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Year of the Snivy, Part 1: Spring Festival Shenanigans image

Year of the Snivy, Part 1: Spring Festival Shenanigans

S2 E43124123 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
55 Plays1 month ago

Happy Lunar New Year, PTT fans! We’re ringing in the Year of the Snivy with a non-canon one-shot! 🐍

It’s a crisp February morning in Bamboo Ridge, a remote mountain town in eastern Naturae. Our heroes have traveled from all across the Alchas region—and beyond—to take part in the annual Spring Festival. They’re doing it all: dressing in elegant hanfu, sampling delicious festival treats, and even rehearsing for a kung fu routine on the main stage. The celebration is in full swing… until chaos erupts.

Oh, and Hikaru’s a guildmaster now?! What?!


  • Evelyn as the DM/PM/GM (and Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu)
  • Micah (Spirit) as Blair Arkheron the Absol
  • Krystal as Kaida Emberflare the Combusken
  • Jay (Infectornaut) as Briar the Hisuian Sneasel

“Ecruteak City Remastered”

The Zame

From HeartGold and SoulSilver

“Jubilife City Lofi Remix”


From Diamond and Pearl

“Lush Forest Remix”


From Super Mystery Dungeon

“Bede Battle Theme Remix”


From Sword and Shield

“Battle! Aqua Ripley”


(ft. CatchDalgo)

Original composition

“Guzheng City”

Kevin MacLeod

Licensed under CC-BY 4.0

“Fluffing a Duck”

Kevin MacLeod

Licensed under CC-BY 4.0

“Ishikari Lore”

Kevin MacLeod

Licensed under CC-BY 4.0

“Hard Boiled”

Kevin MacLeod

Licensed under CC-BY 4.0

“Eastern Thought”

Kevin MacLeod

Licensed under CC-BY 4.0

“Winter Festival”

Tabletop Audio

See license terms on website

“Tavern Music”

Tabletop Audio

See license terms on website

“Hikaru’s Theme”


Arrangement of “Sakura, Sakura” (traditional Japanese song)

“Kiawe’s Theme”


Arrangement of “It’s a Thief!” from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red and Blue Rescue Team

“Rising Fear but it’s Lunar New Year”


Arrangement of “Rising Fear” from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (multiple games)


Introduction and Episode Context

Rift Riders! I'm Evelyn, one of the co-hosts of Mystery Dungeon, A Path Through Time. Today, I'm thrilled to bring you a special Lunar New Year one-shot featuring some fantastic guests from the PTT fan community and a few surprise appearances from BEYOND.
We recorded this one shot in two parts during the winter holidays and in early January.

Episode Delays and Mental Health

The year of the snake officially slithered in on January 29th, 2025. And I wanted to get both parts out by then. But let's just say my mental health got in the way last month. So here we are. Part one is out now and part two will hopefully drop sometime in mid February.
might have

Spring Festival and Guest Introductions

opened a portal to the multiverse here, though space-time rifts are pretty finicky. With that out of the way, I present to you, part one, Spring Festival shenanigans. Enjoy!
Hello everyone, tatya hao, and welcome to a special Lunar New Year episode of Mystery Dungeon A Path Through Time. I am the host for this episode, your PM, your DM, your GM, Evelyn herself. And sitting next to me in our brand new recording studio on the 212th floor of the Empire State Building is someone who drank 16 cups of coffee today.
Oh, yeah. hi Hi, everyone. It's me, Micah. game m My eyes are straight. in my I can't stop tapping my foot. I've slowly controlled my body over time. was really It's really fun. Try some time. And soon to my right ah is someone who wants to kiss outlets because they look sad.
Hi everyone, I'm Crystal. Yeah, I mean, they do. o They just need a little spark in their lives, right? And sitting right next to me is somebody who loves to bring snacks and sarcasm. Like, they have a really good way of staying under pressure in all the chaos in this world.
So I'm assuming that's me. Uh, hi, I'm Jay. Um, coming to you live. Finally taking a vacation in the pool rooms. And sitting next to me is someone who is the millionth winner in the graveyard lottery.
I believe that's me, Evelyn, once again. we've got really great views of the city from here. It's it's like, i don't even i don't know I don't even know how we got up here. like We can see everything. We can see there's like but can see through the clouds. We can see like the entire island of Manhattan. Yeah, beautiful stuff.

Lunar New Year Significance

Um, anyway, um, for those of you who don't know, Lunar New Year is a holiday that marks the beginning of the new year in the traditional calendar used in places like China, Taiwan, Korea, parts of Japan, and Thailand. And we decided that we wanted to do a special one shot episode of, of a path through time for Lunar New Year.
This year is the year of the Wood Snake, which means that there might be snake Pokémon and a lot of grass types in this episode. How's everybody feeling about this? I'm feeling pretty good. um I just hope I'm, like all of my stuffs, I just hope I'm able to survive. No promises.
Because we've we've talked a little bit about what's to come and I can't say I'm not nervous What about you two I'm pretty i'm pretty nervous. I've got no expectations So I just hope that was a great time I'm excited to eat Yes. I'm excited for all the food. Nom, nom, nom. Yes, there will be lots and lots of food. I promise that. I'm also excited because this is my debut as a DM. Yeah. Yay. Congratulations. Bravo. Clap to you. Yeah. And without further ado, let's dive on in.

Festival Setting and Character Introductions

We begin in Bamboo Ridge, a remote medium-sized town nestled in the mountains in eastern Naturay near the Petron border. It's February 2nd, five years after the events of A Path Through Time, and the Spring Festival is underway in the Town Square, a big square plaza surrounded on all sides by gray rectangular stone buildings.
Their pointy, green tiled roofs are covered with white snow, which has started to melt and drip onto the stone pavement below. In the town square are rows of food stalls selling yummy bamboo ridge specialty dishes, lots of music and dancing, arts and crafts, magic tricks, and strings of glowing red lanterns hanging between the stalls. The festival is bustling with locals celebrating the new year with their friends and families, as well as Pokemon from all over the Alcast region who've come to check it out. One of these visitors is our first player character, Briar. Why don't you introduce yourself?
So how would I do that? Just say your character's name, what type of Pokemon they are, and a little bit about your character and how why they decided to come to the festival.
Okay so um my character's name is Briar and she is a Hisui Sneasel that came from the ice world where it would be like probably like a little region called Thermos from the town of Crystal Point and she decided to come just kind of like happened upon the festival because she left her hometown to go just like aimlessly traveling, just going like I think it's eastward on the map. Yeah. And um she came from a pretty big family, like a family of what there's like, ah I think she's got four siblings and her mother is a sneezeler and her father is a Zangoose.
o And um back in Crystal Point, they live in the Cliffside on a berry farm that probably only raises like one specialty, like whatever they do, they're pretty good at it. So she's not really familiar with a lot of different sights and sounds. Okay, so this is all pretty exciting to her. And then, oh yeah, like she picked up some black sludge in the woods. Nice. ah Why don't you, for the for the sake of time, why don't you just go through your human stats? Oh, for me? Yeah. So you want me to just say like, what am I proficient in? Yeah, like your your modifiers.
Okay, so for my human stats, um I've got 3 in cool, 0 in cute, minus 1 in smart, 0 in beauty, and 3 in tough. Is that correct? Sounds okay to me. whats My my ah proficiency is in persuasion.
Okay. Yeah. And for the audience at home, we'll get into what that means in whenever it comes up. Um, yeah. So Briar, what are you doing at the festival?
Okay, so when it comes to Briar, um, so she would have like just gone in the festival and just going from like place to place and like event to event. Be like, oh wow, what's that? Oh wow, what's that? Oh wow, what are you?
a So are you like checking out the food stalls? Maybe there's a, oh, in front of you, like a little bit, a little ways away away from you in front. There's a bunch of Pokemon gathered in front of another Pokemon who's doing like magic tricks. um They're actually like, ooh, they're a Ceruleg who is handling a, handling an Ekans.
they're just doing tricks with the ekins okay um i want to check out like the food stalls first okay Yeah. Um, so around you are four food stalls. One is, one is manned by a tatsugiri and they've got rice balls and dumplings. Um, another one is run by a carbink who sells, um, tang hooloos, which are like, they're like fruit kebabs that have like frozen rock candy coating.
And then there's a poltergeist who sells bubble tea. And there's a Veluza who just like, just like cuts out pieces of his own flesh and serves them as sashimi. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, you're not wrong. but You're not wrong. Yum, yum.
Yeah, so which ah which stall do you want to check out first? I want to get the Veluza. All right. All right. Hello, good sir or madam. um I'm Jefferson the Veluza. I'm the finest chef in the Alcast region. And and the reason I'm so fine is because i i cook my I cook flesh from my own body and serve it to you. Starting at 10th.
Anyway, I cut out my own flesh and serve it
That's huge. 10,000?
Okay. So I think this is where I want to use my persuasion here.
Boy, what are you saying? I'm thinking. So, ooh, she hears the price of like $10,000, because I only have $3,000.
Maybe the price is just too much and want to try to roll? I'll try it to roll. ah So I think what what she would say to him is...
and I like to jettison my flesh
Yeah, i'm I'm pretty sure my flesh is organic. I haven't i haven't taken any antibiotics recently. Oh, it's 100% organic farm raise. Um, well, why is it 10,000? Um, because it's really, really fine meat and it's in demand.
So is is this stall busy? like um yeah so Is there like a lot of people around? Yeah, so right next to you is actually there's actually a gold dango who is um chowing down on a filet. Okay. Okay, so it's like an entire... Can I...
How about, um, well, I don't know. I come from a pretty I've never heard of such a thing. ah Would I be able to procure a sample?
sample okay um make a persuasion check all right so i just roll uh 2d20s or just one uh are you rolling with is that your proficiency yeah that's my proficiency okay so for the audience persuasion is that's that's a great way to start i got like I rolled a 20 and a 6. Okay. Well, I'll be damned, because, yeah. Wow. I'm sure. Yeah, sure. I'll give you a free sample, especially if you can get the word
Yeah. Here, here you go. Have a whole filet. Oh yeah. On the house. And then I'll take it and I'll be like, thank you so much, Jeffrey. Jefferson, of course I will tell you or I'll tell my people about your the in the fluvius state. o Hope you hope you have a chance to swing by someday.
Absolutely. I will certainly tell them as soon as I can and we will send people your way. No time flat. And I'm gonna walk So so now I'm gonna go to the the Cerulege. Okay, so you're gonna check out the Cerulege? Yeah. um Yeah, so he's still doing magic tricks with
On its hind, it doesn't have legs, but it's like it's standing up when it's like on the back of its body and like just dancing
so you see, you don't even have to make a check for this. You is an absol wearing a bright shining red dress.
like after i like, uh, clapping for these, uh, Uh, I'm going to like go over, I'm gonna scamper like breathing heavily. I'm gonna like ah look look at the dress. Okay.
why don't you introduce your character and then tell us how you're going to respond to uh Briar pecking you out yeah hello everyone uh once again i'm Micah and i'll be playing uh Blair uh yeah Blair Arcaron and she's at the festival today just learning a bit more about the the history of yeah um probably got some time off from the library so I wanted to come check it out and thought she would dress for the occasion so she's wearing a what's called a I think it's pronounced Ru-Koon I think that's how you pronounce it? Jo-Chin. Jo-Chin. You can say whatever. You can say however you want. Yeah. Yeah. Ruchan if you want. Yeah.
She's wearing that. It's a ah large red I think it's... I'm trying to describe this. It's like a white inner coat with right red outlining, red scarf outlining with ah golden flames.
that droop down her body and just fall short above her down, I guess she has ah her half moon glasses and her silver locket that she's also wearing. And she... Really well dressed.
looks at this ah little sneezel running around, scaring up to slowly like reach out my claws to like touch the the ends of the dress.
she is doesn't like back away anything she's more just curious of what you're doing yeah okay yeah um briar roll dexterity against dexterity would that be would that be like Oh, like sleight of hand, cool. or i is Oh, sleight of hand, sorry.
Okay, you said insights. Why is my dice getting stuck in the dice tower? Come on.
notice that she's, you notice that Briar is curious about, see you're somewhat fascinated with my my outfit. oh I was able to get secured just for the occasion.
I do hope that you like it. Oh, I like it a lot. I've never seen a fabric that can be so shiny without it being ice. Yeah, this is pretty shiny, yes.
Yeah, it was well worth a price to say that much.
man that's definitely one way to talk to somebody say it head okay i gotta i gotta snap back into it walk in it's uh i wouldn't say it's lopsided aim uh i'm what's called an absol it's uh it That's a horn on the side of my head. It's more for... It's it's more for defense. It's more for defending myself than really... It's really more for defending myself rather seen things with horns. Like, Agaran has horns, but you only have the one horn, so it is lopsided. I hate...
She kind of does like what's in the area, like like the clothes I'd smile but with the so the sweat drops on the side of her face. yeah Yeah, I guess you can call it that. And I guess Blair will start like looking around at the other shops and venues. Yeah. So while you do that, we're going to go over to our third protagonist of this episode.
um Um, Kaida, why don't you introduce yourself? Hi! So yeah, my character's name is Kaida. Basically rhymes with Skyda. Okay. Emperor Flare. She's a 19-year-old combustion from this rugged little town called Cindermount, right near a volcano. Basically, strength and resilience are kind of the whole vibe there. So, she grew up training in martial arts with her dad.
who's a retired Blaziken. She's also earned the Crimson Phoenix Belt, which is this big deal rank that shows she's mastered fire-infused kung fu and aerial combat. She's actually one of the youngest to ever get it, but she doesn't let it get to her head. She's always looking to improve and help others find their strength too.

Performance Preparations and Festive Outfit

really amazing. um Yeah, so you're um you're a ah few you're like three stalls away from the other two players. um you're with your You're with your kung fu troop.
of other um other fire type Pokemon who are going to perform in the festival in about a half hour. um And you're talking to you're talking to a Pikachu named Hikaru, who is the behind the scenes operations manager at this event. Yeah, so what what are you talking to Hikaru about?
So Kaida is super excited for this. um She really wants to like double check a few things. So first you want the first, you know, are we set up to go after the fire dance display? um You know, we've been timing our routine to sync with the spark, so um want to make sure we've got it right.
And also, we'd love to confirm if the Pyrotechnics team has our cues. So you know tro has ah our tro our troop has a big aerial finale planned, and it'll really pop with those flames in the background. um Oh, and yeah.
Yeah, we've got we should have everything down pat. Um, I believe you gave me a checklist of everything. Um, it says there's like a bolt it says you wanted a bowl of M&Ms in backstage before the show absolutely no brown M&Ms. Is that right?
Yes. Absolutely. We love sweet, but we also love spicy too. I wanted to know where the best spot to grab something spicy around here because I'm already running low on tomato berries. And I've heard the festival food is legendary.
Yeah, um well well, I can recommend Samus Tatsugiri stand. That's like two stalls that way. it've got um They've got flavored rice balls of different sweet and sour and dry varieties. um They've got dumplings. And then, oh, next to them.
Oh my gosh, there's um Chad the poltergeist is selling um is selling bubble tea, which you can get for 150 poke um a cup. No way. That's awesome. Yeah. Oh my god. I frickin love bubble tea. You're gonna you're gonna be amazed by Chad's Chad's boba. Yeah, no, because Yeah, that sounds perfect. I am honestly like I have to check that out too. um Though ah I really like that's really exciting. I honestly can't go and go into a big performance without a full without a full belly. So you're a lifesaver. So I promise I'll save you a dumpling if I snag extras oh and bubble tea too.
Yeah, my pleasure. Yeah, and we've got you've got all your music set to your pyrotechnics. Yeah, my teammate Michael is is in charge of pyrotechnics. Yeah, so ahll ah I'll just sync up with him later and make sure that everything is all right and that everything on your everything on your list is is taken care of.
Um, yeah, you go enjoy your food. You've got you're not going to be on stage for like another hour or so. So take your time. Oh, it's so great. Just tell them, you know, with Michael and everything, just tell them not to set anyone's tail feathers on fire this time, okay? Of course. The last thing we need is my troop doing stop, drop, and roll, the remix. Yeah, yeah. We got you. We got you. Enjoy the food. Thanks. Thank you. You're the real MVP. Yeah, so you're...
So, Kaida, you're walking towards the food stalls. When you see the other two players, you see, you see Briar, a Hissui and Sneasel, checking out Blair the Absol's shining red dress. And you notice that, you notice that Briar still has some permanence of like
I realized I also forgot to mention that the buyer is wearing like a... it's like a off green cloak that's all like tattered. That's a really cool outfit too. I forgot about that. If it means anything, Blair also has like a left orange eye and a blue right eye. Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah.
Yeah, it's a little uncommon for, well, I assume it's uncommon for Pokémon to have different eye colors. So, I also thought it was cool. Yeah. And, and Kaida, you also see the Cerroledge and the Ekans doing their show. um It looks like they're about to wrap up their performance. Oh my goodness, that's so exciting. I want to see how they did. Yeah. Um, yeah. Do you want to, do you want to talk to them? Do you want to talk to the other two Pokémon?
Well, first I want to see what what's going on with the with the taste testing, coming up mid stride and like raise an eyebrow and, you know, noticing what's going on and just ask, you know, um or I would just say you may you might want to check a mirror before, um you know, someone asked if you're taste testing the festival's main attractions.
over there, just making sure you're okay. Because, you know, it looks it looks big like you're having a good time eating. Are you saying that to Briar the Sneasel? Yes. Yeah.
Pretty good. Uh, pretty expensive, pretty pricey. and Have you heard about, like, my friend Jefferson? Jefferson the Valooza is pretty good. $10,000 for this? No, I have not. Not yet. It's to die for. And I will give her, like, a little bit of a piece. Oh, yes. I was going to ask. Can I have some? Yeah. So you get a little piece of sashimi. Hmm.
Interesting. It's good, but I like my food a little spicier. I need some hot sauce. Yeah. Kaida, you remember that the rice ball stand has varieties of them might be it might have spicy rice balls. Do you want to check them out? Sure.
All right. Yeah, so you go over to the Tatsugiri stand and the Tatsugiri says, hey, hi, welcome to Sammy's Rice Balls and Dumplings. I'm Samus the Tatsugiri. How can I help you today? I'm really interested in trying one of your rice balls, but like one of the that are on the spicier side. Okay.
Yeah, I've got spicy, I've got sweet rice balls, sour rice balls, spicy, bitter and dry rice balls. These rice balls are stuffed with different kinds of berries. I can make you a rice ball with tomato berries in it would you like? It's 250 poke a pop. I want to go with two.
two okay um so so samus whips together to she she um she grabs two tomato berries out of
and then and then grab some rice and shapes it the the tomato berry pulp and puts it into the wads of rice and then um and then kneads them together into rice balls and wraps them in seaweed and hands them to you that'll be 500 poke she says Hmm, okay. Let me just get it out. All right, let's see if these live up to their reputation. So I'm going to hand over the 500 poke and I'm smiling. Okay. Yeah, deduct 500 poke from your, from your balance. Okie dokie. Is there a high Japan now?
yeah yeah sure I was gonna yeah okay what what were you gonna do spirit blair blair's just been uh yes that's my name yeah hi but it's been quiet as hello yeah this guy's has been quiet but this is entire time and but she did follow kind of right yeah She did follow kind of over to the, over to Samus's stand because she was also curious about the rice balls. ah Hello. I was also wondering what else, what other flavors or types do you have besides the spicy ones? Yeah. So we've got sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, dry. We've got combos. um I can make them out of pretty much any berry.
She kind of like steps back for a second to like think about different options. What about a Raspberry?
Raspberry's balls. raspberry oh that yeah raspberries are spicy and dry is that the kind of flavor you're looking for okay but forgot they were actually that i was trying to find sweet ones immediately i was trying i was trying to find sweet ones Ooh. Okay. Well, if you like sweet, you might like the patch of berry. You might like the mago berry, the nanob. Not nanob is a little bit bittersweet. about the magga berry, actually? The maggots? Yeah. Yeah, I think I would like the magga berry, please.
Yeah. So how many do you want? Uh, just like her, I will also have two, please.
Yeah. Oh, thank you. She also, like, while he was cooking, we've let dug out like 500 and placed on the counter. Oh, Samus is a she. Samus, my bad. Yeah, yeah, she. So while she was doing that, ah Blair put 500 on the counter. Yeah. Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy your i hope you enjoy your rice balls. Thank you, and I also hope you enjoy the rest of the festival.
Oh, of course. I'm really enjoying it. It's been a vibe. Yeah, it sure has thus far. And I can't wait to see the performance later. And if I'm a mistake in KIDA, right? Yes, that's me. Yeah, aren't you involved in the performance?
Oh, snap, that's right. I have to get ready. Oh, no. I was so busy enjoying these wonderful berries that I wasn't focused. I was wasn't focused. They're amazing. They just hit the spot. They're so spicy and yummy. But yes, I
Oh, that's a good question. Okay, so let me think about this. I'm really big into kung fu. um So my, my outfit is reminiscent of that. So I have a crimson and black sleeveless key. And what's cool about it is that has settled flame patterns embroidered along the edges. um This represents my mastery of fire infused combat.
I also have a golden sash tied at my waist, which symbolizes my crimson Phoenix belt rank. You added onto that, I have fitted black leggings that allow for agility and ease of movement um paired with sturdy yet lightweight combat boots. I also have fingerless leather gloves. They're worn for grip and protection with small flame details stitched on the knuckles. And then to complete the look, I'm also wearing my signature black leather bracelet with a fire-shaped ruby. and This is a keepsake from my late grandmother.
um I thought it would be great to add a personal touch to my you you start to feel a rumble underneath your feet.
and that rumbling gets more and more intense. In fact, you all feel this. And right in front of you, Kaida, the ground opens up and a giant silver steelix comes out of the ground.
the stalls and she goes up to the stage and and makes a giant hole in the stage. And then she, um, ah the town square is surrounded by five different buildings. and she just like makes a hole in a building in like three of the buildings yeah that was a yeah blared like definitely like held on for the deal of like onto the stand or something just like oh yeah
Just like how a cat has to hang out to the table, so they'll fall down, just like hang out by the edges. Hang out for dear life. All around you. All around you. And all around you, Pokemon, are panicking and running around and screaming. Yeah. Great. In the panic. In the panic.
Can I... Is there like... Can I take some of the spicy stuff from the stole? Sure, you can do it. the confusion. Alright, uh, roll a sleight of hand. Okay. Can I roll for perception because... Sorry, go ahead. Amos is going to roll perception against your sleight of hand. So I got a...
Okay, can I also roll perception? Because I'm also like, mildly looking around. I got a 12 plus 3, so I got a 15. Sam has got a 6. Did he roll advantage? I don't think I get advantage with that. Oh wait, no, no, no, no, that was persuasion. We talked about sleight of hand earlier. Nevermind.
Yeah. So, Sam has got a six, so she is too um is too distracted by all of the all of the pandemonium around that she doesn't notice what you're the berry tomato itself, so are the rice balls.
Yeah, it's not a ball. Because I think the ball hasn't been made yet, technically. Right. All right. And then, uh, I want to like, uh, I guess like go to the group, like Blair and, um, how do you pronounce the name? Kida? Kida. Okay. And be like, whoa, what was that?
I was trying to ask earlier, but can Blair have rolled for like a perception because he's also like looking around trying to figure out what's going on? Sure. Does he have like maybe seen Ryre doing that? Oh, you wanted to catch me in my little shenanigans? Not with a nine. Oh.
Well, she doesn't see it, i mean at least when everything goes down and you're actively stealing it. Yeah. Okay.
Yeah, Blair, what did you roll? For the perception, I rolled a nine. A nine, okay. Even with your pluses. I'm more smart than perceptive, which is fine. Yes, I'm more smart. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So Blair, all you can see is all you see is this um is the confusion and the crowd crush. And you hear all the you hear noise all around you. You hear Pokemon screaming. But in the midst of the noise,
You hear a voice coming over the course. yeah Everybody do the opposite of what the bear said. Yeah, everybody panic. Everybody push and shove.
a Okay. um What if we take over and we just like calm everyone down and just and step up, you know? We'll get to the bottom of this and make sure the festival can you know continue safely safely and we'll handle it. Yeah. um So, Kaida, you know the way back to the stage.

Meeting with Mayor Wong and Steelix Disturbance

I do. Let's go. and wait Where are we going? ah You're just walking off. Where are we going? We're We're going to go. We're going to. We have to get the mayor to and let's go like.
I am guest string for the mayor, Mayor Wong, and the others to follow me. um You know, ah I'm leading them back towards the stage. So my thinking that this way will regroup at the stage and make sure everyone is accounted for. um And because right now it's the safest place to coordinate right now. And from there, we can figure out our next steps. Mayor Wong is on the stage. He was speaking over the PA. Okay, well,
Yes, we're we're on the stage. of Well, I bring everyone else, ah including um some of the other Pokemon, um close like to the stage. um And we're keeping an eye on the crowd and the surrounding area. um So like we have to keep, let's make sure everyone's focused. um you know The more organized We stay the faster we can get back, or the faster we can get this festival back on track and stop that steelix. Of course, it's more craziness.
Um, and yeah, like let's that for the human stats. Can I use that or no? Like now, um, I'm going to give you this for free as you three walk on, run up onto the stage. You you climb a staircase, um, next to where you kind of were before. Um, you notice, you notice Hikaru elapsed on her face and to the right.
Uh, does Blair see us or just Kaida? Um, everybody roll perception. didn't get to you earlier, but I was gonna, I was gonna say, like, I would also like to help, uh, Kaida and whatever she's doing. Yeah, totally. My perception.
Uh, so I got a, I got a 14 plus one 15 for mine. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
Well, you're too focused on getting up to the stage. um But Blair, with a full success, you you do indeed see Hikaru. She has collapsed on four on the ground next to you, next to your party. She appears to be in a daze. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna go over to her?
uh yeah Blair is uh taking a claw like pick her up by the scope of her neck like cat style like how bombs like pick up the beyond but like the she kind of like picks her up so of neck yeah okay yeah because she's like sure like exactly where to grab her like hey like and Pick her up. hate ah Hey, hey, hey, hey, Kara, is that you? a Yeah. And Hikaru um can't see you. So she is going to like turn. She's going to turn around and actually she's going to roll acrobatics to see if she can do it. 17. And what is her cool?
was just gonna I'm just gonna give this a straight, no modifiers. So with ah with a 17, Hikaru gets on her I didn't know you were here. I yeah i didn't think you'd be here either.
Yeah, let's see, too. We don't exactly have time to... I would love to continue this chat with you, but we don't have time and now exactly. so Glad to see you're doing okay. I imagine that you guys are like figuring that out now.
Uh, we're, she like, blair looks looks back to the rest of the group. And then but we're, we're working on it. Yes. So, I don't know. Could I say something? what? I wasn't sure if that was like a pause. i mean Yeah. She was like looking back to the group and saying that if there's, if you guys want to jump in. Oh, okay. Yeah, there we go. Um, I said, just be like, well, did you see that big thing that came out of the ground? That was crazy.
I did, in fact, see that. it would it looked like a It looked like a shiny steelix. Not steelix, but like a Underground.
Yeah, I saw that, but like, does anyone know where the the hole is? The the pivot? The pivot underground? Wasn't like the from... It was... You guys were like near... um You guys were near
It was like a couple stills over and nearly hit us actually. I see, maybe. I'm so glad that you guys are okay. I i could be better. um But yeah, I really hope that you guys are able to find out. You guys should talk to the mayor. I think he'll, he's he's on there. um ah The green Irvine in the blue suit. i think he'll know I think he'll have a better idea of what's going on. I i see, okay.
um Is he also backstage with us or is he still out front stage? He's on stage. Okay. um i so I assume like because we're backstage like the curtain is all like right there or is there like a different section in order to be upstage? Yeah.
so So you guys get on stage and um you can see a servine in a blue, like a mouse suit, standing in front of, well, standing behind a podium, speaking, he was speaking into a microphone before. And yeah, do you wanna get his attention? Yeah, does someone else wanna jump in and do this or should I do this? Who wants to do it? Not me. maybe Maybe Kaira, because you're taking the lead on this. Yeah. I'm trying to make sure everyone's followed by here. Yeah. yeah so i So I kind of would cross like i cross my arms, and um I raise an eyebrow at this, like looking at the Irvine in the mouse suit, speaking to the mic. um I also lean slightly towards Blair, and my I keep my voice low,
But I'm amused. And I basically say something. I basically say, okay, that's unexpected. um But honestly, if anyone on stage has answers, it's probably him. And I gesture toward the Irvine. I would say, like let's get to get his attention. Maybe he's got a clue about what's going on.
Or, at the very least, he can tell us why he's dressed like that. I see. Well, it is part of the festival, so maybe that's the case, but I see what you're going for. It can just be his fashion sense. It could also be that, yes. Let's get his attention. Hey, you in the mouse suit. We need to talk. Got a minute?
Yeah, um the Servine turns towards you three and he says, oh, hi there. um Hi, ah what ah what can I do you for? We are trying to figure out what the, I assume, you know, just as much as us, but we're trying to figure out maybe the source of this catastrophe, I guess you could say. um Is there anything like about the Steelix that you could maybe help us with?
Oh, the Steelix, yeah. um Hi, I'm Edward Wong, by the way. I'm the mayor of... I'm the mayor of Bamboo Ridge. Yeah, I think... I mean, I've never seen this Steelix before, but I do know that there was... It's so funny that this happened during the Spring Festival because um because the Spring Festival actually started because of a legend.
in our culture. That ravaged the region. Blair, you know about this. Yeah, I was going to ask if I could roll history and see if I can get more from that. Yeah, go right ahead. Alright, that's my proficiency, so I'll roll advantage.
13 and love it's a 13 plus my smart is 15 another 15 okay um and with a full success you know that um You know that the people of Bamboo Ridge have a legend about a monster named Shanlong, who once, you know, maybe 500 or 1,000 years ago, nobody really knows for sure anymore, attacked the town and destroyed buildings and really badly injured a lot of Pokémon, and
Um, the townsfolk scared it off with fire and red, um, red banners and, and flags and stuff. And the monster, uh, went away. Um, maybe it flew. who Nobody really knows what kind of, nobody really remembers what kind of Pokemon it was anymore. And that's the origin of this festival. I see. That sounds like Xinglong. Um.
The story of the, yes, the legend of Shanglong, every, I believe it was started about a thousand years ago, it would rain terror among the villagers here, destroying shops, injuring Pokemon, and it's, I'm not sure why it's coming to it now, maybe it's because of the festival itself? When was, can you recall the last time that this happened? If at all?
Yeah, so Mayor Wong says, oh my goodness, wow, you know, um you know about the legend of Shan Long. um Yeah, you know, I'm not sure if this, I'm not sure if this Steelix is Shan Long, probably not because it was like 600 years ago, but it's definitely interesting that this has happened again. I've never seen I've never seen this town in my in my six years as mayor. This town has never been attacked like this before. I see. Hmm. Then maybe we should get together and go after it. Maybe we can subdue it to a point where it won't do this again. I'm gonna try to think here. and That might be our best course of action.
Yeah, that's not a bad idea. um yeah Yeah, I think that's a good idea. You might want to look in the mountain range. So Bamboo Ridge is part of a mountain range called Dragon Spines. And there is a network of tunnels under underneath all the mountains. um There's an entrance to the tunnels not too far away from here. That way he points in one direction. um you know That might be where That might be where the Steelix went off to or came Go ahead. Were you going to say something, Jay? Yeah. Cause it's just like, uh, I think the only thing I have to say was like, yeah, it's probably easy. You just go in the big hole.
That could be a way to get there. Yes. Yeah, something tells me it's not going to be that easy. um Lots of Pokémon have gone in there, gone into the tunnels. Some of the cities around some of the towns around here, um there's a mining town over across the border in Petrum. They've been mining a lot of iron ore from the mountains. But occasionally the the tunnels, there's there's quakes and the tunnels collapse and they have it. Sometimes the Pokémon go missing.
Oh, no. That's scary. I want us to get back in time for some bubble tea. Yeah. Yeah, I really I hope you guys are able to um are able to quell the Steelix so that we can get this festival back on track. He didn't say it was like the Steelix is located in Dragon Spine, right? Yeah. And he's a point on where that was.
Okay. Then I believe we should try and gear up as best we can because trying to quell this dealix from what it looks like, Shaolong, it won't be an easy feat. Yeah. So if we have any ideas of how to quell this, i would I think we should take all the ideas or help we can get. I need a lot of sleepy juice. Sleepy juice?
Blair, like, looks over at Briar questioningly. Like, I've never raised head cots. I can't remember what berry or anything off the top of my head. Maybe we could bate it with one of those tomato berry rice balls. Ooh. Does it even like spicy though? OK.
I mean, if it doesn't, love Spice, you know? um We have bubble tea. I suppose that's an idea, yes. That could that could maybe work. um So one of you, roll smart. Oh, roll smart. I haven't rolled yet. oh Okay. Okay. Sure. Go ahead. Can I give her help to give her a advantage on the roll? Oh, sure. That's something I can do.
OK, yeah, so roll with a Venge then. Oh, on the 20 rolled eyes, I rolled a 15. So so so Kida, you know that Steelix is a steel and ground type Pokemon and that it is weak to fighting ground, fire and water. and Exactly. I just need to kick it with a but With flamethrower, it's down. Hopefully. I don't know what it is. But honestly, the celic seems to be attracted to something underground, like metal vibrations. um Maybe we could lure it out with a big enough signal, something loud or shiny to get its attention. That could, that actually is a, maybe that could work.
What loud and shiny what actually does prove the question what? What would attract us originally? right She turns back to Mayor Wong for a second. Is there anything that might provoke it in this way? like Yeah, anything I need triggered it Anything shiny big it's not the entire festival. Yeah. Um, I Yeah, I honestly have no idea why it attacked. It's... I've never seen this Steelix before. It seems completely random. um Would that be another history roll that could make? More of like Anjalang? Yeah, the mayor just doesn't know, but you can... you can try. Yeah.
Maybe I can derive more from the legends. I was like, can we look for clues around the festival grounds? Yeah. Okay, it's not 15, but it's a 15 plus history. Wait, I forgot. I have to roll. Yeah, it's history. Okay, yeah. 15 plus two for 17.
Okay, full success. um Yeah, so you know about the mining in Petrum, and you know that since the Alcast region has been industrializing over the last 120 years,
um There has been increased mining activity in this area with lots of lots of mining companies coming in and strip mining the mountains in this area mining various different types of metals and other resources. And the mountains, recently they've been starting to use explosives in their mining operations.
And the explosions cause shock waves that resonate throughout the whole mountain range. Blair will tell the others this and say, maybe it's because of the explosives that the miners are using. That's maybe what's waking up Xiao Long. That could be why this is all happening in the first place, because of the excessive mining and now use of explosives could have awoken Xiao Long from his slumber.
Are you just gonna tell the miners? Oh, hey, maybe not use explosives anymore Yes, but in our current state that could also The way that Xiaolang has already been awakened could also Maybe bring way for another attack So that we should do that. Yes, but we also need to figure out a way to subdue Xiaolang I think We get a bunch of explosives and put them in one spot, and then we blow it up. Boom. I think explosives were the issue here, but a that could also work, I suppose. But you want to draw it out of the ground, right? I'm not sure if drawing it out of the ground is the best idea, personally, um the mayor chimes in and says.
I think your best bet is to look for the is to go into the dungeon and look for the Steelix and try to follow it down there instead of let letting it come back onto the surface again and possibly cause any more damage.

Exploration Plans and Fireworks Strategy

There's a dungeon? Yeah, and then we blow it up. ah Yeah, those tunnels, that that tunnel entrance that I mentioned earlier, that's the dungeon.
Blaine gives off like like a shaky sigh. um i I... shoot. If that's the only way in, suppose I suppose that could work. the The explosive idea that could possibly work, let's keep it in the back pocket. If we can get explosives, that could actually come handy if we are faced with a battle. I'm trying to think. Make another history check.
have rovelt no all history okay um i the roll again that's a natural twenty oh yeah Okay, so with a nat 20, you know that fireworks are a big part of the spring festival. Oh yes, I was just thinking that. oh i was ba in the the pi the piro The pyrotechnics.
the iron ground strong and vibrations and explosions And then the must have felt like a full blown earthquake to it. I think Blair was like thinking about this. And then we all have to snap realization. Wait a minute. like we looking so you guys time this is You know, big kaboom. There's big kaboom.
Yes, let's ah let's actually grab the fireworks. That kid a i could actually be yeah like the source of it. You're right. Yeah, um so the mayor says, yeah, I think um i think you should talk to our the the head pyrotechnician at this festival. They're a... I'm trying to think of a Pokémon.
Cramorant. Cramorant? What's a fire dragon type? Fire dragon. Turtonator. Turtonator. Oh yeah, Turtonator. Yo, that works. I think that works really well, right? Yeah. Yeah. gre na like resonator Like his back explodes. Yeah. Yeah. ah Yeah. Talk to um the power technician is a Turtonator named Kiawe.
I think you should talk to him. Yeah, wait. All right. Then, I think that's everything. that Do you guys, do you girls have any more questions? She, like, just has to go to the group. I think, yeah, no. A question for the mayor, actually.
um i don't know if this would be important but like do we know anything about the tunnels under the festival grounds like are there old mining shafts or like natural caves or anything that steelix may might be using to move around but um if i don't know if like if everyone else thinks so but knowing the layout could help us figure out where it might surface next if it does surface again like yeah i mean the steelix is Well, there's tunnels around this entire mountain range. And I think just because the Steelix emerged here, there's probably tunnels here as well. Steelix actually can dig tunnels. It must have dug them here. And then we have to contact the person, right, for the pyrotechnics setup? Yeah. We're going to go talk to them. What's the fastest way to contact them?
um My Hikaru might know them because she's she's handling, her guild is handling operations for this event and um everybody, all the folks that run, that do the pyrotechnics and the music and everything, they all work for Hikaru. Okay. Let's go to Hikaru. I lead the way you two. he can hear And we're gonna get a lot of fireworks.
I think we should all just, I think we should just give Bry all the explosives. so Make the child even more of a threat. Yeah, give me explosives, I got my spicy berries, and I'm gonna shove in the fireworks. Yeah. Pepper bomb, let's go. She's just a walking bomb. Awesome, I just wanna see things explode, so I'm all for it. no Yeah, it's like, oh yeah, we're gonna get a festival all right. Oh, oh boy. Blur's like the use of wakes up if I get myself into.
Uh, but yeah, shoot. Let's do it. Lead the way. Yeah. So do you guys want to go talk to Hikaru? Yes. That seems like what we're doing. All right. Yeah. So you guys head down the stairs that you came. Um, and Hikaru is standing there and, um, Hey, you guys can talk to her. Take it away. Yep.
Does Brad want to do this one? Because she's all about the explosives. Oh, me? OK, I'll try. Just be like, hello, hello, Hikaru. Hey, what's up? We need the explosive guy. The explosive guy. um Yeah, my head pyrotechnician is Kiyawe the Turtonator. He's actually, I'm actually not sure where anybody is anymore. um Because like everybody got scrambled during the the the thing that just happened. But all of my staff are in this general area. um Like this general backstage area. So, yeah. Okay. Okay, so it's like all the staff are there, but like the they don't know where the... ah They don't know where Kiawe went? Yeah.
Hikaru actually has a Wakitaki. So she takes out her Wakitaki and says, Hello, Kiawe. Hikaru to Kiawe. This ah this is Hikaru. There's some Pokemon who are looking for you. Over. ah Next to the stairs.
And then like a minute later, um a The Turtonator comes out the the Turtonator is like six feet tall, he's like towering over Hikaru and the rest of you. Yeah. Yeah, we're all pretty small. I think Kai's actually the tallest. I think you're like three and a half feet tall. and I don't recall how tall Ka-Buscans are. and They're not? Aren't they like something like three to four feet tall?
211. 211. Okay. Yeah, either way, this guy's giant. Oh yeah, I'm 211 too as well.
oh i'm three eleven not three one i Hello. Yeah. Okay. Hello. I'm the head pyrotechnician, Kiawe. What? Um, Hikaru said you needed something. What is it? Uh, Kiawe, we're gonna need a lot of those pyrotechnics, preferably in a pretty large bundle, all in one part. A large bundle of pyrotechnics. Um, let me see, I think- You should probably explain why we need that.
Yeah, that's right. It's for the, uh, you know, ah the big problem so that we can get the festival going again. Ah, I see. You want to, like, you want to chase down that Steelix, I assume. Yeah, part of that. Yes, precisely. I'm sorry, Blair, what did you want to say?
uh boy was just agreeing with you okay ah i see i think i may have what you're looking for this isn't so suspicious at all that its come to my van it's all the way in the back
Nobody questioned it. This is fine. This is okay. All part of the plan, everybody. Let's go. All part of the plan. Just roll with it. Not suspicious at all.
so um So you guys follow Kiawe um to, um you make a, you guys are on stage left, so to the right of the stage. And so you go beyond behind the stage, um make a left. And right there is a wooden shed. um It looks like it was set up just for the festival. And there are big crates. Oh boy, how much can we carry?
um Yeah, how much can we carry actually that's uh, that's a good point Yeah, um, you don't you guys should be able to mud stale You guys should be able to carry up to 99 of anything 99. Oh, okay. Oh Yeah, we're bri's got hammer space we're gonna carry 99 times 3 Yeah, if you want Oh boy He does not have that much. He's not like I don't even know what that math is. We're gonna like put a saddle on Blair. Get the saddle back. I don't know off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure like the Macy's fireworks show has like a barge, like 3000 firecrackers spread across like five barges.
something like that yeah that's crazy yeah I do the math we have we have 297 explosives if we if we all want to carry 99 of them I do um but also like simultaneously like when Blair sees the small shack she just kind of like has a has like the whole day like I'd hate to be I hate to have an accident with this small wooden shed
yeah something she she's gonna blow the shed bit of love the shit perfect it just seems like it seems kind of like he but I'm assume you're not trying to blow this place up again I think we we're all talking out of character, at least for that last part. oh Yeah. No, you must be. You must be another Sneasel. We can just get Steelix to help us carry the rest. We can just bribe it. Bribe it! pri want ticket marriage so blow it up blow up with gonna roll We're gonna roll the explosives into like a really tasty rice bowl.
yummy oh ah i'm for that that is an idea make it spicy that would be spicy but but i explain it's just like area i'm worried about what and actually don't use the hammer space isn't here nevermind yeah hammer space is a thing yeah yeah um so it sounds to me like you guys need something that you can carry into a dungeon I happen to have 69 barrels full we're talking.
So, here's here's my idea. I want to- Fire is just slowly making Blair more nervous over time. So, ah we have a lot of bla- Wait, so are the fireworks the blast seeds? Is that what I'm understanding here? Uh, not necessarily. He just has a lot of different- They're like separate. We have fire we have fireworks and a blast seed separately.
Yeah, yeah. we have We have everything. We have lots of different types of explosive ah explosives. Okay. So it's just like, okay, we take the fireworks and we take the blast seeds and then we combine them. I'm listening. And then, um, I don't know, whatever you would do to make it like extra pretty and like really cool. Oh, okay.
Um, it sounds like you don't know anything about explosives, but I'll just, so I'll just give each of you 99 blast seeds. What's that? They're, they're lighter to carry. But I mean, like, I don't know. How would you put them together? Darn. Just strap like the, the blast seeds and the explosives together, like, um,
or like powder like each barrel has a barrel firework dump the blasties in there with a firework because their seeds are gonna like fall in the cracks between all the fireworks and whatnot oh you know what like just have them all in like make like a so like with the barrels like make like uh like put them all together like wrap them neatly together and then make them like a little keg
Oh, i've got little um I've got firecracker shells that you can put the seeds into. You just put the blast seeds in, and then when you're ready to use it, you can put five in at a time. And when you're ready to use it, light the fuse and aim it at the target. And it will will shoot over like a rocket and hit the target with the force of ten blast seeds.
I see. That could work, yeah? Yeah, that's... If we're gonna get some heavy firepower, this might just be what we can get. Might be what we need. Okay. I'm gonna call this the big one. The big one. just Okay, so we just add 99 blast seeds. Are we adding anything else?
Yeah, it's like 99 blast seeds. Is it 99 blast seeds and fireworks? Or is it like? It's a combination thing. How many of the how many of the the big ones do we have? Uh, I'm gonna say you each can have 20 firecracker shells. Okay. Could we rig the blast seeds to enhance the fireworks?
like, you know, to create like a bigger signal to draw Stelix out of the tunnels. Yeah, that's what I was- I thought we were gonna go fight it. We're going into the dungeon to fight it. We're going into the dungeon. That would be the braver thing to do. But also it's just kind of like, it's an idea. Yeah. Cause I've been trying to like, you know, like if you just like, it's the same idea, like enhance them. Like that's what the whole like putting them together. Ooh dokey.
I think it would've been better if we went to the dungeon and do it, because at least that way, if it does resurface, it'll be away from the town, so it won't, like, um cause more chaos. Protect the people. Which is like, we're not gonna do it. Okay, I don't think we're gonna do it in the town. Like, I have the idea that the plan is to go to the mountain, and then somehow, if we don't find it, then we would get its attention with the explosion. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's a fine idea. Since that's what it hates, I think. Yeah. Get this away from the town if you can. Yeah, because we have to test it too. like Maybe test it first, just to make sure like they work the way we want them to. I guess we could test it. Maybe it would be a dud. Never really thought about testing it. All right, can we can I blow one up? Away from us. We can make your life now?
away from the- away from the precariously explosive shed? Yeah, just make sure they work. Walk out to the middle of the field. Well, if you point it up, it'll just- it'll just explode in midair. Awesome. I would like to a light a firework and like point it up and away from- Yeah, just face the first of all and then face the other direction. This is completely the opposite. Yeah, I would like to face ah the wilderness where it's preferably rocky. Okay, so you use up five of your blast seeds and one of your firecracker shells.
Okay. And you create a firecracker and you launch it and it goes up in the air in a parabola Wow. Well, it works at least. That's what we were going for. Sure does, says the Turtonator. It does. Is that all? Do we do two things, both needing anything else?
Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll And then Hikaru actually runs up to you guys, carrying three pouches of items. And she says, take these, it's dangerous to go alone. And then- Damn it, it's... I had a feeling it was coming. For some reason, it's like you said Hikaru, now I had to be like, is she doing one of these?
I love that. I love that. That's great. What are the these in question? So the these, so in each of the pouches two patch of berries just because. Okay. All right.
So that was five Oran Berries, two Reviver Seeds, and two Pecha Berries? Yeah, I'll make it two Reviver Seeds. Five Oran Berries, two Reviver Seeds, two Pecha Berries. All right. Okay, I already had two Reviver Seeds. I already had blood in my brain. I already had two Reviver Seeds beforehand, so I just add that to my... Two I already had, so I already have seven. Yeah. Cool. Uh-huh. All right. Yeah, she just kitted us out. Okay.
Hell yeah, we've got the Phoenix Downs, dude. The Phoenix? That's not an aim I haven't heard in a while. Um, yeah. And I'll have your back every step of the way. Yeah, uh, thank you for the cover of this. So, actually, it'll be really useful. I appreciate the help. Thank you. Yeah, my pleasure. I would love to try to help you as much as I can in this, um, whatever you're doing.
Yeah, we are good trying to try the take on Zhao Long and try to quell him, hopefully, and hopefully this doesn't have to happen again. ah We are, yeah, like I said, we're gonna try and go figure this entire situation out. um You are both welcome to come along if you wish to. We can get all the help we can get if you aren't busy here. Oh, oh, is it a Steelix? She nods. Hi.
I don't do well with ground types. I think you guys should go without me. I see. All right. Then we'll hopefully be back soon. Um, yeah. We will talk to you later. Uh, you got this. My mind is flaking. Hey. Yep. Take care. We'll talk again soon. Bye Blair. And everyone else. And I assume we're all done.
Yeah. Goodbye. We're going to blow up the mountain. She guys like stares at Briar for a second.
Certified cliff climber. I assure you that it's going to be 100% safe and oh was justertified but what what kosha but's OSHA OSHA.
I don't know. It's something called OSHA. so Okay. Maybe it has to do with the ocean. o but I can't imagine because like Absol's gonna see like natural disasters coming. Like she has like a foresight just to see like but the entire mouth just blown into smithereens.
Her disaster sense is popping off right now. It's like, yeah, but they profusely sweaty. Yeah. this This is fine. This is fine. Everything's fine.
oh Okay. All right. In the interest of time, I want to get you guys into the dungeon. Yeah. but all run Let's run. Let's go. Yeah. Let's fast travel. OK. Yeah. Yeah. So you've been walking. um You walk over about a kilometer in the direction that the mayor pointed and you've been walking for about, I want to say 20 minutes. 20 minutes. And you see the entrance to a cavern.
You also see a path that goes up the right side of the mountain. Mm-hmm. Cavern and a path. No, do we go through the... Are we not able to see, like, as we're approaching where the the path leads? Um, the path that goes up or the path? I mean, it leads up the mountain for, like... Oh, up the mountain? Um, yeah. Where does the path up the mountain go to? Exactly.
Are we able to see where it trails perception, beauty. Come on. That's a 6 plus 1 for a 7. So I don't think so.
Yeah, you just see, um, you just see a dirt see. Okay. Um, any hey suggestions? We could take, we can go up to the cab or we can go up the path. Anyone prefer either one? Uh, theory is about the path.
She looks to Kaira. Kaira also works out the mountain. I do. um I guess like climbing the mountain it is. um Because obviously like chasing a Steelix isn't challenging enough. But um yes, so it's going to be one heck of a leg day is what I'll say. My legs are already skinny as they are. ah Chicken legs. All right. Climbing clips is easy.
Don't kabusses, doesn't kabusses can have like huge legs? That's like Blaziken. Kabussken's legs are skinny. Yeah, they do got chicken legs. I mean, Blaziken's legs just look big. This just covered in, like, feathers. Oh yeah, it's a it's just the feathers, yeah.
No, so the Blaziken can jump so high. Blaziken can jump into extremely high. Can Combusken or any ah does does anyone want to fly? so we or any Any other like moves that could help us like climb up faster or get to the top? um No. I can make illusions, but that's really about it. and You can make what?
Oh, I was... I guess I could make an illusion of myself. I used double team. Double team. Oh, I see. Yeah, it's not exactly useful here. um So, Paida, you can learn aerial ASL level 20, but you don't currently have it in your moveset. Aerial, yeah. that's You can also learn bounce at level 30. Bounce, I see, would be more useful, but I don't think...
I mean, it's still an attack. I think it would just... I'm not sure how they'll make work. Double kick. Let me think. What if I could use that to leap higher by kicking off rocks and ledges? So I can gain extra height with each jump. Okay. That would work for you. What? No, no, no. Go ahead. Go ahead. You weren't done. Yeah, no, no. Just like carry all up the mountain.
with, by using double kick. Oh, I could climb the cliff. I'm pretty sure I could climb the cliff. Yeah. I've got, unless I rolled badly, I've got like a three and tough. I'm not sure how well I would bear climbing the mountain, unless there's more to the path. Yeah. Well, I feel like Absol's live in mountains too, like. I can't do, but. I can always try to roll it. Blair's a library nerd.
Yeah, she's a sea gal. She's an indoor doggo. Yeah, I'm an indoor dog thing. It's not exactly a dog. It looks like a cat. I think more Jackal actually. Indoor ah dog, dog, hard. What was it? Dog hardware, cat software. Sure. We'll go with that. Like a fox. I don't think fox, but yeah, but but we get the idea. Um,
i guess I guess it's always worth a shot. Sure. All right. Do you guys want to go um up the up the side path? Yeah. That's what it looks like. Yeah. All right. OK. So

Dungeon Exploration and Pokémon Battle

you are now in a dungeon called Craggy Mountain. And it it is time to... Micah, you can say it with me.
Everyone's favorite game? Attempt to roll initiative? Yeah. One, two, three. Roll that die! Yay! Close enough! Yep, okay. And I am going to generate a dungeon. um like We have a dungeon map here. That one's... Yeah, yeah do you also want to explain to them how it works. Because these you haven't done before.
Yeah, not I'll do that. Okay, so you guys spawn in a dungeon um and the dungeon has rooms and hallways. um Rooms are like rectangular and there's hallways and there are um every time one of you will be the team lead.
And you will um basically choose a direction and roll, um for this dungeon it'll be a d6 to decide how far, how many steps you take in that direction. um And if you um if you come across an item or a wild Pokémon,
your um you'll just stop at that tile and either enter a wild Pokemon battle or pick up the item, as the case may be. Okay. Okay. So I'm rolling a d6? Sure. Okay, yeah. So roll a d6. Okay. Just the one?
So we won't go a specific order, just Briar, Briar, Kaira, Blair, and then keep proceeding that order. Yeah, so right now, yeah, you guys can all take turns rolling, but the whole, your whole team will move with your balls.
So right now you guys are in a room and you're on like ah on like the the bottom half of that room, a little bit towards the left. And you can see that there is a corridor, there is a hallway leading out of the top side of the room toward the right. Okay. So, Ryre, pick a direction. Lead on.
OK, picking a direction, what were the options? So you can go left, um up, down, left, or right, um and roll a d6 for how many steps? Ooh, left, and I got a three. OK, so you go all the way to the left side of this dungeon, of this room, rather. And now your options are up, down, and right. And then I roll another d6?
Well, now it's, um, whose turn is it now? Briar or? Well, hang on. Did she land on anything? No, she didn't land on anything. Okay. Then kind of does kind of want to go next. Yeah. I was like, what's our marching or like, what's our order of people actually? Up to you guys. Um, how am I going?
Oh, okay. I don't know what that is. We can go like, because Kyda wanted to be the leader, we can go Kyda and then... Yeah, Kyda... Kyda, Briar, Blair. Yeah. Well, Briar already went. Okay, so roll the dice? Yeah, yeah, roll your roll a d6. That's just our marching order, I think. Yeah, that's the marching order. Yeah. ah ah Roll the two... ah Not two, a one. Roll a one. And which direction do you want to go?
Right. Right. OK. So you move one tile to the right. Now, but what did you say the order was? Kida, Briar, Blair? Yeah. OK. So Kida, it is your turn to move. We kind of just went. Blair. Briar. Sorry. Briar's turn. Briar just went went. OK, then we'll go. We'll go Briar, Kida, Blair then.
Well, no, I was I was going to say since I went first, this one round, it could be um like technically it's I'm it's my order, but I allow Blair to roll. And then the next time we do it like for real in the correct order. OK, so this round, so Blair will go next. And then after that, it will be Kaida and then Byron.
Yeah, then it's Kaede, Briar, and then Blaire in that order. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, okay. I got two. Okay, and which direction are you moving? I'll keep going left. You guys already went left and you hit a wall, so... Oh, I didn't know we... I didn't know what i what i didn't know we hit a wall. My bad, I didn't hear that. Uh, then we'll go up then. Okay.
pick out a Pokemon. It is a Diglett, a lowland Diglett. Okay. Metal. So... It's still ground type.
So, everybody roll initiative. Okay.
Uh, D&D initiative. Oh, yeah, DSP, I forgot about that. What? So, you see your speed stat. Look at your speed stat. Yeah. And roll that number. You might just want to use like a random number generator if it's like a non-dice number.
and Oh, is this the thing where it's like roll a d21? Yeah, it should be like your speed roll. Okay. Yeah. Okay, so is it the ah so actually which speed is it? The total stats or the base stats? Total stats at the ends. Alright, got it. Then, yeah. That's why I'm gonna need roll 20.
Alright, cool. Next speed, what about you? One second. I believe it was a 6.
Yes. You got a six. Okay. And I'm going to roll initiative for the Diglett. Diglett got a 13. Oh, okay. Yeah. So I rolled, I rolled a, uh, the Diglett's speed is 14 and I rolled a d20. And if, it if I got more than a 14, I would have revolved. Gotcha. Cause I like my physical dice. Me too. Mine just, mine just perfectly balances out to be a 12. So I just rolled d12. So the initiative order is Diglett, Blair, Kida, and then Briar. Yeah. All right. Okay.
go for Blair. Uh-oh, okay. Hopefully all that, both of me, on my defense actually works out well for me. I hope you don't have your accuracy dropped, actually. That would suck. That's mudslap. Yeah, so mudslap.
So the damage dice is 1d6 plus 3. Roll now. 5 plus 3. But did it roll accuracy? Oh shoot. I have to roll accuracy. You're right. And it's a It got Not gonna question it. I'll take it. Take it. Yeah, I'm taking it. I am taking it.
Alright, so I am gonna go for a Slash. So I need to roll and be a 7. And because of my build, I crit on, I believe, yes. So Slash is an additional crit number, Scope is an additional crit number, and so Super Luck. So 17 up, I believe. Okay.
Yeah, 17, okay. That's a 17 for a crit. All right, cool. Roll a 17, okay. Yep, so I'll be critting. Okay, and what are your damage dice? It's a two to six plus 10. Do I add another... I max out damage and add another damage dying, right? Yes. Is it one other damage dying? Yeah, from what I remember from the Christmas episode, max out damage, then this'll die.
right so that's uh okay that's a five so that's 12 plus 10 for 22 plus 5 is 27 plus my attack stat of 27 is yes 54 normal physical damage
Okay, I check for a pulse. Yeah, Diglett is still alive. Okay. ah She like, simply like lunges in for an attack ah and scratches up the Diglett. She's a fall over, just like quickly just hesitates and then just checks for a pulse. It's size. Okay. i god I realized my own strength here.
ah It's fine. It's fine. But even wait, wait, that's after resistance, right? Because there's a skill type. I forgot about that. ah Oh, I forgot to apply resistance. um You're right. Diglett is ground steel, right? Okay. um Yes. So that's half damage actually. line We won. So
I'll check, I think that's right. What is half-effectiveness? I believe it is. Let me also check that. DM made a boo-boo. It's okay, it's okay. um Found it. Effectivity moves are great, normal and raw. Yeah, it's half-damage. Times, yeah, so 54 times .5.
And then that's how much damage the map could do. So it took 4 times... No, no, no. 54 minus Okay, so that's my turn. Okay,
okay so roll the dice again.
you can move i'll use plane charge
Nicklift's ability is Tangling Air, so if you use a physical move, which also means that you're going down two points in the initiative order, which doesn't change things. Okay, good to know though, good to know.
Flame Charge, I believe, is Fire Physical. Yeah. Yeah, Fire Physical, I think it raises your screen. Yeah. I think you have to check the effect rule. Ellis is automatic. Yeah. So, roll for accuracy.
11. 11. And what was the accuracy threshold?
You want some help? Yeah, because I'm like, where which sheet do I look at? I gotcha. fresh Oh, it's gonna be in your move list. It does hit. It's a power. Accuracy is a six. So she hits.
OK, that'll hit. And just so you know, your move, you can just look at your main character sheet. And a move to accuracy is going to be in the accuracy column, ACC. Oh, ACC. OK, gotcha. Oh, gotcha. I see the six. Yeah, I see that now. So thats that's the number you have to beat. Yeah. I did, right? Because I rule ah i rolled an 11. Yeah, you beat it. So roll your damage.
You should save that under under yeah under damage. Okay, yes. So you roll that, and then you add your your attack stat to damage. It says 1d8 plus 8. What does that mean? So they die 8. Oh, die 8. Okay. One die. Okay. And then add 8 to your roll. Oh, 8 to 19. Okay. Nice game.
No, because I rolled 11 and then plus eight. No. Oh, no, no. Along with the accuracy roll. The accuracy was... Well, the accuracy was 11. Right. So for damage, he'll roll a D.A. and then add eight to the result. Oh, okay. Well, gotcha. Gotcha. Okay. Four. Okay, and now add your attack stat. Yeah, plus eight. Eight. It's like 12. Okay. Oh, yeah.
attack column? Yeah, it should be in your current stats at the end. Oh, yes. Okay. Well, for attack. Okay, 20.
And it is down. The Diglett is down to, the Diglett had 32 HP um and it is down to minus 19 health. So it is painted, but alive. Okay.
ah okay okay no it's specifically when pokemon dies or it's about to die so this won't work for cpr bullet right yeah okay okay that's fine yeah the diglet was carrying a um a bundle of four gravel rocks so one of you can just add four gro gravel rocks to your bag briar don't want it You don't want, okay. um I guess I can take it then. Do you just kind of want it? I'm okay with it if no one else no else wants it. Sure, go ahead. Okay, I'll take it. All right.
yeah And then, I think I'm going to skip awarding experience points, because it's one shot, so... Yes! ohn Yeah, keep going, keep moving. Oh, the battle just ended, and you guys are back to crawling the dungeon. um Whose turn is it to roll? It's Kaido. It was... Yeah, Kaido. Okay. Rolling it up. So, roll a d6. Three. And which way do you want to go?
ah Left. and So, so with a so when you you go left and you go one tile to the left and hit a wall. Left is just walls, huh? Yeah, it seems like. yeah Do you want to do you want to go a different direction instead? I was going right. All right. So we go three tiles to the right and there's nothing there. You guys are in the center of the room. OK, that's a Briar. All right.
So right, I got a one and I want to go up. Okay, up one. So center of the room still nothing. And Blair's turn. All right. I rolled a six and I'm going up.
Okay, so you move up three tiles. Oh, you move up two tiles and there is water in front of you and you can't move. It's basically the, you're basically at the wall. Okay. Um, okay. So I'll then go back and I guess go to the right if I have more movement. Um, it is Kayada's turn to roll. Here I go. High five.
five and which way do you want to go? Down. Down. Um, three, four, five. Okay. Now you're at the, um, for what it's worth, um, what it's worth the quarter, the hallway entrance is on your right. So I would suggest going right. So instead of down, okay, then I'm going to go right. Okay. Okay. So five to the right. Yes.
okay so you thank you on this voice in the sky all right like it's god spoke to me and god you're going the wrong way go right you idiots
I mean, you guys are in the like you guys should at least be able to see the room that you're in. But like that's how it would be if we were like we had, you know, a real dungeon. But yeah, since so you can't see what's on my screen, I'm I have to tell you. Gotcha. Oh, OK. Seems like the answer is go right. OK, right. There's always right. oh OK, so you um you hit the top right corner of the room and there is a wild Pokemon there again.

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

Oh, no. All right. OK. Yeah. 21. Play that Pokemon battle theme music that we totally have. is That is a copyrighted that I've totally been listening to this entire time. Exactly. You get it. Yeah.
So, what kind of, so we are on a hill. Pool, rocks. And this Pokemon is a Tarim, or a Tarim, whatever it is. Tarim, okay. It is a grass type, I think, also level 25. Sure, it's just... Yes, Tarim is grass.
Yeah. Okay. I like it. No sunlight. I was going to ask, is it is there sunlight? Yeah. Is it nighttime? No, it's just ah it's daytime, but the weather is clear. If it's clear, it could be sunshine form. Yeah. Overcast form, whichever you want. I don't think it matters actually. Yeah. It does actually matter because of its ability, I think.
see I don't want to try to see if it has chlorophyll. Well, either way, we want to know that. That's true. I'm just saying. like Yeah. i' I'm not trying to shut you down. I'm just, I'm also saying. Yeah. It honestly depends. It only gets flower gifts. Flower gifts? I could've swore. Huh. Weird. I could've swore it would. Maybe it's for a different reason.
Hey everyone, it's Evelyn again. Thanks for tuning in to part one of this special Lunar New Year one-shot, Spring Festival shenanigans. If you liked this episode, the best thing you can do is follow us on Spotify, Audible, or wherever you're listening to this episode right now. Also, please share us with your friends and be sure to join our Discord server. This is our main community hub, and it's a great place to chat about the podcast and share fan art.
You can also follow our new Blue Sky account for the show at paththroughtime.pmd That's through spelled T-H-R-U. As well as my character Hikaru's personal account at Both accounts are managed by me, Evelyn.
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And now it's time for a segment we like to call I Got Scratched, where I roast myself and the cast for messing up during the one shot. First up, I initially named the guild's lead pyrotechnician Michael when Hikaru was talking to Kaida about the setup for her performance. Later in the episode, we came up with the character Kiyawe the Turtonator to fill that role.
Next up, during the scene where Blair was ordering berry rice balls from Samus, Micah and I kept mixing up the Mago and Magost berries. I swear to Arceus, they have such similar names. They also happen to be named after the Mango and Mangosteen respectively, so it figures. Third, when Briar tried to steal the tomato berries, I had her roll sleight of hand when it should have been stealth.
With that said, they're both dexterity or cool roles in our system, so it didn't matter that much. Fourth, I seem to have forgotten that the Steelix had made a giant hole in the stage when the party was going up there to talk to the mayor. But it's possible that they didn't go anywhere near that hole. And finally, in the second wild Pokemon battle, I messed up the pronunciation of
And now it's time to give credit for all the music that was featured in this episode. The intro music was Eckertique City from HeartGold and SoulSilver, arranged by The Zane. This episode also features music by Glitch X City, including Jubilife City Lo-Fi remix from Diamond and Pearl, Lush Forest remix from Super Mystery Dungeon, Bead Battle theme remix from Sword and Shield, and Battle Aqua Ripley, an original composition by Glitch X City and Catch Delgo.
by Kevin McLeod, aka Incompetech, Gujang City, Fluffing a Duck, Ishikari Lore, Hard Boiled, and Eastern Thought. These works are used under a Creative Commons Attribution license. By Tabletop Audio, Winter Festival, and Tavern Music. These works are available from Tabletop Audio's website under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives license and are used with permission.
The following pieces were arranged by me, Evelyn, for this episode. Hikaru's theme, based on the traditional song Sakura, Sakura. Kiawe's theme, based on the song It's a Thief, from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue Rescue Team. And Rising Fear But It's Lunar New Year, also from Red and Blue Rescue Team. You can visit the link in the show notes for a full list of music credits and license terms.
This Lunar New Year one-shot was produced and edited by me, Evelyn. Thanks again for listening, and we'll see you again in part two.