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Arc 2 - Episode 18 - The Chillest Dude in the World image

Arc 2 - Episode 18 - The Chillest Dude in the World

S2 E118 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
49 Plays2 months ago

The crew (And especially Sammy) Meets the chillest dude in the world.

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter Fisthands the Riolu


Introduction and Bugatti Veyron Confession

Hello everyone, and welcome to A Path Through Time. My name is Dakota, and sitting to my left is somebody who owns a Bugatti Veyron. And yes, I'm... I forgot to call myself a PMDMGM, but who cares? That's the second time of the world. To me, Evelyn, I have no idea what the heck that is. And... Do you know what a Bugatti Veyron is? I don't know what that is. Aside from... All I know is a Bugatti is a car.
yeah i know on car that's all i know once it once held the record for being the fastest car or production car okay oh it's a car huh so remote yeah yeah i own a car even though i don't know how to drive so use she used she uses elise black car to get it wait hold on do you seriously i know how to drive i seriously don't i'm a city kid she lives in the city she doesn't need to drive I walked into another city too and I lived and and I knew how to drive. You don't live in the city. Yeah. No. Okay. yeah Well, actually, you never lived in the Big Apple, but the Big Apple is not a fun place to drive around. okay You do not want to drive in the Big Apple. I don't want to name drop my city, but I will say I have lived in a city that is very comparable to New York City. So in my city, there's bike. Oh, yeah, definitely. I'm just saying, like,
I've lived in a city that's very comparable to New York City, so it's not like I haven't lived in a big city before. Anyway, sitting to my left is a Veyron owner. Take it away. Wait, what? Yeah. Me. Apparently I am a Veyron. And I forgot what the name of the car was. Yes. I thought I heard Aeron. It's a Veyron. Oh, not the Aeron. It's a Veyron.

Trip to Antarctica and Penguin Joke

And to my left is someone who just who just won an all expenses paid trip to McMurdo Station Antarctica. Oh, nice. I love the cold. Sounds like a great vacation spot. And at them don't worry, I am currently packing. I will be out of town for the next five months while I travel there and back. And don't try to reach me.
Can I bring me back a penguin? Penguin. If I can, I will. And sitting across from me is someone who just remembered they have to do an intro.
Oh shit, you're right. ah I unprepared. I got ice though. i can i got I got this stuff. I can... 10. Oh wait, that's not what I'm supposed to be doing. Anyway, that's me. I'm Sean and...
I don't really remember how to do an intro. Anyway, something perpendicular to me is someone who is trying to make pancakes in a waffle maker.
making pancakes baking making pancakes visit to the me mill pancake
you know use like this movie I forget how that goes. Are you going to share? No. Take some bacon and I'll put it in a pancake, that's how it goes. He actually said his name this time!
I feel like since he closes the intro, a lot of times he forgets to actually say his name, because a lot of times he does. Yeah, last time he closed the intro, he was like, I'm Detective Riolu. And I'm like, you have a name, dude. Ah, no name here. Riolu boy.
just like in the early season one right i am a fit background character who doesn't get acknowledged i don't believe we've i cannot believe we've we're almost on our 30th episode already that's kind of crazy um this so technically you guys have Counting bo including our special episodes were past our 30th

Episode Count Confusion and Lore Discussion

episode. Yeah, technically our lore episodes are our main story episodes. I think this is episode 26. 7. 27. Yeah. because this is or Are you saying the Independence Day episode wasn't a lore episode? That was all lore. I didn't listen to it. hit I'm sorry. Wow.
That was actually really cool. I like that. What was it? Makey Deeloofy. Yeah. Makey Deeloofy. That's awesome. You need to listen to it. Yeah. All right. Speaking of lore, though, why don't we go ahead and take a look at what we did last time? So I need you all to roll a D4 and we're going to see who matches this one. Who picked this one? Two. One.
Sean, what about you? Four. Two. So Evelyn and Eli, you need to do a roll off.

Dice Rolling and Storyline Recap

Roll off, okay. What do we roll in here? Roll me a D69. No, physical dice. All right, roll me a D69, but you have to go make one. That that that is not a possible physical die. Roll a You could technically just make a sphere and paint 69 numbers on it. A sphere would not really stop on a number though. No, it'd take a while to straight up, but it'll stop eventually. Okay, let's just roll D100s then. D100s? Do you have a D100? Well, we've got two D10s. Right side's the first two, the other side is just... i bo sleep
Okay, wait, what happens if they tie? Roll off again. Rollies. You do the recap. Okay, fine. Big ol' towel of rollies right now. All right. I Oh, I gotta do it. Wait, what did you get? I didn't hear what F1 got. 67. Oh. no I got a 47, so

Investigation Recap: Caffeine Bob and Vickers

I guess Evelyn's doing it. yeah oh la yeah No, highest number wins.
if okay If you need those, Jake's notes are pinned in the teacher's lounge. No, I got my own notes. New notes, new notes.
Okay. So we went to, um, we, we went all the way down to the Cypress, um, house all the way on the, I think west side of Volkenburg. Um, sorry wait, you're no, west. You're right. No, you're right. You're right. It's the yeah west. right Like I said, I still hold on that flip backwards in my head. Yeah. So, so we stayed at a, we stayed at a hotel close to there overnight. And then the next morning we got up and went to the Cypress Mansion and there was this ah big gate we couldn't get through and there but it was and it was guarded by a Drampa named George who hates us and didn't let us in and because ah as the Cypresses don't want to talk about the robbery for some reason.
and After that, we went to, we went to Sawsbuck Coffee and met Caffeine Bob the Sablai. Um, and he, he was, he was on like 18 cups of coffee. And, um, he carved through a patch of area into fed of a patch of Berry to make, uh, to make him come down from that. Um,
And he didn't know anything about the robbery. He wasn't there. He was, he was at this coffee shop the entire time. He's just always there. And so was the barista whose name is Joe. Fuck the Gyarados. I love that name. I was so happy with that. and That's right. His last name was fuck. Um, that's right. Yeah. And then, um,
Yeah, so Bob's alibi checked out. um After that, we went to we went to Vicar's house and Vicar's house is made up made up of just like sticks of dynamite. um And he's he was an artillery with a mustache. was Which what was mean yeah was he's still an artillery.
Does he still have the mustache? Yes, Jake didn't successfully steal it from him, so yes. I forgot he tried to steal it. I don't remember if it was, uh, I don't remember if it was, uh, actual cannon or not, but, uh, I think he had like a incognito nose and glasses for his mustache. I remember talking about that. I don't remember if that was a joke or not. Well, it's cannon now.
It could be if you guys wanted to be. It doesn't make a difference to the story. Well anyway, we tried to get some information out of Vickers before we accidentally pressed the button to detonate his entire house. That was what you see him doing. I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't press any button. I didn't press any button.
but My honor, who's we? We need to make him French. My honor, you mean your honor? Sammy ate the button. There we go. Yeah, I ate the button. I didn't press the button. Okay, in what circumstance would you swallow a button and it doesn't get compressed? Cartoon logic. This is not a cartoon. What the heck? we're this is This is a fantasy world. Stop making it make too much sense. Okay, and it's funny with the dynamite I got.
yeah anyway um yeah Anyway, we also found out that um that Vickers is an alchemist, and he said he had told us that um someone who could have someone who could have done at the same time must have been an alchemist, but he wasn't willing to He wasn't willing to tell us where he got.
He said something about a black market. I don't remember what. I didn't say it in my notes.

Zazu and Zuzu: Newspaper and Vault Door

But anyway.
We made our way back to the um to the main skyscraper district of Volkenburg on the east side, and we made it to Zazu's apartment, which is in an apartment building. And the doorman was Front Door Fish, um apparently the same one who was ah who was at the hospital in Gale Beach.
Or maybe it's some sort of like Nurse Joy thing, there's just a front door fish in every building and they're all like, related. We don't know. I like that theory. Alright, well keep that in mind. Yeah. The code- Ah, that's a good idea. Wait. Wait, I know, we confirmed that it was the same fish because he said he worked 13 different jobs. Oh, that's right. And he said, oh, yeah, he was like, oh, are you guys from the hospital or something like that?
Yeah, but there could be more than 13 buildings. Ah, I don't think there's more than 13 buildings in Volkenburg. way in in salulenberg it was the hospital in gita he remember I don't think there's more than 13 buildings in the world and I don't think there's more than 13 buildings in the outcast region we've only went to like at least 10 school each of our houses the boba shop that's five already we just do like a flashback to your guys's childhood and in every scene there's a front door fish just in the background
It's like finding that hand at one piece. He's always there. He's always there. He's always watching. He knows. Just like Sableye and Aplin, they were always there. What good we meet Zazu and his brother Zuzu. Zazu is the owner of Neighborhood News, which is a local newspaper, and he He had written like ah the newspaper gets published every Sunday and the Sunday after the bank robbery, he published this article about, um, vault doors. And the day before the robbery, silver had shown him like that the security systems at the bank, including the vault doors. Um, but Zazu and Zuzu both said that they were at home at the time.
of the robbery here that Zazu knows sweet scent that could be important yes

Debate: Interrogate Zazu and Zuzu Further?

he does yeah and something wasn't adding up about what Zazu said about Zazu said about meeting Silver because Silver was on a business trip apparently at the time that's what she said um you sus she's on the sus list yeah that's that's not what i was laughing at so we have one more suspect left to visit which is goose the surfetched and did we go to the train station not yet we said no we we said we were gonna go to the train station what's up we're gonna see if i'm the sylv the sylvians actually went to the place and bought the ticket
Because there's no way they remember that. Okay, good to know. Silver the Espeon. Yeah, the Espe sign. we didn't believe There was no way they walked there and back in time. um but So if they don't have a train ticket, there's no way they left town. I did not remember making that plan. Okay, cool. I don't either, but it's a good plan. Yeah. Yeah, I remember it. It was only briefly talked about, I think.
Okay. Cool, so I think that's where things are standing at the very moment, right? Yep, I'm sitting. Pretty much everything. Okay. Hey Sean, how we gonna get, go in? Oh yeah. Good question, Jacob. Good question, Jacob. Today, friends, folks, and families, uh, and listeners of all ages, we are going to a razor wind on in. Ooh, that's a fun one. Let us raise the wind on in.
So we open with you guys. Actually, I will give you guys the choice. Do you wish to continue interrogating Zazu and Zuzu? Or do you guys want to start outside next to the front door fish? We already left the apartment and went back to see front door fish. Yeah, I'll give you the chance to go back because we cut the last episode off kind of early because we ran out of recording time. So I'll give you an extra chance to go back in there and do whatever you want to do if you need to.
We didn't talk to Zuzu yet, right? We only talked to Zazu? Yes. I think it might be worth talking to him. All right. We just locked the building. So what do we... We're still down in the lobby now. What ah what do we want to do? Do we want to go back up and talk to them?
And like, what are we going to ask them?
we do a lot of decision making here huh do you guys want some help making a decision I don't hear you guys what's going on well now you're willing to help hello oh
What did you talk about? Jake left. Yes. Yes. Jake left. But you and Eli are still here. You guys weren't talking. We're responding to Evelyn. Evelyn said she couldn't hear us. Oh, I can hear you. Your audio was like not coming. Now it is. Now it is. OK. Let's just spend some weird audio thing. OK. Yes. So I'll say it again so that way you guys can have a better So it sounds better on the podcast. Okay, so do you guys want to go up to back up to Zuzal and interrogate him? Or do you guys wish to start down by the front door fish?
Well, we're we're we were already down in the lobby, but we could at the end of the last episode, but we could go back up. Yeah, it's always an option.
Yeah, right um I think there's still things to be heard from the from the birds. Yeah, you want to you want to ask Zazu stuff again? Or Zuzu or just talk to Zuzu this time? Yeah, because like, I don't think we even talked to Zuzu like they were just kind of there in the background. And I think they might have seen something like we we have no idea because they were they were there with Zazu. So. Well, what do you want to ask him?
questions and agata look like you know like what did you see what were you doing like okay so zazu's claims that they weren't there during the robbery sure but they were there during the They were there during the, the, the vault tour thingy.

Interviewing Zuzu: Secrets of the Bank Vault?

And who knows? Like maybe Zuza went off and was he, you know, how many people did it take to do an interview? Especially when there's not cameras involved. So they're just kind of writing stuff down. Are they both writing stuff down? What was the other guy doing? Yeah. Yeah. Um, do we want to like interview them separately or something? Yes. you want and the we get ah I feel like we could ask Zazu more questions about the, uh, the vault tour.
I don't think we really touched on the Voltorb very much. Okay, so you guys are going back upstairs then? I just wanted to make sure we had a plan and we were all all like coordinated because like, gotcha you know, above board last time we were like all stepping on each other's words, I feel like. Yeah. Okay, cool don't worry, I got my blast seed ready in case someone doesn't want to talk. Don't even say Jake.
it but Why is that creepy a lot? You make it so weird. I'm evil today. I know. Oh, I'm evil, Jake.
um' I'm not Jake. I'm evil, Jake. it's Evil twin brother. OK, so you guys go upstairs to the second story once more room, whatever. I don't remember what it was. And you guys are knocking on the door, I'm assuming. Yep. Open up. It's the police. We need to talk to you.
Well, not the actual police. Not the- We just kinda worked with that one police guy. We were just here. We were just here. You know, let's- The door is already open and Zazu's- What kind of weirdo doesn't lock his doors? I do lock my doors. I happen to be inside and capable of unlocking my doors. The door was open though. You didn't shut the door when we left?
i did i think you you just wrote a paper on both doors i think you misunderstood the dm the door was closed when you got there and you weren't talking so long i already had an opportunity to open the door while you were talking you're such a very quiet bird okay anyway what can i help you guys with yeah we just not you work we want to talk to your brother oh you want to talk to zuza yeah Okay You got some people who want to talk to you or would you guys rather just come in again? No, I want to have you in the hallway um I'm gonna take that sarcasm. Come on in. Yeah, like hopes open for you No, I want to be in the hallway where everyone can hear us
ah Quick description again. It is a um it is a studio apartment but with like a printing press a small printing press on the side and there's like a small kitchen area and Zazu is but Sorry, Zuzah is on the other side of the room rifling through some papers And he looks over at you guys. Where do they sleep?
and they're both are both too kind least yes where do they sleep Uh, we can see some bunk beds on the far end of the room. I don't know why that was such a weird question to me. Where do they sleep though? ah Where do they sleep? They are roommates. They are. Okay. So is that Zuzah? Yes. Zuzah. Yes. yeah So confusing. Zuzah walks up to you guys. He's like, Hey man, how can I help you guys? Oh, this guy seems chill.
I'll repeat myself, hey man, how can I help you guys? What are you trying to take my order? Like, that's usually when I ask people at my restaurant, you know, how can I help you? You guys said you wanted to talk to me, so like, I'm right here. Well, apparently nobody else wants to talk to you, so I'll talk to you. What's going on? How's it going? How's it hanging? How you been?
i was like session we doing I asked like three questions and even asked them they were off to a bad start here. I want you to roll that rolled down my leg and onto the floor 15 15 you can see he is smoking a blunt He is very high right now Okay my man

Sammy's High Stakes Information Gathering

You know what? Alright. Fuck it. He seems to have taken the taken you by a surprise. Anyway. Oh yeah, he's looking at you like- No, I got a stupid idea that I'm just gonna do it. Go for it. Hey, you seem like a chill dude that I can kind of vibe with. You got another one of those? Oh, hell yeah, man. We're having a... We're having a...
ah Oh man, I forgot the word. It's almost like the person controlling me doesn't do weed. ah Sure thing, man. And he walks across the room and rolls another blunt.
He walks over to you and gives you a blunt. So you're now the proud owner of one well-rolled blunt. yeah i think Okay, this is my thought process. I figure if I'm on the same level as him, we can actually get some information out of him. If you're getting the same wavelength as him, then I will give you a bonus on all roles against him. Okay. Alright. Bruce, come up here and light this for me.
I don't have a lighter on me, Bruce. Come here. Oh,
oh yeah. I didn't think he was actually going to like do it now. OK, yeah. I meant literally like if I'm on the same level as if we're both high, he might vibe with me. Oh, yeah. Oh, so you know how syndicals have like four little holes on their back or like the the four red spots on their back that they use to fire out of? I don't kind of look at it.
You know, I'm not even going to say this. Okay. So they've got, the they've got the four orange spots. He's only going to light up one of them but with flames. Okay. Cool. So now you have a lit blunt. Okay. Do I roll to get high? Roll constitution, which is strengths, which is tough. Sorry.
uh that does not count what do you mean it literally landed where it was like it landed on my dice bag so that it was in between seven and one um oh it it is an 11 plus a number plus one is 12 uh a 12 yes you managed to withstand the effects of never having spoken before i'm assuming unless you're willing to reveal that what sammy is a heavy smoker which i somehow downed it'd make a lot of sense though
Alright, so now of you guys are high and he's like, alright, man, this is great. So what can I help you with, man? Hey, my man, I just got, we got some questions. So like, we heard you was with your brother when you did the stupid vault thingy. Like that was such a weird thing to investigate, but whatever. I'm sure that wasn't your idea. That kind of pays for all the weed, don't it? ah Yeah, I get it. Anyway, um, what?
What? Wait, you say something? He just said it for all of it. Wait, so that means what he did it for all the weed.
Is it? No, I think it means. Do you guys rob the bank? what No, man. I don't know what you're talking about. He means the newspaper sales. Yeah. I thought he said, I, sorry, I blanked out for a second. All I heard for, it pays for all the weed. No, he was talking about his newspaper gig. Oh, nevermind then. Kind of brain fart. He's just like, yeah, man, the bank we robbed. We got some new shit.
Uh, okay. My
like but As Bruce came to 100% hear everything that's been said. bru Bruce is just off to the side, shaking his head disappointedly. <unk>s like why He's like, why did I light that for him? Yeah.
it like His mind, he was figuring like, yeah, whatever. it There's a chance it helps us with the case. Might as well. He's not going to stop bugging me until I do it anyways. Might as well just get it up over with. The beginning of Sami Stoner arc. whisper to I had a question in the chat. um I was, quote, I was busy wondering, how does a bird roll a blunt? With mad skills.
So I have a question. Can I just whisper something to them? How much do you roll not if think? If it doesn't matter how many. I was wondering, where does he even get this stuff from? Do you think and we could sell it if we just take it? Walter asking for a friend. Walter asking for a friend. and oh So like, what I wanted to know was like,
What were you doing while your buddy here was talking to the stupid green cat about the... bank? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're talking about that bank vault that happened. Well, yeah okay I was helping Zazu.
and I was writing down all of these notes and he holds up his notepad and his leg Zazu was you know talking to the the green cat as you say and they were touring the bank vault and I got some mighty fine notes so like yeah I got all the notes for our case it was pretty chill just a normal job nothing interesting really I need you to if you wish you can use your investigation role on him now ah read the notebook oh yeah does does uh sammy get advantage on this yes sammy would get advantage sweet because you guys are on the same wavelength uh there's like 13 and a 14 oh that'll do it you can tell he's holding something back his eyes look shifty
yeah What are you looking at? what what What are you looking at over there? I'm right here, I think. Oh, nothing, man. Just tweaking from a weed, you know? yeah I think that's what weed does. I don't know, man. My arms will feel real heavy and it's hard to, like, read whatever blurables you got on that notepad. Can I can i roll to read the blurables? Yeah, roll. ah I'm not going to make you roll with this advantage. I just roll a d20.
Perception, perception, beauty roll.
I rolled a net 20. God. So he, uh, he hands you the notepad and you open the book.

Zuza's Notes and Vault Inconsistencies

The first page that you see is notes on the vault door. And this is what it says. And just claim we're creating this off of the top of my head. i got get Hold on. Jake's getting ready to break notes on the notes. Okay.
Hold on, I got an idea about ideas. um All right. Zuza notes on the vault. Okay, so this is what this is what his notes basically say. They're in bullet point form. There's a bunch of bullet points and it says, door's very thick, lots of money inside, empty pedestal, and very dusty. The vault is very dusty.
okay uh that's okay uh door's very thick you can lot of money inside pedal's still empty um and and was it very hey wait a minute hold on one second i have to roll this back i'm so glad you posted that ela i slipped up yeah Okay, sorry, I need to create a note. I wasn't sure if that was a hint or... You caught that. You're right. You caught that and I misspoke. That is incorrect. Oh, right. The pedestal wouldn't have been emptied at this point. I was thinking, okay, that means that this robbery did not happen when they say it happened. No, no, no, no. It didn't happen the day I was dead. The pedestal was already empty the day before. I was more focused on putting the notes on. Okay, so this I'm going... Okay.
So this is what his notes say. I'm going to create and i'm gonna say that again so that way. and to yeah What's her name? Sean? She can edit this better. Most of the time now. Okay, so his notes say, and it's like in bullet point form, just a bunch of bullet points, and it basically says, like, um door thick, very thick, lots of money on ground, money is dusty, and box on pedestal.
I was hoping that he'd give us a clue as to what was in the pedestal. Me too. You think he would do that? No, he would never do that for us.
ah you Now, Jake, are you saying Zazu wouldn't or that Dakota wouldn't? Both. Does it say anything about what kind of box it is? ah Sure, with a net one, I'll give you some more details. ah His notes basically describe a wooden box with a heavy lock on it.
like a chest basically like a kind of a box you got to take to rampartos to break open bur yes where do we find one of those i'm sure a riolu with a power band could manage us thing the one that uh oh you just wait until i can here let's throw if we throw the box at riolu he could counter it I hate to break it, but you guys don't have a box. I'm just saying, when we get it... When we get it, not if we get it, but when do we get it? By the way, I don't want to... This is is but goodness above board. Are we all on the topic of not giving the box back when we get it? Or the money? I was on the mindset of, box probably contains orbs that we're looking for. I know, but they said they took some money and the box didn't have any money.
We could just say they sent it all. I actually wasn't even thinking about what was stolen. I was just thinking about who was who was stolen. I actually wasn't thinking about the thing yet.
Oh, I wonder if I wonder if the box is hidden somewhere in the house. So that's why that that leaf never leaves. That's why that that's why. What's the Applin's name? The Applin never leaves because he's sitting on the box. I don't know. There's the Applin.
All right time to redo every suspect to see if they have a box with them. Oh my gosh I be in this house though this Or maybe in the cab while I continue to drill this bird you guys search the place Okay, all right search into place. I'm doing FBI style throw everything and not care about putting it back Whoa whoa Are you actually doing that? Let's be like nice here. Because we don't have any comp authority. I was gonna say you have two flying types watching you right now. Walter would get fucked up. Absolutely. ah Should we roll investigation and stealth?
for one station We need why do we need stealth they were just looking for and za do with as do ah it depends you doesn't see you guys if if you guys just want to investigate the room ah You guys can just roll investigation But if you guys wish to snoop through their belongings, you'll have to roll stealth and give me a role play based on that. Okay Bruce is just going to be splurging the room, not going through any personal belongings. so belonging ah I'm looking for personal. I'm looking to their personal. Yep. Okay, so we'll get you in a second, Jake. So I'm just rolling investigation then? Yes. 14 plus one, 15. Is it a mirror for all of the roles been like above 10 for like last three episodes? No.
I've failed a couple of rules last, last episode. and We have had some bad rules. What did you get a 14? 14 plus one for my smart modifier. 15. Okay. So with a 15,

Walter's Aura Sense and Skyscraper Mystery

uh, which is the DC I was looking for, uh, you can look around and you can clearly see there was no word that a box would be hidden of the size that was described. Okay.
It is clear to you there is no box here. However, Jake does not know this yet. So Jake, what are you doing to snoop through stuff? Give me a good roleplay and I'll let you roll based on that. Give me a second. I'm still trying to think that. Alright. I don't know if I have to use my oresense for this, but I want to do something like a hot and cold meter where... Oh wait, no, I'm trying to be sneaky with it.
Okay. Uh, all right. Not sneaky, if but I want to search it, but I want to use the, like my, or like I can get off them like a hot and cold meter. See how much nervous you get closer. I get to something. So you're using your or a sense. Yeah. I want to do like a hot and cold thing. it Go ahead and roll me a D 20.
19. nineteen Ooh, okay. So, I'm gonna give you more information than I was willing to give you. So, what the info is gonna give you is that your aura sense, you can sense a powerful presence, but it is not in the air. However, with a 19, well, which is a 15 and above, I guess, um you can tell that there is a strong, unusually strange auras presence in the skyscraper district, specifically the rich part of town.
Was that where the Lincoln was at? The Cypress House? We just go back to their house. Do they steal their own shit? It is in the skyscraper district. The opposite side of the Cypress is. it is in like the ah main area. We're like the bank. And I guess, yeah, Chai was located in that area, too. I don't think he saved that name.
hu I swear it was the Apland. I swear.
so the sylvium hmm so these are our three suspects we got the s beyond the apland or the leaf yarn those are the only three who live there though i just want to clarify for the audience i did not make him roll stealth because it is something he did with him within himself not something that is obvious
I sure use the ah knew it. Oh, I hated myself. I'm not doing oresense on the Sylveon when we investigated them. S.P. on. Not S.P. on. There was no Sylveon. That's what I meant. I keep saying Sylveon. Ah! Yeah. that will You see Walter represented, um, ah um, I can't remember the name. Selena with his eyes just blue bloodshot blue.
Not bloodshot, but like just fully blue as he's using his aura sense. Wait,
wait since it's a powerful aura, does something happen to me? Because he's never felt a powerful aura before, just the regular aura. ah you can I mean, it's very shocking to you know because you've never felt anything like that before. Wait, did Selena do it? like Is it like the orb? No. Is it no kind of like the orb? I've sensed it before. No, did Selena rob the bank?
No, it is not like the blue orb. It's Selena around the bank. It's Selena around the bank. Oh, that's funny. Yes. Yes, Zuzaw looks great. It was like, it was you. No. I'm not saying we met Selena and the gang after the robbery, so it could have been them. Guys, I think I found a good location where the thing might be.
Did the orb feel more powerful than the orb? Than we have right now? It is the most powerful thing you have sensed, which is concerning because it is a very long distance away. long and like i don't think It's I don't think there's an orb in there. Because whatever it is, it's way stronger than what we got.
It's a rift in a box. What's in the box? It's a rift. Oh, no. A portal to another dimension. The Z crystal. Oh, my gosh. Be a rift creator thing, like a device that. That's just me.
That's good, yeah. uh so it's those sammy's gonna grab another bag of chips not him taking them out of the bag um walter pulls out his list real quick so says

Train Station Alibi Verification

so it's gotta be one of these three then they have the thing sorry what were you saying i was looking something up
Oh, I just I think um Walter just pulled out his like notes. It's like I have a suspects like all right it's gotta be the apland the leaf yon or the espyon they're the only ones who live there and There that's where the or is coming from yeah, but the espyon The the espyon also claimed that it didn't know Anything about what was not it was on a trip. Oh And also on a trip. I think we should go to that train station first before we go marching over there. Just so we got all the facts. Yeah. Walter, did you say the train station? Dude, they have such good pierogies there. I'm so fucking hungry, dude. I don't know what was in that. Please tell me Sammy's on like a beanbag chair. Oh, I'm definitely on a beanbag chair. Do they have a pierogi stand in this?
train station is that that's our gale beach train station that has the pierogi stand actually no but i think i say we' make there's one on each side i thought there was one on each side no i think you're right well there was one on each side of the tracks at ours no no like uh yes correct but i think there's one on each side one on gale beach and one on vulcan burger station okay so should we go I think Sammy starts gnawing on the beanbag chair after he sets the thing off. Can Walter just pick him up and put him on the show? Like, yeah, that's enough of you. It looks like he's carrying me again. This is like the best day ever. And throw him down the stairs. No. Oh, geez. It's wheels. Make sure to let him defense curl first.
Do I set the rolling thing or not? Because I picked him up so many times at this point. I know his weight. Do you want to carry him? Sure, I don't trust him being high right now. I'm carrying the man. Sure, roll strength. I don't trust him being high on wheels.
um Somehow he's heavier while he's high. I got a lot of that. Yes, because Sammy just does dead body. yes Yeah, you just went limp. You're so relaxed.
Alright, someone grab his other feet, we're dragging him. Alright, off tv we go. Come on Sammy, that time to just walk again. You can just push me, I got these cool wheelie shoes that nobody seems to appreciate. Every time I try to serve someone they're just like, yeah whatever Sammy. I hold up, book come on buddy. Come on, come on, come on.
yeah That sounds so good. You got some hot sauce to go with that. Come on. I got your favorite brand, as usual. Yes, Bruce, you always come through for me. It's like slowly, barely crawling towards us like. You know, we eventually get downstairs. Yeah. And then, as promised, Bruce dumps some of the hot sauce on the Boca Burger. OK.
don that so um Okay, sorry, I kind of spaced out there from it because I just I need to think Okay,
okay so you guys are going to the trains now, yeah Now they're gonna say we do not discuss our people people who buy tickets. We do not discuss that or disclose information Gotcha. Um Right, so you guys head back into the skyscraper district and you guys get to the train station And you guys enter and you get to the ticket booth and you see a tire goes like, Oh, hello. How can I help you? Hey, um, we've come to interrogate you. No, no, no, no. We were asking about, um, our friend, um, an Espeon. They took a train ticket here. Did they buy a train ticket here or somewhere else? Uh, there's many of spoons who have gone through here. Uh, Her name's Sylvie.
still be still be he looks like he's silver silver silver okay a green espionage if you've seen one oh i know talking about ah very emotional about it he starts leaving his paperwork for no reason he starts to leave things through his papers and um ah And events is like first my whole book. I don't see anything for silver this last month um interesting That's all we needed sir, thank you So Dakota here, um, you guys probably noticed that this episode is extremely short and It kind of ended very abruptly
Um, so I had a lot of internet issues going through this episode and I ended up losing internet at this point.

Abrupt Ending and Technical Apology

So this is where we ended up stopping recording last time. So, um, unfortunately this is where this episode ends. I'm very sorry about that. and We'll pick up next time at this point, but, uh, yeah, we've been having a lot of technical issues. So, uh, we were able to get this much audio out to you guys. So.
Yeah, that's kind of where it stands. I'm very sorry. There's not really anything I can do about it. So this is just what we got. um Anywho, ah this also serves as our midsection. So stick around for a second to listen to our music that we've used. Discord's down in the description. Check out our Patreon where you can see the raw audio of this. I think there's like an extra like 10 or 20 minutes of audio on this episode. And as for music, we have What do we have? We have, hold on, Pokemon LoFi Music One Hour Mix Part 2 by a Glitch X City. And that is literally it. So yeah, episode is really short today. um Hopefully we'll have I'll have better wifi next time. So anyway, that's all for today. Thank you guys for listening and we will see you guys next time.