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Tennessee Review | 2024 Georgia Football image

Tennessee Review | 2024 Georgia Football

S5 E178 · My God a Podcast! A podcast for Georgia Bulldogs
253 Plays3 months ago

Jim and John review Georgia’s 31-17 win over Tennessee.

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What I do know is that Jim definitely came down the stairs, poured his cup of coffee and looked over at his dad and said, let me kick.
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Episode Introduction and Georgia's Win Review

I'm Jim Wood. In this episode, John Palani reviewed Georgia's 31 to 17 win over the Tennessee volunteers. We talk about our experiences on Saturday and what stood out to us during the game.

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Game Predictions and Emotional Journey

All right. So by the end of the game, it was kind of as we predicted, but, uh, I didn't have the warm and fuzzies early on in the game. I, yeah, I did not have the warm and fuzzies at all. Not, not, not at the beginning of the game. That is as a thousand percent accurate. I think at one point you, you were texting like it's, it's dead silent. I hate her. faint yeah You're right. You're in a bad place.
I think I was, I was feeding out some other energy in in the text thread there, but like it was insanely loud. And then, uh, you know, like give Tennessee credit for that start. Like, I think they kind of, they almost took the crowd out of it. I guess I'll put it that way. Um, cause once the team got back going, like the crowd got crazy. Um, like it was, it was loud environment was insane.
It was unhinged. It was unhinged. I mean, it was about like what I thought it was going to be. And it started off that way, but it was just like, man, it was not fun at the beginning. But yeah. Hey, you, we, how about this? Well, cause we both predicted Tennessee to score 17 points. So we got that all right. And we got that right. And then you were only off by three. So you had 28 to 17. I had 24. So, yeah but yeah, I don't know. I didn't expect to have that range of emotions. I guess.
Yeah, I didn't. I didn't either. um You know, I kept telling myself that this is exactly like how it goes against this guy. Like, I don't know what it is about Hypo, but like, he's just an amazing opening game script, like guy. but Yeah.
every Every time we play these guys, they come down, they storm down the field and it's like, oh my gosh, we're never going to stop them. And I remembered that because it's happened multiple times. And I'm like, you know, in the back of my head, I'm like, okay, Kirby's like, I compare it to, I compared it to the inverse of Paul Johnson's offense at Georgia Tech. Like he would run a couple of plays to open the game to figure out like who was who and who was, who was, like who was manning up on, on his different personnel. Um, I can't remember like the B back that you get the A back. It's been a while. The triple option stuff. Yeah. But, but I remember him talking about like, they just, they used to just, just run a couple of like throwaway plays to start the game so they could figure out who was on who so that they could scheme around.
those those options. And I feel like this is like the defensive inverse of that relationship because we made adjustments in the first half and they worked.

Key Moments: Carson Beck's Impact

and And I'll talk about that in a little bit. But yeah, I mean, basically Kirby smart has figured out this guy's offense. Yeah. Period. I needed you to text me that because this was the most I've, you know, usually we're kind of the reverse where like you're texting me like Jim, the wind probability says this and like, and I'm like sending you to calm the F down gift.
I didn't look at, to your credit, Jim, I did not look at the, I did not look at the win probability. Um, yeah. Yeah. I, uh, I just, I just sat back and joined my brisket sandwich and, you know, just, just kind of hung out and hung on, um, for what was inevitably going to be.
An amazing night in Athens. Yeah. Yeah, it was, it was, and it was, uh, it was a great weekend. Um, great weekend, man. Um, Lily and I went down on Friday. We had planned to leave kind of early, like right when Lily got home from school, but, um,
I can't remember if I even talked about this with you. Like we ended up staying a little bit later. So basically when Lily got home, we checked on like life 360 to see where Kim was because Kim had gone to pick up Ella from college. And actually they were only like an hour and a half away. So we were like, all right, let's just hang out here. Surprise Ella. Cause she thought we were going to be gone. So we surprised Ella that we were here, and got in.
got in some, uh, some family time before we went home or before we went to Athens. So, uh, so that was really cool. Um, she was super excited because she thought we weren't, we weren't going to be there. So that's cool. Yeah. did Good times. Did you hide the car? Did you hide the car and everything and like, surprise, like jump out and surprise her? So the car was so basically the, the cars were in the garage. So we actually we like went in the garage. Like we knew when they were there. and So we went in the garage and when the garage door came up, we were in the garage. We were like, surprise. So yeah, so we did that. That's awesome.
But yeah, man, the, you know, bit of a sports extravaganza Friday night. Uh, you know, we got down to my parents' house and finished watching the Georgia Georgia tech basketball game. The dogs had a come from second half come from behind victory there, which was a lot of fun. Um, I'm not saying that us watching the game with my dad turned the game around, but I'm not not saying that either. Um, so yeah, man, that was fun. That was fun. Who dogs are fun, man.
Yeah. Yeah. It was a lot of fun to watch. Um, and then we watched, you know, the Tyson J Paul fight buffer, I guess. Dude. So I turned that thing on and, and watch it. And yeah, that was, uh, that was not ideal. That was not an ideal situation. I think I fell asleep for a couple of hours, um, and woke back up and the fight still hadn't started yet. I was like, what is, what is going on? So,
Yeah, then I guess it's a Saturday. my like My sister and whole family, they came over and we went to into Athens with them. So we did Little Italy. We had Little Italy for lunch. Then we went over to Morris Hall, Hong. We went over, we went over and Reagan was there.
um So went and saw Reagan and Carol and saw Riley and family. They were all tugging together. So I saw a friend of this year were Tim Riley. ah It was a good time. Then went back to Morris Hall, hit the bookstore and then hit hug dogs on the way in. So his refund and and hit our friend Kelly's on the way to hug dogs. So we went like all over the place. It was fun.
people people are People are talking, Jim. you You put on the big hat in the bookstore. I did. but i did and the And the dogs rolled. I'm going to have to add that to the to the repertoire. Did you get a run in? No. actually i was actually I didn't want to i didn't want to ah kill the vibes by asking you because I was like, the math ain't math on how you're going to work that out.
So I got asked that at the tailgate shout out ruz dixie dog asked me that to and I came clean and was like no did not run today. ah So basically the issue and here's my explanation. i'll I'll give you the same explanation that I gave Matt.
Was so like, you know, the whole thing was that Kim and I have to do a couples run, like run together. And we were in, you know, we were two states away. So and could she not run the same time that you were running? I mean, we could have, I guess, plan a lot of stuff out. But full disclosure, I stayed up late watching a boxing kind of slept in. And then I got I i did. I got it like I brought my stuff. I brought stuff to run. I got up and I went upstairs and like I went outside. I said, man, is that a cold out here?
Uh, it's kind of chilly. Uh, and this so then I decided that, you know, the real, the real power of that, uh, pregame activity was the fact that Kim and I were, uh, running together. And so I decided, I decided, logic yeah. so So I decided I didn't have to, and it worked.
Well, for what it's worth, I got my run in, uh, right at three o'clock, I want to say. So the luxury of not going to the game was, it was a benefactor. I was a benefactor in that regard. So, okay um, but yeah, so there was, there was still some juju associated with the pregame.
Okay, okay. I think you more than made up with with the big hat picture because that was so funny. This is like Lily. Lily, take my picture. Dude, she had been asking you to the bookstore like all day. Like we got in the Athens. She was like, so we're going to the bookstore. I was like, we're not going to walk down to the bookstore and then come back to the tailgate. I was like, let's do that. Like on the way. And she kept being like, are we going to the bookstore? Are we going to bookstore? what did What did she get? What did she need from the bookstore that you couldn't get online?
Well, she, didn you know, it's different when it's in the bookstore, dad. That's what I was told. So ah it is different. Yeah. works expensive Yeah. Yeah. So and she didn't really, she didn't even really have a list, but, you know, total like I'm a, I'm a such a sucker and she doesn't listen to this. So she won't, she won't learn these things, but like, you know, she, she, so I got her a hat. I got her, uh, like some hair ties and a tote bag. So it it came in under what I thought it was going to, when we got the checkout counter. It wasn't too bad. So.
What a sucker but yeah, but so yeah, so she she was she was like but dad like it's a you know I don't have a black Georgia hat and it's a blackout game like I need a black Georgia had for the blackout so that's in that worked on me Yeah, like you knew that this was a blackout of several days ago, right? Right, right. Oh, yeah, that was discussed at home at home. It was a week ago. Yeah, at home it was. I don't need a hat. It's a night game. And then like, you know, minds were changed on the way in. So FOMO, dude, I got like the like major ah like made my day kind of thing. A guy came up to me

Game Atmosphere and Fan Experience

in the bookstore and he's like, now, where did you get? He's like, where did you get your hat? I really like your hat. And I was like, oh, yeah, that is awesome.
So theres yeah, that's a good hat. This is the hat I was wearing. So I mean, and I will say I got this at Fanatics. Like my my like what I do, I basically like I just kind of monitor that kind of stuff and I monitor all the ads that I get on socials. And when I find something that I like, I kind of I just wait until it goes on sale and then I grab it. So I've had this one but for I got this one last year, but this is the first time I've worn into a game. Been waiting for a blackout and to wear it. So.
Yeah, I would have I would have rocked the FTMF hat. Hmm. Yes, you had the red one. You've got the black one. So no work for you. Yeah. Or this one. This is what I wore, actually. This is a gift from a gift from my brother in law and sister in law. Nice. Nice. Yeah. Nice. But yeah, man, it was great. um Got to meet Chad Jarvis. um He came by Morris Hall. I miss Thomas Rhett.
Miss that But yeah, cuz she was there all the folks were there. It was a good time. Good time coaches were there. So yeah Yeah, I knew it was gonna be a everyone's gonna be there and I had some major FOMO So I'm glad that you guys I'm glad you guys locked it down. I saw the pictures saw the pictures man the tailgate looked elite and It was good. Um, I definitely called out, uh, Daniel Smith for liking dots as his favorite Halloween candy. Um, got to get that joke in and did you have John and John and Michael make fun of him for it.
Did you listen to the best brothers band or I keep saying best brothers band, but you know, the the brothers know best. Oh, yeah. um Yeah. I also I also threw out to John to tell him that the I would not have said what he said about his wife.
didn't Definitely go like, subscribe to the ah Brothers Know Best Podcast. yes It's good. It's good. Friends of the show and just generally amazing content. like If you know them, you'll love the content. Even if you don't love them, you'll just vibe with the brotherly love situation.
And yeah, I feel like it should be like a TV show, to be honest with you. I'm watching, we're we're going through and watching like the young Sheldon and now we're watching Georgie and Mandy, the the spinoff from that show. Okay. With my daughter and it's like, you know, it's the same kind of vibes. It's like, this it's like i would i would I would liken it to like, I don't know, the podcast version of like Full House or something. Yes, I praise. I praise. Yeah.
Uh well cool um yeah so i guess you know like i said game didn't start out the way we thought but um i i should have had i needed you in my ear so I'm the voice of reason. That's how far we've fallen. I know. Yeah. I like, I don't. Hmm. I'm not entirely sure I was quite munching, uh, but I definitely like, I did. I went and checked the, uh, the probability today. After that, I don't look at it in game, but I did go. And at that point when I was, I mean, when it was 10 to nothing, like, yeah, it was 10 to nothing. We had, I'm not, well, we had punted three times at that point. Right. Like.
Yeah, it was 60 point swing. Yeah. So yeah, I think it was like, I think they were like 69% win percent or something like that. I think it was the highest got um when they they're up 10 to nothing. And I mean it, and it, it felt like it. Um, yeah, 68.7 is what I'm seeing. But anyways, yeah, man, it felt like it, um, the offense hadn't been able to figure anything out. Uh, But there were there were two key things to me that happened, and I'll go in order when they happened. And the first one was was special teams. And if you haven't seen the new video of the tackling instructor ah that Kirby Smart brought in today to the to talk to Dean, the Brett Thorsen tackle on the punt return.
I mean, I think you could argue that say, I mean, that guy was probably gone. um Yeah. If he doesn't make that title. It was a game saving tackle and i've um I've got, I've got a little, a little something in in honor of Mr. Thorson. He would probably frown upon this selection, but I saw it today at Target when I was doing some shopping for my daughters and I had to pick up a Foster's for the boom and onions.
Nice. Uh, uh, Australian for for beer. I mean, like a, like, and he like tackled him twice. Uh, I guess i we should be happy. He like, he like gave him a shove. I thought he was going to get a penalty. I was about to be like, Oh my gosh, that was so amazing. And then he's going to get flagged at the end. Is that on the Tennessee fans list of, uh, penalties that should have been called? because I actually haven't seen them complaining about that.
I'm sure if you go deep into the uh, i'm sure if you go deep into the archives, um, you probably find it somewhere because some like they're literally i'm pretty sure that they were crying about the coin toss probably oh man jeez also shout out to my glass. Um, I don't know if you can actually see it because I filled it with beer, but it's got uh, a george on the glove or part glass I was able to see it, able to see it. Um, so yeah, so that, that play huge. And then I think the thing that was kind of lost on me at that point, what I saw after rewatching was, and to your point, John, like after that first drive, their offense really didn't do a whole lot. Um, you know, so they, agree they had to go long, one touchdown, then they punt. And then that to go to 10, nothing was they didn't even get it first down after the punt return. They just had the punt return and then they kicked the field goal. So
Yeah. Yeah. So after, after their last score, they had, uh, hold on. Where was, where are my notes? They had, there was one, one minute and 54 seconds left in the second half was the last time that they scored. In the second quarter. In the first half. In the second quarter. Yep. In the first half. Yep.
um From there, they had one, two, three, four possessions. okay those Those four possessions netted them 25 plays for 117 yards and 12 minutes and 51 seconds chewed off the clock. Wow. Total.
Well, they didn't score a single point off of any of those off of any of those possessions off of any of those drives off of all of that effort. They had a they had. Well, I didn't include the I didn't include the kneel down. So that doesn't technically count. I think there was another negative for four seconds, whatever. At the end of the. Yeah, sure. At the end of the first step. I didn't count that. Yeah, so after the first half they came out they got the ball which we were where I was worried about by the way when we were going through the the Not quite munching but munching situation um They come out they punt and then we scored a touchdown They punted we punted they punted we scored a touchdown and then they fumble that was the game.
Yeah, and all of that effort that they got they went they they went the full field fields worth of yard game yardage but our defense like we talked about when ah When we went on the last drive, which When we went on the last drive and it was what I think it was I forget it up here It was eight minutes and 21 seconds Dude, I mean, that was a, it was the Kirby death March. It was beautiful. It was a Kirby, it was a Kirby death March, but I would argue that the Kirby death March was the entire second half defensive performance. That was the actual Kirby death. That was the Python, the Anaconda has, you know, struck and is just slowly wrapping itself around getting tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter.
until they just couldn't do anything. And then it became basically a math equation on how bad that they were gonna lose. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so the, the, the Thorsen play, that, that tackle being the first play for me, that again, I guess at that point, the defense was already playing very well, but huge, huge play to not go down 14 to nothing. Um, but then the play that really, I think ignited definitely ignited the offense was the Carson Beck scramble. Um, when he avoided a sack scrambled and then not only got a first down, but ran, like ran over.
his his tackler, ah like leaned in, put his shoulder down, ran through a guy, ah you know, hit the first down celebration. And I think that just fired everyone up. um ah You know, right after that, had the touchdown, the first first of two touchdown passes to Oscar Delb, like welcome back Oscar Delb to help a brother out. um Just and it's du it's Delvember, Jim. It is Delvember. Happy, happy Delvember for all who celebrate.
Uh, so good. I mean, cause until that drive, it had been more of the same, like frustration. Like again, first play of the game at a ticket, took a shot. It was open drop, right? Like, um, you know, and then like something good would happen penalty. Um, so it's like all the same Smith. Yeah. The Arian Smith catch was probably one of the most frustrating penalties. I think that a Georgia fan, and you could see it in Carson Beck's face. yeah Like you could see the heartbreak that he had, like, dude,
Like he didn't even need like, I mean, I, there's, I mean, I could argue that there was any contact whatsoever, but regardless of the fact, we always like when, um, when we're talking about in soccer, it's a very similar concept and basketball is probably the same way. Any contact sport, uh, hockey, you know, whatever.
um If you are like, bodying someone and you're jostling for position or the ball or whatever, and if if you are extending an arm out, you're going to get flagged every single time.
so it With, with Carter and, you know, and the kids, like we would always kind of teach them, like there's ways that you could push without extending your arm. And you just have to keep your arm bent the whole time. He didn't keep his arm bent. He got flagged. He didn't really need to do anything like that because the guy wasn't even involved in the play. That really, that one really frustrated me, the drop.
Definitely was annoying but that one in particular happened in a moment that I thought was like super important it didn't end up being like a huge deal but yeah um you know if you're circling things to the this team still needs to work on is I think what they're like four or five drops in this game and Yeah, the drops, the drops are still there. The drops are there. There was that, the the deep shot in the first play of the game. um There was the one with Delp where, I mean, he got hit pretty hard and Tennessee fans are saying it was a fumble, um was not. And my favorite part of that is, I don't know if you've seen the video that's circulating amongst Tennessee fans.
They grabbed the clip and like you can hear the rules analyst literally literally explaining why it was in an incomplete pass. Guys, if you're going to complain, like at least mute the audio of the rules analyst saying that. Anyway, so you got a drop there. um yeah Hopefully the unofficial official is okay. He ended up spraining his ankle later in the game, but he had the drop and the pop pass, um which again, by the way, if you I can't believe I literally cannot believe Tennessee fans are complaining about that play. That is why it's literally why that play exists is because that is a pass. but So that if you drop it, it's an incomplete pass. It's not a fumble. If you drop it, if the defense comes in and blows it up, like whatever the exactly. be That's why that play exists that way. um So like, I don't know.
I always thought it existed so that they could pad Tebow stats, but I digress fair, fair, multiple reasons, I guess, but like anyways, but so yeah, so that was a drop. Um, you know, there were, there were a screen pass. He had a screen pass that he dropped. Yeah. Uh, Dominic love it. Yeah. Yeah.
Um, yeah, it was and then London Humphries had one on, uh, was it on the end zone or was it a first time? I can't remember. It was on, it was something that I thought that he should have caught. Yeah. Yeah. Will was, will was telling me that I was crazy, but I, I, dude, you get two hands on the ball. You gotta catch it. Like, even if, even if you're getting tackled, like you get two hands on the ball, you gotta to catch it. And then there was another pass where, uh,
I think that Carson floated it a little too much. I now agree with you. Now that I've, yeah, yeah it was end of the first half, the past, I love it in the cornea zone, right? That one. Yes. Yeah. I agree with you. Like, like Bobo and Beck and the offensive line were completely and utterly in their bag. also arguably the tight ends were as well. yeah um The wide receiver core did well. um Matter of fact, there was a there was like ah couple of catches that were made that I was like, Oh my gosh, that's going to be in an interception. Like there was one where I think was it was, was it the pass to nitro on the sideline?
It was, that was Humphries, the one where like, it just dropped right in between them. Yeah. That looked like, like when that, when he first, when that first got into the bread basket, I was like, Oh man, this is one of those ones that's going to be like, he stole it from the wide receiver and it's gone. Yeah. Yeah.
that play That, you know, that play was weird, by the way, because that play like, I think Carson thought we had caught them offside again, which we did two other times because the guy jumped, I guess he didn't jump offside. I think he just threw a hot route for, you know, for a throw it up free play kind of deal, but didn't matter. It worked. So.
Yeah, um, yes, speaking of like, I don't know, you know, whatever we did to cause them to, you know, crowd noise, whatever, like they, they definitely jumped off sides, uh, a lot. And that was hilarious to watch. Um, I also love the, the jugular approach when those things happen. Cause.
ah Feel like that I kept saying i was i was I was

Analyzing the Victory: Statistical Anomalies

kind of joking like does Do we need the other team to jump off sides for Carson to have the confidence to just drop dimes? Yes, they were jumping off sides and then he would just drop one into the breadbasket from someone for 20 30 yards Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, man, which I guess that like another thing to, you know, things to work on or whatever is as great as everything was like statistically, this was a very confusing game because the net success rate was in the negatives, which you don't typically, I know that, um, you, you always, you always alert me to the, you know, did we win or lose?
as bad as we thought we did. yeah And it's Parker Fleming's net success rate graph. And normally in the you know past several years, the what we're used to, UGA is on the far right of that that graph in ah and ah in the green. And that like typically is correlating to a lot of offensive success, right? yeah There are a couple of things that I think are not included in that, which is it doesn't really take a fact, take factor. Shout out Josh for explaining this to me today. Cause I was like kind of confused by everything. Um, because I felt like we, I felt like we, we kicked their butt, right? But like statistically it was a lot closer than it was because we were so explosive, which holy cow, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, like,
You know, where was this all season long? if that If that offense trots out onto the field against Alabama, if that offense trots out on the field against Ole Miss, we're talking about a different conversation with the CFP.
Yeah, I think there's two main things to point to there. One, and this is what Kirby kept harping on is like, you know, the committee needs to come down and see one of these environments in person. Like it's hard to win on the road to the SEC. And I think we proved that for Tennessee, um, this week as well. So that's the first thing. Second thing is, I mean, the office of line, like what the offensive line played. So the Carson Beck was clean. He did not get sacked. Right. Didn't get sacked. Didn't, I think he broke his interception streak too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no picks. Uh, no, did not get sacked. Um, protection was very good. And, you know, I mean, Tate Radledge healthy was able to play the whole game. Um, you know, that that makes a big difference. So, um, and the other thing is that we didn't, we weren't rotating and shuffling guys in and out the whole game. Like we had the same five guys in there the whole time. So which was something we kind of talked about, like finding the rotation, like finding the guys that you can kind of stick with and be a go-to guys. And I think they did that. Yeah. I mean, this offensive line has been decimated by injuries. You know, I actually, um, so I mowed the lawn Saturday morning and.
yeah as I tend to do, and also when I'm running, I'm listening to our colleagues podcasts. Usually, that's usually a morning thing for me. I'll listen to the podcast, but I was able to knock out everything more than a long because there's so many leaves anyway.
um But I remember thinking like where's Tayton Brett's podcast? Where's the mullets on the mics? They didn't have a podcast this past week and I wonder if it's because they were so pissed off that they couldn't they didn't have take time They they didn't take time to record Hmm. I wonder if Kirby put a mandate like no podcasts. No tiktoks. No nothing. No, it's like kind of Kind of like Fran Brown kind of like Fran Brown like, you know soaps for winners kind of thing you've right right. Yeah Yeah, I remember but I remember thinking to myself like man there they must be so dialed in that they didn't have time to record and
Yeah, yeah, that's it. I feel like I feel like I feel like they were. Maybe. Oh, maybe. the Yeah. And then I mean, Monro Monro Freeling coming in, playing left tackle ah for the game, and he he he did a good job. So um offensive line was was definitely stout.
And then we already talked about, right? Deltvember.

Tight Ends' Standout Performance

Deltvember. I mean, the tight ends had a had a good game. Like, we utilize a tight end. I mean, Yurasek, by far his best game. um I saw Graham send out in a video earlier tonight of even some of the blocking work that Yurasek did, which I think is where he was really struggling early on. So, I mean, I think you you you've pointed out, we've hit on, and I'll go back to what I said earlier in the year.
have we so I would say this was the most complete game we've seen, um but still we had nothing offensively in the first quarter. So imagine if we see four quarters. but That's the thing that continues to be like, man, that's kind of scary, like if they can figure this out and lock it in and do these things for all four quarters. um I just basically just they still haven't reached their full potential, I would say, even even in this game could have been worse looking back.
It could have been it could have been a lot worse. um mean Like I said, there there are points on the there are points on the field that we left. So, yeah, um not many, but there are their points on the field and I think that there's.
You know, even, even the, you know, we had Thorsen, Thorsen gave up the return, right? Like there's yeah yeah little things that have happened um in some of these games that don't don't normally happen. um yeah But I'll tell you what, man, like I'll take, I'll take that defensive line performance and I'll take that offensive line and performance and I'll ride a I'll write a mediocre performance from everyone else on the offense and and um and ah and ah and a good performance from everyone else on the defense. I'll ride that team all the way to an international championship. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. I don't care if we beat everybody seven to nothing. Right. Right. Fourteen to seven or whatever.
Yeah. Yeah, man. Uh, you know, Tennessee hadn't given up where they hadn't allowed 20 points to anyone. And I, yeah. So I heard them say that on the broadcast and I was like, wait, what? Damn. If I'd have known that I would not have been so aggressive on, on my pick. I didn't, I didn't even like, I didn't even think about it.
Yeah, yeah. um But then the flip side of that, Kirby still has yet to give up 20 points. I mean, this 17 is the most, a hypo offense is scored against Georgia. Like this, they match their best against Georgia under, under Josh Heibel. Like they've never i broke 17 points. I did know that because I remember seeing a three-year Letterman's congratulatory tweet.
Yeah. So for matching his career, right? Right. Yeah. So that, so that played out. Um, ah you know what? Uh, I feel like we've seen Nate Frazier grow up, uh, also at running back position kid kid played really well, ran really hard. And so the most of them, my dad on Sunday was you know he was getting north and south. He wasn't doing the freshmen, just at high school, lateral kind of stuff, like trying to outrun everyone to the sideline and intern in the field. Uh, he had some tough yards between the tackles.
There was a couple of spots I thought he could have picked some different, different holes to go in. Um, but yeah, overall i thought he was good. Josh mentioned a stat that that, I mean, I need to go and check because I didn't feel accurate, but he said that no running back had a rush over three yards or something like that. As far as like the success rate metrics were, and I didn't, that didn't check out to me. I don't think you read that right. I can't. Oh, did I read that wrong?
Yeah, I think, you yeah, I think so. It wasn't that. It was something like, it was like, if you take out something, uh, I can't, I can't remember. I thought you said if you took out Carson's, it'll take me forever to find it. Cause I can't remember what thread that was in. Um, but yeah, sorry, Josh, if I butchered it.
Um, but yeah, I know, uh, you know, uh, by far, I mean, that was back to back. I feel like that was like the Carson back that we expected to see, you know, coming in from last year, um, through, through great between the hashes. Like that's kind of what he does and what we saw from his last year.
Um, did that add some good throws deep down the sideline as well. Um, and did the first touchdown to Delp was beautiful. Like that pass was gorgeous. You know, fit it right there over the linebacker. Uh, and again, the play design, play design was fantastic on that one. Both of Delp's touchdowns did the second touchdown where we had like a tackle lined out, split out off the end of the line. Uh, it was beautiful.
Yeah, I the the Bobo the Bobo haters were quite quiet Jim. Yeah. Yeah, even even even even when we were like, you know Not not monsooning but little monsooning You know, yeah, I didn't hear a whole lot of that in the in the threads I didn't hear a whole lot of that and on the on the Twitter's Yeah, but yeah, dude that that play Was amazing um And the analysis that they gave gave it The analysis that they gave to that play on the on the broadcast was also pretty awesome, too oh Yeah, man Bubba knows how to score points and this was the number nine ranked defense in the country. Yeah and i mean
Yeah, and i mean and they're they're good. like You could see that they're good in there. um we just i think it's kind of It's like the inverse of last week. mean I think our coaches had a great game plan and players executed it. Well, you know I think that something that I always kind of was You know, I was kind of ruining it as I was smoking the cigar at the end of the game. Like, like, dang, dude, these guys, like they did, they did in this game what we had kind of been wanting them to do all season long. e And that for sure included Ole Miss. And maybe the game plan for Ole Miss was that we have to, we have to operate with a offensive line that is completely decimated. And so it changed just the way that they called the game.
I don't know, you know, that 30 for 30 will be the 30 for 30 for the season would be interesting. But yeah, overall, what I saw on the field versus Tennessee was an offense that recognized the magnitude of what was going on. And they just went out and slung their junk around.
And I expect to see that the rest of the way through because you know what I heard in the post gain conference Carson Beck talking about how he has urged and asked and begged. <unk> I don't remember what his words were exactly but he alluded to the fact that he has requested to be more mobile and he has expressed that he has that he is a dual threat quarterback. I think were his words. I'm a dual threat quarterback and you have not seen him exhibit that in this in the season or really last season, but he didn't need to last season.
Maybe we need to and someone joked in the in the thread or I think I can't remember who said it, but someone said that, you know, Tom Brady, you know, always said that he's he' not really ready for a game until he goes out there and gets hit. Right. Like kind of like to your point, like when Carson got you know ran out there and and threw his weight around.
You know, he was he was ready for the game. He got lather lathered up. um Dude, if the kid wants to do something like he showed in this game that he could do that if he needed to. Yeah. And I think ah to to their credit, Tennessee was also that way, too, because all of the all of the pregame stuff was that he didn't really create yards with his feet that much. But what I saw from the Tennessee quarterback was that, geez, Louise, I was super worried. I was like, dude, do we need to spy this kid? Like, what's going on?
Cause he was picking up first Jones with his feet too, after getting wrapped, almost getting wrapped up a couple of different times. But, yeah um, you know, specifically talking about Carson back in, as the season rolls through, like, dude, play to your your strengths. And what we saw in this game was an offense that looked pissed off and look like it was willing to do what it took to win.
And that included doing things that I've been looking for, especially in the Ole Miss game. Like literally Carson sat back there and just got absolutely rocked all game long. Like yeah everybody was in the backfield. There was nothing you could do to stop it, except and it felt that way, you know, because we didn't have all that great of a success rate on, you know, the offense other than the the big chunk plays or whatever. But like, you know,
We we addressed that immediately in this game. We started moving Carson out of the pocket We started moving guys around what we did on offense was different and we've been looking for that the only difference would have been is that if the game plan is not going right to make those adjustments faster in the actual games that are going bad and It wasn't really like super going bad for this one. Like it wasn't like a, you know, an Alabama on the road situation where we got down 28, nothing and 21, nothing, whatever. yeah And we have to come back. But like what I'm looking for is to see that same mentality as we roll forward, because man, when they rolled back out of the pocket, like he was able to do damage, like.
He, you know, play action passes, like just little things that we were doing to put people into conflict and anything that we can do to get them into a situation where they've got to make a decision one way or another is time that it takes for Carson to find someone else.
Yeah. Yeah. Great, man. Yeah. He did damage on um the ground. The rushing, the the touchdown that he scored, that was in the end zone where where we sit. It was beautiful. saw it Saw it unfold. Got a little scared when I saw the flag, but it was defensive holding, not offensive holding. Trust me, we were in the same, we were at Carter and I was like, Carter and I were like, yeah.
And then it was a fire we're like no exactly ah i am because like i like can't celebrate i just said the i'm just like flag flag flag i have to wait i have to wait ah so yeah that's funny that's funny yeah.
Um, I guess the only other thing I wanted to see what the offense was, uh, Chaz Chambliss fullback. Uh, that was pretty awesome on the, on age ragers touchdown. And i I also think about like, I'm curious, like the Tennessee defense, did they look and see number 32 at fullback and think he was cash Jones? And then like, you get like, how did I get run over by cash Jones like that? I was like, Oh, it was just so I don't know. I, I'm curious if that was intentional or not, but yeah. What did, what did coach say? It was a football boner. Yeah.
That video was hilarious. Oh, man. Yeah, it was great. It was great. we it was great um I guess, so

Defensive Line's Dominance

let's talk about the defense. Can we talk about the defense? Yeah, let's talk about the defense. Let's say, because that's the story of the second half of the defense. Yeah, and again, and I wanted point out to like, again, um I want to give, give credit because we talked a lot about Dylan Sampson, you know, as he's leading rusher and that guy's good, man. Like he's good. he He did. You know, we said he'd get his yards. I think we both went over on coaches over unders for a hundred and he got one on one. ah So he did go over a hundred yards. Um, but I mean, the the defense was, was so good. So good.
I don't know why they didn't run him more to be honest with you because like I think at one point he went out of the game because I texted you guys about it because there was there was a I think that they had come out of a timeout and it was third down and I remember thinking to myself why is why is Samson not in on this third down this is an important like they need to get this and they didn't get it and i Just remember being kind of like dumbfounded that they didn't have their best player They know that arguably their best offensive weapon on the field for a third down Call that was pretty significant for the for the game flow So I had in my head Like did he get hurt as he is he injured like because he was out for a little bit but then he ended up coming back in but I Don't know what happened there, but him not being on the field for a third down seemed like a a miss pretty pretty significantly But you know, whatever Yeah, dude the defense um they they They came to play and ah it started it started up front man. That's why I say I'll take the offensive and defensive line performances, you know the rest of the way because I the defensive line was disruptive. Um, they haven't seen the numbers for the defense, but like, I assume that they were, you know, creating havoc and pressure and all those kinds of things. You know, they got home a couple of times. as I remember thinking like, finally we sacked him. Yeah. Um, yeah. But
Overall, they, you know, they, they got their yard. It's like, uh, I kind of figured that the same person was going to get his rushing yards, but we kept this is, uh, I mean, I hate to say it, but you know, third and Willie over there on the other sideline.
Um, we, we carved him up over there, but, uh, the Mr. Ben, Ben, but don't break. And I think that we, we were bending and they got their, they got their players, but they didn't, they were not able to get scores. And I think that was a huge, a huge component of the game for sure.
Yeah. Um, so, you know, obviously our big question was would, would Nico play? And he, we, we found out Friday night that he had been cleared. Um, and I mean, you know, I think he looked good. Um, but I think, you know, we got to him, um, made some plays, made some plays with his legs. Um, I think also too, like we got some good licks on them, you know, I mean, uh, we got some pretty good hits on them when we did get to them. Uh,
So I, I like that um for sure. And then, you know, I don't, I think you're right. I think the Ben, Ben, Ben, but don't break that. I will say that like they're, that's all season long, but it felt different. Like it didn't feel like, like Ole Miss, like it just felt like they were just guys running wide open like all night.
And like it it was it didn't feel like that. And there was nothing explosive. um you know They were the shorter pass plays. And then the the the second touchdown drive was ah that that run by Samson. His touchdown run was awesome. I was a heck of a run. Like I said, he's good. And that that also was coming right at us. It was kind of frustrating when it happened.
Um, I think, uh, from your life, looking at the numbers and the players, I did see, I think Kristen Miller, that was like his highest graded game from PFF. I think he graded out, graded out really well. Um, man, Chaz Chambliss had a good game. Uh, I know jokingly mentioned him on offense, but he had a good game. Um, Starks was back there making plays, you know, uh, breaking up, making pass breakups, um, just all around. They were flying all over the place. We got we got a good giftable moment from Kirby getting excited about a defense making a play like Yeah, i'm gonna i'm gonna um, i'm gonna tell you You you mentioned, you know the the haventate ratlage a healthy tate ratlage um, and maybe that's the case for Maybe that's the case for the offensive side, but this georgia defense is a completely different beast when smile among done is in the game
Yeah. A hundred percent. Like, like full stop. If, if, if London is, is healthy and he's playing, starting significantly contributing, I will take that. Like I said, I'll take that. I'll add that to the, I'll take this offensive line. I'll take this defensive line plus smile on London and everyone else can be average. You know, we're even under, under, under, you know, under average and they will, um, we'll, we'll write that all the way to Atlanta for sure.
Yeah. Yeah. he made it He made a huge difference. and i you were You were actually texting that in the game. You're like, oh my gosh, we're so much better with smile out there. ah Dude, hes um we've been saying like, where is this team's Nicole B. Dean? Where is this team's Nolan Smith? Where is this team's Jordan Davis? Where is this team's, you know,
yeah guy that takes over the game. and For me, it's Munden. Smile makes everything better. ah smile A smile makes everything better. I was going to say, so when he came into the game, did it put a smile on your face? Sorry. Yes. Oh, man. I totally just made that up.
a um Like a coke commercial or something like that anyway What I do know what I do know is the gym definitely came down the stairs poured his cup of coffee and looked over at his dad said ah Wasn't wasn't too far off from that Um, and, and, and in what, uh, what to, to, to kick, sorry, Carter. Um, you know, Bobby, Bobby Hill, dude, therere is he, is he the Tennessee version of Mark Rick without all, without the, you know, without the Jesus. I mean, and also without any SEC championships, but.
Oh, the football. ah I don't know. I I'll tell you. He can't win the big one like he can't win. He's like he's. Well, and have you seen the postgame press conference of him? Like the way he was answering the like he's fueling the fire of the complaining about the refs. He definitely was throwing gasoline on everything. Yeah. So we're turning around of the microphone. Yes. Oh my gosh. That's what I'm talking about. The turning around the microphone was a little whatever. I mean, I guess I'm i'm not going to get although Kirby did it when when we won when we won a game. I'm thinking of the Texas like Kirby complained, you know, that they tried to rob us in this place, but that was a game that we won.
I don't, you know, but he said that on the sideline. He didn't say that in the press conference. Yeah. Yeah. It was on the post. It was the post game interview on the field. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Trust me. Kirby's been through media training. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There are definitely people in the program and outside of the program that have not been through media training on how to handle situations. Right. Right. And Josh Hyple, Utah's athletic director. um Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I mean the number of Indiana's head coach There there are different there are different things that you just don't do yeah, and Those are the things that you don't do you don't you don't sit there and like try to dude the thing that pisses me off the most are the two the two things that uh i guess there's three specific plays that i continuously see over and over again the the kick the kick out of the end zone which very clearly was a touch back the fumble that was at the really quick The kick, the kickoff thing that was ended the first half when we made a field goal, make it 17 to 17, right? It was the ensuing kickoff for like five seconds left. Isn't that what we're, that's what we're talking about. Right. Cause they were trying to say it was not a touchback that it should have been a kickoff out of bounds. Yeah. And they would have gotten the ball with like at the 35, I guess time outs and you know, their offense is so amazing that they would have had a chance to put points on the board. kind Right. I don't know. I don't know what they were thinking, but yeah I also don't know what they were thinking about. It was, it was clearly a touchback.
Um, yeah, the, the, the delp situation, literally them recording it with the audio on. Yes. Um, yeah. Explaining why it was not a fumble. Um, that play and then the, what was the other play? Dang it. I'm, I'm totally blanking on the third play. The one that I keep seeing is the Dylan bell, the pot pass, and they keep saying that it's a fumble.
I haven't, I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that one as much. Um, it was the field goal or it was the kickoff. It was that one. There was a third one. and Oh, there's, there's another one. There's one where like, I think there was, there was a like a was it or was not a false start on Georgia. I've seen that too, dude. There's a lot out there. I saw that one. I totally blinked on it.
I had three different plays in mind and I can't remember what the third one was. But like, dude, they're there. Oh, it it was the 12 man on the field. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. That that play, I remember screaming at the TV.
they're ready to play they're lined up and this joker is literally standing next to the end and is just kind of lollygagging off like we can't snap the ball because this guy can't leave the field and he's very clearly doing it on purpose and then they told him that just to run off the field and then he kicked it into high gear and went off yeah and went off. yeah um So anyway, i think that I think that situation was just insane. like that like Dude, what I hear you you saying is that that there were 12 men on the field.
Right. No, they're, they're totally were. Um, and, uh, so the full admission, uh, me not following stuff, uh, for the 12th man on the field. So, okay. On that play, we, there there was another drop pass in that play, unfortunately. So like, uh, that one, I think it was close to being a touchdown there in Smith and he dropped it. And then when they, the ref comes on and says the previous play is under review.
And I was like, what are we reviewing? ah Because I thought the guy had gotten off the field. And so I was like, what are they reviewing? And then Lily is like, dad, they're they reviewing to see if the guy was on the field. I was like, all I could think about, though, was that they were reviewing the catch. Like what she was saying was not registering my head. So was like what do you mean? I was like, doesn't matter if it's on the field. It wasn't the catch. Like, why would they review that? She's like, dad,
They're viewing it to see if they had a guy in the field. And I was like, I don't understand. And then she's like, too many men on the field. And I was like, oh. Yeah, kirby Kirby knew it immediately. It's so funny. Because you could see him, the the broadcast showed his face during that ah whole situation. yeah And like you could see him like watching the play develop, and he watched the pass go, and he realized it was incomplete. And he immediately was like, you know he held up 12. He held up the fingers that indicated that there were 12.
Yeah. Yeah. That one is funny because their complaint is like the mechanics, but like, look, man, you can't take like a all day. like You can go slow and yeah and we do that too. But if you go that slow, like once the ref moves, you got to get off. So, so that, so that, that is where I'm getting pissed off. yeah So like people are saying that like, Oh, look at how the refs handled this game with the 12 men on the field. And it was against, it was their game against Ole Miss. And in the situation that they were like talking about,
Ole Miss was literally in the huddle and they hadn't like gotten to the line. Our situation was the ref had marked the ball ready to play and we were literally standing over center. And I remember screaming to my, I remember screaming to the TV. I was like, snap the ball, snap the ball now, snap it.
What are we doing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was screaming in the stands too, honestly, which is makes even funny that I couldn't figure out what Lily was saying because I was screaming the same thing. So yeah, I don't know. It's it's um all that complaining is delicious. That's all I'll say.
It is very delicious. And I'll tell you, Jim, I, I'm on a diet now. Um, I had my last taste of the delicious sweet goodness that was Tennessee tears, um, this morning and I'm not doing anything. I'm not doing it anymore. Other than talking about it here, we're focused on UMass, um, coming up next. And then we've got Georgia tech. So yeah, we're, we're turning, we're turning on the page, so to speak.
Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. But yeah, i definitely I definitely partook in that for an extended couple of days. Amazing. Amazing. um Yeah. And then you know first time Savage pads for Chris Cole right at the end of the game to get the game ceiling fumble.
um and i'm glad you brought I'm glad you brought him up because yeah that story deserves a comp deserves a little bit of commentary as well. okay On the broadcast, you can see Kirby Smart chewing him out. and it brings up my favorite I'm reminded now of a situation which maybe if you saw it, I think I had texted you about

Kirby Smart's Sideline Influence

there was a play where it looked like we were missing one person on the defense yeah and i don't know if we were or not i haven't seen anybody talk about it i had a whole lot of time to really look at all the other content about it but the line the defensive line for one of the plays looked as if we were missing a defensive lineman or something on the defense like it just didn't look right like I remember thinking to myself, oh my gosh, they just snapped the ball and run it to that side of the field. We're screwed. Like no one's there. yeah And they cut to the sideline and you could see Kirby Smart just chewing him out. Chris Cole, like chewing him out on something. And you could see it earlier in the game too. Like like he was getting chewed out all season, all game on.
And for him to come up with a fumble that sealed the game, I thought was just a perfect, like, you know, someone, someone said, someone mentioned, um, that like, he's going to be playing on Sundays and the coaches that know the great players always ride them hard. And I guess that that was like a ah good omen for that situation.
And yeah, anyway, I just think that that, that Chris Cole situation for him to be a big part and impact make it make an impact to, to seal the game after getting and chewed out all, so all game long, all season long, um, was, uh, was kind of a, an awesome redemption story for him.
Yeah, it was cool. It set off just absolute celebration in the stands. We had the big group hug jumping up and down to end the game. So it was pretty sweet. It was pretty sweet. I will say that I'm talking about people jumping up and down.
so They didn't pan the camera to your section. And I don't know what it would have looked like. I have a pretty good idea of what it would have looked like. But they were panning the the section. And maybe this would be a segue into like the overall atmosphere. I don't know where you're planning on going after this. But yeah um in the broadcast, you could see them panning all different places, kind of showing the blackout.
And I remember there were like multiple situations where they would pan over to a black area and there would be one orange dude just sitting in the middle of the sea of black and it's just like or or like he just looks look just looking despondent, you know, yeah like, yeah, like buddies going through it. Right, right.
I was I was happy that there weren't any of like straggling, you know, sometimes you just end up with somebody right right, right by you, you know, and they're obnoxious. And that didn't happen, thankfully. So it was all Georgia fans in our section, which is great. Yeah, man, the atmosphere was awesome. um I think I'll say this, I'll say I think the Athletic Association heard a lot of complaints um early in the season.

Enhanced Game Day Experience

I think a lot of it kind of came back from Kirby's, the crowd isn't loud enough comments and people kind of went back, well, the environment and all this kind of stuff. Um, I will say they, and we, we talked about it right when that, and I think you, can you had some choice, you had some choice words. Yeah. Yeah. I'll tell you a little too far as I'd say, uh, I'll say this, they listened, they adjusted. And so now we know they listened and I'll say all of us, myself included, I think if we have feedback is probably a better way to go about it than like tweeting it off.
I'll say that, but, um, but yeah, man, I mean, you just kept chopping Jim. Yeah. But I remember like you listed off a bunch of things on on that one episode. And I would say like, I, I feel like everything you said happened. Like, uh, like the, uh, handing it like recognizing people like constantly throughout the game, that wasn't happening. Um, and when it was happening, it was champ Bailey and Richard Seymour.
or it was like the all SEC players from 2004, like it was like Fred Gibson and David Green, like, you know, like they were honoring football players in the field and that didn't take away. um The music, I think, was better. I would especially I would say the flow of the music was better. I am always, you know, part of the red coats, but, you know, the red coats were excellent again, too. And then, you know, it's night.
People who have had a longer time to get ready for the game. Um, we know the light show, ah but I mean, the fireworks are pretty fireworks. Pretty cool. Uh, I enjoyed the fireworks. I don't think they made it as smoky as old mist did, but I know there was they definitely did. They definitely did a little bit. Yeah. I mean, I can see it. I remember everything to myself. I was like, Oh, we just all missed them. yeah Yeah, yeah, I do remember thinking that like, and it was it was kind of weird. I mean, like throughout the game, it was all fine because it was usually like kind of like a one off. The the first firework shooting off was actually during the National Anthem. So they let some fireworks go off during the National Anthem. Oh, here we here we go. Right off the bat. um Yeah. And then, you know, every score fireworks went off. And then at the end of fourth quarter during the light show, there was a lot.
And like right initially, there wasn't really smoke, but I think like just like the way the wind caught it or whatever, it didn't dissipate. It all came into the stadium and then eventually it was gone. But right, right, right. So I haven't rewatched the game, so I didn't really know what it looked like on TV, but you could definitely see it. But yeah, man, it was good. It was a it was a great atmosphere. I think we didn't hit the over on false starts. Sorry, Carter, Carter.
um We ended the overrun, the false arts that that coach put, but we did have, it had multiple. And I think the crowd got into it. One of the things that I don't know if you could see, I don't know that you would have seen this on TV when we did the light up Sanford for the fourth quarter, uh, the student section, their lights, it was like red. So there are red lights in the student section. And so I was trying to figure what the heck, like how did that happen? Um, and I saw, I don't know what the company was, but some companies sent like,
phone covers to I think it was like either the paint line or the Spike Squad went around like passed out like red like filters to go over your flashlight on your phone before the game. So when they did light up Sanford all the students section was like a big like red rectangle in that section to contrast all the lights and everyone so that that like that was cool. That looked pretty cool.
Interesting. Dwight, idea for Bulldogs battling breast cancer. Ooh, here we go. Nice. So yeah, I think the only thing that could have made the environment better was if the team wasn't black too, but neither here nor there.
Kirby said that said as much. Yeah. Which is just a confirmation that he is just continuing to troll us all. Yeah. I, I still, I find it funny. Like if, if you don't care about it so much, why do you talk about it so much? Why are you so obsessed with the black jerseys, Kirby? Yes, seriously. Seriously. Just say we're never going to wear them. And then I think everyone would shut up probably. Maybe, maybe, maybe not. Whatever. We'll talk about that later. Um, but yeah, so the environment was awesome.
It was awesome. Um, it was looked awesome. It sounded like that. It was a good vibe that I think they hired a DJ. Yeah. Sir Foster was a DJ, which I didn't realize that during, I didn't realize that until today. I saw that today. Uh, it's Monday on, on Dick talk or something. I, because he had, he put out a video, um, from the game. So yeah. Yeah. Uh, much like, sorry, go ahead.
No, i was say I was just gonna say, I mean, he's done games before, but I think it's been a while. So I can't remember who was him. He was there. I'm curious now because I saw you mentioned, you mentioned that he had done before. And I went back on his, on his social profile to see like, it's mostly basketball games. So like, yeah, I would be curious to know what games those were. Um, just to go back and look and see like what the scores were. And you know, if I remember if I was there, like whatever, you're like, yeah you know,
I don't know. by By and large, I wasn't there. It seemed like it was. Did they play, you know, what, what, did they play Baba Riley? Did they play? Oh yeah. That was the thing. Like it, that was what I was saying. I felt like it was a flow thing. Like, yeah, all the pre-aim was the same. You know, you had battle him with Munson and Baba Riley. Like all that was the same. Um, what's the song from Saturday and Athens or Saturday nights. All right. That was there. Um, so all the stuff was the same.
Okay, but I think I you know, I think of it as if you're the DJ there's someone who's kind of like conducting the crowd Right. Yeah and like trying to like have it swell at third and long, you know you like You've got to get it to the crescendo at the right point and I feel like they did a really good job of that I'm sorry, right?
Yeah. Shout out, uh, Josh Brooks and, you know, all of the athletic, you know, game day staff for hearing and making adjustments in season to address these, these situations, which it sounds like that some of that is red tape with the government that they've been wanting to do some of these things for a while now. Yeah. Uh, I think maybe, um, shoot. That's what I read online. I read that on Twitter.
OK. But yeah, I think that, you know, that said, you know, in the same vein as, you know, we haven't played a complete game on the football team. I think there are still still some things that the game day operation could could work on. And I think that you mentioned getting to your seats and the the crowd flow. And I heard people talking about fighting for their lives to get to their to get to their seats.
oh sounded like that there was still a an atmosphere issue as it relates to the crowd. Yeah, I, and I, there's, you know, there's some like, uh, I was gonna say choke points or whatever. I'm trying to think of the right word, but there's like access points where the, just the flow, especially if you're, you're like going up the stairs to the 300 level. So like when you come off the platform or the stairs, it gets pretty narrow as you're getting into the concourse. So like things like that, that's, that's where we ran into an issue. Um, so.
I mean, there's an easier way I could get in. I, maybe I need to like map out my path to get to my seats again or something, but you can enter up like from the ground on the 300 level on the backside of the stadium, right by where I sit. The issue is lately, like, you know, we're over at hug dogs. We go in under the bridge and we've kind of like, like we like to go and walk down along the hedges. So i dont maybe there's a, david maybe there's a better flow way to get up to where I'm going than the way I have been going. I'll maybe look into that, but.
I mean, either way, you know it shouldn't matter where you go or how you get in. like they' yeah there's there's There's things that you can implement to make that flow better. Yeah. um I think it it gets it gets ah it gets amplified for these huge these huge games, especially the night games. People, they've been at the tailgate all day, but then they still don't want to leave the tailgate until the last minute. And I think that i think that happened for sure here.
Right. beer things Things that everybody can continue to work on. um better never Better never rest. Better never rest. That's right. um But yeah, man, it looked like it was a fun ah fun day, fun atmosphere, and the football was pretty great too.
It was, it was, uh, quick, quick coach trail recap. Uh, I went six and two UN five and three. Um, so I have slightly maintained my season lead there. Um, but as, as we said, when we were chatting with coach when he said, whatever, I think as, as the team played better, our picks also were better because we're, we're, we're, uh, we have positive thinking a lot of times with us. So this was, this was the show me game, Jim. It was the show me game. They showed us, they showed us, they showed me, I can, I can actually call my buddy Stacy, you know, this weekend, tell him good job. Yeah. Yeah, seriously. For sure. But I expect you to bring the heat and passion the rest of the way, sir.
Okay. Nice. I love that. Well, uh, eight in a row over the vols, uh, extend the home winning streak. Uh, all the good goes all the way back to 2019 heck of a heck of a day. Heck of a day and same and same and Saturday was awesome.
I mean, you don't get, you don't get too many of them. So enjoy them. Um, I, I was enjoying it for you from afar. Um, I'm going to try to make the next two. So, uh, anyway, um, looking forward to what we've got in store and you know, there's, there's, there's potentially a third one on the, on the docket, which yeah, I think we were going to talk about that a little bit. Like what's, what's going on with the CFP situation, Jim?
Yeah. So for a CFP, um, the, there's a couple of things actually. So first off, we have to figure out who is going to the SEC championship. And there's going to be some, well, there's potential for some wild tiebreakers. I will say Georgia is not out of it. So we are now done with the conference schedule. So we're kind of like in the clubhouse, so to speak at six and two. Um, there are people that could fall back to us. So there are multiple scenarios that could send Georgia to the SEC championship.
I don't know if we want that or not. no We only chose about the third place in the sec is great spot to be. Um, but I think with the way that things have landed, ah um, you know, I don't know, it's going to be hard to rise up and get a home game, um, to get between five to eight based off where we're at right now, not saying it's not possible, but, um, it'll be a little bit harder. Um, but yeah, man, there's a lot of chaos going on, uh, with BYU losing, um, you know, watch the, I watched that game. Yeah. And so I stayed up for the BYU game.
Yeah, so you got weird things happening in in in the Big 12 there. um I think that Ohio State, Indiana game is going to play a lot in. So yeah, man, and I probably need to take a little bit more of a look at it and maybe we can have a I can have a little bit more of an informed take on kind of what you maybe what you do or don't want to happen in our next preview as we look ahead.
Yeah. So the reason I asked that question, you know, we've got, we've got UMass coming up and we've got at um got Georgia Tech. So we're definitely going to, I think we're definitely going to talk through some some scenarios here because I personally would like to know who who we need to work for.
Yes. Yes. I'll, I'll tell you this. If for the S it's a lot easier for the sec championship. So, um, there, there are just some, some clear scenarios. Like if Alabama loses one of their next games, uh, that significantly increases our chances to go. Um, so they've got Oklahoma and Auburn. If they lose either of those, we got a pretty good shot. Um, and then the, I think the other route was, and it was like, an M loses this week, but then beats Texas.
Then that would actually, I think put us in in a rematch with Alabama if they went out. So there are paths, there are paths. Odds are though, if we make it, I think most of the scenarios would be a rematch. I think there's, there's one way where we, where we would play A and&M in the championship, but the other ones are all

SEC Championship Rematch Preferences

rematches. It would either be Texas, Alabama, or Tennessee.
I personally would rather not have ah a rematch in the SEC Championship, yeah but I will take a rematch in a quarterfinal or final situation. yeah um But you know I'm actually more interested, and we can get into this in another time, but I'm more interested in the other

College Football Playoff Matchup Possibilities

like Yeah, some of the some of the matchups are starting to look some of the projected, you know, CFP stuff. Every time I look at one of those at one of those rankings, I'm like, Ooh, right. That would be interesting. Yeah, like, yeah. george I think one of the ones I saw today was Georgia going on the road to play Penn State. That's a pretty popular could happen to how awesome would that be to go to Happy Valley? Yeah. I mean, I don't know that I so much want to do that for a playoff game, but yes, it would be awesome.
I mean, it's just like, you know, we talked about,

Bucket List Games and Future Matches

it's kind of funny. We're coming like, you know, full circle. Cause a lot of the questions that we've gotten in the past have been like, what games do you want to go to? Yeah. What's your like bucket list, bucket list games. Yeah. Some of the teams that are out there, unfortunately BYU is gone, but like, you know, some of the, some of the teams that were out there are teams that are in that, uh, in that vein. And if we ever play Indiana, that'll be an interesting podcast for us. But, um, you know, even Indiana is out there.
Um, so, you know, some of the, some of the match-ups that we probably would never see are super, are super enticing.

Mid-Season Reflections on College Football

Um, that said, there's a whole lot of mid in this, in this, uh, the season of college football. Yeah. Which I think you, you've said, you've said that, you know, just get used to it. It's a different game. Like I'm going undefeated going wire to wire. Number one is probably never going to happen. Yeah. Yeah.
maybe maybe we can When we record the UMass Preview, the new rankings will be out. So maybe we can take a look at those and look at what some of the matchups are as of as of then. Yep. Let's do it. Cool. Sweet. All right, man. It was another fun one.

Rivalry Without a Name

Like I said, uh, this, uh, and as Brett Belding said, uh, we saw on ESPN that they listened to the podcast. Um, there was the Ryan McGee, uh, segment where he called this the, the rivalry without a name. So I can't, rivalry without a name. I like that. I kind of like that. The rivalry without a name.

Field Goal Win and Charity Contributions

Dude speaking of but I didn't mention this and it was probably good omens to start to start the the day um, but Henry I think his name was I don't know who whoever the kid was that kicked Yeah, they kicked the field goal for to win eight hundred thousand dollars or something like that I guess that he and the the girl a girl got the ticket to you know kick the field goal because I guess that they do a lottery before the game first, whatever however however many people come and they do a lottery for it. And she won the lottery.
But she elected to default her, her opportunity to another kid and they had decided to split it if he won. And so McAfee doubled it. And then he's also doubling it for the hurricane relief situation. And man, that kid stepped up there and I knew that he was going to kick that field old man. And I knew exactly what was about to happen. He drilled it. He drilled. he He called it. He called it. He goes, I'm about to drill this field goal. And then he went over there and just absolutely nailed it.
uh yeah it was awesome it was awesome i'm glad that i'm glad that were one of the soccer players that like i played soccer all my life actually stepped up and did it i feel like i feel like i've seen a couple of kids just let me down like i don't know this doesn't look right you're kicking with boots on i don't know about that nice nice anyway good time so um go dogs go dogs