We’re happy to welcome back our brother in Christ Spencer Bland as we dive into the story of two brothers who dared to say “here we are, Lord. Send us to The Buckle!” The Stanley brothers are a couple of greasy Massachusetts douchebags that ran a “driveway resurfacing business,” although the reviews make it sound more like they were giving your pavement a cheap paintjob. Then they found their calling when they started The Church of the End Times. As it turns out, they had a touch of the divine in them… We finish up by seeking out some Christian dating advice on Quora, an internet toilet for people who can’t spell 4Chan. We are always excited to talk to our friend Spencer, and if you live in the southeast, he might be coming to a city near you on tour! Follow Spencer on Instagram (@spencerspicy) and for more info about his upcoming dates including the High Plains Comedy Festival in Denver, go to his website wwww.iambadatcomedy.com.