport. And I definitely think that it was, I don't i don't know that i I would jump so far as to say it was needed. It was inevitable um based on how our culture you know sets up. um The NCAA did it to themselves by treating people the way that they treated them. um So I guess that it was set up that way. but NIL needs to be rained in. ah you know we're We're very, very quickly approaching contracts. NIL and know on the portal are are hand in hand. The portal definitely needs to be controlled because as a result of n NIL, you are able to transfer schools in the same season that you're currently playing. That to me is just not cool. like You talk about tweaks to the the
tweaks to the system. um yeah Bring me bring like, again, this point, like bring on the contracts, man, when when Jeremiah Smith is like, entertaining coming to Georgia, you know, great, you know, awesome, makes me sick to my stomach to think that that's something that is truly going to happen. um You know, bring on the contracts. If you're if if we're gonna if we're gonna give these kids one year deals, and, you know, you get to be a free agent every four years, like what sport is that a thing?
Yeah. Yeah. I'm with you and and to not get any compensation for it. Like we're basically buying players. Like there's not even trades. Like what what sport are you allowed to just sign the player without compensating the team that he's playing for? Um, yeah. no Yeah. I don't know.
It's not sustainable, in my opinion. I agree. I agree. There's got to have to be some kind of reform. I think we've always been, you know, when I try to think of when we started, when we first started the podcast, NIL wasn't a thing. And I know we've what we'd always talked about like, like, yeah, like it's not a, it's not a, it's not even about like, they shouldn't get any money. Like that's never been our stance, but it's the way it was implemented. And there's just no, I don't um there's no regulations about it at all.
you when we were When we talked about it at that time, I remember because like one of the things one of the questions on the floor was, if I remember correctly, there was some dude who was was a high school student. or you know There were people that before they got to college had large audiences on which they could capitalize.
yeah um And you couldn't do that. yeah You were not allowed to do that. um Name, image, like likeness. What does that mean? like That means that you, as a player, who performs at a high level, should be able to capitalize on your name, image, and likeness in ways that we kind of were expecting, like the car commercial for the dealership down the road. yeah the you know Gatorade ad or the Nike ad for you know the big the big time players or um personal injury attorney billboard. yeah um or the one stuff That stuff to me is is what the vision for what it should have been, is that I have a recognizable face, it is worth value to someone, let me go and market it to them.
not, hey, I am a five-star athlete, I'm 16 years old, pay me money to come to your school, or I'm not going to come to your school, was should never have been part of the equation.
in that world. And somewhere along the line, the Friday Night Lights boosters situation of the world bastardized the vision of being able to basically like we' were we' we're trying to tell kids that you should be able to work and make money on your work that you're doing for for the school. Yeah.
um I think that everybody would have been on board with that that you could have you know you could have taken that to the bank but now we're talking about okay school here's what was it 25 million dollars hey pay the players what you want to pay them to me that's that's that should never have been that should never have been part of part of the environment.
Right, right. Yeah, it changed a lot. I think that the thing you were bringing, the thing that was happening back then was that like YouTuber, which he's still around, by the way, um, yeah, but yeah destroying or whatever. I don't know. I mean, even the calendar twins, like they yeah have millions of followers. Like you should be able to sell sponsorships and capitalize on what you, what you're doing. If you are a, if you're a smart kid that has a road scholarship and you,
you know, want to go and work for a company or do an internship over the summer, like you should be able to do that. yeah Like, yeah sure the fact that we were trying to tell kids that they couldn't have summer jobs and couldn't work, like stuff like that, like to me was just kind of stupid. um Yeah, I can talk at length about the NIL situation, but now it's, now we're at a situation where we were very quickly coming up to being the minor leagues for the NFL.
more so than we ever have been before. To your question about UGA's dominance, I don't know that we're ever going to see a team like Georgia was able to put together. You're not going to see, I think Josh was talking about like the 2022 team, 2021 team, like we had like eight, five stars that we were signing on those recruiting classes or whatever. Yeah. And I think what this year we have like what four or five or something like that. Maybe like you're never going to see a team amass that amount of talent ever again, in my opinion, unless, unless someone is stroking a hundred million dollars and whatever.
Yeah, I think um i think you know you're going to have to figure out how to how to adapt. Here's the only counterpoint I will say to that is, although maybe NIL and the ability to make this money is what could get you away from it. But there's these three things that are all happening that are changing. You've got NIL, you've got the portal, you've got the playoff and the playoff expanding.
and in in 1AA or FCS their playoff is even bigger and but that is like one or two teams that are winning it it's like and I forget which one it is it's either North Dakota State or South Dakota State like they win it like every year and they have somehow they have figured out a way to dominate even in that expanded playoff So I'm curious if someone can figure that out. Um, I don't know. We'll see. We'll see to be determined. I think it's possible, but there's not that amount of money being thrown around at that level. So maybe that's why they've been able to do it. I don't know. Um, I would need to look at the, and I haven't spent a whole lot of time looking at, you know,
Like, for example, when Georgia was amassing those, those recruiting classes, like we were out spending everyone on recruiting. Right. Right. Like by a significant margin. Yeah. Um, we were still profitable, you know, quote unquote profitable. Um, yeah but, uh, I don't know what, what, what, what are those Dakota schools invest in to, you know, to have, to have those schools versus the other, you know, the other, their other peers or whatever. Right.
Um, off season research project. Yeah, no, thanks. Um, I'll, I'll assign that to key five. Um, the, yeah, man, I don't know the the portal. what What will, what will change a lot of this and would probably impact the n NIL side of things is, you know, if you put your money where your mouth is in terms of contracts, like if you are coming to the school and we're going to pay you X amount of dollars, you're signing for four years or two years or whatever it is. Yeah.
And if you break that contract now, all of a sudden we have to be compensated. There's, you know, there's exit clauses and buyouts and all that kind of stuff. Just like in the coaching side of things, like people talk about, Oh, coaches can leave whenever they want. Like, yeah, they can, but there's a buyout. That's a part of it too. yeah Whether it's the coach that pays it or the next school that pays it. Fine. Whatever. yeah Now, all of a sudden you're talking about, Oh, in order to get this player.
we have to buy out their contract and they are paying them $4 million. dollars That suddenly becomes less appealing to bring you in. And now maybe we're going to go and spend that money elsewhere. So it makes the schools actually commit. It makes the players actually commit.
And that would make a dominant team. Like but now all of a sudden you're making not only just a financial decision, which frankly seems to be the number one driver of everything right now, which is part of the reason why I hate this entire setup and system is It's a literally just a money grab. Everybody's on a money grab. But if you put everybody's feet to the fire, both the school and the kid, I say kid, but you know, these young men and young women, if you put their feet to the fire to commit on something, now all of a sudden they're going to be looking at, okay, where can I make
a decent living and also get developed. Now you're talking about the importance of coaches as opposed to the importance of your bank account. And that to me is where we need to be moving the sport is where, how can we get these kids, you know, set them up for life, give them the generational wealth that everybody's talking about, like,
Hmm, you know you want to pay them six figures or seven figures or whatever it is to ah Play football here and you can find boosters that do it. Great. Guess what? You're stuck here for three years Even if you want to go to the NFL kid, you're stuck here. Yeah Well, they are stuck in college for three years, but not well, whatever but no, I know you mean I would I'm with you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like yeah, whatever Uh, let's see. friend I hate everything. Get off my arm. That's okay. Uh, friend of the show, Tim Riley. Um, I stated from early on Carson was no alpha dog and the team would take that as part of their personality. Unfortunately, it played out much that way. Uh, strong words from friend of the show, Tim Riley, his question, what is your biggest takeaway of how the season results were influenced by some X factor for 2024? Uh, good year boys. Cheers.
I'm going to go I'm going to go back to we had Roddy Nabulsian before the season. And I remember he went on.

Georgia Basketball: Performance and SEC Competitiveness

He talked about Georgia's offensive line and how great it was going to be and how talented it was and how deep it was. And I feel like that didn't pan out.
Um, be it from injury or whatnot. I mean, we just heard Monroe Freeling just had surgery, right? Yeah. like we That was something that we should have talked about. So like we like, we didn't know that was, you know, you know, maybe no wonder he was struggling against Notre Dame, these kinds of things. Right. So to me, it was that like, that was the thing. You know, it's it's like, it's been recently, there have been things like, Oh, like, why does Michigan keep winning the Joe Moore award? Like Georgia's offensive line is better. You know, these kinds of things.
And so I, it's been a strength. Um, that was, that was it to me. Like that was a big difference from what I expected to happen this year. And what did happen was the offensive line. So I'll go with that. Yeah. I mean, football games, particularly in the SEC year one in the trenches, I felt like that our defensive line was good enough. And particularly when it mattered was, was good enough to win the national championship. Yeah.
um our offensive line was not. Yeah. um When you have an offensive line that struggles, can't score points, can't extend drives, it makes the defense look poor. For years, we talked about how Bobo didn't have a defense and he had a defense this year that was manageable. Now, the issue is is that we haven't had an offensive line. We haven't had a consistent offensive line for the season. Yeah. um We're going to talk about Tim's question and then I'm going to rant for a minute just before I jump. Because you reminded me of something I knew that there was some stuff that we should talk about at the beginning. um But yeah, I would say that the that's that's accurate just to, you know, throw something out there that it's different. um I would say that um I was perhaps naively optimistic about
not only the running back room, but also the, the wide receiver room as well. If you'd have told me before the season that Carson Beck was going to have nearly 700 yards of dropped passes. Yeah. I probably would have thought that that was crazy. Um, and that doesn't even count like, you know, yards after catch. That's just like from here yeah where they dropped area area. and Yeah. area Yeah.
Um, that is, is wild man. Wild. And yet he's still like, he's still led the league and like regularly in touchdown passes, which is also crazy. Imagine how much, what could have been there, but anyways. Yeah. Um, the running back room was, uh, just not suboptimal. What do you say? Um, it was suboptimal, um, throwing a freshman out there, which I think he did great. Yeah. Um,
I would say that based on what we're seeing and that's going on in Mobile right now and you know to I'll touch on that as as part of my rant but um um ah I'm watching ETN just absolutely smoke kids. um I'm watching Arian Smith making contested, like significantly contested catches that would be, they would make AD Mitchell tear up. um And you just wonder like, what, what did our coaching staff do with that talent and asking hard questions about that post-season? Additionally, you find out that the,
guy that was the starting left tackle, um, that was so obviously struggling in one of the, in the most important game of the season. And our coaching staff for the second year in a row thought that throwing an injured player out there, that was very clearly not right.
was the best option that we had and we made a change arguably after it was too late. I don't know. ah just We saw them through Brock and Ladd out there in 23. They very clearly didn't couldn't get the job done in the SEC Championship. I questioned whether or not healthier people would have been able to do better.
Um, and then in this situation we have Freeling who obviously, I guess apparently was really, really hurt in the game. That is like, okay, now I don't feel as bad dogging on him. That's not his fault. It's the freaking coach's fault. Like, why would you throw him out there? Right.
Like, what were you seeing? I don't know. yeah To me, like, I just, it frustrates the heck out of me to find out some of these things. And it's just like, I'm glad that I did because, you know, the kid didn't deserve it. It's not his fault that the coaches threw him out there and when he wasn't ready.
Yeah. Brutal, man, bru bru brutal, brutal. And when he, when he was, when we did make a change to someone that was healthier, we did better, but by that point, damage, significant damage had been done. Yeah. Yeah. and with it is and with yeah So now I'm questioning our offensive coaches even more as if it was, you were already on bad terms, worst terms. Yeah. Now, now I'm, now I'm showing up at Stacy's door, knocking on the window and holding up a news article, WTF, man.
Uh, man. All right. and I'm like a step. I'm a step below. Lighten the torches. Jim. Okay. Okay. Noted noted. Uh, let's see. John Michael D. Um, remember when football expectations felt like basketball currently does. Uh, we'll, we'll defer the basketball, uh, man slash segment until, and until Fletcher. But Yes, I will say that was, that's just a general comment of just think of where we are with football. We did actually used to feel like this around with the ball. Um, but then he just added disappointed slash frustrated the timing and nature of the season ending. But we won the SEC and made the playoff with the backup quarterbacks first meaningful snaps, uh, then ended. This is so true. Then we ended on a perfect game to summarize the whole season. Uh, well said, John Michael D.
Um, we'll sit. I don't have much to add to that. ah That's kind of perfect.
Hey, you you remember that time we won the FCC championship and we had no business being in. Yeah, I know. I know. Chaos got us in. Quarterback got hurt. Uh, Gunner led us there, uh, just while thinking about his friends, his family, and his cows.
In many ways, it was like the the way that we felt about basketball when we won the SEC championship. All you need is a tornado to hit the, hit the building. Yeah. Yeah. Um, quick one on this one, uh, Kurt chimed in and said, Jim, I owe you some beers we'll give to your dad. Kurt, I don't know what beers you owe me, but I will gladly accept them, um, when to deliver to my dad. So thanks, Kurt. Shout out.
i'll have I'll have Jim's beers. I know the code. We'll find out. It's true statement. True statement. At least I think I do. go make my Amazing. ah Let's see. We think we we hit Bobby's or no, we have Bobby's and we have Bobby's earlier. Okay. So now we can get to basketball minute perhaps.
All right. Fletcher says part of me sort of knew when ETN scored and over time to win the ICC championship game, that would be it. Uh, so I really celebrated that moment. Well, I'm disappointed about the Notre Dame game. I will always enjoy knowing knowing we won that game the way we did. You guys make the season better. Thank you, man. Thank you, Fletcher. Yes. Thank you.
Fletcher has been been been with us a long time. Was in school, by the way, like when we were there, how did we not know Fletcher in college? We had to figure this out. So, yeah, well, to put glasses on it, that's what glasses on. Let's do the basketball minute slash segment, although maybe it's been reduced back to.
I don't know, man. Like I saw everybody. I mean, a lot's happened. Obviously we got, you know, suboptimal performances on the national stage for some of these, these high profile games, but then like, yeah, we just played South Carolina as of yesterday. I remember. Yeah. Yeah. um And everybody was I was unable to watch the game last night. um We were actually at a high school basketball game with my daughter, so was doing that with the kids yesterday. um And I just remembered seeing text messages flying flying around that this was awful, like turn this off, get this off my screen, all these different things. And I'm like,
Oh, we're losing. Um, well, I don't need to follow this along. I'll just, I'll just forget about this and erase it from my memory. But then like, when I got back, I saw that we won by what, like 10 points or something. Yeah. 11. Yeah. 11 points. And I was like, wait, I thought we were losing. What is happening?
but What am I missing? I get it. like You win your clunkers, right? It's just like baseball. you Sometimes you just have a bad game or a bad half or whatever. yeah i would say I feel like when all that stuff kind of flurried up, it was like there was a point in the first half where like we had been up big and like it didn't even be really and i'll close.
Uh, we were, we had them, we led by roughly 10 for most of the second half and one by 11, like they got closer than a few times, but we, we were able to pretty, pretty much hold them off. So yeah, I mean, there was the, what's a four game losing streak. I guess it was, um, and this was a road game, right?
Uh, this was no, this was South Carolina was at Georgia. That was out. Okay. So yeah, I got to come back home. Um, but yeah, I mean, I think, uh, frustrating to lose the game to Auburn, even though it wasn't a game we were like supposed to win by any means. Um, but they were out there and there's our player. And then like, if we made our free throws, I think we win that game. Um, even at that, that was a tough one. That was a tough one. It was a tough one. Um, so you got that. Oh, even though we still had a chance, like right at the end, which was wild.
Um, yeah, then you've got the game. Um, you get the game at Arkansas that, you know, that's the team that Georgia is better than, but it's hard to win on the road in the SEC kind of deal. The wild thing to me there. Well, the lead evaporating obviously as well.
Again, missing free throws wild, but the way it ended the very end when like they got we fouled them, they sink their free throw to basically win the game with one point eight seconds, but then missed the second and got the rebound and made a layup as a buzzer beater was I don't know that I've ever seen anything like that. That was weird. um But at the end of the day, the one thing I'll say with even with that one is when you get to like tournament time and you're seeing like all these teams resumes, right? You've got the bad losses column.
Like so what are this team's bad losses on the resume georgia has zero georgia does not have a what is qualified by the committee by all the anything you use to evaluate college basketball georgia does not have any quote bad losses so while the arkansas was like yeah you could say it's inexcusable or whatever those kind of things and like emotionally it was a bad loss.
But by the criteria the tournament uses, it wasn't so we don't have any of those. So it's still there. You know, this team can still bounce back, protect a home court is going to go a long way with these guys. So.
Yeah, I feel like the only game that I feel like is just like, Oh my gosh, like, can we just erase that from our memory? It was the Florida game. Oh yeah. That, yeah, that was, that one, that one got away from us. Um, yeah. fdm I went, I went and watched that at a bar with a friend too. That was, that was kind of brutal being out in real and about and seeing it. I was like, I'm sorry. I brought you to a bar to watch this game with me. Uh,
Yikes. But hey, like I said, everything's going from protect the home court and we'll be good. We'll be good. So there it was. The basketball segment. It's hard to win and it's hard to win in the SEC period. Dude, the SEC is. The rankings is basically like all SEC. Yeah, it's crazy. It's an insane league. It's an insane league. It's gotten even tougher. So

Conference Championships in Playoffs

yeah. At what point do the ACC concede that battleground?
Yeah, good question. All right. Let's see. 51 to seven GATA. Another great season for y'all. The show definitely adds to the season. ah How much longer do y'all believe we will see the conference championship games after what we saw this season? To me, it seems like they will be replaced by another playoff game at some point. And by the way, he included a picture of himself doing horns down or of his hand doing the horns down in the bins with his tweet. Excellent.
I think that's a good point because I kind of just in general feel like not they're not going to, they're not going away. Like, you know, we can say what we want. Um, they're like, they didn't matter and all this kind of stuff. But as we say on this podcast, when the question is why the answer is money, like I don't see conferences getting rid of them from that money aspect, but bring us up a good point of maybe they're incorporated into the playoff somehow. So make them mean something. Yeah.
yeah um As of right now, they don't mean it they don't mean Jack Squad. um The yeah short answer is, I think id I kind of gave a spoiler alert tweet to him. When the CFP is listening to our complaints, they're like holding up stacks of money while they're they're talking to you on the phone. The answer is always money. the those The conference championships are never going to go away.
yeah um i do I would like to see them be more important to the overall. Like, for example, I could see them being a play-in for the a tournament of some sort. um i don't know I don't know. I don't know what it looks like, but you gotta make a you got make them matter. Otherwise, why why have them? Yeah.
Yeah, I agree. I don't see him going away. I don't see him going. Yeah, maybe something could be tweaked, but I don't. I actually have a hard time seeing them completely going away, regardless of what happens.

Favorite Bourbons and Over/Under Game

I joked all season long. I joked all season long that there's a scenario where you treat it like the spring game. um I think that Ohio State, I'm not saying that they did this, but There's certainly a body of evidence that showcases that they didn't exactly play their artists to get there. Um, because of how they performed one, they did get to the playoff. Um, yeah, I don't know. I don't know. That's the conspiracy theories that they threw. They threw the Michigan game so that he didn't have to go to the conference championship. Yeah. Again, hard to say that they threw it. I'm with you.
but not hard to say they benefited from losing that game awesome yeah and i don't like that
get afternoon awesome Yeah. Yeah. All right. Let's see. Herman would, uh, no relation that we'd know of her and would, what was your favorite bourbon from this season's shows? Herman, always hit Herman tags, ah tags, the podcast that weekly. He he does his, uh, bulldog bourbons, I think like every Tuesday or so. Uh, so definitely enjoyed the bourbon segment. Definitely enjoy those. I think I have mine. Um, definitely have mine. Okay.
I'll go. I'll let you go first. Mine is just around what happened. what Mine is ah yeah who so from the season's shows. There were two episodes. In general, I tried to mix it up. There was one bourbon that I had twice on a previous episode and it was because of the opponent. The opponent we played twice. So I'm going to go with long branch because it led to not one, but two wins over Texas. All right. All right. All right. I like that.
Um, yeah, mine, mine's going to be the, the high West whiskey that I got in the store pick. Um, that is one of my, is the only bourbon. I feel like that I have purchased in recent memory where I, there was a single barrel that I went back for seconds. Um, gifted it hug dog. Hope you enjoyed it. Um, Joel, hope you got some of his as well. Um,
I know that we and we enjoyed that we enjoyed that bottle um around the fire of I can't remember the game wasn't I can't remember which game it was um again like just just highlight what I was talking about before the best parts I don't even remember which game it was for yeah but I don't know exactly what we did and how we enjoyed the time Yeah. Spent. Yeah. um So yeah, the high west, high west, Syrah finish, store pick from from Hop Screen and Vine was fantastic. Nice. Love it. Herman, I owe you an email. Sorry. Nice. All right. um We have one more question, or should I say set of questions? We do.
My god a freshman trying to put glasses on it Take that another day It is time for coaches over unders Um, I know there's usually like a name with these these are just coaches over unders post season. How do we call it season review over unders?
um Shadow coach table for letting us have one more ride. Although the findings are final. I was about to say, hold on a second. We're not changing anything. I just come on. Come on now. Come on. All right. Over under starting off, I guess it doesn't matter. I'll go first. I won over under Georgia men's basketball NCAA tournament seed over under nine and a half man.
If it was so if you had asked me this the last time I would have said under meaning like or whatever, I will say better seed than nine and a half because I thought I thought we were heading towards a eight or nine seed kind of hard to see that right now. I can see as being like a 10 ish. It's kind of what feels right right now. So I guess I'll go over. Yeah.
Oh, over, meaning like, Oh, where's the bigger number? Okay. Yeah. I'll go over. Okay. Okay. All right. Over to you. Although it doesn't matter so much. ah UGA, UGA spring sports, sec titles over, under one and a half. I'll go over over. Good. on I'm going to be, I'm going to be optimistic and go over as well. ah I was always always a ah big tennis. Like I'm, we could get to, like they could both win it. It's possible. We'll see.
Yeah. um Let's see, over under Georgia football players drafted over under six and a half. I did not do any research on this. ah I think there's some quick numbers here. It feels like it should be over. Yeah, I'll go over on that. Okay. Yeah, we're agreeing a lot. I'm going to go over.
Um, over under wood family trips to Fripp over under wood. Wood family is all encompassing by the way. See, this is, this is where you have a clarifying question. Does it include Tarikos? Tarikos include what, you know, I mean, maybe.
just Maiden name, wood family. I would say, yeah. Cause like, if we're just talking like Kim and I, like our family, Let's go with that. I feel like that's the intention. Okay, so if it's that, no it's probably under, it's probably under, but that's a good line. good luck Just around the under. Push. I think. if you If you expand to all of the woods that attend that frequent grip,
My parents are there right now. So like slam me over. Slam me over. Slam me over if they're included.
a And all right, round it out. Powell family out of townships for sports tournaments. Move right over three and a half. Clarifying question. but but out of Out of town, does that include like surrounding cities ah and yeah outside of just Marietta? I assume that he means like out of state. It's definitely going to be under if it's out of state, if it's out of town.
Where was the one, you were over by like Kirby G's or whatever that one was it was it like McDonough? Yeah, it was in mc McDonough. Yeah, I mean that's out. Is that let's say if we included stuff like that, would it be over? No, slam, the slam the over. Okay. Okay. Just that's my clarifying question. Because baseball every, every weekend is ah is the tournament. Okay. an out quote unquote Out of town. Yeah. But it's not like overnight. When I think of out of town trips, overnight, I'm thinking like overnight, like weekend trips.
Yeah. But it's also like, you can kind of like fiddle with that. Like, so for example, when Lily played soccer, like she would have like a regular season game and like Boone or in like, like Asheville. And so we would, I mean, we would just go there for the day, but I would consider that out of town. You do consider that out of town. So your, your interpretation is that the McDonough tournament isn't out of town.
I don't know. Now I need to do mileage distance comparisons of Concord, North Carolina, the Boone as compared to Marietta, Georgia to McDonough. I mean, it's basically an hour. Like most of the, if I can, if I can drive there in an hour. Yeah, that's that, that doesn't get, okay. That's not, that's not down. Okay. So going, going to like Chattanooga is like, you know, I think somewhat three hours or something like that. Um, you know, like that's a weekend trip. Okay. Okay. I think that they may be going to, um, Charleston for an end of season tournament, but I don't know that we're going to go.
Okay. We'll see. Nice. They, for some reason, like, dude, whenever they they, whenever they plan these trips, like, like that particular tournament is like July 4th weekend, like whole, like instant, instantly, like one of the most expensive but trips that you can make. Like, right why, why, why do we have to go to the beach? Um, like a, like my wife is like, I do not want to spend 4th of July in a baseball park in the middle of July. Yeah. Yeah, seriously. Yeah. Who came with this idea?
Yeah, also so tbd tbd. Okay, I would say smash the under ah yeah like Okay, Okay, uh, shout out coach trill. Let's see the the final tally was I won the over unders um, I was six victory lap No, because we're about to give this for you 61 51 you're 56 you're 500 which is good but then you had the uh, the single pick victory in the pickup, which I still think is so amazing because like I could have, it could have been ah completely tied there if I had picked one game. So intercon the continental belt. It could have been a ah could have been a landslide had I picked better.
Well, good. Good. All right. Shout out coach trail. Thank you as always, uh, for sending those always a, always a good time. Oh, and he, and did I say as always, how you finished out, he said, as always, it's been an honor dogs by 90. Yes. Always. Thank you, sir. Appreciate you coach. For sure.

Offseason Podcast Plans and Super Bowl Picks

All right. Did we, I know we had, I think you had kind of a, maybe kind of running list of your head. Did we hit, did we hit all your things that you had?
No, I think we're gonna, so I think we kind of decided we spent enough time talking to the people. um We're going to, I think, do a wrap up recruiting episode.
Yeah. Yeah. I think that's the plan. oh Housekeeping. Next steps. You do have some ideas for other content in the off season. So, you know, the stay dialed in. Trying to remember who who did we have this conversation with? Oh, yes. Shout out Rooz Dixie Dog. We were talking to him about, what was it? It was about something we had talked about in the last, oh, it was about the whole like field goal bouncing off the ground and going through the crossbar. Oh, nice.
And we're talking about that. And then anyways, we got through, which again, uh, the ref's got it right. Um, at any rate. And then he was, he said something, something to the effect of like, you know, hope you guys are like, can we expect all season content? And I think I was like, you can expect more than last season. I think that's what we we're willing to commit to. Um, we, there's a, there was a mega hiatus last year. I think we're, we're planning to not have a quite as long of a break this year plan. That's the plan. Cool. Cool.
Okay, we did say though, I know this is a College of All Georgia podcast, but Super Bowl picks? You care to make a Super Bowl pick? Oh yeah, Super Bowl. um so Obviously, we had a high probability of having a Georgia player playing in the Super Bowl again. I think it was like 25 or 26 years in a row that we've had a- Yeah.
a player in the Super Bowl which is awesome. I definitely am rooting for the Eagle Dogs um just you know based on sheer number of UGA alumni and how cool the message will be from a national scale to have that advertised out there as This is the defense that won the Super Bowl. They all want to do. basically Yeah, um yeah, that that would be awesome. I think that that that would be that would be a cool. I like to see the cool marketing assets and recruiting assets that they can't that come out of a situation like that. I feel like if the Chiefs win like yay with some UGA players won and I can't even remember like who's
I did look at this like who's on who's on the it's it's Malik. It's Malik Herring is on the chase and then Nicole Hartman, but I don't know like if he's playing is he hurt or something? I'm not I'm honestly not sure um because like last week they had a graphic of like the NFL or the championship round and like Hartman wasn't on that graphic, but he was on the graphic this week for Super Bowl like them talking about the graphic that the school put out so I don't know, I feel like a Chiefs win will taint, a Chiefs win will taint anything associated with UGA being associated with that Super Bowl because of the Mahomes and the Taylor Swift situation and just everybody generally, everybody I talk to basically can't stand the Chiefs. So um unless you're just a an Eagles hater or whatever, like I feel like everyone is rooting against the the Chiefs for like, you know, the same reason that people root it against Tom Brady or whatever.
Right. Yeah, I think that's it. I will say that just to to rant a little bit about the the playoffs and feed and stoke the fire of like, is it rigged? That that game against the Bills was kind of like a turning point for me, that just much like the the Notre Dame game was a turning point for me for the Bobo situation.
i there's there's a there's there's There's definitely some smoke in that this is rigged fire situation because That interception that I thought was an interception before it was ruled a completion. And if it was a completion, I think it was a in completion, but you're probably going to bust out the rule book on me. Um, but I thought it was an interception when I first saw it. And then the fourth down conversion that wasn't, but really was when you looked at it at all the different angles. I don't know. That was, that was wild, man.
i'll so i'll I'll say to you what I said at the ah the watch party for that game. So I didn't like it when the Bills went for two the first time. And that forced them to have to go for two again the second time. And then Kansas City and they didn't get it either time. And then Kansas City ends up going for two later to extend the lead to three points. they That wouldn't have happened. um like They never would have gone for two. Had Buffalo been kicking exploits. So that game ends tight in regulation if Buffalo isn't chasing points.
So my counter to that is again, and i'm I'm just not a go, I'm not like this whole, like the analytics say go for two. Like I, I want to get back to common sense football thinking. Um, I do not like going for two unless you need to. Um, and I think this is a perfect example of it. So my stance on that game is Buffalo got caught chasing points. So that, I don't know, that's my stance, but also they converted it.
Hey, you know, keep it, keep a control what you can control. And, uh, I feel like were things I could control that they did it. So that's why. Speaking of things that you can control, I will say that, uh, the clenching, like, well, the, the virtual clenching play that, um, the chiefs dialed up to get P Ryan, which, holy cow, whatever.
um To get P. Ryan in a position to convert that, you know, to convert it to ice the game, basically. um That, if you find, go to Instagram, TikTok, whatever, and run a search for the final play in that game and look at a breakdown for it.
It is a work of art. And if you watch it, you're probably also going to think like, damn, why can't we have some plays like that, man? Right. Yeah. And then you'll get mad about Bubba all over again.
ah Too funny. I'm going to say it was a work of art. It was a work of art. All that to say, I'm going to go with the Eagles as well. And that's more of a same reason as you, I kind of, I want, I want that for those, uh, for the Philly dogs. It's been nice. It's been nice seeing Nolan Smith as like the, I dunno, I, maybe it's just, maybe it's just me and my meat, the media that I consume, but I feel like that Nolan Smith has kind of been hoisted as like the spokesperson for the Eagles in post-game conferences and stuff. So like, I don't know. I feel like he's always in front of a camera talking about Georgia and.
When he's doing that, it's better for us. Yeah, they did. They have like, and for so many reasons. They, the Eagles have like a weekly like video podcast thing. And like a few weeks ago, like the whole thing was about the Georgia guys. Um, it was like all of them. It was like a 15 minute ad for Georgia. It was amazing. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's basically been an entire season of of advertisements from them, like their entire social media. Go and look at their social feed. It's like Georgia, Georgia, Georgia. Yeah.
They go back to the well for but for for good reason. right right Eat your heart out, Falcons. Oh my gosh. Don't get me a started. Brutal. All right. you know Like I said, the season was a success. That's what I'm going to say. I feel like we had a success. SEC champions. I got my hat. ah Good friendship and fellowship at the tailgates, as you said. You're here.
Heck of a year. And we head on, we head into the off season and, uh, better than never rest. I know Kirby's gonna and crew continue to a GATA all throughout the off season. Better, never rest. I've got some, some positive vibes that we can talk through on a future episode. And I look forward to recording, uh, as many times as Jim will allow us to record, um, in the off season in the interim, because I blame him for not recording last year. fair Tough, but fair and accurate.
but Uh, amazing factual facts. Facts emerge. Facts emerge. thanks me and Awesome. Well, um, go hoop dogs, um, go spring, go, go, go diamond dogs. Um, we've got, we've got some new, a new, a new stadium to kind of look forward to a new field to look forward to. Oh yeah. Um, that's something that's been, that's been in development. Um, go spring sports and so dog go dogs, dogs.