Week 8 - Working on S#!% image

Week 8 - Working on S#!%

E8 · Garage Avenger Podcast
38 Plays3 days ago

This week Kieran has officially launched a product you can actually buy and Justin looks like a complete twat on his new project. 

This is the Garage Avenger Podcast.
We ate. Delayed this week. Yes, people, it's a Thursday and welcome to the Garage Avenger Podcast. I'm Justin, the guy that builds dumb machines in his garage. And I'm Kieran, who's bring tasty beers in my garage. We are two brothers, twin brothers in fact,
that like to, I forgot the intro. kind of Finally, finally, you fucking ruined it. ah We are two brothers. What is it? How's it going? We are two brothers that, you fucked it too.
Yeah, well, yeah, there we go. yeah Everyone knows, the I mean, if they've listened to like, if you know, if they've gotten as far as episode eight, they know they'd spill anyway. what What if this was their first podcast they were listening to and they're like, here, these arse clowns carrying on. Go back to episode one. Come on.
This is them all. I brought it up. We are twin brothers with a passion for creating the wild and unexpected. Taking you on a ride through the everyday lives in our garage. There you go. You don't have to go back to episode one. You can stay on this one.
We suck so bad.
ah Karen, a massive wake for you this week. Massive. This is why we're doing a podcast on Thursday instead of the regular Monday, because shit's been going down.
Nice. I, I did post something on Instagram saying that you had some shit to do and I wasn't sure if it was your bowel movements or work. Well, I mean, that's actually come, that comes in my mind blown later. Something about shit. She all reveals that one later. Um, so yeah, no, it's a, it's been a a pretty crazy week. I've been, um, cosmic Christ has been launched.
the I wanted to sing a song and my brain just went... What kind of song were you going to sing? I was going to sing the Norwegian like left the letter a duug and good that was i got like... In my brain I got like two sentences in or two words in and went, wait a sec, that's a birthday song and that doesn't work for this occasion.
so Congratulations. Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah! If you want to be Norwegian. Hoorah! Hoorah! The only time I may ever say hoorah is the 17th of May. i You haven't been to a ski bloody meet. Oh, really? are they Yeah. All those tight ass, you know, like Larka wearing motherfuckers in their skis. And they're like, oh, yeah, as they as they whiz past. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. and We love looking at weirdos with poles. We love tight Lycra.
know I'm sure there's like, I'm sure there's a lot of males in the female event just hurrying for another reason. A friend told me about how he went on this huge big ah ski race that happens every year called Birkin. And he's like, he made sure that he found himself right behind like the hot hottest chick there. yeah So that he would keep motivated. yeah Sunglasses on just
You don't want to go too hard because you don't want to pass that. And then you lose all motivation. yeah yeah Yeah. Just keep your distance, you know, good five, 10 meters. You're like, I'm nearly there. I'm nearly there. Just a couple more strokes. Dude, you weren't there.
Oh, sorry. Sorry to all the women out there. I don't mean to objectify you, but I did. Sorry. ah Yeah, so ah Cosmic Christ is launched. Yep. Awesome. That is um out in the world. Currently at two places. But soon to be more.
Cool. yeah but That's really cool. Tell us all about it. Which two places have it and yeah where will it be hopefully in the future? Well, technically, I can't tell you. oh norwegian law this This episode has been centerd censored by Norwegian law. ah Interesting. Yeah. I mean, ah tech and this is a public podcast, so technically ah if I'm a Norwegian business speaking to Norwegian. We're doing this in English. Fuck Norway then. No, no, no, hold on. Hold on. I can tell people where it is. Kind of because I'm not part of your business. um Yeah.
um ah Let's let's go with that. Let's go with that. So as far as I know, you can like wink and wave at It's available at
It's available but at is that correct? that I mean, I cannot neither confirm nor deny. Correct. all right So this is not confirmed at all by Kieran who's winking at me. um And then ah also you have it on tap from what I understand at no. All right. Don't have it on tap. No.
ah well Well, we'll have it on tap soon at another place that you might may or may not be about to mention. So but yeah, also at a ah bar restaurant called Ypsilon in also in Drummond, may or may not be on tap. And, and there's another restaurant in Drummond slash ah concert venue that has an elm can as well. Cool. Yeah.
combatent Yeah, I mean, you didn't hear that one from me. So now I didn't hear I actually couldn't understand what you just said. so ah yeah So and then there's a bunch of beer being sold ah some kegs to Oslo for different bars in Oslo ah picking up ah Cosmic Christ on their tap lines. So I'm pumped. This is the beginning. So I mean, I haven't even really worked hard on sales yet, to be honest. So um I'm excited. This is going to be I think it's going to be really good. So looking forward to seeing how it all all sells, you know. And there's not another beer on the way to cry. Jesus is only two weeks away. So that's going to be cool. And we've got a that's got to get into
and the Vino Proletin as well. I mean, it may or may not be available at the Vino Proletin, just, yeah. And m yeah, bars and restaurants and stuff will pick up that as well. So, yep. That's exciting. Yeah. It sounds like you may need to get some cans to two people that we will not discuss on this podcast. Well, that was the other thing I was going to bring up this week. my the a bit of I had a bit of fun this week.
um the three northern makers. I, I fucked them. Fucked them up real good. night
I to say that, unfortunately, I was a bit of a mastermind of this plan, so I will take some credit. Oh, come on, man. You gotta let me have it. You gotta let me have it. I, I, okay. So,
For those ah clearly, because nobody on this listens to this podcast ever listens to the Three Northern Makers podcast, because we told them not to. Exactly. I will tell you what happened. I, ah in contradiction to my own words, have been listening to the Three Northern Makers podcast, just to check in on them, just to make sure they weren't saying some bad shit about us. Which they were, by the way. Yeah. Did you hear what they said last week? ah Yeah, I did.
I did pieces of work there. They were saying that we were one person and, yeah and that we were just pretending to have a podcast. Yeah. I mean, it might be true, but no one can tell. no So, no. So anyway, they have this, ah they have this, I thought I heard that one. I was like, that's it. That's it. Now these guys have learned, got to learn their lesson.
So, Steve has this thing where if he gets 50 paid Patreon, he's gonna have to release a video he doesn't want to release. So, they were at 49, so guess who became the fifth Patreon? The 50th you mean? What? The 50th, you said the fifth. Oh, the 50th, sorry. They got more than five Patrons. Who became the 50th Patreon? This guy.
So they now Steve has to release his video. He doesn't want to leave release and well. Greetings Garage Avenger podcast. I also had some fun with this. It was it was pretty good. um I basically called Pierre and I said, Oh, wouldn't it be fun to do this idea where like we are the 50th like Kieran's like the 50th.
Because you're on Patreon, right? Yeah, I don't support those guys at all. there um Yeah, so i ah he he and he just let me know that actually they were at 49.
If Kieran signed up, that he would be the 50th. And then that would be funny. So yeah, we colluded and managed to get Kieran to be the 50th. And I think it was awesome because I just sent Steve a message on Instagram of me evil laughing.
ah I haven't listened to this week's podcast, actually, they might have might have made a mention of us. Probably all bad things, I imagine. They did. the ah state and Steve was not happy. ah Suck on them eggs. Yeah. So there you go. that that That's pretty much me in my week. yeah Prepping for this beer launch, getting all a bunch of stuff organized there and selling, going out and selling and doing all this stuff and then then sabotaging the Three Northern Makers podcast. That's been my week.
What about you, bro? Well, I've been working on what I'm now calling the monster bike. Yeah. Why, why are you calling it the monster bike? It's like tiny. Yeah, it's tiny and vicious. It's like, uh, it's like, uh, I was trying to think of those stupid fluffy dogs. What are they called?
Oh, like a Chihuahua? No. No, like a Pomerrian or something? Oh, yeah. Yeah, ah so yeah, it's ah it's a scary thing. So this week I've been working on it. ah Well, actually last week, technically, um I had to work out how to do the battery pack and motor controllers. And I came up with an ingenious solution for that, ah which then required me to extend the cables. How did that work out?
Well, I mean, it was harder than I thought because no one had the right gauge wire. a So if I put too thin a wire in, I risk the wires melting. Basically, my whole backpack sits on fire and I die. Oh, sorry, that was the clue, by the way. I put the battery and the motor controllers in a little backpack. and Yeah, but you didn't drop that clue last week. Oh, yeah, I did. Sorry, I forgot. Yeah, yeah. yeah so Keep touch, buddy. So yeah, um managed to get that operational, which is fricking sick. And then on Friday, I tested it. Yeah. How'd it go?
Uh, it was the sketches thing. I've, well, actually no, I'm going to take that back. The, the drift shopping cart was the sketches thing I've ever had built. Like this was a close second. Well, irony is that it uses the same motor.
in motor controllers, doesn't it? Yeah, except there's two. ah yeah So yeah, it's ah it's a fun little thing, but I am feeling it, man. Like bad in my body. Yeah, well, I mean, I imagine the dildo seat wasn't helping. ah I've got a bit about that in the video, it's not really.
i But yeah, ah it hurts so bad because you so it's so tiny. The seat's tiny as well. ah You're sort of hunched over. You know, you're trying to keep the your weight correct on it, using muscles you'd never used before to keep stable on it. ah It's super hard to like balance on it.
when especially my with my big, longky longke lanky, long body ah to like get it going at low speed. yeah Because youre like you got limbs everywhere. you You're just trying to balance it out and then get your feet up onto the foot pegs. So it's absolute chaos when you do ride it.
And I always thought like, Oh, this is just going to be a bit of fun. But like it turned out to be super scary and sketch. So I had a lot of fun just testing it with its top speed. Yeah. I did that with my mate Frederick. How, how, what are we talking here?
Um, well, I mean, uh, you, I don't know. Did I talk to, did I say on the podcast that I hit 96 on the bench? Uh, yeah, I think so. yeah Yeah. So I was like expecting that it wasn't 96 kilometers per hour because obviously ah my weight on it would reduce the amount of speed. Uh, plus the rear bearing wasn't in the best shape. It wasn't super good.
So I then rode it and according to its speedo, I was doing 74 kilometers per hour. ah ah ah Fuck me. um I'm assuming it wasn't correct though. Yeah, I think it was not correct. I did. I took it. to I took it to Henry's ah football training on Tuesday.
ah And I rode downhill and downhill I managed to hit 52 according to the GPS. yeah But 52 is sketch man, especially on that tiny little thing. Like the wheels are so tiny. You might as well be riding a fucking shopping cart.
ah like It's more sketch than a shopping cart, because they a shopping cart, you can jump off. Four wheels. Well, shopping, yeah, four wheels, two, one. And a shopping cart, you can like launch yourself out of it once you're, or when you're about to crash. Yeah. Whereas this- So on the ground, you're just s gliding on the ground anyway, if you launch yourself from it. Instantly scraping your face against the asphalt.
no I'm just imagining like, yeah, how did you end up in hospital, Justin? Well, let's trap these motors to a balance bike made for toddlers. So bad. That's a great story. But then, you know, the other thing that happened, like, I was at the football training, I parked it there. And then ah after football training was finished, Henry was very, like, excited that dad had
driven this thing down there. Of course he fucking was. And of course he wanted to show all his friends and so on. And and he had football boots on and or all muddy and shit. And I was like, no, you you can't ride it, mate. Like, I know you'll be careful, but just, I don't want it. So I'll ride it home. But then like,
So one thing I haven't sort of fully explained is it's super awkward to get started, especially on a flat. When you can't roll it slowly first and then hit the throttle, yeah it's super difficult. It doesn't need to fall over, yeah? Yeah, it's kind of just like super unstable at very low speed. Right. Because your body weight is so high up. Yeah. so You know, at low speed, I'm like wobbling out in front of like all these parents and kids like looking like an absolute twat.
Yeah. So eventually I roll away and I did laugh at myself. I was like, no, what dad rolls up to his but kid's football match on a tiny little kid's bike that he's modified with two high power mode. You know, you know what you're like, you know what, who you are, Justin, in this scenario, you're the Willy Kwa too.
yeah It's like, Okay, that's a reference no one else knows except for you and me. Yeah, well, of course. Well, to explain, we we had a friend growing up, ah Michael Kwah, otherwise known as Sharky, and his dad was ah was a muso, a very well-accomplished muso. And yeah, he was he was a character, that's for sure. Lost his license, probably drink driving, I think.
ah cruised around on like a scoot on like in the old days when nobody had like motorized scooters and things like that. And he cruised around on the scooter with like a bucket of KFC chicken and like go and pick up sharky from school and so yeah. ah So in this scenario, Justin, you're, you're the Willy Kwa.
I didn't have a bucket of KFC chicken. Maybe you should have. is the headcap see in the way Anyways, getting on with ah my week, I also picked up the sofa beer fridge from storage.
so For those who don't know about this project, about car we it's got to be like three, four years ago. Easily. Yeah. I built this ah automated sofa beer fridge ah where it basically you can use voice commands to deliver a beer to you as you're sitting on the sofa. To explain the fridge is under like built into the sofa. Yeah.
Yeah, so I built this whole mechanism, ah voice control modules, everything. it was It's still, I think to this date, the most impressive build I've ever built. Yeah.
And why did you go get it out of storage? Can you explain that for the people? Yeah, so ah on the 26th and 27th, I have ah like a display, I'll be displaying a bunch of my projects at an event called Scarpa Festival. Scarpa Festival. In Oslo, it's at the National Library, the Dyckman Biblutech, um right just opposite the Opera House, which is really cool. It's a super big library too.
lots of people there. I think last year was like 30,000 people came in. Really? Yeah, so it's just it's a real cool opportunity to, you know, show people what I do because I really haven't had a chance to do that. Maybe we'll get more than seven listeners on this podcast.
Yeah. So that was really cool to pick it up. You know, I had no idea what condition it was going to be in because ah so the guy I built it for, he moved apartments and the sofa module that it's part of, like it's part of a big sofa, like a big L type of sofa. And that didn't fit in his new apartment. So he's had it in storage for like two years.
And so I had no idea what, what, what it was going to be like, like if it was going to be broken or whatever. So yeah, I got it back home. I switched it on and the thing went mental. Like the, the delivery chain was just going on and on and on. I couldn't get it to work. I was like, Oh, so I ran upstairs. I sat down. I was looking at the code that I'd written for the, for the delivery sequence. And I was like, what is going on?
And then I realized I was too smart for my own good. See, I had built all these like second systems, like backups in in the whole thing, so that if something broke in the programming, or there was a sensor that was out or something, you could just flick some switches and buttons. And I had forgotten totally that I had actually built this into this thing. So there was just buttons there that you didn't need to flick. Yeah, there was a switch underneath, which was yeah the switch that you used to load the beers into the into the sofa, yeah like manually, like that was just on.
Because it wasn't working. This stupid thing was just going around, around, around. So, yeah, I had worked that out. I just literally went down. How many days did it take you to figure it out? It took me a whole day.
I have forgotten my brilliance. of And of course, I couldn't even go into- Slow Humble too, Dawson. Yeah. i i I couldn't go into like the old videos and see because I didn't like mention any of these things. No, I don't remember you mentioning any of that either. So, yeah, ah I went down, switched it off, turned the power back on, worked perfectly.
Not just a pretty face, Justin. Ah, i was that made me so happy. So the plan is that I'm going to be at Scarpa Festival. I'm going to have a bunch of my projects. I'm going to have the sofa beer fridge and I'm going to have it loaded up with like cans of soft drink. And I'm going to basically get kids to yell at the sofa to try and give them a drink. But the kids have to yell, beer me. Well, are you changing it?
Well, you know, I'm gonna um've I've written a sign that's going to be on it. Okay. And it's going to say in Norwegian, so far, I'm thirsty. and yeah So the kids have to yield that to be honest, what's going to happen is I'm just gonna have the remote in my hand. and Whenever they like nearly about to give up, I'll just push the button and then it'll open and they'll get it. Can't you just rewrite the code?
I can, but that okay. So the interesting thing is that with the voice control module I used, it works on my like tone. Okay. So they kind of have to replicate my tone of voice. um So that's what I was thinking it would be fun to play with with these kids too. It's like, oh no, you need to use a higher tone or a lower tone and just like get them to make stupid noises the whole time. This is a bit of a joke.
And then eventually when they do the most ridiculous tone ever, I'll just push the button and they're all open. yeah yeah So i'll the I'll have the remote in my back pocket, basically, um but allowing him allowing them to yeah get a drink, you know, an interactive kind of project, I guess, in some ways. yeah Fucking swindle the kids. Yeah, I'll make them put coins in.
feel like cry is a pop yeah be like the soup Nazi from Seinfeld like nobody was for you.
Yeah. so no yeah um And I'll also be taking the ah jet sled. Very cool. So I think that'll be fun because I'm going to just im going to basically blast kids with air. and I don't think most kids understand how powerful those jet engines are. yeah and like They're not dangerous, of course, but like there's a lot of air that comes out of that. Yeah.
And I think it's really fun to be able to like blast kids. And I think that would be fun. yep um And I'm taking a lot of my other projects. I'm taking my... I'm just trying like fine guys that clearly are wearing a toupee or something and just be like... yes um I'm going to be taking ah my go-kart, the hand truck go-kart, Emma's car, which is the original soapbox car I built that kind of started everything.
um And yeah, a bunch of other small little projects which I think will be fun. So yeah, that's that's what's going to be happening at Scalpa Festival. That's the 26th and 27th. I would really love any of my listeners or our listeners to come along if they're able to make it to Oslo on those days. I'll be there both days. So I'd love to see you guys. Sweet.
I will try and be there actually. So then I can like step in for you and be like, hi, I'm Goro Gerogeo.
ah yeah We can actually get some photos and prove to Steve and and Pierre that I do exist. Yeah, well, he'll just think that's doctored. This is true. It's true. now It's amazing what you can do with AI.
Yep, we are AI. That could actually blow people's minds, though, seeing us together. They could. Could. What is blowing your mind this week, Josh? Oh, I'm so glad you asked. That's a great segue, wasn't it? Yep. Dude, I have to say, this week, SpaceX, man. SpaceX? I haven't been following. Oh, dude. Holy crap.
they landed the booster rocket between like two like chopsticks arms. So the same i think like um mayor same platform the rocket took off from was the same platform they caught it with. They caught the rocket booster with these. It was so freaking cool. And for me, who's like into sort of engineering and and yeah,
Just that blew my mind how much work would have gone into that to get that to work. And it worked the first time. Yeah. Like this is Star Wars shit, man. Like it is mind blown. Yeah. What's pulling your mind, Kieran? Sewage treatment. Oh my God.
ah Please tell us. I visited a sewage treatment plant this week. Sounds delightful. ah Believe it or not, not as potently ah smelling as you might believe. What are you trying to say? Norwegian shit doesn't stink? ah Clearly not.
Clearly not. it literally it's It weirdly smells like a farm. That's like the worst it got. like, you know, like a bit of cow shit but around, you know, like, but even then not bad. So why I was there is another story. But ah yeah, I was just the guy, there's a guy showing me around the treatment plant. And um man, it's so crazy. They turn like raw sewage, like they're like literally like turds and stuff like floating in there.
ah And like I was like, it's so crazy. Like I think it's being like, you kind of like all sewage comes into these big tanks and there's like these rakes that take out all the toilet paper and massive turds and shit. And then get send that out to like, uh, everything up to like down to three millimeters gets capture captured by these rakes.
and then gets disposed of. And then all this water that comes out of that, it's obviously high end particles, goes through these different stages. And from- How do they get the corn out? Well, that's bigger than three millimeters. So, I imagine if you worked there, you'd be like, oh God.
There's a corn festival coming this week. ah oh Brace for impact. Brace for impact. No, but like seriously, it's so crazy. Like that like this, the the sewage arrives and two hours later, it comes out as crystal clear, near drinkable water. That's crazy. And then that's what they pump out into the, into the fjord, the treated water.
So it's like, it goes through all these different stages. There's like this thing with like enzymes and and different things that break up all the biological stuff in there. And then it goes through like this kind of weird sand that's like, like a magnetic sand, which grabs all the particles. Like the guy put a bucket down into this, um, into the sand pit thing with the sand mixed with the water. And he put the bucket on the, on the table.
And it dropped clear, like when the sand settles, it dropped clear in like 30 seconds, less than 30 seconds, like crystal clear water, like drinkable water. He's like, yeah, you can drink that if you really want to. I wouldn't, but you could, ah you wouldn't die if you had that. So like that, I mean, I was just like, that's crazy. The processes that are going on there are just insane. So, um, yeah, mind blown, mind blown, mind blown by shit.
that was where That was me. Yeah. I'll tell you what's not shit, though. I have to say this. I got a new patron this week. Who? Who's the patron? ah there's not It's not is it? No, it's not Steve. It's not Steve. It's funny because I'm laughing because of the the name. who's His name is Arse Dyer.
I'm sorry. Ask guide. It's not how you pronounce it. How do you pronounce it? ah Not ask Gaia. Tell me. um Now I'm putting it on the spot. Now I'm like, now I'm stressing about the pronunciation. Ask guide. Yeah, that's that's better. There you go. That's how I'd say it. Ask guide. Yeah. Yeah. Ask guide. um Thank you so much for signing up for being a new patron. ah It means the world to me. Yeah.
yeah Yeah, thanks. Thanks for letting us make this terrible podcast. Talking about shit.
Yep. So that's awesome. That's great. Are you gonna send him a personal love letter? Is that he's doing that? Where's mine? To be honest, you don't get one, Gary. Because i I've already sent you a personal hate mail too. I hate mail? There's my whole life? Yeah, exactly.
ah But you know, ah unfortunately, he he didn't sign up for the top. but One of the tears that gets the love letter. are ah But every little bit counts. And I'm really appreciative of people that sign up to Patreon. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. And I definitely does not yank my chain that people sign up to Patreon. Definitely better.
Did you like that? I tried to bring in segues. That wasn't like the worst segue. I've heard it a long time. Like how can you like do it as a negative, like double negative? Like it definitely doesn't. Like that's a terrible segue. I'm sorry. Okay. Hey, Karen, off you go. Bring a better segue in. Just, I'm trying to steer this show so everyone gets a decent listen.
Well, I mean, I tell you that you steering the show really yanks my chain. There you go. Isn't that better? That was better. Okay, but does it really yank your chain over? There's something yanks your chain even more. yeah There is. There is. There's something that yanks my chains. And that's people that don't take responsibility for shit.
I'm like, ah that's yank in my chain. For their poo? like a Yes, for their non-flushers in this world. Oh, they flush, but they flush like the wrong thing. know like that's yeah So I know it's a dishar just, I've had a bunch of different things this this week where people are like too afraid to to take responsibility for something that they've done or not done.
And, uh, and then it's just like, it just fucking gets my goat. Like, like, what, what are you like, you're basically afraid of the consequences of taking responsibility for something. I'm like, how do you live your life? If you're going to live your life in fear, the constant, like constantly thinking about like, you know, Oh, I can't say I'm sorry for something or I can't. ah you know, try and make something right, because that would admit that I'm wrong. And then that's like the worst thing in the whole world. Like, come on, man, life's bigger than that. And it drives me nuts, because it affects everyone negatively when people do that. So like, then the worst thing actually is the person who's not being honest and not taking responsibility is the one that suffers the most.
you know Yeah, to yeah, 100%. Yeah, they're the ones that ruminate for like weeks or months about something. And it feels shit. I'm like, I had a situation where someone promised me something, and they didn't follow through ah with the with what they had promised. And they kept pushing back, you know, the date that they were going to do that, like they were going to do this thing for me. And, and, and you know, then basically when I so called them on it,
They were like, they basically gaslighted me. And, you know, and I was like, uh, all right, dude. Like, it's like, it's not the end of the world. I just want, I always want honest answer. Like, I just want, I just want you to say, I fucked up. Sorry. Uh, I'm going to get it to ASAP. Like, that's all I need. So that kind of stuff, I think that the eczema chain, because, you know, it's like, you know, it's, it's so simple. Honesty is always the best policy.
Yeah, I agree. Get it for everyone. So, I mean, no one's, no one's that nasty. I don't think that if you're honest and you take responsibility, someone's going to persecute you for it. a So maybe in America. Yeah. But as long as you're willing to fix it, right? Yeah. Well, that's the thing. Yeah. That's taking responsibility. That's great. Like, like, if you, if you, yeah like, if you made a malicious choice,
If you're like, I'm going to fuck you up by doing this thing, you know, then then we've got another conversation to be had. But if you honestly just made a mistake, shit didn't work out like a plan, like just just take it, take it on the chin and make it right. And, you know, most people understand that life happens. So, you know, mistakes happen, things happen. So that's been the egg in my chain this week. What about you, bro?
Equality. Equality. Yeah, that's what's been next in my chain. Oh, we got one of the big guns today. ah um The double standard of equality. Oh yeah. That's, yeah. Says me who is basically just fucking, you know, objectifying women at the beginning of this podcast. Sorry. Like that's on me. Yeah.
Now, more importantly, male pattern baldness. Okay. We're going there, are we? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Look, if women were losing their hair, everyone would be like, oh, you poor thing. Oh, you need to all the help you get and so moral support.
I'm, I hate to break it, but I'm like, I've noticed this week, you know, I was editing the video, there was a scene where I was like, you know, my head forward and I saw like this bald patch in the middle of my head and I was like, Oh God. You know, and I felt so bad about it. Like fall from the tree. Thanks dad. But I was like, Oh, I get so frustrated because you know, and like women see bald men as like,
bad, you know, like, and men also see it as bad. Like, even though it's completely out of our control. Yeah. Yeah. And like, okay, I'm not gonna say I gotta be wearing a toupee or anything or anything to like, I've got long hair and I've got enough hair. You know, i time over I'm not, I'm not the worst you know person out there like losing his hair. But The double standard just yanks my chain that women can have this thing about men being bald and be like, oh, it's a horrible thing, but women can't
like, can't accept that if they were in the same situation, I just, ah, yanks my chain. I'm done. I'm not going to talk any more about this. I'm going to go. I thought you were going to go way deeper than fucking male patent borners. I was like, when you bring up equality, I was just like, yeah, I was ready for, I was ready for like the deepest, you know, societal issues to be brought up.
We don't have a, we could, we could, I'm sure do a podcast only on that, but. Double standards. Yep. Male pattern baldness. Yep. I mean, yeah, it's not, uh, I'll tell you something really fucking scary, Justin. um this This is for the world to hear. The other day I was like, there's something irritating in my ear. What is that? And I was like, manage to grab it and then pull it. And I was like, holy fuck.
I got an ear hair. like And I was just like, oh no. or I was just like visions um of our father with fucking bushes coming out of his fucking ears. And I was like, no! I told Lynn. I was like, Lynn, fucking look at this thing! And she was like, what is that? I was like, that came out of my ear. And she's just like, oh God.
Being getting old is not fun. Yeah, you just got to do that. Why do you grow hair places when you get old? I don't understand. I don't know either. You're not gonna get fucking 40 yet. wax Wax, man. It's the best. In your ear hole. Yeah, a dude, in your nose. Dude, in your nose is so good. Nose I have no problem with. I think Kristen did that to me once.
Yeah, she is is the best. She like gets this hot wax, sticks up your nose and you think this is going to be the worst thing ever. But then like she yanks it out. All the hairs go out, your nose is like, you can like breathe again. And then I i love the police wig him reference.
And then then you look at it. Yeah. And that's the most exciting bit. It's like you get all these mother truck and nose hairs yeah on the in the wax. You could look at it for days. It's like cutting my fingernails. like i like There's a weird like thing. I don't like them long. I cut them short. so like when ah But when I do cut them and I get like a really like a big piece of nail and there's like, yeah. Some weirdly satisfying.
Okay, this this podcast is getting out of control, Karen. This is getting out of control. Okay, we're we're shifting shifting gears, that's for sure. What do you need people to go check out, Karen? My beer. Drink, go and drink my beer, please. Keep me in business.
no No, actually, no, you should. You should, you should try my beer. I mean, not, I mean, But if you are living in the nation of Norway, do not try my beer. Do not. ah Don't drink it. It's not worth it. ah You know, that's why it's not worth it for you because you'll get the fines because you advertised it just. Yeah, right. So, yeah, whatever you're doing, if you live in Norway, don't drink cosmic Christ from your whispering. Don't try it. Don't ah don't drink it. Don't pay good money for it.
Uh, don't support the little guys. Don't do any of that. Cause, um, you know, most of the tax, most of the money goes to the state anyway. ah That's the irony of the whole situation. oh So like more than half of the cost of that beer is taxes.
Yep, it's so crazy. But yeah, you should try cosmic Christ. I'm i'm really happy with how it's turned out. um And I'm really looking forward to the next beers that are coming down the pipeline to launch to you guys. So yeah, get go to pub. If they don't have it, ask for it. And then they were like, Oh, it's a sucrose brewing.
I'm like, it's only the best brewery ever.
And, uh, and do me a favor. If you can, if you, if you buy this beer, please rate it on untapped that it kind of helps me, uh, with sales. Cause people will be like all the beard geeks and all the, uh, often the bars base their sales on how high rated a beer is.
So the more ratings, especially the higher ones, I can get on Cosmic Christ, the better it will be for its success and subsequent other beers in the future. So yeah, try my beer. Cool.
Uh, I want people to go check out their hormone levels. Okay. This is a bit of a serious tone here. Uh, so, uh, I spoke to Kristen about this. She's okay with me talking about this. So, so Kristen, my wife realized that, you know, her libido was a bit low. You know, she didn't want to jump my bones all the time, which I don't understand at all. Especially with your male pattern baldness.
um Uh, yeah. So she went to the doctor, uh, talked about it. Uh, she got some blood tests done, uh, and they measured our hormone levels. Uh, and she was low in testosterone.
who So as like, uh, in between method, she's gotten some like, uh, testosterone medication. Yeah.
ah to boost her hormone levels. um And she feels really good about it. ah I'm not so much. She started doing bicep curls now. or She's like, get over here. I'm gonna fuck you. All of a sudden, she's got bushy armpits.
and you like like i moach and You're like, a man, not a piece of meat. How's it feel to have the shoe on the other foot?
Yeah, love but all in all seriousness, you know, it's helped so far, I think, at at least i I believe so. um And it's kind of really important. I think a lot of marriages, especially when you get into like middle age,
Uh, like, especially with women, their hormone levels change and then relationships kind of break down because we, we as males need a lot of like physical, you know, intimacy. Uh, that's how we're programmed. A majority of us are programmed like that at least anyway. And you know, when the females hormone levels are dropping and they don't notice and they don't understand what's going on and that they don't feel you know attracted to you because of their hormone levels, then the relationship suffers basically. And I know want everybody to
Think about that if you're in a relationship with your partner and and things are not great in that respect. Like maybe that's something you could suggest to look at yeah because you know that could be the difference in some relationships between divorce yeah and staying together. And I think that's if that's one thing this experience Kristen and I have gone through could help with. Like it's well worth sharing this on this podcast. yeah Yeah, take your testosterone pills. I'm keeping my bald spot.
Maybe I should also take a sneak some testosterone from her as well. I'm just like massive. and like and The test is not going to do much if you're not working out.
Well, I don't know exactly how it works to be quite honest, but I do know that, you know, you get a lot more energy and when you have high levels of testosterone. So even for males, like monitoring your testosterone levels is important. And, you know, having low levels of testosterone has been linked to like high levels of cancer and all sorts of stuff as well. So there's a bunch of stuff that is really important with hormone levels and Yeah, I recommend everybody just to maybe next time you're at the doctor, ask for like a blood test to check your hormone levels. Yeah, cool. Get some. Go check out your hormone levels, people. Get your hormone. Well, I mean, if it helps in the bedroom.
Yeah, it's important. It's important. Yeah, it is. Yeah, it is. So on on that really awkward note, we're gonna leave it there. um Sorry, seven listeners, you have to deal with me.
Thanks so much for listening, guys. Yeah, I we will catch you next week, which is actually not that far away since today's Thursday. Yeah. With a new update. Thanks, everyone. We'll see you next week.