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S2 E3 | Don't Be Deceived image

S2 E3 | Don't Be Deceived

S2 E3 · Grace Talk
17 Plays10 months ago

This week we are encouraged by Elder Domonic Ray to not be deceived. 


Introduction to Grace Talk Podcast

Welcome to Grace Talk podcast by Grace Temple Church Louisville, where we, through the word of God, encourage you with devotionals, spiritual conversations, interviews, and inspiration. Whether you are waking up, starting your day, working out at the gym, stuck in traffic, listening to the radio in your car, returning home from a tedious work day, or simply relaxing with family or friends.
We are here to minister to you as we help save the lost and encourage the saved. It's time for Grace Talk. Join us as we listen to this week's episode.

Episode Topic: Avoiding Deception

to Grace Talk, a podcast by Grace Temple Church Louisville. My name is Elder Dominic Ray, and we are so excited that you chose to join us here on Grace Talk. This is season two, episode three, and today we'll be talking about and encouraging you to not be deceived. Don't be deceived. Stop being deceived.

Pro-Life Gala: Lessons Learned

The other night, a couple of our church leaders and members were out showing our support at the right to life gala gala that is put on by an organization right to life Louisville
that is a proponent for life and against abortion. If you didn't know, since Roe v. Wade in 1973, over 64 million innocent lives have been lost to abortion and Grace Temple Church being a voice for the unborn, advocating and protecting the innocent human lives that are aborted every day.

Gala Metaphor: Salt and Pepper Shakers

We show our support at this gala every year
And as we sat at the table and we were enjoying the bread and the salad, the moderator came on the mic, said a couple of jokes, and announced that it was time for the main course, time for dinner. And as the lights dimmed and the waiters and the waitress gave us each our plates, each of us began to cut into the chicken to eat the green beans and try the potatoes.
And one by one, individuals lifted up their heads and asked for someone to pass the salt and pepper. The containers looking the same if you looked on the outside as they would commonly be.
the same on the outside but the difference would be the content what was on the inside and one by one as we shook the pepper on our plates and got the other container and shook more pepper on our plates we realized that we had two peppers
We didn't see it looking on the outside of the container. It wasn't noticeable because both of them looked the same. But once we shook it and the content was revealed as it hit our plates, we knew we had two peppers.

Biblical Vigilance Against Deception

got our waitress's attention and she revealed to us that many had been deceived that night by thinking they had salt and pepper. But some had two salts and others two peppers because of the team that prepared the tables. They were deceived and thinking that every two containers were automatically salt and a pepper.
So we were deceived to think that we had salt and pepper because the preparers of the tables were deceived in thinking each two containers automatically were salt and pepper. And she went on to tell us that the only way that we can find out which was which is to shake the container so that the content
would be revealed as it hit your plate. And so as we sat there with plates full of pepper, chicken, peppered green beans and peppered potatoes, she brought us a salt and we enjoyed the night.
What an exciting experience it always is to join the right to life Louisville Gala. But what an awesome lesson learned from the salt and pepper shaker. I would think it's safe to say that being deceived is something that none of us want to happen.
I would think that we don't like the idea that someone can trip us up or someone can cause us to go the wrong way or have us believing falsehoods.
Interestingly enough, the Bible is filled with encouragement and filled with warnings regarding deception are being deceived.

Rooted in Scripture: Avoiding Deception

It's God that expects his people to remain sober and alert to deception. He wants us to be on our spiritual toes, if you would, and equipped
in his word and ready to prevent deception and to prevent the deceiver that has deceived the whole world from continuing to deceive the church. Note the warnings to us in Scripture. In Ephesians you hear, let no man deceive you with vain words. In 1 Corinthians you hear, be not deceived, evil communications corrupt,
good manners. In the Gospel of Matthew 24, you read, And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many. Galatians picked it up in chapter 6 verse 7. Be not deceived. God is not mocked.
In 1 John 3 and 7, it encourages us little children that no man deceive you. He that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. In most of the Bible, we are encouraged over and over again
Don't be deceived. Stop being deceived. Stop being deceived, or in other words, believer, at one time you weren't deceived, but now you've allowed something. You've allowed someone to cause you to be deceived.
Maybe, as we talked about last week, it could be that now you've become desensitized and you are no longer distinctly different from the world and you have
allowed deception to cause you to look more like the world, or cause deception falsehood to cause you to do what is contrary to the Word of God. I want to encourage you today
Don't be deceived. It was in a Bible study lesson entitled Neither Common or Profane that our senior pastor, Apostle Isham Cordery says it this way, that there is a natural tendency for people to want to fit in.
This inclination may cause our inclusion, but it also will draw us away from the true source of salvation and power. Satan's desire and his want is us to become offensive to the Lord. Since we know better as believers, we cling to the Lord.
and His ways. We strive to become more holy, more like Jesus every day, and we must desire to be as distinctly different from the world as we possibly can. We must not fall to the deception
but we must be encouraged as believers to not be deceived. It's the Scriptures that tell us in Titus 3 and 3. Titus 3 and 3 reads it like this, for we ourselves also were sometimes foolish.
disobedient, deceived, serving divers lust and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. The key word here is were. We were deceived. If we are in Christ and we are a new creature, we should not or no longer be deceived.
It's the Spirit and the Scriptures that speak to us expressly, warning us, be not deceived. You don't have to be what you used to be. God can and He will
change you and can transform you in every aspect of your life. Don't be deceived. Jesus is

Trust in Jesus to Overcome Deception

the answer. Jesus is the solution. Be in courage. Jesus is the only way. And his name is the only name. Hallelujah. Under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved. Don't be deceived, saints.
Don't be deceived, believers. Be in courage. And remember what Jesus said when he prayed for his disciples in John 17. He prayed that they be sanctified or set apart in the truth.
And then he specified what that truth was. He said, the word is truth. That's John 17 and 17 are as we at Grace Temple say, he was saying, embrace sound doctrine, embrace my word.
Because we who are the disciples of Christ, we must be diligent. Diligent in what? In rightly dividing this truth. Rightly dividing this word that's 2 Timothy 2.15.
not only rightly dividing it, but we must guard it, and we must retain it, that 2 Timothy 1, 13 through 14. And we must live it out as new creatures, for if any man be in Christ, he's a new creature, and not only must we live it out, but we must rise and walk in the newness of life, as Romans 6 and 4 commands us.
And we must also, as Jude 3 tells us this, we must contend earnestly for that faith which was once delivered to the saints. It was 1 John 18-19 that tells us there's little children, it is the last time, and as ye have heard,
that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would not
They would no doubt have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. We must be on guard to the flattering heresies and man's opinions that are contrary
excuse me, contrary to the word of God. And we must challenge these falsehoods with God's word, with God's truth. We must practice the truth and in doing so, expose the false teachers and the false teaching. That's Titus the first chapter 10 and 11. We must challenge them with truth and call them to submit to the authority of God's word.
And if they refuse to submit, they must go out from us. We must not have any part with them. They must go out from us. It must be made manifest who they are, that they are not of us. For if they were of us, they would continue with us. So don't be deceived.
Don't settle for the outward appearance as man looks at the outward appearance, but ask the Lord. Lord, give me discernment. Give me the eyes to see like you see so that I can look at the heart. Believe not every spirit, but try the spirit whether they be
of God. Be in character today, Believer. You can overcome this world and its deception and its deceiver. How can you overcome? You can overcome because greater is he that is in you than hallelujah, than he that is in the world. You don't have to be deceived
You can stop being deceived. You can put your trust in Jesus. You can put your total confidence in the word of God. Don't be deceived. Overcome this world and its deceiver and its deception by allowing the greater him.
the Creator in you, let Him be what causes you to overcome. Don't be deceived. Let's pray.

Closing Prayer and Thanks

Father, we thank you. Thank you for your truth. Thank you for your word. Thank you for the God things you faithfully do for us. God, help us, O Lord.
Teach us your ways. Hallelujah. Glory. Lead us in your truth and teach us, O God, how to be more sensitive to your spirit so we by your spirit will be able to discern between the deception and discern what is your truth. Take us, O God, to the treasures of your word, if you would, Lord, that we would be reproved, that we would be corrected,
that we would be instructed in righteousness. Lord, if you would, cause for us to be perfected and entire, wanting nothing. Help us, O God, as we continue, O God, to embrace sound doctrine, as we continue to help save the lost and encourage the saved. Help us, O God, as we continue to strive to be more like you.
O God, trusting and depending on you. O God, being more sensitive to your spirit, being more sensitive to what your word tells us is your way. O God, we thank you for it. O God, we appreciate it. O God, thank you. Bless, O God, the listeners. Let them be in carriage. O God, on this day. O God, we thank you for it. Even now, in Jesus' name.
Amen. God bless you and thank you for listening. Grace and peace. Thank you for listening to this week's podcast. If you enjoyed the ministry of Grace Temple Church, please feel free to like and subscribe to any of Grace Temple Church's social media accounts. To continue to follow Grace Talk, you can find us anywhere podcast or streamed.
and on Grace Temple Church's website,, and on the church's YouTube channel. Again, thank you. We hope you found encouragement through the word of God, and until next week, grace and peace.