The necessity of spiritual refreshment
At some point in time, you're going to need to be spiritually refreshed. The cares of life, the things that we endure, the just the normal ah activities of the day tend to distract us and cause us to have a need to be refreshed. And the reality is is that God will send a refreshing revival, even in the midst of attacks on our strengths.
But He'll only do that if we hold to the joy of our salvation. Remember that Jesus Christ died, that we might have the opportunity, amen, for salvation.
Introduction to Grace Talk podcast
Welcome to Grace Talk, a podcast by Grace Temple Church, Louisville.
experience biblical encouragement in every aspect of life as you see God through the truth of the Scriptures. Our mission is to help save the lost and encourage the saved. Hosted by our senior pastor, Apostle Eisham Cordery, and the Grace Temple Church Ministry, it's time for Grace Talk.
Praise the Lord and welcome to Grace Talk with Apostle C. We're so grateful for you joining us on our podcast and thankful for the fellowship that we have. Let me first say, we've just come through our anniversary services. We celebrated 45 years for Grace Temple and 43 years past oral anniversary and what a fellowship.
that we had. We're so thankful and grateful for all the pastors and churches that came and showed us so great love and care. And we're grateful and thankful for the continuing fellowship that we have with, like believing saints of the most high. We're certainly thankful to
2025 emphasis on renewal and revival
the Lord. And our emphasis for 2025 is going to be renewal and revival.
renewal and revival. Our hope is to encourage the saints of Grace Temple to seek God for a greater encounter ah with Him, because we believe that the encounters that we have are essential to our spiritual nature and our strength and that gives us what we need in order to make this journey. And so many have fallen by the wayside simply because they didn't avail themselves of the spiritual refreshing that God provides.
Spiritual passion and zeal
ah And therefore, they were not renewed or revived because refreshing takes us back to a place of joy ah where we can then access that renewal and that revival. At some point in time, you're going to need to be spiritually refreshed.
ah the cares of life, the things that we endure, the just the normal of activities of the day tend to distract us and cause us to have a need to be refreshed. And the reality is is that God will send a refreshing revival, even in the midst of attacks on our streets, but He'll only do that if we hold to the joy of our salvation. Remember that Jesus Christ died, that we might have the opportunity, amen, for salvation.
A strength never comes if we lose that focus
God's holy fire vs. false fire
on our eternal life. We have to have a passion, a zeal, a turbency, an enthusiasm, and passion has to do with the heart, the internal fire that motivates us and energizes us to fu fulfill our purpose and to do God's will.
And God is the source of our spiritual passion. The Holy Spirit comes, in fact, the Holy Spirit comes to ignite us with a holy fire.
It's a physical manifestation of fire is indicative of God's holy power, the the holiness that we strive for and the protection that God gives to his people. And when we have that fire, we show that we have access to that power, to that holiness and to that protection.
Measuring spiritual impact
There's a false fire that simply has no heat. It's just the appearance, kind of like the fireplaces that are just the LEDs and just show you a picture of a fire, but they really don't have any natural heat of their own selves. It's just an appearance. But we must desire to stay in God's fire and exhibit the manifested power that this fire represents.
Our internal fire affects everything on the outside of us. There's a missionary to India named William Ward, and he says this, or he said this, enthusiasm and persistence can make an average person superior. Indifference and lethargy can make a superior person and average.
The level of passion, not the level of knowledge, will be the measure of our spiritual in impact. yeah God, because we're in the Lord, there's no real loss. I simply just
Trust in God for revival
don't agree. This church world that we're in today wants to blame Satan for everything, and I'm trying to understand why Satan has that kind of authority and power over you, that he can affect your life in that way. There's no real loss in Christ who's come to God.
Amen. Satan is already defeated and we will just resist him. He will sleep from us and have no impact whatsoever on our life. Does not mean that we won't have the cares of life, the issues of life, the circumstances of life that will come. And those things will affect us based on our perception and embrace of them. And at those points in time, we need that revival and and restoration of our spirit. And this is something that we have to battle every day.
And if we trust God, He will restore and revitalize us. Look at Psalms 138 and seven verses 7 through 8. Psalm 138 verses 7 through 8. And the Psalmist says, Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou ah wilt revive me. Sing the Bible. We could just hold to the truth of that text, that if we find
Avoiding spiritual lukewarmness
ourselves in trouble, and oftentimes we will, but if we find ou ourselves in trouble, it is God Himself who will come to revive us.
Revive their means to quicken or to live, to to to bring back to life, to give the promise of life. and And God is there, and that promise is yet consistent today, that if you find yourself in trouble, believe that God will revive you. He wrote he goes on to say, as he said, thou shalt stretch forth thy hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
Verse 8 said, the Lord will forsake that which concerneth me. Thy mercy, O Lord, endures for forever forsake not the works of thine hands. Amen. And so we trust that God is a reviving God. He's a renewal God. And He will come and give us that time of refreshing, even in the midst of trouble.
Amen. Because the Lord is determined to complete, bring to maturity, bring to completion, that which he has determined concerns me. Amen. If we look correspondingly to Psalm 23 and 3, the Psalmist said, he restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake.
Fellowship through genuine praise
God knows that moment that we lose passion, that we lose our vision, that we lose perspective. And make no mistake about it, Satan knows this too. And there's there's nothing he likes better than an apathetic Christian, one who has yielded their authority to him. One definition of lukewarmness is serving God in such a way as to not offend the devil.
Can I tell you here, Saints of the Most High of the Church has to embrace being offenders again. we we had christ Christ did not come to bring peace. He came to make war. And the reality is that Satan should be offended. And those who have embraced the ways of the adversary should find themselves offended at the stand that we make for God.
We have to guard that fire that's within us. God is a consuming fire within you, but you need to fervently guard it. We have to realize that it's that fire that's the enemy's target, and we have to protect that passion. So anytime, anytime is a good time for refreshing. Amen. Right now, where are you sitting? Where are you listening to this podcast?
is a good time for refreshing. Amen. It takes an appointment, but you can make the appointment anytime. If we look at refreshing the Old Testament, it comes from the Hebrew in the fash, meaning to take a breath or to be breathed on.
We just need to invite the Lord to meet with us. He's available anytime.
Conditions for spiritual refreshing
I believe that when we come together in fellowship, it is a special time ah of invite because where the praise is, God is called into that presence. The scriptures say he inhabits the praises of Israel.
And if we praise God, God will literally come and sit down in our praise. And so this is how we get God's attention, ah is that it's not for your entertainment. It's not for your ah enjoyment. ah it's It's not for a show. It is because if we genuinely are glorifying the Lord, if our heart and our mind is genuinely pointed to lifting up God,
We will call God out of the holy place and He will stick His tail out from the holy place. A train will fill the temple where we are and He will sit down in the presence. And when God comes to see about us,
He's a God that will come to do for us. And this is the appointment that we should be looking for. This is how we invite God in. He's available anytime. So the time of our appointment is on us.
since the Lord inhabits our praises, it's on us. There's two points that we have to consider ah that are critical. Refreshing comes at an appointed time. The appointment comes after we meet the conditions that God sets for us and is confirmed then by His presence. And then secondly, without assurance, it doesn't come from the pastor. It doesn't come from that ah oily preacher. It doesn't come from that prophet. It comes from The Lord. We come to church looking for the church to provide for us. Well, we should be coming to church looking for the Lord to provide for
Repentance leading to refreshing
us. Let me finish here. In Acts chapter three, verse 19, it says, repent ye therefore and be converted. Do you understand? First of all, you have to change your mind about sin. Amen. Don't listen to the preacher that says, baby, do the best you can.
Don't listen to the preacher that says we all are sinners. Don't listen to that preacher. That preacher is contrary to God's word. Clearly the word ah tells us that when we come to Christ, we no longer dwell in sin because his seed remains in us.
So he tells us the criteria for this refreshing to come. Repent ye therefore and be converted. Listen to what it says. Change your mind, change the way you think about sin, and then change your doing. Change the action, amen of sin. And when you do that, listen to that listen took the steps here. He said that your sins may be blotted out. Love, beloved, let me tell you, if you haven't repented and you haven't been converted,
then your sins haven't been blotted out on the ground, but you declare it. I don't know how much you say it, but listen to what he says here. That happens when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of being.
in God's presence is where your refreshing me is.
Christ's authority and spiritual recovery
And these times will come after we have changed our thinking and our doing, and our sins have been covered by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, then he'll send refreshing to us. Verse 20 carries it on, and he shall send Jesus Christ which before was preached unto you, whom the heavens must receive until the times of restitution of all things." In other words, all of this is a leading ah to the point where Christ has gathered all things together unto the control and the authority of his name.
and then he will give that authority to the father. This refreshing that the scripture refers to is a recovering of breath. If you ever get to the point where maybe you exercise or maybe you had to run and you got out of breath, but you had to stop and just get your breath back.
But that's what we have to do in our services. Amen. That's what we have to do in our times of restitution. Amen. We have to stop. Come into the presence of the Most High. Glorify His holy name. Make sure that we have positioned ourselves correctly for Him. And then get your breath back.
Amen. God bless you, saints. We are so grateful and thankful for you on today ah being with us. I pray that you will take this opportunity and seek God to recover your breath and to be refreshed. Grace and peace. God bless you. And to be refreshed.
Conclusion and prayer
Grace and peace. God bless you.
Thank you for listening to Grace Talk. It is our prayer that you were encouraged through the Word of God. Listen in next time as we continue to help save the lost and encourage the saved. Please find us on social media or join us for one of our weekly Sabbath services at effectivegrace If you would like to contact us with questions or comments, please email us at church at effectivegrace Thank you again, Grace and Peace.