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Victor Viggiani - UFO's, Disclosure & Canada

Anomalous Podcast Network
461 Plays1 year ago
Victor Viggiani is the News Director of ZlandCommunications, an international news service. His study of anomalous aerial phenomenon, and research and analysis of extraterrestrial issues spans over 30 years. His experience involves UFO sightings report investigation, academic and radio journalism with a primary focus on UFO/ET government Disclosure.

Victor has addressed the media and audiences in Sydney and Brisbane, Australia, Washington, DC at the National Press Club, on CBC and CTV Toronto television news programs and at Convocation Hall University of Toronto.

Victor Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorzland/
ZLAND Communications website: http://zlandcommunications.blogspot.c...


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Introduction to Anomalous Podcast Network

You're listening to the Anomalous Podcast Network. Multiple voices, one phenomenon.

History of Unexplained Technological Sightings

One realizes very quickly we've been seeing this technology for decades. I had access to all those programs.
No real wings or control surfaces, no obvious signs of repulsion. And yet this object is witnessed now by four separate individuals and two separate aircraft.

Vinny Adams' Return and Movember Fundraising

Hello, everybody. Welcome back.
to disclosure team. I'm Vinny Adams. I think I just took 10 days off from this channel, which is the longest since I started it, but I spent
a week away with my family, recharged, feeling refreshed, ready to go. So yeah, thank you guys for being here. Just quickly, before I bring on my guest, I just want to quickly talk about some fundraising that I'm doing. Once or twice a year, I like to sort of do something across my platforms for various charities. So I'm just going to bring this up. Bear with me.
I'm actually going to be raising money for Movember, so I'm actually going to be growing a mustache for a month, which I'm not very good at, but I'm going to be donating to them because it helps with men's mental health, men's health in general, suicide prevention, testicular cancer, prostate cancer. This is something that is close to my heart. I've lost friends to suicide, unfortunately.
I know times are tough and no one is obliged to do this but if you have a few pennies lying around or you want to make a donation the link is in the description below it is a good charity the money goes directly to them I don't see it so yeah I just wanted to do something positive um with my platform so that's that let's not waste any more time um I want to welcome uh

Interview with Victor Vigiani on Canadian UFOs

a repeat guest to this channel, somebody who I've got a lot of respect for and I can't wait for this conversation. So please welcome.
Victor Vigiani. Victor, how are you doing? Just fine. Thank you, Vinnie. And it's great to be with you. And hello to all of your listeners. Thank you so much. So Victor, I've got a lot I want to talk to you about. And I think obviously the best thing to do is start with with Canada. You know, over the last year, they've obviously been a bit more in the public eye when it comes to UFOs and UAP. So
Where are we at with Canada at the moment? You know, it seemed like there was some momentum happening, but it seems to have gone quiet. Well, yeah, it's kind of unique because as I've done on some of my press releases and the blog at zlandcommunications.com, I have attempted to outline in the past now, okay, several, I guess, recorded incidents, records,
archives on the UFO phenomenon dating back to the 1950s. And it goes back to about 2010 when I just completely by accident, Vinny, I was searching around at Library and Archives Canada. And I didn't know exactly what I was looking for, although I did run into this web page at Library and Archives Canada, which is sort of a compendium of
of all kinds of documents of every kind from the RCMP, the Royal Canadian amount of police, Transport Canada, the Defense Department. You can go and look at any type of ministerial documents that they're exchanging and they all have them on a file basis, you know, file by file by file. There is 9,500 of these things.
And just specifically on UFOs. And I went, whoa, my goodness. And by the time that I realized that this is 2010 now, that I've been involved in this thing since 1975. And I had never heard of Library and Archives Canada, let alone they had 9,500 files.
And I started to look through these things. And I just couldn't believe my eyes. And they're segmented in four separate areas, the RCMP, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, all to do with UFOs in one way or another. And then there's another section on the National Research Council, which was separate again. And then the Defense Department and Transport Canada, which we can get to a little bit later on. And each one of those domains has had

Significant Canadian UFO Files and Analysis

upwards of anywhere between 2,000 to 3,000 files on UFOs. Now, when I say files, and you page through them, they're pretty dull and boring, to be honest with you. They're citing reports, ministerial letters that mention stuff here, there, and everywhere. Nothing of any real significance. It's like reading the telephone book. You go through it, yeah, fine, thank you, yeah, fine, thank you. And you get bored to death.
And I took as much time as I could to get through about, I don't know, I'm guessing, Vinny, probably 3,500 to 4,000 of these things. Okay. And that's sitting late at night, you know, click, click, click. And eventually you get to see where the hotspots were.
and where the more mundane stuff was. And I ran into some really interesting files along the way, particularly from the Defense Department and also from Transport Canada. And in addition, the RCMP, believe it or not, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which I'm not sure in the UK if there is a counterpart, it probably is
whatever your official government police agency might be there. I'm not quite sure what that might be, but RCMP spans the entire country and they are an investigative group. They are a police group. They deal with drug enforcement and all kinds of other security issues. So they're very comprehensive and very powerful organization here in Canada. And that was one of the first ones that I looked at. And from there I segmented
I'm guessing probably 25 to 30, that's not a 9,000 files that I could really find that were significant, but 25 or 30 files, they were absolutely shocking with respect to how Canada and all those four agencies that I mentioned were involved in sequestering or at least exchanging information about UFOs beginning in 1950, right through until
I would say the late 80s and early 90s and it was really significant because one of the documents that I found which really kind of blew me over and I'm sort of reviewing it again now was an RCMP document and the name of the document was UFO found or found UFO in northern Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan is one of the 10 provinces here in Canada.
And I read through it and it was u.f.o found in northern Saskatchewan reading through it and it eventually, a very short memo, one page memo from the RCMP Directorate indicating that a lover or a miner had found, had come across something on the outskirts of a lake in northern Saskatchewan of pieces of something.
And he reported it to the RCMP they took it away. These pieces and then eventually they send it to there for whatever reason I don't know why probably the only venue they had at the time, but it was the criminal investigation unit of the RCMP and they had it analyzed, and I'm going through the analysis right now there and they're about.
I'd say about a dozen pictures of this stuff, and it looks like a waffle iron that the surface of it, it was segmented sections on it. And the analysis was that the final word on the analysis was it was not a missile, it was not a satellite, it was nothing that they had ever seen before.
and the chemical composition was of high-grade titanium and all kinds of other components in it. And I'm going to be releasing this very soon to one of the journalists here in Canada at CTV. So that's something that's really in the wings for me with respect to, first of all, finding something like that that's kind of fortuitous and big news. And second of all, it happened in the

Public and Government Interest in UFOs

66, 67, and it was never heard from. I never heard about it. I never heard it in all the radio shows that I did, all the experts that I spoke with in Canada. No one had heard of this particular event.
So in looking at the spectral analysis of it and the chemical analysis, I think there's something there that first of all needs to be brought out into the public. That's number one. And second of all, why the hell has this not been a topic of conversation in Canada for over 65 or 70 years? Why was this document sitting there for that long with no one discovering until I clicked the button and got onto
page 1372 whatever it was and all of a sudden you see this document UFO found in Saskatchewan and it really perplexed me Vinnie because it really kind of indicated to me in addition to all of the other documents that I read about and saw online in the archives Canada had beginning in the 1950s a huge involvement in
Analyzing, not analyzing, that's not a good word. Cataloging is a better word. A cataloging information both from ministers of defense, from acting directorates in the joint intelligence committees, and other agencies within Canada about UFOs. Well, they called them flying saucers back then.
Most of the documents really used that term flying sauce and then eventually towards the middle to late 60s, they got into the term UFO. But it doesn't really matter. The fact of the matter is that they were cataloging the stuff and exchanging a huge amount of information.
and since then I've been delving into it more and eventually I'm going to get to the point where I get this these 12 or 15 photographs and they're really excellent photographs of this particular craft of unknown origin we'll call that right now and it may turn out to be nothing but the fact of the matter is that the RCIP called it a UFO and they sent it to their criminal investigations unit to be analyzed there's something there and
I think that it's something that the Canadian public needs to know about, and it'll probably segue into a discussion, Vinnie, regarding the Canadian members of Parliament that are looking into this. They don't know anything about this yet. I haven't dropped that in their lap yet.
Although I've been in communication with their offices, I haven't mentioned this particular file to them. And it just do other things too. This is just one of the other ones that's, I think, very, very significant. It sounds it. I mean, with all the talk in the last year or few years, even with crash retrieval programs in the United States and things like that.
to find a document that is a found UFO and has had analysis done, kind of almost could fit into that category. So that could be exceptionally huge news. So I look forward to seeing what happens. Yeah, with all the discussion, I think it was a Chris Mellon, I believe it was, who brought up the meta materials.
component or aspect of these but the composition of the of these UAP are and the meta materials being things that are I guess materials that we just either don't have
on the planet or the combinations of elements that we just don't have access to. Or I guess the big thing is we have been unable to reproduce and combine the elements that Chris Mellon was talking about with respect to the men and materials. We haven't been able to kind of put them together in the way that they're being found in some of these crash sites. So this very well may be something of significance. And even if it's not, the fact that the RCMP, A, considered it to be an object worth
It's investigation and that it was hidden that it was hidden. That's the whole the key here for me Whatever it turns out to be one way or another the fact of the matter is it was it was hidden and in addition to all of the other files that I had the one really Actually found it before the the the crash site material. I found a UFO file written by the director the Joint Intelligence director at the time and
And it outlined, it was called flying saucers and it outlined the position. They've talked a little bit about what flying saucers might be, could be, nothing as definitive as what we're getting at today. But just to kind of indicate what the role of Canada was, the very last paragraph in paragraph two of the whole memo, it states that Canada, I'm paraphrasing here now,
that Canada would follow the lead of the United States in playing down UFOs at all costs. Don't make a big deal out of this, guys. So that this director, the person who was in charge of the director, that we will follow the lead of the United States in playing down the UFO issue. We're just not going to bring it up in press conferences. We're not going to send out memos about it. We're just going to play the whole issue down. And that was, I believe, in 1952.
So, if there's any kind of history with the Canadian government since 1952, their mortis operandi, Vinnie, was that they have been involved in playing down this issue for well over 60, 65 years, which is quite indicative of how Canada
And a lot of countries, a lot of countries in the West have followed the lead of the United States in developing modes of secrecy that have kept this thing under wraps for well over 75 years collectively in Europe and in North America. So Canada followed the lead and it's still doing it to a large degree, but I think it's kind of indicative of where we might want to go as you said earlier.
with a conversation with respect to the members of Parliament because there is a link there and they're interested in this. And once I drop this in their lap, I'm hoping the MPs lap rather, that they can say one of two things. Ah, this is important and B, why don't we know about this? Why has Canada been so secretive about this with these 9,500 files?
Yeah, it does ring true with some of the Five Eyes countries as well with the times of the 50s and 60s. It happened here in the UK as well.
It's just ringing alarm bells in my head, the similarities. Now, one document that I'd like to bring up and show is these talking points that were prepared for the Canadian Transport Minister Omar Algebra back in May of this year, in case questions were asked in Parliament. And there's even a heading on there that says, if pressed. So I just wanted to bring this up. Yeah, this is interesting. Here we go.
There's a bit of a history behind this. Your viewers need to know that one of the press releases that I sent out, I guess it was back in May, about the Canadian television network, CTV, and a journalist there named Daniel Otis. Yes. Yeah, OK. And he and I have had conversations and exchanged emails for a couple of months now.
And he somehow, either through his own resources or whatever, found out that a member of Parliament, Larry McGuire from Manitoba, another one of our provinces, was in a committee meeting. And he's the vice chair of one of the committees, a standing committee in the Canadian Parliament.
and he was asking one of the ministers, the deputy minister John Hannaford, if he was aware of or knew

Canadian Government's Stance on UFO Transparency

about or had any information about this whole directive national intelligence stuff was going on south of the border and you know the Pentagon releases that they'd been going through and people like Luis Elizondo and if he asked, he directly asked this deputy minister if he knew anything about this and the minister went sort of like
uh no it just had no idea what was going on it was all and you could tell it wasn't the kind of look in his eyes um that he was hiding something it was like you know like a deer was caught in the headlights of a car you know that kind of thing no you've caught me off guard you had no idea what you're talking about and uh so
From that point of view, that deputy minister, we all took it upon ourselves to conclude that he was completely out of the loop. And that meant that he and the actual minister were out of the loop with respect to what was going on south of the border.
Now, take that with a grain of salt. I don't know if they've been ran into this at all, or if there was any kind of indication that there'd been communication between the Pentagon or the Defense Department in the United States with our Defense Department. We have no idea if that actually happened. However, down the road, we found out that a previous Defense Minister, he was in fact briefed
about three to four weeks before the Director of National Intelligence report came out from April Haynes in the United States. So he did receive a briefing, and this is something that Daniel Otis found out about, and he published an article on it. In fact, our defense minister was in fact briefed on this issue, which didn't come full circle to these other committees that Larry McGuire was part of.
So what happened after that is that not only Larry McGuire, but three other members of parliament, a young lady named Rachel Denkow, D-A-N-C-H-O, and also Matthew Green from Hamilton, Ontario, and another MP who was a defense critic at the time, her name was Carrie Lynn Finley. These four MPs got wind of all of this stuff, and they started asking questions too in committee.
And Daniel covered all of this, okay? So it's kind of pointing towards this whole business of, well, we've got these four MPs chomping at the bit, asking ministers questions. So what I think happened after that is Daniel reported on CTV, both online and some videos that he put out with Terry McGuire, that
The Minister of Transport for some reason, not the Minister of Defense, not yet. We're not there yet. The Minister of Transport, and as I mentioned earlier about the Library of North Carolina, Canada, the Ministry of Transport, Department of Transport, had a huge involvement so they have a
a large number of files. So I suppose somebody got to the Minister of Transport, the fellow that you mentioned, and said, okay, these these four pieces have got some information that we haven't been briefed on yet, or at least publicly not acknowledging that we've been briefed yet. And we'd better prepare ourselves for questions on the floor in during question period. And our parliament is run
It's the same as the British model. It's the whole idea of question period. And a minister will stand up and receive questions from the opposition, et cetera, et cetera. So I think what they did was, well, we'd better get our act together and find out how we can put up a document, the one you just put up there now in advance, or at least trying to preclude some
answers to some of the questions that these MPs might ask. As far as I know, and as far as Daniel Otis knows, none of these individuals have yet stood in question period and raised any of these issues in Parliament yet. They've raised them in committee,
but not on the floor of the House of Commons. And that's really significant because the Minister of Transport in an attempt to kind of short circuit or at least preempt or get prepared for these questions put into a codification as that document shows some of the answers that he thinks they might ask.
wishes for and I've read it and they're so far off base that it's really clear that these these supposed answers Vinnie are how can I put this delicately either a cover for the stuff that they think that they may know okay or stuff that they do in fact know or trying to preempt some of the new stuff that these four members of parliament have and I from me reading that document that you just put up
the Minister of Transport and his whole staff, as far as I'm concerned, have no idea what's going on. They're just guessing. They're just guessing. It does seem like they're boilerplate responses. Exactly, exactly. It was just, let's throw this out and see if they asked. So what I did is I emailed Daniel and the and Larry McGuire
his office, some questions that they might ask that went around, cut through some of the stuff that the Minister of Transport actually was trying to say, you know, you got to be careful here, guys, because it's quite clear that they're either faking it by putting up this, as you say, boilerplate information or, or they, they, they, or they're as ignorant as these questions indicate that they really in fact are. So it's a, it's a real,
that convoluted really but it really shows you the lengths to which some of these MPs want to go to really get the answers to some of these questions about this whole phenomenon and it's quite interesting. Absolutely I mean Larry McGuire was asking questions I've got this document here where he was asking questions in September towards the end so you know he's got
like embassy staff receiving briefings from jay stratton former head of the uap task force on dates relating to the canadian air force briefings um with the uap task force as well and these i think they have 45 days to respond which
We can't be far off that now, so it'd be interesting to see what comes from that as well. But then I noticed also that there's a couple of other people that you didn't mention because conservative party deputy leader and transportation critic Melissa Lanceman, she put out a statement saying, we believe the government should adopt a streamlined whole of government approach to standardize the collection of reports across numerous departments and contractors, which I found quite positive.
Yeah, that's interesting that you would do that. And I suppose it really demonstrates the mindset of the government when they use the word standardization.
And I got that word from Peter McKay, former Minister of Defense, conservative member of parliament, and he was a Minister of Defense at the time. And I challenged him through many, several emails about the NORAD documents that I had. And these NORAD documents indicated that out of Comox Air Force Base in Vancouver,
Two CF-18s chase three UFOs or targets of interest as they use them across Canada at speeds, incredible speeds that outpace these CF-18s. But they eventually caught up with one of them somehow. I don't know how it happened, but the pilot did.
right after a medical evacuation jet saw these things out of Alaska and the pilot saw this thing but couldn't catch up to it and I've got the entire six pages of the NORAD pilot eight air traffic control report line by line where the jets were literally second by second and eventually at 35,000 feet the CF-18 pilot indicates
contact made at 35,000 feet. And I challenged the minister. I said, Minister, I want to find out, A, do you know about this document? B, what does it mean? How often are Jeff scrambled to do this? And he wrote me back a letter, a very, you know, very lengthy letter indicating and he used the word standardization in order to pursue or maintain standardization. Here are the following findings of whatever. And they use that word as a
I guess, a cleansing mechanism, if I could put it, to say, well, we really don't have anything solid, but we want to standardize our response so that it doesn't put us in a position where we have to put our foot in the mouth. So at the end of the very document, he said, I cannot find any documents about this incident. That's the first thing that he said.
And this is the Minister of Defense saying to me, a civilian, that they found this air traffic control directly from NORAD, that he didn't know about this document. A, and then B, he said, you know, these jets are, you know,
We don't know how many are scrambled. We have no records of them being scrambled at all, but it could have been, um, you know, a small craft without a transponder. Okay. And being a former pilot myself, uh, I know a small craft without a trans, uh, you know, without a transponder on, on does not fly at 35,000 feet can outpace the CF 18. And then we'll get this, this is that's, that's nice. And he said, or it could have been a flock of birds.
Oh god. At 35,000 feet that fly faster than CF-18. So and I wrote him back and as politely as I could told him he was you know full of hot air and his I guess associates within his department wrote me back you know all kinds of denials and things that
The thing is they couldn't find it and they try to standardize the response so that they say, well, let's just hope this guy doesn't pursue this. That's the kind of thing. That's the way they operate. And I think that's what the Minister of Transport right now is doing.
He's putting in place a pathway for them to be able to go both ways on this, to go to the point where they're saying, well, it could be this, it could be that, and we're investigating

Speculations on US and Canadian UFO Reports

it. We could investigate it, but there is going to be no mechanism for us actually putting something into place like they have in the United States with respect to what the Director of National Intelligence did or what the Pentagon did with their investigations. So, so far, Canada is still with its mouth shut and following the lead of the United States in keeping this thing quiet.
And I want to open it, so that's where we're at right now with that.
Well, that's amazing. I think it's an exciting time. And I'm not surprised that they're following in the US. We've got this supposed report happening tomorrow. Well, the unclassified version, the classified version may well be out there somewhere in the intelligence community. But any expectations? What do you think we're going to see? Yeah, I've been throwing around this for a couple of weeks now with just some people that
that I know that I wouldn't say that they are in the know, but a couple of people are indicating that with each of these particular reports, it's interesting the way they've evolved. They evolve in a way that
How can I put it? They're just giving away a little bit of sliver of information here and a little sliver of information there and pushing things forward significantly at some point and then backing off a little bit. You can see where these reports are coming from. And the first report that April Haynes put out
of the, how many was it? It was 144 reports or whatever. And they explained most of them, but not all of them. Two or three of them remained unknown as back as 2004. And as soon as I read that, and everybody within the UFO research community said, you know, since 2004, you've had this many UFO reports or whatever, UAP reports. What about the previous 60 years?
So if they're only going back to 2004 to report on that small pinhole of information, I'm not really hopeful that they're going to open the pinhole up that much more. What they might do is, and this is my just, I'm guessing now, in the way they talk about, you know, is it foreign adversaries? Is it, you know, weapons that we're not aware of within the US,
military, all those kinds of possibilities. And then there's always that other, which is the ET question. They're frightened to death. They're absolutely frightened to death. They use the ET word. They dare not use it. And as soon as they do,
they're going to open a can of worms that's going to crawl all over everything that they've ever written. It will undo 75 years of secrecy if they use the ET word or off-world civilizations or whatever moniker they give. They might even come up with another term that we haven't heard of before. So that's what I think we just might see. They're going to inch closer to saying,
You really don't know what this stuff is and we can't make any definitive statement on it, but we're going to investigate further. And I think myself, that's where they're going with this next report. I don't anticipate it to be a barnstorming kind of wow, a big event. I really don't.
It's time may come, but I don't think it's going to come this quickly. And the other thing here too is that your viewers in the UK should and everybody else. It's in the middle of, or at least three or four days, maybe a week or so before the midterm elections in the United States. And that's got a factor into how and why
they will or will not release anything of any significance. Because if they do come out with something of extraordinary significance, the president was going to have to comment on if it's extraordinary. And if they use the E word or something that alludes to it, the president will have to comment on it. And it's that close to the midterm elections. I just don't think that the intelligence agencies in the United States are willing to
do something like that at this particular point in time. They may do it towards the end of the year or in January.
But I think it's going to be just another. In Canada, we play a lot of hockey. When a hockey team doesn't know what to do with the puck, rather than advancing the puck, they kick it back and they sort of skate around their own zone and maintain control to wait for an opening or an opportunity. We call that ragging the puck. And so that's what I think the United States intelligence agency is going to do. They're going to rag the puck.
and at no time will their hands leave their wrist and they'll just you know maintain that level of obscurity that they've maintained for the last I guess since 2017 when the Pentagon came out with all the things that happened in the New York Times report. So they're still trying to fill that hole that Blumenthal and
Leslie Kane and Helena Cooper opened up way back in 2017. They wish that didn't happen, but it did. And they're just they're just they're skating. They're on thin ice to provide something substantial. And I think the big question is, will they or will they not allude to what that other faction, that other factor might be as to where these things are coming from, because they can't
they cannot in all honesty indicate that these things with the propulsion systems that they're demonstrating in every single credible video credible video you've got to look at that too especially from the navy the navy pilots all of those things are indicating that these things
use flight characteristics employee energy sources that have never been replicated or cannot be replicated here on the planet. And they've got to explain that too. And that's the other big question, Vinny. If in fact, the United States intelligence agency comes out with any kind of statement talking about these propulsion systems, either anti-gravitic or whatever that might be, whatever that source might be, zero point energy or who knows what it is.
if they make a statement about the energy source being first of all arcane to a point where we have no idea what its source is and be that if we were to begin experimenting or at least start to look at these energy sources that it would in fact create another big hole in the oil industries that profits.
And they don't want to do that either. So the energy issue, as far as I'm concerned, that's the critical mass of this whole thing, the second critical mass. The first critical mass is the off-world origins, and the second critical mass is the energy issue. And either one of those two comes out. The United States government intelligences have a lot of explaining to do.
because this energy source could be the factor that might be alluded to in this report, especially with some of the pilots you've seen going from 50 feet over the ocean to 85,000 feet in less than a second. Sure. Yeah. It's a pretty big slim shot.
Yeah, and I think it's always good to temper expectations with these reports as well because it's too easy to get overexcited. And over the last few years, we've seen the UAP Task Force transform into AOIMSG, transferring into the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office.
they can't have enough time to collect information across multiple agencies and actually work with it. And I think the focus at the moment should be more on the National Defense Authorization Act, the Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 23, when they are asking for information dating back to 1947, we can finally start digging whether the data is. So maybe next year. That's the whole, you raise a good point because it's like, you know, you mentioned all the agencies,
that are becoming involved in this, or that will become involved. It's like a shell game, and we're all sort of watching what's coming next. There's this over here, and then there's just here. And I think it's all part of sort of a backroom activity by the people who really know what's going on, and saying, okay, let's just throw them this bone this time.
and let them chew on that for a couple of months and then wait for the fallout to happen and we'll throw another bone this time. It seems like it's almost a procedural kind of thing that they're doing. These people are pretty smart. They know how to keep a secret and they not only know how to keep a secret, they know how to manage it, they know how to orchestrate it.
so that not too much is given. But eventually, and I've been saying this for so long, eventually they've got to come clean. And if you look at how things have evolved since 2017, when the Pentagon did all that releasing and the United States Navy did,
The stuff that happened from 2017 on to today is more dense than anything that happened the previous 60 years. So that, to me, the density of the information and the activity and the quality of the information is so good that I think that we're at a point now where the string is almost run out. And I feel that they're eventually going to reach a point where they just won't have any other place to go and say, OK, sorry.
Yeah. Here you go. I don't see it, you know, how much longer can it go on? How much longer can they completely ignore the fact that they don't know what these things are or be that they do in fact know what they are and maybe not where they're from, but they're not

Pentagon's Internal Struggles on UFO Disclosure

from here. That's the key question. If we, if we nail down that, if we nail down that question that they're not from here, then it's an open ball game.
Yeah. And I mean, I've heard recently that there's internal battles within the Pentagon itself between them members of the intelligence community. So it's just, it seems like there's a mess. There's people pushing back. And then this week we saw the New York times article from Julian Barnes, where, you know, with statements from Susan Goff and a few other anonymous sources. Now I don't have a problem with anonymous sources, but when you.
you gotta be very careful and if susan gulfs leading the charge in this article with with the the kind of history that she has a statement she makes it just seems like the timing is convenient when we're on the cusp of a report so what are your thoughts on that what in terms of. Well every time we are about to receive something i feel like something's coming we get a bit of pushback from the pentagon through usually through susan gulfs so.
Well, the thing about Susan Gough is she's put her foot in her mouth several times. First of all, by saying that Luis Elizondo had no position at the Pentagon ATIP program, which is a bald-faced lie, and everybody knows it.
So when Luis Elizondo asked Daniel Sheehan, the Watergate lawyer Daniel Sheehan, I'm sure you're familiar with Daniel, to advocate for him, they press the Office of the Inspector General.
I met with them for several hours and said, listen, this lady, Susan Goff, is uttering absolute false statement. So you better get on to this lady and tell her to get things right or we're going to file a formal complaint. And then shortly after that, the director of the agency that Susan Goff works for, I forget the fellow's name,
In any case, he came out and said that Louis Elizondo was in fact part of the program, which left a whole lot of egg on Susan Gough's face. So as a result of that, anything that Susan Gough says at this particular point in time is suspect, is full of holes as far as I'm concerned, and a lot of other people.
So, you know, it's one thing to come out and try to justify what might be coming out, and then something's totally different comes out, which is, I kind of, it's a game they play. They raise your expectations, or they point you in a certain way, they say, well, this is what you might want to, and then bang, something else happens.
And that seems to be the pattern. And then once something else happens, then all the people start denying or enhancing what is being said. And it seems like that shell game at that level is going on all the time because I had a long conversation with Stephen Greer many, many years ago.
And he indicated to me and to Paul Hellyer, who we were speaking with at the time, that there were factions within this, I'm talking now back in the early 2000s, when we spoke with Paul and with Stephen Greer. He was in Toronto at the time. And he said to both of us, he said that
Within the Pentagon, his sources were that there are factions within the Pentagon that actually want this information or part of it or some of it or the entirety of it. There are forces within that want this information out. And then there are factions within the Pentagon that still want to keep their finger on the secrecy.
So, and he described the two factions, the factions that wanted secrecy, whether it was the old guard. And the factions that wanted to kind of open the doors a little bit, where the newer people were coming in and taking positions from some of the old guard that were retiring. So you had these competing factions within the Pentagon. And perhaps that was, that's what was going on at the time when in 2007, when the H.I.C.C. program was started through the Senate funding,
that happened, and they ran from what, 2007, 2012, when that eight-tip program was right. That could have been the result of these factions, these competing factions, trying to vie with one another, to find a way to find out about this stuff, whatever they might have been, and find a way to come clean a little bit on it. And I think that that's what happened. That's what Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie King found out.
they found out that these competing factors were allowing some of the air to come out of the balloon. And in 2017, it happened, and we're seeing the results of that right now. And I would anticipate another type of incident like that soon. Maybe not this report tomorrow, but I think something like that's going to happen again. It has to. The way this has evolved, it's not just a closed door every single time. There's always a little crack that's open.
And I think that's what we can expect in the near future. Yeah, I agree. I mean, I'm cautiously optimistic. I struggle being pessimistic about this subject in any way, because I feel like it would hold me back in some way. But I've got patience, so I can play that waiting game. So we will see. See, the big thing, Vinny, with the patience game is, and I feel exactly the same way as you do.
having started this in 1975, and that's a long time ago. And I've watched this thing evolve to a point where we're at right now. And with the implications of all of this stuff,
That is going to hit the human family in a certain way eventually the human family is going to find out Eventually that we're not alone in the cosmos. Okay, the larger community I'm talking about there there are people within the human family who know that for a fact But then the larger community, you know globally the human family is going to realize that we're not alone in the universe we were part of a universe is teeming with life and once that
that realization comes out either spontaneously through some other mechanism, which we can talk about later if you want, or if the United States government, the sort of kingpin with respect to this whole issue, which I can talk about in a minute too, if they come clean on it and say, okay, you know what, how are we gonna frame this? How are we gonna tell everybody that this is in fact,
off-world information. How are we going to frame that issue? What are we going to do to kind of put that in a bit of a box that's not too big a pill to swallow, but it just might be that people say, well, no, we just can't believe that. So how will they frame the issue that we're not alone in the universe and still keep things under wraps? What will the language be?
that will articulate their position that it's not of earth origin and it could be of offworld how are they going to put that language together and i think that's what they're grappling with i mean the one thing i agree completely it's got to be formulated in a very
sensitive way but you know you can't go too overboard and you can't go too sort of under under but at the same time you play around for too long you're running the risk of another country coming out and just snapping it up and doing it you know and leave you in the dust.
Well, that's where Canada is right now, and what that is, but could be. If Larry McGuire and these other parliamentarians get their way, they may be able to raise the issue on the floor of the House of Commons in a different way, and produce questions that are literally unanswerable by the Minister of Transport or the Minister of Defence, and then explain away all of the 9,500 files in our library in our House of Canada.
and have them get to a point and put them in a corner and say, you know, where have you been since 1950? You've got all this stuff. You knew about this way back then. You played the game with the United States. And now we're at where we're at right now as a result of 2017 disclosures.

Social and Global Implications of UFO Disclosure

What have you been doing for the past 75 years?
What have you been doing? You've been hiding information? That's clear. Why have you been hiding it? What's the reason? And get it out in the open so it becomes a narrative, becomes a level of discourse that is similar to, and I've used this analogy before, the whole idea of child abuse, okay?
Back when I was a principal in the mid-80s, in the late 70s, the whole issue of child abuse was really kind of kept under wraps. It wasn't something that was in the news at all. And then all of a sudden, the Ontario government here in Canada began instruments to find out
how often are children being abused, and what's happening in homes today, and how come parents and uncles and other family members are abusing children. And as a result of that, they put a program in place to allow children to come forward to disclose. And as soon as they did that, the fit hit the sham. If you know what I mean. I was at a school of 570 children, St. Matthew's School here in Toronto, and we had one of the programs come in. Basically, it was
puppetry where they were talking about you know puppets and adults and children and the puppet was touching the child puppet in a not a right way and then made a big deal about it and then they talked a little bit about to the to the to the students at the primary junior and intermediate level and they had two presentations in the school over two weeks and
After each presentation, we had at least two dozen disclosures from children. Wow. And they would never, they would never have said anything to anyone about this unless that program had been in the school. And then the social workers started to come in and deal and the families coming in and say, Oh, my child is telling you this that no, they're lying.
because Uncle Frank doesn't do that anymore and it was just a huge can of worms. So what happened as a result of that is a narrative was developed and then not only was a narrative developed through the result of this disclosure, legislation came into place where
teachers and parents and other adults had the legal demand put upon them that if they had knowledge about these kinds of abuses, they had to report it under pain of law. So it became a discord, a completely common open way of saying, yes, children being physically abused and sexually abused, let's talk about it.
Now, it's the same thing with this, as hard hitting as that was back in the early 80s here in Canada and throughout many other countries. The same thing is going to happen with this. It will become part of the general narrative within society. You're going to hear about it on the news all the time. You're going to see it in the newspapers all the time. You're going to hear it in restaurants all the time. You'll hear it in bars all the time. It'll just be a complete narrative and discourse about, oh, my goodness.
I'm hearing that this stuff is not from here. I wonder what that means. So people are going to need a lot of guidance and a lot of help to understand what's really going on. And I think it's one of the things that we're trying to put into place is helping people understand what's going on. Not just the fact that it is in fact going on, what the implications are for the society that we live in and how the society is going to change as a result of knowing for a fact that we're not alone in the universe. That's a huge deal.
and has nothing to do with lights in the sky or counting UFOs. It's nothing to do with that. It's all a sociological phenomenon that we're going to have to deal with. You think World War I, World War II are a big deal for sure. This is going to be 10 times as big, 100 times as big.
It's going to be a big question. And that's why I'm saying that the reason that the United States intelligence agencies are ragging the puck in the way they are, they're afraid of that. They're afraid of having this whole can of worms open to a society that may not be completely ready for it. And I've always kind of maintained to the partial part of this narrative is to be really honest with you, if any, maybe we shouldn't know.
maybe the government or the governments know something that if they were to disclose it that
It's just too dastardly to find out. Maybe these beings, or some of them, are ready to have us for dinner. I mean, I don't think that's the case, but that whole threat scenario that the United States seemed to be leaning towards with respect to national security, we don't have control of our own skies. My goodness, these things are doing things that outpace our most sophisticated weapons and aircraft.
We had no control of these incursions. The Maelstrom Air Force base, shutting down nuclear weapons, is a great indication. So if the United States has to admit that it doesn't have control over its own skies, think of the amount of insecurity that that's going to foist onto the public, especially with the United States being in a position in the same right now and the turmoil that's going on. So there's all these things linked together that really mitigates against some sort of open disclosure and a common narrative.

Quantum Presence and Consciousness in UFO Phenomena

So it's, you know, shaking a can of soda pop and saying, when should I take my finger off it?
Yeah, yeah. I mean, the one thing I look at it, the way or the way I look at it is good or bad, positive, negative. I think I have a strong belief in the human race. People may say we're destructive and we're war machines and that, but I look at the everyday person and I think we're a resilient bunch of people. And I think no matter what happens, we deserve to know the truth and we should be able to make our own minds up how we move forward from learning about that truth.
And I think that kind of segues into the image that you sent me because it's kind of a big picture. So I'll bring that up and then you can kind of break it down. It's a good segue into that because there's so many things happening at once. Yeah. So let's see. Can I zoom in? There we go. Yeah.
It's, I don't know if your viewers can see it or enlarge it on their own screens, I'm not sure. I can go down the middle if you want to start. Yeah, that's a good view right there then. Yeah, it's called the quantum presence and the quantum presence basically, and I use this in my lectures as a beginning, as a starting point to see, to have my audiences see
the context in which we're operating in. This is not just a one issue situation. And that quantum presence, the total sum of all reality, let's put it that way. That's the total sum of all. It's condensed into a critical mass of everything that's going on at once. All things that are going on
in the past the present and in the future are going on right now okay and um or the ones in the future are going to happen that that quantum presence represents everything that is happening now obviously as human beings we do not have the capacity to express um
an open knowledge or an accurate knowledge about everything that's going on right now at the second we can't we do not have the linguistic or intellectual capacity to describe every situation that's going on all at once right now we can't it's just too much happening we know it's happening we know all these events are going on right now
but we can't describe them all at once so the individual has to segment those those those pieces of information and this diagram here it shows you the a the kinds of things that are going on in each one of those um if you just pull out just a little bit you know you've got oh sorry yeah you've got the earth and all of the implications there and then you've got society you've got health
And you put all the governance, the solar system. And if you go back into any one of the segments, you can see that, let's say, for example, the Earth. And this diagram is well over 20 years old. Superstorms, which alludes to the kind of climate change. Animal extinctions. We're losing 123 species of birds every day.
Okay, global climate change. This was 20 years ago before that someone came up with, and I don't know who drew this thing up, but the pole shift, the idea of water shortages and ecological degradation in just that one component
And if you say to yourself, well, you know what, let's just kind of focus in on one of those things, animal extinction. As soon as you do, you flip into another segment of that diagram of genetically modified foods or the pandemic, that word pandemic in the health section. Never heard of that kind of, well, we didn't, we knew what pandemic was, but all of a sudden the entire planet was engulfed in a pandemic for two and a half years or whatever that time was.
that it engulfed everyone so in a way everyone was involved in that issue too and then if you look down in vaccinations and malnutrition and then you know all of these things we as a human family have to deal with now obviously not everybody has a the capacity or the interest to deal with all of these things
But irrespective of that ability, it's all going on right now and it's affecting every single thing we do and say every second of the day.
And then if you go, I believe where's the bottom part of it, I think it talks about the, is the UFO issue there someplace? There's military has got ET technology. That's in secret governments. That's in that section. So that's where I focus in, in the context of all those other quadrants that are there, I try to talk about space-based weapons, ET technology, underground bases, majestic 12, the black operations.
And then you talk about the UFO question. And it exists in the context of that whole quantum presence. And it is part of the whole fabric of the human family. And unfortunately, the point that I try to make as a result of this, that there are so many factions, the oil industry, for example, and the social media industry, for example,
Their attempts to control any one of those aspects is so powerful. Their attempts to control DNA material in foods, their attempts to control or at least dismiss or at least affect the weather that we're going through right now, the climate change that we're going through. All of these things influence not just the individual, but they influence all of the other aspects in every single quadrant. So the control of the banking system has a lot to do with the Mars coverup, for example.
You know, you have to figure or moon bases. Where would they get information about moon bases. I mean, this is like years ago, there are people there who have done their homework and saying, listen, this stuff is going on and we've got to recognize what is going on. And as soon as you focus in on any one of those things.
It's almost, it's human nature to almost forget about or not deal with or not be able to deal with all the rest of the stuff that's going on. And so it's a huge juggling act that the human family really has to come to grips with. And that's why I use this particular graphic in my presentations to really put the UFO issue within a context that we're dealing with this huge amount of information and all these other issues. And then I lead into the whole idea of entanglement.
where every single particle of matter in the cosmos is connected.
and that whole concept. Some people have heard of that word before and know kind of what it means, but I don't know if they really understand the implications of it. It brings in the whole idea of consciousness. Where does consciousness come from? How did it originate? You take a look at how the universe was formed out of bits of iron and
and all of that. And everything came together at a certain point in time to form the planets. And then eventually you get these small little bits of things that you could call life. And eventually, where did the idea of consciousness come from? Did it come from the iron in the middle of the Big Bang?
it's impossible to get your mind around where we can confidently say that we are self aware of ourselves. Where did that come from? And not only did, where did it come from, but what other species in the cosmos share that capacity. And that's where these whole, all of this stuff converges where we're not the only ones going through this metamorphosis of self understanding and conscious awareness. There are other species who've been around for millions of more years than we have,
who've gone through a lot more of, I guess, getting through their own extinction behaviors. There's another thing that this leads to, is why have these beings who apparently can travel at or beyond the speed of light
and get here, go wherever they want in the cosmos, they've been around for millions of years and have they gone through the same kind of life changes and quantum presence that you saw on that chart? Have they been through the same kind of things as the military attempted to inflict itself on other parts of their planet?
How did they get through that? Did they use nuclear weapons or didn't they? Did they say no to nuclear weapons or did they say yes? Maybe there's another form of extinction that they got, but they got through it. To evolve into a species is not only able to travel with technology at or beyond the speed of light or interdimensionally,
but they eliminated their own extinction. They did not go extinct. And as many of your listeners are quite aware right now, we're on the cusp of that right now. And that's why this issue is so important. These extinction behaviors that we're going through, and many of them within that whole matrix that I just showed you, they are in fact extinction behaviors, cyclical war economy. That's what we're made of.
That's what the powers would be want us to think that we're made of. We create borders, we inflict ourselves on other countries. When will that kind of extinction behavior end? So that whole diagram brings it all together and coalesces the information that leads directly to the idea that, once again, we're not alone in the cosmos.

ISER's UN Recognition Efforts

Yeah, and I think it's a good way of showing that there are just so many rabbit holes that you can get lost down. And each one you go down then branches off into many, many more. It just shows the scale of what we've been dealing with for so long. It's fascinating and that's a really good way of looking at it. Listen, Victor, we've just hit the hour mark, but one thing I definitely want to talk about before you go is what's been happening recently with ISA. Yeah, good. I'm glad you brought that up. I spoke with an email from
Gary Hasletar this afternoon. Gary, who's the Vice President of ICER at the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research. You can go to that network on the internet to Google that. He, and I think there's seven or eight individuals, he, the Vice President,
the president of the organization, and I think six other people were at the San Marino conference on UFOs. And now, as far as background is concerned, ISER represents, or has representatives from 30 different countries who are, they're all members, and there's an executive, there's a president, vice president,
Excuse me, someone who's in charge of finances and all the legalities. So we come together as an NGO, a non-governmental agency organization, and we are attempting to gain sponsorship through a member of the United Nations state, San Marino.
And San Marino and ISER representatives have been in dialogue and we're at a point right now where ISER is standing a very, very good chance of getting a recommendation to the UN, recognizing us as an entity to be represented within the UN. And that ISER will have a place at either a committee level or some level within the United Nations sponsored by San Marino so that we can represent the 30 countries that we do represent
And on that basis, articulate the international nature of the UAP phenomenon. And ICER, all the members signed an oath indicating that these things are real, and not only are they real, they're not from here, and there's an extraterrestrial presence that we want to get. This is not just about lights in the sky. So that's what ICER is all about. We want to, at some point,
be represented at a committee level or wherever we can get our foot in the door with the United Nations to talk about the international nature of the UAP issue and how it affects the entire human family, not just one country. So that was discussed at San Marino in addition to just other presentations that were going on.
So that's the kind of negotiations that are going on. They're still going on. And we hope that the senior executives in the San Marino government will take it upon themselves to say, yes, we are ready to accept ISER as a group, and we will recommend that they have a seat at the table in the United Nations in some way. It's a lofty goal, but I think it's one that has to happen. Now, the flip side of that coin is
is the domination of this issue by the United States. It's another show altogether, but a lot of us are very, very concerned about how the United States, and in a way rightly so, because they've got the largest theater of operation with respect. I don't want to minimize that in any way, shape or form. But for them to say that this is their issue,
And that's maybe that's not the right articulation. But in fact, it's the sum total of what they're saying. We are in control of this issue. And I think that's what all the news media are trying to say and articulate. That's what the military is trying to say. That's what NASA is trying to do right now is that they want to be the ones to look at this issue, which I think is another red herring, but that's in the story altogether.
What ISER wants to do is make this an international issue that says to the rest of the human family, we're all in this together. It's affecting everybody and the implications of accepting what's going on with respect to the UAP issue and the ET presence will affect every single human being on this planet.
and every single molecule in the ocean and every single species of birds and animals and plants, it will affect everything. And that is not the kind of argument that the United States military is making. That's a key point to understand. The only thing the United States is dealing with, as far as I'm concerned and from what I'm hearing, is that this is a national security issue and they're pushing a threat scenario.

Global Dialogue on UFO Disclosure

They're coming here, or they could be coming here, to have us for breakfast.
That's where they're headed. And that could be one thing that could come out of tomorrow's announcement if it does happen. Some allusion to that kind of alluding saying that this might not be a good thing for us to talk about. And we wanted to dispel that notion and have an open dialogue about what the possibilities are rather than keeping the candle under the bushel and letting humanity sit and stew about this information rather than giving them the real deal.
Yeah. Yeah. And you mentioned Gary Hasseltine there. I actually spoke with Gary just before he left to go out to summary, you know, last week or the week before. And, you know, we know Lou Alexander was due to be out there and there was a lot of rumors about why he didn't make it. And yeah, there's no need for any conspiracies, but it was great to see Eric Weinstein.
Yes, over there, you know, that was quite a positive step. So, you know, I'll be speaking with Gary, hopefully in the next few days, and hopefully he'll be able to keep me up to date and maybe even we'll do another show with some updates from that. And like I did at the end of last year, I hosted a panel discussion with members of ISA. If I do that again this year, obviously, Victor.
you'll be top of the list as well. So we'll do something there. But is there anything you want to touch upon before we wrap this up? Not really. I guess if there's anything about any conversation that I have with respect to this, Vinny, is the minutia of this issue is so distracting.
put it bluntly. You mentioned earlier, you could go down any rabbit hole and you'll probably never come out if you don't look for sustenance. But what I try to get across in all the times that I try to speak about is the broadest possible picture that we can paint about this issue.
without looking through any kind of a pinhole about anything that's related to this issue. Trying to provide the largest spectrum of information possible without confusing people and trying to understand that, and I think you mentioned this earlier, that we have a right to know about this information. This is not something that can be or should be hidden from us. This is not
the United States issue, okay? It is the issue for every single human being on the planet. And we all have a stake in this. And for anyone to think that, well, the government will tell us what's going on, that is the most misleading part of what I think we are involved in right now, even for waiting for tomorrow's information. We're all waiting for beaded breath for the government to tell us what's going on.
I think we all know what's going on. Intuitively, anybody who's looking at such, we know what's going on. We need some kind of verification. The problem is, where is that verification coming from? Is it coming from our own consciousness about what's out there? Okay. Or is it coming from all the bits and segments of information that we're hearing? We just have to kind of focus in on where that information is coming from and how complex it is.
and what the implications are to save the planet from what's going on right now, because we're not in a very good position, Vinny. We are in big, big trouble politically, environmentally, socially. I mean, it's going to take a lot for us to come out and say, boy, I heard only good news today. That'd be nice. Wouldn't that be great? I mean, turn on the radio or the TV and say, ah, everything is great. You know, I don't know. I mean, when will that day, I mean, I'm not
crazy idealistic person. But I think that we all strive for that kind of understanding of who we are as beings. And just perhaps that's the message that the extraterrestrials are trying to bring. And I know John Mack, I've talked about him on the program before, when he was alive, he and I spoke about that exact issue through the lens of the experiencers. And
they're all being told that there is a better way, that there is a better way to not only be who we are as a species, but also to treat the planet the way it should be treated. And what might be going on on other planets like Earth and how they come through it too. So there's just so much. That's the lens that I try to bring to this conversation each time I'm given the opportunity.
That's a great lens to look through and some really good points raised there Victor.

Podcast Conclusion

I can't thank you enough for joining me. I think this is the third time you've been on and I'm sure you'll be on in the new year. I love it. More talking points. Stay in touch. I know we do talk behind the scenes every now and again. I appreciate the work that you're doing with Zeland.
communications. Keep that up. It's fantastic. Guys, for everybody watching and listening, all of Victor's details are in the description below where you can find his work, follow him on various platforms. For everyone in the live chat, thank you so much. I'm sorry to get around to asking as many questions as you may have liked to from yourselves, but I really do appreciate you being here and being cordial in the chat.
I'm just happy to be back after a little break. I'm going to be back hopefully tomorrow night with Christopher Sharp to go over this unclassified report if it comes. But yeah, thank you everyone for now. I'll see you tomorrow. Take care. Goodbye.