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Week 12 - Back on Norwegian soil image

Week 12 - Back on Norwegian soil

E12 · Garage Avenger Podcast
47 Plays3 months ago

This week we did stuff all in our garages . What we did do, is eat and drink a lot in Australia. 


Podcast Introduction

This is the Garage Avenger podcast. We're back. We're back. Where's this episode? 12? 12. Yeah, we're 12. Yeah. Hey, welcome everyone to the Garage Avenger podcast. I'm Kieran. I'm trying to turn my garage brewed beers into world renowned brewery.
And I'm Justin trying to share the joy of building my fun machines in my garage with the hope of one day kind of hopefully making a living out of it. We're twin brothers with a passion for creating the world and unexpected taking you on a ride through the everyday of our life in our garages.

Return to Norway

Let's dive in. but That's a very robotic, Kieran. Sorry, I was reading the script. I didn't want to fuck up. So I was like, you could have just said something. I'm jet lagged. I don't. Yes. Well, there we go. We are back on Norwegian soil. And it feels good. It does actually.

Australian Trip and Family Ceremony

It feels really good to be home. Other than the obvious things like
my bed that doesn't give me problems with my back.
And, uh, yeah, all the, all the regular good stuff about being home, the wife and the family and all the rest. What's that? Yeah. ah What has been happening otherwise? like i mean we should Since since we rewin australia yeah let's we were we were in Australia, Australia. We did a recording on Sunday, I think it was. yep So a lot of stuff went down. It went down.
Yeah. A lot of stuff happened when in the week we were there. You know, i we just flew back yesterday. So we're doing recording on Tuesday today just because maybe it would have been pretty, actually it would have been a really crap podcast. I was like destroyed. So, yeah. Not me. I was on i was like, fucking getting into it. I started working straight from the bat. I was like on the computer sending emails. Buy my beer bitches. I was freaking pumped.
Must have been a coffee, like and three cups of coffee. I it was like, finally, my coffee machine. Oh, I missed that. I have to say, though, coffees were way better in Australia. Yeah. Like from the cafe. Yeah. like Because at least maybe not so much in taste and effect, but like the way they present their latte art. Come on. I know, right. d was I got the one with a double.
Double fucking, what do you call, I don't even, with like like a double heart on it. I was like, how do they even do that? with Black magic. They saw we were twins and like, yeah. Yeah. They had the hots for you. Clearly. No, honestly, ah it makes you feel like you're drinking a real special bit of coffee. Like unlike when we got to Norway, we stopped into a actually a nice cafe. yeah And then there was no latte art at all. I'm pretty sure it was just an automatic machine almost.
Really? Yeah. Oh, shocking. Yeah. and Place looks fancy. It costs me like 200 grounds for coffee and the bloody scone. So it's just like, yeah. That's genuinely an Australian price. Yeah, exactly right. Far out. Yeah, so we do that yeah where so we're back. Well, like, let's recap the the week that's been. um Do you want to start, bro?
Yeah, so yeah, sure. um For those who didn't sort of pick up, we were we were in Australia to spread mum's ashes and to place mum's ashes in her final resting place, which is where she grew up, in Margaret River, ah which is like we discussed last week, is a well-known wine region in Australia, well-renowned, one would say, nearly. Actually, yes. Winning awards and all that jazz.
Yeah. ah Too bad we're not into wine.
They're not winning any awards for beer. No, this is true. Yeah. Hmm. But yeah, ah so we were there.

Garage Projects and Innovations

The family came together, the four brothers, and then we had some other extended families, our cousin and my aunt and uncle. Unfortunately, my other aunt and uncle couldn't um come along because ah They were on a cruise. They were on a cruise and they couldn't get off the boat. Yeah. they were they Well, that was the whole reason we were there at that particular date and time was to try and made meet with them. They got off the, they were supposed to come in on the boat and come in on like a little shuttle into, into Bumbry was it? And yeah. Bustleton. Bustleton, sorry. Yeah. Apparently it was a bit too rough. I guess all the old bogeys on the,
on the on the boat couldn't take a bit of a bit of a jostling on the way in. So they decided to pull a pin on it. Yeah, what I mean, where's the sense of adventure? Yeah, I mean, nothing says an adventure like a fractured pelvis. so i Yeah, but yeah, it was a shame they couldn't make it. But it was a nice it was a really nice um little ceremony. You know, I remember, you know, we we scattered mum's ashes at the the mouth of the Margaret River where it joins the sea. And that was really special. Yeah, it was really, it was a nice time with family. Yeah, and we also had a dinner and the food was fricking amazing. Oh, it was so good. So shout out to Rustico. Was it sheeps? No, what was it?
Hey shed. Hey shed Hill or something. Yeah. Hey shed Hill in the Margaret River. Holy smokes. That was some delicious food. so in all um Well done. Well done kitchen. Bravo. Bravo. rusty yeah Yeah. And a really nice time with the family. When we were chatting around food, it was beautiful. It's nice.
Uh, but none of you guys really care about that. They in the for us they care about, uh, what's been going on in the garage and what's been going on in the garage. Absolutely nothing fuck that's right well didn help that we were like, was it 13,000 kilometers away from away from it from the guy, AI robots to like do my work while some away. Do you?
Well, maybe I should just employ people. It gives someone a little wage Justin. Well, if I had money, I'd do so. Yeah. But you know, I keep on spending all my money on stupid projects.
ah Yeah. So what has been going on realistically in the garage? Well, Not very much, obviously, because we've been away. I only got back yesterday. I had to go straight to my day job, ah which is which is a youth center, and do a six-hour shift there. um I may or may not have fallen asleep somewhere, allegedly.
But yeah, ah this morning I got up at 3.16. Oh, you beat me. would I think I think i ah actually probably I was awake at like 3.30 ish. And then yeah, I didn't actually get up to four though.
Yeah. Well, you beat me there. I woke up. I did manage to get back to sleep. Oh, no. I was like, I was freaking pumped from the day before. I was like, get up, send some emails, sell some beer. And I was like, yeah. So I was all on that at 4 a.m. this morning. But I did get up early this morning, did my exercise and then got straight into the shed. The shed?
Yeah, so I have a shed, a storage shed next to my garage and it's filled with crap. And I had to drag. Yeah. and This is where all the like spare parts and things and like half. on the she Yeah. Yeah. It's like a throw things in there kind of shed, but it's a good shed because it means when it snows, you don't have to dig it out of the snow to get something. So it's not like just just throw it in the backyard and it just starts rusting.
Well, I mean, things are rusting in there, let's be honest, because they were probably rusting before they went in. ah yeah ah So I spend this morning breaking my back.
ah Moving a bunch of shit, a cross-cart with a Yamaha R6 engine that is yeah not in use at the moment and may never be in use depending on what happens in the future. And then I moved a bunch of like old lawn mowers I was being given. Who's giving you lawn mowers?
Oh, Frederick, what a legend. just like He's like, here, I've got this trash that's filling up my yard. Here, you can have it. I'm going to proviso that it's got a it's it's got like a piston that works in it. And he was like, me oh, okay, I'll take it. Yeah, yeah ah some stupid project will probably come of it at some point.
But yeah, ah then ah moved a bunch of like bike engines and other things. And then finally got to the back where this ATV was sitting and I've got this old like rusted, like I think it's probably a one to five engine or something like that. Just to still have the motor on it.
Yeah, but it's completely destroyed. like yeah it's There's no way you're going to get that up and running. It's it's no good. It's done. It's cooked. So I dragged that thing out. I'm so tired. I still like smashed it into everything on the way into the garage. so smashed it into Kristen's car on the way. I was like, ah, no. no you know Luckily, no damage, of course. And then um smashed it into the sofa beer fridge, which is still sitting in my garage because obviously we came back from Scalpel Festival and then I never really got time to move it elsewhere.
Yeah. So I smashed it into that that, ripped off the sticker on the drawer, luckily no other damage. So that was good. to And then literally broke my back, lifting it onto the bench alone. You're going to have to explain like, what, what are you using this thing for?
OK, so here's the idea. There is a hill in Oslo in in pretty much like in the center of town. exist for little yeah it's It's a little bit out of town, but it's like home within. Yeah, it's within 10 minutes from. Yeah. from Yeah. Give or take. Yep. yep Yeah.
So they're on that hill is a a sled track. That sled track is two and a half kilometers long. Yeah. And has like bends and turns and stuff in it. Is it like a poor man's toboggan, like um down toboggan? What is it called?
Oh, you know, like Bobsled is like a poor man's Bobsled track. I wouldn't say so. There are some banked turns, yeah but you really wouldn't use them. Well, most people wouldn't use them. to use them yeah So yeah, I've got that going

Brewing Adventures and Market Strategies

on. ah So the idea is to turn this rusted piece of shit ATV into a potentially record breaking sled. Potentially. Yeah. So the idea is to go up this hill and try and break break the record down it. Now, I don't know what the record is for this hill yet. I'm going to have to find out. I guess you're going to be setting one. Yeah. Or I'm setting one, right? Yeah. 100%. Yeah. I'm sure it's on Strava or something like that.
Oh, that's a good point. Yeah. I think I'm going to ring because there's a there's like a sled to hire place. So the i the great thing about this, I'm pretty sure we talked about this last week. Yeah, we did it. Actually. um But yeah, you could catch the train up and then down and then train up again. So you can go on this endless loop and you can hire these sleds. And um what I did is that I will probably just ask the sled hire place, is there a record on this hill or what? And then see if they go for there. And maybe there is something on Strava, who knows? yeah But um either way, I'll have to break the record yeah down the hill. How are you planning to break this record? Like what's going to be special about this sled that's going to make it so fast? Well, okay. So there's another thing about this track is it's bumpy. Right.
So a lot of people would go down there and lose control. Yeah. So using ATV, I've got dampers, right? Like a suspension. Yeah. Yeah. So the idea is two short skis at the front, a snowboard at the back, a short kid snowboard at the back. Yeah. um But but I have spoken this through with Nima Shahinian.
ah I tomorrow I will be traveling to Oslo with the said ATV frame and we are going to redesign it basically. So that's really cool to work with Nima. It's something I've been looking forward to doing for years since I interviewed him. That's awesome. um So we're going to sit down. ah but have a look at this frame, look where we can cut it, modify it. He wants to bring me a lot lower center of gravity so we can go around corners quicker. So, and you know, for anyone who doesn't know who Niemar is, he's like a freaking amazing designer. He's got like a world record holding sled that goes, well technically hasn't been, um,
The record hasn't been set yet, but potentially record is going to be destroyed by his sled. He's been in the Toyota wind tunnels testing and all sorts of stuff. So this is a serious bit of kit. It's cost many millions actually to build and he wants to help me on my sled. That's awesome. It's so good. So I'm so happy about it. So oh probably he'll pull the pin. I'll like send him a text. Well, can I get your address for your and he's like, oh, sorry, dude. Can't can't do it today. and So I'll have to come up with my own design. But if I need to check. No, no pessimistic. he'll He'll come through the goods.
Yeah, I hope so. I think he's he's such a cool dude and i' really looking forward to working with him if if I get the chance. so That's awesome. Yeah, that's kind of the the the sad bit about this is that the World Rally Car project has just been thrown aside because unfortunately the World Rally Car doesn't require snow and this sled requires snow. So although it hasn't snowed here yet,
It's about to. Yeah, it's pretty cool out there. Yeah. And I feel like this project is easily going to take a month to build. So I need to be on this so I can snow everywhere.
Yeah. Get out there on that hill with fresh snow, because also this, uh, this hill in Holden Colm, it's, uh, every, every like the longer, the more times it's used, the more bumpier it gets. So if I do this early in the season, I've got more of a chance to break the record. a Cool.
Hmm. So that is like, how how do you like, a does it patter out at the bottom or does it like, do you have to break? Like, what's the, honestly, I don't know. I'm just imagining you flying down this thing at like 70 clicks and just be like, ah can just like you know,
Justin was a good man, a good father. I'm going to have to give this, I don't want to have to give you a fucking eulogy. Jesus. 70 clicks. It makes me laugh because Nima said to me, the design he had with using a similar type of setup with the three skis, obviously a little bit bigger than what I'm planning.
But yeah, their top speed was way beyond 70. Well, double it, man. Double it. Yeah. Well, even more reason. Breaks. Well, I'm thinking parachute might be like a good thing to have.
Oh, what are you going to get? Like, uh, one of these like, um, drag race to parachutes and just pops that. no and I have to do a garage Avengers style. It's going to be placky bags. Just like 20, 20 like Kiwi bags just popping out the back. I say placky and it made me laugh right now because that's a, that's an Australian way of saying plastic bag and That podcast that we won't talk about, there's a certain Swede that is disillusioned with our Australian accents. Oh, really? he Yeah, he hates listening to it, apparently. Heights? Well, he believes that Steve's northern accent is much better than our Australian accents. What are you talking about, mate?
ah Well, you know, that Swedish guy can go jump in a lake. A cold one that he's a allergic to because he's a big wussbag.
um Well, yeah, so that's cool. that's I think that's so rad that you're going to go and get this ah yeah this sled designed with With Nima, was it? Sorry. Yeah, nema yeah Nima. Nima Shannon. Anyone look at him up. I've got a podcast on my YouTube channel with him. Such a cool dude. An always only astronaut, yeah? Yeah. like That's how cool he is. He's a frickin' astronaut. Yeah, so crazy. um And the only other thing that is sort of happening now is the um that put out a new video as well.
and How's

YouTube Strategies for Garage Projects

that going? Good. Yeah, really happy with it. um Been out for four days. yeah It's nearly 12,000 views. And for me, that's really good. And I've been, you know, going through this whole process of like, you know, my lost identity of YouTube. Who am I?
Yeah, exactly. um And, you know, in the last, well, so ever since I put my first project videos out, it's kind of proven to me I'm on the right direction. Yeah, cool. Yeah, so I think... um The hand truck go-kart now is something like 70, 72, 73,000 views on that thing. Sweet. Which is the best rated video I've ever done. Yeah. And like that outdid the palette go-kart. I think the, yeah, just, I mean, the hand truck go-kart looks boss ass. So when you see that thumbnail, of course you want to click on it. So that's, I mean, there's all of, all the factors are coming together there, you know?
So I love it. I think it's cool. And I think the mini monster bike, what are you calling it? Yeah, I call it a mini monster bike. yeah but yeah people just calling it Some people are calling it a pocket bike or just a mini bike or whatever. But yeah, yeah I think the thumbnail also well worked well for that. like i So for those who are not really involved in YouTube, you can you can do like a test. So you can create three different thumbnails.
And what it does is it puts them in front of people and then it sees which one people want to click on the most. yeah yeah And then after a certain period of time, which I can't remember how long it is, the video then reverts to the the thumbnail that did the best. Yeah, cool.
So you get the highest click through rate, basically. So I have a feeling the best rated thumbnail on that, actually I haven't checked yet, is the one where it's like a pink, the thumbnail is divided by a pink side. Yeah. It says for babies and it's got the bike and then a picture of the actual bike with the electric motors on it and says for men. I think that's the one that's doing well. Yeah, I would imagine. And hitting the market.
I imagine so I would click on that I'll be like what is this? e But we've talked about thumbnail and creation and it's before on this show and it's just as you just don't know what's going to hit sometimes.

Reflections on Family and Travel

No I know it's right. so I mean, I've even just, I've been already preparing for, uh, the thumbnail for this project now with the sled. You know, what am I, what's the video called? Yeah. And how do I package this right? How do I keep the same type of audience that wants to watch the, the go-kart and the mini bike build to be interested in what I'm doing here? but baking Breaking death sled.
No, I actually don't think that's the edit at all. Um, I, I believe it's about, so in both projects, I turned something you don't normally see into something else. Yeah. Right. Right. So.
the hand truck into a go-kart, a kid's little bike into like this powerful mini bike, you know? ah This, I'm turning a rusted falling apart ATV into a super fast sled. So I feel like that's what I have to represent in the thumbnail. Yeah, you're going to take like a picture of the shitty, rusty ATV falling apart.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I have it on my workbench now. And when I finish this podcast, I'll go down, take photos of it, like hundreds of photos. I've got the right angle. And then, you know. Yeah, baby. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're a tiger. Exactly. You're a tiger.
Sorry for the Austin Powers reference there. Yeah, I'll get the the thumbnail shot for that. At least get some footage for the thumbnail already. Yeah. And I think that's key with creating content, unfortunately, is maybe we'd love to be able like just be creatively free to do whatever the hell we want. But we have to really think about what's going to hit your core audience and making sure you can talk to them with regards to that. I mean, I did that in between video with the like the testing of the go kart and it didn't do well. No.
It flopped. So people want to see the build process and then they want to see it driven at the same time. yeah So that's a wait that's what i am going that's what I'm plan for in this video is making sure I document the the building of it and then document the the driving of the thing and the testing of it. Full package. Yeah. m Awesome. um That's all I got. Yeah. Pretty much. Sweet. Pretty happy with the videos so far and um let's keep that momentum going. Yeah. Nice. What about you kids? Well, I've been inspired by my trip because garage is sitting very still at the moment.
Um, and you know, it's something I noticed before of inspire, I've seen around in Australia last time we were there. And even before then, a couple of years ago, um, when I went with my family, like the rise of the XPA, um, in Australia. So the extra pale ale in Australia, that is a style that doesn't exist here in Norway.
ah It doesn't exist in Europe really. I've heard whispers of the style being picked up in the U.S. ah by some breweries as well. And so I've just been, I mean, we smashed it, um you and me, we sat there and had one of the Boulter XPA and sat there with a meal and smashed that, went down a treat, you know? So I've just been inspired by that. I think I'm gonna do a couple of test brews and take a crack at the XPA and that might be one of the next beers to market.
after some of the other things I got planned. So that's fun. So I got to get in, test some things and make sure I nail that recipe on that one. You know, high drinkability.
Nice, like subtle, like not subtle subtle, but like pleasant hoppy backbone on it without being like an IPA and overly bitter or overly too hoppy. um Just like something in the sun, Easter time, wherever, just smash, smash, smash, like just begs and another sip kind of thing. That's what I'm going for. So I think, and the XPA, it's called an XPA because It's extra pale, so basically it's just light colored malts. Typical pale ale from the traditional English way has some darker caramel malts and things like that to try and give it some residual sweetness. But this is going to be dry and crisp and really light colored. So I think i'm looking I'm looking forward to seeing how it's going to turn out. um Yeah, I really liked it.
Like it's, you know, you, when you drink a pale ale, it's like, it's very drinkable, a pale ale. Yeah. General pale ale. Yeah. Like it's not, it's like, but I feel like you couldn't drink pale ales all day. No, right. But the XBA you can. Yeah. That's what I was, it's got these nuanced flavors of the pale ale, but it's not so strong and it just super smashable. Um,
I really enjoyed it. Yeah. I thought it was a great, great play on it. And you're not making a pilsner, right? I know. No, it's like a hot, we like, to be honest, it's probably a bit like the hoppy lager that I fucked up. ah Just done with ale yeast instead of lager yeast and just a little bit pulled back on the, um on the hops and a little bit on the dry hopping as well. It's not hugely dry hopped.
So it's going to be cheaper to produce, which is good. Good for me. um And, you know, just hopefully just be a real winner. So that's the plan. Testing of that. Obviously, I'm going to have to source ingredients and things like that. um I've got most of what I need here. But as soon as I'm probably going to try and hit the brewery up.
next week, I think, and smash out one or two tests and get them in the tanks. That'd be good. So yeah, that's um fun. I've got to think a little bit about the hop combinations on these ones and get the right kind of balance of things. And yeah, but on the other news, ah Cryo Jesus,
ah is out. Well, it went first. First kegs went to to the Michaela bar, Henry and Sally's in Oslo. And it looks like people are enjoying it um so far. So that's really awesome. And then we are. And yeah, then then it's hit some of the wine monopoly stores now. So you can get it in Oslo.
ah and you can get it in the Akabriga Oslo and you can get it at Asuka and now in the Drummond Stromso store as well. And there'll be more to come in the future too because I've seen the numbers of stock that these stores have and that's not what's gone out of my warehouse. So there's definitely more stores coming. And if you they don't have it at your local one, if you're interested, ah if you live in Norway and you want this beer at the one monopoly, like ask if they can order it in. Not every store can, and there's some restrictions on that I found out now, but to ask them anyway, see if they can order it in, if they don't have it, and they'll be really exciting to see how people get into that because I think it's great. um You know, I posted a story today
with like the Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus song as a background song. I thought that was fun. So yeah, your own Personal Jesus in a can. So that's really cool. So I mean, I'm excited to see where that goes. ah Cosmic Christ on cans sold out.
Oh, gone. See you later, buddy. Congratulations. Yeah. So that's awesome. ah Still got a few cakes left. um So I'm hoping we'll move those soon. ah But the rest is gone. See you later, buddy. So now I've got to figure out what the next movie is. If I'm going to re-brew or I'm going to try something else or figure that out.
Um, but also going to figure out to where I'm going to get it produced because there's been some issues with production that I haven't been happy with. And, and I think there'll be, there's, I'm going to be look on the lookout for a ah better production location, uh, to get these beers done so I can actually really be happy with them. So, um, so that's, that's, I'm on the hunt for that. So that's what I'm doing this week. I'm hunting for, for.
a contract brewery to produce my beer. So that's um mostly on my list of stuff to do this week. Well, you'd be happy to know, Kieran, that I ah got off the train. Yeah. And drove straight over to Vino Manapola and ordered some beers. Yeah. Nice.
Yeah. So there should be some down here in Westfield soon. Sweet. They gave me a date of the 25th. So it takes a while to move it here. But yeah, yeah, it's got to go from my warehouse to their central distribution and then out to the store. So it takes a bit of time. So I'm hoping that things will start to move. And yeah, I've got about 20, 30 cases left.
now of the cry of Jesus. So hopefully it'll all be gone soon. And then I'll be another. See you later buddy. I just want to, Karen said it, but I think you guys, if you guys could go to Vinodapola and order, it would mean the absolute world to him, I'm sure. about like Absolutely. But just the fact of just letting these establishments know that there's something that is interesting and different and it's coming from Norway, it's being made here and, you know,
And people are backing it, you know, and and then maybe when Kieran comes out with the next product, he doesn't even need you guys to go out and do it. They'll order it in automatically. Yeah. You know, I think that's that's if you guys could go out there and do that, that would be great. Yeah. Raise the Eucharist brewing profile by annoying the crap out of staff at the one. Well, the lady I ordered, she's like,
I said, I'm looking, she came around, she asked me like, how can I help you? And I said, yeah, look, I'm looking after a specific beer. And it's called cryo Jesus. And she's like, Oh, well, i'll go on the system and look it up. You know, and she got on there, looked it up. And she's like, cryo Jesus.
but ah lets best self see now But I think that's what's great about it is because it's a memorable name. yeah right How do you, remember like you cryo Jesus, it's a pretty, pretty good name, even just on paper. Like you, because the other thing was they don't have a picture of your beer on there. Cause I've got to, I've got to supply it and it's going to be done by the right photographer and and that takes a bit of time. But, uh, yeah.
That's it. It's just like a blank thumbnail on the website. When I, when it goes, when eventually I think I'm going to move it into bestillingsudvog, which is when you can, you as a personal person can just go online and onto to the, one of the website and just order it one can or 10 or however many you want directly. um Then I can, you know, and then we'll obviously have to have the thumbnail, I think. So,
looking forward to, to getting that done. So when, when are you going to get some cans, you know, start selling them in Sweden? Well, neighbor and neighboring countries too. Yeah. Well, one, well, actually the biggest issue with Sweden is, is that who have, I have to have a distributor in Sweden. So I can't just sell it into the system. bloger It needs to be run through a Swedish company. So a Swedish importer needs to,
uh, buy the product from me and then sell it into the system blogger. So, because I was, I was going to say, cause I know a guy with a, with a big garage and a big like shed. Well, like to be my warehouse. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He'll probably drink it all. hey Yeah. He bloody would. I'll tell you. I'm quitting drinking after I finish all this beer in the shed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So yeah, I'm excited, the cryojeezers. And then they're also tapping the triple up in Lufoten this week. Awesome. Yeah. Can't wait for that. Although I just don't know their heads up to Lufoten's. Like super lovely. It's been so smooth dealing with those guys. Like so smooth. The the other brewer I've been working with who will remain anonymous in this scenario not so smooth. And um it's just so nice to work with people who are professional and friendly and just really want to produce this beer for me. So ah really cool. So the labels, I see I've got pictures of the the bottles with label on and they look super and they look so nice. ah So that's going to be good. That's going to the one monopoly as well.
and So that's only going to be available to one lovely and a few selected bars and restaurants who want to buy it in. ah But the price point on this is going to be high and because it's such a special product. and yeah's So it's a good gift people. Yeah, absolutely. then And I think that's where.
It's going to have its strength. It's going to be a ah fantastic gift beer. So yeah you go you got a dad or a brother or someone that, you know, and is a keen beer person. It's 9% will knock their socks off. So yeah. um So I'll keep you guys updated on that. So and enough of all that jazz.
What's blowing your mind this week, Justin? Oh, how what has been blowing my mind? Well, to be honest, um it sounds a bit sappy, but how much I missed Kristen. and Yeah, well, who shouldn't be sappy, but yeah.
I like, you know, I got 10 days to basically run and rife with you in Australia and do what the fuck we want over there. It was you know like pop party audience stairs and
Far out. When we went to that cafe which kevin on the last day for breakfast, those girls that look like strippers. They probably were, to be honest. yeah is its that true ah Yeah, so i missed I missed them a lot, like more than I was sort of anticipating.
um yeah and just i My mind's blown how much I love my wife. It seems like a stupid thing to say, but it's, he really does mean a lot to me. and Like we spent yeah the afternoon yesterday when I got back just sitting together, just, you know, spending some quality time together. Yeah. yeah
I may have fell asleep on her, but I was still touching

Final Travel Recommendations

her. So, you know, it counts. okay So now I think that is where mine has been blown this week. It's just the fact that, you know, I could have been happy to be free and wild and do whatever the hell I wanted in Australia, but I really did miss Kristen. She really is the, the ying to my yang, you know? Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. I also missed my wife, but I didn't. Not as much. I i won't say that. That's me. That's me. I miss the kids. And yeah, it's really nice to be home. So yeah, it was nice bringing back all of these gifts. I pretty much took a whole like a complete different suitcase full of just gifts only too. And Kristen was impressed how I did and the kids went bananas. Oh, no doubt.
Yeah, they loved it. Yeah. They're like, but now I set this expectation and when I go away, I'm going to come back with that. Yeah, it's dangerous. kid Yeah, you just won't have to travel with them. Then there's no expectation.
yeah And what's your, what's blowing your mind this week? Well, blow in my mind, we, we just sat for 19, 20 hours on a 50 ton metal brick with wings that flew through the fucking air and traveled 13,000 kilometers in the space of 20 hours. Yeah, less than a day. Yeah. Like mind blown. Like I think I can. I mean, flight is so normal these days. We don't really think about it, but far out. It is crazy. The engineering feat of
taking a building a plane and then making it fly at those speeds and then keeping, you know, 300 people safe in the air, like, and then bringing it back down. And like that happens countless times daily around the world. You know, it's crazy like to like, you know, flying a plane is safer than driving.
exactly Yeah, That's where it has to be the Matrix, bro. yeah like They cram it in there and then, you know, it they just it's screens on the outside. It's a true intro style. They're just changing the set for us, bro. And they're just like, oh, suddenly I get sleepy. And then they're just like, quick, he's falling asleep.
He was pretty amount so pretty awesome like I just I just love I do like flying I don't also like watching just have an excuse to watch movies for like 20 hours straight ah Yeah. So I mean, we're two small kids. I never get that kind of time. So it's nice. It's nice to be able to just sit there and have no one harping on you. Just watch movies for 20 hours. Except they they didn't have a really good selection of movies. Let's be honest. Well, that's true. But I did rewatch some stuff like I watched the Mad Max, like new the new remake Mad Max as I watched both of them because the ones are prequel and the other ones like the
Yeah. So I was just like, oh, so I watched the other one. Yeah. It's like that was entertaining. And I watched a bunch of other really good movies, actually. Like there was some good ones on there. So I enjoyed quite a few of them. So there we go. It wasn't all lost. So we're spoils with Netflix these days. And we are, though. Yeah, I think that's why they can't afford it. No, right. If they just had all the streaming services on there, no problem.
if I did look around though, I was just like, we are just cattle. Oh, I mean, the way that the airports are set up, cattle the way the airports are set up, like, it's literally like, I'm like, ah just wait until the aliens land and then they all hurt us in like fucking cattle, you know. ah It's just a setup, setup for the alien invasion, Justin.
that sounds That sounds like something I need to ask you about. What? What's probe in your ass? Is that the new new title for yanking my chain?
ah What's probe in your ass currently? Well, you know what? How expensive Perth was. Jesus Christ. Oh, man.
Perth was so expensive. Yeah, it did. Yeah, it's insane. It's Norwegian prices with half the income. Like, Ian, I don't know how people survive. Far out. Like, and when the cost of groceries, like, so high, you know, cost, like, what do I, I tried to buy some cereal. I bought, like, a box of cereal and some milk and some yogurt to to like try and do it a bit cheaper. I ended up spending nearly 20 bucks.
On like a box of cereal to milk and a yogurt. And I was like, this is outrageous. It wasn't even like the naughty cereal either. No. Oh, I could have gotten like Nutri-Grain or Cocoa Pops or something like that, you know, in a frosty place. They're still so hot. It's so insane. But yes, it was like crazy expensive.
And that was just, ah it just yanked my chain. Everything was so expensive. So we ate out a lot because it actually weirdly made sense to eat out rather than just a cook by ourselves.
It's just, you know, you didn't want to have to clean up either. Let's be honest. Like, I mean, we're lazy. It's our holiday. Well, it wasn't quite a holiday, but no. But there's a, you know, when you when you're staying in like a hotel, it's very small kitchen, kitchenette thing. And then, you know, it just ah it doesn't make sense to to cook very often. So, yeah, I mean, we spent, I spent way too much money.
I have to say, it just cost way too much just to just to be there. But, you know, go buy his bear. Yeah. So please go buy my bear. But, you know, it's it was worth it. I mean, I'm really glad i we went. I am. So but I just just now need to know that next time we go, the exchange rate would be better. Like I'll plan it around the exchange rate if we go back.
Yeah, I agree. It was uncomfortably expensive. yeah so But the breakfast was so delicious. Morning breakfast. morning like then they said they At one place they did eggs benedict, which is for those who don't know is like ah poached eggs with like hollandaise sauce with a beef brisket underneath. Oh, it was so good.
ah Like was it eggs, Benny and brisket? Is that what it's like called? yeah Oh, it's so good. Oh, breakfasts. Cafe breakfasts. That's my recommendation for this this week. Cafe breakfasts. Get on it, Norway. um It just doesn't exist here. Makes me really sad. I mean, it would be astronomically expensive to do it here, but it is just really nice. Yeah, I agree.
Ah, so in a Sunday morning, cafe breakfast. Just a smashed avo on and a nice cappuccino. Oh, floats my boat. Love it. Yep. Or eggs, Benny and brisket.
and So good. So yeah, what's ah what's yanking your chain this week though, Joss? Ah, Fucking plane seats.
ah I laugh because I got the best plane seat on the way to Australia. Which the listeners heard about. We don't even know about that. Oh, yeah, all right. I forgot I told them all about that. Yeah. The truth is, right.
Like the planes we're on, they don't do short flights. Right. See what I mean? Like the type of planes we're on all do really long flights. Yet the seats are so f freaking uncomfortable and so horrible to sit in. You can't like sleep in them. It's just, it's a freaking disaster. Like what?
I really don't understand why plane seats haven't changed since the invention of planes. Right. Like what has someone just can't someone make a seat that is comfortable to sit in yet is still compact and tight enough that you, you know, get, you know, enough people in the plane because that's, that's what people would fly. If you manage to like reinvent them the seat,
The economy plane seat. Let's be honest. If you ever get the chance to fly business, fricking do it because it's amazing. It's so good. But the economy plane seat, if some airline just fixes that, everyone would fly that fricking, doesn't matter how much, how expensive it is, everyone would fly it. They need like a, like in the fifth element, how they will like go on that flight and they will just lie down, like just have like giant bunk beds.
I know. It can't be that bad. like Especially on a long, long flight where you know you're going to sleep. You're probably safer off in a crash anyway, especially if it was a padded thing. Yeah, right. and Just like a little little cell. I guess people who are claustrophobic are going to help them very much, is it? No. But then they should have to pay for the seat, you know, like if it saves more space. They need to sit there, like lie back on the TV screens like three inches from your face and just watch movies.
I'm not sure. Oh, it's three inches through your faces. It is carrying on the freaking plane seat. Yeah. Well, it's ah it's horrible. And then there's some dickhead that fucking decides he's going to roll his seat back. You know, when you're eating. Yeah. And you're like, what? Stop that, motherfucker. I take back my yanking chain. I think that's probably my Fucking people who just like mid meal service fucking decide I'm finished my meal. I'm just gonna fucking yank my che chair back. I'm like fucking fucking yogurt flying all over me. All this shit because I'm dickheads like I, I eat fast. You know, and I eat fast as it is. I know I'm a fast eater generally. i mit Anyway.
But I mean, also like the fact that like, you're you're trying to sleep in this awkward chair. yeah Your legs are dying because they're ah like, you've got no blood flow. No wonder people get deep vein thrombosis of freaking flying, you know. And then you you manage to like just get comfortable. And then some stupid bitch comes flying through the aisle and bumps you. Like you open your eyes. It's not like I'm not that.
Oh, come on. Just look at where you're going, please. Out of all the people you could have bumped, you bumped the guy that is trying to sleep. Right. And then then like maybe if you're unlucky, like the meal service comes and the freaking guy runs over your toe. Oh yeah. Because it was a little bit tight, a little bit out on the aisle. Like smashed right into your knee. Or your shoulder. Yeah. Yeah.
Why don't they reinvent those bloody food carts too? That's ridiculous. They should be like hover ones. No, they should act- you're right though. But they should actually be attached to the ceiling, not to the floor. Yeah. They reckon like on rails that go down the thing. You can make the suggestion. Dear Thai Airways.
Qatar Airways ain't got the money for that shit. That's that's like ah Emirates or a, you know, Qatar Airways, like one of those Arab, you know, airlines. They were like, oh, I heard Garage Avenger podcast. we We need to make this hover, hover trolley. That's exactly what they're going to do. Because all the shakes that listen to you our podcast,
Yeah, there's a lot of shakes that listen to this podcast. I'm sure they're going to throw their money. yeah yeah If you want to invest in a brewery. I don't know if I want that dirty oil money. Yeah, I don't know. So that's what's taking my chain. Plain seats. points Fix that shit, people. It's been too long. We're not like, just fix it. Come on. you go Well, it could have like standing seats like Ryanair.
Like in a bus. Maybe everyone's just standing, hanging on to like some shitty bit of road. 10 hours later. Oh, my feet are a bit sore.
It's probably safer. Yeah, probably. If you jam 200 people into a tiny plane. Yeah. Oh, probably more. Standing up, you'd probably jam 1,000 people into a plane. Oh, way more.
Yeah. And like, if you crashed, your, your goal is just to be in the middle. yeah
hello like Let's just leave all the like retarded people out on the edges. yeah That's what you pay premium standing place in the middle. That's where all your buddy Shakes are standing in the middle. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, there you go. Oh, well, what's your recommendation for this week, bro? My recommendation is Margaret River. Margies.
yeah Yeah. So that that's, that's our hometown where my mom grew up and it's such a nice place. It's good energy there. Amazing wineries, decent food, ah good vibes, great customer service in the surf shops. Yeah. Touch on that. That's great. I like I think.
You bought a wetsuit when you were there. yeah Yeah. Yeah. And the other side of things is like, it's a, it's a kind of really cool entrepreneurial hippie type of place, right? There's a lot of people coming up with their own businesses. Like there's a reason why there's over a hundred wineries in that region. right everyone is Yeah. The soil is great. But like, of course, for, for growing grapes, but like people go down there,
to not only start wineries, but to start food businesses and beer businesses. There's quite a lot of breweries down there too. Yeah, for a small area. Yeah, yeah for that area and food population for sure. um And then, you know, there's all these other businesses that are sort of servicing that world down there. And then the beach culture too, the surf culture is there. You know, the only thing that sucks is the great whites. They gobble you up at any minute.
See you later, buddy. Yeah. But I mean, what an amazing place. Like I went down every day to the beach for a swim before I had breakfast and a coffee. And like this beach is like postcard shit, you know, type of beach where it's turquoise water and it's gorgeous. It's hard to see where you are.
Yeah, but I agreed there. But there wasn't that much seaweed in it. And it was super nice. Yeah, super nice. Like that kind of part of Western Australia is really rugged, beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. And then you go down to like Denmark, and those areas like down south, southwest. And that's like another, another thing as well. Beautiful region.
Mm. So shout out or a recommendation to go when you're in Western Australia, go down to Margaret River, spend some time there, drink some beautiful wines and some beers and eat some gorgeous food whilst sitting at the beach. And try not to get eaten by a shark. Yeah. Yep. What's your recommendation? Well, that was mine going out for breakfast. Oh, yeah. Cafe breakfast in the morning. Eggs, Benny and brisket.
Ooh. Dang. Dang. Yep. All right. Well, I have things to do, Karen. So I'm going to wrap this thing up. Thanks, everyone, for listening. I've got to get down there and start working on this new sled project. Awesome. I'm sure you've got some beer to sell. Yep. And I'm going to plant some more brews and do some things. Yep. Thanks for listening, everybody. Awesome. And we'll catch you next time. See you later.