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Week 16 - The Garage Time Machine image

Week 16 - The Garage Time Machine

E16 · Garage Avenger Podcast
44 Plays2 months ago

This week Justin solves time travel. Kieran on the other hand yells at people for not wanting free beer. 

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Introduction to Garage Avenger

This is the Garage Avenger podcast.
Another week. Another Corona. Who's making coronas? It's not me. Well, maybe me. I don't know. really Anyway, welcome to the Garage Avenger podcast. I'm Kieran and I am trying to turn my garage brewed beers into a world renowned brewery.
And I'm Justin trying to share the joy of building death machines in my garage in the hope of one day trying to make a living out of it. We're twin brothers with a passion for the creating the world and unexpected taking you on a journey through our everyday life in our garages. There you go. it what What? I think it was good. No complaints here, Karen. Jesus. Fucking brothers. Jesus. What's going to happen? Jinks, personal jinks, no gives back.
What has been happening, Justin? He's miming that he can't talk right now. I said Justin.
I was supposed to say it three times? Really Justin? Is it true Justin? That's sorry. In a row!
Justin, Justin, Justin. Ah, thank you. ah I'm glad someone knows how the bloody jinx works. I can't remember. that This has been years since I've done that. My kids are all into the jinx. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's that that that time period of the kids, you know, where they're growing up and they're like, jinx. And they have this thing of noise, like, conga-less.
Is that what they say? Yeah, they say this. a it's yeah we go Yeah. So there you go. That was some silence for you guys. but Like, finally, like finally, this podcast got better.
um Well, okay, Justin, tell us what's been happening this week.

Innovative Garage Projects

Ah, well, I have some amazing news. Oh, do tell.
i I have solved time travel. Time travel. Yeah, I know. It solved it. I've solved it. I've solved time travel. Do you know why? Tell me. Because
I've worked out that my garage is a time machine. it it It just absorbs time. No, ah you go inside and what feels like five minutes is a full day. It's like a TARDIS. Yeah, it's like literally just go in there and like you were just thinking about working and then you're like, you know what, I'll just go get a cup of coffee and you get outside. It's dark outside. like The day's over. What happened?
And I realized saying that you achieved three thirds of fuck all. No, this week. No, quite the opposite. Okay. Because I learned how to reverse time machine, slow down time how by actually working. Yeah.
ah fuck this days to forever
Yeah. So, uh, actually this week I've done some fairly solid, what I feel at least is fairly solid work in the garage. Yeah. the How's the sled coming along? Uh, good. Yeah. Yeah. Solve that back issue.
the back ski issue you were talking about last week. yeah Yep. ah So everything is now operational on the ski front. Everything is unfortunately still tack welded together to like make sure everything is sort of all good before I start welding everything up proper. Cause I've done that many times before where I'm like, yeah, just weld it properly. And then I'm like, ah, you idiot. You got to cut that off. And then it's 10 times harder to cut off.
Right. So generally too, then once you've cut something, you butchered it so that you need to remake the part and then it's just a nightmare. So keeping everything just tack welded together. um I've had Kristin in the garage this week. That why time went so slowly.

Feedback and Challenges

And maybe she changed everything up. I don't know. No, I had um Kristen in the garage because i I brought her in because I needed to get her opinion on something. and like It's really hard for me to like sit and look at these projects and get a perspective that's not biased by me, obviously. Yeah. um And she has no technical you know engineering background. So she just goes off what she feels, which is a really nice way of getting a perspective.
Because she then comes and tells me like, oh, you know, you don't actually fit this thing. You're too big. Like, what are you thinking? I just feel like you will die on this thing. Well, she used those words many times. So what I'd done is I'd cut the top part of the ATV frame out.
Right. That's a bit with the seat and all that. Yeah. Where the fuel tank and everything was before. And so then I then set it up so that I would sit inside the the frame. Right. So the suspension basically would be in my back and my legs would be over the top of the suspension at the front. Okay. Yeah.
And I was like, I'm sitting in this thing. I'm thinking my legs stick like half a meter in front of this sled. I'm um maybe this is like not quite right. And I was saying to Kristin like,
I can easily extend it. That's no problem. But then I have to extend it quite a lot for a me to fit properly in this. And then it defeats the purpose of the project, which is to be able to take it on the train, back up the hill and take a second run. Right. Even though this thing probably weighs like how much does this thing weigh?
Oh, probably 30, 40 kilos. ah like So easy to carry, too. We drag it. It's got skis. Yeah, not everywhere has snow, especially if you're taking it on the train. Yeah, but do do you do not understand Korkuturkin Kiran. Have you ever been there? No, I haven't been there, of course I've been there. So you literally get off the train at the top of the hill. And then it's literally from the train down the mountain. You can literally jump on it from the train outside. Well, you can. Yeah. And then, and then when you go from there, you go all the way down the bottom yeah and you get to the bottom and the bottom is a train station. So you slide straight into the train station and then you go straight into the doors opening.
Yeah, you could. You could if you had enough speed. Although I've seen that they've had, you know, those gates, we have to, you know, kind of weave around. Yeah, you have to have enough speed to go through those gates and up and up to capitate yourself. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it's possible to take this lead from train to train, basically. Okay. Yeah. So ah you weren't really required to lift it too much.
Yeah. And I, ah I assume people just be like, being so engaged in what I'm doing, they'll want to help. so Sure. They're Norwegians. They want to help. They're like, what's this fucking weirdo doing? ah Talking about weirdos. Right. This morning, I'm going for my run. Yeah. um So for those who don't know, I run in shorts and t-shirt all year round. Yeah. And This morning wasn't so cold. I think it was like minus two or something. Yeah. And I was running along and there was this lady walking her dog. And then I hear her say in Norwegian, in shorts. Are you crazy? She yelled at me.
And I just laughed. I thought it was hilarious. Because it's obviously not that cold. You just stop being a big wussbag. Yeah. You know, and and like toughen up, princess, you know. Toughen up. Yeah. So I am that weirdo, Karen. I am that weirdo. But getting back to the. Yeah. Yeah. Getting back to the to the garage.

Sled Project and Resourcefulness

Yeah. um Yeah. I realized that I was going to be too big for this thing.
Right. To sit inside the frame. yeah I also realized if I got myself in trouble, ah my legs were going to get just like, I was going to break my legs basically.
So I've decided that I'm going to ride it like an ATV. so okay So I now have welded the frame back together with the the the frame and and I've cut off all these other small attachment bits that obviously had reason for like cables and fuel tanks and things like that, these little extra things. I've cut that off, cleaned it all up.
And then, yeah, the ski system in the rear works really well. It works only when you lean. So when you lean into the turn, the skis will go up on their right.
ah pitch or what do you want? call Yeah, on the right angle. And it doesn't. And it slightly turns. So the rear also slightly turns the skis in or out of the turn. Yeah, but not so much that it's like fighting the front basically. Yeah, yeah. sort that Drift slide drift sled.
Well, I think if I get enough speed, I could probably drift it, especially when I, cause you can now that I've set it back up to be like a motorbike, you can really lean out yeah and put your weight out and then push the rear out. So you could kind of slide like skis or whatever, if you wanted to, but that's not the point. The point is to be as fast as possible and yeah, fly down the hill. So.
ah Yeah, so that was really cool. And I started also working on the braking system. And I realized that there's a reason why I hoard stuff. And it's for projects like this. Yeah. So I've always been like seeing small parts and things like that. Like for example, this part that I found was actually off the drift shopping cart built. Yeah. Okay. So I had bought like a hoverboard go-kart frame thing. So. Hoverboard go-kart frame? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what they call it actually, but do you know the hoverboards?
um he Obviously you're not referring to the Back to the Future hoverboard. No, the two wheeled things where you lean forward. They're called hol hoverboards. I quite want of yeah anyway ye yeah i thought snakeboards. i yeah anyway No, they're called hoverboards. The wheels are parallel.
side. yeah Anyway, I'm not going to explain what a hoverboard is. Everyone knows what a hoverboard is except for Kieran. You buy these cheap Chinese kits, basically turns it into a tiny little go-kart. It's got a seat, and it's got the levers which control the wheels, the back wheels, and you can steer with them, and it's got caster wheels at the front. yeah okay and so Basically, I bought it because of the seat.
It was like 50 kronas. And I thought, that's cheaper than me buying a seat from China. So I bought this bought this thing. And I saw the parts. They had these like brackets with like springs in them. And I was like, I have to keep these. like I can't just throw them out. I could use them for something. And they've been hanging around for the whole year. just And I've moved them, I don't know, 10, 15 times around the workshop. And then this project came up.
And I'm thinking about the braking system. Right. I need some sort of like lever with a spring system in it. I was like, haha. Nice. Finally. I thought I had to go try and find out how I put them, but yeah it turns out I put them inside a old like bass drum. I love that. Like you like you're like, oh yeah, I'll put it somewhere smart. Well, remember, like,
where the fuck that i put it
Yeah. So ah the braking system I'm fairly happy with right now. It looks so mean. Because i so I saw a little Instagram story about this. I think it looks like these gnarly friggin teeth. Like, yeah, like if it flips off and like comes off and you somehow end on the like end up on the business end of that thing, like you're you're not coming off second, you're definitely not coming off. like Well, but no well, the funny thing is like, I'm I this morning, I was like, working on it, cutting some, like, welding some new bracket stuff onto it. And I grabbed it, I'm like, ow, it got me. So I've got 24
sharpened teeth on this thing. To totally destroy the slope. Yeah, basically when I break. yeah yeah So the idea is that the they are cut on an angle and um you know, welded on an angle that when they dive into the snow, they want to dig harder into the snow. Right.
So rather than just bouncing up and down on the snow or, you know, like you put it like, ah like, like those snow races that the kids have, they have this kind of like, kind of half. Claw thing. Claw thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it kind of just sits on top of the snow and there's very little surface area. And the angle is not very aggressive. Whereas this is quite aggressive. ah The teeth are designed like chisels.
Yeah, right. So they dig in and they want to dig further in, hopefully. So that the idea behind that is that it should really stop me if I get into real big trouble. The problem is, if I want to slightly break, I don't know if it's going to be like a... Or it's gonna be like, ah oh, it's slightly breaking and we're good to go. Yeah, so well we'll find out control this, this lever system. What's the
control surface for that. Yeah. So, so there's hinges on the back side ah that swing in and they're going to be spring loaded. So those hinges so that they, the, the brake keeps off the, off the ice. Yeah. ah Then I'm going to run a cable with a pulley. Yeah.
through the frame and then to a foot pedal. So you basically push the foot pedal down and it drags the brake in. You're not going to have a hand, like hand lever. I did think about that, but I think I have too much movement I need to make on the a hand lever is very little movement. yeah okay So I think plus the other side of it is like if it's direct, right? Yeah. With your hands.
your hands are not as strong as your legs. No, I guess imagine if you like, you know, rock or a kick and he wants to like, push it up. And then you're you're holding as hard as you can to hold it down. And then it hits a rock, your your hands are just going to let go of those brakes because or you're going to snap a cable because handbrakes cables are not that thick really. So yeah, the i the idea is to use your feet.
yeah Call your legs to push hard against the brake when you really need to brake. And then you can use the handlebars to kind of pull up on the handlebars and push down on the brakes. You understand what I mean? yeah You get to put you basically your full body weight into the brake. It's in the rear as well so that you don't lose control and spin.
Yep. Cause if you had the brake in the front, it would kind of dive the nose in and then make the back light. And then it would spin you around, which, you know, then you lose control and crashing to a tree and die. So no one wants that except for maybe, you know, the YouTube viewers. Uh, so Kristen, uh, is ah fairly,
good with my decision. Fairly good. Yeah. I mean, she still thinks it's really dangerous and thinks it's really stupid. But, you know, I was saying to my son yesterday, he asked me, he goes, dad, is it fun to drive a car? And I said, yeah yeah, I guess it's more fun to drive fast. And he's like, why? I was like, well, because it's like adrenaline.
And adrenaline makes it more exciting. ah And so when you're taking risks, it's more fun. And he's like, I don't understand. yeah on your own boy yeah and then Then like next year, he's like, dad, I'm jumping. Where are you? Henry, I'm up on the roof. I'm about to jump off. ah it's so taken risk Taking risks. Taking risks. You said this was fun. Well, he did say, he asked me, he said, dad, can you turn my bike into a motorbike? And I said, yeah, sure. Like well what like a little engine, right? Sure. Let's do that. And he's like, no, I just want it to look like a motorbike. He doesn't actually want.
No, no, he just wants the perception of like, he's like, can you make it look like a motocross bike? Because then, like, I'm really good at skids, and then it'll look like I'm doing... Well, he doesn't call it skids, he calls it drifting. And hero he's not very good at drifting, just mind you. He thinks he is, but he's not.
Yeah. So I said, yeah, sure. We'll get some foam and some fiberglass out. Make it look like a motorbike. That could be fun. Kids. Got to love them. Yeah. So the project sits down there. Pretty happy right now. Just got to keep on welding up the brake system. Finalize these little small things. And then, to be honest,
I think I could start welding up everything proper. I do need to get us like a set of handlebars, but I'm sure I can find them lying around somewhere. I'm sure I've got a set of handlebars in the shed somewhere. yeah I can probably reef off something. There's at least three projects you've used handlebars for in the recent years. so Well, those handlebars are bike handlebars, which I usually buy from the store. All right. What kind of handlebars are you looking for?
Uh, cause this is like a motorbike handlebars. So they need to have like the clamp system that a motorbike, um, yeah okay like headstock or whatever you call it, you'd actually clamp onto. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So but that I need to do. And then I need to start sewing because I'm going to make a, make a leather seat for it. Cool. Hmm. Black with red stitching, I think. Oh, darling. Yeah.
Cause like all I'm seeing, cause all I've seen so far is a rusty frame at this point. So thinking how's this kind of like a rusty frame with a, with a but black leather seat and stitching. Yeah, I feel, I feel that I really need to get on with this project because I have received on Friday, and my first ah sponsored parts have arrived.

Milestones and Achievements

So, uh, yeah, so I've been working with a company called PCB way. Uh, and they are sponsored these four hub adapters and for the wheels for the world rally car. Uh, and so yeah.
It's not so expensive and parts, but for my first official like kind of sponsor, it's, it's kind of a big deal for me. So I feel like I need to get this project like finished and then start working on the world rally car. Definitely get set in these stipulations. They're going to be like, this project is budgeted by PPA. That probably will happen. I, yeah to be honest, is being at absolute smooth ride with these people. Yeah, cool.
So what's happened is I had these parts I needed to get machined. I knew that PCBWay did like machine CNC machining and stuff. ah So I said to my friend, ah Pierre, the Swedish mocha. You're friends with that guy. i No, i i why did I call him my friend? I don't know. Arch nemesis. Arch nemesis.
i mean I'm kind of disappointed in yourself. i yeah well whos yeah I'm kind of disappointed that ah that I called him my friend.
But anyway, ah yeah, so I got contact from this Swedish dickhead. um and And he put me onto this lady, which I sent an email to. And she said, fantastic, looking forward to working with you. This is great. This fits us perfect. ah We do everything on WhatsApp. So just, you know, I'll contact you on WhatsApp.
So that's exactly what happened. a ah She said, just place your order and just let me know when you've placed your order and I'll sort the rest out. Okay. So I placed my order and she she just, I gave her the order numbers and like literally 10 minutes after I did that, it was paid and it was being machined.
so I'm pretty actually impressed because i when it was it last it wasn't last week, the week before I was talking about that I'd like printed off these drawings and and finally sent them off for my sponsor. and um you know, I got them yes. Oh, like on Friday. So it was just a little bit over a week and I had been the physical parts in my head. That's pretty, pretty awesome. This podcast is brought to you by PSP.
i Saying that, but that's the scary bit about this because that's the only conversations I've had with her. So I don't even know what she has expect. Like there's no expectations set yet. Like there's no like, here's the contract and this is what you must say and this is what you must do for us. So they've machined the parts and they've given me like, the old I've got them in my hands. yeah And I don't know. why Suddenly they're like, we need your first born child. Exactly. I don't know.
Maybe it's a way of like manipulating you into an a situation where you can't get out of it. You like so yeah you know, we'll talk to that Swedish guy and see what happens. Yeah, I'm not really worried. I've seen what he does in his crap videos. So, you know, i if I have to get more views than yours. Oh,
oh tip ah by the way, congratulations on the hundred thousand mark. Oh, thank you, Kieran. It's been a long time coming, actually. It just feels like it's so interesting because you think it's going to mean something, but you know deep down it won't.
yeah So I just see it as a like, that's why I made a point to celebrate it. yeah Because you can get wrapped up in it and you're like, oh, well, what's next? What's next? What's next? Right. Instead of like stopping and like celebrating the small wins. Yeah. So yeah, the go-kart video or hand truck go-kart video now is about 105,000 views, which is pretty amazing. i It's the best performing video I've ever had.
ah we celebrated, Chris and I celebrated with ah with a beer and it was it was lovely. So, ah but you know, it's just making sure you take note of like you're succeeding. You're on the right path. You are going the right direction. It's just,
just don't get, like no one cares actually that you got a hundred thousand views, but you need to to take mental note of that as you're going in the right direction, you are succeeding, you are building up on something. And if you think about it, you know, five years ago, if you told me like I could have a hundred thousand views on a video, I would have flipped out.
But when I got there, I was like, yeah, it's 100,000. yeah cool So it's ah it's a bit of a funny situation to be in because you just go, oh, what's next?
Yeah. What's next? But the same time, like I said, celebrating it slightly to say, hey, like this is a milestone and there'll be many milestones to come. And I'm looking forward to seeing what is next. It could be the fact that I've got a sponsor of PCB way or whatever. So, yeah. um The only other thing that's been sort of happening as I've been changing my morning routine okay So I've been of last six or seven months pretty crap to get up on time and get going. I used to be really disciplined to get up at like 5.30 and then go out and do my training and do my like yoga and

Lifestyle and Well-being

meditation and stuff that I actually do every single morning, which is, you know, to be honest, it sounds like a bunch of bullshit, but it's changed my life, dude.
So I used to do that in the last six or seven months. I've been kind of doing that late and then trying to like balance the kids going to school and all that sort of stuff. And now I decided like last week or this week, I should say, like I've decided like I have to get up at five 30 in the morning and I have to go out and train. I have to do look after me first. yeah And then I've got the time to look after the family and the kids.
Uh, saying that I haven't looked after the family and kids at all because I've been deciding that, right. I finished my training at seven and everything I need to do. hey Let's go in the garage.
So I've been getting in here early and before the kids even left for school, which you know is actually a really good thing for the kids as well, because it what I've noticed is they are a bit more self-sufficient when I'm not there. When I'm there, they're like, dad, dad, we need help with this. We need help with that. You know, i' like, and you end up because you want to get them out the door and you want to get to work. Hmm.
you know, you end up helping them. Whereas now they help with themselves and they have to take the responsibility and deal with the consequences if they forget something. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, they ran in at five minutes before school started. It's like, love you dad. See ya. Bye. And give me a hug and run out again. Um,
But that's been really good for me. I found that like getting up, getting in my routines again, getting my stuff done. And then I think that's why I feel like this week's been really productive is that, you know, I've been back on top of my game again and looking after myself. And then on top of that, being able to get in the garage early and start working and get a full solid, you know, 12 hour day if I can in here. So, you know, not every day, of course I work 12 hours, of course I have my day job to go to as well. so But the days that I don't have my day job, i I definitely try and get as many hours I can in here. And, yeah you know, that kind of leads me to the
the family, right? I've sort of said that, you know, i wasn't really looking after the kids and stuff. um But yeah, the The family's sort of been on the focus now on the weekend, because I feel like I could. Because um I worked so much in the garage during the week, I felt like I could achieve something. Yeah, you can actually give yourself a break. Have a weekend, yeah. Yeah, so that felt good too. So we had Saturday together, Kristen was at school.
as she Once a month she's up in in Oslo at school. And so, you know, I got time with the kids. We watched holiday movies and we, you know, we went Christmas shopping and ah yesterday ah we had like a a family ah Christmas dinner with the extended family at like some expensive hotel thing.
yep And then after that, I was thinking, oh we were alone, me and Henry, we were kind of left to our own devices since Kristen and Emma had other plans. And so we decided that we were going to go up into the forest and find this, uh, find some sort of like cabin that someone, some kids had been building okay in the forest. He was super excited about it. He was like, he wants to show me. So, uh, I sort of wanted to encourage him because we're, we've been talking a lot about, you know, basically not gaming so much and trying to go out and do things and be, you know,
a little bit like our childhood was Karen, like how many cubby houses do we have around the area? You know, yeah yeah we had places, we always went to these crazy weird places that, you know, were kind of a little bit dangerous. Some of the places we had super dodgy. Yeah. You know, we had the,
the cubby house we built on the on the cliff and I remember opening it up to go in and there was a massive goanna in there. I can't remember that. But yeah, like things like that. So we talked about that. So we we, you know, four o'clock in the afternoon, it's dark here already by that time. Yeah. So we went into the forest with um with flashlights and we went to try and find this cabin. And then when we got there, it was pretty impressive, actually.
a Yeah, the kids, ah I think there's some adults helping them. Yeah. But the kids, ah they made this like, ah cabin, it's got like a full wall.
like walls made out of um actually birch trees. okay Just cut down birch trees. and it's got And it's got a second floor. Oh, wow. Yeah. And I've also built like this teepee thing. like It's pretty impressive. So I can understand why Henry thought it was really cool. So I'm trying to convince him now to think about like how he could do that by himself or not by himself, but with some friends rather than sitting in front of like the computer yeah you're on the weekends or, you know, the Xbox or whatever whatever, or TV. Um, I think unfortunately it's going to be incredibly difficult because most of the kids these days, they just live on, on the Xbox or in front of that their screens. Yeah.
So, so I think i'm unfortunately going to need the parents to help drag the kids out to build something. So yeah. You'll probably be their parent. So that's true. That's true. ah but Sometimes you have to take the hit for the team, don't you? Yeah. It's just like last year, this time of year, we built a snow labyrinth, like a snow maze. Yeah. You know, out in the, actually at the school. And, you know, no one else is going to do that.
No, I'm the type of person that's going to do that type of thing. So I have to take that responsibility on the on the nose, on the chin and deal with the fact that other parents don't give a flying fuck about their kids and creating something interesting and special. Yeah.

Audience Engagement and Distribution

Yeah. And I am that weirdo in shorts and t-shirt in the middle of winter, you know, building snow mazes and, you know, building weird sleds and stuff. So, you know, I can own that. So I've waffled on for a while. What's yeah been happening? I need half an hour. Jesus.
ah This week, I packaged the XBA version three. Ooh. um So that's kind of fun. I just want to give a shout out to Andesh, the only listener of the podcast who reached out and wants to receive the XBA triple pack of take samples from me. um So, I mean, looks like Anda's going to get a fuck ton of beer because nobody else has the balls enough to fucking send me a message on Instagram. Geez, don't get aggressive, the listeners go. I'm sorry, I'm going to give away free beer. How fucking hard is it? I'm sorry. Just gonna say, so cheers Anders for being a mad cunt. And I don't mean that in the in the Australian positive way. It's like the cooler, the best thing ever. You're the coolest. yeah Do a head conga.
and because and like it doesn't take much to reach out. And like seriously, it helps me so much to get proper feedback from people on what they actually like. Yeah, and you think too, I know there's people in Sweden that listen to this podcast and that are beer aficionados. And you think they'd send you a message, wouldn't you?
and Yeah, you think so. Well, that being said, I did say I was going to send him some already. So, huh. Yeah. Yeah, sorry. But I'm waiting for some other things to I'm waiting for those beers to be packaged and there's some other things and then I'll send it all together to him. So, yeah, so that's a cheers for to Andesh, Andesh for reaching out. Anyone else? Send me a DM. You Chris brewing on Instagram and I'll and I'm happy to send you some beer, like for the cost of postage. Maybe I'll spot the postage myself if you're nice enough. Send a lovely message and then you'll spot the cost. Yeah, and I'll spot the postage, man. I'm like, no problems. It's just, it's great to get the feedback. It's part of running business. So yeah. So please, if you're listening to the podcast and you hear this now, just pause right now.
I'll give you a second and go and send me a message and say, hey, love to try some of these beers. Here's my address. Like, that'd be awesome. And i I'd love to send you some. So there you go. DM on Instagram, Eucharist Brewing, and or on Facebook, the Facebook group. You can join that, can't you? If you're on the Facebook group, ah good news from Eucharist Brewing, you can reach out there as well.
um The other thing too is is that if you live locally in the Drummond area and listening to this podcast um I've discovered like I brew beer and I package it and then I'm like oh I got a this it's chocking up my brew room I've got to move it somewhere so like the other day I was like out in the garage and I was like what are these boxes here and I like open these boxes unless there's like 60 cans of beer sitting in the garage like literally out so in the like they probably gonna freeze and you know soon and pop so I gotta get rid of them so I have too much beer so like if you live locally like literally ah send me a message again ah if you're interested in that and I will I will give you an entire
box of beer if you're interested in that. What type of beers are we talking here? um The ones I found were the Nordic wheat beer that I made maybe six months ago. And I i had a couple last on the weekend with Rakfisk actually. yeah And it went down a trait. Far out, it went down so good.
um really fresh and like it's this coriander an orange peel character on it is just it's it's great it's a good beer so if you're keen just please once again send me a message i'd be happy to get rid of some beer who would have thought uh i'll bring my uh i'll bring my van yeah So the other one is I brewed the XBA version one because I remember I'm going backwards here. And after tasting version three, like finished packaged, I was like, you know what, it's like it's like it's it's good. But it's like it's lacking a little pizzazz maybe I'd like a little bit more hoppy than it is like in terms of like the like aroma
ah taste profile um Not so much bitterness but like and I was ah the other one was maybe a little bit too bitter depending on your taste So I was just like, you know what? I'm gonna adjust the recipe to have like a little bit more hops. So The aroma hot additions have gone from 1.5 grams up to 2 grams per liter. So that's, and I've already tasted a difference in the wort so far. um So it's, it's, it's looking really promising. um So maybe I have to adjust some of the other, s to be the two other ones that I've done to suit. We'll see. So that's the beauty of testing and get to see what the different
things are when you make adjustments and all this kind of stuff. um So the XBA version 1 went into the tank on Friday. It's already finished fermenting. So I dry hopped it yesterday and ah and then a cold crash hit today. And you know, that's, that's, you know, ready for packaging in by the end of the week, maybe. So this sounds like a profitable beer.
Yeah, well, the the amount of hops that go in this per litre compared to like cosmic Christ and cry of Jesus is like nothing. So it's just it's a super like the whole point is to make an affordable, you know,
interesting tasty beer. So we'll see where that goes. And that's exciting. I more mean, in this way of time, though, kids, because so yeah, because a brood, which means you can produce more and, you know, basically more bang for your buck. Well, like the thing too, is is that because the reason why it's fermenting down faster is because I'm adding sugar.
ah To dry it out and the yeast just fucking goes nuts just and it just it's finished fermenting in like three days so that that's the beauty of like whereas the the version two, you know, I just used malt and that stalled out as in it didn't finish it didn't finish as dry as the others either and So it stopped it ah Yeah whichever scale you want to use, 2.5 plateau and for the geeks out there or 10 10 in specific gravity if you want to be that if you're in that camp and um it was so it's a little bit sweeter and it took
six days to get there too. It didn't, it took double the time. and So, um you know, it's more tank time, which, you know, is ah depending on your setup is going to be more profitable if it's out of a tank faster. So that's kind of fun. And um Yeah, then the triple is launching a scene has a bunch of stock that's gone out of the web, out of the out of the ah warehouse.
And I can tell you right now, on it was about I had this all set up here before. And I'm going to have to quickly look at this because I won't tell you exactly. I found out in the lagering system in the portal that I have that you can, I can actually see which wine monopoly stores have ordered. Oh, okay. That's so, um, this, and this is, this is just the first round that's come in. There's still another 13 cases that are soon to go out. So, uh, that haven't been logged in the system yet. So ah for those who are interested who want to get their hands on the Nordic triple it's available at Oslo Acabriga, Bergen store centre, Oslo city, Trondheim Torg, Oslo storel,
Orlesund, Drum and Strumso, Aske, Molde, Christiansund, Lillemakens and Lillehammer so far.
Wow, that's a pretty good spread. Yeah. All over the country, pretty much. Yeah. Mulder as well, like that's ah all a sound. That's pretty impressive. It's gone all the way up there. So really cool. And there's, it like I said, there's another 13 cases that are sitting in the queue, but I haven't been assigned, I haven't seen, I can't see which stores they're going to.
just yet. So that's really cool. And so all those stores will have at least all of them have ordered at least two cases each. So that's really great. and So if you're interested in trying that, you want to get your uncle or whatever a gift and you don't know where to get them, then they go not a triple for Christmas.
Yeah, i'm I'm really looking forward to seeing it on the shelf. okay yeah um mean the mint too It looks good. Yeah, have you seen it? Have you taken some out of the logger?
There's another problem there. ah I clicked the wrong shipping option to send it to like to send it directly to me and I think it's stuck somewhere. So I've got to follow up with that today because I sent it last week. So um I mean, ah if I had known that I would have just driven over there to get it.
Yeah. So anyway, that's ah so that's that. Oh, and also Henry and Sally's in Oslo, the Michaela bar. They have a few bottles as well. Oh, that's fine. So they're the first untapped ratings coming through. They're already seeing some untapped ratings come through. And at this point, I'm doing better than vest molar triple.
which is by like the invest more as a triple. That's like the, the, the gold standard for Belgian triples. So as far as I'm concerned, there are other ones out there that are really good as well. But I think this more is the gold standard.
That's super cool, Kieran. So yeah, it's, a it's gonna be fun to see where it goes. um And the nice thing about the triple was actually make money on these. ah So i rather go minus, I'm actually making money. So it is really nice.
Awesome. and what What are you around? What are you thinking about like export stuff? Because I think that's a really cool beer to export a Nordic triple like yeah we've we've discussed to like with regards to England or the UK, they're kind of into the Nordic stuff. Yeah. You know, so is there any leads anything going that way yet? I'm trying to foster leads. It's a difficult battle because of all the competition out there ah currently.
And I think once I get some stock in hand, then I can physically send samples and that's a game changer because it's so easy to say no to someone on email. But when you got a physical product in your hand and it looks like it does.
it looks so quality and then you taste the beer and it is quality, then it's, it sells, hopefully it will sell itself and that people will, they'll be importers that want to take it off my hands. So, you know, that's the, that's the dream. And then obviously there'll be other editions, there'll be the double, there'll probably be a Christmas edition. I am planning for that as well.
I definitely think you should do that, especially in this country, Christmas beers are huge. So will yeah, we'll see if i if I can warrant a volume. ah So that's such a large volume for Christmas beer. um And yeah, we'll take it from there. Because I i went to the wine monopoly.
On the weekend, uh, tried to get your Nordic triple, uh, obviously not available yet. Uh, but I did order more cryo Jesus, cool just so I could have that in my fridge. nice Um, delicious beer. And I just look forward to drinking it again.
good So there i are there more beers available with Cryojesus? Yeah, there's plenty I mean, there's there's still stores that have some. um It's still in the system at the wine monopoly. So if you go to your local wine mono monopoly and they don't have it, you can ask for it. Yeah. So please, you know, if you're if you're interested, if you like Hoppy IPA, that's just, you know, a
suop levels ah Smokzoplevza, a taste taste experience. um Jump on it, get it. It's ah it's a great beer. So you're getting really good feedback on it. So yeah, there you go.
Well, I'm really looking forward to to tasting this triple. that Me too, because I haven't tasted it yet. I feel like I should go into Oslo just to Honey's and Sally's, just like taste my own beer. Honestly, I don't understand why you're not there already. i like I would have done that on the weekend. I would take the kids and everything. I'm just like, you know what, kids, we're going. We're going to Henry and Sally's. I'm going to sit there and drink an entire nine percent by myself.
No, you don't even need that. You could share it with somebody. Yeah. I'm sure someone would have rocked up and shared it with you. Yeah, I'm sure. Or I could just share it with a stranger. That'll be just good. Wouldn't it? Right? Yeah. Yeah.
yeah Yeah, anyway, yeah but you know, it's weekend with kids and all sorts of cows like normal. So that's yeah, that's pretty much that's that's it. That's ah that's where I'm at at the moment. So things are things are moving forward. and And I'm excited to see where especially where the Nordic series goes. Yeah.
yeah ah Karen, last week we talked about potentially doing some like intro music to our segments. Yeah, we did, didn't we?

Creative Inspirations

I didn't see any feedback from the people. I saw that as a yes, we should do this. The silence but silence was the the approval. Yeah, that's right. There is no one saying, don't do this, don't do this. So, Karen, shall we do the first one?
Yeah, let's, let's do it. Here we go. Double rainbow all the way across the sky. o
Mind blown. What's blowing your mind this week? Do you have, dude sorry, do you have like a ah little snippet that just is the bo Yeah. Yeah, because you get like, where you know, when you drop like the ah drop the mic, like your thing, then you get that. I could do that. i could put that Yeah, yeah. All right. So and what's blowing your mind this week? ah What's blowing my mind is ah Theo Janssen's kinetic moving sculptures.
Okay. Dude, you've seen these things. I'm nearly certain of it. They're like the, they call them the sand beasts or beach beasts. And they're huge, like kinetic sculptures that walk along and are only powered by the wind.
Yeah, okay. They're like, animals they're like live animals. It's just, and, you know, they've always kind of fascinated me. And then I came across this YouTube video where talking about like how he sort of just started doing it like 30 years ago. And in like the early 90s,
He he decided that he needed to find the best way to make the leg move the least amount of like rotational movement. here And so he ended up like using a computer to like.
run millions of like calculations they're right on the length and the type of movement that foot would make, the leg would make to get the most efficiency. It is mind.
Yeah, it is mind blowing. Just how much has gone into these like sand creatures? Plus they just look so freaking cool. Like just walking along the beach by themselves, like this mechanical thing powered by wind. It's like it's a it's like it's a live animal. It's so freaking cool.
Um, and there's one other little small thing. I also think it's blowing my mind. I've been, um, I've been receiving some comments from, uh, a fairly well-known YouTuber, uh, on my stuff, which has been pretty cool. He had an intro. Yeah. Colin first. Uh, yeah, cool. Hmm.
So that's been blowing my mind a little bit.
ah Yeah, really cool. Just ah it's like, again, a little bit like we talked about with regards to like that reaching the milestones. It's like seeing like your work being recognized and just, you know, seeing it as like ah this, we're now moving forward with this is the next step, this the next step. So yeah, yeah yeah That's been blowing my mind. What about you, Ciaran? Ooh. My mind seems so trivial. ah ah You know what blew my mind this week? ah Please tell me, Ciaran. My favorite cheese, Nuckelost. Okay. It's cheaper per kilo than Jossberg.
I was just like, who
I'm just like, this is like the best thing that happened to me in like weeks. I'm just like, yes. Okay. This is, that's the cheese with like the spices in it, right? Yeah. It's got like carvada. It's got like a, what do they call them? Caraway seeds. Caraway seeds. Yeah.
And I think it's so tasty. It's basically just Norweg, yeah? Yeah, that's what I was going to say. But it's like, but still, like, it's all I've always seen it as the expensive cheese. Like, where um I never buy it because I'm like, oh, man, it's so expensive. And then I looked, started looking at the kilo price and I was like, holy shit, it's nearly 20 crowns per kilo cheaper than Jarlsberg.
I was like, fuck man, I'm never buying y'alls back again. i I'm a Jarlsberg boy. I don't think I could deal with just eating caraway seed cheese. Oh, it's so good. Oh, man. It's so good. Love it. You're eating the equivalent of like those Kraft plastic cheese slices with caraway seeds. That's all you're doing. I have no bad mouth nor vega. I'm sure there's people out there that are in the nor vega camp.
No, no, no one's on the November everyone loves. My son loves you. He can only say, he can say, Daddy, mama and cheese. That's all it is to say cheese, cheese, cheese. Doesn't like no cost. I don't think he's mine. I think Lynn cheater on me. Would you say, Karen, that that is
Who does number two work for?
Hey, hey, just grab a hold of something, bite your lip, and give it hell. Come on. We're going to get through this. um that have heard like
ah It's definitely giving me the shits. the Actually, no, that's not what's giving me the shits. I think we're changing, with for the record, we're changing changing the name of yank the yanker chain segment to giving you the shits. Yeah, it's number two work for classic Austin Powers. Let's go. ah You know what's actually giving me the shits this week? Tell me, Garen. Let's know.
Wet snow. Oh, snow looks so nice. You can go out there and be like, oh, it's so beautiful. It's white and pristine till it's fucking wet. And then like your shoes get wet. Your kids are playing around in the snow and they're all wet. Then you're like, you know what? It's a bit, oh, I need to clear the snow for the car. Get the snow dress out. Fucking things jamming up because as's all the wet snow is choking up the chute. My fucking wet snow.
oh I hate wet snow!
like The worst is the the yellow wet snow. Oh there's a bunch of that too because we got a bunch of fucking cats pissing in the garden so there's like There's the kids are like playing random like, Oh, don't touch that. Oh, Jesus Christ.
yeah yeah Are you sure it's not like I piss sometimes. So so I have the garage, right? Yeah. And it's probably 10 steps to go into my house to take a piss.
Yeah. But like Bugger Fun's going to take 10 steps. So I often just go behind the garage. It's three steps. Yeah, I get that. But I mean, like, it's behind the garage. Your kids are not playing behind the garage, are they? Well, I did on the there's like a garden bank right next to it. I did try and write my name in the snow. So what's giving you the shits this week, Justin?
Uh, human sheep. Sheep? Human sheep? Human sheep. Is this like a thing that I identify as a sheep? No, no. They think they're human, but they're just sheep following everyone else. see Yeah. So where, you know, where are this family Christmas dinner thing with like,
I don't know, 50, 60 other families in these huge big tables, you know, and, you know, just watching people, they give me the fucking shits. Like they all stand there, all get the same food. They all bloody, like they all say the same shit. They're all talking about the fucking weather and dumb shit like that.
And then, you know, like I look over to tables like these beautiful big families together and you think they'd all be chatting. Oh, no, they're all on their phones. Oh, yeah. Oh, ah fucking sheep people, man. that And like you just seen it when they when they opened the dining room.
to like let everyone into the, it was like watching fucking cattle go up the stairs to their feeding barn, you know, like just so shaking my head and like everyone was wearing suits. Yeah, of course. Cause they, you know, they, you know, it's important to look the part. I was like, I was the only guy I felt like was wearing a sweater.
Right. You know, like, it was a nice sweater, don't get me wrong. ah like But, you know, I felt like it was the only guy wearing a sweater. Everyone else is wearing suits and trying to look the part. And I was just like, what what are we trying to do here? Who are we following? Why? a So that was, ah that's what's giving the shits of this wake, human shape. Human shape.
shitting all over the place. I imagine all that pinnish.
it's Cannibalism. Oh yeah, cannibalism. Well, now that you're on the you're on the Christmas food thing, my recommendation for this week. Yeah.
rockfisk Get on it. Ooh, okay. Get on it. Have you tried ruckfisk? Yeah, I had some yesterday at the... Ooh, there you go. There you go. Yeah. Explain to our listeners what ruckfisk is. If you don't know what ruckfisk is, it's basically rotten fish. Rotten fermented fish. Sounds very enticing, I know. You know, but I think, I think, despite the fact, it actually doesn't taste like It doesn't taste bad and it doesn't taste like, it's not like a really specific taste even. It's like, it's pretty mild in my opinion. That being said, I didn't, I don't eat like the vellaget, like the the the aged ruckus, which is sitzen, ferments in its own juices for God knows how long.
um So I don't I don't partake in the in the like crazy stinky Rockfisk but like that being said like the taste is still pretty much the same.
ah But like the reason my recommendation is get out of your comfort zone because like, it's not that bad. Like people make such a big fucking fuss about it, like being, oh, oh, oh, it's rockfish, oh, rotten like fermented fish, oh, oh, like, you know, like, and then they go and they eat their like pulsar.
You know what I mean? I'm like, get some, cut like, it like, I'm not Norwegian and I'm more cultured than my wife. Like, in Norwegian culture, you know, and like that being said, yeah I gotta give her kudos. She's come on board. She's come on board, but I actually had to get her there.
a You know, you got me. You got me now thinking about more shit that I'm angry about. Who does how much to work for?
ah day I was sort traumatized from this weekend. Okay. we I was forced to watch. I was forced to watch Mascarama.
Oh, really? Fuck. Sorry. That is some fucking horrible TV, man. Who was watching Mascaraama? The kids. They love it. They think it's so good because here's the truth. yeah Our kids are like sheep. They need to go to school and say, did you watch Mascaraama? And they say, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I do. Yeah, that the that weird thing person dressed up. I reckon it's Joe Bloggs.
that no one knows who the fuck they are. And even when they take off their mask, they're like, who the fuck is that person? So, ah man, you know, that's another fricking, give me the shits this week. Like horrible, horrible television for fucking idiots. I'm sorry. Like,
I found it so painful to watch. I was like, I immediately tried to numb by eating excessive amounts of candy and looking at my phone. ah Was real bad. ah Sorry, I got off topic though, Karen. I want to recommend We don't have any recommendation music yet, by the way. No intro record to recommendations. We did talk about like, check, check, chi check, check, check it out. But you should have heard the version I did. Sorry, Brad. I'm pretty sure you could clip a little bit of that. No, I tried. I ran it through the the like YouTube to see if it would be flagged as a like um copyright. yeah yeah we' go You got flagged.
Even like, yeah, even run it through like a, like through a filter or something. Yeah, yeah, I got flat there. It's pretty good these days. Yeah, okay. Yeah. yeah so Unfortunately, that might be out. But we'll maybe we'll work out something. But I want to recommend ah that people go to V in the monopolar and go order the Nordic triple by Eucharist brewing.
I think that's a great idea. you I really think if you listen to this show, like the best thing you can do to support Kieran in what he's doing is to go buy one of his beers and share it with your family. Yeah, share it. Yeah, that's a good point. Share it.
And get people talking about something different besides the fucking weather, and masquorama. You know, let's let's get people talking about something really interesting, like a delicious beer that makes Christmas dinner better because you're half drunk.
yeah That's not my intention. so you buy a benefit but Or you know, it's like, and it's just that, I mean, it can be like, this is like the other thing. It's so simple. It's like, Hey, you know, I, I bought this beer because I listened to this podcast.
ah But with these two Australian guys. like that's I mean, honestly, over most Christmas dinner, that's a good conversation. Two Australian guys starting a podcast in Norway. like what What do they do? Oh, one brews beer and the other one makes some crazy shit in his garage. That's a kid it's a good story to tell.
You know, and maybe you just, you know, get out of your phone for two minutes want to tell people about it. You know, it's a good thing. You know, it'll help us. It'll help us so much. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's what it's all about. So go by.
Kieran's, both of them. Go find the cry of Jesus. It fits perfect into Christmas anyway. It's got a Jesus on it anyway. It's got a Jesus head on it. And then also go find the Nordic triple. It also fits into Christmas too, because it's got a church on it. So yeah, I guess so. It's religious. Let's do this. We'll claim it. fit in there yeah sure And it will take you closer to God.
Yeah, you know, if you're a pan-antheist, then everything that's got in and through all things. Yeah, it's got in a bottle. Let's go. And in you and in me, in the computer, in the house, in the trees, in the plants, in the animals. yeah There you go.
Let's leave it there, Karen. Thanks so much everyone for listening. Cheers, everyone. today We'll see you next week for what week are we up to now? I think it was 16 this week. Yeah, so 17. Well, nearly at 20 episodes. I know, right? Crazy. Thanks for dragging, like, coming this far. anyone else That's awesome.
Alright guys, we'll see you next week. Ciao! ofvo iva to something
is not a gotto got why one japanese so goodbye i got rubbo ah say not up a sweet