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152- Film Review: Tegan the Vegan (2010) image

152- Film Review: Tegan the Vegan (2010)

Vegan Week
89 Plays22 days ago

Julie, Paul & Ant are heading into the DeLorean and setting course for 2010, where a 12 minute claymation film has just been released in Australia. Are we just being sentimental in watching this one, or are there things that can be learned from this short?

Watch the film here:

See the IMDB summary here:

The film's landing page is here:

And production company 'Enemies of Reality' are here:

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Enough of the Falafel is a community of people who love keeping on top of the latest news in the world of veganism & animal rights. With the Vegan Talk podcast, we aim to develop listeners' (& our own) thoughts around key issues affecting veganism & the animal rights movement; giving our opinions, whilst staying balanced; remaining true to our vegan ethics, whilst constantly seeking to grow & develop.

Each week we home in on one topic in particular and pick it apart in more detail. If you have a suggestion for a future show, do get in touch via


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Paul, Julie & Anthony


Episode Introduction

ah Hello everybody. What can we learn from a 12 minutes long claymation film that was produced in 2010? Well let's find out. This is Vegan Talk from Enough of the Falafel.
I'm Anthony and for this episode I'm also joined by Julie and Paul. So I think vegans go looking for trouble even when they're not looking for trouble. That's not what butt is used for.
Brrr! Take your flat-grown meat elsewhere. We're not doing that in the state of Florida. What your protein and what about your iron levels? Should I call the media and say, hi, sorry? They're arguing like, oh, poor woe is me, oh no.
Hang on a minute, you always pick
social injustice has connection with another. That's just what people think vegans eat anyway. As long as you didn't get the wee brunions with the horns you'll be all alright. Does veganism give him superpowers?
I cannot fly around the city. I don't have laser vision. Hello everyone, I'm Paul. Welcome to everyone listening, whether it's your first time or you've joined us many times before. Hello, Julie

Film Introduction: 'Tegan the Vegan'

here. Today we are going to talk about a little film called Tegan the Vegan.
Tegan the Vegan. Yes, indeed. So it was released in 2010 by the brilliantly named animation company Enemies of Reality. They've already got a tick in my box.
It is ah about 11 minutes long of film. There's about a minute and a half of um subtitles. net Subtitles? What are we talking about? What's the thing at the end? Credits.
That's what I mean. There's that little bit at the end. And as we've done with a lot of review programs before, there is a link in the show notes. so if you want to watch this show before you listen to our review of it, then please do. We fell into hot water with this a few weeks ago when we really, really thought that a BBC podcast was free and available for everyone forever.
And then by the time the show went out, it wasn't. However, I can say this one has been on YouTube for five years. So if they blooming take it down in between us recording this and it going out, then...
then there's clearly a carnist out there who is against this podcast. So if you want to pause the show now and and watch it, then please do. That said, I'll give a little outline of things. I mean, like I say, it's only 11 minutes long, so kind of I can't really describe much of it spoiler free. But I'll leave a little bit at the end where I won't say what happens because I was definitely feeling the tension thinking, oh, what's Tegan going to do here?
um So I won't won't give the last little detail.

Plot Overview and Tegan's Vegan Journey

But it is set, don't know whether we could say it's set in an Australian film, but it's got Australian characters. So let's say it's set in an Australian high school. Teagan is 12.
ah it's It's claymation. So if you've watched something like Wallace and Gromit or something like that, it's um it's that sort of stop frame animation, lots of pictures taken of the characters and then they move at a tiny little bit and then take another picture them.
I'm guessing that's how it was made. So she is a 12-year-old at school, at high school. There's the hottest, coolest boy in the class, Trent, who we get a little early glimpse of and more of him later.
And whatever lesson they are in, it is focused around cooking meat. They seem to be in a normal classroom, but sort of turkey carcasses are being passed around. So it's some some sort of home economic class or something like that. Tegan is grossed out and basically says, now I'm not okay with that. I'm not okay with that.
That lesson isn't a practical lesson. They're just talking in theory and looking at the different cuts of meat. And when Tegan gets home, she says to her mum, I don't think I want to eat meat. This is where we meet her brother Dorian. I think I've said his name correctly.
And he gives, in a very short succession, a whole list of all the sort of classic anti-vegan tropes. So he first of all says, well, what why stop why stop there? why what you know Why are you eating the peas? What about the poor vegetables? He then says, well, what about the pudding? Like there's going to be dairy in the pudding.
What about your shoes? They're made of leather. And Tegan responds by basically saying, she she doesn't say she's going to not eat vegetables, but she basically says, okay, then I won't do any of those things.
If avoiding animal cruelty means changing my shoes, not eating that dessert whatever, I'm not going to do that. Her mum introduces her to the term vegan, which means not using anything from animal products as as she describes it.
um And Tegan says, fine, that's what I'll do then. ah We then go to the next day at school and she sort of calmly and friendly-ly tells her friend, I know we normally swap half a sandwich each, but I'm not going to do that um with you today because I'm vegan now, so I ah don't eat anything that comes from animals.
few people are mean and Trent, the really cool hot boy, just sort of says wistfully, hmm, Tegan the vegan, which people then jump on and then start teasing her.
with that name. We then have another lesson um in the school and ah this one is a practical one. A big old bit of dead turkey body is put in front of Tegan and she's sort of told she and everyone needs to to stuff the turkey but she says no um I just like to can I just chop some vegetables instead can I just cut the onions and the quite horrible teacher if you've ever watched ah Matilda she's a little bit like Miss Trunchbull I think this teacher very very sort of harsh and and brusque and basically says, no, you don't know what's good for you, blah, blah, blah. We then cut to back at home and it turns out her mum is learning how to cook a ah vegan dish. She seems to be doing some tofu skewers, something like that, with some some veggies as well.
and We have another bit of classic carnist commenting from um from Dorian, her brother, but her mum puts

Challenges of Veganism in School

Dorian in his place. Her mum seems to be a a nice advocate for for tegan although she's possibly struggling a little bit we cut to another scene in class um the teacher is being even more aggressive now and the upshot of it is tegan leaves she walks out of the class because she really doesn't want to do these um it's a poster they they've got to do a an eat healthy poster and tegan does a poster that basically says leave pork off your plate and the teacher confronts her
and Teagan leaves. Her friend is very sympathetic, but then the yeah sort of denouement of the film which I won't give away is that same friend's birthday party and there is a bit of a confrontational tense situation and I won't give away how it goes we'll see if we can talk about the film without giving it away but if we feel we have to we might refer to what happens in those final couple of scenes so I've almost taken the full 11 minutes of the film they're describing it you could have just watched it anyway let's let me get Julie and Paul um and myself thought of the film and then we can talk about some some broader themes and and issues and questions. Julie, are you happy for us to start with you? but What

Julie's Personal Insights on the Film's Impact

did you think about it?
Well, it was interesting. I, because I became vegetarian at the age of 12 and got picked on at school as a result. It was quite familiar, some of that stuff to me.
It's interesting because obviously the world has moved on a tiny bit since this film was made. So it's interesting that and a lot of it is still completely current and yet some of it does seem, you know, very dated and all the rest of it.
I mean, I cannot say i enjoyed it is the wrong word because it's not enjoyable to see somebody taking a stance for animals and, you know, suffering as a result and getting picked on and getting all of those daft things said to them.
It's infuriating. You know, some of the characters are repulsive, literally repulsive. You know, the teacher... um for one and actually they the so-called friend that you say is understanding.
No, she wasn't. She made some horrible comments and she's clearly in competition with Teagan for the attentions of Trent as well.
But, you know, she was expressing that pleasure that Teagan was coming to her birthday party, but and kind of letting it be known that she was worried that Teagan would say no. She said, oh, I'm so glad you're going to be normal. She thought that Teagan was going to join in.
And it doesn't paint 12-year-old Australian schoolchildren in a good light. Let's say that. It is showing the worst of their tendencies and behaviour as well, which is galling. You know, they are they're shown as being tribal and prejudice and nasty and just...
Teagan the vegan, just really you know super duper childish for 12 year olds and and quite unhinged around food when it comes to their party and all the rest of it.
So as a kind of slight against young people who are continuing to engage in and eating animal, the products of animal abuse, it hits quite hard, I would say.
Yeah, yeah, it does. Can I ask, Julie, did you have a favourite moment of the film? A favourite moment? Oh, no, and we cannot be a spoiler alert kind of thing.
well wow you Well, we could tell listeners to skip ahead 30 seconds if they don't want to hear the ending. I suppose. Did I have a favourite moment? I wasn't watching it with that kind of thing in mind.
I know the moment that you might be thinking would be my favourite and it really isn't. No, i I don't know what you're referring to there, actually. did you Oh, I was... I was expecting that people would go, oh, at the end when Trent offers up his CD with Songs for a Vegan Girl on it.
But that was a my blood ran cold moment, not a warm fuzzy moment for me. Actually, um I can explain more later if you like on that one.
So a favourite moment. I liked Teagan's mum and her measured approach, I think. And she was, yeah, I liked her.
Yeah, no, I will agree. I really loved her. And i I think what I liked was the kind of vulnerability that she showed as well. I mean, obviously, this isn't an epic biopic that's you know massively produced and two hours long or whatever, but you you saw a little...
glimpses of of her mum kind of being taken aback a little bit and struggling a little bit and saying like I am finding this difficult it would be easier for me if you ate the same as everyone else but um well we'll make a way we'll find a way to to make it work i yeah I was really touched by that too yeah go Teagan's mum brilliant thank you Julie Paul what did you make of the film what your feelings um Yeah, so I hadn't seen this film before, so I watched it a couple of times. um I guess it's sort of aiming at the same audience as the as the ages of the characters in the film.
It was pretty professional looking, I thought. Yeah, you know, it looked pretty good. Good see, you know, like a young person making, make it all kind of went through that process of making the connection, which I think is, you know, with the cuts of...
cuts of meat that are shown on the on the um blackboard, um yeah, sort of realisation, was important, I think. I liked the mum as well, um and you know, because sort of seemed to be quite clued up to some respects about what vegan was. I did wonder how realistic that was, though, because, yeah, it could have been explored a little bit more because I think we've all...
talked before about one of the main challenges with being vegan going vegan etc it might be family support you know around that so that could have been explored maybe a little bit more but would have been longer film obviously yeah obviously the brother's pretty horrible and the teasing she seems to do okay with the teasing to start with and it's almost like she sort brushes it off but obviously that that builds up um and and and not so much as as they go along Yeah, and there's that sort of typical pressure of conformity within the school and with the learning and, like, you know, it's that kind of rigorous conformity within school.
but You know, the the party that goes on sort of brought up that whole thing of, um you know, isn't it weird that we have all these... celebrations um as humans around dead bodies of animals which is always you know weird yeah and i guess um without spoiling it the kind of end bit where she's kind of almost moved away from i guess almost to some degree recognizing that she's not with her people and ends up with a person and should we say um I'm not sure if it's probably positive or negative because it it opens up that debate about you know should you have lots of friends or just a few friends or one friend who really understands you is good is a good friend which I think it may be what it's trying to say I'm not sure
my and My only thing is i think um it would have been good if there was maybe a version with more of an English accent on it just to make it a little bit more accessible. That would be the only thing I'd have thought Or a Scottish accent even. so Yeah, yeah we could we could just dub all all manner of things over the tub.
Yeah. Really good voiceover. oh I thought their little accents were cute. I wouldn't change that. so Yeah, I did. I did love them. I i did find myself talking like the the butch Australian teacher.
Afterwards, I did enjoy her accent, if not her attitude. Did you have a favourite moment, Paul, in the film? um Yeah, favourite moment, I think it's probably the the mum, actually, when when the sort of the initial view of the mum was like, oh, she's pretty clued up here, sort of thing. So, yeah, probably that.
but It probably was the same, actually, I think. OK, so my thoughts on the film.

Non-conformity and Ethical Themes in the Film

I really liked it. I thought, i thought but we'll talk about what some of the limitations of it might be, but I ah definitely...
felt like it was something that as somebody who's already vegan and been vegan for a little while and experienced being a vegan in a non-vegan community i actually thought considering it was only 11 minutes long like the film did really really well and i you know i i haven't really experienced being vegetarian or vegan in a school environment, but actually like the emotions it evoked and you, like you, you touched on this, Julie, that, that whole thing of, of being that age and, and making a bold stand and, and doing something like that. That's, that's a big deal.
I did do some research on the, the people who, authored and produced the film and actually um the main brains behind it she went vegan when aged 12 at school themselves and i I think in the dedications they they mention two other vegetarians in their class or something and saying like oh this is well I read that Marissa the creator went vegetarian and some of the write-ups that I've read about this film have used vegetarian and vegan interchangeably in an interesting way
but she went vegetarian after a trip to an abattoir apparently. I just can't imagine taking children to an abattoir, but yeah, goodness me, goodness me. But um yeah, I thought it evoked things really well. There are elements of it that either look dated or a bit clunky, but but actually I think that worked in its favour. I I really liked that.
And I thought the the characters were spot on, actually. I mean, the the teacher was a bit of a caricature, I suppose. But actually, the I think it depicted schoolchildren of that age, not just in Australia. i mean, i don't I don't know what I'm talking about with regards to Australia, but Certainly in the UK, I think that is absolutely spot on. That is the the tribal conformist nature of of most um education. I think that gets absolutely spot on. You can probably generalise that to the workplace and and and other things as well, down the pub or whatever.
We've already mentioned the mum, um sibling, you know, oh I think those tropes and those kind of memes, if you like, those characters, I think were really well done and generally not exaggerated.
I thought that did really well. And my favourite moment, I think there were just there were just a few moments where Tegan had an option of going along with the status quo.
And generally speaking, she didn't. I really liked it when she walked out of the class where the teacher was basically being horrible to her. And she just like, like okay, I'm leaving then.
That's fine. Like, I really liked that. And I I did like the thought of somebody who is conscientious and is is kind of learning about the world and wanting to make more informed, conscientious choices.
Like her her agency really came through. I really liked how, you know, even if it excluded her, even if it made her the subject of ridicule cue or whatever, She wanted to do the right thing.
um And I think without exception, think she generally did. So go, Tegan, you rock. OK, a question, a question for you, Julie, and for Paul. but We've kind of touched on this. Are there moments that you either wished hadn't been included or had been dealt with differently?
Or, I mean, Paul, you've already mentioned something that could potentially be added how How would you sort of change it with with a 2025 lens on, let's say, because we can't really say what would have been effective 15 years ago as we record now. But anything that you would like to have been different?
I might have changed the Trent character because just because I thought that looked a bit like a kind of high school musical type, you know. girl gets boy, boy gets girl type thing. And I'd have probably just of made it one of her friends rather than a kind of ah kind of love interest kind of thing. I felt a bit ah felt a bit tacky, maybe, I don't know. Yeah, yeah it was well, it was quite on the nose, wasn't it?
I thought that was creepy. I thought that was as creepy as Get Out, actually. But I'm sort of almost glad it was in there because it gave it an edge and it made it a bit dark for me rather than it being a kind of...
just tra-la-la, you know, the ending is all just totally happy-clappy. Because if I was Teagan, I would not be getting starry-eyed about Trent.
I really wouldn't. He might be, you know, a bit popular with the girls and he might have quite trendy hair and all the rest of it. He's still plasticine.
Well, he didn't have the little clay bollocks to stick up for her when she was getting teased.
And, I mean, he might have said that, Teagan the vegan, in all innocence, but it did start a wave of, yeah, not a nice experience for Teagan. But he did nothing to attempt to quell that or take any responsibility or shut anybody up or shut them down on her behalf.
nor did he go outside when she left the classroom. He just sat on his ass and let her walk out and cry on her own. But when she did sort of distance herself from the party and went into a vegan establishment, he kind of, he reminded me of, you know, in nature documentaries when a lion is hunting a wildebeest down, you know, it waits for the one that's just a wee bit separate from the herd and then it goes in,
you know, kind of wait till she's away from her friends and then go and smarm on her. And I just thought, you know, I wouldn't be having much to do. I would be keeping him in the friend zone for sure.
Yes, he sat down and, you know, had some vegan food and all the rest of it. Do you know, I think it's maybe just a personal thing, but we've probably, as women, vegans, we've all had that, I think, probably. I know I have.
The man that will come and sit beside you in a cafe and eat more fake meat than I would ever want to eat. You know, and have the, oh, look at me, I'm having oat milk, oat milk in my coffee, look at my oat milk, the oh, I hope they've got oat milk, blah, you know, they they will, for those minutes or hours that you're in there, they will be more vegan than anybody else.
But it's all just a kind of, it's kind of nice in a way because they don't want to offend you by consuming body parts in front of you. But at the same time, you know, one vegan cafe meal does doth not a vegan make.
So, yeah, keep them in the friend zone, Tegan. That's my advice. I love Julie's take. every We don't know what his intentions were, do we, I suppose? it's ah yeah no No, I think he's a budding narcissist person with his panty hair. Sinister trend. I i mean, yeah, i I'm really grateful for that for that take, and I think there's a lot to be said for that.
um it In my naivety, or maybe sort of man-centric apologist interpretation of the film, I just thought he was a bit awkward, and um you know he he didn't realise what he'd started, and it was his love language is mixtapes rather than... ah actual you know standing up for people it's only 12 he's only 12 his love language i tell you what i see if that was me and somebody wanted to know what my love language is it's julie i've gone vegan wholesale from now
That's the only love language. Not here's a mixtape for a vegan girl because you're another. You are you are a vegan girl. I'm not, but you are. So here's some songs. jimmy mean yeah ah yeah what What listeners won't be aware of is um when when Julie said that, her eyebrow just went up.
like a good a good centimeter when she was talking about her love language so i think she you really were speaking from the heart there any anything else that we would have changed i mean i think the only character that was possibly a bit on the nose and a bit extreme was the teacher did like did that detract was that was that too extreme or actually you know how have we met people like that and that that's quite realistic was there an advantage to that um just now thinking i wish to actually julie was tegan maybe that be interesting
Yeah. I think it's a kind of draw between the teacher. I mean, she was dreadful. I mean, she really made my blood boil. But that little boy with the wee chubby face was even worse, I think. you know the wee boy? gen just Ginger. We were just waiting for something awful to happen to him, but it didn't. You just wanted some kind of drastically hideous event to happen to him just when he's in the middle of his thing in the vegan just something catastrophic to fall on him or something but it didn't that would have been justice but he was repulsive yeah Paul you mentioned things that could be added like um like the um maybe different over overdubs different I don't know if it's been done in different languages and stuff like that with these sort of films I mean
is it is it is it just i don't i don't think that has been done and whilst i didn't feel like it detracted from it i'm already you know i'm i'm the choir aren't i i don't need persuading um and we do know that when footage of animal agriculture from another country is shown to people they will generally say that is horrible but it's not like that in this country So in terms of making it relatable, I guess that could be a quick little little tweak that might make it it more relatable. You know what makes my head hurt about that whole film, though? In ah in a kind of good way, I watched a little in short documentary on the making of it.
Six seconds of footage for that film took a week. And you can see them in speeded up motion. doing just that very short scene in the kitchen, you know, when she announces that she's not going to have meat anymore.
And just how much positioning and then stopping and taking a photograph and then moving again and all the rest of it. And the little mouths, you know, that were separately animated for their talking.
And It's enough to really trip your brain. it just, yeah, amazing piece of work. Well, i amazing dedication. And, you know, we're lucky enough to be able to sit in now and click on it and and and watch it 15 years later. But I mean, at the time, it won a lot of awards. If you if you follow the links in our show and see the media company and see that the landing page for the film, like an internationally, it was shown awards.
At film festivals, it made a lot of waves. And I think, like, what ah what a brilliant way to to advocate for animals, to advocate for veganism. and You know, if you have got the patience and the skill to do something like this, like, absolute credit to the people who made it.
And it won't be for everyone, will it? I mean, should we should we round things off by by saying, sort of you know, what what do we think the point of this is? Who's it for? are we going to show it to? and And are there limitations on that? Paul, do you want to start off?

Target Audience and Relatability Discussion

Yeah, I think like I should start with that for me. It's probably for, I don't know, like 11 to 15 year olds ideally would be its optimum audience, because I think what you're trying to do is show people who might go through those circumstances ah kind of navigable.
path, example um tools that you could could use. um I mean, when I was younger, i wouldn't have had the i wouldn't have read the balls to so speak speak out of line too much. I think we talked about it and when we've talked about our journey, you know, I was quite conformist when I was younger, but I love seeing people when they're not, especially kids. I think that's really good, you know, so.
I think, yeah, people of that similar age, but also people like me who went through all that at that age, I think, because it's really kind of reminiscent to us. It really resonates with us.
So, yeah, this generation of or my generation who made those changes back at that age, definitely. Yeah. i'm I'm going to sort of slightly disagree in terms of I think there is a wider scope for this. I mean, ah you know, I wasn't eating anything other than the, quote, normal diet whilst at school. But i I think this hit a lot of notes for me. And I i think...
we We heard on Elena's going vegan episode, she she came to our podcast, she found our podcast by looking for search terms around being the only vegan in the workplace. And I think if if there's been any time where you've been or felt isolated as a vegan in a non-vegan environment or been, you know, part of your journey has been in that kind of a setting, I think there's things here, there's a lot of dilemmas and questions and uncertainties that the film plays on.
I don't know how persuasive this would be b for somebody who is currently consuming animal products. I think you might just look at it, and and unless you're particularly used to watching arty or slightly different media because this is claymation, so it's it's going to look a bit different to what most people watch most of the time. So I think that could be an easy way out for people who are not already on board with the message. you know If you're already vegan and then you see a claymation film called Teagan the Vegan, then you you might watch it. But if you're not vegan, are you going to really sit through 10 minutes of
15-year-old Wallace and Gromit style film? Possibly not. um But I think there's a lot. I learned a lot and I reflected a lot from it. I'm really, really grateful that but it's been done. I think credit to the people who did it.
Well, we enjoyed

Call to Action for Listeners

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Well, thank you for listening, everybody. This is our 152nd episode. You can probably see that if you're looking at your podcast player now. We really, really love the fact that you're out there listening to us. We definitely wouldn't do it without you. So um if you'd like to tell us what you think about our stuff in general or this film or something we've missed or there's news stories that you've noticed and you'd like us to discuss, we love getting an email at
at that is where to get in touch with us um and i just wanted to say before we move on thank you paul and thank you julie for your contributions for this show top stuff thank you very much and just as a heads up to listeners um enough of the flaffle will be back on monday the 10th of march with its next episode a usual weekly roundup of vegan week will be available and with the latest animal rights and vegan news Anyway, that's enough of the falafel for this episode.
Thank you, Paul and Anthony, for your contributions. Thanks again, everyone, for listening. I've been Julie, and you've been listening to Vegan Talk from the Enough of the Falafel Collective.
This has been an Enough of the Falafel production. We're just a normal bunch of everyday vegans putting our voices out there. The show is hosted by Zencaster. We use music and special effects by
And sometimes, if you're lucky, at the end of an episode, you'll hear a poem by Mr Dominic Berry. Thanks all for listening and see you next time.
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