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Week 13 - Reduced F bombs image

Week 13 - Reduced F bombs

E13 · Garage Avenger Podcast
41 Plays3 months ago

This week Kizz does mental pushups. battling with his own self worth. Justin finally gets building but has nothing to show for it. 


Introduction and Personal Journeys

This is the Garage Avenger Podcast.
Hello. low ah Sorry. I was about to interject. I was like, I hope we don't screw up this intro. There we go. And I screwed it up. Sorry. Hello and welcome to the Garage Avenger podcast. I'm Justin. I'm trying to share the joy of building my fun machines in my garage in the hope of one day turning it into a living.
And I'm Garen, trying to turn my garage brewed beers into a world-renowned brewery. We're twin brothers with a passion for creating the wild and unexpected. We're taking you on a everyday journey life through what's happening in our garages. Welcome, everybody. Welcome. Welcome. What has been happening this week? Peeps. Peeps? Is that me? Am I a peeps?
Yeah, let's do that. Then I avoid telling everybody what to be nothing for in my garage, which is two thirds of fuck all. All right.

Challenges in Brewing and Mindset

Well, um, this week it's been, there's been a lot happening. We got back on the region soil last week and stuff has been kind of moving. I'm going to try and, um, you know, sell some beer that I've pretty got produced and you know, um, it's actually selling quite well.
and of nearly nearly all of cosmic Christ is gone and it's like a month old so it's like not a bad effort at all and the cryo-jesus has started to come out at the one monopoly and that's starting to sell which is really cool um surprising is like some of the places where it's selling really well like sunness Interesting. Yeah. They must have like a cult following there. So yeah, that's really cool. um And yeah, so that's been kind of what have been the practical stuff that's been happening, but there's a lot of, there's been a lot of mental, um,
push ups been happening this this week, this past week. First of all, I've been trying to decide what hyper combinations I'm going to do with this XPA that I talked about last week. you And I got I kind of got like um Yeah, deer in the headlights on that one. I'm like, do I do citra amarillo? Do I do consensual sim code? Like I just, I can't, I can't decide. So that's been really, really frustrating because I haven't actually purchased any of the stuff to start doing the test brews with, which is super frustrating. So yeah.
um And we had, oh, the triple got tapped. this Thursday, actually. Congrats. Yeah. So I got to organize freight down to my warehouse now. And then that's, so that's launching in December. So that's exciting. ki Yeah. So that's good fun. Well, like, is this a, that's the nine percenter, right? Yeah, that's nine percenter Belgian style triple.
And um it's go I think it's going to be really good. I actually haven't even tasted it yet. That's what happens when the contract brew. You have to wait to taste the final product once they've you know actually had it all finished packaged. So it's going to be really interesting.
and um Yeah, it's Christmas gifts, people Christmas. gift Actually, that's a really good idea. It's it's done like it's made to look like a Christmas gift, too. So i hope people get on that and really support me in that. So yeah. um Yeah, so that's been kind of it. But actually, like, there's been a ah weird things this week. I talked to you.
ah later in later light late last week. A little doubting Thomas this week. um Explain. Like ah if you're familiar with the biblical story, a basically like ah the the the disciple Thomas, jesus one of Jesus' disciples, is like He isn't alive. They just murdered him on the cross. He's dead. I'll believe it when I see it. mit dr And ah basically then at that point, Jesus literally in the story at at least literally walks through a wall and is like, here's my wound in the side. Here's the holes in my hands. Check it out, Thomas. And he's like, oh, crap.
And that's kind of what my week has been a bit like, actually. um Where are your wounds, Kieran? Where are they? Well, it's not um'm I'm not the the one wounded in this scenario. I'm I'm the doubting Thomas. I'm the one. And then and, you know, the the metaphorical Christ coming through the wall in this scenario is my own is my belief in myself. So yeah, it's been real challenging, like weirdly, like despite the things, the way things are actually going pretty well with the project at the moment and sales are happening, getting really good feedback on untapped for a lot of the beers. ah Somehow I got it stuck in my head. I got stuck in my head that like, I just wasn't happy with the product and I was just, you know,
Like people are happy with the product. That's the irony of the situation. ah People, the feedback I'm getting is great feedback, but I wouldn't let myself be satisfied with their feedback. You know, I was like, no, it's going to be better. I was like too much of a perfectionist on the thing. And it just, it stole my joy, stole my joy out of this week. Um, so yeah, you know, I remember I called you up and I was like,
Oh, Justin, help me. And yeah, and we had a good chat about some things and and eventually started to change the way I thought about some stuff. So that's good. Well, it's interesting, isn't it? Because When you are in this mindset of, like, things are not going to plan. I don't like how this is. You know, I don't think I can do this. I need help. I'm alone. um You start seeing things not for what it is. Right. And the truth is, like, I gave you this example on the phone. If you looked back,
if two years, if you're the person you were two years ago and you looked at the person you are now, you'd be envious of that dude. You'd be like, mother trucker, like, how did he get there? Right. I want to do that. Yeah, exactly. Right. Yeah. So I think it's something that's, you know, important to focus on is where you're actually at and the amazing things are actually happening.

Mindset Shift and Personal Growth

and just be in the moment. It's like it sounds really cliche, but being in the moment is really the only thing you can do, even if things are falling apart, actually. oh Looking at the bigger picture and being in the moment seems to be the right way to think about things, at least for me anyway. so Yeah, I agree. what What was the biggest issue for you, Karen, when you were like, besides the The feeling like your product wasn't good enough. To be honest, I think it's that there's there's that pressure that um this has got to be successful enough for me to earn a living from this. And that pressure is is creating an opportunity for my mind to spin out of control of all the
fears and anxieties around, you know, what happens if it doesn't work? What do I have to do? How do I go? You know, what if I don't, if it doesn't succeed, what am I going to do then? You know, like in all these kind of spinning scenarios that are long down the track, but and have very little to do with right now. But that's the challenge of my own psychological makeup. I'm always trying to solve problems.
before they're even problems. Yeah, that's anxiety, right? yeah yep Yeah. So basically, yeah, I'm anxious about something that's not even happening. And and often you can't have any control over too, right? Well, exactly right. I can't control whether people buy my beer or not. Well, I can to the point of like presenting it to them, getting in front of them, but that's their choice whether they they buy it or not. Exactly. So I just have to accept that there's going to be the opportunity for, you know, that people will maybe not buy my product. And there's nothing I can do about that. And there's going to be plenty of people that walk past it and go, yeah not for me. Yeah. Right. But they're not your customers. No, exactly. And that's the challenge in this scenario. And I know, like everyone,
struggles with this stuff to some degree. They can't all be as positive as you, Justin. ah and So I think it's like, it's a really good thing, I think, for us to talk about, actually, because, you know, self doubt and anxiety and all these work, you know, we would kind of fall under the mental health banner. um But I think When we start calling it a mental health issue, we actually kind of start making it maybe a little bit more scary than it actually is. I think it's self-love. Yeah, well, that's what I mean, right? It's not like it's not like you necessarily need to go to 10 years of therapy to deal with this thing. It's just I mean, there probably are some people that need to do that, but
um I think a lot of it is to do with shifting of the mindset and deciding on what is true in that moment and and loving yourself and loving the process of those things as they come.
I will tell you, when I probably, I would say probably so six, seven years ago, I was notorious for overthinking and you know couldn't work ah a way out. And what I realized was I needed to change the way I was thinking. but I couldn't think like I was thinking because I was just going to always go down this same negative headspace, right? So I need to change the way I was thinking. So at the time, I was working working as a ah furniture maker. And there's a lot of times we had a headset on like earmuffs because it was noisy. So I just had these ah Bluetooth earmuffs. And I would listen to podcasts and audio books. And I just for a year, just changed the way I thought.
o just filled my head with different ways of thinking. I read countless audio books, read, you heard, listened to countless audio books and, you know, filled my head whilst I was working, right? I was just standing freaking MDF, you know, boards, you know, there wasn't hard work o ah mentally. So I would use my time mentally to listen to other people who had different ways of thinking and to help me transform my way of thinking to a better way that would help me. Right. But I think you have to get to that point where you realize like, oh, my way of thinking doesn't help me. No, and I think that's the challenge, too, is is that even, you know, like, I'm like, I'm reasonably self-aware.
And I'm not, I'm not self unaware. And so, but even then, like sometimes I get stuck in things that I should have seen along coming a long way away. And we all need to be kind to ourselves when we're in that place too. And understand like, we're just like, to that's just today. And tomorrow's another day and, and be kind to yourself and, you know, be patient with yourself and understand that like,
You know, you're not defined by today's choices. Well, I mean, it's interesting, too, because you use the dirty S word. What's the dirty S word? Should. Yeah, right. and it Should. Yeah. Yeah. Because immediately when you use that word, there's judgment. Right.
Yeah. So when you say I should have done something, it's like self-hatred, you know, like, yeah, you know, you're talking yourself down. You're like, you're not good enough. And I think it's very important to notice that word, those words that we use all the time. Um, people, people do it all the time. Like, you know, we, you know, I have conversations with my wife and and the word should comes up surprisingly often.
And ah and on not only my part, but her part as well. And and it's just it's so ingrained with this self judgment and basically like a lack of self love. And that obviously probably is rooted deeper in ah psychology from you know upbringing stuff and all the rest. But at the same time, it's it's actually pretty simple to change.
like that kind of shift away from should, and that choosing to be happy with who you are now and the choices you're making now, yeah? I think the only difference between anyone you're looking up to, for example, in my side where I'm looking up at YouTubers doing similar things to what I'm doing, the only difference is their mindset.
Right. Yeah, they might get on with it. Yeah. So if you're sitting there like thinking, I wish I could start a brewery like Kieran or, yeah you know, I wish I could make a video, but I don't feel like I'm good enough. That's the only difference between them and you is that they think differently to you. Yeah, it's like Gary Vee says like the Gary Vanderchuk, if you don't know who he is. um What does he say? He says like the biggest hindrance in your business is you.
Hmm. Yeah. It's like your mindset. If you if you're not getting your mind set in a mind frame of success and self-love, you know, then you're always going to sabotage yourself. And a lot of the time we we think people are judging us, but it's far from the truth. I mean, no one actually cares.
not Very little people, yeah. No one actually cares if I'm successful or not. No one is like lying awake at night like I am thinking about thinking about Garage Avenger and what's happening with that. I am.
Well, we're interlinked twins. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're called the mint angle man. So, yeah, no, but you're right, though. Like, I mean, at the end of the day, no one really cares. Like, I mean, people can enjoy the beers that I ah brew and maybe they can enjoy the concept of the brewery and really love all those things. And that's not to mean that they don't care but like at the end of the day when they put their head down on on you know their pillow they're not thinking oh why didn't Kieran make that brewery dream happen you know aren't they no one's thinking that they're just too concerned with their own stuff you know yeah i mean like i also have this thing where i feel like i need to put out a new video who right but no one's lying there going oh why is garage avengers new video
No, I don't. Everyone's just living their life. Except for me.
Stop it. Gary's Garage Adventures new video. Come on. I want to see that sled. Yeah. I'm just waiting for the snow to fall.
And I'm like, oh, well look I looked at the weather report this month this morning, and I was like, ooh, minus degrees. Just wait for that sweet snow come waiting for Justin to kill himself down a sled trail.

Brewing Innovation and Brand Building

Stop saying that. Everyone keeps on saying that. um i like And you guys are going to jinx me or something. Oh, sorry. we went to Thankfully, we live in a country with free health care.
You get to the hospital not covered by in insane sled accidents. Sorry. yeah
yeah yeah But besides ah dealing with your mental anguish yeah this week, is there been anything else that's been interesting? It's happened. I've decided like I've been looking at like the structure of the different beer products I want to bring out. And I've just realized like I got to go back to my first love.
And that is like experimenting with we yeah weird stuff in in the beer, like developing flavor profiles that are unique and different because like it's not enough to have a frozen Jesus head on a beer can. It's got to make noise as well. like It's either people have got to love it or they've got to hate it.
And, you know, I think that's, that's where, you know, you become, I think about all the breweries out there that I respect. They're, they're breweries who are pushing those boundaries and doing those things. And, you know, like I remember a garage project at one stage in the early days, they were doing all sorts of things.
There was a beer with ants in it. Yeah. Like ants, you know, like these, ah these like lemongrass ants, they're like gourmet ants that you have at like restaurants and stuff. And they're like, yeah, let's dry up with some ants. You know, and it's just like, I mean, that sounds insane, right? But I mean, I don't know if I tasted any ants in that beer because I actually bought that beer because I was so curious. ah But you know what? It was an enjoyable bret beer. Like, why was I tasting lemongrass or was it tasting ants? I don't know. But um that's kind of part of the to joy. And I think I got to get back to that joy of testing really different stuff and and really moving away from
keeping that traditional line of products. Like I think there's nothing wrong with the IPAs that I've released or even the triple that I've released, but they're not, it's not style breaking. And that makes sense. No, but they definitely could be like a cashflow for, well, that's the thing. I think this is the thing of like, I've been thinking about is the structure of, uh, the business, the product range and how you have basically core products that move the vast majority of volume but then you're doing experimental products that then if they're obviously well received become part of the core range but if not then they're just like new things developing, developing flavor profiles, developing so that people know like the name Eucharist Brewing is synonymous with something interesting and different.
And that people know, okay, we're like, it's either going to be amazing or it's going to be horrible. I mean, hopefully not horrible, but I mean, I believe that the I can, I wouldn't release a beer that if I didn't feel was balanced. Yeah. And I mean, I can't wait for you to produce Holy Ghost.
Yeah, I mean, well, that's still quite conservative as far as I'm concerned. 100 percent. But it's a good step in the direction that you want to go. I mean, I want to I want to go back down to the spruce tips, spruce tip beer. I think that's really interesting and different to everything out there. And there's so many other different things you can do, so many different other things I want to start going down the path for.
um So I think that'll be really exciting. So where that leads, we'll see. um But that's kind of that's been the take but off this from the take back from this week is like, get back to your roots and, you know, don't doubt yourself. Just trust the process and do your best for today and and keep on moving forward.
Yeah, enjoy the ride, right? Yeah, you know, it's like, you know, today I'm like, okay, you know, what am I doing? I'm like, you know, writing some business plans and, and, and sending some emails and maybe sending off some orders. And, you know, that's a good day. Most people, the you know, working some dead end job that they hate. And, you know, I don't know, I definitely not hating this. So it's a win. Yeah, I would just say too, for like my side,
I'm not rich. No. Like, but... Rich in spirit, Justin. But that's all we have really. I mean, that's at the end of the day, like, isn't it? Like, if got to yeah if you're happy with your life, like, it doesn't matter how much money you got. Well, we have enough to make everything happen, right? Exactly, right. And it keeps on...
It really does amaze me. Like this mindset of abundance is something I learned some years back. It's like always thinking you have enough. Yeah, he's right, right. And just somehow money just ah like shows up in your account. Like years ago, we were like down to the last you know, pennies, basically. o And all of a sudden, my old employee, an employee or so, they said, oh, we forgot to pay you this money. Yeah, right. And like, I got a month's salary, basically, out of nowhere.
Yeah. And I like it wasn't expected, but I always never thought we were broke ever. No, even though on paper, we were literally like scraping the barrel. Right. You know, and then all of a sudden, like a whole month salad just came in. I was like, holy crap. Right. Things like that happen all the time for me.
And it's just, it's um it's amazing what happens when you start thinking about that you have plenty instead of you don't have enough. Yeah. It's like, you know, I mean, not to get too spiritually weird for people out there, but like Jesus tells us parable. He's just like, don't worry about what to wear, what you're going to eat, you know, like If God created the, the home for the bird to live in, surely he's going to create, like give you, keep you warm and keep you fed. Right. Like, and you know, i you and you might not believe in God, but you know, I think believing the society we live in that's good enough and people who are kind enough to not let you starve or freeze, you know, um, there's always an option. And as long as we're, set our mindset on, on, you know, not giving up and not deciding that it's all going to fall apart. We'll, I think we'll always find a way through and then always be a story to tell on the other side too. That's the beautiful thing of all these things, you know, the amount of stories I've heard from people who have like been at the end of their rope, you know, things just look like they're never going to turn positive again. They're like, you know, they're thinking to themselves, I'll just, you know,
go out to the garage and hang myself because things are so bad. And then bang, something happens and changes the whole situation. Um, so like hope is really important too.

Sled Project and Engineering Challenges

Like hope, like, yeah, like you have, you have abundance, you have, but also you have hope for the future that things will always get better, you know? So I think that's important.
Um, shall we move on to me? since no Yes. Let's move on. Let's move on to the garage. The garage. What's happened in the garage this week, Justin? You've been, you've been actually lots been happening. You went and met old mate.
it Was it this way? No, it wasn't. Yeah. Yeah. so um So for those who don't remember, I'm building a sled, ah hopefully a sled that is going to go insanely fast down Korkitrakken in Oslo, which is a like ah ah sled track that's 250 meters fall, but ah two kilometers long.
So it's ah should be pretty fun. ah Now this week started with the frame. So I've got an old ATV I was talking about also last week. So I had to strip that down and I started stripping it down on Tuesday. Yeah.
ah Then I realized like, oh, wait a second, I'm a YouTuber. I could have filmed some stuff. Right. ah And I have to film the intro, probably with the thing not disassembled. Right, of course. so i So I stuff the engine back in. Just loosely, like, yeah yeah, I put a couple of bolts in it and then and then I then I ah put the fuel tank back on and stuff like that. Yeah. And the and the rear tail light. And just so I could film the intro. Right. Yeah. um I decided to do something a little different. I decided to have Kristen in the intro.
um Well, the post intro, actually, I saw what I call it post intro. Yeah. So so I do an intro where it sort of introduces why I'm building the project. And then after that, it sort of introduces like the start of the project. Right.
So, and so I call that the post intro. um And so I had Kristen recording me, asking me all these stupid questions about what I was actually doing. ah She didn't actually know that this is my plan, although she knows this now because she listens to the podcast.
right um that the idea is to take it down this mountain and try and break the record. right ah So that's kind of like the, you know, like secret in the video is that my wife doesn't know that I'm going to try and do something crazy with this machine that I'm building. Yeah. Yeah. So the goal was to get this thing stripped down so that I could then take it to Oslo and meet with ah Nima Shahinian. We talked about him last week as well. Amazing designer.
also an astronaut candidate here in Norway. He was shortlisted for some time a couple of years ago to actually do a mission to the International Space Station. e But that fell through, um not because of him, but they just changed their mission parameters. So they decided that they'd you know, wanted somebody else basically with different, different skill set. So ah he is such a cool dude, I have to say. My, what a legend. yeah And it was so much fun. I mean, I rocked up there at like five o'clock in the afternoon.
is through the doors open, we drag this actually really heavy ATV frame. It was heavier than I thought. yeah ah Into his little workshop he has in his office there. yeah And you know, we just had a ball.
I mean, throwing ideas out there. He was sketching up things. He's like, no, you can't do it like this because that is a problem for balancing and things like that. And your center of gravity is going to be too high. And so he has a lot of knowledge. He's like I also mentioned last week, you know, he's built a sled himself ah to be the world's fastest sled in the world. right yeah So, yeah, it's technically never been tested.
That's because he can't get anyone to allow him to test it on their slopes because they're scared. They're scared there's just going to be blood on the slope. kind of oh why he told me He told me that ah one of the places asked him, is the pod that they the driver is in, is it watertight? And he's like, what what do you mean? What do you mean? He's like, well, we don't want blood on our snow.
Jesus. four Yeah. Isn't that interesting? That's really, you know, yeah. But saying that the this sled is designed to hit over 300 kilometres an hour. So if something goes wrong, something big is going to go wrong. Yeah, I guess if you're just turning into a, you know, liquid shish kebab inside that thing. Yeah. If it hits something and into yeah, that's brutal. Hmm.
Yeah, so cool. this ah So you came up with come up with any, you know, world changing sled design? Well, it's interesting because he had built a sled similar-ish some years ago, ah where where the design was what I planned, which was to have two skis at the front and a so one ski at the back. Yeah. And he sort of said that This design is going to be pretty good for you. ah But what he wants, he wanted to take do the steering sort of in a special way so that the steering, when you not only did you turn the ski, but the ski went up on its edge at the same time you turned. Yeah, right. Yeah. So that makes sense. It's just how skis work, right? Yeah, but we had to work out how do you how do you do that? How do you like pitch and yawn the ski? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So he had to actually go back over his old projects when he was like a young guy in university to like the same style because they like he had built something similar ah back in the day and when he was in university. So he had to go back over all the pictures and stuff and see how they did it.
him and his friends or his colleagues. And so we came up with a design where, how do you explain it? The steering arm is on like a 45 degree angle. yeah And what happens is when you turn the, when you push and pull the steering arm, it will then automatically pitch the the ski on this edge yeah and also turn in. So it's ah it's a good compromise. and I don't know if it's going to work. ah well yeah the The big thing, though, was just the enjoyable time, like working with a like minded person, someone who's just so excited for my project. He was like, he just wished he could do this stuff.
I was doing, I think. Like saying that, I mean, we're clearing off his work bench with like, he's designing spacesuits. So we're clearing his prototype, spacesuit prototypes off the bench, you know, these full carbon fiber things that, you know, like revolutionary designs and all this sort of stuff. Like ah we're clearing that off his bench and then putting my rusted ATV frame.
Yeah. But he was so excited. He was, it was such, like I said, such a joy to work with someone that had such enthusiasm for just the dumb project that I was thinking about. Right. Hmm. No, I think that's all's awesome too. Cause like dealing with people who are enthusiastic about whatever's, whatever it is that you're doing or a part of like is so nice.
It's just like it makes the whole energy of the whatever you're doing shift. It's so great. ener Energized by people like that. A hundred percent. And I think that, too, he has so many connections as well in the design world. um You know, I'm not really thinking about his connections in my work, but what it does do is open stores. Yeah. Right. So, you know, he was talking about I even joked the other day when I was meeting up with him, like, do you still know people at the Toyota wind tunnel?
Yeah. Right. You know, like maybe we could test the world rally car in there o and things like that just for shits and giggles. Yeah. Like, cause especially she when it's designed like ah based on the Yaris design too. Yeah. That would be fun.
So things like that are just super fun to like start talking about crazy ideas, you know? yeah And I have this feeling that we're going to work more together. Yeah, cool. Which is really, really fun. And I'm nearly certain when we go to test this thing, he'll be there. Nice. So I think he was just so enthusiastic about the project. I just really enjoyed it. I have to ask the question though, like, okay, obviously Nima's making this 300-click death machine.
and that nobody wants on their slope. Are you going to be able to take your thing down this this slope? Is this someone going to stop you or are you just going to just go do it? to i so I think I'm going to ask permission first. Yeah.
I'm going to explain what I'm doing first. ye I will not explain that I am going to try and break the record first because I think then people think, oh shit, he's going to crash and die. right yeah I think I just say I built this interesting sled. I was wondering, can I take it down the slope? You know, when is the best time where there's no people on the slope and, you know,
basically take it then. But as far as I'm aware, this is like a public slope, so there's no controls. Right. People... Just watch out for like toddlers. Yeah, well, that's not going to happen. I definitely am going to take it early in the morning during the week. Yeah. That's what I'm going to do it when there's no people on it.
You know, I want to take it at nine o'clock before even like schools get a chance to like school kids get, you know, because schools take day trips, right? And they're doing things like that. I want to be there before any of that.
and just bomb the hill and see what happens. Yeah. Nice. I have a, I also thinking like maybe we should hire some proper, like not proper, but like some normal sleds and see what time we can pull down there on that and then see what time we can do it. That would be actually fun.
Yeah. But I already know that my sled is going to be about 10 times heavier than that. Well, I mean, the weight is significant. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm pulling off like the go-kart seat to sit in it. Yeah, I think it's going to be really cool. I was imagining that you were going to like basically like lie down on this thing like a... I thought about it. I thought about it. It's still not off the cards yet. Yeah.
I thought about doing like Superman style. Yeah, that's what I imagined. Like, or at least like super like low, you know, get like maybe in a like a lying down crouching position or something like that, you know. But I think unfortunately when I'm that low, I might, it it might not. Yeah, I don't know. I think it won't look as cool. Weirdly. Is that why you're worried about cool? I thought you were talking about breaking the record. You've got to get wind resistance down.
You've got to like, come on. You got to get like, you got to get the aerodynamic helmet on, ah to get spandex. Nemar started drawing stuff already, like about, like how we were going to streamline the aerodynamics. I said, we just take it easy, Nemar. I'm imagining like this thing with like carbon fiber body pieces, like, you know,
Oh, that'll be amazing. I think for this, I don't want to do that. I want it to be like a kind of raw looking metal framey thing. I also want it to be not so big that you can, you can't take it on the train. Right. Okay, you're gonna go back up there. Okay. Yeah, I mean, it should fit as it is now as an ATV frame, right? I might have to extend it just slightly so my legs, you know, are in enough, have enough space for my legs. But I think, to be honest, the best case scenario is to have it as short as possible so that I can, when I get down to the bottom of the hill, I can just drag it onto the train and take the train back up the hill and do it again. Right? Yeah, yeah, cool.
So there's some design parameters in there. I don't want it to be like the craziest aerodynamic thing you've ever seen because it also makes it a little bit less approachable for people who also want to design and make something like this from an ATV.
Yeah, you know, so but that is what I've been doing, though, I've been building on this thing this week. Yeah. On Thursday, I got after being at Nemars all Wednesday night.
I had driven up to Oslo to go meet him. It's like, it's an hour and halfpas a back, so three hour round trip. And on Thursday I get in the workshop and I'm like, right, ready to go. Let's do this. Where's my tripod?
yeah ah It's in Oslo. I had left it in Oslo, so... What did I do on Thursday before my day job? and sure I drove to Oslo. I literally him for a cup of coffee and then I left again. Yeah. Yeah. ah But as saying that even in that.
10 minutes I was there drinking a cup of coffee with him. I'm just like, ah, Levi, he's like, cool. I just want to hang around with this guy all the time. So he's already saying, Oh, you know, you should go to like, the Lamborghini factory with me. It's like, all right. Sounds like a plan. go So, you know, cool dude. Very cool. I'm excited. I'm excited to see what happens with this project.
I am too. I have to say I feel a little bit like you in Many Guards Caring, because like ah with this project, I've struggled like I seem to every time. Like I don't understand why I think it's different. But I struggle with the fact that I work so much on this thing and nothing seems to have been done on it. Like right now, I've probably worked. Well, I mean, I've probably worked in excess of 24 hours straight on this project, as in like on Friday, I did you know probably 10 hours on that. yeah And then Saturday, probably another 10. And Sunday, I did about four hours, right? And what have I got? I've got one ski attached.
That's what I feel like. I just, but he's only not like this I think that's the thing that is so easy to forget when you watch your videos is that like fabrication takes time. And like, it's like you have to cut something and, you know, grind it back and then weld it and then weld it and I'll have the wrong angle. I'm gonna adjust this, cut it off, start again. You know, like that stuff It's like trial and error, especially if you haven't got like a finished design that you know works. Yeah. And I think it's it's prototyping, right? So you don't know what links to cut things. like Like, for example, right now I'm stuck on like, what is the length of the the steering arm, right? Because if I shorten it, I get a bigger throw, if you know, a bigger angle. Yeah, right.
but if i But if I shorten it too much, the angle of the tie rods changes, and that then gives me different angles on the skis. and So I can't really have that either. So like where's the compromise here? And so I spend a lot of hours. like ah Yesterday, I think I was just staring at it for like 45 minutes. Right, exactly. Just running through in my head like the engineering problems that I'm and how to work that out. Like, okay, if this, you know, steering arm swings 30 degrees, what would happen if it swings 45 degrees instead? And how would that affect the ski? Yeah, right. But that's like problem solving. And, you know, like, think, you know, using basically using your imagination and your knowledge to solve problems before they even come up. I think that's really that's a
super valuable skill set. and I imagine that's what people like Nemo are doing all the time as well, yeah? m Well, that's the kind of joy too. yeah as much as i As much as I hate like the fact that things are taking so long, it's the joy of like problem solving, like finding that thing, like, oh, this was nothing before I started. And now it's something, now it does something and it functions, it moves, it does its job. And I came up with that solution in my brain and I used my hands to like make that happen.
Hmm. Uh, it may have also been that I was like half cut also the whole time because I was drinking your beers whilst.

Creative Frustrations and Inspirations

ah ah Yeah. For the cryo Jesus went straight to your head. It did. I have to admit it did go straight to my head too. The other day when I had one.
Well, I went to pick up your beers on Friday from the Wine Monopoly. And yeah, I ah got 10 of them. i've got three I've got three left. We did give away for you, didn't we? I did, actually. i gave I gave some beers away. But I think, you know, I've got three sitting in the fridge now. And to be honest, I'm looking forward to having one tonight.
Nice. Might have to go order more before they run out. Well, I mean, please do, because, um yeah, I mean, it's it's only good for me if people buy up the stock that they have and they want to reorder. So it's ah it's really cool. So yeah, I mean, if you're interested, if you do, if you're listening and you want it, um just check out the one Vino Monopoly website and search for Eucharist cryo Jesus and you'll find which stores have it.
And um yeah, if there's one of you, go and get it. You can order it in too. so yeah i did It's a bit restricted right now, though, because of the way that the system works. um So now what's happened is they take, they've taken a certain allotment into their central lager and that allotment now is empty. So they won't be able to buy, they won't be able to order in to any random store anymore.
it has to be to the stores that can. So basically until the stores that ah have it now, or at least some of them are empty and they need to reorder and then they get, take more from my warehouse, that's how it'll work. So it's just, it's a bit of a logistical nightmare with the the one monopoly sometimes. So just be aware of that people. So if you go into a store and demand it, it's not always possible, but yeah, just ah the don't worry. I'm working on that. If people are,
frustrated by that. So it won't be long before I before it's available everywhere. So what's blowing your mind this week? karen Actually, oh the way that you can go from like, everything is hopeless, my life at that point, I've got this existential crisis, and um I might as well just go to the garage and end it all.
Um, to like, yeah, life is awesome. but Like that shift and how that can happen. Like in a moment, that's like literally like mind blowing. You're like being so hardwired on one track and then you just like in a moment, you can just switch tracks and there's things are so much better. That blows my mind, literally. Um, yeah. My brain does a little like,
brain fart and just goes, and then all of a sudden things are better. and that That's awesome. I love that. So and that's blowing my mind this week. How about you, bro? ah There's two things. The video doing oh both videos that are out of the moment are doing great. Congratulations.
I was hoping think there will be like just a you can crescendo that in the background.
No, I think it's really cool to see, like I've mentioned it before, like the fact that, you know, I changed this format and like the universe has said like, good job, Justin, you're on the right path, you know? And it's blowing my mind because like, and think I think I've got about 85,000 views on the Go Kart video. 100,000! Come on!
Yeah, we can do it. Come on. um And two, like, I'm finally seeing some decent money come in from AdSense, which is really cool. Like, like when I say decent, I mean, compared to how much money I spent on the project, it's a pipette. Basically, you're still in the minus, yeah.
A hundred percent. yeah But, you know, it's still really nice to see some things coming in, ah which is a lot more than usual. And that's been blowing my mind. The other thing that's been blowing mind is Ma Sin, the guitarist. Ma Sin, he's an acoustic guitarist from Poland. OK. He's insane. OK.
Masin, you know, that's just like Polish from Martin. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, that's what his name is, Kieran Masin. He just goes under Masin. Yeah. Okay. ah Does he play a Martin guitar? That would be serendipitous. No, he does not. ah ah He's amazing, though. Dude, I don't know how he does some of the stuff he does.
Like he turns a cold black magic.
It turns the guitar into something that it shouldn't be. Yeah. ah It's really cool. So that's, he's blown my mind this week. I got down a rabbit hole, YouTube rabbit hole with Martin videos, where he's like on America's Got Talent and nearly won it. Oh, really? Yeah. Cool. And then he's like, in America now playing like for the NBA, like halftime shows. NBA halftime shows.
Yeah, I thought I meant what I'm imagining. I'm just like with acoustic guitar. Yeah, dude, it's like insane. He's shredding like a motherfucker. He's just so good. And he uses the guitar as like a beatbox drop as well, whilst playing. Like he doesn't use loops. Yeah. Nice. He doesn't use loop pedals or anything. It's just... It's so hard to explain. He's just got to go say it. All right. I'll Google him. Nice. So that's the two things that have been blowing my mind. What's ink in your chain?
this week. Oh, my God. Unsolicited authors, Kieran. That's what is offer can yanking my chain. Okay, what kind of unsolicited offers of central gratification or?
Yeah, no, so you know, you build things and you put them on the internet, right? Right. And people just think that's like a thing you could just now like, I can now make an offer on this thing. Okay. Right. So I get a I get a email yeah from this guy. And the email literally just says, Are you from Norway? Do you still have the go cut? Right, which kind of honestly referring to
Yeah, I was gonna say. So I sent her back an email and I said, yes and yes. Right. Then he comes back and says, ah how much and when can I get it? What? Who said what? Like, I don't understand. yeah are You put it on Finn? I didn't put anything out there.
And then and then and then on top of that, he's like, he I need a little bit more info, though, before I even like gave him an answer that I said it was not for sale. He's like, ah how much and when can I get it? I just need a little more info. And then he writes a bunch of questions like how fast does it go? What engines in it? I'm like, uh,
Like, didn't you watch the videos, dude? Yeah, right. Like, if you're looking to purchase this vehicle from me, like, you wouldn't you have done your research and you actually watched all of the video? Right? Yeah. I just don't understand. so I just sent back a message and I said, not it's not for sale. Although saying that,
If you're happy to give me 70,000 kronas, I'd think about it. Right. And to be honest, 70,000 kronas is a fucking steal. Like I thought about it after I'm like, oh, you idiot, I should put 150,000 because like that's a real fuck off answer, right? But even then he was like outraged.
I was like, you obviously don't understand, like, you obviously don't appreciate what I've actually done here. Right, exactly. Like, you just want to buy it so you can show it off to your friends or something. Yeah, of course. i' I just don't understand. yeah like why Why would you spend this this time and effort sending me these emails about buying something you're not really, like, you obviously have no idea what it takes to build anything. No, of course, but that's why he wants to buy it.
Freaking yanks my chain. Yeah, I get it. I get it. And he's not the only one. People say dumb shit like this all the time. Like, dead set. People come to me and say, hey, um i I was thinking in like, you like making stuff. I need a new coffee table. It's called IKEA.
Dude, people say to me, oh, I saw this one at IKEA. Could you make it for cheaper? Like, no. No, I can't. Are you kidding me? Oh, like, I was thinking you could get the materials cheaper because, you know, you got a business. And I'm like, not as cheap as IKEA. No. And the volumes that those guys are using. And I was like, yeah. And then I'll say something like, oh, yeah. But then, you know, I'll i'll have to charge you 500 kronas an hour.
and which is a reasonable price, right? 500 kronas an hour is like not that expensive. yeah But, you know, like, seriously, people say,
Oh, I thought you'd do it for free since you like doing that type of work. Like what? I'm going to do work for free building you a shitty fucking coffee table. we woman like whoa who Like you just turn the, you know, if you know the person to know what they like, just say, do you want to do that for free for me? Right. No one ever thinks like that. Yeah. Do you want to do that? It's like, Oh, like, Oh, Joe,
You like, um, making pickles. I love pickles. Can you just pickle, you know, a hundred thousand pickles for me and like, cause you love doing it and don't give them to me for free. Like no one, was no one would agree to that. It's so crazy yeah for the cucumbers though.
They wouldn't even do that, I reckon. No, exactly. so o What's yanking your change, Ciaran? Actually, it's, I mean, it's a little bit different, but much the same. It's like, it's people who don't think they're creative. Like, yeah, like people who are just like, no, I could never do that. I could never, like, there's always such negativity around like even trying. Creativity is more than just painting. Creativity is actually just problem solving.
You know, and there's so many people that just don't think that they can actually solve problems. Oh, it's a school system. Yeah. Well, you just get told that, like and but it's, but the irony of the situation is just not true because problem solving is in our nature as human beings. That's what we do, right? That's what we do. We solve problems all the time. Oh, I am thirsty. What do I need to do? I'm going to go over to the tap and pour some water in a cup and drink it. That's a problem solving thing. Right? It's like it's not that difficult to be creative. Like great like a creative is just like, well, you know, just thinking a little bit different about how you might fill that glass of water. That's just creativity. You know, it just and it just frustrates me that people aren't able like they just there's so much self doubt, actually, that's what it is.
Well, it's failure to start, which is what you suffered for for from you for years, Karen. Well, you know, I think but I've always been creative and always been like this. OK, for me, like it was the business side of things that was the fear and the failure to start there. But I've always been creative, i've always been willing to give it a crack. You know, like, oh, I'm like, I'm going to throw some some, you know,
draws on the root up in this beer and or like some rando thing just to like really, you know, see what happens, i have an idea and just like, take it to its extreme. And like, so that's been never been anything that I've ever struggled with. But there are people out there that and they these questions come to me all the time, like, you know, how do you do that? I can never do that. Like, you know, and I'm like, yeah, but Do you enjoy brewing beer? or No, I've never tried. Well, first of all, try if you want, if you're interested. I that's i think that's the thing too, is like if you're interested, do it, right? if it's If you're curious, do it. Like get out there, just try it, like fail and like learn something. Like, I mean, it's like Mackenzie, my son, you know, he's like,
he painting He started painting and things like that. And you know and just like I just encourage him just to give it a crack. And like we bought I bought this boomerang back from ah from Australia that he could paint himself. and um And I was like, all right, we're going to do the Aboriginal dot drawings on it, right?
He didn't understand this concept whatsoever. He's just like a broad brush stroking it with color. Just like it looks nothing like go his little corner of it with the little dots that I've done. And he's just like, ah, la, la, la, la, la, but done all over it. But like, you know what? It's like that's what he wanted to do. It's like he's he's being creative and now he's happy with the the little Painted boomerang that we have and we're looking forward to going out to the park and testing it today. So Like it's just that whole thing of you know, there's a problem you need to solve like Try solving it before you just fall down in a heap and say you can't do it ah You know, just try just try like I'm I'm so proud of people when they like they say ah
I tried to solve this problem. I couldn't quite get it. Can you help me? Like that's different. That's a different thing. Like I need your input on helping my creative process in this situation. Can you help me with that? Rather than like, here's the problem. Fix it for me. You know, um, or here's the, here's the issue I have, you know, with like the thing I want to create.
ah But they're never willing to try you to begin with because they just don't often people don't know where to start But I'm like I say to people often like we have the internet we have to we have the mosel Yeah, like we have the most powerful resource at our fingertips like literally in your pocket 98% of the day You know, so many people say like, I've heard from it even Nima, right? Yeah. Hanging out with Nima. He's like, sometimes I just don't know something. So I just like YouTube it. Yeah. right World renowned designer. He's still YouTube stuff because he doesn't know how to do something. Right. Right.
I think it's like I think the thing is curiosity, like being curious about how to solve a problem is is kind of like that's where the joy in creativity comes from.
and And so I mean, I just, if if you're one of those people that thinks to themselves, no, I can't really do that. I'm not creative. I'm not, you know, I can never do what Justin's doing, or I can never do what Kieran's doing, or I can never do what Bob down the road is doing, whoever it is that you're looking up to. Like fucking Bob. Yeah. fucking ah we We started this podcast, Justin, you were like, we're f-bombing too much.
and Yeah, but it's Bob. It's Bob. You're the one so far. i won ah It's only you I think that's dropped the F bomb. So I'll find out in the edit. Yeah, nice. Anyway, that that was my yank and chain. People just don't think that they can do stuff. I think that's, ah you know, they just got to jump in and get it done. Just try. And then, you know, ask for help from people around you that you you know,
Like, it's always people always enjoy helping people who have started something, you know, get on board with what they've already done rather than the thing that they haven't started yet. and Yeah. But anyway, that's me. Recommendations for this week, bro. Beau Miles. bow What a legend. What a legend. It was Beau Miles. He's a YouTuber filmmaker. So good. Quintessentially Australian. OK.
So good. I watched a video this week where he was running. He's a runner. okay And he runs pilo runs by a pile of trash that someone just dumped in the forest. right i And so he comes along and cleans it up and then makes a picnic table out of the trash and then sets it on the side of the trail.
And that's that's the video. Yeah, cool. It's just, but he's so lovable. You can't not love this dude. Yeah, he's such a lovely, amazing human. And it comes through in his films. So highly recommend Bo Miles, if you haven't checked him out already. Yeah, there's some really amazing videos. ah Running a marathon, ah one mile an hour every hour. Right.
And then in between, he like fixes stuff and does things in his, his house, mows the lawn and does things that, like does things that he needs to get done yeah and runs a marathon at the same time. Nice. It's, it's really good. Yeah. It's really good. That's so high though. Bow Miles, was it? Bow Miles. okay You'd love him, Kieran. Yeah. Well, actually mine is ah another YouTuber for this week. Um, uh, we've mentioned them on the podcast before.
Um, and that's nerd forge. Um, the, I was watching the latest video where they make a gaming room for Hansi. Uh, um, you know, it just like, I mean, like you got to love, like Martina has that charismatic nest to her that, that makes the story, uh, really interesting and fun to follow.
And she's very real and authentic with the way that you know she's she presents herself and the the project. And um I just really enjoyed i thought it. was like in i mean even like I showed that video to Lynn because I was like, you know she's been talking about like rent ah like fixing up the house and doing some stuff. And I was like, yeah, just look, check out Martina. She's doing some crazy stuff. you know And it's like, you just got to think outside the box a little bit.
no And she's, yeah, I just really enjoyed those videos and I've watched a bunch of other ones as well. um And I just think they're doing a cool thing. Like I saw those tracksuits you mentioned before and they look pretty rad. So, I'm like... Christian's ordered one. Yeah. But they're like, they're rare as rocking horse shit. yeah yeah I think you'd be lucky to get one. Yeah. I mean, they even mentioned it in the in the latest video that they pretty much sold out.
But, um, but it's really cool. Like, I think that they're doing, um, an awesome thing. And for me, it's really fun because, you know, they live like 15 minutes away from, from us and they're just out on this, you know, property in Lear doing their thing. And like, I just, I just think it's, it's so cool what they're doing. Like they're, they're just making mad stuff and, and doing a great job of it. So, and it's inspiring for me.
Like, and I'm not even like a maker like that. And I think it's still inspiring. And I think that's why the the channel is as popular as it is. A hundred percent. They're doing some really fun stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So fantasy, amazing builds and out. But, you know, it's like everyone, everyone like, you know, you can, you can kind of appreciate like the character like Martina's character actually like for example in the latest video she he talks about her love affair with frames like picture frames and it's just like that it's just kind of like a fun thing of like what would normally be for the vast majority of like videos like this out there a boring room restoration and you only want to see the beginning and the like the before and after but there
the charismatic nature of the way that they present the project is makes it really enjoyable to watch. So it's literally it's a 36 minute video or something like that. And I like to sit there and watch every minute of it. It's not. And so I think that's great. And that's awesome. So there's my recommendation. Nerdforge, if you haven't checked them out before, do yourself a favor and do it.
Right, we've been talking for nearly... Oh, over an hour at least, anyway. now yeah we We'll wrap it up there. Thanks so much for listening, guys. I hope but we've inspired you somehow or scared you. Probably scared them. Lack of F-bombs in this week. ah I should just drop me all of them.
but Now that Kristen's got her game fulfilled now. Yeah. I'll beat them out in the in that post edit. So yeah, awesome. Well there you go. that's Thanks for listening guys. sweet guys yeah We'll catch you next week. See ya. Cheers. Bye. Coffee is in.