Introduction and Episode Theme
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Grace Talk, a podcast developed by Grace Temple Church Global to shed godly devotionals and interviews to help save the lost and encourage the saved. Let's go down to our presenter and listen with an open heart and an open mind. Hello, everybody, and welcome to another episode of Grace Talks. My name is Elder Dwayne Derek, and I will be your presenter for this episode.
Understanding Spiritual Fatigue
I want to talk to you about spiritual fatigue.
Imagine you in a boxing match. You have been fighting a few rounds. You have given your all. All of a sudden, you are hit with unexpected blood. You are knocked to the ground. The referee is counting. One, two, three, four. You are out of breath. Admittedly, you want to give up, and you are extremely exhausted. You are now experiencing mental fatigue.
Fatigue is defined as a feeling of constant exhaustion, burnout, or lack of energy. If there's relations to being tired, distressed, worried, frustrated, and stressing,
And these things will cause you to be impatient, even in your prayers and waiting for God or any other things. And the patience will lead into making impulsive decisions, which will lead into wrong choices being made and possibly going back into sin that God has delivered you from.
Jesus's Encounter with Spiritual Fatigue
Some of us combine ourselves in the same predicament spiritually, when we believe that we can't go on and that we have no ship to make
Spiritual fatigue is a strategic tool the devil uses to separate us from God.
Jesus experienced a similar type of fatigue in the wilderness. After being there for 40 days and 40 nights, we could imagine the type of fatigue settling in, which the devil tried to use to his advantage. He took this as prime time to wear Jesus down mentally by attempting him. First he tells him to turn stones into bread because you know you're hungry. Jesus rebuddled it with a scripture. He then says, jump off the temple and let the angels catch you.
Jesus rebutted him with another scripture. And then finally, he says, bow down and worship him, the devil in exchange for the kingdoms of this world. Jesus again rebutted him with another scripture. Jesus resisted all the devil's ill attempts to disconnect him from God. Once the devil realized his failure, he fled the scene. Afterwards, angels came to help Jesus.
The Devil's Strategy Against Believers
The devil will strategically use spiritual fatigue to desensitize us and disillusion us. He will create false reality and use fake news to bombard you into mental surrender because he needs you to be disconnected from God mentally. He needs this to happen.
I realized that the goal of the enemy, in my mind, I used to think that it was this big Armageddon battle between God and the devil, or good and evil, that they're going to win because one is trying to win over the other. But we know that the end of this war is that God is going to be victorious, obviously. So I'm like, why would he even fight in a battle trying to win it when you know you're not going to win it? And then it dawned on me that he's not trying to win the battle.
He already knows he's going to lose. His only goal is then can be to take as many people down with him as he can. So he will use mental fatigue or spiritual fatigue to wear you down mentally to show teas of doubt and all of those things to try to get you to be disconnected from God so you can be with him on the losing team because misery loves company and loses love and loses as their company as well.
Overcoming Spiritual Fatigue with Scripture
Just like he state-talked me into eating the apple, he would try to state-talk you into giving up. He wants you to believe that you cannot win. He wants you to believe that you are frustrated, that you are depressed, that you are worried, and that you're even oppressed, which we know ain't the truth.
You must ignore those wicked whispers and fortify your mind. Let the Holy Spirit empower you. Remember that God's power is self-replicating. It never runs out. His promises never expire. So if you stay connected to Him, to the source of your salvation, you will always have power.
The enemy will create this false narrative and paint this deceitful imagery just to connect you from God, the source of your power. See, the enemy needs you to stay down, but God needs you to get up. So whenever fatigue creeps in, let the scriptures remind you of your strength. For when we speak the word of God, there is power in it.
Greater is he that is in me than he that is in this ring. No punch formed against me. You may still be on the ground, but because your heart is still beating, because there's blood still running warm in your veins,
because the bell hasn't rang just yet. You still have the opportunity to get up.
Strength in Weakness: God's Empowering Grace
So 2nd Corinthians 1 and 7 says, for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind. Let that spiritual motive make you to get up. 2nd Corinthians 12 and 9, good news translation says, but his answer was, my grace is all you need. King James Version says, my grace is sufficient.
For my power is greatest when you are weak. I am most happy then to be proud of my weaknesses in order to feel the protection of Christ's power over me. When I am at my weakest and my lowest, that's when God is the strongest. So be connected to the power because we know we can do this on our own. So connect to a source that can pump you up with the power so you can overcome and get back up on your two feet.
Isaiah 41 and 10 says, fear thou not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will shrink the deed. Yea, I will help thee. Yea, I will uphold thee with thy right hand of my righteousness.
Victory with God: Rejecting the Enemy's Tactics
You get up from where you are, no matter how tired,
worried, frustrated, stressed, or mentally unavailable you may be because God has called you to be victorious in every battle. On God's team, we always win. Don't fall for the enemy tactics. Don't let your mind be tricked and deceived by wicked whispers in that snake talk. Speak those scriptures and wake yourself up. You are still in this fight. And guess what? You are winning.
God bless. This concludes our segment. We pray and hope that what you just heard blesses and encourages you. Please join us next time on Grace Talk. Until then, grace and peace.