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Jim and John review Georgia’s 30-15 win over Texas.

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You know, these players get the best out of me. And I'm so proud of these guys, because nobody believed. Nobody gave us a chance. Your whole network doubted us. Nobody believed us. And then they tried to rob us with calls in this place. And these guys are so resilient. You know what I mean? We talked about intent. What was our intent when we walked on the field? Our intent was not to take pictures, not to do all the the superstar stuff. our entire Our intent was to eat. Our intent was to come eat and be hungry. I'm not interested in all the bells and whistles. What I want is a team that fights their ass off, and they did tonight. Speaking of the call that was changed in the third quarter, what did you think of the composure you saw from Carson back in your offense? I thought Carson had great composure all day. He had four drops to start the game and didn't rattle the kid. He threw interceptions and didn't rattle the kid. The guy's a great player. He takes undue criticism, and all he does is lead our team. This was a team victory, offense, defense, special teams, in a tough place to play. So much was made about their explosive offense coming into the game. How much pride do you have in the way your defense performed tonight? Our defense was embarrassed the week before, but we really played really well. So when you play really well and you still get embarrassed, we were able to get their attention and I thought they woke up and played really hard today. Congratulations on the win. Thank you. Go Dawgs. Go Dawgs. Go Dawgs. Let's send it over to Holly, who's with Trevor Etienne.
Welcome to My Gotta Podcast. I'm Jim Wood. In this episode, John Powell and I reviewed Georgia's 30 to 15 win over the Texas Longhorns. We talk about our experiences on Saturday and what stood out to us during the game. As always, remember to check out the newly redesigned My Gotta Podcast dot com to see our latest merch. And you can follow us on social media at My Gotta Podcast. Finally, if you need help with your website or your online presence, head over to workingwebmedia.com slash dogs.
Now, let's join the conversation in progress.
I think the stars that are bright deep in the heart of Texas are Georgia Bulldogs.
The dogs were the brightest thing in Texas. hot saturday That is for sure. Thanks for bearing with us i was folks on that, but like we had couldn't couldn't resist one of the best post game interviews. right I still can't believe he said they tried to rob us with calls with those calls at this place.
Uh, between Kirby's doing that on TV, talking about it again in the post game, and then Josh Brooks like posting a long thing about it on, on Twitter, like the following morning. Uh,
That was pretty cool. I thought that was pretty cool. so um I like to see the the leaders of the university ah standing up for our players like that, but that was pretty cool. Yeah, seriously. I think that even the university's post-game video that they do for the the the long-form video,
Yeah, the very end frame, the very end frame is the field full of water bottles. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that they're throwing shade, they're throwing shade in Texas, all on all fronts.
Oh man, what a game. That was a fun, that was a fun ah just time. sorry I just, just had a vision of you like rolling down the stairs. Like after the oldest game last time game day was in town and you're just like, God, we kicked our ass. That's kind of how I imagine things were in the in the wood, in the woodhouse the next day.
Yeah, yeah, I sat out um set out on the porch ah Sunday morning, a cup of coffee, laptop, on the other the podcast stuff. Kim and I sat out there with with the dogs and and watched it. I actually, this is the first one in a while, I sat down and like, first thing I did in the morning was just sit down and rewatch the entire game. ah Had to see it again.
Kim was like, I had the dream this last night that like the refs were like trying to take the game away from us, and people were throwing trash on the field. man What's the deal with that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I missed bits and parts of the first quarter. um ah had some I had some setup issues.
uh on my side uh like basically as soon like i had no issues streaming until the game started and as soon as the game started it's like xfinity it's like it's like that uh that scene from christmas vacation where the energy just drops when he when he turns on the light like when the when that when that game kicked off like xfinity's bandwidth just got completely imploded and it felt like gotcha I started having issues and my dumb, my dumb butt didn't have the antenna set up as the backup and prank, frankly, I should have had it set up just as the, as the go-to because it was on ABC. Right. Which turns out it was, it was a very, very successful day for Disney in that regard. But yeah, finally got I got the antenna set up and we were good to go from there. Rookie mistake, rookie mistake.
That's okay. That's okay. The dogs have the fast start for you. It's okay. I watched the kickoff on the back porch. We watched the game inside. It was a little chilly. Stayed inside. Had everything set up to light a fire and washed outside, but we ended up staying inside. And then the way everything started, it was like, we're not moving. But yeah, we did grill steak. And I think you'll be happy to know JP that I did do the ribeye uh and we had gone back a little back and forth a little bit on ribeye versus flag so did do ribeye it was funny I didn't even know this was happening when we recorded I found out later in the week we had been ah being been invited over to a friend's house they were doing like a friend's giving so it's like a mocks mock like thanksgiving
on Saturday. So he like made like everyone like brought aside and then he did smoked turkey. um So it was actually a lot of fun. So we did that for like lunch and we're like, well we're not gonna be super hungry um for dinner, which we weren't. So what we ended up doing was we made bean dip, like a bagged salad that we didn't even eat.
Uh, and then I just bought one like huge ribeye and I was like, all right, we'll have bean dip with ribeye. And I'm just going to slice it up after I cook it. So that's what we did. And it, it worked out. It was perfect. It was a perfect amount because we'd already already had a ton of food at lunch. So, uh, or a degree for us. That's awesome. Yeah. I was running around all day. Um,
I, uh, I had to get Camden to her, her, her cheerleading situation. Um, Carter had two sports thing, flag football, and then he had baseball. And then I ended up having to run across town to get him some, some medications that he needed. And, um, that ate up an hour of my day that I wasn't planning for. So I didn't get to stop at my usual, my usual spot. So I ended up just going to publics to get, uh, um,
to get some rib, for Saturday and kids, kids like flays and they won't eat the rib eyes. So I need get some flays for that. Fancy pants. um But yeah, that it was, it was spectacular. I actually tried a new way of, of cooking steak. I hadn't, I hadn't cooked this before. Have you ever smoked a steak and then seared it? I actually haven't. Like I know people that have, no. I cooked mine like on our big green egg, but I like it, you know, direct heat the whole time.
the normal temperatures. yeah yeah yeah Yeah, I saw someone, I think it was a gusta dog. He had posted that he had smoked broke the steak. I think it was him. I'm not sure. Someone posted on Twitter that they had smoked a steak for a couple hours until it got to ah an internal temperature. I think it was like, I want to say it was like 125 or something like that. And then yeah trying to heat up, let it rest, trying to heat up and then sear it for a nice and nice crust. And that was a that was very that was delightful.
Nice, I did. Also, you know, we did we did get our run in. ah So that was to that in the morning. i Yeah, so I don't have to keep doing that. I did that while out while Carter was at baseball.
ah Yeah, so hey, man, what a day. What a day. um day Couple of weather was beautiful here. I assume it was nice there. It looked nice. Yeah, it was great here. I was great here too all day. We did because we were at my neighbor's house is our friends that have the ah the crazy garage set up. So we were there. um You know, watching the all the day games over there. And we're like, it's so nice to maybe to be outside. So we actually, you know, the guy went back to our house and grabbed our our cornhole set. um So we went to cornhole out front.
um like during Badminton Sea. So yeah, man, it was beautiful. That's awesome. Beautiful for the run, too. Judging by the pictures, the folks in Austin had a good time, too. So thanks for everybody that was sharing pictures and such. It was nice to see that there was a ah large contingent of dogs that was that had descended on on on Austin, which we knew was going to happen. But I think that they were probably a little surprised on on how many people actually came. Yeah. and you get i mean It was audible on TV too. Like I thought it was impressive. You could really hear the Georgia fans on TV um and the red coats. Um, definitely noticed that. So I thought that was in the whole red coats. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So agreed. So yeah. So that was pretty, that was pretty cool. That was pretty cool.
But yeah, man, you could hear, um I think it was after the whole water bottle rowing thing, like a UGA, UGA, UGA chant broke out. It was pretty cool. So didn't definitely audible on the broadcast. So ah okay, a couple of things, couple of milestones. 100th win for Kirby Smart.
as a head coach, uh, so number 100 fastest coach in the history of the SEC to make it to a hundred, hundred wins as a head coach. Um, Kirby is now three and one against the number one team in the country as a Georgia head coach.
And that was Georgia's first ever win at a number one team on their home field. So pretty big day, the dogs. Pretty historic for our historic coach and his, uh, and his program. It was doubted by the entire network. It was doubted by the internet.
but In the entire country, too. I feel like everybody was all I heard. All I heard all day long was, you know, I don't think that they're going to be able to take it. I made a bet. I think I don't know if I talked about this on the on the preview, but I made a bet with one of my clients. Shout out David Gonzalez. We bet that ah we bet that if if Georgia won, then he was going to wear Georgia get up at the all hands meeting next month. And then if he won, I was going to wear Texas. Thank God, I don't have to wear any version of orange.
uh on that bet but uh i'm thinking of i'm thinking of some things that i'm gonna i'm gonna throw out there i've i already we already joked that we were gonna do hats and so i was thinking about doing some comically large like cowboy hat that was decorated in georgia stuff um that he would have to wear throughout the the duration of the all hands meeting which would be just absolutely amazing that'd be great if you have ideas let me know What about your driving hat? He'd wear that. He could. He could. That would be, I don't know. It's just, it needs a little something extra. I got it. I got it. It's not, it's not, it doesn't, it's not loud enough. That's not loud enough. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. yeah I need, I need it to be like Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber right walking into the right and into the from the gas station with a giant cowboy vest. Yeah. Yeah. Fair. Fair.
I did think it was funny that like when Kirby said that, like Chris Fowler definitely like seemed to take offense to it and was it making jokes about it to Herb Street. and um I thought Herb Street's defense was pretty funny. He was like, you know I didn't pick the game on game day which because he doesn't pick the game when he's calling that game.
um But still it's like, come on, man. Like, did you not watch your show? Like, I don't know. I thought that's kind of funny. But whatever. Yeah, seriously. Yeah. The, not to mention the fact that there were definitely undertones that I feel like that maybe he's not being intellectually honest about because isn't Reese like a Bama guy? I don't know. I don't even know. I thought he was a Bama guy.
Anyway, um the on the broadcast, they're they're making all kinds of jokes on the on the game day broadcast. They're making all kinds of jokes about Ugga not making it. and like And they were making jokes about how Ugga Uga didn't make it. We hope the we hope the team does. And ah there's little giggles and all that kind of stuff after they after they said that. like It was a joke to them. like it was It was a joke. like it was It was for sure like a foregone conclusion that this was a game over situation for Georgia. So he is absolutely not wrong about that. um yeah There was a palpable
ah a palpable lean in everything, including up to kickoff. And even during the game, there's a powerful lean against against the dogs. And that just makes it that much sweeter. That's why you should listen to us because it was was not too far off from just as we predicted.
where we just We predicted we just gave Texas too much too much credit we had 34 to 28 and it was 30-15 so ah I mean I thought that they were gonna put a Little bit closer to 28 that's at points, but the defense decided to say no. Yeah go ahead Yeah, yeah, it's almost like they were like we are covering the spread
Uh, we usually start with the offense. Do we, should we, I feel like we need to start the defense. The defense was just glorious in this game. you take whichever We want to, but like, it turns out it's our podcast. We can do it every one. That's right. It turns out that having a fully operational battle station, that is Michael Williams yeah is an important factor in one Jaylen Walker having the success that he had. Yeah.
I mean, Jaylen Walker was just all over the place. um what What it made me think of was, a few years ago, like the defensive buzzword was was havoc. And I feel like yeah like that year, I don't know that it really panned out, but like that was that was havoc on Saturday night. like that That was it. I mean, it was and was so beautiful.
I, whatever, whatever we did, whatever we did for that game, like, can we please just continue? Cause I felt like the top to bottom we played, I mean, it was the best game that we played. Still a little shaky on the offensive side, which we'll get to that in a second, but yeah that's um defensively we played, we played so good.
And when a defense is is that locked in, it makes the you know the issues that are are clearly present on the offense that much you know more bearable. But when the issues are there and the defense is also kind of struggling, I think he said, I think to Kirby's quote, um when your defense is getting embarrassed,
That's a, yeah that's a situation that you don't like to see from, uh, from a Georgia team, but thus far, like we're talking about it earlier today that, you know, this isn't a great team. It's a good team. It's still a national championship caliber team. Um, they just haven't brought that same 21, 22 vibes that they normally do. But, um, you know, at the end of the day, we're one possession away from being undefeated. Yeah. Yeah. Agreed.
Um, they 29 rushing yards for Texas. That is just mind boggling to me. Um, and you know, I mean, you, you know, you said, uh, the team that wins a turnover battle is going to win the game. And we, we turned the ball over too, but we just said first team to 30 first team to 30. Yeah. It's like all those things happen. Um, and yeah, I mean, you know, protect the ball with the game.
We didn't even have to. That's what is wild to me. Like to your point of like, it, this was definitely the most complete defensive performance. I still, we, we still have not seen a comp like we still haven't hit the ceiling. Like this team can still do better. And that's what I think should scare the rest of the school.
Yeah, absolutely. We were firing on all cylinders and you know hit some speed bumps in the second half offensively, but a fully a fully healthy, a fully armed Georgia defense is a dangerous thing.
And, you know, we've, we've, the, the secondary has caught hell and, you know, rightly so. They very clearly stepped up their game. I mean, they shut down one of the premier wide receivers in the SEC as a bond. Um, they shut down that passing offense that was used to just bossing their way through their schedule this far to this point, which, you know, I guess technically jury's out on whether or not it's actually very good, but on paper.
we were up against a juggernaut offense and we made them look pedestrian, um put to put it lightly. Yeah. Yeah. And like you're saying, I mean, it was from so many different um angles, I guess. And, you know, the a great equalizer for a passing game is the passing rush and, you know, getting the quarterback off his spot and obviously did that. But also there was some, you know,
Some really good coverage. I would definitely suggest watching ah coach Hayes put out his reviews are out now in his similar reviews. They're each about I think his offense and defensive one or about 20 ish minutes minutes each. They're fantastic. um And I think you know he.
and There's like one play where we were in a dime package and just there there there was no one open. like Everyone had their man you know from Humphrey to Everett to Starks. um The coverage was good. The disguises were great. like We were changing. We were disguising what we were doing often. and That's what led to the Dayland Everett pick. He basically baited viewers and I think he was ah man to man.
And when he wasn't, it was in a cover too, and he dropped off in zone, made that pick. I feel I'm so happy for him, Dale and Everett. He's, you know, one of the guys that have been criticized and questioned a lot. He had a great game. Interception, a sack, played really well. So happy for him.
Uh, to get to see him shine and really the whole secondary. I mean, he had a fumble recovery too, right? Yeah. His sat. Yeah. He, he, it was a sack force fumble and recovered the fumble as well. All in one play. It's pretty impressive. That was the, that was the one where the ball was bouncing around like a grease. past
Yeah, yeah. I mean, how did that, yeah. Yeah, I mean, and yeah that could have been the scoop and score. kind of friends well Speaking of scoop and score, you know, Morgan almost had a scoop and score as well. Like, I thought that he was going to house that and I was about to lose my mind, but he tripped up at the last minute.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, man. Oh, man. It was it was great. The the and like the the defensive line, like the shifting of the fronts too. I know there's one play where it looks like we we're going to be like a three man front and then we shift right before the line like brought the house was like six, a six man rush. There's a great like overhead shot of it. But I know I sent you the floating around on Twitter. it's It's Yeah. Okay, so let's talk about that for a second. You know, it wasn't like 100% you know gravy on the on the defense. There were definitely some times when I was like you know not a significant knower of ball but um and you know for sure my neighbor across the street who came over he had a couple had a couple guys over for the game um to watch. We had a fire outside it was great um but even he was saying the same thing that I was that
So there were some times when we would only rush three or four guys and they had time to sit back in the pocket and where they were able to complete long, long passes and things like that. My one critique of the defense is that when something like what we were throwing at them is working, let's let's let's hammer down and just keep it going, like stick with what works. Like if they can't stop it, there's no reason to stop doing it.
Um, there were multiple times in the game when we had them in third and long or something like that. And they were able to complete a pass because we only brought three or four guys, uh, on the blitz. Like I think that on the text thread, you know, we were talking with, uh, you know, like the guys, and I think that they were kind of of the same opinion and they know ball. Um, so that's what I'm saying. Like when you see that something is working, just keep doing it over and over again until they, if they show that you can stop that they can stop it. Um,
When we brought five or more on the, on the blitz, they struggled every single time. I don't know that they succeeded at all in doing anything when we brought more than five guys. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I guess maybe it's sort of kind of balanced kind of deal. That's one thing. The other thing is Jaylen Walker was gone for a little bit and I still never heard really what was going on with that. But I know like you went back into the locker room.
at some point, but then it did did eventually come back. And like all those crazy stats were mainly in the first half. um But yeah, yeah, I mean, I think that's- We were joking that he went and got that Friday Night Lights juice. Yeah, yeah. Well, I don't, I feel like the beauty of this game is we beat the number one team on the road by 15 points. And but like Kirby went off in the post game,
But I feel like he's still going to be able to point this stuff to the team to show them, like hey, we can do this better. you know like there's There's plenty to to go back to and still work on, ah which I think is a good thing because mean clearly, they had there was a different edge to this team on saturday night than we've seen all year like they look pissed off it's funny you say that jim because i think that um ah something that uh i think tray trigger tray shout out trigger tray um i think that something something that tray posted that i shared with you guys um where jianlin walker was yelling at humphries um to kind of cut that crap out um where humphries had locked somebody goody down after a play and he was like you know
yeah doing some hand motions his strap hand motions and like you know talking all of his jive doing his tick tock thing as as Trey would probably say um but then he turned around and he was immediately met with the wrath of Jaylen Walker who I feel like had his Nicobi Dean moment in that, he has a Nicobi Dean moment in that and that's you know instance, um where a senior leader of the defense is barking at people to act right, get in position, whatever, like to just do their job, right? um That to me was a big sign that
the leadership that we felt like has been lacking on this team is starting to um and starting starting to blossom. um To me, that's a that's that's a big thing, um is to have those guys like him not only showing out, but barking at the young pups.
Yeah, yeah, agreed. And that was something we had talked about that we had a question about that in the preview, or we've had that a couple of times kind of like, you know, who's gonna be, who's gonna be the leader, who's gonna step up and lead this defense. um Yeah, Jaylen Walker is looking like that guy. And you already mentioned ah the the cinematic, whatever we want to call it, the the highlight reel.
the school put out. And I've been noticing a lot of CJ Allen, like they've been they've been really focusing on him in those videos a lot too, like pre-game, pre-game, like linebacker core huddled up in him.
I'm going to keep using that when you said barking at everyone because we're dogs, uh, barking at everyone pregame, get everyone hyped up and, you know, locked in and ready to go. So I mean, there's a bad bit of that with CJ Allen going on as well. Yeah, man. I love to see that from Walker. loved Yeah. So you saw him on the sideline too, talking about we're going to keep hunting, yeah which tells me that they're bought in on, on the, the Kirby, on the Kirby mantra.
yeah yeah Having guys dialed in, having guys healthy, having guys bought into the process and having guys policing each other in in game. um Those are very, very good things for the culture of this defense. And you like where that's headed. You like you like where that ah you like where that Ferrari is heading as it catches up to gear. Yeah.
Yeah, agreed agreed. Um, yeah, I mean, I guess we can talk a bit about a bit about the offense. um like Yeah, yeah, I guess so. Yeah. 30 points on one of the better defenses in the country. They did. And I think, you know, the the complaint would be probably like what what Kirby said um in his post game.
or in his halftime interview, walk up to the field, just said, you know, got to stop kicking field goals. Uh, I need to score some touchdowns. Um, you know, agreed. I think started off a little slow, had, would drop on the first two plays of the game. Um, thankfully the unofficial official picked it up later in the game, ah made some big plays.
later in the game. I didn't wonder. Two guys that we've been calling for all season long, Lawson Lucky and London Humphries had pretty big drops. um I think if Lawson catches catches his pass, he's probably in for a touchdown or close to it. Yeah. um was it it It wasn't a perfect row, but it was still catchable.
So, I mean, I thought it was perfect for where they were trying to do with it. Like you, all you can ask the quarterback to do is to, in a tight situation and a tight window is to put the ball where only your guy can catch it. Yeah. And it literally hit him in the chest, like not ideal. Not lucky, not lost and lucky. There was, I mean, when he was diving, it was, it was like, it was a bread basket. No, no, no, no. It was like way out in front of him. He was reaching. He touched it with both of his hands, but it was not in his chest.
um i'm got yeah bless john I think you could have pulled it in to his chest. Okay. you could to pulled into its chest the ball wasn't thrown into his yeah It doesn't matter. Uh, catchable ball. Um, but yeah, so I mean the drop, the early drops definitely, definitely hurt. And I mean, who knows like, um, who knows how Beck plays if that's not there, you know, I think he needs to shake it off and just keep going. Um, but you know, after the early drops, um,
He definitely did feel a little off I think the first interception first interception was a great play by the defensive back wasn't a great throw Also a very athletic play with a DB. The second one is what you were just mentioning um You know, it did hit lost them like he got his hands on it didn't catch it tipped Interception at that point. I mean we'd already driven all the way down the field still nothing nothing. That was kind of wild um You know, then I believe it was after the day whenever it um sack fumble recovery that we had the ETN score. Um, and the other pick that almost wasn't, but was, I'm also still confused about that one. Like what was going on? Cause it again, it looked like Carson and Arian Smith were not on the same page again. Um, cause he threw it about, I don't know, three yards or so behind Arian and aon then Arian turned, whipped around last minute and then ball was already gone and was being intercepted.
Um, so I'm not sure exactly what's going on, going on with that. Um, but the biggest play of the game was that, was it would've, when they had cut it back down to eight. We had third and long in our own, inside our own 30, if not inside our own 20, because for some reason we decided to return a kickoff. Huge third down completion to Arian Smith. I think that was probably the play of the game, late. Yeah. um yeah The Arian Smith situation just, I don't know, it's just one of the more puzzling things to, one of the more puzzling things to be the going on this, this light in the season, this light in his career.
to not be on the same page. You're right. it It seems like that he's not on the same page as as Carson. And I have a feeling that that's more on, um, I have a feeling that's more on, on him than it is on anybody else. Yeah. Um, it was, uh, encouraging though, to see the run game, um, like the return of the za Georgia rushing attack. We had a top, we had a toss sweep for a touchdown. Uh, we had a up the gut touchdown on fourth and goal with.
enormous fullback, um, is beautiful for for someone who likes to run the ball. Uh, I loved every bit of that. And he had that ETN had a great game. And I think he probably could have, he probably could have carried an even bigger load that he did than he did. Honestly. Um, early in the game, he was like the whole, felt like he was the whole ah offense. We were either handing the ball off to him or we were throwing those screens to him. Uh,
Yeah, they were clearly trying to get the ball to to ETN, and I think that that's a good thing. I still would like to see him running the ball better, but we still don't have a 100-yard rusher. Even the te as a team, we got over 100 yards.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that he, i we could have given the ball more to him and he would have, but I don't know. I felt like, like I said, he was, so he had 19 carries, uh, for 83 touchdowns, I think two, right? Three touchdowns. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Including one that did well, including one that, I mean, he ended up scoring the touchdown anyway, but the one where I don't know how much we want to talk about the refs in this episode, John, but The one time where he scored and they reviewed it and they still say he didn't score. Like that was disagree. So screw the the review situation has been frustrating to say the least. Cause I feel like it's happened to us multiple times this season where I've almost gotten to the point where I don't want them to to refer to the ref, the referee, um, to get his opinion on stuff, because I feel like that multiple times they they ruled against him. Yeah.
yeah And it's not been in our favor. And yeah, I think that, I mean, that happened multiple times yesterday, um or sorry, Saturday, where there were calls that were made that seemed like that they were like, what? I mean, the biggest one was just the the interception overturn. Like you can you can make an argument one way or another. It was a makeup call, you know, however however you want to phrase it, like,
I just think that there was too much evidence there to overturn it. And it sets a dangerous precedent for how things like that are going to go forward. I think that everybody quickly like assessing things after after the fact and sending out their messages and and notes and things like that.
um I think the SEC basically said that they were a little bit pregnant, but didn't go all the way. they ah i I don't have an issue with the end result of the call. I didn't think it was pass interference when it happened, like but you can't do what they did. like you're not it's not a Pass interference is not a reviewable play.
Um, if you, you have time to huddle, they all gathered up, huddled, and talked about it, egregious pass interference, assessed the penalty, marked it up. There were lineup to play. Then the, you know, stuff gets thrown in the field. They're showing the replay on the jumbotron. I think they, so I think they took a peek and saw on the jumbotron, talked again, and changed the call. I thought it was super interesting too, the way it was handled in the broadcast, where the the broadcast rules expert. His comment was that like someone had the guts to stand up and change it. It's like, I mean, okay. I got, you know, again, as someone who was like seeing horrible calls and stadiums go against Georgia, like I get the sentiment and I ultimately, yes, I would much rather than them get it right. But like, I don't know, like there's procedures in place. You can't, you can't change it at that point. They did.
whatever. As a Georgia fan, though, and I've heard a lot of people say this, and I agree with this, I am glad that it happened because otherwise, all we would hear about be hearing about is how Texas has come back was stunted due to a poor call, you know, due to a bad call, an erroneous passing of hearings call and that they got robbed. And now, you know, they can't, they don't have that in their pocket. So ah I'm cool with it.
I think it was, I think it was a pass interference call. So, uh, you know, the guys that got his hands fully extended. Um, there were so many other calls, like the, the holding call where yours is in the, in the end zone. And there was very clearly a jury being tugged about two feet. Yeah. There's a Miller's Jersey was hanging out. It was crazy.
Yeah, literally your jersey's hanging out and they don't call a holding on it. um I'm pretty sure there was a block in the back happening as well. um yeah Anyway, i think that I think that there was theres definitely some some missed calls all over the place, not a good day. I think that the criticism of the referee was incredibly valid. um The guy guy owns businesses in Texas, kid goes to Texas or whatever.
um I assume that those are all true. They seem pretty legit. When the internet's loose, dug them all up. Yeah, it's on the internet. I don't know anything other than that. But yeah. to me To me, it seems like if that's if that's the case, like there should be some conflict of interest going on. ah Because let's just say that if that man had to live his life with a ruined Texas call, um you know it's it's not it's not in his best interest to rule against them.
The, uh, what does, what does think is we're going to be without Jonel Aguero and Dan Jackson for the first half of the four game. Okay. So let's talk about this. So the other, the other portion of the referee conversation is the, is the the targeting calls. Yeah. Um, Dan Jackson got ejected.
Not too long after that, there was a play that happened that was very clearly targeting, and they didn't review it. Then there was another play that happened where it was targeting. They did review it, and then it and then they kicked him out, right? then i do i get Do I have that series of events correct? I mean, personally, I didn't think any of them were targeting.
Um, I didn't think any of them were targeting. We'll get to that in a second, but there was, there was, base there but there were three, there were three collisions. So there was the Dan Jackson collision that he was flagged for targeting immediately. And then thrown out there was the kg bold, kg bold and no call. and That's where it was. Yeah, there was no call, but Sark called timeout and basically asked. He basically called timeout. I don't know the, I don't think you can challenge targeting, but he basically called timeout to give the booth time to look at it, to see if it was targeting that happened and they didn't. So there was no targeting on that one. And then the third play in the sequence, and this was all probably within what five, six plays. I feel like it was all, it was all in the same drive. Yeah. Um, yeah. The third, the third one was the Aguero hit, which to me, like was the least egregious, honestly. Um, I thought that was textbook. Like, I don't know what he's supposed to do.
So, I don't know. Yeah, they've got to do something about this, man. like you yes If they don't like get to a point where you can call that call on the offense, like they just need to get rid of it and just say, hey, listen, like it's football. You guys are going to have to deal with it, sign up what you sign a waiver. like You know what I mean? like Can we just go back to where football was football and not too in touch? Because yeah when the running back lowers his head to the point of where that his helmet is going to hit, you know, your junk or your sternum or whatever. Like the only option for you to do to, you know, from a player safety standpoint, you know, where are you supposed to do? Let a helmet hit you in the stomach. Like, I don't know what, at that point, what do you want? What do you want them to do? Like lower, lower your pads and let them hit your pads. Like,
yeah I don't know, man. When the offensive player is running at you like a battering ram, um that to me is just as bad as you know Greg Blue coming across the middle and de-cleaning you, um which is basically what Aguero did.
um I actually think that one was more of a targeting call than anything else. um I don't think that Dan Jackson should have been. I think that the the the spirit of the rule is that when a defensive player is using their helmet as a spear slash weapon where you lower and launch, that used to be what it was. That used to be what it was called, where you lower and launch. um When you lower and just impact, um I don't know.
as ah hat I hate all those calls. I hated all those calls. um I personally think that the targeting situation should just get thrown out and just recognize that we're playing football here and we're not. um this isn't This isn't open heart surgery, it's it's football.
Well, the hard thing about it too is it's like you've got these, you're making the call like ultimately, because it ultimately it's down to review, right? Every targeting is reviewed. So every time there is targeting, they stop the game and review it to see if they confirm it. And even at that, or like the one with Aguero where they're doing it after to the fact, I mean, you're, we're, um, we're making the decision based off of a super slow motion view of what happened and life is not in slow motion.
And you like you're saying, I mean, they're reacting to things that happen and in the fraction of a second. Um, you know, they're going to make a hit. They see this guy put his head down. I mean, they got to brace themselves too. They have to defend themselves. Um, you know, so I don't know. And it's like, Oh, well you see, he turned his head this way and he did this. It's like, I mean, think about how fast this stuff is happening.
I can't imagine being on the field with these guys ah you know and dealing with some of this stuff. So I'm with you. I don't know. i I didn't think any of them were targeting. I think i think it is kind of funny, though, um because I actually I can go look at it again. But the way I left it was I actually felt like the one that was but like most like targeting actually was the Dan Jackson one. And you're like on the opposite end saying that you think it was a weirdo. But I think that to me probably I don't know. That's probably part of the problem. It's like, what is targeting?
You know, I don't know, but yeah, not Yeah, I don't i don't know. eighty i don't know what I don't know what the I don't know what the calculations are or what I was told there would be no math but you know, most of these guys are running what 15 to 20 miles an hour. I don't know. Like, right.
I don't know, I don't know what how fast they're running, but it's over short, short bursts, right? So like you talked about like the 12 year olds and how they pitch from, you know, 60 feet or whatever. And it's the equivalent of like a hundred and something mile an hour fastball and the reaction time that's required for a kid to make that kind of decision from a baseball standpoint, like same math applies here.
When it's six feet away from someone and they're coming fully downhill, i you have a split second to react on something that's traveling such at such a high velocity. like there's really no The margin for error there is just so small.
yeah um it like the slightest movement The slightest movement can impact things dramatically. that you didn't intend to. You weren't trying to hit him. It's not your fault that the guy lowered his head. yeah um I just think that we've gotten to a point now where the offense might as well just run around with their head lowered and just wait until someone hits them in the head and get a targeting call and tack on 15 more yards.
Yeah, just wouldn when it when it happens, just don't throw whatever else in the field. Not that different call. But um if you're a Texas fan, and you did that, when the students are getting like texts today from the school, that they've their tickets have been revoked. And if you saw that, um and there it was on the internet, so it must be true.
And they've been reprimanded by the minister of culture, the MOC, Matthew I actually knew that. i I should have brought that up. has' know I did know that. I remember he wrote about it at some point or I saw an interview with him years ago about that. Of course he did. Yeah. But, you know, he said that's a buggy move. Not cool. but I don't know what that means.
Uh, but that's how he feels about it. You saw the SEC shorts, right? yeah he on that I did like when they had the, uh, the Tennessee guy like held up the French's busser bottle and told Texas that they were using losing losing aerodynamics.
That was, that was pretty good. It was a good one. And it wasn't in a hospital. They took your, they took your feedback, JP. and I know. if i'm sitting Thank the Lord. Thank the Lord. Like get out of the hospital. I'm tired of the shtick. Yeah.
I know we we always talk about the special themes. Gotta got shout out ah to Payday. He continues to be phenomenal, kicking field goals, three for three with a long 48 yards. um Brett Thorson, ah again, was money. um Absolutely. you Oh, and still, you know, negative return yardage in the season. I think I don't think they fair caught. I can't remember if they did any fair catches, but I know there was one where like the guy like just like didn't catch it. And then it went out of bounds. And then there was another one where he caught it and went backwards again. So, you know, people are trying to return the punts with not good results. So i maybe I think our opponents had a better idea last year of what to do. Ill advised if you try to return the punt.
um miss georgia Yeah, the one guy the one guy that that caught it on the bounce, we were all like, oh my God, that could have been an absolute nightmare if he had messed that up. yeah He jumped up to catch it. like At any point, and like if someone could have like punched it out like right at the same moment that he tried to catch to like it, a lot of different things could happen. It's it's like the the boneheaded play that ah could have been ah the worst play of his career.
The only I guess the only downside special teams thing and I don't know if if you if you've seen this. I guess Kirby is saying that the second half kickoff was like unintentional. Have you seen this?
ah Oh, yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they did the onside kick. Yeah. To my untrained eye, that was the quasi onside kick. Yeah. Some sort of onside slash it looked like he was like trying to kick the guy, you know, like bounce off his chest or something. And, but I guess Kirby said he missed it, but I don't know. I don't, it seems that we he may not have done what he was trying to do, but What he was trying to do was not kick it in the end zone. I'll say that. So and I don't know. I feel like I need a clarifying question for Kirby. What exactly he meant. I mean, I guess that, I guess that, uh, no matter how you slice it, whatever he was trying to do, he shouldn't have been doing it. He shouldn't have been told to do it. yeah Like let's that's kick it in kick it out of the end zone. Let the defense take over on the 25 or wherever we're lining it up now on the touchbacks, but, um, you know, kick it out of the end zone.
and then let the defense get back to work. like don't Why are we giving them a short field to to operate on when we literally have given them no ground? like The whole burn the boats, no quarter, no mercy. Like that, that to me was just like, why? Like if we were trying to scribe kick it, like what was the purpose? If we were trying to onside kick it, what was the purpose? I mean, yeah, they hadn't done anything all night. The risk, the risk far out outweighed the reward. Yeah. It was 30 to nothing or it was 23 to nothing at that point. Sorry. I got a little ahead of myself. It was 23 to nothing. Come out of halftime. Like why do we, why do you need to steal a possession? Like.
I was uh I was looking forward to a big giant donut in uh in Austin and I was gonna make my graphic was gonna be or my tweet was gonna be you know 30 to nothing and instead of the zero it would be the eyes and then I'd be like the eyes of Texas man I was it was it was right there for the take yeah
Oh, man. I had it all planned out. Oh, well. Oh, well. And I definitely flipped out. I was like, what are we doing? Like, we're trying to do this. Yeah, I got a little irate. chat i'm twenty three that actually to go back No, don't go back and read the group. Don't go back and read the group.
No, no, no, I want to re re re look at it because I forgot about that. Okay, like amazing. um I think I was putting Camden to bed at that point because she had to go to sleep. um But I came back and they're like, Yeah, we just we just tried to onside kick it and I was like, what?
Yeah, it was some weird squi kind of kind of a deal. So yeah, I don't know. I did. I there was something that I meant to mention on the offense that I forgot to mention. I want to say it before I forget. ah We finally saw we actually saw Carson Beck keep it on his own read. And it worked like fantastically. He almost scored. So that was good to see. Yeah, that was good to see. I thought he was gonna stretch it out and score but Yeah. Um, he also got, he also had another like, uh, little, like ran, ran 30 yards to gain seven or something like that. yeah He was, he was like running for his life for a minute. He did. that was It was a, that was a huge, that was a huge gain. Um, I like had a pretty big moment, pretty big. goes like a first half too It was for a first down. It was for first down. Yeah. I mean, he totally looked like he was going to get sacked. Uh,
made Made it out. Yeah. Showcase, I guess his baseball running is kind of what they said in the broadcast. you know do all by that So yeah, that was good. That was good. ah Let's hit the, ah ah so update. um Also, I've taken lead in coaches over unders ever so slightly. I've kept chopping. I've kept chopping. I just keep going like 500 every week. but I'm Alabamaing this thing. I went four and four. You went two and six.
Uh, so I now have a one pick lead on you and, uh, what did I miss? Well, you were, you went over for on the offense. Um, course yeah. So that, that, that was basically the ah difference. Uh, actually that is the difference who isn't in the office. Not at all. Not at all. Like I predicted. Yeah. and So I guess we agreed on like one thing on the offense. Um, and it was, it was the rest. So yeah.
yeah Oh, yeah, because you went passing yards. Definitely did not go over 275. Oh, and that it was the second one. It was players with the catch over under seven and a half. And we had a, that went over because they were a ton. You sit under.
Yeah, 100 yards rushing. and That's 10. That's right. Yeah, eight. There were eight, eight players. I feel I feel like that was a pretty good line. Because I don't remember yeah that being too much too many more than seven. Yeah, it was eight. It was exactly eight. So wow jerk. Yeah. All right. Come back. to Come back.
Yeah, now you got you got to keep trying. see yeah got keep hunting As always, coach, thanks for thanks for checking this and sending them always fun. Always fun. Yeah, man, Sunday, morning Sunday morning, coach and I had our laptops out. He was doing the he was doing his over unders. I was doing a few other things. It was good times. He was I was rocking. I was rocking the the G at church.
Our pastor, our pastor, Daniel Hicks. He's the guy that we ran into. we ran into I think get the Ole Miss game. i I always end up running into him at every single UGA game.
um and we ran into him the last game he went to um he he actually ate lunch with my daughter my daughter went he went to lunch with uh my daughter and her friends and um he's he's like i always see your dad at the games it's amazing and then we sang at church it's awesome so nice nice he was he was decked out in red and black too so everybody was like are you wearing that for the games like no i don't know what you're talking about this is a beautiful false false shirt nice wow who Glorious. is It was good to win. It does. i went in I didn't get too many. I didn't hear too many like insights on the overall atmosphere. But what I will say is that the drone, the drone show, I know I put out a ah funny gift or whatever to the to the folks. But um the drone show looks pretty cool, ah to be fair. That did look cool.
um yeah like the the drums were like doing pyrotechnics and stuff i was like wow that's i haven't seen that i feel like but yeah yeah i've seen the colors but yeah there was like yeah i didn't see it either yeah we'll have to get some uh get some reports back if you went let us know what the atmosphere was like definitely curious um i have seen some funny videos like from the stands of people doing horns down to texas fans and inside the stadium and stuff like that. It's been pretty funny. How about the um about the guy that looks like Conway Twitty that people were talking about with the hair? they dude Dude got du got meme'd immediately. Yeah, yeah. Poor guy. I saw a lot of ah Surrender Cobras in the in the video that Georgia put out today.
That was another great video. It gave me Georgia Ad Tennessee pilot reel vibes when they did last year. It gave me a similar feeling to that one. It was good.
I was wondering if they were going to do some kind of spooky, like deep in the heart of Texas kind of song. right oh yeah Yeah, true. True. Yeah. Nothing there. feel but I feel like one does exist, but I feel like I listened to it anyway.
um is definite i want to know the The ending with the water bottles, just the ending with the water bottles was perfection. Sorry, good. I but i agree agree. I want to know, was it Starks that had the cowboy hat that was like custom made that had the red, red G in Boston?
Right. I saw that. I don't know. I don't know who it was. um I feel like they were kind of showing him from the back. You could see the G in the back or on the side. Correct. I bet if we go back to like the pregame stuff, you know, like getting off the plane when they got there.
kind of stuff, I bet we can figure it out. We go back and search for that. Dude, that cowboy hat was awesome. ah ah i Sometimes i I feel like I want to get that cowboy hat, but I feel like I can't pull it off. But man, that cowboy hat made me want to get that cowboy hat just like that. Yeah. Yeah.
and and i know what what else is What else is there to say? um yeah yeah The eyes of Texas were we're crying is is essentially what happened. and oh Another in-game thing that I thought was hilarious was they the when Eli Manning or Peyton Manning or whoever When one of the mannings, maybe it was Cooper, when their son came in, which by the way was amazing, like how how relieved must yours have been. And I remember when when when he when he did come in, when Arch did come in, ah the guys that were watching with me were like, oh my God, look, look, look who's in, look who's in. I remember having flashbacks of like J.M.A. Hertz and to ah like, is this gonna be like a backup quarterback scenario where we didn't plan for it? yeah And that was immediately,
satisfied to see that same thing continued to happen. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. We just continued to feast. Yeah. And I was like, I was like, yours, yours had to be so relieved that the arch also sucks. Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah, I don't think there will be the kick.
quarterback controversy with them, I guess, but who knows? You mean the Shake Up and the SEC standings? I mean, now everything is, it's it's goingnna be it's going to be wild. I mean, you still got what A&M and LSU are in first, but I think they play this week. um So it's about to get interesting.
Yeah, I think that at this point, I'd rather not but i'd rather not see what happens with any more SEC losses and and tiebreakers and stuff. So let's just go ahead and run the table. Yeah. Because you run the table at your end. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, we we can just put away that. Or if we want to get strategically, we can take third place. I'm just going to say, I feel like we should just drop the whole third place thing.
i'll take na house this
yeah yeah i don't know that would be I would love for Alabama to be eliminated, which I think that they all but were, right? You think that they're, you think Alabama's done? Like from what? From the playoff? From the playoff, yeah. Um, I don't know. Probably, um, considering. No backdoor. No backdoor scenarios.
Yeah, but I mean, you know, they're not done yet either. Like they, they've got some, some tough games. Um, and Hey, Texas has got to go to Vanderbilt this week too. So I think that that was something that we were talking about, uh, on the text at this point too, was that it's, it's crazy. Cause we've already played what five sec games or something. And Texas has only played three. Yeah. We're like, we're like almost done with our sec schedule. Um,
Yeah, as compared to them. Yeah, we're yeah that's where the the the standings are also are also weird too, because so many people have played way less games than us. Yeah, it would it would be nice to go ahead and clinch. Can we mathematically eliminate people at this point? like just just Just keep this train rolling.
Yeah, we need, i I feel like we do need to look at this stuff because it it's so different now because you're the pool is the entire conference. And so it's harder to look at all that stuff. So yeah, and we have to, we have to do some maths this week. adam Yes. Like the magic, there's got to be a magic number at this point, right? Like, well, yeah, when yeah once you, hey once you got multiple people with multiple losses at some point, like we can basically end on season and then from there, like.
it would be it would be nice to see someone like Florida or something um just completely implode after they've been mathematics eliminated yeah yeah yeah for sure what a game dude what a game i i'm with Kirby man like i i think i've i've heard some other people say like national type people say like can that Kirby was kind of playing up the no one beliefs and everyone's doubting us kind of thing. And I actually heard that on Split Zone Duo, ah which was a podcast where everyone on that podcast also picked Texas to win. So I'm like, I don't feel like you have a leg to stand on there. Like, you know, all all the national types, they they they were doubting and,
ah um yeah they Again, I think that helped. We showed up at an edge on Saturday that I hadn't seen yet this year. Yeah. Someone someone was ah joking about that, you know, they used to live in Texas and they're like, you know, screw these guys, how arrogant they are.
um I'm going to make a corollary on how the how the day went. um They were so full of themselves and so hyped up on their own Gatorade or Powerade, I shouldn't say. They're hyped up on their own Powerade that the kid that decided to line up and and do a kick for the the Pat McAfee, the field goal thing,
Yeah. Um, his friend actually did, apparently his friend actually kicked it when they were in tech at Texas A and&M and his, his friend won. Um, and his friend absolutely like nailed his kick. Um, this kid came out there with less experience and he decided that he was going to try to kick that photo with cowboy boots on and have a cafe actually said on the, on the broadcast, he's just like, I don't think you're going to do any cowboy boots.
But he did it anyway. And yeah, that's about how it went. You tried to kick field goals with cowboy boots on. Yeah. Bill advised. Bill advised.
Maybe, maybe prepared better. True. yeah ah ah ah I was going to say, um i I'm going to end it with horns down. Horns down.
Horn's down, and we've got something, we do it, no game to preview this week, obviously. We'll obviously be back with the normal lister questions and and and all the ah the usual, when we preview the cocktail party next week. um But we do have something fun planned this week, ah so this should just be the first of two episodes. You hear this week, and I'll just leave that at that.
Yes. Cliffhangers. I like it. All right, man. We're going to turn the page. We've got some fun this week. We're going to get healthy. We're going to get tanned, rested, and ready for the Lola Lola Gators in a few weeks. Love it. Yep. Horns down. All right, man. It was good to see you. Horns down. Go dogs. Go dogs.