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Week 17 - The Destroyer of Christmas image

Week 17 - The Destroyer of Christmas

E17 · Garage Avenger Podcast
42 Plays2 months ago

This week Kizz is destroying Christmas and Justin is relying on a robot to help him fix his business. 


Humorous Podcast Intro

this is the garage of ventureer
welcome to week seventeen everyone
I'm guessing you're doing the intro this morning. No, I thought I'd leave you to do it so that you could screw it up because I didn't put it up on the message board. and This is Hello the and welcome to the Garage Avenger podcast. Garage I'm Avenger Justin. Podcast. I don't even remember my intro because it's not in front of me. I make weird things in my garage and hopefully I'll make a living out of it.
And I'm carrying trying to turn my garage brewed beers into world renewed renowned brewery. There we go. It's so bad. We're twin brothers. What else? I can't remember the rest. How many times we've done this 17 times?
20th is the charm. Actually, no, we got it right the other week, but we had texts the other week. Yeah, we didn't have to. Like today, I didn't put it up on the chat so that we can make sure we read it. Well, it's too late now. The podcast started. I'm going to edit this out. This is in. All right. What's been happening, Gus? What's been happening?
No, you need to go first, Kieran. Oh, okay. You need to go first.

Kieran's 'Oppenheimer Moment' - Christmas Cooking Disaster?

All right, I had an Oppenheimer moment this week. Ooh. Yeah. Okay. So in what way was it an Oppenheimer moment, as in you created something that will destroy the world? and more I'll just i'll start with this quote. I am death, the destroyer of Christmas.
Oh, yeah, I was feeling this is something about Norwegian culture. yeah So this this week, I I managed to single handedly destroy Christmas. um And by that, I mean, I've taken the ribber Put it on the smoker. Which, yeah, which which people need to understand Rube is like one of the most common Christmas dishes here in Norway. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like pork belly just basically just cooked in the oven. It's like a pork roast, basically. And it's bland as fuck. It's just fatty.
No, there's no flavor to it. Like they're like, oh, you make sure you season it with salt and pepper. Like, proper like, come on, man. Get a flavor pork with so much. So I've destroyed Christmas. I put the ribber bits on the barbecue and I smoked them, smoked the meat for like two or three hours. Then you covered it up, get it, get up to temp. Then I cover it in.
bathed it in barbecue sauce and brown sugar. Swack that thing up in the oven again to like, so like sticky and caramelized and all that. And fuck me. It was so good. Oh man, you've never tasted a river like this in your life. Now, if you were like wondering, what happened with the crackling? I'm like, well, I just took that off and then cooked it in the oven separately. So you still had the crackling.
Just didn't have all the flavor stuff on it.

Transforming Traditional Dishes: Kieran's Culinary Adventure

So there you go. It was amazing. Far out. It was like, and like the bones were just falling out of the meat. ah You know, like it was so good. Are we talking big chunky bits? Are we talking like thin little slices that are like, you know. No, so you get the whole side of of pork belly, like normally. And I was like, okay, I can smoke the whole thing as is. And I started doing some research into recipes.
and for what they call burnt ends, and which is what I was doing with the pork belly. and ah And I basically cut it into like big chunks like you would on like Christmas, Christmas day, you know? i am and ah And so I basically got this ah these chunks and I i took the ribber and then, oh, what was that?
That was the most squeaky door I've ever heard. I know. There's a cable stuck in it. My 3D printer has gone off like a lamp and here at all. Oh, that's good. I thought it was like super noisy. It's like, root you do your yeah, I can talk about that later. But yeah, carry on. So anyway, so you basically like a normal like, you know, serving size chunk of ribber.
like a pork belly. i like And then just covered, smoked, covered in barbecue sauce and brown sugar. It's sweet, it's smoky, it's spicy, it's just, holy shit. It was just like, you never, have you ever had that? You're never gonna go back to regular, boring, old Christmas Oriba. Never. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. So, what did Lin think? Jake thought it was fucking amazing.
She was like, they what? Why haven't we had this for the last fucking 35 years?
ah She was just like, this is ridiculous. So, I mean, we had it with like all the American barbecue sides. So we had like with, the you know, corn on the cob and coleslaw and all the rest, mac and cheese and all that. So far, it felt like a ton of bricks afterwards, but it was so good.
ah but what You feel like a ton of bricks after you've eaten the Norwegian version too. Oh yeah, so it might as well just taste good. Yeah. Right. That was so good. Oh man. and What I didn't understand is like, they're like, they serve it. So they just, it's basically a pork roast. Let's be honest. Yeah. Yeah. And then they're like, would you like some sauce with it? And I'm like, yeah, sure. Oh, the sauce is just fat. Yeah. What? Just bathed in fat. Are you kidding me? Where's the taste? The salt and fat. That's all you get. That that is, that is it.
So there you go. um I am the destroyer of Christmas. I'm looking forward to smoked ribber. Yeah, because we're gonna have it this year, aren't we, Joss? Yeah, well, you've sold it now that you can't go back. you can't We can't be going eating normal ribber now. No. Everyone is disappointed, including Kristin, I'm sure, actually. Yeah, so I mean, it was, it was epic. So there you go. That was And like the end, man, it just tastes better the next day after too. Left over. Left over. Left over for like smoked pork belly with babes and barbecues, all the breads, you go far out. It was so good the next day. And like even Mackenzie, who doesn't like eat a lot of meat, he was just like, oh, he just loved it. Oh, sweetness too, right? It's all the balance of salt and sweet and like spice. It's just, you know,
It's everything Christmas food should be, actually. Well, that's why they say like, um you know, salted caramel o is like the best because it's caramels got a lot of like fat from the milk they use in it. right And then they add the salt. Yeah. Sorry. And then and then, you know, they add the salt and it makes it incredibly ah da Yeah. Yeah. Cause our brain goes like crazy. The brain's like, ah, yeah so much in energy. Yep. So yep. That was, that was, uh, I did that on Friday. Um, so there you go.
Well, I have a feeling Kristen's going to listen to this podcast, so there's no backing out. yeah ah ah I'm sorry, Kristen. Christmas is ruined forever. No, she should be happy, I think, actually. You think so? Yeah, I think so. she she'll She'll be excited to try something.
Yeah, so that'll be fun.

Brewing Updates: 'Expiation' and the Nordic Triple

What else has been happening besides destroying Christmas in Norway? Well, package the XPA version two. Yeah, and that was good. So it's staying tasting pretty good. And Kind of like it's really different from the first one that I brewed and then but a little bit, you know, like in different ways, it's kind of a little bit more fuller in in flavor because this one was only done with malt and no sugar. um But like I definitely I think I made the right choice with version with the third brew I did.
uh, version one as it is, we're working backwards. Um, because the, the flavor is good, but I think the, it didn't pop in this one that I really want. I think cashmere is one of those delicate hops. I just, I got to up up up the amounts on this one to get it to really pop. Um, so I think I'll definitely version one, cause I tasted that from tank. It's carbonating now. It's nearly finished carbonated.
I'll probably try and package it this week. That's tasting pretty fucking good. The Amarillo really makes this, did that particular beer, like it's just, it picks up all that kind of, version one has this hop called Amarillo. So it picks up this real nice orange tangerine ah profile as well. So it's just got this nice like super drink of smashable, but like tasty tangerine citrus kind of thing going on. And yeah, it's really, really nice. So yeah, so they interesting. I'm looking forward to tasting this. I actually assume that you're gonna bring all three versions down to me in that's Christmas time. That's the plan. So I will be the judge and jury. Well, I also came up with a proper name for the XPA. Oh, okay. I don't know why it avoided me for so long. Yeah. um So XPA.
Expiation. Oh, so good. ah um know I didn't even get it. So I guarantee the audience are like, what? Expiation. Explain, Karen. Expiation is ah basically another worm word for atonement. So it fits in with my whole, like, Eucharist deal.
So okay you can, yeah, so the atonement, the atonement of Jesus, blah, blah, blah, atonement of sin, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, some type of thing. But yeah, expiation, the atonement of bad beer. I guess so. but That's um something like that. I think i that's where I'm going to take it, that direction. So the fun bit about that is is that there's a whole bunch of imagery I can use around that theme that I think will be really fun to play with. And so I'm kind of working on that now.
I'm trying to figure out a really fun label design for that. So that's cool. So that was kind of like a little inspiration this week about, you know, like, I was like this XBA because I, I went to a store, so early talk in Oslo.
ah this week to deliver hand deliver some beer that I that they ordered. It's nice to just meet people face to face. And um one really nice thing actually that happened, I rolled I rolled up the literally just like load them in my car and then chuck them in a shopping trolley and wheel them down to the store. And, ah and like, I go and say hi to the guy, the owner of the store is there.
And then one of his staff members doesn't even like he sees like I'm wearing the eucharist jumper. Yeah. And then he sees he just sees me sees the trolley reaches into like a box that because there was one half open box that was open on top. He just reaches into the box grabs the can and then goes straight over the customer and goes, yeah, this one. This one's great. You should have this. I'm like,
What? That's what he didn't even like he didn't even blink. He didn't be like, Oh, is this is this the cosmic Christ? No, he was like, he knew exactly what it was. And he's like, bam, I'm gonna give that one to the customer because that's a fucking great brew. And I was like, Oh, that was such a nice feeling.
So yeah, so I mean, I, I delivered the stock and sold like by the store sold like five cans in the time I was standing there. So so that's pretty awesome. So and you need those cardboard cutouts mum used to have it just like put a put a put a sweater on you, like a Eucharist sweater, and just like stand there, the cardboard cutout version of yourself. That would be called advertising, Justin. Not allowed to do that in a way. No, just have it, like, don't write mention the brain, just just just have the logo. no one on that That's exactly the same thing, Justin. I want to talk about this because we, like, I i was thinking about, like, shit, you know, like,
I'm your brother. Yeah. Like I know that there's rules and regulations with this, but right like I still want to share your stuff. Oh, you can. There's nothing wrong with you. You're a private person. Yeah. But I think there's something weird about it, you know, like in the regards to like, yeah, and the rules are so strict. Even my friends who I was talking to yesterday said something around those lines, like, oh, just be careful, like promoting your brother's beer.
Mike, I'm not really promoting it. I'm just saying I have it. Like, yeah, right. There's no real difference. It's just it's the the reality as long as it's to a private audience. If it's a public forum in specifically in Norwegian, ah then you're gonna have a problem. Yeah, I'm English. So suckers so I mean, like, that's the things like as long as you can, as long as you're not specifically targeting Norwegians,
in a public setting, you know, then it's fine. So there you go. So tell all your friends about you, Chris Brewing. So, yeah, there you go. Those are the rules, Joss. Has anyone taken you up on more ah beers? What do you mean? Free beers? Oh, yeah. Actually, I have a shout out to Jürgen Strahm. Strahm, Strahm, Jürgen. Yeah.
Jürgen Strahm. Yeah. Or Stray. No, it's Stray. Jürgen Strahm. You're talking about the Jürgen. Why Jürgen? The two people that listen to this. Jürgen Strahm.
yeah ki and on this i yeah jogu He gave me a shout out, and sent me a message. So he will be receiving a fuck ton of beer for just being a mad Dog. Mad dog. Just being just being awesome enough to send me a message. That's all it takes these days. Send me a message. Be nice. And maybe I'll do something nice for you. I probably will. I can't believe I can't believe my car didn't end up full of beer when I left your place this week. Yeah, to be honest, you were like in and out too quick. I just I didn't have I didn't even think about it, to be honest. I realized when I got into town. Yeah. I was like, what the damn it? You have like, I've got so many. There's so much beer. Far out. There's so much beer. And I'm like, there's even more like, you know, so I just canned 60 cans of XBA 2.
V2 to yesterday, like the other week, this week. And then there'll be another 60 cans coming for V1. And then, yeah, and I've already got another 60 for the for the other one. So for V3. So, you know, there's always like, there's always something going. I got, I got Saison up to Wazoo. That's like a light, you know, easy drinking farmhouse ale.
Hmm. Well, I've got like eight litre keg. Someone wants to buy a keg of beer for me. that yeah just Well, I can technically they can't buy it. I can give them away. That's for sure. So nice. But they can buy the plastic keg because it's a plastic keg.
So you're buying the keg, the plastic keg. just It just happens to be just beer in there. This happens to have plastic the beer inside it, yes. yeah Because that's all you'll be paying me for, with the plastic keg. Because that costs me money. If you don't return it. Or you can have a pump system. There you go. and So yeah, that's that's pretty much it. Other than... a Yeah, that's pretty much it.
No, I want to talk more about your release of the Nordic triple, uh, because, you know, this week I went for a drive specifically to Drummond to go pick up some cause I knew that was there. yep Um, I tense bag.
ah Well, i've actually I've actually ordered some in and I was also like, so for example, um my father-in-law, he ordered some down to Sanderfield. Yeah, cool. ah So he's gotten two bottles of it already. Yeah, nice. um And so there there are a lot of people trying it. Yeah, cool.
ah What are the numbers looking like? How's it going in the first week of release? I mean, it's only really been on the shelf since Thursday. Yeah. And like some in some stores not even, I'm looking at these, the numbers on the wine monopoly and I'm looking how, like, cause I went into, on Thursday, I went into Oslo, like I said, and and there's a, there's a wine monopoly right next to this, uh, early sold place. And, uh, and I was like, I know they have it.
And I went there and like, yeah, like same thing that happened to you just from what you told me. They didn't have it on the shelf yet. They had the little like sticker on the shelf, like the place was there, but they hadn't put it out yet. Maybe they like sold out straight away. Well, I was thinking, I was like, ah yes, finally. um And the no, they hadn't actually even put it out on the shelves yet. So I reckon like of I'm looking at the stores that have got it in stock and And the I reckon there's a bunch that haven't even put it on the shelves yet. Um, just takes a bit of time. Like they receive it, you know, it gets checked off that they've got it in, in their little warehouse at the back, but haven't actually put it on, had time to put it on the shelves. So that considering, um, there's, I mean, first I have to, I have to say, a shout out the, the people of Sunless, I saw I've looking at the orders coming in.
And I told you the other week, there was like 13 cases just sitting pending. That's insanity. and And I was just like, oh, where are these going? Bam! Sonus. They ordered like three, four times more than every other store. And I was just like, what is going on in Sonus? So I was like, this is clearly someone that likes what I'm doing. So that's good fun.
Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. So if they're listening to this podcast, they should reach out and, you know, they say hi. yeah Like I'm the dude. I'm the dude that, you know, keeps on.
ordering yeah ordering people lots and lots of my beer, which is really nice. So yeah you send this guy or girl. If it was just one, one dude in the the wine monopoly, it was just literally every time someone walked in and looked at beer, he's like, you should buy this. yeah I'm sure there probably is like customer, like, you know, tour assistants that are like that. So No, but it's a really good and and it's considered like the Drummond store, which is obviously my home market. And I've got a lot of friends and family in the area. Only two bottles left.
ah so like two days ah Literally after like two two on the shelf, like left after like two days of trading. So i did like, that's just really awesome. um So I'm really hoping that things will keep kicking on. There's plenty plenty more in the in the warehouse. So I hope that people just keep ordering and this is just churns away and yeah.
I'm looking forward to i looking. I've given a couple away already for Christmas presents. I gave my my day job boss yeah a bottle of the the triple and a can of the cryo Jesus. yeah He gave it raving reviews, the the can of Cryo Jesus. So that was pretty cool. I don't think he's opened the triple. yeah it's It's a sharer. So yeah, it's definitely a sharer. Like I opened it on Thursday. So you already had one, did you? Yeah, I had one on Thursday. I had to try it. Like, why would I wait? I need to know. You didn't even let me know. It must have been shit.
No. is Opposite. see what You are so awe-inspiring speechless. You couldn't even send me a text message to say, great job, Karen. Well.
This is what happened, right? so yeah we sat down We sat down at 9 30 or whatever it was yeah to watch something on telly and I cracked the bottle yeah and where we had a bit of cheese and stuff with it. That's a good mix. Yeah. And yeah, so I gave Kristen half a glass because she didn't really want, you know,
much more. Yeah. And she thought it was great. She said like super light, like fruity and like, yeah, easy to drink. I was like, this is great. like so And then all of a sudden that bottle was empty. Yeah, it hides in nine percent. ah Yeah. But I was like, holy crap, I just drank that whole bottle. Yeah, it's like almost a bottle of wine. Yeah. I tried to get i tried to get up the next morning. I was like, I'm not getting up.
Not that I felt shit. No, I felt really, I didn't feel hungover or anything like that. Just not like, but like, I slept like a fricking stone because I, yeah, I had no idea that that 9% beer was going to like affect me like that. There you go. It's smooth and drinkable. that's why man trying to I'm really, really happy with how that that kind of comes into my I'm doing the press the button, Justin. Oh, oh. Sorry, sorry. You're going to give me some forwarding. Double rainbow all the way across the sky.
Yeah, that's my mind blown this week. and The triple. It tastes amazing, first of all. That's the movie. But the alcohol, the way it hides the alcohol, fire out, man. You think you're drinking a 5% like regular lager. Yeah, it has a like ah alcohol taste, but it's it's so smooth. Yeah, it's here. You don't really notice it. Yeah. And then like, bam, ah you're on your ass.
I wouldn't say you're on your ass, but like, if you had a couple of those, a couple of those bottles to yourself, you'd be. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Two bottles. You'd be, you'd be falling asleep on the couch. That's for sure. Yeah. So, yeah, no, that's a, it's really nice. Really the kudos to, uh, Luke Goss, um, who's the brewer at, uh, Le Fupiz who, who did that. And, you know, he was his recommendation to lager it the way he did.
And I trusted him with that and it's turned out fantastic. So, um, yeah, just really, really, really happy with the how it tastes and and also the way it, uh, how smooth it is. Yeah. Really happy with that. So mind blown.
Well, I know we've kind of hopped over what's happened in your week, Joss, but how about we just do your Mind Blown first and then we come back. all yeah ah My Mind Blown. um It's very niche-y to what I like. yeah ah But this week I watched Kalle Rovimpera, which is, he's a two times world rally champion. okay Young kid. So he won his first world title when he was 21.
right Yeah. One last year too, so he's 22. He's 20 turns 23 this year. He's got two world titles under his belt. Are we doing like WRC or too? WRC. Okay, really? Top level. Yeah. He's ah he's the type, but like there was a ah some footage years and years ago of a kid in a Toyota Starlet. Yeah. Like no older than Henry, probably younger than harry Henry actually. I think he was about six or seven.
right in this way. And he's like, he's got like these big wooden chocks on the pedals so he can reach him. And he's like drifting the car and he's like, he's insanely good. o And so yeah, ah he, you know, fast forward 15 years, he's now, you know, world champion. So fantastic.
You know. See you later, Sebastian OJ. Yeah, well, I mean, he, I should say that Robin Parro took a part-time season this year, so he didn't win win the title. And Novell, Terry Novell won it. yeah But what I was blown away was, he went to Ireland yeah to drive tarmac rally. okay And in an old Toyota Starlet,
Which is, but like a proper, proper like rally car. Yeah. Yeah. Um, that he'd never driven before. It was, it was built and made in Ireland and you some, I don't know whose car exactly it was, but he went to drive this thing. It was pouring rain. Yeah. I would never drive that fast.
in completely perfect conditions. Like there ah my, like, you know, we're near that fast. It was fricking mind blowing. The guy was driving so fast with massive puddles of water, just death either side of the road, basically. Yeah. Cause it's probably like stone walls and stuff on the side. Yeah. Yeah. Or just sheer cliffs. Yeah, right. Yeah. In a car he's never driven before. Yeah.
doing 220 clicks an hour like on these country roads is just insane.
So that blew my mind. If yeah you're into rally or into racing of any sort and you admire people who can have like balls the size of bloody watermelons, then go check out Calle Rub and Perra.
Where's he from? He's from Finland. Oh, the Finns. They're insane though. Let's be honest. They've got nothing else to do out in the forest there other than drive like maniacs. Well, it's a national sport. Isn't it really the national sport of Finland? Well, nearly. I mean, it's it's one of the top like three sports in the in the country. Yeah. Yeah. Soaring doesn't really care.
Well, they do have a world sauna champion. yeah I'm not joking, dude. Why is it like based on how long you can stay in there without dying? Yeah. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Yeah, he's like at like 98 degrees or something. Oh, Jesus. Centigrade. He's in there for like an hour and 45 minutes or something. He's just cooking, slowly cooking himself. How is that even possible? I'm pretty sure, like I'm pretty sure like my ribbit was on there.
You're going to stick some ribbit in there. Just steam it.
There you go. Well, okay, let's let's shift back just what's been happening in your week this last week.

Justin's Garage Projects and Creative Ventures

Yeah, um everything's going pretty good. ah After our podcast on Monday, Tuesday was sort of focused on getting this project now up and moving. I felt like I worked really hard again this week, starting my days early, you know, getting in there, getting started.
Uh, you know, I think Tuesday I had to take Henry and Emma to, to like, um, football and handball training. yeah And then I, then I got back into the garage after I'd done that with them. So I felt like, you know, Tuesday, I probably did like 12 hours and then Wednesday I did maybe 15 or 16 hours in the, in the garage. Um, so I felt like I'd really worked my ass off.
ah But I don't feel like what just happened.
ah There's some things I had to do. So I i' made the break leave up. And I and realized that You know, last week I was talking about that I had to like re ah-weld the top part and make sure that I was going to ride it like an ATV. yeah um And then so I had put the the brake pedal, I guess you'd say, at the front of the ATV. yeah So you you use your toes to push down on it. yeah And then you know I was sitting on it and I was like i realized like it's not in a good position yeah because you have to move your body weight off your feet to then apply pressure onto the onto the ah pedal. yeah So I realized that I fucked up and I had to remove
the pedal and move it to the behind me so that when my I could just lean down with my heels, but you still had the main part of your body weight on the ball of your foot.
Yeah. Okay. So you could still lean, but you could also break at the same time. Yeah. Okay. If you know what I mean. So, you know, I mean, for me, it was a bit of a head, head fuck because I was just so dedicated. I was like, this is how I'm going to do it. And then I got there and I was like, nope, this is not working. Start again. Trial and error. yeah yep and yeah And I've also been editing the video, making sure that's up to date. I've been doing some fun stuff, a little bit of like small skit stuff. Not not like the old videos that I was doing, but like a little bit of like, um i did I did this part in the new video where I put in like this like music where it feels like heavy and dark. And then it goes, this week on extreme orders.
And there's me like rifling through stuff, trying to find parts, right? I do small stuff like that. And then I did another scene of similar to that, where I was like, still trying to look around, I missed, I lost something. And then, you know, I sort of did this voiceover, I use like Google,
some Google service that does like a fake, fake voiceover thing. Okay. It just, I've had a little bit of fun with the ru the regards to making the videos. And I felt good today, like this week, because generally, um the video sort of
It feels a little bit robotic sometimes when you're just putting in footage, adding things, finding ways to segue. It's okay. and But then this has been good where I've been able to add a little bit of humor, not too much that feels like overcompensation for for the work. yeah um And now I've worked out how to transition to the next part, which is basically um I need to upholster a seat. I need to finally weld up everything so it's that's strong. And then I need to um paint it basically.
and And that's gonna be like a real quick segment of the video. Yeah, right. So it's like, so I sort of stand there, I'm like, right, now I need to make a safe je jeep bank got clips yeah it's done right it's like five seconds of clip montage yeah all of a sudden i'm standing there with a finished seat.
ah just overstitch this bit and ah you know like i mean there's not many people want to watch you so ah No, but that, you know, like I did, that's another thing. Like when I went to come see you on Thursday, yeah I, you know, I did my errands and my ah part of my errands was to go find some fabric. Yeah. So I went to this shop called.
self made. Yeah. And it's like a fabric store. And they're just basic old women. And like half hot. ah Like girls are into sewing. You wouldn't call them hot like you water and they're attractive. yeah mode yeah yeah So you you feel like a duck out of water being like a, you know, you've got it male with a beard. just like Yeah, especially my age, right? You know, like, cause like the only other men in that store are usually like trailing their wives with the trolley. Right. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Like they're there to service. What do you think about this, the fabric for the curtains? Yeah. Okay. There's you rocking up by yourself.
But it's so big. There's so many like fabrics and stuff and you're trying to find what you want. And, you know, so I was thinking like, I need to get some fake leather. Right.
a ah this
I'm just thinking, I'm imagining a man just coming in and they'll just be like, listen, I'm after some leather. It's like there's only one, there's one direction most women go with that.
And it's not towards like um an apron. Well, you're gonna laugh about an apron. You're gonna laugh about this. Okay, come on. Give it to me. So I go into the section, I finally find it because it's like there's so many roles everywhere. I finally find the section where I got the fake leather and I go through this and then I was like, there's some, I was like, ah, should I go red to match the skis and stuff? ah No, no, no, that's too much. I'll keep everything black. right So I found that there's a row of like black fake leather.
And, uh, I start picking through it and then all of a sudden I'm like, I pull one out. I'm like, yes. Yes. I need this. I need this. to tell it It was fake snake skin. It was so good. I was like, I have to have this on the seat. There's no going back. All right. There you go. Snake skin seat on your death sled. Yeah.
We should look cool going down the hill.
Hides of blood stains well. yeah I also thought of it like a practical sense as well, because because it's got texture on it, it's not as slippery. So you can kind of like hold yourself a little bit better on the seat. You're just like, and then she's like, why do you want this one? Well, I just feel it it would adhere to my butt a bit better.
a Oh, yep. Gotta love it. So, yeah, you went in there, you got your snake skin. So yeah, couple i say ladies are giving you looks. No, the ladies, are I think they're just, there I think they're very happy to see a young man, like middle-aged man, like walking around, getting excited about fake snakeskin. Because I don't think that happens very often in that stock. I imagine there's a like, they that you're all they talk about for the next week. What did you do? Did that see that? That handsome man they came in with a big beard and he put snakeskin on and he banks my potato.
oh i i did I did have to ask a lady at some point like where something was. It was so funny because she you could tell she was nervous to talk to me. so Yeah, that was a highlight of my week pretty much. Just feeling like a stud in ah in a place of bunch of ugly old women.
Is it moderately affected attractive because of the cheerleader effect? Is that what there was? I don't know. Maybe it's the lighting in there or something. Cool. The other thing that's been going on is, ah you know, I've been looking at like income streams. So yeah I have to be honest, like this project's taking forever, right? yeah yeah We've been talking about this project for probably four weeks. At least. Yeah. So
I realized like, I can't keep this up. this is I need income. like yeah i may The hand truck go-kart video may be doing well, but it's not doing that well. It's covering my costs or paying me a wage or anything close to that. So pretty to pretty much I'm in the red by a mile.
right Like, I'm like, I'm losing all this stuff to build these projects. Yeah. Yeah. I'm losing thousands of cronas a week. Pretty much. yeah Actually, if I think about it, it's thousands of cronas a week in the negative. So it's costing me a lot. I'm pretty much my, my day job salary is going to to support this job. Yeah. Yeah. Which I work a lot more hours on technically.
So I've been looking at like how to, like what, what, what should I do? Like how do I increase revenue? So I need to look at things like merch. So I've been designing a bunch of stuff, um you know, and that's, that's another thing that happened in the video. I was doing a voiceover.
And I said something on my voiceover, uh, something along the lines of like, I'm going to garagify it garage garage, avenge, a fight. I think I said, I was like, and then I immediately said like, I don't know if that's a word, but it is now and it's on a t-shirt. That's what I just said, like randomly in the voiceover. yeah And then I was like, Oh, maybe I should actually make that t-shirt. So i've now made that t-shirt, uh, and it's in my printable account. So when, um,
This should be my yanking with Jane, but it's not my biggest yanking with Jane. So I found out the cheapest way to open a store, from you actually, yeah is to open an Etsy store. yeah Because for those who don't know, when you run your own like online store, if you're not doing volume,
and doing well on that store, it costs a lot. yeah Like I think it costs me nearly 10,000 kronas just to have a a year, just to have a web shop yeah because of the the fees that you play for the like the payment system and the you all that sort of stuff. So it costs a lot of money for someone who's not bringing in 10,000 kronos worth of merch. So what's what's the solution? So I decided that I was going to go into ah and follow what you did with your stuff yeah and do my Etsy store. um So the thing that gave me the shits is
So you have to do this like verification system or you have to like take a picture of your license. Yeah. And yeah, you do like this face turn thing in it. yeah And I was using my laptop and my laptop has the worst camera in the world.
And it wouldn't recognize it. oh So i did I took photos with my ah phone and then posted them, i uploaded them, but I couldn't do the turn thing because it was still so out of focus. So who does so number two work for?
We'll get to that, Karen, we'll get to that. So basically, now I have to wait like a week for them to get like, do it manually. that Like, come on, like, what about I could have this store up and running already. What about this camera using this and talking to me right now? Yeah, I tried to plug it into the laptop. I ran off into the garage and tried to plug it in, but it wouldn't, like, it wouldn't connect it. It wouldn't use that one. Well, this, this computer's, your computer is clearly connected to the internet now. What's stopping you from doing it on there?
Yeah, but I was on my laptop. i i was I started everything there, and to be honest, the only reason why I was on my laptop was because I felt bad for my dog. You were inside. I was inside, yeah, because we'd be in a way the whole day. And you know I was home alone, no kids, no wife, nothing. And I was like, oh, poor, poor girl's been alone in the house the whole day. yeah So I was like, I'll just sit on my laptop and do this, no problem.
But yeah, so that happened. Right. So you can can people find the Etsy store yet? Or is it not verified? No, it's not verified yet. So it's going to take

Future Builds: Drill-Powered Scooter and More

a little bit of time. But but what you should do in the meantime, Joss, is you should get that, like, garage-ified t-shirt printed and just have it on at some point in that video that you... I already ordered samples. OK, OK, so you got it. All right, cool. Sweet. That's awesome.
Yeah, so providing I ordered the right size because I was ordering, I was like, did I order it in Excel or was it as small? So I probably get the small and I'll be like, it's skin tight. Yeah, that would be even funnier though. and I don't know, right?
Anyway, so chat GDP has been ah helping me with these business decisions. Okay, yeah. ah So, you know, I explained to chat GDP, you know, I use it like an assistant, yeah you know, and I've been explaining to it, you know, the situation I'm in and so on. It talked about, you know, doing merch and so on. and The other side I talked about was, um you know, being consistent in my uploads. I was like, well, clearly that's not working. So I decided that, yeah, Chachi TV was right. I need to like make some simpler projects yeah that are going to take less time to build, like within two weeks, sort of three weeks, maybe, so I can be a bit more consistent. yeah
So I went through yesterday a bunch of videos for inspiration and I came up with some different ideas from the videos, but like, yeah. So I was going to run through them a little bit. Oh, come on. Give it to me. And you can tell me what you think. We can do like this. We talked about this before, like this thing where I used to, where I used to quiz you in high school for an exam. Yeah. Yeah. I'll give you the yay or nay. Okay. All right.
Here we go. First one. A drill-powered scooter.
A drill-powered? Yeah. ah Okay. It's been to number four. Okay. I'm a bit like on the fence on that one. Yeah. But I could garage-a-venge-ify it. ye with five girls Yeah. Yeah. With like some crazy planetary gear that drives it. Yeah, right.
Yeah. That's taking less. That's taking way more than two weeks. No. Well, yeah, you're right. Because I always think like, I thought this slide was going to take two weeks. Yeah, right. Anyways. Yeah. yeah ah A two wheel drive bike. Okay. This is a motor front and back. No, like chain driven, like pedal, pedal powered. Okay.
two we have Yeah. So like a new pedal it pedals, you know, the the funnel pedals, the front wheel as well.
man Next. What about if I just get a hoverboard, which we talked about last week. Do you know what a hoverboard is now? Yeah, but ah I just, I'm always disappointed. They shouldn't call it a hoverboard. like I want, I want back to the future hoverboards. Yep.
I thought about like doing like giant wheels on a hoverboard. Okay, huge, huge ones. Yeah, that's fun. Why not? So you can pretty much like big, big, like off road, like monster tires. Yeah. Why not? That's good fun. Except I'm not sure that the it will actually be able to turn the wheels because they'll be too heavy. But I don't know. There'll be fine.
ah what ah like oh Here's an idea, like a drift sleeve, ah like a drift ring, like on my go-kart, right? But on a bike. So you can like drift around corners. That just seems so like an unnecessary trip to the hospital.
I'm just imagining, that's that's like riding on summer tyres in the wintertime here. Just like sliding around, just shaving the skin off your leg. That's true. Yeah, that's true. But maybe good viewing. I don't know. People love to see carnage. Yeah, this is true. What about like some some sort of like go-kart or like bike or something made from like random shit like nuts and bolts or chain or things like that? Yeah, yeah I think though, like, how are you gonna
do this in two weeks. Like I'm imagining just like, what are you going to weld all this chain together to make it a jazzy? Like, yeah, pretty much. Yeah. I was like, Oh man, that's that's not a two week job. All right, could be like readymade components. That's not going to be. Yeah. All right. Next. A lawnmower bike. Oh, that sounds fun.
So like basically you get a push bike yeah and you put the front forks and you mount that to the lawnmower. Right. And you push around the lawnmower with the bike. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It looks fun. I'm not sure I'm willing to give up my lawnmower for this episode. I had an old one that you like, I tried to offer you and you're like, no, I don't want that one. Did it, does it run? It did run. I gave it away on Finn.
Oh, that's the one that bent. Yeah, I hit I hit the rock. Oh, no, I hit the bolt on the friggin lamp out, you know, the street lamp outside. And yeah, it's it. Yeah, but it's still what it worked. Yeah, but like you still chop grass. Yeah, yeah. It just vibrated like hell. I'm sure you could have, you know, taken it apart and, you know, tried to, you know, even out the driveshaft. So, yep.
And what about what about going on like the boats and stuff? I thought about making ah like a boat out of cloud rap, like those canoes and stuff you've maybe seen. Isn't that just like a swimming pool canoe you made? Yeah, kind of. Yeah. But just glad rap, I guess. So you can see, can't not really see through the bottom. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm like,
I imagine that's going to be a very interesting scenario, when is like how easy you could puncture that thing. Well, actually, it's pretty hard. Have you ever tried like, like six layers? That's true. That's true. You get the proper proper glad rap. It's pretty tough stuff. Yeah.
Yeah. but My problem is I want to put an engine on it. so There goes your two week window. yeah well no Next! Next! You're right. You're right. Hold on.
ah I don't really have any good ones after this. Go on, just give it to me anyway. A water rocket powered vehicle of some sort. Water rocket, like those ones that you like just basically pump pressure into a bottle and then it just like propels you along. You have to have some serious pressure. Yeah, I know. That's what scares me. We might as well just like put a fucking potato cannon on the path. One big giant freaking cannon on the back that just shoots the bike across the
and know he need his land carriery And then all you need is some PVC pipe and some and some solvent cement and just, you know, a few barbecue lighters and then bit of aerosol and bam. Actually, that's not a bad idea.
ah ah but you could You could also make like, you know what you could also do? Or you could just like, just get like, you know, buy like 1000 grams worth of sparklers and then just like,
crush that in and form like I've seen all these videos online or you can make like and rocket engines like hand-packed rocket engines you know they see ones they use for like model modern model rockets yeah and then just like get a lot buy some sparklers and other shit like just cram that into some big thick cardboard like you know like three inch cardboard tubes stram those. Rocket powered bike. Rocket powered, just yeah get rid of like the, dickck get the turbine engines off the sled. Just do a rock, a proper rocket one.
You have no control, no brakes, nothing. That's where it'll be fun, right? It's just like, you just, I'm like, I took this one and we just like modified the housing to hold one, one time only yeah to hold like these cardboard tubes full of like rocket fuel.
And I just start that shit and just hold on for dear life.
Well, you know, someone, someone did a like a steam powered like a sled. Okay. It's actually, it actually has the record. Like, is it shoot steam?
No, it's yeah, basically. So they but they got an old boiler, basically. And they just put a fire under it and got it fucking cooked up. yeah And then they literally get it. I'm serious. They literally get an axe.
And then just like, chop the, chop the fucking end off it. And then and the guy holds on for dear life. ah But he like, this is serious stuff. yeah We're talking like 200 kilometers an hour. No, fuck off. Yeah, dude, it's insanity. He's flying so fast, dude. It's insane. Yeah, well, I mean... the dead d l That's just fun. That's a death machine. That's your perfect... That's your perfect thing, Jess. Just get a death machine. Death sleds. We're all out of death sleds right now. You know? boy ah Actually, all you need, right, is you need a boiler. and Basically, you get like a big, like, little, like, closed container.
that you can fill it with water. You put like a freaking burner underneath it, like super, super simple and then get it heated up. You have a pressure gauge on it and everything. Then all you need is it has you weld on two little pipes with taps on them and close the taps, boiled up the pressure and then bang, just open them and then then you go. that's There's your jet powered steam sled.
Or I could make out a sterling engine. What's a sterling engine? Yeah, it uses like a heat convection to move like pistons. Yeah, okay. Well, you know, do what you want to do. But as long as it does, so long as you get turn around watchs yeah well as long as you around in two weeks, that's fine. That's why it's like just pack some explosives into some cardboard tubes and just shoot yourself across the ah That's just that's two weeks in and then two weeks in hospital afterwards. Yeah. So plenty of time to edit the video. Yeah, right. is Sitting there, you know, editing for two weeks. It's fine. Legless.
OK, there we go. All right. any Was there any others on the list? No, that's all I got. I was only saying that I was only working for like half an hour on this. Yeah, I think you should chat dbt your your options too.
Projects that will take less than two weeks, they'll get lots of views. I don't trust chat TDP. No. They've become some bad shit. yeah Can't be any worse than like rocket powered death sled.
Talking about chat TDP doing some bad shit. Right, tell me. no who does number two That was a good segue.
Hey, hey, just grab a hold of something, bite your lip, and give it hell. Come on. We're gonna get through this. Hey, that sounds pretty nasty. How about courtesy flush over there?
Luke, courtesy flush bit is the best bit of that. Okay, the shits, what's giving you the shits this week, just officially? Officially? There's always things giving me the shits, apparently. But officially, uncreative people. oh Tell me. I don't know how many times people have come up to me When I explain to them like, oh, I like like building things or I like making things, right? And they say, oh, so you like Minecraft, I guess.
yeah What? You know, you're building things digitally, I guess. What the fuck is wrong with people? This is the world we've gotten to, where they think being like creative and building things is doing it digitally in a shitty game with square blocks. Are you fucking kidding me? Oh, well, you know, it's free. You don't have any, don't need any tools. Just need a computer. Everyone has a computer. This is how fucked the world's got, where they think that
that People honestly think that that is like a creative, you know, thing. Well, I mean, it is creative, let's be honest. So it is great. You can be really creative. Creativity is a is a very subjective thing. But yeah, the the broad by the broad scope of creativity. Yeah, absolutely. Not not like not really tipping the creativity scales that much.
But the fact that people think that that you just do it digitally, it would like, that's the first thing they come up with, just shows you how fucked the world is. ah And how uncreative they are. People just don't, more and more, I speak to normal people, the more and more I realize, people don't know how to do shit. No, no. Have you seen this? They're all is is too scared to do anything. Have you seen there's this book you can get like the probably a hit in America. And it's like this book on how to recreate society. No, it's just this book. It's called The Book, if you look it up. And I've seen all these ads for it and stuff on on social. And it's basically like a book on all like the basic premise of how to build a house, how to like
How to roast coffee so you can have coffee like. Oh, dude, I have seen this. yeah yeah And all sorts of things like that, like so to help you rebuild society in the event that everything falls apart. You have all the skills explained to you on like how to build a house, how to build a fire, how to, you know, skin an animal and and, you know,
you know, cure meats and pickle stuff and all the rest of that kind of stuff. All those skills that we're losing in modern society because everything is done for us. Yeah. So yeah, there you go. that Maybe they all need that book. That book. I think I love that. So I think it's really, I probably, if I had that book, I'd probably enjoy reading it. Just to be like, well, yeah, I could, well, I could like, you know, make my own kimchi.
ah That kind of stuff. I'm like, I'm one of those guys that like, if I really, really allow myself, I'd be a baking sourdough bread every day. So I would too, to be honest, if I had time to be like, involved in the kitchen all the time and not building dumps. It's probably what I do. Yeah. Make delicious food. There you go. Yep. Well, I'll tell you just what's giving me the shits this week. Please tell

Climate Change Woes: Sledding Dreams Dashed?

me. Warm weather in winter.
oh Who does number matter two work for? No, I mean, okay, we just got a warm spell here. Like, we've had, we've had good minus degrees for a few weeks now. um And we even got down to like minus 12 or something the other day, up here in Commodore. And, a you know, and now this warm spell came through. It's like, what is it? It's like plus eight outside now. Everything's melting, but
turned to fucking ice. So it's just like an ice rink out there. Cars are spinning off the road. Like you had to take the kids to Bonaaga this morning and I had to get like the little spikes and put it to whatever they call them in Norwegian. You know, like these spikes on your shoes to make sure you don't slip and slide all over the place. Otherwise, I just I wouldn't be able to get the kids to Bonaaga. I couldn't get up the hill, you know, and it's not even a hill like it's just like a little like a rise in the in the street.
um But like far I'm like, can you with can we just just decide on what the weather is going to be? Planet Earth? Come on. Hurry up. Stupid global warming. I mean, climate change, whatever you want to call it. Like, um man, it's it's fucked. I hate I hate when it gets icy. It's the worst.
You kind of can't go outside and enjoy yourself. It's just everyone's slipping and sliding. Cars are crashing. You know, I'm like axing myself just walking out the fucking front door. Just for you. I mean, you watch like the the all the people suddenly there'll be like a rise of people walking around with crutches and broken arms and broken fucking legs. That's why. Warm winters. Fucking ice drive me. How do you think I feel?
What do you mean? I'm building a freaking sled that requires snow and ice. yeah right ah Suddenly your your like now four week project is an eight to 10 week project. It is, I think so, actually. It's not good. It's not good at all. I don't imagine you had a if you owned a ski slope, if you're working for a ski slope, fuck that.
Oh man. And the worst thing is too, like I've got, right now I've got two other projects in the chamber that are both winter based that require snow to function. So if this snow doesn't come at some point during the winter, I'm screwed. Climate change! That's what's giving me the shits this week. Climate change.
All right, let's move on. Let's go. What should people go check out? Check it out. and what What's it all about? and They should check out Gangs of London. OK. It's a series. I think it's on Sky. What's that channel? What's that one called? Sky Showtime. Hmm.
um And it's a British series about, obviously, about a gang in in London, this family that kind of runs all this shady operations in modern day London. And it's really good. I really like that. But if you're squeamish, and sorry don't fucking, ah don't don't watch this one with the kids around. Like Lynn couldn't, watch she couldn't sit there and watch it with me. She had to leave.
Like, the guy's like, there's a main character, and I won't ruin it by telling you any more about who the main character is. But he gets into a bunch of fights. And like, I mean, they're really graphic, like, and not in like a cinematic, stupid way.
But like in a weird, realistic way, like, you know, like he, this guy gets, he throws this guy against like a pylon and you're just like, I know it's must be graphically edited or whatever, how do they do it? But like the guy, you just see the guy's back just like breaking, like in half, like his legs is breaking as he hits this, this gets thrown across. Like what would really happen if you throw someone across a room into a metal pile on, you know, like that's awesome. And then it sounds like a Quentin Tarantino. It's kind of like in that wheelhouse and like, you know, the, you know, like, like this, he gets into this bar fight and he's like, it's pretty buck funny. I guess it's like, there's like this, it starts off with the death of this, the did the main dad in the family. Yeah. And there's a funeral and then all the, these different fractions of different gangs that are involved altogether in this kind of whole thing.
come together and there's a bunch of finger pointing on who's actually ah killed this ah this figurehead in the organization. And he gets in there and he gets into a bar fight and he grabs a dart, just like a a regular dart like in the pub.
And he's just like fucking annihilating people with this dart like in their necks and shit. There's blood fucking flying everywhere. And then they're like, and then they he he gets a meeting in front of like the head boss of the of the organization. He's like this lowly pleb in the in the in this whole organization. And they're like, how did you get out of like this thing alive? He's like, I had a dart.
It's just like fucking just annihilating like 30 people with a fucking dart, chasing them down the streets and just like, what, what era is this? It's modern day. Oh, really? Yeah, it's set in modern day. Interesting. Yeah, that's interesting. Okay, so I thought it was thinking like pinky blindness. No, it's set in modern day. So it's and it's brutal as fuck. Oh, man. So if you squeamish, don't just be prepared. But like, I was, it's been good so far. It's got some nice twists and turns in it so far. So I'm looking forward to keep on watching it. So there you go. There's my recommendation. Gangs of London on Showtime.
Yeah. Mine's like the opposite of that. Okay.

Emotional Cinema: 'Snow Sister' Review

it's like Um, so There was a recommendation made by a another podcaster that we will not talk about. He may be lacking hair. ah yeah well like and he and i mean law You mean the Welsh one?
ah so Sorry, sorry, Steve. I mean, not Steve. Yeah, sorry, bald guy. yeah but ah Yeah, so he recommended this Norwegian ah Christmas show. Oh, okay. And he's like... He recommended it. Yeah, he was like, oh, it's so good. yeah i Apparently he's into Christmas, the movies, apparently. Oh, okay. Him and his wife got some fetish or something. Kinky stuff. Don't call it a solar panel for a sex machine for no reason, Jess. The bald head I'm referring to.
Yeah, so he he recommended a Norwegian movie called Snow Sister. Snow Sister? Yeah. Okay. And he was like, oh, it's ah it's a great film. It's very family friendly. The acting is great. And I cried at the end. It was like, it was really emotional. I was like, you fuck.
I thought about you crying at a kids movie. You're a 60 year old man. Like, come on. And there's you like five minutes later. boom Right. So I decided I was going to watch this with my kids. Right. And so I sat down and I watched it and I'm thinking like, come on. Like how, how, why is this so emotional?
And by about like three quarters of an hour into it, I was fucking pulling my eyes out. yeah At the ending, I was was like crying, and my my daughter, Emma, was like, what's wrong? When you have kids, you'll understand.
But like I even get ah the worst thing is like I never used to be like this. until I had kids. um Now, now I'll watch a movie like even home alone. Oh really? And the end scene when the mum comes home and the, you know, and to Kevin and like, I'm like, I don't cry, but I'm like, I'm like catching myself all the time. I love because i'm I'm doing exactly the same thing.
So unfortunately Snow Sister ah caught me. yeah yeah was It was a good, it was actually a really lovely movie. ah So I highly recommend it. I think it's also really good for kids to watch together with you because it's talking about death actually. And ah you know, it's it's good for them to sort of have some small exposure to that, in ah you know, in a soft way. yeah So that was my recommendation. Snow sister, it's on Netflix as well. So you can watch it on Netflix no rest and you can do it in horribly dubbed, uh, English, or you can watch the original in, uh, in Norwegian. Cool. Awesome. There we go. Yeah. So that's it. That's us for this week.
I got 3D prints going on. good ah What do you think? i printing um I made these tiny little brackets to basically screw the seat down. okay So I figured like I can just 3D model stuff now and print it. I don't have to yeah fabricate anything from scratch and I can just design it.
print one, check it fits and works, yep and then print 100 of them and then should be good. so Sweet. That's exactly what's going on except I'm printing 12, not 100. Well, I look forward to seeing it finished along with the jet-powered, death-sled, steam-powered, bicycle, lawnmower, bike or anything of the likes. So, I mean, ah maybe the people, if any of those resonated with you,
if you're the one of the three people that listen to this podcast or seven, I don't know how many it is these days. um Thank you first of all for listening. But then second of all, send a message to just on tell him which which project you think he should do next. And also go make sure you take contact with Kieran to get free beer. He can do that too. That would be great. And also you can go get the Nordic Triple.
and Yeah, I suggest you do that. Yeah, that's really good. Promptfully. Well, I mean, like, yeah, like... Well, at least those listeners in Norway, because... Yeah, that's true. Obviously, it's not available anywhere else. But I'm working on that. Cool, man. All right. Thanks for listening, guys. Cheers, everyone. Auf Wiedersehen. Au revoir. Ciao. Sayonara. Yeah, you got it now, Karen.