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Week 11 - Beware of deadly snakes on the beach! image

Week 11 - Beware of deadly snakes on the beach!

E11 · Garage Avenger Podcast
52 Plays4 months ago

This week kizz and justin are in Australia battling snakes on the beaches  and eating tasty food.


Introduction to Garage Avenger Podcast

This is the garage a aer australia edition great additionion back australia i this is the first time we've ever done a podcast in the same room insane yeah Welcome people ah to the Garage Avenger podcast.

Dreams and Projects: Justin and Kieran's Garage Ventures

I'm Justin and I'm trying to share the joy of building my fun machines in my garage in the hope of one day somehow making a living out of doing so. And I'm Kieran, the guy who's brewing tasty beers in my garage, who's also trying to turn my garage brewery into a world
Yes, we are twin brothers with a passion for creating the wild and unexpected. And we're taking you on a everyday journey through what's happening in our garages. o ah What has been happening this week? kar Well,
and Lots of things have been happening up to arriving here in Australia. um I had a lot of stuff to get done this week. I was prepping for the launch of Cryo Jesus, which was tapped last week. So that's awesome.

Brewing Mishaps and Lessons Learned

Exciting. Yeah. Double IPA tasting pretty fucking boss, I have to say.
like this is a big beer like 8% are like heaps of mango and stone fruit flavors in this one it's going to be so good so i'm really looking forward to bring that to market um so that should be available in the wine monopoly in like a couple weeks crazy that's yeah we we talked about last week and congratulations on getting a product in the wine monopoly. yeah That's going to be exciting to see what happens with that. So there's been a bunch of different stuff as well happening trying to other than that. Like there's a bunch of test brews I had to kind of sort out. It's kind of been a humbling week actually.
of fuck ups. So ah yeah I tried to tap the lager, the hoppy lager that I've been talking about the last couple of weeks and yeah something was off on that one. Started looking at the color in the glass and tasting it and I oxidized it. I fucked it on the transfer. I obviously didn't purge the tank and the lines well enough with carbon dioxide and it's picked up oxygen and oxygen is bad news for beer people.
So, that's like six weeks of work down the fucking train. So, yeah. This is the one you said you over pressurised and exploded on you, isn't it? Yeah, that's right. The one that when I when i transferred, but when the last bit of it was transferring through and I took the hose off and it fucking blew up in my face.
So, hi you know, it should have been that that maybe maybe it was like the precursor to how the whole batch was going to turn out. I don't know. But I mean, its smell it still smells great.

Exploring Beer Flavors and Carbonation

Like the dry hopping on it is fantastic. But there's some off flavor there from oxidization. And I'm just the Hanging my head in shame on this one. Sorry guys. So, yeah, we had high hopes Karen. Yeah, lessons learned, you know, never rush anything. Take your time and and don't rush these kinds of things. It's not worth it. did So, especially beer takes time. So, you know, can't just be like running crikey east at like 40 degrees and get that shit.
fermented and ready to drink in three days. No one knows what Quike uses. Everyone's like, what is that? Yeah. Well, you know, now that's a story for another time, maybe. But yeah, so it's been pretty hectic week. How about you, bro? I want to actually know a little bit more about your fuck ups because, you know,
yeah It was a really short week for us yeah before we flew out here. You know, we had to fly Thursday morning, essentially, because we had to get up and up in Oslo by midday to catch our flight. So, you know, there's a lot of running around. um You know, you've had Cosmic Christ out for two weeks now. Is that correct? Yeah. We've got one case left in the logo, which is pretty fucking great.
That's awesome. That's news. 24 cans. That's all it's left and a few cakes. So yeah, it's moving. So that's great. Yeah. And any more raging reviews, bad reviews? Uh, it's pretty, it's averaging out now, which is a positive sign because I mean, obviously there's the highs and the lows. There's always people that come across it and go bananas and, and give you super high ratings and then Now I start to see what, maybe what people really think when the hype dies down a little bit. So, I mean, I'm still pretty stoked with the rating so far. I actually haven't, I'll put to this point, I haven't checked. So maybe I can have a quick look whilst we're talking. Check it Karen, check it. What is it? Have you, have you beat Sallycat? I don't think so. I don't think so.
I don't think I beat Sallycat because, well, first of all, Sallycat has a lot more check-ins than I do. Currently 151 check-ins at 3.85. So that's actually, it's pretty good. For a 4.7, I mean, some some other beers, like there's a beer from Sleeping Village called Astral Insight, and they're like locally brewed as well.
And that's a really fucking solid hazy IPA. And he's he's like a 370 Max on that. So anything above 370 I'm stoked with, to be honest. High fives. Oh, I can actually give you a physical high five this time. Yeah, that's weird. Nice. I hope you wash your hands. Well. Yeah. So there's like all that stuff been going on. um I actually brought a beer, a bottle of beer here today, didn't I? didn' know
for us to try. It's a live tasting a live tasting. Hmm. I believe I want to be that actually I believe I fucked up as well. ah the The Belgian double. So what happened there? Well, the issue comes is really happy with the beer from tank and then I have a choice you have two choices on carbonation you have ah to bottle condition which is basically to add sugar to the bottle and then cap it and let it re-ferment and or you can force carbonate which means that you put pressure on a tank and the liquid absorbs the carbonation and
I chose bottle conditioning, which is the most traditional method for Belgian beers, thinking I was gonna be a real purist with the issue. However, sugar thins out the beer and dries it out. So um all that residual sweetness that I was loving about the beer in the one bottle that I have tried, we will open this one just to double check.
Which you can do it now if you want, you just can open it. Well, yeah, there's no time like the present. Yeah. I mean, another thing, listeners, we may be half cut already. We may have had quite a few beers before we decided to do this podcast. Forget sloppy, you know why. Yeah, well, this or how strong is this beer? That's a 7% amount.
So anyway, so yeah, the the beer gets dried out by the sugar a little bit, so you don't get the full ah yeah you don't get the full sweetness that I was hoping for on the palate. So that might be lessons learned on that one, not to bottle carb.
in future for this particular beer. And, um, still smells sweet. Um, it will, because it's got a lot of, um, this Belgian candy sugar in there. Why did my head just die? And then yours, probably a dirty glass, to be honest. You didn't give it enough pour as well. Oh, that's true. i was I was a bit ginger. I gingerly poured it in, didn't I?
Actually, that's not so bad. I'm going to say maybe I got a dud bottle. Maybe. I mean, it tastes good for me. I think it's quite nice, actually. Maybe

Travel Challenges and Family Reflections

I didn't fuck it up there. Saved it. Have you? days You heard it first on the podcast here, guys. You're not fucking as double Belgian double. Yeah, I think it's really nice. It's some There we go. I don't know if people would talk. People want to hear about the tasting notes on this. Well, it's too late now. You've started talking about tasting notes and they're like, is it musical? How is this this beer is so musically? It's a musical tasting.
um Yeah, it's really nice. You got all these nice toffee fig and like raisin notes on the nose, I think.
That's what I pick up like toffee raisins and figs on the nose. Oh, smell the toffee cure and the figs. And then on the, on the palette, uh, you've got a lot of like this kind of multinous, but also supported by probably the same kind of characters. Cause I would say like this toffee and fruit fruitiness a little bit of a spicy undertone I feel like like um cloves and And some kind of like all-spice stuff thing I feel though that's that's me then I think the sweetness on this is beautiful it's got that nice sweet finish which is unusual for a lot of Belgium beers actually unless it's super high in alcohol like quadruple
So, I think it was good, but what you were talking about didn't make any sense for me. I was like, hey it tastes sweet. I agree with that. A little bit spicy, yes, but I couldn't pinpoint cloves and all that other shit you were talking about. um And I think it's for considering it's what, 7%, 8%?
Seven. Seven percent. Seven, ten point two, somewhere in there. It's quite quite drinkable. Yeah. And and I'm not a beer guy. To be honest, like, I don't think we've ever really discussed this. I'm not like a super beer geek like your own. So this works good for me. um And knowing that I kind of am drinking something a little bit special too.
So if I wanted to like share something a little special with my friends, I'd be like, yeah, let's get, you know, a Belgian double. Yeah, something I think definitely for like the winter time, this beer is much a very like can you imagine sitting in front of the fireplace. It's cold outside.
dan Exactly. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I wouldn't. It's not like as spiced as a like Christmas beer. But I would you could you could could almost put it in that category. can Yeah, I could actually. Yeah. And the Belgian doubles are realistically the only difference between a Belgian double and most of the Belgian Christmas beers is they often basically take the double recipe and then add some spices in there like um star anise and a bunch of cinnamon and different things like that. So that's kind of, yeah.
That's basically, I think this is a really nice beer. I'm really happy with it. There you go. I heard it from the brewer himself. Did not screw it. I didn't fuck it up sir as much as I thought I i had on the previous much, but that's actually really confusing for me because I'm like, why was there such a big discrepancy between one bottle or the other? was it Could it be sanitation?
No and the other the other one was like bitter and astringent and very dry and it wasn't overly carbonated like this either so yeah there can be some variation from different parts of the tank as you're emptying it yeah especially if it's not well homogenized and Which can happen when you got sedimentation happening in the tank so could have been also that the last maybe the for example the last bit of The last that bottle previous bottle had a lot of yeast sediment in it and the yeast actually eats up everything. So there's any extra sugar, it gets excited and then it keeps on working on the on the residual sugars that are still there. So that might be the other part of it too. But I'm really happy with this so far. So it's a great. Awesome. Enough of the beer. How's your week, Joe?
Well, actually, I wanted to talk quickly before we go to meet. o So, you know, you and I have traveled to Australia, but before we traveled to Australia, obviously, you know, we we had to leave our families behind. How's that been for you? Because you haven't really been traveling alone, away from the family very often. No, much to my wife's ah so how How do I put it choose your words? thank you ah
Let's just put it this way. Lynn is not happy about me traveling. Um, she really wants me at home. Uh, the kids really want me at home. Everyone wants me. I'm just, I'm basically a big bag of meat that just, you know, everybody wants a piece of. So, um, yeah, there was, ah it was a tough couple of days leading up to the trip. you There were some tears.
Um, not just on her side, my side do probably, I do miss my kids. Um, yeah, I think it was, it was, it's a tough transition when you know, you're going to be away for, you know, I mean, we're only not, we're not really the way that long 10, 11 days, but we're so far away, far out on literally on the other side of the world. The only way we get further away is if we were going to New Zealand or Antarctica. a So, you know, there's.
there's really, you know, no further we could be away from the ones we love. And that's tough. That's tough on the family. So I hope, um I think they'll be fine. But it's always a challenge because you got to do that journey to realize that like, you know, the ones you love will be fine. Did you have to like prepare them in any way for going away? Because I know there's lots of people that work You know, tough jobs like here in Western Australia, where we are right now, there's a lot of fly in, fly out workers, yeah you know, and and they're away for like a month at a time. Yeah. And, you know, they have to deal with their families and and how that operates and functions. But ah we're only away for 10 days, really. yeah Right. So, you know, is there anything you had to organize and make sure things are in order order before you left?
I mean for me it's like or just practical stuff like Lynn she finds cooking really stressful so I helped out by prepping a bunch of meals for before I left so she had some meals ready to go so that made life easier in the everyday so things like that you know they pretty stock standard stuff. But I think, like, I definitely feel like guys who do this fly in, fly out

World Rally Car Project and Sponsorship Attempts

stuff, like, that's pretty brutal on your family. um I know I couldn't do it. So 10 days away is enough. Yeah. So that life stuff, you know, and I mean, how about you, bro, like your kids too, like they love the shit out of you and, and want to
you know, want to be with you, don't they? They they love Australia. Oh, yeah, my son Henry, he was nearly offended that he wasn't going with us, you know, ah he he weirdly thinks Australia is the best place ever, which is pretty fucking cool. Like, you know,
I think. But he thinks Target is the best place ever. So you can't really take that into account. Target. Target. So for anyone that doesn't know, there's this thing, Target is like a department store. Like Klaus Olson, if you're like. Yeah, pretty much. Klaus Olson with toys. Yeah, yeah. He just thinks it's the best. And so he just wants to go to Kmart and Target, all these department stores. I don't know why he thinks it's good.
But he has this nostalgia around it. It hasn't even gone been to Ringo before. That's there' a toy store. like Yeah, but I think there's something different because like mum and dad can go shopping for clothes and things whilst he looks at all the toys. So take note in your way.
yeah So ah he's something strange about that, but he he definitely wanted to come with me. And Emma was pretty good about it. She knew she was happy to be at home. She's happy with her friends and hanging out with her friends and so on. And then Kristen was just livid. I mean, let's be honest here, she's only a couple of years away from the fuck you dad stage.
That's true. ah But Kristen was livid. She's just like, I can't believe it. Leaving me. What the heck? Like now yours. Now you have to. Who is she? Who is she? Now I'm going to give you this giant list of things. I've seen this. To buy. It's outrageous. You can't meet a ah sexy Australian girl and run away with her. You are tied to this shopping list. So, mate. But what happens, Kristen?
if I'm in this department store and I meet a very attractive like cashier girl. Like, I don't understand. but I'm sorry, but let's be honest here. Like, there's no noise. There's no noise. I mean, fire out. Like, I was telling Justin about, I was at the train station. Yeah. And like, honestly, there was this, this two, two women, they're construction workers in the full construction outfit, you know, hard hat and the whole high vis and everything.
at moving concrete bags. Like, and these girls, I mean, honestly, like could have been. no i No, I was talking nines. Nines? Yeah, like beautiful women. And like, I mean, that's not to say they're incapable of doing the job, but like, it's just, you would never see that in Australia. You definitely wouldn't see that in this Australia. No. They'd be trolls.
So yeah, and not not the cool Norwegian kind. No. No. So I mean, yeah, it's just like, it's, ah I don't think there's a high risk of you meeting some hot checkout chick. I mean in in in Australia they're all like 16 anyway so that's like yeah that's a bit awkward yeah it's a bit awkward so yeah no but i see I saw the list it's extensive so I have a list a big list and I want to know how you're gonna get it
I honestly, I'm not sure I can buy everything. And I was under the impression that I had to

Sled Design Collaboration with Nima Shahinian

buy everything. And then I spoke to Kristen today. And it was very clear I didn't have to buy everything else. Oh, yes. Then the other side of thank God, because like the exchange rate is so shit right now, like you just be fucking out of pocket. Well, we've realized that already. Yeah. Cost of beer here. It's like Norwegian prices. Yeah. And food too. Yeah. It's so crazy.
But before we go into what's happening in Australia here and and all that, I think I'll tell you about my week. o So this week I've been prepping a lot for this trip, actually. you know is Weirdly, you know when you go to go overseas, you've got to make sure everything's sort of ready. You've got to make sure passports in order, make sure you pack your bags, you've got to get things organized and ready to be able to leave. yeah um And I've been recovering from
Scarpovest, like we talked about last week. ah You know, and that pretty much, you know, we did the recording on Monday. Yeah. And I was still recovering on Tuesday. Wednesday. Yeah. Well, you know, I started doing a bit of work on Wednesday.
So, you know, this week I hadn't really had much time for doing a lot of work. yeah I've really been just focused on, for you know, getting ready for Australia. But one thing I have managed to do is I've managed to buy new wheels for the World Rally Car Project. So I was originally going to go with these wheels that like, I i guess you call it a motorsport store was selling. Yeah. And.
They were really expensive, like 2,000, 3,000, or 2,500 kronas each. four And then I managed to find another set of wheels um that were actually, we and I would have to travel two and a half hours to go get them. And then I found this guy that was 15 minutes away. Wow. 15 minutes. And he had the wheels I needed, brand new, nothing wrong with them.
right size, everything, so I bought them. And I'd been working towards making sure that everything was ready to go over with the adapters, but then I bought these new wheels and they were slightly different. of course So I had to redesign the adapter, but i again I screwed up again, because I took a measurement, but I was like, yeah, that's close enough. And then I printed it,
on the 3D printer to make sure that it was going to fit. It was too sloppy. There was too much slack in it. So I did have to change the design, but I didn't quite get to that point of getting that design changed before I left.
ah But during that time, I've also been sending out emails. I sent an email to a potential sponsor o honour for spotwner Yeah. It's how to turning more and more Australian. Yeah, yeah. As the demand comes on. A yeast bono, bro. A yeast bono. Yeah, so I sent an email out to a potential sponsor this week. Yeah. Asking basically to sponsor the machining of these adapt wheel adapters. u I feel- Did you get an answer? i Yes, I did get an answer. sir
But I finally got an answer. ah They were excited to work with me, which is nice. I have to give a shout out to Pierre, that to other podcasting motherfucker. Who called, oh, wait a second. He didn't call us. Fucking Steve called us Harry Koala. Harry Koala. I was just having no. We're just Harry.
I ain't got hairy ears. No, no, no I did find, you know, like I told you the other week, and you ah you did find hair in my ears. So I probably gave him an ammunition on that one, I imagine. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry.
So I have to give a little shout out to Pierre the Swedish maker and for hooking me up with that contact. And so fingers crossed I'm going to send the, does he think he can buy you off?
Probably. Probably thinks he can buy himself into his like into good faith with me. Yeah. Yeah. Even though he slagged us off for episode after episode. On that podcast that we don't listen to. No, we don't listen to that podcast. No, I want you to listen to that podcast I'm not talking about. We won't even mention that podcast.
Don't listen.
Definitely don't watch the Swedish Maker YouTube channels. No, definitely don't. Actually, go go check out his channel because he needs all the help he can get because he's so hideous and hairy. Yeah, um it's like basically watching a lava lamp make furniture. Making a what? I was going to say a Wolverine of like a hairy bastard.
So I didn't think about like how an ugly person could look. I was like, a lava lamp. A lava lamp? Yeah. What about BM makes you think he looks like a lava lamp? Nothing, to be honest. But, you know, if he's off slag, you know, if their podcast is a slag and they're off with unsubstantiated claims, then why can't I call him a lava lamp? Well, what are we going to call Steve, bowling ball or something?
solar panel for a sex machine. ah What? Who did that one before? I've heard it, but like, I just, I'm not sure that Steve's ready to be called the solar panel for a sex machine. Well, you know, maybe it's, you know, maybe we should turn the tide on this and give him a compliment.
Well, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's why we should play this game. We'll just, like they'll slag us off and we'll just give them compliments. Yeah. Yeah. I can't think of any compliments right now for them, but, yeah well he's you know, start next week. Well, I basically called Steve's bowling head and a solar panel for a sex machine.
Yeah. Okay. So there you go. ah You can take that as an insult or a compliment. The choice is yours. i I'm sure his wife Sally very much enjoys the, uh, the sex machine. thanks me bit Not so much a solar panel loves the sex machine bit though. Yeah.
So, yeah, going back to it, ah potential new sponsor for a video, which is awesome. ah The other news is I've been working on a new interesting project idea. OK. So I've been thinking about this hill, which is in Oslo, in the in the city center nearly. Are you talking about Holmecollum? Yeah. Yeah. So there is a toboggan. You call it in English.
It's a bog and hill that is 2.5 kilometers long. It's quite windy and very bumpy. Right. And you can take the train up the mountain, jump off the train, walk to the higher place, higher sled and sled down it and then catch a train back up and do it over and over and over again. Right.
who So I had this idea, it was like, I wonder what the record is to go down there. Right. And I wonder if I could potentially break it by creating my own. Is there a record? I don't know. You haven't found it. I haven't found it. So my idea is that eventually i'll when the slope opens in in a month or two,
I will contact them and ask them and see if there is a record to begin. So explain what your idea is now. So my idea is to build a sled that can break some sort of record down that mountain. OK. And.
So I've been thinking a lot about it and I say, oh, maybe i' I've got an old ATV right in the garage that Frederick gave me. Amazing Frederick just keeps on giving me junk to fill up my shed. He's like, the wife's giving me grief for this. I'll give it to Justin. Oh, he doesn't have a wife. He just, he seems to find trash and he says, you know what?
I don't have space for this trash. I'll give you justice. So I've got this old ATV. The frame is rusted, but I think we can clean it up. And I think we can modify it into a sled. OK, I'm excited.
What excited me most about this idea is I started thinking about Nima Shahinian. Yeah. You've done the podcast episode with him on the Make Ideas Reality podcast. Yeah. Super interesting guy. Super amazing. Norwegian astronaut. Yeah. Crazy. Amazing designer. ah So I sent him a DM on Instagram and asking if he would like to be involved in this project. He didn't answer me.
I gave up hope and then all of a sudden this week, he sent me a message and he said, that is sick. I would love to help you. I don't think I've got time to build my own to compete against you. Cause that's what I said to him. I said, would you like to build your own and compete against me? But I will be a consultant to you.
Right. So I've had a meeting with Nima and we are lined up for the week I get back to, back from Australia, I should say, ah to sit down and come up with some crazy design ideas yeah using this ATV frame. so ah To give you an indication too, Nima has a lot of experience in sled design.
He has been testing with Toyota in their wind tunnel on designs to build the fastest sled in the world. Right. Yeah. In a straight line, though. Yeah.
Whereas my sled needs to be able to go around banked corners and over jumps basically. right So there's a slight difference in design concept. ye But the fact is I get to go to his office where he's designed some amazing shit. And we were on the chat this week and he was showing some of the products and I can't really talk about them because there's NDAs with regards to what he's building. But like,
next world stuff. As in space stuff? I will neither confirm nor deny these things. Then we're talking about... Going eva' bill de Mars?
So I'm really excited. I'm really excited to potentially work with Nima and ah be able to design something with him and then take his design and our collaboration design basically away and build it and then see if it works.

Returning to Australia: Family and Cultural Insights

yes And he was always, he's already dropping like massive hints for me, like on how we can get this thing faster. He's like, he told me to buy Teflon, a roll of Teflon. It comes in like two and a half millimeter, like thickness roll. So it's quite thick. yeah And he's like, you need to stretch it over the ski and pop of it on on the ends.
And he's like, it's so slippery, you can't even hold it. So that to me sounds super exciting and deadly at the same time. Yeah, deadly. So it's going to be pretty interesting to see if we end up using that. Yeah. Actually, that's giving me some really good ideas for other things I'm thinking about. Sex toys. Sex toys. No, I was thinking about power surfers. Oh, yeah, yeah. Actually, it'd be really good.
That kind of thing, if you could do have the tension. Yeah. So that has been exciting. And that that literally that we had that conversation the night before I left to go to Australia. So um I just want to say thank you to Nima, even for just giving me the time. Like, even if we don't meet up.
Like we had planned to design things like just having the inspiration from him such an inspirational kind of dude and super cool Hmm like super cool rat So the idea is that we'll eventually hopefully we'll brainstorm and I'll document a bit of that And we'll be able to put that in the video. Hopefully cool so I actually have to think about, potentially, unfortunately, again, putting the World Rally car project a little bit on ice first. Because unfortunately, because it's a winter project, it's winteror winter-sensitive, right? so You've got to do it now full of real snopes. Yeah, exactly. So that is really what's been happening in my garage this week. You can test it on the Commodore bucket.
I can also test it on other, like even my local, yeah but the closer buans like good nearly two kilometres long. How is it? Yeah. okay And it's it's more or less in a straight line though. Yeah, that's a bit different. Yeah. yeah More or less, I say.
and But yeah, so that's cool. I've hit, I mean, I hit 46 kilometres an hour on my mountain bike down that thing. Fuck having scared the living me shit out of me. But yeah, it's a, it's a nice hill. So that'd be fun. I'm excited to see where that goes. Yeah. So that, that's been my week this week, really before we jumped on a plane. Yeah. And then we jumped on a plane. To Australia. To Australia. Do you want to tell the people what we're doing in Australia?
Yeah, sure. I mean, it's very serious. Yeah. I mean, my mother, she or our mother. our yeah Yeah. Mine too. so
but I was birthed out of another vagina. Just happened to twin brothers. yeah Twin brothers birthed out of separate vaginas. Is this the Belgian beer? Yeah, probably.
But our mother had some final wishes to be placed in her home ah town of Margaret River. Those who are into wine potentially know where Margaret River is or know of Margaret River. yeah It's on the west coast of Australia. It's a beautiful place. um And we are there for spreading of mum's ashes and ah Placing of ah mom's ashes in her final resting place. Yeah, so We've managed to get our brothers finally all together Finally that I mean, well that comes my mind blown this week. Well, I can actually organize us brothers I said we get together. Yeah, but I said we've managed that's not true. Elliot managed it
Well, Elliot has managed to delegate and can like organize. Yeah. Yeah. The trip. So we've, we've managed to get ourselves all here at the same time, which is lovely. So we are here to do that, but it's been a great,
experience actually coming back home because normally when we come back to Australia, we, um we are not, unfortunately, but we, we go to Melbourne generally. Yeah. Because that's where mum moved to. But I spent a lot of my military career in Perth on the west coast. How many years did you live in Perth? It has to be six, I think six years six or seven. Yeah. And I lived about two, two and a half. and So we both lived here.
in Perth and the and the surrounding area, so we're both familiar with it. And yes, it was actually really nice. like like Both of us, have it's been like 10 years for both of us pretty much since we came back.
so Not much has changed, ah weirdly. I mean, there's a small thing, but like, not really, really. Yeah. And I think there's been an eye opener. I mean, the trip here was long. I mean, I got the best seat on the plane. Motherfucker.
ah That's like this sweet, like magic seat, which is like the row after the exit row on the, on the plane, you know, the emergency emergency exit. Yeah. And then it's like, in and it's a row of, it goes from two seats and the emergency exit row to three. And then like, you've just got all this leg room, just like the emergency exit. It's amazing.
And I was in the middle seat, it stuck behind eating my knees. ah And I swear that I would take care of his seat as soon as he went to take a piss. Yeah, I held it so long. I was just like, you ain't getting this seat, motherfucker. And there was i so kind when he did eventually get up, I didn't take his seat. Well, no, you were like, I'm going to go stretch. ah like I don't know where you disappeared to. And I like basically took a piss and managed to get back in the seat before he came back
So, yep. I was very happy with that seat. I was in the back of the plane getting hit on by that air. ah Yeah, by the hosty. By the gay The gay air hosty. Yeah, was trying to ply us with boobs.
ah Well, you know, we are two handsome looking lads, Kieran. Harry Koalas. Harry Koalas. Harry Koalas that we are. Yeah.
um ah you know what so What Thai gay man can resist, I mean. Really? Really? He couldn't. ah I mean, we had the guy so jumbled up for words, he couldn't even talk to the people in front of us yeah about the safety briefing. He was making a real dick of himself.
I had my hands in my, sorry, my head in my hands. I should say, geez, that boost is getting to me, Kieran. Seven percent, baby.
Just listening to what he was saying was just, like, cringe-worthy. I kept digging himself, like, so deep on this. You get fucked up by saying that the basically it was worried that he'd basically communicated that the plane was unsafe.
And so he kept trying to tell them that the plane was actually safe, but he kept fucking it up even worse. Oh, poor guy. Yeah. yeah what' the It was a two Harry Koalas in his peripheral vision. He tried to liquor us up after it, so we'd forget about it, maybe. I don't know. I mean, he saw Justin stretching in the back in this game over.
So yeah, that was a good flight. But it was really nice, I have to say. like I mean, ah week we came into Rockingham. It was like funny, it was like for that 19 hour flight and then it was like two hours to get from Perth, from the airport to get to, to Rockingham because of the train stop. Then we were stuck in Cockburn Central. Cockburn, what a name of a place. Sorry. Coburn is how the locals pronounce it. ye um But you know, no one wants to get stuck at Cockburn Central.
They have the Cockburn Medical Center there, just right near the train station. Right next to the train station. And then, you know, just in case you need to buy something, there's the Cockburn Shopping Center as well. Yeah, and the Cockburn Pharmacy. Yeah, everything for your Cockburn needs.
yeah ah Yeah, and it's like a little big sign is as you come into the area. It says, welcome to the city of Cockburn.
Yeah, where syphilis runs rife. Dirty sailors. yeah Yep. So, I mean, we were it was like, it was weird. I mean, we coming to Rockingham and Rockingham is not exactly known as most cultural hub of Perth. No, no.

Comparing Work Cultures: Australia vs. Norway

It's a bit bogan really, isn't it? Yeah. Bogan is the Australian word for a redneck. yeah Yeah. Yeah. But imagine like a redneck with a, with a mobile phone and like some sense of technology, not just like out.
shooting raccoons or whatever they do. and Yeah, a modern day redneck. And so, yeah, we were out there and we went to the beach. That was really nice. Oh, super nice, except for the snakes. Yeah, Jesus Christ. Like you should have seen this sign. It was like, you know, the average warning sign has just like like ah a nice little, probably would have had like a nice little snake.
on the picture to say warning there's snakes in this area but like no shit that's on this sign it had like the fight like the snake had its mouth open the fucking fangs and it looked vicious yeah it was like vicious and was like warning snakes yeah beware of snakes beware of snakes like you're gonna get fucked up if you come on this beach i was like tippy toeing around i was like looking around everywhere for snakes because we're not used to that in Australia even though we've had a snake in the house Yeah, so in Australia, in Norway. In Norway? Yeah, we used to work in Australia. But coming back here for 10 years,
Now I have to look for snakes on beaches. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Motherfucking snakes up in this beach. So yeah, I mean, it was pretty nice. I liked it a lot. And the water is like, for most Norwegians. Yeah, there would be. They would just be like, what the hell? You're in paradise. They would fall on all over themselves. And they're like, meanwhile, every other like local was just like,
Why are you putting your feet in the water here? Yeah, yeah we we were like the tourists today. Yeah, right. look Taking photos of the snake sign. Yeah. ah So, yeah. I really enjoyed also like the food here. There's something to say like the Norwegian ah food is not exciting, I would say. It's also not what we were raised with either. Yeah, that's true. So the very variety of food here in Norway is here in Norway. The variety of food here in Australia is so much broader, you know, so much different influence from different cultures and availability of produce, warmer climate, all that stuff.
Um, so yeah, we went to this like brewery called cage roads. Yeah. Lovely free mental friend of ours yeah or friend of Kristen's. Let's be honest. Yep. Took us there and she is amazing. Uh, and we have insanely good food. I'm sorry. That was delicious. Really good. Fantastic.
I'm so jealous of that kind of food in an everyday setting. ah and the col Like it was like this roasted cauliflower thing was fucking great. Oh man, that was so good. And yeah, like the octopus was really good too. And then, yeah, that was some really good stuff.
So, I mean, I love that about Australia. We, there's, there's a lot of variety we are not used to living in Norway. So that's, um, they're really nice to come back to, I have to say. But we, we have though driven, driven, is that the word? No, that's the right word. Driven down to Margaret River now from Rockingham. ah This is where our mother grew up.
and her siblings, of course, as well. And our Grandin Gramps used to live here as well. So we have a lot of memories down here, and it's a beautiful part of the world, I think, very known for its wines and its surf.
Yeah. So we are in a place, literally a couple hundred meters from the beach, I think. Yeah. And, uh, you know, I'm looking forward to tomorrow, like getting up um with a hangover because I've just drank this Belgium triple of yours here double. so Sorry, double. Yes. no Yeah. it says You'll get a hangover if you drink, if you were drinking triple. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, I'm like looking for hitting the beach tomorrow and Apparently we're going on a wine tour, so that's gonna be nasty. ah his So that's get let's hope that we recover well for the following days. So yeah, but you know, it ah was one thing i have to I have to mention, like there's a lot of, we're talking a lot of positivity here about Australia, right? And like, just, there was one thing that started yanking my chain a little bit after me. Tell me, Karen.
I'm like, you know, the Australian accent, it's like, you know, a known thing world around. Throw another a shrimp on the barbie mic, you know? But I have to admit, especially after being away from it for so long,
ah coming out of women in Australia ah not as sexy as I previously thought it would was actually just really like changed my perspective all Australian women pretty much every Australian woman to me sounds like a a redneck at this point. it So that's yanking my chain a little bit that there's a I don't feel like there's a lack of culture and something and that's not to say they're not cultured either like it's just the accent but sorry to say Australian women out there. It doesn't do it for me anymore. Well I guess Lynne's happy about that. Yeah she should be yeah yeah until she starts speaking like an Australian and then you know
I tell you what's yanking my chain. Tell me. Since we got here, it's a really hard thing to put your finger on. But I feel like the energy here fucking sucks. Yeah, I know what you mean. I know what you mean, but explain to the people. So when we came in, you know, I immediately felt like weakness it's hard to explain this, but I felt heavier.
yeah Yeah. And, you know, it seems like everyone here is on the grind. Yeah. It's like, like everyone's working six days a week, you know, trying to make ends meet. Yeah. Like we went for a jog down the street, like on a Saturday morning. Yeah. And there was like people working, like building houses and doing all sorts of things through the weekend. Yeah.
And I just felt like there's something wrong here. There's something wrong in this culture. You know, we are so f freaking privileged to live in Norway.
and like see how they operate. And they're like, I work seven and a half hours. I'm done. You know, and you're like, what the, when I first got to Norway, I was like, come on, you f****** p****** bags. You get on with it, like do 15 minutes more, like it's not going to hurt you. But now I'm definitely on board with the Norwegians because, you know,
You don't work more than you need to work, because there's this work-life balance. yeah And I think when we got here, I just felt everything was out of whack. Yeah. like Everything's like everyone's so busy. Everyone's so focused on, you know, they've got the work to do. They've got the thing that they don't have time for anything else, you know, and then they come home and they just shut themselves off from the world at home. And then they just, you know, then back to the grind again. And like, you feel it in the air almost. It's really, really strange.
Yeah. And I just like I can't believe how people work so much and just keep on doing it without any real reward. They they seem to be like just buying the next thing. You know, like ah I'm just buying the next car, the next jet ski, the next boat, the next whatever it is. Right. And the fly in fly out workers here too, like because they the mining and gas.
and things like that. And and like, what kind of lifestyle do you actually have, especially if you've got a family? Far out, that's heavy. I mean, we really shouldn't care because it's not our lives. No. But I tell you what, it yanks my changes to see people weirdly suffering without knowing they're suffering. Yeah, they didn't see that there's any other way to live. Hmm.
And that's, the you know, that's something that will, you know, obviously they have to expand their worldview to be able to do that. So. Yeah, I mean, I'm a little bit heartbroken for them in that sense. The people are just grinding, grinding every day trying to make it work. in the And in some reason, people are sending me messages um on my things. I'm just going to turn off the sound of the computer there. Ah, Kieran, you should have turned it off. You give me a screech every time. no Now it's payback, bitch.
ah What's blowing your mind this week? here Well, I previously touched them. Bro, my mind is that we actually got us, all us four brothers here together. yeah and And it actually happened. It's actually happening that we're here together on the other side of the world. You and me flew all this way. And it's two years in the making to finally put mum's ashes and to where she wanted to be put to rest. yeah And I'm just blowing my mind that actually we actually made it happen after all this time, all the humming and hiring and back and forth thing and family chaos that happens. So yeah, that's my mind blowing this week. Well, I mean, shout out to all our brothers for making that happen. Yeah. and Of course, there's certain brothers that made more happen than others. And
So thank you. I mean, it wouldn't happen without me. No, ah no, definitely. I did probably some of the least to make this happen. So I'll tell you what's blowing my mind here. Tell me. Fucking food. It's like we, we touched on it. Obviously the food is good. Yeah. Oh, you know, like I'm sorry, but I had eggs benedict this morning. My smash dive. I was a bit of a disappointment. I have to admit.
But I saw the glee on your face and that was enough for me. I'm like, I'm sorry, but like just at home in Norway, they just don't do good breakfast for one. No. Yeah, breakfast food is rubbish in Norway. And then second, like.
We went to a little place this morning for breakfast. Yeah. And it's like, it's a, it's in the middle of nowhere, way realistically. It's in the middle of suburbia, you'd never say. Yeah. Like a local corner shop in the old days. It'd have been like a little,
corner store, something like that in the old days. Yeah. And the food was fantastic. The coffee was great. o you know And there were places packed. Yeah. It was full of people and people were so happy to be there. Yeah. And the good energy there. Yeah. I mean, yeah.
And then I blew like, what, 500 crowns on breakfast. Probably more. yeah and ah But I mean, it was tasty.
It was good. Yeah. So I think there's a lot we could learn, especially in Europe and and especially Norway, about providing that sort of environment, that easygoing, fun environment of coffee and good food for breakfast. Dig, really dig it. Yeah. I think the warm weather facilitates it. And that's like the biggest challenge in Norway as so, you know,
But yeah, it's ah I love the food. Probably gonna come back about like 10 kilos heavy, I reckon. can Rolling on the limb. Yeah. Excess package. Excess, there's my excess baggage for the trip. Yeah, I was all Kristin, I couldn't pack anything that she wanted. Yeah. Because I had too much excess baggage. My emotional baggage was too heavy.

Trip Reflections: Culture and Cuisine in Australia

What should people check out this week, Karen? You know what they should do. She comes to Australia. Sip yourselves. See the motherfucking snakes. so Snake sign. We didn't see any snakes. yeah we didn't feel It was disappointing actually. I mean, I was waiting for snakes to have like come attack us with their fangs out. Yeah, right. Like the sign would have led to me to believe. Yeah. No, I should come to Australia because it's pretty, it's an amazing place. It's a very, very different place to probably
especially if you've really only traveled in Europe, um it's it's ah such a different place to what you've probably experienced. So I reckon people should come to Australia and check it out. And not just the touristy stuff like, you know, Sydney and the Harbour Bridge and that kind of stuff. All that's nice. But like try and get off the beaten track and, and you know, see some of the real country.
Yeah, and I've done a lot of trips through Australia there and I have to say like a lot of the best trips are the ones where we just jumped in a car and drove for hours through countryside and and found the little Little places, little cafes and the country towns and stuff like that. And country pubs and country pub food and all that stuff is really great. I mean, even locally here, like this is technically a small town. The food was pretty decent. Yeah, I mean, Margaret River is obviously well established now.
But I love that, you know, I mean, the Australian humor and wit is something to be said to like the guy at the reception was talking about the bar and he said that they oh they've got food there. But that's just like really a disguise for the drinking. ah Like yeah you would never say that in Norway. No, but it's so nice to have that sense of humor.
Yeah. So I reckon it's worth coming just to check it out for yourself. And I also think a lot of people are like, oh, it's so far away. I could never do that long trip. Break it up. Stop in Thailand for two, three days. yeah Go and sit on a beach or whatever. Go to Bangkok. and see some crazy shit you've never seen before. Yeah, and then just jump on the plane. like it It was a long trip. is ah It was 10 hours to fly to Bangkok. ah you And then on top of that, you make sure you get the the right seat with the leg room and you'll be fine.
or if you're lucky like a son of a bitch like you. um Yeah. and And then you can also just from Bangkok to Perth, it's six hours. Yeah. So that's like from Oslo to Grand Canary. Yeah, exactly. Right. Right. So if you can do that, then it's fine. And at least on those flights, you have like movies and food. You're not like flying Ryanair or some shit. Yeah. Yeah.
So yeah, like come do it. Make it happen. so Don't make excuses. So, you know, do it. What what do you reckon people should check out, Joss? I don't have one besides Australia. Oh, you didn't steal mine. Negative, Coast Rider.
you I think people should check out Eucharist Brewing. this They can if they want.
I think I'm a little bit along the same lines. I think Australia is an amazing place. Of course it has its problems, like every place. But for a place to visit, I think most people love it. I would say, unfortunately, it's not as cheap as it used to be. No, it's like pretty much Norwegian prices here right now. Yeah, it's not really good. Let's be honest.
Like, I paid, what do we pay $21 for a burger? Yeah, that burger last night was, we, what was, I don't know, to be honest, I was not impressed with my burger. Yeah, I get that. And, i and yeah, I was like paid, what is that $21 that's like? Well, in US, that's That's quite a lot. I don't know how much, actually now I have to do the bad regulation in the US. Yeah, Norwegian crowns, that's something like 180 crowns. Which is not that bad for Norwegian prices, but yeah for how it was 10 years ago here, the prices have doubled. double yeah
And that's rough because like the income hasn't doubled either. no So it it's tough, but you know, got the Norwegian crowns and the transit in the and conversion rate is good. and Happy days.
So go check out Australia and maybe like go to the west coast too. Like I think the west coast is very different to the east coast and get away from the touristy trap stuff. Oh, beautiful beaches here yeah to die for.
Literally die for because there'll be great white sharks. Yeah. Don't swim too far out. Don't swim too far out. You'll get eaten by sharks. Yeah, not even went down here in the south. The surf is fucking brutal. So don't have your wits about yet. And yeah, but it's definitely a place to check out if you want to see a different part of the world and experience something just a little bit similar but different. Then no way.
I think you'll like it. All right, I think that wraps up our Australia edition. Yeah, there you go. For the podcast. We're very happy with this Belgian double. Well, Kieran's happy with this Belgian double. I'm happy with this podcast since I'm half cut. And we will see you next week. Thanks guys.