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Arc 2 - Episode 16 - Detective Pikachu image

Arc 2 - Episode 16 - Detective Pikachu

S2 E532454322543 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
68 Plays4 months ago

The crew go on a noir style detective adventure

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter Fisthands the Riolu


Technical Issues and Introductions

Hey guys, before the episode starts, I just want to let you guys know that the original edit of this episode was corrupted, and this is an assembled version of the raw audio that was posted to Patreon. I tried to add a little bit of background music and stuff to make it better, but ah just FYI, there's a lot of like background noise and stuff. so be warned the audio is not perfect in this episode but I used what little audio I had left after it got corrupted so just keep it out of mind as you listen to the episode the audio may be a little bit imbalanced I literally cannot change that because every single one of her tracks is condensed into a single track for the patreon which is the audio how to use so sorry about that um into the episode
Hello everyone and welcome to Path of Time. My name is Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and sitting to my left is somebody who owns 394 cats. It's me, Evelyn, and to my left is somebody who just sold 394 cats.
Yeah, that's me. Had to get him out of the house. Family got allergic, you know. You know how it is. How do you get allergic? I don't know. It happened to my mom, Melch. We used to have cats, and now we don't. But I'm Eli. And sitting across from me is somebody who has over 100 chinchillas.
You know, I don't know why I have that many chinchillas, or honestly, where I even got them from, but they're running amok about my house, and I cannot keep them together. They're just all over the place. Just trying to imagine the screaming cacophony of a thousand chinchillas in a house. Or a hundred chinchillas, but still.
Move us on, Sean.
And sitting perpendicular to me is somebody who just fell out of the sky.
Oh, why did the plane crash? If you're falling away, if the plane crashed and then you're falling on the sky, did you run into another plane? What happened? It just stopped. It just stopped. We had a breath strike.
oh no the blowing strikes took effect while the planes were in mid air all the pilots were fired full breaks on the plane all right uh quick disclaimer before we get any any further um uh we are um well actually two discomers first of all this is the first time i'm in my new recording setup in my camper uh for those of you who don't know i actually just moved out to the countryside and and am living in a camp right now so audio quality i hope it's good i don't know if it's going to be ekiwi muffled he's living off the land now
Yeah, so it's going to be a little bit iffy. I got my internet working, so we're good on that. But the other thing is Sean is a little busy right now, so he's recording while doing a bunch of other things. If you hear any background noise or any small children, sorry, we'll try and get that fixed.

Recap and Revisiting the Book of Legends

But it is what it is. We're trying to get this out because we have no backlog. So we're just trying to make do. I think that's it. Do you guys have anything else to add?
Or do you guys want to start rolling for recap? That's dudes. Oh, yeah, I forgot we roll for that. I've been like three thousand years since we recorded last. Long time ago, the gals is far, far away. I got well, I'm going to wait to see what you guys got. I got a four. I also got a four. Oh, I got a four. I also got a four. Oh.
oh no yeah no okay so
ah everyone got yeah no you're absolutely right i need roll off do you guys want both d four d twenty twenty four actually no do one hundred I don't know. What? I can roll 2d10. Yeah, that's close enough. That's the same odds. All right, rolling d100. D100's enough. Ooh, that's a lucky number. OK, what did you guys get? Highest person does recap. Oh, well, I got a funny number. Oh, I got a nine. Jake? 48. I forty eight got 77.
i got chon's number with a six in front of it yeah that's what i figured you know i got 69 all right well i got 77 then so i guess i'm doing the recap a which is un unfortunate at anyway I Know the curse prevails right when I thought it was lifted from it
yeah I know we did but but there was some before that oh, yeah, you guys are plotting a murder and it never happened I you guys so incorrect we were not getting a murder at all I'm pretty sure it was Walter who was but um um okay so so you guys um I remember did you guys give the book of legends not the book of legends sorry wrong podcast uh no and didn' no i was ask guy with the galaxy no we decided okay you guys okay yeah that's right yeah because you guys went to the library and decided not to okay gotcha so you guys still have the book but you guys were talking about um entrusting the book with uh mr. Farnsworth
Professor Farnsworth and you guys wanted to make sure she wasn't going to do anything funny with this ultra legendary book so you guys were talking about stalking him and I think Walter and someone just started talking about like killing him or something and all of that ended up with leading to nowhere and so um we did wear options i think the ma majority of the episode was spent discussing that and then you guys just decided not to do that so like 90 of the episodes it's like great we made zero progress uh which is why i thought last episode was titled the way it was and uh after that you guys decided to go to blair's place and explain to her about the whole lgms kind of the galaxy thing how you guys need to translate the book to english and
Yeah, I saw that you're like, uh, and, uh, and, uh, crap. Yeah. Yeah. So you guys, did you guys give the book to Blair? I don't remember if you handed it off to her.
Yeah, we gave the book to her and she said it would take three days to translate just like it would. Okay. You guys did. Yes. Okay. So yeah. So after three days in game time, uh, it'd be really funny if it was out of game time. Um, it was done like three weeks ago. I believe if we remember, right, we were also talking about a certain store.
uh sir oh yeah so you guys gave her the book she said she would have it translated three times and you guys wanted to go to explore the alarm clock store and that is where we left off with you guys exiting the store so that is where we're going to um well actually son what are we gonna do we're not gonna jump on and what are we doing hang on
I saw him come sprinting across the room. victims
You got us on? Yeah, let's Thunder Shock on in. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, let us Thunder Shock on in. and likes doing that That's exciting. Yeah. Let us Thunder Shock on in.
So, we start with you guys exiting the Blair Library, the Arcaron Library, and you guys meet up with c Selena, Abyss, and Bridget, who are standing outside, waiting for you guys. They a they greet you, but I want you guys to roll perception.

Confrontation with the Shiny Espeon and Bank Robbery Investigation Begins

Almost? Just general. ah yeah Yeah, all of you. Ooh.
That is a, where's my character sheet? It's a DC5. 17 plus two, 19. I got a 19 as well. Okay, I was gonna say it's DC5, but bonus for 10. I got 11 plus, what was it? Cool. I can never remember. Beauty. ah Beauty, alright, 11.
All right, cool. So you guys, you all can see this. oh Selena looks very agitated. No, we can't. I got another one. Oh, okay. Sean. Okay, I guess. What's your name? Sammy. okay Sammy, buddy. Sammy. Sammy just got Amnesia. Forgot where he was. He's upside down for some reason.
and he doesn't know where he's at. Everyone else, you guys can notice that Selena, Abyss and Breeder all agitated and they are staring at someone across the street. This person you see is a green Espeon. And css yeah she is glaring right back at the three.
Whoa, I've said some things in here. Did you guys dunk her in green paint?
You guys know what a shiny is. That's a good point. Were we talking about shinies in school? I think you guys would have known about them, but you guys understand that they're like a rare genetic. I think we wouldn't know. I think we wouldn't recognize every shiny. I don't think you guys would recognize it as a shiny. It's kind of like how albinism works in the real world. Like it's a very rare genetic. Is there a disorder? I don't know. I don't want to make any sense. It's just a genetic mutation. Walter fell asleep during the class.
oh Yeah, so it's basically like that. it's So you guys know of it, but you guys know it's exceedingly rare.
So you see the Espeon walk up to Abyss, Brie, and Selena, and you hear her say, well, well, well, guess who's back in town? Selena looks at her and she's like, you again. What are you doing in town? What are you doing here? And wait, let's be honest. Do you know her? Like you haven't been here very long. do you I didn't thought I didn't think he made friends or not. Yeah, this asshole was the bully we had back in Hawkeye. She was one of the bank tellers in Hawkeye and she was teased with us three about our low bank account balances. Person's a jerk.
You got teased by someone who worked at a bank?
The Espeon looks at you and he's like, look, you better watch who you're calling because I happen to own this bank right up here on the street. And she just is up the street and you guys see the Volkerberg bank. And we got our own rich kid. like Yeah, dude, I don't think you want to ask what I own. He owns a whole town.
He's a flameback! flameback? Like flameback enterprises? but i don't think that Yeah, maybe that one. Yeah, yeah we have a ah one of our accounts held here, ah holds a great sum of money for that account, but for that person. You don't have to be the Bruce flameback, do you?
Yes. As far as I know, she your mother, whose name I just forgot, is like Celine? What was Miss Flameback? Miss Flameback. Caroline. Caroline. Yeah, she's like, Caroline Flameback. As far as I know, she only had one son, so I'm assuming it's you. Yes. Anyway, if. um Not to be rude, but what kind of Pokemon are you? Are you an Eeveelution?
What is that supposed to mean? What do you mean? Not a car, now is not the time to be racist.
yeah I mean, Hikaru just generally has genuinely has not seen this Pokemon before. You can see, um, the SP on looks flush and she's like, look, I'm shiny. Okay. But that doesn't mean I'm any different than any of you guys. Of course. So what are you sharing? Because they played a prank on you and dunked you into green. You can see her cheeks look red. She's at the moment of like her saying that she's shiny. Sammy's just looking at abyss and breathe like back and forth. Like, is that what's going on here?
And yeah, I know. she's ah She's blushing because she's ashamed of trying to hold of her ground. Of course. um i'm I'm so sorry if I was rude.
Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I would like to get back to my business now, if you don't mind. And she um trots back to a policeman who is, um who was standing across the street that she was talking to before you guys noticed her. Are they still investigating?
So she's, uh, so she goes back over to the police officer and she like gestures towards you guys with the police officer. Actually, I have a question. What? This is really weird, but do Sammy Hikaru and Riolo know about the bank robbery?
I don't know. Because Bruce read about it in a newspaper. Yes. Yes. I can just say yes. ah When at Arc One, episode nine, and you guys were discussing oh checking the bank robbery when you guys were. Oh, ya okay yeah, yeah. OK. Yes. I couldn't remember if that was. Oh, yes. I remember that. Yeah. Yes. By the way, I keep I've been calling it the police officer. It's a it's an arcanine.
Of course it is. Because of course it is. Uh, yeah. Yeah, because of course it is. Yeah, hold on. I just have something. This randomly popped in my head today. I am a guitarist, right? And I'm a dog. And dogs are sound death.
So I can't,

Suspect List and Theories

I don't understand what I'm playing. Did you say they're sound death? Dogs are sound death. They don't understand music. their their tone death is what tone yeah sorry yeah okay that all yeah say dogs are not Whatever I couldn't remember the word for it Yeah, luckily you're a Pokemon and not a dog. We don't know what dogs are Also, that's right you have aura powers. I feel like that would help with that Also, I realized when I earlier when I said that more is wrong. I can't track people I only can tell their feelings.
I read the description. I only can tell what they're feeling when I oh look at their aura. We've been using aura sense all wrong. yeah By the way, Walter, speaking of which, that's a perfect transition. I need you to roll your aura sense at no cost. Oh, that's rare.
Okay. Not 20. Oh my god! Okay, so I was looking for a DC-10 with a bonus on 20. I've been restructuring how I'm doing dice rolls. So, um, okay. Uh, this actually might help you a lot. It might make you very interested. You sense a dark energy coming from the Espeon.
Dark Shao. Dark as in, like, it makes you feel uneasy. Something is not right here.
i don't like the look of this girl of this but it's beyond it is a girl all right we just we just told her to stop being racist with come on man yes but she's not the one who can sense ores right now and i'm getting my senses are telling me to run the run away i i was curious that she said she owned a bank up here and yet selena and them said that she was a bank teller down in hawkeye Are you saying this? to so on way I'm just saying out loud to the group. Wonder if she got promoted. yeah Yes. I was saying this as Bruce allowed to the group. Okay. Uh, Selena looks at you. She's like, wow, that was like what? Six years ago now. So, uh, and they wouldn't be surprised if she had gotten promoted. we just got This happened six years ago. a little I mean,
I have known her as recently as like, what, four years ago? Something like that? Wait, since we moved out of Hawkeye. I'm just saying, it just kind of made it sound like a something that happened recently. ah Wait, no. hockey Wait, no, no, no. We've always lived in Hawkeye. What am I saying? What are you talking about? You didn't move until you trapped? Until you had your space continuum thing. Sorry, I forgot about... ah i was I forgot of Selena's backstory. She's like, no. Yeah, yeah. She's always been the bank teller until like about six years ago, so yeah.
la that still doesn't like Do you know anything about her because no it makes sense she is creeping me out She's always been the bank teller until six years ago. She's been here for eight years. So she's been a bank teller for two years Is that what that checks out to me? I've I've known her for about two years. Yeah, we don't know how long she's been doing this Yeah, no, I'm just I'm just trying to get that in my head correctly. I wasn't causeelena's been here i your so as long as Selena's been here she's been the bank the ebn was the bank tell ah so guys She pointed at us when she was talking to the cops. Maybe we should just get that old
Speaking of which, the Arcanine starts walking towards you guys. I'm gonna start walking away. The cops got nothing on us. They can't prove nothing. That's true. I don't care. As at least Walter is trying to walk away, the Arcanine is like, hey, hey, you guys. Silver here tells me you guys have you guys might have something to say, especially you. He points at Bruce. She tells me you're part of the flame back enterprises. Is that correct?
Yes, that is correct. Must silver the name of the SPR? Yeah, yeah, yes. Yeah, this... I'm surprised you didn't tell your name. Yes, silver. It's named silver for interesting reasons.
yeah Don't ask me, I'm not her. Her pants must not have understood colors very well. Alright, whatever. Anyway, I'm looking to investigate the bank robbery here, and um I heard tell that you, pointing to Bruce, are part of the Flameback Enterprises, and may be able to share any kind of knowledge you guys have. I don't know. You're some kind of higher figure, so I kind of figured you'd be able to at least talk to him.
uh any help would be appreciated with this bank robbery you know we've been trying to figure it out for the past couple weeks now yeah i mean i saw it in the papers a couple weeks ago and i thought hey if i got a chance to come over here to investigate it a bit help out oh you guys are here to investigate this great great great great uh actually um do you guys want it would be a real help if you guys were able to uh help with the case do you guys want to be involved yeah sure cuz so far this case has gone mostly cold hmm and we've only got a couple clues so far so any help would be really appreciated okay
um So like ah are we gonna get paid for this? Are you gonna give it you good and okay compensate us for our kindness? Well, currently we've got a 5,000 poke a reward for any information on the case. So if you guys manage to solve this, that's 5,000 for each of you. You're basically employing us to help you with this. So I mean, i'd you know pay me by the hour or... no How much did they rob?
Okay, so from what we understand, the robbers broke into a vault that was full of lots of gold bars, poke, and there was one artifact that was not mentioned by the bank owner,
or by the vault owner, and was stolen missing, but we do not know what that artifact is. Was it like an orb? It's for what we know, it was... A paralyzed orb? You know, one of those kind of orbs?
I have absolutely no idea. Couldn't tell you. There's probably some large rare artifact because it seems like what the robber was after was some kind of like ah money. Like they they got to away with a lot of money just as much as they could carry on them. How much estimate would that be? Walk is gonna like a notepad down. What? How much would that be?
And the $5,000, that's each or all the guys? That's each. Each. If you guys can help provide information towards the case or who even better yet solved the case, that's $5,000 to each of you. So that's okay. So all right. All right. So that's like $5,000 on top of what you're already going to pay us hourly, you know, to do the job. It's a bounty. I don't want to pay us hourly, Sammy. Sorry for that. Sammy, it's like a bounty. We're not on the police payroll, so. And we don't got to follow the rules then.
Yeah, we're independent contractors. She's also going to see eyes. if you will
What's it? What's the C stand for? I couldn't tell you. Okay. but Okay, we're cookie investigators. Sorry. sarah I was reading my notes. but I'd love to be a cookie investigator. You know, I'm already investigating pizzas before we ship them out. You know, I check and make sure they got all the toppings on them and make sure they taste oh taste right. You know, but I could I could investigate some cookies for sure.
By the way, speaking of baking, something I failed to mention in the recap, Sammy, you are the proud owner of of exactly one how to bake ice cream book. Oh, yes. um yeah I roll to see if I've read any of the book because I need to return that to Blair. First, I want you to roll perception on the book investigation.
okay that's good anything i just need to i didn't have my character she pulled up hang out i gotta know what my stat is before i tell you oh you're fine you said investigation yes investigation
that is smat and i have no smat okay it's a flat 18 then 18 we'll do it perfectly fine um do you notice two things one the book is extremely light and two there's only one page in the book okay and
could i So I take it you're opening the book? Yeah, I'm gonna open the book. and So you open the book to page one, and it says, you don't. The end.
This book is not that helpful. I can't believe that was just a joke. That was a joke three weeks in the making. It was. but guys we gotta of go back to I gotta to go back to the book to to the library and return this book to Blah. She gave me the wrong book. Okay, so you turn around because you guys are still on the porch of the library and the door says closed. But there is a return slot on the door. I was gonna say, does it have a return slot? Yeah, it has a return slot on the door. Blah, open up. Blah. I think you locked the door before I can return this book. You you you get you gave me the wrong people. Sammy, just put in the return slot.
Yeah. good All right. Whatever is the last. That's what I get for taking out. So please. So Mr. Officer, can we have all your notes you got? Oh sure. Why don't you guys just come with me? One second. I need to read my notes again. I guess that doesn't work. Because I need to know where I'm going. If I'm going to get escorted by a police officer. Hold on one second.
how many times you been it score by a police up sammy okay ah so he's like I mean we're going we're just going to the bank over here a couple blocks down show you exactly what happened you know yeah So, you guys walk down to the bank and you guys see a big marble statue, you know, very typical gree pi Greek pillars, you know, bank. Basically, I just think of a stereotypical bank. that's Just think of a bank. It looks like that.
Yeah, basically. So you guys are arrive at the Volkenburg Bank. It has big words, Volkenburg Bank. And you guys see ah a you guys see an running a berry stand outside. And you you can hear him yelling, berries, selling great berries. I got tons of berries for anyone. By the way, this character was submitted by Sean, actually. yay It is Barry the apland. I go up to the stand.
he's like howdy there can i interest you some berries sure it can i can't investigate without eating something what do you mean in investigating uh nothing uh i'm just doing some investigating something personal okay sure whatever anyway uh what barriers are you here to get i mean what are you absolutely right we was gonna go to the book mcdonald's after the library but now we gotta go do this i'm so hungry what does he got uh basically any bear you can think of i gotta pull up the shop does he have axes
i've still got boca burgers if you want a boca burger shot uh sammy uh sammy will open his backpack and to see that he also does still have boca burgers and he just keeps forgetting about them i forgot the the shop is useless uh yeah just pull up the items tab and i am i have to pull up the berries i have to pull up the shop west all right so he's selling berries for 10 tok a piece
Ooh, dang. That's a steal. Nice. All right. I'm going to have to get my calculator out real quick. Hold on. So technically, they're being sold for $20, but I decided $10 because bearlies are not very useful at all. I'm guessing that's aside from citrus berries. Are citrus berries also $10? Let me see. Control F, citrus.
Alright, Dakota, I have a proposition for you. Okay, he's selling for a thousand, by the way. Yeah, what's up? For a thousand? I feel like I should have eaten more by now. I'm going to roll a D100 to see how many Boku McRiddles Sammy will eat. Okay, go for it. Wait, like right now?
Wait. Does that jump from 10 pokey to a thousand? No, the citrus berries are $1,000. Oh, all right. Go for it, Sean. All right. Let's see how many... How many are you eating right now?
I rolled 43.
Okay, so you're you're there just munching on Boca burgers and so you eat 43 Boca burgers. I think I think the reason I didn't eat them before because they fill your belly up all the way, but we haven't been doing belly stuff. So you yeah, I know. So you have 43 times your belly size right now. Sean looks or Sammy looks like a Snorlax. I'm just I'm imagining that one sailor from Popeye.
ae that is just always just eating, downing the the hamburgers. I don't know that one. I know this Popeye. I think he's talking about Wimpy. Possibly. I don't know his name. I just know there's one one guy in the Popeye cartoons who's just like popping up. He's got this mustache that's all like eye hairs, a bowler hat.
And he'll put a hamburger in his mouth, push it all the way in his mouth with his pointer finger and just swallow it. Yeah, Willington Wimpy and his icons are from Popeye comic strip. He loves hamburgers and is often seen eating them. There you go. Alright, I got it. I have 55 Pokémon griddles remaining. Okay, so the Arcanine's looking at you guys is like, oh guys, ah we're here for business.
Can I get 10 Ross Berries, 10 Peach Berries, and 10 Cherry Berries? Yep, that'll run you poke.

Investigating Entry Points and Rooftop Exploration

That is wrong math. You said 10 for each. I said 10 for apples. Those are not apples. Apples? You said berries. Oh. I said 1,000 for citrus berries.
You said 10 for all other berries, I thought. Yeah, you did. I did? That was not my intention. 20 for berries, 10 for apples, because they're useless. and oh Oh, right, because we aren't using Feli. That's okay. i I misunderstood you.
nice samie's gonna Look at the apples and then look at the apland and just be very confused Don't worry I was like don't worry about that. I've got a voice I use before but yeah, it's all good. I Don't mind selling my brother and every now and then My man, I was just gonna ask you if those are gonna be like your next home or something If you're gonna move out of this Apple move into that one. Oh I thought I was there No. I sold my sister last weekend, it was a tragic tale.
ah soldier anyway Anyway... Oh wait, hang on, can I roll investigation on the apples? Alright. Sure, roll investigation. 16. Alright, the apples, they look like apples, there's nothing special about them. Okay, I wanted to know if they were the evolution apples that would change it into Appleton, Flapple, or Diplin.
No, they're not. They're just regular apples. Dang. All right. Can I get 10 Ross, 10 Pekka and five cherry? That'll run you whatever. I think 400, 500. We only need five of each there, Walter. Actually, yeah. Can I get just get five of each? Five of each? That's five of cherry, Ross and Pekka. That'll be 300. All right, pace.
and a two o three ah good the archenines like promise everything yeah guys we we have stuff to do come on he can't be serious i'm being cops i'm getting something to eat you can get donuts later okay wait hang on donut wait bruce he said there's gonna be donuts we gotta we gotta get the investigate first sammy so fast that we solve this fast you get donuts i mean i know i just ate like 43 don't i know i just ate like 43 burgers but i'm still i could actually go for a donut
Let me know, there's a donut in his hair just sticking out. Oh yeah, wait. Oh no, never mind. Sorry, I'm talking about a different campaign. As I said, we had another campaign where someone had a mega donut that they used as a floatie. Wait, no, I remember earlier in the campaign, you did have me roll to check my fur and there was a donut in there.
Did you eat it already? I don't remember. Oh yeah, I definitely ate it. It's gonna be an old donut if it's still there. Ew, armpit donut. It's a stale armpit sweat blood from him getting hit a bunch of times. Oh no, it's a crumpled up armpit donut. With blood on it. I guess this is an important question. What kind of donut was it?
I am not giving you guys bagel right now. So it's yeah, that's right. It's a bagel. It's just a regular doughnut. Before we go, square doughnut. Appleton or whatever your name is. Do you have the name's Barry? Sorry, what? The name's Barry Barry Barry, the Barry seller. OK.
um Well, do you happen to have any pineapp berries? Yup. If you'll make it quick, we have an episode to get on with. Okay. Can I get, you're the one who made a store. Sam, you 300 pokey down and get some stuff. Okay. Can I get five? Actually? Yeah. How many airbis are buying? Sorry. Five. That'll be 100. 100. Okay. There you go.
Alright, cool. Now, as you guys are living, I want you guys to roll, I need one of you guys to roll perception. I got zero in that, who's got bit a bit of stat? I've got plus 2.
9 plus 2 is 11. All right, you got you can see a about 19 for some. I only needed one and Bruce passed, so it doesn't matter. ah So you guys notice that for some reason, there's trash strewn around. There's like cans and stuff. There's like hands and like string and all sorts of weird stuff sitting around the stand, but everywhere else needs to be really clean. OK.
Uh, can we get the, uh, trash collectors? Um, who's got, who got to clean this up? Uh, the city will come by at some point and clean it up. It doesn't matter. Can I investigate the trash? Uh, sure. Full investigation. Okay. Probably the wrong one to do. Before, before you tell me your answer, what are you looking
Oh my gosh, I don't know how to explain this, because I think I'm mad at the game this a little bit. Could potentially be a clue. A blue's clues. for a blue's clues. All right, just tell me, Roland, I'll give you a general investigation. A 10. A 10, you just see a bunch of cans. There's some rope
again outside the bank. Yeah, you guys are right outside the bank ah below like the steps, because like a lot of banks have like big marble stairs where you go up. Is it not that you guys are at the bottom? It's an old timey bank. Yes, there is a trash can not too far away from the very stand. I'd like to investigate the trash can. Go ahead. We'll investigate. Five. Five. You go in there. There's an old Boca burger in there.
Don't eat it Samy. Don't eat it. Please don't. Guys, I found the burger in the trash! Leave it! Leave it! Just building is like 60 feet tall. It's a big marble bank. You guys think someone could have jumped in the trash can from the roof? What? What are you doing? Did it escape? No! Do you see this thing? This thing's tiny!
anyway we're not making assumptions all right I'm going on with that with or without without are you come on let's go and he starts walking up the marble stairs somehow Walter pulls out a notepad it's the brain notes you guys can see that silver is walking behind you guys by the way
so as you guys all enter the building silver or silver is standing next to the arcanine and the arcanine is like by the way my name's bill just figured i'd mention and since i haven't given you my name yet anyway so this is what happened um i'll tell you all we know so far So we got two guards stationed here and you can see two guards guarding like the back area of the bank. I should give you a quick description of what the bank is. So you guys are in an open area and there's like the tellers desks where there's like three separate tellers and there's I don't know if for simplicity a Bulbasaur Charmander and Squirtle that are running the teller stands. And there's a hallway that leads towards the back.
and uh there are two guards that are guarding the back entrance and uh that is what you guys see at the moment so the arcanine is like uh as you can see we got two guards uh here uh what what ended up happening is um from the guards account actually you know why don't i just have them explain it and one of the guards walks up and it's a profile
So the Grove i was like, hey yeah, so I was one of the guards here when this all happened. oh
So whatever happened, the name is Cypher. I don't know. Is that is that a CIPH ER? Yeah.
Is Jake actually taking notes?
miss eline love prime show so I'm taking this. I'm taking this seriously. Oh, there's a reference there. if Someone didn't get it. Anyway, he's from the or region. He's like. What? The Coliseum games.
no i just teamlapher thank you was there the reference was yeah oh Is there a team called Team Cypher? Yes. Yeah. yeah i I didn't know that. That is not the reference I was making. That was accidental. We got two references. If you guys got the reference, let me know in the description. The description. What am I saying? The comments below. No, let us know in the Discord.
or both you can leave comments on out yeah Yes, I think you can. Yeah. So anyway, ah the the Grove, I was like, all right. Yeah. So we were just doing our duty. And to be frank, we weren't really paying attention because we've been staying around for eight hours a day, not real fun. And we weren't really paying attention. And then all of a sudden we just knocked out. I smelled something sweet and we were just out like a lamp. Those are weird. And then I just woke up and my keys were missing. The keys to the vault back there. and and And that was it.
Like that's all I remember. I woke up like an hour later and everyone was out. Could it have been like a sleep powder or spore? I don't know. All I know is that it smelled really sweet.
Maybe it was after an hour, right? You think it was an hour after being knocked out. Something like that. Maybe it was a double attack. Maybe somebody used sweet scent and another one used sleep powder at the same time. Sleep powder? Yeah. I really don't like it. I don't like it. Have my sweet scent like maxed out enough, and it just makes you encounter many Pokemon at once. Yeah, but if they could have masked the sleep powder. You could have masked the scent of like the stunsport, sleep powder, whatever. Hmm.
yeah so uh i mean yeah so that's what happened really it's kind of crazy oh yeah and yeah we woke up and like the bank door was wide open and there was like this pedestal that looked like it had something on it but it was gone there with the pedestal was empty and there's just like a bunch of money missing does anybody know what was on the pedestal uh no i mean we're just the guards we don't exactly you know go in the vault that's the only one for elect is silver sorry sorry sorry i miss i misspoke sorry sorry uh let me really say that the only person who knows what's in there is the client and then who's the client not even know the bank owner knows what it was i i don't know the client it's some rich dude i don't know bruce you're the client you'd have to ask you'd have to ask one of the tellers or i guess the police officers here
And Bill is just like, ah. So as far from what we understand, this is a rich family that lives on the outskirts of the town that goes by the name the Cypresses. And they're a group of what? Wait, can you say that again? What was that? The Cypresses? Cypresses? Yeah, the Cypresses. They're a they're a group.
Yeah, yeah, I am struggling to think of a name. Yeah, they're a family of Greninja's who live on the edge of the city and they are strangely decided to take no comment on the incident and they We're not pressing any kind of charges. It's really bizarre. And as such, we haven't really been able to make like a formal investigation. We've only been doing a private investigation, I guess, of our own accords just to, you know, it's a criminal. We got to make sure that doesn't happen again. Right. It's a puzzle theory that a rival family took their artifact and they don't want it getting out to the police.
I mean as possible but they're just like by themselves they don't really have like a rival or anything as far as I know they kind of just sit on the sides they're you know oil
I was thinking it sounds almost like an insurance grab thing. hello that would No, that would have been. Yeah, no, they they didn't press any charges. They didn't ask for insurance or anything. They just let it go. strange but That's I wonder if it was an inside job. Maybe they stole it for just media. Well, the only people here, though, could be an inside job is
I want someone to roll perception. I'll roll. Is that just last spoke? I feel like you should be specific. Oh, seven.
A seven? Yeah. You don't notice anything. Uh, nevermind. Anyway, uh, so. That's about all we know. I mean, we have we have a list of suspects, but we haven't exactly um interrogated them yet. So if you guys want, you guys can go around and interrogate them. Wait, how long has this thing been open? And just now, and you still haven't interrogated them? Okay, look, the family decided not to press charges. So this is the police officers taking their own time to investigate this. This is off the clock for us.
So this is not a paid investigation. So how are you able to pay people for the investigation? Like, where's the money coming from? Also, when are you going to pay us? like We've been doing this for like an hour. like it was my like You guys haven't done anything. Anyway, us at the office have been pulling money to be able to offer a reward for people who can help solve this.
This is a self-fund for an employee-funded thing. which is why no one's sitting doing yeah well It's mostly just us that actually you know care about our job.
Anyway. wow I think first off, we should probably see about going to talk to those cypresses. So real quick, he hands you a piece of paper. And this is what it says. There are a bunch of suspects. The list just says suspects. And it says Nathaniel. I'm sorry. Let's try it again. Hold on. All right. All I'm ready. It says Chai the Leafion. Chai. I just saw that. C-H-A-I.
chai no no no no no no i messed up i was gonna say it sounds uh might be suspicious here doesn't seem like these berry didn't berry berry the apland was submitted by sylvian lover 17 not sean wait oh wait uh so that didn't sound like i'm so sorry but i like i didn't remember submitting it but it sounds like something i would have submitted
I didn't have my notes up when I read that. I just thought I had that memorized. I'm so sorry. I got it to you. okay look you forget it That's me. Person that's not me. I'll make it up to you somehow. But now you've you've gotten more into the spotlight. So hopefully that makes up for it. Yes, it is SylveonLover17. Not Sean. I didn't do that one. Yeah. It was believable because I love Apple. And so I was like, yeah, I totally would have submitted that.
So there's Chai Delifion, there's Barry the Applin, and the next one on the list is Goose the Surfetch'd, who was submitted by ProHockey96. Then there is Vickers the Octillery, who is submitted by Kurtos, and Sean submitted Cathin Bob the Sableye, and Evelyn submitted Zazu the Toothpin. You're gonna have to, hold on, Vickers the Octillery and what?
Okay, okay, so there's Childelyphion, Berry of Applin, there's Goose the Surfetch'd. Then there's some Vickers the Octillery.
All right. And then there's Caffeine Bob, the same one. And then Bob. Caffeine Bob. I don't know. Caffeine's Caffeine, last name Bob.
And then there's Zazu, the two cannon. Z-A, Z-Q. I forgot about Capri and Bob. Z-A, Z-Q. Z-U. Like the Lion King character.
Z-U, Z-Q. Z-A, Z-U. Z-A, Capri and cannon. Now, I don't know if you guys remember, but about a month ago I started pinning like a million different user submitted characters. Yeah. That's why. So what I ended up doing is I pinned like a hundred, I think I pinned like 20 of them to some to make sure you guys didn't like look at the pinned comments to be able to, you know.
uh take a look at the list of suspects ahead of time so i kind of mixed in some ones i had planned on not using so those are the ones i plan on using now there are some notes tied to each of the characters each of the people this is what it says for lost my notes i'm gonna go off the cuff child aletheon an energetic aletheon who loves flowers Let me see if I can find them real quick. Barry the Applin. Always seen sitting outside the bank at all times. Goose the Surfest. A female Surfest who loves battling. Vickers the Octillery. Knows how to create explosives.
Caffeine Bob the Sableye. He is super twitchy, sticky, and is crazy enough to cause mayhem. Oh man. Zazu the Two Cannon. He was seen at the crime of the day before doing a news article on the strength of vault doors. The day before the bank robbery, um they did a newscast on the strength of vault doors.
hey They did a news thing on the strength of vault doors. Yes, they did a news report. and So, yeah, the ah the organize like, oh, yep. So that's what you got there. oh What was the caffeine Bob's one?
Caffeine Bob. He's super twitchy. He's sneaky and is crazy enough to cause mayhem.
I'm so glad say very the a the very very very the Applin description is very different from the user submitted Yeah, cuz I'm reading off of the blue book not the character submitted you're not doing the characters exactly as they were submitted. Wait, are they different?
yeah they put a description there yeah they put a description saying that they were uh often in uh off they were wandering about a lot often in dungeons uh oh i don't have that pull ups that's in the discord yeah sorry if it's not exactly where your character is if it's a problem please let me know in the discord uh if we did what you did if they wanted we'd never see him because we never go in dungeons Yeah, I don't have time to comb through the discord and read all the descriptions at the moment. So if I get something wrong, I'm so sorry. I remember if we were running out of people who were giving us ideas and now we're over flowed with them. All right. So, yeah, so our bill is like, all right, oh I'm heading out. Stop by the police station if you got anything.
Got it. All right, and it is time to start our mystery solving. He just put on your investigation couch because it's time to play Detective Pikachu. It is up to you guys to solve the bank robbery. We don't know where any of these enemies are. Besides that. Can I go talk to the other guard? ah Sure. Besides, Cypher, Rover, Cypher, the Rover. Wait a minute.
Sure, it is. ah Sure. The other guard is another girl of vial. And he says, Hello, my name is Cypher two. I have the exact same dialogue as the other person you just interrogated.
Lazy DMing. I have a second. Can I pop a catch up? Because he made sure not to talk and bring that guy up. I wanted to see if it was true or not. Okay.
Okay, so real quick, I'm going to lay this out for everyone to make this a lot simpler so you guys aren't stumbling around. You guys have the option to interrogate to any people you see, whether that is people in the bank, people on your suspect list, or people outside. It will get you one step closer if it's relevant to the truth. You can also investigate people.
This is literally just like playing detective Pikachu. So you can investigate things, um like you can investigate the guards, you can investigate, you know, whatever. um And you guys can gain clues to fill out and try and solve the mystery. If you guys get enough clues, you guys will be able to solve the mystery. So by talking to people, you gain clues, and by investigating people, you get more clues. If you get enough clues, you will have enough information to solve the murder.
the The mystery a murder yeah Where there's as far as only where there's no murder involved All right, I hope there was actually a Who had his coin stolen and broken and then they were just shattered? how yeah Guess it I give you Sophie. Okay. Here's you guys might not like this, but I think we just split up and look for clues.
oh by the way i would like to start i would rather you guys not split up because i would make that would one make this take like 50 episodes and two that would be just nightmarish and boring for everyone else but well we've now entered in the bank robbery arc so Yeah, exactly. So I'm going to start off by I want to roll investigation on silver, the Espeon. Well, I want to ask one question quick. We don't know where the other suspects but besides the Applin are, right? Like we know the location of Applin, but that we don't know where everyone else.
if you've I'm going to give you this hint, so you guys, again, aren't stumbling on the dark, because you guys might take a while to figure this out, but if you remember back in the beginning of Ork 2, you guys met a Sylveon, who is able to look up people's addresses based on their names. I'm going to say that your characters... remember Yeah, an odd guy. had addresses
If Hawkeye can do it, what do you think Volkenberg can do? Yeah, they probably have, like... Don't the police just know their address? Possibly, but Bill's just... Yeah, doesn't the police? Would the police know where they live? Yeah, the suspect list probably has the addresses, I would assume. So we have to go to the police station anyway to get the addresses, is what you're telling me. No, you have to go to the town hall. Okay. Ah...
Hold on, before I do anything, I'm gonna go out to the Appleton. This motherfucker did it. Ooh, oh boy. Okay, well I got- You guys have an out for Barry. You're fine at all. Um, Mr. Barry. Wait a minute. Oh, I got an 18 plus one on my investigation role on Silver the SPN. All right. Okay, you got 18 plus one. 19. There you go. Okay.
Okay, so Silver is looking at you and she talks to her, head she's like, yeah, what's up? Oh, you investigated her. So, sorry, I played that wrong. Sorry, that is my bad. All right, so you notice she looks a little nervous with a 19. That's it on a 19-wow deck.
He said we had something to do with this, but... We'll probably have to get more clues to figure out what exactly.
Hmm... Hold on, I'm gonna walk i'm just gonna wish for the Sammy. Based on my thing I had feeling, I'm gonna five Pokey dolls say she's involved. Wait, wait, which one do you think you did it?
Silver I think she's on it in on it. Yeah, I don't quite trust her. She was kind of weird when we tied to her I'm gonna I'm gonna raise that I'll see your five dollars and raise that to ten dollars that she's involved because ah teacher She looks pretty nervous over there. I'm the one who started this if you were raising it. I mean you're against it No yeah that raise Raise it to ten dollars that she is involved. I is 200 wait so am i getting paid for this or yeah enough let's get back to investigating final thing i will say everyone can be investigated everyone can be interrogated
so have fun okay but like um everyone can be done that's fine but again we have to find all these people to do that i feel like that would take a while i don't think you understand what i mean i mean everyone period i'm gonna go to the market tellers so i can interrupt i can entertain and so and everyone i can interrogate bruce yeah you could i don't know where were you i guess where were you during 9 11 oh yeah know no Bruce was not alive for 9-11. I was. Bruce was not. I mean, we have no idea what year this is taking place in comparison to the real world. Turns out it's 2001 right now. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. It's still what I knew you guys do. This is 20 years in the past and now it's crashed. This is probably like late 1800s, early 1900s.
I don't matter. It's not just the base one. It's a charm of 1920. It was just supposed to be a quick joke. OK. All right. Anyway. All right. What are you guys doing? Can I go to the market tellers? Yes, you can go to the tellers. I don't know what a market teller is, but they're called tellers. Hey, tellers is what he meant. I'm just having my heart. All right. Whatever. There's a charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. And so you could talk to anything at once or just once. I am.
Um, and where were we all three of you during this crime? Uh, the tremendous seems to be taking charge. So he's going to speak. He's like, I mean, we were all just, you know, manning our stations. And then all of a sudden people just knocked out cold, like for a full hour. It smelled very sweet, kind of like flowers. It was really weird. And then, you know, we just woke up.
We already talked to security, right? Yes. i I'm going to say yes, you have, but also no. I'll be fair with you guys on that. OK. What does that mean? Like are you saying that there's more security staff involved or we didn't get the answers we needed? You guys you guys interrogated him. You did not investigate him. OK.
I'm literally playing this like it's Detective Pikachu almost already is. I did not play that game. Who wants to ah investigate the security people? i'll investigat okay of I doing everyone does apparently everyone just circles around the Grove while and scares it down I'm only gonna have one person investigate each otherwise it's just gonna be an automatic success each time so one person gets to roll for the group you said okay just just so I am clear it's the three tellers the two security guards who else is here
uh silver and silver and i already investigated silver okay i'm talking to the tellers so i'm basically investigating right now are you talking to all of the tellers jake or just one of them yeah all of them yeah all of them but i'm having the term enter speak for them because they're all tellers are basically the same i'm treating this one entity all right um what happens when we um interrogate them you just speak to them are we just asking them specific questions yeah basically okay like where were you like where are you at whatever you think whatever you think we'll get answers out of them okay what maybe we should decide like okay maybe we should all decide together like what like what we're gonna ask people
I have a scare routine after we go when we go to go to Barry next. I need Sammy's help. Oh no. i be with on whatever you want do i He's got a lot of tasty food. 18 on the tellers. Okay, where do you what are you rolling? Investigation? Investigation. They seem to be telling the truth to the fullest extent.
They don't seem like nervous or anything. They just seem like, wow, this is a crazy thing that happened. Have you seen any weirdness during the bank in the previous days is following it? Anybody looking around? Anybody staying too long? People want checking out the cameras or the security guards? No, not in the slightest.
I mean, you know, just the usual stuff, you know, espionage or sorry silver is in her office, you know, we're doing our stuff just a regular crowd, you know, that anyone's been outside. Anyone fired recently? Anyone fire? No. Anyone know the security or anything? No, we've all been here for like the last, I want to say year. I don't know. I mean, you've all been here. Nobody's been fired or anything. Any problems with clients?
No, we've never had any problems with clients. Silver has been the best boss we've had in forever. This place has been been running great. Sure. Anyway,
Annie, when you say best boss, what do you mean? Like, what does she do? Well, she's the owner of this bank. She's the owner of the franchise. It's her bank. What do you mean? Did you know her before she came to the owner?
Not really. I mean, like I said, we've only been employed here for about a year. We do it because we need money. So it's not like we go up to our bosses like, hey, tell them it's your entire employment history. So no. Backtalk, yes.
Yeah, clear for now. We might have more questions later. What do you mean for now? We didn't do anything. The investigation's still open, so do not leave town. You didn't do anything that we can prove yet. That's what you mean. What do you mean, don't leave? I'm not under arrest. You can't make me, you can't stop me from doing anything. I'm not a police officer. You want to see me try? What does that mean? I flash our badges and be like, listen, we're also police officers. We'll get the answers out of you.
I seriously doubt that you guys better watch her. I'm pushing the silent alarm. We're working for the cops. OK, and you guys are civilians. And what I see it for no no good reason is is a crime. What are you going to do? I'm harassing the bank tellers. You are. I'm investigating.
I will remind you that you are working for a private investigator that is working off the clock and is not using police resources. you If you are not working with the police officers, we're working with a person who is investigating this in their off time. We're working for somebody who's gonna pick it up. Hey, hey, Carol. Uh-huh. Hold on. Adding to the session. What? Sammy, what? Okay. i was gonna I was gonna tell you to stop, but I think you you might and you might be right. All right. Yeah, yeah.
i think we should uh start heading out see see who else we can find by the way at the end of this i'm sharing my notes with i all of you okay thank you i was gonna ask for that after anyways yeah i also need to start writing some stuff down uh if you'll give me a couple minutes i need to write some things now i'm glad because this is a large name as you named who's sharing notes is it jake or walter just so i'm clear both both okay Um, for the suspect of the Charmander, for my suspects I have a suspect, the motherfucking Charmander.
okay Who knows, maybe this my notes can be, um, the notes I make for now can just be Patreon thing. You get to see what I write. Oh boy, add some content right there.
anyway um well i'm typing hold on i got what i wanted i really hope oh uh who was who was investigating the tellers me Yeah. Yeah. Can you can you ask her what Walter? Yeah. Walter investigated and interrogated the tellers at the same time. Okay. Do we know what time the robbery happened? Are you asking us to the tellers? No, no, no. I'm just I'm asking the group because like that was in the newspaper article. Wasn't it? Was it? I'm going to I'm going to point say is
two o'clock two pm two pm okay two pm till what time broad daylight well they were out for about an hour so like two pm to three pm would be the time frame for the whole thing you know it's a shame that we already got rid of the mob boss and we can't invest and we can't interrogate her to see if something like if she knew anything about it that that was a night That was a pretty far distance away. Dude, you have no idea how big her mob is, or how many people she's got where. out Hey, Sammy, Sammy, shut up about the mob boss. well We're by police. The police the police officer left. but but they But these tellers and everybody else can still tell them what you said. Yeah, so just that way we can like get people's alibis.
uh yes that's a good idea okay i still kind of want to go talk to the cypresses yeah you think what if i else find it odd that cypher that this the grove is called cypher and the cypresses oh and the thing that was not intentional it's cypresses like the tree yeah I was surprised that it was a family of Greninja instead of a family of grass types. I was think I was thinking of making them like Trevenance or something, but I didn't feel like do if it was grass types, I would have just I totally would have thought it was a security guard to give revenge on them if they were grass types. OK. Well, this is only for the best. Before we go to the cypresses, Sammy, I want a kind of I don't trust Appleton now. That one.
Aplin. Barry. That's an Aplin. He was too nice. And he wanted us out of his hair too fast. What? That was the police officer that was urging us to keep moving. Not Barry. No, he also said he was he was running a business and told us to hurry up. Did he?
yes i'm pretty sure yeah also what if i wonder if aplin i wonder if berry knows how to use sleep powder or whatever was done to them i'm pretty sure he does let's pass i thought yeah so there had to have been maybe a grass type involved if they do So we're trying to stand just outside the bank. Like he's got the perfect vantage point. They're like, you monitor what's going inside and outside the bank. Nevermind. You know, Apple Apple, you don't learn that until he evolves. Yeah, it's no astonish. I'm like one other thing. Withdraw. That's it. I think that makes child on the most likely.
Can I just point out that Sean's icon on Discord is an apland? It's It's apple pie season. Yeah, it is. It sure could be.
Okay, so Walter and Sam, it sounds like they're gonna go interrogate and investigate Barry the apland. Okay, I'm not splitting the group, so we're doing this one at a time, if you guys wish.
it wouldn't It wouldn't be splitting the group, it'd be the same thing. there yeah and yeah okay got they're just the one I just want to yeah i just don't avoid splitting the group because that'll double the time everything takes. They'll be there. They'll just won't be active. Okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. That's the plan. If things are going wrong, I'm just going to threaten him with you saying you're just going to eat all his product.
nice okay see okay so you guys are at the apple and bear stand yeah and uh spongebob police music stop playing dun dun du dung du du okay i should absolutely use this background music or no actually sean's in the other than this one uh well i don't know we'll see anyway anyway anyway uh what make up your mind
Huh? He said, make up your mind. Oh, I thought he said, I could've sworn he said, I got your money. I was like, what? What do you mean? Anyway, anyway, Mr. Barry, is it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah Hi again. You coming to buy more berries? No, I was just wondering, where were you 2 p.m. during the day of the heist?
Paul, I was out here just like I always was. I never move. I go here, go home, come back here. There's no difference. Ask anyone on the street, still say the same thing. Well, if you never move, wouldn't this be your house then? Like you say you go home, that's technically moving, mister. I never move at work, okay? I go home, but I don't. I never move here. Ask anyone on the street. I've been here for like years. Good business out here, good good crowd.
Did you notice anything strange? I haven't noticed anything strange during the bank robber that happened, but I didn't see anyone coming in route. So people say like there was like some kind of weird smelling gas. I didn't smell anything.
Did you hear anything? Maybe a tumbling of them getting out or? No, it was as if it didn't happen at all. I didn't notice anything. The only thing I noticed is that during around that time that they say to happen, people went inside and like left immediately. Like there was no business in the bank really. So that's the only thing I noticed. Did you see any any suspicious looking Pokemon? Well, I got to hang out. I got to hang out. I got to hang out.
Mr. Barry the Applin. You say you never move, right? OK, so you're out here all the time. You watch. You get to watch everybody go in and outside the bank. You got the perfect vantage point to watch. So to watch from across the street and see what's going on. So you can't tell me you didn't see nothing or see anybody going around 2 p.m. on the day of the murder or robbery. Murder since murder become a thing. It could have gone in the side. Somebody mentioned murder one way or in there. Somebody said murder in there.
What's that, Evelyn? They could have gone in the side or the back. I mean, yeah, that's possible. and I didn't see anything from the front. So nothing real fishy. Or the roof. I don't think. That too. no I well don't know. But then they would have had to go in through the main hall somehow. Like, did we? yeah We didn't ask the tellers which way they came in from, did we? They didn't see the robbers come in, right?
The tellers? They just got knocked out, that's a... Yeah, they just got knocked out, but they didn't see... Yeah, the tellers said they didn't see anything, they just got knocked out. Yeah, so we don't know which way the robbers went in, but we do know they got knocked out. Do you know any alleyways behind the bank? I mean, there's... I mean, yeah, there's an alleyway. It's not directly next to the bank, but like, yeah, there's alleyways.
There's is there any like secret or a dungeon something that That sounds like a question for silver. I mean, I don't know. I didn't build this bank Frank I don't think silver built this bank either, but that seems that's something she would know I'm real curious about silver because people have been telling me different things about it Someone said that she was and I worked at a different bank years ago and beat now people are saying that she's worked here forever um'm I'm real confused on her. I never said that I No, I didn't see you. I didn't see you. I'm just saying. I'm getting different information from different people. OK. I think we got all the questions we wanted. OK. If you think of anything, please reach out to. Officer Bill the Arcanine, he'll know how to contact us. And here's here's my card. Here's my here's my card. You can reach me at this number. So, you know, just get back to get back to what we got.
I don't know what a number is, but I'd rather that. Anyway, do you think we should check out the alleyway? Maybe we'll see if we can find where they came in. Let me try. I want to track down that leafy on, see if we can find out what they know. I'm just hoping we can maybe find something that could tell us what type they are. Maybe bugging my throat.
a bug Anyway, part of the berry I ate. co co bob no es dot com I mean, I think that, I think it could have, but I think it had to be a grass type because a they, they, the, the Pokemon that got knocked out, they, they said they smelled some, they said they smelled a sweet scent and they got knocked out. So maybe it was, I think it was, I think it was a, it could be more than one. Right. So I think it was sweet scent and sleep powder at the same time.
Which means there could have been two Pokemon. Or one Pokemon that's somehow able to use two moves at once.
I mean, link moves are technically a thing. I was going to say, our linked moves are the same. I don't know if they're a single system. I'm going to say this flat out. I'm going to say this flat out. It's not part of my system. It is not something I thought of. So but before you guys dig yourselves a hole, link moves are not in the system. there are There is a bird for the suspect. So maybe we should go to the roof and see if there's this disturbance up there.
I wasn't as much as any damage because, you know, Mrs. Flame back there, that one thing through a roof. So maybe somebody did something here. Let's check let's check this place there before we go to anywhere else in case we miss. OK, so are you guys going to the alley or the roof?
Roof first, then alley, because I have a feeling that the I got a better feeling about the roof. Yeah, let's go to the roof.
okay um i hate to break the two guys because i don't know how to get to the roof yet um miss silver i will not stop me man you act like we're not knowing how to get to the roof is a is a problem i'm just saying you can't just teleport to the roof miss walks in silver do you can we is that a way to the roof Silver is in her office, so you knock on her door and she opens up. She's like yeah hi. What can I do? that wait ter what here I Mean I think there's a service ladder outside, but why?
That might have been where they came in from. We just need to check it out. You never know. People like to break in from various angles in various places. Sure, but take one of the guards with you. I'm not having you guys- Don't tell me what to do. Rob me as well. She says, narrowing her eyes at you. Okay. I understand. You're not paying me to do this. Don't tell me what to do. nobody Nobody's paying you to do this. You guys gotta stop reminding me about that.
We're getting paid. I don't know what you're talking about. We'll be getting paid when we solve this. She's close to the door, and guys.
Dang psychic types can just move doors without even getting out of their stupid seats. Of course, that's the thing that Sammy's mad about. Anyway, um, get sight, get cipher to with us.
Okay, so you bring you take Cypher 2 and you guys go outside. He just he ah gestures you guys out to the alley next to the bank, and you guys here are rough rumbling. And I need one of you guys to roll perception. Yeah, perception. I can do it, um no Nope, you can roll it. okay I got a four plus two, six. ah I'm not having this roll until we get a success. It's one person rolls for the group. With a six, you know something is rumbling in the alleyway.
And as you guys can say forget closer you guys see a so a service ladder And it's like kind of like an old apartment building ladder, you know, like the fire escape ladder kind of thing and Just saw that UI so Lee starts walking up with ladder climbing it and so hold on one second can i take one second is the ladder far enough down for us to climb up or do we gotta knock it down i'm gonna give it pause i need to look something up i'm sure i could throw one of you up there if i have to it's a 60 foot building to the ladder throw me won't throw me no i could barely carry you i think the ladder goes all the way to the ground
i would now There's some fire escapes where they go they could rail it up so they don't get anyone from the ground getting it in Did she say this was like the only way up here so I don't think they'd be like that I'm just going up here because they could have gone into the air vents and put something in there and the air vents and yeah oh Maybe they maybe they blew powder through the air vents. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking of because those suspects can and Maybe it wasn't maybe it wasn't sleep powder that knocked out all the Pokemon Maybe it was somebody that used like a massive hypnosis attack. I don't think that's how that works. I Don't think you can hit know the air
No, but you can like, but it's maybe, so maybe there's a Pokemon that's capable of like hypnotizing every Pokemon in a room. I guess, but they smell something sweet. Okay. Sorry. I had to look through my notes real quick, make sure there's no things right. Okay. So as you guys approach the ladder, by the way, the rumbling stops and you guys are close enough to tell that it is the dumpster that is in the alleyway. Hmm.
The dumpster was rumbling.

Dumpster Discovery and Lycanroc Interrogation

The dumpster was a rumbling. Was a tumbling. Yeah, it hurts a lot. Take one. I mean, like I just slammed my head on top of like. Sure, you had bought it. Take one damage. I didn't head bought it. I just slapped it. Walter, that sounds like a hat.
We'll make a big sure to scare whatever's in there. Yeah. So you smack the dumpster and you hear a lot of that as coming from inside the dumpster. Oh, I was going to ask if I could investigate the dumpster. Open up, and please. All right. ah Somebody please open up the dumpster. Wait, what? What? What did you what did you say? Me? What were the police? No.
OK, he jumps out of the out of the dumpster and tries sprinting away. Oh, I'm going to pin him down. OK, go ahead and roll a top speed. Let me chase him down. I got my I'm on wheels. I'm fast. Yeah, I know. Sam is surprisingly is tied for fastest here. If you want to try and tackle him down, go ahead and go east.
I just can't pin him down even right beside me. He's attempting to sprint away. Oh, wait, that's... Gosh darn it. I wish it was rolling for tough because it rolled really well. All right, what's my D speed? Or is Sammy rolling for a D speed? Yeah, I got to get out my my speed. Oh, OK. OK. Oh, no. Song is still on speed. Huh. I got a five to get him. OK, well.
sean said she was gonna go oh i said i was gonna pin him down immediately okay you said you got a five 50 speed i'll have both you go all right what about you sean still getting their dice do we need like do speed to catch up and do a roll to pin them oh uh i'm gonna i'm gonna lob an electro ball at him okay it might not matter so hold on
Should I do it? I said it might not matter. Hold your horses. OK, OK. So the Pokemon rolled a two. So both of you immediately jumped on top of them as soon as the exits the dumpster. What Pokemon is it? It is a mid mid. I wrote that. It says a midnight Lucario. It's a midnight Lycanroc. Oh, dang.
whope Sammy posters his head against the ground. He's like, get off of me. And I know you're going. Why were you running? I need you both to roll a opposed strings. I'm going to have you guys each roll one dice. Take the high school. You might want me to do it because I rolled both of you. No, both of you rolled. But twenty two ever has the highest roll. Twenty two. Nineteen plus three.
Yeah, take the 22. Doesn't even matter. She got a seven. I also got a seven. going Oh, he ain't going nowhere. Sammy just sat on top of him. I got like him in a full nail. I got i'm like in a full Nelson right now. OK, so he's on the guys like he's like, get off me. Stop resisting.
Where were you think you're going? We were just trying to talk to you. Why were you in the mail? well wow Why was you in the dumpster? When we said we were a police. I was dumpster diving. I'm homeless, OK? You know anything about the robbery? What robbery? About the bank, right beside where you're dumpster diving. I didn't even know I was diving next to a bank. I'm just trying to find some food, God damn it.
You know, that's food like right across the street. Yeah. And can I have that cost money? Do I believe him? carton What check was that? Can I roll for doubt? Exed out of roll inside against this D20. It's like old game exit. It's only inside against deception if he's got something to hide. Well, OK.
He did not roll great. What did you get? He got a net one. You can tell he is lying from a mile away. Lying won't make this easier, punk.
five Fine, fine.
My name is Weston Smith, and with that, the, uh, uh, cypher two jumps and surprise. It's like, what? Weston Smith, the escaped conflict. Are you serious? Is the bounty on him? Look at that. We solved the mystery already. We already got the guy who did it. This guy, you said he's a convict. that He's gotta have done it. Pay up now. Did we, did we get the guy?
Because we just got a guy. We got a guy who happened to have a bounty on his head. We didn't get... We don't have... Oh, Hikaru, what you're telling me is we can get another... Tell us who goes robbery. What you're telling me, Hikaru, is we can get a bounty for this guy in in addition to the bounty we're gonna get for the other guy.
Yes, hopefully. Cypher 2's like, yeah, this guy, this guy is in jail big time. He was in for doing murder and shit. Why did I turn southern? Yeah, this guy really wanted. Yeah, there's a 10 grand bounty on his head right now. da well So, mister, why don't you tell us all about this Baker robbery? Yeah, so let's ask him, let's ask him all that once he's in custody.
Oh no, we got Munchlax on him. He ain't going nowhere. Yeah, yeah. Munchlax and me pitting him down with my strength. He's not going anywhere. Oh, I meant like, I meant like take him to the police station and interrogate him kind of thing, or but we can do it here. I mean, I'm really happy. Nah, if we give it to the police station, they're just gonna hog it. They're not gonna... Hold on. Selena, you got rope. Don't you use, tie me up with it.
I mean, Selena can just freeze them. What? Selena's face goes scarlet red. She's like, uh, what do you mean? What do you kidnap me? Oh, so she I mean, I, I didn't, that's still it back there in the cap. What, what, what are you telling her? You're saying this right in front of the police. He's a security guard. There's still police here.
No, there's I look the rope is back in the back in the the the underground now in in. And we got any rope. But I do happen to remember that there was a rope outside the bery berry stand. All right, so we're gonna get that. I'm not getting off him. You see me are not moving. I mean, because we're probably the best option to hit pin them. I legally cannot get off this combat.
Alright, start talking before I make the... the glacial unfreeze your legs. You talk before I stuff my blast seed in your mouth. Oh my god. He's gonna blast a seed on you. Wow. In his mouth. why so Jake, I don't know if I can say in the episode. That's fine.
OK, who's grabbing the rope? Listen, Hikaru said something way worse when she said she lost her innocence. food It did, because I just watched it. Yeah, she's like, I lost my innocence.
uh when we were in the improv episode when we were talking we were recollecting on the um halloween episode and she's like yeah i lost my innocence oh but no i just just little meant like i meant like she she like killed somebody Yeah, we we know we figured out what you meant afterwards we know what you meant but that's not what you There's context the context. Yeah. Yes Anyway, um, why don't you guys go get that rope?
Rope Also, yeah, so mr. What was your name again that Smith? Yeah, Wes and Smith. Yeah, I you actually homeless dude i need something to eat of course he's homeless he's on the run look i rolled a nat one so no i'm not homeless okay i'm just a on the run trying to get some food so in a sense yes but i'm not like living on the streets like i can give you something to eat i got 55 bulk in my kernels in my backpack
so things to worry about right now the food just tell us if you tell us something about these robberies we'll put it a good word for you I don't know anything about these robberies oh what you're talking about that's a dead lie now because I didn't check and I knew it was a lie like what do you mean you checked

Interrogation Strategy and Silver's Role

because yeah I asked about it and you say he's dead lying about it say okay walter Let me let me good cop it from here um so Don't just say that and i'm go i'm gonna i'm gonna investigate Okay, so I'm gonna see him at this point he's tied up the Yeah, bruce Bruce comes back with the rope Walt is right behind him with his claws out just ready. She tries anything what like when do we start to torture?
<unk> so se his ears poked up um So, talks to the security guard. You might want to go inside real quick. Man, I didn't know we were doing enhanced interrogation here. Yeah. The, uh, the, uh, girlfriend's like, guys, uh, I don't know if I can legally let you guys torture this guy. We're not going to torture him, which is going to annoy him until he tells us what we want. That's true. Walter here is very good at annoying people until they talk. I mean, I was just going to profile, like... Okay.
That's another crime right there. I think if I was like, ah maybe I should go. You know, I'm going to look at some police. All right. I'll leave you guys with it. You guys seem like you can take everything. I want to go get Bill real quick. I'll speak back in a second. Well, you need to tell us where he is. Tell us what you know as soon as you leave. I don't know. I swear. OK. OK, Wes.
Where were you on at p.m. on the day of the robbery? When is that? I don't know when the robbery is. It was two weeks ago. I seriously don't... Okay, what's the date two weeks ago? I seriously don't know what you guys are talking about. I don't know. I didn't read the newspaper. Hold the view to assume I read newspapers, man. Is this guy just some random cash grab we can get?
This is too convenient. Yeah. Wes is like, uh, about two weeks ago, obviously I was in Mapleville, something like that. I thought you were going to say he was in prison still. All right. I got a real question. Just real curious. Cause we we've heard of Mapleville. Never been there. What's it like? How, where is it? How far away is it?
but that's a nut nu samy were good There's this bread shop up there that's really terrible. That's the only thing that was memorable about it. Oh, is that Captain Morgan's? Yeah, yeah, sure is. Don't remember the Pokémon who ran it, but yeah. Do you have anything useful for us about experimental activity in this town? We know Captain Morgan's sister. No, I'm not from this town. She sucks.
I couldn't believe that. And you're just useless to us. Man, you have nothing to offer us. I told you I did not know about this one. I know. I was just going. All right. Let's go. I mean, we can just kind of manage the day of the week? I want to know what day of the week he was in, um, Mabelville.
Excuse me. No. Uh, I mean, I was there for a couple of days. So like, I don't know. Monday for Wednesday. I don't know. Okay. Yeah. your feet call this Well, if you tell us, and you know, if, if you tell us like,
If you tell us as much detail as possible about where you were, then... I mean, I was in Mapleville doing the same thing I'm doing here. I'm just diving, trying to take odd jobs, you know, trying to get back on my feet. Great question. Great question. Why'd you murder him? Why'd you murder them? Murder who? What? You're in the run for murder. Yeah, that was 13 years ago. I know. Why'd you do it?
Why did he made me angry? Well, they're just getting straight. Why'd you do it? Break out if it was 13 years ago. Wasn't your sentence probably like almost up? No, my sentence was life with no parole. Oh, well, OK. Then, yeah, we should get him back to the police station. I don't think he's actually got any info for us. Who was the person you murdered? I mean, he was a Magikarp.
How in the world did a magic carpet make you mad? It must fly up in its fins all funny, like, don't judge me, okay? Alright, I pick you up and accidentally throw him into the wall, like, oop, not bad, let's go. but Oh, I'm sorry, sorry man, but must have slipped. As you're trying to leave, you guys bump into Bill, who enters the alleyway.
Hey, Bill, we found a convict. Can we get paid? Oh, oh, my God. is Is that actually Smith Wesson? Wesson Smith. questions Yeah. We heard there was a $10,000 bounty on his head. Oh, there sure is. So you're going to you're going to pass it to this one oh right there mountain there. Is it each?
No, not each. It's just a flat 10,000 bounty on him. Yeah, 10,000 grand split between us. is Still 2,500 each. That's pretty good. That is not right because we got brace Alina and abyss They don't they don't count. they They've got their own money. They don't Yeah, Bill or bill looks at him. He's like, yeah, Bill looks and he' like ah they don't look like they have players Okay there you
so alright uh yeah go farwell i haven't seen i haven't seen selena do shit this whole episode she's just kind of been over there standing there motionless with no life in her eyes selena looks at you guys he's like yeah it's almost as if the dl has too much to keep on his mind already instead of keeping an eye on three extra npc's man remember when selena was the kid was the gm's favorite character and always wanted to talk about her I remember that time she almost used an odd apple. I remember that time she almost ice cleaned me. That was fun.
Okay. Anyway, um can we get our money? Get this moving. We get him to the police station and can we all add 2500 to our money? Yeah, so you guys hand over Wes and Smith and the cop gives you like, yeah, 2500 a piece.
Should she you know free money man. We didn't they have to do anything with us Convene this seems like This is really well for that mean Wait, was this just randomly? No, it was not a random. Oh We took him down to easily. We rolled real high to catch him No, he just rolled a net one to get away. Oh shush. No, you rolled a nat one of deception. You rolled nat one of deception. So we learned about everything. Oh, yeah. That's true. Yeah. He rolled a nat one to get away for his speed roll and a nat one on his deception roll. It was because he was hungry. He was starving. Yeah, sure. Anyway, um back to our investigation, people. So I guess we can actually get... Oh, we can go back. Why we're at the PlayStation? Can we we get all the addresses?
yeah do that okay so you guys are going to the town hall no we're at the police station i thought we could don't they have all the addresses oh oh i was just i said bill just gave you the money since he heard you guys had wesson smith you brought them oh he has the money i thought we went to the police station oh okay yeah i was billed just carrying us $100 or 10 or 100 or 100 grand 10 grand and yeah yeah he was carrying 10 grand with him in reward money Why? Because he okay so the Grover went to the police station to get Bill because he said that he had they had Weston Smith. So Bill was like okay there's a reward for that so I'll bring the reward money with me.
the playstation not far from here because i was like five seconds he can't even bet did that you guys look across the street now he is an archery he is fast fair he knows extreme he knows he knows extreme speed probably uh i'm gonna say the playstation's like a couple blocks down or something let's do that so we can get all address this i'm interrogating wait Let's go up to the roof. We don't need to go up there. Yeah, we haven't been up there yet. Oh, yes. Yeah. So the Grove, I like pokes it with a stick and the ladder falls down and you guys have access to the roof. I could have done that. I broke.
All right. Like, it's so cool. Wait, can Sammy. Can Sami fit in it? Because is it like when there's a circle ring? with the okay you guys out like a sink ring Why is this two episodes in a row? I get fat shamed. You're a munchlax, man. What do you expect? You did just eat 43 boca birds in a row and then a 44th. I'm assuming you ate that one. Anyway, yeah, so you guys can all make it up the ladder safely. There's no safety ring.
All right, i can we check the air system? Like is there anything shes getting weird up there? Yeah, so you guys are all at the top and you guys see like the air conditioning unit, you see like a ventilation system. Roll investigation. Can we get advantage since we're all doing it? No, just roll investigations. Who's got the bad investigation? I've got a plus one. Plus zero. I got zero.
all Alright, I guess Bruce will do the investigating. No, we're not really smart. 10 plus one, 11. Okay, with an 11, you do not notice anything out of the ordinary. It all looks quite clean. This is getting me stumped. Maybe we should try talking to other people. Yeah, I just want to get a lay of this lamp first in case you missed something.
yeah Is there like a rap of oring they're like oh a window that could have moved on the roof? No, not on the roof. No, no, no no other instances. Nope. Not on the roof. There's no hatch. nothing and Any other routes out possible to jump from there to this one?
Uh, yes. There's, I mean, I don't and think you can jump to it because the bank is the tallest in the area, but there's other roofs around. They're just way lower than the bank. Hmm. All right. I get the feeling that this is a, we've learned everything we can from this area. Yeah. All right. Let's go get the addresses and then then we can start questioning.
Go down the ladder. Yeah, go back down. I'm going to say this right now. Over the course of the investigation, I will give you guys more opportunity to take a hint over the course of the entire investigation. So it could be much. Let's do that after we get all the information.
Should we just do that after we get all the information? I think he means that as we gather more information, he'll give us hints. No, I mean, like you guys get one free hint. so Over the course of the investigation, because I'm looking at my notes and um I'm looking at stuff and I'm going to be real honest with you guys, did not get everything from this area. And there's a lot you guys haven't. You guys might have to check the back alley, um check the alley. Oh, yeah. So we didn't roll investigation on the back alley, I guess.
We just found the x-con the escaped convict. I actually do have something I would do did want to check in, but I didn't know if it'd just be useless. So FYI, I am keeping track of everyone you have talked to and whether or not you've investigated or interrogated them. So I can see exactly what you guys haven andt have and haven't done.
Okay. I guess that's true. We haven't technically interrogated silver yet. That's technically true. Are there any upper levels to the bank? Um, no, not... No, there have not. Okay. So it's a 60 foot bank, but it's only one floor.
it was a really tall giant window roof apparently I don't have this bank planed out very well no there's no plans in my thing for alright ah a second floor I'll investigate the alleyway I guess okay so you guys climb back down and you look at the alleyway go ahead and roll investigation uh two ten uh sure i give it to you uh with a 10 you don't see any you you do not see any side entrances it is a dark alley that looks like it could conceal people but there are no side entrances you do however see a window that leads to a bathroom in the bank so that's a likely entry point then i'd say yep
How high off the ground is the window? I'll give you guys this. You guys see a string it caught in the window.
How high off the ground is the window? Oh, like just a 10-second base on Pokemon, like four feet off the ground. Okay. It's just a typical window height. Sammy, get over here. Get out of here. I'm going to get on your shoulders. Okay, yeah, sure.
so that he can reach the strings. Yeah. Can I just grab the string? Sure, you can grab the string. Hold on. Circle back into the building. Let's go in the building to see if there's anything else in there. OK, you guys are back in the building. Back to the bathroom rooms. Can you grab the string, though, I'm guessing? Sure. Yeah. Sure. Yeah, you go inside and there is yet another string. It just ends in the bathroom.
What kind of string is it? It's like a very thin string. What kind of string is it? It's a rope. It's a very thin string. It's in possibly like a spider web kind of string. Like a string shot string? Sure, it's a thin string. Probably a string shot. What does the string look like?
It is white and. Oh, how do I want to describe it is sticky? and It is not sticky. It is not silky. It is like a string, like a yarn of string. Hmm. OK. So not like a string shot.
Hmm. All right, then. Um, anyway, you guys want to investigate silver? Cause I, I got bad feeling about her. Yeah. I already did investigate silver. I haven't, we haven't interrogated silver yet. We also haven't, we also haven't like investigated the cops though.
That's true. Oh,
like oh go oh Is Bill still here to investigate? Uh, no. Bill went back to the PlayStation with, uh, Wes and Smith. Heckin' Bill. I don't think he would hire more people to investigate if it was him. well Honestly, no, that'd be a good idea too, you though, because that takes the eyes off of him.
Alright, who wants to do a good cop, bad cop with me? Oh, by the way, I want to point out, Wes and Smith was submitted by Kurtos. I just realized, I don't think I created that character. So yeah, I looked it up in the character submission real quick. Yes, Abyss, the Umbreon AKA Kurtos, submitted Wes and Smith. He is a Lycanroc Midnight and his occupation is Prison Conflict.
That's his occupation. He gets paid to be a convict. yeah I guess that's true. a i be that i agree Hey, ro it's said it says it has a note here. I think I should mention that. It says he was inspired to make this character listening to Folsom Prison Blues by Colm R. McGinnis. Don't know if that means anything to anyone, but I feel like that's worth mentioning.
Alright, so me and Cara are going to- I think I've got the- Good cop, bad cop, routine on silver. I think I've got the demeanor, very demure, very mindful. Yeah. So wait, are you going to go first with a good cop or am I going to go straight to bad? Cara, I thought you didn't know what an internet meme was.
That's not an internet meme. It's literally what it's called. Good cop, bad cop. That's an actual interrogation method. Not not that, not that. Oh. Oh, I was making a reference.
Oh. I don't know. Anyway, um... So, hip Carter, are you going first or am I? Uh... I can go first. Alright. Okay, so you guys knock on the door.
Oh, wait, wait, wait. We don't know what... I don't really know what we're gonna ask for. Yeah, but Silver opens the door with her psychic powers, and the door opens. Hi, uh... Ugh, keep that psychic mumbo away from me, please. She's like, what can I do for you guys now? We got some questions for you. Oh boy, I can't wait to hear them. Yeah, we just wanna be thorough. You know, this isn't, you know... We don't necessarily suspect you, but we just wanna be thorough.
I mean, I suspect you, you, you you probably was the murderer. was She was like, i murderer what? We know you're a little, you got, you got a bad attitude towards the EV evolution. So why would you just step outside? There you go.
So Silver was filling out some paperwork as you guys said that. She looks up at you guys and is like, why are you guys so insistent that I did all this? Like seriously, what the hell? I'm just trying to find that bank here. I've got enough shit to deal with. part that you're a little stressed Maybe it's, I don't know.
could be You know what's all valuable in these banks? and No, I don't. that hard Everything that's in these banks is up to the client. I don't know what's in there. They could be hiding a nuke for all I know. I don't even know what a nuke is. Yeah, that that is also suspicious right there. Eli, I don't think you're in here. We said we were doing good cop, bad cop on her.
Oh, right. um Why wouldn't all of us go in, though? We could sit in the back. I guess. I guess. I guess you guys are standing just outside the room. I got I got dismissed. I was told to leave the room. Yeah, I guess. OK, fine. I guess Bruce probably left with Sammy then.
I could be also the fact that when I maybe orange-sensed you, I got a really bad feeling about it for you. And what is that supposed to mean? That's up to you. I feel your emotions.
okay and i'm stressed as hell right now what is that supposed to mean yeah i didn't get stress vibes i got i've been filling out paperwork for the stupid robbery for the last two weeks you think i'm having fun over here i don't know i wish i was in the room so much you didn't walk in the room you can still hear what's going on yeah we need to close the door standing doors You can butt in if you want. You've you've mentioned that mentioned that the bank has policy seems to have policies whereby the the contents of the vaults are kept secret, even from you know people as high level in the bank as you.
i mean in a sense yes as as long as nothing is you know detected as being dangerous it goes to like a set of i don't know sensors and shit i don't know but like yeah i mean it's up to the client what they put in there i on sisters i don't know it's almost like the dm came up with this last second Man, this bank system is shitty. ah I don't know what was in the bank, okay? Okay. Well, do y'all have i mean audit logs that could tell us like who accessed the vaults when or were there like, and like whether all the procedures were followed? I mean, technically, yeah, the guards have a copy of all that, but it's not like the robber filled out who after going into the bank vault.
No, right, but like something could have happened, you know, the day before that would have made it, you know, easier for the robbery to happen. Somebody forgot to lock the vault or... As far as I know, all the audits were filled out and checked. Okay.
Interesting, interesting. I should get my notes out actually. This was a real pain, you know? And you guys are not helping me anyway. I was out on a business trip when this all happened, and now I'm hearing about this all secondhand. Because I'm not helping. That's really useful for us to know. Thank you for telling us. Where where were you? I was over in Gale Beach. I don't know. like i It doesn't matter. I was out of town. Oh, fun. That's where we're from. um What were you? and
What were you doing in Gale Beach? Did you meet anybody? It's private business. ab Everyone's got alibis, huh? Well, I just thought if we- Yeah, and my alibis, I was doing private business. I am a bank owner. What do you expect? That you're greedy? No, I have business of elsewhere.
Well, again we're you know again, we're just trying to be thorough here. So, you know, your cooperation would be very much appreciated. Yeah, she rolls her eyes with you. And again, like definitely not going hard on the silver because she knows he knows that um they don't get along with um Selena.
He's definitely not. That's the reason he's going hard on her right now. I can tell.
Yeah. Well, if you tell us like who, if you tell us who you met, um,
and like we can, we can, you know, confirm it with them and then, you know, we'll, we'll be off your case.
You should rather ask who you I haven't met. Everyone who has an account here I've talked to at least with me. I so oversee everything that goes on here at these banks. I know everyone that works here. Okay, well... I mean that deposits here. Are there... Oh, so it's it sounds like there's Pokemon outside of Flama who have accounts here. Yeah, and...
Just wondering. Just wondering. Maybe even my dad? We have multiple... We have multiple branches. Oh, sorry. What am I saying? We have multiple branches. This is only one franchise. Okay. Okay. This bank just happens to be the Volkenburg bank. There's the Gail Beach bank and so on and so forth. Got it. No, no, no. That makes sense. That makes sense. Um, well... Um... Walter, what do you say we try something else?
a I guess for now we'll be back with more questions if something pops up Yeah, you guys do that. I'm getting back to my paperwork. Yeah. Thank you very much for your time Sorry to bother you and we'll be we'll be out of your hair in like three seconds She doesn't respond she just waits for you guys to leave it and it closes the door behind you psychically behave yourself now silver and She opens the door and slams it just for the dramatic effect. I can see why Selena has problems with her.
Anyway, anyway, so that is a lot of paperwork to do for this bank, Aubrey. But the owners, it's not like she's getting a hand cramp. She can psychic it. No, but my point is that the owners weren't pressing charges or doing any insurance stuff or anything.
There shouldn't be a lot of paperwork involved in this because the people who got stolen from aren't doing anything about it. Well, why didn't you say it? The door's wide open.
Yeah, and maybe we should. Yeah, that's what I was watching. Sami making sure. I think I was saying that earlier. Maybe it was somebody, somebody like within the family household, the somebody who works for the household.
maybe but maybe it was I don't know why that would be because like normally if it was an inside job they'd be like doing it for the insurance get get the insurance money you still have the item you still have everything you get the insurance money too but yes you don't really need to do that if you're already rich Right, but maybe the, uh, you know, maybe the item is valuable in itself and they just didn't bother with the insurance money. Maybe. Could be, I suppose. Everyone's got an alibi, it seems. Naturally. We've also thought we've only talked to people in the bank.
and yeah i suppose but i've been waiting to go what do you think someone else has been trying to get those addresses yeah yeah did we have the address above board um how long are you guys wanting to go it is six o'clock yeah another half hour latest for me. Okay, I can make that work. That's fine. I was gonna say I think I can do one more. um One more like person to talk to. if this one out in the in for someone I think we can stop. Also, i my okay ah so i think i'm I think my audio setting might have gotten knocked.
that's why I sound quiet um before no you sound fine if if anything we could pull audio from the creek because that's picking up just fine right but I think it looks like we should go no but like my audio setting my volume my system volume looks different from before oh yeah I noticed an immediate change in the zencaster because I've been monitoring that this whole time oh okay yeah so yeah I just I
Sean, we can hear that. Sean, is there a kid crying? Nope. Oh, well, I can hear something in the background.
It's gone now. You're probably muted. Can you not do that? like Because it's a little loud, OK?
it's good it thankfully was during the uh above board so uh okay i think we should go next hold on we need to give a pause for the editing cut so and back in all right guys so where should we go next uh i guess we have to go to town hall to get the addresses because for whatever reason they don't see him at the police station so let's just go to town hall I don't know why they didn't just put them on the suspect list but yeah
I feel like that's something that we make sense as is the city. Take care of the book. But OK, so you guys are going to the town hall.

Suspect Investigation at Town Hall and Chi's Residence

The town hall is down the road. I'm not going to make you guys do a whole scene for it. So you guys arrive at the town hall. It is a nice wooden building. It has the words town hall or Volkenburg, Volkenburg town hall carpenter. The the town of Volkow.
It'd be really funny if like canonically the person carving the words in actually put a typo in and they just kept it because it's too expensive to change.
you say i'm doing i say its i guess say you say yeah as if you can't change that you know what it's called the it's the woken ball town hall it's woken b-a-u-g-h town hall anyone else think that sign doesn't look right like what yeah it looks a little off but
They probably just didn't care. So you guys enter and you guys see a Sylveon manning the desk. And she sees you guys. She's like, oh, hi there. ah How can I help you guys? They're everywhere. We're looking for the addresses of, let me pull up my, all these people. We're looking at addresses for um Goose, the Thorfetch.
Alright, and she like push what she's like is that all? um No, we're looking also really for the whole list Victor Victor's the artillery caffeine Bob the save lie Zazu the to con Silver the Silvian If we wait, can you say that last one again silver the Silvian? Oh S.P.N. S.P.N. Whoops. OK, I was going to So we don't need the silver address because we already talked to her. OK, gotcha, gotcha. No, I still want it. and It will be easier if you guys just give me the list so I can, you know, search them up real quick. but to Just hand her the note, you know. I take a picture of my notes first with my thing, then give it to her.
Okay. You give her your GPA. She's like, Oh, no. gpa two Oh, that's so cool. I meant, I give, I take a picture of my GPA of the notes and then give her the you take a picture of his note with the gba handed her, the note. Yeah. but I don't, hold I make sure.
I'm making sure I put copies of it. Okay. Okay. Okay. I gotcha. Gotcha. So you take a picture of the note. No, sorry. I don't know why I said note twice. You take the note and you probably got to send it to you then.
What do you mean, send it to me? No, just give another a note i just get i just give to but talking about like and just give it okay so actually so you so you sent give her the I cannot speak. You give her the note, and she looks at it. And she takes some time. You can see her poking around on a GBA. And see ah after some time, she gives you back the list. And in pen, there's a bunch of addresses next to each of the names.
I would like our DM to say every each one. I'm kidding. No, no, I'm not making addresses like I did for Blair's. I still have Blair's address by the way. I bet if I looked up, I bet if I looked up through my 23 pages of notes, I can find it somewhere. All right. I just type in for vt suspect residents, know all of them for residents.
sure okay so you guys have the addresses of all of them all right who were you guys visiting first can we enter oh wait while we're still here uh can we also have the address of the cypress family Oh, the cypress. I don't. Yeah, I don't even have to lift that one up. If you guys just go over to the port there and she like points out the window. Wait, port car wait, where are you guys? You guys are not near an ocean. We are not river. I think both of us on a river. I'm not sure.
Oh, no. If you go to the western edge of town, she like points out the window, you can ah see like a big mansion with like a big black gate. Like you can literally see it from here. That's the Cyprus estate.
All right. Thank you. Yeah, of course. Is that all? That'll be all. All right. Thank you. Have a good one. Been very helpful.
Okay, so who are you guys visiting first?
We're going to do the rich family first or last? We can. a We can go either go there or go to Hikaru wanted to investigate that leafy on. I guess that would make sense. Leafy ons are a little sticky.
yeah i wanted to check out the leafy on first okay also i think this might this may be the most evolutions we've had in once one town in one episode yeah umberon glaceon espeon yeah oh we're missing his evian yeah the only like that's right you'd be on Yeah, the only ones we're missing are the three Gen ones We had a Jolteon a few episodes ago and a Flareon a few episodes ago So we haven't no and we had a Vaporeon at the college. So we're all kind of We have used all of them at this point now yeah So
It's almost like our DM really loves the eeveelutions or something. I will say that was not intentional. I wasn't trying to get all of them out, but the fact that happened is actually kind of cool. It was just in his back of his conscience of saying, do it, do it, do it. So the address um you guys have been given is in the middle of like the residential district. It's in the somewhat nice part of town. It's like the middle class part of the residential area. So you guys head over there.
Walking with spongebob police music? Oh, sorry. shit you guys Yeah, make sure you put the spongebob police music up. And you guys get there, and it's like evening at this point. So you guys get to the house, and it is a nice house with like a garden out front. The garden seems to have formal investigation, actually, on the house as a whole. As a whole, everybody?
No, one person has a group. The car car, you can do it. this You wanted to investigate them. Yeah, I should do it. Yeah. What? Okay. Walter. Walter sneezes something in there. He's allergic to. Okay. 14 even.
14 okay, so two things you can notice is that there is a lot of ivy growing on the house and There are a lot of the garden is not very well kept a lot of the plants are wilting and it looks like it's been Looks like whoever had it was trying to keep it and not doing so successfully Is there any well, I probably know this is gonna say is it any flowers that are known for? Knocking out people roll a nature check.
With a disadvantage because Walter did not pay attention in school. Of course. Seven. Seven? You don't see anything. What?
what These allergies, man. Oh, I thought you just yelled a bitch. No. What? That's what I heard. I heard you.
You just roll up to someone's house, look at their garden. It's not very good. british Okay. See, are you guys knocking? You guys knocking on the door then, eh?
Yes. Yeah. You guys knock on the door, and after some time, a leafy all pops her head off. She's like, oh, hi ah hi. Hi. What can I do for you guys? Hey, we just had some questions about um a robbery that happened at the bank. Would you happen to know about it? Oh, ah um I mean, I read about it in the newspaper. Yeah, but ah what about it?
Well, we just want to, we just want to gather some information. Um, like, like what kind of information? Like, well, we want to know, you know, we, well, to be, to be transparent, we think you may have, you or somebody, you know, may have had something to do with it. Um, and this is also, you know, this is also the, uh, the house of the, what's their name? Uh, the Cyprus family. And we wanted to.
you know, come here and see if anybody anybody in the family knows anything. This this this isn't the house of the Cyprus family. This is... I'm Chi. Oh, you're Chi? Okay. we we were told they We were told that you were a suspect, sorry, but we're just following up on what we were told. I want somebody to roll... I want Evelyn to roll Insight with Advantage. Insight with Advantage? What's Insight Beauty?
uh not sure yeah inside's beauty okay is sweating bullets
Why is everybody gotta be suspicious?
yeah um Chai, I wonder, um do you know, I was wondering if you know sweet scent by any chance? have it I mean, I don't think I can learn sweet scent, but like I have a lot of sweet flowers, look, and suggest us to her garden that's like wilting.
Okay. I mean, once I get them back in good shape, that it is. She says web in the back of her head. Well, okay, I'm very curious. What types of flowers do you have?
uh well you see here i got a you see like hops over to her garden i got uh um uh i got some poppies here i've got some uh uh dandelions i've got uh um i i got some uh nightshade i got i don't know what what are trying to think of flower names tiger lily uh Pop, I always said poppies, oh crap. A bunch of flowers, why? um Well, you know, when we were investigating the robbery, we thought, we found that we heard that that the the Pokemon who witnessed the robbery, um they noticed a sweet scent before being knocked out.
unconscious um any lavender plants i mean i do have some lavenders but i i swear i didn't have i anything to do with it i i just like my garden and i've been having this uh dry spell lately and my garden hasn't been doing too well i'm i'm not a water type you see and i don't i can't i can't keep these things watered well enough okay Um, we could give some water with Selena and, um, Bruce just using ice and fire above it. Yeah. that we Sure. Give us some information. We could maybe do that. Well, where, let me ask you something. Where are you?
he I don't think slurf would be particularly helpful. It's like asking to water a plant with a so with a tsunami. Yeah. OK. Drowning the plant. Right. Let me ask you one thing. Where were you um two weeks ago on the day of the robbery at 2 PM? I was tenting my garden. I was here watering my garden. I mean, tenting my garden.
You're changing your subject a lot. You sure? Yeah. I think tending and watering mean the same thing. But we're the nervous person, okay? You guys are accusing me of a robbery that I didn't do. Nobody's accusing you of anything. We're just trying to follow up on a lead. You literally said you thought it was part of this referee. Hey, we're all friends here. We said, I said Mike. Are we? Can I rule investigation now? Yeah, go ahead and rule investigation.
uh 12 plus one 13 13 she's extremely nervous you're since you didn't get a 15 you're not sure if it's from nervousness shyness or if she genuinely is trying to get out of the situation definitely not shyness she was up in hippity with us immediately before we started questioning her that's true
Hmm, guilty people wouldn't be flustered like this. You guys, everything came out of me saying I was a prime suspect. Not prime, just a one, a suspect. Yeah, we have a whole list of suspects.
You just happen to be close to us. Okay. Why are you so... So, why don't you to tell us what you know, Come on, you must know something if you're acting like this. About what? The robbery. you wiley Do you know why you were like accused of being a suspect if you weren't if you had nothing to do with it? like Why would you be even a part of it? i I don't know why someone would put me down as my suspect. I mean, just ask my neighbors. I've been out here tenting my garden every day at the same time. Right, but I'm going to go do that right now. Yeah, let's go talk to the neighbors. Okay, you do that.
Alright, you guys leave her and walk one door down. um Just in case Walter's staying here, he's not gonna interact with her, but he's just staying here. He's not letting her rabbit. Okay, gotcha. So everyone but Walter goes over and you guys knock on the next door and out comes a Galarian six again. And he's like, howdy, what can I do you for?
Um, you know, we just had a few questions. Yeah, we just had a few questions about, um, a robbery that happened at the bank. Just to keep it short here, do you, would you say that the, uh, the leafy on that lives next door is, uh, out, um, tending her garden between two and 3pm every day without any exceptions?
uh usually around like noon i would say but like i mean not as of late she's been stuck up in her house all the time it's why her gardens failed and her garden's been cool that was great and then like it just started dying because he stopped taking care of it it was really weird do you have any idea why this would be why would it have started would that have started about two weeks ago would you say that she stopped tending it Oddly, yeah, about two weeks ago. Why? Hmm. Yeah, that's all we need. We don't want to cause any panic or anything. All right. Saying that's going to cost panic. Are you guys with the police finding tramps? Yes, indeed we are. We're independent contractors. And I show them my badge. I see. You got no badge. You showed them your badge you don't have.
yeah don'ut We were with the police. I see. Okay, gotcha. All right. Did I do anything by any chance? No, you're fine. No.
yeah good Did you? Did you? Not that I'm aware. Unless you want to confess something you didn't do anything. I'm not that I'm aware of. I'm not there. What do we need to roll to get him to confess? Confess! I know you did it. Roll insight.
18 plus 2, 20. Oh my god. know something you notice he's a little bit nervous he's a tax e invasion okay you know what this is this is going in the show now everyone in this town is involved in this investigation that's where everyone in an honor is involved in robbery by the needed outsiders due to the investigation they're all corrupt so yeah he's like well uh i mean uh not that i'm aware but i've done can i uh help you further no probably not
Thank you for your time. Okay, I'd prefer to be left alone then. Thank you. And he closed the the door on you.

Rethinking Strategy and New Leads

Hey Dakota, when I'm at her, um, the leaf on his house, is she like shifting eyes back to her house? Like as she was just making sure and like checking on something like she's looking back. I'm going to say she attempted to go back inside. Oh, you want to hang on there? We can do that. No, no, no, you're you're not invited. Please stay here. I'm with the police, honey. I can go in.
are you don't go i nice you're not there one you're not there bruce probable cause i i don't what do you mean probable cause probable cause under what pretense good day ma'am i think we need a judge
but I was trying to maybe find up some BS saying, but I'm like, I don't know. Good day, ma'am. No, I know. I believe there could be some toxic chemicals here, or you growing something illegal to poison all these plants. You're saying this will close the door. You already said good day, ma'am. FYI, doors will not stop me. Oh, no. Oh, no. OK, we're getting back over to Walter real quick.
You seem like brewing his head like getting his punch ready like a pitcher with one hand up like, eh. I think we got we got what we needed here, Walter. Go on, sorry. So, Walter, we found out that ah she used to be tending her garden every day from like starting at noon, going like all afternoon.
And then two weeks ago, she suddenly stopped. Where did you get a warrant? She's definitely got something in the house. she She's definitely got something to hide. Yeah, she was being shifty trying to get inside of her house as soon as you guys left. Yeah.
I wonder if we could take some flowers back and just see if any of them have a recognizable smell. it Just take one of all of her flowers. One of each. You got it. Sure. Do you just want to take flowers? There's potatoes. Is that what's going on here? No. I promise you. No, she wants to take flowers to Blair after we show them the vivea thing. No! What?
carroom player at dance street oh my gosh no she's blushing ah you can't tell a long time ago to already red
We know when your emotions are high time flies but
Is that, are you blushing her when she's always that red? No, literally I take flowers to help with the investigation. That's it. Sure. Hold on. Is there any like bluish flowers that look icicle-ish? That look icy.
Walter. ah Walter's doing it like you guys leave. Walter's doing it like you guys leave. Sure, there's a frost flower. Are you guys gathering one of every flower?
and No, yeah, this is Walter like, oh god, this one. No, are we? ah we Okay We'll get in charge for taking public property now we just take a bunch of flowers is this is this ah not this is theft This is theft or destruction of property I'm adding to our list of felonies yeah no most so not festival is evidently weren Probably Yeah, we probably have to bring the people here. Yeah, this is illegal. This is illegal searching, basically. Wait, yes. Let's do that. Let's, uh, let's like... Let's see if we can maybe, um... Bring the guard. Bring the security. Just say that the thing... maybe there's like flower shops in the city where we can find the types of flowers that she has. And we can just match them.
Or we could just, like, bring the security guards here, have them smell the flowers, see if they smell familiar. just Like, from outside? A big sniff test. All right, guys, come in here and smell the flowers. Hello, hello officers. They're approaching me outside my house, sniffing my flowers. Guys, guys, it's like a police lineup. Guys, it's a police lineup, but with flowers instead. Do you see an hour that way of a backstreet, boys?
we can't like we can't search her place without a warrant i assume yeah and the warrants have to go through the courts so yeah that could take a long just tell let's just tell the arcanine he probably can get faster Well, this is a non-police investigation. It's a cold case, but they can still work on it if they want to do. It's not even a case. it's only ah It's only a private case. It's not a police case. Right. Because the the Cypresses didn't press any charges, so the police couldn't launch a formal investigation.
Oh, let's go to the let's go to the cypress's house. Maybe we're not there. We can ask like what kind of artifact it was and figure out who might have had motive to steal it. You know, that's a good point. We don't even know what we're investigating. We don't know what was stolen. So maybe if we talk to the actual owners, we can narrow it down a suspect.
ah Okay. So, so with this, we are actually going to end the episode. This is like a bit of a longer episode. So, uh, thus begins our in a detective Pikachu art. And oh my goodness, we've been recording for two and a half hours. So we have a Pikachu in the party. Thank you guys. Yeah, know that's why I said that. Uh, so thank you guys for listening. I have been decoding your PM, your DM, your GM. I've been Evelyn playing detective Hikaru.
I've been Eli playing Bruce. Oh, I've been Sean playing Bad Cop Sammy? Question mark?
I've been Jacob playing Detective Riolu. Detective? He doesn't have a name anymore. Nope. That's like saying I'm Detective Human.
so Okay. We'll see you guys next time. Bye. Bye. Adios.

Investigation Wrap-up and Reflections

Okay. Do you guys want to stick around and chat before any of you guys leave? share Do you guys want to chat or does Eli need to go? I mean, I don't really need to go, but I don't need to go.
we didn't are we know the sport gave down here I was just curious if you guys wanted to do a post show like talk or whatever. Oh, we can if you want. Yeah. Oh my God. I don't know. It's content. I was up to you guys. I thought you guys might want to talk about it. What about Jake? Jeez. I was expecting like ah google docker oh oh he wrote it looks like a something. This looks like it was a Google Doc. Yeah.
theories mixed of sleep patterns sweets and possible inside job wow jake you actually took notes i'm going to i'm not gonna to give you guys any hints but i'm going to say jake i'm actually impressed on how much information you've gleaned from what little you know yes uh that's crazy i want to read all oh by the way there was a there was a character that i wanted you to use in this uh in the bank arc because um Charmander is a jerk.
Does he say that? Where does this save and the major said hey he Charmander as a major suspect. What? It's a Charmander. Major suspect, Charmander.
that's the That's what it is. That's the whole... That's their motive. soon I got it. I'm just gonna add to the blues clues saying that the Silvan's hiding something. Yeah, Silvan's hiding something. yeah so and Leafy on, Leafy on. My gosh, this is gonna be evolutions. Windows into the bathroom. Nothing wrong in the world. So remember when remember when I submitted a gimmick rule called Milton? Hold on.
Sorry, I just want to point out bank tellers. They were knocked out, seems innocent, but attitude.
And yet, he seems innocent, and yet the Charmander is a major suspect. see the other two could be understand but the charmander
I'm glad you guys are having fun with this. This is the most detailed thing I've done on this podcast. I literally have three pages of notes to sift through. Once the start is over, I'm probably going to be releasing all these notes. I haven't had so much fun doing these in episode forever. I'm so glad this turned out well. Oh, you pinned this. Oh, great. I can come back to this when I want.
Yes, I painted this. Yeah, we'll need it, for sure. Great, so I don't got to scroll up from here. Barely happen, always outside the bank, suspiciously. I i just ah just want to point out, I love the fact that Walter's like, Selena, you still have that rope? And Selena's like, what? but As he says, in front of the car. I'm not being afraid to come out like that, but... he look Yeah, remember when you kidnapped me?
The rope? Can you tie me up? Yeah, it's just deflated. It's just like, oh, it's that. You know, I wonder if the... I wonder if the leafy on lids near the area of Volkenburg that's all farmland? I like how some things are misspelled. Like, Sirfetch'd and Octolurie.
Listen, I did what best I could. Autopark kept screwing me trying to put Pokemon names. Yeah. and yeah I just did it the best I could where I couldn't know what it means. so I just want to point out... You guys... What? It's a suspect of a motherfucking German.
Where? in the perspective below zazzzi the two came right behind twoanon mid nine motherfucking charmander i think it's said german this like work he's just a two can not a two canon it's just
In Suspects residents west part of town with ra for is silver the
yeah and yeah What? It says silver, the SPO. The SPO, whoops. I'll fix that. Owner. I'm telling you, all of you kept screwing me on everything. Doing the paperwork that's not needed.
so yeah and i feel like blowing our clothes right oh i don't care i do not care no says silver the espion ah beyond doing the paperwork that's not needed i mean that's fair she doesn't need to be doing paperwork but she's tough so I love this. Midnight Lycanroc, Western Smith, it's Wesson Smith by the way. Midnight in all caps. What? WSS... It's like the gun company, Smith and Wesson. Where is it? Where? Where? Where? Yeah, that's why I got confused and said Smith Wesson once because I'm sick of the gun company. But yeah, I love how it says found in a dumpster.
Yeah, I know it is miss I mean do we need some do we need what Western Smith cuz he's in jail now yeah i don't think he's really a suspect yeah i just want to say guys you guys have made this you guys have made this investigation a lot harder for yourself and but it's not your fault like i'm just being straight up you guys made it difficult in the way you went around it but it's not your fault you guys said everything great but it just so happened to line up in a way
that it kind of made things a little bit difficult for you but you guys have done amazingly for how little information you got sprinkled in we also like you say that we've gotten no information like we we did all this interrogating you got nothing i'm saying yeah we're also like we're also like shaking down like lots of we're just like being really mean to people We're being cops. Yeah. Yeah, but we're not cops. Everyone's guilty until p proven innocent. We work for the cops. You know that motto? You guys have done a lot of progress. very long Everyone is guilty until proven innocent. That's not how the justice system works, Jake. It is in my book. Silver was on a business trip.
What is everyone nervous? Like does anyone know who did it but who's scared? That is killing me. I feel like we weren't supposed to find everyone being nervous. That was a bit of a question. You guys were only very high for every one of your investigation roles. So there were only a couple options I had and it just so happened that the way things played out everyone ended up being nervous.
for one reason other with how high we rolled on our investigation i was thinking we should be getting a lot more information then just they're nervous yeah like they're looking at something in there one needs plus i mean yeah seation they looking at someone specifically or they're looking at something specifically. one Okay. Well, there's certain things where if I give you guys too much information, you guys will find the reason answer immediately. So I do have to limit how or much info I do, but I am basing it off of a another. D five, 10, 15, and 20. Uh, just depends decides how much information I give you guys. So you guys do not let your daughter read this list. She's in here.
Hi, Lydia. I'm not believing her. Hello.
Silence. Look, I got to make food for work tomorrow, so I'm going to end it here. All right. I'm still going to download this, upload this to the Patreon. OK, so. Wow. Really tempting. 41 minutes, huh? Two hours. Yeah. Is it tempting to make these like Patreon stuff just for tier one?
hu i mean all my notes you could add that to the pat be like you get actually get exclusive accent of jake's notes he takes notes now yeah oh yeah yeah yeah if you want to put your notes on there that's absolutely a ti your one thing and you have full access to upload that so ah but ahead I say wait until we're done with the investigation and then upload all your notes I'm uploading it as one. Yeah, also, yeah, definitely don't upload it until they're all upload. The episodes are uploaded. If these episodes aren't uploaded, I have no idea what this means.
that's perfect they don't need to know what it means listen dak cota means what if happens nikota i'm happy and everything but please tell me this is going to end in a fight don't tell me just like we figure out who is and the pleats walk comes in and it's over that depends entirely on you just wants to fight somebody that's that's that it's been so long we've only fought in non-canon Guys, I will say though, this arc here is the conclusion of arc two. We have done Jack in arc two, we have done Jack. I have a feeling that the item, the artifact that was stolen is one of the orbs we're looking at. That is what I thought for sure. It's gonna be just a teddy bear.
yeah so take that for what it means but that'd be really funny it's just a teddy bear it's this ancient artifact that's a teddy bear it's just passed down from family to family and yeah so uh what yeah so this bank robbery is the conclusion to art too so so it's a three part you guys have no idea how many times i fell behind and on the story putting notes in right now i'm like I'm like, oh, he repeated that. Good, good, good, good, good. good good good Oh, also while we were like investigating, we were interrogating, what's his face? Wes and Smith, I think we were just like like not coordinated at all. No, we were just threatening him. I was sitting on him. Yeah, I was like actually interrogating him and you guys were like beating him up. We were just being police officers at this time and age. We were doing our job. i
to I just love the idea that that he car is just like standing over wesson smith like interrogating him but everyone else is beating he's reaching he's er during that interaction like yeah persisting stop persisting paying attention then they were both knocked out ever smelling something sweet woke the the keys were gone and they were artifact was missing an hour ago pedestal was missing the pedestal was missing
blad pedals though that's what you was now sammy stop proofreading me see the pedestal was empty as if something was stolen pedestal was missing and some so also also also was a pedestal
ah Guys we need to keep on making those I love this also. Yeah, you've got cypresses spelled very wrong Hey, don't you never tell me how to spell them? So I just went with what I could be y-p-r-e-s how do you spell them cypress.
i gotta just do that for find stuck
All right, anything else you guys want to point out that I did wrong? No, I need to go. I need to upload this to the Patreon and what's up, everyone? Oh, I had I had a character submission that I was really I was really excited. Yeah, yeah, sorry. Yeah, kind of ran over you when you were trying to bring that up. Yeah, what do you got? Yeah, it was I it was Milton Keynes, the chemical. Milton Keynes, I'm sorry, is that a reference?
It is. um it's oh he's very clever it's um It's from John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman. And there was a sketch from like... Okay, they're economists. But there was there was a sketch on a British show where like this banker this banker guy is just like clueless and he was like, is Milton Keynes an economist? And and then the guy the guy he's talking to is like... It's a city. a cut It's a city in England.
by the way why Dakota, why did you say the arc was ending publicly? Huh? When I'm looking at the question of the episode, you put a good point that the arc is ending soon. What? Go to the question of the episode, and the last part you literally put, the arc is ending soon. Yeah, the arc was describing my request version.
ah As though this says I don't think the ark is ending soon Yeah, oh right that wrong. I jumped. I jumped to say I can be fair I to be fair. I didn't see that I don't think so. I just saw the ark is ending soon No, yeah, I don't think there's anything also by the way the reference you guys didn't get One character was named bill the next couple cipher Yeah, there you go
Why did you make them guards Bill and Cypher? I didn't. The cop was named the Bill and the next character I named was Cypher. It was Bill Cypher. I thought it was so random that the cop was named Bill. I was like, wow, that's such a normal name. I know. And the next one was named Cypher. My name is Chip Forrester from the South Carolina. OK, so my first thought was this this um yeah Will Smith movie after Earth and his character was Cypher Rage.
i for rage such a funny name I don't know what that is. I really want to put in chat but I don't think we can for quotes. You better do it or he'll blast his seat on you. ah but ah stuff the blasttly Don't make any blast don make him use the seat on you.
Oh my gosh. oh
ah so All right guys, I gotta go to bed. I mean, I gotta get this like uploaded. i so early it's like like seven o'clock who who goes to bed that early i have to be up to late thirty tomorrow yeah I have to be up at 3.30 in the morning. So I'm technically supposed to be asleep in an hour. Does your mail get delivered? Where does your mail get delivered?
random question well if he's sleep If he's living in the camper he's not like it's not like its own like property with a mailbox. Oh no i'm living on someone else's property Exactly so where does does your mail just get delivered to their house is that? yeah Okay yeah i literally just is an address in the house wild okay yeah I know so crazy. It's actually quite close in here. Anyway, I'm ending it here. I gotta go. Don't forget to end the Zencaster. I'm literally hovering over the stop button.
Hello everyone and welcome to the end section not the mid section the end section this time um I hope you guys enjoyed the episode you just heard because this it was Pretty much the same thing you would get if you went to the patreon except that I just kind of slapped on some background music on this one Because of well, I already explained it in the beginning Anyway, if you like this kind of content, this long form content, all of our raw audio that is posted on our gold tier on Patreon is about this length. Actually, I think this one's a bit longer than usual, but um if you like the long form content like this, go check out our Patreon because we've posted everything from arc 2 and above.
All of that raw audio is sitting right there on the patreon. So Right and discord in the description and as for music we have Pokemon Wow, pokefie Pokemon low-five music one hour mix part two by glitch x-city go check our she does great music and we also have the cops theme from spongebob so i think that's Yeah, and Cool, and that's pretty much it. So I will see you guys the next time