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Episode 6 | Freedom from Sin  image

Episode 6 | Freedom from Sin

S1 E6 ยท Grace Talk
37 Plays1 year ago

Join us for our next episode of Grace Talk with Elder Dwayne Plummer. This episode will discuss "Freedom from Sin".


Introduction to Grace Talk

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Grace Talk, a podcast developed by Grace Temple Church Louisville to share godly devotionals and interviews to help save the lost and encouraged to save. Let's go down to our presenter and listen with an open heart and an open mind.

What is Sin?

Hey, it's me presenting this time on Grace Talk, Episode 6. I am Elder Dwayne Derek and I welcome you all. So let's jump into it. Today, I want to talk about sin.
More so the question, do you think you can live a life free from sin? Do you think it's possible? Is it something that we should do? I want to answer all these questions. Before we do that, let's kind of create some kind of context to start with. When we first become believers, we are attracted to the scripture, John 3 16, for gospel of the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The Separation Caused by Sin

Then Romans 5a picks it up and says, but God commanded his love toward us. And that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. So we understand that God loved this world so much that he gave his only begotten son as living sacrifice for us. And why did that have to happen? Because there was sin in the world and sin is what separates us from God.
So God had to create a plan to bring us back in alignment and right relationship with him. And that is through the sacrifice of his son, shedding of his blood for the remission of our sins, right? So in this life, we have everlasting life and we have other savior who come to save us and died for our sins. Now, what is sin? Sin in 1 John 3 and 4 says, it is the transgression of the law, right?
So if you break the law, that is sin is an actual act of breaking the law, an actual act of not doing what you were supposed to do or what you said you would do in that covenant without. Now, temptation is different from sin. Many people like to confuse these things and say that they are the same, but they are indeed different. Temptation, you can look at as an invitation to do something. So is that choice being presented to you as a test will not do. Sin will be you accepting that invitation and participating in it.
but not being a sinner would be you declining that invitation and refusing to participate in it,

Is Breaking Commandments Like Damaging a Relationship?

right? So that is the difference between sin and temptation. Sentation is the invitation. Sin is the acceptance and participation of it, right? So when we look at a relationship with God, sin is something that we know is separated from God, so we don't want to participate in sin. Just like any relationship, if somebody offends you in that relationship, you really don't want to be in that relationship.
If they're talking about you or downing you, not supporting your dreams, just don't give a care about you, not loving you like you need to be loved. You don't want to stay there for that. If they not calling you or even just constantly disrespecting you, you don't want to be in that relationship. So what do you think it is with me and us in God? When he tells us how to love him, give us his commandments, and we willfully continue to break them. We'd say, Lord, I don't care.
This is what I'm doing. It's me about me.

Living Free from Sin: Challenges and Jesus' Example

And then we want to lie and say, or we want to believe that the Lord knows my heart, but our heart is deceitfully wicked. If your heart was really in it, you will be moving different. You'll be doing things different if you really love God, but you love yourself more and think that God should just accept what you want to do. And that is the wrong mentality to have, right? That's the wrong relationship. And we don't want, we don't even want to be rich with somebody who does this to us. So we should not do that to God, right? So,
When we look at John 14, 15, he says, if you love me, keep my commandments, right? So that is something I believe the Bible tells us that we ought to do, right? Many leaders would tell you that it's impossible not to sin. And I believe sinners are really leading this campaign, saying these things because they believe that if I can excuse sin,
then they won't look at mine. That is not the mentality that we have. If Bible tells us to come out of sin, then we should do that. And when we think about it, Jesus was a perfect example. When he was in the wilderness, he was symptom of the devil and he didn't give in to temptation. So if he didn't give in, then why should we, right? If he had the ability in the flesh, then we should have the ability in the flesh, right? Because the scripture tells us, right? Even the scriptures even encourage us that I can do all things through Christ with strength as me.
including living a sin-free life. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, including sin invitations. And greater is he that is in me than he is in the world. If God truly reigns in my life, no matter what sin is out there, I don't have to give into it. It don't have no power because God is in me. It's more powerful than the sin that's around me, right? That is the way we have to look at it when we look at sin. We can continue to give into it because it displeases God.
We want to be pleasing to God. And if it means to give up sin, then we should do that because that's the whole purpose of Jesus dying on the cross in the first place is so that there can be a remission for us. And so he can be a propitiation for our sins so that our sins can be covered because without it, without his blood, we will remain disconnected from God. Right. So let's put this in application.
Because I believe that we can live a life free from sin.

Daily Choices to Refuse Sin

If you have a speed demon, right? He's a professional law breaker. He breaks the speed limit. Our goal is above and beyond speed limit on a daily basis, right? If you give him 24 hours tomorrow to not speed, to go speed limit or under, and he does that, doesn't he live a life free from sin the whole day?
So if you do the same thing from refrain from lying for 24 hours, that whole day you live the life free from sin. If it's cheating or whatever your vice is drinking, whatever the vice is, if you do not do that, do not accept the invitation for 24 hours. Did not you live a whole day free from that sin? So it is possible because sin is the acceptance and participation of the invitation.
But if you refuse the invitation and you don't participate in, you are not community sin. You're going to be tested, but you don't have to give in, right? Because you're in a sin and it tells you you're not temptation, right? Now, if he does this successfully, it's because he made some type of preparation, right? Because I believe that Jesus, because Jesus was God, he already knew the scriptures. So when he got into that wilderness and the devil began to tempt him,
He already had the scriptures to back them up, right? We have to have the same mentality when we get into these situations because they're going to come back up because we have so many years practicing sin. A lot of people haven't really came out of that yet because they're still trying to navigate through life, living this new way. And in this, you want to fall, you want to buff your head, but you have to prepare yourself, right? Just like if you are trying to lose weight and make healthy choices,
You don't want, you don't want to go a week without preparing your food, right? You want to do the food prep before, so whenever you're hungry, you're ready to, you already had that option available. But when you don't prepare, right, you find yourself at two o'clock in the morning going to White Castles in Taco Bell because you didn't make the right preparations, right? The same thing was saying, if we want to truly come out of it, we know what our struggle is. We know what our vices are. We have to make the proper preparations to help us to decline the invitation.
when we receive it, right? So we have to prepare.

Understanding Grace and Its Limits

The other thing is that we cannot abuse grace. Now, grace is that dispensation that we're in that gives us the opportunity to get it right. Just like when your rent is due on the 1st and you got to the 5th, that's a grace period. We are in grace right now. Now, the speed demon think that probably was
passing all these cops and he never got pulled over. He got people who are just proud that they speed whatever, proud of their sin. I never got caught and never did this, whatever. Don't get prideful because in any minute you can die. There's been car accidents, right? People who got in car accidents and died right on the spot, right? And then if they was in their sin and they died in their sin, then they have an opportunity to repent. And if it decides to come back in the next few seconds and you haven't repented and changed from your wicked ways,
You're going to go to the lake and that we don't want that to happen. We want to live with God for eternity. So let's make that decision and make a conscious effort to come out of sin and stay out of sin, right? Don't abuse grace because it's there. No, because if he comes back and you do that,
He's going to come to you and say, I never knew you, depart from me ye that work iniquity. And we don't want to hear those words on the last day.

Mastering Sin with God's Guidance

We do not want to have it. So in order for us to not have that, we have to make a conscious effort every day to master our flesh. Make every day a right choice.
to choose to do what the Lord says to do. And we have things to help us. We have the word to guide us. Just like the person that's speeding, he has the traffic signs. There's traffic signs all over the freeway. You can't say you don't know what the speed limit is. You have the cops as reminders. Hey, you need to slow down. You have your phone. Now they have the apps where you can also have the speed limit and how fast you're going. So you have so many things that's helping you not to speed. The same thing with the word of God. You have many ways to love God and not defend him.
He tells you all of that stuff from Genesis to Revelation, and you just gotta read your word and do it. I'll remind of the scripture in Genesis 3 and 7, where the Lord was responding to Cain after he gave him his sacrifice that was not acceptable. He said, if you had done the right thing, you will be smiling, but because you have done evil, sin is crouching at your door. It wants to rule you, but you must overcome it.
We have to overcome the sin before it rules us and we have to constantly daily put in the work.

Progressing in Faith and Living Sin-Free

You're not, it's not going to come overnight. If you don't do the work, just like if you ride in a bike, are you trying to learn how to ride a bike or trying to learn how to do something new? You're going to fail a couple of times because you're not used to doing it, right? You're not used to living this life free from sin. So you have to put in the work. You have to practice it so that you can be perfect at doing it because every day should be you perfecting who you are in Christ, right?
So every day I should be getting better. I should be getting better. There should be a progression from day to day as you separate yourself from the world unto God, living a life that's free from sin. We have to do it. And I believe that God will honor your intentions. We're going to fall. Something's going to happen, but we should not be living and dwelling in that far or just trying to do the purpose and abusing

Conclusion and Blessings

race. No.
Understanding the tensions is that I want to get better. I want to come out, right? So we want to do those things because we want to please God in everything that we do, right? So I want to just simply encourage you all to come out of sin Don't let people tell you that it's impossible to live or you're foolish for thinking that no People just want to stay in sin and want everybody to be miserable with them But if the Lord says that we have to come out of sin I don't think God would tell us to do something that he has that we don't have the power to do If we tells us to be holy as I am holy
That is something that we should strive to do every day. We in the scriptures and we give us the guidance and direction of what we need to do. If we really love God, let us not continue in being disconnected from him because of our sin. Let's come out of sin completely so that we can love God wholly and be in this right relationship with him. Thank you again for joining Grace Talk, a podcast by Grace Temple Church in Louisville, Kentucky, where grace is changing lives. Be blessed. This concludes our segment.
We pray in the hope that what you just heard blesses and encourages you. Please join us next time on Grace Talk. Until then, Godspeed.