191 - Wild Wild West (1999) image
S4 E191 · Disenfranchised
191 - Wild Wild West (1999)
191 - Wild Wild West (1999)

“Let’s break down the word ‘redneck.’ First word, ‘red’: color of power, fire, passion. Second word, ‘neck’... hey, I can’t think of nothing for ‘neck’ right now, but without that, you still got red and that’s something to be proud of.”

We’re kicking off a brand new actor-centric theme month taking a look at the failed franchise starters of Big Willie Style himself, Mr. Will Smith, starting with what might be his first major misstep as a star! We’re digging deep into the ‘90s runs of this cast, including Smith, Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Salma Hayek, and director Barry Sonnenfeld, discussing Smith’s music career, and - inexplicably - doing a deep dive into the filmography of Sir William ‘Billy’ Joel! Don’t miss it!

We may not have Jim West’s raw charisma or Artemus Gordon’s affinity for gadgetry, but we do have a social media presence! Find us here:

58 Plays
2 days ago

“Let’s break down the word ‘redneck.’ First word, ‘red’: color of power, fire, passion. Second word, ‘neck’... hey, I can’t think of nothing for ‘neck’ right now, but without that, you still got red and that’s something to be proud of.”

We’re kicking off a brand new actor-centric theme month taking a look at the failed franchise starters of Big Willie Style himself, Mr. Will Smith, starting with what might be his first major misstep as a star! We’re digging deep into the ‘90s runs of this cast, including Smith, Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Salma Hayek, and director Barry Sonnenfeld, discussing Smith’s music career, and - inexplicably - doing a deep dive into the filmography of Sir William ‘Billy’ Joel! Don’t miss it!

We may not have Jim West’s raw charisma or Artemus Gordon’s affinity for gadgetry, but we do have a social media presence! Find us here:
