#87 Rony Vernet - Brazilian UFO Hearings image

#87 Rony Vernet - Brazilian UFO Hearings

Anomalous Podcast Network
386 Plays2 years ago
Rony is a Brazilian UFO researcher & Electronics and Computer Engineer. He Is also the founder of UAP Brazil.

Rony will be giving a speech and presentation at the Brazilian Senate UFO Hearings on June 24th 2022.

Rony Twitter: https://twitter.com/RonyVernet
Website: https://uapbrazil.com/


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Meet the Host and Guest

to be back. I'm your host, Vinny Adams. And let's get straight to it. I really want to enjoy this conversation. I know we're going to. It's going to be fascinating. So let's jump straight in. And please welcome my guest, Mr. Ronnie Venet. Ronnie, how are you? Hello.
Thank you for inviting me. We have had some technical issues, but I think when it's live, it's something you have to happen occasionally. So I'm sorry, but I'm here available to answer all your questions and let's go. Thank you so much. It'd be great before we get into sort of talking about the hearings, if I could just learn a little bit about you as a person, your background and when you first got interested in the UFO subject.

Ronnie Venet's Journey into UFO Research

Yes, I'm not a UFO guy. I'm just I'm an electronic engineer, electronic computer engineer. I entered in this in this subject, I entered this stuff, because reasons that I even cannot explain how that the synchronicity of things that happened. And I was interested in this topic, but not do my own research.
not to do an active stuff. So two years ago, for some reasons, I work as a Brazilian government employee. I work in a Brazilian state oil and gas company. And for some reasons, I get in contact with some guys from the National Indigenous Foundation because of my job, my work.
And I had contact with them and some people from there, from the National Indigenous Foundation said to me, oh, we had some cases in Amazon where some indigenous people are being affected by some strange phenomena. The phenomena enter and goes out of the water, some cylindrical objects, these cylindrical objects, illuminated cylindrical objects.
shot some ray beams, some light beams in indigenous people. It's something the federal police and we from National Indigenous Foundation are investigating. Maybe we're interested. And so I started to get deeper and deeper into the subject and get some documents. And I became involved in all this. And I started to know some apologist in Brazil to discuss the cases. And everything started to happen.
and everything started to happen to put me inside this subject. So a lot of coincidence, a lot of things started, and now I'm here to talk with you.

Brazilian Government's UFO Openness

Thank you. Now, obviously, the main focus seems to be in the United States when it comes to UFOs. But, you know, from my own experience in South America, it seems that the the culture is way more acceptable of UFOs. Is that something that you see in Brazil as well? Yes, I think Brazilian government is very, very open to the subject.
We had the event in 1986, the Brazilian official website where we had the commander of the Brazilian Air Force go to TV and say, oh, our fighters purchased some objects and no objects. This happened. And so this is a demonstration of how open it we are to the subject. Our own Air Force, many years ago, had
give the documents to our National Archives, to people who access it, tons of documents. So I think we are very open to this issue. However, we know we have some more secrets, the high-resolution videos, the better photos from Operation Salsa, for example, and the big stuff is hidden, we know that. But we have some transparency, we have some openness to this topic also.
And does the government in Brazil, do they currently have a UFO program that is publicly known about?

Challenges in Brazil's UFO Investigations

We have some UFO programs in the past. We have in the 60s, the Siuani. It was a branch of Air Force to investigate this case. We had the operations officer in Amazon to investigate some cases that was affecting a lot of cities in states of Mariam and Parap, two big states of Amazon.
But we do have some further investigations, other investigations, but some isolated ones, not a permanent body to start the subject. And I discussed it in Senate last weekend that this is one of the biggest problems we have. We don't have an option to centralize, to coordinate,
everything. We have, for example, National Indigenous Foundation, have federal police, have Air Force doing some legal investigations, but they don't talk with each other. And at the end of the day, just put all the information hidden, and that's what's happened in Brazil.
And how is the subject seen in the mainstream media? Because here in the UK, and a bit in America as well, we see it kind of a bit of the stigma is still attached to the subject. What's it like in Brazil? I think we are more open than many of countries. But we have also a lot of stigma. We have a lot of skeptics that do jokes about people that saw UFOs.
When you talk about it, you see that it's a clear stigma. Our pilots, our military don't want to talk about it. I think today in the U.S. you have more and more openness to this topic with the military because of the native people, because of Ryan Graves, Alex Desrich, and many others that came forward to discuss the subject. I think this is something that is starting to happen in Brazil.
We had some months ago an air traffic controller talking things about the Virginia case that James Fox will show in his next documentary, Moment of Contact. We had some weeks ago a fighter pilot describing a close encounter that he had. And I think that things are slowly
But starting to change in Brazil, we have more military and traffic controllers that will come forward to talk about their experiences. But I think that is a very, very slow process. Yeah, I agree. I mean, we find that in most countries that it's a slower process.

Background of Brazil's UFO Hearings

Now, let's talk about the hearings. When did they first, you know, when did we first hear about them and why now?
Yeah, many months ago, I talked with Ajay Javaya, who is one of the most known fufologists in Brazil. I have a good contact with him. I knew him because of the case in Amazon. So I approached Javaya. I said, Javaya, we have to do something
in the model of U.S. to get deeper in the subject. We need to do some legislations. We need to approach some politics, some senators, some representatives to talk with them and they start to work a job to do some laws, some legislation about this topic. And generally I say, oh Ronnie, I had a contact. I have a contact.
right now with Senator Eduardo Giron, who is a senator that's very, very interested in this topic. And he wants to do open hearing about this, to start the conversations. And this was, and Giron and Jeff Ayer was talking even before the COVID pandemic. So, but the COVID pandemic comes, they had to postpone the plans,
The US, the subjecting US, evolved very fast. We had the open hearing. We had the Gillibrand-Gallego amendment. We had the UEP task force report. And we had a lot of things that, in fact, helped us to justify, to have this presentation, this open hearing in Brazil. And this is the background. It was a plan that was
already started, but because of the environment, the happenings in Brazil and the world, we just did it in the last June 24, which was a good day because it was the day of sight of Kenneth Arnold, the UFO day, so it was very symbolic for us. Yeah, and are these the first UFO hearings that have ever happened in Brazil?
Yes, the first UFO here is that ever happened in Brazil. I think in a Senate is the first one in the world. I think in the U.S. you had decades ago because of Blue Book and so on, some here in the House of Representatives. But I think in a Senate, which is a more prominent house, I think the first time it was
Oh, we've lost you for a second. Very, very huge because I think that the senators have the power to move the subject forward and I think we'll discuss it today more and more deeper. Yeah, and I'm hoping, you know, we're hearing a lot of rumors about the US holding more hearings as well and
I really hope that we get the Senate side of things next. But listen, you obviously gave a presentation at these hearings.

Focus on Amazonian UFO Cases

For anybody that hasn't seen the hearings, are you able to give us a breakdown of what your presentation was about? Yeah, my presentation was about cases in the Amazon forest. All my presentation was based in official documents.
So I started my speech in 70s, where I had in 77, 78 in Brazil, the operation Salsa. It's something we know about collars because it's where the things started to overwhelm in a serious, serious way, a lot of, in effect, a lot of people. But we have cases in two big states, in many cities, almost in all the cities,
that's located near of the shore, near of the ocean. We had all the cities affected in stages of Mario first and after the state of Para. So my first part of speech was about these cases, about what the evidence the operations officer encountered. At the final, the first part, I talked with the direct to the Air Force, please Air Force,
uh publish all the documents that you're hiding that you're not published yet we know i know you have a lot of photos i know a lot a lot of videos we have almost 60 hours of videos for about separate age and separate 16 uh that was made by the the the crew the military crew of uran giolanda which who was the commander and i i i urge it there for us to to
to be open and publish these documents. Also, with respect to Yerenge Olanda, who was a very, very, very good military, he was so good that he had some videos that was from his particular inventory. Part of the videos was not from the Air Force. Part of the videos was from Yerenge Olanda. Yerenge Olanda was a so good military that he gave everything to the Air Force. And he never saw these old videos.
And I think when he died, when he committed suicide, I think one of the most, one of the things that he was so sad, it was about the death videos that they are first stolen, never, and he could never see the light. So the first part of my speech was about it. It's interesting because
All the commanders of Navy, Army, and Air Force were invited by the senators, but no one accepted to be present. But the entire thing is that Air Force sent two superior officials to the event, two colonels. There were two colonels of Air Force there.
When I was talking, they were taking notes every time what was saying, I could see it in front of me. And I think they will talk with the commanders about what they saw, what they think is important. And I think this discussion will be moving further. The second part of my speech was about the cases in Amazon Forest
But nowadays, cases between 2013 and 2016, in another state, in the west of Brazil, near the border with the country Peru, between indigenous people. All the cases in the 70s, that the British and South are investigated, was between on that phytonominal and fishermen village.
And these cases in Amazon were more interesting because it was interactions with our isolated indigenous people. And these people were affected with life beings and so on. So this started a very, very huge investigation between National Indigenous Foundation, Brazilian Army got interested, the Intelligentsia community of Brazil got interested. We have a big investigation of federal police, the prosecutors,
A lot of offices in Brazil, governmental offices, what it does in this case. And some information never saw the light of the day when it started to become more aggressive. We have some indigenous that was hospitalized because of the light beams. And when this is a very more aggressive event started, the government started to not talk about it. And I'm trying to today to get some documents
of the case after 2016 because it was the most impressive one. And you have no much documentation about it. And my last part of speech was about a scientific investigation, something I doing by myself in Brazil, and asking for the government, for the senators, to do something more professional with using the academy, using our federal universities.
to investigate this stuff in more scientific way and coordinated way. Because as I said in the beginning, we have a lot of officers in Brazil, governmental officers in Brazil investigating this topic, but in isolated form, not in a collaboration, not in sharing results and so on. So this was the last part of my speech there.
Wonderful, thank you. And you mentioned there about your trying to get hold of some documents. Is that using the Freedom of Information Act that you have in Brazil? And if so, is that a good resource? Do you normally get files from them or is it a bit difficult? Yes, all the documents I obtained from the cases of 2013-2006 between indigenous tribes and UAPs.
were obtained through Brazilian Freedom of Information Act. The federal police never, never shared any documentation. Therefore, also never shared anything. Everything obtained was from our national prosecutor's office and our national indigenous foundation. It was because then, which normally we don't, we don't, we don't,
do a request for this office because we never imagined that the National Union Foundation or the prosecutors office will have something about UFOs. But as I said in the beginning, I had a lot of coincidence in

Criticism and International Involvement

my life that led me to know people and these people wanting to help say to me, oh, do this type of request for the Freedom of Information Act and you will be saying good things.
And this is how I achieved this document. Excellent. And now there were obviously other speakers at the hearings from other countries as well. And now one thing that I found confusing is that Lou Alizondo apparently was meant to have done a prepared speech, like a video. But for some reason, there's nothing online. Did he give a speech, like a video presentation at all?
Yes. The A.J. Jevoia was responsible to organize with the Senators team the event. Sure, I was helping. And for example, in many moments, Jevoia said to me, Ronnie, I lost contact with with Elizondo. I cannot reach him. And I helped with many. And I like to thank to many members of UFO Twitter.
that helped me to get in touch with Fernando and many others to do this event happening. This is what I think this community is fantastic because of that. When you have something we need, everyone tries to help. Even if you don't know how to help, you ask other people to help. And this is how a community is supposed to work. So I'd like to thank you many, many results you have posted about it.
And in many moments, many people helping to strengthen the relation between JVIF and Elizondo. What I know is that Elizondo could not be present there because
Many people criticize in Brazil, criticize in this event in Senna. They say, we have a lot of problems with health, security, education, poverty in Brazil. And they are talking about UFOs. Sure, it's people that's not aware about this topic. They don't know what's happening in the world about this topic.
and I have to give credit because they think they don't have the information and they are the critics. It's just fair because they are not informed. And so because of that, the senator said, we can't expand any penny to do this event happen. And all the people, me, Gary, and Bob Salas, all the people present there,
how the cost was not covered by the Brazilian government. The covered by ourselves, the covered by our some representative or senator that wants us to help and push the penny from his pocket to let this happen. So it's important to say that. And this is the reason that we couldn't bring Elizondo to be there because Brazilian government for this specific event was not covering any cost.
And what I know from Gevaya is that Elizondo promised to send a video with a testimony from him, logically, not a classified testimony, but an unclassified briefing from a Brazilian senator. And they lost connections a lot of times. I don't know the reason, but they lost connections between Elizondo and Gevaya a lot of times. I established, again, these connections
And the last thing I know is that Elizondo would not send a video but sent for the Valera text, a little text to be read in the Brazilian sense. I don't know. I didn't have the opportunity to talk with Gefar again after the hearing. I didn't know if Gefar was not happy with Elizondo. That promise at the beginning to send a video and at the end send just a little text. I don't know what happened.
But the result, everyone knows, the text of Arizona was not read in Brazil, we didn't have the videos, and that's what's happening. So I think the best people to, best person to clarify what's happening is the deja vu to say what's happening. The information, I know I'm talking with you right now.
Yeah, that's wonderful. Thank you so much for clearing that up. I think a lot of people were unsure about what happened there. I've got Jonathan Davis here in the live chat saying, what did Lou Elizondo say in his letter? I guess there's the answer. He got a text message across to the Brazilian senators.
Obviously, we had other foreign people. You mentioned Bob Salas, Gary Heseltine from the UK. Were there any major takeaways from what they discussed? Yes, the question is very good because I'm curious to know about this text that Elizondo sends Jevoia. I asked Jevoia about that. As I said, I didn't have the opportunity to talk with Jevoia. Jevoia was very busy doing some stuff. We were even in Brazil these days.
And I couldn't reach him to talk about it. But as soon as I have an opportunity, I'll talk with him to know. And maybe I can share something about this text of Elizabeth's view. We had also two international representatives from the US, Robert Salas. Bob Salas was talking about the nuclear cases between UAPs and the base he commanded in Maozhan.
So he made a very good presentation about that. Our senators became very blessed with the information that Bob South presented. And Gary, at the same time, presented the global disclosure, what the events that was happening since for it until now, evidencing that some kind of disclosure is coming.
And the speech of Gary Hessenstein was very important because he was very emotional, he was very effusive about his thoughts, about the angry about that protection that was made about the subject of Pentagon, of government, of the world.
So his acts, his speech was very, very, very emotional and very, very, very good for us to see. So this is what the Gary and Bobby presented during the event. Great. That's great. Thank you. I've got a question here that says, could you please explain to us why Geraldo Limos Nito was talking about spirit prisons on the moon and aliens from the planet Chiron?
Yes, as I said, I didn't organize the event. I personally don't agree with this mix of science, facts, and the religion. But we have also to understand the context in Brazil. In Brazil, we have millions of people that believe in the religion of the spiritual. And in Brazil, we have a personal college, Xico Xavier. Xico Xavier was a leader of this religion that was
nominated to the Nobel Prize of Peace. And everything, he died poor because everything he gained with his books, he donated everything. And at the end of the life, he had nothing because he donated everything for institutions of charity. So he was a man that
It's very, very, very, dramatic in Brazil, even from the non-religious people. And we have a lot of, as I said, we have millions of people in Brazil that follow the spiritives, and a lot of senators and representatives in Brazil follow the spiritives. And spiritives have a lot of stories from the biggest mediums about extraterrestrial life, about interdimensional life.
So this is the reason the senators choose to to to get Jerobo Lemos, which is who's the person that is a is a almost a son of Chico Chagua because he he lived with Chagua during his life. So senators choose to have this conversation, choose to bring because they know that in Brazil, we have a lot of fuel from population about this subject.
And many people lasted when Gerald said about life in Saturn, for example, because they say, oh, life in Saturn is not possible. We know that scientifically. We have no conditions to have life in Saturn. But I don't agree totally with the religion, but what the speech talks about life in Saturn and Mars, for example, is interdimensional life. It's not necessarily life in our physical form, in our three dimensional world.
They call, they have seven dimensions, and this being is happening, other planets could live in any of these dimensions. That, which was not our dimension, that we know our dimension that believes. It's not an answer, but just something that will fit more out of the box.
And just to eventually start to study, and maybe in scientific study some years in future, maybe we can prove that we have, in fact, some inter-dimensional roles or inter-dimensional beings, as some people are saying, or maybe people coming from future, which is another location in space-time also.
maybe something that in religions we could, science could prove some years ago. But I agree that this is a little strange to talk with religions and Latino government documents, everything together. Maybe some people get confused about that and they understand.
No, I really appreciate you answering that question. Thank you so much. Joss has a really good question here.

Future of UFO Legislation in Brazil

Is there a connection between Brazilian nuclear facilities and UAP? We don't have a Brazilian Navy Army. And therefore, it doesn't have nuclear weapons. We don't have nuclear weapons. But we have nuclear energy facilities.
And I made some requests for the Freedom of Information Act some months ago, and our regulatory commission of energy says that they don't have in their records any cases between UFOs, UAPs, and nuclear facilities. I don't know if they're hiding something, but this is the official answer for this question.
Yeah, thank you so much. Now, since the hearings have finished, what has the reaction been like? Have the mainstream media covered it? Is there some positives as well as negatives? It was very, very strange feedback because before the event, we had all the major media saying, oh, we will have a UFO.
session at June 24 the Senate will discuss for the first time and after the the hearing No, no, no big media talking about it. They didn't simply didn't talk about it. They didn't talk it We were expecting some of the parts of the media say oh this this this is a this is a joke this
didn't need to be discussed in Santa to have a lot of other problems, but they simply forget about it. It was very, very strange. I don't know if they forget in fact, and someday they will remember, oh my God, they even just happened and we didn't notice. Or maybe they noticed, but noticed this week and even two weeks ago and they don't want to notice.
this anymore. I don't know, but they simply didn't talk about it. This was very, very strange. Yeah, lovely. Thank you so much. Jonathan Davis with another great question. What comes next? Will there be another hearing soon with the military involved? After the hearing, the hearing, the duration was five hours. They initiated 10 a.m. and finished 3 p.m.
And after the session, we went to a restaurant to have lunch with Senator Girard and his team. I cannot discuss everything I discussed with him, but I give him a lot of recommendations, basically, to follow the model that's being followed in USA.
And what I think is that the senators will start to poke the next of the armored forces, mainly the air force and navy, and also our minister of defense, to know, to start the conversations and say, oh, let's do a classified briefing, what you know that you cannot reveal.
And what you can open to the public at this time, what's the national security issue, and so on, the conversation will start. And the Senator General and his team are very, very motivated to do a legislation, to start conversations about the legislation in the model of Gillibrand, Rubio and Galileo amendment US.

Scientific Investigations and Evidence Gathering

to have a permanent body, a permanent obstacle, investigations, uniting the armed forces, the academy, the universities, and the ufologies, and so on, the civil organizations in Brazil. And I think this will lead to at least some additional hearings, maybe some hearings with the members of armed forces and so on.
I know that we have also a lot of representatives from the House of Representatives interested in the subject, interested to do a second hearing in the House of Representatives. And I think this will happen soon. Wonderful. Thank you. So what's actually next for yourself then in this subject? Do you have anything planned? Any other cases that you're working on? Since four years ago, I started to visit
First, I read a book. I read a very interesting book from a Brazilian, one of the main Brazilian ecologists in Brazil, it's called the Macopeci, which for me is the number two or number three after Jevail, ecologist in Brazil, serious ecologist. And this book of hands talked about the beauty here in my station in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, which allegedly was a hotspot in Brazil. And I start to scratch my head and say, oh,
It's serious. This kind of phenomena happens there. And instead of criticize, I put my boots, I put my pants, and I went there. And it started in 2008 to be there a lot of times to stop the observations. I observed incredible things there, many phenomena that are very, very
like has done in phenomenon, like phenomena. In some cases, and this is important that I clarify to people, it's not, it's not, it's very, very, the events happens very often, but nothing like, oh, I'll go there the first time and I will see something. No, you have to be consistent. You have to go a lot of times. Maybe you, you, you see something the first time. Maybe you see something in the test time.
So it happens often, but it's not something magical that you go there the first time and see beings and see life. One time I saw lights near me, and I say near me was about one meter, two meters. Very strange lights, no sounds, no luminous effects in my eyes. And this is the first event in four years. The second event,
It was one that I testimony in Senate when I saw the big, huge orange light and when the orange light diminished and turned off, I saw with my eyes, three big, big black beings, three to five meters tall. And I testimony that in Senate, expecting our academics and our government to be in status to investigate the place.
because I want the, and I recommended that to the Senate, go to that place and see by our eyes and investigate and bring the equipment and do you see stuff? Because I think that we, if we, it's like, I mean, it's chemical range we have in Brazil. We have a lot of hotspots in Brazil. This is just one. And I think if you start an academic study, a scientific study, installing some equipment,
we will have some results there. And my project right now, we have a lot of cameras. I installed thermal cameras, high obstacles in cameras, and sensors there. I installed it right now. I inaugurated that in the same day we had the event in Brazil and the Senate. And we are right now collecting data. And maybe we could have some results. And I said in the Senate, maybe
Soon, we will have the first high-resolution video collected by a civil institute, me or Galileo or other projects that other people are starting to... Because I think it's something that's unstoppable. Me and other people will start to do this kind of research. And in some moments, I think some moments, people start catching some very, very compelling and very, very impressive
I think it's a matter of time. And I think this is something that scares the government because the people are starting to wake and starting to do his own research to not depend on the government data. And I think there's a movement that will get bigger, bigger, bigger in the next few years.
That's wonderful, and I really wish you all the luck with that project, definitely. I've got a question here from Shardal. Are there any cases from Brazil where there is evidence of hostile intent from the Brazilian military or the UAP themselves?

Pilot Encounters and Civilian Incidents

Yeah, we have cases in Brazil that the pilots tried to shock the UAP but didn't have success because the UAP just disappeared.
We had some cases where we had the UFP fighting light beams in people. For example, in the Amazon, in Colorado, we had a lot of people that died. We had a lot of people that became some mental regression. I knew these people because I went there. People that was affected in the 70s and today has brain damage that these people act today like child of 12 years.
and this kind of phenomena happened. We don't know if it's the intention, we don't know if they wanted to do that or it's like something our body, a specific people's body reaction to that light being. We don't know. But it's happening, it's happening.
Mr. Driscolask, is there any truth to the mage incident that went viral a few years back? Was it a viral hoax or maybe the smoke actually came from a fire? Yes, this was a question that I responded at the final part of the UAP century. Many people in internet was interested about this, that growing became international cases very, very fast. This is the power of the internet.
But I think the internet has something good and bad things. The bad thing is that a lot of people trying to fake some images, take some videos, talk some lies about it. And I can't talk about this case with profit because I was one of the four people in Brazil, four investigators in Brazil that came into the site. I spent one week there in Madrid. I talked to hundreds of people about it.
What I can say about it, we cannot prove that something related to UFO, UAP happening. But we had a huge military operation conducted by the Brazilian army. And I have documentation that I achieved from the Brazilian army itself, saying that they had a lot of huge operation there, not Imager.
But in an area of environmental protection ecosystem near Maje is a huge area of forest near Maje. And something happened there that the military, the Brazilian army, needed to do operation there. They say it was a training operation. But they refused to give me any document about this training because of national security issues.
Okay, but this is what's only a training because you cannot offer any documents. This is a problem. And they confirmed all the helicopters that was flying and the people from Asia saw during this event. And all the days, all the times are totally compatible with that operation of Brazilian Army in Asia. So a huge operation took place there, but unfortunately,
I cannot affirm, I cannot say to you what really happened, why that military people was involved there. Maybe we can find something soon. Hopefully, hopefully. Final question here is from Jonathan Davis. Have you been involved with the new James Fox investigation and the new movie? No, but I have a very, very good friend, a very competent researcher in Brazil, Carl and Marco Reiloleau.
The world will know him a lot because he has a very, very big participation in James Fox's next documentary, Moment of Contact. He was the main advisor and producer of James Fox for this documentary. Marco Releo presented to James Fox all the witnesses that he interviewed in the documentary.
And I think Marco will have a big, big hole in the US for Twitter and this topic after the release of the documentary.
Yeah, thank you. I've been lucky enough to see an advanced copy of the documentary, and the amount of testimony and witnesses in it is unbelievable. Well, listen, Ronnie, thank you so much for joining me today. I really do appreciate it. We got through the technical hitches at the start, and that's been a fascinating conversation. Hopefully in the future, there'll be more hearings in Brazil, and I'd love to have you back to discuss them when they happen.

Conclusion and Future Developments

Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for this closer to the
Thank you for everyone that watched from the houses. I hope I could respond to all the questions that you had. I think it was a good conversation and I hope to talk with you soon because I think Brazil will have a lot of big news coming in the next month.
That's wonderful. To everyone watching, thank you for everyone in the chat, some fantastic questions, and it's always good to see so many cool people having a great chat and a great time. I'm going to be back this Friday with Britt Barbieri. She is a UFO researcher, a cryptozoologist, and also a researcher of the paranormal, so something a little bit different on Friday.
But for now, everyone, enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are. And thank you again. And we'll see you soon. Goodbye.