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Arc 1 - Episode 9 - Finale - The Plot Thickens image

Arc 1 - Episode 9 - Finale - The Plot Thickens

S1 E9 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
105 Plays1 year ago

Secrets are revealed, Questions are answered, even though those answers create even more questions. Will the crew be able to handle the pressure?

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax


Introduction and Jokes

Again, I'm literally going to start right now. All right, kick ass. Hello, everyone. Sean shut. Sorry. I didn't expect us to step on each other.
Hello everyone, and welcome to A Path Your Time. My name is Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and sitting to my left is somebody whose favorite... drink. That's the word. I had a bran fart. Sitting to my left is someone who likes drinks, and their favorite drink is battery acid. Oh my gosh. Um, yeah, I'm Evelyn, and I'm currently drinking battery acid right now. It's burning my tongue, but it tastes delicious.

Casting Excitement

And to my left, rumor has it that he was just cast as Ralph in the Italian dub of Not a Scratch.
for a long time for that position, and I finally got the news today. I made it. I speak no Italian, so I have no idea how I did it, but I guess I can just dratsi my way through this and try to throw out some pasta names every once in a while.
And sitting across from me is someone who is being taken over by a super intelligent shade of the color blue. Ah, it's me, the color blue. Join the resistance against the humans. Hi, I'm Sean.

Recap and Museum Visit

Hi Dalek. Oh my god.
Okay, and this time we are not going to forget it. We are actually gonna be doing the recap in the correct part So I need everybody to roll me a d4 and we will see who's doing I got a 3 3 I got a 2 and Eli got a 2 is that what I heard? Yeah, I got a 2
Right. And I also got a three. So I feel like we did this before. This is exactly what happened last time. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. All right. So since Evelyn. All right. So since Eli didn't get a three, he goes. No, that's not how this game works. Last time we did a roll. All right. We roll on the D4 again. We roll on the D4 again. All right. I'll roll another D4. Thank you. I got.
One. Four. Alright, Hikaru gets to do the recap this time. Yay! So, last time on A Path Through Time, we, um, Hikaru, Sammy, Bruce, and Walter, I finally remember everybody's names, um, walked a, um, walked an hour and a half to, um, to the Museum of Art and Music to investigate the
to investigate the stolen book called Elgium's Guide to the Galaxy, which we thought might be connected to the space-time rifts that have been opening. On the way there, we stopped at a book at McDonald's and had lunch because we were tired and hungry. And then we got into the museum
We went into the back of the museum and spoke to a curator, a rabbit named Clarice. And Clarice asked us a lot of questions. And then suddenly a peloper just like flew into the museum with an envelope for Walter.
And things got really awkward. The letter inside said it was important. Something really bad happened in Gale Beach and it was really important for Walter to come back.

Return to Gale Beach and Tragedy

And we all decided to go back to, back to Volkenburg, back to Gale Beach with him. So we all just, we all just booked it out of the museum and took the next train back to Gale Beach.
And when we got there, we all camped out in the first floor of Hikaru's house, the store. Hikaru's parents got upset, and they said that
You know, well, they were upset that Hikaru allowed all of them to stay at their house overnight, but then they eventually let them. And an Empoleon from the military stopped outside of Hikaru's house and talked to Walter and explained that Walter's father had died in the fire. And Walter was, let's just say Walter was
not sad about it. Yeah. Um, and Bruce and Sammy were there while they were just walking out of the house as this was happening and Hikaru was upstairs. And that's where we left it. All right. Um, I want to see if anybody can guess what Hikaru missed. Cause there's one very important point that, uh, happened once you guys got off the train. There was a guy that ran right through our group.
that may or may not have been Walter's dad. That's the theory. Well, that's your theory. I will neither confirm nor deny it. That is the running theory among the players.
Yep, that's your guys's theory. I will neither confirm nor deny but yet In once you guys who came to gale beach someone interrupted you by literally pulling you guys over and just booking it down the train tunnel Which honestly thinking about it now, uh, I'm wondering if that person got run over by the train The train was sick. It was probably gonna be taking off through that tunnel very soon. I think Sammy broke the fourth wall when that happened He's like, I probably has nothing to do with the plot. Let's just get going
yeah breaking the

Family Reunion and Mysteries

fourth wall a time-honored tradition on a path through time yep that's what we're known for all right and without further ado i think yeah hang on unless you guys let some flower trick on in uh sure we're gonna flower trick is that a move it sounds vaguely familiar let me ask about a signature move okay all right that explains it well i got sprig of tito i evolved into
Florigato. Florigato. And then and then I boxed it because I was pissed that it was a Virogatal Pokemon. I was so waiting for it to be not. That's highly debatable. We don't have time for this debate right now. We will. Anyway, let's no extra strength on and let's flower trick on and whatever, whatever that looks like.
It's just swagger on it. So we open up, uh, swagger two. We open up with Walter on the ground outside of your car's house slash store. Uh, and he's like crying slash laughing out of madness relief. Uh, that's yet to be determined, but if I remember right.
The employee walked off out of awkwardness. I think I remember him saying he's never actually had somebody react this way to their father dying, so he kind of walked off not knowing what to do. And so, Walter is there on the ground. If I remember right, correct me if I'm wrong, but Sammy and Bruce are standing just outside the house and they heard
What happened in Hikaru is inside the house, and I believe at this point, Hikaru's parents would have heard a commotion outside, especially the employee that knocked on the door, and they are currently walking down the stairs and heading outside. Is Hikaru doing the same? Yeah, Hikaru's walking down with them. Okay, so currently Goku Hatsumi, who is wearing three ties, and what's your mom's name again? Danis.
Janice. Hatsumi. I had grief. These are not English names. Janice is not English? Well, Hatsumi. I just couldn't remember what it was. So you guys are walking outside. What is Sammy and Bruce's thinking of what

Missing Jewels and Shocking Revelations

happened? Just a big ball of confusion, let me tell you. If this were the games, you'd see that big squiggly thing above Sammy's head like, what?
Yeah, Bruce, like, he knew he was, that Walter seemed relieved when the house caught fire, but he didn't think that he would react so openly in front of the person telling him that what happened. I think Sammy's gonna go from confused to concerned. Mad. Yep, this is the beginning of Walter's madness.
I think it is at this point that the three people inside the three Pokémon inside the house are meeting up with Blues and Sammy. What is... so, or, Hikaru sees, well, what you see is Walter laying on the ground in a puddle of his own tears, laughing, crying hysterically in madness. What is Hikaru doing about this? Hikaru's gonna run over to Walter and say, Walter, Walter, what's going on?
Did you- did you sh- did you sh- what happened? I- did you sh- did you shim up the other day and pull me out? How to say it? Vaguely. I mean, I- I only heard, like, whisper whisper mutter mutter from- from, like, my second floor bedroom. It's- it's- it's my dad. He's- he died in the fire. I mean, it's- I'm finally free. It's, uh, I need you all to hold me perception. Everybody. Okay.
Three. Oh wait, plus two is five. Okay. Doesn't matter either. So, Hikaru and Walter, since you guys are further outside the building, you guys, well, Hikaru and Walter notice there is a Lucario running down the lawn towards Walter. Oh, is that your mom?
Walter looks around, wiping tears out of his face, and he says, oh, mom! And he gets up and jumps towards her, hugging her. And it is confirmed, yes, this is Walter's mom. I believe I had a name for her. Yes. Let me pull up my shoe real quickly. I believe it was Veronica. It's kind of Veronica written down somewhere. Veronica. It is Veronica. I just reached that at the same time.
So yes, Hikaru, you know, you specifically noticed that this is Walter's mom. Her name was Veronica. And I believe I mentioned in the very first episode, but she is the lead singer and guitarist of the Gravel Rocks, a rock band. And she is hugging Hikaru, not Hikaru, she's not hugging him. She is hugging Walter.
So Veronica, or Walter's mom, is hugging Walter, and she's like, oh my god, I've been looking for you guys everywhere. I went over to Bruce's place, I went to Sammy's place, they didn't open the door, and this is the last place I've checked, I figured you'd probably, because she said you'd might, I said you probably were going to stay at Chicago's place.
I checked here, and because you guys rolled so high, I feel like Walter is currently preoccupied, but Shikhar, would you notice Mrs. Flameback standing on the hill from where? Ominously. Ominously with her grandma knocking. Forget about that.

Project Flameback and Secret Passage

Wait, so, do Sammy and Bruce not see Veronica? Or do we not see Bruce's mom?
Or do we not see Bruce's mom? Bruce? Bruce is... Do we see either mom? No, you guys roll low. You can, you can... At this point, you can see Veronica hugging Walter. But you do not see Ms. Flameback. I'm just like, yo, Bruce, look, look. She's a famous person.
uh yeah i guess she is kind of famous isn't she and she so veronica holding walter she's like oh my god i i i i it's true i
yesterday to the house it's it's it's gone and so is so is Vince Vince is dead they took him out in a black bag he's I had to identify him he's and she falls on the ground crying as well with Walter
And Hikaru's in shock, but she walks over to Walter and his mom. Okay, at this, both Walter and Veronica look at you, and Veronica's like, oh, Hikaru, I take it you took Walter in... She can't speak. She's at a loss for words. And like Pikachu's just staring blankly.
i guess so yeah uh yeah i think it's at this point mrs plainback makes herself um known and she walks down the hill towards um ultra completion and she is like uh i'm sorry to to interrupt everything but um i think you guys need a place to stay right yeah mom we were actually just heading home we were gonna
Yeah. Hold on, I actually have one second. I need to roll with it. I'm going to have to... That's not a lie. It's also like, what, one o'clock in the morning? We were actually heading home. We were. I think Sammy and Bruce were heading to Bruce's house.
Yeah, at least we always know. Okay. Yeah. So, um, yeah, she is like, uh, yeah, uh, it looks like you guys need a place to stay. Um, also I, and she, uh, Bruce, how close are you to your mom? Pretty close. I'd say. I mean, like, like in terms of distance or relation. Oh, oh, distant. I mean, if she was just walking up, then like, however far you want her to be,
because she just walked up to the earth. Okay, well I'm gonna say she walks up to you and she leans over and she's like, I need to ask you guys some questions as well. I need you and your friends to come. You guys can stay in that in my place.
She says this to Bruce. Okay. Do you need all of us? I'm sure Sammy heard that she's going to announce Hey, if you guys need a place to say I just come with me you it seems like things are rough right now you guys need a company Okay
Yeah, you come. Yeah, that's a good idea. And she sort of walks over to the corner of the house and waits in case Veronica and Walter want to do anything. And do Walter and Veronica want to do anything? Oh, you guys do anything. At this point, I was going to throw it over to you guys first, but Veronica and Walter at this point have stood up after hearing
Miss Flameback's announcement and Veronica nods at Miss Flameback and Walter. Let's roll me and whoever

Uncovering Rift Mysteries

wants to roll me inside on Walter. Six. Getting the low rolls out early tonight. Six plus two is eight. You know, wait, you know his modifiers? What? Are we rolling for Walter or?
No. Oh, I thought we were rolling. I rolled a six. Okay. Is Evelyn, is Hikaru doing anything with that? I'll roll two. Okay. Is inside also a beauty roll? Yeah. Yes. Um, I believe so, yes. Go for a third six. Ten. There we go.
Okay, so you guys, Hikaru could see this better being a friend of Walter's, but Bruce and Sammy, you guys see that Walter is very much sad and confused. Hikaru, because you gotta mix success with the 10, you can see it's a little bit more confusion. You also see a little bit of relief and possibly madness in his eyes. Madness as in like, as in like he went mad?
is the start of Walter's villain arc in a sense like Matt like he doesn't how do I put that into words actually he doesn't quite know how to handle his feelings and he's like he knows he shouldn't be happy at the news of his father's death he's upset he can't hold back the like he's upset but he's also happy and I feel like that's mixing into what can be perceived as Matt why is he upset
Are you asking this to Walter? No, to you. Oh, well that's something you'd have to ask Walter. Why is he upset? I don't know, ask Walter. Well, that's, I guess that's how, that's as far as the insight role goes. So, okay. So, um, with that, uh, Veronica and Walter start heading over to Miss Flangback. I am taking you guys ours. Um, I wasn't expecting my mom to be
up at this hour, but yeah, our ties were being escorted home now. Bye Hikaru's parents. Bye Hikaru's parents. Bye Hikaru's parents. Bye Hikaru's parents. Bye Hikaru's parents.
thank you oh my gosh yeah he really likes those ties he i don't know why he's wearing them his sleep but how many years have you been giving him ties for christmas i haven't been giving him ties for christmas i think that's um it must be i think his clients give him ties
So as you guys walk home Miss playing back explains why

Mission Preparation and Emotional Reflection

she was there she states that Veronica
stopped by her house to pick up or to see if Walter was staying at her place and she wasn't and it was at this point that Miss Flameback was concerned and joined Veronica on the search for Walter because she knew that Veronica, sorry Veronica, Bruce because Bruce was with Walter and if Walter was in trouble worse probably was too. Did Miss Flameback just leave Arabella at home by herself? It's midnight she's probably sleeping.
Yeah, I'm wondering why Veronica went to the Flameback's house to look for Walter when they weren't even really friends. I mean, I feel like Veronica would have known that Walter hangs out with a number of people and she just, her desperation went around and visited a bunch of people to see if Walter stayed at any of their places. I don't know. I guess I can accept that.
Can I insight check though? Uh, certain. Roll insight on the DM. Hey, nevermind. Dang. Oh, well, I rolled... I rolled...
I rolled a three and now I do not have any modifiers. So I can say that yes. I just kind of sus that you would go to the people that he's not super friends with before the one he's like best friends with.
uh i think it was just like an order of how close she was uh i don't think yeah because i remember i think she car was like on the other side of because quinn mentioned that waltzer was on the other side of the city so i think veronica would have chosen the closest and walked her way onwards okay that's my justification this is a very roundabout way of explaining all this but sure
You guys reach the flame back residence and Alfred is awake wearing his pajamas and he opens the door for you guys
Just playing back gestures to all of you, and she's like, okay, welcome to my place, I guess. This was very much affected. Please be quiet. I mean, Arabella's still sleeping. If you, I don't, here. And she gestures to one of the rooms. Veronica, if you want, you can stay over in this room, and she points to one of the guest rooms. I am deciding it's there.
and she says you four can stay in that room and she points to the room opposite of that guest room which I'm going to stay in his room. Bruce can stay in his room? Yeah. Bruce goes to his room and I would say there's probably at least three guest rooms. Hold on, this actually makes sense. She just goes to Bruce's room and says that all four of you guys can stay in there. Oh okay. It makes more sense. I think it makes more sense to have the guest rooms but
Unless Bruce doesn't want to have a slumber party with us. I mean, I figured Sammy would stay in Bruce's room and then Hikaru would take a guest room and Walter and his mom would take another guest room.
okay so I need um actually no not yet so uh as Veronica and yeah Veronica heads

Session Conclusion and Emotional Expresssions

to her room after making sure Walter's okay and uh she after Veronica disappears it is just Miss Flintback Alfred and Hugh four and she uh leans in closer and she's like uh to Bruce and sees uh hey can I see that that uh the the tools again real quick yeah got him right here
don't worry miss playing back I still got my rock and as you dig into your bag as you dig into your bag brace you cannot find well I was not told to remove the family jewels from my bag on my sheet so they should be there
I want to refer to last episode... When someone bumped into us. When you guys got... When someone pulled you guys over in the Gale Beach Subway, every single one of you guys failed your perception check. None of you guys noticed that you have gotten mugged. Did they mug all of us or just Bruce? Ah, you guys want to... Roll a mug check. I'm doing it. Alright. Roll my perception again. Four. Eight.
oh my goodness okay okay do they really need their role to look through their bags yeah good point did you know what actually that's fair right you should be able to notice if there's stuff missing from your bag
Right. Yes, that is true. So in order, this is what everybody is missing. Eli. Sorry, not Eli. Bruce. Bruce is missing the family jewels. Walter is missing his power band. Shikaru, what did you... Hold on. Oh, you are missing a yellow gummy, AKA the yelly gummy. And Sammy is missing... No! No! Sammy is missing what? My pet rock.
the jennifer the pet rock jennifer just gonna delete my jennifer yes so i need all of you guys to remove the items i have just mentioned i have removed the item but it's not even a real item same it is not a real item
Okay, so what is Bruce doing about this? You cannot prepare this orb or Family Jewels as you recall. Let's see, what should I roll to see if I can figure out that it was the one we ran through? Smart. Roll history, that's a smart check. There we go, 16 plus one, I believe, yeah. 16 plus 117. Okay, yeah, with a full...
With a full success, you can very much remember. That is exactly where it happened. Oh, boy. So, well, as soon as we got off the train from Falkenberg, we got bowled over by some crazy guy. And apparently he stole some stuff from us. And the family jewels is one of them. Uh, yeah.
You're sure what does he want with a yellow gummy roll? Roll what's what's to have you guys roll for this hold on this is actually like a pivotal point I have to make sure I get you guys the correct role. Uh I'm not gonna have you guys roll anything. I'm just gonna give you guys this so your mom looks at you and She looks so shocked
She looks like she's about to... I don't know, what would she do if she's angry? She starts pacing back and forth. The flames on her back just like flash? They flash. Very big, and I'm actually 22. I swear, bro. No, not again.
Okay, so she failed her. I had her roll for an ember, which is just like a check of six. She rolled a three. So thankfully she did not set the house on fire, but she starts pacing and muttering herself. She's like, Oh my God, I can't hold on. And she looks at you Bruce. Who did this? Where is it? What happened to this orb?
Well, we have no idea who it was. We just know it was a large Pokémon running through the train station. If it was really that important,
why would you give it to me right as i'm going out on a journey i oh my god i can't i can't i can't i can't reveal myself oh my god oh my god and she looks over at walter and get sorry not walter uh alfred and gives him a question look alfred looks very concerned but slowly nods
okay okay okay it's been oh my god i've it's been eight years uh oh uh i oh bruce um do you remember how your dad died yeah how could i forget the the malamar
Okay, okay, I need you to explain to me how you're dead. There was a Mabramar and it used Night Slash and Psycho Cut like at the same time right at this flame spot on the back of his neck and then it went around to throat chop and that was it to throat chop and
Yeah. And that, that, that was it. It was over so fast. And then there was, it's weird that there was some light that just, it felt so strange. Have you never questioned why that was? I figured it was just some like mad attack on our family.
Like, I know you guys owned a big corporation. And it could have been anyone. I can't believe I'm revealing this now. Oh, Bruce, your dad is not dead. What? What? What? Oh my god, it's funny. That bright light, he told me it was going to be a side effect. Oh my god.
Uh, that... Okay, so that Malamar was... did not kill your dad. Malamar? Okay, uh, I think you should... I think you should... Alfred, do you think... do you think this is a good idea? And Alfred looks over at Miss Flameback and is like, if you believe this time, I guess I do think it's time to lay all the cards on the table. And...
He starts walking towards the front door and Ms. Flameback starts nervously following him. Come you guys, I think it's finally time you guys saw him. Where has he been all this time? It's been so long. Just come with me. And she starts hurrying after Alfred.
As Hikaru is hearing them say, hearing Bruce's mom say that his dad isn't dead, she's just like, her mouth opens wide and she's like, Nani? Jeez, maybe Hikaru is right, maybe we don't die. Bruce, punch them! Really hard! I'm not gonna do that, Sammy. I just wanna know what's been happening all this time.
He's been gone for so long. Yeah. He's been gone since before we got Arabella. I mean, she doesn't even know that. Yeah, she doesn't even know. She's asleep. I kind of want to wake her up. She should know this. I feel like if your mom let her know, she she would have went and let it let it let it know. Maybe it's best to let it know in the morning. Probably.
okay so are you i i am assuming you guys are do i do it yes do i go wake up arabella how how much would it screw things up if i go and wake up arabella i will say nothing it is up to you i will say it will change things a great deal but i will not say whether that is for the greater or for the worse i guess i better
I have to find out what happens before I do anything with Bella. That was Bruce talking to himself. Oh, okay. Sorry. I didn't realize that. Um, okay. So as you guys follow, Alfred and Ms. Plainback are heading towards the back of the house where, uh, Bruce, do you guys have like a shed or a barn or anything back there? No, I don't. Well, I don't really
You have a garden. Yeah. Yeah. We've got the garden in the back. Okay. Okay. I can work with that. Yeah. Cool.
Hello everyone, I'm Dakota, here to thank you for listening to our episode. Our show comes out every other week, Sunday morning. Go follow us on Instagram at pmdpathortime, Twitter at pmdpathortime, that's through spelled with a U, and our Discord where you can receive updates on the show, talk to us and give us ideas, such as questions of the episode submissions. Speaking of which, this week our submission comes in from RogueMoon, who is asking, will we see the kid versions of not-scratch characters?
and i do believe i mentioned sandoran in episode so when i say seven uh and i do have other plans for cameos so definitely keep your eyes peeled for that we're ears it's hard to watch the podcast
So with that out of the way, let's thank our music producers for this episode. And surprise time, there's not very many. Uh, thank you for Dreams and Hopes from Pokémon Mr. Dungeon Gates to Infinity, Azalea Town, Black Throne City from Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Part from Palace from Pokémon X and Y, still don't know how to pronounce that, Area Zero from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, and Pokémon Center-themed Lo-Fi remakes by Glitch X City. Back to the episode.
So, as you guys are getting over to where Ms. Flameback and Alfred are, they are standing in the middle of the garden, and they are waiting for you. Once you guys arrive, Ms. Flameback says, if you guys want to find out anything more, you must swear to me, you will never tell anybody about this, ever. Do I have your word? Yes, Ms. Flameback. Yeah, of course. When are we gonna tell Bella?
for Walter also says yeah, yeah, yeah, of course I I Yeah, this is a lot to take in but yes you have my word and Miss playing back referring to what Bruce just said That is something I have to deal with whether she
knows or not is well that's that's an issue for another time I need your guesses for that you guys will never speak of this to anybody but okay and she gestures to Alfred and Alfred goes over to one of the like little mini fence posts that surround the garden it's like a little decorative fence post on the ground do you guys know what I'm talking about
or tomato berry plants I guess and he pushes on it and you can see that this tomato berry plant is very stiff unusually stiff and it seems uh he Alfred pushes on this tomato berry and it pushes like a lever and as soon as he does this a hatch opens up in the garden ground where all the sod comes up and there is a hole in the ground
be, I think so.
Whoa. Wow. What the heck is going on here? How did I never find that? I mean, you don't really like tomato berries, so that might be it. Yes, Miss Flameback says nothing, but Alfred leads the way and you can see there is a spiral staircase heading downwards. Alfred goes down the staircase and Miss Flameback follows. Suggests for you guys to follow as well.
No, not stairs. Do not roll down the stairs. Oh my god. Do not roll down the stairs, Sammy. These stairs are walking stairs. Could you imagine if this is where the campaign ended with Sammy rolling down the stairs crushing everybody? Jumping down the hole and just splat. Splat.
Yeah, everyone. And that's the end of the campaign. You guys will never find out what happened. All right. I'll take it one step at a time. Take your time. We don't know what's down there anyways. As you guys head down the stairs, Ms. Blaineback stops and she... Who's last blind? Sammy.
Okay, she gestures to Sammy. Sammy, that button there on the wall, and she gestures to a button on the wall. It's a big red button that says close. Do you mind pressing that? Yeah, sure. He slams it with his hand. Okay. You design and the hatch starts to close.
And everything is dark except for the orange lights coming from below. As you guys descend the staircase, what you see is not quite what you guys were probably expecting. As you guys get to the bottom of the staircase, you guys see a huge... How do we all see? Is it so dark in here? It is. You guys see a huge open cave.
with technology everywhere. You see big whirring boxes that are making funny noises. You see pedestals with items on them. You see, in the very end, a big computer with a flashing dot on it and a pathway leading straight towards that computer. There's computers in this world? Yeah, there were. Well, there are in 20 years.
You got to remember what industry Ms. Plainbacks is in. She's in the tech industry. Right. And when everyone else doesn't have computers, Plainbacks do. There were definitely computers in, like, that the one I can remember specifically is when they were in New Shimmer City and Kyle was talking to the different clerks and secretaries and stuff.
They were looking. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yep. Miss Flaim, but as you guys reach the bottom of the staircase, Miss Flaim back and Alfred stop in the middle of the pathway and you guys this all four of you guys disperse and she looks at you guys and says, well, I guess this is coming on now. Welcome to Project Flaim back.
well he carves eyes just like opens so wide that her eyeballs are about to pop out of their sockets sammy's just exhausted from the stairs but he's also looking around oh i thought you meant like sammy no no he's just he's looking around but he's just like cool so
God how do I even start doing this? I'm so unprepared for this this flame back gestures For for you guys to follow her again, and she starts heading to the big computer at the end of the room It's like this gigantic CRT TV that is on the wall. It's like 20 feet tall and 50 feet long Like 30 feet long as this big big big TV on the wall and it's got this big white flashing dot on it
and what seems to be a grid, like a green grid, it was just one flashing dot on it. As you guys head towards the computer, she starts explaining. You guys see that big dot there on the screen there. Yeah. Is that like a book of some sort? Yeah. Is that like where the pizza place is over there? Wow. She ignores these sandwiches. That's your dad, Bruce. What?
inside the machine he turned into a dot he's the ghost in the machine i see face pumps oh my god no miss playing back face pump and she's like no okay i need to start from the very beginning bruce the night that your father disappeared she didn't die you see
When you told me these rifts started appearing, I kinda got a little excited. Uh, see, when your dad disappeared, he didn't die, he... I think? What the current theory is, is he entered one of those rifts that you were mentioning. And...
She's not dead. I mean, otherwise this dot would suggest this to the giant TV. This dot wouldn't be there. And we always keep these and she pulls up a pendant, a metal pendant that she's wearing on her neck. We always keep these so that we could keep track of each other for this project. And his is still pinging out there somewhere. He went into the rift? That's our theory anyway. We don't exactly know. You see, these rifts started appearing about
eight and a half years ago, well, I think is what it is right now. And he, well, he started, he saw one of these rifts and we decided to start investigating it because, you know, we've got a bit of money. We decided to put up a little bit of money towards figuring out what these things were. And over the next few months, we started researching them. We started what we call Project Flingback.
and there's so what we've been doing is trying to figure out what these rifts are what's been going on and so we've decided to keep you guys out of it for well exactly what happened to your dad he didn't want anything happening but she was investigating a rift one day i know you don't remember but
we went out for a walk to get ice cream that one day i think you remember this place during the we'll get to that in a second we were going out for ice cream and you were thinking and one of these rifts in a minute uh one of these rifts appeared in front of us and your dad out of curiosity i guess it's curiosity anyway decided to try and touch the rift
And he started acting all frantic, and it almost looked like he had a seizure. But then the rift disappeared, and so did he, so he did too. And ever since then, about eight years ago, he's never, he's been, I've been able to track him using the GPS we have on each other, but he's gone. And to protect you first, I had a melon mark come over to the house and erase your memory.
That's why you remember the Malamar. And I don't feel proud of it, but it is to protect you. All these years, I've been- What else is on the screen? Well, see, that's the thing. Wherever she's at is not charted. It's nowhere on this planet that we know of.
But like, if these wrecks have been coming up for the past eight years, how have we only seen one recently? Shouldn't there be more? You see, that's the thing. There's been a button. Like, when we started researching them, they started appearing everywhere. And once she disappeared, they stopped showing up.
And they never showed up until you guys mentioned them. I spent a lot of our, uh, funds from the tech business we have to fund this project to see if I could bring him back to see if I could find a way to reverse everything, but yes, I've had very little progress. I've discovered some stuff, which I'll get to in a minute, but it's very...
Maybe, but- Do you know anything about a certain book?
Her face lights up at that, and she also looks a little bit embarrassed. She walks across the room, and in one of the display cases that had items in it, she takes off the glass top and pulls out a dusty old book. Are you talking about this? It is Elgium's Guide to the Galaxy. That's the book! Oh my gosh! Look at that! We found the book, guys!
You had the book the whole time? What do you mean? I've had this for years. What do you mean, you guys? So do you know? So Mr. Farnsworth sent us to Volkenburg to go find Blair the Absol. Blair the Absol sent us to a museum to find the book. And then we're back here and you have the book. Do you know the library in Volkenburg that our family donated some money to a while back?
So here's the thing. Eight years ago, I kind of donated money to that museum so they could renovate the place. And while they were renovating it, they were adding a new section to the museum, which means the kind of wall was open. And I knew how it went to that wall. I think it was like a glass mosaic.
you know i kind of stole the book she says looking a little bit you guys think that's why clary has been so many questions i have my reasons don't he he currently picks up um hold hold on so so you absconded with the book eight years ago
Yeah, that would have been about eight years ago. And when did Bruce's dad disappear? See, here's the thing. The reason I stole the book in the first place is so I could figure out what happened to the dad, Bruce. And I don't... It's one of the very few clues I have as to what's going on. It's the only lead I've got to go on. Let me get this straight. You think just because you got money you can take things, huh?
No, not like that. Please don't think of me like this. I'm doing this for, well, it sounds like a cliche, but I'm doing it for the greater good. I don't want to steal anything. It's just, I can't just straight up buy it from the museum. They would never let me have that. They wouldn't name a price the first time I asked, because it's, well, one of the most valuable things in the museum, which wasn't quite up for sale. Hikaru nods, and
She says, I understand. You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess. The reason I have this book in the first place is and she starts opening the book and she shows you guys on the page there is a picture of three orbs and the orbs are blue, black, and white.
Okay, not what I was expecting. She takes the book back and she's like, I heard from the Acron family, which I believe died recently. I'm not entirely sure. You guys said you went to see Blair at a library. Did that happen to be Blair Acron? Blair the Absol? Yeah, I think that was our last name, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. That's what's at the same place. I think. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. She did say then yeah.
the Arcaron family recently, not recently, sorry, eight years ago, and to see if I could find out anything, and they, yeah, just like with you guys, they mentioned a book there at the museum that had knowledge about strange space rifts and stuff. But the thing is, this book is in a very strange language. I can't read it. All I know is
that these orbs are very vital in whatever these rifts are. I mean, they've been mentioned all throughout the book. There are so many pictures of them. And then, one day, I mean, I've realized the family jewels we have that have been passed down for generations. He is one of these orbs. Like, I'm pretty sure it is this orb, and she points to the blue orb in the book.
Well, now we've got a clue as to who stole it. Whoever stole it had to know something about these rifts. Yeah, that's what I'm hoping. See, don't get me wrong, I am not happy that this world was stolen. But the fact that, well, it is possible that someone just thought it was a gem.
that is very possible but but they could also they also mean that they know something so if we can find this person they could help us i i hope i mean they seem to have their own plans we we might have to we might have to beat them into helping us a little bit but i'm sure we can manage i'd rather not involve migrants but i mean if i mean i don't know it we'll come to that bridge do anything no
Do we even know if dad is still sane at this point? I have no idea. I don't know anything except that he is alive because these amulets or pendants or whatever you want to call them are fueled off of your life force. The same energy that fuels like your moves and stuff. So once that life force goes away, so does his amulets. And the fact that his is still pinging means that he is alive.
I don't think he's mad because if he was mad then he probably would have, well, died by now. I guess we just have to hope he's alright then. Oh, I think he's alright but I don't know. Above board, what's the amulet?
like a physical description or like I I don't remember you mentioning an amulet before is it the gem is the family it's the amulet that mrs. flameback is wearing and the one that mr. flameback is also wearing oh okay yeah it yeah it's just some above table the orbs are in the logo what I'm glad you guys finally as soon as you said white blue and black I immediately went to go look for it
Yeah, that is exactly what that is. Yes, I had the same realization. And then it took me a second to remember who was in the middle, and I was like, oh wait, that's Selena. Yeah, is that really that obvious? Yes. I thought it was Riolu at first. I'm like, no, that's Selena. Anyway. Is that B? Yeah, she's been mentioned before. Once. Exactly once.
I will say no further. Right, where was I? So yeah, Bruce's mom is saying, yeah, that's all the leads we have so far. I managed to get this one order. I can't figure out what it does, how to use it. And unless I can figure out how to decipher this book, which nobody I've ever talked to knows any of these languages.
And I don't... I can't decipher it, but if we could decipher this book, we could probably figure something out. Is that we're flying the orbs? Which I also don't have any leads on. Did we? Well, maybe. But it's possible. And she runs over to one of the computers, and I'm going to say this is a good technological equivalent of a
I don't know what hero that would be. It's like a 1980s computer terminal. Like an IBM PC. Yeah, kind of like that. And she runs over to one of those computers and she types in some buttons, types in some letters and stuff, and she pulls something up on the screen and she pushes it to the giant screen on the wall and it says,
Ooh, actually, what did it say? It's a newspaper clipping that says, breaking news. Volkenberg vault recently robbed. I knew that was important. Oh, my gosh. I want to see. OK, this is above table. The reason I didn't want you to do anything is because I wanted it to be known early on.
but i didn't want you to just like i just made that up it has nothing to do with the plot at all buff table as well it's it's so weird that i remembered that detail from that episode yeah because i remember elise specifically saying both of you to assume that bruce we love newspapers that is yeah i love that line oh yeah
yeah yeah it doesn't help i've listened to like episode four like 15 million times so that would be episode three yeah three or four was it five no it was episode four because they that was when everyone was getting ready to meet with mr dr sumo episode then you guys did the graduation okay yeah whatever
Yeah. Honestly, it doesn't matter. It might be through. I'm not entirely sure. I'll check later, because it's in the beginning of the episode. But yes, so Mr. Plainback is like, that's where you guys come in. You've got a couple of things you can try and decipher this book here. And I've actually made a copy of it here, and she runs over to another display case and pulls it out.
and she pulls out a slightly more not disheveled like she's the paper looks newer to you guys but it's got like scribbled writing on it like it was really very fast but she holds us out to you guys this is an exact copy as close as I could get it to this book here so I can keep this one safe and we can have this one taken with somebody
I've only got one copy so don't lose it unless I'll have to make another copy and that took forever. So I want you guys to hold on to this and see if you guys can figure out someone to decipher this. It's been a few years since I've actually tried to decipher it. And I'm gonna take a look at the words in the book. Yeah, above people one more time.
Did Blair say that she knew the older language, whatever thing? I'm not. To be clear, I am not saying this is written in oldest. I'm just saying it's written in age. Yeah. Okay, but does Blair know it? I guess this is bullshit. I mean, I thought she mentioned something about the book.
and, like, being able to read or something. I think she mentioned... I think so. Did she? I'm not entirely sure. That's... If you guys ever decide to head back to Wilconburg and talk to Blair, that is something that could... That I... For the time being... That'll be something. Hikaru was gonna do a history check to see if she recognizes the writing system. Go for it, yeah.
All right, that's a smart roll. I'm actually, I'm gonna have you really want you to fail this check because that actually could. With disadvantage. Sure, roll with disadvantage, I'll roll up. Okay. I rolled a 14. I rolled a 13. Okay. Wow. Okay, so I wasn't rolling for this, but I rolled two die and I got a 19 and a one. So I was like, dang, if I was participating, I'd be really mad.
for plot related reasons i'm glad you failed that check i probably should not have had you over this was almost a valve knowing oldish kind of a move here
Yeah, no, this language does not look familiar to you at all. It uses the same characters as the ones you use currently, but the words look like gibberish, as if someone just smashed their face into a keyboard. On a keyboard, okay. Sure, keyboards have letters, that's just the analogy. If computers exist, so do keyboards.
Yeah, I mean yeah, and then but yes he cars like yeah, um This is literally Greek to me. I can't make heads and tails of it. She looks at you Sorry, it's just a figure of speech from the other universe
you yeah she's like uh yeah hey car you didn't see into the uh fifth right did you no i didn't i just i don't know how i know that expression yeah so this flame bag is like so yeah the currently the only leads we have is the bank robbery the book and figuring out what to do without work which is currently missing so i guess getting that work back which i'm doubling the blue one but
We could probably find the other orbs as well. I mean, yeah, that's the eventual goal. I don't know what we could do with these orbs, but I'm sure this book has answers to that. Probably like a Dragon Belt situation. You get them all together, you get a wish. Just something like that. I don't know. I saw it on TV once.
Dragon type ball? I don't know. Never watched a dragon type. I was just about to say the exact same thing was funny. Dragon ball. Dragonite ball. Dragonite ball. That was it. Druddigan. Yeah. Yeah, sure. So yes, she... So who's holding the book? I think Bruce will. Hikaru was last looking at it.
okay so add one um you can either call it lgms guide of galaxy or book of legends no actually no not scratch has a book of legends jeez uh i just call it lgms guides of the galaxy and you can put in parentheses copy so i'm taking the copy with me that makes sense yeah she gave the copy it's just like photo copy sheets of paper stapled together
Yeah, I think it makes- Essentially, it's in a leather- It's in a leather, uh, packing, but it's, yeah, basically just sheets of paper. Yeah, I think it makes sense to keep the original here, where it'll be safe. Yeah. Uh, yeah. Yeah, of course. I mean, that's why I made the copy so I could take it with me wherever I need to find something to translate it, but... Yeah, so...
That's where I'm at currently. If you guys ever need to come down here for any reasons, I have resources available and this can be like our base of operations. But the thing is, I don't know how your parents are gonna... I mean, obviously, don't tell your parents about any of this, please. I might be found out. That'd be terrible, but... Of course. So what you're saying is you've recruited us to Project Flameback. Uh, yeah. Yes. Yes, exactly. Heck yeah.
But you guys are gonna have to figure out how to move around because your parents are gonna let you home. Well, we could just tell them that we're taking a gap year. A gap year? You know, before you start college. Oh, between high school and college high school. Yeah. Sir, if you need my help with any of that, I can put in a word for you somehow. I don't know exactly how I do that though. Yeah, I'd appreciate that.
We were already kind of told to go on a journey to begin with, right? We already told all our parents, including you... The only ones that know what's going on... The only ones that know that we're back are Hikaru's parents. My parents don't know that yet. And Walter's mom's upstairs, and Walter's right there. And you're right here, Mrs. Flameback.
But yes, so that is the current standing. I think everybody, except for Sammy's parents, know that there's a back since Veronica was at everyone's place visiting them. Yeah.
Yes, because my parents would not have answered the door, they were asleep. There's no idea, they will never wake up. Alright, the floor is yours. So, um, Hikaru's gonna walk over to Walter and just check in on him. You can see the Walter has calmed down, he is not frantic anymore, he seems to have accepted the news finally, and this new revelation has kind of taken open his mind and stuck his back.
Yeah, I think that I think the same thing has happened to Hikaru. She's like she was shocked before from seeing from all the things that had just happened and then she's also like
taking in all this information. Oh right, if you guys ever need a place to stay, or if you guys need food or anything, please, please do come by. We've got living quarters over there for the others, the previous people who tried helping me. And she suggested us to have room to the right, and it's just a door. You can't sit into it. We had other people helping you? Who else did you have helping?
Um, I'm gonna pull up a random Pokemon generator, or just throw three Pokemon at me. Taboo Tops. Taboo Tops. Taboo Tops? Do you guys have any? Knackle Stack. Oh, Knackle Stack, okay. And what by you, Sean? I said Spoopa. Spoopa? What's that? Spoopa, I've all been to Bibeon. Is that a Gen 9 Pokemon?
That's Gen 6, I think. Yeah, that's Gen 6. It was from Scatterbug into Spupa. Oh, I never... I don't think I ever knew the name of this Pokemon. Interesting. So, yeah, she... So it's... Caputops, Spupa, and what's the other one again? Knacklestack. Knacklestack. Knacklestack, right. Yeah, she's like, well, we have a couple other Pokemon.
But they... I... lost interest, I guess? I don't know. I think they found the project to be hopeless. And they tried to leave, but they had to change their enemies, just like I did with Yufu's, to make sure nothing got out. Alright, I'm just gonna say, I'm a bit terrified of you, because you can just apparently change people's memories. It's kinda super weird.
You see, I have to recruit someone to do that. I have to pay a pretty big price to do that. Technically, yeah, I can, but I mean, I really don't want to. It's really... Again, I'm so sorry, guys. I'm trying to do this for the group of good, and I'm trying to save him, but he's...
it's very hard being the only one being able to do that so it'll be great having you guys back or not back but another set of people I mean we'll definitely do what we can above board um are there any easier ways for us to get into the space like teleporters or anything
Do we have to come to the Flameback House every time? Uh, I mean, you can ask Ms. Flameback that. That doesn't have to be above board. I feel like Ms. Flameback would know. Ms. Flameback? Uh, yeah? Yeah, so... Are there any easier ways for us to get back to this base? Like, every time- every- when we came- when we came back from Volkenburg to Gale Beach, it took- it was a 10 hour train ride. Um... I mean, technically you could have someone teleport you here if they knew how.
But I don't have anyone that can. As of right now, no. This is the only way in or out. Above board, this is not OSHA approved. There is no emergency exit. I mean... Just like Portal. Did you guys ever see this video about how all the Portal facilities are not OSHA approved? Really? Who would have thought? No, but I believe it.
With my limited knowledge of Portal, I 100% would believe. I've played through both games multiple times. They're both great. Definitely play them. We can stick a link to that in the doobly-doo.
the discord chat so um yeah miss flame back is like uh i know this is a line of taking but um it is currently two in the morning uh i'm at one third in the morning uh do you guys want to take a rest i'm sure you guys uh have stuff you need to do tomorrow um if you if you want you guys can sleep upstairs so the others don't suspect anything
Well, you know I'm all about sleep, Mrs. F, but my question is, where do we go from here? What do we do? That's up to you guys. We have a few leads to go off of. We got the book translation, which we've got. Well, now we need to find the blue orb, and we need to investigate the broken bird robbery. Yeah.
So it sounds like we're going to... I think we should go back to the train station tomorrow and see if we can get any info about the guy who mugged us. Okay. Maybe there's a lost and found. That's a good idea too. And then after we do that we can maybe see if we can get some money for train tickets back to
see if Blair might know anyone or be able to translate the book yourself. Is this in or out of character? In character. Okay, yeah, Miss Flameback's like, oh, of course, if you guys want to go to Wilkenburg, I can, of course, pay for the train tickets there. And she gives you you Bruce. Yeah, her car was pretty tight on money. Yeah, she gives you Bruce. Yeah, 1000 poke. This should cover a puzzle. Wow. Thanks, Bob.
What about the rest of us? What about the rest of us? Three poke? No. Three grand, I'm guessing. 5,000 poke to everyone, including Walter.
Oh, okay. To each of us. Okay. Yes. He's like, I'm up to 5,030. Okay. Well, there we go. That, that worked. I was just gonna sort of split that above game, but you know, this works too.
Yeah, don't worry about it. It's not much to me at the moment. I mean, not much compared to the electricity bill of this place, she says, tugging at her neck. Ah, it's all right. You got this. I'm sure Flameback Enterprises is paying for all of this, right? I mean, I've been doing it for the past eight years, so yes. I mean, your guys' help is more than payment enough. So, yeah, you guys should go up and get some rest. And she kind of gestures you to sit you out.
All right.
Um, another above board question. Lots of above board this game. Yeah. Um, just kind of trivial, but like, I feel like, I feel like photo, photocopiers would exist at least in the house, at least in the house of flame back. Uh, I'm just going to say it's the book is probably too old and fragile for a photocopier. That's the justification I'm going to put out there. You don't want to use lasers on ancient artifacts.
Oh yeah. Absolutely fair. Uh, I take it you guys are going upstairs. Yeah. Yeah. We'll go upstairs. Um, and Hikaru will walk in the back with Walter. Okay. Yeah, Walter hasn't said much, but he is very, very, uh, like he's looking around just in awe of everything that's going around.
Yeah. And I want to check in with him. Like, actually chat with him. Hey Walter. Yeah? How are you feeling? I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad or excited or angry. Like, it's just a huge jumble of...
is like, on one hand, yeah, I'm kind of free of my dad, but I, I mean, on the same hand, I shouldn't be happy about something like this. And now all of this is exciting, and that's, but we also have a huge responsibility now, and I don't quite know what to make of all of it.
Yeah, I'm really sorry for the way that your dad treated you. Yeah, it's over now.
yeah yeah just let me know if you ever want to talk um of course we're gonna be really close now we've got that we've got this mission going on and you know i'll always be here i guess and since i don't really have a home anymore i guess this kind of replaces us as a home now doesn't it hey he says brightening up a little bit yeah you've got us we're we're your family
Thanks, he says, rubbing the back of his head. Let's go to sleep. I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning. Yeah. Want a hug? Sure. And as you know, you have to roll for hug. What is the role? It's just a straight D20. Oh, all right. I forgot about that.
I did not 16 okay yeah he rolled a nine so he hugs you very nervously and you give him a very sure as you guys head upstairs and back to the front of the house you guys enter the building yeah enter Bruce's room what does Bruce's room look like I don't know
be very very like plain not really much it's so okay so it's gonna have like a rubber room yeah like so so like a room made of rubber yeah yeah
now so it's like the walls are just painted red but there's not really much there's there isn't really anything on them there's like a mirror there's a desk and there's a bed and then there's like a little chest where he keeps his vest his nice like his vest yeah his black vest with the hole cut out of the back for his flames
Oh, okay. Yeah. And yeah, that's about it. Okay. Lots of poor space. Alfred knocks on the door. Well, you can tell it's Alfred because he says, uh, Mr. Bruce. He says he's not a quiet voice. Yeah, Alfred. I have some cards for you and your friends. I figured it'd be better to sleep him on the floor. Can I come in? Thank you, Alfred. Yes, we'll come get them.
Okay, I'll just leave them here. I shall be heading to bed myself, so have a good one. Good night, Alfred. Good night, Alfred. And as you guys get set up and go to sleep, that is the end of the episode and the end of arc one. I've been Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM. I've been Evelyn, playing Hikaru. Woo! I've been Eli, playing Bruce. I've been Sean, playing Sammy. Happy first arc, everyone. Yeah, we finally got that.