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Murder Mystery - Episode 1 - The Psycho and the Child image

Murder Mystery - Episode 1 - The Psycho and the Child

S2 E5345342 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
50 Plays1 month ago

A dead body has been discovered in the house of the Wigglytuff mansion.  A Psychopath and a literal child have taken it upon themselves to solve the mystery for some reason not even god knows.

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Jacob as Zeal the Mimikyu

Pixel_Pluto as Chris the Buizel


Introduction and Series Setup

Hello everyone, and welcome to Pastor Time. My name is Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM. And sitting to my left is somebody who is currently drowning in peanut butter. Hello, I cannot breathe over all this peanut butter. I am Jacob, I will be playing, um, Zeal the Mimikyu. And to my left is someone who loved jelly donuts a little too much.
my fault they're pretty good i'm pixel pluto and i'm playing uh chris the fairy young child boyzle what he's saying fairy young how young is you say eight young a little bit older like maybe nine young okay okay nine young we got that okay you guys of you guys have probably realized by now this is once again not a main series episode once again um i will not get too into details but um our co-hosts currently are going through some
Um, let's say life issues right now. Uh, we had to postpone recording. I don't think we've recorded in close to like two months. So we ran out of our backlog. We had the Christmas episode posted and how I got, I don't want to leave you guys empty. So we are doing a little bit of a mini series.
If we get main series episodes posted, this series will be posted in the in between those, like in the speed record, or sorry, we release every other week. So if we have an episode for you, this miniseries will continue to be posted, but on the opposite week that our main episodes will be released. So don't worry. um Once we actually get together, which hopefully soon,
um We'll have that out for you. But for now, I'm not going to leave you guys without any content. So here is what I got for you. ah We got here Jacob and Pixel. We are going to be doing, if you can tell by the title, a murder mystery miniseries. This is a series I'm expecting to take about three to four episodes. And it's going to be the characters solving a murder mystery case. We've been doing a lot of murder, mis not murder, specifically murder mystery. But if you've listened to the recent episodes of PTT, we've been doing a lot of mystery cases.
So I'm really hoping this one's going to be fun because I had a lot of fun doing the mystery case for The End of Earth 2. Anyway, let us... ah we do not... yeah, we don't have a recap. Do you guys have anything to add before we get into it? I would like to describe the zeal. Go for it. If that's all right.
So Ziel is a Mimikyu that is wearing a normal Pokemon or a Pikachu outfit, but it is a shiny Pikachu. So it's a little brighter yellow, like a brand new Pikachu outfit. So I guess you could say it's a young Mimikyu.
Because I do want to say that the shiny version of Mimikyu is god-awful, in my opinion. and That's our hot take for this episode. Oh, it's silver. It's just black and white, actually. I actually don't hate that.
it's not bad but it could have been so much better like i just wish they did more with like the pikachu clones like i love emolga with its flying electric typing and it being a pikachu clone and just It's probably not the place to get into it. I know somebody who's listening to this that is going to agree with you way too hard. And you know who you are out there. Hi. um What about you, Pixel? Do you got anything to add? My Brizzle? He's very... Oh, what's the word? Innocent? He doesn't know most of how the world works, which will be very funny.
um he's your stereotypical extrovert who has the wide eyes he's very big eyes and he's a very cute guy
Okay, as weasels typically are, i don't I don't know if we got that in a recording or or not, but weasel is my favorite water type, so I am not partial in any way to what Pokemon you're playing, but I love weasel, that's all my heart.

Murder Mystery Unfolds at Wigglytuff Mansion

um So I think with, yeah, go on. Ah, no, that's all I got.
ah okay with that we are going to move on to the content the content sleep to whatever oh shit wait i gotta i gotta uh bring up someone give me a random move uh click attack all right let us i think we might have done that one already but doesn't matter let us quick attack on you
It was a dark and stormy night and all through the house. Everything was stirring, especially the band that you guys are listening to right now. You guys are in the Wigglytuff Mansion in the middle of the woods. Imagine Luigi's Mansion. That's pretty much what you guys are in. Um, you guys are currently looking at the, um, you guys are watching the gravel rocks, a band you might actually know if you listen to the, if you listen to the main feed. Um,
if Up on stage, you guys see Veronica, who is playing the guitar and singing. It is a metal band. And you also see John Smith, with the Typhlosion, and Sandalier, the Chandelure, who is playing the drums. Did I say what? No, I didn't. ah John Smith is playing the violin. So, I don't know how violin fits into a metal band, but I guess it does.
um He could be playing a harp or something, so it could be worse. Well, it's kind of like Weird Al Yankovic, where he has the accordion in all of his songs. Yeah, well, Weird Al Yankovic is like a polka-style artist. He does polka. I feel like that fits you very well. He's not a metal artist. Well, he... No, but he does, like, covers of rock and all sorts of others. He always throws in the accordion, so...
Yeah. um He turns rock songs into polka, so... What metal songs did Wirao cover? Because I know he did, like, The Night, Santa went Crazy, Obviously, Almost Paradise. and I know of his more popular ones, but what metal songs did he cover? ah the I think Another One Bites the Dust from Queen.
Yeah, he does more like polka type things and then then there was one where it's i know the name of his song it's called i love rocky road road i'm assuming the space off of i love rock and roll but i think it's that's not yeah that's not billy that's not billy cool that's not billy joe i know that i love by fucking what's his name like billy brought uh no oh no that's joe and jet jesus christ
Actually, no, I always find a way to. Jeez. I keep it. I've got a Billy Joel. Jeez. I have that song on my playlist. I call it Billy Joel. Jeez. Okay.
good Anyway, I'm gonna stop dating myself and get into the episode. You guys are watching the ground blocks. Insert random song here. This is something they're playing right now. And all of a sudden the lights go black. Everything goes quiet. All the electricity and stuff out.
A moment of silence passes and then the entire crowd starts panicking. Everyone starts rushing for the doors and eventually it is just a glaceon, a mimicure, and a boizole standing in the auditorium.
After a little bit, a the lights come back on and you hear someone from up on the second store yelling, murder, murder, murder in the office. And you see a frost lass up on the balconies of the auditorium um who was hollering down to the audience, which is now mostly empty. I was about to say, I feel like you're going to kill a ghost type.
i thought the frost last was gonna be the murder victim yes the frost last who is alive is screaming about someone being murdered i don't think they actually you could kill probably frost last just by melting her
also I also actually said that horribly wrong. um Well, that's pretty much like Cryogonal. Is that how you say it? Cryogonal? Yeah, it's just a giant snowflake. Yeah, and whenever it heats up, it's vapors or it gets turned into vapor in the Pokedex.
I don't know, I don't remember which one, but in one of them it says whenever it gets hot, a diagonal disappear, but it's because they turn into water vapor. okay oh Fun fact for the episode, I'm full of one. This is gonna be terrible.
What? If we're full of what? ah Full of just random conversations, because I had my hot take in the beginning. Okay. I remember what I said. Let's get to the episode, sorry. Okay, gotcha. All right, um so, wellll hold on, I should also say the band is still on stage, but they're like very quiet right now.
Chris is going to just say with full confidence, what what's more murder? <unk> The glacial and like Cox's head over at you and he's like, yeah, did you say my name? and um you What? What? wait What is a what is a what is a murder? Is that like?
You're dear The frost last she was up on the balcony is still like screaming her head off. She's like murder murder a glacier fucking pants a Glacy I did it he slipped episodes over um So, yeah, the frost last is looking down at you it's like where did everyone go I
They just they just all ran ran out the the doors. I don't know where they went. The power went out and then they ran out the doors and. All right. The frost last looks at you and it's like a she turns around and she runs where you assume she's trying to get back downstairs to you guys. After some time, she does, in fact, materialize in front of you guys. And she's like, are you guys the the only ones here?
Wait, question. What happened to all the people that was? They left. they are When the blackout happened, they ran outside. Oh, okay. So, Ziel is gonna ask, where did you find the body and where were you when you discovered it?
I was just passing through the halls coming to visit the auditorium because the band was playing them and there's just a dead body in the middle of the hallway. And and then i I opened up the door to Wigglytuff's office because the body was right outside the office and Wigglytuff was dead too.
Why did you say dead body and not dead bodies? Look, I'm flustered, okay? Look, at first I saw one dead body, then I saw another, and I just started screaming murder, and now I'm down here, can somebody help me for the love of God? I don't know if Minikyu can learn learn it, but he uses Wake Up Slap. Okay, he uses Wake Up Slap, it does not do much damage, and uh...
the frost lass is already awake, so it does not have any effect on them. Wait, I just realized, is a wake up slap fighting type or normal type? I thought it was a question mark? It would have no effect on a ghost type frost lass. It is a fighting type, yes. So it phases through frost lass, and she's unfazed. No pun intended.
All right. Well, take us to the body. OK. So you guys leave the auditorium and you guys start heading upstairs to the upper level. This mansion is a two-story building. oh And it is, as you guys pass through the hall, it is very nice with velvet carpet and mahogany wooden walls. It's a very stereotypical, like louis like I said before, religious mansion mansion. So Victorian. I mean, sure, if that's what Victorian looks like. Sure. I thought I thought Victorian was more like. Like a German style village. almost What? I think of like a French mansion whenever I think of Victorian. Let me see, I might be. I was thinking like Marion Antoinette. No, yeah, you're right. ah Yes. Oh, that is not what I was thinking. What is that called with them?
German style buildings.
ofian I don't know. i'm I'm not delving into this right now. um Briticana. There we go. Anyway, um, okay. So you guys arrive at what you assume is the office of Ross Lass was screaming about, and you guys see a dead pan sage on the ground, blood pooling around its head. I cover, um, what's your bleasal's name? Sorry. Chris. Chris. Sorry, I need to write that down.
So, Ziel will cover the person's eyes too.
The frost elast is like, this is the body I found and then this door was already left open so I opened it and she opens the door which is unlocked and there is um a wiggly tough that is getting up off the ground clearly not dead oh this seems like it's been a murder oh wait no but yet obviously this is a murder see gestures at the pan sage who's bleeding out on the ground oh wait yes i forgot i say bleeding out i mean bled out that
And the pan stage is very, it's turning blue.
This can only be the job of Glaceon. Speaking of which, the Glaceon is still just chilling out in the auditorium. Again, no pun intended. Oh, you're terrible. I'm not intending this, I swear. Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Okay, it wasn't, but okay. Um, so yeah, the process is like, Oh, what do we do? The police were in the middle of the forest. They're not going to be able to be here for hours. Oh, we can always try to find the murder. Well, I found the murder right here. And she's actually still in the pan. She was still in a puddle of blood.
I thought you said he was also murdered. She is murdered. We already found the murderer. Now we need to find the murderer. That's what I said. Did I say murder? i I heard murder. And I figured that's what you meant I was making fun of you. Dang it. Dang it. Dang Okay, um yeah the Frost is like, yeah we need to get to the bottom of this. um Let's round up everyone in the building and take stock of who's here.
So it is now your guys' um it is now your guys's objective to find everyone in the building.
Then you'll start in the kitchen? Okay. Sure. You guys- What's the layout? like Is there like observatory, auditorium? um ok so i'm Okay. So they're based- I'm critting most of those off the top of my head. There's basically everything you would find in like a normal house.
like a kitchen, master bedroom, guest bedroom, I guess. I was about to say a cellar, like a dungeon. A dungeon. Um, I don't think there's a dungeon, but there's gardens outside. A Luigi's Mansion had a dungeon. Okay, well I never played Luigi's Mansion. I almost said Luigi's Dungeon, by the way. Luigi's Dungeon. Don't go into Luigi's Dungeon, guys.
Okay. If only. Okay, so don't be quiet, you. Nintendo could not. Okay, so you guys... um Yes, okay, right, sorry. Rooms. There's a kitchen. There's a living room. There's an office that you guys just came out of. There's a bunch of hallways. There's an auditorium with a stage. There's a foyer, um which I'm gonna say leads into like an auditorium.
um and
I'm trying to think of house, places, a living room, I don't know. the is if it If it's in a mansion, it's here, OK? Create whatever you guys want. A There's now a dungeon. So Chris is going to run to the main foyer area where like you exit out of the auditorium.
And then he's going to find like the most he's just going to start running around any other areas. And if he sees anybody, he'd be like, hey, the day the people, the people are trying to find the whatever murder is there. They're meeting in the main area and say something along those lines. OK, so you're just trying to yell this out to the entire house. Yeah.
Roll me a d20 because you are a small child. I absolutely love this character. I want him. I never play innocent characters. I always play like the gruffy tough type people and so I wanted to change that. That's a 10. You are doing an amazing job. A 10? Two people heard you. um After some time, you see an artillery.
and that the rest of the band members gather in the auditorium.
Oh, and also murder of the Glaceon is there. Wait, the Glaceon's name is murder? Yeah, I said

Character Interrogations Begin

that. Yeah, you that said yeah you guys said murder, and the Glaceon's like, did you say my name? That's when I went to like, huh? ae I thought it was like something else.
no there's a glaceon here whose name is murder okay now i really think it was the glaceon can we just like throw uh glaceon in the dungeon before he strikes again okay we're making this canonical there's no a brig in this place there's like even the dungeon is like sellers with like jail cells and stuff for some reason don't ask why any wigglyt's have had that installed but they're there that is cool thought though like what would a pokemon prison be like because you would need something that is impervious to every pokemon type because you have an idea there's an army of mr mimes that create barriers for the prison oh god i can just imagine that like you're walking down like a
spiral stone staircase, and as you're going down, you have a torch, and then you push the torch a little forward, and it just reveals Mr. Mime. Oh god. Okay, I have a plan. I have a plan for that in the future. That is canonical now.
oh god no if anyone has cloud phobia if anyone has a cloud phobia please do not listen to the next few episodes i thought you were gonna say you had a cloud phobia i had something the same on that okay cloud i'm playing blotro all right play blotro i'm not gonna get into that that is that has to do with stuff outside. Okay, so you have an Octillery, a Typhlosion, you have a Lucario, and a Chandelure, also the Glaceon, and a Froster. So someone here is potentially a murderer.
The and now by name is the artillery. It looks extremely confused. It's like, ah what do you mean? What do you mean a murderer? The lights went out for five damn seconds and you're telling me there is a murder. Chris is going to look at the artillery and say, I have I have no clue what a murder murder murder is either.
It's what happens. It is what happens when... How old are you, son?
One, to two, three, four, five. Okay, you' you've given me enough of an answer. Okay, so a murder is what happens when somebody falls asleep and never wakes up but again.
That's a murder. Do you understand? Yeah. Cool. Now we're on the same page. Anyway, what do you mean a murder? This frost last has discovered. since Yes, this frost last has discovered a dead Pokémon. That is another good question. Like, why can't we use a revive?
Because there's a difference between dead and fainted. I always um called Pokemon. like So the Octolary is like... The Octolary is like, who was it? Fucking wigglytuff. Fucking deserved it, if so. Could that be a motive? And he points this at the Octolary. The Octolary crosses all like six of its arms or whatever. And he's like, yeah. Six!
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if it is actually eight, but I could have sworn if I was like six arm. It has four.
I just licked it up. It has four. It has actually less than I thought.
artillery it doesn't oh Wait, no, it has to knock it has a bunch from behind it. Wait a minute with you. No, yeah, it's eight I didn't realize I had six in the back at two arms. That's really weird. What? Yeah, it's like two in front and then there's like six kind of like nine tail tails. weird Yeah, artillery is a red cephalopod like Pokemon with a large round of ice and a turret like mouth.
very yellow bumps on its rock hard head and yellow suction cups on each of its eight tentacles. According to Boba media. Yeah, I looked it up. Makes sense. oh
Okay. ah Right. The ah the artillery looks is like, yeah, look that gives me motive to fucking kill on I'm not a murderer. Then where were you when he was?
I was saying, the fucking kitchens. Where do you think I was? I'm the chef. He says pointing to a chef's hat, which I did not mention before. Hmm. It seems like this hat has materialized. You're also a magician. Right. And he walks away. So, who here had motive? Let's see. We have the chef. And that's literally all motive we know of. There was a chef.
but Is that your guys' final verdict? But the Wigglytuff wasn't on floor. The other one was. The frost last point, he was like, you know, this kid actually has but so this kid has a point. We we saw the Wigglytuff get up and then we all sprinted away from him. Like, I feel like we should go check on him. So he's just giggling.
Oh yeah, I forgot about him. Can we head back upstairs to find Wigglytuff? So as you guys are heading upstairs, you guys actually run into Wigglytuff who is um bumbling down the stairs. as As he's coming down the stairs, you see he's like bumping into like walls and stuff on the way there. And you see he has a big bruise on his head.
boy oh what happened
sir Who are you guys? I'm Quiz. I'm, I'm, oh, weasel. Uh, I was watching the concert and then this, uh, this one, uh, frog grass yelled murder, but I, I only recently learned what it was. So I was really confused. And then, uh, we, we went to, uh, where the, the. What book was on the ground? whats that Who actually died. It was a pan sage.
OK, until where the pan sage was on the on the floor. I think dead. I don't know. They looked asleep. Oh, you're talking yeah yeah you're talking about Chris. I said you not. I named this assistant Chris before you named your character Chris. OK. I want to make them very clear. I have names for all these Pokemons and the almost at the profession.
The pan sage's name is Chris. Well, I specifically call him Christopher, but... So the Wigglytuff is like, uh, yeah, Christopher's dead for some reason. Um, you guys don't happen to know anything about that, do you? Oh. I feel like this Froslass could tell us more. She was the one who discovered you and...
chris I also want to point out this Wigglytuff has a blonde Karen wig on and red lipstick. What? This, uh, um... This thing's a little important to point out. So the Wigglytuff sounds like, yeah, my name is Karen. Anyway, I have a body to deal with now. A body?
Sorry, I keep calling he. She pushes, uh, pushes you guys out of the way. Just like, Oh shit. What was the name of the guy? Sorry. I forgot your name. There it is. Okay. So the, uh, wiggly stuff's like her Simmons. I have a task for you as she's waddling down the hall.
And she heads down, um, downstairs. What are you guys doing? I think zeal is gonna try and look for like he's gonna use it like astral because he's a ghost type and doesn't really leave evidence I guess he's gonna try and search the body and see if there's any evidence on it. Okay, go ahead and roll me a d20. I did not make these guys roll my character sheets because I didn't want to get too in character. for So for all rules, I'm just gonna have you guys roll flat d20s and add three to it. I got a two and a five, or two, so a five. Okay. Okay, so with a five, you notice that there is a puddle of blood on the ground, which you've already noticed before.
nothing new i would also like to and the the the pants here that is just sleeping trust all right it's a pan sage yes did i say pan sage on my fault i don't know i might have said pan sage maybe it's a pan sage the green one it's one of the monkeys what do i roll again they're all just just d20 do you have a d20 on you yeah uh i got a 16 16 plus 3 or 16? I rolled a 16. Okay, 16 plus 3, 19. So with a 19, you look at this pan sage and you notice there are bite marks on the neck of the pan sage, which is where the blood had pulled from. I don't know, like shakes, you don't see. There's like, there's like, there's marks right here. And I think that might be from like a fight or something.
Interesting kid. I didn't see that. Thank you. And I pat him on the head. Yeah. My voice is hurting. I stick to the normal voice. No, I'll get through this. It'll work. So.
Can we know, is that the only thing on the body? Like there's no like ID or anything? Um, 1519, that is the main clue you got from this body. I will say from each thing you guys investigate, I'm putting this very similarly as to, as the mystery in the main feed of the Volkenberg mystery, which for those who haven't listened to that for some reason, I will not spoil that. Um,
And you guys have the ability to interrogate each person and then to investigate each person for the ability to find clues.
So it's very similar to like Pokemon, not so Pokemon or something. Detective Pikachu. Okay. So. Can I go up to, like, Lucario and get, like, a bite mold? Like, investigate his bite. Do you have the dentistry tools to make a bite mold? Well, we can always ask, like, uh... Can I go ask Octi... What was the Octillery's name again? Sorry. I don't think he... Did he give you his name? I don't think he gave you his name. I don't think he did.
no okay so zeal walks down and says like fivee all over the place so you said that the bi mark was so reasona why but Yes, and you can tell that is where the blood was coming out of.
Okay. I was thinking it was more like a pooling underneath, like a bruise. not So the bite mark is what caused him to lose blood. So, Ziel goes back downstairs and asks everyone to... He tells everyone that the murderer fit the victim.
Okay, sorry. I thought you were gonna say it. Go down and tell everyone to bite you. Bite me!
I don't have a teeth tooth mold set up, so everyone come over here and bite me. Just get some dough from me. That's why I was asking for the name. I was gonna ask for like some dough or something.
as yeah Have you ever done that with Play-Doh, like, bit into it and you saw your teeth? Like, he even with- No, because I'm not stupid! Jacob, wonder what ever happened? As a kid, not real- Oh, okay. but Moving on, moving on.
Okay, um, no, I cannot say I've eaten Play-Doh. Not eaten, but just, like, bit it.
God, I kind of hope this episode doesn't get released. I'm not too bad. No, I do not use Play-Doh as a tooth mold. I can't say that was ever my forte as a kid. Well, even in the dentist office, whenever I got my braces, they made like this putty that I fitted with. Yes, that's a tooth mold.
But it's not like they're like going into the back and they get like a tub of Play-Doh and they're like, here you go! And then it's like, it's all fit in Play-Doh is in front of XO. I know what you're saying, but I'm making fun of you because I thought you meant you were eating Play-Doh as a kid.
o Okay, here's a better question. Who hasn't even Play-Doh? I should probably stop talking. I think I might have taken a bite as a child, but like never like consumed Play-Doh. I am curious, is there anybody out there who's like taking a bite of Play-Doh and they're like, oh my god, this is the best shit ever. Is Play-Doh actually edible? Can you eat Play-Doh?
It's not toxic because it's probably not nutritious. Edible Play-Doh on Amazon. I wonder if there's people out there who buy Play-Doh specifically to eat it. There is edible chalk. I do know that I have eaten edible chalk. ah That I can't say.
Oh yes, let me go buy my edible Play-Doh on Teemo. I'm sure that won't give me cancer or something. think I was about to say that sounds shady as shit. It does. Okay, anyway, besides eating Play-Doh, what are you guys doing? You guys are no back down in the auditorium if I remember.
I would like to run around and search the house and see if there's just anybody who we haven't seen yet. Because I feel like me open okay um there's people who have, because it's like an auditorium. I feel like there would have been more than just like two people that I would have seen. Um, okay. So as you run around, I really didn't think there were going to be many dice rolls in this game. became me a two Okay, sure. oh Use as you are running around frantically, like a maniac looking for people. You come across the person who was soaking wet who seems to have come from outside. They remind you it is dark and stormy outside. Okay. I thought you're just giving the classic it's a dark and stormy night whenever you I did. That's Yeah, that's Yeah, that's how I opened it because it is dark. And it is stormy.
He said it's a dark and stormy night, and nothing is... It was the... all is quiet. Not even stirring. Not even a mouse kind of situation. But then he said, but but everything is stirring, because you're at a concert. That is what I said. This is what I've read down. It was a dark and stormy night. And also the house, everything was stirring, especially the band. Anyway, um so you come across this person, and you also come across Karen the Wigglytuff.
And I want you to roll a d20 for stealth if you want to overhear the conversation. Oh, yeah. Unless you just want unless you just want to unless you want to burst in. I'll make you make that decision. I got this is a plus three. I thought I was. Oh, it's still in the auditorium. Oh, shit. Sorry. I rolled an eleven.
Okay, 11 plus 3 is 14. I'll say you succeed. So you peek around a corner and you see Wigglytuff, Karen, uh, talking to this soaking wet person and she's just like, ugh, Parsemens, we got a dead body upstairs.
so you can see uh karen putting on more um makeup and uh lipstick if you can't tell i'm trying to go for a very like stereotypical karen person yeah yeah i i think we all know okay and yeah karen's like there's a dead body upstairs the assistant is dead and i don't know who did it but now we got to figure this whole thing out anyway can you go clean up that blood it's really making a mess And the person is like, yes, yes, mistress. I will get on that right away. Mistress. It's a she. Yeah, that would be tough as a she. I said that initially, until I decided I wanted it to be a Karen, so now it's a she. Be quiet. Yeah. I can i can change things on the spot if I want them to. My head goes to weird places, sorry. OK, so.
What did you think I meant? I just realized what you meant. OK, we're moving on from that. So the person who was leaving wet footprints um on the carpet, it heads um down the hall and the wiggly tough is heading towards where you're hiding. Brick, I'm going to I'm going to back up a little bit and then I'm going to run through as if I was just running the entire time.
okay gotcha so you're taking a step back and then sprinting yeah like doing my whole spiel of like trying to find new people okay we're trying to act like i just didn't i just ran in okay so you've run face first into this uh karen person and you get a uh you've run into wigglytuff and bounce back off of her
and quickly Karen's like excuse me I'm a walking here one second Chris is gonna get up to his feet really quick because he bounces back quickly he still has that childlike energy and he's like oh sorry I'm trying to see if there's anyone else in this mansion because I feel like they're i only found two people when i went around but then i didn't see if there was anyone else and i don't want anyone not to know what's happened and then he's going to continue running ignoring her yeah okay she doesn't get a chance to respond as you run away okay okay i'm missing a character here who am i missing
I remember we had Lucario, Octillery, Ligletuff. I'm missing a character here. Did you just say person or purlo Persian Persian. Persian, okay.
Oh, are you taking notes? Because I'm not taking notes. I am taking notes. I am not. I am not. I can't tell you why I'm laughing. I typed something when you guys meet that character and you guys will know why I'm laughing. So cooked. I almost fully forget what what that conversation with that I eavesdropped on was. It hasn't even been five seconds. I remember the general gist, which is all I need.
Okay. i ah pretty ah I wasn't paying much attention either by thinking it was just them saying that there's been a dead body and needing to clean it up.
That's all I can remember. Okay. Cool. So back in the auditorium, Ziel is interviewing someone or someone. What what is Ziel doing? Ow, fuck! I punched my table. Sorry. Well, don't do that. Okay, what's Steel doing? Steel is trying to... force people into... into trying to get them to bite enamored objects to leave their bite marks. Okay, roll me a d20 and I will tell you, based on that rule, I will tell you which object you grab.
19 so that 19 okay fine 20 22 i was honestly really you hoping you like you were gonna find like a star rock or something but a rock a rock trying of course he's like come over here bite this he's like hold up a break okay so you managed to find some leftover dough from and surprisingly uncooked pizza that was left on one more of the tables I'm just gonna say it's a half-cooked pizza that has a bite taken out of it on the table.
Because you guys are in the auditorium. Yep. Well, I start handing people slices and tell them, please take a bite, but please give it back to us after you've taken one bite. The, uh, artillery looks at you and is like, excuse me? This pizza already has a bite taken out of it. Are you trying to poison us?
No, I'm trying to save our skins. Now, bite. I don't think I will. And the Lucario looks at me and she's like, I don't think I'm gonna bite this either. This is clearly someone's old pizza. Also, why is it half cooked?
Hey, I didn't cook the pizza, he did, and I played over to the artillery. Okay, I was like, look, I was busy all day, okay? I had to provide for 400 people today. And I only had three hours to prepare, so give me a break. There's just 400 people watching the concert. Why can't... Where did everybody go?
they left they left as soon as the lights turned off or turned back on like where are they we're in the middle of the woods they just take a caravan out of here just all of a sudden leave and we're just hoping that the murderer we're just hoping that the murderer stayed actually yeah that is real how do we know that the murderer didn't leave with regret this is getting
Look, look, look. Okay, um... Look, one thing you guys know down deep in your heart is that this murderer is really stupid. ah such You guys know that deep in your soul. Great. Well, it's stupid, so it's a blonde. I probably shouldn't say that on podcast. Also, by the way, murder, speak of murder, murder to Glaceon, it seems like he's falling asleep.
Can I use wake up slap on him? i Sure, go for it. roll wake up cute roll you You use slap on the glacier and he's like, oh, what? Oh, hi. Oh, sorry. Pizza. He says, look at the pizza in front of his face. I love pizza. And he like eats the whole pizza. No, no, just a bite. Just a bite. No, it's too late. The pizza's gone. We're cooked.
What pizza was it? It was pepperoni. Don't worry about where the pepperoni came from. Wait a second. That's another thing that...
I'm so crazy. I'm not going to get on this tangent, please. Let's not get on the side. Take up. I know you've only listened to four episodes of PTT, but you have no idea how much we've discussed this in the podcast. Our biggest bit is the fact that that Pokemon meat is not a thing. So well, it is a thing because I'm pretty sure in this universe.
Oh, in this universe? Nope. You'll have to listen to the podcast further. I know you haven't listened to much of PTT, but believe me, you will know what I'm talking about when you get to there. Yeah. I think I listened to enough just to know when it comes up at least once. Once? I didn't expect to. You talked about it like every single episode.
OK. Right. So Murder of the Glaceon has eaten all of the pizza and he looks very happy.
Oh, I'm glad he's happy. um Zeal will try to.
So we can we. So we got nothing from the pizza bites because no one did them. Can we like. Start investigating people individually, like take them over to the kitchen and do like the good cop backup? Sure, go for it.
So i I gesture for Chris to come over and I wrap my shadow arm. Oh, he's not back. Yeah, yeah. ah Chris is still running around the hallways looking for people. We'll get back to him in a minute.
okay so zeal puts his arm around the lucario and tries to just friendly guide her to the kitchen and not trying to make it seem like she's about to be interrogated uh the the lucario is very hesitant she's like hey what are you doing stop touching me just this way we need to have a conversation about okay you could have said that instead of being creepy about it i don't know i i don't even know where to go at this point i anyway she follows you into the kitchens i'm gonna say the kitchen is like a few rooms down
And as you enter the kitchens, the room is very warm and you smell burnt food. And as you look across the room, you see a bunch. You see the oven is quite on fire.
i When you need it. It is a fire brick oven, by the way. Does anyone know a wartime move? He just he just leans here his head out the door and just asks.
If I was there, I would. ah The Octillery comes in, rolls his eyes, and he, like, spits a bunch of water on the oven. And he's like, there, that's fuckin'... That's the taco, that... That's the taco that, uh... Tack, tackle, tackle... I just realized that sounds like the word taco, but that's not what it is. It's T-A-K-O. Uh, that's the taco that, uh, that Karen was making me make. For reference, taco is octopus in Japanese.
Oh, Takoyaki. Yeah, no, that's, you're thinking of Takoyaki. Yeah, yes, yes, sorry. Yes. That's octopus

Clue Hunting and Comic Interrogations

balls. Uh, Takoyaki is just octopus. And ah before anyone says anything, it is balls of octopus meat, okay? Get your heads out of the garbage.
Wait, then that's another question. Like, are there subspecies of, like, animals? Because we were just talking about how he's a... Octillery is a Cephalopon Pokemon.
So he's... We now know for sure that there's Octopus. Are we eating Octopus? Or are we eating Octillery? Are you asking this to Octillery?
I'm asking you. I can't say anything. This is part of what you guys got to figure out. What? We got to figure out where the octopus comes from? No, but I'm trying to hint that it is relevant. Oh, I'm... How many legs Octillery has? Or cooked?
Wait, what? No, but that Octillery was. I am all sorts of confused. Yeah, that's a murder mystery! Not a murder immediately solved. I don't know. I would be a terrible detective in real life.
well So... I... Is there like a... Like a chef knife or something? Like a threat in Lucario? Hanging on the... Wait, what? Sorry, what?
there There's a bunch of bitchers knives and cooking knives hanging on the wall. Ziel will take a knife and write in Lucario. What did you do whenever you... Oh, sorry, let me restart. Where were you whenever the body was discovered? What do you mean? What body? Get that thing away from me, she says, it's pushing your arm away. Or at least she tries to.
play I just realized, again, I'm threatening a steel type with a steel knife. I am very bad at my match-ups. I threaten a ghost type with a fighting move. I threaten a steel type with a knife. I am i have zero and two. Yeah, she looks at you. She's like, are you sure you're not the murderer? What the hell? ae I was with the bleasel.
Okay, and? ah bleass look child I would never kill in front of a child. And how am I supposed to take your word on that? Because I haven't killed you yet.
that doesn't She's like she has like her she has like her paw on the point of a knife trying to like brush it away gently. This is the metal spike.
yeah Yeah, it's the tip of the metal spike on the tip of the knife. I don't know how it's not slipping, but we're going to say she has good control. um And. Yes, they start to push the knife away. What are you doing about that? ah um I'll play good cop now. OK, I'll I'll try to hand her some of the burnt taco and say, please just tell me where you were.
So you give her a like a leg of octopus that's actually burnt and she drops her like, Oh, what the hell is this?
Well, it's he said it's taco. I want to point out this is not a normal occurrence in the Pokemon universe. Pokemon do not eat Pokemon in the at least in the pizza universe. So this is another Pokemon. I I told you it is relevant.
you said well got okay so didn't say it was irrelevant he said it was relevant but I was trying to ask if it was Pokemon or octopus and I said you had to figure that out well obviously now I figured this out great oh so you'll I know where to go from this point, so... Can we switch over to Bleezel?
or on let's Sure, I'll give you some time to think a about, I guess. Strange um transition some time, but we'll go with it. um I have no idea where to go with that. Just interrogate it. You don't even have her name yet.
Do I need to know her name? and I don't know. I'm still calling her names because you guys haven't discovered anyone's names yet. OK, we're going to transition in over to Chris the weasel. You are sprinting around the mansion and I need you to roll another d20.
I'm cooked. and That's a I rolled a 10. Okay, 10 plus three, I'll consider that a success. So eventually, you come across a bedroom and that has a door that is cracked open.
Oh yeah, i'me I'm peeking in. Okay. So you look at... So you're not opening the door, but I'm peeking in. You peek inside and you see a purloin that is drying their fur. They are also sinking away. Okay, that's right.
Okay, so it's probably the same purloin from no the... No, the other one was a Persian. This is a purloin. Oh. Okay. Babyman. Free evolution, I should say. Actually, hold on one second. I'm sorry. I did say per purloin. i'm I'm thinking of of a devolved one. Lipard. Sorry, it's a lipard.
Wait, Persian? What's up? Hold on, I need to look this up, Persian. No, I'm sorry. I meant it to be a life hard. I had the wrong Pokemon. You see a life hard. The first one was a ah Persian. This one is a life hard. It is a life hard. We've attempted to dry their fur because of the soaking wet as well. I guess everyone's trying to go outside.
Um. Yeah, OK, so I'm going to enter and I'm going to be like, OK, you. OK, never mind, you you go first. So you you the light part of here is the door creaking and you're like, oh, I'm changing. What are you doing? To pull the outside question to actually have to. No, no, it's a joke because you're entering you're entering their bedroom without asking.
Please, I was He's just going to like still sort of hold on to the doorknob like his his arm is like all the way up trying to reach this doorknob. It's a high doorknob for this kid. He's like, oh, I'm sorry. I just want to let you know that there's someone's apparently been murdered, murdered. I'm getting the hang of it. Trust murder, murder, dirt, dirt.
yeah Look, I know, okay? I'm on my way, I'm just trying to get dried off before I make myself presentable as half of my whole, you know, thing being a butler and everything. So just give me a second, okay? I would try to- I'm pretty chill for fucking life in America. If you could not invade my privacy, well, I'm trying to make myself presentable. That would be very much appreciated.
One second, writing a note down. ah yeah Also, by the way, I can now reveal why I was laughing. I tried writing Lipard the butler, or sorry, initially I wrote purloin the butler, but I wrote purloin the butloin. So because I was thinking of butler and purloin at the same time.
Ah, yes. Chris is going to say, oh, sorry, I would try to help you get dry, but I'm better at getting people wet than drying them off. Bye. And he zooms out. Excuse me. Excuse me, you want to restate that for the audience? I'm better at using watertight moves to throw water everywhere instead of using water to like absorb water.
Thank you for that and clarification. Um, I know, i know I know, but the show was not child friendly. So I try to think it's the first time a kid has actually been on the show. I don't play any childcare because as far as I remember, no, Eric, there's Arabella. There's that's it. I think that's it. Um, Oh, cool. Will.
quint Quinn. Quinn. Quinn. I think so. Quinn the Peach. I'm sorry Evelyn I don't remember her. It's not a very relevant character. Um. I don't think I've gotten that far. Yeah anyway he says this and then dashes out in his normal childlike I need to figure out everything effect.
OK, so you have at this point exhausted all characters. So after running around, you end up back at the auditorium. Actually, no, you end up in the kitchen and you see Ziel holding a knife to a Lucario's head or fist, I guess.
See you all. Why are you holding a knife to them? That's not very nice. You need to like not do that because like who's going to try and even listen to you if you're holding a knife to them. That's not very nice. You should apologize right now. I'm sorry for threatening you. You with a knife. Why is your name? Okay. See like pushes the knife away.
My name is Veronica, by the way. Jeez. You didn't have to put me at a knife point to ask me is that. Jesus Christ. Anyway, why did you want me in here? Are you trying to kill me too? Because I'm not going to let you go down like that. I'm not going to... Fuck, I can't speak. And she, like, attempts to leave the kitchen. Well, we still need to ask your you a few questions of where you were. Are you going to hold me at knife points while you do this?
Not in front of the child, no. So if the child wasn't here, you would? Most likely, as he sets the knife down. Alright, Veronica like grabs the kid, grabs Chris, sorry, and like holds Chris next to her, and just like, cool, he's my shield now. What you know what is what is Chris doing about this?
Yeah, I can see.
It's your turn, Chris. Yeah, I was gonna ask, what is Chris doing about this? Yes.
Chris is going to look up like his head all the at the Luke Victoria Victoria. No, Veronica. a fault Veronica. I was thinking of houses my fault um and too many houses this episode. Can you like please can you like please just listen to what they have to say? We're trying to figure out who who did the murder, who who murdered, who murdered.
i think i did the murder some frogs like glaring as zeal is like it's clearly a ghost he's holding a knife to me i'm sorry i didn't i didn't clarify is is he only here or she do mimic you have gender i don't know i thought he did oh she go
Apparently, amid it's genderless. No, it's got a gender ratio. And for some reason, it's 50.2 to 49.8. That's really weird. But yes, it's 50-50. Okay, so I guess female. I'm not really a female's voice. Okay, so um I don't remember why I said that.
Oh yeah, Veronica's like, I feel like we know who the murderer is. She points at, uh, I almost said Zetsu. Holy shit. Uh, Ziel. Uh, she points at Ziel and she's like, well, clearly this idiot all here almost killed me with a knife asking for my name. Like Jesus. And she's like attempting to get out of the kitchen again.
Well, we're trying to find the murderer as well, so if you want to not be suspicious, then you better answer my questions. Oh, me not being suspicious, huh?
As if you're not the one holding the knife threatening people just for their names. Jeez. Well, I have to defend myself as well, because you could also- Defend yourself for what? You've invited me.
You proved them to me. You didn't defend anything. At this point, the commotion is bringing a crowd and you see the rest of the band members gather around. You see a Typhlosion and a Sandalur. And I um point to the Sandalur. Well, they are ghost type, aren't they the murderer? it Is Sandalur here holding a knife?
Well, that's a stub of them, because could he hold a knife? I'm going to say for simplicity, he's going to hold like... He was playing the... A violin, I think. Oh, no. No, John john was playing with it. I think I said the names of all the band members. I don't remember. I remember. I don't remember why I have a friend. I don't know. Yes, I'm going to say Sandler can hold something for the simplicity of it.
Yeah, so I think it's really plausible.
So. Well, here I'll hand you the knife. ah Wait, why aren't the Pokemon afraid of the knife? They have like super effective moves. Like. OK, this is this making. I feel like knives could do more damage in the right circumstance. And I was going to damage, especially if you point them at someone's throat.
that is also true. I'm starting to agree with this Lucario a lot. Oh, I don't know. Okay. Well, where were you as I set the knife down? She scooches over to the rest of the band members clearly for protection dragging Chris with her and and sorry,
Veronica's like, okay, look, I think you know where I was. I was on stage performing when all this went down. What do you think you were watching me? Was I? Yes, you were. That's the thing. You were literally watching the band members when the blackout occurred.
This is happens when you don't give us a script, Dakota. A script? inther This is an improv show. this is This is true. They were on stage. But um how fast is a Lucario?
oh That is true, actually. They're the size of a full child. Here's what I'm going to ask. I'm going to I'm going to look up at the Lucario or look out and turn around if they're pulling me from behind or whatever. I'm going to look at them and say, did you know the pan pan pan syrup? And say it's one of them. I don't know. I'm assuming you're trying to say pan seer and I do not know any pan seers. Shears. He said pan seer, so that's what Veronica heard.
ah was It wasn't a pan-seer, Frank. Nope. It was a pan-sage. Frank, I wrote down pan-seer. It's a pan-sage.
Okay. I'm expecting by the end of this, we figure out the differences between pan-sage, pan-seer, and pan-pore. I wrote it down now, so it's it will will it'll be right from now on.
i can remember pan pour always it's the water type oh yeah pan pour because like pouring water and pan sage like you know sage and then pan sear like searing a heat that's well whenever i think of sear i think of fire but i also think of sage's fire so sage sage is literally a plant that you burned for incense oh yeah you do, that is what sage is mostly for isn't it? I thought it was like a seasoning looks like yes although it looks like it's uh... specified as an herb sage as opposed to probably a regular sage
OK, anyway. All right. So the rest of the band is squeezing into the kitchen now because they heard Veronica yelling, bloody murder. And how big is this kitchen? It's a mansion. It's a pretty big kitchen. It's fair. I didn't threaten her that much. A place. Jesus, you pointed at her. I put the knife down.
And the rest of the entire band came. John Smith, who is the violinist. I was like, if you got if you want to talk to us, you got to talk to us as a group. We're not leaving you alone with anyone anymore. Not from what you just did. I didn't do nothing. You just pointed a knife at our star member. What do you mean? Oh, yeah, she's part of the member. Shit. Yeah, she's the lead singer and guitarist.
They're literally dooming us. I'm just gonna throw myself in jail. I'm on good terms with everybody. Yeah, no one's gonna throw the child-friendly weasel. They're gonna throw in the knife-happy Mimikyu. You're gonna be thrown in the dungeon?
and i will point this out for the listeners we do not know where this is gonna go so this is hilarious we can leave track i think you guys are under attack i'm starting to think zeal might be the murderer oh that that or right track i
OK, uh, right. Start going on a murder rampage. She's plot twist. I'm the murderer. That would be an insane plot twist. And especially since I learned my character is befriending everybody, my my guy can no bite at a very early level.
um And it's like level 18. That's close enough. um Yeah. ah and now nobody suspects me i'm totally the murderer now yeah i will say um what was i gonna say i don't remember the rest of the band member like grabs veronica and like heads toward back towards the auditorium and veronica lets go of uh chris okay i was about to say am i just being dragged along to this now no no she has the band members oh
Everyone apart of the band can account for each other. No one was out of each other's sight. Are you questioning the band? I think they've went back to the auditorium. Fitch. Just talking to thin air now. Maybe I am the killer. I have like a split personality that just... I thought you were talking to me. I'm in the room. I'm still in the kitchen, sort of.
Chris, where were you when the murderer happened? And I'm just shaking him. i was I was right next to you. Yes, I remember. but I actually do remember. Right next to you. I was right next to you. You stabbed a pen sage with a knife?
Then you did it again to make you look like a bite mark. Which is how I knew to look it right at that spot immediately. Wait, can I just shake? ah um but um I put my head outside the door and say, wait.
The murderer fit the victim to death. I don't have teeth. Okay, yeah, you you yell at that and the rest of the band who was turning Walking Back into the main group is like, this is John Smith talking. What what do you what do you mean, bite marks? There was bite marks on the victim.
Oh, um, Chris is gonna run up to the group and like grab any he one of their hands and he's like, come on, come on, go, go, go. And he's gonna like take him to the body. Okay, you grab sandalure because that's funnier. You grab sandalure and because it's floating, you like grab it and it just like smashes the ground. I like the thought. You're dragging it along.
i like the thought that he's like swinging from chandelier you drag the chandelier i'm assuming you're dragging to the body yeah to the body and i'm like pointing out where i saw the white marks okay the slightly dented up chandelier is uh after some time the rest of the band also follows because they're not as fast as a sprinting child who's carrying a chandelier got or at least trying to. I think most of it is I'm like trying to pull them along and I think they're levitating. I think they are. I imagine like because you're Lord of the Gun, you like grab the chandelier, just like yanked it, like hit the ground, you're like dragging them. Okay, eventually everyone gets up to the body.
And um I take it Chris is pointing out bite marks on Christopher's neck. Yeah. I'm like, right here, those look like bite marks. Pretty sure they are.
Sandalur is like, you're pretty sure you have bite marks on me. But I see that they are bite marks. Do you see this? And the Sandalur points out to the rest of the band and John Smith. Can I tell you the name of the Sandalur, by the way? I think I did. Nope. I don't know. Don't ask me. I don't even remember who I'm talking to.
So, the Sandalur pointed out that the rest of the band like agrees like, hmm, yes, bite sparks. Indeed. So, the rest of the band's like, okay, so, who's got teeth?
um And Sandalur tries floating away from the group. Are you guys going to follow? i'm go to Oh, the Sandalur? Where are you going?
I'm trying to see the... I'm doing exactly that. I'm going back to the auditorium. I'm going to see who has teeth.
Okay. Is Zio with them? If you guys want to follow them, yes. No, I mean, are am I a part of the group? Yeah, I'm going to say everyone caught up to that point, yeah. Okay, so as we're following the channel, I try to...
explain why I was trying to get them to eat the pizza now that I know where they now they know that it was a bite mark okay so yeah you're having a conversation with who the, I guess, the band. Is the entire band coming or just Shannon? Yeah, everyone's there because they all went up and checked. I don't know what the rest of the people didn't, but whatever. So I'm sure you're talking to John Smith. John Smith, the violinist, the Typhlosion. He's like, so what about that pizza? That was really weird of you. Oh, I was trying to be sneaky as the killer might not know that they left bite marks on them.
So I was trying to make sure to get a dental imprint before the killer ran. You've realized if someone takes a bite out of the pizza, it doesn't leave teeth marks, right? Because, you know, the pizza is gone. So if you ask someone to bite into a pizza, they're not going to leave any teeth marks behind. So they're going to eat the pizza in which the bite marks were made in. What were you planning here?
This is just a game trying to smack down on your plan now. and I think this whole thing is just like, let's see how crazy we can get. This is so true. ae I think for sort and love for some reason I have made zeal. I was originally trying to make zeal into like this sneaky like unhinged well he is on page i was say like you got that par down I was trying to get it where it's like this eccentric like detective kind of
But it seems like I'm coming. I think it does unhinge the maniac. Yeah. I'm just gonna roll with it and just start threatening. Actually, no, I'm gonna get off this bus. I'm gonna try and be more nice. Okay. We'll see how well that works. Can you just threaten someone with a knife?
I threatened one person and they all get up in arms. I see. Okay, so eventually you guys get down to the auditorium, the auditorium, the auditorium, and you guys are, I will remind you who all we have here. At this point, every single person is in the auditorium.
You have Froslas, of but frost light Typhlosion, Lipard, Centalure, Lucario, Persian,
artillery and murder the glycyon. You do not know everyone's names yet but you can go down the line and start interrogating people if you want. Can I just start handing out like notebooks and tell people to write down their name and occupation and stuff? and i am Because I am not gonna remember I'm saying this like I'm actually getting the pieces of paper. What am I fucking saying? I'm just gonna say there's like a piece of stationery or something like laying on a desk or somewhere nearby. me What I'm saying is i'm I'm saying for them to write it down on paper for I can remember.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying. So I'm going to say you found like a piece of stationery and like a pen on a on a desk or something nearby or like a side table or something. Just OK, let's go to stairs on napkin. And Chris, you have a box of crayons with you.
I would like to ask yeah one more thing. What? Um. can Chris suddenly remembers the conversation between the uh the wiggly tough Karen oh yeah they that's right tough Karen's also here by the way hold on they're gonna quickly run back to the dead body they're gonna can they see if anything's changed because they told because they told the persian they want to clean the body to like so i wanted to see if anything's different
There's nothing different currently. OK. Yes, you see nothing has changed. OK. I just want to make sure of that. OK. I feel like how we're just like not question, I guess I'm also in that boat, but we're not questioning how chill the life part and the wiggly tough are with. I wrote down how chill they were.
Casually, wanting to clean up the body like nothing happened. I think there's only one person in this whole group who's actually considered chill. Don't you fucking say it. Don't you fucking say it. No, technically there's two, in my opinion. Actually, there is two. There's Thros, Les, and there's Galicia. Yeah.
that i Sorry, it's low hanging fruit. I know. Okay. Low hanging fruit. I know. Okay, so everybody who has been previously mentioned is in this room. um If you want, you can hand out can hand out some like paper and a pen and and have people write their names down. I asked Chris for some crayons.
Oh, yeah, here you go. They just send you the full they just send you the full thing. They they can't write. OK, I start handing out. Yeah, you have a box full of crayons that are all snapped in half. I start handing people broken crayons and napkins and has some great.
Please write your name and your occupation on this napkin. We will be collecting them. OK, so um everyone writes down their name and occupation, and this is what you have. I'm going to run through them. Wish I've got everyone. Oh, I have to write fast break. Did you say what did you say? I have to write fast break.
Oh, I thought you said I have to write fat ass. I was like, what? Is that your occupation? Okay, so. Eventually. Child.
ah athletics kind of valid So we have. his i jealous or i hand him one um So we have from the top. Oh, hold on one second.
we know all the band members are band members okay and we should know their names because we went to this concert for them so i would assume we know the band i don't remember what i said in the past hold on something i'm about to say might conflict or something i said in the past i just realized um Do you guys remember what ah what occupation defrost last had? When they first met you, I think they said something. I feel like you did, but I don't remember. Okay. I ain't remembering. Okay, gotcha. That doesn't mean for this.
Um, Oh, that's it. Okay. So the, uh, okay. This might slightly conflict with what I said in the past, but if I forgot something, uh, from this point on, what I'm about to say is cannon. If I said something else, I'll get to this in a minute. Um, so this is what you guys see. Um, you get frost last and I don't have a name for this frost last. Um,
Okay, this Froslass' name is Crystal now, and she is the mansion housekeeper. Then there is Lipard, whose name is Pearl. I don't remember if the Lipard was a he or a she, but I think I intended it to be a she initially, based on the name I gave her. So it's a she now. Lipard the butler, his name is Pearl. And then there's Chandelier, the sandalure.
Veronica Fist Hands, the lead singer, and... The Lucario. Yes, the Lucario. And John Smith is a Typhlosion. Then... I'm bringing this out of order, so, sorry. Then there's Simmons the Persian, who is a gardener.
Then there is Blobbert the Octillery, who is the chef.

Uncovering Motives and Mysteries

ah I was not expecting that. And then there's Murder the Glaceon, and she wrote down, not murdering.
um why Is really that simple? Please tell me it's not. It's not them. They're the red herring in the case.
I know but honestly he wants us to draw attention to it which is exactly why I'm gonna ignore it and then there's wiggly tough wiggly tough the so Her name is Karen. I don't know what her profession is. She's the head of the house. That's basically what I'm going to say. Whether she's a CEO of a company or whatnot, I don't know. But she is the head of the mansion. And that is everyone, I think. So we collect this and we roll through all the oh napkins.
And we just start asking people where they were. Okay. and So who are you starting with? Oh, we already asked Bloppard.
so this is a funny name s bristol i don't think we ever got a straight answer a now she was I am going to make this easy on you guys. Based on what you guys have said so far, I do not consider anyone you've talked to yet interrogate again.
i I'm gonna let the child interrogate. I i think Ziel has... There's tons of information you can still get from people you've talked to previously. That's what I'm going to say. Just so you guys don't um skip over them. Because you guys might get stuck in a hole if you see it that way. Okay. I'm gonna interrogate the lover next. For real. And ask him about the octopus. Okay. Because apparently that was...
important. Okay, so as you interrogate Blobbert, Karen is waddling away, seemingly out of boredom.
All right. that' what last What are you asking Blobbert? Why do you have octopus?
That's the whole reason ah now that Karen is out of earshot. Now that is he's like looks over shoulders with Karen is and sees that she has left the room. that's the whole reason i wouldn't mind if fuck sharon was dead she makes me cook tay taco taco and taco ya is our favorite food So... i literally every day i have to deal with her bullishshit and cook up people of my own kin like who does this it's literally murder
You kill your own kind. I don't kill them! They come in like a palette, in like a box. It's really creepy and weird. I've never seen this any other place. And I hate it here.
Lately. Question. Do you have teeth? Um, let me check. He opens his mouth. And he's like, nope, I forgot a beak. And we are for sure it's a bite mark with teeth? Yes, it's a stereotypical bite mark.
OK. That's what my guy learned.
I I think we're good with Blobbert. OK. As he has made as he is maybe motive. I don't think he did it. I don't think he could have done it. As you guys are interrogating Blobbert. Sorry. You see Karen yelling at the top for a long. Oh, my God. It's stolen. Help somebody help.
We run up, or I run, Ziel runs up. You see Wigglytuff like oh sobbing over an empty space on her display case in the back of the office. So it's no effect as well? Are you guys entering the room?
yeah Yes. Is that Is that a trick question? I don't know, is it? I don't know. I don't know. Are you guys entering the room? Sure. OK, as you guys enter the room, they're trapped. No, I'm kidding. oh You guys enter the room and you notice that the room is slightly chilly. That was a nice type. And as you. If I've learned anything that there are two chilled people.
that's pretty chill as you look at uh wigglytuff who was sobbing on the ground she's like it's stolen they stole it and you guys like seeing an outline a blinking outline of where something used to be in the display cabinet that is no longer there i'm gonna go to karen and i'm gonna say what what was in uh in the in the in the display case what was in it i don't know what you're saying but but like they stole my golden guard of war statue it was solid gold okay i i don't even want to know how they stole that like it it's small correct it's not like a full-size carnivore uh oh yeah it's a uh it's a it's like a it's like a trophy sorry not like a full-blown
15 foot statue you that would have been very impressive and if they somehow did without any of us knowing props to them they can leave it's a ah solid gold like a trophy kind of in the shape of a Gardevoir oh that's what Karen's telling you anyway
Wait, it's a message. Wait, do we only know his name? ah Yes, Christopher. Christopher. Oh yeah, I remember now. Yeah. They killed Christopher and now they've robbed Karen.
Maybe Christopher was trying to like tell everybody, but then because like they're a butler maybe they're like dusting off or something i don't know butler type things i don't um i will say the i will say the uh persimmons the persian is the butler Oh, what was the Persian then? Or not the what was the pan sage then? There you go. I was gonna say, you guys keep getting it wrong constantly. You say pan sage, not a semi-sage. I said pan sage. You said semi-sage, and I noted that. No, I said semi-sage. Oh, you said semi-sage. Okay, sorry Jacob.
um christmas myset to we saved but said can't say we're going um i gonna say what was i goingnna play What did the pan sage do? Oh, you didn't ask anyone last time. Who knows? You said that he was a butler or something. He's not a butler. He has a dedicated profession.
so like gets ja court like brand and thatkin and didn't what either one of you guys I give the dead a and a crayon.

The Ghost's Revelation and Financial Suspicion

And the napkin says Christopher the personal assistant.
like playing wa langling like yeah so he what okay that that caught me off guard i expecting an answer
um We're just say his spirit came back to answer that so Before he leaves like you're so go on my knees and like who killed you who killed you hurry like you just see of the crayon floating in the air i was like i am Christopher the personal assistant shush you don't need your input all right okay right so like dot dot dot what he puts dot dot dot
He's a dramatic ghost, okay? I'm starting to see why someone murdered him. Okay. ah So he's a personal assistant, that's all I'm getting. My head hurts, my jaw hurts.
ah I'm glad you guys are having fun. Oh, I am having fun. Oh yeah, this I'm having tons of fun to this. So, we now know that we have to find a golden garnivar. Can we start doing a pat down? Sure, you heading back to the auditorium? Auditorium? I keep doing that for some reason. First, I want a pat down kit. I ask Karen, I have to pat her down. I don't do it forcefully and with a threatening amount of time. Okay, I'm just gonna say you can.
Um, so you pack her down and the only thing you find on her is one million poke. Like she owns the mansion, so this is probably pocket cash. I was about to say, why does she have about a million dollars on her just walking around her mansion? And she's like, Oh yeah, I forgot to have that in there. Sorry.
It's gonna be like the person who gets murdered next.
She's gonna be like, she's gonna be like flaunting her money. Like apparently the murderer wants money because he stole the golden or they they stole the golden. on an overli It's honestly for money I say to myself scratching my head. Can I search the display case area type thing? Go ahead and warm me a d20 plus three.
again ten and then plus three thirteen okay you notice a bit of moisture where the uh where the statue used to sit so it's a water type i did not see that i will say trust i'm not saying this out loud i would say to my child voice but it's totally the artillery now The display cases went, there was fight marks, so it was lethal. They don't have teeth.
ah I'm the murderer now, it's all coming together again. Just imagine if this like tiny little child turned out to be a psychopath. We already had this conversation that I could be the murderer now, this is just confirming this even more.
i I thought we were confirming that I was the murderer and now we're confirming you are. No, I said earlier I could have done it because I could have learned by by now I'm I learned it at level oh and also now I have everyone believing that I'm just a little innocent child. So like what if?
What if I actually did it and I just don't remember or I, me, Pixel doesn't know it, but I did it. That'd be funny. Also, I'm going to say Karen lake attempts to leave the office seemingly out of boredom. And as she's leaving, as she's leaving, she's like, oh, hey, that's where I left that. And she stoops down to pick something up off the ground and then attempts to leave the office.
Can we chase after her and see what source you can stop her if you want Wait, what did you just pick up? I was just this she holds up there a key Well, I said to the seller No, it's ah it's a key to my office I
I want wait one of you guys to hold AOD 20 for perception. I believe it might die. Hold on. Do you want me to do it? Sure. Okay, I'll let you do it. But hold on. think He's just right in front of her door. That's just so I doubt it's a ghost.
Wait, what?
Oh, I got a 15 if you're looking for a dice roll. 15? You can see that the key is wet.
but Okay. kind of yourquiers
Can you go for the Pokemon that was there? There's Chandler. Okay, so I have Froslass, Typhlosion, Lipard, Chandelure, Lucario, Persian, Octillery, Murder- Wait, wait! Glaceon. I just remembered the whichever cat came out of the rain. So she is also a wet Pokemon. Both Persian and Lipard were soaking wet.
It was a tag team. The cat burglars, the cat burglars were cooked. There's too many people. I am saying this out loud and everyone's just staring at me. OK, well, everyone. I mean, you like even hearing that they were wet. I haven't said this information. ah Everyone else is in the is downstairs and nobody actually heard you except for the people in the study study office.
So I would have to ask Chris to tell me something that I don't know. Yeah. Let's see how this goes. This doesn't end well. OK, it doesn't sound like it. So um the cat workers are going to cernna get away with it. OK. So I assume you guys are going downstairs. i Karen at this point has left seemingly out of boredom.
I feel like you're trying to draw attention to that detail over and over again, but I'm gonna ignore it because I feel like that's a red herring. Now she would actually murder someone. Also, how would she then become unconscious on herself? Like, that doesn't make sense. So I feel like she's not the murderer.

Bizarre Discoveries and Aggressive Tactics

I'm half convinced that I myself am not the murderer.
Only half convinced? Only half. I have to find some good evidence above all. I see.
Next thing you're going to say, you find like a torn cloth or something. You guys find a Pikachu suit sitting on the ground. Is it young? No, in fact, it's purple for some reason. I don't know what I'm saying. Are you guys going back down to the auditorium?
yeah Yeah, sure. I don't think there's okay on everyone is sitting there ready to be interrogated or patted down or whatever you guys want to do. Can we recite that a Gardevoir statue was stolen? And short too we need everyone to turn out their pockets and stuff? Or we're not having to? Did you say that? Or are you saying this above board? Okay. Ziel goes down and says, everyone, Karen's golden Gardevoir statue has been stolen.
we need everyone to turn out their pockets and get the pat down. Veronica looks at you because she's being really moody and she's like oh yeah and anyone that has pockets big enough to hold her giant statue?
Wait, I do want to say something. How big is the statue like you said that's trophy size so yes it's it's like a foot tall so it would not fit in pockets so it's like my light but i i will say i love the idea of the thief trying to be sneaky and there's just like a 15 foot stretched pocket that's driving behind them i I want to say like they can hide it underneath like a tablecloth like whenever you're saying like there was a concert for some odd reason I was singing like some ball like a like a dance ball
Yeah, that's that's basically kind of what I imagine. It's like a ballroom with like a bunch of tables around. I've just been calling it the auditorium. Yeah, because as i'm I'm thinking they're like underneath was the. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've got the right idea. That's that's what I've been imagining. I've been calling auditorium. I guess there's a little bit misleading, but I've imagined it as like a ballroom with a bunch of circular tables. It's a it's a it technically is an auditorium, but like not like a see a luxury. It's much less confusing.
It's, I'm calling it a ballroom with tables. A table room. How are people supposed to I don't think people dance with metal music. So what are you saying? We, the zeal goes up to them and says,
do you know where the golden guard of our statue is and and ask them to turn out pockets or just but i' because as i'm assuming they have some sort of clothing or something I don't usually imagine with clothing, but um Veronica, who's being extremely moody with you, is like, oh yes, because the murderer will just straight up show you that they're the murderer and show you the statue. We're not stupid, you know. Well, neither am I, and I threaten you so I can't be the murderer. I would beg to differ, actually. I think threatening someone with a knife asking for their name is quite stupid indeed.
Well, if I just murder someone, I wouldn't be dumb enough to threaten a person and let them live. Can you say that again? Sorry, my brain didn't work fast enough for me to understand you're ingenious. Is this? I genuinely did not hear. I genuinely did not understand you said you were. okay I did not understand it. I went. I wouldn't threaten someone.
Or I would to murder someone and not kill someone I threatened after I just murdered. Fuck. You got me confused. I would not threaten someone after killing someone there. So once you murder someone, you're never allowed by law to threaten someone? What kind of sense does that make? I'm not talking about the law. I'm talking about me being suspicious.
which i am not helping with look this conversation is going in circles i don't have a statue on me and you can check me if you want to but i ain't got anything and neither does anyone else here i just pull a knife out of my cloak just out of nowhere and start actually no that's right scratch that scratch that you're waving a knife around i was gonna say i'm gonna start like doing the beep Beep beep noise like with a metal detector, but I'm just gonna stop threatening this I just love he just made a whole species like if I killed someone I would never threaten them afterwards pulls out a knife and threatens everybody
No, just the Lucario. I have not threatened anyone else. Okay. I don't know. I don't know why Ziel has such a thing against this Lucario. Because you fucking put a knife up towards the road and like, what's your name? I don't know. I'm going crazy. I feel like this would have gone off way better if I was interrogating people. Well, you were running in the hallways.
shit Actually, I'm gonna give the knife to the child and have him threaten people. Okay, Chris has a knife now. Here he goes, Chris. pri they'll interrogate people and I'll just be walking up around the- Oh my god, someone please me make- I might do it myself actually. Make a picture of just like- it's just like a comic or it's just like zeal handing Chris and I go threaten someone please.
go interrogate them and interrogulate people sweetie and I'm like the flip okay that might weigh all like or yeah um what yeah we you feeling with this knife immediately upon holding the knife Chris realizes dang this is a heavy and sets down the knife ah Just says can we can we just all get along? I want to figure out who this more murdered murder is and You all are being stupidly stubborn about it and Veronica's like look kid I don't have anything against you but the murderer is not gonna come out and tell us that they're the murderer obviously and why do you think we would be smartly think we're stubborn we're not the murderer here and
tell you admit that there's a group of murderers Veronica rolls her eyes. and he runs away Okay, Ziel's gone. All right, is Chris doing an investigation, an interrogation?
um i don't think we have much to go off of i don't you guys have every single person to interrogate yes so much to do i don't think when you're interrogated one person you interrogate it you almost you barely interrogated blubber you a god veronica's name hold on here's what I'm gonna ask here's what so I'm gonna go to I'm gonna walk up to ah murder the glacier I'm gonna ask where were you whenever the murder murder happened
Well, I was sitting here literally directly next to you and I was not murdering and I was enjoying the show and like having fun and then The lights open out and then someone started screaming my name and I realized it wasn't actually my name Someone was screaming about murder oh god like hu yeah That's a pretty airtight alibi there There's no way they could have ran during whenever the lights were out conveniently. But then again, how long was the lights out? I must have said the lights were for like a solid minute, like a good 60 seconds. OK, so to get down from the auditorium through the crowd of people up the stairs and find their way through all through the dark.
I highly suspect it's not me, the... any of the band members. It could be the bleasel, we so still don't know. It could be me. How would I stumble through the dark, though? That'd be really funny, and judging by the fact that I learned about your character like two minutes before we started recording. You can work it in, Truss. Ah, we'll figure it out.
I feel like, ah hold on, wouldn't Chandelure make light? I'm gonna say yeah. So wouldn't we know? Wouldn't we know if they stayed on stage?
I'm gonna say you did see Chandelure's light on stage. That makes sense. How bright is it?
I'm gonna say it's not bright, but it's light enough that it's, you know, gonna... It's light. If the room is pitch black, you're gonna see it, I'm pretty pretty sure. Yeah, that's what I'm getting at. Because if Shailor is the drummer, I do remember that. They're in the back, so we should be able to see the shadows of at least the band people. I'm gonna say that's a little bit harder to discern. That's pushing it a little bit. I'm gonna say no.
yeah ah sure um
What the fuck are we doing? I feel like if I any of the band members they're literally just gonna say I was on stage like that's not gonna get me anywhere they're just gonna say oh I was on stage ooo- dooo I mean you could you could try I mean ask one of the band members you haven't tried that yet I'm gonna ask the Typhlosion, cause he seems like he's been calling all the shots with the band. I'm gonna walk up to him. that okay so and yeah And you, were where were you whenever the lights went out and it was all dark and scary and the murder probably took place? I was so on stage, doo doo doo doo doo! Well that went just as about as I thought.
but sorry i had to do it okay but okay wow that was ands a lot of information I gained from that you can continue interrogating them that was just a joke after out there like he was on actual answer Yeah, so as you ask him that he's just like well, I was on stage um lights went out we stopped playing and then I Didn't have my flame though. So I didn't create any light and oh yeah yeah a fiy interesting I note that down Anyway, yeah, I was on stage just ask the others. I mean you were literally watching me and
Well, I think the only people that we have, like, zero clue where they were is the Wigglytuff. Wait, we're just passing over that Wigglytuff was covered in blood, right? Uh, it has a bruise on her head. Oh, well, I thought you said she was in a pool of blood, but then- No, that's Penn Sage. Not a Wigglytuff. How many times can you get that wrong? Aye, aye, aye,

Questioning Authority and Unforeseen Complications

i literally assigned you literally assigned a child and a person who was a psychopath to solve a murder yeah who was signed to these detectives by the way we are detectives we're random people why are we investigating this where are the police the police are on their way for us how about this we tell everyone to lock themselves in the dungeon and we're just gonna stay here and tell the police thats it ah okay um you hear a telephone ringing like an old-timey telephone ringing on the side of the room i guess the police aren't coming anymore i guess telephones are telephones are thing only in this mansion by the way
Oh yeah, I remember talking about cell phones and the Christmas. Is anyone picking up the telephone? Ziel will pick up the telephone. I thought one of the taller people were gonna do that. So, Ziel picked up the telephone at this point here. Hello, this is the fire chief. All the police have died on the way to the mansion. Have fun! Click. What the fuck?
but so Now we need to look for somebody who can tap into the well I'm not gonna let you guys wait this out you guys are solving this murder, okay? if This is the only telephone. This is the only telephone. What's on the other end? The police chief obviously
you said fire chief you did you said the fire chief i don't know what he said in there but the fire chief is the murderer he killed all the boys oh jesus the fire chief was in control of the police for summary oh god oh at this point question everything let's good I'm trying to plug a fly hole like think you love how you tried to plug a plot hole and then you created like two
It's a Hydra. You cut one down. Oh, fucking here okay Look, guys, we're gonna solve a murder next time. We need to wrap this episode up. It's going a little bit over time, and we I want this blast a couple of

Episode Conclusion and Future Plans

so At this rate, ah which just nope go on at this' go say at this rate I think we're gonna have it longer than the actual podcast. circle We're gonna have a season dedicated to each character before we can interrogate them at this point.
Um, at this point I will say I think I'm right on track with the three or four episodes thing. So I i don guess we'll find out. I guess we'll find out. Um, okay, cool. Uh, we will see you guys next time. do You guys have got anything to add before I close this out? I will try to not threaten any more people next episode, but but no problem.
I love my character. like Chris is best kid. Okay. Thank you guys so much for listening. We will see you guys next time.
Hey guys, the Critter here for the end section. I'm going to start putting these at the end of the episodes, at least when I edit them, because I know a lot of people skip over them, and well, it's a lot easier for me just to stick it at the end than it is for me to cut the episode up and then do the smoosh the midsection in there. So um I think from here on out, I'm going to start doing the midsections as intersections. So it's just more convenient for everybody.
Anyway, go to our Discord and stuff down below blah blah blah you already know about that. of As for music, we have a pretty long list right here. So, ah this compilation was created by Kishnobi on YouTube, K-S-H-N-O-B-I, and it contains the following. Mansion basement from Luigi's Mansion 3. Sticky situation from Luigi's Mansion 2. Boilerworks drainage control from Luigi's Mansion 3.
Crutcherous Mansion from Luigi's Mansion 2. Luigi Ghost Mansion Gate from Nintendo Land. Grand Lobby Tension but from Luigi's Mansion 3. Mezzanine Suspense from Luigi's Mansion 3. Planted Towers from Luigi's Mansion 2. Bogmar Battle by Luigi's Mansion. Can you um see the pattern here?
ScareScapper, uh, Capture the Ghost, but from Luigi's Mansion 3. Tidal Theme from Luigi's Mansion 2. Paranormal Productions, Horror Set from Luigi's Mansion 3. Distant Piano from Luigi's Mansion 2. Fitness Center from Luigi's Mansion 3. Twisted Sweets, Ghost Theme from Luigi's Mansion 3. Secret Mine from Luigi's Mansion 2. Paranormal Production, City Set from Luigi's Mansion 3. I just want to set that one already. Oh well. Secret to Mine from Luigi's Mansion 2.
Paranormal Production City Set from Luigi's Mansion 3. Master Suite Tension from Luigi's Mansion 3. Gallery from Luigi's Mansion 1. RIP Suits Suspense from Luigi's Mansion 3. King Boo's Illusion from Luigi's Mansion 2.
The Great Stage, The Great Hall from Luigi's Mansion 3, and Mansion, Luigi Humming from Luigi's Mansion.
I really wish these were ordered in which by which game they came from, but they are not, so sorry about that. Alright guys, thank you so much for listening, and we will see you guys next time.