and you know what else can bloody break on this thing oh on my projects if I leave it? But I didn't think about that because I was just, I guess I was in shock still yeah about what did actually happened and how how did this happen? like why why Why didn't I think that this could happen in the first place? Why did I think this through? I started beating myself up about it. ah you know and it It really destroyed the Scarpa Festival for me. I honestly, I was, I said to Kristen, I think we need to pack up and go home. I think I'm done. I can't, I can't deal. This is horrible. And you know, the other side of things, is we had this over beer fridge there and you know, we loaded up with cans of soft drink. Yeah. And, you know, we, we said, like, we had a sign saying, you know, like, say this phrase and it'll spit out beer and, or not a beer, but a can of, a can of soft drink, right? And the kids found out about it and they just went bananas.