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52 Plays1 month ago

The Crew find a mystical ornate box, and somethings inside...

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter Fisthands the Riolu


Audio Issues & Roleplay Continuation

Hello everyone, it's me Sean. Uh, we're going to do something a little differently this episode. Cause when we recorded this episode, um, something happened to my audio and when Dakota and I reviewed the recording to, you know, edit it, neither of us could hear me for whatever reason, my mic.
wasn't working correctly or the or the recording software we use didn't work correctly something i don't know but for my audio it's either i'm barely audible or i'm just not audible at all you can't hear me so and what we're deciding to do because a lot of important things and a lot of big things happen this episode is that instead of re-recording the whole episode, the whole cast, ah we figured it would just be a lot easier for me to just do this. I'm just gonna listen to the episode along with you guys, try to, you know, role play out throughout the episode with as if I'm in the episode or
explain to you things I would have said in in the situation because I don't remember what I said because it's been about a week since we recorded this and we'll go from there and I'm super sorry that this happened and I'm sorry that this is how the episode has to be but like I said it would have been a a lot less genuine if we tried to re recreate the episode and it not being exactly the way it was because like I said a lot of big and important things did happen this episode and I just didn't it didn't feel right As a continuation of episode 18, uh, you know, Sammy was high last episode. So it was pretty fun for me to continue that this episode and have fun role-playing it. I did have a really good time doing that. And I wish you guys could hear literally anything that I did last episode in this episode, but it's just lost and I have to go through it with you guys here. I'm going to do my best.
Let's hop on in and listen to the episode together.

Introduction & Banter

Hello everyone and welcome to Path to Time. My name is Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM. Sitting to my left is somebody who can create fire from their fingertips.
It's me, Evelyn, and I just burnt my laptop to a crisp. Good recording session. What? Sorry guys, you got to we gotta to end the recording session early because so Evelyn's having some technical difficulties. You heard it here first, Evelyn started the California fires. Yep, that's right.
yeah yeah i don't even i um i moved to san francisco last night and um' i'm just here for travel um so this is said is this san francisco or l la i thought it was la la it's holly fires i heard the hollywood sign was on fire it was oh no it is l la okay it's past that by now And to my left is someone who set the...

Hollywood Jokes & SpongeBob Bit

is the one... is... And to my left is the person who set the Hollywood sign on fire. That's right. We don't need Hollywood. It was a bad influence on the movie industry as a whole anyways. Don't worry about that. It'll go out on its own. I'm Eli. And sitting across from me is someone who's currently dreaming this.
Huh, what? Uh, jeez, I had the craziest dream. You guys were there, and I was there, we were talking about Hollywood or something. I don't know. Eh, heh. I s- it was- anyway, I'm Sean, and welcome to the show, I guess. Uh, with me here is some completely normal guy. The most normal guy I've ever met. Hi, how are ya? Beautiful weather we're having. Do you, uh, wanna tell us who you are, Jake? No, Dakota, you already did that for him.
Cool. Well, you're supposed to go like, hi, it's me, Jake. But he's like, he's just like, yup. Hi. nope I was doing a bit from SpongeBob. Quick clarification before we move on with anything. It has been like two months since we

Recap Responsibility & Tradition

recorded. If things are a bit fuzzy for us. It's been a while, guys. So much has happened in these months.
Yes, we've had a lot of shit happen these last couple months and it is made recording extremely difficult. So we're terribly sorry for the bad upload schedule, but we're trying our hardest to get into the swing of things. And again, if there are little inconsistencies in this episode, that's probably because I haven't even barely thought of this podcast since like, what, November or something like that. I mean, I just listened to the last episode yesterday just to get caught up.
Oh, you know better than I do because I did not do that. You need to hear foes, he does not care about us. With that being said, let us all get out our D4s and we will roll for recap. Oh, right. That's a D4. That's a D4. I have an eight-sided D4, by the way. I just thought that was kind of interesting. Are you sure we shouldn't just let Sean do the recap? Because he studied? Nope. Nope. I'd be down for it. It's tradition. Tradition. Yeah. Yeah, tradition. I got Uno. You got one?
I got three. All right. You got three. Three. Three. Three. Evelyn, what did you get? I got three. I said three. I also got three. I think we have a three way tie for the first time ever.
Four-way tie. Four-way tie. Yeah, technically a four-way tie. I need you three to roll off again using whatever dice you deem fit. As long as it's the same dice as each other. D4 again. Someone roll D4, someone roll someone roll D100.
What are we doing? Four. It's up to you guys. D4 again. D4, D20, whatever you guys want to do. I got a four.
I also got four. Two. Two? Okay. Well, none of you guys matched my number, so I guess I'm doing a recap. Yes. I honestly didn't know if we were doing the highest number or matches yet again. You were supposed to say- Oh wait, we rolled. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm supposed to roll that too. I just assumed my- Hold on, let's see what the f- Oh my god. Who rolled a one? What the heck, man?
Nobody. I forgot what you guys rolled. Okay, no, one no, no, I'm doing the

Previous Episode Recap

recap. God damn it, I don't remember what happened last episode. Oh, the Pooh's Clues. It was the shortest episode yet. There wasn't much to it. Actually, no. We did have one episode that was shorter, and I don't remember what it was, but we did you have one episode that was shorter, I think, in like the beginning of our two. I don't remember what that was. Episode seven, when Selena was doing her big exposition dump, and we kept restarting. Selena.
Yes. It might have been. I don't remember off the top of my head. I don't know. Who knows. Anyway. So, last episode. Um, I'm gonna go off of key points because I don't remember details. You guys talked to Zuzah, the brother of Zazu, in his apartment. Sammy got high. You guys learned clues. Uh, you guys... did you guys... say Something about Sammy in a beanbag chair. I don't remember. Something about Sammy in a beanbag chair. Then you guys are at a train station. And... So we got high. Yeah, Sammy's high on weed, so that'll be really fun today. Oh, you guys made it to the train station and we left off with you guys finding out that... What's her face? Silver. Silver? It has silver, right?
um yeah the espion and pull my nose ah ver fun and a minute but over over yes silver is the shiny espion on the shiny espion to remember who i thought was the pad people i don't remember this So you guys found out that silver did not have a train ticket on that day to go no She did not purchase a ticket on the day. She said she went to Gail Beach Gail Beach Yeah So, that is pretty much where we left off because, oh yeah, that episode is the one where we had audio issues, isn't it? Or I had audio issues, I should say. So... You lost internet.
Oh yeah, my internet went out, that's right. ah That's fine, that's for sure. Yeah. Yeah, it doesn't happen again. But yes, so I think this will be left off. If you guys have any more details to add, that would be appreciated. This is about all I remember. I think our last suspect is to go talk to Silver again. There was also Goose the Surffetch'd. I'll leave you on with the other. Oh yeah, the Surffetch'd. Actually, I have an idea. Do you guys want to go over Jake's notes?
Do you guys want to go over Jake's notes again before we get started? I feel like that'll help you guys get a good refresh. No. and I'll tell you I just went over them. The only thing that basically sums it up is silver is not looking great. Yeah, goose support, surfetch, and Sylveon are our last suspects.
goose the surf oh you guys haven't talked to goose for perfect shit I don't know what happened and leave your fetch who is that uh a surfetch a female surfetch who loves battling he gets very angry with he it says a female very angry like that I haven't done anything PTT related and god knows how long so this is going to be a rough you did like two specials in between that and now that was on pet later Not canonically, anyway.

Patreon Content & Holiday Specials

I mean, it didn't affect anything, PTT, so it could be a canon. They're canonical to themselves, like the Christmas special reference things that happened in other one shots, but not to PTT, no. um you got You had a judge basically be be on the run for murder. Oh, yeah. If you guys want, I mean, that doesn't affect anything. I can have um all
because we did a bunch of, for those who aren't in the Patreon, we had a bunch of content in the Patreon. So we had like a murder, miss we have a murder mystery series going on. We have the court case, we have Well, while we're here, shout out to patrons. Shit, I just closed that tab by accident. Son of a- What just- I told you before. Give me a break. I haven't done this in so long. Neither have we, yet we remembered.
ah Okay, so honor ah ah for our bronze tier, we have Crystal Briggs, Isaiah White, and Eli. For our gold tier, we have ah for our goal here we have Mint and Evelyn Kiara. It is Kiara, right? I got that right this time? yeah Okay, gotcha. And that is it. So, ah yep, Patreon should be linked below, yada yada, you've heard me say it a thousand times. You guys ready to get started? and Yeah, let's go. We're ready to do the thing. Just adding on, we actually recorded two holiday specials over the holiday break. um We got the Lunar New Year one. That's... Oh, geez. It hasn't come out yet, though. Evelyn, this and the audience... Oh, okay, wait. No, no, no. This is gonna get released before that's gonna be publicly announced.
Oh, I thought people knew about it. ah Actually, I don't know. No one has an escort talks about it. You did, but no one's talking about it. It's just technically available. So um I guess, look forward to that. I wasn't planning on making a public announcement for it, but that might be coming out. What day did you say that was again? It's the 29th, right? The 29th? But it might be a two parter because of how long it was. Oh, right. I have a bomb. yeah Honestly, we can cut out this entire part if you want to keep it under wraps. I have 10 bombs. Oh, yeah. He's got the TNT. I have 10 bundles of it. Yes, you have 10 bundles of TNT. We did give you an effect for that, right? For what the TNT is. Yes, and it is very powerful. I don't know. 10 damage in a 50-foot radius. I don't remember if that was supposed to be heard by the co-host or if that was private, so.
you said in front of him about that okay gotcha okay just making sure because i'm pretty sure i sent that to jake's dms so okay you openly said it with them did i okay all right well uh sean do you have a random move aqua jet aqua jet all right let us aqua jets on in So you guys are, I believe you guys are leaving

Interrogation at Goose the Surfetch'd's Apartment

the train station? you are you I don't think you guys are doing anything else in the train station. no So train man, Bizzy would do, and you guys leave the train station heading up the stairs, question mark. I'm imagining they're stairs. Pulling up the my foot book of the notes, like, all right, here we go. Is Walter still, like, carrying me at this point? I feel like I'm just rolling you at this point.
Okay, okay. You have really, I'm just rolling you. So if that's the case, then Sammy's just going to open his GBA guiding you. If that's the case, then Sammy's just going to open up his GBA and then pull up the music gap, the chat of five and start playing music from the gravel rocks. And so he has something to jam out to. ah Okay, cool. Do you want to name any music that the gravel rocks have made? I don't think we've ever made any other songs.
I have... I don't know. A better way to phrase that is, what is your favorite song by the gravel rocks? i to die There you go. That one sounds fun. That's a banger right there. Let's do live to die. It's actually a banger name for a rock or a song. All right. I was giving you an opportunity to create some music for the ah for some more, yes, for some more backward lower.
all around the poke world and live to die there's two of the hit hitters the first time i came to mind is poke monster by not skill it uh gravel rocks we just said that like revel rocks what is this is like your mom's music it's so good uh you ever like listen to it man why do you think she's not why do you think she's famous This is like what she does when she's out of the house all the time and why you she's never home and stuff like that. Yes. Yeah, I mean, yeah, my my mom likes to goes out a lot too, but she she's um she's more of a surfer. um She goes out to Bryony Breeze Island a lot. She's a slurfer. Yeah, a slurfer. She's a slurfer.
I like Slurf. It's such a good move. It'd be really interesting if it was actually canonical that your mom knows Slurf. The way she surfs is she's on her tongue. I mean, we already asked her. She knows how to do surf. She just didn't want to teach them. I was going to say, hold on. I was going to say, why would she surf on her tongue? Her tail is a surfboard. Right. Skills. You know, like SpongeBob, he surfs on his tongue.
like Skill issue if you can't do that. Okay. Uh, where are you guys currently going? If I remember from what we just talked about, you guys have more suspects. We're going to see the goose, the surfage. I think we want to go see the filth. There's one more suspect before, uh, silver, which beyond all the other guys, these notes are not looking good for her. Yeah. Let's go get that still green SBI. Let's throw the book at her. Oh, do we have a book to throw at her?
You got a book, Hikaru. You got the book of the Elgium thing of the galaxy. Oh, the guides. Yeah. Yeah, that's the one. Yeah. Maybe we shouldn't throw that at her. But it's probably a big one, though. Maybe we'll just keep that. I said nothing. You know what? It's quite a secret. Let's go get the far fetch. Maybe she has something. I don't know. Almost everyone's been useless.
Let's do it. Besides that, besides that, um, Vaporeon, who's on all, honestly, I don't want to see him. That's the one. Yeah. But these two evolutions are probably working together. Did you see him? Stop being racist. Yeah, because she had leafy on leafy on my God, I can't remember. I thought Vaporeon. You're the one with the notes in your hands, Jake. Come on. But not in real life. I just i haven't looked at it. Hold on.
what was the like he called them blues clothes all right chai and I think it's in the teacher's lounge actually I am going to it is it's pinned yes I update them I yeah i update date them every session because I get new clues I've already put a new one and I didn't put in from other sessions hmm All right, do we own a green so let's go to for so fetchched fourage yeah sur fetchched sur fetchtch surffa fetchched that's the yeah the one with the nor new thing it is I saw the notes Okay, and by his action. She's not important, but let's go Mm-hmm. I swear if she actually got something to do with it and she's the last suspect we ever talked to you I
Yeah, she just comes up. She's like, I did that. I am proud of this. She's got the link. Someone challenged me. It was me. Someone challenged me 10 beers. I couldn't do it, and I did that. I did it. It was a dare.
and hey You want to fight about it yeah I'll fight you if you don't do this Okay, so um All right. So you guys after some time you guys walking through the City don't remember. No, you guys were in the downtown. So you guys walk for a bit. I'm gonna say she lives I don't know fucking she's She's somewhere in ah downtown, she's in her apartment building. You guys managed to find her address and you guys arrived at her door. Yes, I have to like climb up some stairs. That's like a tall apartment building. ah You might see in downtown city. I knock on the door.
So as soon as you knock on the door, you hear some scuttling and then the door swings open and you see a surface. there um And she looks at you and she says, hello, how can I help you? um I don't usually get visitors. I need someone to roll perception. I can, since I'm basically at the front door, at the front of the group, since I knocked.
Um, perception you say? Yes, that is a beauty roller. God, okay. Um, oh look. I'm loving this new format we got, cause it literally, I don't gotta go back and forth looking for him. It's literally right there. I lost my dice, no!

Battle with Goose the Surfetch'd

First roll back! That one! That one, you see absolutely nothing. In fact, you're facing the wrong way. the uh sir fetch looks at you she's like hey uh i'm over here you know oh um oh yeah sorry sorry yes hello what would the police is we get to investigate and interrogate and all that stuff someone say something about the police am i under a arrest i said that we'll have something to say about that you know oh yeah he did show sammy in front of him
guess hello we was we we we hear about on the bank thanks we see about the police robberies right steve just have some questions for you that's all for the for the bank robbery that's it well you better be the correct questions which is like starts like pumping her fists or she's like well how things are gonna get nasty well where was you on the day of the robberies two weeks ago Were you involved in the robberies? Did you do the robberies? we they Something was stolen. The bank. The robbery. A couple weeks ago.
No, no, we just here because we had to ask you because your name was on the list of suspects. You know, it's called the sus list and all that and stuff. No, but I mean, has you haven't even been to a bank? No, it's been to a bank. But no, I've heard about it. That's the big robbery that happened a couple weeks ago, right? Yeah, that's the one. That's the one. You got it.
Good. Good job. I have absolutely nothing to do with that. So unless you weren't using me, I suggest you step back. Can I roll to see if she's lying? Roll insight rather.
I got an eight with my beauty of nothing added to it. So just like, yeah, sir. All right. Do you remember anything about the bank robbery?
I all I know is that it happened pretty close to here and apparently there was some pretty valuable shit stolen so like I ah I mean No, not really Do you have any idea what was stolen? No, I need a Whoville perception last time me Okay, never mind. yeah Okay, you don't see anything because you already rolled terribly. So me to roll if you want to, what what exactly are you looking at? Are you looking at her or are you looking inside the building? What are you doing? I don't know which one would be better looking in her.
doing insight can i roll stealth to sneak inside of her house yeah like why what what i didn't hear what sean said he wants to sneak into the house yeah roll stealth that is a cool question yeah okay well i'm gonna roll the insight then so the ah do you just wheelie away from the entire conversation go around back
I rolled a flat 10. Okay, a flat 10. I'm going to have her roll perception. She rolled a 16. You bump into her as you try sneaking in, because you were so fired.
Pardon me, I didn't see you there. I was just shy, you know. I'm new to these Heely Skates. Yeah, that that's it. Okay, cool.
I just got these new shoes from Hikaru's, you know, the Pikachu that had Hikaru. I got these new shoes from her mom. They got wheels in them, but they're really cool. You and your wheels can stay out of my place. She says putting her hands on her fists or else these fists are going to be sitting more than just my hips. So she's just like a punching surface. She doesn't have a sword or a shield. No, she has no sword and shield. She looks like she's ready to sock anyone who insults her the wrong way.
Outcast original variant, I guess. Just like, what you say, say it again. I dare you. It's definitely not the fact that I forgot Surface Shatter's sword. Hey, that's racist. They don't have them on all the time. They can put them down. It's not like it's a part of their body. Don't be pokiest. So is there any other reason for you guys to be here other than to, I don't know, interrogate me, call me a liar?
I mean, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. not Right now, I think I'm gonna pick out the the hard way. Oh yeah, that's true. We were stinky. Just generally run smart for investigation at some point. Sammy falls absolutely flat on his face after saving a punch to his side. Fuck! Ooh! Do any of you guys want to try now? Huh? I've got nothing to hide, but I'm not gonna let you guys try and sneak into my place and then accuse me of a robbery.
We haven't had an idea of anything. We just wanted to ask you some questions as someone who might have known something. Yeah, um, Bruce, Walter, ah correct could I ask you guys something real quick? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sami, keep talking. Um, yeah, so what exactly, what are we trying to ask Goose?
Um, we're basically just asking and things that might throw up. I don't know. I really don't think she's guilty. like unless somehow. Honestly, I'm just trying to see if we can get a guilty look at her face like you. I'll keep talking. You guys just look at her like she makes an expression, interrogated. You're on the ground. We walked. Yeah, I shut up to keep her busy. sammy I'm just trying to I'm just trying to figure out what's going on and how I should ah help out here.
You're doing great. All you gotta do is ask it questions and try to get her to say something about the robberies. Like, I don't know. We've done this before. if you If you let us in your house and do a search, I'll let you punch my friend again. Wait, hold on. I did not consent to that. I do not want to be punched again. That was really hard. the Hard the first time. She put my hand over it. With a nap 20, she's like, yeah, be my guest. And she punches Sammy in the face again. All right. Fuck.
what why oh guys that's a gaga search phone okay um i guess what does she use to roll on a zambian the chase her profession winging or a leak her wing hand no made a wait hold on she does have wings hold on she slapped him we really should have been replaced with arms robo arms You really should've made a different Pokémon for this. You should've made it hit my league. Or hit my champ. This wasn't my sub submission. This is submitted by ProHockey. I forgot these are submissions, my people. Yeah. um So yeah, she stepped aside. And now that you guys can see inside, you see an ornate chest sitting on the table in the middle of the room. Do I see it or am I still outside? Sammy, you're here that are entertainer. You stay out there.
okay um right i walk up to the chest and examine it i yeah um guys now the time to roll investigation here yes i would say for investigation and i'll give you an overall i swear seen so far i swear if this is it i'm going to be something the last house we check i got a nine plus one ten okay
I will say it looks very So it looks very similar to the one that was described by Zuzia and it is also unlocked.
well Bruce is gonna open it then okay so you open it and the box makes a creaking sound it scoops the surface turns on it's like hey what the hell do you think you're doing and she like zooms over you and knocks you just around before you can see what was happening and i need you guys to world initiative let's go yes okay but battle yes finally
Wow, Jake's on the other side. Am I in the fight too, or am I still outside? No, I'm going to say Sam because I'm this. Oh my God, I've really got to, I've really got to update my GM's version. I am like four versions behind. Oh my gosh.
Just so I'm clear, am I in the fight or am I outside? No, you're in the fight. You're you're just outside. yep yeah okay yeah you don't start out with a status condition like flinster no he's it's just normal he doesn't need to be you both try speed yeah those two punches didn't actually count towards damage my speeds okay yeah let me just get out my d12 yeah i got it i'm just rolling a d10 i'll reroll if i get 10
I got five. Oh, wait. no Hold on. Don't go on this of yet. I am still creating a character. sheet Give me like two seconds. Anything or speed? I know. Well, it doesn't really matter. I'm pretty sure we're out speeding here because we do in a group now. OK. Oh, we're going to explain to the audience. We're doing the whole group battle thing now. You know, we're going to explain to the audience. We technically explained it before, but I will give a brief overview again.
you on one second yeah because so far this art We haven't used it it's only been used the time we have used the Halloween special and then in spin-offs one shots One second. i'm very close being um sorry I'm so excited we get to fight and I'm so mad the last character we check is the one with the
Yeah, I swear if we open it, it's just deodorant. Okay, so it's deodorant. So the way the way this is going to work before we get sidetracked is a if you haven't listened to the Halloween episode, this is the same way it works on a Halloween

Battle Strategy & Mechanics

So the way it's going to work is the good guys overall initiative and after total. The bad guys overall initiative and after total. Whoever gets the higher number goes first and then the two teams just swap. When it is the good guys team, the good guys can decide what order they can move in and what ah moves they use.
um So it is pretty much just as simple as that. And once the turn order is decided, you just go in order and roll our thing. So tell them about the priority move things. We're not doing that to luxury. Shut up. yeah Right. and So I'll just exit. I'll forget. I'll just forget. I have a priority move then. Yeah, I know. That's for the four series. The code is still got to figure that part out.
No, it's all figured out. It's just that we haven't updated that yet, and I'm not implementing new rules until we do the Arc2 postgame show where we can actually discuss that. With that, let's hit that battle music and get into this. I need all of- I got a 5.
Thanks for doing the editor stop for us, guys. If you guys could keep the battle music going for the whole thing, that'd be nice. I got a 9. Okay, we got a 9. 9, 10, that's 19. 5, that's 24. She technically got it. That's the wrong dice. She got 14. It doesn't matter. She was rolling a d20. You guys already rolled 24.
so between you guys you guys get to decide what order you guys go in and what moves you guys use discuss um um was gonna start out with a smokescre so that i can go live yeah yeah so will give us disadvantage
it's just poaccuracy fo acece move ac plus one Okay, gotcha. But, I between mean, for story-wise, you it makes sense that it would make it guys, you guys get to decide what harder for order you guys go in us too, and what moves so we'll you guys use. all just go last. Sure. I could start first with metal claw. Try to get a chunk off it. It is a pure fighting type. I gotta look up... Type matchups in mind. What type is fur-fur-fur-fetch'd? Surfetch'd.
Surfest is pure fighting. OK. Gotcha. So I don't think any of us have super effective moves. We might have. Unless we have flying type. Yeah, I don't either. Very psychic or flying. Psychic. I'll just, I got a metal claw. And after my nat one, I think I deserve a nat 20.
Okay, so go for it. Roll your net. Roll your metal claw. And the others can decide who's going in what order. Roll your net if you want. Did you get another one? One! One! Why? Why? Why? It's not fair. Have we ever had a net failure on a move before? Oh, because there is a rule for that. Yeah, we've had it before.
Hey, oh, here's a new thing we can do. Patreon, you can, I don't know, give a suggestion for Nat 1s. What to do for Nat 1? Sure. Yeah, we do have a thing for Nat 1s already, though. Yeah, we do. I know, but fans always have good ideas. It's just damage is divided by 2. Yeah, so roll your damage, divide it by 2, and you take that to yourself. And then you can describe how the fuck you did that to yourself. I'm not taking a lot of damage, man.
No, because you're your attacks that I listened to included. I know that we have something for it, but the also bonus funny effect for it. Or maybe it's just like Walter like doing a ah a a bull for rain and like it hurts every time he brings his metal claws out. Oh, have you guys seen Logan? It's like in that movie where he's really old and he actually has to pull out his claws to get them to come out in some sense. Geez, this one's brutal.
Okay, I got it What do you get darn? All right, 13 divided by two. We're running up or down Well, uh, also subtract your defenses No No, the attack and defense stat don't go into it, just base damage. Yeah, okay that's just your straight up damage dice divided by two. Okay, gotcha. Am I sure that we have? Man, I forgot how puny we are, I forgot only- Okay. ben um but Been a business we fought, forgot we only have 24 health. So who's next? Have you guys decided what you guys want to do? I'm personally thinking about using defense grill, but it doesn't really matter.
that's true um i'm thinking i want to use either charm or double team hey editing shawn just gonna pop in real quick to say i don't really know what i said during the battle here and all i really know is that my moves were the defense curl here at the start and then at some point in the next round i did a blast seed that i threw at the surfetch'd But when it comes to actually contributing and being part of the conversation, I have no idea what I'm saying, nor can I really gather based on what, you know, the other co-host are saying, you know, what I would have said. So we're just going to let the battle play out. I'm not. I'm going to set this one out and I'll be back in after the battle. Yeah, I'm thinking like like charm will probably work better if like Sir Fetch does physical attack heavy. So maybe.
Yeah. Okay. He's setting up this first turn. No, that would be... getting That's a track, so like... I don't think a track works that way in this system. I don't think Sammy's gonna stay up much longer with the fighting type.
Alright. No, I'm bad. He knew what was coming. That's why he didn't do the damage. Yeah, it is exactly why.
I don't think it'll matter which ah order we go in. Unless we got a combo move going on, it does not matter. No, Sean, roll further. Well, you don't need to roll for that. So your defense goes up by, what, two points, I think? Yeah. OK. And Evelyn, you are using which move? Charm. Charm. How does charm work? Can you describe it? Charm reduces the foe's attack by four points. I got a 13, so that'll hit.
I don't know if you need real accuracy for that, but I will note it right here. Yeah, I had to beat a six, and I got 13. Oh, okay. I didn't realize I had an accuracy. Cool.
please don't punch me please don't punch me please don't hurt us we're just innocent kids oh i'm waiting for this it's like the cartoon when they have the puppy eye dogs you punch and he's like a chip tooth now so it's like Eli, you're using smoke screen, correct?

Victory & Level Up

Yep. Does that have an accuracy tied to it? Yes, that's just low accuracy plus one, or like the move. So the move, the the number that you have to beat goes up by one. Yes. For all of the attacks. And it does not require an accuracy roll. Bruce, stop smoking, it's bad for you. Did you say there was an accuracy tied to it?
no accuracy check since he was just thrown to the floor he just instead of having his flames go out a bunch of smoke just shoots out of his back honestly i like that more than her just spitting it out her eyes are not red because she had smoke in her eyes and she looks like ah she's gone absolutely insane as but she's just getting a different kind of eye okay she is going to use submission on Sammy oh she I knew it only a normal type. I rolled for it. So that is an actress. Well, it is an accuracy of 10. She got a five. She got a five. So she goes for submission. Well, actually, she technically had a role in the level. So she rolled a five. So she goes to like do a sharks like an elbow elbow drive pile onto you.
And she misses and hits the floor next to you and she's now laying on the floor. Does she crack the floor? Sure, we're gonna say the floorboard was cracked. Yes, with her feathers. With her surgically replaced arms. Oh yeah, robo arms. I'm just picturing a Sirfetch with macho arms now. Cracked it. Yeah, she just cracked it.
i Don't know what to do after that failing I just had oh Yeah, I'm gonna keep it the same torent turn on our ourselves nope i'm on first again order does not have to stay the go within the metal claw Yolo Do we have any potential combo moves see her no we want them battle don't che it I mean, do you want to do it? What? I'm not going to stop you. We need the XP. We need the XP.
last He is on the floor next to you. You can just pop a blast seed and go boom on her. Yeah, at this range, I'm going to say this seed does not require an accuracy check. They technically have an AC of or DC of six.
But at this range you're literally point blanking it. Okay, what are you doing? I'm gonna use the blast seed unless Walter wants to go first. Blast seed or first? Make him feel better before I attack. Okay, I need you to describe how you do that though. You just keep the blast seed and then you breathe fire.
just a fit on it's not oh no you do you can eat it wait no you can you can eat it and breathe fire i thought you were gonna i thought you were about yeah but you can eat and breathe fire on it yeah be bruce be a fire breather okay it's an actc I'm going to treat this like you're using flamethrower. It is an accuracy of 6. It is a damage of 2d10 plus 10. I just have the image. She's like, oh, this is really hard. Not knowing it's a blast. He eats a snack. He's like, oh, Billy don't feel well and just burps the fire. Yes. yeah I like that idea. OK, cool. That passes. I think that's really really funny. Sammy doesn't know it's a blast. He just has the one.
he eats it and just burps fire so it is a 2d10 plus plus 10 is 20 plus your special attack so she will take nine damage yeah and as you do that the smoke clears from the flamethrower and you see she looks nearly untouched
We're in danger. We're first bite back. I'm in danger. All right. OK. I will attack her now with metal claw. OK, so roll accuracy for metal claw. Wow, OK. I got, what's the accuracy of metal claw yet? Should be six, I think. Seven. I just got a meat pizza, right? Yes, meat pizza. All right, I exactly got a seven. Well, then you're fine. OK, cool.
um I know I was just checking to see accuracy mic. Oh, no All right d8 da da come on, baby neat all right um damage 33 damage minus her defense does 24 damage All right hater worth is physical, baby Makes sense so you little clover and she is now actively bleeding out on the floor Walter looks at his hands like and just slowly wipes his hands like I Don't know tackle what are you talking about? Oh? I know, she's not gonna die, but she will faint if you knock her out, obviously. Oh, thank you. Do we know that morning guy who you were trying to learn Voltackle from earlier this season? Oh, the ditto? Yeah, yeah, the ditto. Oh, no, I forgot about that character. Yeah, we just never, we never did it, but he was... Call back! I don't remember, what's the trigger? I think he was overcharging for it. What's the trigger for that, like... Oh, way too much for it. He said you can call him at any time, you just have to say his name or something. I don't remember what it is.
oh okay well say his name three times he will appear the beetle juice of youre screwed down well seeing that metal fly anyway and Bruce is gonna go over with the fury swipes oh god Wait, I'm scratching the heck out of her. So this has been changed multiple times. So that the most current version of Fury Slipes is just roll five accuracy rolls. However many hit. Hit. OK. Here's my five D20s here. Got to beat 10.
You have to beat 10. Jesus. Wow. That's a three ah two, a three, a four, a 12, and an 18. So two hits. So two hits. Yeah. That's honestly unfortunate. That makes sense. But that'll be done. OK, go ahead and roll damage for those two. 1d6 plus 3 twice. So 2d6 plus 6.
Not bad, not bad, not bad. A 1 and a 4. So that'll be 11. Plus my attack is 9, 20.
Okay, 20? Yeah. Okay, so with a 20, you wail into her and she just goes unconscious. Oh. So you have two health left. Okay. Well. Nice. XP I don't with this I get to use my XP chart that I have used like I have all my year and a half who's my eye that boosts my xp now Oh By way, I need you someone to roll investigation
I'll do that you're not the one who basically just jumped her I Everybody gets 67 points of XP. You got how many calculations for my bonus? 67. What do you mean you're bonus? I have XP IQ skills that give me bonus and XP. Okay, what is your IQ skill? I have XP Go-getter and XP Elite. Okay, can you describe both of those? XP Go-getter, you get plus 5 XP for each Pokémon after normal battle ah calculations.
Okay, so that is 62. You earn 1.5 times XP after normal calculations. All right, and 72 divided by 2 is 36 plus that is 100 to 108 XP. And that works for everyone, right? So you said? Does it specify self or not? Hold on, 100 and 8? Yes, usually IQ skills are for self.
But i do you remember we had the money IQ skill? We had 10,050 XP, right? Already. No. Fuck if I know. How many XP do we have? Because we got to level 12. That's what i I have. That's what my XP is now. I have 2 XP at 710. I think I have more XP than you guys because I got a fight.
Oh no, I got XP from doing missions, I'm pretty sure. Yes, you did get XP from doing Alright, so right now... Hold on, how much? That was my solo episodes. How much XP did you say you had after your calculations? After your 108? Um, 108 I have. Hold on. I gotta do a calculator. Alright, 1,158. 1,158?
You're level 15. Holy shit. What? What the fuck? I don't think he was that far ahead of us. Yeah. I didn't think. No. Did x p i't I I don't give any of my NPCs XP, so what you guys have written down has nothing to do with me. So what you have written down is what's written down. I don't know what to tell you. hey I'm trying to think like,
I got money from that.
oh It you. It only says you. Okay, if it says you, it is self. Most like IQ skills are self, but I think we did agree the money one was. I know you agreed that the money one was, but I thought we agreed that the XP one was also good. It might be. I'm going to make an executive decision, and I'm going to write this down real quick.
that all IQ skills apply to all Pokemon just because it's fun for progression. Also, I don't want to become slowly strong against everybody. So everyone take 108 XP. 108.
Also, also by the way that Sirfetch'd was level 30, by the way. Oh, nice. We, we got way, very fast. Alright, I got some things to do now I'm 15. You guys should be at 818. That is your final XP. Yes, you guys should be level 13. Me too, or I'm at 15. No, not you. You're suffering because you're special. I saw the ways to get experience outside of battling to catch us up to Walter. Yeah. So I'm at 1158. 1158. That will run one. You are about 40 XP away from leveling up, by the way. But yes, you're at level 15. So let's take some time and go through each character one at a time. I will help you guys with this, so it doesn't take forever. And we will get you guys up to level 15. So in the meantime, I want everybody to add, except for Walter,
I am, you guys are 13. You guys are 13, Walter's level 15. So everyone, except for Walter, add plus one to your offensive stats, plus one to your defensive stats, ah following the Ralph Roll. And Walter gets to add plus three to his offensive stats, and plus to three to his defensive stats.
I think I think so. I don't, yeah, you were not previously level 15, so yes, you get that full three. Oh wait, how how much of a difference can there be between Special attack or regular attack again? ah you Your highest stat can be no more than three times your lowest stat. Alright, then it's exactly three times then. feeling I think I learned counter by now. I learned quick attack. I have it already. So, Walter learns. ah Walter, do you already have feint? Yes.
Okay, then. I have, for my learning slot I got counter and I got metal claw and durophane quick attack. Okay, so you learned force palm at level 15. Oh! You had force palm. To your learn slot. I'm gonna have to, I'm getting rid of counter then. Force palm. What? Damn. I don't think you can force palm a train. I don't care, counter, with how messed up this move has been for us learning how what to deal with it. I'm getting, I'm getting force palm. Okay.
this move has been a pain for all of us so editor learns to let them and besides force palm is the signature or how you we did also just decide in our chat last month when we talked about mechanics and stuff that you can have multiple moves that are being learned you can just have multiple moves at your rolling at disadvantage yes yes you can have multiple this is again this is an arc 3 rule we did not implement yet so we are not acting on that yet uh oh we just lost y'all i gotta look kind of spell force pawn because it's not letting me do it i gotta remind me we gotta i gotta have an opportunity i need an opportunity to use electro ball because it's in my learn slot
yep yeah you have electroball now and pikachu does not learn anything currently uh let's see lunch, lunch, and set and sammy gets... you should already have it so sammy does not learn anything until level 17 Oh my gosh, I am gotta to learn this move already. It's power one and already does more than any of my moves.
Two D's. Oh yeah, two to six plus eight. And it has a paralysis chance. I think I checked everyone. No, Cinderquill. I'm about to just use this until I learn it and I'm getting rid of some moves.
So, ah Eli, you already have Ember, right? I learned Quick Attack at level 13. Okay, yeah learn Quick Attack. I'm getting ready to tackle to learn Quick Attack. I gotta go back over myself. Nice! we We have another priority move. I now have a 24 for... I now have a 24 for an attack, and now my HP is 27. Like son, like father, im I accidentally went over the level in my party.
hey Let's see if Pikachu learns nothing right here, did I get everyone? Yes, I think so. Hey, you're going to want me at anything you guys do with XP. Yeah, so no more solo adventures for you, Walter. We've got to find a lot of donuts now.
yeah watchers do us okay yo Okay, why donuts cuz we're police Yeah, yeah go to the donut shop so real quick for the sake of moving on can everybody tell me what stats they changed and If if you want you can tell me what your stats are Just for a fresh recap for everybody at home. My attack is now a do you want in total or just the ones we bumped up uh up to i mean do you guys want to do full stats or do you guys just want to do you guys want to do just that one okay just the we raised what stats did you raise all right i'll start first i i bumped my attack from uh 21 to 24 and my defense went 10 to 13 what's your special attack at right now okay
6. You can't do that. Oh, you definitely broke the rail for a while. You gotta have it. Wait. Oh, I was looking at the level of bonus, not the math, not the total. Yes, the final. You need to look at your final. Whoops. All right, changes, some changes. Yeah, go ahead and change this. Right. Well, it's like that because the power up band. Oh, well, yes, the power up band does not take into consideration. So what is your attack minus your power up band? Minus my power band? I gotta do some doo doo doo doo.
Is that being the post level up, Colin? Because... You add to the level up bonus portion. 24 minus 8.
That's 16. And my special attack is 6, so I'm still in the good. Very good. You're still good. I gotta put... Yeah, special attack is next. Special attack and speed. Gotcha. Okay. ah What about Hikaru?
So I brought my speed up one and my defense up one. Okay. So now my defense is 11 and my speed is 13. All right, cool. um I boosted my attack in my special defense. So now my special defense is 11. All my other stats are 10 and my HP is 34.
Well rounded. What about Sammy? Wow. I'm a higher level and you still have HP. Yeah, because I have an IQ skill that gives me 10 more HP. Okay,
okay so what does Sammy got? I'm pretty sure I added one attack and one to defense, making his stats one more and both of those. Nice. Okay, so now that you guys have completed the battle, you guys are standing over, not the dead corpse, the fainted corpse of a female Sirfetch'd who is laying at the base of the table. It's a fainted body. This is a dead corpse.
I think that's what you're going for. Um, Malta opens a case. Okay, so you open the case and you pull out a golden trophy.

Unexpected Trophy Discovery

And it says world boxing champion. Yep. That's what I thought. me All red hair. I'm taking it. So wait, she doesn't have the item that was stolen. No, I think this is her. No, she thought we were stealing it. That's why she attacked. frank That's why she attacked us.
this but does it have a name but charged into this No, no, we didn't charge in Sheila she said we can come in as long as like yeah except for me, yeah Yeah, yeah she said okay you can go in. Yep. She gave us permission.
Yeah, all we do is it close to the box and she attacked us. rough defense That's all it was. It does have a name on it, by the way. Whoever asked that, it says goose the surf edge. And it also says, do not steal in like scribble of letters underneath it from a Sharpie. Can I like go in the kitchen and raid her fridge and see what food she has? Sure. Greater house. There's at least you can do after attacking us. We're just going to pull out some burger burgers as Sami is walking towards the fridge. Yes.
So what she got in there? What was the goods? Yes, there's nothing but boca burgers, boca eggs, and smoothies. yeah Bruce is going to try to get Sammy to not steal from the fridge. a I'm just going to take the surface to bed. um well I'm going to put the surface in her bed. David, go to sleep. Go to sleep. Didn't happen. Just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream.
I'm just gonna, no, you know what? I'm gonna put the trophy on top of her head, look like she actually got bonked by it. No, put it back in the chest. It's all streamed. Put it back where we found it. All right. I find a big stick and just put it on her head, somehow it fell on her. Get bonked, idiot. Just boneyard it. Okay, so there's a stick on her head, she's laying in bed, you have tucked in this surf vest, which was very bloody, by the way, so there's a clear blood trail. Oh no.
Let's take it to the hospital. Let's just take it to the hospital and tell the police station tell them what happened. I don't want to just be witnessing Aleemio as a murder of a bloody scene. She's fainted. She's she's she's not dead. She's fainted. To the police station. But that doesn't mean she's dead. so Can someone go get the someone to

Next Investigation Move

do this? I think it'll be fine. I don't think we're going to be sticking around here much longer anyways.
all right um we'll have to pull something up another charge or a crime felony list can i roll a sandwich food i have roll a d1 on that's how many pounds you mean 69 nice okay nice nice you ate 69 pounds of protein and i want you to give yourself a temporary plus two to attack because you are roided out of your mind now yep wait she uses roids i'm taking she doesn't deserve the trophy no you consume protein shakes and protein and stuff so uh temporary my temporary slot yeah yeah that's temporary it'll pass next time you see did you just say he's roided out so that means she takes absolutely this trophy all right that's right there were there's a bunch of needles in the fridge as well i chucked i chucked the truck outside the window
Okay, so it falls out the window and you hear it climbing to the ground. Cheetahs don't prosper. No, there were not literally needles in the fridge. Oh, that wasn't it. Oh, come on, Jake. Walt is all about it. She, if you didn't realize you don't deserve this.
You guys want there to be robots or not? No, I don't know. I don't care. No, it's not. There's no needles. No. So that's not the box that was stolen? Or is it? Nope, it is not. Okay.
Yes, the trophy is back in the chest. So we call them, we should call someone. Someone called like a bit. So what are you guys doing now? Bruce, we're gonna need your mom to cover something up again. I'm sure this probably happens all the time with her. With the... We did it, uh oh. I mean with the, with the Sirfetch'd. She probably gets into a lot of fights. So we could just leave her and we turn the... in and just leave her here. I'll put a protein drink right beside her, look like she drinks too much. Let's go. I'll leave her an Oranberry. Yeah. like she'll She'll wake up yeah fully healed after she gets her long rest. Should I roll to see if, um ah you know, I have come down from my high yet? Sure. Did the drinks knock him out?
A low constitution wouldn't... No, I'm gonna say low constitution, but a low constitution means you're still high.
I rolled what is probably like a medium number. I'm gonna say you feel less buzzed than you were before. He's just mellowing now. He's mellowing out. Alright guys, I guess we know who our only suspect is left. We're back to the suspects that we started with.
it's time to go and investigate that espionage no no um before we go back to sylvian you don't think we should go to lee just see what's happening yeah is have we been to the sylvian so are you guys going back to chai's place here is there even a sylvian or is it espionage you have not been to our house yet it's espionage yeah you keep doing that over and over it's been a month so okay so you guys are heading to chai's place Or are you heading to Silver's place? Which, where are you guys going? I thought about the, wasn't it the Sylveon? No. Yeah, but. so just fill out me Should we go see the, um, it's a Espeon. The next two suspects are green. okay you guys whos green Should we go see the leafy on because she, how weirded out she looked? Or do you think that's just another ploy trick us? Uh, I think we could probably do.
We'll probably do another check on the, uh, Leafeon. Oh no, maybe she- Have we already been to check on the Leafeon? Yeah. After we poked holes in her story? Yeah. You have- You have now. Once, but I will- I don't want you guys to get stuck in a rut. I will say you guys did not find everything. Okay. Yeah, let's go there.
Hello everyone, my name is Sean, and thank you for listening to the episode. Welcome to this section. I'm not going to specify what part of the episode is it, because I don't know exactly know. where I'm putting it. Could be there, could be there, could be there, any of one of those there's, they're all spelled differently.
We'd like to thank you so much for watching the episode with your ears and looking at our cool um album art, which was created by Nikole himself. You know, you'll look at it when you bring up the episode, whatever. Anyways,
We also super super appreciate it if you spread the word, tell a friend, tell a dog, tell a stranger in the park. Hey, Mr. Denon of Hathor Time, great show, listen to it with your ear hole. You can find us at our Discord server and various social medias i in our episode description. ah We recently just started up a BlueSky account, and Hikaru now has a
Now it's time to credit the music used in the episode. I got a four songs here, plus the usual. So let's get right through it, eh? We got Toad Town from Paper Mario 64. We got Pyrite Town from Pokemon XD, Galadardness, and Colosseum. We have the main theme from Punch Out We, and Veilstone City Day theme from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
And then we have Pokemon Center, LoFi, Lullaby, Remix, like Wicheck City playing here right now. And that is all. Thank you everybody for listening to this section. ah This episode's been weird. It's been a lot of extra work for me to put in yeah my my my my voice after the fact because, you know, I had editing problems with this one. So I definitely appreciate you listening to this one and I hope you enjoy. Okay, bye.
So you guys are heading to Tai's place. As you guys are heading through town um on the street, you guys come across a newsy who is

Meth Lab Discovery & Reporting

screaming. ah me he's It's a ah little Pichu and he's screaming, extra, extra domestic terrorism in Volkenburg. Get read all about it. Oh, I buy a paper. All right. Pay two poke. All right. I give the Pichu, hold on.
I gotta look at my my money situation. It's fine, it's fine. He- The Pichu hands you a paper and you guys read the details. I get to Pichu an extra tin pokey for a tip. Uh, the newspaper reads, uh, Octolery hailed as a local hero after killing 27 other terrorists in... What? ...the Richard Volkenberg explosion.
Wow. That's right. There's a subtext to it. it's There's a subtext to the headline. It also says, it also happened to be local Domestic Terrorism Day, in which of this, vol this, auillery has won first place and you see like a photograph which i guess photographs sort of thing it's like of artillery like confusedly shaking hands with the mayor with a okay yeah vickers the artillery has won the national domestic terrorism competition this,
I love it here. Volkenburg is just so crazy. man I don't like this place anymore. Great. Yeah. Man, I don't know. My my ah my dad used to live in Volkenburg. There's a lot of like crazy here. it It is pretty weird. I'm pretty sure he's he's he's had a lot of crazy stories to tell me in my little sibling. What a time to be alive.
I made sure I tipped good to the Pichu. I tipped him extra. Okay, you give 10,000 poke to the Pichu and you guys- I said 10! I said tip. Sorry. Okay. You give it a 10 poke and you guys had to tie his place. Uh, you guys- Ooh. Do you guys remember what the, uh, neighbor to Chai- The neighbor? I don't remember. Chai had a neighbor in this. I think it was a Galarian Zigzagoon. It was a what? Uh, Galarian Zigzagoon.
Oh, I think it was. I think you're right on that. OK, yes. Yes, it was. So yes, I definitely don't remember that. I vaguely remember one. Then again, this I know. I know. I don't remember it. I don't remember being Galarianized and doing Zigzagoon. So you see Chai's garden is still completely wilted and dead. And you see the Galarian Zigzagoon who's the neighbor watering their own garden. Wave hello. The Zigzagoon waves back.
All right. Unlike last time, should we come up with a strategy? Should we just break in an intern? Because this place has no rules. We should not just break an intern. Oh, I know. Maybe we can um maybe we can disguise ourselves. And I can put on like a ah mustache. What? And pretend that I'm not. You could be the hit that health inspector.
Yeah, I'll just pretend I'm the health inspector and I'll pretend i'll pretend that I have a French accent. Okay. we I love this plan. I'm excited to be a part of this plan. I am so down for this. Just like her mom, she can do different accents. Yeah. Excuse me, mom, I'm done. This is... ah ah Anyway. Are we going with this? um I would like to... try I would sneak around back while she's doing this just to sneak in. Okay.
By the way, suddenly appearing in front of Hikaru is a beret and a striped shirt. Or a striped shirt but a red bandana. With the first national flag on it somehow. There you go. Okay, so Hikaru's gonna knock on the front door again. Okay, so you open it up. What am I saying? After some time, you seek to leave if you want to open the door and I want... Just gonna roll insides.
She rolled a four and she's like, hi, can I help you? ah Yes, Madame, this is a I am the health inspector.
um right My name is Marie, pleased to meet you. um I'm not a business. I don't know why I need a health inspection. I'm just the city health inspector. I I yeah heard about your Garden. Oh, so so you're from the HOA is what you are Decided to Escalate things to the health department and um see see i roll investigation Investigation yes We'll get to that in just a second, okay? Okay
like so okay I don't think any of you got shit on us. Any of us should be. Yeah, no. I regret to inform you that Marie, the French health inspector Pikachu, rolled a 2. Oh, she looks perfectly calm and normal. That is nothing interesting. Actually, I pointed it this way. um I want Walter to roll stilt with advantage because Chai is preoccupied. That is a cool roll.
Okay, cool roll. I'm pretty sure this is it, but my human self is real. I'm pretty sure this is the stat I had, so 17. 17 will do it. So you sneak around to the back. You can see there's like some windows you can peek in. There's a backyard, of a patio. Can I get in? None of the windows are unlatched, but you can peek into the windows. What do I see? So you peek into the windows and you see a meth lab. Oh, Jesus. What?
Cheisenberg over here. There's a but there's a bunch of like orbs that are seem to be in process of being filled. There's a bunch of just like chemicals and like drums of chemicals and stuff like that. It's like beakers and stuff. It's clearly some kind of chemical lab. um I take a picture of my GoPro with my thing. Did you almost say GoPro? Yeah.

Police Raid & Arrest

ah Okay, ah you take a picture through GBA and you have a picture of it so I'm taking multi pictures like proof like all right flip it down like it's all I need and I just walk and I Walk to wherever the group is and like I just tip um I text a group chat we have Nothing suspicious happening going on here. Let's go. All right. Oh Chicago you get a buzz in your pockets as you receive a notification from Walter ah
ah Excuse me Madame, I need to check my messages. And she opens her GBA. so you see so So what kind of text did Walter send with these po photos? Walter sent. They don't got anything we need. Stop. I do have, a though, maybe another way to make money. Stop. Or a good way.
to get more influence with the cops maybe reward I love this city all caps after after you send these images you see a notification is miss playing back in this conversation no no fifth just and i said the friend group that is is the friend This is this is like the this is the whatsapp group chat. Yeah, for the pretty much. We know we you know what we gotta make a name for the squad We gotta make a name for our group also art writers By the way we don't remember the Before we move on I just want to clarify because it sounds like Jake they can get it. This is an orb um creation factory, basically. Oh, okay wait
Oh, another thing I didn't mention that i you should have seen, I just forgot to mention it, there are flowers laid out across the tables in the meth lab. And one of them you can specifically see is nightshade. Oh! Which you recognized when Chai was describing her garden, she mentioned the nightshade. Wait, she's making toxic moves? She may have sold the thing that knocked out the guards. She's got an ore making factory in there.
Sammy's texting. She's got them illegal orbs. She's making them. There's dumb that deal the old orbs thingies Yeah, we're typing while you and me you me and bruise are right beside each other We're all just happy Bruce was trying to see if there was like a shrimp that he could hide behind and like speak out and watch the the conversation between Chi and tikaru the garden front yard and Madame, sorry about that. I just noticed your you garden and I was concerned because it just doesn't look very healthy and I wanted to see if we see if the the city can help you take care of your garden better. I i mean, i've been I guess I can't say I can take care of my garden. it's officer but
i i'll I'll do better, okay? She says rubbing the back of her head. No, no, it's okay. It's okay. You're not in trouble. you We just want to help you. In what way? We can give you some fertilizer or um some watering cans. I mean, fertilizer wouldn't i wouldn't be opposed to taking some free fertilizer. Yes. Are any of you guys calling the police?
I'd like to call him that we may have something that that we could just call him. I think I may have believed I found how they knocked out the guards and everybody. There's an ore factory with nightshade being produced here. Okay, so you are in fact calling the cops? Yeah, I'm calling our Arcanine friend. I forget what his name was. Same. His name was Bill.
Bill yet, I believe. Bill, listen. Oh, I got my notes. I got my notes. Yeah, yeah. Because it's a Bill Cipher reference. um So after like two milliseconds, Arc9 appears on the front line. And he has extreme speed. I showed the pictures. and And he's like, oh my god. And they don't need a warrant now. They don't need a warrant now because they see drugs or illegal stuff. I see. It's just in plain sight.
So behind Hikaru Chai sees an Arcanine cop just walking up the front door and Chai slams the door shut. And you just hear a bunch of shattering glass from inside the house. She's dumping the evidence! Charge! So the Arcanine breaks down the door and a bunch of other Arcanines appear behind wearing SWAT-off outfits. Move! Move! Move! Preaching clear! Preaching clear!
So a bunch of SWAT officers entered the building. And they... After some time, um, the cops emerged holding Chai the Leafy on with a bunch of broken glass all over. And they load her into nothing. but Hold on, hold on, hold on! again Who did you sell these nightshade to recently? Who did you make sleeping gas to? Chai is saying nothing. Uh, can we do this at the police station?
Hikaru, I know you really got into character there, but like, why are you still French?

Disguise Failures & Humor

I don't know, guys. Yeah, yeah, so the mustache falls off now because the ruse is up. It's got the- You! It was you! It's got like a price tag on it hanging off it. It still has a price tag on it.

Unconscious Discovery & High Claims

Yeah. 600 poke. Hold on. You guys do that. I'll be right back. I'm gonna run into our house and just scavenge stuff. okay Okay, you see a bunch of flowers, there's broken orbs, and you suddenly get a smell of sweet flowers, and then you fall unconscious. And that's when we're gonna leave this episode. I'm high now. I think you're a bit worse than high.

Episode Sign Off

Yeah, that's a bit worse than high. So yes, I've been Dakota, you're PM, you're DM, you're GM. I've been Evelyn, playing Hikaru, aka Marie, the health inspector. I've been Eli, playing Bruce.
I've been future editing Sean pretending like I'm in the episode playing Sammy. I'm Drake playing drug Walter. Alright, we will see you guys next time.