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Episode 18 | Excited about Jesus  image

Episode 18 | Excited about Jesus

S1 E18 ยท Grace Talk
18 Plays1 year ago

Join us for our next episode of Grace Talk with Apostle Isham S. Cordery. This episode is titled "Excited about Jesus".


Introduction to Grace Talk

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Grace Talk, a podcast developed by Grace Temple Church School to shed godly devotionals and interviews to help save the lost and encourage the saved. Let's go down to our presenter and listen with an open heart and an open mind. Well, blessings. This is Apostle Lyceum S. Cordery, senior pastor of Grace Temple Fellowship.
in Louisville, Kentucky, and Grace Temple Fellowship of Churches in the US, Jamaica, and Africa. And what a blessing it is to be with you on this podcast, and to share with you the love and the joy of God. And I must tell you, I am rejoicing in the

Signs of Jesus' Imminent Return

Lord today. And I know if we look at the signs of the times, if we look at the craziness in this world today, if we look at
how many preachers are taking down on the gospel of Jesus Christ and accepting sin and diminished integrity. And if we look at all the circumstances of the world, there is a reason not to rejoice. But when I think of the goodness of Jesus, when I think of all that the Lord has done, not only that, but the condition of the world.
is an indication that Jesus can't be far to come, that he is on his way. Jesus is coming back again. And when he comes, he's going to separate his people from this ugly, nasty, sinful world. And I'm so grateful and I'm looking forward to that time. I live not for today, not one day at a time.
I'm living my days to live again. I'm living for that day when Jesus comes back, when He returns and He cracks that sky and He calls us up to meet Him in the

Transformation through Jesus Christ

air. I'm rejoicing at the thought of being with the Lord.
evermore. And so we thank God today. I'm excited about Jesus. I'm excited about the Lord and I hope and I pray that you're excited about your relationship with God as well. And if you have had transformation in your life, if God has come in and truly touched you and blessed you, then you realize you're not the same old sad person that you were before, but that God
has made a difference in your life. And in doing so, He's removed the enmity. He's removed that which separated you from your God and your Creator and all the shouting in the world, all the dancing and all of the churching in the world can't take away the enmity. But the blood of Jesus Christ, if you've accepted it, will not only take away the enmity, it will be evident
in your life changing and all that separated you from the Lord, God will renew you so that you can live a life of joy in him. I'm excited about God. Let me just leave you a few scriptures. Amen. Because we are charged to encourage one another.
I want you to be in courage today. I'm happy to be happy. I'm joyful, amen, to be rejoicing in the Lord. But I don't want to do that all by myself. I want you to rejoice with me.

Finding Joy and Community in the Lord

So the writer said, I was glad when they said unto me.
let us go into the house of the Lord. We should encourage one another. It should be important to us that our brothers and our sisters are joyful as well as we are. We live in this world where not only are we not joyful,
But we want to pull everybody else down to the sad state that we in a man touch a virtual neighbor and say I ain't coming down I'm just not coming to where you are because God has been too good and the joy that I have The world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away Philippians chapter 4 verse 3 says and I entreat thee also true yellow
Excuse me, true yoke fellow. Help those women which labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also and with other my fellow laborers whose names are in the book of life. Now, I know folk are looking for houses and land and money, honey, and clothes and all the things that the world has to offer, but the true people of God, we just rejoice because we know where our name is written.
Hallelujah, we know where God wrote our name down and is in the book of life. We've just come through the Feast of Tabernacle, these end time feasts. And one of the sayings that the Jews will bring at beginning with Yom Teruah is Shana Tovah, praise God, which means a good life. And there's a shortened of a wish for the people that they would have, that God would write their name
in the book of life, that Mehasim write your name in the book of life. And one of the responses to that is Umatuka, which means, and sweet too. So not only is my name written in the book of life, but my life because of Jesus Christ is sweet too. Hallelujah. Verse four said, rejoice in the Lord all way.
And again, I say, rejoice. That's how good God is to us. Praise the Lord. We should consider His goodness and know that He has saved us, not for tomorrow, but for eternity.
Hallelujah. Psalm 40 and 16 said that all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad and take something from that because if you're really seeking God, you can't seek God with a sad countenance. Amen. That's an indication that you don't trust that he's coming. But it doesn't matter what the circumstances of life are, when you know God is going to show up
It doesn't matter how bad the issue is.

Spiritual Fulfillment in Adversity

You just know God is coming and that's enough to bring joy in your life. One more, please. Luke chapter six, verse 20. And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said, bless be poor. That's so contrary to the church today. We don't expect poor people to be blessed. But let me tell you something. It don't matter how much you have, if you have Jesus,
That's enough for me. For yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are ye that hunger now, for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now, for ye shall laugh. Blessed are ye when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from your company and shall reproach you and cast out your name as evil. For the son of man's sake, rejoice ye in that day. Leave for joy.
For behold, your reward is great in heaven, for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets." So I'm getting carried to you today. It doesn't matter what your circumstance are. No, that's not the end. Know that there's more to come. Know that the blessing is surely going to arise. That if you just hold on,
Relief is on the way. So don't wait, as the old folk used to say, don't wait, and I'm old folk, don't wait till the battle is over. Shout now. What did that mean? That meant that we don't have to wait till I see what I know. I know God is good, and I know the Lord is a blessing and a rewarding God. And because I have expectation, doesn't matter what the current circumstance is, I know God will always be God.
God bless you. We love you on today. I pray you will find some reason to rejoice in the Lord today and find the benefit of your salvation. Amen. And let God bless you real, real good. God bless you. Grace and peace. This concludes our segment. We pray and hope that what you just heard blesses and encourages you. Please join us next time on Grace Talk. Until then, grace and peace.