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Where'd the cohosts go? idk, anyway the Gronch is back to his regular hijinks. What did he do? Well for starters the entire

city of Vulcanburg is without power. Its up to PTT Crew 2 - Electric Boogaloo (tm) to figure it out!

Patreon -

Discord -

Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Micah as Blair Archeron the Absol

Jake as Robin the Spheal

Skydragon as Reginald the Alolan Exeggutor


Introductions & Setup

Hello everyone and welcome to Path to the Time. My name is Dakota, you're PM, you're DM, you're GM. And as you've probably noticed from the change to logo, on the episode description, maybe the
I pulled our next best people. Our second great co-hosts. So ah um why don't you introduce yourself? Sitting to my left is somebody who is going to introduce themselves. We're not doing that, so go ahead. and Yes, thank you, Taka. I'm glad you think so highly of me. Hello, everyone. I'm Micah. I'm Spirit from the Discord server. And today I'll be playing everyone's favorite episode, everyone's favorite librarian, Blair. From those who know her, she's the librarian from Ark 1. She is quiet and runs her library by herself. And I'll pass it over to my next co-host.
Hi, I am Jacob. I am mint in the Discord, and I will be playing Robin, who is a spiel that is a lone wanderer and travels around ah abandon abandoned places and looks for artifacts to sell. And I'll be passing it on to my co-host to the left of me. Hello, I am Lord of the Sky Dragon.
And some of you might know me. And, well, i I would introduce my character, but I think I'll let him do that himself. might have seen my recent escapade scene. A little shot by Marie.
But that's not what I'm doing today, is it? Dakota. I'm already rewriting this. Does anyone else hear boss music? Boss music? Sure. Right.

Episode Context & Beginning

So, um yes, this is a Christmas episode.
We're not doing a recap today. This is a one-shot. obviously so i think we can just jump straight into this unless you guys have something to add um let's blizzard on in blizzard there you go i was gonna see if someone's gonna give me a random move okay uh let us blizzard on in
was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a crab. Bominable was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that Saint Nicholas, I guess, soon would be there. The Christmas, the Christmas, the nestled all snug. Fuck, I gotta start this.
I had something planned, okay? We're backing it up. We're backing it up.

Blair's Dream & Awakening

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even that crab-bombinable that I mentioned earlier. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Saint Nicholas would soon be there. Blair was nestled in her bed. What is going on through her head?
So Micah, what is Blair dreaming of on Christmas Eve? Oh, boy. Let's see. What would she be thinking of or dreaming of right now?
In all honesty, I think she might just be dreaming of going back to college once the once Christmas season has ended, catching up with her old friends. Because it's been quite a while since she's actually gone back.
I think that's really it. dream me all Yeah, she's also ah trying to think of what the great Sendora will be writing next. The great Sendora. As you are dreaming of childhood childhood, what am I saying? Old college memories, you suddenly wake up with a chill as the house is very cold for some reason.
you notice that everything is cold around you. And sleeping next to you, not in the same bed, I'm gonna add, is a spiel. It is a spiel laying in a straw bed next to, well, I'm gonna say on the other side of the room. And you also awaken with a chill as you notice that the room is turning quite cold. Question.
answer robin's an ice type why does it matter i was about to say robin feels right at home and goes back to sleep all right we are moving on on the other other side of the room is an alolan executor taking up like half the entire room um you wake up instantaneously as a grass type but the slightest field of the show a grass dragon type so it's probably i am how did you get by room
which i are well actually say that yes as drag content No, I have the slightly different voice for Blair it's much more a feminine feminine Early feminine. He's girly. Feminine. Feminine. and me I can't say it. So the one is the context. So for for the context, you guys. Well, actually, I should give a backup step. OK, Robin, the spiel, is friends with Blair's dad, who is an archaeologist. Blair's dad's an archaeologist who works on the outskirts of Wilkenburg.
Digging up artifacts and skeletons and the such and Robin this feel is a wandering and How would you describe it? Robin is a wandering explorer who goes to ruins helping others that are already except already digging for treasure and also looks for treasure himself looking to sell it to libraries or museums and Right. And so as such, Robin has become great friends with Zetsu, who is Blair's dad. And as such, since Robin does not have anywhere to stay for the holidays, he is staying with Blair and her family for the holidays. Reginald, on the other hand, is the manager of the GBA factory in Wokenburg.

Factory & Family Ties

No one likes him because... Wow. No, we love him. We love Reginald. It's a love-hate relationship. No one likes him because he's rich. Between everyone. He looks down on everyone. The only people caring enough was Blair. No, sorry. It's not good. Reginald is also friends with Zetse, Blair's dad.
um because he helped supply the Arcaron family with technology for, well not the Arcaron family, but Zetu with technology for his archaeological studies. So Reginald has as is great friends with Zetu as well. How lonely do you have to be to be friends with your dad's friends?
Because you keep on saying that, oh, Robin is friends with wow her dad. anda I mean, it just it just kind of sounds like we were friends we were friends with her dad and this was the room we got to sleep in. Yeah. Yeah. Blair, Blair's for you guys. OK, well, maybe that is the case. I will let you guys decide that. But that could be the case and Blair have the extra space that she offered.
so i i i can imagine that like original is just like the way he's sleeping is he just like he has his head like shoved in the window um i will i'll i'll can i say can i describe how it looks uh sure go ahead so currently he he is his neck and a part of his neck and his his free heads are on all taking up an entire bed um but going going down on his body that he can see that his head head is through his body is through a window and going out the window we see that they this family has taken out several like blankets and other sort of things and just kind of insulated ah his rest of his body outside at the benton night so
Maybe that's why it's so cold inside is because the window kind left the window is open. Yes, the window is open. Okay. On Christmas Eve, the window is open and the blizzard is coming through. Yes, the blizzard is blizzard. Because he's an unknown executor. I don't know how many houses can fit him. I don't know how he's still alive because it's the middle of winter.
i know I know the Blaire, I know the Arcaron Library is a big library now but like holy crap dude. He can sleep in the hallway.
Okay that's not even it like the library and the the house they're connected like they're connected through a doorway and
I just don't think that, I just don't think that Reginald's big enough to poke his head through the window and sleep on like ah like ah like a beanbag chair for his head.
he want so with everyone else There's a beanbag chair outside just in your lawn and it's just Reginald's pillow. That's a pillow for my tail.
Yes, there you go. We have- we have a bug chair outside for his tail head and one side for his other heads. Yeah. Okay. Cause that's the most we can do for him. I'm gonna say you guys all wake up at the same time because now it is extremely cold. It's like 30 degrees in your room. And none of you guys are able to sleep. Robin needs his rest. Who turns on the AC? Why would someone do this?
you're You're forgetting that... You're forgetting that because we had to let you sleep inside, the window is open. We had to.
see You make it sound like it's burden we had to let you sleep inside. heads turns the around and looks. It wasn't supposed to be, and I was like, how else do you go to sleep, man?
From outside, you hear the tail head griping about it being too cold. Oh, crap. Well, it's not my fault that people don't make taller ceilings. You don't even need taller ceilings. You need a longer house. Blair adjusts her glasses. ah Well, she picks up her glasses and puts them on her ah her half moon glasses and
I mean, we don't typically get people in here that are over 60 feet tall, to be fair.
also i Because it's been a long time, and I don't know if everyone remembers, the way Reginald talks is It sounds like just a string of words, but it's... and each individual head talks and then it stops and another continues and stops on another and goes on like that. And it's not in the rhythm, it's random which head is like continuing to talk after the other. That's that's how he speaks.
So halfway through the conversation, one of the heads is talking outside, so you just hear a
and okay so as you guys are talking you guys hear a knock on the you guys is bedroom door
uh blair gets up answer i was i was going uh blair gets up uh poked on her pendant as well as a scarf she had hanging a purple scarf hanging and goes and opens the door but okay you see it is your father and he is visibly shaken he looks and he's like uh it's cold out was here too right right in here right right you guys have the window open Uh, the entire house is absolutely freezing and I don't know what's going on. I've tried flipping breakers and stuff, the heater won't work. It's like absolutely freezing everywhere. That is very strange. Who could have possibly done such a thing? Blaire kind of like looks over to... Blaire looks over to Reginald for like a split second. He's like, no. Wow. So Zetsi sighs and he looks at Reginald and he's like,
it's It's not original. None of the electricity works in any of the buildings. I don't know what's going on. I'm going to go um ask my neighbors real quick and see if we're having the same issues. I think we might be having a power outage or something. i i suppose we laying out for it le I suppose we could take a look around. It's the least we can do. I do watch Hang Back to Bed.
what What time is it? She like looks over at her alarm clock. It is 11 a.m. Wait, 11 p.m., sorry. It's 11 in the morning. What the hell? I slept in. It is 11 p.m. rob It is an hour before Christmas Day. Robin goes with set suit to find a joltic to power up some generators.
not a fucking joltix again blaring me against ptsd flashbacks i don't think any of the audience would get their mentions reginald this is reginald was going to like stand up outside and kind of knock his head into like a wall but then drag his head out to like look if the other house is like i know it's late but there's usually like some lights during the holidays that are like even going on through the night if they are also if they are like if i don't see any lights in any of the other houses yeah christmas lights reception yeah christmas lights it is it is blizzarding outside what yeah it's blizzarding outside so go ahead and roll perception just regular per perception i feel like and normally you would have been able to see it pretty easily but because of the uh
yeah know storm you need to roll this up yeah i It's weird, I have a minus two perception, but... Can I also like look at the window and look at myself? 15. 15? We'll take a 15. Okay. That's a success. So um you can tell that 60 feet up in the earth, you can see a great deal of working brick, not a single light is on, not a single sound is stirring.
So the only like sound I hear is the wind, I'm guessing. Yes. Yeah, you hear of the wind and the sound of the snow. Can I? Is there and another check I could make to like, can I make like a nature check or like I get religion or Arcana or something to like see if something weird is going on? Because ah I think I could help with that one. I'm.
what what are you proposing I investigate Oh I suppose investigation would work so ah try to figure out where it would be coming from what the source would be actually hmm actually no actually with that specification I'm gonna say you do see something you see a herder walking up towards the not walking up to various houses and knocking on the doors Uh, do you all see this or just Reginald?

Blackout Investigations

Just Reginald. Yeah, I'm the only one currently outside. Uh... Yeah, he, uh, the, uh, herdier, uh, sees you because you're 60 feet tall, and he looks up and he, he, you hear him try to yell something. Roll in, um, perception. Alright. Beauty. Oh no. Oh, no, they're 15. Oh. Alright, number 15. You can hear what he's saying. You can hear him very muffled. You can hear him say, hey, are you with the arc rods? I will stretch down my neck so that I'm like eye level to him.
Okay, he's in the neighbor's like driveway, but now you're like I mean face to face From the house. Yeah, your head your body is like in or next to the our front library But your head is in the neighbor's yard. Yeah so All right. So now you can hit now you can hear normally. Oh, hi. Hello. All right.
What was that time? my It's quite hard to hear hear sometimes, especially with this wind. Oh, I was just just asking if you're with the Archarons. Yes, I am. Do you have any information of this apparent blackout that we're experiencing? Well, it seems like, you know, just about as much as I do now.
Uh, we've had a citywide blackout on Christmas Eve and we're trying to investigate and figure out what's going on. Uh, I was just on my way to the, uh, power gen, the power plant. That's what it's called. I was on my way to the power plant and I was just knocking on people's houses, seeing if they knew anything or if everyone's doing all right, you know, cold temperatures, uh, get pretty nasty out here. Would I know?
I know that i that's not my current expertise, but what kind of power is the power plant using?
ah hundred don I'm say it's a, you know what, that's actually kind of funny. It's a tub full of jolticks. I can imagine like, this is our world's version of jewels. Each jewel is a joltick.
OK, OK, so what it is, it's a ah it's a bunch of politics who are paid to reach from their electricity powers, basically. Well, I can actually see it where they like make an entire like spider web and they stay on this web that is connected to the power grid and them just emitting the electric travels through the spider web and charges the entire city. Electro web is a move.
So basically i welcome the Yaltic and possibly Galvantula made out a nest in the power plant and like, yeah. I love that. Yeah. They're paid by the city to generate electricity. We'll go with that. They're paid by housing. They're paid by housing. They get paid money as well. yeah I think. Well, that's what the city says anyway. So we'll go with that.
Well, I... Well, I... Alright. I will inform the... What were... What's the last name again? The Archurons. I'll inform the Archurons and see if there's anyone that would have more knowledge on what could be causing this.
all right um i'm not gonna on your house next so i mean i'll be there in a second when he says that i'm just gonna lift up my head again just and then boom in the two in through the window you see they hurt your shutter but you're not sure if it's because of reginald or the cold i yeah i do still but from the first time reginald appeared i do still have my just innate plus three on intimidate so Oh yeah, I forgot about that. We keep that, we keep that. Yeah, so I currently buy my, buy my sheet. I have a plus five in any intimidate role I do, so. Wow. Yeah, this is something we established like ah literally like a year or ago. Yeah. Okay, so um some time passes and you do in fact hear a knocking at your guys's front door.
Oh, okay, so... Could I have informed them of, like, because I just put my head back into the window to tell them about what happened and what's happening? ah Sure, I guess. I'm gonna say you told Zetsu in the meantime. like But Zetsu goes and answers the front door, and it's the hurtier. Uh, Blair with the follows.
okay so it's uh i'm gonna assume you guys are all there yeah rob robin's just hiding behind them trying not to fall back to sleep in this nice weather we're having somehow i am in the lobby but my but i don't where my body where's my body yes Just yeah, I just imagine your head just squiggles around the house instead of your body. Yeah. Yeah. I love that this sneak basically We have a spiel who's just about to fall asleep we have a a little executor freezing his tail off and a An absolute that is more or less. Okay with this because apples are actually used to cold weather so right the hurtier is like Hello, hello Mr. O'Gron. I'm just on my way to the power plant, just trying to gather any information. If you have anything about this blackout, you probably can see what happened.
It's awfully cold out here, you got anything for us? Is that two pipes? I was like, not really. I mean, this is quite new to me, but she literally just woke up, tried flipping some breakers. It looks like we've got no electricity or anything, so something wrong with power lines or something?
uh i mean not i mean i don't know i'm i haven't noticed anything with any lines down or anything but you know just blizzard and everything i think there might be something wrong with the power plant so i'm on my way there to figure things out but uh if you don't have anything i guess i'll be on my way Robin asks if he can help. Now hold on me. Hold on right there. I have quite but a with, well, machinery. I might be of some are you? Some kind of, uh,
You see him tugging at his neck, not trying to say anything rude. Could blare pipe up. Sure. It could be a problem with the jolticks in the Galpanshula. If the breakers in electricity are down, and they are themselves the ones running it, then it could involve them somehow. I mean, that's kind of why I'm going to the power plant, because I figured the cold might have like knocked out some of the jolticks or whatever.
so That's what I'm doing. I'm on my way there. Just gotta head to the other side of the, uh, skyscraper district, is all. Uh, Robin pipes up. What? Yeah. Um, I can help. I'm an ice type, so this weather doesn't affect me as hard as you guys. So I can help guide the way. I can certainly use some company. Yeah, I'd certainly like the company if nothing else. Well done. Let's go. Yeah, I don't see why not.
I meant like, uh, have mine. All right, fine. And he, uh, I can fully tell that he's trying to come up with like a reason for why not. Reginald should be there. Look, man, we're, we're a package deal. You get one of the, if you want one of us, you get all of us. So the herdier, the herdier looks at, is that seems like, I'm assuming this is all right with you. And so she's like,
Yeah, me have everything I fine. I guess I don't see any reason it's just a couple blocks down anyway, so sure and You have now added one hoodier to your party Right you guys are now all outside and you guys are heading to the other side of the skyscraper district and which is actually quite close to where Zetsui does his archaeological dig site stuff.

Journey to the Power Plant

you'll lead so way Okay. explanations okay So you guys are just going down the streets, you guys pass the you guys pass the abandoned Three Monkeys building and Book of McDonald's and everything that's been mentioned in the show so far. mc has seen oh don't worry about it This has seen quite a lot of, quite a lot of this this street's been shown quite a lot in the show so I'm sure you can imagine it by now.
And if not, then oh fucking well. So you guys get to the end of the street. And on the left is where you would normally go to the archaeological site. I'm sure both Blair and Robin are familiar with this route. However, you guys are taking the path to the right of at least towards the nuclear nuclear. It's not nuclear.
that the uh the jolt tick power plant you only got to find a better name for it it wasn't nuclear power plants it's down that'll be extremely worrying actually yeah and you just get there there's just a crater kind of that's also why i asked what it was if it because if it was a nuclear power plant that would be would be so bad so that's why i asked earlier yeah i didn't really think about what the power plant was supposed to be but i like the jolt tick power plant yeah me too Or it can be like charge stone cave and have like electric stones. It's just a big, it's like a big tub of thunderstones. Do thunderstones exist in Mr. Gungeon? Yes they do. They probably would. Well also you would have to have like a different way to evolve certain Pokemon because
I'm not. actually Yeah, you you can find them in the in the kit on shops. In the original game. OK, cool. Looks like that also means that you're selling power as if you're using the thunderstorms to charge this power plants. You're basically handing out nuclear rods. Hold on a second. Does that mean that a theoretical thunderstone powered power plants is just powered off of AA batteries. Pretty much, yeah. that's a That's a scary thought, man. Well, actually, no, it goes right out of AA batteries. Well, actually, that does make sense because if it was like a way power plant, they use rocks to power a coal plant.
I'm sorry guys, I love the joltic idea, but this power plant is a AA battery-powered power
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and jj batter chitic batteries each very contains a small jewel text stuff Okay, so it's yeah, it's like a cell but like it's clear and you look inside this is a smooshed-up joltick. Yeah How I met wait, how I imagine this oh, no, isn't it? Okay, wait guys, you know, no no I'm sorry. Do you know how? i a Doubly better so like battery acid on them. What if for these batteries had blended up with Joel ticks inside of oh god how how i am like we're going with a joltic idea yeah okay i imagine just what you jo i dick It was like a giant like basically a how a glass case a
But inside it there, it's it's like electro web, like ah nests of spider webs. But, you know, and that's how they're charging. As we said, it's a home for the Joltik and Galvantula.
Yeah, I like that idea, because the power lines can be like webs that the Joltics have spun to create yeah these power lines. And Joltics are this whole system of like giving the town power dub. And you can also use the Thunderstones as in like, oh, they consume the Power Stones to boost their power. But that's a little surprising. You're welcome, Dakota, for all this lore we've given you.
ah And we're gonna completely ignore the idea of Joltic's team blooded inside of a battery. Yep. I will say that this episode is non-canon, just like a rather one-shot bullet. If I like these ideas enough, they may um some of the ideas may leak into the actual show. I think Joltic Factory is perfectly cannon-able. I think, yeah, that's not something that's been explored, so that can be canon, but I'm just saying, like,
This is a non-canon, so if somebody actually dies, it's not canon to the show. If you've listened to our last Christmas episode, um, yes. So, alright, so you guys arrive at the Joltik Battery Factory, power plant, singing, whatever, and I need you guys to roll, I need one of you guys to roll in perception I was a minus rob so probably not me ah perception is plus two for me so I'll roll it I get are we sure this feel forward well Robin gets there first cuz I lead the way um roll oh that's a nine okay gotcha do we give help with a
Uh, sure, as long as you have a specific reason. Is it only one of us that's allowed to roll or can we all roll? I was gonna say, like... I was gonna say, if you have a roleplay reason too, you can't. Well, we all get there. You can't just keep rolling. I mean, Blair has the height difference. She would have already been, like, looking around the area. Yeah, and once again, Reginald has the height difference. Yeah, Reginald has seen the factory for three blocks.
So yes, the reason I don't have everyone roll perception is because that's the equivalent of you guys rolling with like triple advantage or double advantage, sorry. So um anytime you guys did anything, we roll everything with double advantage. You guys would always succeed. So dealing with groups, I always have one person roll for the whole group. That's how I usually do. Well, and then if they succeed, the whole group gets to see it. Well, Reginald sees the power plant. Robin sees snow.
I'm gonna say if Reginald wants to roll, he can roll if I don't, or with advantage, because yes, he's 16. Oh, with advantage, okay. Yes. Oh, you do have like a negative 10. Alright, that's a 17. There we go. Okay. Yep, that's as high as the 17. Why? Okay, so there's a 17. I have a minus 1, why am I the best at this? So, with a 17, there are two things you notice.
one You can see one hundred of extension cords leading out the back of the power plant. And two, you see a wooden mountain that would seem to have recently been built in the distance outside the city. Okay, hold. but Just so I can like visualize this. This is like Team Rocket style, just like they're stealing energy, like plugged into this power plant.
I was gonna say, what is this Team Rocket bullshit? I was thinking of, like, one of those play acts. Like, they have the wooden backgrounds, and there's just, like, a squiggle of a sun. Like, not even, like, daytime out, and they have a sun on this piece of wood, too. Okay, let's... I'm the one that saw this note, so... Okay, I'm... Oh...
Well, that's pretty clear now, isn't it? Right, guys? You see you see what the problem is here? What are you talking about? Really? You forget you're 60 feet tall! Oh, right. i I put my head down to just point at the obvious cables that's sticking out the back. Player baseball in this.
And over there is clear, is... I don't remember that mountain being there, do you?
that That's... I don't think mountains are made of wood. Yeah, it- It is clearly- My point, exactly. It is... Yes, original conceit is clearly made of shoddy wooden planks nailed together. But it's the actual size of a mountain. The player's gonna start shodding over.
The fact that it was made is impressive. and Before we can before me move on, should someone just pull that ah out that cord so that their houses can get heat back? Yeah, I'll do it. Yeah, I don't have arms. So good. So you walk up to the back of the power plant and you see that the
For some reason, there's like 200 outlets on the back of the power plant, and all of the extension cables that are plugged into these outlets are welded into the sockets, for some reason. like They're stripped welded. like They can't be taken out easily. No. These cables are not removable. Okay, and they're all connected to like the electrical blocks?
Um, they're connected to an outlet basically. okay Is anyone here resistant to electric? Extremely so. Um, can you cut the wires? I can do something to the wires. I don't have any. I need to look at something. horrible I think Dakota, I think you're pretty, I think you should know exactly what I'm thinking of doing right now.
Please don't do it. Wait, no. but please so Oh, okay. Oh, michael kid you don't even know what's got about to happen. Well, no, not that much this. Okay. I, I am gonna, I'm gonna roll a date for me.
A high number is I will do it, a low number, I won't. I will tell you exactly when. I will roll it. I will roll it. You need to roll 10 or higher, go for it. 10, 11 or higher is I will do it. No, 10 or higher, that's the DC. Okay, 10 or higher. Unless you want to set it, unless you want to set it at 11, I guess. He's throwing himself on this one. Yep. Alright. That's an 18.
Okay, we're doing it. So Reginald is going for an egg bomb on the cables. That's actually not what I thought you were going to do. I know what you thought I was going to do, but...

Egg Bomb Mishap

I know you know what I thought you were going to do. Yeah. What were you going to do, what were you going to do? I don't know, apparently I didn't know what I thought. He thought I was going to do. Wait, guys, do I need to roll accuracy? Does this have a weed damage? Yes, it's 60 feet in the air.
uh it does but we don't need to worry about that all right go ahead and roll accuracy all right um so that's a free cold god okay so now i need everyone to roll a d20 for damage um me as well whoever everyone uh yeah you include it all right uh um what that's a 13 for me just just a d20 okay i got a d20 12. Mine got stuck. If it's to beat the accuracy, they do. It got stuck in my daze tower. Oh, hang on. i just Okay, so we got a 12. A 13. 12, 17.
What did you get? I said 17. Okay, so who rolled the 12? Jacob? Yeah, Robin. You get hit in the head with an egg bomb. Since you rolled the lowest and um I need you original true Damage what is the what is that? Yeah, what is the power on that and add your attack stat to it? The power. Oh, okay. So to those that left listening yeah we needed to have a max of power 9 power but because this is a signature move from previous one shots and uh my power is 10 plus my attack stat uh so that's basic did you add your attack set to that uh yeah my my attack stat is 18 plus the power is 8 wait is it egg bomb okay special i thought is it physical no egg bomb is physical oh
Yes, egg bomb. Is that normal type or grass? I can't remember. So it's 4d10 plus 10 plus your attack. oh boy Wait, the damage is 3d8 plus 10.
so oh i've got my level up sorry hold on so i just don't got no you're right three d eight plus ten right so i'll go ahead and out i guess this okay three three d ten plus ten all right three d eight plus ten nope three d ten oh no three d eight that's not what it says yeah never mind sorrym sorry sorry free call we don't want to kill those feel
it is grass type. It's normal type. Oh, it's normal type. Okay. Well, shit. Even if it was grass, it'd be neutral. Well, no, yeah. it know are effective It's neutral either way. Cause grass. Okay. I'm not allowed to roll. ice I don't know why. Ice doesn't resist. Ice doesn't resist. It's super effective. Grass. This is a normal type of move. but This is a normal move. Okay. I was clarifying the, uh, yeah.
Okay. Alright, go ahead and roll damage. Hold. Five. One. Three. So that's nine. Nineteen. Nineteen damage? Nineteen damage. Nineteen plus eighteen. I have a plus your eighteen attack. Oh. Uh. So thirty-seven damage? That's, no, that's thirty. Yeah, thirty-seven damage. Wait.
Oh, Jesus. I have a defense of... normal defense? This is physical? Yes. I have a defense of 14. Okay, so you would take 23 damage. Okay, let's go check the... So what happens is Reginald just shakes, and a, like, egg bomb falls down from his... the palm leaves and just... bos somehow bounces off the wires and lands. Like...
early gimbal of Draco meter on people up on the field Okay, oh can I and never mind I was gonna say can I like be because we know that he's attacking can I like prepare myself by doing like a defense no girl you didn't know cuz you didn't he didn't communicate to you that he was going to attack let alone that he was going to accidentally turn off and You did not see this coming in advance. Okay, so Spheal gets hit in the head with a egg bomb. It takes 23 damage. I am at 13 HP. Okay, I was kind of worried it might like knock you out or something. Yeah, Blair the skipper's out of the way of that one. It can't be a one-shot with Reginald unless he hurts an ally. so
Well, luckily I know rest, so can I rest? Yeah, go ahead. It'll take a while for it to take effect, because you have to actually sleep. Well, it's a blizzard, so Spiel is right at home. Okay, so so if Robin just falls asleep, and how much do you heal for that? 43. It's a full heal.
i ford oh it's a full he yeah okay I fully imagine the egg bomb just knocks them out. Or like, you know, the coconut sound effect. of
yeah it it an explod it just dung Blair comes over, tries to check if Robin's okay. And she finds out that he's just sleeping. she She goes to check in for a pulse, but doesn't know where to check.
That was funny, actually. Okay. um He's a bull. Where am I checking? so So the herders just watching this clown show go on. And he's like, hey, guys, maybe we should, you know, follow the cables. Oh, yeah. Blair Blair just starts walking that way after all that.
He heard your takes like two more steps and he's like well, unfortunately This is where my jurisdiction and I don't know if I mentioned this in the past But I am a police officer and I do not have jurisdiction outside the city All right, that's is it really outside of the city if it's right there It is like a good couple miles i outside the city the only reason Reginald was able to see us because he was super tall Wait, how far is this? I said it was on the horizon
Did anyone pick up Robin? You guys are still standing there. I thought we... I i was gonna say something when we were gonna go, but Reginald wraps his tail around and is gonna drag you. That was... Okay. Yeah. Unless you wake up. Oh, I'm sleeping for two turns, so I'm assuming a until we get into combat. How long has this heard in outside of combat?
I don't know. I was just gonna pick an arbitrary time that was good for Robin to wake up so sometime in the future. Okay. um When we get there.
ah the nipples all right Well, if you can't follow the obvious criminal criminal activity, then maybe you can ensure the prolonged safety and at get someone that can well detach these cables in the meantime while we do your job. I mean, my job entails me not.
doing a stuff outside of my jurisdiction. So I am doing my job by not doing my job if you get my meeting. And I am going right away. you guys says turning around Can you at least get someone to get the i the wires out? Yeah, I can try and work on that. Because that is within my jurisdiction. So I will get on that immediately. It says turning around again.
Hopefully the joltics are all right. They weren't harmed in the making of this egg bomb. I will check on them as well. Immediately, he says turning around for the third time. He walks in with the like yell with the old bits. Hello bits. He just walks in and sees the joltic version of the crab rave.
no no no he walks in the floor is yellow oh no the floor is a jello and fussy it's yellow it's all yellow okay so are you guys following the uh cables on yeah i think at this point i like player is like um she's gone from like a trot to like uh to a run so yeah she's she's darting down the darn down the path ah It takes you guys about an hour to get across the plains, that is. I'm just assuming these are plains. I feel like building with terrain. Unless... Sorry, I don't remember your name, but unless they wake up, I will be dragging this wheel. Robin. You can say either Robin or Mint. ah rob i I will be dragging Robin with us, so I'm probably very much behind.
It's okay, you can see everything anyway. I was gonna say, you can just keep on dragging Robin, and then as you're running, he just bumps into rocks along the way.
yeah He just swam with the tail. Robin hits his head on like a particularly large rock and finally wakes up. Oh, what was that? Did I fall asleep?
Do you see, very close to your face is the tail mount. Hello. You're f***ing weird knocked out. I'm gonna trap you now. And you f*** into the ground a little bit. ah no You're not high up, but you're like... Well, it's snowing, right? It's super cold out. Yeah, it's it's still blizzarding out and it is very cold. So he just lands on a powdery pillow of snow.
ah plus Pretty much. Plus, he likes it. He's a nice type. So, you guys have arrived at the base of wooden mountain.

Encounter with Trevenant

TM. And you guys see a big wooden gate that is closed. ah And in front of it. Can I make a perception check? Well, hang on. let let Let me finish the explanation.
Yeah, I'm giving you guys a base perception and then you can roll for it. yeah So you guys see a wooden gate at the base of this large mountain. It is literally the size of a mountain. um Like it is a whole mile across. You guys have arrived at the base of it and there is a gate made of wood and in front is a trevenant who is decorated like a Christmas tree. Okay. Before we continue,
What? Before I continue, does A1 have a fire type move? Nope. Looking at you just... Really? Well, I was gonna do some- I believe a level executor can learn like flamethrower. Yes, but I'm level 20. Do you think he would allow me to have that?
I don't know. I actually don't know. All the executors level upset. So I can't. But I don't think it could have would have allowed me to have that right at this this point is playing for. Oh, God. No. Yeah. No. I was going to say, just burns the ground. Well, I can. the If we can find the supports, Robin can use roll out. OK.
Um, yes, so there's a Trevenant guarding this gate and he sees you and he's like, Halt! I am Trevenant! How may I serve you? I mean, help you! I am Trevenant. Blair just like, just looks to the other two. Looks back.
Are you? Are you even sure you're supposed to be here? It doesn't sound like you know what you're doing.
I mean, yesterday is my first day, and I'm so excited, but it is going to be great. I was told by the almighty Grunch to guard this gate. No, we're not back here again. No. Can Robin go up to the traveling and persuade him? In what way?
um Tell him that he's been relieved of duty and we're here to take his position. Can Reginald help with that? What's it called? It would be cute. Persuasion. yeah cu persuasion yeah real cute yeah Can Reginald help because... and I know I didn't say it while recording, but I told you guys earlier that Reginald is dressed like a Christmas tree. so like He is, but that is an intimidation role, so that would have to be completely separate. Uh, let's try persuasion first and i' and an intimidation. I did not say I was gonna do intimidation. I can't- I can't persuade. Oh. I can help. Oh, wait, yeah! He's saying- yeah, yeah, he's cr- he's just looking Christmas tree. He's like the Trevor then. Yeah. Yeah. Um... It's their uniform. Uh... Sure. Uh, let's roleplay this out, and and based on that, I'll let you take a bonus or not. Okay.
I got a 14. okay so Wait, do I roll with advantage since he's helping me? It depends on what Reginald does. If he does something absolutely retarded that wouldn't actually help, then it's not going to add to your rule. But if he does something that would generally make sense, then it's going to be possible. I would think that the Trevith Inch would see him behind Robin and be like, oh, he's part of our gang. The coda said we were role-playing this out, so let's role-play that. Role-playing! Okay. Robin, go.
Oh, hello. We're here to relieve you of duty. We're here to take up, or we can take a rest. Really? What makes who told you that? Oh, the... my... the power of... Grunge, of course. ah there' that Sorry, can you say his name again? did He said Grunge, right? That's what you just said, yes. Is that what he said? that I'm not telling you. Why can't...
heck experience it's it it's brunch it's brunch brunch brunch okay I'm not saying anything you're on your own this one actually on top of this um okay why are there is the amount to eat both sides a mile it's a mile on both sides it's a mountains it's mountain sized so like okay he said there was a mile long oh that is a good question is there like some back-boarding like is it like can we just like push it over sorry what was that what kind of support does this thing have is it flat or is it like fully sorry is what flat the mountain yeah the mountain can we just like listen touch it and push it over um
ah possibly like you guys are uh at a gate um at a fence around the mountain i at re i the mountain oh so wait um yeah he's just out here by himself right uh yes he's out by ourselves okay he is out by himself okay so i would like to while they're all doing this i would like to use uh I'm gonna let's use double team and then sneak away. Okay, go ahead and... Is that an actress? That just happens, right? ah Yeah, double team just happens. I want to say it's like a stealth check for me. I want to get a branch because I'm leaving a copy.
Yes, I'm gonna say if you stealth... or sorry, i if you used the double team, I'll give you advantage on stealth. Alright, cool. there There is this entire conversation. I'm like sneaking away past the guy.
Okay, I will say before this, you do know and you can see that defense extends all the way around the mountain. Oh, I thought you say it was away from the fence. They missed that. What? The Trevenant is in front of the fence. What do you mean? The mountain is away from the fence. The mountain is on the inside of a giant fence that's encircling the mountain. Yeah, it would be possible for me to like sneak past them into and pass the gate.
okay I mean you can sneak away from trying to go over the fence and maybe be what kind I think the question that we that should be as what kind of fence is it like is it like it is a wooden fence made of pointed logs okay is it how typical military for it okay okay I'll yeah i'll roll let just think of a stereotypical military for it okay I'll roll my go ahead ah advanced stealth yeah I'm not rolling the again that's a natural 20 Okay, there you go. So with a net 20 you make a copy of yourself. You're now keep in mind you're going. Actually, I don't know. Does your copy of double team have a personality or is it kind of like
just a stagnant picture. It's either way it succeeds, but i normally double double team is whenever you're moving so fast that you leave an after image. So like I was right. That's how it's usually depicted. We also know I used to do a copy. OK, how I imagine like a double team is like imagine a shadow clone, but doesn't doesn't I was going to say doesn't have like physical like it's not physical like if you if you hit it it dissolves but like it's sure but i was just saying like does it is blair able to control this person the same as he's able to control himself i i would blair herself or is it uh yeah we do that or is it like just a static image i think it's the exact same as blair yeah
because it's just a copy of herself that it's just once it figures once someone figures out it's a clone it just disappears okay yeah okay so all right so this clone can um acts for itself yeah until it gets hit okay okay gotcha okay so what is uh the real blair doing uh she like jumped the fence Okay, go ahead and roll Acrobatics, which is cool.
All right, come on. 16 plus 117. All right, you've managed to leap defense successfully. I mean, you were on the other side of the fence. Okay. All right. I did buy a portion. I'll let them get back to theirs and then Bullocks come back to me. Yes. Let's get back to the Trevenant in them.
So what are you guys doing with the traffic net? Well, did we persuade him to think we were... Where were we? Oh yeah, did they make the rules? It was a 14. Yeah, you rolled a 14. And then you guys were all playing and we were going to see if Reginald gets his bonus based on his roleplay.
yeah well So yes, he's like, yeah, so wait, the trouble is like, hmm, the grunge you say, hmm, seems a little fishy here. Oh, no, they seem a little, well, barky, wouldn't you say, winks with one eye on each head? hit No, I would say it doesn't. So you see, there is no such thing as the grunge, for it is the grunge you clearly have never seen this person before.
i Wait what? Didn't you just say the- It's the- Sorry, the fucking voice is throwing it off. Guys, it's the Grunge, not the Grunge. Yes, Sky Dragons was saying Grunge. It's the Grunge. What the? Like, can I curse? I don't remember. Yeah, well, I'm gonna try and turn it down though.
Well, all right then. ah Reginald is going for a Dragon Tail. Okay, cool. So you can... All right, since you're going for a... um You're going for a preemptive strike, go ahead and roll that damage, and then we're gonna roll for initiative. Excuse me. Oh, so much for that yeah i mean an eight which will hit that hit so roll for damage that's two the six plus eight plus there's five seven so i can all i can imagine is blair climbs the wall drops the other side and the second she does she hears nothing but wham
thirty i sort have that damage And he is oh he is pushed back until he hits a wall.
okay yeah well he was already standing up against walls so that's he his ba
Can I? Can I try to? Sorry. I just had a horrible thought. You know how the, uh, uh, how like wooden fences like that have like gaps in the middle, right? So pushed him so hard, he pushed him through those gaps. Like he's stuck between those. He becomes one with the fence.
Basically, but no, that's not what happened. ah Um, okay, so he got dealt 30s away. I got her subtractions defense. Yeah Right. He has a defense for 17. So 33 minus 17 I can't believe we're doing this again What? What's the wrong? All I'll say is go back and listen to the last Christmas episode when you get the time. Yeah. Yeah. So, right. Okay. So now you guys need all the speed. If you're using Excel, you should be able to hit the F9 button to automatically roll your speed. It is underneath your stats. I mean, I have a 12 for my speed, so I'm just going to roll my D12. Yeah. Well, this Trevenant has a speed of
13 I got I got six I guess I got four I got nine so Blair is not in combat Oh the copy
Or the copy is, uh, I don't think the copy, I don't think the copy can, because it's non-material, it cannot attack. Okay. As soon as it attacks, it will just disappear. So the player is out of combat unless she goes back into combat. I think she's definitely like, she hears the way him looks, looks around, looks to the side of the feds and just sees him going out of now. Okay. So we'll get back to that in a second. Um, so the Trevenant rules a 12 out of 15.
So the Trevenant is actually gonna go first. I don't... I'm gonna keep saying this. What did you roll? Six. Alright, we got... Six out of seven. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the Trevenant rolled a 12. So the way it works is the evil team, the bad guys, rolled their speed, and then the good guys rolled their speed. Whichever group rolls the highest goes first. And then it just alternates. And you guys can pick and choose what order you guys go in once it is your team's turn. I think it's... So the Trevenant rolled a 12.
ah so I was going to say, I think it's safe to assume we're going first. No, they rolled a 10 combined. The Trevenant rolled a 12. No. The Trevenant is going first. Oh, wait. Yeah. We're not going to have my roll. My bad. Yeah. You're not in combat. Yeah. Ignore me. Ignore me. Yeah. And when you, if or when you do join combat, then you will not add your stat because it just alternates back and forth. So you adding your roll to that will not change anything. Okay. So...
It is so it is the Trevor nester and he is going to go for a mock punch. Oh Reginald why? You got a nine for accuracy and he's a little one D8 plus six. Let's find my D8 All right, he rolled an eight plus ten is a Sorry plus six Nope 14 nope no oh boy so he golden one d eight plus six not so he 14 physical I don't even know if Trevor is supposed to have my punch I just I'm sure we get a bunch of random moves oh my god he's got an attack of 26 so that does 40 damage to Reginald which is fighting out that's just fighting just
yeah Yeah, that's neutral on Grasscracking, right? Yeah. It does not learn Mach Punch, no. Okay, well, too bad. It has Mach Punch. Okay, so that that was 40, so minus 17 is 23. Yes. Okay.
Okay, now it is your two turn. It is your guys' turn. So between you guys, before you take your turns, you guys get to decide who goes first, what moves you're using, and then once you guys are ready, that'll be put into action. So, discuss, go! Do you have any super effective moves? I have, no, I have roll out, I have rest, I have snore, I have defense curl, and what were we doing with that fifth attack?
you you guys are not using learn learns uh... you guys are not using the learn slot okay you don't have any items got it nope uh... i can't the only move that can hit this thing is dragon tail uh... that i have at least uh... how damage does the traminant look like can i see that If we're using D and&D version 4, he looks bloodied. Oh, ah oh, okay. He's already bloodied by my attack. So I don't think setting up a reflect is necessary.
I think I might just go for that. Can Robin do... Does the fence curl boost rollout? Does Trevenant resist rock type?
Did you say Defense Curl boosts Rollout? Yeah, it does. It does in the games, yes. The times? That's the news to me. Yeah, it also boosts Ice Ball. Yeah, there's i and certain moves. If the user has used Defense Curl in the previous term without switching out, then Rollout doubles in power. It will go from 60 to 120 to 240, 480, and 960. Interesting.
Uh, that is not implemented in our system. So I'm going because I just looked up defense curl and pull out. It does not mention this. So for the purposes of our system, I'm going to say that's not a thing ah because I'm i i'm not going to create a system right off the top of my head for that. Well, all it does is boost the oh level by one. hey oh You can spend a few minutes researching it. a few I have it all right here if you want.
How is it? Well, I need to figure out the base. Well, I need to figure out how how the damage to the power level to damage it calculation is and. Well, should I just go first? Curl does. Well, so roll out is a one D six plus five and the base damage is plus three for each success in a row and roll. of The fence curl just boosted by three. So it would just be a plus three.
like I successfully used it before. Because that's pretty much what it does in the games. It just boosts it by one stage. Yeah. Okay, so it boosts it by one stage. So that means your first set of use defense curl. Yeah.
If you use Defense Coil first, and then you use Roll Out. It would basically be as if you did Roll Out successfully once, but you don't get the damage. Correct, yes. I see see. So, okay, I gotcha. We can roll with that for now. No pun intended, actually. We can roll out with that. Pun intended. oh So, we'll go with that. If you want to use fent if you've used Defense Coil on your previous turn, you can add plus one to your Roll Out counter. Max is out of five, you cannot get a Roll Out counter of six.
Sami take notes.
Sami, Sami's not here. Blair looks past the fourth wall. Blair stares into the fifth wall, stares at my Sami plush that I have right next to me. so She reaches her quality or computer screen. I do, I have a Munchalax plush sitting next to me.
Okay, alright so what are you guys doing? I think um rational should go first and then Robin. Okay, gotcha. i i If my what's you doing dragon tail does enough damage, I might just knock this guy out immediately. Okay. I'm going for another dragon tail. Gotcha. Thirteen, so that hits. Yes.
plus 18 I think it's the same yeah 35 okay oh and that's right also we forgot when belle i had my ability intimidate as well i mr derisus is a okay we'll use that from now on yeah so 35 minus 17 is eight don't worry about that i have the intimidate ability so
Okay, cool. He's looking a little bit winded now. By winded, I mean like extremely winded. Uh, Robin, what are you doing? I will use the fence curl, which increases my defense by two. All right, there you go. Okay, so now we're gonna cut over to Blair. What is Blair doing? Um, she's- You are not in combat, but you are on the other side of the fence. She did just drop to the other side of the wall and hear nothing but a loud crash. Um.
Well, now you've heard multiple crashes. Yeah. I hit him against the wall once again. ah So I want like i won't look like look around the gate. i I assume I can see all of them, just like beating up this chairman. Yeah. role perception Roll We've rolled a lot of perception this game. Okay. Well, perception is
i just keep he beauty beauty sir beauty jesus I don't know what's going on. I just keep rolling to 17, so this is an 18 minus 1 for a 17. Okay, what this you can see a big old lever right next to the gate. Can I assume that this lever will open the gate?
um Based on your current mission you can assume that the lever that is connected to the gate probably has something to do with the gate yeah sarcasism This lever is made up for sarcasm Blair stares at the lever for the next five minutes. That's one on sarcasm No, she flips the lever Okay, so you flip the lever and the gate behind the Trevenant just disappears and so does your illusion now that it is useless. On the next, now that you are behind the Trevenant, on the next turn of combat you can join the fray. Okay, suit one of wait does he know I'm there? ah He does now, he looks behind you, sees the gate fall, and he's like, what the? Looks back at your clone which fades away into the snow. The clone just stands there, looks at him, just holds up the piece, sighs and just fades away.
Yeah, he gives him a middle finger and fades away. Pretty sure that's the peace symbol in America. um ah this At this point, that's pretty true. Okay, so um yeah, come next turn, you will be added to the group. So it is now the Trevnish turn. and he wrong this um me
Uh, he is, uh, there it is. He is going to do the leaf blade upon Reginald. all right like are you Are you double disadvantage? No, I am. buddhist i am learned I'm four times resistive, resisting graphs. Yes. Okay. Gotcha. So, uh, 19.
which crits because Leaf Blade crits on a 19 or 20. So that is max damage plus an extra damage die. He can take it. So that is 30 damage plus a D10. I actually don't know if he can take it. Okay. Are you counting in the intimidate?
ah That's minus one damage, right? Minus one attack is bad. Attack. All folks, minus two attack. oh my Oh, it says 2. Okay, gotcha. Okay, so it's just whatever everyone minus 2 damage. Gotcha. The attack stat. Yeah, which you can just add the attack stat after everything, so we might as well just subtract 2 from the final roll. Same difference. He rolled a 2, so that's 32, plus his attack.
uh that's physical um oh my god okay he's gonna do uh i'm so glad you're double double resistance to this because he's gonna do 58 damage okay divided by four all right robin jumps in front of him divide it by four and then subtract no divided by four then subtract your defense okay hold on i'm gonna bring up a calculator right i already got it Okay, it's 13 damage before defenses. Yeah, so 13 minus you were Okay,
okay so does so it does one damage yeah, so his red did one damage Nice crit, Bozo. That's funny. Robin. That's funny. Robin perceives the attack and jumps in front to protect him from the one damage. No. That's not how that works. Okay. Nope. Nope. That's how it works. No, please. Okay. Okay. Just keep in mind that if you reach negative your max HP, you die. No, wait, Robin, Robin, pause. Robin, Jacob, let him take this. You will die.
well you will actually die i think i will take a listen listen you're super offensive against you it's a crit too he's double resistant okay taking one damage but like his So I can win roll no an atrobat beyond this wide So so acrobatics, okay, oh yeah no acker brandon I Eke bomb you before why would you do this? Robin cares, but I thought Okay, so this is what happens just a cinematic scene, okay?
this trevenant charges up this magically powerful attack going for the throat of Reginald and then all of a sudden this fear jumps out of the bushes and completely fucking misses falls flat on his face as the Blade actually connects with Reginald and does absolutely fucking nothing. It's like just just like Reginald like, huh? Wait, what what did you actually hit me? Oh my god, that must be so embarrassing for you yeah Laughing at the Trevenant He's definitely very concerned looking so now I need a
This is the wrong character. shape in Hold on one second. oh
Yeah, there you go. Okay. Okay. So now, um, between the three of you guys, what are you guys doing? It is your fault. It might not go first. Is that right behind them? Or should I just finish this guy off? Because I have a super effect. Sneak attack damage. Yeah. Sneak it attack. You guys are flanking hands. Sneak attack. I have sneak attack. Okay. Wait. I also, I also have super effective moves.
okay can can we like can we set this up in a cool way so that you you get you can hit you can attack first but we do it like I smack him with another dragon tail and you hit them from the back as he's flod flying back to you sure I'll hit him with a knock off then yeah that And here's Robin face planted in the snow. volume Yeah, Robin face planted in the snow hasn't moved. He fell asleep again. No, no.
but okay jesus know why you what's happening I don't know why you tried to do that. You were gonna die. Oh, Robin is an idiot. You actually could have died. Oh, his base damage could have killed me. I have 36 health. That was like... Oh, God. That was like a 50. Why did you want to do that? Because I wanted to die. Robin's an idiot. Oh, shit. Okay. So, yes, what's happening now? Does he think oblivious? That doesn't mean you're stupid.
Canada's Anyways oblivious to the fact that he has a brain and yet that too oblivious to type matchup Yes, okay. I'm a volume to you. I'm gonna work well who wants to hit first or are we hanging at the same time? I mean I guys playing badmin i was just saying that like the being cool like like in the game, but you can just hit him like on depth or Yeah, he's on Death's Door. I have a super effective move. I am a physical attacker. He's dead. Okay, here's how combat works for me. Either I go first and I kill someone immediately, or they go first and I die immediately.
It's a game of rock-paper-scissors.
Okay, ah so what's happening? Yeah, um since the Trevyn saw her, but all of his attention is still on Reginald. She kind of just walks up behind him and clocks in the back of the head with knockoff. west Okay, go all right roll day for Or accuracy. And because of my super look, I crew on 19s.
nice you take maximum damage plus an extra dice so 2d6 wait max damage so plus an extra so that's 6 12 yeah he will also get a vantage because it's um because we are flanking but i think you already hit it's so uh we don't we don't actually have uh stealth attacks yeah so i did maximum damage i did uh tv6 which is 12 and then plus the extra die which is a five that's 17 plus 10 for 27 plus my attack staff 25 is 52 God, that's 52. 52, uh, dark, physical. Um, and then multiply by two is 104. Well, hold on. That's not super effective. Yeah. It goes. Yeah. john start ghost I thought it was, no, I thought it was dark. no becauseco so grass So that's 104. I think he just killed this guy for no reason. No, it's a dollar. Those actually clocked over the back of the head.
You have to state that before you do the attack! That's not how this works! clock him out He is at negative 90 health. He's three points away from death. Holy shit.
oh like baby Oh, sorry, six, six points away. Like I six points away. from I knew that. But I was going to say, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's not double. It is shit. No, he's dead. He's he's fucking dead. He has a negative 90 health, not minus. Oh, no. Here, I'll make it even easier. Robin. No, All right. OK, so there's a corpse of a Trevor on the ground in
Robin uses roll out. Go ahead and roll accuracy. Well, he's dead, so can I roll with, um, advantage? Because I rolled with advantage. Why? There's so many flanks! Just roll damage. There's no stealth attack in the system. Alright, there's no flanking. Holy crap. So, I rolled a 13, which hits, right? Hey ha Dakota, you remember when you told me not to kill anyone?
Well, you didn't kill anyone. Yeah, exactly. Blair now has the soul of a Trevenant on her hands. Uh, The soul was already, the Trevenant was already a soul. It's a ghost. So no, it's it's dead. I sent him to the afterlife. He's dead. You have, you have. It's double dead. You killed a ghost. How does that happen? It's, it went to extra health.
i Reginald gonna pull this soul tech down all over again Reginald's gonna put it like Lower his head down. Oh, wow. Shit. I didn't know he had it in you really what what Really so let'm be excited to scene real quick ah Blair walks up how the clock simple knockoff he falls over dead She goes to check his pulse and then just he's rubbing like fly across the room roll up and run him over. Oh Okay, so what damage did you get for Roll Arm? Five, ten, thirteen. Oh, a plus attack is twenty-four. i think Twenty-four total? Yeah, total, yeah. Okay, so total turns to seventeen, so that's seven damage. yeah I think with that, does he just snap in half? Like, this is the Treventree just, like, snaps in half.
He's gonna run over okay Robin just run some over and make sure that it's Make sure that he's dead Okay, so you go over and you check his pulse and there is no pulse because he's a ghost and he never had a pulse So is dead but you can't tell about from his pulse I Okay, so you guys, um having now defeated the Trevenant, the gate is down, you guys have full access to the mountain.

Dungeon Exploration Begins

You guys see a gaping hole that is, I guess, a door into the inside of the mountain. And you can also... nothing has occurred once somebody will perception. I did it earlier, I found the lover, remember?
if For this one, if Reginald rolls, he will roll disadvantage, for reasons you might find out. Oh, okay. I can... Wait, what is... Mintz? Mintz is the only one that has a plus, and that's a plus two, so... Yeah, I have a plus two. So, rolled... She rolled, I guess. Jesus, I cannot get a break. I rolled an eight plus two, which is ten.
Okay, good. 10 is what I was looking for. oh oh So, 10. Yeah, I've been actually setting DCs instead of using them as a grayscale for the last few PTT episodes. So anyway, ah what you notice in the release, and this is this fence, is because it's on the ground. You guys can see that the power lines are heading into the base of the mountain and are traveling up to the top.
So they enter the inside of the mountain, underneath the mountain, they basically go to the base of the mountain, and then you can see them keep winding way up the side of the mountain. Can we try attacking the wires again? but well in like air Well, we could. But first, we should keep it going, and let's not focus on the life that you both took just moments ago. A life? I thought it was just a tree.
I didn't take any life. I was going to take his pulse and then he ran over. Good, good. Good, good, good. Let's keep going. Blur is actually confused.
Okay, so. Okay, Reginald is the only one that knows that they killed killed this man. Alright, good. Yeah, Robin just thinks you hit the tree. no no no No, she's she's confused by the fact that you think she killed him, but she knows in her mind she knows that Robin Robin killed him. Yeah. Yeah what what player no i no dise yeah No the Blair's attack is the one that killed the traffic yeah
You did 90, negative 90. I did negative 7. Blair the character doesn't know that. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Blair and her line knocked him out, checked his pulse. It was going to, and then ah Robin ran him over and stabbed him in half. Gotcha, ran him over with his car. I see. With the rollout. Yeah. Well, that's the way he said it. Okay, so you guys are entering the mountain? We're walking up. yep okay
you guys enter it you know what time it is guys
it's a Yes, it is time to roll that dice. We are entering a dungeon for the first time. Like, I think this might be the first time this arc. um So yes, we are rolling these dice. I'm going to have you guys roll these dice. Wow, I fully did not know what we were talking about. Fire the lag. It's a not a scratch reference. Yeah, I think I'm the only one who gets it. Yep.
Well, I mean, I'm here too, Micah. Well, you're the one who sets it up. OK. No, you're not here. I'm the one who ever gets this and the only the one whoever will. Are you guys familiar with how dungeons work? I yeah listen to the first episode. So yes. OK, so for Sky Dragon and the audience, we give a brief dis description.
In front of me, I have a randomly gender gender gender. Fuck. ah I have gender rated. click They've all been. Every read every gender has been rated. Aha. So, God, I'm going to have to cut that out of the episode. like because We have a randomly generated dungeon here. And what's going to happen is I am going to as you guys go through this dungeon.
I'm going to have to visually describe this, audially describe it, audio, whatever, I don't know. Uh, I mean, it was made by an algorithm. It wasn't made by like chat ticket key. It was made by a gen dungeon generator up website pass. I mean, I'm not the one. So fine. We get, uh, we enter.
dungeon and what you guys are gonna do is you guys are all gonna take turns rolling in d10 which will be your movement you guys move as a group as you guys see things I will describe things such as enemies or items that come across if you every time you guys move you got I will really d20 to see what you guys land on what there's an item an enemy or nothing and Every time you guys roll a turn will pass and you guys your guys's objective is to get to the end of the dungeon There are rooms and there are hallways. So um there are also technic... I'm not gonna do that this time. It's technically rigorous, but I'm not gonna count them. So it's just gonna ruin things. Also, it's a wooden mountain made of planks. There's no rivers in here. And it's the middle of winter. Right. So we're not playing Shoots and Ladders here. um I'm going to have one of you guys roll a d10 and that'll be your movement. We all more roll off.
Oh, ah wait, i should I should describe the area you guys are in. You guys are in a 5x7 room. In the corner, you can see in a sleeping Eren sleeping in the corner. There are two exits to this room. One is in front of you, approximately 10-ish spaces away. I don't feel like counting right now. And the other one is to right, which is also about 10 spaces away. And the one behind us.
guys could You guys could leave the dungeon if you want the exits right there. yeah i okay I have a couple questions. Yes. First, does Reginald fit like in here? Like does he? I'm just imagining Reginald's tied up like a pretzel to fit inside. Okay, so my head is currently, I'm looping around my neck and my head is upside down right now. Second. You know what, I'm gonna say this, I'm gonna say this mountain is hard. Yeah, I was about to say, isn't it like oh a mountain tall?
it's It's hollow, but it's like that one underground place in the world of the rings. I haven't seen the world of the rings in like years. But, uh, the, uh, yeah, that one. I'm surprised I remember. Yeah. Uh, it's like that basically. All right. Uh, second question. Hmm.
How do the like structural support of this like, I know it's a mouth, I know it looks like a mountain, but how I'm imagining it is this a period. but Not period. Yeah, period. Wait, no. A pyramid. Pyramid. Sorry. I am. It is 4 a.m. in Sweden right now. Jesus. So yes, it comes up to a point. It's in a pyramid.
But structural support, what's that? I've never heard of that before. In Pokemon, no. That's my comment on the structural support. Oh, okay. Can we just start beating up up the walls and just destroy the inside? I could just- Oh, there's no walls. You guys are on the bottom floor right now, so you guys are on the floor.
but ah va What are those? Alright, I do actually have two questions before we get started. yes One, we've been following the cable this entire time. Where where is it now? It's going up the

Navigating the Dungeon

side of the mountain. It's going to the top. You guys discovered that a little bit ago. So you guys are subjectivists that get to the top. Second question. Well actually three three questions.
What is Stoppius from just like... Actually no. Okay. but I was gonna ask what Stoppius was like holding the camera and like pulling ourselves up the side. and But then I realized... Only of us have hands. The other one has flippers. Very small flippers. And the other one doesn't have hands.
you have I was going to say, of one, i don't I don't know how capable you guys are of that, and two, you guys are up to make repeated dexterity checks. Maybe athletics, what's the strength? Acrobatics, yeah. We're tough. um So, you guys could try that, but I'm going to let you guys know you guys will probably die. If you guys have listened to the first Christmas episode, you guys might have an idea of what I'm talking about. Yes, I know what you're talking about. I know what you're getting at. Last question.
You said... Balls, what are those? Why can't... ah I mean, can't... Can't... Can't Reginald just like look down at the entirety of the dungeon? It's like a big maze to him. Okay, so... Okay, so... I'm gonna say you guys are confined to the floor, you guys are on. Reginald cannot climb upwards, but... Okay, just look.
Sure, but I don't have that generated so I can't give you any feedback on what he sees. Okay. So first for simplicity I'm gonna say no he can't see anything because me of the DM can't provide that information Okay, because once I generate another dungeon the one you guys are on is just gone. Okay, so so This is the final thing and this will just determine because how things will go from this point on and Dakota, how would Reginald think the effect of the the thing on this, well, quote unquote, mountain, howward how they work together right now? oh Well, there's only one way to find out, it isn't there? And I just want to point out that if you do plan on using this episode,
There's a chance things might not end well, but we'll get there when we can. You said this is a one shot, it's not

Dungeon Challenges & Combat

a cannon. This one shot's not a cannon, so we'll see. There's also a sense of, like, we're inside the mountain. So if you're planning on doing, like, some mega nuke that I don't know about, or we don't know about, I should say. Well. We're all inside, so it's going to kill us now. Wouldn't be my first time, so, or Reginald's first time.
all well look go for the dozen Okay. Okay. Is the interview over? can be Yes. and Sorry. right Okay. Somebody roll a d10. Where? Lays first, I suppose.
Well, then I should. I re-rolled. That's too bad. I got six. Okay. So with the six, you guys move.
Are you guys going towards the rightmost path or the straight the path straight in front of you? What's the path? It was to the right that has the air on, right? ah Yes, the path to the right has an air on sitting next to it asleep in the corner. We should let go to the left Or straight or the one that's now going towards the errand. Okay. Okay. Gotcha One, two, three, four, five, six. You guys are two spaces away from that doorway. One, two, three, four, five, six. You guys got a 10. You see an Oranberry sitting on the ground. ah It's my space. I'll pocket it. Okay. of I'll say for simplicity's sake, ah she brought her sash along with her. Okay. We'll go with that. Right. Next person in D10, go. I'll do it.
uh robin pick up the order he rolls a five five you take one step forward a second step forward you've entered the hallway it is very straight one two three more you guys are in the middle of the hallway 14 you see 1500 okay on the ground 500 for each of you oh robin steals off 1500 Okay, then never mind. There's 1500 on the ground specifically with Robin's name on it and it says from Santa. Hey All right, I guess it's my turn yep and Let's go three Three one two three you cut you move through spaces and you get to abandon the hallway it turns sharply, right? Oh You guys see, what number is that? Sorry, it's dark in here. A six. You guys come across a... A trap hench in the middle of the road. I need somebody to roll. I need a player specifically to roll in perception. Which is beauty. Yep, you bet.
uh six okay it's not a 17 this time it's a 16 minus one for a 15 okay you do see it before you step on it so okay well here's the trappings are not that small well trappings are decently small i was trying to think of like a termite ish pokemon so trappings they're two foot four inches ah Holy crap, they're huge. I didn't realize that. 0.4 meters for our non-American viewers.
If you really want a small portfolio, you need to fly. That doesn't add up. 0.4 meters is like a zero point about a foot and four inches. 0.7 meters. Okay, there you go. Okay, I was going to say 0.4 is like a foot and four inches. Okay. Right. Yeah, 0.7 meters. so It's really interesting um because I'm able to like swap between the two systems since I spent half of my life in Europe.
so Anyway, um, so you guys come across H for reference and he looks at you, thought that he woke up in his sleep and was like, what do you guys want? I'm sleeping here. Does Robin perceive him? Yes, you guys all see him. Robin is oblivious. Does he see him? Robin does not see him. Robin continues to go forward.
you are running into this trap and she was clogging the hallway ah as you continue to go forward you don't know where because there's a trap okay I mean sounds let's do it thank you oh I was okay so my plan right now was I'm gonna get a trainer to just gain back HP and probably not okay this guy okay let's let me ah Okay, let's do that. All I can imagine is like Blair goes to buts a step forward, the sees the trappage, stops, and then, uh, Reginald just leans forward, it like a UFO just sucks to the trappage up. So a tractor beam of energy goes over this. Oh my god, that's a crit. Holy crit. Little tractor beam!
Is it's it's a ground type, right? Yes, it's super effective Okay roll the Okay, so so it's max damage So max damage plus an extra damage dice So if it's if it says like 3d plus 10, for example, yeah, you would take the maximum damage and then add your another Alright so that ah uh... russian anybody that's a total of sixty four damage calls no uh... support after it was what's going to happen after okay okay so how did the calculation go because you take your damage menu and then you add your attack oh yes sorry for i forgot that specifically your special attack yes my special tax so that
we the
83 damage. and I'm not even going to do the calculation. It only has 26 HP. so i so Can I describe what happens? Go for it. So, spiel does not even notice just walking and before the trapper goes to say something but you all just see as it shrivels up and as all of its energy is drained from it as it just becomes a husk and just falls over into dust.
this poor traffic was just trying to have some beauty sleep and I woke up and immediately turned into a raisin yes and I I regain all my HP I'm guessing so you regain 26 HP divided by 2 which is 13 okay um I'm pretty sure it's divided by two, I might be wrong on that. It's um half of the damage dealt to foe. Yeah, so you would yeah see you heal 13 damage. Robin just rolls through the dust of the now former tramp each. And the dust scatters into the wind. I kick up some and it hits Blair, so he's traumatized by it as well.
what is with blair and her bug types that get absolutely destroyed trappers is even a bug time can i have blair oh yeah trapped in spoons just for a stupid though yes again this is your dad's friend and that you barely know just eviscerate a guy well also in our one shot that didn't succeed i did not see a jolt tick and i rolled over it so i was seeing if i could do the same here though technically i did succeed just in a roundabout way okay a okay uh you want a con save you get up a con save um go for it yeah
Hey, you guys wanted Reginald. I'm... I am... Dakota, you wanted this. Well, I guess I'm glad I'm getting out of the way. No, that's a natural one. So, okay. This was just this stupid little thing, but you have a sneezing fit over inhaling a bunch of trapinch and death and dust. You have a sneezing fit from inhaling trapinch ashes, basically. Have you guys ever seen the memes of the cat sneezing?
Yeah. yeah that's ah That's Blair now.
but is the The exact same way she like she sneezes as like like roll rolls her head around, sneezes, rolls her head around. Robin turns around and asks, what's wrong?
but like Like the split second before, like keeps you you just see like like a face of pure dread, and then does so this... Reginald, like, comes in close. it Oh, you're right there.
yeah i am hey yeah I saw that one. I'm fine, I'm fine. What's all that dust on you?
hey I saw that one. Don't play dumb. I saw you do that one, Robin. That's not okay. That's not- What? Wait, Robin? What did I do? I saw you flip the ashes into my face. Oh. There appears to be a little bit of sand here. Watch out, guys. Blair keeps walking. There appears to be a little bit of sand here. He keeps walking.
but Okay, go ahead and roll right not even acknowledging Reginald all right fair enough yeah yeah it's ah she traumaized the care yeah rough Robin whenever he has the ability oblivious. He's oblivious to everything I OK, it's not it's not just in battle. I would just see how many times we're going to travel as Blair first. It was like in every I'm not going to I'm not going to stop that rent right now. OK, it's your turn to roll the detail. Yes, I know. I got eight I got an eight. OK, one, two, three, four or five. You turn the corner to your left six, seven. You enter a very large room.
In front of you you, scattered around the ring on the far end, you see three enemies. You cannot see what they are at this distance. So that means they're small. There's one exit to this room. It is on the far end and it is another hallway. You will need to get moderately close to one of the enemies to get to the hallway. It is approximately 15 spaces away.
And we can't well which spaces and we cannot see what they are. Not yet. Not our business. that You have one more space left to go. So you'll move for one space. Okay. Rolled another six. Jesus Christ. Okay. Well, one of the Pokemon from across the room, the one that was closest to the Holy Pimps scurrying Olivia, and it is in fact a jolting. Oh no! No!
But you guys couldn't all see it because it scampered towards us. Yeah, family stop. Yep. The Blair just shows Blair like jumping back and like... but night hi rob and no but When Cassie cucumbers and thinks they're snakes, she jumps back like a cat. Jack, because you're traumatized by everything, including Jolting. Everything has a bug. I've really... But... Okay, so I need... Oh yeah, that's a bug type super effective against Dart. That's a reason.
oh but technically trap pinch wasn't a bug type so what is it no it's super what is it super effective as dark or is it because it's super bug is super effective against bug is super effective against dark and psychic okay gotcha okay i just i just know psychics because it's you know all the fears dark ghost yeah yeah bug is a very good offensive typing okay uh right i need all of you guys to roll press not not D speed what's it called in initiative? and national jesus i'll sit and you guys rolling this I'll say she because you jump actually behind the robots no robots in front I roll with six if you're using Excel yes
I rolled... Okay, Dan, if you we... Go for it. Roll the 2. Okay, gotcha. And Blair? I got a... I maxed out on my D12 roll, so I got a 12. Okay, you guys are definitely going first. You rolled a 7. You guys rolled whatever, but it doesn't matter, because you got the 12. So... Alright, what are you guys doing? um rob I mean, I'm... Roll out. Oh, no! Alright, no decision. Just roll out.
So, d6 plus 5. Well, you gotta roll accuracy. Oh, shit. I like that thing again, because feel- Oh, damn. It's up to you. Okay. Okay, so you roll across and you ping pong around the room and then you return back to the battle after a little bit. He charges up like Sonic and then just completely whips it.
pretty long Yeah, he's pretty he pretends to attack, misses, and just bounces across the room and is now behind Blair. Fuck! Okay. Alright, who's next? Should I, or should you? Rose, no, go ahead. Okay, um, I'll... I'll go for an egg bomb. Wait, no, egg bomb is... No, never mind. I'm... Uh... Should I... You want something drunk?
Should I use Dragon Tail or Reflect? Should I set up for these other guys that, like, close my eyes? Well, you're a restype, so you resist, um... I resist Electric, but not Bug. But he's also super fast for his Bug. Like, you're weak. Yeah. So, Reflect is, um, physical, correct? It would, yeah, it would up his defenses. Uh, maybe. Um, I would say Dragon Tail, just to get the Jolta guy here.
okay but because the jolt thing is actually super effective against all of us yeah i will say uh reflect is damage for physical attacks is half for d6 turns dragon yeah reflect is halves yeah all physical attacks and i rolled a 10 on dragon tail so that it's okay uh nope that's the wrong dice
seventeen plus eighteen for thirty-three dragon damage and Yaltik is pushed back into the wall and as well so their attack is lowered by two because of my intimidate Nice. Okay. Uh, what, what did you, uh, you said 33. What did you say? 35 damage. 35 dragon physical. right Yes. Okay. So it's 35. Let's see.
three five so that knock right so it is It is not knocked out, but it is across the room. So it is going to spend its next turn just trying to get to you guys. Basically.
yeah um ah on movement doesn't this isn't dnd movement doesn't exist in this system uh whose turn is it next uh yeah it's still my i still have to go um in case it wants to attack me i'm going to use detect okay cool so it is now the toxic's turn and it's going to go for an electro web extra public what electro web is it's a it's a fun one
I don't know how, but apparently it's a bit low space. It is. Uh, let's see, it's going to use 9 Reginald again. Jesus. Uh, 2 to 6 plus? Well, at least this heal 4 times resist. 4? Oh, yeah, that's... Yes. Yes, true. Yeah, grass resist electric. I knew grass did, like the NL Dragon did.
Dragon resists all starter types, including electric. Plus electric. I was about to say, electric isn't a starter type. Yeah, dragon resists. Pikachu. Dragon resists fire, water, grass, electric.
um I think steel? No. No, sorry. That's it. It's 21 minus your special defense divided by two.
divided by four. Wait, is it divided then? Uh, lowered? No, division comes later. Okay. Uh, special defense. Okay. How much damage was it? Wait, no, wait, no, it is. Wait, hold on. and Is it going wrong? What? I think we did that before. Yeah. No, yeah. You're, uh, the divisions come first cause it's pendous. Wait. Yes, it is. Yeah. So you're, yeah, you're, you would, uh, take your resistances first.
okay so it's it has no it's not halved it's divided by four yeah so 21 that is five damage and the round is down i have my so five damage minus your defense 17 so i take one yeah you take one damage it's just like go electro webs and then it just fucking does absolutely nothing yeah all right and it is now back to whoever's turn uh we just won't want to go around and yeah yeah i just realized that well and i at this point i was gonna say i was gonna propose something at this point i was jeez we haven't known each other that long
I was, er, here, here's this egg bomb for... Yeah, I was gonna... My plan is I was gonna throw the egg bomb into the room now, because that's... The whole thing is in there, and it might hit the other non-Pokemon that we can't see. Okay, gotcha. It is a Wii move, so go ahead and roll accuracy for the center of the room. Okay. Also, the text is still up until my turn, right?
14 so that is yeah Okay, it detects the last until you get hit okay, or until my next turn. I think I think
sixteen no it can it it only works for your next move I next move or your next turn your next turn so this turn you can't be damaged 44 damage 44 damage oh my god okay so there's an errand and a groundless in this room the errand takes divided by four damage so 11 okay that's right the mast defense so okay so what you did is you have and the growl takes half damage no the growl takes regular damage this is normal type well hey wait is it okay wait which version is it is it his seaweed or or um the normal version huh it's regular okay that takes full damage can't throw and yeah so it it uh the growl is instantly knocked out okay aaron is is woken up you gotta remember these guys are level 15 you guys you're level 20 so you guys um and the aaron wakes up and he waddles over to you who is slightly damaged and the joltik is absolutely just decimated you did 40 44 yeah you did full 44 damage to it right yes
Okay, that thing is squished dead. ah Even before the egg bomb exploded, it squished the joltik. It landed on the joltik's head and it just got squished.
question So yes, it is currently seeing a negative 38 health. and You now have an angry errand on your head. And she watches up and she's like, Hey, I was just trying to sleep here. What's he gonna learn about all these explosions and shit? Can't the guy find a nice place to sleep for once?
No one's gonna talk. All right. I don't know what to say. I was involved in this. Well,
Well, you might be able to inform us. Why is this pyramid stealing and energy energy from the town? I don't know. This place is just out of the cold. That's all I care about. how was this you even trying to find I'm trying to find a place to hide from this stupid Pikachu girl that keeps following me around and throwing bricks or whatever at me. I don't know. And now I'm being overrun by you guys. How did you even get in here?
i walked in with my feet that's not what I okay you didn't get any trouble from the well the cherry me out there what tree the Trevenant oh you mean Jeremy oh no he's a good friend of mine I love him all right well ah I hope you enjoy his funeral
ah yeah I mean, I've known him ever since we went to high school. He was a great guy. Anyway, what do you guys need? Well, we just couldn't completely ignore what what he said. Yes. Who? Is that Dragon? Yes, that's Dragon. Reginald said, well, I hope you will enjoy his funeral, I said. Jesus. Okay. Well, as I said, we want to know why this would
wooden... wooden... mountain is... mountain is, well, stealing energy. I don't know about any energy stealing. All I know is that it's out of the wind and I'm here and not around anyone else who's trying to do me harm except for you who's dropping bombs on my head while I'm trying to sleep. You're fine. You're resistant to it. You see, he has multiple dents on his face.
You're fine.
like I like how you saw this slightly less research that second time. Anyway, I'm gonna kill you guys now. Get ready. um I think the other had have a turn of their turn also. that yeah Yeah, they do.
Well, he yeah, I think did he say prepare prepare to be attacked so we have Advantage cuz he's letting us prepare Hey, well you guys know you guys still have your turn before he can go Okay, this is part of the evil team. So both Robin and Blair can go so um Okay, so now we're just fighting the We're fighting the jolt ticket. We're fighting the errand and The joltic is dead. The joltic is dead. Okay, joltic is dead. The joltic is based on the ground right now. Okay, we ignore the joltic. It's just the errand, correct? And the growl. Yes, just the errand. No, the growl is also dead. The growl is fainted. Oh, I didn't hear that part. Sorry. Okay. Let's see. I need to check. Is the steel resist dark?
yes I like well I don't know I don't think any more no no it does not it it's a neutral it used to but not anymore it is oh okay it is I am not used to that resistant to normal resistant to ice
resistant to flying psychic bug rock dragon and fairy it is weak to only fighting and water oh and is ground yeah i'll just say and ground anyways um no it's not weak to water it's weak to fire steel Well, no, you have the rock. yeah It's a steel rock. Yeah. Oh, I thought you were like listing off Steel's weaknesses. Okay. Oh, i no. No, Aaron is. I know what it is. I know that. We're going to move our side tracks. All right. I'm just gonna, I'm going to clock him with a knockoff.
Okay, go ahead with a knockout knockoff yeah knockoff to Fates I am going to faint him not kill him. Yeah, go for it We'll see what the damage says, but you did state that before yes, that's fine Okay, that's not crit. However. That's still a 14 to hit okay and real damage
ah's okay stuck in my place cap abilities No, I generate these very quickly so I don't bother with abilities as I was looking at Aaron's Age and it says that he has sturdy and rock head. I If he had started, I don't think it matters anymore. Oh Yeah cousin guy Okay, yeah, um, he's not holding anything is he I No, I don't generate any hell dragons for them. Okay, so that's 19 plus 25 is... I believe 44? 44 dark physical. He has 12 defense, but he only has 18 HP left, so he goes down. He's like, prepare to die! And then just falls unconscious.
hes he says He has this like massive like villainous rant, and Blair just walks up and bats him across the head. Pretty much. So you've got to a Joltik who's not a Joltik anymore. It's more analogous to like some... We have Joltik paste. Yes. Joltik hummus, delicious. And you guys have now a fainted... Growler parrot. A Growler, that's... Yes.
those Okay, so I need now that you guys have murdered everything once again I need you guys to somebody to roll another detail. I just want so that would be oh ah yeah okay nothing my just not my sorry and It was supposed to be Robinson cuz I just once yeah. Yeah. Yes. That's right. I I rolled a two All right, you move for two spaces and
you get ooh net 20 you get a citrus berry yo what does that do again it heals for d20 damage also can you remind me what the oran berry does it doesn't like lock into the system anymore it what do you mean it uh Oh no, that's ah that's a bug with this new version. um Yeah, it's the... Yeah, that's ah that's a known bug. Don't worry about it. ah You can probably see the note I put there. But it is Heels for 1d8. Yeah, if you look to the right of the item, the bags, there's a note to myself. Okay, I'm also gonna... I'm also gonna put the Orin Barramund equipped slot. Okay.
Gotcha. Just so I have something there. Okay, gotcha. Alright. Is there like, extra is there staircase in this room or? Oh, I have forgot to mention, you guys have been steadily going upwards this entire time. Okay, that, alright. See, you guys are like halfway up the mountain at this point. Okay, that, alright, good. That's one steep mountain.
it sure is I will roll because you said there's one ah pathway like at the end yes you guys are one two three four five six seven eight spaces away until you enter okay one also i should point out okay i should point out there are no more enemies armed in this one so yeah if you throw in that one there wouldn't be any sort of a nine you guys find another or another I will take that.
but no Excuse me. Okay. Next person. I'm up. Come on. No babies, no babies, no babies.
I got one. So, why did I know you were gonna roll that? And, oh, one. Guys, I'm never getting out of here with you. I'm trying. Okay, Robin will roll a map 20 on a d10. On a d10. So, this is supposed to be an enemy spawn, but because there's no enemies, I'm gonna say nothing happens on this space. Okay, pass it over, pass off the torch. I rolled a mate.
and eight one two three four five six you guys until the hallway it is straight for a little bit seven eight all right and if these like if the floor is actually like tilted upwards like we're climbing the mountain how's robin staying on the like should he be rolling around I imagine that Reginald is kind of... Yeah, Reginald is kind of twiddling at you upwards. You're just, like, scooting me with your tail. Yeah. I want to say, yeah, either Reginald or Blair is, like, kicking him up. Every step they take, they have to kick him up because he can't control him rolling.
Should I roll now? No, you guys landed on a space, you guys rolled and got a TM. ah good see we've rolled You a nat 1 for a TM, so you guys find TM Slurf. It is a square TM. Slurf? Slurf. And it says it is made in China. It's a floppy disk. Made in China, basically. Robin ah immediately consumes it and learns its knowledge.
hey hang on let me this looks from okay he's he ate it okay he he's just a so cut there I forget the exact um wording of what Tim slurf was because this is something that's come up in the show before but it's like I think it's I don't remember what slurf the details of slurf were but I'm gonna say it's just surf but with disadvantage because The whole joke about Slurf is that the is the fact that it is TM Surf, but it's a knockoff from China. So and so this is TM Slurf. I can put that as one of my abilities now. Yes. Cool. Yeah. Put that in your learn slot. Oh, I didn't think you were going to use learn slots today. So the way learn slots work is you can have a fifth move that you can use at disadvantage.
um until you've learned it, which is a certain set of criteria that you guys are not going to be able to do. So, Lane, does that mean I'm on double disadvantage? It does. It means you have to roll at disadvantage in order for it to even hit. You have to roll at disadvantage for accuracy, and then if you succeed, use that after roll at disadvantage again to actually hit it.
So yes, you get triple disadvantage because it's in your learn slot. So you have triple disadvantage. That's not possible. So I so I roll once for normal. Then I roll for disadvantage. Then I roll for additional disadvantage and take the lowest. No, you would take the lower. No, you would roll two dice. Take the lowest. If you succeed, you roll two more dice and take the lowest. Huh?
So you roll disadvantage twice. Oh, okay. V to six, and then roll disadvantage twice again. Or, roll fucking first. We'll get to it later on. If you use it, we will tell you, okay?
I didn't think we were going to get to learn so or you get to use learn slots today. So this is not something I thought we would have to come up with. Well, surf is probably my most most powerful move because I have roll out and snore as my normal moves. And you could just give him something else. Well, like I could have. But I've rolled a net. I've rolled a 16 for the item. And then I've rolled a net one for which team he got. Give him like bubble or like water gun.
No, I gave up sort of. It's too late. Okay. Let's continue.
yep les who Who's rolling next? I forgot. Damien. I think it's you, Mint. Oh, it is? I thought... I rolled an eight.
No, i that doesn't matter who rolls it. I'll roll again. Go ahead, yeah one I I rolled one. I think Spirit was the one that got the ah TM. No, that that was not me. Okay, well, it was me. Okay, then it's my turn. Yo, it was him. Yeah, he got I got the empty slot. He got the TM. Your turn. No, I just rolled. I got an Oran Berry.
Oh. Just go again. Just go again. All right. All right. One. Okay, before we do that, I didn't get the iron roll down. So you guys roll the six, which is normally an enemy spawn, which does not happen because you have eviscerated all enemies on this floor. So with another one, you move one space and they hold it to the surface.
Oh my god, what is with the sixes? You rolled another six, which does nothing. Go again.
I think my dice are cursed. I can't like can only roll sixes. Six, six, six, double number. Blair. Oh no. but roll It's your turn. wait Wait, did you roll a six? I haven't rolled anything yet.
Yeah, it's your turn. Oh, someone needs to roll. Yep, I am rolling. It is your turn. That's a five. No, a six. Okay, a five. One, two, there's hallway curve. Straight route to the right. Three, four, perfect. Where's a five? You guys reached the end of the hallway and you guys are on top of the mountain. The air is extremely frigid up here as the wind hits your bodies.
I need a... Well... All right, so yeah, I'm gonna give this to you first. What you see at the top is all of the power cables being plugged into one massive device that is pointed at the sky. And you also see a meows garada fiddling with a wrench with the machine. Oh boy, here we go. Okay, surface gonna be useless.
Oh, are you the thief? Are you the energy thief right there?
ah he ah He looks startled as he hears Reginald's feet. He's like, what the? Oh, I've got visitors! Oh, um well, hi there. Uh, he's like trying to hide the machine, but it's like five times as tall as him. And I, I just imagine I am like, screaming my dick, and I can just look it down directly on the machine. Like, he's he's doing nothing. The machine's as tall as you are in the machine. That's right. Right? Yeah, the machine's as tall as resin with his, basically. So... Uh, he's like, um what do you guys want? I'm not doing anything. Roll for blood.
full for blu hold on one roll He rolled out 15, roll in sight. We all can see what he's doing. Roll, yeah, okay. All of you guys roll in sight. Okay. I got a 16. Oh, there's a vantage? No, I'm not having you guys roll in sight. I was saying she rolls advantage.
Oh. Oh yeah, you know you're right, he should roll this advantage. Yeah, cause we can see what he's doing. Oh, 16, so he'll take a picture. For a while, okay. I don't think it matters though. I got 19. I got 16. Or 18. 16. And I got natural toy, I can see his exos, I can see his skeleton. Okay, so even with his roll, you guys can see straight through his, uh, if

Final Dungeon Challenge

you can even call it a bluff. So he's like, yep, not something happening here, how can I help you guys? You are a terrible liar.
Why is work meeting? Oh, not me. I just have one question. Where is all that power from the city going to? i am guessing some sort of ata Machine that is causing the storm so like Okay, so he's like fine, okay, if you guys must know I am trying to blow up the moon I
Why, no! Robin! What? Wait, actually, have I joined the enemy? Yeah, I mean, there's nothing stopping you technically. Why? Hey, rob if Robin joins, he's not... Okay. You're not going to have waves. all Everything in the ocean is probably going to die. I didn't even actually know how blowing up the moon works.
Okay, if you join the- I am- if we fight, I'm going to have to kill you. That's just what's gonna happen. Um, but- Alright. as Either of you know- Know or care about this cat. I don't- I don't know who he is.
I think his goals are pretty noble. I think we should help him. All right. I am going to drag and tail him to the side so he just flings off the mountain. So he sees you go for attack and he's like, wait, where where wait, wait, wait. I didn't even get to do my evil monologue yet. Do do it anyway. I mean, do it good person monologue. Roll the hit. Do it. Actually, i do have I do have something I want to ask. um What?
screw it is is the plug-in to the machine is that like bolded at all or is it just like a normal plug-in yeah it's all welded you can see a bulger it's all well did oh come on or actually some are displaced that easily All right, tell us your masterful evil plan. It all started the day I was born. Both my parents failed to show up. all right nice talkvis first backstory i kill him And you see, I was born on Christmas Eve.
And that always made me hate Christmas. So you know what makes me... So you know what makes me happy? Getting rid of Christmas. And you know how I'm gonna do that? I'm gonna blow up the moon! Because if no one can have the moon, then there will be no Christmas. And also probably no one will be alive anymore. And all these means there can be no Christmas. The evil villains have fallen so far since my day.
you your whole You're all pathetic.
I'm sorry, your whole plan is to blow up the moon. So not only will that not affect Christmas at all, it'll still be nighttime for Christmas. Not only will it not affect Christmas at all, you'll simply kill yourself and everyone.
You're killing yourself. Well, if I can't have a good Christmas, nobody can. So I'm gonna make sure nobody can have Christmas. It's gonna be Christmas regardless. Whether or not you love it. Not if no one's here to celebrate it. You know... I've been saving this for a long time, but I think... I never said I was mentally well. I've been saving this for a long time, and I'm about... ah I'm gonna i'm going to use my health item right now.
As he's like saying like like, I haven't used this in a while and Blair's backing up. but can slowly Okay, hair how how far are you backing up? Can I see what he's trying to grab for? I don't have hands.
Role investigation. Does it have to be very high? Because he's like, I'm sure he's just wearing it. i'm i'll sell I'll tell you it's not I'm not wearing it. it what

Confrontation with Antagonist

I'll tell you where it is when I'm out. What does that mean? yeah I'll tell you what happens.
i will tell you what happens But ah after everyone else gets to do their thing. so Okay, I'm rolling investing. Should I an advantage on my investigation? that cause he's like it's No. Okay, I'm rolling. out done't You have no idea what's about to happen.
Well, thanks to my smart roll of plus two, I have a 18. Okay, so you can so man, let why don't you describe what you have and where you got it? from Or do you want to do something?
I'm gonna wait until you show it. Okay, so... You go, oh see, my tail has just kind of move on forward and let's start to hack and hack as a black box comes out of its mouth.
and I smack it with my tail as it flies ah across, it opens and you all see a ah piece of uranium that's gonna impact intu the into the machine.
I got that from when I blew up a Mewtwo with Uranium. I'm sorry, what? and That is true. Can Robin make an acrobatics check and catch it? It's gonna explode either way. Yes. I was gonna say, depends on your role. use use earn thingss my a I want to catch it, for it doesn't blow up the machine.
Okay. I have a quick question. Why? Cause Robin wants to blow it up anyway. Okay. the moon If I were just like, if I were to run with this explosion, like, like explode the mountain as well. ah Well, only one way to find out. We have no idea. so That's the, that's the answer. We have no idea what's about to happen.
i year old Hey. Well, or plus four, 16 by 16. Okay. How do you have plus four and something in acrobatics? Wait, actually, how do you? You shouldn't have any more than a plus two. I am a water and ice type.
no you don't add both you add one yeah oh okay you choose your water or your ice you don't choose both look look i understand that he i understand that robin's nice that but he ain't that cool yeah well then it's a plus two it's a plus 14 okay that actually makes all the difference in the world because it's DC-15 for what I have planned and DC-10 for something else. So that actually does change things. So if he does, so as you throw this, I must specifically hide behind Reginald Bun. So you guys see this piece of uranium fly through the air. KLC detects. Go ahead and use detect. what What exactly does detect? Next move that hits me misses automatically. It's like protect but better.
It's protect buff I move Okay, what does the accuracy roll on that because there's no accuracy rolls this happens But it can't but it does it it can fail if it's been used multiple times consecutively Ah, I see below D4 result must be greater than number times if you zero. Okay, so because you haven't used it. It's an auto success. Yes, okay but if i use and then afterwards I have to roll Okay, gotcha. So I'm gonna give everyone one action before um I see what happens. In sister so that's okay in addition to my action, I wanna do something else. Just asking you for what I can do. It's at this point that Reginald reveals his true smile, and I wanna make an intimidation check against everyone here.
Ooh, that could affect things. Okay, everyone. Alright, so, um, roll intimidation then. Which is cute plus, what is it, plus like five? Yes. Yeah, it's cute plus five. I crit. I crit. I crit. What? I 100% crit. Holy shit. I'm 100% honest. I crit. Can I roll insight to like fight that?
So you need to roll Constitution, which is tough, and you have to get a crit in order to contest it. Does my Super come into play here? No, because it's based on the numbers. You rolled a 20. 19 is not bigger than a 20. I don't. I crit on 19s and 20s because of Super Luck.
Yes, but a crit of 19 is still less than a crit. Okay. I just got prey on this one. Come on.