Kids and Dreams: How To Help Them Find God’s Voice image
S2 E63 · Breathing Underwater: A Dream Interpretation Podcast
Kids and Dreams: How To Help Them Find God’s Voice
Kids and Dreams: How To Help Them Find God’s Voice

In Part 2 of the Kids and Dreams series, we continue discussing the importance of engaging with children when it comes to their dream lives and cover practical ways how we can do so. In this episode, we hear more from our sweet friend James (whose dream we heard a teaser clip of last week) and from another friend, Sawyer.

As parents and adults, we can teach children to recognize when and how God is speaking through their dreams by asking the following questions:

  1. What would you title this dream?

-Titling the dream allows them to think about the content of the dream and find language for what the overall meaning might be.

2. What were the emotions felt in the dream? What did it feel like? (Positive, negative)

-Talking through the emotions felt in the dream creates a space for them to process and release what was being brought up or revealed in the dream.

3. What do you think this dream means?

-Children are quick to grasp the meaning of their dreams. Even if they don’t remember everything, they remember what they need to know. Growing the muscle of remembering dreams helps further establish the value for and culture of dreams (last episode) and helps them learn to recognize how God may be speaking to them.

4. Do you think God is speaking? Where is God in this dream?

-Asking this question teaches children to connect to the character of God through their dream life and discover where He was in the dream. Don’t worry about getting the full interpretation - the important this is for them to just get talking!

*Scripture References: Acts 2:17; Isaiah 61; Hebrews 13:5 & Deuteronomy 31:6-8; Acts 17:28; Psalm 139: 7-12

“Our children are hearing from God. Regardless of their age, the Spirit is speaking to them.”

“The most important thing we’re doing is allowing the dreams to be a bridge to connect us to them so that the conversation is open, so we’re connected to what’s going on with them, to give them a place to talk about what they’re feeling…[It’s] also to make space to talk to them about God’s character and to start to connect THEM to the voice of God as well, whether through their dreams or dialoguing about their dreams.”

More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux :  Free Consultation HERE 

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Instagram: @permission_to_reign

Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay

119 Plays
4 months ago

In Part 2 of the Kids and Dreams series, we continue discussing the importance of engaging with children when it comes to their dream lives and cover practical ways how we can do so. In this episode, we hear more from our sweet friend James (whose dream we heard a teaser clip of last week) and from another friend, Sawyer.

As parents and adults, we can teach children to recognize when and how God is speaking through their dreams by asking the following questions:

  1. What would you title this dream?

-Titling the dream allows them to think about the content of the dream and find language for what the overall meaning might be.

2. What were the emotions felt in the dream? What did it feel like? (Positive, negative)

-Talking through the emotions felt in the dream creates a space for them to process and release what was being brought up or revealed in the dream.

3. What do you think this dream means?

-Children are quick to grasp the meaning of their dreams. Even if they don’t remember everything, they remember what they need to know. Growing the muscle of remembering dreams helps further establish the value for and culture of dreams (last episode) and helps them learn to recognize how God may be speaking to them.

4. Do you think God is speaking? Where is God in this dream?

-Asking this question teaches children to connect to the character of God through their dream life and discover where He was in the dream. Don’t worry about getting the full interpretation - the important this is for them to just get talking!

*Scripture References: Acts 2:17; Isaiah 61; Hebrews 13:5 & Deuteronomy 31:6-8; Acts 17:28; Psalm 139: 7-12

“Our children are hearing from God. Regardless of their age, the Spirit is speaking to them.”

“The most important thing we’re doing is allowing the dreams to be a bridge to connect us to them so that the conversation is open, so we’re connected to what’s going on with them, to give them a place to talk about what they’re feeling…[It’s] also to make space to talk to them about God’s character and to start to connect THEM to the voice of God as well, whether through their dreams or dialoguing about their dreams.”

More on Breathing Underwater Membership HERE

Interested in 1:1 coaching with Margaux :  Free Consultation HERE 

Join the Community and Newsletter: HERE 


Instagram: @permission_to_reign

Intro Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay
