Welcome to Season 8! Garrett : The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman, PhD.
(1:06) - “They Don’t Make ‘Em Like They Used To”
(7:00) - “The One Thing” - Stehlin shares why he recommended the book to read for this season
(9:28) - Chapter 1 Discussion: What myth about having a happy marriage did you believe in the most?
(28:39) - Chapter 2 Discussion: How have you seen Positive Sentiment Override (PSO) and/or Negative Sentiment Override (NSO) impact your marriage? If you've experienced NSO, how did you combat it?
(37:29) - Which of the 4 Horsemen do you struggle with the most in your marriage? If willing to share, which stages have you experienced in your own marriage? With both questions, how did you respond in your relationship, and what was the result?
Next week, we’ll discuss Principle 1: “Enhance Your Love Maps” (pgs. 53-66).
You can buy the book on Amazon by clicking here.
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Until next week, read, reflect, and connect.