Week 6 - Amazing BBQ burnt ends image

Week 6 - Amazing BBQ burnt ends

E6 · Garage Avenger Podcast
48 Plays16 days ago

This week was our birthday and to celebrate we worked our asrses off to serve others. Kiz also tested a new recipe and I did some fake filming. 

Simon Sinek Friendship talk:  https://youtu.be/CNBxIhxHHxM?si=Ljcapjj6vclnFUlc

Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/garageavenger

This is the Garage Avenger podcast. Week number six, bro. It's week six. Welcome to the Garage Avenger podcast. I'm Kieran, the guy making tasty beers in my garage. You fucked it Kieran. Do that Nah.
You do. All right. Whatever.
Welcome to the Garage Avenger podcast. I'm Kieran and I'm the guy making tasty beers in my garage. And I'm Justin, the guy's building dumb machines in his garage. We're twin brothers with a passion for creating the world and unexpected taking you on a ride through our everyday life in our garages. Let's jump in. Yeah. There you go, Kieran. Better intro than last time.
I had a script this time, which I still managed to fuck up. Yep. But go edit that we added that bad one out. movie live Or leave it in. just like Shame me by leaving it in. now Never shame bro, never shame. nice Just mild embarrassment. So what has been going on in your garage this week? Well, I test brewed again.
um This time around, I got inspired by a beer that and to well one of my favorite breweries in the world ah did a collab with an Australian brewery called Boulter.
And I think they're based out of Adelaide. I don't know. and But um the they did like, I don't know, like like they couldn't even define the style of it. It's a hoppy Pilsner, basically.
um And I don't know, just as fired by the way they were doing it. And I thought, fuck it. I'll give it a crack. Nice, clean, like easy drinking lager with Fuck tons of hops! So I was like, yep, we'll make that happen. So that's what I did. ah Test brewed. Just pills in the malt. Super simple. um And it's going to have like basically. It's just like New Zealand hops. Basically, I chose New Zealand hops just because I like them. um Yeah, some hop called Montaweka and Rakau.
And what was the last one? Nectaron. So they're like really juicy, like stone fruit, pineapple-y, tropical style tops. So I'm hoping it will taste really good.
Did you taste it out of the tank like when you're transferring it across or? Yeah, of course. Did I taste it out of the tank? That's like asking like, ah did I lick the spoon after them after making a cake? Of course I fucking did.
ah Yeah. So I tasted like, I mean, when you're adding things in Whirlpool and you get a lot of that flavor in Roman there, like you get an idea. Oh, fuck. And now just don't put just bone on silent. I was going over there and I thought, you know what, this is a good way to get you annoyed.
or just being lazy. So yeah, it's, a but you know, it's really hard to tell what the finished beer is going to be like, and because fermentation changes everything. Like, you know, obviously when you taste it from the tank pre fermentation, it's, it's so sweet. You know, so you get a lot of this sweetness from the malt. And obviously when that ferments down, you,
you don't get any of that. So, and it reveals a lot more of the flavor of the hops and other things going on. So it's a real different, um, experience tasting pre fermentation and post fermentation. So yeah, it's still in the tank bubbling away. Uh, lagers that don't want me fermenting this one at like 11 degrees. So it takes a lot longer time to ferment than a typical ale.
um So, you know, it's getting there. So I just bonded the tank ah today. um So that means that basically I cork the tank so let pressure build up and it basically naturally carbonates itself and also raise the temperature up to 15 degrees to get rid of a compound called diacetyl which is this like buttery type of flavor that some beers can get. Like in Czech and places like that you can actually they specifically have
beers with this flavor, like this butter flavor in it, and it's like a style, ah but it's generally considered an off flavor by pretty much 99% of the beer world. So um that's why you do that. So I did that today. and So the result will be like a crisp, clean lager, but with ah all this beautiful hoppy undertones.
and Well, not even undertones, overtones. It's just it's just going to be hops and alt. But it's going to be super smashable and drinkable. It's it's going to be like a 5.2% kind of lager style. so yeah would you Would you put it on par with like, for example,
You know, like, I don't know, they probably still got it in Australia. Like the the beers with like, you know, those lime and like act extra, like, I don't know, it's it doesn't taste like beer as such because it's quite fruity. and They add like lime or lemon or things like that into it. Would you put it on the like same table as that, like a super smashable in some type of thing, but it's fruity or like citrusy? Yeah, but I mean, it's still going to taste hoppy.
So it's going to have that like distinct hop flavor. If you're familiar with IPA, you don't know exactly what I'm talking about there. So it's, ah it's gonna have that hoppiness to it still. So it's, it's kind of like a evolution of the Pilsner or an evolution of the IPA, depending on which way you see it. um Like it's not like a ah IPL, India Pale Lager hasn't ever been done before. Like that's been done a thousand times over.
Um, but I thought it was just, I dunno, it was just the, um, the way that garage Avenger garage, project garage project, uh, approached it was kind of, I dunno, a bit unique. And I was like, I got inspired by that. And I thought, okay, I'll give it a go. See how it turns out. Maybe that could be the next, you know, the next, uh, you Chris beer that I release. We'll never know. Well, not we will know.
Actually, when it's finished and tasted and I go, fuck, this is amazing. Everyone has to try this. So, yeah, that's ah that's still. But we the other thing we do, it was our birthday. yeah It was our birthday. a Happy but birthday to us. That was on Saturday. Yep. Happy birthday, bro. Thank you. Happy birthday to you.
Did I say happy birthday on your on our actual birthday? I don't know. I mean, you came over, so I'm assuming that ah we we greeted each other at some point.
No, I think I love is like, I think I called you on Saturday morning and I was like, you're just double checking. Like we weren't supposed to get presents for each other. Yeah. I'm like, yeah. No, I'm like, just like putting packing away the, the perfectly wrapped package.
Like, no, no, no, bro. It's all right. Yeah. No, but we didn't. Yeah, no gifts. But we did. We did have a cracking barbecue, didn't we? I slaved, I slaved away. ah I started, I cooked a brisket. and As you well know, I'm telling you the listeners here, cooked a brisket, beef brisket. if you but What other brisket is there than beef brisket?
um And, uh, yeah, it was like an 18 hour cook started the night before. Um, and, uh, it was pretty fucking delicious. I have to say I concur. Hmm. So, um, yeah, a bunch of boys came around and we drank a lot of my beer, but, uh, I have to, so I have to admit I'm a little disappointed. I imagine it was going to be like full pandemonium.
Like I'm like, I'm like, I got 150 beers here guys. Come on. And then it was a bit of a like, uh, Oh yeah. Like last bus comes soon. And like, I got a fam, I got kids waking up in the morning. I'm like, Oh, when did we turn into old men? Yep. You know, like even, even our friend Nathan, who typically loves a beer actually played a pretty conservative I was quite surprised. Yeah. I think, uh, I think everyone like, I don't like getting completely smashed anymore. Cause it takes me like five days to recover. I'm like, roll. I'm rolling around i but by Friday. I'm like, Oh, finally feel like I'm fucking back on form. Yeah. Yeah. So, but it was nice. I didn't have a hangover at all with your peers, by the way. i normally I normally get a hangover if I'd
drank a bunch of beer, and i yeah, I didn't get a hangover at all. But you know, like, especially when you buy industrial beer, like, there's so much shit. Like, take this from me, who's worked in an industrial brewery, like, the stuff that they're adding to that beer, like, do you really want to have that in your body? Like, what, Kieran, what are they actually adding in there?
Let me tell you what the brewing industry is poisoning you. No, I mean, it's not poison, but it's just obviously not organic fucking shit, right? It's not like dust molten hops. and Let's be honest, the alcohol is probably the most detrimental part of of the beer. It is poison. And that is and that is ah you know basically self, that is a natural byproduct of fermentation. So, and no, it's, um well, okay.
At the brewery that shall rena remain unnamed for the sake of my, ah not basically burning too many bridges. ah there is um There was, yeah, I mean, at the brewery I worked at, we we added ah a lot of enzymes. ah Enzymes I might add all,
All the, uh, all the jugs of enzyme have like this like carcinogen logo on them. So do with, I mean, obviously where they're like at high doses, this is obviously, uh, detrimental to your health. But I mean, yeah, if you're smashing 10 half liter, like 10 pints of beer in an evening, like the amount you're ingesting,
of those kind of enzymes is probably, you know, not great for you. That being said, the the heat ah pasteurization of beer should kill off a vast majority of those enzymes. So ah it shouldn't be that, should they the enzymes will be denatured, ah like basically unraveled by the heat and will become benign.
uh, when it's pasteurized, but like the base stuff is still there. So it's still in the product. That's maybe just not harmful, but, uh, you know, your, your body's got to filter that out. So, you know, it chocks up your liver and all that stuff. So why do they add the enzymes in the first place? It's all about streamlining processes so you can get it, get the beer out to you faster. Basically the time is money.
So um there was a product we add called Brewer's Clyrex and that gets added pre fermentation in line to the to the tank. And that's an enzyme that basically ah helps facilitate cold break, which is the um clumping of proteins out of the wort so that you get clearer wort faster.
and so you know And then there's other things we added post-separation through the separator um to help clarify the beer faster. It runs through um a carcinogenic powder, which is non-carcinogenic when it's wet, ah called quisogord, which is a filtering ah middle-like thing. So they there's heaps of all these industrial processes Yeah, there's, there's no documentation that it's unhealthy, but like, it can't be great. It can't be great. I mean, I mean, yeah, but you know, you are mildly poisoning your body with alcohol anyway. So I mean, it's potato, potato. Um, you know, it's, it is what it is, but it's, yeah, I mean, that's how they get it so cheap. That's why, you know, beer is as cheap as it is.
the world round because the streamlining processes to make him more efficient. Carlsberg Group, for example, fucking masters at making things efficient because they realize that time is money. And for every hour they can save, they've worked out they can make more money. So that's the way, you know, Carlsberg Group and all these big organizations run it.
And, uh, just, just for future, I did not work for Carlsberg group, just so you know, I don't want to get all like a lawsuit from Carlsberg.
But, um, no, so there's, um, yeah, so there's like a bunch of different like industry brewing stuff is, yeah. Like, you you can't fuck with a product that much and expect not to have some kind of side effects, yeah? Just like fucking energy drinks and all that other bullshit.
so So... Sorry. Yeah, it's it's it's ah it's one of those things. So, yeah, good to know that my beer didn't give you a hangover, bro. There you go. go the The answer so not getting hangover is drink craft beer that's unprocessed. Yep. I mean, obviously, if you're going to fucking drink yourself a maggot, then you're always going to have problems. But yeah, I think like the one beautiful thing about doing a big barbecue like we did is like that meat.
like your bodies are sitting there processing that and you just, like, you just had that, like a stable, like you have to drink so much to get fucking maggot with that kind of meat in your stomach, I think. So, I mean, it was beautiful, actually. So, yeah. um And then we had, I had made another dish as well called barbecue burnt ends. And delicious. Yeah.
Yeah, that actually that was um that comes to my mind blown actually, I was like actually blown away by how fucking tasty burnt ends were. They were just so good. But I mean, it's no surprises when you like smoke it for like five hours, and then like spice so spiced and like, so much flavor, and then you just bathe it in barbecue sauce and brown sugar like, it's just I mean, it's a it's a winner, you know, like, I mean, you just had to look at them and just go, fuck me, that looks tasty. So, yeah, you could sell them at like a pub and they would go bananas, man. Oh, man. They're just there. They were so fucking good. And like it's in the thing, too. It's like, I mean, I used chock roll like hoary gizzard in Norwegian.
like ah the cheapest cut of beef you can get pretty much. And they taste fucking amazing. So um yeah, actually mind blown.
for barbecue burnt ends. Typically, that would have been you would have used like the the point of the brisket, which is the they kind of dry a bit of the brisket and made cut that off because it's not juicy and like the rest of it. And then just use that and make burnt ends out of that. But like, you know, I'd like what we have like 10, 12 guys. And I was like, yeah,
six kilos of meat. I'm not sure that's going to be enough. Then it really like, and we had like three slices left at the end of it and everyone did the polite thing of leading that one last burnt end in the bottom of the, in the pan. They were like, they don't want to be rude by taking the last one.
So that was nice because then Lynn got to taste it the next day. Oh, that's good. i was yeah If I found them in the fridge, I probably would have ate it. well well ah That's why but actually he this sneaky de I I did look in the fridge. i was like In the morning, I was like, oh, that would go so good with that coffee here right now. Yeah, I ate them in the back of the fridge under some vegetables where I knew you wouldn't look.
making mark you're like um that and there's and There's no meat in the vegetable section here. So yeah, that was a barbecue birthday barbecue. It was beautiful. I actually really enjoyed it. It was really nice to have have some people over. So any other big news?
i Not really. I mean, um like I'm flying out to Lofoten tomorrow. So Next week, we'll have a lot to talk about. Cool. um So that that's cool. So that's all happening. um Still silently shitting myself, but just at the risk. I mean, it's a lot of money to put on the line to produce a product you don't know you 100% whether it will sell or not.
I believe it will. It's going to sell because every single listener will buy seven bottles. Okay. Seven bottles. That means 36 bottles.
i say listeners yeah i What's seven sevens, Kieran? It's not 36. Well, you can tell I didn't, I didn't do well in mathematics.
Go on, Karen, do the maths. What's seven sevens? Uh, is it 42? No, no. Oh, I wasn't actually thinking about, I wasn't doing the maths properly. I was just taking a while to step at the number. I'm going to, I'm not going to even tell you the answer because I want people to send the correct answer to you in a DM and your DM box is flooded with like the correct answer. What? what Seven, seven answers.
Go on. Show us you're listening and tell me what seven times seven is. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, you can comment in the pod. I think in Spotify, you can just add a comment. Yeah. I think so. Yeah, you can. So like in Spotify, you can just add a comment. Do it there. Makes it way easier whilst you're listening right now. Seven times seven. Tell me new merit, new merit, new I'm also illiterate, but I was about to say and you numerically illiterate. There you go. So that's why the human race debated calculators tell people like me. And telephones. And telephones. Yeah. So yeah, so there we go. So, you know, bro, I was thinking about this the other day. I'm like, I really listened to one of our episodes and I was like,
We do sound so similar. I know. I like, Kristen was listening to our podcast on downstairs in the the laundry and I thought you were on speakerphone, talking with her. But then I realized, wait a second, that's actually me talking right now.
It's like I wonder like if there's some listeners out there that are just thinking to themselves, hello, Scarriage Avengers just talking to himself, having conversation with himself. I never hear them both talking at the same time.
So, yeah, I mean, you have you've had Mancini Man and all these other characters. So, you know, in in the garage of India videos. So why I guess it's not a far step to invent a fictional twin brother who also brews tasty beers in his garage. Well, yeah. Well, I did put you in my new video and I can i do wonder if people are like, oh, wait a second. Mankini man was actually real. It was just his twin brother. Yeah. I look that sexy in a man.
I am mankiniman.
un um
i Clearly you did the voice wrong. No, actually, I mean, yeah, I blew it. Sorry, bro. Those are Justin's nipples. Yeah, he's raising his eyebrows at me right now. yeah So, yeah, that's me this week, bro. How about you? What's been happening?
ah Well, I mean, after last week's podcast recording, I dragged you out and to do some filming. yeah ah Hence why we talked about Kieran being in the the next video. e um We went to Spear Island, where I told you last week I chickened out. ah the unfortunate truth is we had to stage the chickening out um so we could put it in the video because like to be honest I didn't when I went there the week prior um and realized this was not going to be good
ah and there was too much risk and all this sort of stuff. You know, I didn't film any of that because I was on the scouting mission, right? But, you know, I was talking to my friend Pierre from that podcast that we will not talk about. The podcast that we don't listen to. No. no By the way, I've got some news about that. Remind me later. Okay. ah And he was sort of saying, oh, you need to include that.
I was like, yeah, you're kind of right. It's actually a really good way to end the video too. So we went up there and filmed that. There was a bunch of people just looking at us, kind of, what the fuck are these guys doing? That was good to go. Got a hand truck with a motor on it.
No one knows it's a hand truck dude. Everyone just thinks it's a go-kart, right? They can't see it. I think when, like I've got a, like a display thing happening in a couple of weeks, you know, as well. And I think I'm going to have to like, put the hand, like buy a, buy a hand truck, like a, like a, um, what do you call it? Uh, um, disturbed hand truck. Unmodified. That's right.
An unmerged fanned truck is like, he's gone he's gone.
I fucking don't listen to lift and shit. It's been like a hand truck was being diddled as a little, oh little old kid. ah little When I was a little hand truck, I got mistreated.
Or he's just playing. He's going around singing. Die motherfucker, die motherfucker, die. Duh duh duh duh duh duh. Or is that? No, that's not. I have no idea what you're... Oh, is that why you... Isn't that a disturbed song? I don't know. I'm not fine. I don't listen to disturbed songs. Put it in the comments, please.
Right. Right. Have you seven listeners out there? Is that a disturbed song?
Anyways, yes. ah So I think I'm gonna have to buy a hand truck or like a moving dolly and put it next to it. So people can like before and after. Yeah, kind of thing. Yeah. ah So after filming, we yeah I went home and i you know, I had to now edit the video out.
I spent Tuesday editing and then I had a rough cut and I sent it out to a couple of people to review. ah Unfortunately, Pierre got back to me and told me that I needed to look at the intro again. So I redid the intro on Wednesday. Was that like after you heard us bagging him out for like 25 minutes in the last podcast?
Like, fuck you. I'll tell you. Remake your perfectly good intro. Big jerk face. No, I don't think so. But here's the thing, Karen. I think we may have hit something. What do you mean he hit something?
Yeah, I think we wait we may have had some truth in some of the claims we had against them. Right. Do you know what? What? They haven't released an episode this week. o So maybe they're like, shit, we need to like bury that body deeper. Yeah, I mean, I did listen to the podcast the other week. Or was it last week?
And Steve said he had to go away for some family business. I'm doing the in in inverted commas in if for those who can't see, well, no one can see cause I listen to a podcast. But yeah, some family had to take care of some family business. Yeah. And France where he was supposedly going, it's not that far away from Switzerland where Andy lived. Oh, is that where he lived? Well, he didn't at the time.
but now apparently moved down there. Oh, he he just moved to Switzerland. That's what happened. Oh, yep. Good luck, Steve. I wonder like if they put him in like a shallow grave and they need to dig it deeper. Yeah. Steve's got his work cut out for him. It's getting cold up there now. The the ground's getting a bit hard, I think. Dig it in. Anyway.
Wow. Well, let's hope he can do that job. Well, and the I just I feel sorry for Steve right now, because what's Pierre doing? Steve, Steve's digging up Andy's body.
um And then Piers is chilling in Sweden. Yeah. What's that about? I don't understand. Anyways, let's ah let's get back on to my week. We're going to talk about that podcast that no one listens to. No, no, no, don't listen to three dollars to make his podcast. Okay. Yeah. um Yeah. So I started a hashtag by the way.
um first hashtag the hashtag listen to the three northern makers um maybe we should put that in every single post yeah o good stuff uh yeah thursday back on uh what we were doing uh during this week thursday was like thumbnails and titles ah and re-editing titles and re-editing titles and re-editing titles and re-editing thumbnails and re-editing titles. I thought you weren't going to be like pandering to the algorithm, you big fat jerk. It's hard not to because that is the click, right? That's how people see, that's like nearly more important. I've talked about this before. It's more important than the video itself.
Right. The title and thumbnail. Yeah, no one is going to click on your amazing video. It's got if it's got the fucking shittiest title and the shittiest thumbnail, it needs to be able to catch people's attention. So let's hope I got a bloody right because um yeah I'm I'm hoping something's gonna happen with this project. And I'm not really sure yet how I'm gonna do the releases in my head. I was thinking oh I'm gonna wait. I'm gonna wait for until I finished or nearly finished this next project, which I've got on the bench as of Friday.
e ah Which is Yeah, tell us about the next project. Yeah, so it's a kid's balance bike. of those Like toddler balance bikes. And I have these two high powered electric scooter motors.
ah They're each 1200 watts. So I used one of them on the drift shopping cart and it had a top speed of 64, 65 kilometers an hour.
So I'm thinking, what's the dumbest place I could like bolt these motors onto? And then I just came across this, uh, toddlers, you know, balance bike and I thought, let's, uh, let's do that. So that's the project. yeah I don't know how I'm going to work, out but yeah, you could just 3d print like a mini bike frame or like a mini super bike.
I could for sure, but I love the idea of just turning something that is clearly made for toddlers into like the most craziest weapon thing that a giant, like I'm six foot four, this giant lanky man is going to sit on and try and ride. Can you even sit have you tried sitting on it now?
Yeah, it's real hard. It hurts. what Like the the seat is pretty much like a like a dildo for my ass. It goes right up. the chain ah ah I think I might have to change the seat. Yeah. So that my I i keep my anal retention. And, you know, ah and hopefully,
It'll turn out good. I don't know. I always have this idea that this project will take like two weeks or three weeks and it'll be done. But to be honest, it's probably gonna take a lot longer. So I'm sort of in the balance of like, should I release start releasing the three videos I have finished now? yeah And then just hope that it sort of lines up. Or should I just hold off till this project's nearly finished and then start releasing the videos? I kind of got four videos.
you know, available to like consecutively put out because I'm thinking about momentum at the moment. I have a change in video style like we've talked about. Yeah. Try to keep people to like stay engaged with what I'm doing. You kind of need to be consistent. And create momentum. And when you have like one video put out and then people are waiting two months for the next one, it kind of you don't you don't get that momentum. No. So kind of thinking like it's better for me to be radio silent on the channel for four months whilst I create all these videos, then then then boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, create like, ah yeah, like I said, momentum around things.
But It was our birthday too, this week. ah You know, we really don't, in our family, birthdays are not really a big thing. you And it's a funny thing, because I think most men are pretty similar to this. I think most men don't seem to celebrate their birthdays. Women just love their birthdays. They're just like, oh, it's so good. It's so amazing. Oh, like it's my birthday. Men are like, yeah, well well, just, yeah, they'd be nice if I, you know,
maybe get a cup of coffee in bed. That would be pretty good. Sleep in would be good. Yeah, sleep in would be pretty mad. I have a wife who loves her birthday and is obsessed with making my birthday like the best birthday ever. right i see I mean, I admire that. She loves me and she wants me to feel special and I think it's cool. So she was busting my balls for like the last four weeks about what are you going to do on your birthday? What are you going to do on your birthday? And I was just like, yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. And then is that why you called me up for a vasectomy? Like, Hey, da bro, where'd you get your vasectomy done?
Birthday vasectomy.
wow I'm a bit worried about getting a birthday vasectomy on a Saturday. The only clinics that'd be open on a Saturday, the dodgy ones. They're like, yeah, we'll do your vasectomy. They put your balls in a vise and the guy gets a big hammer out. Or you just wake up and you've got kiddies missing and other shit.
Yep. No, Kieran, I called you about vasectomies because it was a very important thing to talk about because I think unfortunately I'm going to have to get my tubes tied. So tubes tied? No, they just fucking cut them, bro.
Do they? Yeah, the smoldering with a hot solder. Yeah, like no shit. I was like lying back. Fuck who falls out watching like smoke rising from my nutsack. Obviously, I can't see what they were doing. But like, that I just saw it. And obviously, like, you know, it was like cauterizing gun or whatever the fuck they're using. And yeah, but you don't feel a thing. I just I'm just gonna say, ah fucking from the from the From the time I took my pants off and lay down on the table to when I was putting my pants back on and walking out the door was like 13 minutes. Really? Yeah. Was she hot? say finally um oh now Well, there was a female nurse. Was there now? Yeah.
just like, and luckily, I'm not the excitable type. Otherwise, I could get really embarrassing. But I mean, if it is a bit of an odd scenario, like, you know, you're lying there with it, like, and they're like, they get this like surgical, like, mat, I don't know what, like this material.
And they're like literally just like pull your nutsack through it and just your nutsack just laying there in the open. in i know ah um I'm cringing already man. It just doesn't sound fun at all. I mean like I'm like lying there just lying back and I'm dooo And I'm like and he's like, oh, so what do you do? I'm like, yeah.
Gotta start my own brewery. Just lying there for like 12 minutes talking about what I'm going to do with you Chris brewing whilst the guy like just basically cuts open my nutsack. We need to get up this. I'm i'm fucking feeling ill in my stomach and don't. everyone It's and's so like it's such a like, I don't know if there's someone out there who's thinking about it. Like just fucking do it. I mean, it was a bit uncomfortable, but like, that was it. Like whoopty doo.
Like fuck a pizza wearing rubbers for the next thousand years, I don't know. It's just like, no, just get it done. All right, I'll look into it. And then you have like, you literally have permission to jerk off every day for 20 days. Just get rid of all the boys.
Except you tell your wife it's like for the next year. You're oh, it's... yeah did for a full year I need to do it every day. no yeah yeah yeah Just to make sure. Yeah, yeah. say so ye there's ah And you're supposed to go like to like a clinic afterwards and test and see if they haven't fucked it up. you know Cut the wrong tube or whatever.
so Yeah, but ah there's that's a whole nother story. Right, getting back away from vasectomies back to the birthday. well and I so birthday is not a good thing for me. I don't know why I think so. It's regards to how we grew up. I think we share them with meals. Yeah, I think I think a lot of men are that's pretty similar. We really interesting to hear people's take on this. But you know,
Leave your comments in the comment section. A lot of guys I've met is kind of similar in regards with regards to like birthdays. Like they're like, eh, it's a birthday. I think unfortunately a lot of families don't ah celebrate men's birthdays or boys' birthdays the same way as they do with girls. I don't know why, but it just it seems to be that way.
Hmm. So Kristen, of course, my wife, she's saying, what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? I'm like, I don't know. I don't know. And then we got sent this video from a friend of ours ah with Simon Sinek and Trevor Noah. And they're just talking about friendship. Yeah.
And it's, so I think it's about 12 minute video and it's so good, man. I literally watched that video and I got out of, we we we watched it in bed in the morning. I got up and I just sent messages to a bunch of dudes and said like, hey, are you free on Friday? What's the was the gist of the video? Just how important friendship is, right? And like celebrating the small stuff. Yeah.
So, yeah, so I i invited about 10 people, I think it was, over to my place for steak and beer. e I cooked everything, I did all the food, I just felt like it was, like some might think it's like a, not a really nice thing to do on your birthday, like to serve people, but I felt like it was a nice thing to do for my birthday because I i enjoy the,
the reactions i get from people when i serve them nice food right ah there's one a great beer Right? Hmm. And so that's that's what I did. I had a bunch of people like a good mix of people like we're not all Norwegian. Yeah, it was very super on Norwegian. A lot of immigrant guys, but also some Norwegians ah was super, super, duper nice. ah And great conversation.
And I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I had three beers, that was it. And then, you know, in the morning I had to wake up to the kids jumping all over me. and Give me a bit of cake and coffee and in bed because that's what my wife thinks is a great thing to do. Come in and sing a song when you're half asleep. and Yeah, jam a cup of coffee and and a bit of cake into your face, you know, at seven o'clock in the morning. This is what I had the same. And then I had like Liam eating macaroons on the bed and like just fucking crumbs everywhere. And oh, yeah. follow mean it's I mean, it's lovely. i Like I love and when the kids are so excited to celebrate you. It's so such a nice thing.
Yeah, so I think it was really, really good. And I think what was interesting about this was, you know, I had one friend send me a message and he said, like,
he actually sent me a message at like nine, 10 at night on that Friday and said, like, apologize for not coming. right And, you know, I said, that's okay, mate. You know, he said he basically told me in the message he was not in a good place. but And using this video as from Simon Sennick and Trevor Noah, like using that as like a good fuel to like drive this friendship thing forward, you know, like a bit of inspiration, I guess you'd say. I, you know, decided yesterday that I was just going to just drop in and say hello and just check in on him because, you know, like when someone reaches out and says like, Hey, like, sorry, I didn't come to your party, I really want to go, but I'm like, I'm not in a good place.
and you know, like it's important to go check on that person because, you know, like we, I think everyone's experienced it where they feel like shit. yeah And, you know, this things are not going well in their life. They feel like the world's against them. And, you know, when you reach out to somebody,
And they don't show up for you. It kind of reinforces that feeling of a aloneness and your life is shit. Yeah, right. And I didn't want that guy to feel like that. So I went over to his place and he wasn't even there. His his missus was there. And ah it was super lovely because, you know, I rocked up and she's like, oh, it's so nice to see you. Like he's not being great this week, you know, and things are going on. And ah I got this like feeling of doing something selfless. And even though it was nothing, it was literally me going to his house and saying, hey.
Right, yeah. But before he even got home, because she rang him and said, you should come home, his miss has told me a lot about like, what it means that I'm there, what it means for for my friendship with him in general, like, and I didn't know that stuff. Like, I didn't know how much my friendship actually meant to this guy. Yeah. You know, and I think, like, I'm fuck, you know, how many other friends do I have that I don't necessarily show up for all the time? But if I did, like we'd be better. the world He would be better. The world would be better, right? yeah ah So I felt really good. And then when he did come back from where he was,
I, the smile on his face when he walked in the door, made it worth it. Like he was really, really nice. Like I, so ah for for me, I want to just highly recommend people who are thinking, oh, you know, he like old mate, he's all right, you know, he'll be fine. This guy, you know, he's a trooper. I'm sure he'll be fine. Like, no, go to his house and say, hey, mate,
what's What's up? You know, like, he doesn't need it. You don't need to solve these problems, right? That's not what it is about. This is about going up, showing up and saying like, hey, man, you're having a fucking tough day. Like, that sucks. Like, that feeling of like, um you're not alone. Like, is so important to like Like you said, you don't need to solve the problem, but you just need to feel like people see you in the midst of that chaos or that thing that's going on. And that gives you the strength to persevere. And the isolation for us, especially for us men, like as toxic as shit. Well, we've all been there. Like I'm nearly certain every single listener has felt some sort of form of depression, right? And and
You know, depression loves company, as in it wants you to be alone with it all the time. Loves your company, not but not others. No, not others. it like it it want It's selfish, right? It wants you. And like sometimes you have to see it like it's a person being a selfish prick. So I think it's something that's really important to do. is like go If you've got a mate that's just having a shit day, like literally just go to his house for fucking half an hour and take a coffee with him and just say, hey, man, what's up?
Yeah, you know right. You don't even need to talk about the problem. No, no, you don't. You just just need to be there and just like, yeah, show that you you see him. Yeah, so it's so important. Hmm. So yeah, I think, to be honest, that was ah that was weirdly my highlight of the week.
was the fact that I was able to be that person for somebody. right Like I had a lovely time on Friday with great friends who was really like nice to serve them and was lovely conversation and easy going and everyone enjoyed themselves and I was It was super amazing. It was super nice on Saturday when I went over to your place and spent time with your friends and ate good food and those delicious, delicious burnt ends.
ah And drank your delicious beer. Super nice. Great. But like yesterday when I went to visit him and that smile on that face from him. yeah that That was worth it. That was the highlight. Absolutely. That's awesome. I hope he's listening. If he's listening, you're fucking mad. You're awesome. Well, it doesn't matter if he's listening or not. I think what's what matters is if you've got a friend.
that you actually think is cool and and he's struggling. Like yeah you don't need to solve these problems. Just go hang out for a bit, you know, do something together or invite him somewhere. Like a lot of times people need to get out. So you like, you like invite him somewhere, but then go to his house and be like, Hey, I'm i'm picking you up in 10 minutes. Right? Yeah. Right. Hmm. And he's like, Oh, I don't want to. I'm fucking feeling shit. Like dude, I'm coming.
Yeah, Mike, the car's fucking running. I'm standing outside waiting. Like, yeah. And like, no one will ever, like, they have to be in a really fucking bad place to ever just be like, no, you know, and then they'll be better for it. So it's good. um So, yeah, that's that that's my week. Yeah. What's been blowing your mind this week, bro?
Well you stole mine, I was gonna say. Barbecue burnt And the worst thing too is I had to rush them. So like I had to actually make, I had to cook the like the last like 10, 15 degrees. I had to like ramp up the grill and get them to up to temp faster. So they would have been even more juicier had I had more time. and So I'm like, oh, but they would taste so I don't think you can have that as your mind blown. Like you fucking cooked it, dude. so like No, but I didn't know what i didn't know what to expect. i didn't know what they I didn't know what to expect in terms of how they were going to taste. ah never taste I never had burnt ends ever before. Dude, they were so delicious, man. Like you could, ah like I said before, you could go to any pub or anything and sell those with a fucking pint of beer and you have you could literally, that's all you have to sell.
is maybe, maybe some chips and some burnt ends. Jugur is brewing, starts his own brew pub, you know, and it's like just beer and burnt ends. They're like, that was so fricking delicious. Yeah. And like, you can, you know, apparently, apparently you can do them with pork, like a ribber, like as well. Oh yeah, that'd be so good. Yeah. So you can do it with pork, you know, with beef. I'm sure you can do it with other things, but I think pork and beef would be the best.
Um, fuck it. I'm like, I'll get on that. Like, yeah. Does anyone want to help me open a brew pub? Seven listeners out there with shit tons of money, clearly. You should get on to the old mate with ah the all the bars and restaurants, the crowbar and that. Yeah, yeah. You should sell bone-ins. Go gangbusters. Yeah, man. I mean, they do like slow-roasted meats and that ah on that kebab place, the holy kebab. But that's like a privately run thing that's up there.
Oh, okay. But anyway, I mean, bucke yeah, they was that was mind blown too. I really, I really enjoyed them. So yeah, yank in your chain. What's yank in your chain this week? yes ah This a bit controversial actually. Just like, okay. So we had people over on Friday and then I went over to your place on Saturday and there's a lot of opinions about stuff, right? Right.
And what's yanking my chain is so is that people are so easily like persuaded into fucking war mongering. Right. Okay. All right. Like so people are sitting on their moral high horse saying, you know, we in Western society are like, you know, so fucking good and like this evil you know, Russia is like causing all these troubles ah and like, and then justifying us.
as a Western culture, especially America and all that, like sending weapons to Ukraine and then sending, like ah sending them missiles so they can go hit Russia. Like you are poking a fucking nuclear bear. Yeah, right. How how can you go around saying that shit, that it's a good thing that, you know, we're like hitting Russia, like, no.
Do you know what you're doing? Like just the fact that you support war against another country tells me you're fucked up. don't see You don't see the bigger picture. right Like you are literally making it general conversation of war mongering against another country.
right yeah like it like is like i don't I don't agree with what Russia is doing. I don't like the fact that they've invaded Ukraine but it and taken Crimea and like all this other stuff. I don't like that they're being aggressive like that, but I also don't like the fact that we justify spending billions and billions of dollars throwing weapons at them, kind of like, hey, what are you going to do about it?
Huh? Huh? Huh? What are you going to do with that? We got more, we're, you know, we're going to send missiles now into Russia. Like what? Let's not trivialize that people. It's, it's fucking warmongering. Yeah, but they're still stuck in this really like Puritan idea of like eye for an eye type thinking. Like if they do this, then we have to do this. Like, you know, but it's not eye for an eye anymore. That's a thing. Like.
When did Russia start freaking sending missiles into the United States? Yeah, I mean, no. They did. Never done. So why is why is America giving missiles that is capable of hitting Russian targets to Ukraine? Money. Right? just commerce but there's ah It's Don't get me wrong.
This is super complicated issue. Yeah, no doubt. And like, I don't want to really get into it because there's so much to unpack there. But the truth is, if you're going around saying like, hire, hire, like, let's spend more money, you know, on Ukraine.
so that they can, you know, push back Russia and like hit Russian targets. You're basically inciting nuclear war. And do you know what happens when nuclear have war happens? We're all fucked. We're all fucking dead. So no, there'll be no higher, higher anymore. You'll be dead. So stop fucking saying shit that you know, you don't know anything about. Right. Like that all it takes is Putin going, you know what? Fuck you guys. but Right. And we're all God, especially us here in Norway, right next to Russia. Do you think, you don't think we're going to be hit by fucking nuclear weapons? Even if we're not actually hit the fucking fallout, we'll just destroy everything. I don't think people understand how powerful nuclear weapons are these days. No, they, you know what I mean? Like Hiroshima times fucking thousand. Dude, it's insane. Yeah. So like, oh, just wipe out like half a big city.
with a bomb. It's like, no, wipe out fucking two big cities with a bomb. It's insane. Yeah, it's crazy. Yep. So that's yanking your chain. Oh, yep. That's saying my jam. Sorry, guys. Back i just have to say it but to a lighter note. You know what's yanking my chain this week? What? Tell me, Karen. Long shopping centers. Huh? Yeah, like shopping centers that are fucking like basically a running track. Like, because it you just have to go like, and like, but okay. So I went to I went to what at one time in Norway was the premier shopping center of the whole region, Ljertopen. Right. And Ljertopen is this like shopping center, it's two levels. But it's like 900 meters long.
So like yeah like I parked at one end where I was like, okay, there's one shop I need there. I didn't know where the other shop was. Turns out, completely up the other end, right? Now, it's one thing if it's just like one long stretch, but the way this place is designed is it pushes you down a floor and then up a floor and then like down a floor and then up a floor to get to the other end, like forcing you to go through all these things. So I've got this theory, right?
Then the reason why Norwegians are so fit, because even when they're lazy, mofos go into the shopping center, they still got to walk a fucking mile to get anywhere. They went to McDonald's at the one end and then they realized, ah you know they're burnt off half the Mac is by the time they get to the shop at the other end.
the cat they on purpose put the candy store at the other end. Yeah, geez, that's so true. I mean, like fucking hell. It was so long. I got halfway there and I was like, Jesus, I'm going to have to walk all the way back.
and They don't have travelators like at the airport? No, no, no travelators, nothing. So I was just like, it I feel like it should. It was, it was literally like walking through an airport terminal without travelators and just like, oh, for fucks sake, this place is so long. Why? And then I was just like, oh man, I just, it took so long to get, I was like, I realized like, why did I park there?
I should have parked in the middle of the shopping center, and then I would have had to be un able to go one side either way, like, and then we'll only walk halfway. And like, actually, I still would have had to walk just as long, but wouldn't have helped so bad. And I was just like, oh, so, yep, that's, ah that was yank in my chain this week. But you know, it's crazy, like, this is not the only one, right?
Like you have, for example, now like in Surland, in the down near Grishne-Sond, you have the Surland Center. That one's even fucking worse. Like, that's like a kilometer and half long. Like, is there a was there a law against building like multiple stories? Like, probably. There must have been like, but I'm like, Lyatopin, it's not like they're impending some kind of view.
Like there's no view there. It's just like a fucking boring bit of like land with nothing else happening for it. There's no big houses around like obscuring some view of a brilliant fjord or anything like that. It's just like, it's a shopping center next to a freeway. You know, like just build it another two stories higher and a bit of a few escalators and everyone's happy. I love the fact that your,
yanking your chain. What's yanking your chain is long, long shopping centers and mine was impending nuclear war. It's the ying and the yang, bro. You got to off the heavy with the light.
but the
So, yep, that was what's yanking my chain this week. yeah That's it. What should people go check out? and People should buy a pellet smoker. That's what they should do.
Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking about this. I'm like, what am I, what's my recommendation for this week? Barbecue! Delicious barbecue. Eyes of a pellet smoker. Can you explain what it is? Cause I don't think most people even know what it is. Cause like, I didn't know until you were like, you'd bought one and even then like, I still don't know actually how it works. Right. I know there's wood pellets in it and that's about it.
Okay, so you got like, you can have a traditional smoker and that's like, you would have like a little fire pit, or you can have like indirect heat, like with a Weber and put like smoke, ah like, you know, have like smoking chips and stuff like that to give it flavor. And you can do that kind of stuff. But like, that's a bit dependent on like, when you got to like, make sure you keep the fire going in a certain way, but not too hot, not too cold, because you can't overcook the meat, it goes to up to fast in temperature, then it's like, gets tough.
especially with these type of cuts of meat that are really good for slow cooking. And so I was just like, ah you know, I looked at those options some years ago, and then a friend of mine who had this brand called a barbecue called a Traeger. And that was the first pellet grill I ever came across. Now, there's a bunch of different ones out there now.
um But basically, it's got like a compressed wood pellets and then you can get different types of wood, maple wood, hickory, um you oak, all sorts of different things. You can get blends as well to have a different like flavor profile on the meat. Like, for example, like chicken and pork, you could use cherry wood.
or applewood, for example, and that gives it a different type of flavor in the meat. And, you know, and obviously like a heavier smoke like hickory or, or um oak for beef. I use like a blend. um You can buy them like with a pre blend, which kind of suits pretty much everything. um And it basically it's like a little auger that that feeds pellet, these pellets into like a a little fire pit, which has a glow plug in it. And the glow plug basically ignites the pellets. And it's like an oven actually, like that's a beautiful thing about it, right? You just set the dial like an oven to like, okay, I want it on 110 degrees. And you set that set the thing and it basically increases the, it has a thermostat and it increases the flow of pellets into the fire pit based on the temperature that it's getting.
And then it just as as a fan as well that blows air in. And so it adjusts the fan and the pellet feed in order to get the temperature. and So it's basically like set and forget, like put the piece of meat in there, you know, set the temperature, let it run. So what I did, like, for example, is I started like seven o'clock at night.
put the piece of meat in, set it to 82 degrees. And then like in the first couple of hours, every hour I went out and sprayed it would down, like mopped it down so the meat doesn't dry out and it takes on more smoke in the beginning. And then just went to bed. Left it outside smoking away all night, woke up at four just to check it because I was a little worried it was ah with temperature was rising too quick or whatever. And then, yep.
just left it on there. And then it turned out fucking beautiful. So allris the brisket was delicious. But yeah, the bones were also like mind blowing. I imagine if I got the if I'd covered the brisket in brown like brown sugar and barbecue sauce probably would have been the same or very similar. I actually don't think so because I think when you have it in those small bits, it's it's different. yeah and When you have it in the big slice like that, the meat still has this meaty taste where it's hard to explain, but yeah. Yeah, but I mean, pellet grills get on it. That's my recommendation. if you ah like You can spend a lot of money on these things.
Uh, you don't need to have the fanciest thing. The most important is, is that you have something that, that works and could keep the temperature fairly stable. And then use, use like a instant thermometer to read the temperature of the meat. And then the main thing is getting it off the heat, uh, at the right time. So low and slow, baby. Get on it. Pellet grills. You should. Delish. So there you go.
that was ah That's my recommendation. You, bro? I think people should check out that video I was talking about with Simon Sinek and Trevor Noah. I'm curious. You should send the link to me first. I am going to. And I will put it in the show notes and see if I can find it first, actually. And then I'll make sure I put a link in there. It's very interesting.
ah video just talks a lot about the importance of friendship, ah how society seems to kind of now being developed that we don't have male friendships, especially male friendships. um And I think it's a really important subject. We all need to actually be more educated on, because I think a lot of us think we have good friends, but we actually don't.
Cause we're not, we're not interacting with them in a way that builds like proper bonds with people. And ah Simon talks about the fact that like we, we as men go around and like, so what do you do? You know? yeah And he'll, he'll like bring a friend to like a big event, for example, that he's part of, and he'll introduce him Like this is my friend, you know? Yeah. And people say, so what do you do? or What does he do? And he's like, he's my friend. Right. Right. It doesn't like, why does what he does, how is that important? you He's my friend. That's why he's here. yeah I love him as a person. Like he's he's a he's an amazing person. Doesn't matter what he does for fucking money.
right yeah But that's all to do with like our weird ideas around social status and, you know, the competitive nature of men. Like if I'm earning more money, then I'm better than you type mentality. A hundred percent. Yeah. So that needs to die. ah I'm sorry. we're We're better off without it.
Yeah, but I think we we also need to understand human nature. So we as men work in status. yeah That's how we, that's how we get ahead. That's how we operate. So we operate in status and that means in some circles getting like the expensive car and that sort of stuff. But in other circles, it means like just having a happy life, right? So I think,
rewriting what status and success is, is really where we need to be. Yeah, that's what I like about Gary Vee, for example, you know, his kind of mantra for the last good while has been like success is being happy every day, being enjoying the life that you have, not how much money you make or how many cars you have or whatever. I mean, I think that's where I'm at too at the moment. Like we are not making good money. <unk> I'm hemorrhaging money through Garage Avenger, you know, but to be honest, as long as this lasts, like I'm going to enjoy it. Yeah, right. Like I'm, of course, I'm hoping that it will last forever and we'll kind of make some money off what I'm doing. And I'm hoping that people will see the work they put in and and start
supporting me. And i it it now that I just said supporting, I just want to give those people that are supporting me a freaking massive shout out. All the patrons that are signed up to Garage Avenger, like thank you guys. Like it really does help. You know that I don't have a lot of patrons But sometimes that extra bit of money helps pay for like this podcast, for example, you know, it costs money for us to have Zencast, you know,
to do this order recordings. And it costs money for me to have a subscription to like chat GDP, which, you know, is basically my assistant, you know, and and all that money that comes across helps pay for those small little things. So yeah, thank you for your support, guys. Yeah, thanks, guys.
know But i coming back to it, you know like i we're not making a lot of money and things are not, you know seem to be moving fast enough for me as always, but at the same time, like what did I do today? I got up, I went training with my son, you know ah came home, did some like stretching, made a coffee, came in the garage, sent my kids off to school first,
you know made sure they were felt seen. I came in the garage with a cup of coffee and sat down here and to talk with you. Like, what sort of life is this? This is fucking paradise, really. Yeah. You know? And I think you got to see it like that rather than like, I don't have the fancy car. Yeah. ah I remember one of the guys at my party was referring to a car as like the rape-mobile.
It does look a little like that to be a lot of society.
I'm just going to drive real slow around schools and stuff in it. yeah just Please don't. But that is a good point, right? You know, I have a car that's like literally falling apart. Yeah. like But we don't do that. In i in no way ah am I thinking to change it. Because it's still running, right? It's still working. Like, why would I spend a bunch of money that I don't have on a car to flex for people that don't even give a shit about me? Yeah. Like, no one is thinking about, oh, look at that going, you shitty car. No one.
and Maybe they think, oh, that sucks to have that car, but they they don't think of it for any for more than five seconds. So why would I? When any means anyone who's vain enough to judge you for having a shitty car is no one you want to be friends with anyway. Yeah. Like so, like fuck them.
Yeah, like, why do I care about people's opinion who don't get me? Not exactly right. Yeah. Like, if you got me, you'd realize like, I'm living the dream. And that's the best thing like for my life, right? And you'd be stoked for me.
right Whereas, you know, if I had to have a BMW or some fucking crazy expensive car to be like up on your radar as like a person you should know, then like, well, fuck you. Yeah. Right. Like pandering to some, someone who thinks that they're more important than they actually are is just like, yeah, what's the point of that?
To be honest, if some rich guy in his fucking expensive car crashed into my shitbox, I would probably laugh. Because I wouldn't mean even upset my car get destroyed. I've nearly laughed, especially if he was angry about it. He's like, well, look at my damaged car. I just start laughing because I'm like, look at you, motherfucker. But you're so worried about this possession thing that means nothing. It costs you so much money every month. yeah Like no one cares about your fancy car, mate. No one.
And in fact, most people like the the most of us actually see guys like rolling around in Porsche and and like Ferraris and shit. And they're just like sitting there just going, what a fucking wanker. Yeah, everyone's like, I bet that guy has a small penis. Like, that's just like, that's just generally that's how we think about people driving those kind of cars.
so I mean, it does it does matter what type of person you are, right? You can love those type of cars and be a genuinely amazing person yeah who doesn't judge me in my shitbox car and then that's no problem, right? ah But if you if you're worried about people judging you for not having the fancy things and things like that, I think it's something that maybe you need to look at because that on the other side of that is just pure happiness, man. Like, tomorrow, my plan is to just do the same thing, you know, have a cup of coffee, come into the garage and have the absolute freedom to create whatever I want. Yeah, right. I'm like, I'm fucking taking a plane up to Lofoten to make some beer. I get to go to the one of the beautiful most beautiful places in the world.
just to make some beer. That's, I think that's fucking rad. You know, am I making fuck tons of money from this? Fuck no.
But man, and the experience is worth it. Yeah, i and like you're pushing yourself too, right? yeah yeah to be to to like to To make something work. And like I was saying to you, like the worst case scenario is that is you have 2000 bottles of gifts to give to people. Like Christmas gifts for the next 10 years. yeah To every single person I know on Facebook.
Exactly right like who wouldn't want that like honestly like imagine if that happened you couldn't sell them So you had to give them all away and you gave them to people like people would be so happy, man. You'd make people happy. Yeah. like and I mean, that's part of the joy of doing what I'm doing. A hundred percent. You said it earlier in the podcast where like the joy of seeing people enjoy your beer and, and the food, right? It's the same, same thing, right? So yeah, the risk is there for sure. Right. Yeah. But, but.
Is it risk? Yeah. I mean, what is risk? You know, it's just a means to to an end. like According to the Oxford dictionary, risk... You know, if you can't if you can't take a risk in life, I don't think you're living.
Yeah, I think so too. And I, like I said to my son too, interesting thing. We have on our training in on in the morning, so six we get up at six and we go training, right? And ah he was sort of, I saw he wasn't fully engaged. And I said, Henry, man, like you, this is a hard thing to push through you, like where you don't want to do something. We don't need any more weak men.
in this world. e And he said, what do you mean weak men? And I said, well, weak men start wars. And then we had just watched Thor, the movie. right know And he's like, but Thor may started a war, didn't he? I'm like, yeah, but he was weak men. And he's like, what do you mean? And I said, well, Thor, when he went to the ice giants, went down there to like be all tough, right?
And then the ice giant called him a name and then he started a war. Right? So he was weak. He's a guy called him a name and then he started violence. Right. Yeah. Right. So he was weak minded. We're not talking about being tough on the outside. We're talking about being tough on in your mind. Yeah. Right. i And I think like those moments I could share that stuff with my son. I feel like I feel like a but like a guru or something. I'm a Yoda.
But I hope it sinks it sinks in at some point. Like it's he's still young, right? And it probably won't for a while, but like at some point, like I think that hopefully we'll sink in. like weak men are not good for society yeah where they just, they can't handle doing shit mentally, right? there And I look no offense to anyone that's struggling at the moment.
Because I understand where you're at, because I've been there myself. ah But it takes hard work to get mentally strong, right? Yeah. And if you're afraid of doing the work, then you'll never get there. And if, you know, I will also say to you on this podcast, like, if you need help, you know, getting there, like, send me a message. Yeah. You know, ring me up. If you go, I'll send you my number. Have a chat. I mean,
This is for another podcast, but like I've been on a journey in the last 10 years, man. And a lot of stuff's happened from my mindset perspective to get me where I am. And I think this is an important thing to talk about later. But saying that, I think we will leave it there for this week on a heavy note. Heavy notes.
Oh, that would be a perfect way to like, a to like an outro that was like, did du them yeah um heavy
Well, you know, you don't want the fucking organ anymore. now I love the organ. I love a bit of Herman organ. We talked about that. Actually, it's probably yeah, that's a that was that will lighten the end of it. There we go. People can enjoy the light end of a heaven organ.
Thanks for listening, guys. Cheers, everyone. It's for week seven. Next week. Let's go.