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54 Plays4 months ago

Dakota is busy moving so the Cohosts decide to take matters into their own hands and have their own solo adventure.


Introduction and Apology

Hey guys, sorry for not posting another story episode this week, but I've been moving lately, so I haven't had any time to actually record anything lately. I've been moving, I've been trying to get this place renovated so it's in living condition, and as such I haven't had internet.
Or at least my internet has been so awful because I'm moving out to the countryside that I haven't actually been able to join any recording sessions. So I got it fixed now so don't worry. But um I tried joining a recording session for what you're about to hear and it just

Improvised D&D Session Begins

didn't work out. My internet connection was so bad I could not join. We've got to figure it out so we'll be good to record in the future. But The co-host decided, last second, after I told him I wasn't able to record, that they were going to record an improv session of the characters themselves. So it's a self-dm'd episode, I guess. it's um It starts off with the ah all the PTT crew ah doing a D and&D session in the basement of the Flameback Residence. So, that's fun. This episode's oddly wholesome, so I highly suggest you listen through it.
It's very good. But I literally have no time to record this. I'm just storing to together this together real quick because I have to get back out in the rain to fix my water heater. So that's fun. um And yeah, PS, this is a raw recording. So um if there may be some like audio fragmenting or stuff, because they because we weren't able to use our main recording software, we ended up using our backup audio.
So, audio is a little bit iffy here and there, but it is 100% listenable too. So, go ahead and do that. I'll see you guys next time.

Character Role Enthusiasm

we're all okay so we're all in the basement we're in the lab one night in the lab ah and yeah we build out maker ancients we all go make our entrances of we dressed up as a character flying and they bruce invited us over but what we've been stay in this house anyway but yeah um
wal Walter's in a full wizard gear as he's playing a wizard. Well, they're the wizard. Okay. Yeah, I don't know anything about D and&D. I don't know what characters I could play as. You got Archer, Mage, Barbarian. I played a rogue. That was really fun. Rogues or Rogues? Rogue.
I was going to be a rogue. OK. All right, he carves a mage. Oh, that's I love that mage squad. Oh, wait, we're magic. We shoot fireballs.
Instead of electricity and coming out of her machine magic. Yeah. did Magic. Did you want to be? o yeah is is Bruce could be a paladin. Bruce was DMing. Bruce DMing? That works. Sure. We can go with that.
Yeah, can we hurry up? We got school tomorrow. All right. So you all have your characters? ah Yeah. I don't know how this thing works.
Oh, well, I don't know either. So we're just going to roll with it. OK, I got this. yeah I got these guys. And then he slides on it. Let me just start. I got a 19 there, bro. See, boy, what what's that? What's that give me? That that gives you 1900 gold. That is your start. What? Why is this system? Oh, yeah. Don't worry about it.
yeah I feel like Walt is like a hardcore D&D here and he's like, what are these people talking about?
Hey, as someone who- Come on now. Someone who only has Pokemon D and&D systems and not actual D and&D. This is gonna be real fun. I've run multiple campaigns. takes out
Ikaru takes out her GBA and frantically googles the meaning of mage and what mages do. Ikaru, how'd you get this? This is before we even left it on our adventure. This isn't that when we're in school. It can be, because we're in the lab. Oh, we're in the lab? I thought we were just somewhere else. Oh, we're in the lab. We don't have our GBA's yet? No, we can have our GBA's. That's fine. We can have our GBA's. Never mind.
Again, the one rule of improv, yes and. Yes and. Yeah. <unk> We're gonna assume that this is like the night before we leave for Bloomberg after getting our GBA.

Chaos and Banter in D&D

Oh my gosh. Everything. I love that idea. It's just like, hey guys, let's just go fuck around in the lab before we leave for this big trip. Exactly. Aw, that's a bunch of cute little baby ducks. Fireball!
Uh, what are you doing? to Well, why are you fireball on the DAX? The DAX cracked at me, cracked at me. What? What are DAX? I don't know what DAX are like. Spontaneous one. Oh, oh, you're right. firewana That's not right. So I met a side. That's pretty cool. And, um.
I don't know any ducklets, but I know Casey. Casey, the the side duck, she's pretty neat. Sigh. Wait, isn't fireball a saving throw that has to be rolled? Yeah, what still most things don't survive it. yeah It can take out a whole um orc so little village.
well I rolled a 14 for the swan. I don't know. Nope. Nope. It's a high DC, high damage thing. Well, I'm gonna see what want i'm going to assume has plus six to whatever's eight. What the fuck? Also, I love this D and&D. snaption We're playing D and&D inside of D and&D inside of D and d inside of d and&D. What if we're just controlled by dice?
ah d and d player I don't like that. I mean, I've rolled a lot a lot then. Evelyn, Evelyn, you can leave. too but I've Nat 1'd a few times then. Yeah, right? This whole year has been Nat 1's for me. Yo, person's playing me, throw away that dice. I feel like I'm constantly rolling Nat 1 on charisma checks, so. Dang.
Hey, single club, single club. Hey, single club.
oh I bet you should have seen just how awkward I was when I met Eli. I was just like, I literally walked up to him and said, you? That's all I said. This is definitely going to be called the cast. What happens when the co-designer?
Yeah, sounds about right. It's just rambling. it's not It turned into nothing. It's fine.

Real-life References in Role-play

Evelyn, did you actually leave? No, I'm still here. Oh my gosh, okay. Yeah, I mean, I i have practically zero DMing experience and no campaign plans, so... I yeah i have none of that. Let's just do an improv thing.
Yeah, OK. All right. Yeah. This is just casual conversation, basically.
Let's talk. Let's talk. There's silence. And then there was silence as the as the four students. Well, they're not students anymore. as The four friends sat in the basement of the secret lair and the the storm was raging outside. They heard a bump in the other room of the lair.
the It's spooky season. Remember, it's still October. I don't miss episodes not coming out until November. It's recorded in October. o yeah November has a completely different... No. This is basically just for filling in a gap.
her backlog. want to go check out whatever that now the let's go you over there go I'm not listening to you. Oh, hey, guys, by the way, I'm not dead. Whatever happened last week didn't actually happen. I'm still alive. Somebody you told me that I got i brought you back anyways. You lost your accent. yeah that but Whatever reason, I guess I was Australian. I don't know what came over me.
Oh yeah, no, that was weird. did that Sammy had... talking very weird last week. It was so strange. I almost didn't recognize him. I got the golden guitar.
Golden Vian. So... Has anyone else beat a god? I don't think so. I do got this weird skin on my chest down now. The knife's still there.
I think we fixed you up, though. Yeah. What do we what what is waste of? What do you mean? Hey, like he car and I both lost a lot of life essence. I don't really know. But, hey, we brought you both back. I lost my innocence.
Oh, oh, no, no, we did not. Whoa.
I don't know what you did. Like I was dead, but I don't think it was that. What did we miss? Yeah. I wasn't I wasn't there for very long.
I freaking killed an Octillery and whatever the other one was a Zigzagoon. Oh, yeah, there was that. Crazy. Oh, that. we ah Wait, wait, you killed somebody. You didn't kill the Zigzagoon because the Zigzagoon died to the burn because the burn off. No, that was you. Yeah. Wait, you all killed people and I just had to die? I died too. Yeah, but you killed somebody, Walter. I'm pretty sure you killed someone. I killed plenty. I did. and That checks out. Yeah, I completely surprised an entire group of Joltik.
That was funny. Yeah, I heard the screams. I do remember that. That was in front of me. I was floating and I was being lifted into the air, but I did see you incinerate that one jolt deck there. Yeah, I incinerated what? There were four of them. Walter took out one of them. And then I incinerated the other three because It was a bit overkill, all I did was step on them, and I killed one of them. You lit a nuke in there. Yeah, I was pretty high up to the air, so I couldn't really see how many Joltak there were, because they're so tiny. I just kind of assumed they were like one, but you you carry you apparently killed like many of them. So that's, you know, just add that to the list of things that Bruce has now done. You know, burned down a house. Now he's now here, murdered three spider people.
Hey hey hey, I just happened to deal like 59 fire damage to a bunch of bugs, that's all. He was only 10 off in the funny number.
What funny number? I think I'm really... I don't know if uh, I don't know what an internet meme is. That's a good one man. That's a good one that doesn't exist.
What's the internet? that's true just like so

Bar Visit and Drunken Antics

oh it's just a fire you mark out of i just google on your tvba though It's called the rule list. Yeah. I don't know how that happened. I was able to, you're right. I was able to Google. So, okay. I'll just type in the number 69. No, no, no, yeah no. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
So, so my GPA just says, um, child lock. Also like that guy at the cult. He was very mean. He was fat shaming me. Like i I can't help it that I'm a big boy. I like to eat. And that guy was not very nice about it. So my nut. So my GPA just says this 69 LX IX is the natural number following 68 and perceiving 70 and odd number and a composite number 69 is divisible by one three 23 and 69.
I think she's got six shirts on. Is 69 the number of Super Bowls we're at now? What's a Super Bowl? Is that a baseball thing? Is that a baseball thing? No, that's a football thing. Do we have football here? I don't remember. um I don't really follow sports at all that much. I think we really have baseball.
that's coming up soon but did that just ah do we only have we only have the one sport here in the world of pokemon we've only ever seen baseball Walter do you remember what sports they had in school? no you wouldn't remember that i wasn't in the i was in the band dude i went to every game yeah yeah oh yeah you no yeah you were right you would be you would have been there because you would have been playing oh yeah that's right yeah when the car was saying our um are um out outcast region. Yeah, outcast national anthem. Man, I hated that song. Man, we lost heart to our rivals this year. Yeah. Yeah, I just pulled up a yeah Pokemon quiz on my yeah GBA here. Do you guys want to try that out? Oh, sure.
Like, OK, like what what kind of quizzes is it going to like question me about what Pokemon are like or is it going to tell me what Pokemon I am? ah No, it's a random a trivia questions about just like general Pokemon stuff. I bet I can do that through and I'll just take the ah the good ones. Oh, OK, he's proofreading. That's good, that's good.
And like some of these are definitely not worth asking, like into which Pokemon does Pupitar evolve? And it gives multiple choice. And I want to know what I want to know the choice. I want to know. I want to know the choices out of them. What are the choices? So there's Jupiter, Zapatar, Tyranitar or Zevatar. I'm like, I think it's Zevatar. I like Zapata.
Yeah, that part sounds pretty cool. Hey, I can't wait. Hang on. Can you imagine if there was if there was a an electric type taranta? That would be ah just a while. Now it does not work. That's like asking me. That's like asking if there's a ghost type BV. I mean, it'd probably be like a ghost. No, no, it's probably be like a robot or something and yeah crazy like It probably means it'd be made out of like iron or something.
Yeah, here's the real question though. Would it replace the rock type or

Plans and Mishaps

the dark type? Would we have a rock? Or would you have an electric or dark? It replaces the dark and black type.
Ooh, do this one. bre ah He just steals it back. I like this one. How many evolutions though Eevee have?
Seven, six, eight or nine. Eight. Isn't Selena still down here? Can we ask it? Selena, how many? No, no, asking the Pokemon. Dang it. No, right she's probably out there doing some shit anyway. Where is she? She just goes off and does whatever. Yeah, I don't think. and I don't. We haven't heard from her in a while.
Yeah, I don't think Selena's here. I don't know where she went, but she's not done here with us. It's like God, it's like God always forgets that she's with us. And then we hear a banging on the door on the door to the left. Boom, boom, boom.
And it's not my place, I'm not. Oh, no, no, my place. I don't got a place anymore. OK, I guess so. I guess I'll go answer the door, even though it's.
We probably shouldn't open the door, but you know, we might as well. just get Just get Alfred to open it. Alfred's not down here. Wait, how do we hear the door? How do we hear the door banging from down here? i don't know but the The door to the the height the the lab, I'm guessing, is what's being done.
We just send Alfred a text on the GBA Alfred my boy no Alfred my man, you're not a boy Alfred my G but man by my guy Alfred
I think it likes always been calling called Kami. Super Kami Guru. Broccoli Bruce.
OK, you know what? The only question here that looks worth it. which Which is the only Pokemon that has the special ability to devolve? Do any of you know?
ah bro Clamper? Oh, ob if you take yeah If you take the shelter off of a Slowbro's tail, it'll just go back to being a Slowpoke. He'll lose his grain cells. Slowbro's not that much smarter than Slowbro. What if you took off the shell from Omega Slowking?

Reflection and Wrap-up

I don't think you can. You're good, like you saw. Wait, like if bro you mean?
Huh? You mean like a slow bro? No, I think you meant like a slow bro, yeah. That slow king doesn't like it at all. But I think if you took the shell off of a Galarian slow king, that'd be a very bad thing. Yeah, I don't know how alive a Galarian slow King is anymore.
I don't I don't really know. It's like asking a question. What happens if you rip a mimic use close off? You know, I always wonder what happens to people when we would have gym class. They would always sit out. They they would never go to the changing room with us. They'd always kind of like eerily sit in the corner of the gym. They never went into the changing room.
Yeah, have you heard the stories about what happens to Pokemon who look under a Mimikyu's cloak? They get great go ghost stories? I guess so. So I heard this story.
ah um so It was a timber. It took a peek under a Mimikyu's cloak there.
And the question is, why is he looking over there in the first place?
Maybe he was just here. So first he was just petrified. He completely paralyzed, couldn't move. What was even worse than the petrified status condition? Because like he could be attacked and he still wouldn't go petrified.
And then he just sort of disappeared mysteriously one day and nobody ever saw him again.
Well, I think I know what that I think I know what that knocking was. I did order a pizza that we sent here. I just kind of like called my parents and like, yo, can I get a pizza? OK, we should get the door. Yeah, let's go. I'm going to get up and get the door. Yeah.
Oh, yeah. Bruce will go open up the door. You want a Sprite Cranberry?
This door is so heavy. I can't get it by myself. Somebody help me. Bruce opens the door. It was just one hand. It opens the door. It was a push not a pull. Yeah. Because you you open it up from the ah from the outside. You open up the door. You push on the door.
to open it up. That makes sense. Yeah. are you kind Are you pulling down on the door? I think maybe I was pulling down on the door. Yeah. It makes sense. you You've just forgot how the door works. You've only been down here a couple of times. True. there should be like there should be like three pizzas and a bunch of sodas. Pizzas for the four of us? I guess you're eating for the pieces for yourself. So the pizza boxes are empty. So so in front of so behind the door is Alfred and he's holding the three pizza boxes in his mouth. Ripping it with the gripping them in his mouth and his hand and in his in his hands are the sodas.
I was wondering if you forgot your hands or not. Where's my double kelp shake? my diet not didn do supposed to aid my pet I can't eat this without my diet doctor kelp shake. Alfred, can you ah bring us some ice cream so we can make these sodas into floats?
and and No, no, not no, ah no, no, no. I don't think it'd be a good idea to bring an ice cream. that That sounds like a very bad idea. I mean, ice cream did not have a very good idea. It's bad idea to put ham, sami, and ice cream in a confined area.
Well, maybe if we had some here, you could learn something about it.
and You can learn about it inside their house, not down here.
um You almost burned down your restaurant trying to cook some ice cream. It'd be fair while there's not an oven down here that I know of. No, but you've got a heat source. You'll just throw it over the rest. Yeah, and Bruce is not going to. Don't worry. But my friends are always off down in the land. Well, now you got some control.
Hey, you know, I did what I did out of anger. Like so towards my house. Yeah, you know, I saw I saw the note got mad that somebody could be so heartless to my friend, like my friend's friend. And, you know, it just sort of happened. I see. Do you still feel that way? Is he still just a friend's friend? Are you not friends with with Walton now after everything we've been through?
I mean now he's definitely more of a friend but like at the time he was just like friend of my friend but now definitely good friend I mean you're all good friends at this point I thought he was gonna say you're okay friend of a friend's cousin I mean you're lucky I can say that he was a friend of a friend I think I've only been with you about a week and I've been kidnapped, tortured, house burnt down. So this is what happens with school. I thought that not in that order. I thought I thought Bruce, I mean, I mean, Alfred came to our came to the door of the lab. We're in the lab. Yeah. Yeah. But someone's got to bring the food. Did Alfred come down or did? I don't know. Alfred Alfred knocked on the door.
Did you see? Yeah. OK, so we we take the food from Alfred and bring it back into the lab. Thanks, Alfred. He was just he was just standing there waiting very patiently. Oh, I got this new can card game I heard about. Tell you what you got. It's called Card Wars. Card Wars. right you got my in Oh, um I know a card game. It's it's it's called.
It's called Texas Hold'em. What's a Texas? um Yeah, what is a Texas? I think it's a place in. I think it's a place in the fluvius state. like So like it's a place where you can hold it. How does that how does that work? Yeah, so um yeah stick up everybody gets like. So so like I think I don't.
My my memory of this is quite rusty, but like um We used to play in we used to play it in the high school think and well You take your cards you have a dealer who passes who like deals everybody some cards and then um Then everybody um
And then every and then like I think everybody like puts, you go around, everybody puts in a card, and then um at the same time, you like um you wager a certain um number of, a certain amount of poke. um Oh, poker, basically. Yeah, it's yeah it's like poker, yeah. To be honest i honest, I was thinking it was like Uno. No, we do not bring Uno in this house.
in your house, Walter. Hey, we just got friends. Do you want to break this friendship?
Side story, I almost, I swung at my sister. Me and my sister swung at each other at Uno Game. You have a sister, Walter? Yeah, the players. Yeah, Sammy, it's the guy who's playing me, his sister. ah I love when you talk in the third person. It's so weird.
What, the first person? I don't know.
Just focus on the pizza, Sammy. That's a great idea. I don't know why I wasn't even already. Sammy will go to eat the pizza. I will roll to see how much pizza I eat. you just You just fall on the pizza with your face on it and just slowly munch it. You roll it d twenty a Oh no.
and and then And multiply that number by 10. That's the number of pounds you eat. I rolled the 20. I rolled the two. So two times 10 is 20. It's still hot. yeah Yeah. How do we get 20 pounds of pizza? Out of four boxes. I was thinking you ate two of the pizzas.
ah yeah How would that have worked if I didn't roll something higher than three? like If I rolled something higher than three, where would the other pizzas come from? You just ate all of the pizza and then found some other food in the lab that we had and ate all of our food. It's like Pac-Man. He eats the the power pellet and he just keeps going, man.
the pack is back I roll a d4 and that's how many that's how many slices I eat because I'm a lot my stomach is a lot smaller than Sammy's three i thought how does that work like is my stomach like how big is my stomach actually we know it's just you got a very skinny stomach it's just a bunch of fur honestly I think it's just kind of like a black like ah a black hole in there and the food just is it's gone you think you're eating it but just goes to be a fur or you're just really skinny underneath I rolled the d6 though Bruce is eating six slices of pizza so that would leave he ate two boxes you ate four slices and six slices leaves all one box left uh no I think there's just no they're sheep pizzas so
yeah Yeah, so it's kind of the squares. Yeah, it's like 24 slices per pizza. I miss the places I do that. No one does that anymore. I really wish I got some pizza breadsticks. Ooh, those are good. Yes, they are.
Maybe we can order- Welcome back to the food critic. You know what I saw in my GBA today? It was like pizza nachos. They were like nacho chips with like pizza cheese and pepperonis on them. They looked really good. That sounds really good. Sammy, I just heard about something. You gotta be watchful where you eat at Poke McDonald's. Poke Donald's. I hear there's- Huh? Poke McDonald's? Poke Donald's. I can't say the name right now. I keep missing it out.
I'm laughing.
You never been to like, uh, broke Donald's. You got to be careful, man. They got that. you They got that bad outbreak right now. Bad outbreak. Oh, it's okay. It's put two Toros in the hospital. so yeah kind of I'm not really that bothered by poisons and stuff. It's just kind of like whatever. It's true. two Toros for eating burgers.
me. Oh, right. Yeah, it's not. Yeah, it's not actual meat. OK, got it. Got it. Right. No, no. It was in Torosburg. It's we but deserve. Doesn't. Y'all seen the yeah there's some burgers. We got it. Maybe.
maybe ah Oh, ah we could get tacos. that There's a chain. There's a store called those Toros that we could maybe order from. Yeah, you guys hear about the what one of Boca with old competitors came out with a What was it the It did they call it a cabbie patty burger for some reason The king of the cabbie patty and How about the new place called bouffant wall wings and
Who pulled out Wild Wings? Oh, that's... That could be great. We should go there. Maybe they're playing the... Maybe they're playing the Allcast World Series on the radio there. We could go and see. It's been so long because I've had some book-o-wings. Book-o-wings? Huh. What are they like? What room is that? They actually use meat. Oh. Oh, no. I'm not gonna stop eating them.
Yeah, I eat pretty much anything so Holly. I'm okay. Pretty sure you try to eat us some time one time when you got in a pokey when you got in a food craze You guys wouldn't let me go get food. What the hell else was I supposed to do? You kept saying I look like a fudge sickle you know do look like a fudge sickle look at you scrawny little arms You speak for yourself
Okay, fair. I think that is on for anything but Scrawny. me I mean, I don't know, there's a lot of fur here.
Walther's arms aren't that scrawny either. He's got them bumps. I can lift you, they're not scrawny. Yeah, you remember he lifted me up? That was so much fun. I've never been picked up by anyone before. Well, yeah i'm sure not that I remember. I'm sure my parents lifted me when I was like a real tiny baby right out the egg.
Sammy, the Snorlaxes, I'm sure they could still lift you. I literally just pictured them yeeting me, like one-handed throwing me. They're like, such a cute baby overestimating the strength and actually there.
I'm down to go to Bufala Wild Wings if you guys want to go. Like, are they still open at this time of night? Yeah, I think they're open till 2 in the morning. Yeah, it's only like 10 o'clock, right? Oh, hell yeah. Like, how long how long's the walk to get there? Only like an hour. At most. I forgot when Sami... That's the moment shop, right? Hey, you gotta be careful, though, what team clothes you wear in there. Team clothes? Oh. Yeah, what type of team clothes you're in? Yeah, who's playing tonight?
ah I think they'll be... I think they'll be... The B drills and the unlucky buzz. Yeah, it's the... Oh, no, I'm a burners were playing recently at the burners and the.
Was the quakes? That's it. The burners are playing hurricanes tonight. Oh, the home team. OK, we're going to. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We're going to have to wear the home colors and we will get. joke I'm really not. I really don't follow sports, so kind I kind of even forgot that the the hurricanes were our home team, honestly.
Yeah, mostly the sad home team. To be fair, though, I really should be following it more, because that that's more events we could cater. Bruce, do you happen to have... Do you have baseball uniforms we can wear?
I might, actually. and Let's go check in the house. and My mom probably has. Hey, Kara, we need to sing in one of these events one day. Oh, yeah, we do. um Totally.
What can we what could we sing? I mean. that Yes, remember what I like our our school team, like I remember our mascot was a palafin, but I don't remember what the same name was like the heck was our team. Kelly, the pallet.
No, no. What was it? No. I struck out on that.
Were we the ah the the Gail Beach paladins or something or that the Gail Beach heroes? My first thought was the wave crashes. Maybe that could no wave crash was like the signature move a pallet and I figured that would make sense. That does make sense.
but it' fun and a of them not a big deal let's go ra the closet go get some some uniforms what do we need just hats
but you got shuts i think i think i think i think hang yeah let me let me if i can remember what color that the uniform is but it's blue and white for the hurricanes right i think
Above board, let me look that up. Yeah, I'm about to do that to me. ah See if I can. I was. You know what? That's what i exactly what I was doing. That's exactly what I was doing. You got the merge page up. Yeah. Oh, OK, it's a it's a like sky blue colored for NATO. Oh, yeah, it's really I did always remember liking their logo for the for the for the hurricanes.
Yeah, yeah, the curtains got a real sweet logo. Yeah, it is pretty cool looking. We're playing against the burners. Yeah, they've got just a big B, I wonder. But they've got they've got sick colors, too. Yeah, but their marketing department really was not there when they were putting this logo together. I hear there's a new team coming up in a sit in the series, the East City Westmen. I hear every time you say that, they always go, ooh, I lost words.
and Let's see how many people get that reference.
You guys. We got money, right? There's games there, right? I'm pretty sure. Buffalo Wild Wings. I don't know where I got the word buffalo from. Buffalo Wild Wings. They got they got games. So it turns it turns out that there's a small town in Petrum called Buffalo. Oh.
I don't know how I would know that. Maybe I paid and um and may i pay attention attention to the geography. Yeah. Something like that. You're the one who pays attention in class. We're not. Hey, I paid attention in classes. Oh, please. I always pay attention back in class.
You know, it's hard for me to pay attention when I'm just like it, you know, right before lunch and actually like right when I get there pretty much any time writing the door lunch after lunch, when I'm pretty much the time I'm thinking about food that anytime I'm just hungry, you know, I'm just always hungry. So it's hard for me to pay attention.
All right, let's fast travel to Boothland Wild Wings. and
And here we are. And we we get to Boofalot Wild Wings. And you can hear there's a there's a hubbub of of Pokemon inside the bar talking really loudly. um And they're listening to they're listening to the the baseball game on the radio. um Right outside the front door is a um
ah a giant Snorlax who's just sleeping. And it looks like he could be the bouncer.
and we I have this problem all the time back at home. A lot of times um my parents just kind of fall asleep, lock in the stairs so I can't even get up to my room. aye And know it's hard that it's hard to do.
um A lot of times I just kind of bounce on the tummies till they wake up I'm not doing this doing that to this guys person cuz I don't know them um We still got those cold robes. We could just dress big What or we could just like we could just jump in the window What we could do that I Mean, man, we really want to keep adding it to our list of felonies now. We're gonna add breaking and entering Oh, please. We're in your life. We ever get arrested. I don't wake up this or of us
we try to the balancer yeah um oh i like I remember legend where if you play a flute, if you play a certain flute, Snorlax will wake up.
Yeah. So what you're telling me is, Walter's just going to blow into that hole that's on his guitar. And in that that boom, bada-bing, bada-boom, that's well good, right? Walter will not be doing that. Yeah, no. We can just play the guitar in a way that makes it sound like a flute. We're just playing the tune. Maybe it's the tune. Do you know how hard it is to do that? No. Very hard. Walter, do you know that the tune for, I think but it was called a pokey flute? Let's see.
No, I don't. it's an eight No, I don't. No, I don't. No, it's banned because that can control score. Okay.
but okay I rolled the 14 plus one 15. I know. Yes, that was a snort roll. so ah But. You know, that's that makes sense that you would know it, Bruce, because a lot of times I fall asleep in your house and you knew I'm very hard to move. Like once I'm out, I'm out.
And did my with not pick up at all? I didn't hear anything. It did not. Oh. And you just got dry lips, man, whatever. It's fine. No. Perhaps we didn't hear it.
No, I don't think my mic is picking it up, but. OK, I think. bra You're doing it, you're doing it, I think I see him moving. You are, I'm not. da da
Roll performance. How do I feel like? He falls on us.
Oh, geez. He turns and just squash. Hey. Oh, no, OK. Well, Walter, you're going to have to pick up the slack on this one, because both a four minus one, three. Three. Um. Thinking of anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, anything,
nope five five okay kind of sings the tune that might work i can sing it tune do you have the sheet music on i don't have sheet music it for everything i have that whole bind of sheet music on you at all times what the heck i mean if all else fails we can we can quick attack the
Snorlax. Quick, it's a Snorlax. I'm not winning this. You're just going to vote for yourselves. You've gotten very violent lately. Yeah. I'm going to think of it. Yeah. On reflection, I think I have gotten pretty violent. You've hung out with me too much. Yeah.
that I think it might have been when the shock of Walter getting kidnapped and and tortured, you're just like, you big you're being more aggressive to the world. You don't want to hurt anyone else. You just kind of have to check everyone. You had that backlash at the well hospital. oh yeah Oh, yeah. I don't remember doing that.
I don't know what I said. I don't think it was something that other people here heard. I, you know, for whatever reason, I feel like that's something that was cut out, if that makes any sense. But... Okay. I do remember hearing that from you. Did I drop an F-bum? Yeah. Maybe? Oh, you definitely did, yeah. It was... I have not heard you swear like that in a long time. I couldn't stop laughing. I tend not to... Like, sometimes I get fly into fits of rage and I just don't remember.
That is actually brilliant. I like that. It's a brilliant way to account for things getting cut out of episodes. Yeah. Yeah. I got amnesia. I don't know. All right. What do I do?
oh but How about you roll performance to see if you can sing the Poke Flute tune better than I could? And if you can't do it, I think I got them like i think i got a pizza pan in my backpack. I could probably like.
Hang on it to make it wake up, wake him up. my Okay. What? I get my character sheet out. What's my, what's my cute role? My cute modifier.
Um, I've got, okay. Cute plus one. Um, wait, not a bad role. Uh-oh. He's gonna walk by. He's asleep actually.
I got a 10. That's decent. It's a mixed success at least. Better than both of our roles. Walter, I like your idea. Let's just walk around them. He's asleep. Yeah. you know know i guess i like how yeah oh yeah so So with a mixed success, I think that he He started the Snorlax started to stir a little bit, but but if we if He's not completely awake yet, and he just lets out a big yawn But I think if we I think if we sing to him one more time, he'll wake up Okay, let let's all sing at the same time and we can combine our roles. Oh boy Ding engineering ding ding ding ding ding 18
I got a 17.
I got a nat 17. I don't have my character sheet up here. I got a nat 12. Wait, don't you have like a plus one or plus two to Qt? I think Qt is my stat. Hang on. My sheet is loading. Yeah, you should have a plus two to Qt, I think. Sort of dial up sound here.
is plus two nice so i got a eighteen minus one and uh sammy got a seventeen plus two i think this little axe is awake all success hello we did it who comes to boof a lot wild wings show me your Show me your IDs. Um, why do we even need a bouncer here? Like, isn't this just a regular restaurant? It's a bar. You have to be 18 to enter. Oh, okay. Well, we're all good then. I need to see your IDs though. Shows ID. Yeah.
I definitely didn't just like hold out my hand as if to show an ID like you guys could see that. Yeah, for what it's worth, we're all 18, I'm pretty sure. um Yeah, we are. Okay, you're free to go. And then he steps aside, boom, boom, boom. We walk in and then he just like
collapses and falls asleep on his stomach. Outside the bar. How much damage does he take? None. Oh. OK, no, he takes D4 damage. um ah He's got like 160 HP, so he's going to be fine. What level is this? No relax. He took one damage.
Oh, well, that's nothing. That's an expected damage, I suppose. OK, so we're inside the bar. Anybody else want to describe the scene? We'll go straight to but do the drinks.
He's going to start throwing them back. um
Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug. Chug, chug, chug. Okay, roll Constitution for how drunk you get. That one. ah So you get youve been one, you throw one back and you're already like hammered.
moon You know what I'm saying? You know who I know is a big guy. I love him.
Talking to a chair. I really i really appreciate that, Walter. Thank you. Without Bruce, he can get me sometimes. Who burnt down my house. Honestly, I don't even care. I just do it because his laughs every time he gets uncomfortable when I say it.
Oh. Good to know. I think you've had enough to drink now. No, go away. I'm talking to the talking chair. Go away.
Okay, he covered. Do you want to try to talk to him here? you You're the the one that's closest to him. ah It's ah too bad. I rolled a four, so I'm also piss drunk.
I was muted when I did that. Sorry about that. like I didn't get my lead the lead role this play. It's like a lot more innocent stuff compared to Walters.
So now Hikaru's just yeah like singing a random song but she's like out of tune and she doesn't she's like slurring her words because she's drunk.
You know that, Selena? wo She's a fine lady.
but Oh man. Oh, Selena finally uh... What was... Wait, who was that... That Sprigotito that we met? Did we meet the Sprigotito yet? Oh, Tito's the Sprigotito? Yeah, yeah, she...
she had a really fragrant fragrance what it smells really sweet i mean her big shop yeah yeah it smelled really good i uh i want to go back there and
it that just breathe in that scent and like carrie see don't make it weird okay and then you can hear you can hear the studio audience cheering make it weird make it weird make it weird make it weird this like this broadcast is a shot in the live student audience
bur and then And then... I still can't believe she actually went and sent my dad the cease and desist daughter. Like, she stole my idea, and I'm still not okay with that.
oh To be fair, we probably could've fought the cease and desist a bit, but it wasn't probably wasn't really worth it.
It was funny seeing your dad mad. yeah He doesn't get mad very often. So I mean, when it when it happens, it it is kind of funny. Yeah, you know, when he crawls, his tummy shakes.
Oh, oh, yeah, we're not we're not paying attention to the game. um It's it's the bottom of the sixth. I mean, we're pretty far into now.
Zero zero. That's how most baseball games go.
o um Okay, how are we gonna do this? How are we gonna do this baseball game?
Great question. to turn to enter turn that Oh, one of us. um i I think something happens. what ah some Someone or something attacks the the restaurant so we can't finish the game. OK. Oh, I was going to say Walter Smashes a chair of so a dude who said his team sucks.
No. ah I was going to say like maybe maybe um maybe like one of us plays the pitcher and one of us plays the batter and then like if the um if the pitcher um like if I guess like if the pitchers if the pitcher gets higher than a 10 and oh the batter s swings it's a strike.
Wait, honor rood had we get I just listened. I just listened to the episode where Anirud went through a baseball game. He had someone roll a D8 and a D12 for the batter, and he rolled a D8 and a D12 for the pitcher. And those two things determined if it was going to be ah like how the play was going to go. I don't know if he ever explained exactly how he was doing it, but I'm guessing like the D12 was probably what?
why ah I would guess the D8. The was probably for if the batter hit the ball and the D12 was probably for a
like how many bases they got. I would say they're both basically accuracy rules because the pitcher has to the pitcher has to throw it into the strike zone and then the batter has to hit it. Yes, probably. Do we really even want to go through this baseball game? No. No. Bar fight.
All right. Well, we'll start the bar having that conversation in the middle, like time slowed to a crawl as we were having that conversation and people and like the other Pokemon were like moving around extremely slowly. And it was just Hikaru and Bruce talking. And then here about but you see Walter jump off the bar doing an elbow drop on someone.
What'd you say about my team? Sammy is just... Is there a Burners fan in this bar? Sammy's just eating every every plate of boneless vocalings that gets handed to him.
yeah Okay, so... Who's that? but Walter attacked an Aipom. I just randomly generated a Pokemon.
All right, you roll. I'll roll. Whoever gets highest won the fight. The 20 is going to win that. Yeah. Oh,
but the eight pound got a 10. Mm hmm. One more throw. So I'm going to give you two options. It was a nat 20 or nat one. You choose.
Pick the Nat-20, it's A-POM. It said that the hurricane sucks, so... Alright, um... he got he got elbow drop He got thrown into a table in the bowl to elbow drop them over the table. He broke the table. The table is just splintered. There is an A-POM shaped hole in the middle of this table now. and like Watch your out, watch out, watch out!
And then the A-Palm bounces from the table on top of Sammy's plate of boneless bokeh wings. No. And shoot. I now need to roll for an attack.
Let's see. Tackle is like... Oh shit.
Oh no, somebody messed with Sammy Spooge. Bad things are about to happen. Run for it! Who are we fighting?
Are we fighting the Burners fans? well I don't know. Hikaru, it doesn't really matter anymore. This guy just like smashed my wings onto the floor. I was so hungry, I was eating them, and now I can't even touch these now.
it an aponm is covered in my wing burn a box of hu I ate the hat, okay? I don't know. I was still hungry, I just kinda ate it.
Okay. I mean, I'm assuming he was a Burners fan because he said that hurricanes suck, and I mean, they are losing 5 to 1 right now, but... I rolled a 6 plus 6 is 12. I don't need to roll accuracy because he's right in front of me.
oh no um so i think the apom was like already almost knocked out from walter so yeah this apom is now like you just get throat slammed by sammy the apom got thrown at sammy and sammy just throat slammed him do you know the animation for snorlax's z-move? yeah it's that it didn yeah
Yeah, like i I can picture that, like the apron lands in the wings. Sammy's eyes just go wide and he just ferrules right through. And then the the owner, the boofalot comes out and he's like, hi.
And he kicks us all out. Literally with his front legs. I thought this is America. This is not America. I thought this is America. America. There's no America. What are you talking about? I thought this is the outcast region. It's not the outcast region. It's the outcast region. I'm trying to hear a sound mark reference. And then Hikaru.
bends down to the floor and she sees ah a strange green piece of paper and she picks it up and it says. United States of America, two dollars. Legal tender for all purchases and transactions. Yeah, korea and there's a picture of um what looks like a um I don't know, it looks like a weird monkey Pokemon with a wig in the middle. I had the weirdest thought. What if inside the Boofalot Wild Wings it was one of the orbs? Like the white orb is actually in Boofalot Wild Wings. That's how his wings get so good. Love board. Hikaru doesn't know what a human is. She has no reference for human.
it is but Thomas Jefferson. What? but
Thomas Jefferson. You cut out this. Thomas Jefferson. Somebody above board. Somebody actually gave me a $2 bill as a gag gift for a a gag gift. That's a great gift. Yeah. A great gift. They're rare.
I used to get $2 bills every year for my elementary school because I always had perfect attendance and they would give me a $2 bill at the end of the year. They're like, here you go. Good job on getting perfect attendance. They're going to be more. I don't worth way more than $2. Oh, yeah.
We're drunk. Oh, man, I didn't I was I was away from the computer at that point when you guys were drunk. OK. No, we've been drunk. Oh jeez. We're drunk drunk. We were drunk during the bar fight too.
and it
and you heard are the Bruce has to bruce as has to responsibly walk all of us home. Sami fuming from not being in his wings and these two drunk off their asses. Is it a home? Is it a home game? we could Maybe we can see the game. yeah Where is the stadium?
I don't think we're going to be at the stadium, Hikaru. Let me look at a map. Okay. okay e um Actually, there's no guarantee that the stadium's even in Gale Beach. It's probably over in the... I don't know. kiilby I can't think of the towns right now because I'm so hungry. Maybe it's in Volkenburg. I think the game is in Volkenburg.
I think we could take a train out there right now and patch game 3 of the what? I think it was a home game, wasn't it? Is it a home game? Okay. Where is the capital of Ventus? Where is the capital of Ventus? Good question. Bruce, if you paid attention in history class instead of snoozing all the time,
I wasn't losing all the time, only like two thirds of the time.
I mean, I get it. you know You don't really care about the geography or whatever. I swear, you're trying to come you were trying to compete with Sammy who slept the most. if That's not true at all. I lost that every time. Hey, like...
they teach i yeah I was trying to learn to move sleep talk or snore. I don't think they even teach snore anymore.
no Dream Eater. I can't learn Dream Eater. What is that thing he click on but where he told us to use?
Like on the GBA, we only got a few apps on here. The GBA doesn't have a camera. No, no, the map generator, the anorude. Oh. Let me just pull up the map. OK, actually, I got it.
but you k ah So if you have, ah he sent me the map. I don't know if you have it, but if you load the map, um you can open it in this app.
And it will. um
Let's see, can I find it? Oh. Yeah, I only ever see all the studies. you Just use the the Google Docs that he sent. Right, ah I know. That's a lot more detail than I thought.
Has anyone kept track of Walter? I haven't seen him in a bit and he's drunk. Oh, he's gone. You guys don't see him. Nobody. No, we weren't supposed to take our eyes. bowl for this Bruce. Bruce, I think I've come down from my rage, but now I don't know where Walter is.
but wish she wish you was she Where's my bounty? I'm gonna roll for time. I'm gonna get that stupid bounty if it's the last thing you gotta do. Update on the map situation. I think we're like... Okay, so it's only about midnight. It took us an hour to get here and now we got kicked out shortly after we left, after we got here. So it's probably about midnight.
So I, okay, so I just looked at the the map on my GBA. We're about an hour away from New Venice City. I think that's where the game is taking place. kind It's like 12 o'clock in the morning. it do I know, I know, but we might like, even if like, this is just the first game in the Allcast World Series, there's gonna be,
At least there's going to be like at least three more games after this. So if we just go to, if we just go to new Ventus and spend the weekend there, we can, maybe we can catch the next one. I don't think they're, they're also very, it is the series. So it's been a while since it's been in Ventus. What?
It was fine. but wouldn't Wouldn't the games all be sold out already if it was the World Series? Probably. But I think we could i think we could buy tickets, like reseal tickets on the street. You ever play that game on the on the GBA where you like stack your heroes up into like a totem pole? We can probably do that and then like throw the top guy over the wall.
anybody else hang a real but do we are just too drunk?
Could you ask your mom Bruce to pay for us? It kind of is 12 o'clock in the morning. I'm pretty sure she's already in bed. OK, we can ask her in the morning. Very good idea. And go back home now we can get some sleep and we can ask her in the morning.
How does that sound? That sounds good. Wait, we're actually going to go into a game like for reals? That sounds great, actually. but you have some Yeah, I mean, if we go. Oh.
Well, to pass, though, I wait to be drunk. Wait, is that Walter down there? I think I see him lying on the road. I think I see him lying on the road. He just passed out. they Can you help me carry Walter back to the house, Sammy? Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. He pulls a stretcher out of her backpack. What? We carry Walter home on a stretcher. That's fine. I'm OK with that. Where the hell did you get a stretcher?
well, as my mom says, you know, my mom owns a sporting goods store. She just has... She told me... We were at the hospital a couple days ago. Did you steal it when we were there? No, no, my mom gave it to me. We sell them at the store.
so so like in case you're ever like in case you're ever like hiking in the woods and some and like and like one of your Pokemon gets injured and you got it you you got to transport them out of the out of the out of the hiking trail or if you get the new assuming it's not like or if you get like a surfing injury like a car kind of yeah, yeah, actually um actually the stretcher is just a surfboard with like a rods attached to the side so you can so we can carry him more easily. i Okay, I like that. I like this i it a lot. It's brilliant. Okay. Should we roll or should we just say we could do it?
To be fair, I don't think we needed to roll for anything. No. We did it for fun. Yeah. Okay. and We're like, there's maybe there's like three. Wait, wait a second. Why? I rolled a five. Okay. How many, you know how many of us are there? Just me, Bruce, Walters, Emmy. Okay. Yeah. I mean, anyway, there's, there's three of us carrying him. Like we can, we'll, we'll roll strength with advantage. Oh, carro you definitely are drunk. You didn't remember how many people that are over here. I can still count.
Hikaru probably rolls regular because she's drunk. Sami and Bruce can roll with advantage. Alright, I get my other die out. So my first roll was a 4. My next roll was a nat 20.
Lost the die. 13. 16! Nice. We got a 13, a 16, and a nat 20. That sounds like a full success in my book. OK. 21, because I've got a plus 1 in tough. So I think we're good. Oh, and nat 21. Yeah. I have a plus 1 in tough as well. So I actually rolled a 14.
All right. And he currently doesn't have a tough modifier, so. just a I feel like we just like we all have to the Like the surfboard over our shoulders and just walk say it takes us a little longer to get home like it normally is an hour walk But since we have to carry his unconscious body on a surfboard the three of us Yeah, it's like an hour and a half um So we're getting back
and I don't want to go to school, mom. I don't want to go home, teach. I get i get bullied at home. Oh, no. It's fine. He's asleep or is he unconscious? Because I don't think you sleep talk when you're unconscious.
Maybe he's coming back, but also is still asleep. That's OK, that's fair. There we go.
okay so i say we just we're just gonna like roll semi or uh roll walter into a bed oh good yeah i picture uh alfred walks by as he hears us coming into the house he just kind of stares at us as we dump the body of walter off of the surfboard Yes. No, mom, don't go on tour, don't leave me. Oh my gosh, that's sad. I'm gonna help miss you, mom. Sammy touched Walter in. Had some on the head. Yeah, well, it's gonna be okay. It's all right. You're safe now.
And then he sticks his hand in a cup of water. thats better oh
We should all be getting sleep anyway.
when sandy looks away He's a rough night already. Let me tell ya, those were some of the best bokeh wings I ever had until I wasn't able to have them ever in anymore. I can't wait to go back.
but it we're We're not allowed back because of what happened, so... Yeah, we're gonna have to find another one to go into. Yeah, maybe we can go to Dos Toros next time. Karo, how are you still awake? Good question. I'm not sleepy, I'm sleepy, but I'm not asleep yet. I'm already exhausted and you're like drunk off your ass and somehow you're still awake.
It's true. I mean, I normally don't get to sleep until like one, two or so. Oh, it's almost two o'clock now. Yeah. I mean, we can help with we can help with that. I mean, like we got sleep seeds, right? Like Bruce in the cupboard. We have some seeds. Oh, my God. That's just melatonin at that point. Yeah, the it's in the medicine cabinet.
Yeah, they just contain a milligram of melatonin, like five milligrams of melatonin, and knocks you out instantly.
Boom. Yes, they will kill the rest of the party. I think I got a... I think I got a pee first. Um, where's the bathroom, Bruce? Uh, it's right down the hall and to the left. Make sure she normally knows where the bathroom is, because she's been here before, but like, I think she just can't remember because of the alcohol. She's drunk, yeah.
That's ah the alcohol. You see Walter, you just see a big something walking down the hallway. You see it's walking with blankets on. I'll take it back in bed. What are you doing over there? Well, leave me alone, big fairy. I want to go to bed. I want to have fun.
Okay. You're feel real bad in the morning if you don't go to bed now. You already probably will feel bad in the morning. but You're going to feel reverse in the morning if you don't go to bed now. Who are you, my dad? You haven't hit me yet. You're not my dad.
Yeah, that's because we're much better than your dad. Who is God, but... Oh, it's a bleep from me. I'm just gonna stand up and- Mom, we'll just find another loser. Directly to his GBA and be like, hey, keep an eye out for Walter. He's sleepwalking and drunk and stupid. I'm Batman. Flies off a couch. That's the stupid part.
And then Sammy goes back to the room and passes out in the bed. Okay, because he also had. Be careful asleep on the toilet.
and your grief go to make sure that she can make the back to the room okay and gets into a bed not No, she gets back. She, she, she has, she's awake enough to get back.
Bruce having to be the responsible one again. Yeah Bryce.
It's coming too real too quick. Jamie lifts his head up. He sees Hikaru come back in the room. Hikaru did you wash your hands? Did I wash my hands? Maybe?
50 50 let me go back and wash my hands um oh no she falls her head stumbles back to the bathroom yeah wait you thought thought she walks into the wall you hear a flush um man now i wash my hands just covered in poo water okay she yeah she like sticks her hands in the rolls um let me roll performance for how for how clean her hands are oh good please not one oh no she rolled a two she washed her hands for two seconds okay that's all it takes yeah it's supposed to be 20 seconds not two seconds whatever wait no plus one it's great she rolled a three okay i'm too tired for this yeah
at least you watched the pilot it's late it's late we should all get to sleep now and we have like a train to catch Tamara oh my gosh yeah we do yeah Eli that's why we should get to sleep Eli what I got a question for you buddy I forgot
OK, Walter, what? I forgot, let me get, let me think. Uh. No, I don't remember. OK. Did anyone, did anyone bring Walter back to bed? I think he went to the living room or something. Yeah, ah bru Bruce is bringing him back now. but Let's all get to sleep. We got a train to catch tomorrow. We we got important business.
Well, sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do because they're just for us. Yeah, Selena's gonna be real mad that we went to Wolfalot Wild Wings without her. Sex to be her. Maybe I can go on a date with her there. yeah know You know, she'd probably don't like stick it to us and go to like the mall or something without us, like... Hmm.
That's just just ah just to be spiteful, because you know, that's how she is.
All right, let's all get to sleep now. And. Yeah, the wrong way way speech supposed to be, that's where his head is in a speech. Why did I already know you were going to do that? And.
You just, that was our adventure to boof a lot wild wings. And we almost did as long as an episode. Hell yeah. Yeah. Hopefully Craig actually picked that all up because none of us did a test. So but a I guess if you're not, if you haven't wondered yet, Dakota's not here and we're just kind of winging it. Dakota's having internet issues because he's moving. So. Well, we just did something. Hope you guys enjoy it.
yeah Yeah. Hope you enjoy it. Plus when you don't have a GM around. Yeah. This is like Dragon Ball when GT took off. Dude. This was amazing, guys. I mean, I had a good time. Oh, yeah, we absolutely should have signed off. Yeah. All right. So I spent a while playing Breeze.
I've been Evelyn, playing Hikaru. it I've been Sean, playing ya boy, Buffalo, Buffalot, Wild Wings, Sammy. I'm Batman. Alright, I guess I'm closed out. Thanks for thanks for watching.
Wait, listening. Thanks for enjoying our content. I don't know. Yeah. and Hope you enjoyed. See you next time. I hope for real episode episode. Thanks for consuming PTT.