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E15 ยท Garage Avenger Podcast
51 Plays3 months ago

This week Kizz has been test brewing more XPA's and struggling with kids. Justin is still not having a productive week in the workshop and eats too many donuts.


Garage Adventures and Brewing Beginnings

This is the Garage Avenger Podcast.
turn my phone onto silent kian finally airlan mode it's only we take for fifteen episodes is stop yeah Hello and welcome to the Garage Avenger podcast. I'm Justin and I'm trying to share the joy of building my death machines in my garage in the hope of one day making a living out of it. And I'm Kieran trying to turn my garage brewed beers into a world renowned brewery.
We are twin brothers with a passion for creating the wild and unexpected. Take you on a ride through our everyday lives in our garages. Let's do it.

Merchandise Plans and Quality Talks

Welcome, Kieran. What's been happening this week? Oh, actually tons, tons and tons and tons. I don't even know where to start. Let's start with the fun stuff first. um New merch. I got some new merch.
Oh, let's go. what This this ah might be wearing if you see no one can see the video, but I've got hats and hoodies and T-shirts. Nice. I'm going to make some changes, I think, to them now that I've seen them physically, because it's one thing you design them online. ah And um you know what, I'm just going to for those who are interested, I'm going to send me a DM.
And I'll send you a direct link to the Printful page. And you can just order it yourself. Then you don't have to use me as the middleman. And and you can just, and it's way cheaper. And you can get sent straight to your door. um Yeah, so I got some awesome hats. Like the hat, I'm super happy with the quality on. Like um it's the same, I've had some mocked up from like another company like or whatever it was.
and which comes out of Hong Kong or whatever anyway, but um and it's a, they were like, man, they were charging like 500 crowns. That's like 50 US dollars for a hat. And I was just like, oh man, that's, that's a bit cheap. That's a bit cheeky. And then this place, 220 with postage.
So it's like more than half the price. And the quality is just as good if not in fact better. Is it a is a snapback? Yeah, it's a proper snapback. So yeah, it's we've got the sticker and everything on it. So Oh, hello. Yeah. Hello.
So quality merch from Eucharist Brewing. There you go. So I'm pumped about that. I rocked that one out on the town the other day. I do have to start thinking about merch again for myself because I ah have i have to apologize. I'm just going to use this opportunity to my patrons. There's a couple of

Beer Brewing Experiments and Feedback

patrons that have come on board in the last month or two and I haven't fulfilled my, ah you know, what my obligation to them, because trying to get merch and things organized and buy one by one is a pain in the ass. Not if you set up this printable page, man. I agree with that, Kieran. It's just, I'm just getting myself organized. Apparently, I don't have any time for doing anything these days, as I'll tell you later in the podcast. but
Yeah, that's good, Karen. It looks awesome, by the way, just at least on video. Yeah, yeah. Well, um yeah, that the the hoodie is pretty good. m Nice quality as well. And like the and the t shirts like, it's pretty like t shirts or t shirts, but Yeah, it's good. I'm really happy with it. So, um, that's cool. Uh, brewed the XBA version two on V two. V two. Um, I started with V three after I'm working backwards. Um, and ah so I started, uh, this one was the Citra cashmere mosaic blend. Um, and it's already tasting so different from the other one. It's really, really interesting.
So fascinating how a different hop combination can change the beer completely. um So it's going to have it's it's really got this nice lemon grassy. It's a bit lighter and a bit more approachable in some sense than the other the previous iteration um so far. But I haven't dry hopped it yet. I just bunged the tank as they call it. You basically set some head pressure or let the fermentation build up head pressure inside the tank.
and once it hits a certain fermentation point. And so I just did that today. And um yeah, it's promising so far. So I'm really excited to see. I, you know, for those who are interested ah that live in Norway, um I'm happy. I want to like, I want feedback on these beers. So there's going to be three total. So if you're listening and you're interested, DM you Chris brewing and I will try and send you three of these, be the three different variations, and you can taste them and let me know what do you think your favorite is. Because that will help me decide what I end up doing. So, if you're interested, DM me, Euchris Brewing. But you're definitely not sending them to Sweden, are you?
You know, well, um, I did feel bad for old mate, sweet. He's like, okay. So for those of you who that obviously don't know when he listens to the three Northern makers podcast. No, no, no. So old mate, uh, the Swedish maker, um, traveled all the way to Norway from Sweden, uh, to see a concert. And he was, he was so enamored.
with my brewery that he decided that he was going to try and get some ah whilst he was in Norway and seemed to be foiled at every turn on how to to how to get some. So traffic and all this stuff stopped him from getting to the wine monopoly fast enough and yeah. But and the I mean the irony of the situation he ends up in know if he tells the story he ends up in a bar that's selling my beer.
But he's just decided he's driving. I'm like, what, what a pussy. I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry. but You know what? i wouldn't Why wouldn't you take like a half point or something? Take a little snits like a real, like just to be like, I just got to have a little taste.
I'll be fine. You know, these Swedish pussy. ah So, um, well, I mean, I felt bad for him. I'm like, Oh, he's trying to do the right thing and not drink and drive. ah You know, it's a long drive back to Norway on that from Norway in that night. So i I said to him, I would send him some beer, but I haven't put like, I'm waiting actually for the triple and i've got like a double test which i'm trying to design a label for and i want to do that and gather some samples in a big box and send it to him so it's really cost me a friggin mint to send it but uh you know i just get him to drive to the border and then just do like a hand me over oh yeah we can do like a you know like a spy exchange show
Right next to customs. Yeah, just to be like... Meet at a shopping... Meet at a shopping center car park. Car park and do a dodgy exchange. There we go. There you go. So he only has to drive like three hours instead of like five or whatever it was. So... But yeah, so that was... That's been my week so far. Oh, Bionagu was closed.
this ah for two days. That almost comes into my yanking chain issue there, but like far out like, why do they need to be closed for two days? They got work to do. Like, I'm going to, I'm going to give insight here. Cause I've worked in these daycares, right? Tell the people they need to know. Most of the time those like planning days are actually days off for those stuff.
They just take a free day that is like chill at home, just like smoke a joint and drink coffee. like Because what they at most places do is they bake these days, these planning days into the normal day. Right. And then but they have them on the calendar that they have these planning days where the the daycare is closed. Yeah.
And then they just yeah basically go to the pub and enjoy themselves for those days. yeah So like it's a lot it's a load of shit. I mean, I did see up the road, there was a lot of cars parked, but like they could have been in there just drinking wine for all I knew. dude It's a Yule board. It's a Christmas party. That's what it was. Don't you understand? They were all getting smashed. That's why their cars were parked there. Cause they all took the bus

Advent Beer Calendar Excitement

down to town. Yeah. Daytime Yule board. Yeah. Why wouldn't you do that? It just just makes perfect sense. There you go. So in the insight has been you, the,
What's the the the whistle has been blowing? You're a like genuine Julius Orange. Just of good day he cares his dying the day gu just the watch out the the Norwegian for the federal police start knocking on your door.
yeah So they're already, they're already at me for driving go-karts illegally. yeah So no, we so they were close. So like I had the kids from Thursday, Friday, and then even Saturday.
Like it was a pretty full-on day because like the kids know they're at this stage where they're like two very different needs and it's like super intense at home. So it's ah keeping them entertained and satisfied through the day is is some hard work. So I was kind of glad to send them back to Panager to me so I can record a podcast with you.
and So, yep, that was good. And well, and on another note, I started a Advent beer calendar.
Yeah. Yeah. So I kind of disappointed they're not yours though. Like, let's be quite honest. Well, I don't have 24 different beers to drink. You could sneak one of yours in there. I totally could. I totally could. But oh, look at this. on sea chrisruing Oh, You can buy this at your local store. So we yeah know as Lynn and I, we went down to the wine monopoly and we picked 12 beers each. Ah, that's how you do it. Yeah. And, uh, and ah we, I like, I've forgotten what I picked already. It was like a week ago. So I'm like, every day is a mystery to me, really. I'm like, what which ones did I pick? I can't remember.
And so anyway, we so we basically I went out to the I haven't boxed them all up yet. So we're keeping them in the garage because a nice temperature for for dark beer out there at the moment. And I know like basically went in closed my eyes and then dug my hand in the bag and then pulled out one and put it in a type of bag with a number on it. And like that's that's the selection process. So it's completely random. But Basically, the crux is that Lin and I, and maybe mostly me, because depending on whether Lin wants to join the video or not, um do like a live stream um just on my regular Facebook profile, because I don't want to blend it too much in with Eucharist. And yeah, we just tasted a new beer every day for ah the days leading up to Christmas.
so You did this some years ago, though, didn't you? Yeah. And it was actually people really liked it. So I just thought it'd be a nice it's like a nice thing to do. People enjoyed watching it. And it kind of like gives in some sense, like, you know,
you know, some kind of credibility that I know what I'm talking about. Maybe I don't know. Maybe it's the people like, well, that guy's blowing smoke up her ass. But you know, that's, ah it's nice. It's nice to, you know, try something new every day and have a chat about it. It's nice to do it with Lin too.
she brings an element of it that's that's always somewhat entertaining. So do you have do you have like a schedule for because it would be good to have like it on at the same time every single day so that people know, okay, it's like 730. Yeah, I haven't set a time but I think it'll probably be around the same time every day basically when we put the kids to bed. So between

Social Event Reflections at Crowbar

730 and eight o'clock or something like that.
So, you know, I don't want to be out of like Mackenzie running around in the backyard, background to spin like, oh, you know, so it's, um, there will, I think we'll try and do it around seven 38 o'clock every day and, uh, have a little, so if you, uh, I need to figure out for those who are not Facebook friends with me, maybe you just better add me. I'm going to get a whole bunch of randoms maybe. Um, but, uh, yeah,
We'll just, I have to find a way to, now maybe I'll start sharing some on the Eucharist page after something like that. We'll see. We'll figure it out. So yeah, that's cool. Oh, and I got one more thing. Should I keep going? Keep going. Yeah. So I did the first, I'm calling it the Eucharist Communion. Yeah. So that's communion communion that' by definition.
um And basically, I mean, it had nothing to do with bread and wine in church. um It was more just meeting up with people and having a beer and and the social time. um So we met at Crowbar in Oslo. They were the only bar that I know of right now that has my, there's loads of other bars that have my beer, but not everyone has it on tap at the moment.
Um, so we had, uh, we went to Crow cause I knew that they had it on tap and we basically emptied the cake. yeah So that was nice. Um, and it was really, really nice. Like it was, um, we had such a crate, like, I mean, I had no expectations of what the night would be. I just put an open invite to people out there. Uh, if you want to come along and it was just like where I had two friends that actually kind of turned up but but those two friends brought so many randoms with them and it was so nice it was so nice like all these Norwegian like people sitting around us are just like
What's going on? Why is this like all these randoms just coming to the table and introducing each other and smiling and laughing and doing all this stuff? It's so abnormal here and in Norway that a big group with just random people get together and start like interacting in a, you know, open friendly manner. And I know there's something special about it was really, and really nice. um it It was communion. Yeah, it was. It was so it was just it was a beautiful moment of humanity and social interaction that was just but so lovely. And I walked away from the evening just thinking, you know what? We're going to do this again. This is so good. So stay tuned ah to the Eucharist page. There's going to be some

Time Management and Daily Struggles

more events coming up in the future, probably in the new year, I guess, with this time of year. um But yeah, so for those of you who don't know, because of the alcohol
ah regulations in Norway, Eucharist has its own fan page, which is called and Good News from Eucharist Brewing. And so if you want the inside knowledge on what's going on, other than this podcast, um join that page. You can search it on on Facebook and then i'll you yeah can be added into the page and then keep in the know. So do that if you're interested.
So yeah, how about you? How's your week just?
It's very similar to last week. Three quarters of nothing. Well, you know, you could call it even less. I don't know what's going on, dude. I'm just I'm really trying. Yeah. But every time I get time to do it, just nothing seems to like happen.
It just takes so long to do everything I'm trying to do. And then all of a sudden I'm like, oh crap, I've got to go to my day job or oh crap. I've got to like, you know, look after the kids or like, oh crap, I've got to, you know, decorate the house in Christmas decorations. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's a non-negotiable. That will soon come into my yanking chain.
ah ah But yeah, I mean, this week, you know, I started off, had to go to the dentist, you know, get my teeth checked. And just like it made me reminisce about, you know, our childhood dentist or, you know, when we moved to West Ride. Yeah, just thinking about the hot one. She was such a flirt too. Fucking she knew what she was doing. That was like the worst bit about it.
I mean, like lying in the chair, just trying not to get a semi. Like, if she was just... Oh man, it was terrible. She's like... You used to touch your shoulder and you'd be like... As like a 14 year old kid, you're just like... We're talking like a proper 10, right? Or a 9 and a half. Yeah, I mean, she must have known what she was doing.
Yeah. Oh, actually 100% new. Like, that's a that funny thing. You didn't see one female, like, client or patient in in the waiting room. It was just all dudes. Yeah. Oh, man. It's just like...
Yeah, so you're reminiscing about the hot dentist. ah She was so hot. Yeah, I did think, geez, like, why isn't my dentist this hot? like just She would make a lot of money if she was that good looking. Oh, dear. ah Yeah, so basically, I'd have got nothing done on Monday.
i we I had to go to the dentist or you did the podcast. um I you know ran around, I had to do my go to my day job. ah Tuesday, I was like, right, let's get into this project. Let's get moving. I know exactly what we're doing. We discussed it in the podcast. We had a plan, right? And I was like, no, I'm going to do the video instead. Well, it's kind of important.
That's basic. Well, there's no point in building it if you can't have a release a video and actually maybe make some money from it. It is. Yeah. So I spent basically Tuesday ah
editing. And then I was like, well, actually, now that I've decided we're gonna have two skis at the back, I better go get two skis. Right. So then, you know, I went to the local sports store and it's like, so it's a chain sports store, it's called XXL here. And, you know, they've basically got teenagers working in there. Yeah. And their customer service is horrendous. Well, that's Norwegian stores everywhere.
Let's be honest. That's 100%. Yeah. So I grabbed the skis. I know exactly what I want. I just, I went, I grabbed the skis off the shelf. The thing is they come with bindings. Yeah, okay. But they don't, they're not attached. Right.
Right. And you you can't go to a shelf and just grab the right bindings and then go to the to the register and like sort it out yourself. Yeah, right. So you have to wait for the guy to go into the the storeroom and grab the right bindings. Do you need the bindings? I don't need the bindings, but I need the screws to go into the skis. So I'm waiting, I'm waiting, I'm waiting.
And then I see this freaking number system like, oh, I should have pressed the number. yeah So I went and pressed the number. That didn't mean anything either. People were just getting served, left, right, and center. I was like, what is going on? Can people not see that I've been standing here literally for half an hour? and Let me just talk to my manager. and eleven I just literally, I know where I'm, but i'm you you could just print money. All you have to do is go in there and grab the thing and then I'm done. Like, you don't have to like, you don't have to, I don't have to to talk shit about like,
Oh, my grandson needs skis and, uh, I'm not sure what size he is. And no, I knew exactly what size I was getting. I knew exactly what I needed. So that, I mean, that could go to a yanking chain too. Jesus. I got a lot on my plate this week. Finally got back from the, from XXL. Yeah. And I get in the garage and I open up the bloody, uh,
Bindings box. That's the wrong bindings. i really With the wrong screws. ah yeah So I jumped back in the car and I go back. When I get back, everyone's at lunch. right There was not a soul on the floor. like I couldn't find anybody. And I was like, oh, well, I'll just go to the register. yeah And I get to the register. There's a queue of like 30 people long.
Right. I was like.
So I knew where these bindings were. You can actually see, like you can see in the logger. Right. And so I was just like. Right. go walk into the log, into the warehouse shelving thing. I find the right ones, I put the old ones back in, and I just walk out of the store. ah I was waiting for someone to like turn up and be like, oh, excuse me, so you can't be back here. There was no one there. And I don't think anyone would care because they just it was all teenagers working there anyway. and like
Yeah. XXL, Thomas Berg, pick up your game. But they're the type of teenagers that are working at XXL on a weekday, which means they dropped out of school. Yeah, right. so so They're not exactly the most motivated employees. They're they're not winners. that not speak ill of the poor like i mean They might be motivated. They just might just be motivated to lunch.
that's for sure ah Yep. So I snuck in there, I grabbed the right binding, so I cut the hell out of there. And then I got trapped. Trapped? by Yeah, trapped by the donut truck outside.
as It's gravitational force pulled you in. ah Yeah, I was like, I smelt the cinnamon and sugar donuts. I was like... there isn wasn't no like Are they brought real donuts or are we talking like smeltering?
No, he calls, he calls them donuts. And I went in there yeah and I asked him, like, I said, are they donuts or smutting it? And he goes, they're donuts. I said, nice. Right. I'm going to get 20. 20? Yes, 20 cinnamon and sugar donuts. Let's go. Yeah.
Cost me 220 crowns. 220 crowns, Jesus Christ, that guy's printing fucking money. Dude, he must be making a killing actually, because they there can't be that much overheads. Like he literally in that in that like caravan thing that he's got, he's got a donut machine. Yeah. And that's it. Yeah. Donut machine and like friggin is that the caravan thing that he just pulls up and you know,
mine I reckon he probably, he probably paid that thing off in the first month. I'm like, at least, at least from me anyway, if we're going to buy all the donuts. Cost two, two crowns per donut cost for power and oil and flour and stuff. And then there's you tried being paid like 25 crowns or something for a fricking donut.
Yeah, dude, I they're not the best donuts because, you know, there's no donut king here. No, they're not that they weren't. And the worst thing is they're not always fresh. So yeah, like, so you can see he's just got like this giant pile of donuts that came off the machine. And then he's like, then he's doing them late. And so they you kind of get them and they're not really like hot. Yeah, I would have done i with that price point. I would have demanded fresh ones.
Yeah, I tried. Yeah. And he's like, oh, it's going to take a while because I don't have a new bat already. I'm like, what sort of like donut house is this? You don't have a bat already. What's going on?

Project Interruptions and Social Dynamics

So I got trapped by the donut van. Yep. And then we'll be there. Let's face it. We'll be in there. So I then proceeded to eat 20 donuts. Twenty eight, twenty. Well, I lie. I gave some to the kids. Right. Did it satisfy Kristen's, like, donut needs? Well, I didn't give her any. Not that time. Not this time. Poor Kristen. She was the one that requested that you take
donut king cinnamon donuts all the way from Australia in your luggage. I know, and I refuse to. Yeah. And you're like, nope, 20 donuts just for me. but The thing is, i came I came back in the workshop, right? all Right. And I came back with these keys, these skis and the new bindings and 20 donuts.
Well, actually I lied. I didn't go. It was about like 14 donuts by the time I got home. Yeah, of course. I just stuffed six donuts in my face as I was driving. It's like coated in sugar all over the steering wheel. Yeah. like Yeah. And I had like sugar all over my face, like in my beard and stuff. Nice. Yeah. And, you know, so I was like getting myself ready. I was like trying to understand, you know, sort of where, what I had to do to get these skis mounted. And, you know, so I, I needed time to like look at the thing. So it was like a past time sort of thing. You know, I would look at the,
you know, the sled and then try to work out like where this one piece of and metal would go and then eat a donut. And then I would just stuff my face with donuts. So why do you haven't done anything in the garage? You'd be too busy eating freaking donuts all day. Yeah. And then the worst thing is like donuts not really great.
Like to eat, like it's great to eat a couple, but like to eat that many. So I spent the afternoon evening on in the bathroom. So that also ruined my productivity. Yeah, productivity destroyed. Yeah. Yeah. So that brings us to Wednesday. Yeah. Well, my gut bacteria was back to normal. Yeah. That'd be all I sort that out. And I got back into the workshop, I got going, I started fabricating stuff, I i fabricated the lower like attachments for the skis, ye and then I started fabricating ah the like the turning or the tilting mechanism.
yeah ah So far, I've cut for for that part. To this date, virtually to this right now, I've got three parts done. How many parts do you need? Well, quite a lot more. I mean, you've got to fabricate it more, I guess. I drilled some holes. That takes time. A couple of minutes between donut breaks. ah Yeah.
ah We've all been there. We've all been there. Yeah. so i And then I realized like I'd run out of steel as well on Thursday. I was like, I'm going to have to go to the store.
And so I went to the store. Bit of Temer. Bit of Temer, yeah. And then I get always trapped in Bit of Temer. I can't just go in there and just buy one thing. It's like a time warp that place. It's like you go in there and you're like, oh, I've only been five minutes and look at the clock and you're like, I'll pay me a two and a half hours.
I don't know what's going on with the supply system either. Like ever since COVID, it's been a bit shit, especially for one like specific type of part that built MSLs, which are bolt bolts and nuts.
They all come from China, so they're all... They all come from China, but like how have you not sorted this out since COVID? like Get your shelves full of nuts and bolts. like yeah They're clearly selling, so how about you refill them and order more and make sure that like I can actually go to the one store that actually sells nuts and bolts for a decent price? Yeah.
and So yeah, I probably spent, I don't know, 20 minutes just in the nut and bolt. I'll just try to get the right size. It's like, Oh, that one's empty. What the Oh, they've only sold it in a five pack in stainless. Ah, there I don't want that. So yeah, ah I use the way too much time. that And then all of a sudden, the day was over. I had to go do my day job. So on Thursday. Yep.
So that was done. And then Friday, I was like, right, I've got Friday.
And then I forgot that Arna, one of my patrons. he decided that he he was wanted to come visit me. And I ah can't say no, because he's such a nice dude. He supported me for, I don't know how long now. ah And he's like, I'm i'm in Tunsberg dropping my wife off of this thing. You know, I'd love to come in and say hello. And of course, you know,
I can't say no, it's so lovely that someone wants to drop in and say g'day. So yeah, he came in, we had a lovely time just talking and ah talking through projects and and so on. And then I forgot I actually had another like day job shift that I signed up for, but I forgot like because I was just in the, you know, in the zone mindset and zone.
So I had to run off to that. So I got nothing done. Like, that's just, it feels like that Swedish bastard that, you know, has that other podcast, yeah was talking about it again. And I felt, I felt like I was in the same shoes. Like, think you think,
Like I've got all this time a and you do this thing and you go, oh, nice. I've done this one little part. And you look at the time and you're like, what? The day's over. i did how How did I get here? I mean, people wonder like, why do you call why do you charge so much for like this stuff if you ever have get asked to you know to do it yourself? Like people like, oh, can you make a coffee table for me or whatever? And you're like thousand pounds an hour, you know, because they're like, that's what it takes.
So, yeah, it's like, yeah, it's insane. I get you. I'm like, I'll be out in the garage. I'll be like, I just, oh, I just dumped some yeast off the tank and check some head pressures and all that. And I'm like, I did that today. but god I took the kids to Bonnehager. About half an hour. Like, only reason I remember this podcast is because you sent me the email and my phone.
with the link to this videocast. And I was like, oh, yeah, shit, the podcast. There goes my day. And you don't even edit it. No, you just sit there and talk, you jerk face. I got the best end of this, you know.
There you go. Well, talking about the podcast, though, Karen, we've been talking about like, should we do jingles? Yeah. You know, for our like, segments.
So and we do jingles? Yeah, the people need to tell us. Should we just easily like so what's blowing your mind, Karen? Or should we go like, have some crazy like, whoa, like I tried to do in the first couple episodes and double rainbow.
that's Mind blown. wow
Yep. Well, that's a good segue. Hmm. What's been blowing your mind, Joss? Nothing. Nothing. Yeah, I found it really hard. The fact that you have nothing that is blowing your mind is blowing your mind. Yeah. Well, I mean, I like before this podcast, I jumped on the internet and I was like,
what What what is going on in the world that would blow my mind is I like even hey Google what's blowing my mind today? I like wrote in Google was like mind-blowing news today or something but Like i and I came up with these bullshit articles and I just like That's not real. Nothing's actually blowing my mind right now. That's what I need to say. Nothing's blowing my mind. Nothing. but But is there anything blowing your mind here? Well, you know what? ah It's blowing my mind. like I'm thinking about this, you know, Eucharist communion event I ran. Like in 2024, with all this digital bullshit that everyone does, you can still
go out to a bar and meet random people and have a lovely conversation, lovely evening, just... Yeah, that blows my mind that it's still possible to go out and meet randos and have a nice time and not feel super awkward like most people seem to. So... Well, that social lubrication helps. Yeah, I mean, it does, but at the same time, and no one there was maggot.
So you're like you have a couple of like bravery, you know, gravies and you're good. Yeah. But I mean, even then it's like I was we was sitting there like and like this, there was this Scottish girl that turned up with her sister and the sister's boyfriend. So it was like three Scottish people there. And then, you know, I ended up chatting to them for a while and finding out all their backstory and why the heck they were here. And yeah, it was just like,
Fascinating, but no one was, it was just, it was so pleasant, so nice. It just blew my mind that you can still do that for all the weird anxiety people have about meeting people, ah you know, and going out and and not knowing anyone.
you know, and and this whole thing where people like dive into their phones. so You know what they're crazy? Actually, that's, ah that's what I should say. What blows my mind is that no one at any point in the evening pulled out their phone.
and disappeared into the phone. There's a revolution coming. Yeah, revolution no one did. Everyone sat there, talked, listened, interacted with one another like human beings rather than freaking robots. It blew my mind. It was like so awesome. and Meanwhile, at the table next to us, there's two Norwegian guys sitting there, both on their phones, awkwardly like looking at us like, what's wrong with these people?
I mean,

Christmas Traditions and Cultural Critiques

we had people from Scotland, I had a guy from Argentina, I think it was. I had a British guy, an American guy. There was this big mixing, a French guy in the mix, and another one from Portugal, I think. No, Greece. She was from Greece.
That gives a really good mix of people from different cultures and it was just so nice. So that's blown my mind. Sounds pretty rando actually. It was super rando, but it was like so nice and everyone had a good time. There was no, like I said, no one was sitting there on their phone. Everyone was just enjoying the company of meeting random other people. It was just so nice. So that's my mind blown for this week. There you go.
But let's get to elephant in the room, Justin. What's yank in your chain? I have some idea because we talked earlier this week about Christmas, about more specifically, Norwegian Christmas. Do enlighten the people.
My, what's actually yanking my chain, Kieran, is gutless husbands. ah Right. Okay. I didn't have a turn. I didn't see. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So AKA me.
ah Yeah. So you're yanking your own chain? I yeah, basically it sounds like self masturbation.
for ah Yeah, sorry, sorry. Continue you yanking your own chain, Justin. I'm yanking my own chain. Yep. Yep. So gutless husbands. Yeah, because I stood there and thinking, you know what? I'm sick and tired of Norwegian Christmases. Let's do it like a little different this year. Let's do like the Australian style, but here in Norway. But let's do it the way we want to do it.
So I, and I sort of said to Kristen the other week, like, would be, be okay with doing like a non-traditional sort of food for Christmas. And she just like lit up and like, yeah, that sounds great. You know, I was like, I got the green light. Let's go baby. so I ring you. And we start talking about all this amazing, like slow cooked, you know,
barbecue burnt ends and and bloody brisket and stuff yeah for for Christmas dinner instead. And then Kristen comes home early whilst we're talking. And then she gets on like, i she starts giving me the the filthy look. yeah Like what's going on here? You know?
And so I had to say to you like, Oh, actually it looks like we have to have a discussion before we decide anything. in So we'll give you a call back. Right. I was like, what did I say? I said something like, have fun with your domestic.
ah Yeah. So I was like, right. This is, this is my time to take charge and say exactly what I want in this Christmas dealio. Right. Yeah.
So I said, right. I think it would be really nice if we just did, you know, Australian Christmas. I think it would function better for the kids. And I think it would be nicer for us actually.
Then Kristen starts talking. And then somehow that was compromise. And then all of a sudden it's pretty much back to a Norwegian Christmas. Right. And I was like, I had to think like, how the hell did I get here? How did I get manipulated into this? Like I was so strong. I turned into a gutless husband. I couldn't bloody stand up for what I believed in because I was just trying to keep the peace. And so what was the final result?
The final result is there's a giant compromise, like more, I would say, in favor of Kristen than myself. I mean, what I mean, that's not what we discussed last night. It seemed pretty like pretty unanimous that we we're like, yeah, we're going to do it this way.
Yeah, but it's like this. Yeah. Okay. It's unanimous because Kristen was talking. Oh, right. Yeah. and If Kristen wasn't next to me, we probably would have a different conversation.
See, I told you I'm gutless. I try to just keep the peace all the time. Like, you know, that's not what I heard from her. just This is like the, this is like the husband's version, like pussy husband's version. Like I'm compromising.
So, yeah, so Norwegian, so there's not not specifically, your your own gutlessness is yanking your own chain this week. 100%. I'm like, just what the hell happened? How did I get in this situation where I wanted exactly what I wanted and I just like compromised, compromised, compromised till we had this like Banshee hybrid Christmas instead of just ah like a pretty simple, you know, yeah Christmas Eve, you relax. Christmas morning, stockings and Santa arrived and enjoy yourself. And we have a Christmas lunch and slash dinner. And then it's all chill and lovely, right? Right.
That's what I wanted. But what ended up happening was like, you guys are coming on the 23rd. There's like, there's all this stuff happening on the 24th. There's all this stuff happening on the 25th. Like, ah, how do we get here? and It's, it's called, well, you married her.
So no, no, well, you know what, let's, let's get into the other elephant in the room. And that is the Norwegian Christmas. Is this what's yanking my chain? It makes no sense. Exactly. It makes no sense. Like none at all. Okay. Like you have, you have the, sorry, for those international listeners, you have the,
Christmas Eve is the big event for in the Norwegian calendar Christmas calendar, right? So you spend all Christmas Eve, slave in a way, in the kitchen to make all this food. And then you basically eat your ribber and you finish it. Like not that I necessarily have a problem with that food in itself.
Um, but like you, you eat it on Christmas Eve and everyone's so full and so tired. And then you're like, Oh, now we're going to open Christmas presents. And then and all the kids get their gifts. They're all excited. And then you're like, go to bed. Like, what? it They're like, what? What do you mean? Go to bed. I just opened all these great gifts. I'm going to have to play with them. You know, I'm like, not,
It's like eight o'clock time to go to bed. And then the parents, they, they wrestle the kids kicking and screaming to bed, finally get them to sleep. Right. And then the parents sit up just literally drinking. I'll give it to help their digestion from all ah oh bought all the fat and stuff from the dinner, the dinner. And then the kids are up at the crack of dawn, as is expected. You're feeling crap from the night before. Cause you've jumped too much.
Right. And then they're like, well, now we want to play with all the toys. And then it's like full pandemonium. And then like, and and all these stupid shows you've got to watch that don't make sense. Oh, they don't make any sense. Like, I know it's tradition, but come on, Cinderella.
In bloody Czechoslovakia? Yeah, badly dubbed, like ah culture, I know, but like, no, it's just, um, yep. And it like, and ever all the Norwegians get so precious about it. No, but here's another thing, right?
They celebrate on Christmas Eve. Yeah. But people are working till 12 o'clock, lunchtime. The stores close at like 12 or two or something. Yeah. So you don't actually have any time in the family. There's no like, you know, some people are just getting off work and going to a Christmas lunch, the Christmas dinner. Yeah. And then they then, of course, the next day comes and then they're hungover. They're feeling shitty. And then they've got to find a way to entertain the kids for the entire day.
Yeah, because by that time, by like half half of the mornings, on the kids are like, these toys are crap. Yeah, right. I had last night to play with them a little bit. Now, like, so the the toy joy doesn't last the entire day.
which would would normally get you through the Christmas day, right? Exactly. And then so then you are now going to take them out and throw them down the hill on the sled and do all this other stuff. and That's if there's snow. That's true that, you know. and So yeah, only if there's nose no snow, what do you do?
like ah It janks my chain. It makes no sense. And then oh yeah on on um got then then what the fuck? What the fuck does Santa do? Like Santa doesn't have any like, like they still talk about Santa. Santa's still a thing here. But he doesn't have any like, real significance in the the time frame of Christmas in the Norwegian system. Like because you have Christmas,
dinner, you open the gifts, and then the next day, Santa turns up, it's like anti-climax, because the Santa gifts are never as good as the ones their parents give you, right? sorry So, like, it's an anticlimax. Like, Santa is a fucking downer, right? Yeah, and it's usually the neighbor dressed up and everyone knows it, and right? So, yeah, even like the two-year-olds are like, that's, uh, that's the neighbor. That's Stian. Why is Stian dressed up as Santa? I think it sounds like a north northern Norwegian. That's Stian.
ah So, yeah, I mean, it just it makes no sense to me. So I'm just like, I'm done. I'm sorry, Norwegian Christmas. you've I'm writing you off. But it's like the thing is, though, to like it would be better if Norwegians just kept the original Christmas, the pagan Christmas that they originally started, which is that, you know, there's theories that the traditional Christmas that most Western culture celebrates actually comes from like Lapland in in the north of. No, it's not a theory. It's it's basically confirmed. Yeah. Come from like Scandinavia and Northern Europe. So that's and and the whole issue was like the ah it's the winter solstice. So the days start getting shorter. That's why you have a green tree in your house.
like an evergreen to remind you that spring will come eventually, even if it's dark and depressing right now. That's what it's all about. That's where the words start. And then of course, you know, ah Christendom entered the scene and they're like, we can't have this pagan thing going on all the time. We've got to claim it for Jesus. So then they like start, you know, because Jesus wasn't born in December.
No, it wasn't like it didn't work but everyone can agree he wasn't born in December. So it's just it was just an appropriated. pagan tradition by the Christian church. So, I mean, they still got bloody they they've still got goats as decorate like Christmas decorations. Oh, yeah, I mean, it's still there. Thaws frickin goats that pulled his chariot. Right. So it's all still there. Like the Christmas tree. Like why have you got like red spotted
like mushrooms hanging on your trees. Because it comes from the pagan times where they used to string up Amanita mushrooms and dry them. Right. And then they also eat them and get high. Right. To celebrate the winter solstice or the turning of the season. Yeah, how it turning of the time when it's cold and dark outside. Right? Yeah.
And I've heard other crazy theories, like that's where Santa comes from. Because Santa is actually a shaman that delivers the Amanita mushroom to like the little villagers. Oh, really? Yeah. And he comes with his domesticated reindeer and sleigh, right? Yeah. And then he and sometimes the little towns are so snowed in, he has to climb through the teepee.
chimney to get into the Wow, that's fascinating. Isn't that interesting? Yeah. And then he climbs into the he climbs through into the through the teepee, like chimney. Yeah. And delivers these mushrooms and everyone just gets high. yeah Great gifts. I know, right. he's And the original the original Santa Claus was blue, not red. Yeah.
Well, because of course, you have St. Nicholas, which is obviously the introduction of the Christian worldview that comes into this as well, with gifts and gift giving and all the rest there, mostly to the poor. That was like the ah the main thing, actually. St. Nicholas go went to all the poor villages and poor areas of town to give gifts to the the poor, which was probably more like food and, you know, a warm blanket think and that kind of stuff. So, I mean,
And then you're like, ah, I'm stressing. Why can't I got to spend 3000 crowns on a gift for my wife and she'll be mad at me if I'm don't like meanwhile, like children are starving and like cold out. there it Just like, come on, let's get some perspective here.

Stranger Conversations and Parenting Tips

So it'd be better if we just like gave mushrooms to each other. No, here's my gift for you, some psilocybin. That's a great Christmas. Now I can definitely see flying reindeer. The tree is talking to me. I feel so close to nature.
um There you go. yeah Maybe that should be my recommendation, Kieran. Drop mushrooms for Christmas.
ah Definitely not a family friendly Christmas, that one. you know so i ah Probably not. no yeah Keep them away from kids, boys. Yep. So anyway, there you go. Let's ah crack on with it, Joss.
What are you recommending? Recommendation. Recommendation. What is your recommendation? ah ah That was my attempt at the jingle. I think we should do like a like version of the check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check, check,
yeah yeah but i'll earn really bad version of that that was my already my version is record some keep that fact
What is your recommendation this week, Joss? I asked you yours first. Oh, sorry. um Go and talk to some randoms. That's what this weekend taught me. Go talk to some random people. Expand your world view. Get out of your comfort zone. Be like, meet some new people. Like maybe your life will change. um That's my recommendation. And like worst case scenario, you have an awkward conversation and you walk away and then you drink another beer and you'll be like, whatever.
yeah yeah You go back after the other beer and with some more confidence. And then maybe, maybe you have a nice time. Maybe you meet someone that's going to change your life for the better. Maybe you actually could get like a, like a, like if you're single, you could actually get a girlfriend. Yeah. It's not on some weird Tinder hookup. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. Like, you know, that's, I mean, no one's, uh, anyone who's actually after a serious relationship, everyone I talk to who's on those apps is just appalled.
Yeah, it's interesting too, because like I have this thing where like if I see, it doesn't matter if it's a dude or a girl, but like if I see someone's like kind of owning their style and I think, look at that dude, or look at that girl, she's like, they're cool, right? If I have the chance, I'll- Cool is, this is the only, cool is just confidence. Yeah, well that's right. Owning who you are and your shit, like the same, this is who I am.
Take it or leave it. Yeah. Well, I was going to say, I want to have the chance to do so. And if it feels right, I'll like generally like say something to that person. Yeah. Right. Be like, dude, that jacket, you are rocking that man. Fucking fist bump or like whatever. And like, it's amazing what.
lovely conversations actually come from just randomly saying to people like, your hair is looking pretty fucking cool. Yeah, right. Or like, where'd you get that cap? That's sick. That's dope. You know, you'd be like, yeah, I got it from printiful. Eucharist. When that ends, it's brewery. You know? Yeah. So yeah, that's cool. Like, um and I mean, just go and talk to some someone you've never met before. Like,
I mean, it can be as simple as like you're at the Yule board, the Christmas party, and then you go and chat to some people that are not in your department, you know, mean meet some new people and just expand your worldview a little bit. You know, and I mean, by all means, if you're Norwegian, go and talk to some Norwegians, but please also go and talk to some foreigners. I think that's valuable, but like super valuable for the, for you as the non foreigner.
but also super valuable for the person who's a foreigner too. Cause like in Norway, making friends as a foreigner with Norwegians near impossible. Yeah, it's not a good thing. No, it's like, I mean, I can count the amount of Norwegian friends I have on one hand. And I've been living here for like 10, 11 years.
Yeah, I can count them on zero fingers. Well, I mean, I say one hand, I'm like, well, it's just like maybe like one, one finger, one, maybe two, you know? So, I mean, it's just obviously, you know, us foreigners, Australians are very weird and unapproachable and scary. power Super scary. Super scary. So,
I understand. We're criminals, apparently. Yeah. Going to the freaking other podcast. Criminals. I mean, you wouldn't want to trust me, would you? No. No, you're right. Yeah. Dude, I've got three things on my list. Three recommendations. I know. And it feels like too much. But then I was like... looking and but was boom but Boom, boom, but boom,
Well, actually, I could actually have four or five on there. Yeah. There's a couple of things that I've made. The like first on the list is a movie called Wolf's Wolf's. Yeah. It's with Brad Pitt and George Clooney. o And they're, they're like, um,
ah What do you call them? They're the guys you call when, you know, you accidentally murdered somebody and they need to move the body in. Oh, right. Something light and happy. Yeah. But it's, it's actually really well written. ah You don't quite fully understand like, ah what's going to happen in the end, or you don't expect what's going to happen in the end, which I always liked those type of movies. yeah But the the character,
ah development is really cool. So, you know, they they hate each other when they first meet each other because they're like, they're known as the only guy in the city that can do this type of work and they're like, meet.
on the same job. There's two different people called them. Right. And they're like, what the fuck? As I becomes like a pissing contest of like, who's like better at that job than, you know, the other. And there's lots of things that happen in it. And I think it was really well made. And of course, you can't really go past Brad Pitt or George Clooney as like the headliners. Yeah, so yeah that's a nice combo. Yep. Next. What's the next on the list?
Number two. The next one is a Swedish show called The Helicopter Heist. It's on Netflix. okay i kind of ah So Kristen's away, which she was this weekend.
You know, I find it hard to go to bed because it's like, I just want to like, I just don't want to lie there alone. It's just so So I just end up like watching TV and I was like, I saw it was like.
I don't know, number three on Norway's like top watched stuff. And I was like, all right, I'll watch it. And it was actually pretty good. I haven't finished it yet. So I don't know what's happened, but like, it keeps you engaged. Like, and they, of course, they finish each episode right on the point where like, what the hell?
Ah, come on. So you play. I was like, so I went to bed on Sunday morning at four o'clock in the morning. Four o'clock in the morning. they me and i home it too I had to get up and deliver or not deliver. I had to go walk the dog and get ready to go um score a handball game right at nine o'clock. So I had to i was up at seven. yeah So, yeah, three hours sleep, that worked great for me. No wonder you don't get anything done in the garage. Dude, this is a one-off. Okay, so the other thing is, like, I'd love to be able to go in the garage, but I can't because of my kids. Right. Like, I can't just go start working because I have this fear. One, it happened once where um my son woke up and I wasn't in the house and he had a complete meltdown and traumatized him forever.
So, you know, I just don't want that to happen again. So generally when they're asleep, we're in the house. So I try to do some work stuff, but sometimes I just want to chill, right? And I want to and watch some, and you know, I want to watch seven hours of like the helicopter heist. Cool. Okay. Next one. ah Yes theory, ah the YouTube channel. Yeah.
They did this thing where they went to her like a the nursing home and they they lived there for 48 hours. Okay, cool. And they met this lady who was 102 years old and she'd visited six out of seven continents. The last continent she had to visit was Australia. They found out then they took her to Australia. and At 102.
Yeah, it's so good. It was really cool. but Really, really cool. I like it. oh I mean, I imagine you get it on the flight. um That's pretty heavy. Anyway, yeah, cool. Awesome. Well worth watching because if you like, you have that like feel good and bone in your body, like that's gonna start vibrating. you be like That is's like a tell is so wrong.
I do. i It was so true what I was saying. it I was like, what am I saying? The bone in your body that starts to vibrating. Jesus Christ. What kind of YouTube are you watching? Jesus.
ah And the last recommendation, I'm going to say, although it's been a lot, I'm sorry, I apologize. But it's actually a recommendation as a tip, a tip for parenting.
Yeah. Tell me what I'm doing wrong with my children. jo It's not bad at all. There's so I don't know where I found this, but someone was watching some video YouTube. Well, if it's on YouTube Instagram shorts or something, I don't know. Yeah. Instagram reels, I should say. Um, I forgot to teach you.
Right. So when your kid's doing something like shit and you'd be like, you'd be like, Hey, get your shoes off the, you know, the, the table or something like that. Right. Instead of like yelling at them and saying like, you know, don't do this basically. Just say, Hey, I forgot to teach you putting your feet on the tables considered really rude and people don't appreciate that.
and So I used it last week actually, which I forgot to talk about, but at Emma's dance recital, yeah my son decided he's going to slip his like shoes off. and He had like wet socks and it stunk so bad. and I was i was like about to like say, like how did you get your shoes on? It stinks. you know yeah But I remembered this and I leaned in and I said, hey Henry,
I forgot to teach you, you don't take your shoes off in like theatres. Because no, like if you stink, everyone's going to think like it's something wrong in the in the cinema. So and they might see that it's you and you know, you don't want to feel like you've done something bad, do you? And he's like, no. So you just put them on. You didn't know complaints, nothing. Yeah. He just slipped them back on.
And you were like, thank God. I know. I was like, I was right next to him. I was like, Oh my God. So yeah, I mean, it takes a little bit longer to explain. Yeah, you got to have time for that. Yeah. And you have to be calm and collective, not like overreactive, you know, when your kid's doing something crazy. But yeah, I forgot to teach you. Yeah. Cool.
All right. Here we go. I'll try and, I'll try and implement that one in my kid's life. Liam, I forgot to teach you. You should tell me when you're about to shit yourself.
I forgot to tell you. No, I was going to, I can't say it. I can't say it. I can't say it. I was going to get too out of control. Well, there we go. Yep. That's, I think that's pretty much our, this episode.
Wrapped up. Wrapped up. Thanks for joining us for another hour of your lives. Hmm. And I hope to hear news, big news about things next week, Ciaran. With you. Yeah. um What big news are you expecting? Bear news, clearly. Availability. Let's hope that one goes well. i haven't We'll see how quickly that all kind of starts to happen.
um Yeah. So I got to make sure everything's like linked up like it should be. um So that's exciting. I have to go and taste the beer first. I'm like, is it going to be easier just to go to a wine monopoly when it arrives there or do I drive like for an hour and a half over to Vespi just to get it? So yeah, it is what it is. But yeah might have to like do a like a round trip through Moss and visit you. Yeah.
but um The other thing is I'm 180 views away from hitting 100,000 clicks on one this thing. yeah

Farewell and Humorous Conclusions

Okay. ah better desire sharing ah now I think I just wanted to be natural. I did mention it in my stories today, but I think to be honest, like I think when I get home, I'm going to open a nice beer to celebrate.
No triple though. I know. Sorry, sorry. No triple to celebrate this one. And the irony is it's sitting in a warehouse in Vespi at the moment. I just need to go and get it. So can I drive up there and get it? Like if you you know, if you I can put it all like again, like process an order and you can pick up a case if you want it.
Oh, that sounds tempting. Yeah. So, yeah, we'll we'll talk about offline. Yeah. But yeah, all right, guys. Thanks so much for joining us this week. Thanks, everyone. And I was doing fist pumps there for a moment. The people didn't see that. I thought you were doing like a screaming ego.
Is that what it's called? I think so. yeah anyway yeah All Thanks for joining us, everyone. We'll catch you later on the fifth side of next week's podcast. Next week's podcast. All right, guys. all alright Later. Later. Bye.
Sayonara. hello I actually can't think of any other language. Ciao. Au revoir.