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#101 - Niklas Frewel | Transformation & Leadership Development Consultant, Organizational Psychologist image

#101 - Niklas Frewel | Transformation & Leadership Development Consultant, Organizational Psychologist

S1 E101 · The People Factor
123 Plays3 months ago


00:00 - Intro & Context
10:00 - Herausforderung der Strategiekommunikation
25:00 - Selbstmanagement und Eigenverantwortung
45:00 - Unterschied zwischen Management und Führung


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Introduction and Importance of Management Skills

Management Skill in management um thisman and employee order and sea wound up like different areas, which are unabhängig of a lot of things. And that you can understand what to do when to achieve, from whom is that realistic. And that it is also
reg maquemar um communicate with angergafo that world oneana by orhinnakivien vice ah um so so get planned but is ok mapa is yeah does describe qest management yeah gunshippand was suak it but before we

Challenges of Middle Management: A Case Study

beforega angerangng harman's christian titles on inner and vilong leadership to kreman but in it a can ah day out and i was in a painha on the vily put its own zeha really a lot of work, that's what's going on, that's what's going on, that's what's going on, that's what's going on.
so the year for state and e zahaivimmavi gahar is does oft mad ah whereon vi' monitor in this sortdiian vikreiner and bla and the development the 7S or McKinsey or things that were broken. A concrete example, I was with a middle-stant player and they had before we started to start, for three or four months with the top team and but not time. They had the end of the day one half hours. And then they had all the
the sp this and the momentum the others follow yeah the amdigansre trimona monitor on and an arite inti amzi dafa blaz and va
level, really understood what the mecy tunes or and and of con site hooks by set of on to sp i and kalindaa mostly mostly its slow skin that's kind of it and ah this being this is gunand vatu zas was as as a very a four crashous management focus of you own li avatar and zaing beha and this efo right mision vizion strategy And
absolute faand nu on vassar yeahro resign a holron yeah ph giavarduns hy um and womenman's quanti viians khan ultimate as ma andve and nishtan muslimlavish gunsla for mulean vaivaed fornesh yeah absolutely absolutely what does um does info and bit things asto know does monitor and decide our height was so superisticy very
has absolutely understood what their role in it is. ka and ohadmanganneti muka to call it kionoda and sopa and te garish or honesty coten phila d c that my
um in empowered bist, deine eigenen Sachen zu machen, folgst du üblicherweise ja auch so
um and dey ku kustot is the manesus pola baliner
basieren und trotzdem teilweise nichts mehr mit den Business Objectives zu tun haben. Oder sagen, okay, diese Sustainability-Initiative hier, also wer uns Sustainability wichtig ist und dir I'm going to go ahead and start a Sustainability Key Priority. it's related to and management, what the differences
um on time by spiligan and then you can build trust and then you can spend less time communicating and more time just getting shit done then i went home and and thought about this we basically put it on the table iringk takes people ah how to objectively touch certain situations very very very very hard to change that was the learning entrepreneurs with epi to the people's
die Episode mit dir zu machen. Der Andreas Schmitz, you. Yes, Ja, natürlich, of course. sehr gerne. I'm Also, development, Person, book. Or you go to a seminar and learn about but it Yeah, primarily...'ll give you
d um <unk>havisor then window to some training cases on va moista suland and it says alice of huson na called mistti ha ener doesn in vier gubo consn so aber and ski the guns concrete create this ba beforewaor haish andina and out by the divide telu kumar and this was shan aba bazi and of thegans and aba from kalu and soba um shatan aba and bavedaga maar is um um antifect faoo eten bus entire specto on eye the design dvi i'm going to kind to come across doesn and happened demand for
ah um the sha and and do you absolutely signed for and i startedish babicent angst tab thus we start thirteen thousandus
next time. um on data gi or nottation tool um on hamda andicten zemin agamar ein understand andar has feedback from theloyenva bynic but so have thosefuus that my to laugh andgainst kaishshir ma really defend as like but un as and
and not want andkebo industrial to and tyviser com al da out of the imoruna to touch. Because they are something else in the past. There are always good reasons that we have some aspects of our Daseins in the camera and don't want to look at it. Da gibt es gute Gründe für. Und deswegen kann das anstrengend sein, diese Art von Entwicklung. In case you like my show, please subscribe. I would really appreciate it. Also, ich merke das auch, was ja auch eine vertikale Entwicklung ist, wenn man als individueller Contributor, also als, sagen wir mal, Experte vielleicht oder
role in a a of bias to

Decision-Making Dynamics in Management

bring it in um
and art and vikrung hindlek
order <unk>kish
mit Yeah People Lead. The organization had in the end Product Leads from People Leads.rennt and he had to be a human aspect team that was highly skilled. but so it's kind of kind of team for depth does it the victim rich code to team does it and i increase the perfect ah for us That had done ahbigen ri' probably no De Also ein was see it. it dunhatman augansvilleler probably make a lewis or um the enrik klungingalek demon sonstra does snishmash village afghanistanhan hindlich and spend and the guest nochme andandnu gushri and also Challenge in hey, wir speichern in unserem Team-Chart, in unserem Team-Building-Element, Teams total toll finden, weil es wirklich Offenheit und Verletzlichkeit reinbringt. Jetzt ist die Challenge,
ah so and dagger out isistic belongs to and inic not and a tourism muslim better of all passengers fe hummlau and lutiga buy is alan milkreson Trigger was mache ich denn damit? Weil, dass ich weiß, dass ich den Trigger Conscious Leadership rein und warum ich auch glaube, oder not leadership you, Organizations, LALU und so weiter hoch It was very important to bring that it was less hierarchies and there was a lot of people who had to meet the people.
um and anddesh still past and zo naa hamhamedla but ah ham when guns come to be in game and menuja what i idea about like they albas that kind of energyja yeah and be a part of self-susthation. to say, I of the and the And conscious leadership. That's just as preconditioned.
ah car butinfel yeah okay ah kept in bashia um and it something um for another typean in our organs its own spat from the arbata the uber ya in vcom english also a product-orered structure tour but um and onema of the anand law frommanovvik dam ganda does zia kind ofhi machine man acuine fund de just um there is a mark aanish koaospi um and an
ah some ironn ecapp loited the gasnaurish <unk> and fish and busag food have in organization, wo where es there so with moment. key in
Leadership an Hierarchie geknüpft ist, dann ist es eine klassische Manager-Funktion, die wir so wahrscheinlich kennen, oder? Eine Führungskraft, die hat einen Jobtitel, das ist ein Head, ein Director, VP, C-Level, was auch immer und hat dann auch im Grunde genommen die Erwartungshaltung, dass man Menschen führt. Kann aber auch mit Management
um to be aten in the wholeing side yeah
it's global
I was last time in Bahrain and had a workshop done and that were people who were first time leaders, really first time leaders. This is an organization that is incredibly but also with management. fast and very quickly grew up from 50 people in three years on 450 people this summer and they had to do it first time leaders, although they were sometimes 50, 55 years old. And bei denen haben wir das erstmal auseinander dividiert. Was bedeutet das eigentlich? Management versus Führung. Das, was du gesagt hast. Und wir haben das wirklich selbst entwickelt. Das Interessante war, das waren Leute aus gänzlich unterschiedlichen Kulturen. Da waren Russen dabei, da waren Leute aus Dubai dabei, da waren Deutsche dabei. Da war wirklich ein bunter Mix aus allen möglichen Kulturen. Die haben sich hingesetzt und co-kreiert. Die ganz einfache Aufgabe war, bitte sammelt mal, was bedeutet für euch Management, was bedeutet für euch Führung. Und die haben das perfekt, aber wirklich zur Perfektion auseinanderdividiert bekommen, obwohl die sich vorher noch nie darüber Gedanken gemacht haben. Das heißt, für mich war das wirklich a ein sehr very, a very, erleuchtender a very lightening Moment, moment where wo ich I gemerkt realized, habe, oh, die the Leute people wissen, know what was der the Unterschied difference is. ist. Intuitively, Int they know what the difference is. Thatedeutet vielleicht auch Enablement. Bedeutet vielleicht auch irgendwie die richtigen Strukturen aufsetzen, Entwicklungsgespräche führen und so weiter und so fort. Und das war für mich wirklich ein interessanter Moment, muss ich sagen. Und was war der Unterschied? Primär Management, die klassischen Dinge, die wir im Endeffekt da kennen. So sagen, die Leute sind dafür verantwortlich im Endeffekt, dass das Business läuft. Und die sind genau diese Schnittstelle zwischen Produkt, zwischen Kunde, müssen die internen Elemente mit einbeziehen, haben Finanzverantwortung dahinter,

Management vs. Leadership: A Business Perspective

müssen auch mit anderen Funktionen in Diskussionen gehen, über Ressourcenverteilung und so weiter und so fort. Das ist ein a bit bisschen of, das in an term, hard business. This is the classic manager profile. And, with leadership, it was more about, if you only heard the people to, of which they talked about. They talked about the potential of people. They talked about the people. They talked about the vision. They talked about
the ata discoion di manhater but against each andna in case you have any feedback or anything you want to share with me please send me an email on thomas at peoplevis dot com or hit me up on linkedin and in case you really enjoyed the show please subscribe i would really appreciate it and butmon next um fe of einmonad or a nevohe like such topics. The kind of discussion, which was very different.
busington fuel sta heighten bus in management it heighten the snaguto fragelo us and the zach and the almost of leing bin is that What I've seen in my dark and feel again vos this is feel And
um man timelos and businesscent de and den d a deha i a veryictious business done or relevant and and based in rule of find lessons okay push the independence card and ah admitten time bush mv and doesn't quaar us since but since you can now see la with the app kush <unk> ally like an all to tunehab um by walking around.
tyaivisor infa as aation master has traditional di magnet team will go cook so and bas ain
Sachen sind offenbar weniger fokussiert. Und andersrum genauso. Die Leute, die sich darin wohlfühlen, zu sagen, genau diese Elemente zu tun und weniger mit den Leuten im with the numbers. Touch zu sein, das merkt man halt genauso, wo die Leute sagen, ja, das ist immer verlässlich, üblicherweise. Total verlässliche Person hat dann eine klare Guidance. Ich weiß immer, wo ich dran bin. Und gleichzeitig wirklich dieses Gefühl von, da ist jemand für mich da, der ist auch an meine Entwicklung interessiert, wir really one, there is a lot of things. But that are now two strong tendencies. Sometimes there is also a mix of things. I think it can be both of them, but also getrennt of each other. And I think Management can also be a project management. And I think that is a very important skill in Management, that you
and employee order and sea wound up like given and for she and beratihua pay naanda um al meson and deman dohaau and the la is to that you know to first and but mostbi one a version from weim mr israelistic um and that to and in a a Bottom-up-Strategy-Creation in 90 Days, in die Strategieentwicklung reingeblasen werden. Oftmals irgendwie das 7S von McKinsey
so in gansel home fallout out on other pleasure so um um the estimateds phy a film square comz yet

Communication Breakdowns in Strategic Planning

And they had but not time. They had in the end of the day one and a half hours. And then they should all go through the room and look at it. And the funny thing is, at the moment they have everything lost. They have the whole three months, months of work inen, weil keiner, aber auch wirklich keiner, selbst auf der zweiten Führungsebene wirklich verstanden hat, was die Strategie war. Und dann sind sie da rausgegangen aus einem Halbtagesworkshop und sollten diese Strategie jetzt nicht nur umsetzen, sondern auch noch in ihre Teams kommunizieren. Und du hast einfach nur gesehen, wie die Leute lost waren. Die waren mit Augen, großen Augen da, waren total verzweifelt, wussten nicht mehr, was sie tun sollen.
Und aufgrund des Zeitdrucks, weil es jetzt auch schon so also Management, to that like wow, cool, jetzt kann ich aber endlich die Sachen machen, an in Leidenschaft basieren und trotzdem teilweise nichts mehr mit den Business Objectives zu tun haben. Und sagen, okay, diese Sustainability-Initiative hier, also wer uns Sustainability wichtig ist und dir Sustainability wichtig ist, aber im Rahmen von dem, wer wir sind und was wir

Sustainability and Business Objectives Alignment

hier gerade machen, ist Sustainability vielleicht doch nicht mehr die Key Priority. Freedom within within a Frame. Also das
dancan thank you fit're in context pretty and fi geish and that me seified thank you for the i long thomas paka ah