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Georgia Tech Review | 2024 Georgia Football image

Georgia Tech Review | 2024 Georgia Football

S5 E182 · My God a Podcast! A podcast for Georgia Bulldogs
225 Plays3 months ago

Jim and John review Georgia’s 44-42 win over Georgia Tech.

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Introduction and Setup

Lily has it on video. She was videoing like every play in overtime ah To catch the ending and I was trying I was trying to finally I just got so but like I've got so many videos. I've got so many videos of oh
Welcome to My Gotta Podcast. I'm Jim Wood.

Game Day Experiences and Online Presence

In this episode, John Powell and I review Georgia's 44 to 42 eight overtime thriller over Georgia Tech. We talk about our experiences on Saturday and what stood out to us during the game. As always, remember to check out the newly redesigned My Gotta Podcast to see our latest merch. And you can follow us on social media at My Gotta Podcast. Finally, if you need help with your website or your online presence, head over to slash dogs.
Now let's join the conversation in progress.

Predictions and Surprises

it feels like Fletcher Proctor would be disappointed in us if we didn't open with just as we predicted. Yeah, I don't, I don't recall the predicting eight over times, Jim.
But, uh, yeah. Okay. Got the notification, got that notification from Fletcher right after the game, uh, and died loving. So, uh, appreciated the shout out. I will say you did. You predicted 42 points

Emotional Rollercoaster and Game Naming

for Georgia. So you had 22 off. I was, I was a little under.
I was a little under what they actually were able to to to produce, but it took a good bit longer to get there. Yeah, yeah they got a little bit more than 17 points because of what we both had.
Oh man. Um, I don't know if you've seen it. I, I've seen a few people will say it, but the first person I saw say it was that was Logan, um, on Twitter and he, he, he had seen someone else refer to this as the, the clean old fashioned eight. So I thought, I thought that was, that was beautiful. I think that whoever came up with that, that's a pretty good name. Yeah. That's a pretty good name for it.
I still can't believe it's real. Um, I'm trying to think ever being that like dejected and then actually winning. Uh, cause I was, I was pretty down. I was also pretty down. And I think that we were not alone in the stadium of, you know, people being down because a lot of folks ended up leaving yeah the game and probably were disappointed. Uh,

Comeback and Playoff Implications

I'm not going to name any names, but you know who you are.
Um, if, uh, if you were amongst those folks that they gave up on them dogs, uh, I think that, uh, I think that you, you have a right to be feel, feel shame. I, uh, I will say my, my admission is, I mean, when they scored to go up 14 points, I, I just sat down and I put in my head and my hands and just sat there. I didn't do surrender Cobra cause I had my, my elbows were lower.
But and I was so down like when when love it scored that first touchdown I cut to seven like I didn't even really react Like I just it like I looked up it I looked up at Kim and I looked at Lily and I was like doesn't matter too late So that was my feeling at the time Obviously things changed ah Soon after that moment, but yeah, that was pretty down. Yeah I think I had this, I had this, this face the whole time. Like, I was just like, Oh my gosh, what is that? Yeah. Yeah. What was, what was happening? What was happening? But hey, at the end of the day or at the beginning of the next day, I guess, uh, the dogs are still undefeated. When a hundred percent of my got a podcast is in attendance.
We did it. We did have that going for us. Uh, we kept the streak, we kept the streak alive. Um, man, but it was, it was fun. Uh, I would have to say that it was the weirdest feeling. Um, the weirdest feeling. I can't really describe it because you're just like, I've never felt that bad winning. Like during the win or even at the end? Cause dude, at the end, I didn't care.
I mean, at the end, I was just like, ah I can't believe that just happened, you know, like, that's how i was it just it was just it was just a weird feeling. I can't really describe, describe it. It's like, I feel like everybody else was talking about it on, on the socials. Like, does how does the wind feel like a loss kind of thing?
see i didn't i didn't feel i saw that sentiment i saw that sentiment i mean i definitely am am am of the opinions like well you know we basically just guaranteed ourselves a playoff berth so yeah like all you have to do is win as as evidenced by um you know how the committee has been treating things like Doesn't really matter how you win. You just, you win and you're in. Yeah.

Iconic Moments and Overtime Confusion

Yeah. Agreed. I mean, if I, the way my brother-in-law described it. Uh, so Greg described it on, I actually think this was on Sunday. I lose track of days, uh, with the game being on Friday as mail out of, ah out of sorts. Um, I think it was when we were rewatching some of it, the last of it Sunday morning, before we came back home, Greg was like,
He's like, yeah, when the game ended, like the mayor of Athens, uh, showed up again. Um, cause that's what they called me that Notre Dame game. the one He was like, Jim was just like hugging everyone. Like I was, ah I was hugging like everyone in sight. Like the people that sit behind us, the people that sit in front of us, like everyone, uh, it was, that was a pure joy to come back in and win that way. And, uh, Lily has it on video. She like, she has the, not us, but she has the the play. She was videoing like every play and over time, uh, to catch the ending.
and i was trying i was trying to finally i just got so but like i've got so many videos i've got so many videos of uh
Oh, that's funny. Yeah, but like, it she was I actually today I was like, which is Monday. I was like, really, I never even saw the video that you took like of the last the last play show it to me. And like, she showed it to me, but then like it like it cut. I was like, you hit stop like right then. She's like, No, I clicked it. I was like, you know, show me the full end. And it's her just like screaming.
but <unk>t want to so is pretty funny Yeah, but you can't send that. You can't send that on Snapchat. Right. Right. Right. Yeah. So I got to see it. Oh, but yeah, I don't, I don't, I don't, I might get trouble for posting it, but it's funny. Yeah, man. What a, what a, what a game. Uh, I, you know, I haven't been in, I haven't been in the stadium for some of those like iconic moments. So it was nice to be in, it was nice to be in Athens and in
in the stadium for one of those famous games. Like you said, clean old-fashioned eight. We can forever say that we were there and we came very close to tying you know the FPS record for Overtimes, which I feel like is kind of like an asterisk for whoever does get to 10 overtimes or whatever. yeah um Because the old school overtimes were way more epic, I feel like. Yeah, yeah. this was ah this is It's a little different with the new rules, um which I will say, like I don't know about you, but like in our area, like no one knew the rules.
like It was really funny when at at the in the second overtime when tech dude and like Brent Key clearly didn't know the rules either because he tried to kick an extra point and they had to call timeout because they're like you can't kick an extra point you have to go for two um and because like everyone around us kept being like they can kick and

Strategies and Key Performances

Lily was again Lily was like instructing everyone around us what the rules were because we had just watched that A and&M Auburn Multi overtime game the weekend before and so Lily remembered from that and and she was like no First, every time is like normal. Second, when you have to go for two, and then it's two-point convergence. And the guy behind us is like, I don't think that's right. And she's like, I'm telling you, is right andton it's right. it's right.
and and lily lily Lilywood, knower of ball. It was pretty awesome. Then, like, after, you know, so they scored and then we scored. And I was like, hey, man, I hope you were right, and we're remembering wrong, and we can just kick an extra point to win here. But, you know, obviously, Lilywood's right. so That would have been nice. Yeah. Dude, I have to say, like,
having to go for two definitely is going to favor certain teams more so than others like i I can't remember which game we were watching where the ending I want to say it was I want to see it was the A and&M game yeah I want to see it was the A and&M game because Like A and&M was struggling to get into that, into that ball game. And like Elko kept asking his, his player, like, I think, I think they got down to the goal line and it was like, okay, we're going to try to like, you know, are, are you man enough and score touchdown here? And for like two or three straight plays, they went back to back handoff with a running back, running five yards to gain one. Yeah. Yeah.
Like the teams in the spread era do that all the time. Like it drives me absolutely bananas to ask a running back to run five or six yards just to gain one. And when you've set up for the two point conversion, like it's, I don't i don't know, man, it's just mind boggling to me what how health teams do that. And so like, I'm surprised that we didn't have some more like bootlegs and stuff like that for, um, I'm surprised that they.
Tried to do what they did and got stuffed. Um, but yeah anyway, that's trying to run your running back when you are trying to run your quarterback. Who's been like, dude, he ain't skiing, man. He, he balled out. and Like that was, he was the quintessential. This game means a lot more for these two teams on this particular day.
than anything on the numbers or in the paper and then, you know, in the data. Yeah. Showcases like on any given day, you can decide that you're going to bowl out and that kid was a warrior. But at the end of the day, he had been asked to carry the ball. How many different times like, yeah, he'd have been gassed.
Yeah, I was kind of surprised they didn't run with him more in overtime than they did. Although granted when they did, we stepped it. So I don't know. I guess maybe they knew what they're doing. Um, also, I mean, I don't know, John, I got to give you some props because you kept being like, I don't know, man, I don't believe this whole hands can can't throw a thing. And you were right. Yeah, dude. Was it, I mean, in the end, was it just a big long con to set themselves up to play better against Georgia? I don't know.
I guess I don't know what happened, but as soon as he as soon as he started throwing, throwing the ball, I was like, well, I guess that he can throw the ball. Yeah. Well, I remember like rewind it that said that said like I went when I when I watched the replay after a certain point, I don't think that he threw beyond like 20, 30 yards. Like he he really wasn't throwing the ball too deep from what I recall.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he didn't throw very far in general. And I think like, again, in the stadium, don't know these kinds of things, but on the broadcast, they basically said like in warmups or that he had felt good that week and was feeling good warm up and was going to be able to make all the throws, which, you know, like rewind for us earlier in the day, you know, we had talked about, um, we were at Kim's parents house for Thanksgiving. And so we're driving from big canoe over to Nicholson and remember we're on the way. And that's when like, I started seeing all this stuff on.
on Twitter and everything about like breaking news or whatever, like the freshman, you know, file wasn't going to play and they're going to register and all this stuff. And I was like, what in the world? um So I didn't I couldn't figure out what was going on there. But, you know, now with the hindsight of seeing the game, I mean, they didn't need them. You know, I mean, Haynes King gave them the best chance to win. And it's just that he was I guess felt good enough to go. Um, yeah, man, he, he was impressive. We didn't really have an answer for him. There we go. We're in regulation and until late, I guess. No. Yeah. We didn't, we had no answer for him and I don't necessarily know if it was him or just the overall scheme that Buster Faulkner, you know, put out there. Um, because basically what I saw was a lot of.
I guess so a lot of what we probably saw with Monken, where the way that they designed the play is that it put the defense into significant stress, where they had to make decisions. Like we put linebackers in situations that they were uncomfortable with. We put defenders, defensive backs in situations that they were uncomfortable with. And someone had to make a decision on how to hand off coverage. like that That

Offensive and Defensive Analysis

was something that coach Hayes had mentioned.
You know, there was one particular play where, you know, they brought a man in motion and Dan Jackson was late getting over because he was trying to make a switch. And then they ran that guy back and they had to run the switch switch off again. And it just created conflict within the defense because all of that requires timing, all of that requires thinking. And if you catch someone in a, in a look that is not, you know,
If you catch someone in a defensive look for a play that is designed to be more advantageous to your play call, then um you know you're you're it's it's easier to find those kind of plays where you can realize that that you're in an advantageous situation and you can exploit problems on the defense. You saw some of that even in even in the overtime period and even towards the even in the in the fourth quarter when Tech scored to go up, there was a little underneath pass and I was like, how the heck did that guy get wide open? And it's because
The play was designed to make him wide open. Yeah. Yeah. Is that the one where there was like a natural pick where like our deep, our guys like ran into each other? Is that cause I, there was at least one where that happened. There was, it was, I saw two pick plays. Um, one was the, the tight end basically blocked his man, blocked the defensive back.
All the way up to a point where, I mean, it actually was really nice execution because in order for that play to work, you have to basically work. He had to work his man into the path of where he thought the defender was going to go. yeah And basically, you know, you send the wide receiver and motion off of the snap.
and the tight end is blocking his man up to a point where the defender is most likely coming over to try to meet that man and he just kind of got washed out and then all of a sudden the guy's wide open like these are the kinds of plays those are the kinds of When we're, when we talk about what's going on with the defense and, or sorry, what's going on with the offense, you see ah an offensive coordinator working with his personnel to a point where they're very clearly advantageous situations that are putting them into, in a position for success. And they, they, they marched, they, what they rattled off almost almost 500 yards of offense, right? Yeah. Um, and.
ah Large chunk of them were before the fourth quarter and you know before the overtime period but You know when we've been sitting here looking at what's on the field from an offensive standpoint like I think you and I were you and I were kind of arguing with John earlier about this like not arguing but you know, we're yeah and to your point you you you're like I made the comment that we got our butts whooped and And you made the comment, well, 500 yards of offense says that we didn't. And I wasn't just talking about the the offense, but it did feel like we got our butts whooped on ah offense. And, you know, frankly, we we did through three quarters, basically. And the running game really wasn't very impactful to the game. Um, so yeah, yeah. I think that there are things that we saw from the opposing offensive coordinator that we're kind of looking.
at our situation saying we should be able to do stuff like that. Why aren't we doing it? Yeah, I think our the that that discussion I think was around like like getting whipped in the trenches and I felt like um I think we did defensively, especially up until for three quarters or three and a half quarters.
Um, offensively, you know, I felt like things were there, man. Like things were there. And you know, you talk about like putting your players into position to succeed. Um, it doesn't do any good if they don't catch it. And that's like, ah I hate to say it, but I mean, you know, like first driver of the game, third down, yeah we had a third down. I mean that we had, it was there, it was there and it was a drop. Um, and so that continues to happen. So Bobo can't catch the ball, unfortunately.
Um, for yeah I think, I think I made that comment that but it turns out that Bobo cannot catch the passes that are thrown. Hey, does our tailgate friend, uh, Corey Allen have any eligibility left? We need to get him back. out I know. Right. shadow should We should have asked him about that. Um, like, Hey, what's, how do you, when you have, when you have a situation where you're leading the country.
in drop yardage and drops. What's the fix? Yeah. is it like a Is it like a slump in in baseball? like Do we need to get these guys out there and get them laid or something? like do we need a what what is what's the What's the old joke about the the Dodgers, the the fix? The slump buster. The slump buster. Do we need to get these guys out there to get a slump buster situation going? I don't know what is going on, man. Like, I don't know. I don't know. So that that was just that was, I guess, my thing there. But like, I mean, first, first half, especially, I mean, really most the game, like I would say like outskemed out outcoached, out executed. But like, I mean, you know.
you You can't write things off, you know, I mean, it's a 60 minute game and plus, I guess at times. And, um, we, the thing Kirby keeps it harbor harping on as like the resiliency and that they don't, they don't quit. You know, they don't give up. Um, dude, if there was ever a time to say, keep shopping, like, holy cow. Like all the, all the mantras I think came into play, uh, in this, in this single game.
Yeah, like so sorry, go ahead. Finish, finish what you're going to say. And I was just going to walk through a couple of things. Yeah, I was just going to say, like, just like by the time we get to half, like, that's what was so frustrating. So it's like you've got, you know, offensively first drive of the game, you know, had the first down there, dropped it. um And then we had, you know, then basically couldn't get anything going. Finally get something going. We fumble.
and they get the ball, go down and score. um And then it's like, you think maybe we can get some points right before the half miss field goal. So it was just like a calamity. Like,

Rivalry Game Intensity and Emotional Impact

I mean, basically like nothing was going right in the first half. The fact that we were able to turn it around from there and it got, it looked even more bleak, I would say than that um at the end of the game, when we got, when they scored to go 14 in the fourth quarter. um It's, it's, it's unbelievable that we actually won that game.
and As Munson would say, we had no business winning that ballgame. Yeah, we, a thousand percent had no business winningning winning that game. um Okay. So lets let's walk through let's walk through the first let's walk through the first half. okay So I think Kirby Smart mentioned that think I think I heard Kirby Smart mention that he told the team that they would have about 11 possessions and that's exactly what they had. and So let's let's walk through those possessions. So our first possession, three plays and a punt. You are already kind of touched on that one. That was a third down. It was a pass to, wasn't it Aaron Smith? Yeah. He dropped it. Yeah.
which has kind of been a theme this season. Um, then the next, the next series we had, we had a bit of, we had of a bit of a sustained drive, but got, got into a fourth down situation and and we couldn't convert. Yeah. I will say that whole situation, that whole scenario was really weird. Cause like they signaled first down, moved the chains and then had to then like stopped the game to move the chains back and repair the chains is what they said.
That whole thing was weird, but it wasn't a first down. It was just weird that they moved the chains when it wasn't. But anyways. Right. And then then we got the ball again and it was another three and out situation.
yeah I'm not really sure what what happened there. I think it ended on a sack. I believe that's the one that ended on a sack because I think we went we went backwards. Oh yeah, yeah. yeah ah one One of my name sakes. One of my brother and Clayton Paoli had a sack.
that that dropped us back 11 yards on third down. So that's another, another unsuccessful situation. And then we get into a one where it's like, there, there are some things that I feel like that there were some decisions that were made on this series that I feel like had, had impacts throughout the rest of the game.
Because what you saw was more failure to execute that was punished by, I feel like that we didn't really see him that much. So this was the fumble. This was the fumble that, um, that we had where Dominic Lovett basically, I don't know. I don't know if he got a first down, but he got nine yards, right? And this was like back to back plays. We had a, I passed the Euro sec and I passed the Dom to love it. I love it. And he got.
you know nine yards but the problem was it was one of those screen passes and we were asking Anthony Evans to you know hold his block and he failed to engage his man like just flat out whiffed on the perimeter and his guy that he was supposed to be blocking came behind and looked love it and caused the fumble. Yeah.
I don't think that we saw, I don't think we saw AE out on the field playing wide receiver that much again. yeah um yeah I don't think that he was really much of a factor at all beyond that point. So I say that in a microcosm of like this team is largely who we are because of the personnel that we have available to us. So we're all frustrated about, you know,
Why are people dropping passes? That kind of stuff. Like, let's throw some guys out there that but can, right? Which we've seen AE have a lot of success. The problem is is that you have those situations on those ancillary you know skills and tactics that UGA relies on their players to execute at a high level. And when they don't, it shows up in ways like what you saw there where ah another fumble ended up being in ah a drive killer. um Georgia Tech gets the ball and goes on another long touchdown scoring drive. They went on back to back 60 plus yard drives that ended in touchdowns and put us in a 17 to nothing hole after we basically did nothing on offense.
um Let me get the ball back. Six plays for 40 yards. Was this the missed field goal? Yes, it was. That that that was to end the half missed field goal. Okay. So, so we got into, Hey, let's get some points on the board mode. Um, it took 30 seconds off the clock, but what I will say, and this is where the weather comes into play here in that particular scenario, though the wind, which, you know, frankly, the, the kick was just never straight enough.
But that said, the wind was blowing so hard. And I had texted you early on and in the in the day, ah which I guess we should should probably highlight the positives of the the duration of of the day. But we'll get to that in a second. I have a feeling. um But the kit that he had where he put that ball up The time that he hit it, because I remember looking, I was like, okay, he's about to take this field goal. I can see the American flag is like literally flapping in the wind over here. The winds were swirling and they were blowing in at that kick time. yeah So not ideal from a, from a kick, not ideal from a weather situation in that, in that specific instance. And we found ourselves in a 17 to nothing hole. Uh, unfortunately we were able to turn things around and ended up.
You know, I mean, we came out of halftime three plays in a, in a punt again. yeah Um, but from that point forward, it was a lot of positives that happened. And I have a feeling that some of it is related to the adversity that we've been seeing from this team where they got to a point where basically we stopped them. We we had a three and out, they had a three and out, and then we had touchdowns to, to basically end, end regulation, right? Yeah.
You put up 21 points in the fourth quarter. So at some point they decided that they were going to stop playing with their, their food. And, you know, Hey, we we can feel, we can feel this, this is slipping away. And we've seen that, we've seen that situation matriculate in, in game in situations where we had our backs completely against the wall. And this is why I say.
you know, for anyone that's out there that, you know, left the game early and you know, finds themselves in a situation like this with this particular team. um We have shown that we will come back because, and this is what I was trying to tell John earlier. Like I realized that we struggled. I filed this under the the similar games that Alabama and Auburn have played where you' you've got an in-state rival. I mean, shoot, Michigan, Michigan crapped to bed or Ohio state crapped to bed against Michigan. Yeah. Um, we saw a lot of, we saw a lot of upsets and you know,
a lot of stressful situations for an in-state rival game. These games are why college football is so amazing because number one, you've got the regionality you know as as a factor for the in-state rival. Some of of them are conference games, some of them are not, some of them are historically significant, some of them are not. like Then you've got some that are you know significant in the CFP as far as to what what happens with them.
um There's just a lot of chaos that happened this past this past weekend. Yeah. And this is a perfect situation for these games. These games can get crazy. These in-state rivalries can get crazy crazy. They can. And somehow I talked myself out of this. but And I could go look for it exactly but when I sent it. But I know I told you before we played Tennessee, I told you and this was not a podcast. This was like texting. I told you I'm more worried about Georgia Tech than I am Tennessee. And that's how I felt.
Back then, somehow somewhere in between, I changed my mind. and and like It was like, by the time we got to the week, like by the time we got to last week, I felt fine. And I was like, yeah, I feel fine. Like, you know, we're kind of back on track. Um, and you know, I'm not worried about what happened against UMass because it was UMass and their head weren't as in the game and yada, yada, yada. But then like we saw all those things come back. Like,
poor tackling. Um, I mean, shoot, we even talked about like the literally the first player of the game, we had Haynes stuffed up the middle and didn't wrap up bounces outside for whatever that was 30 something yard run. And that was just guess kind of, I guess, a foreshadowing of foreshadowing of things to come. But yeah, I mean, I mean, the offense, absolutely. I mean, they turned it on. I mean, had the ball five times in the second half, one, three and out, and then four touchdown drives. so um
And it's the kind of thing where like it didn't feel like that in the stadium. And I guess it's because of that one time where it's like, you know, when we, we, we get it down to seven and then they just marched down the field and score. And I feel like, I mean, that if you think about it, huge turning point because tech, their field goal drive that they had.
That was their like when we had them, we had them backed up. We had them pinned in their territory and they had that 18 play 90 yard drive and that resulted in a field goal and shoot off 10 minutes and 36 seconds of the clock. So they do that. Then we go down and score touchdown, cut it to seven.
and At that point, like they made a decision to go for the jugular and try to end the game. and They put the foot on the gas. i mean They were going for it. like They went for a wheel route shot that didn't hit, um but then they scored pretty quickly. so That was a two minutes and 41 second drive ah to score to make it a 14 point game.
but i mean like I'm kind of questioning their decision making at that point. like if they do If they do a Kirby death march, maybe they went. But instead, they score quick, we score, and then Dirty Dan forces the fumble, we score again. um But when they when they did score that touchdown on that quick drive, it definitely felt like it was over. that's what that's That's the moment I was saying earlier where I put my hands on my head, I thought the game was over, people were going for the exits. I mean, I sat there, but just in dejection, I thought it was over. But Again, the the resiliency to be able to hang in there and just never stop. And again, the offense was perfect from that point. After that first three and out in the third quarter, it's worth touchdown every time.
Yeah. So let's, I mean, we've seen, we've seen this play out at different points throughout this, this season, right? Like this, this quick scoring ah offense that just shows up out of nowhere. Like yeah you just mentioned, you just mentioned, you know, we scored a couple of different, a couple of different touchdowns. You know, we had,
in In that little march in the fourth quarter, we had a six six plays, 51 yards, two minutes and 39 seconds. ye

Key Plays and Celebrations

We had a eight play, 75 yards, two minute drive. We had a five play, 32 yard, one minute drive, which was aided by the fumble. But I mean, we still scored as quickly as we needed to. I mean, we left we left a little bit of time left on the clock.
where they could have, you know, really done some damage, but were unable to, you know, to succeed and actually gave us a shot at the end, which I was super worried when I saw that when when Beck fumbled to end the game and he looked super uncomfortable. I didn't realize it.
Live but like watching the replay man. He looked he looked seriously uncomfortable And I made the comment to you guys like is he is he okay? And like, you know, how's how's how's his arm? I mean none of that's come up but um he He wasn't asked to throw too far in overtime because of because the nature of how the short field the short field exactly I mean and the passes that he did throw were you know, not on a frozen rope there were lofted balls and things like that, but um I don't know the window the window the window Humphrey was
was a lofted ball that he had to throw over several guys. Not the one to Humphrey. The one to the one too ah Jones was, but the one to Humphrey was like over there to the left and he kind of ran in front of a guy to catch it. But what I want to talk about, I feel like we're going to kick ourselves. We don't talk about us. Why did Georgia go for two?
after the first, I wasn't really too, I wasn't really too bothered by it. Oh my gosh. I get it. Like they have, they have all their different, they have all their different reasons for doing stuff that they have the charter or whatever. So I, I don't know. The second it happened, I was screaming at the field. What are you doing? what you Like we could not figure out like, what are you doing? So I was not having, so I'll have to,
Are you saying are you saying that because if if he didn't go for two and kick the kick the field goal Like we would have won. Is that where saying yeah, we wouldn't regulation if we'd just kick extra your points We scored we should have had 28 points in regulation, right? And like what does that even get you? We're down. We're you're down by 11 You kick the extra point you're down 10 if you're down by nine It's still a two score game. i I mean, I know what the answer is. The answer is well then 10 points wins the game, but Whatever we could have avoided it eight over times. I Okay, so you're not as a big upset about that as I am. We were screaming. And then the next day, A&M in Texas, there was a point where it was 17 to nothing. And then when A&M scored their first touchdown, we were like, all right, let's see what they do. Are they going to go for two? Are they going to kick the extra point? They kicked the extra point.
But anyways, yeah, I feel, I feel like that, uh, did the chart, did the chart that I didn't really look at it too closely to be honest, but, uh, did the chart have like timing in the game as a factor as well? the ones so The ones that are going around. No, it's just lead by this much or trail by this much. Nothing to do with time. Yeah. So I guess that if I were to make a beef about it, like maybe, maybe you don't look at the chart until the second half.
It was in the second half, but it was the second fourth quarter. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I felt. I felt like your is way too early in the game to be worried about that. You're chasing. Yeah. You're chasing points when an extra point gets you to be down by 10. So like, I don't know. I didn't like it, but okay. You're not as upset as I am. That's fine. I guess that I, I, I liken it. I liken it to a guy that, um,
You know, in a tight, in a tight game, you get, you get a runner on first. It's fast. All of a sudden you're, you're button them into scoring position and that kind of stuff. Like small ball yes is what how I was referred to. Right. So I guess that that's a small ball football situation. Yeah. Yeah.
Um, maybe it came back to bite them, but I guess that there's an analytics out there that showcases, I mean, well, I think all those analytics also are, they're all based off of like you make a two point conversion 50% of the time. Like a lot of those analytics, I always hear that. And, uh,
I would say this, this game definitely disagreed. Georgia and Georgia tech combined to go three but out of 14 two point conversions in overtime. That's crazy. And then you crazy. And then you add in the one that Georgia, especially given good. I was just going to say, especially with how, how quickly we were scoring and like, you know, the two teams put a 30, 31 points of offense in the fourth quarter.
Yeah. Yeah. So, and then if you add in the one time Georgia went for two during the game, uh, it was a combined three of 15 for the game on two point conversions between the two teams. So, and again, dude, when it got to overtime, like for me, I didn't even realize that both teams were like not getting it so much. I don't know. It just like the way my, my brain was just so focused on like, this is the, like, this is the play that like, you know, it's like you win or you lose like so yeah times stan like How many times was it like we had, I don't know. It's like, it's like we had stopped them and then we just have to score or like, Oh my gosh, we didn't score if they score or we lose. Like it was, it was so nerve wracking. That's insane.
Yeah, man. i Looking at the box score again and you know the drive summaries and all that kind of stuff, like I was in the same boat. I was like, oh my gosh. like and And I guess that I did feel that in the stadium, because I think I tweeted out at one point, like does anybody want to win this game? like can Can one of these teams figure out who wants to win? Because yeah it felt like neither of them wanted to win. It felt like hot potato. you know like Someone's going to end up with it at the end.
yeah um maybe the only thing I can say is like first of all you know grueling game the weather was the weather was a factor you know it's cold it's windy that it I think it was in the 20s by the time and the game was over it was late it's a long day yeah right after a holiday um I'm not really sure to what levels you know you know, what schedule these guys were on for the most part, but like, I guess, you know, it's it's not very often that that a game goes that late. I mean, I know that speaking for, speaking to someone that, that drove there and drove back, you know, I didn't really get home until three, four

Thanksgiving and Game Day Challenges

o'clock in the morning. So like, and that was, that was a long day. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and it, it, it doesn't happen without Dan Jackson. I'll say that too. Like absolute play the game causing that season, play the season. Yeah, man. Um, and you know, to be a walk on, um, to come to Georgia, he's been here did six year senior, a graduate where it rocks the sec graduate patch on his Jersey. Um,
to make that play and dude it's so funny to watch the replay too because like no one no one knew there was a fumble like so many guys are just like walking around thankfully Chaz Chambliss saw it dies on it and then it's funny because like some guys are like signaling our ball and I feel like there are other players they were just like signaling like we stopped them to not get the fuck they still didn't know and then uh jazz is running around the ball but um yeah man uh and again dude so between that happening and then uh when he got the sack uh of hand skiing in in overtime uh lily was just like screaming her head off like dirty damn like
just like it yeah dude dan dan jackson um is definitely the Stetson Bennett of this defensive he's like he's like the defensive story of of Stetson Bennett right yeah um what i will say what i will say is that as much crap as as Thorsen and Ratlidge give him um in terms of, you know, coming up empty when he's out hunting. He definitely he definitely bodied a ah big one. I love that man. He's a need to get that audio to him so he can send that to Thorsen.
He took down he took down a warrior. He did. I mean, think about that. Think about that. Like he's king is like I guess, again, that kind of goes back to you know kind of my comment about the then overtime period. This game, if you ah remove the remove the long run that Jamal Haynes had when to start the game, remove that, and and immediately the rushing stats are just like, he's king.
mean He's the leading rusher. Anyway, he was the leading rusher. Well, but that's what i'm saying it just overwhelmingly Yeah, yeah, just it just puts it just puts an emphasis on the fact that he was the entire team like he put the entire georgic tech team on his back and They basically just asked him to do a little too much. I feel like like he should not have been in that position running that ball like that yeah I realized that you want to give, you know, feed the stud and feed the hot hand or whatever. But like, you know, he had taken some punishment. I think that the the commentators actually mentioned it in the.
You know, on the broadcast, like they're like, man, this guy's taking a lot of hits. He's going to feel it in the morning, you know, that kind of thing. Like yeah they made those kinds of comments. Like, so I don't know. Uh, but I guess that they just tenderized him also all game longs for the Dan Jackson could come in and clean up the mess. Um, I guess like that's, that's the only thing I got. Um.
That was a situation where you have a senior leader make a big time play in a situation that he was trained for. like yeah Basically, they put a guy in motion and did some of that you know trickeration, you know putting defenses in conflict. And what happened was there was no hesitation from Dan Jackson.
His man went in motion. He knew that he was going to get handed off. Someone else was going to have that coverage. And he saw the window on where he could attack and was having needed to fill his gap. And he didn't hesitate one bit, just immediately flew to the football. Yeah. Yeah. And dude, that just set off an insane celebration in the in the stadium. I mean, that, that was like, like, I personally like, I like came back to life.
It's like it like like a fan, you know, it's like, you know, was it it was it at that point that you stuck your heart back in? him yes Was it at that point, Jim? Yes. I picked it up and I stuck it back inside. Oh, man. Yes. Yes. I think I think that that is accurate. Oh, dude. yeah i' I mean, i'm I'm trying to think of like, you know, there's not been that many. I feel like our comebacks are usually on the road or somewhere else.
um Yeah. Auburn, uh, Alabama, Tennessee. Yeah. I know. Like we've had some crazy ones and bowl games and stuff for like, or like, you know, or the you pick it up a second back inside the Corey Allen catch 97 at tech, like, um, and we've had come from behind and wins at home, but like just nothing, yeah nothing that I can think of on this level. Um, it was special to be there. Glad I was there. Um, got to experience it with family and then our, our, our new family that became our family, everyone that sits around us.
du It was just like a big group hug around everyone um and you know we like we've you know we've had those seats like since i got out of college and. you You get to know the people, some people, it's like we had just always seen them. Then finally, we're like, hey, you know we've been sitting behind you for like 15 years. like What's your name? We just started to talk to people and stuff like that. It's like those folks. The guy just like sat there hugging this guy, Billy. like We were just like jumping up and down. It was awesome, man. It was it was just pure pure joy.
um And I know and know everyone said, I've seen a lot of like our rivalry is classier than of other rivalries because there are all these fights and stuff. I'm not saying that there would have been a fight, but like we want we protected it we protected our turf and we protected our hedges. um And that's in part why it was classy.
If they if they finish that off, the hedges were getting decimated by their players and their fans. So sure. ah But all those all those scenes that we're seeing um where that stuff was happening, the the the visitor one. So I'll just for what it's worth. Shout out to George Foster, because that was that's actually his point he made.
Somebody said talk about how classy was he was like well those head is would've been torn up. So yeah they definitely would've been torn up not to mention the fact that like i think that it was just one of those things.
at the end where they just realized, I mean, you could see the tech players after, after they scored, like they just sat there. Like, I think they were just kind of and and in shell shock. You know what I mean? Um, yeah I think that, uh, I think that that was just ah a situation where everybody was just so exhausted. You know, you kind of look at it and from a ah liken it to a soccer match where, you know, in soccer, when you go to overtime and you have the, the PKs and all that kind of stuff, like,
Same kind of thing happens. Like the opposing team just like falls down. You know what I mean? At the end, yeah um there's a famous, there's a famous come from behind win shout out British bulldog Manchester United beat Bayern Munich in 1999 and the Champions League final. And

Season Reflections and Playoff Prospects

they scored, they scored two goals in the last couple of minutes to basically win the championship. And you could see the players just just.
As soon as they scored the winner, they knew it was over. There was only a matter of seconds left and they're, they're just dejected on the field. Yeah. Bold over on their backs, crying, you know, all that kind of stuff. So anyway, like, I think that was the situation there. So there was, there wasn't enough, they didn't have enough in the tank to want to fight. it's right say right Right. But again, like I said, that's the home, the home team one, but yeah.
Uh, dude, also too, I mean, we haven't talked a ton about back. I mean, dude, back five touchdown passes, uh, three touchdown passes and regulation to an overtime. Um, no turnover, didn't turn the ball over. So, I mean, that's off to him. Tip of the cap, dude, the touchdown, the first touchdown to love it.
That pass was beautiful. I mean, he dropped it in between like four defenders, um, to love it. And, uh, that was probably his best throw, I would say. Um, but there were a lot of good ones, a lot of good ones, dude. Have you seen the video where, uh, the touchdown, the cash Jones and the second overtime he's set Carson Beck is celebrating doing the cash money sign while the ball's in the air.
Oh, wait, was he doing the cash money or yeah he was just, I thought he was just kind of like, dude, he does the cash showing. I'm pretty sure in the touchdown, I'm pretty sure he does. It it looks to me like he does the cash money. That's how I interpret it. I interpret it that way. I was doing the cash money. Yeah.
the Yeah, it was it was unbelievable. But yeah, man, heck of a game by back made plays with his legs too. Um, made some huge running plays. So yeah, yeah I would say that that's been a ah nice revelation the last several games, you know, granted the offense hasn't played, and you know, great, but I, you cannot point, you cannot point to any of the, any of the things, you know, with the offense, you cannot point to back as being the problem.
Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. Um, personnel issues, drops, you know, running game problem and people are injured, all this kind of stuff. And so, yeah, my hope is, is that as we, you know, continue to have guys resting and and healing up, we're going to see some more guys come back into and and be, and be in factors in the games, like ETN getting back would be nice. yeah Um, you know, we've got some games coming up. We've got a play I've run. So.
Yep. It's the benefit of winning this game. The benefit of this, of winning this game means that, uh, you know, no matter what happens in the SCC championship, when loser draw, we're, we're making the playoffs. So yeah, I think we punched our ticket. I think we pushed your ticket. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, in that backfield, Frazier look good again. Um, maybe his best game, not in maybe yardage wise, but tough runs, the game winning touchdown or two point conversion, I should say. Um, yeah.
The unofficial official had had had the the only other two-point conversion ah that was converted. That was a nice moment to see. um Had Robert Robinson back. So yeah, a lot of good stuff there.
Yeah, there's there's there's definitely some positive takeaway. I think the the defense continues to be the question mark as to what the heck's going on. Yeah. I think some of that, you know, we'll hopefully see some guys come back from that have been hurt that will help the defensive side, um which will be particularly in the trenches, which will be a ah welcome, a welcome addition.
Yeah, uh, uh, I was going to quickly say shout out coach drill. Send us the, uh, send us the over unders results as always, uh, on Sunday, got him while I was driving home to Charlotte. Um, see the way I've got it. I think we both went five and three this week. Uh, so he basically kind of maintained. So I, I maintained my, uh, my slight lead. Uh, I made a bit, a bit of a, I kept, I've kept chopping and then the pickups on within one game of you. So.
Coach, thanks as always in ah <unk>y and seeing you on Friday, almost on Saturday. Dude, it took me forever to keep correctly saying Friday. hu so I guess i guess that's a good that's a good segue into discussing the the overall afternoon. Yeah, yeah for sure.
sure um so I don't know how you feel, Jim, but after the experience that that I had in Athens on Friday, I feel as though playing on Black Friday should just be the thing moving forward. Okay. In gentlemen, I don't know, are they all going to go eight eight over times?
No, Jim, they will not all go eight times. Just statistically statistically feels improbable. So there was like, to me, but fair. um I felt like there was like good and good and bad. The good was especially considering the eight over times. And I know I know we talked about this and I talked with others like Man, I am glad that I got an extra day to recover before having to go back to work on Monday. um That would have been so it definitely helped from that that lens. um What I didn't like about it, this is just a personal thing is like, you know, although you you drove from even further on the day of the game, so I should probably just shut up. But, you know, usually.
Yeah, we're doing we do Thanksgiving when there's a home game We do Thanksgiving with Kim's family and then we drive over but usually we can drive over late Friday and then be there for all day Saturday And so driving over the day of on Friday after Thanksgiving was a little was a little different I am I know there were some people like what's the scene going to be like, et cetera. And like, I don't know, maybe there was a little bit less, fewer people out and about tailgating. Did you feel that? Because like but the stadium was still packed. The stadium was rocking like I don't it didn't take anything away from the in game environment.
um So I know from speaking to many folks that were in the same similar boat to me, um, you know, our, our friend, and friend of the show, Tim, uh, you know, he was coming in from the beach as well. Um, he didn't get there until six 45. So like a lot of folks didn't get there until like late. I feel like, got it um, cause I was worried. I was worried when we first got there. I mean, even, even, even Logan's tailgate, you know,
They didn't they didn't tailgate they didn't put up their their tailgate situation They actually combined with their their neighbors be like gotcha in their usual spots I didn't see a whole lot going on over at stegman carter was like what's going on, you know over I think the waiting since last Saturday guys were over there, but I didn't see we didn't swing by because we kind of I was an hour behind again, so um I just wanted to get to where we were going to spend more time with the Everyone else and I thought that you were going to be there yeah we we had we had a delay
ah see Unfortunately, my sister was not feeling well. and so we she was She kept trying to like rally and say she could go. um and We had to eventually shut her down like, years you're You're not going to this game.
And so, yeah, so then we say we came in a little hot. Oh, we made it. we made We made it. We were still able to tell it for a good amount of time. So yes. But yeah, but yeah, I would. Yeah. Didn't realize, didn't think we would end up in a situation where you got to the tailgate that much sooner than we did, that you would get to Morris Hall that much sooner than we did. So that wasn't wasn't planned, but we made it. And then ah the best I appreciate you sending out the pictures that when you had handed Kim your phone to take a picture of us and then she just started taking selfies.
ah Good Amazing. um Yeah, man, that was the tailgate the tailgate was great. um I feel like that's, I don't know, I think we should just play these guys. Let's let's just make it Let's just make it a thing. Black Friday evening, no matter what. Let's just do it. Because being being the preeminent game, because there are other games on, which I guess that that was a drawback, although we had the Egg Bowl. We had the Egg Bowl on. So that was nice, which frankly, I didn't really even watch much of.
Um, we were just so engaged with conversation and talking to different, you know, talking to everyone. And, yeah um, I think that the tailgate, the tailgate was, was awesome. Like it was as always, shout out Greg rodeo and hug dog at, uh, hosting us as well. So it was a great day.
I meant to go by Reagan's Mark. I don't know if you were out or not. Apologies. so that That was on my, that was actually on my, on my list to do, but the the late, the late start, uh, didn't work. Oh man. Yeah. Driving it. How was, how was your Thanksgiving? Cause we didn't really even talk too much about that.
I know, right? Yeah, we just basically talk football. No, Thanksgiving was great. ah We're at Kim's parents house. um And then Kim's sister, husband, and their nephew, um our nephew, their son was there. ah He's like seven. So it's we just have a great, great time with him blast. We always want to Play games and show us all this stuff. So we had a ton of fun. Um, do they just like, they did all the cooking and everything. Like we didn't, you know, we kind of showed up and had ah had a great meal. So shout out to the barter family. Uh, that was awesome. And then, um, did we had my family's leftovers for lunch before we hit it, head over to the tailgate. Um,
So over there, ah Greg had smoked a turkey um for that Thanksgiving meal. So we had that. So we got we actually got to basically have we had at least the Thanksgiving meal twice. So I believe I saw a pumpkin roll was made.
My mom made the pumpkin roll. Yep. She made the pumpkin roll poder for pumpkin roll on the same as pumpkin roll, uh, was, was consumed. That was my breakfast the on Saturday morning. And then there was a pond as famous breakfast on Sunday morning. Also something I forgot to tell you that that fueled the comeback. Apparently, um, cause like my, my, my parents, uh, and then my nephew and Ella and my sister because she wasn't doing well, we're back at the house doing the game.
I think when we were like down 14 and like everyone's like the game is over my mom li lit a candle and that fueled the comeback. I like it. I like it. Some people do wardrobe changes. Some people do things. Apparently my mom lit a candle during the game. I wasn't really sure where this was going. I wasn't really sure where that was going. Fueled the comeback. but I like it.
um yeah id my my My Friday was was different. I came in. Carter and i i woke up I woke up super early. I just wanted to make sure we got on the road. I still got ah i still got out a little later. I wanted to sleep a little late. but I drove four hours, four and a half hours from Hilton Head. We had to make some stops along the way um because as as teenagers do, they outgrow their winter coats. And Carter did not have a winter coat, we realized, um um because he went down to the beach earlier with his mom. and So I stayed back for work stuff. and
My teenager had and other things going on too. So I drove my oldest and myself to to the beach separate from everyone. And I was like, Hey, did you have a winter coat? Cause I don't think you have one. We stopped on black Friday. I got a pretty good deal on on a jacket for Carter. I got some hot hands. I was, I guess I shouldn't have expected it, but.
It was kind of hard to find hot hands in Hilton Head. So anyway, we we we went on an adventure to get some some warm some warm clothes, which we didn't really need the hot hands, but it was nice to have those as options.
They were, we, I didn't personally use them, but Kim and Billy, they use them. So yeah we have to, I forgot to pack them, but thankfully I didn't need to pack them because they were in the glove in the glove box of our car that we took. So sweet. So anyway, but it was good. We, we did the the destination Thanksgiving situation, which was nice. Um, so. It was nice from a sense that, you know, we didn't have to do anything. We ordered. It was we ordered it. So it was total easy button. My wife made a couple of couple of dishes. that She made the sweet potatoes and she makes she made the sweet potatoes and oh, and the she made the corn casserole.
Nice. but your Which are staples in the Powell household, um holiday meals. um Yeah, we we talked about the difference between like dressing and stuffing on the preview, which, and that was the funny thing is the Barda house, games family, that's a stuffing house. And then my family's house is a dressing house. So we had, we had both ways.
I feel like it's like a, so I feel like the the dressing is a Southern thing. Yeah. And the stuffing is not so much, not as much Southernish, but, um, but yeah. Yeah. Uh, I'm not a big Turkey fan. I, speaking of, uh, all of this, this talk of dishes and such, the, the.
john and John and his brothers, the your brothers know best. ah that was That was hilarious. the the drafting The drafting of the turkey jegi dishes. my My kids were listening to that and it was so funny listening to my daughter and give answers and stuff. like ah You know, you listen to the podcast while you're driving, while the kids are watching. and DVD or whatever. I never really think that they're listening to my podcast, but Camden was was chattering out. like I learned something about my daughter listening to those podcasts because apparently she doesn't like the main dishes. She's more of a side dish chick. That's funny. Weekly shout out to Brother's New Best Podcast.
This is the Brothers in the It made me want to do like a Thanksgiving draft, which we didn't end up doing. but while we were at the beach, but um it was nice. The weather was great at the beach. um We got a couple of days worth of you know being on the on the water and stuff, but apparently apparently it was cold before I got there, and then the day that we left, I mean, I went to pack up and went to pack up the ah car to get get out of town. and
I mean, it was cold. It was cold and no bed. So it was ominous for what was on deck for us that evening. But then we got to Athens, and like I said, immediately the winds were swirling. That was not expected. There were multiple times when people's tents got lifted up off the ground, which is not normal. So the gusts were early, and they were often.
Yeah, it was windy. It was cold. I needed every single layer that I had on. We all we bundled up. I feel like we kind of weathered it pretty well. It wasn't like the Kentucky game, although that wasn't nearly as cold. But when we weren't prepared that one time, we had to buy the blanket.
Um, I brought that blanket, by the way. So did we, we and brought the same blanket. Um, we didn't end up using it, but dude, same. And I kept asking Kim and Lily, we're so cool. I was like, well, we have two blankets sitting here. Like, do you guys want the blanket? They go at this point. We're fine.
I'm guessing that they didn't want to sit down because that was part of the reason we didn't use ours. Yeah. Uh, yeah. I think we were better prepared just overall, like like Carter had, we had winter, you know, we had, we had gloves and winter hats and such. Yeah. Um, and, and we were wearing, you know, I wore like a ski jacket, as so like do you get a thick, thick winter coat. Yeah. Um, so I was, I was way more prepared for, for the cold this time around. yeah Suck it, suck it big 10. Yeah, seriously. Yeah. We're fine. It was cold. We're fine. Yeah. We would have been fine.
oh man what what a good it was it was a great night great night nathans um shout out uh logan thank you for for the the tickets um that was that was awesome got to go got to go with carter um everybody everybody was they were saying hey sorry carter sorry carter was asked carter was asked like what was what was What was the low, high and low, like we do high, low for a lot of different stuff. yeah What was your high and what was your low? And his low was everybody's saying, sorry, sorry, Carter.
It's so annoying, like but it's awesome. Yeah, it's totally awesome. to you're you're you're You're a celebrity. I haven't told them this, but someone pointed out when the when the the group pictures were coming out of there, like, it's my favorite celebrity. It's my favorite podcast celebrity Carter and a bunch of old dudes. yeah
Uh, I'm pretty sure that was Alex, uh, guarantee, I believe, uh, let's say that that was epic. That was it. and Good stuff. Ah, what else? What else do we have here? It was, it was a capstone capstone for the, for the season. Uh, there's, I guess potentially an opportunity. I guess if there's enough chaos for us to have another home game, but, um,
Yeah, fun I guess yeah, technically that's on the table. um But we're gonna, we're gonna think positively in that. That was our last time game. Yeah, we'll think about it.
Yeah, man, I agree with what you said earlier. I think my opinion ticket was punched to the playoff. It's just, when does it, when does it start? Who do we get? What's the seed? And we have pretty much everything to say with that, um with the position we we put ourselves in as we head to Atlanta for the SEC Championship.
Yep, agreed, which is just wild to to say out loud ah still. Yeah, dude. Just like, just like being down, uh, down 14 with like, what, five and a half minutes to go against tech, uh, did not see us coming back in that game. Similar feeling around coming out of that lost Ole Miss, you know, to think we'd be heading to Atlanta for the SEC championship game. Definitely didn't feel like it after that game. Um, and, and, and that they would be sitting.
as a team outside, looking in into the playoff as well. Seriously, seriously. What a wild season of College of Bullets, man. It really has been, and I guess that that's, you know, buckle up Buttercup because nobody is elite. Um, I think that Oregon is sitting pretty only because they have had a pretty weak schedule, uh, by and large, um, I think someone was doing the analysis on the, you know, how the SCC is fared and, you know, Georgia has had a, uh, you know, one of the tougher schedules amongst all of the top teams. Um, SCC teams are, are.
you know, outperforming everyone right now. I think that that is an indication that the NIL era is alive and well. And we just happen to have a lot of good talent in the SEC. Someone, I think that a ah good example of that is, you know, Jackson Meeks.
balling out with Fran Brown, shout out Fran Brown, um, you know, getting a signature win with Syracuse. Um, you know, I think that there's, there's a lot to be said about that. Like maybe there's, maybe he's just getting more out of Jackson Meeks, but maybe they just play in a weaker conference, right? Like yeah maybe they play against the weaker talent and you know, that he's able to put up some numbers that he wasn't able to put up at UGA because he's not playing against first round draft picks every week.
right so yeah yeah There's a lot, there's a lot, a lot of positives with the season. Um, I don't know how much longer we'll be able to, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to tolerate this, this cardiac, this cardiac dogs.
I will say, uh, shout out David Lee. He sent me a screenshot on at some point Saturday or Sunday, it and it was the wind probability on ESPN. Oh yes. And where it just goes up and down. And he, he said, is this the wind probability or was this like a JP's heart rate or something like that?
Yes. Yeah. The answer is yes. Yeah. I was, I was monitoring, I was monitoring the, uh, the wind probability in the stadium. Um, cause Carter was like, are we going to lose? And I was like, well, here's the wind probability. It's not great, Bob. Not great. Yeah. Um, yeah, but, uh, he, yeah he asked if it was, you he asked if it was the wind probability or your EKG. That's what he asked me. What was.
Oh, right. Right. Right. What I will say about that is that, you know, if you are going to beat a team like Georgia tech or Florida or something like that, man, what a great way to beat them. Like what a great way, like a blowout. If you're not going to blow someone out, like that's also a pretty good way to beat them because they had that, that they probably saw the wind probability too. Oh yeah. and And they had that taste that sweet, sweet nectar of a victory just snatched off out from them.
Yeah. Yeah. They're sitting there thinking, you know, finally, this is our year after all this pain. And then we just, and we, we got to pull the Lucy Charlie Brown and rip the ball out there. Um, yes. It's seven in a row over Georgia tech that ties the longest streak in Georgia history, uh, over Georgia tech tech owns the longest streak in the series at eight. Georgia has never been able to do that next year. We had to go for eight and get to go for eight in their house.
Um, what else, um, strapped strapped them, strapped them to a, a poop, a poop stained rocket ship and blast them into the sun. Joel, speaking of speaking of like, you know, lose to these guys and, and you'll, and you'll know what the pain feels like Yara. Um,
In the middle of the game, I was getting Slack messages from the F3 guys. um we have We have Slack set up, so I was getting in-game messages about that, which I wasn't paying attention to until you know afterwards.
but The next day I was able to like read through them and they were talking about, I can't wait to listen to the podcast. So shout out layover. You sent that to me at 10 o'clock at night when probably everything was going poorly. And I sent him a video of RL video afterward. And I just, I just said, LOL, here, here you go.
Uh, nice, nice. Yeah, I didn't, I didn't have any, I actually didn't have any stuff for him for anyone. I talked to, had some exchanges with some folks the day after, but after it was all over. So all in good fun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I still haven't heard from several, several people that I thought that I might hear from, but I'm going to, I'm going to let it, I'm going to let it lie for a little bit. So I mean, we and play the SEC championship game.
Yeah, cool. Then we can be friends. Then we can be friends again with our tech friends. There we go. There we go. Well, another, another clean old fashioned hate in the books, the clean old fashioned eight one for the ages. Uh, glad we were able to make it. My got a podcast undefeated one in person.
Amen. Amen to that. Um, Jim, we're going to have to pass the hat for the sec championship. Yeah. Get us, get us all there. Get us all there for the playoff run. Oh man. Are you, I guess, I guess we'll talk about the, uh, in the, in the, in the preview episode, but, um, are you, are you planning on going? No, no, I don't. Okay. Yeah. We'll see him. Got it.
cool all right well um hopefully it will be a little bit warmer in the scc championship game for for those folks that are going but uh anyway we'll close let's close the books on uh let's close the books on on clean old-fashioned hate and just just say go dogs go dogs