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Murder Mystery  - Episode 2 - A Storm of Brains image

Murder Mystery - Episode 2 - A Storm of Brains

S2 E5432542352344523 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
45 Plays2 months ago

The  Psychopath and the Child use their combined two brain cells to figure out who killed the green monkey. Was it me? Ill never tell.

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Jacob as Zeal the Mimikyu

Pixel_Pluto as Chris the Buizel


Introductions and Podcast Traditions

Hello everyone and welcome to A Path Your Time. My name is Dakota and I am your PM, your DM, your DM. Sitting ah to my left is somebody who likes making dough out of Dawn dish soap and salt.
Yep, it makes it very fizzy and tasty. I will i am Jacob. I will be playing Ziel the Mimikyu. And sitting to my left is someone who likes their grilled cheese with no cheese and burnt toast. No cheese and no grill. It is technically a grilled cheese. I'm Pixel Pluto. I'm playing Chris the Adorable Child Buizel.
All right, if you guys don't know um from the podcast, we have a bit of a tradition to decide who does the recap. Jacob, I don't know if you're familiar, so I'm going to just say it real quick anyway. So what we do is at the beginning of each episode, we all roll the d4. If your number matches the number I roll, then you do the recap. If nobody's number matches, then the DM does the recap. So I need you all to pull out a d4. I need to find my d4.
let's see i forget i don't know what the current trend is up until where like you are in the series but right now where i am at the series you can't stop rolling oh nothing you're like oh you're still in the curse you're you're you're in the cursed section of the show mid season two Let's see if I can continue. We have less players now, so it's more... I think it's... It's less likely. Yeah, it's more likely for me to do the recap, so... Alright. So, I have rolled my dice. Now you guys roll and tell me what you got. I got a 4. I also got a 4.

Concert Chaos and the Mysterious Murder

God damn it, I got a 3. Alright, I guess I'm doing the recap this time.
So, last time, on a pass-through time, what did happen, actually? Uh, you guys went to a concert in the middle of a forest, because, yes. And, while you guys were listening to the concert, which was the Gravel Rocks Battle, a band, which is composed of a Veronica the Lucario, John Smith, the violinist, Typhlosion, and, oh, Chandelier, the Sandalur drummer. You guys were peacefully sitting down,
watching the band play, and all of a sudden the lights cut out, and but um everyone panicked, screamed, and left in place. And when the lights came back on, there was nobody but you, a Glaceon, and ah I say you, I don't know who you is. ah there The only people left was Zeal, the Mimikyu, Chris the Weasel, and Murder the Glaceon. Yes, his name is Murder.
um There was a frost last screen bloody murder and then you guys went and did a bunch of investigating you found a dead pan sage which was bleeding from a bite mark on the neck you guys later found out that the original motive of the killer was to steal a golden guard of war statue
but the Wigglytuff was also knocked unconscious and

Investigating the Crime Scene

was just coming to as you guys arrived which prompted you guys to leave the scene for some reason that's kind of strange um afterwards you guys did a bunch of interrogating you find out the names of everyone in their occupation and
I don't remember a lot of the finer details this very second, but what I do remember is that you guys got everyone's names. And you got their occupations. You got all the police. Yeah, as I say, you guys just got a you guys got a phone call. Don't know how you guys got a phone call because phones don't exist, except the fire chief told us that the police are all dead.
Yeah, the police are all dead. So... cook so I don't know why the fire chief said that, but the fire chief said that.
The fire chief's just not doing anything about it, I guess, so you guys are... It is a it is up to a literal child and a psychopath to solve this murder. Who was signed to these guys with the case? fuck Fuck if I know, you guys are just here, so...
Are you guys ready to get into it? Or do you guys have something to say? I still think the fire chief did it. I think the fire chief did it too. That is very suspicious. i say I'm partially thinking I did it. Oh yeah. I'm confused. I'm running around. I forgot. It's like everything you could point to me, but none of the other, I doubt any of the other characters would think about me being the murderer because like I'm child. I'm on everyone's good terms.
Yeah. But I do find it funny out outside of game that I could be the murderer. I don't know, it's always a possibility. I have a tendency to change things on the fly if you couldn't tell last episode. I have dementia. I think the DM has dementia. Why am I talking to myself in third person? I have dementia apparently. So I change things on the fly.
That's really not good whenever your players also have dementia. It's just a D and&D game where everybody has dementia and bad short-term memory. That would be such an interesting They're like, why are we here again? The DMs are like, I don't fucking know. Do something. This whole campaign changes every episode. It's so supposed to be a murder or mystery, but somehow it turns into like a hide and go seek or something.
Actually, there was a movie recently that came out. Me and Maiko watched it over Halloween. There's like this movie

Suspect Profiles and Interrogations

about these guys who are this woman who's married into this first family, and then like like they have a tradition where they play a card game. If you draw the wrong wrong card, you have to go in like a fucking hide-and-seek murderer game. Oh, I know it. What's it called? I don't know. i It's a really good movie.
Yeah, it's ah supposed to be like every time they get a new family member, they have to play a game, but they had a tradition where if they play hide Ready or not. Oh, that's not new at all. No, that's that's six years old. Oh, crap. I thought it came out this year.
Yeah, it's called Ready or Not. Huh. OK. Yep. All right. Well, there's your movie wreck for the day. Do you got anything to add, Pixel, before we hop on it? Nope. All right. I've got to help one of you guys give me a random move.
Iron tail. OK. Iron tail it is. We are iron tailing on it.
So you guys are now standing in the middle of the auditorium. I know we keep calling it an auditorium. It's a ballroom, whatever. I'm calling it the auditorium for fucking consistency's sake. Also, you guys still need to interrogate a bunch of people. You guys got pretty much no information last episode, except like the original motive of the killer and what happened. So you guys have everyone to interrogate. If you wish, I can list the names of everything. You gave us a list. Yeah, I gave you guys a list but also to what's out there in audio. You guys have Veronica the Lucario, John Smith the Typhlosion, Chandelier the Chandelure, Karen the Wigglytuff, Blobbert the Octillery, Persimmons the

Connecting Clues and Theories

Pearl the Lipard, Chris the Pansage, Christopher for clarity sake, and Murder of the Glaceon. I'm sure Murder didn't do it. He would never You're gonna make it seem like it's murder, but we're not gonna convict him. Even if it's like he has blood on his balls, we are not gonna convict him. I mean guys, he put down for his paper thingy, his occupation, not murderer. He's not it, it's somebody else.
I mean, that's pretty... it rocks all of the evidence right here, so... I think that's a pretty solid thing. People won't lie in this game. I ain't, geez, yeah, what's that?
Okay, so you guys are now standing in front of a line of people holding napkins with red crayon on it, detailing the names and occupations of everyone. It is up to you guys to interrogate, or question, or investigate everybody, so have at it.
I'm pretty sure we left off with the... Oh, sorry. I thought we left off with the... No, no, no. I'm just saying... I'm just saying that I'm just writing down right now. Shandalor couldn't have done it because we saw him on stage the entire time because he's glowing at all times. And he doesn't have teeth.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. Are Sully's everyone in the auditorium? Yes, they're like all lined up in a line. So I would like to interrogate Pearl the Lie-apart. All right, Pearl the Lie-part. I don't remember if I said it was a he or she the last episode. I think I might have actually mentioned this last episode. Pearl is a she. I'm making my canonical. Cannon. I'm making a cannon. So Lie-part is now a cannon.
Okay. So, where were you whenever heard this all happened? I was outside fixing to fucking flood out in the yard. That's where both me and Persimmons were. What do you think? Oh, well, you wouldn't know about the flood, I guess. But yeah, we're having flooding issues out in the garden, so it's raining outside. There's fucking flood everywhere.
I'm sorry, what did she say she was with? Ah, Persimmons. Persimons. Oh, Persimons. So you two were together the entire time? Yes. I mean, ask Persimmons. He's the a gardener, I say, of looking at my hands. She was out there in the garden helping me take a giant trench to try and divert some of the water.
And then, some idiot, she says glaring at Persimmons, diverted it straight into the electrical box outside, which will cause the blackout.
So, you two were the ones who caused it? As far as I know, yes. Like, I mean, there was a bunch of water all over the electrical box. I just saw all the lights go out. Persimmons started frantically digging. And Persimmons like button at this point is like, is it a here or a she? I don't remember. It's a he. I have a written down as a he. I have a written down as a he. I don't remember. There's too many characters to make you track of. Okay, if things change, it's whatever.
Um, Persimmons is like, yeah, I was trying to fucking... Look, power went out, I dug a trench, got all the water out, and now it's all over the roses, so we got that for fucking deal with now, so... But power's back on, that's what matters. ah Did anybody else knew you guys were out there? Uh, I believe Karen did. Oh, by the way, Karen is not here.
um I just think I remember she walked off out of Poredom at the end of last episode. We have. Seeming way out of Poredom.
I'm gonna note this he said that she's walked out of boredom a lot I think he's trying to divert our attention to her but I'm not gonna pick up on it because I don't think it's her because she was also knocked out it doesn't make sense why well I mean it is a good cover tactic I guess but why would she steal her own statue as well unless those two things are not connected You can go now. Well, my thought is ah they said that oh Karen knew about them working outside. So they could have possibly known that or she could have possibly known that the electric would have gone out and just stolen it herself for like insurance fraud or something. But she owns it.
Oh, she won't make more money because it's stolen. Well, she would get to keep it and she would get the insurance of whatever it might be if it if insurance exists in this world. So why don't we? Why don't we question like interrogate her on what happened, how she got knocked down and all that? Because I don't think we've done that yet. You guys haven't interrogated anyone except blubbers.
Yeah, we only interrogated Robert, and oh he told us that Karen wants to eat oc-tilleries, so... Oh, hey, I want to make a clarification. I didn't realize what you were asking me last episode. You were asking me about the difference between octopus and octillery. I did not realize that's what it meant. It is an octillery, not an octopus. Yeah. since So, making that clear now.
Finally. Sorry, I didn't realize that's what I listened back to earlier. That's fine. But I wonder if she is trying to get insurance money from all this. But then why would she kill her own? oh He was the what was the pants age?
You're talking about his name? Oh, his out occupation. a Personal assistant. Personal assistant. Why would

Analyzing Conversations and Alibis

she kill? Why would she kill him? I don't know. Oh, I got a good question. No, no, no, I got a good question. I can ask that can probably figure that out. So I want to walk up to the Persians and um zeal.
Well, I can remember things and I'm going to ask so what was the person the pancake what was the pancake like what type of what type of guy was he you're asking the persian or is this eel you mentioned both names no no persian sorry i'm walking up to where they are i'm asking the persians that's what i figured but most likely no okay so uh what's his name god damn christ christ
We got Chris the Pantheon, Chris the... Yeah, Persimmons, his name is a Persian. Persimmons pipes up, and he's like, well, to be honest, he was kind of annoying. So I'm gonna be brutally honest about that. He was very loud and energetic, and he always tracked mud on the carpet, so... As far as I can understand, he was good at being the personal assistant, but he was kind of annoying.
Oh, interesting. Would you know?
Sorry, I sneezed. Oh, bless you. Thank you. Would you two know if anybody else saw you outside? um I don't think anyone except Karen knew we were outside.
Well, were you near any windows? I mean, technically, yes, but everyone was gathered in the auditorium. So it's not like we were being watched.
Oh. interesting zeal takes out a notebook and starts writing in it versions are very guilty you guys keep saying person's play there's there's one person and one life hard
This is a break. You have so many power the characters. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. unless Unless you're trying to say Persian, um which word possessively. Sorry.
I'm saying the duo. okay how are they suspicious they confirm each other and also karen does i don't think they did it although i could be playing 2d chess while uh not like i'm throwing while everyone else is playing 4d chess i'm getting like real eight head levels of conspiracy i think Karen knew that the Persians in Lieapart was gonna somehow destroy the power and then she went up to the office to steal it. She was gonna originally gonna use it for like fraud or something and then Chris saw her and then had
I guess killed him because she obviously doesn't really care about Pokemon's life as she eats artillery. So she ain't the moral type of person. And I think the whole thing being wet and stuff is she dropped the key whenever it was dark out.
Hey guys, sorry about that. We had a bit of audio issues. We had to put a splice in the audio, so we are leading back in right now. Sorry about that. I don't remember what you guys were talking about. Talking about insurance fraud. Yes. Oh yeah. So take it away, insurance fraud. I think Karen was getting the light card and version to somehow either personally or accidentally destroy the lights for

Piecing Together the Crime

she can steal her own statue for ins insurance and then the pant sage just happened to see
So I think that's what this whole thing is. But the question is, why she wanted... Oh, that would make sense now, because she always told them, oh, I still don't know that. God damn it.
I will make this a little, I'll make this a little bit easier for you guys. It's going to be a good idea for you guys to write down each individual clue and everything you guys learn from the interrogations. That does something Jake on PTT did for, um for the Mr. rehab there. So I just.
Put it out there. I highly suggest you guys write down your notes in reference or write down the clues and reference them because I can tell you you guys are missing some things because you're not able to look at all the clues at once. Well, we we have cannibalism. We got the wet key and the wet um statue area. We have a bite mark. We have pretty much all of the band members pretty much accounted for.
as Cause... How are you supposed... How long was... I think we said this last time. How long was the blackout? Yes, the blackout was one minute long. So, how would you possibly get off the stage, onto the stage, kill someone, get back down, like, steal this, and then hide it, like,
I don't think any of the band members could have possibly done it. So I can't find the band. The only other thing that makes me doubt your thing is the fact that Karen had a bruise and all that and was knocked out essentially.
she could have been faking it because once again it's the whole like how fast can you possibly be and if she wasn't fast enough she can just play dead so there was a wet key was the key to again it was to her office her office yes with which had the uh statue in it yes it was sitting in a cabinet in the back of uh it was a big display piece on her cabinet behind her desk

Reflecting on the Investigation Process

so what key in 40 office a stolen statue
although the thing that makes me kind of think that it was Karen as well was the conversation I eavesdropped on about how Karen wanted um the Persian to clean the dead body of the pan sage and didn't even really seem to care at all that he was even dead
yeah so so technically Iseal doesn't know that still but as a player I know I'll say it when it's important I'll say it when it's important well actually this is a good time because we're interrogating the life parts and stuff so and you just butted in asking how so so
Oh, I can talk cannibalism. Yeah. What? Are you really writing this down and such? Yes, I have what key for the office, a stolen statue, light marks cause of death, passive with dead body and cannibalism. And I guess I can also add the light parts and versions was outside.
Yeah, that's a probably just a suggestion, probably a good idea to write down clues and alibis.
Where was the Oct? Octolery said he was in just cooking. the reason um The reason I'm giving you guys this help is because I do want this, I do only want this to be a three three or four parker. So I don't want you guys fumbling around for forever. Well, I With all this, I i think it's Karen. Hold on. One more thing, though. Hear me out. The artillery kind of left. Why would the kitchen be on fire if the artillery was in there and remember how we had to like put it out, essentially, or he had to put it out?
Well, I'm pretty sure I don't think he was in the I don't think he was in the kitchen. I think what? We whenever Chris was running all over the place, I don't remember where you found him, so.
Oh, i I don't remember either. I might have been the kitchen, which actually would have been funny and not helping my case. Sorry. Oh, what do you guys i do? I have to re listen. So I'm a Christian, you know.
I'm out there. Here's, here's what I'm going to do. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to, me, Chris, I'm going to run up to the artillery. I forgot his name. Blobbert. Um, yeah. Blobbert. And I'm going to ask him the same question. I asked the person, Hey, um, so what did, what did, what was the pan sage? Like what, what type of guy was he?
Well, he was an annoying little brat. No one really liked him around here. He was energetic, always getting in people's ways. He was supposed to be the personal assistant of Karen, but like, I don't know. she He wasn't very good at his job. He's really young and just not a great fit. So he was probably going to get fired sooner rather than later anyway.
Yeah, I don't have much to go off of. Everyone hates this man. Everyone hates them. Do you need to solve this murder? It might be like a whole thing with like everyone here is guilty, because you have a lobbert who is cooking up his own kind, so that's a crime. You have the Persian and the Layapart.
turning off the power which could mean that they are the criminals and or helping the criminal because they made it where the power got cut off either purposely or accidentally. Then you have Karen who which is just wandering around and not really caring that one of her employees just got murdered and she got attacked like that's another thing she she got attacked and she's not like wanting to catch this killer she is definitely guilty the only other thing would be the lyapartan persian because they turned off the power and they're also wet and the key was wet so
And the spot where the statue was originally was also wet, so could've been also then. Well actually, I guess it could be the Karen who stole it. Well then that's another thing. Where could this possibly statue be?
Well, you guys have to find out more clues. Okay, okay. It's almost like you guys only have half the clues. What if we just run Karen and ask her side of the story? We would have to go find her. Because we we still have. I'm good at finding people. Okay. I'm good at finding people. What was your method last time? running around Running around and finding people.
You've ran in random circles. Yeah, he also fell. Only out of sheer luck. Yeah, no, I'm going to go searching again. I need to search for Karen. I'm not going to look at her. OK, I was going to say I was going to first look for her office and then OK, that's because, yes, Karen is in her office. She is asleep. I'm so good at this game.
she's asleep she doesn't care that there's a killer she doesn't care that there's a killer because she's the killer she knows no one's gonna kill her because she's the one who killed the because she's a killer
You are not going to get me to convince or convict the murder, the Glaceon, or any of the BAM members. You can possibly get me to convict Lopert, but that's just because he's a water type. OK. OK, so what is Chris doing with Karen? Do I wake her?
I don't know.
OK, is there a way is there a way I could wake her up without annoying her? Frisker oh like search for evidence.
That's even more frustrating if she woke up. Just say you already searched her. You already searched her and she only had a million poke on her. Oh, yeah, I forgot.
Wait, why would she want more money for this insurance scam then? I'm still wondering that then. Okay, I'm going to put a question mark next to insurance. um Okay, so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to knock on the door really loudly and then like say hi. I need to interrogate you because I'm like interrogating everybody. I think this is how i'm murder let murder mysteries work.
I have a question. I don't remember. Do you still have a knife on you? Cause Ziel gave you a knife some point at the end of last episode. Oh, okay. I saw your, uh, okay. All right, fine. Uh, so you knock on the door. Uh, Karen wakes up. No, he, he.
What's up? So like, I just need to ask where you were whenever like the lights went out. No, it was all scary.
Karen looks at you and she's like, can't you see him? He keeps in my sleep. Like, leave me alone.
I just need this answered and then I'll leave you. do I'm assuming you want my version of the story. I could remember having this fucking accent. It's horrendous. it's like It's a Karen accent. I know, but I'm terrible at imitating that. She'll lose.
I don't know. No Simish.
i don't I don't play the Sims. Aww. Okay. Well, anyway, Karen. I never said it wasn't fun. I just don't like simulation games. All right. Karen looks at you and she's like, well, if you must know, I was doing my office making money like always and this tefer Christopher, Christopher,
He was cleaning up my room when all of a sudden there was this big flash of speed and then I got super dizzy for some reason, I fell over, hit my head, and next thing I know I wake up, Christopher's dead. She's turning southern.
Great. oh
speaking out character so was Chris in the office cuz we found him he is just outside the office okay just outside the office okay I I had it wrote down that he was in the office sorry ah yeah he was just outside the office then we have to open the door no nevermind I think we saw into the office
i'm playing more effort into this than i actually should this is like a homework assignment i know i'm using i'm using so much of my brain power and it's like don't want to keep on saying it because it's probably annoying at this point but it has to be her it's either her hear me out it's not
it's either her the lyapart or the Persian and if it's one of the Persians or lyapart it has to be both of them because they're sticking up for both of them yeah wait was there only one bite mark on the hand sage yes there's only one bite mark so it wasn't a devil team
What do you mean by that? Well, I'm... I'm assuming... Persian? Persian is the smaller... is the pre-evolution of life, correct? I'm too focused. No, Persian is the evolution of Meowth.
Oh shit! I was thinking with the... Have you been thinking of Perloy in this entire time? Yes! Let's be honest, it's a purloin at the beginning. No, I said, I said Pearl was purloin and then I corrected myself, said Lightpart. But I've been saying Persian this entire time. Okay, so it's Persian and Lightpart, the two big cats. Yes. Okay, so this makes a lot more sense now.
Wait, why in the world would you send two cats out in the ring to clear a clog? Because that just happens to be the gardener you have and the butler? Why send the butler? Huh? I'm pretty sure a light part is the butler. No. Yeah, assistance. Oh. Pansage is the... Yeah, Pansage is her personal assistant for her office work. No, no, no. Assisting the gardener.
Well, I mean, she did she did just say that Christopher was cleaning her office around her while she was doing stuff. So no, we're talking about the life part in the Persian. and What about it? Yes. So we're we're asking why the butler will help the gardener clean up a hole because that's the purpose of a butler is to clean and maintain outside.
Yes, not just inside. Yes, the gardeners is mostly responsible for the ah for the garden and stuff. It's a gardener. But the butler doesn't just sit and do inside stuff. Pretty sure. It's not like their jurisdiction is limited to inside the house or something.
I am writing down bullshit. I don't know how to say bullshit. So we're throwing the case over this argument. The gardener needed some help and the butler went to help. That's it. I'm not even trying to say this to throw you guys off or anything. I'm just genuinely saying that's not ridiculous.
Well, then why? This is making no sense. Anyway, so Chris is going to say thank you and then leave. Alright, the Wigglytuff falls asleep as soon as you leave. Okay. So, we interrogated Wigglytuff's artillery. Technically, we interrogated both of the Persians and Lyapart as they counted for each other.
I will say to make it easy on you guys, because both the light part and Persian basically will be the same story. So for the sake of not repeating myself, they will have the same alibi. okay so which is kind of Which is kind of why I tag teamed them when you interrogated one. So it's either both of them or Wigglytuck?
You just still have some people you didn't, and you just have some people you didn't interrogate, I will say. It is not murder! You guys are not- Have we asked murder what they were doing? You guys have- Okay. You guys have clearly forgotten somebody. Oh. No, you guys didn't talk to Crystal. Oh, fucking Frostlast!
ah You did not put her name on this list. I didn't. I'm looking at her right now. I did not. I did not. It's not there. That is fair. I have it on my paper. Oh, so yeah. it's It's not on this list, but it is one of the people that was okay very very prominently mentioned in the last episode. She was the one who found the bodies. I remember that. Yes. She is the one who stumbled across the body. She is a housekeeper.
Wait, she also works there? Yes! We said this already! Yes! I literally have written down in my notes, Crystal, Mansion Housekeeper. Then why does she- we have a plantler? I don't know, those are just three fucking professions I threw together that I thought relate to a mansion, okay? At least you admit it.
okay so unless unless you're going to do anything i'm going to interrogate crystal unless you're going to do it which i don't care ah you can interrogate her i've been talking way too much okay i'm gonna walk back to the the main auditorium ballroom whatever you want to call it thing and see if crystal is there and if so i'm gonna walk oh i'm sorry i interrupted you okay uh and so if crystal's there i'm gonna walk up there so i'm gonna say so i'm kind of going around asking people what they were doing at the time of the murder and then i just realized that you were the one who discovered the body so i probably should have asked you first what like led you to stumble across uh quick questa questafa um i feel like you would know how to pronounce your own name just saying hey there's like three other letters at the end of it
Oh my God. So devastating. He can't think that far. Yeah, he can't think that far. Okay. So Crystal looks at you and she's like, well, uh, I mean, I was cleaning the guest bedrooms up on the second floor and I was pushing my car around and I found the body of pan sage when I was putting the car away. Very simple really.
And where are the the carts stored? They're stored in the cleaning room. She gestures upstairs. You can see like a door that you assume leads to like a closet. I'm trying to spatially think of this mansion real quick.
I've only imagined the upstairs having two rooms. I've imagined having like 20, but yeah.
The two room mansion. And then I'm gonna ask. And about Christopher, what type of guy was he? You said you're asking the Glaceon?
ah yeah i'm asking okay well crystals not like crystals not the glaceon oh up no wait yeah the frost last i'm still asking the frost last but how is it like who is this guy i want to get everyone's opinion on this okay so yeah crystals like oh well well uh i mean he's just hired him very recently he's Uh, our newest, uh, we always have Colson, uh, personal assistant. He's kind of like an intern. I guess he's trying to be like a butler or something, but like he fucking sucks at his job. He's always getting in my way. He's really loud and he's just like a fucking child. She's saying this to a child. She is.
I forgot. Oops. oh well that's what she said Chris starts to walk building up tears in his eyes Chris is just standing there staring at her and he's like okay and he's gonna walk away oh poor Chris oh okay we we need to ask this glaceon here Yeah, this Galician, if she was the murderer. Okay. Are you asking her that? No. ah Do you want to do it? I've talked a lot this episode. I'm gonna drink some water real quick.
okay um leo will go up to murder so murder are you the murderer or is someone else the murderer uh well i mean in a sense yes my name is murder so i guess you could call me a murderer uh but uh if you're talking about pansies i mean No? Question mark? I don't think I did it. Doesn't say question mark? He does say question mark. Sorry, I do that a lot. Okay.
So you were in the crowd when all this happened. Uh, yeah, I was sitting, sorry, I remember a voice ad for him. Uh, yeah, I was sitting like right, right next to Chris here. Uh, and then the lights went out. I've already told this story, but yes, uh, that's just right here. And then Frost lasted to scream in my name. Oh yeah, there was the blackout too. And then there was like pizza or something. I don't know.
ah He still just looks away as he mentions the pizza. So, do you have any prior history with this place? No, I just like the gravel rocks, so I'm here to listen to the gravel rocks. How are you dealing financially?
I mean, I'm in college, so you can probably guess I'm not too good, I guess. Why? Well, just wondering if you would steal a statue for money to pay for your tuition. He's like, hmm, actually, that's not a bad idea.
okay it's it's not him like like really like seriously well i'm gonna stop even before i start you look over at murder by the way and he's like head up in the sky he's like i wonder can i do something like this if we find the statue i'm gonna give it straight to murder
if murder is playing 4d chess with us and is playing us like a fiddle then props to them well once again how does anyone from as well zeal chris murder um what are the fucking memes veronica john smith and chandelier how are they Any of them gonna get upstairs, downstairs, in a minute. By the way i hide the way, you guys are missing a clue that you guys discovered last episode. Are we talking about them we cleaned up?
The conversation? No. Me having to remember last episode sucks. um because i didn't write that much down i thought i got everything because we had the camelism octopus we had the wet key the bite mark the wet spot on the statue or where the statue used to be now we didn't learn much last time yep you guys definitely missed a clue
yeah i think i feel like we did but i will give one of you guys an opportunity to roll a history check because this is something your character should know but the players seem to forget i'm rolling it right now it's 15 all right you distinctly remember when you went to interrogate the wiggly tuft the room was chilly it was i said this last episode How is that supposed to be evidence? Okay, so it's chilly, so a nice time- You- It- Literally, when you bo- Okay, last episode we- Oh yeah, now fuck I remember. My brain is remembering this. You guys are like, it's chilly here, and Jacob was like, oh, it's an ice type! And then he just just moved on.
sure we did so hold on we need to speak so well it's either a great time or for us yeah yeah cuz I don't think any of the other like Pokemon could make cold Definitely not Chandelure, definitely not Lucario unless it knows Ice Punch for some reason. I don't even know why to use it, but... Octillery could possibly learn a nice type. I don't know its moveset off top of my head. But it is a water type. Some water types know a lot of ice type moves and some just don't know any. I feel like... I feel like it's just gonna be a Pokémon that resonates cold.
Well, I don't think it's going to be a Pokemon that learns an ice type moves. Well, and then I use it to.
I will say, as you were talking about, or talking to Crystal, and she said she had her cart and put it into the closet, my immediate thought was, we need to go see that cart. Because, one thing that I've been saying a lot is, where the hell is the statue, and where could it have been hidden?
it could be in the cart yeah that that's my thought so zeal will go up to crystal and ask for her keys to the uh he'll walk up to frostless and say hey you wouldn't mind if we got your keys to your closet would you no i'm what do you mean keys the closet's not locked it's a closet i don't know We're gonna steal We're gonna steal them. Okay. So, Ziel turns around and goes up to the cart. I would need to know where it is first. He walks back downstairs and asks where the cart is. Or the closet. She points upstairs to the closet I pointed out earlier. It's up there? Why are you going to the closet?
I just want to check something. hold on Can I roll an insight check to see if she's nervous or something? Just like a D20 roll? Sure. Roll perception. Investi-gesh. No, insight is the correct one. I was just rolling D20s. Yeah. Oh, it doesn't matter because it's a plus or any rate. Yes, it's insight though. 10 plus 3, so 13. What's a good way to put this? She's an ice type, so she is... Dalt you there.
I'm pretty chill about it. She pretty chill about it, but... She's a pretty chill guy, you know. but You can also see her eyes flickering towards the the cabinet closet upstairs.
Okay. I'm gonna walk with Zeal to the courtroom. i I think one of us should stay by her in case she tries to book it. Where's she gonna go? I don't know, but she she doesn't have a book, so... yeah Exactly! I'm sorry. I'm gonna convict the Glaceon just on spite, because it's the closest thing to you, Dakota. No! No! Not my poor Glaceon.
i mean honestly you might end up convicting him anyway so we'll see how this goes there are one half of the clues the only thing convicting us for the murder is his name is murder and he is a nice type if we could put this in front of a judge we would get dismissed instantly um okay so i want Okay, so I... Who's going upstairs? I think I should... I think I should see because I'm a... I'm a ghost type, so it's gonna be super effective against a Froslass. I'm gonna stay with Crystal and keep an eye on her. Okay, in that case... Excuse me. I need... ah I need Pixel to roll me a d20.
16 plus 3, 19. I'm so i good with these are dice rolls. As you pass the kitchen, you notice that there is an ice tray that was left out on the counter. And it is melting and there is a wet puddle of water on the ground. What the flip? Okay. Well, what kind of clue is that? I don't know. What kind of clue is it? It's a pretty chilly one if you tell me.
What if they're trying to frame the ice types? Well, we still haven't found the statue, so if the statue is in the cart. Anyway, yeah, I'm walking to the cart room. I want to search this cart room. OK, see, open up the closet. And yes, sure enough, there's like a janitor's cart there. It's like a mop bucket with a bunch of like mops and brushes and shit.
Do I see a one inch Golden Gardevoir statue? uh no because there's no the garden forest statue is one foot tall oh oh so it's like half my height it is yes you made that comment last time oh yeah it did yeah so i don't think i have it because it'd be very hard for me to hide it but sarcasm aside you do not see a golden statue there okay okay so is there anything of note to my child like eyes i don't know why don't you roll a dice for that this is gonna be his map one you're you're never gonna believe me on these rolls but i got a 16 plus three that's a nice okay with a 19 you notice you notice that the uh bottles are freshly filled the bottles of cleaner
But didn't they just close? Yeah. Yeah, that's a thing. Either. Is there like bottle cleaner thingy in this closet? Yeah, I'm going to say there's like refills and stuff in there.
yeah so they could well but they well the thing is i don't think they would have they wouldn't have pushed the cart into the room after they would have like saw hey this guy's dead one sec let me fill up my cleater real quick and i'm just going to set that back in there you don't know her priorities there's murder and here's another thing the person and the lyah part was supposed to clean up as well so They haven't done that yet. Remember I checked last episode and they still haven't done that. Wait, did we exist it's just? Well, actually, that's I'm not going to say that. That's sorry. Go on. I must have done it now. No, the body's still there. OK. Yeah, so. I want to go back to that ice trade comment. ah What the fuck?
The only thing that could relate to the ice tray is, oh, they used the ice tray to make the room chilly. No, it's relevant. Does that work, though? It's relevant to the investigation. Would the ice tray make the room cold? No. The ice tray itself is not enough to make a room cold. Yeah, because... Yeah, so what's the point? Yeah, why is this whole thing with the ice tray? You guys are definitely hyper-fixating on the ice tray.
you mentioned it i mentioned you mentioned it on a random roll yeah i mentioned more than just the ice tray oh that it's melting so it hadn't been put there earlier yeah well maybe you guys will uh find it useful in the future i guess we'll see okay i'll put that in my notebook and then move on with my life i so the ice melt on one sec one sec I just want to ask one thing ah roughly how big was the puddle like a medium large there was a puddle of water on the floor whoever I don't know how did ice melted outside I'm gonna outside the ice tray but ice tray melted there's a puddle of water on the ground it's a decent sized puddle okay I just want to gauge a little bit of time
i I will say this to not throw you off. yeah I think this puddle would have been here though when you win guys did your interrogation. It just wasn't important enough.
No, i it a it's a... Shit, I can't say that. ah Well, maybe if you guys finish the case, I'll explain.
but first that type is relevant Okay, mike my immediate thought is ice being a part of the kitchen, so it's artillery. So Ziel is going to go interrogate Blobberts some more. Okay. So Blobberts, we've been told that You have been stealing money from the cash register. How do you plead? We don't have a cash register?
This isn't a restaurant. You're you're really bad at framing people, you know that, right? Or accusing people.
I but technically I'm doing better cuz I'm not threatening anyone so Yeah, i like youre you're not making false accusations with a knife Yeah, ah I'm doing better from that last time We don't have a cash register What are you talking about?
Well, I think you happen telling lies. Why do you think I'm telling? You said that you were in the kitchen the whole time, yet. Right. We've. Yet there was ice outside the kitchen. Did you put that ice there?
No, I thought that was inside the kitchen. It is inside the kitchen. Yeah, I put it on the counter because I was going to put it in the customer, not the customer. It's not good. We got me a restaurant. I was trying to put it in the guests drinks, but then this all happened and fucking left the ice out and started melting all over the place. So the ice melted because of the fire that was in the kitchen earlier? Probably a catalyst.
what's the deal with this okay um wait why did you why did you put the ice on a tray and not in the glasses where is where do you get your ice it's almost like i was in the middle of making octopus meat for my master And I'm trying to deal with the guests all at the same time. When a blackout happened, I forgot about the fucking taco, taco, fucking whatever. And then I got called out because of a murder and then the fire, whatever. What was your question? like Where do you get your ice? that but The Where do you think?
Where's the free? Oh, I'm guessing it's in the kitchen. and yeah Yeah, it's in the kitchen, you dumbass.
No, it's in my, it's in my bedroom. Oh, wait. Can I investigate? Zeo will go over to the freezer and investigate the what's inside the freezer. ah Sure. Excuse me. Let me roll. No, you don't need to roll for it. ah Inside the freezer, you see an ice maker, some ice cream, some frozen octopus heads. Oh, Jesus. So this is where the ice cream is.
Yeah, I know. important Let's see. I think maybe love is so important maybe can bake it properly.
So ah there's are no statue in the. No, there is no cold hard cash in the freezer. Okay, my thought was you remove the ice from the freezer to replace it with the statue. That was my thought. I just want to say you guys are absolutely hyperfixating on the wrong thing is what I'm going to tell you. Yes, I know. So the hyperfixating is. Oh,
The puddle is wet. So someone could have been dry and then made them themselves wet. God damn it. That just goes back to Wigglytuff.
Do we? Because the room is chilly. Then why would the room be chilly? How would you make a room chilly? It would have to be a nice type. I don't think...
that the room would be chilly unless there was like an ice type in it or it's suddenly cold but it was like a noticeable hey this room is cold he did throw attention to it but it's just cold yeah do you really know if the whole house is cold besides the kitchen which was on fire a few seconds ago
I'm gonna say... a ah plus we're next to Glaceon and Frostlast. That's what I'm thinking. I'm gonna say the auditorium and wherever Frostlast has been and Glaceon has been is a little chillier than everywhere else. Just because they're ice types. Not necessarily because that's the cause of the cold, but because they're ice types. It is a couple of degree degrees colder wherever they go.
So the whole thing with those.
I think we've been focusing on a lot of like theory crafting, but we don't have all the evidence. So hold on. Let's just interrogate literally everyone. Screw that the band couldn't maybe a feasibly done it. Maybe they have a way they could have done it. I think we should just definitely know that family or kids.
I kind of already interrogated chandelier he couldn't have done it we saw him on stage the entire time okay I don't know how he could have I also asked the Typhlosion he said he didn't have his fire on which honestly is kind of weird to me but maybe he just didn't like Yeah, I would think Well, I would think if he if there was a blackout He would make a little bit of fire for he could see or something Like he could control it to like some degree. It's not like he's gonna maybe like to match and the house is gonna burst into flames so
So maybe he didn't turn on his- How likely is it that you can burn down this house if you turn on your back flames? Asking for a friend. Asking for a friend. Jacob doesn't know what I'm talking about. Wait, what? You need to listen to the podcast more literally the next episode you have to listen to. Oh. oh wait i wasn't even thinking of that but yeah yeah okay i'll write that down in my notes but listen to article on episode five episodes yep yeah it's gonna help us solve the murder it is not in any way gonna help you solve the murder okay so do we want to interrogate them even though
i I just can't see it being any of them. Actually, there's a possibility of the type lotion because he didn't turn on his flames on purpose. So. But then the whole thing is to burn the house can statue. He's he would probably say I didn't turn them on so that the house didn't burn down. Well, let's ask.
Zero walks uphill. Why didn't you turn on your flames where you can see in the darkness? Chapter 23 of Statute 53 state of the Alcaste UO law book states that bodily flames are not are permitted indoors. Is that a real thing? No. But obviously I'm not going to fucking turn my flames on in the middle of a wooden building.
I'm not stupid, he says, staring at the camera. See? Camera? It's a joke for one specific person.
yeah Okay, so... So we're cooked. Yeah, look we already asked him where he was. We have no evidence. Is there like some camera system we don't know about or like? No, cameras do not exist. There are no GBAs. But there's electricity because the lights go on and off, so. Can we go outside and see if these light part and versions are telling the truth? Sure. Or is it OK?
I take um Chris with me for he can dig. Okay, ah you guys had to the guys head to the back of the house where they where the two cats said they were dealing with the flood. And sure enough, as you step outside, there's a massive flood that is flooding the entire back garden. And you can see a half dug trench that is leading into a bunch of roses that is diverting, attempting to divert water away from an electrical box you see on the side of the house.
okay so they aren't telling the truth with how good my roles have been I don't want to waste good because I think I'm gonna keep getting good roles for this episode and the next one I'm gonna absolutely suck so I don't think that it's worth investigating this at all no because it's pretty much clear cut they they were back here digging so yeah unless they dug it yesterday and murdered. Yes, because they can see into the future and they knew the rain was coming. They looked at the weather app on their phones. Yeah, there' there's raindance, there's absol that can detect like disasters and stuff. One of the light pods like, Chef, get out here. Use raindance.
Well, there's I'm pretty sure um there's certain moves that can predict the future like future sites and stuff like that. well Future sites just nuking the field within like three other turns. Well, technically future site is perceiving an attack. So you perceive the weather is going to change.
but you perceive the attack of rain on this house well technically it is a move so not all moves are attacks have you ever heard of leer but that is a move but it's not an attack what are you getting at um'm I'm trying to say that using a future site is an attack in the games, but it can be used out of the games as future sites and just receiving the future. Yeah, I can see that. But the question is, can anyone in this house learn future sites? I have no idea. They could pay someone. They obviously pay the fireman to kill all the police. Obviously.
Whoever the killer is here at the house hate the firemen to kill the police Okay, so so seeing Chris seeing that um yeah, this trench is trenching um I don't really think that they like didn't Tell the truth I was trying to think of the right word, but then I just want that yeah, he's gonna walk inside I Wait, were they muddy when they got in? You just said that they were wet. Yeah, they were wet. Wet, muddy, same difference. Okay, no, it's not. If they're wet, they were just standing outside. If they're muddy, they were digging the hole. Yeah, ah for for the purposes of the show, it's the same thing. yeah Okay, we're back on to Wigglytuff.
We're back on square one. well we're We're like past square one at least we have some information. We're negative one. We have more information than and pointing us in random directions.
Random. They all connect somehow into a murder. How does melting ice relate to this killer? I want to know because if it's if it's one of the ice. Red Herries exist.
then why would he make a perception check oh here's the thing i'm not gonna try and metagame this i'm just gonna try and interrogate everybody and learn everything you guys have now interrogated everybody yeah right you have everything you need to solve this case how we're cooked it's gonna take two episodes for us to figure everything out okay So the oh Chris saw Leipard and Persian exit, er, not exit, enter the house.
after the murderer was called. Linklytuff got up, went straight to them, and told them to clean up the murder scene after the blackout. She is lazing about doing nothing. She then goes back upstairs and realizes that her statue is missing And we have no idea where the statue is. It is not in the closet. It is not outside. It is not in the freezer. I'm just going to start throwing tables like real attacks. Every table starts throwing tables. OK, so there's food and stuff on these tables. So as you start flinging stuff, there's liquids and have eaten pizzas against thrown around as well.
and oh yeah yeah a halfian pizza lands on your head with a four a four i've rolled the luck roll oh okay i thought the pizza had a number four on it for some reason is that a clue right now four four four yes on the bottom of the pizza there's a brand and it says four on it so Wait, four. luck It's four murderers. It's the everyone who works there. It's artillery for being a cannibal. like no he says i Wait, artillery is a murderer. He kills his people. Nobody does him. He gets murdered. He gets, like, shipped. Murdered artillery. Out of context, he gets shipped in murdered artillery.
Yeah, at least I think that's what he said That is what he said. Yes, he gets it on a power as a shipment So bite marks it could be Lucario Typhlosion Actually, it could also be the crystal cuz I do know for a fact that I have used frost last she can learn bite I Feel like I feel like the bite mark is very important yeah so it's like the way he was killed that's kind of yeah so it has to be someone who can bite and i do not think chandelier or octillery are in those i don't even think maybe you can learn yeah i've used hold on let me look this up because i'm pretty sure i've used uh bite in game unless they changed it
Ross hold on so whenever we talked to the frost glass wait was that the process the one who's like talked about the closet and all that yeah what if we talk to them I rolled the intuition check and they were like dirtying their eyes to the closet that's kind of sus yeah process what learns by that level one
OK, so they might be able to buy it. They might be able to. The room was cold. So and he said that the rooms can be called if the Pokemon has been there or around there. And whenever we did go into the room, the frost last was with us. So maybe it was a rare hearing. But then where is all this freaking water coming from?
Oh my god. Have you solved it? it is one of the ice types because if an ice type is... well it generally cannot be any of the others because if an ice type is holding something I guess you could say it gets covered with ice and then whenever they leave but it melts leaving a wet key and a wet display case so
i think that you have no idea how much i'm screaming inside right now yeah i can tell not i'm not going to tell you whether it's in a good way or a bad way but oh my god i think it's in a horrible way well you have given us too much information i am an information no i think i think we're at a good amount this is a good amount for a murder mystery i'm actually really liking this i am not drinking anymore in the future Well, I'm agreeing to everything in the future.
And my dog keeps on eating cardboard. Is that part of your murder mystery? Actually, finally enough with this. You see a geese around the corner eating a box. And the box is labeled MURDER! That's a hint, but life parts the murderer. I said a agree for it, but okay. Oh wait, what? No, it was a joke.
i I didn't get it then. Okay. I'm not about to mansplain it, so continue with your murder, Mr. Ying. We like a- This is yours. Oh, I already know the answer. so if You guys don't, so you guys have to figure it out. I'm not telling you. This is like a escape room where we have all the clues and we're just walking around finding the exact same clues and like, did we can use this? No? Well, what does it goes to? Yeah. Okay. So the Frostless was the one who found the body, handler and bite, possibly she was darting towards the
Like, where could this freaking statue be? I was about to say we should maybe ask the process of her financial situation, but then again, Dakota already said we have all the information we need. Yeah, so I i want to go back and look through the rooms that she apparently cleaned and see if she actually cleaned them and are you if there's a statue. Are you asking which firm she cleaned?
I'm just going to start opening all the doors, just break them down. I'm going to destroy this mansion. What? You're going to find what? You're going to find a room that's not clean and just go. Well, no, she wasn't cleaning. like Well, she said she got done and she was returning and she found it. OK. OK, so this is what you find.
You find the bedrooms of all of the people who work and live there. The butler, the gravekeeper and should a grave grave keeper. Apparently we got another. He's the gardener. Yeah.
Who's the new guy? If he's a nice type, I'm just going to kill him on spot. I don't care. It's you see the bedroom of the butler, the gardener.
and the housekeeper, and you also see two guest bedrooms, all of which have been cleaned spic and span.
Yeah, so I think they might have cleaned. Okay, so the frost last was telling the truth. Then why is all the bottles refilled?
I didn't write that down, but I do remember it. Oh, wait, hold on one second. Wait, hold on. Which floor did you say you were opening doors on? All of them. So both floors. that's Wherever there's a room that could be awfully. OK, OK. You were on the bottom floor, so I was assuming you were. OK, sorry. OK, so ah yes. So you open every single door come up with everything.
uh okay um sorry i have like a i have like a a bit of a map plan laid out okay the only other thing i'm going to create is that there is a uh the wigglytuff has a bedroom on the second floor i mean that makes sense and as you as you open it it is not to clean ah So she was downstairs cleaning, came upstairs, was about to put her cart away without cleaning the upstairs.
Oh, maybe she wasn't making the frost last in care if she cleaned up the master bedroom because she was going to quit because she stole the statue.
Well, why was he shaking his head about me saying that there's ice turns into water when it melts? God, I am truly shaking the head. What do you mean, shaking your head? Who was shaking their head? You said you were screaming internally, but you don't know. I didn't say if it was good or bad. Yeah, I'm assuming that doesn't mean anything. You know, I guess it's awesome. Well, don't assume because you're going to create false sure You're just gonna put a negative on someone who doesn't need a negative. I already have information What what is your ideals pixel because honestly I I think I am clocked out My my okay, so this is gonna sound crazy but what if the murder of
and the um uh and the theft what if they were separate crimes but just so happen to be at the same time okay so the ice type stole something And the only thing we have on the murderer is a bite mark. it's And that no one- So we're cooked. Yeah. So nevermind, I'm just gonna assume that they were the same thing. That they're one murder and a theft in the same thing. And there's also a assault, technically, because someone hit Wigglytuff.
And I want to go back to a comment that Dakota said, or Wigglytuff said, that she saw a blinding speed, got dizzy, you know and then passed out. I feel like I should clarify on that because I could throw you off. it is She saw something fast move by. That is what I meant to her. That's what I intended to mean by that.
okay so something fast moved she passed out what she got dizzy yeah she got dizzy assuming that wiggly tough is telling the truth what is fast moving like what pokemon is moving fast well in that case then everyone on the band can now be a suspect Because I have no idea which one of them can learn like extreme speed or any kind of speed boost thing. No, I think it's just base. Like, I think it's just wood. I don't think it's Chandelure stone. We still rule out Chandelure. He's like, yeah, Chandelure is clear a thousand percent. I guarantee you the octopus cannot learn extreme speed. I don't think I don't think artillery is quick.
okay kind to look up licaria a yeah i can tell you for a fact to lookcar you can learn extreme speed i've run it on every la carri i play with
close combat mega punch nice punch hey ice punch i can't learn ice punch you can learn ice punch okay oh well i shouldn't say that frick i don't think it has to do with this though i'm gonna start threatening the cario again i'm i think i'm gonna
I think Veal is losing his mind. for mystery I know. I can tell. I'm about to commit another murder or mystery. It's not gonna be a mystery. You guys, everyone in the mansion dies, I bring in another set of co-hosts to figure that out. I guarantee you they're gonna have a better time.
Everyone's dead. Yeah, everyone's dead in the mansion. There's one Mimikyu covered in blood holding a knife. I wonder who did this murder. It's a two minute episode. um I don't see. We've been on a side tangents. but They do have. a Like I just saw it. um ah So Lucario is just fast regularly, like not even with extreme speed.
I think. Really? They say it has the speed of lightweight classification. It's 70, isn't it? I'm trying to look. 70 or 90? I don't think that's fast.
Oh, stats, there they are. It has a HP, a speed of 90. Actually, yeah, it's 90. OK. It has a base. It might be fast. ah For its generation, I would consider that medium fast. If it was Gen 1, absolutely. But for Gen 4, I am basing stats off of the most recent games. So in accordance with Gen 9, no. So I do not think Lucario could have been so fast that
Karen could not have seen who was there, so... I'm gonna start accusing Chris, cuz he's been running everywhere.
Hold on, wait, what's a- what's a- what's a Buizel's speed stat? Hold on. Uh... Well, it's a baby mod, so it's not gonna be faster than a Ecaria. It is 85? Whoa!
Well, it's so slow than it's five points. on lower than lu It is. So you can't rule the Lucario out and rule me out and can't. I can't focus that fast. That's crazy. OK, I it's all speed. So so you.
But what key to the office meaning? Wait, why was the key wet and why was it outside? It wasn't outside. It was in the office. It was. Yes. Oh, I thought I said the key was right outside the. ah No, no, she's when she was attempting to leave, she stooped down in front of her desk and picked up a wet key off the ground.
okay so it was probably on the desk fell off the desk so so the killer yeah she was in the room so it didn't need to be locked so why was the key wet then if an ice type grabbed something for like a little bit and then didn't hold it anymore would it be wet is the question Here's the thing. Do we need to throw? Or do we need to throw? Have you guys ever heard of the scientific message?
No. Simplest option is the most likely the right one. Is that what you're talking about? You guys are forming a hypothesis. So what do you do with that hypothesis? Test it out. Test it. Yeah.
So my thought is, if it is an ice type, then the ice type moves so fast that it spun her around. and But then what happened to the ice that made the key cold? So what made the key wet? Or I should say. So it possibly couldn't be enough.
ice type that caused it to be wet but then you would have to take it in the sense that Wigglytuff is telling the truth so then why would it be wet she is not a water type which then leads me to the whole thing of the ice that's being melted in the kitchen she made herself wet somehow and then laid down pretended to be attacked for our insurance fraud. We're still going back to this. Do you have any better ideas? Yeah, here's my idea. ah Chris walks and finds something completely random that would be in the ballroom like a fork. OK. And he's going to walk up to, mostly murder the glyxion.
Mm-hmm because I don't know and he's gonna say hey I want to test something because I want you to hold this for a little bit. He reaches out with his little like head tentacle things his appendages and he grabs it and before he gets a layer of frost on it.
Okay. Hold on, hold on, which one was it? Did I ask to hold it? You asked murder the glaceon. Yeah, okay, okay. So, theoretically, and he's like, okay, can I can have the fork back? Uh, he gives you back the fork and the ice immediately starts to melt. So hear me out, chat. Hear me out. It's probably probably one of the ice types you stole. Okay, yeah.
If this is fucking murder, it's going to be out of left field. Like all it all the evidence is pointing towards this fucking process. Can Glaceon learn bite? Actually, yes, I do know that Eevee can learn can learn bite. I'd be very surprised if they couldn't. I know because I ran a Umbreon with bite as it was stabbed.
I can attest to this, Eevee can, in fact, to learn Bite. It's one of its only useful moves. I like Swift. Swift is good. Swift is okay if you're in Gen 4.
I don't think Gen 4. Oh wait, I used Swift on Sylveon a ton because of Pixelate, so that's what I saved. Oh, that works. Yeah. I don't know. There's so many better options in later games. So if you're running an EV as a battle mod, you've got a problem.
Yeah, normally I try to mouth use my Eevee because I normally turn it into Vaporeon. I was saying Gen 4 because you get Eevee in Hearthstone City, so it's very reasonable in Gen 4 that you can add it to your party.
Yeah, I normally play Gen 5 like 2, and it takes forever to get a Water Stone, so I try to keep my Eevee out of battle as much as possible. I'm sure it's better than Gen 4 where you have to wait, I think it's still either after the 6th or 7th gym to get into the Ice Rock.
for Glaceown. Literally Glaceown's unavailable to like the last gym. Well I'm pretty sure like I think in Gen 3 it's only post game. There's one gen where it's just post game. No yeah you're right. I think it's yes one of the games that is post game but we're getting off topic. Okay so it's one of the ice types.
Can Eevee learn extreme speed? Oh god, no.
Something has to be fucking fast enough to be a blur. And it also has to be touching. Why would it touch the key if it... ... barged in? The key? So... Question. Did...
Wiggly tough tell or Karen tell us that she had the key in the office and it just knocked down Yes, she said she lost it okay, so someone stole it and possibly trying to determine With with Karen it could literally meet you like left it in her office and then forgot where it was and At this point, I am just up to kill both of them. Actually, all three. I don't like here. Let's kill everybody in this mansion. One of them has to be the murderer. Unless, you know, is one of the people who left one of the many people who came here to watch and then just left. And we're just hoping again. I'll say this again. I said this last time, but we're just hoping that they stayed.
oh yeah that's the other piece of evidence you guys uh have is that in your hearts you know this murderer is really stupid add that to the evidence list so it has to be Karen it has to be Karen well my first thought was uh to Glaceon Glaceon because they're not even smart enough to think but but if they're not smart enough to think of stealing to pay for college but where's the statue then This fucking statue is the thing that's been driving me crazy. I have leftover tables looking for it. It's not in the freezer. It's not outside. Where is this fucking statue?
Then we just start like... Is there like some Pokemon here that can learn like... Attract Metal? Attract Metal? Gold's Metal?
I don't think that's a goal. It's non-metallic.
Yeah, so we couldn't even use a magnet. There's a promo pass when you need it. Those things are so useless. Well, I don't know. Not here. Okay, so it's a nice time for sure. We're gonna have to assume.
So it's an ice type, it's dumb, and you can learn by it. I was joking when I said add that to the evidence list, but I mean honestly with how this is going, you might as well. Okay, ah I'll add dumb, so it's ice.
okay it stole the key or it touched the key so that's why it's wet that just includes it what was um what was murdered the klesion's excuse or alibi i mean he was right by us yeah he was right next to you guys were they? yes they were yeah he was And he was also downstairs whenever Glaceon was, not Glaceon, Ross last was upstairs, so she is the closest one to the murder body. and So, so possibly it's both of the ice types. I, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
Cuz so at this rate part of me just wants to like have Chris walk up to um the frost glass and just say why did you murder them and start guilt tripping them until they actually reveal if they did or not. Okay, I knew you could go play with that and we're gonna go base off of that. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna do that, but that's what I want to do. Part of it feels like I should do it because everything else is pointing to one of the ice types and it just doesn't seem like in my brain I've played Among Us like twice and I know self-reports exist.
This could have been a self-report. Then where is the statue?
I I need to solve that? A rational thief would not hide his treasures in plain sight. I'm gonna put that up there. I was just about to say, do I need to know where this is?
Well, the statue might have some evidence. i If you know what the statue is, then you're probably already going to know where who the killer is. Well, the... if...
If the murderer had the, so let's say that Glaceon was the murderer, he would hide it probably underneath one of the tables because it's the closest thing near him because there's only one minute of darkness. He doesn't have time to search the entire mansion for a spot to hide this and then go back to where he was originally.
so hold on then my thought was it is the frost last it's in the cart she put the cart the statue in the cart put the cart in the closet and possibly hid it there waiting for everyone to leave or she could take it out and steal it then my thought was with the octopus yeah because she didn't have to return
Because that's why I was searching all the rooms, was searching for...

Lengthy Recording Jokes and Frostglass Dex Info

Yeah, she was in all the rooms, so the only room that she wasn't in was the master bedroom. But Dakota made that up five seconds ago. Actually, it's more like five hours goes with how much we've been talking. I know. We've been recording for about an hour and 45.
It might be the frostglass, I was reading, it's, this is entirely dumb and stupid and I don't care, I'm gonna say it anyway. I was reading, it's Dex information.
And it says, it is said to secret, well no, not secretly display it, it's prey. And that's kind of obvious when you display it in the middle of a hallway. Nevermind.
nevermind so we're gonna hope that he didn't go off decks information because if he did they were cooked or actually pro what does it say um it freezes its foe with an icy breath nearly negative 60 degrees Fahrenheit what is said then it secretly displays its prey oh my god if this thing is Like, you were old at 19 when you were in the closet, so it can't be in the closet. Yeah, I don't. It can't be in the closet. That was definitely a success. If it was there, I would have seen it. Yeah, I could sit at 15 at about full successes.

Accusations Against Glaceon and Humorous Theories

My next thought is, it's probably inside the pan sage or something. Like, she hid it inside him. What? What? That's a wild theory.
Wait, the if it is an ice type, why did we not see any like crossburns on the body? I was gonna ask. The body was, you guys know the cause of death. The body was not frozen. Yeah, it was a bite mark. But yeah we just if it if the touch, the singular touch of ah ice type causes it to frost over you would think of pokéma with negative 90 degree um breath when it bites you would leave like a burn or not burn some frost or some sort of it was pretty weird to remember the pan sage was wet with blood i thought that was blood i was about to say it is wait what do you think
it was water brown the pants age with blood so if there is blood so if they bit him it would have brought a frozen not necessarily
maybe you know it would It would have been wild if like the pan sage got bitten but like the wound froze over which like cauterized the wound and like the pan sage was just fine. It wasn't really funny.
Well, that's what a frostbite is, is your cells and blood freezing as it constricts blood flow and I don't think he died of internal bleeding. I think a puddle of blood on the floor is very much considered external bleeding.
Well, it's not... In real life, frostbite wouldn't kill you, but it would kill you over time, because your cells are dying, and you're just not having blood circulate, and the dead cells are going into your blood, which is then toxic.
So it's not the frost itself. The pantsets didn't die of frostbite, but you can definitely say it could have been frostbite.
Sorry. I'm just gonna murder the Glaceon. Why the Glaceon? I thought we thought it was the frostglout. I'm just gonna punish the Glaceon because it's the closest thing to the coda.
Yeah, my bad. I thought, this isn't the second time you've said this. Yes. Can we just, like, accuse her? Uh, sure. Is there, like, a problem? You guys can hit the accuse button at any time. I just want to accuse her. I want to smack the accuse button. Do you want to accuse her? Or should I accuse?
I'll accuse her with a knife. I'm super effective with her. my aused with a knife everyone's in The is still on the ground, by the way. yeah Okay, Ziel picks up the knife with his dark cloak threatens the ghost type and surrounds her with his ghostly body and says that she is the killer.
OK, well, you have to say that in character. Oh. OK, so I pick up the knife. So you were the one who murdered Pansage. You're the one who murdered Chris. I need somebody to roll insight.
Do you want me to? I don't know. Sure. I've been having good rules. Yeah. What is this? insight That's a one. might not have ended i don't know anything the uh... the uh... process looks pretty chill that's what they had so you know i don't know anything for us it's like what i still accuse her start shopping and i don't start shopping evidence so this is a place like it what do you think i did it what happens to you have
You were next to the body when it was discovered. Yeah, because I was the one who discovered it, obviously. Yes, because you had you had no time to return. That's how eyeballs work. There was not enough time for you for you to return to the spot that you were at. Oh, I see what you mean. Well, you did your evidence by sticking around the crime and claim that you were claiming that you were the one to have found them, which in case, incriminates you even more, because you did not have enough time to run away. So the, uh, the Frosa's luxury is like, okay, so I was in the same building as this murder, so that makes me the victim? I mean, the accused?
like and come the big duy when can i see if they're actually the murderer again i would what do you mean i'm pretty convinced

Intense Suspect Interrogations

or can conceal role on the site to see if there evidence is having any in fact ah no ah your de do yourre we just got you just gotta to play out all the evidence and see how it goes This like the end of this is like the end of a Scooby Doo episode.
Yeah, because I'm just going to fail miserably because now I'm not thinking. Keep throwing evidence. I'll shut up. Okay. Well, there was water left at the crime scene and we found out that even a slight touch of a ice type Pokemon, it will turn to frost and melt and leave a puddle.
Uh, yeah, and that's how all ice types work. If you haven't noticed, I'm not the only ice type here. Nor am I the only water type here, which have a very similar effect, but with water. And you are also super effective against a pan sage. I am. Oh, I guess I am.
And there has been a missing- Oh, she got that one. he Yeah, see she didn't have a comeback for that. There was also a missing key that was returned to the crime scene that was covered in. I'm the housekeeper, of course I have a key. But Karen has said that she lost the key. She did not give you that key.
she narrows her eyes at you she's like you mean Karen said she lost it wait what wait what is that supposed to mean you said that Karen lost a key I feel like I would have known about this
Okay. And he's gonna say, yeah, whenever we discovered the statue was missing, she like bent down and grabbed the key that was right in front of her desk and say, oh, I was looking for this. And we discovered that that was the key to her office.
She's like, usually if Karen lost something, she would have told me and I would have searched for it when I do my cleaning rounds, but that's news to me.
go i My brain is fried. I'm cooked. Well, you haven't laid out all the characters. Yeah, keep laying out. Out of character. OK. So there was also.
For a pizza, the melting ice bottles, bottles fresh. Oh, the cleaning cart. Why did you return the cleaning cart after you found the body? Was it so important to refill your bottles? I i mean, I just cleaned. I finished cleaning upstairs, so I filled my bottles up, obviously.
wrong objection you did not clean the master bedroom uh well yeah i may have forgotten that one but i mean the rest of the hall everywhere else but you just said that you finished cleaning well i okay does this prove i'm guilty or something it proves that you are lying i just proved i forgot about something because it's late in the night and there's festivities going on um Chris is gonna bike up. How would you forget about the one person? Who you're hired to like take care of? That's cuz I take I take care just cuz I'm hired to take care of someone it doesn't mean I like them that much So what if she's fucking late on her cleaning? I don't care Well, you also said that you would make sure that
You also care enough that you will help her find something that she have lost. You see, do care. Yes, you see, she's like grimacing her teeth like, God damn it. I don't know if I'm getting the soda or I'm actually getting the crystal. Like, I can't tell if he's stumbling over his words or she is.
just let's just I guess that's just good acting, huh? Yes. Now, you knew that there was a statue up there. No one else besides the people who worked here knew about that statue.
howard Yeah, and I'm not the only one here who knows about that statue. Wigglytuff will tell anyone about it who asks about it. he's He's quite proud of that fact, actually. Well, everyone had a reasonable alibi. There was evidence that Blobbert was in the kitchen still cooking for tonight's festivities, and the cats were both outside covering for each other. I was cleaning. But you were not. You did not finish. You did not do your cleaning. The bottles were still full. Yeah, well, maybe I didn't use any cleaning chemicals. Then you are a poor housemate or whatever you are. I never said I was perfect.
And if so, then Karen would have fired you ages ago, meaning that you have reason to steal her. Oh, Garnavar. Yeah, it's a Garnavar. Yeah, Garnavar statue. It's reason for you to steal the Garnavar statue because she is planning to fire you. Well, well, what what about what what about Karen herself, huh? She said that she was knocked out too.
Well, she would not have had the ability to... Um... I wanna say she wouldn't have the ability to, like, steal it herself and have no one realize it, cuz you... Wait, actually, yeah. i know I know how to solve this. i know I know how to, like, answer to that, Chris is gonna say.
Why would i would she steal her own statue?
Are you asking this to Crystal? Yes. Yeah, yeah why would she steal her own statue? Well, Crystal doesn't own this statue. What do you mean? No, no, no. Why would no why would the wiggly tub why would Karen steal her own statue?
What are you talking about? Ciaran wouldn't steal her own statue. I thought we were like trying to like say, oh but Wigglytuff was saying yada yada yada. no Sorry, i thought I thought we were crystal and i thought she was trying to pin this on Wigglytuff. No, Crystal was asking how Ziel can explain the Wigglytuff being fainted.
She passed out from like a unknown blur passing by her extremely fast and she fainted. An unknown blur, huh? So you don't know who did it? Well, we know that it was someone cold because the room was cold when we entered.
Okay, and again, I'm not the only cold one here. She says looking at murder who was like gnawing on like a plate or something out of boredom.
Murder was with me and Chris at the time of the murder. Okay, and the cold lingers for a while. That's how ghosts and ice types work.
Well, he would not have enough time to murder the... What was Chris? He was the butler or assistant something? yeah I thought you were going to ask what Pokemon he was again. Well, I have the list pulled up. Okay.
He would not have enough time to kill Chris, steal the statue, knock out Karen, then hide the statue, get back downstairs, and also be able to hide all this evidence. Okay, okay. Well, about that blur you said, what is a blur?
stress badssuming pokemon Okay, am I the only fast-moving Pokemon here? Am I the fastest one? She says like actually questioning the group.
and no
but we've already pointed so And... Well, I... I was cleaning like I said just because I didn't get to the master bedroom in time doesn't mean I was ah guilty. But you do not have any evidence to prove that you were cleaning because all of your bottles are still full. Okay I at this time I now I'm gonna allow you guys to roll another inside check.
Oh, do you want me to do it or do you want me to do it? I'm going to roll it this time. OK, yeah. You do it. 16 plus three. That's 19 bitches. Oh, she is sweating bullets.
but but but i really like it's her Well, also accusing her of murder. So if she is innocent, she would also.
I find her to be very nervous that she's about to get- No, we're taking this the nervous type. Like the nervous, oh crap, they're on to me type. See, just point out the fact that she's sweating. Yeah, she's yeah she's a nice type. Yes, she's melting.
she's just slowly melting we're so nervous that she's above 90 yeah she's normally yeah negative 90 degrees she's now above one she's got a temperature of her body temperature is over like is almost 120 degrees above body temperature That's like if a human was sitting at like 300 degrees Fahrenheit. No, it would just have to be above zero. It would have to be above zero. Depends on if we're talking Celsius or Fahrenheit. But either way, it's about a hundred degrees. I'm talking with Celsius because it's so easy to remember that freezing is zero. Well, then imagine if a fucking human was sitting at 136 degrees Celsius. Like you would literally vaporize basically.
Yeah. Okay, okay. Getting back to this at this point, just point out the fact that they're sweating. I don't really think we can throw anything else at them. Unless there is something we're missing. I don't know what the fuck the statue is.
Because literally we searched everywhere. We'll find it. It's not important. Remember what Dakota said? If we find the statue, we probably already know who the murderer is.
And I think what you said earlier about the having the victim in plain sight or something is a little too on the nose. But knowing him, he probably did read into the. OK, that's Frostglass's description is that they um they secretly display its prey.
Yeah, so they're secretly displaying the statue somehow.

Dramatic Confession and Flashback

No, I was talking about the murderer whenever I was talking about that. How did they secretly display a murder? That's why I'm thinking it doesn't have to do with this. That's why I'm thinking that doesn't have to do with this. Oh, okay. Yeah, I see your point now. That's why I said it even more than that. Well, we know that
So Ziel will continue to say, so just admit it, at this point we got you almost red handed. All we want to know is why you did it. We know that no one liked Chris, but was it enough to kill him and steal Karen's statue?
you uh look at the frost last um and she looks left and right and she fucking bolts yes oh god wait that's basically a confession yeah he's attempting to escape out the front doors could we pursue yeah there's there's like 20 other people here that have like extreme speed and other stuff cuz I guarantee you that Lucario hold on hold on Chris is gonna yell to the crown does anyone know pursue um someone has say I'm gonna save the the life parts like
yeah Yeah, I can use Pursuit and I guess they use Pursuit and Pursuit. That's a dark type against a ghost. That's super effective. Sure, so Lightpart tackles the Froslass to the ground holding um holding her down. Yes, yes. Watch, it's not going to be the killer. Watch, we've been duped. It's actually murder the murder of the Glaceon.
But if he is, I'm going to actually have evidence against them. I am going to. If it is murder, I am going to fucking punch every glacy and plushie I visit from our scene now. <unk> Oh, no, I've got one sitting on my bed. I'll never let you over here. She will don't know that.
Hmm. People don't know that I have a Pokemon stuff. that what do What do you mean? Shush. OK. I was going to say, I'm pretty sure I've shared the fact that I have like a Pokemon collection, but OK.
So what are you guys doing about this murder? Murder. We go try and help. Oh. Is it purling or... or the... uh... Light part. Light part. We go and help light part... or stream... frost last. Okay.
Uh... Sorry, I just had to fucking burn right there. Okay, so eventually you guys managed to get, uh, light part... but not light part, Jesus. You guys managed to get frost last, tie it down with rope or whatever.
And she is now on the floor tied up. I'm gonna say she's restrained. So, tell us why. Well, I'm fucking fine. Cat's out of the bag now, she says, glaring at Lipard. I, look, okay. Wigglytuff, who, by the way, I just want to point out is still sleeping in her office. yeah we Yeah, she has no clue. Yeah.
Bookletuff would not give me a Christmas bonus like the rest of them so I figured she was trying to sack me so I was gonna make an exit and I was gonna take this valuable thing I could with me so so we're gonna transition into a flashback because that'll be easier for me to tell the story keep fucking so what happens is you guys see the concert playing down below the second story uh is a frost last pushing a cart towards the uh the uh doors where you towards fucking really tough bedrooms and all of a sudden the lights go black and you see the frost last jump up into like oh shit this is my time and the frost last dashes over to the um
dashes over to the office of Wigglytuff, which the door is locked. And Frost, last, having prepared, had stolen the key in the past, stolen one of Wigglytuff's keys that she had left out on her desk. And she used the key to enter the door, in which she saw Wigglytuff sleeping and Christopher tidying up the office very carefully.
Um, you see frost last dropped the key on the ground by accident as she tries to dash past, uh, Christopher, uh, because I will note for you guys, process has a base speed of 130. What the flip.
I was just supposed to look at their base speed. That's what I did for Lucario. We did for literally every other Pokemon, just not Froskla. Oh my gosh. I know for a fact that Glaceon isn't fast.
No, god no. So you see Frostalas dash over to Wigglytuff, who seemingly is asleep. Wigglytuff lifts her head, see ah sort of sees Frostalas, and as Frostalas uses confusion on Wigglytuff,

Post-Confession Reflections and Narrative Debrief

being all dizzy starts spinning around and Frostlass grabs the statue and sees that Christopher has seen the entire thing and as Christopher and Frostlass get into a bit of a fight she bites the neck of Christopher and he starts bleeding out as Frostlass leaves the scene and the lights come back on and she immediately grabs the cart, pushes it into the c closet, having not been able to clean yet, runs over to the other side, and screams down below for murder. Where the fuck is the statue? As she heads downstairs to talk to you guys, she passes her bedroom where she stores it under her bed. I checked all the bedrooms!
you No, no, no. You checked if they were clean. No. You opened the door. said Is this clean? Yes. God, you did not do a detailed search of every room. That is not what you asked of me. Oh, so. And then the frost last came down to talk to you. And that is where everything says.
The we jumped out of the flashback, the process like, yeah, that's how I did all that. And that's why I did that, because I'm going to be sacked. I'm going to be homeless. so taking what I can and fucking running. Dang, they do have 110 base speed. it That's 130. No, it just has 110. Okay. Well, still, it's the fastest Pokemon out of the entire group. It is? I think so. Typhlosion, is it? Typhlosion? I said I don't know. Typhlosion. Yeah, he's evolving evolve.
let's see I'm actually not sure oh i love whenever I look up of 100 what comes Yeah, i I typed in Typhlosion and it said Typhlosion allegations. God.
i yeah We're not going to get into that one. He has a base of a hundred. Yeah. So technically, yeah, he is fast. ah carial shame mallore I still don't think it would have been fast enough if Typhlosion was the murder. I don't think it would have been fast enough to run all the way to their the room.
um Beat up both the people in there, grab the statue, you run and hide it somewhere, and then run it back on stage right as the lights come back on. I don't think he would have had enough time. Shamalori is freaking slow. Leasal. Shamali. Shamali. What do you expect? Well, she is slower than a weasel.
she has a base of 80 he's 85 yeah oh so anyway yes you guys have solved the murder now what are you guys gonna do with this frost glass I'm gonna fucking murder her. Oh, we have to figure that out. Ugh. No, we are not murdering the Frosk class. We are waiting till the Fire Chief, I guess, gets here. The Fire Chief. Is that what you guys are doing? Oh my god. Lacey, I'm 65. Yes, Frosk is so slow. I think that we should have somebody watch over Frosk. I can't speak today. We should have somebody watch over her so that she doesn't, like, get away or whatever.
ah I think Typhlosion and me. We should lock her in the basement with all the Mr. Mimes. There you go. I was wondering who was going to mention it first. I completely forgot. Okay, actually I have no clue how i ah Chris would know that the Mr. Mimes exists down there, but he's going to say So, is there anywhere we could, like, put her while we wait for whoever to get here? The light part pops, pipes up, pops up, the light part pipes up and is like, uh, yeah, we could put her in the creepy dungeon downstairs.
feeling du And the light part, uh, lifts the frost last onto her back and is like, you guys should probably, uh, stay here. don't enter Karen's dungeon. And she heads down into like the cellar area. And that is where Frost sauce will rot for the rest of her life. Like something there's a prisoner in Oh, no, they're only imprisoning her until the police arrive. Okay, okay. You just said the rest of her life. Yeah. And there's no police left. So I mean, what are you gonna do?
Oh yeah, we gotta go figure out that murder next. I think we got some good evidence against the police, or any good fire chief. Yeah. You know, considering he said, uh, good luck in, like, a very, like, aesthetic, whimsical voice, um... I think, I think he binded on it.
good luck what so also how would you know about this murder because i saw that was the police chief or the police chief i said but i said fire chief and also how are we gonna find contacts we we don't know what pokemon it is we don't know who he is or his name we don't know where he is so i think we have a sure Short leaves a list for that murder. A short suspect list? So Dakota. How do you continue this into three episodes? Oh, we're not. This is where we're ending it. Oh, okay, okay. I saw you guys getting there. I figured I would finish it out on this episode. I was contemplating ending it around the hour, 20 minute mark.
And I was like, they're getting there. OK, I want to point out the reason, the reason for the ice tray. What the fuck? The ice tray. The ice tray was a metaphor for ice melting into wet water. It was a metaphor. It was I was trying to get you guys to think The key was and the dresser, the the cabinet wasn't wet because of a water type. It was wet because it was touched by an ice type and then left to sit and melted, which is why I heard your cat. Yeah, it's my cat's name. God, that I will say if if you did not say that murderer's name was murder, I would have
If his name was literally anything else, he could have been a good suspect. I know. I wanted him to be just like the stupid little puppy that was just there as ah like the most obvious red herring on the planet. We didn't even talk to him. Yeah, no, this is why. Yeah,
yeah so I wanted to throw in a good list of characters. So what I wanted to do. because I wanted there to be multiple ice types. I wanted there to be um a water type so you guys could think about like the wet key and stuff. I wanted there to be wet Pokemon, so the two cats. oh So I was throwing many red herrings away.
like i had just about me i had hearingring there There were like four or five red herrings that you guys all considered. But the red handleless ideas yeah the red herrings you go the red herrings I gave you were all disprovable.
Which is why I put so many red hairings in there, because I can give you a list of clues, but as soon as I give you a list of clues, you guys could just easily follow and figure out who it is immediately. So I throw in a ton of red hairings that you guys would have to process and disprove before figuring out what are clues, what are red hairings, and which alibis fit the clues, and which ones disprove the red hairings.
I think the ones that were easily disproven was the bite mark ruled out artillery and the hole in the backyard disproved the two cats so those two were easily and murderer was the most obvious red herring what was the band we never or the band sorry we never talked to any of them i think we talked to they just kind of existed yeah yeah they kind of just hung out um because yeah once we figured out chandelier was lit we never talked to her
In all truth, the band was there to give you a larger list of suspects. So it wasn't wouldn't be so easy for you to narrow things down. But you guys figured out that they were irrelevant pretty quick. Yeah. Yeah. Because we're like, no way that they can run off stage all the way to there and back.
yeah Yeah, that's how we also... and it was That's why I only said that it was ah fraud, because we could not find that fucking statue.
Yeah, so the biggest thing I was trying to push for, especially there at the end, is I was trying to get you guys to focus on the speed part of it, because there are there were two Pokémon that fit to that fit the ah the clues you were given, and all in one of them was purposely put as a very fast Pokémon, and one of them was a purposefully very slow Pokémon.
So I was trying to get you guys to focus on that, but I failed. so yeah like ever We never caught onto the speed until but until they told us, hey, yeah, I'm fast. Yeah, I know. I think the whole speed part was just like complete ignored on the most part. because I know. That was like the only difference between Glaceon and Frost last. I thought I wanted you guys to latch on to.
Because there was Pokemon moves in the air, there was actual base stats possibility. So there was tons of different ones that would have been written off because I guarantee you there are certain moves that could increase Lucario's speed. I know that one.
but i don't know any of my head yeah the other reason i was screaming internally is because you guys are talking about the ice tray and you're like i have an idea and you're like what if ice melts into water and i was like he's got it and then you guys didn't fucking apply it and i was like no no no no i think the thing that got me to think about like giving one of the ice types a key or like a fork or something was the fact that i was like well you know if ice types are cold you know what if something they hold is like yeah
frosty so that it that i did i didn't connect the ice to the items i'm sorry but i did not i just randomly thought hey what if what if that happened wouldn't that be funny and then i gave a fork to murder and they're like yeah ice and i'm like okay i guess Yeah, but when I introduced the ice tray was when I decided it was going to be two episodes instead of three. So I was pushing harder for you guys to finish this episode, which is why I started giving you guys like small hints and stuff. So as soon as he gave the fork to Glaceon, I knew because my thought was with the ice tray, the ice tray was there for someone to get wet.
yeah That's something yes, that was not my intention my attention was i host the blin of yeah and it was on ofmo I wasn't so much focus no I I focused on the puddle because I I Asked I thought the ice had to do with like maybe the chef leaving the kitchen or something um And like that could mean that his alibi didn't work and so I asked how big the puddle was to gauge time But then he said oh, yeah, that's just been there and I'm like, okay. I Yeah, I was thinking whenever you were saying that, oh was he like pretending to work? Because we walked in and the taco was on fire. And he said he was making drinks for people. And then I asked, well, where's all the drinks? Why would you put ice on a tray and not put them in the drinks? But then he gave
Dakota gave him an alibi and saying, oh, I'm super busy. You don't expect me to forget something? Well, like I said, I do have to improv a lot of things because it's not like I make this 100% perfect.
Yeah, as soon as I started to interrogate Blacian, as soon as I started doing it to Ross last, I could not tell between the two if you were just stumbling over your words. That's really funny because I was not stumbling over my words. That was intentional.
So that's why I noted I was like, I guess I'm doing a good acting job because yes, that was Frossela's stumble over words. That was pretty much what I intended to say. Because every single time she mentioned that she cleaned, I was just like, you did not finish cleaning. You did not clean at all. cause they were completely full i know i was trying to get you to double guess yourself or second guess yourself but you didn't so good job yeah i am i do like i do like that clue that you put where she was like i'm a good cleaner and then she's like well i could have forgotten like two seconds after and we're like wait what i know you just said you're so good at this and then you're like well but maybe
Yeah. But maybe. What was the whole thing with hers being like, oh, I don't know. She would have told me if she lost a key. What was that? Oh, that was her trying to cover up the fact that she stole the key and she already knew about it. So she was like, well, she didn't tell me. So. That's just. Yeah, that made her even more guilty because that means like she stole it so quickly.
ah Emma, it made it seem like she was guilty of herself. Well, no, actually, that doesn't make sense because Wigglytuff would have told Froslass anyway. So actually, that doesn't make sense. You got a good point there, because yeah, either way, Wigglytuff would have told Froslass if she was missing a key. So that is a bit of a good point. She was sleeping the entire time the key was missing. Yeah. Yeah. Because as soon as she said that, I was just like, but you, she would have told you that
because as as soon as she said that she was a good one and then she forgot and then Wigglytuff likes her so much that she would ask her to look for the key but then she just so happened to not care about Wigglytuff like She was going back and forth on like oh, I'm good. Oh, I'm bad. Oh, I'm lazy Oh, I don't care like oh also, by the way, I wanted you guys I was trying to throw a little bit of shade on the Persian because I had
Chris oversaw a conversation that Karen wanted for something to clean up the body, but he never did. I was wondering if you guys want to question that and interrogate. I did. mean I was questioning that, but then we went down the ice road and so I'm like, I'll keep that on the back burner. Yeah, my answer to that would have my answer to that would have been that would have been that person is like, well, there's an active investigation going on. I can't really clean that up anymore. So. Well, my my thoughts was Because I tried to put attention to it last episode, but I was told that I couldn't because I didn't know it at the time because
Um, Frist hasn't told me yet. And I was just like, okay, I just won't bring any attention to it until Frist tells me. And you never did, so I just like, I guess we're just not- It was never important, so it's fine. No, it wasn't. But it was cool to be like, huh, if we take out this evidence, it makes them so clear, because That's what really made me think it was Wigglytuff was that conversation, but Ziel did not know about that conversation, so I had to go fooling out the other side. So I was prohibiting you from going down the path of Wigglytuff being evil just because I'm withholding information from your character. Yes. I love it. If you would have told me about that, I guarantee you we would have focused much more on Wigglytuff.
because as soon as she left she was in this daze what was that all about she always left was that a side effect of nope nope that was just that was just uh for comedy because i thought it was red herring no because you were like well she left out of boredom no see no she was just being a karen if there's nothing happening that interests her she's just gonna leave Because every single time she was this like, superchalant, doesn't care about the murder. And if zeal was told that she wanted the body cleaned up and did not care. I, I would have gone the whole route of like, she used the ice cube tray to get the things wet. And for the reason the room was cold was because frost last was there.
who found the bodies. and it's already cold because she was cleaning. Like, because you said that all the rooms are clean, so she obviously was in all the rooms. So like, ah she was, yeah, that is something I had to make up the last second because I forgot that one of the rooms was supposed to be dirty. So I was like, well, I guess all the rooms on the bottom floor were clean because my my thought was that she would have cleaned those before the guests arrived.
But no one was expected to go to the upstairs, so she didn't clean upstairs. And then she was going to initially I was just going to be like she clean she was cleaning the entire house. But I had to improv it a bit and say that all the bedrooms were downstairs and that she that wiggly touch room specifically is upstairs. So that was just a bit of improv on my part because I forgot that one of the rooms was supposed to be dirty. Yeah, I was just thinking that.
so you were wanting it to be like she didn't finish her job yes that is that was my impression and then i'll and then i said oh she finished her job and i was like shit that's that's a piece of evidence i forgot but luckily i realized when i described that i forgot about wigglytuff's room So I quickly threw together a half throne store. I was like, well, ah she cleaned everything on the bottom floor, but the top floor is where Wigglytuff's room is. Did you check every room? You told us that after we went to the closet, though. What was with all the filled up bottles?
ah Yeah, that's when I realized that I messed up because i I was like, well, she cleaned all of the stuff downstairs. And I was like, wait, shit, that means the bottle shouldn't be full. But then i in my head, I changed my story to like, well, actually, no, she cleaned that beforehand. And then she was only planning on cleaning wiggly tops when the murder happened. But since she never got to the bottles, we're still full. So that was a piece of improv I had to throw together last second.
so if you listen back to the recording you can probably hear like around that time when I was describing the bedrooms I sounded all flustered because I was literally changing the entire story at that very second while I was talking it was hard guys iye I thought you were changing it just because you weren't expecting us to go into every room. No, I changed it because I said the wrong thing. I meant to say one of the rooms was still dirty. And then I was like, all the rooms are clean. Thank God I forgot one of the people who lived there, which was really tough. So I was able to throw together a story in like 15 seconds.
Well, I think even if you said like, Oh, all of the rooms are clean, except the office, I think it would still been like, Oh, she didn't finish. Like you could have done it in a sense of like, Oh, she never got to the office because. But then she could have just said that pan sage was supposed to do that.
Yeah, but PennSage is the intern. He does all the filing and boring stuff. I don't know. I don't fucking know. I would have probably asked my next question if they would have if we went down that train and it been like, oh, well, PennSage was supposed to do that. I would have just asked, like, I thought they were an intern. What do interns do? That would I would have probably followed. up They do any job that they don't want to do. Yeah, pretty much.
Okay, well I'm gonna wrap this up here our recording um is so long we're We're sitting at about two and a half hours right now so after this is edited it's gonna sit around like two hours and 20 or something So the last episode I uploaded well actually it hasn't been uploaded yet, but it's gonna be around two hours long So this one's even longer than that so I'm going to stop us here. Thank you guys for joining us on this murder mystery Let us know if you figured this out beforehand or if you actually saw murder was gonna be the murderer because
I was, I was genuinely like contemplating like, well, I could change the story around. So maybe murder is the murderer that, but I decided against that. So, all right. i see Hopefully by the time of this release, we'll have more, um, mainline content episodes for you guys. So, uh, we will see you then. Thank you guys for listening. Uh, and we will see you guys next time.
Hello y'all, welcome to the end section once again. If you've listened to the last end section, you know it's about to happen, so go check out our Discord, Patreon, linked in the comments below. Comments, goddamn it, whatever we say that. The description, whatever, fucking Christ. Music for this is, I have to call it up. We have Mansion from Luigi's Mansion, basement from Luigi's Mansion 3, stick it to twice from from Luigi's Mansion 2, boilerwork, drainage control from Luigi's Mansion 3.
Treacherous Mansion from Luigi's Mansion 2, Luigi Ghost Mansion Gate Nintendo Land and Grand Lobby Tension from Luigi's Mansion 3, Metzony and Suspense from Luigi's Mansion 3, Hornet Towers from Luigi's Mansion 2, Bogmar Battle from Luigi's Mansion, Scare Scapper, Capture the Ghost from Luigi's Mansion 3, Tidal Steam from Luigi's Mansion 2, Paranormal Productions, Horror Set from Luigi's Mansion 3, Distant Piano from Luigi's Mansion 2, Fitness Center from Luigi's Mansion 3, Twisted Sweets from Goats Steam from Luigi's Mansion 3, Secret Mind from Luigi's Mansion 2, paranormal production city set from Luigi's Mansion 3. Master suite tension from Luigi's Mansion 3. Gallery Luigi's Mansion 1 I guess. RIP suite suspense for Luigi's Mansion 3. King Boo's Illusion for Luigi's Mansion 2. The Great Stage the Great Hall from Luigi's Mansion 3. Mansion Luigi humming from Luigi's Mansion 1. Holy shit. Okay got that all in one take. Hell yes. Alright see you guys.