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Week 21 - Post video Apocalypse  image

Week 21 - Post video Apocalypse

E21 · Garage Avenger Podcast
46 Plays2 months ago

This week Justin has a new video out and Kieran is testing juicy beers. 


Introduction and Garage Avenger Podcast Overview

This is the Garage Avenger Podcast.
this episode twenty twenty one baby i it twenty one already okay dooley whom i already missedook our it was i was late to the party last you were i did miss the the occasion of the twentieth pod Hello everybody and welcome to the Garage Avenger podcast. I'm Justin, trying to share the joy of building my death machines in my garage in the hope of one day trying to make a living off it. And I'm Kieran, trying to turn my garage brewed beers into a world-renowned brewery. We are twin brothers with a passion for creating the wild and unexpected, taking you on a ride through the everyday life in our garages.

Brewing Projects and 'The Anointing' IPA

Cheers. Wow, we didn't fuck that one up. I clearly had it right in front of me reading.
Yes, Dustin. What has been happening this week? Uh, I I, um,
Well, I decided to brew a beer core I call the anointing, which is a single hop ah IPA series that I'm going to start. So the basic premise is that the beer base, the hop edition times, the and
I lost my train of thought. the ah The hop edition times, the malt bill, everything is the same, it's just to change up the hop type. So I decided to try this first one with Citra, which is a very well known hop.
And although it's still fermenting as we speak, I am very... I'm actually really excited about this beer. I'm really excited. yeah It sounds a little boring. Let's be quite honest. Well, you know, I don't know, like... But maybe it's good. Simple as good, right? Yeah, I mean, it sounds like it could be boring, but it's like the the flavor profile that I am tasting right now,
on a very early stage is really, really interesting. I used a product called Incognito, which is a Citra based, Citra based hop product, liquid hop product on in the Whirlpool side.
And it's added, like it added another punch, a different dimension than the normal hop pellets would. It's kind of more concentrated in that sense. So yeah it replaces basically, it nearly replaces half of the hop charge that I use in a liquid fully dissolvable form. So the usage and the implementation on the beer is a lot more, it has less loss.
So it gets really like loads of

Challenges in Brewing Strong Beers

flavor. So I'm like picking up this really fun, almost like lemon candy, like citrus flavor coming through at the moment. And it's just, it's so like, I don't, I don't know if I've tasted a Citra IPA like it, to be honest, I'm really excited about. that So,
Yeah, i' I'm pumped to see how this one turns out. It's going to be big and sweet. I always struggle with this. I maxed out my grain bill on this one. ah The test brewery has a max grain um capacity of nine kilos. It was like nine point two. So I was just like the thing was overflowing with malt. The efficiency went to fucking shit.
Oh, man. You know, if anyone has tried brewing big beers before, ah the more malt you put in there, the less efficient it becomes. And it's ah so I basically had to substitute with a bunch of spray malt, which is like a powdered malt extract.
and and a bunch of dextrose sugar as well to get it up to the gravity that I want. So it's going to be a big, thick, juicy 8% double IPA basically, but like bigger than anything I've done before. So that's the plan.
Juicy, I like that. Yeah, and I'm like, i i lot I specifically lowered the pH a bit lower than you typically would to try and accentuate that juiciness, like you get the acidity from, you know, juice. And then, and also kind of i added salt.
So to try to enhance the flavor a bit. So I think it's going to be a really, I'm really excited about it. I'm really excited where this is going to go, actually. And this is going to be part of a series. So if this kind of takes off as a series, I think I'll be really happy with it. So yeah. And the this week coming, I'm going to brew the quad. Oh, yeah. So I'm big, big hitter. I'm going to try and hit 12 percent.
ABA e on this one. I don't think I'll get there because just the amount of grain and everything I have to use to get it there is in insane. So we'll try I'll try my best to get it there. There's going to be a lot of candy sugar added to this one. That's typical for Belgian beers. But it's going to be, I think I'm really excited to see how this one turns out.
The main reason I'm doing it now, I actually have no plans to produce this until next year. yeah But the lagering time on this beer is at least six months.
Yeah, it needs to age, right? It needs to age. So I've got to brew it now to see if it's any good to to decide on what I'm going to if I'm actually going to produce this commercially. So that's kind of going into the tank this week. And then I actually need the people's help.

Exploring New Brewing Options and Strategies

Maybe maybe people can help me to decide what is next. What should I brew after that?
I'm going to give you some options. I'm going to give you some options. Yeah, yeah. You need to give us ah the, you know, A, B, or C answers. Well, I'll give you A, B, C, or D. Okay. Right. So ah the first is they a Lime Coconut IPA. Which sounds kind of cool and amazing. Yep. Yep. So Lime Hoppiness with Toasted Coconut. That's the plan. I think that'll be really killer.
And the second one is ah the Nordic blonde, a blonde, like a classic blonde beer, but using only Norwegian malts. So super easy, flavorful, interesting, but simple beer around about six and a half percent. I think I'll make that one. Belgium style, right? Belgian style. Yeah, that's right. So typically a blonde. The Nordic IPA, which I'm I am going to try and enter into a wine monopoly tender. So what does that mean? and So the wine monopoly puts out tenders every little while asking for specific products and you submit that product to them and they choose whether they like the taste of it and the pricing and everything.
and they think it's going to sell well, that's ah that's then you win the tender and then you get a solid volume sold straight away. So it's actually a pretty good way to to sell beer and it will be have national distribution, which is really cool. So that's really fun.
um So that's going to be based on, ah you can only use Norwegian malt in that beer. So that'll be kind of interesting to use.

Market Challenges and Swedish Entry Plans

I toyed with the idea of using Kreik yeast, but I don't think I will because It's, to be honest, I'm becoming less and less of a fan of the Norwegian East strains. I just don't think they're refined enough for most people's sense of taste. So ah definitely not for mine, if I'm honest.
ah But anyway, that's going to be a fun one. That's going to be a, I think I'm going to use ah Mosaic and Nelson Savin, which is a hop combination you rarely see together. And I tested a beer some years ago, which I thought was friggin fantastic. So that's going to be ah' really interesting to see how that's going to turn out. And then the last one is a sour beer with a lemon and basil. That sounds different.
Yeah, so I'm really excited about that idea of a combination of like a lemon sour, maybe the little bit residual sweetness, and then like basil, this kind of like herbal spiciness over the top. I think that'll be really nice. So I'm thinking that there'll be, so those are my three options, the lime coconut IPA, the Nordic blonde Nordic IPA, or the lemon basil sour.
I think you should go for excitement, the lime coconut. Yeah. But for for practicality, I would also think about getting that tender for the... Yeah. why The challenge is I don't want to brew it too early because I don't want to submit the samples as being too old. It needs to be nice and fresh. So I have to double check on what the deadline is for that so I can make sure I can make that happen.
So that's really fun. oh and So that's me. How about you, Josh? Come on. Yeah. I haven't told us about how like sales, because everyone knows in January, people stop drinking. like Dry January. That's what yeah ah it is. It is dead. dead, dead, dead, dead for sales, actually. the It really is, unfortunately.
um There are some still some bottles going out automatically through the wine monopoly, so that's good. There's some stores restocking, which is really fun to see, but re reality is all the bars are pretty much just hunkering down, trying to keep their costs for the to a minimum during this slow season and white wait out for March when really things start to pick up again properly.
So people come back out on, you know, in February, I think that's definitely part of like the thing. So things will start to pick up again, but March is where it's at. That's where, you know, I got to really pick up the sales and push it through. So that'll be exciting to see. But for now, it's just a game of product development and waiting out and planning the next moves ahead. So that's exciting.
But with regards to sales, so when we say we're getting a couple of orders through, like, what does that mean? Does that mean 10 bottles? I mean, like 100 bottles? ah Well, I mean, the wine monopoly orders in cases. So um the the the Nordic triple ah um sold to maybe 10 extra cases in the last three, four weeks. So that's that's a good sign. And then the then um about maybe four or five cases of the of the cryo Jesus as well. So things are moving slowly, but there's definitely more room to grow in the future. So we'll see where see where things go and and

Chili-Infused Beer and Legal Considerations

how ah products move forward. And, you know, I'm I'm looking at the
putting some stuff into the system balaga. So I tried. Let's go, Sweden. Yeah, so pi Pierre will be really stoked about that. But but honestly, like ah the the way the costs that I have here for production are so high that i yeah and my beers will be so expensive in Sweden with Swedish prices. So just brace yourself, Pierre.
That's the Gucci handbag of beers, Karen. Yeah, that's why I have to see it. Yeah. So, you know, it's a it's interesting to see that some of my beers are priced well above some of the most weren't renowned breweries in the world. So, I mean, maybe people dig it, maybe they're like, wow, must be good if it's this expensive. Well, that' isn't that the same thing? Like, people buy the expensive bottle of champagne, they think it tastes better because it was really expensive, right? yeah um Maybe it's the same. Yeah, that's probably the theory behind some some brands, I'm sure.
some percent Yeah, that's, that's, uh, that's the sales, really. It really, uh, it's going very smoothly, but slowly. So fair enough. I mean, where do you see like the sales in Sweden going? Do you see like a lot of sales? You're thinking that you, in all honesty, not a lot. Like it'll be, it'll put, they'll probably be, ah um, you know,
20% of what what I sell it to wine monopoly will be ah the same kind of 20% of that to Sweden. I think it's like I there's no brand establishment there. It'll only be on word of mouth. And if by chance some system belaguer stores decide like pick up the product and decide that it's really great. And that kind of moves itself. So that's the hope.
that things will just move themselves, but selling into Sweden, well, we'll see. The one nice thing is is that seeing that I'm not based in Sweden, i'm not I'm not controlled by their laws. Their laws are a lot more laxed than the Norwegian ones in regards to alcohol advertising. ah So, you know, we just have to wait and see what will happen. and It's exciting. It's exciting to see what will happen.
So people like Pierre and all the people who are hearing about the beer and and I've got some some people there in Sweden who have contacted me ah wanting to get their hands on the beer. I have no idea how they hear about this, about the beers, but that's really great. There's this stuff happening without, it's organic, which is really cool. I love the organic side of it. I think that's the most interesting part of it.
I think that when we were in Oslo together at that beer festival, there's quite a lot of Swedish people there. So there's perhaps like an underground beer. Swedes living in Norway who tasted beer until they're friends in Sweden, maybe? No, no. Honestly, the pe they came from Sweden. Really? i yeah yeah I didn't pick that one.
Yeah, I spoke to quite a few people that had traveled from Stockholm, Gothenburg to go to this event to drink beer. There you go. Because for them it was cheap. And it was, if you think about it. You can get complete, yeah, you can get completely shit-faced for what was it, 350 coronas? No, or something. No, it was like 500. Yeah. Yeah, 500 coronas and you get completely shit-faced.
We're drinking for three and a half hours. yeah then Then you go out and buy one lager and you're done for the evening afterwards. So there That's me. i have No, that's not you yet. Enough finished. I've got questions. okay two Me and Pierre need to know what's happening with Holy Ghost.
ah Well, ah I did get in contact with a guy who can potentially make the Chile tension for me. I need to follow up some more details with him. The challenges are that he's basically an alcohol distiller and there are real issues with how the product is then handled and sold onwards. So the restrictions in Norway in relation to Brenvin, like distilled spirits, are really, really strict. So they they need to know where every single milliliter has gone. And so I'm working with him now to figure out if there's a way that we can
ah write this off as now like food ah rather than ah rather than a drinkable spirit because you're not going to want to drink this by itself. It's pure agony. ah But three or four drops in ah in a half litre of beer will will change the beer fender to something amazing. So I'm hoping that the these kind of bits and pieces will come together.
ah there's plan for production in in March. So we'll see if there's, if that can, if we can get it all together in time. So that's the plan. Well, let's hope so because I honestly believe this is the game changer. One of the game changers for Eucharist Brewing is the Holy Ghost.
I hope so.

Cultural Challenges and Norwegian Social Dynamics

No, honestly, I think if anyone, okay, so let me share some something with the listeners. So I had a couple of cans of Holy Ghost and I took it up to the cabin. What? It has to be nearly a year ago. No, it was Easter time last year. And we shared, I had majority of it, but the kids,
And the two ladies that were there, my wife and another friend of hers were there. And they all drank it. And even the kids liked it. Are you feeding alcohol to children, Justin? Technically, yes. But they only had a small taste. And for them, you know, like they're not at all happy with chili. They hate it. oh But There was like this warmness that comes from that beer you've created. This not crazy, burn your face off, I'm dying type of chili. It's just this warm, cuddly feeling. I don't know how else to explain it. Well, it's it's just like being hit with the Holy Ghost.
It's a warm, cuddly feeling. And I think the biggest factor was actually the my wife, Kristen, and and her friend. Both were so surprised how enjoyable it was. Yeah, that's great. Yeah. And then when I fed it to Pierre, he was just blown away. He's like, this is the best thing I've ever tasted. So I really think If you can get this chili tensioner made and get into production, it is going to blow up. I think worst case scenario, I just have to go and buy a bunch of, ah you can buy vodka, buy like buy in two litre casks and just buy a bunch of vodka and two litre casks and just make it myself. That's if that's what I really have to do. I mean, it's a super expensive way of doing it. But if that's what I have to do, that's what I have to do.
So, but there will be a way eventually to make it industry, you know, you don't have to do it by hand if you know what I mean. Yeah. where And that's another thing, like maybe that's something you can also look into is like, what do you have to do to be able to write it off as a food?
Well, obviously, that's that's ah some I've, I've drafted an email towards the Scott Totten and House Director ah to figure out to get some answers from them on what is required. And does it need to be produced by a specific ah producer that that has the legal right to do so? Or is it just something that you can say, well, now it's food, it's going into food, it's being used in food, it's an extract now. hey and And just, and you know, document that and and that will be good enough. We'll see.
Yeah, I mean, I think honestly, when people taste it, they're going to have their Mines. Double rainbow all the way across the sky.
Mine blown. Yes, they will have their minds blown, Justin. What's blowing your mind today, Karen? ah You know what's blowing my mind? I still don't get Norwegians.
I still, I'm like every, every now and then I think I've got, I've got, I've got, I figure them out. I know, I know how they work. You know, I know, I know how to never get this social quagmire of social like Norwegian society. And then I just realized, nah, still got no clue.
Come on, give us an example. Oh, I just we went to this ah this kids disco thing the other day, ah yesterday, actually. And when the kids dance around and play disco, ah like, you know, and there's like, it's like a it's a eula disco. I don't know what's what's that deal with that in you January, but Anyway, they the kids go there and Santa turns up and gives them candy and, you know, this kind of stuff. means And they dance and they have fun. Long story short, a bunch of parents are standing around watching their kids run rampant.
And, you know, I know like a good bunch of these parents. And you would think that like I was a stranger trying to like steal their first born child, the way that like most people approach you when you start trying to talk to them. They're like, hey, how are you doing? And I was like, what what the fuck are you talking to me for? You know, kind of thing. I'm just like, it still blows my mind. I still don't understand it.
I'm just too weird, clearly. you You need to read that book again. i do Well, I don't know if I've actually really read it. I've just breezed through it, Justin. Oh, it's so good. I need to actually read it. I'm gonna get frustrated, no doubt. Oh, yeah. i that But I think you'll start to realize, I think it's the bubble thing. So you haven't fostered a relationship enough in that bubble to start having open conversations with people.
Yeah, like you need to do a Duke Nod with them first. yeah like ah you know Sorry for those English listeners. A Duke Nod is like a worker... Working bee. Working bee, yeah. working Like a school working bee or a football club working bee or something like that, where all the parents get together and help the club or help the school do something, clean up something.
ah fix, maintain something. I will add that no parent likes the Duke Nod. No one likes Duke Nod. It's kind of like the you enter the bubble by the shared hatred of the Duke Nod.
So i think i I think that's honestly, you know, how you have to approach it. You need like this shared hatred experience, like, so that you can... It's a common thing, really. You can say, hey, rule that Duke not that suck dick.
Yep. So yeah, so I still I still don't get him. That's my but long story short. Still don't get him. Still trying my hardest. I'm not giving up yet. But I still don't get him. That's why I've given up. I mean, I've just got too many foreign friends.

Creative Projects and Kid Involvement

It's really hard when you have kids though, because you know, the parents end up socially interacting.
You know, and the other day I i ah rolled into the driveway and there was another parent picking up their kid. And and I get out of the car.
And he immediately starts his engine and drives backwards instead of like saying, like, hey, how's it going? Like, no, at all interaction, like our daughters were like hanging out, spending time together. Like the least you could say, like, hey, how's it going? Let's see. I'm sorry. I got to run. So the thing like not.
decided just back that car up, don't even make eye contact, even though you saw me drive past your car, park the car, get out.
and she has I give it up all hope. You know, that's just how it is here. yeah And I went to i went to the ah Toboggan tobogan Hill. Did you do a Duke Nod with him?
Have you done? I've done a do not. Oh, then he just hates you. Yeah. to balance I'm the weird Australian guy building weird shit in his couch. You know, no one really understands what I'm doing. ah and But that the went to the Toboggan Hill. Yeah. I don't know how many parents there are. Maybe 20, 30 parents there on the hill. A lot of people stand around grilling sausages over the fire. As you do. Lovely, lovely time. One person spoke to me the whole time. One person. Even though I tried to talk with people, they just shut up. They just clam up. They don't. And I'm just like, OK, I don't care anymore. Yeah. I can't fight this.
this The fight, the tide is just silly. Just let the tide run.
i go love it I just imagine that at some point, you know, I become known for something like with inverted commas, right? And then all of a sudden they're like, hey, how's it going? I'm like, yeah, now you want to talk to me.
ah It's just like pricks. Yeah, it's just the way it is here, unfortunately. I think you just have to understand. It's the baseline anxiety. That's the problem. Social anxiety. Yeah, didn't you come up with this crap where you said you'd solved it all? like Yeah, it still doesn't mean that I like it.
ah It's that whole. Yeah, I think it's this. There's just that ah you see it so very clearly. We, I built a snow labyrinth in the garden on Saturday. Yeah. I dug probably far out 60, 70 meters worth of tunnels through the snow. ah And I invited all of Mackenzie's friends, parents, the whole lot to come around and play yeah in the labyrinth. And, uh, one friend turned up. Like we're talking about eight, nine.
different friends and one turned up and the kid was a little bit too young to really understand how this could be fun. And that was that. Then we went inside and ate waffles.
yeah ah who So that was my my eight hours of digging, but to good use. But that being said, Mackenzie fucking loved it.
right He absolutely had a ball. He loved being out there with me digging. And we made tunnels and like caves and all sorts of things that he could hide in. And we played this game where, which you have done with your kids, I remember, where you pretend to be a robot to chase chase them. And um yeah, we had, to and I did that with him, which was fun. But then I made the suggestion that we invite the neighbors over after dark and we only go out with torches in the labyrinth.
And that was really fun. We played like a game of like spot um ah yes spotlight, I guess call it, but the robot had the spotlight and was moving slowly through the maze and had to spot people. And you could like crawl around and and try and skip past, get around the robot and and mix. And it it was really good. Like the game lasted for 20 minutes.
ah with the kids which is the world with the neighbors kids and Mackenzie together and it was really fun. Everyone really enjoyed it. So I like I loved that part and Mackenzie had such a ball. He was so tired afterwards. He slept like an hour longer than he normally does on any any morning. So he definitely enjoyed himself. So that made it worth it actually. But Garen, would you say that you know, inviting all those parents over ah gave you the... Who does number two work for?
yeah hey just move a hold of something bite your lip and give it yeah come on We're gonna get through this.
hey that sounds pretty nasty how about courtesy flush open there
I can't say it did give me the shits, to be honest. No, it was probably good at godsend because having like 10 kids run around. yeah ah no mayor But at the same time, it still would have been nice. Still would have been nice for Mackenzie. But you know what's giving me the shits this week? Please tell me.

Video Editing and Audience Engagement

fucking cliffhanger endings on shows.
What a specific show. Did you see the latest episode of the silo? Yeah. I was like, what the fuck is going on? I just lost my shit at the TV. I was like, no, you can't end it there. Why?
It was such a, it's such a stupid door. Don't give it away for those who haven't seen it. Yeah, but okay, but I didn't, I didn't get like that reaction. I was like, I'm too emotionally invested in this show. Yeah. I i just, ah it just gave me the shits. um It's not the only show that's done it to me recently. ah But yeah, Tyler this week took the cake. I was just like,
Why? Now I have to wait another week. if there i think might is Don't tell me that was a season finale episode. I hope not. Because I think it was episode eight there. I should have at least one or two more. So yeah, I should at least get like Julia back to the other solo. That would be, yeah. Or something, who knows. Maybe she goes the wrong way and goes to another one.
Well, that happens all over again. Yeah. Right. So no, that's, um, yeah. So cliffhanger endings. That's what's given me the shits this week. How about you, Joss? Uh, that's giving me the shits. Uh, thumbnail advice.
Okay. From who? Well, it doesn't really matter from you. That's the thing. You can, you can give, you can say, Hey guys, like I gave my patrons a chance. Like, please tell me what you think about these three of these five thumbnails. Let me know which one you think is good. I'm thinking, Oh, I'm going to get a percentage here. I've got a clear example of what is the best one. No, everyone chose different ones.
There was ah anyone that had more than the other was just a tiebreaker with another one like there was ah was it's just an even spread. yeahp And then on top of that, I have a couple of other groups. So I have a group with two other, three other creators. And I also have a group that has about, I think about 10 other creators. And I posted in both of those groups to get their perspective. Everyone chose different. And I just decided, you know what, I'm not doing this anymore.
i crime let the algorithm change I can't deal. yeah Well, that's another thing. So I posted this thumbnail thinking, man, this one's going to be done. This one's going to be the worst one out of all of them. Turns out it was still in the best one. so Like, I don't know what the hell people want. It gives you the Merc shit. So I've decided, no, you know what? You're not going to do this whole thing where you're going to send People like a choice to like decide which one's good so that you can get feedback loops so that you can, you know, have a successful video. Just put out a freaking video with a thumbnail and just let it be. So it does give me the shits. The video is out there now. Yeah. Yeah. The the successful sled video is out there. Yeah. Are you happy with the result?
of the video. I mean, that's in like the the format, how you feel at play. Yeah. So, so this week I've been editing. And, you know, we we talked about last week where I went and tested it and it was a complete failure. But I decided that I was going to leave it like that.
I was just going to keep the video as a failure project and ah drive home the fact that things are not a waste of time when you balls things up, you know.
Yeah, I think I'm fairly happy. Well, actually, I'm really happy with the end result. I think it worked out really well.

Sled Modifications and Testing Fears

We talked about it on the last week's podcast where we did this sort of slow mo version of me falling off the sled. I did actually weirdly like that it went like frame by frame. Yeah, and that wasn't a choice. Yeah, I know. like That's right. That's why I bring it up because I know it wasn't a choice, but I actually quite liked it.
I really liked the fact that you can kind of see my legs just flying in the air, like wildly. i anyway I like the little, like the the the creases on your face, actually. Like the feel, like you get, you got the feeling of like the intensity as you're flying off with the crease, the way your face screws up.
Yeah, as I hit, I smash my shoulder into the freaking mountain. It was so good. ah But that's, I mean, maybe that's the brother in me talking, just loving to see my brother in pain.
No, I think a lot of people thought it was good. And then, you know, the funny thing is I didn't add ah in slow-mo the rest of the footage. So you kind of see me hit the ground. You see my face sort of squint in like ah pain.
um And then I even added in like a slow mo like on top because it didn't really have it in that slow mo. You didn't have any sound really. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So in that slow mo, I just added a slow mo like.
So if you buy it back you can hear me just say that I did that into the microphone and then just put it in like super slo-mo. I actually just recorded it like this like and then put it in slo-mo it's like. oh
So, but what you don't see is and I didn't include it just because it didn't feel like it was necessary. But when yeah when I hit the ground, my helmet like rolls up.
over my like, so the mouthpiece of my helmet is basically sitting like just under my eyes. So my helmet moved that much and made me realize like how hard you actually need to strap your helmet down. Cause I had it firm, but I didn't have it like so firm, if you know what I mean? Like I didn't have it like tight. So it just shows you how much that helmet moves when you hit the ground. So there's a bit of footage Where you see like my helmet just sort of like completely in the wrong position on my head. And as I kind of like slide my head along the ground in that brief moment before I roll again. Yeah. ah So it was a fun editing process. I toyed a lot with trying to work out if I should do some sort of
um, energized and like intro where sort of, I add a lot of hooks and a lot of like people, this is what you can kind of expect in this video. Uh, but in the end I just decided, you know what?
I'm trying to go with this authentic side of me. So just starting off in the garage with me and my wife discussing what I'm going to do and why I'm going to do it is pretty genuine. So I decided to just keep it like that. Yeah, I think it plays well.
It'd be interesting to see what happens. Like the analytics, I haven't really looked too much into them yet. um But the video is doing okay. I think it's three out of 10. It's not doing brilliant, but it's a sled. there's something There's something just less universal about snow and ice projects because not everyone has snow and ice and they can't really relate to it. No, exactly. Yeah.
I think unfortunately it will never do great, but I think it'll do okay. It seems to be okay-ish at the moment. We'll just see what happens. What about like, are you going to, you're going to, the next project is the, you're going to make a ah snowmobile out of the, out of the pallet. No, then the hand truck go kite. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
So I think it's, uh, that, I mean, that'll probably have a similar effect, but at least I have a motor on it and people be fucking interested. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I've been telling with the idea too, like, how do I do this? Do I package it? Like I built a, uh, hand truck, you know, snowmobile. Hmm.
But in the end, I think I decided that I just will piggyback off what I've done because I can't really say that I built it in this video because I already built it. No, exactly. So it's more like ah a I realized that I want to drive my my go cart that I built in wintertime.
Yeah. I just, so I, I looked at a couple of other YouTube content creators who did have done similar ish things. Um, and for example, you know, my, my go-kart, you know, my hand truck go-kart gets skis and tracks.
yeah You know, it's as simple as that. And but then you just, the thumbnail does everything else. And then you can still have the hand truck sort of picture and the arrow pointing to the the new go-kart with the skis and tracks on it. yeah So people understand it was built from that, yeah through from the thumbnail. But then in the video, you use like, I built this go-kart from this hand truck, you know, in the summer and now it's winter, what do I do? yeah No, I want to turn this into a snobber bill. Everyone fucking loves snobber bills.
Well, I don't know about this one. It might be fucking deadly. Who knows? yeah so ah like yeah I So i I edited the video. um i I'm happy with the results. I was looking at just starting the next project instantly on Friday. ah But then I just couldn't get around. I couldn't do it. I was in a bit of a funk.
And I thought, you know what, I'm looking at this stupid sled. I need to fix this sled. Like it doesn't, you know, it doesn't drive right. So what am I going to do? I like what discussed in the podcast last week. I just said I was going to use some sort of pieces of like angle iron and weld them to the or but I said bolt them but I ended up what I did is I got just a 20 by 20 piece of angle iron steel and I just welded it directly to the foot of the ski yeah where it mounts to.
And it goes into the surface of the snow about five or six millimeters. I shaped it so it, and I only put one on the inside of each ski. Yeah, okay. Not on the outside because I figure that if I'm leaning, it's going to be on the outside of the ski is where most of the weight is going to be. Yeah, right. so I only put it on the inside. I went out, I packed it in the car and I asked the kids like, do you want to go of the the the to Hill to test this thing? And they're like, no, we don't want to go. And Kristen came home just as I was locking it into the back of the car. And she's like, where are you going? I'm like, I'm going to go test the
into the sled. She's like, I have to come with you. I'm not going to let you hurt yourself and no one be there. So, and she's, she hates it. She's always said that she hates like coming to watch me do things because she's like worried that I'll hurt myself and then she'll have to deal with that. So, went to the hill.
It's so heavy this thing. That's the one big downside of it. You only would take it on a hill where you have some sort of lift or like a bus or a train that you'd be able to put it on and then take it back up the hill to do because you wouldn't drag it up a hill again. It's so heavy. I don't know how heavy it is. I probably should weigh it, but
I dragged it up the hill. We dragged about halfway up first. Yeah. And went down and it worked great. Yeah. Yeah. That's all you needed. That's all I needed. ah If you only thought about that prior to testing this, you could have could have made a successful sled video.
take it down and cock a broken and win. To be honest, I'm not sure I would have. I think that was a big takeaway was that it's scary. Like we talked about it last week, some things with engines, like you've got control of the throttle and brakes, right? Whereas if you're just bombing a hill and you're letting in gravity, you get to a you get to a pace where you realize like, oh shit, I'm in trouble.
And the only way to to stop is is to jump off this thing, basically. Yeah, if you're lucky. Yeah. Right. You know, so, yeah, I realized that I don't like non-motorized things so much. I'm kind of scared of actually taking it even down Gumblerbock in there. Yeah. Like, I'm kind of scared of taking it full speed down there. I can imagine.
because yeah I'd probably be breaking a fair bit. If you hit the bumps on that thing, like, yeah, pray you'd be pretty, as soon as it kicks you off, like, yeah and you lose your rail and you lose control. That would be the hardest thing about that. So, no, well, I mean,

Upcoming Projects and Collaborations

it's but good that you found a solution that actually works. Yeah, so I don't even know what to do with it now. It takes up a lot of fucking space.
Is there anything, obviously you can use the skis for your, uh, for your next project? No, I've already got skis for that. Okay. It came with it. And then I think they're better for snowmobiling anyways. They've got like kind of these ridges on them. Yeah. Okay. They're kind of like boats, I guess you'd say. Yeah. Right. Like an actual snowmobile type ski. Yeah. Okay. So what are you going to do with it?
I don't know. I was contemplating the slate on fin. yeah then I just like brushed my hands. And to be honest, if I could make my money back on it, I'd just be happy. Yeah. So I think I i don't know. I think it's about 5,000 kronas I spent on it. So if I could make 5,000 kronas on it and someone buy it, then great. Yeah, why not?
Who knows? We'll see. If anyone wants to buy it off me, let me know. okay so I'm scared of it in some ways. Actually, I think the more and more you write it, the better you'd be at it. Yeah. And the more you understood what it does and where you should should put your body weight. Like, it's just you need a lot of time to go up and down hills to get an understanding of what it does. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm.
awesome The only other thing that's really been happening today or this week, I should say, is I went to Thomas um yesterday, Whitespace Props. He's the guy that's been helping me model things. He's also come out and tested he lost a lot of ah projects with me and film some stuff with me as well. um But he with the reason why we actually got together in the first place was because of this project that I've been talking about for forever, the world rally car. So I decided like, okay, now we need to just finalize some shit, we need to get it finalized so that we can now move forward. Yeah, right. You're gonna start printing things. How long is that gonna take?
yeah about forty days And that's if there's no problems. Yeah, right. Yeah, which se it's going to be. So it's a huge project, really big. And I'm so glad I got him on board because he knows so much more about how to print things better and how to put things together because that's what he does. Yeah, right. He's an absolute boffin in 3D printing. So And he's really good in Blender. I have no idea about that program. It just seems... What is Blender? Yeah, it's like a 3D modeling program. Okay. Hmm. And it's incredibly powerful tool. But the way he drives it, I was like, what is going on here? Like, how are you doing this? So he he's been fantastic. So the the car is not quite half scale. It's more like um it's around about 60 percent.
Yeah, okay. so It's bigger. It's a little bit bigger. Yeah. but That does not give me a lot of space still in the car. I imagine. Yeah, we worked especially because the height of the Uh, so from the floor pan of the go-kart or the rear axles, you know, yeah it's about the same to, uh, to the roof is only 65 centimeters. Okay. So you got to sit really low. So I have to lie basically in it, like a formula one car.
Yeah, okay. Nice. Which could be really cool because that could be give me another opportunity to like make a like a fitted form seat for myself, you know? yeah Yeah. So that's kind of really interesting as well. ah Playing it out, it's going to be a huge project. It's going to be massive. So Snow tracks on the go-kart will be happening this week. We're going to get building. Hopefully after this podcast, I'll clear the workshop out and we'll start filming some intro stuff before the snow melts because it's apparently going to be. Yeah, it's coming. come I've got to at least record my intro. We're like, oh, I can't go outside because there's snow. You might have to you have to film it up here again in comedy. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. So.
Yeah, basically so much snow and things are going to kind of melt in the next week. So it's a bit funny that I'm now building another snow machine and the weather is still not playing the game, it seems. But fingers crossed it will snow again before March of February. Well, let's hope it... My my time frame is about two weeks if it's built. So... If it doesn't snow in two weeks, I'm going to be kind of pissed. So I might have to go to other places and find places we can drive it with actual snow. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Cool. But that also adds the story of the videos. isn't Yeah. Well, that's part of it, isn't it? Yeah.
Anyway, so that has been my week. Cool. Is there anything we need to cover before we get to check it out? What was blowing your mind this week, bro? Nothing. I can't think of anything. like Nothing's really been blowing my mind. No? No, not really.
Yep, it's going to be check it out. what what what what What's it all about? Yeah, ah my check out is Morley Kurt. Morley Kurt? He's a You know, I've known about him for a long time and I've watched his videos in and out. You can kind of like like him or dislike him. It's kind of a weird kind of thing, but I kind of like him in many regards. I don't necessarily agree with his like workflow and how he builds things. Sometimes I'm like, what are you doing dude? Like you idiot. But he's done a series that's just done really well for him. um And he's basically 3D printing like designer furniture. Okay. um And it gives you good insight on how
YouTube algorithm works and what people are interested in too. So at least for his audience, not mine, that's for sure. My audience doesn't give a shit about designer chairs. But, um you know, it gives you an idea of what people are, people always looking to get something cheaper, you know, and so Could 3D printing a designer chair be a cheaper way to have that cool designer chair? you know And that's basically what he shows you. And he shows you all the pitfalls in that idea. And he's done really well. Like in the last year or two, he's just really like, jettisoned.
in YouTube fame. I think it feels really cool to see that. And it just gives me inspiration too that I can do that too. I can get to that point where, you know,
In two years time, my videos are getting millions of views and, and you know, people are engaged in my content. So Morley Kurt, if you haven't heard of him, go check him out. Interesting dude, very curly, greasy hair, but he's ah He's a nice dude anyway, very, very pleasant guy. ah he He's also on one of these groups of creators that I'm in as well. So I'm not super active in that group, but ah definitely every time I'm on there, he's always amazing with feedback and and and really wants to help everybody. So yeah. Cool. Awesome. Well, my recommendation,
for this week is to build something for your kids. yeah I was thinking about how much joy it gave me to build. I mean, let's be honest, I was building them this maze labyrinth for myself. yeah But it was, um and it was a like a lot of shoveling. And if I didn't have joy in doing it, my building it for myself, I probably wouldn't have committed.
as hard as I did. I think I went full retard on this one but um I think that the joy of seeing how my son reacted to it made it all the more sweeter. And now we have this labyrinth in the the garden as long as the snow lasts and you know I can keep maintaining it and building it up and expanding parts and stuff depending on how hard the snow is. And I think that will be really cool to see ah how that kind of fares over the last the next couple months maybe before it all melts.
But I think the joy of sharing that with with your kids is is gold and I would recommend that if you if you're looking for something to do with the kids uh you know get them outside and do some stuff like that that's it's gold. I mean it doesn't have to be maze making it could be whatever but you know just do something make something with them I think it's great.
I think the great thing about the maze is, you know, I've done it a couple of years in a row ah here. This year I haven't done it. We haven't had enough snow down here. But, you know, last year I did one at the school as well. It was huge. It was half a football pitch. yeah you know, yeah of of snow maze. And I put a huge amount of effort in, a bunch of parents came down to help. And it was great. But to be honest, I got the most joy out of the one we built in our backyard every year.

Building Joy for Kids

And, you know, I'm in the same boat as you when when you see the kids just run around. And now our kids know like, oh, we just call some friends and they'll come over and we'll have an absolute ball.
So then sometimes you have 20 kids just running around. yeah you they yeah but But they love it. They play hide and seek in there. They play all sorts of games and they it was really good. And I fully get where you're at here and with building something like, yeah, it is for you in many regards, but it's for them as well because they also get to see their father build something for them and with them. And in these day and age, like, that doesn't happen. No, we don't do that very often. So I think it's no one does have the opportunity to do it. Yeah. It's the same as the old like soapbox car, all a build thing that, you know, they have no one builds them anymore. No, no kids are rolling around in like this car thing built from pram wheels and planks of wood, like,
No one. No, right. Well, one nice thing about like the snow maze is that, you know, all you need is a shovel, which everyone in Norway has for clearing snow at some point in the year. So it's like, get your shovel out. You don't need any tools. um You know, you don't need to make it over complicated. And the kids have so much fun with that. Even if it just you just dig like a snow cave for them, like that's fun too. So I think that it's really, really cool to see. And I recommend if you just, you know, if you haven't done anything like that, or you haven't done anything like that in a while for your kids, go and do it. They'll love it.

Podcast Wrap-up and Listener Gratitude

They may not understand it at first, but they'll love it in the end.
I agree. So there you go. All right, kids. I think that's it for today. Yes. I've got some editing to do and then hopefully I'm going to get on with this project. So thank you everybody for listening and we will catch you next week. See you later.
I need to go up with some more ones. You said it wrong again. No. Oh, what is it?