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Week 23 - Butter Chicken and World Rally Cars image

Week 23 - Butter Chicken and World Rally Cars

E23 · Garage Avenger Podcast
37 Plays1 month ago

This week Kieran gets the shits by eating too much butter chicken and Justin finally starts on his world rally car. 


Introduction and Ambitions

This is the Garage Avenger Podcast.
week twenty three yeah Hello and welcome to the Garage of Edger podcast. I'm Justin trying to share the joy of building my death machines in my garage in the hope of one day trying to make a living out of it, which could be coming this year. yeah Let's go. And I'm Kieran trying to turn my garage brew to beers into a world renowned brewery.
We are twin brothers with a passion for the creating the world and unexpected, taking you on an everyday ride through life in our garages. Sweet. Yeah, welcome everyone. Again. I'm assuming that people have heard this podcast before. They're not tuning into to episode 23 for the first time. But anyway, yep.

Snowmobile and Weather Challenges

Cool. It's an ending bro. Our seven listeners. Yeah, the seven listeners.
You can name them all. They're like our pets.
who What's been happening, bro? Well, so excuse me, it was an ominous cough. Yeah. um The snowmobile. Yeah. Sitting, just waiting. Yeah. The part, you've ordered the parts, yeah?
Yeah, so like I was saying last week, um my sponsor did end up paying for the parts, the second parts that I ballsed up. And I got my refund back as well, which is nice. ah Minus some bullshit costs, but that's okay. Got majority of it back. So that's great. Great.
Um, but just have to wait, don't I? I mean, the parts probably going to take another week to machine and then hopefully next week I'll get it. So. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see. So waiting for that. So the snowmobile is just sitting there looking at me going, here's me, drive me. And I was like, I can't. You've got stupid PLA parts that are just going to mince themselves instantly when I put a bit of talk on this bit. I mean, I'd be tempted just to give it a fucking fang just to see what happens. I'm really happy. I mean, what's the worst that happened? just smart and I've been through that, Karen. I've been through it. I'm like, if the worst it could happen is the spline like rubs against the other spline just gets completely minced and then the
Yeah, look, I've gone through it all. I just feel I feel it's safer just to wait for the parts. I just i was hoping share the joy of like driving this thing in the snow. You know, can that be part of the video? Like, I just couldn't wait. So I just tried to to ah to try to get 3D printed parts instead. And look what happened.
Well, that could be actually a way to do it. But I, I am tempted. Like, although right now all the snow's melted. I got nowhere way to test it in my driveway. Yeah, we might have to come up to my driveway. Not that my driveway is as big as yours, but yeah, at least I still got snow on the street.
Yeah. so i and Sometimes I wonder why I even make like snow projects. because Yeah. Every time I need it. Yeah. Like, for example, there's the, be what do you call it? the What did I call it? The jet sled. That's what I call it. The jet sled.
When I was building that, i was there was like snow and ice everywhere and I was like, yes, this is awesome. And then the second it was finished, oh it all went away. It all melted. Well, this is actually, this is a great way. We should just, if you get sick and tired of winter, build some kind of thing that requires snow.
to help everyone out in that sick and tired of winter. Everyone's like, oh, thank Christ. Garage Avenger made something that needed snow. Winter's finished. Whoa.

Health and Lifestyle Changes

So I think I think the turmoil of this project not being ready to drive is also compounded by the lack of caffeination as well. How's that journey going? I'm two weeks in. Yeah.
No headaches anymore. i good they're all They're all gone, which is nice. I have been drinking tea, though. Not caffeinated tea, though. Yeah, what do you like, Robos or something? Robos. Yeah, I kind of like Robos. I don't know why. It's kind of like caramelly tasting. it's ah For anyone that doesn't know, it's it's a caffeine free type of tea in from South Africa, I think.
Africa in general, I don't think. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. I think it's really big in South Africa. I know that. Yeah. Yeah. So do you put a sugar in it? No, I don't. turn it with sugar yeah i Just have a bit of milk with it. Yeah, it's not bad actually. so Yeah. ah So caffeine free for two weeks, feeling good. Yeah. But I don't feel that different. The only thing I'm really noticing properly is I'm sleeping heavier. Interesting. So for example, last night,
ah Although Kristen will claim I never wake up, but secretly I wake up every time. I just don't i acknowledge it. oh Shit, she's going to listen to this podcast and I'm like, damn it, is it too late to edit?
um But yeah, like I, Henry came in last night at like four o'clock in the morning and I had no clue. I was just completely shocked. Yeah. So.
That feels kind of good maybe there and I find it easier to wake up now too. Oh, okay. Fascinating. So like I sleep heavier and then I get up easier. That's interesting. um I have to talk to Lynn about this.
ah she's like She's like the worst person in the world when it comes to getting up. She's like a sleep monster. She like turns into some kind of wild animal in the morning. so
ah She doesn't help that she does shift work though. No, that's true. That's true. That can't be good at all. No, it's really not. I mean, there's statistics that clearly state that it's not good for your health.
so I don't understand that. Like, why do we why do we give the people that have the most important jobs, such as me nurses, doctors, police, why do we give them horrible shift work?
Like, here's the thing. If you did a, for example, if you did night shift for six months and then changed to day shift for six months, that would be so much better for your body because you your body would get into a rhythm. You'd understand that like, OK, now I'm sleeping, sleep time.
even though it's middle of the day. And then when you swap it around, you've got time to adapt, whereas they do crazy shifts. They change it. all Like during the week, you're working a midnight shift through to like six in the morning. Yeah, then you have a day turnaround and then you're back to like a 6 a.m. start. How is that even safe? No, it really, it's it's sort speaking as someone who did shift work for a long time as well, like It's just not it's just not good for your mental health. I was listening listening to a podcast a little while back from Andrew Huberman. And he mentions that like if you very you have you from your routine, if your sleep time varies one hour less or one hour more than your regular time, your mental capacity and your mental reasoning and mental health can be affected. So
Your ability to regulate your own emotions, to feel in control of your own life, all these kinds of things are as simple as going to bed at the same time every day. Yeah. No wonder Lyn's like a banshee. Well Lyn. It's too late it late to edit the podcast.
Banshee? She's not a banshee, come on. She just, she gets a bit grumpy for the first- You said monster, Karen. So I was like, what is a banshee? Banshee is a monster. Yeah. Like I was just imagining something like screaming when I think of a banshee. Well, is she not screaming? Just more like moaning and groaning and just like, uh, around the house.
for like an hour before she actually gets going. So the irony of the situation is if she's got something to do, i.e. go to work, somehow okay. yeah No banshee or monster. So there you go. She just needs drive to push past pushed past it. So there you go. Fair enough. Yes.

Rally Car Project Progress

Cool. So yeah, the parts still waiting on the parts. No snow.
Yeah. What about the what about the rally car? How's that? doing Yeah, I've started. So last week I spent probably the last probably three days like editing the video, the intro. I did this sort of intro with Kristen and started kind of doing this talking intro where Kristen's like skeptically asking me about this project and what what I'm doing with it.
um I had to be quite ruthless, I had to cut a lot of that out. So even though like, I think it's a minute 20 still, where we're actually talking about the projects and what I'm up to. yeah So still a bit long, ah but originally when I was rough cutting it, it was like three minutes. So I cut a lot out of it. yeah um So yeah, and then just trying to get,
the flow into the video is like sometimes you don't understand how much it takes to sort of just get going. um And then once you get going, you realize, ah, Jesus, I've forgotten about that. Oh, no, I didn't do that. Oh, no. Or what about this? Oh, my God. You idiot. You didn't plan anything. But sometimes you don't. You can't plan because I don't use a blueprint.
I'm not copying somebody's like plans, where they've built it seven times before and then they've written down the instructions and given you a parts list of exactly what you need. No, I've decided that I'm going to build something that no one else has built before. Yeah. And I'm gonna have to work out what I need along the way. Yeah. So I think it was when it was a Friday. Yeah, Friday. I finally took the decision to cut the chassis and off. Yeah. Oh, you're shitting is yourself. Yeah. Honestly, I was shit scared. I was like, what are you doing? This perfectly good go cut and you're cutting it enough.
Who does number two work for? Yeah, cool. So I finally cut it. Yeah. And the thing is, though, we have to we had to extend it.
Yeah, it was like 50 centimetres or something, wasn't it? No, 58 centimetres. Oh, 58 centimetres. Yeah. But thats that's a long distance to extend the chassis by especially a chassis like that. How are you going to make it strong enough?
Yeah, that's that's what I'm trying to work out now. So I had my friend Frederick come around and he was talking about just like putting a bit of flat bar underneath the frame. So, so making like a getting like a 50 mil flat bar and kind of standing like welding it on to the length of the pipe. I'm imagining like, like a standing up not flat. but say Exactly. You get this the tensile strength or whatever you call it.
Is it tensile strength? Is that the right word? I don't know. I don't know. We're just making up words here.
Yep. Cool. So yeah, I've been trying to work out that. And then the funny thing is I have a bunch of flat bar, but like, I don't, I only have enough flat bar.
with the dimensions of like 10 mil by 50 mil. Right. That's kind of thick and heavy. I'm thinking, do I need that much? It's a like a pretty like, I mean, I know it's got a fast motor on it, but you have the extra weight. How's it gonna?
I mean, I'm adding probably in excess of 50 kilos just in the shell. Yeah, exactly right. Right. It's a big, it's a huge amount of weight coming in, just building the chassis. Yeah. our Building the the body of the car. So I think to be honest, this is not going to be a performance vehicle anymore.
Especially, I don't know, I just, we'll see, I guess, but. Just whack a turbo on it. so you Can't quite do that with a two-stroke. Just bore out the motor. Spore out the cylinder. Yeah, so huge amount of work to go into this project yeah and i I am just a little bit overwhelmed. Just a little bit.
On Saturday, I welded in the pipes, the extensions, and then I kind of sat for a long time trying to work out like, where does the seat go? Like how low do I need the seat? So I made like a mock-up of where the ceiling of the car is and the angle I'd have to sit at. I was like, holy crap, I'm pretty much lying down in this thing.
Oh, really? Yeah, because the ceiling is quite low and i I need to double check with Thomas because you ah he gave me a measurement of 65 centimeters from the center of the rear axles up. Right. I'm like, holy crap, that's super low. How are you going to fit that in this space? Yeah, well, that's why I'm scared about it. I need to double check those because I looked at the model and I was like, wait a second, we modeled the we we chose the wheels and tires because of the the the size of them compared to the model we were building. yeah And then when I looked at the wheels and tires, I'm like, 65 cent, that means it's just one wheel higher than the
That doesn't sound right. It doesn't sound right at all. And so I was like looking at it over and over again. So yeah, I think I've got something wrong in the measurements. So that's kind of why I've put a little bit of brakes on yesterday. I did fuck all on the project. Well, it's probably better to then to like put it too low and then you. Well, I guess at least you have some more space in there.
Yeah, but I mean, it makes things a lot more difficult. Like, so I, you know, I had to buy some parts this weekend from AliExpress. So I bought a, like a universal joint, because I'm gonna have to extend the steering, which means I'm gonna have to change the angle of the steering wheel. o And so I need that to be ah connected with a universal joint. I have a question for you, Justin. Yeah. How many how How many orders have you put into AliExpress so far this year? Not this year. Yeah. ah Three. Three. That's like one a week. Yeah, but that's not bad. That's not bad. I think that's so way too much. ah Well, hold on. let let Let's see. So I bought also a like quick release coupling.
Right. So the steering wheel can pop on and off. Right. 15 bucks.
It's true. I don't know how good it is. but It's gotta be good enough for my shitty project. Get it fire from AliExpress. It's half price. Well, it actually was half price. It was 50% off. Oh, there you go. and happy be there Nearly 30 bucks. I want to save you money on that project.
But yeah, I mean, what's that in Norwegian crowns? 180 kronas or something. Yeah. You know, so it's. It's not so expensive for a, if you were to buy anything like that here in Norway, that would cost like 1500 crores. A mint, yeah. Yeah. So, so ah in, you can't compete and know it's going to take what? Maybe a week, two weeks to get here. And then I've got in my hands.

YouTube and Viewer Interaction

I'm going to diverge you there because at the beginning of the podcast, you mentioned that you might actually start earning money.
Yeah. i'm curious what What do you mean by that? Like, tell the people. How's it going? How are the videos going? Yeah, well, I was just going to say because things just seem like they go in the right direction already. Like I see like all of a sudden the jet sled, which I forgot the name of earlier. ah That video is all of a sudden got like 30,000 views on it. Yeah.
People are following the channel after watching other things, yeah? Yeah, no, I think YouTube's pushing it. Yeah, cool. I don't think it's people just following the channel. I think it's new people coming along and seeing the project. Yeah, you like this snow-related video. Yeah. There's a sled video, death sled, here. Here's another jet sled video. Cool.
oh like So yeah, that's all of a sudden growing. Then I get all these horrible comments coming on that video. Which, you know, of maybe we should talk about that too. Keyboard Warriors! I did complain about them last week. but When you came to visit me on, was it Wednesday? I can't even remember what day it was. No, yeah, Thursday, I think it was. Yeah, Thursday.
And you came and I was in the house because I need to walk away from the computer because I'd seen a comment. I was just like, don't answer back. Don't don't write something. like And all of a sudden I thought, who the fuck is this guy? Like, what? what he is Why is he being such a dick? Like, why does he have to be so horrible?
um And so I had to walk away from the computer, otherwise I probably would have said something or written something back. And the truth is, unfortunately, the power is in the viewer. Yeah. Like we have we as content creators don't really have any power. No. Like if you decide to take pick a fight with them over a comment they said, then all of a sudden they can say like your channel you know, they'll give you a strike, basically, they can complain to YouTube. And as then it's your job as the creator to prove that that strike is invalid. Yeah. So it's more work for me. Yeah, exactly. So I don't really I don't really understand why people fight with these like, people just so let them say what they want to say. Yeah. And be done with it and then drop their their profile on a
on some kind of forum and let some trolls go after them instead.
I think everyone just got the okay, so the comment came from the jet sled video. And it was something along the lines of like, why is there a naked dude in your video? Yeah, like for one, he's not naked.
Yeah, he's wearing a mankini. Yeah, right. And two, I blur everything and you don't see anything. Right. Yeah. So like you don't you can't even see anything. anything You don't even see my bum. Like you like you don't see anything. And OK, I have to accept that not everyone likes that type of humor. But they also have the choice just to not watch it. Right? Yeah. Well, you know, it's hard for a closet homophile.
let's ah You never know. Like this is a thing too. Like people can pick like. People can be dealing with all sorts of issues. Like, you know, for all you know, like the guy's son has just come out to him and said, sorry, dad, I'm gay. And then he's just like on a warpath against anything that like like reminds of him of like the fact that his son gay, which he has has an issue with for some stupid reason. and You never know what's going on in people's lives. Maybe he's a closet gay. Like, yeah, exactly right. Just super religious bloody thing. And he he got
You know, triggered. Yeah, triggered. Yeah. I don't know. That sent him down a dark path on the internet. And now he hates himself. So he's got taken out on you. You never know. It's true. You never know. People have their own journeys. And that's, yeah, you're right. Like, that's why you got to just let it be. Just, just like, you know, say lovey, just like you have your comment, walk away.
But the thing is that he tried to shame me for like, so he used a lot of like language. I'm not going to even repeat what he said, but he's, he's a lot of language to make me feel like I was a horrible person for like trying to be funny or like trying to, you know, and, um,
That's what really got me. That's why I had to walk away. Yeah. Because I knew that if I'd write something, I would be just as aggressive back and then it it just escalates. And I don't need that in my life. i've like I don't need it. so Transfer. yeah maybe Maybe that's why I've started jujitsu this week. If I meet you in the street.
Joke you out, motherfucker.
oh oh That's great. Well, I mean, and that's the challenge of being a public figure, isn't it? Just like you've you got to deal with these comments from people and, you know, look, ninety nine point nine nine nine nine percent of people, even majority of the people listening to this podcast will never do anything like what I'm doing. They won't push themselves out of their comfort zone.
Just offend our seven listeners, Justin. They're kind of living vicariously through us in many regards. I'm sure of it, you know, but most won't take the, take the the plunge to do it. And that's okay. Like there's nothing wrong with that. I'm trying to do it for me and me only, but you can't convince everyone to come on the journey with you. No. All right.
Everyone's got their own shit going on, that's the thing. Everyone has their own stuff going on. So say what can we do? i mean If we're going to talk about, you know, this guy being, you know, a closet gay.

Exploring Jujitsu

I mean, he should seriously start jujitsu. It's like the most homoerotic sport you could ever try to do. Just grabbing guys. Just grabbing guys, like getting real close, i cuddling on the ground. Cuddling. yeah
Yeah. I didn't like, I went to open Matt on Saturday. Yeah. And so I'm a complete noob. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Yeah. And there's this guy and he's like, you want to roll? And I was like, sure. But I've like, I have no idea what I'm doing. And you know, it was a moment.
yeah There was a moment where like he, it's called the Mount. So you basically, you're kind of sitting. This is getting even dodgy. Okay. You're ready for the Mount. Yeah. So he's sitting on top of you, like sitting and I could, and then basically what you have to do when you're on top,
is you have to reduce the amount of space between you and. like the guy underneath you. So you're trying to close the gap so you can have control of his like arms and legs and stuff. So you can put him in a lock or like control his movements. And there was a moment where I realized like this guy's like balls are like rubbing on my stomach. It was super awkward.
I was like, why am I doing this?
Yep. But is it something you need to tell Kristen?
A good friend of mine, I should actually explain, like a good friend of mine has been doing it for years and he's been always like saying, you should do jujitsu, you should do jujitsu. Now, he may just want to be Don't know, cuddle with me or something on the mat. I don't know, but the toughest has got really friendly. Yeah.
um Sorry. we let but so ah He, you know, he convinced me and I eventually decided, you know what, I'm going to do this. ah So, and to be honest, I've been listening to some other podcasts and Jujitsu comes up a lot early in these podcasts and a lot of people talking about how beneficial it is.
to understand how to control somebody, you know, like a heated situation, for example, are and the health benefits, you know, it's super tiring. Like you're you're getting destroyed on the ground by this guy trying to manipulate your arms and limbs and you're just trying to fight for dear life to to try and get him to not fucking put you in submission and choke you out. so It's a good workout in that regards. like And two um' today I'm like, well I would say like small sores. I don't know how to, small sore. but There's only small aches, I guess you say.
Oh, like I feel like under my ribs where I got like kind of crushed a bit or something like this, like a little bit sore. Yeah. Or like on my knees, my knees are like ah like um scabs on them now because you're kind of like landing on your knees and dragging your knees across the the mats, which are like ah plastic mats, yeah you know like that friction on them. um And I don't, I'm not wearing a gi yet. So, you know, the the guys that wear geese, I don't think they get those sort of problems. i you
swing But yeah, it's been an interesting journey he this week. Getting dominated by some dudes rolling around on mats. and then Some balls squished up against you. Yeah. ah great ah Well, yeah, so that's been my week. Kieran, let me know. What's the update with Pierre's beer? Well, he's got it. He got it. Hey, intact.
Ooh, nothing broken. So that's good. There's one up on on plug Steve on Steve's ah Steve got a broken bottle or something in his, which is unfortunate. But, um you know, that's the way it goes. um When you put things in the post, and especially, you know, with international postage. You never know how it's going to be handled. But anyway, it's, um it's really, he's got it. So

Brewing Adventures

that's cool. um He said he might taste it, taste some this week. So it's kind of fun, fun to see what he thinks and no Holy Ghost in the mix, but obviously that's going to be produced soon. So that would be exciting. How we talked about that last week, super pumped.
So yeah. And in the kind of like light, I've been testing some new things. and I've noticed that my canning machine is just not up to par. I think I mentioned that last week. and So I bought a new canning machine.
So I'm really actually really happy with it. It's so simple. It's like so I mean, you saw it, right? Like, yeah, it looks like a backyard kind of jobby. Yeah, but it's not compared to the other one. The other one is like 40 kilos. And I don't know why it's so heavy. It's so got fucking lead weights in it or something.
And ah it's so heavy. And then on top of that, it's like, a you know, it's ah impossible to adjust, whereas the adjustment on this one is just is so easy. Any any adjustment is super easy to do. So um'm I'm pretty stoked about that. I'm happy to see that that's going to be what I want.
And i put i like I checked all the seams, I put a can in the freezer. um That's a good way to test whether it whether the hot seams hold. We freeze the freeze the can solid, and if if the can gives away on the seams, then seams are not good enough. ah But if it bulges somewhere else, then you you still could. So it just bulged, so the seams are holding, and it's ah it's a good... good good fit, so I'm really happy with it so far. Nice. And it cost me a pretty penny, but you know, and we and um and I didn't come with this 440 mil adapter that I needed. So that's why I came to you and on Thursday for the people. So that's pretty awesome. Ruined my workflow. Yeah. And yeah, so got that 440 mil adapter and it's working great.
so It costs 850 crowns for this piece of plastic from the actual people that sell it. And it's an October design, can they, for those who are interested? um And it's I mean, they're expensive, but realistically, only a couple more, but maybe a thousand crowns more expensive than the other cheaper, shitter versions on the market. So, you know, I think it's ah I'm pretty happy with it.
So the interesting thing, I think, is that, you know, um I tasted some beers in the tanks this week that the single hops, it's anointing tasting fucking ace. I'm really pumped about this beer. So it's going to be packaged this week. And then the quad, surprisingly,
I was like, I was like, this is not going to be drinkable. I was like, I'll just give it a little taste after I cold crash it a bit. It's coming into its own. It's nearly fucking like it's, it's, I would say it's drinkable now, like not amazing, but drinkable. So, um, uh, which is really surprising considering the strength and the way that these beers, the different ingredients and the aging that's often required. So,
That was really cool. So I'm excited about that. I'm going to package that in the coming week as well, I think, and get that in some bottles conditioning and and that will be finishing up bottle conditioning and we'll taste it in a few months and see how it goes. And if that's good, then that will be something we go into production with. I toyed with the idea of a double, but I've talked to ah some people, especially those in the wine monopoly, and he's like, yeah, doubles don't really sell. People don't really get them. They don't really understand them. So like quads, because they're higher in alcohol, people tend to buy them more.
So I'm like, OK, what it is then. So interesting. Yeah. So I think that just shows you the market here and I'm just drinking for effect. Yeah. So especially, if but I mean, that makes a lot of sense for the gift market thing that I'm going for. You know, like you've got a big, big bottle or something strong. The so, you know, that's I think that will be a nice little addition. So I'm hoping that If I can get this brewed and get it tasting how I want, then I think it'll be a really exciting a thing to to bring to market. so yeah But they I was supposed to brew a sour beer last week. Didn't happen. yeah yeah Tell us why, Kieran. Well, you know, we had about a gastro go through the house. Actually, the weird thing about it is Lin was really strictly the only one that was affected by it.
and And she was down for the count, like days, days and days and days, are just feeling nauseous and crap. ah Meanwhile, us and the kids like avoided it somehow. I mean, Liam spewed up, but it could have been just something weird he ate as well.
Uh, and then yeah, Mackenzie speed up the other day as well, but like that he did just down an entire chocolate bar in 40 seconds. So I figured that was the case in that scenario. Not anything to do. with What are you like having a candy bar eating competitions? I stupidly like so we took him, I took him to the shops to get him out of the house and, uh, and I gave him both the a chocolate bar. It was, you know, Saturday, the Lord Ugg's coterie thing. And, and I gave Liam one piece and he slowly munched on that. But I trusted enough that Mackenzie would pace himself, which he didn't. When I gave him the entire bar. and It was just like one of these struttles, bubble chocolates. And he fucking
demolish the thing in the 12 minute. No, six minutes it took us to get home from the shops. And then, of course, he's just like, oh, it feels so good. Gets out of the car and just goes everywhere. So I got this big chocolate spew patch on the snow outside. Yeah. nice um yeah And interestingly you know, yeah, so basically I didn't do the sour beer because I was supposed to do it on Thursday evening and then boil it up on Friday. But then the problem was that I just, I didn't want to take the risk at somehow someone got Castro and I couldn't finish it. And it was like, I couldn't, I didn't have the time to boil it up again and kill off the lacto and, and stop it becoming sour. So that was like, I just, I'll hold off just in case. So that's what I decided to do. And you know, that's where it is.
to Interestingly enough, i it made me reminded me of the fact that, you know, in in Australia, we say gastro, as in, you know, we got food poisoning. And, you know, here they say noodle or whatever, but like, and there but then you go to a gastro pub here in Norway and I can't shake the association.
I mean obviously it means gastronomical as in like food but like I just can't just I can't shake the association. ofs girl i I'm just gonna go to the gastropub and get the shits. So yeah there you go. That's a good segue Justin. Why? To the shits.
I'm not on it at all today. No, you were just totally behind the eight ball on that one. No, I was thinking you got to share a bit more information with us about what's going on in in the Eucharist Brewing Garage. Well, that was it pretty much. Come on, there has to be more information going on there. Like what's what? OK, so you said the single hop citra is tasting really good. Yeah.
you got for us Okay, so it's a a it's an 8% double IPA, ah really mild on the bitterness and a high residual sweetness. So it makes way for this. I don't know. I've never gotten this depth out of one hop before. it it's It's really, ah really interesting. and I'm going to be fascinating to see how it develops when like at different temperatures and how you know, because when you, when the beer warms up in a glass, when when it's carbonated, you know, carbonation releases certain aromas, but also and the temperature affects your perception of sweetness and bitterness and all these kinds of things as well. So I've only really tried it at like one degree from the tank.
And so it's pretty flavor packed already. So I'm expecting that it's going to just really develop a lot in the glass once it's packaged. So I'm excited about that. And it's got this sweetness there that kind of backs all this fruity hoppiness that the Citro Hop has added to it.
And I kind of layered the hot petitions. I did i didn't do a only boiled this beer for 15 minutes. So that's not usual. ah Normally you boil for an hour ah to get rid of certain compounds like what they call ah DMS, Dethometal Sulfite, and that is something you don't want in a lager. That's kind of like that kind of baby, pukey, like weird ah thing that you get ah from really bad lagers. DMS is also a precursor to deacetyl, which yeast turns can
turn DMS into diastole, which is like a butter popcorn flavor that you can get in beer, and which is also considered an off flavor depending on your perspective. So then um So you but the thing is, like, I'm adding so many hops. ah that It's it like there that you can't you wouldn't be able to perceive any of these off flavors behind the fucking massive amounts of hops added to this thing. So I was like, why why am I boiling for an hour? Like all I need to do is sterilize it. And then if I'm boiling for an hour, then I'm precipitating out proteins that I want in solution to make it hazy.
So I'm just going to boil it for 15 minutes and just to sterilize everything and then get the hot side additions that I need. So my first hop addition was at 15 minutes, ah which means 15 minutes at left in the boil.
and And so I put some in at 15, some in at five, and then a fuck done in the whirlpool, which is when you are when you kind of cool the wort down to 75 degrees after it's been to boil. And then ah you add it in and let it sit for 20 minutes. And I used incognito, which is a liquid hot product, i a citrus specific ah liquid hot product.
And that added this real depth to it. And I'm really excited to see how this kind of, when you when you taste it, you get like, you obviously like most people will just, you know, if they've tasted hops, they taste you you do it tastes like hops. It's not like it's magically something else, but there are the nuanced flavors behind the hop flavor. You get this like,
lemon lime kind of candy thing going on, complemented by like a kind of a juicy mango kind of vibe going on. And so you've got like this citrusy mango hoppy profile with this sweet and it's really complex kind of layered and you've got enough kind of bitterness to keep driving it through that you can't keep on drinking. And then, you know,
Interestingly enough, I mean, I'm tasting this beer and I bought an omni polo single hop citra beer a couple of weeks ago, which I paid like 180, 190 crowns for at the wine monopoly. And I'm like, I might be biased, but I'm thinking this tastes better.
So, I was just like, I'm pretty fucking stoked at that. So, I think I can sell this for 180 crowns at the pool i and I have no problems. yeah' straight so By the way, I just love your complete nerd out on all this stuff. I think that the Do a seven listeners enjoy it? Well, most of our listeners don't and probably can't comprehend really what you're talking about. But I think they could admire your excitement and your enthusiasm for like creating something yourself that tastes delicious. Yeah, right. I mean, it's like if you've ever made food for yourself, like
and just so stoked with the result. Like, I made butter chicken from scratch the other day. And it was, I was fucking pumped. I was like, man, I didn't even know I could make food that tasted that good. I just, it was great. It was so good. It wasn't that difficult either.
I mean, would you say, Karen, that that butter chicken. Double rainbow all the way across the sky.
It did blow my mind. but I actually added on my list under shits because. Only because like it was so delicious. I ate so much of it and and anyone who knows who's eaten enough Indian food.
Those as much as those spices and everything tastes so good, does turn your gut a little bit upside down sometimes.

3D Printing and Side Hustles

So, yeah. ah But it was super good. Oh, man. It was so good. You know what's actually blowing my mind this week, Justin? Tell me. 3D printing. I'm on on the bandwagon now.
After I came to your place in print you mocked up this adapter and it was like just to see how easy it was for you to like obviously you got to learn the program but like just to put the measurements in and mock this thing up and then just hit fucking print done like it's just mind boggling and Isn't it? And that the thing is, like, our measurements weren't quite right the first time. Yeah. And all you did is change it slightly and then print again. Yeah. Like, we had to finish a brand new one. Right. Exactly. So it is a game changer, yeah especially when you, like, you've got a part that costs 800 croners. 800 50 croners.
Yeah. So you spend, what okay, technically you have to drive down here, but like if you if you had your own and a set of Vernier calipers, you could sit down, like Fusion 360 is free. m Like the non-commercial version is free. Yeah. And then you just model it up and then export it and then send it to your 3D printer. it's and It's a game changer.
It's right so good. And that's one little thing. Yeah. It's just like a little plastic piece that, you know, with a little like bevel on one edge and like, you know, some, some rings to fit into the existing mount on the, on my canning machine. Like it really was not a complicated thing generally, but like far out saved a lot of money. Like I would have had to pay a hundred crowns in postage alone, you know,
And then 850 on top just for this one piece, which they didn't even have in stock. That's the the taxes. And, you know, well, you know, that was from then Australia. That was from the Norwegian supplier. I could have bought it from the US and it was 40 US dollars. Yeah. So it's 600 crowns. Yeah. Yeah. And then tack then 250 crowns in and import on top because they just put this fucking blank fee on it now.
And then like, yeah, it's nuts. I'm like, and then what? What do you say? The the the materials cost like 15 crowns or something? Yeah, maybe not even. Yeah. american but like I should start a black market October parts. To be honest, as you probably can. yeah yeah you know and There's nothing stopping you for doing that. mean You know, you just have the files available.
Well, that's the thing, too. you You know, you could you know, you could have a side hustle just making selling that stuff like those 3D printing parts on Etsy or whatever, you know, and then just send like you people buy the file from you and then. Well, you just upload it on to like Thingiverse or, you know, TurboSquid or Cult3D or what what are these 3D printing ah websites. And people can buy them for, you know, like they could buy that for 50 crowns, right? Yeah, design. Yeah. And then they print it themselves. Yeah, exactly.
The worldwide market. you yeah So yeah, that would that's ah that's my mind blown this week. What's blowing your mind, bro?
wow Well, ah how completely underprepared I've been for this World Rally Car project. All right. I mean, mean you have been planning this for like ah three years or something.
Exactly. I don't understand. Honestly, like I have been planning this project for a long time. But then when I start cutting things, I realize like, oh, I didn't think about that. Oh, I didn't think about that. Oh, I didn't think about that. So it has just been a complete mind blown experience of how I didn't realize how much more work I had in front of me or i hadn't done. Right. oh So it's a bit surprising to be honest. I'm like, it's a massive project. I would have thought you'd been like sitting down with like technical drawings and doing all this stuff for like months before even picking up a saw or a welder or anything.
But you don't know because you like like I said earlier, but i'm I haven't designed this thing. yeah Like i'm I'm building it from a pre-existing chassis.
Right. You can't design it around that thing. that Yes, I know, right? Because you don't know until you're physically like in it. That's so what that's what I also found. So like, okay, how, how does it feel to sit like this? Yeah, it feels horrible. So what do I need to do to change the feeling of sitting in this position?
Yeah, right. So that's what I'm realizing is like, you sometimes you can prepare all you want. But then when you start building, you realize like, Oh, I didn't think about this. And so I think, and that's also how I work. I generally just work things out on the way and solve problems and move forward. So it's that cold, two steps forward, one step back type of thing. Yeah, yeah. Nice.
Yeah, so that has completely blown my mind how prepared I've been for this project, even though I've been planning this for a long time. There you go. I mean, is it really any surprise? I mean, this is kind of your your methodology, isn't it? Just like, yeah, measure once, cut three times.
Yeah. ah so o but But that's cool. I mean, at least you started the project. This is true. Like, you've started and that's the first step. Much better than you were a month ago.
Yeah, and it will be awesome. I know. I just and it's like this with every single project I do. It's just a process of elimination. So like you're eliminating problems as long as as you go along. So it's just a bit of a like mind headache, you know, like a just mind headache. What am I talking about? It's just a headache.
i like it's an um headache
ah um It's just a headache because you're just starting. and on such a complex project.
so they say kind of this week You've got a good base though. think yeah you've got I've got a good base, which you know means I know the wheels work, the you know the geometry works, the the brakes work, I have steering, I have a lot of stuff in place already. It's just adapting it to what I need it to do for me.
Yeah. and And I, you know, I rang a friend of mine and ah I sort of asked him if he knew anything about chassis. And he just said to me, don't worry about it. Just It's not ah like a crazy race car. This is kind of like a play thing that's going to look good. So as long as it rolls and it stops, then it should be fine. yeah ah It's true, right? No one really cares that it performs at high speeds or anything like that. Yeah, you're like, oh, we've got to get some carbon fiber out. Right?
No one really cares about that. They just want to see something cool. So yeah that's realistically what I'm doing. I'm not engineering a race car. i It has a strong motor in it, so will up and move. As long as it doesn't completely fall off, like fall apart when I'm driving it, then it's probably pretty good. It's good enough for the project. Yeah.

Content Creation Challenges

It's like the, I watched this video the other day of a guy who made a omni-directional bike.
where it like balances on big balls. Yeah. What's his name? Robot. He's a British guy. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, yeah, it's like, I just saw the thumbnail. I was like, what the fuck is that? And I had to watch that. And of course, I scrubbed through most of it, if I'm honest. But he goes into a lot of detail, like he obviously knows what he's doing. And I did watch a little bit of like how he, you know, how he comprise the motors and and things to control these balls. But yeah, we're really fascinating to see though. a Would you say that that gives you the shits of people scrolling through videos? Because i that's something that gives me the shits. It does not give you, it clearly gives you the shits, Justin, adding yeah ruining your ad revenue and your video retention.
But it doesn't give me the shits. It helps me out. I didn't have I didn't like it was right before bedtime. I didn't have 40 minutes to like watch the entire video. Fair enough, Karen. I mean, yeah what is giving you the?
I already told you, Jess. Butter, chicken, butter.
Chicken! I think we can cut this this bit down a bit, Joss. ah nasty how about courtesy flesh over there oh This is why we only have seven listeners. Yeah, right. They didn't have a foot through, like, 30 seconds of Austin Powers. No, yeah, the butter chicken.
Uh, but that was just a funny, funny thing. Nothing really gave me the shits this week. Like proper pissing me off. But, uh, I was really happy with my butter chicken. I have to admit.
So adding like the putting the, you put the spices and stuff, some of the spices and yogurt, like Greek yogurt together with the chicken and let it sit overnight. And that like started to like break down the meat fibers. And so when I cooked the chicken, it was all just soft and like super tender and nice. And and it tasted fantastic. So yeah, the kids that loved it too. So that was a win.
Okay, view this shit. What was a satisfying shit? I'll just say that.

Entertaining Discussions and Recommendations

It just reminded me of of of how good it tasted going down so when when it came out smelling so bad.
So, yep. Anyway, have you got a recommendation for this week, bro? Well, you know what's giving me this shits, really? i I thought you already, I forgot you hadn't touched on that. Yeah, what's really giving you shits, just brilliantly written series.
They're wasting my time. It's so crazy. The series is doing that for you now. Okay, so we've talked about Silo. Yeah. And that season finished this week or last week. Yeah. Fucking gave me the shits. That should have been nice.
yeah gives us like You have to wait a whole fucking year.
Yep. But then of course, you go straight into another one because there's so much choice, right? And then I like, I refuse to watch it in the beginning, but then I decided, oh, you know what? I'll just watch an episode tonight. What have you done? What is it? Severance.
ah You are. You went down that rabbit hole. It's so good. It gives me the McShits. It is so like you're guessing the whole time. yeah like What are they doing down there? i like him see I got to season two, episode one. And after that, I still had more questions. Oh, yeah. you I'm on mic. I'm like, what is going on? Why are they back? I don't understand. Oh.
ah ah I dreamt about it last night. Oh, really? Oh, it's horrible. Like, you know what, this world rally car would probably be finished if I didn't have stupidly, awesomely written series to watch. I haven't even started watching The Jackal yet. That was my recommendation for this week, The Jackal.
Yeah. Well, yeah, tell us about The Jackal, Kieran. Yeah, it's so obviously it's a remake of the the original film, Day of the Jackal, and which is all about this sniper. And they've made this remake in modern day. And It's really fucking good. ah Like, I really enjoy it. I mean, there's something generally about like, guys, I think adam maybe I'm not alone in this, but like sniper movies kind of get get my goat a little bit, like getting the ultimate shot from, you know, miles away, that kind of stuff. Just like, you're just like, it's so cool. Look at the gun. It's fucking shiny with fucking metal clicky things. You know, like you're just...
i just like you There's something about all that stuff. is just I guess it kicks into the whole men's desire for adventure and you know kind of thing. It's ah it was it's really well done. i I finished the season last night. I watched the last episode of the of the current season, which obviously leaves it open for season two. ah So there goes.
And next year, I've had fucking two seasons. Now I'm waiting for Silo. Now I'm waiting for Jackal. Now, what else am I waiting for? I'm waiting for Severance to fucking hurry up and release another episode. and That'll keep me going for the next eight weeks or something, and then I'll be fucking pissed off again. So.
So there you go.

Excitement of Rally Championships

The Jackal. That was my yeah my thing for this week. um I really, what do you have to recommend this week, Jess? I'm going to recommend the World Rally Championship. Look, to be honest, World Rally is kind of crap in regards to like coverage and people just don't get it. Everyone wants the race results here and now. Like they want to watch one quick race and be done with it, if you know what I mean. Like form the ones that format, right? But
If you're a real Formula One nerd, you watch qualifying, you watch all these, you know, like you follow along the whole weekend. Yeah, right. But rallies exactly like that, but it's racing the whole time, the whole weekend. Yeah. Like I got up at 6.30. Kristen was asleep. She didn't know I got up. Just to quickly check a result.
Yeah, right. Okay. Because I was so intrigued because there was like this stage happening on Sunday morning at 6.39, where the stage was so...
Like the tire choice was so important. And there was a guy that chose like the right tire for that stage and wiped the floor with everybody by 25 seconds or something like that. WRC needs like a drive to survive.
series like on Netflix. Like the five one as. I agree. And there's so much drama every day. There was about there in that one. Well, I just in the rally one level, which is the top level. Yeah.
There were seven crashes. Yeah, right. Right. And some of them got away with it. Right. For example, Oetanhek slid off into a ditch, ripped the whole rear end of the whole car. It was literally just tube frames left.
The boot, the wing, everything was gone, managed to get out of the ditch, kept on driving yeah and they got into service and the car looked like new after like 30 minutes. They just like click, click, click new panels on. How is that not interesting for people?
Well, I mean, there's like, and there's that side of things, too. But like the the way that the Drive to Survive series really thrives is on the personalities of the drivers, too. And yeah, because Tanak's like looking robot, right? Yeah. And robot is like, i he like hates answering questions. Yeah. the high This is a WRC, like the FAA organization, whatever. He just says, listen, Tanak, you got to do this series, otherwise you're out and stop being robot.
Well, that's why it would be funny about him, right? That's why he'd be good. He's like the the equivalent of Kimi Raikkonen. Yeah, right. Yeah, Kimi Raikkonen was known for like just really cold answers in the Formula One, right? So he's such a great asset to to rally, I think, in many regards. And then you have all these amazing other characters that are like building up their profiles now.
You know, we got a young French driver, Adrian Formeaux, he's been through a bit of turmoil the last couple of years and then he's just gotten on form now, you know. So it's always interesting in that sport and it's not just roundy, roundy, roundy. No, exactly. There can be things that happen on the transport stages. Yeah. A couple of years ago, there was a car that collided with a road car.
on the transport stage yeah And they were out, you know? Done, yeah. Yeah. It's just so much- Fucking cows comes out on the fucking track. Cows, dogs. There's like, there's things that happen, kangaroos in Australia, right? Yeah. They get, the last year, Oitanak hit a deer and the deer went straight through the radiator and just completely destroyed the cooling package. And on the transport like, stage. that was his rally over. Yeah. It's just,
like things like that don't happen in Formula One. No, exactly. And so the World Rally Championship is always something crazy going on. And they're driving so fast. There's no gravel traps. Literally trees are what's going to stop them. Yeah, right. Abruptly, quickly. Like these guys have balls the size of basketballs. I don't even know how to get in the car. Yep, they're big ball motherfuckers. So that's my recommendation. Watch the world rally championship. And then see how awesome my world rally car model thing that I'm building will be in hopefully six months when I take it to rally Finland. That's my that's my goal. What are you wanting to do? Yeah, how cool would that be? Oh, that's mad.
I like it. Take it to Raleigh, Finland, and we're gonna drag it up on a trailer. Just trailer it. Yeah, we take a road trip over to Finland, go to your vascular where the the home of Raleigh and the home of Toyota is pocket right next to some rally cars takes photos. Mad thumbs, like thumbnail, right? yeah Yeah, right next to a really hours. Yeah. You'd definitely be I mean, you would definitely be able to talk to a driver.
If that was the case, like if you're rolled up with that thing, people would be like, but there'd definitely be questions. and Yeah, I think so too. Yeah. And you're like, yeah, no worries, Tannik. I'll jump in the car with you.
that's ah no no Cool. Awesome. like So, yeah, I mean, I think that's I think that's a good goal whether I can get it finished in six months. I don't know. But we'll so we'll hopefully we'll see. Cool. I'm looking forward to it. Me too. I'm super pumped. Awesome. All right, guys. Thanks so much for listening. as a Dribble. Dribble. Just a little bit of drool.
ah We'll catch you next time guys. Thanks everybody so much for listening. laterigator Later Later! <unk>ta say oh one whatvo