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Episode 3 | Exceeding the Me image

Episode 3 | Exceeding the Me

S1 E3 ยท Grace Talk
46 Plays1 year ago

Join us for our next episode of Grace Talk with Apostle Isham S. Cordery. This episode will discuss "Exceeding the Me", the exploration of becoming who God has called us to be.


Introduction and Welcome

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Grace Talk, a podcast developed by Grace Temple Church Louisville to share godly devotionals and interviews to help save the lost and the encouraged to save. Let's go down to our presenter and listen with an open heart and an open mind. Blessings and welcome to Grace Talk. This is about your life's mass quartering
senior pastor of Grace Temple and the General Superintendent of Grace Temple Fellowship of Churches in the U.S. and in Jamaica. So thankful for the opportunity to speak with you on this evening. Amen. I want to encourage your heart and want you to be blessed in the Lord.

Exceeding Personal Abilities

Amen. And let God continue to move in your life and bring a greater manifestation of His Spirit to you. I want to talk to you tonight about exceeding the me
exceeding the me. We have a perception of our own abilities and oftentimes we're confined or constrained about what we think our abilities are. In other words, we have difficulty comprehending that we can exceed what we're capable of doing. We never try to go beyond our natural abilities. We try to stick within what we're capable for. It's a scary thing to try to reach beyond
Amen. What we know we can do and try to stretch ourselves to be more and to do more than what we think our natural capabilities are. Amen. The reality is though that when Christ comes into your life and brings that spirit to dwell within you. Amen. Your capabilities are dramatically enhanced and we have the capability then of being more
than who we are. It's the gift that God brings and He's only asking for us to have the ability to trust Him and to have faith in Him, endowing special gifts within us and certain abilities because God not only wants to bless you, but He wants to use you to bless His kingdom and to bless others who are seeking to be in that kingdom. And so therefore, it's very important that we stretch ourselves
We stretch ourselves to exceed the

Faith and Transformation

me. We ought to want to be more than what we're naturally capable of. We want to exceed that. And we should be able to because the Spirit of the Lord, that mighty God is dwelling on the inside of us. The problem is, it's easier for us to just say and declare falsely as it may be. Well, God understands, you know, He said, come as you are and He accepts you the way that you are. And none of that is biblically true.
God will take you the way you are because He knows He can mold you into the person that He wants you to be. And so we come to the Lord pliable, Lord, take me and use me. Amen. Make me into that vessel. And at some point we ought to look at ourselves and say, God has made me to become more than I was. And so that in itself establishes faith.

Church's Desire to Grow

Because once we understand that it's not just on me, but it's God's accountability and his responsibility to make me the person that he wants me to be, then our faith causes us to stretch. Our faith causes us to look for more. Unfortunately, the church is headed in the opposite direction. We are who we are. We don't want to be anything else. We're not stretching ourselves out.
And so we limit God in our life because God wants to prove to us and to the world that He is our God. The truth is that without God, we could never really please Him because our natural abilities would never ever be sufficient. They would never ever be enough. And God knows that He has to enhance who we are.

Spiritual Transformation

Why? Because we're constrained by the flesh, our very carnal mind is imitated with God, and until the Lord puts in us a spiritual sense, his spiritual mind, that we can think as he thinks, then we're constrained by our natural self. And in fact, not only that, we are enemies with the Lord, we are in opposition to him until the Spirit comes, because without his Spirit we are none.
We can never really be the person that God is calling for until we walk into his spiritual exceeding. God is a God who makes you more than what you could be. 2 Corinthians chapter 3, beginning at verse 3, For as much as ye are manifestly declared
to be the epistle of Christ, the epistle of Christ. Now, would you think about that? God did not call you to an autobiographical literary. He makes you, he is the one who writes the story. He is the one who defines the script of who you will be. We become the epistle that the Lord has written, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit.
of the living God, not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart. And I'm so glad that when the Lord comes, he takes out that stony heart and he gives us a heart of flesh, something that's pliable, something that's moldable, something that he can make impression upon. And in essence, he rewrites our message on the tables of our heart. And verse four, and such trust have we through Christ to Godward.
Verse five is what I want you to get.

Sufficiency in God

Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is in God. Hallelujah. In other words, beloved, don't rely on who you are.
because God will add to you and make you more. Our desire must be, Lord, let me exceed the me. God bless you. We love you so much and we

Invitation and Blessing

thank God for you. Come and visit us at 970 Pilatka Road in Louisville, Kentucky with every Sabbath evening, Friday night, and every Sabbath day. Amen, Saturday. Amen to bless the Lord in his holy and righteous Sabbath day. God bless you until next week.
Grace and peace be unto you. This concludes our segment. We pray in hope that what you just heard blesses and encourages you. Please join us next time on Grace Talk. Until then, God speed.