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Week 9 - I'm disappointed in you bro! image

Week 9 - I'm disappointed in you bro!

E9 · Garage Avenger Podcast
48 Plays4 months ago

Kizz had his official beer launch party and Justin missed it because he was moving a sofa.  


Introduction to Garage Avenger Podcast

This is the Garage Avenger podcast. Week nine.
It's only been a couple of days, isn't it, Q? Don't tell listeners that. ah They're like under the impression it's been a full seven days since we spoke last.
Well, where are you right now?

Podcast Recording in Norway

Because you do not look like you're in your house. I am not. I am. I'm on the west coast of Norway in Sunnes, Stavanger, and visiting some of Lynn's family. So we're doing the we're doing the podcast on the road. This is the first episode on the road. Let's go. Yeah.

Aspirations in Garage Creations

ah Well, for those who haven't heard this podcast before, welcome to the Garage of Edger podcast. I'm Justin. I'm trying to share the joy of building my dumb machines in my garage with a hope of one day somehow making a living out of it. And I'm Kieran. I'm trying to turn my garage brewed beers into a world renowned brewery.
Yeah, we're twins, if you hadn't worked out, with a passion for creating the world and unexpected. And in this podcast, we take you on our everyday journeys in our garages. So, Kieran, what has been happening

Kieran's Beer Launch Success

this week? So much. So much has been happening. I don't even know where to start. Congratulations on your beer launch. We talked about this last week. Yeah.
You had your official launch. I had my so yeah official release party for mostly for friends and family. And, um, yeah, there was a lack of the fan up.
ah I wonder who could have maybe not turned up to that one, Justin. Hmm. There were more pressing issues at the cabin. i I will get to the more pressing issues in a moment. Well, it was a really good launch. I really enjoyed yeah the actual thing that surprised me the most is like there was a solid group of people. I mean, you know, for a more or less non unknown brewery releasing a beer in a small place like Norway.
I can't expect miracles, but i'd like ah we had easily like 40 people throughout the night turned up just just for it. But they're actually the thing that blew me away the most is there was, I want to shout out to two couples actually, and that's Anders and Alyssa Jondahl.
They came ah from Oscar, which, ah okay, in a map probably not that far, but like, you know, they've got kids, they've, you know, made time to come down and support me. Really blown away by that. And, oh, just to put your phone on silent. Anyway, that's probably Thomas telling you a jerk for not turning up to my party because did you get the did you like the photo I sent you Justin with Thomas and Kristen? I will not talk about this photo.
So yeah and and that's the other shout out to Thomas and Kristen. i We're actually Justin's friends. who turned up thinking that Justin was going to be there, like, naturally. And ah yeah, they stand but stayed for most of the night. It was um so lovely. So great to catch up with them as well. So that's what that's what they told you, but I actually paid them to come. So, yeah. Yeah, well, you know, it's made you look bad anyway. So, so yeah, I mean, it went really well. We, um,
We emptied two kegs, so that's good. Nice. And um basically, you know, the bar that I had it at only bought two kegs, so we basically went on to Cairns after, so that's pretty awesome.

Brewing Achievements and Feedback

So, yeah, it was really good. I really enjoyed it. The beer tasted great and people were happy, getting loads of really good feedback on Untapped. I'm currently still outranking Sally Katz Humushek, which is the number one rated 4.7 hazy IPA beer in Norway. So if you haven't
Rate it on tapped, please. If you tried it and you haven't rated it, please rate it. It helps. All the numbers help. but So I think you should. I think you need to talk a little bit about that because ah when I went to that a beer festival with you, I talk with a lot of people and everyone was talking about the Sally Cat. Yeah, right. Right. So for you to be somehow competing with a well-established brewery with good reviews, yeah, shouldn't be understated. No, exactly, right? So that's something about the beer that I'm making, ah the quality and, you know, the
it's It's just, i'm I'm hitting the mark with it. And it seems like at this stage, early days still, but it seems like the beer geeks are kind of semi excited about this. And that's really great because these are the guys that lead Like the, they're the trailblazers for, you know, regular everyday sales. They're the ones that tell all their friends, oh, you should check out this brewery and buy these beers and that kind of stuff. So i'm I'm like really looking forward to see, especially when I got this double IPA cryo Jesus on the way. Um, that's going to be really exciting to see how they received that as well. So, you know, with two, if I get two,
like really high rating beers under my belt straight from the get-go.

Current Garage Activities

Fuck me, like the sky's the limit. Things will just blow up, I reckon. Let's go, Q. So that's that's that's what I'm hoping for. So yeah, it's exciting times. And yeah, other than that, it's been a regular boring stuff in the garage.
You know, but what's actually happening in the garage? Are you developing new products? What's in the tanks? Well, I mean, I've got I transferred the I'm going to call it in New Zealand Pilsner. I know like a hoppy Pilsner. I don't know what he call it.
um over to the lagering tank and and managed to get that one explode in my face. Not the whole thing. ah There was like, a there's when you're transferring under pressure, you know, everything
everything has pressure on it. So like so basically I'd finished like transferring the beer. It was just the dregs left. I had closed the the valve into the into the tank that it was actually going into. And I just closed everything off and there was still pressure in the line. And ah on ah without depressurizing the actual line, I took off the tri-clamp and the whole fucking thing just super raid beer over fucking everything. I was like, there's a good 20 minute cleanup job on that one. I was just like, oh, for fuck's sake, how many times do I have to make this mistake before before I actually learn? It's not the first time it's happened either. So that was fun. And then I did the I tapped the
the Belgian double, put that into bottles, a little bit of conditioning on that one to go. But fuck me, I think it's probably one of my better beers that I've brewed, especially Belgian beer. It's so super tasty. I'm really excited to see how it's going to turn out when it's fully carbonated. And um I think it's a real winner.

Positive Feedback on Belgian Triple

It's um super drinkable, but like has so much depth of flavor. I'm really looking forward to getting some feedback on it and see how people are receive receive that one. So that's um that's exciting. well What about the triple? How's that? Have you heard back from Luft and Pils? How that's gone? They sent me an email and the guy was like,
i thought I almost have to look for the email actually, just to just to tell you. um but i can do He basically said that the the beer is tasting amazing.
and um you know he's really excited to see it come be tapped and and sold because he himself was impressed with it. So that's a really good sign. I'm really stoked about that. So I'm hoping that that will be tapped me early November, I think. So typically Belgian beers need a bit of what they call maturation time. So time for that like alcohol booziness to round off. um So it's gonna be typically in most ales will be tapped a lot faster, but because it's a high alcohol at 9%, it's gonna have extra time on the tank just to round it off and make it
absolutely perfect. So I'm excited about that. Um, yeah. And, ah and as a, at the party, as you're talking the release party for cosmic Christ, I got talking to a good friend of mine, Peter Espoval.

Triple IPA Collaboration Project

And we started talking about doing a beer together in collaboration with Inteosus, his band.
And that kind of got it some interesting thoughts flowing. So now I have decided that I'm going to boot brew a Teepa, a triple IPA. Now that's got like a 10% IPA, ah notoriously super difficult to brew. You got all sorts of issues with high gravity as in it's really strong. um You've got lower hop utilization with like, you got to add more hops to get the same kind of effect. So it's really fucking expensive on the hop side.
um High alcohol obviously is an issue in itself. You've got to have the right yeast strain, you've got to have the right malts, all these kinds of things. Do I use sugar to boost it? Am I going to use some other things? There's so many great questions we've got to go through on this one. So we're actually quite excited actually to start brewing something I've actually never brewed a triple IBA before. So I'm kind of excited about it actually.
Nice. Yeah. I mean, it's really cool that you can, like, collab with people. Yeah. And, you know, like, ah I think because Pet had this great idea that, you know, we would, like, run this whole event with ah in conjunction with one of their singles that they're going to release and, you know, that kind of stuff. I thought it would just be really fucking cool. So oh this we're going to see where it runs. I'm excited to see where it goes.
So yeah, that's pretty much it for for the garage this week, at least. um How's the how everyone feeling about it? How's it the Mrs. feel about the beer release? How does, yeah, how the kids, how do they feel about the beer? Well, the kids are just like,
I don't know what's going on, obviously. Lin, she's stoked. She's happy. She's actually it's really fun to watch Lin. Like she's like logging into untapped like every couple of hours just to check the score for me.
ah Because it's like every time someone writes a beer, it comes up and and then every 24 hours it updates the average score. So it looms like in there every ah every couple of hours checking it out going, oh, hey hey, just look at this review. See what this guy said. And I'm like, oh, that's so nice.
So it's it's an exciting time actually. we really I'm really kind of stoked to see where it will go and and how things will go there. So yeah, the family's like Lynn's side of the family. They don't seem to care very much, but you know, it's like, you know, they're not the ones that really matter to me. Leave Lynn's happy, I'm happy, you know? So that's exciting. It's really exciting to see.
And how are the sales going? How many places you got it at? Well, a I just sold two ah so sold some some kegs to Bergen today actually. So there's stuff coming over to the West Coast where I am now. ah Nothing to Stavanger yet. Come on Stavanger.
and there's There's a bunch of different places around that I'm um targeting. um Basically, I've sold more than half the batch already. It's been released in what, like four days, five or five days maybe?
So let's go kids. Let's go. Yeah, there'll be ah no sorry It'll be a week tomorrow week tomorrow since I picked up the cans and delivered them to gulatting So one week and it's ah i've sold. I've only got 12 kegs left so That's it and it's done on kegs. So if you're a bar owner and you want to get your hands on some Better send me a message right now and and Yeah, then there's what what else you got we got. And they got like nine cases of of beer, like in cans. That's it. Fucking gone. Oof.
And the guy yeah, and I imagine that even hasn't even hit this local brig website yet, which is it's which the my distributor is in conjunction with the product hasn't even turned up there yet, which is supposed to automatically go over. So and there's a bunch of other stores that said they were going to put in other orders with local brig. So I'm just imagining actually, like if you don't jump on it right now, you won't get your hands on me. So if you're listening and you own a store and you want to get hands them on the beer or a bar and you want to get hands on the beer, let me know. Call me now. ah Yeah. So it's, it's really exciting. There's a lot happening. Um, so, but I'm actually really stoked, uh, a pull on, uh, which is like a,
kind of like a record bar in in Bergen. They've picked up, they'll put in a pretty decent order for kegs. um And that's just really cool because you know what was actually really cool about those guys is I thought I sent them in like a sales email, yeah?
But like he'd just heard of the brewery and sent me an inquiry through the website. And like in Bergen, how the fuck did he find out? Like I'm just thinking people are talking already. That's so cool.
so It is super cool dude. Like the other side of the country and some rando's just like, you got to check out this Eucharist brewing man, it's fucking ace. That's so cool. Did they say it was that weird accent? I'm sure they did. I can't even do ah like a Bergen accent. oh Yeah, I'd just be embarrassed myself if I tried. Anyway, yeah, so that's me pretty much, Josh. But you, you released the hand truck video today, the or not today, earlier this week.

Justin's New Video Style

Yeah, I did. and Yeah, that was...
It's been a funny week. ah So this week started off with me editing actually my latest project. I finished the video for the Monster Bike. We've been talking about that ah last week.
ah I was really happy with the how the video turned out. It's not a super long video. I think it's about 14 minutes. I think it has a really good, strong finish to it. I liked it. and I think it's a little bit more ah personal, a lot more talking on camera, which is what I've been trying to do a little bit more and more in my new style.
and So I was pretty happy with that. um I posted out to my amazing patrons ah for them to have a look at. I got some good feedback. I just, whilst I'm at it right now, I just want to say a massive shout out to my patrons. You guys are awesome and I really appreciate your support. And I think, yeah, I just super grateful. What else more can I say?
And I hope that I will see a bunch of you guys, if you're in Norway, that is, at Skarpa Festival, which is coming up this weekend. So i'll be this course i'll see fingers I'll see you guys.
um Yeah, so a getting onto the elephant in the room, it's the new video. This is the new new video with the new ah style, I guess you'd say. um For those who sort of don't know, my videos were like old jokey, I guess you'd say. It was basically a fool out of yourself every 20 minutes. No, not even 20, every two and a half minutes.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There was like puppets and there was half nude men and stuff like that going on. And it was mildly entertaining, mostly just to see he's making dick out of himself.
But ah yeah, that's true. But, you know, over the the summer holidays, I had had this sort of, I guess, awakening, I guess. whatever you want to call it, I just realized I didn't want to keep on making those videos. It's really hard to keep on being funny. And I'm not always the funny guy. Like majority of the time I'm the serious dude. So I just wanted to keep it easier for me to be myself. And so I decided to make a pivot in my video style.
And so that's basically what's happened in this new video. I released it on Saturday evening. um I was up in the cabin this week. There's no reception up there. So I didn't know what was going on with the video. So I think it was about 11 o'clock at night on the Saturday. I like walked down the hill.
And I found like one bar of reception. yeah And I logged in and I was i was pretty excited to see that it had only got 600 views. I was fucking pissed. I was like, I can't believe it's 600. Even for my other videos, like 600 is low.
o And I was like, ah I didn't know what to do. I went back up to the cabin and I shared with Kristin. I was so disappointed. And I was so I was getting angry about like the algorithm and how would like why doesn't it see that this is good content? like what do i Who do I have to you know suck off to bloody get my video scene? you know And so I was having a bit of a whinge about that.
I went to bed and then got up in the morning and we you know we did do what we needed to do up the cabin and then on the way back down, i stopped we stopped in to a little yeah place on the way home and I checked the numbers and they were just, they're on their way up. you know I was quite surprised actually. I think at that point, i yeah it gone It hit about 6,000 views or something. And then I actually don't even know what it's at now, but I think it's... Let me have a look. Hold on, I'm looking at it right now, this second.
14,700 views just at this point in time on the 19th of October. No, that's when you launched it, sorry. 22nd of October at, yeah nine pm you You're sitting at twenty nearly 15,000 views. Yeah. That's great. Yeah, it's really good. So, you know, it's funny how you sort of get swept up in this like feeling of like, ah this is not working out, whoa me. And then all of a sudden something happens and that's all out the window. yeah like Like, I wasn't being a mopey bastard. um now i think I think the other thing is too, you know, like this project is yeah on the Saturday night, you know, I was thinking about the hundreds of hours I put into this project.
ah At the time, i didn't know I didn't know how much money I'd spent on the project because I actually hadn't crunched all the numbers. ah I ended up doing that yesterday and was slightly surprised um that you saved so much money.
Uh, yeah. And, you know, to see a video, drug docar ever built to the video i kind of flopping, I guess, it's a and knowing how much work I'd put in and how much money I'd put in, you know, it felt really sore, but, uh,
seeing the video go better and better, um I have hope still that this change will work out, you know, this this new change in direction will work out.

Project Video Production Costs

ah But that does bring me to a bit of the negative. I did mention that I checked the numbers ah on how much I'd spent and in this ah project. ah So um unfortunately I need to make give or take.
Drop the number on me. 1400 US dollars to break even on this project. That's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I still thought 14,000 kronas, Kieran. It's not a small amount of money. Yeah, but still, I was like i was imagining it a lot worse. So I think what helped with that project is the the engine and everything was pulled from other projects. Which I think is cool, because i I noticed that in the comments section, there was even someone that was like, oh, yeah, great idea. Thanks for the inspiration.
And I'm like, that's cool. Like, did somebody even got that from your video? Like, oh, yeah, I could just pull apart something already had. Yeah, I mean, especially if you're not using it. I mean, I did the same with the monster bike and, you know, the I had one electric motor just lying around so and the other one was actually in the drift shopping cart that I built. But that drift shopping cart, like I've mentioned before, is a death trap, so I didn't want anyone to drive it and I wasn't going to drive it. I mean, I loved driving it. It was really fun.
but Like I didn't want anyone else to drive it because, you know, like I've mentioned before, when Thomas drove it and he really, he slammed hard on the ground, like I was, that scared me.
because like this is my thing I invented. And like I did tell him to take it easy and he did go full speed straight away. So it wasn't my fault exactly. But you know, still, um yeah, i I didn't want to leave that project to be used by somebody else. So I decided I was going to rip the motor from that as well and build this monster bike. So Yeah, I do need to earn a bit of money ah to from this video to try and ah get my money back. To be quite honest, I've never made my money back on any of my videos that I've purchased. Let this be the first, bro. This is the first. Come on. Yeah, I'm excited for it.
Let's just hope there's momentum. And you know at this video or this project has two videos. So there's this video, which is the building and a small bit of testing. And then there's ah next week, I'll release a new video, which is just testing and like pushing it to the limits. yeah um We talked about this in the an earlier episode. We went out and and did wheelies and and drifting. in top speed runs and we then took it to like this crazy ah spiral tunnel. um So that's all in that second video. So that'll be exciting to see. But talking about money again, you know, I i realized like I keep on, I keep on using all this money on these projects and they're super cool and super fun, but I do need to start
making some money.

Exploring Merchandise Opportunities

So I started looking at merch. ah I've had a website before. i The only reason why I don't have a website right now is because ah the hosting feeds were outrageous and they work they weren't going to do what I needed them to do at the time. So I decided, you know what, I'll just wait till next year. I'll relaunch the website.
ah with a new look and a new feel and and hopefully a new store with some stuff. So that's what I've been working on actually the last, ah yeah, actually just today really. i am So I bought these like key chains with like these retractable cables. They're retractable ones. Yeah, yeah. So that they're really, really cool actually. And there's and there's not like a shitty like, um so
normal rope, it's ah it's actually a wire. Oh, nice. Like a metal wire. Oh, because there's no pet hate when they're like, they're breaking. They snap, right? Yeah. Yeah. I made like the problem with those things. I used to have one of those when I was working at horse, yeah. And like, I always have ah too many keys on it. And then the one time I just like, just whipped it out to, you know, get to the passkey at the door or whatever. And then it flicks back and fucking hit me in the nuts.
Oh, so what a word of warning, don't ever put too many keys on those things, you'll will regret it. So yeah, so kind of, i've I'm just showing Kieran on the camera, but it comes sort of, I bought these actually for the Monster Bike. This is actually gonna be like a, ah what do you call it? Like a spring loaded tensioner for the cables, but I didn't end up using them.
um And basically it comes with like just a blank surface on there that's about coin sized. So then I got the 3D printer out and I made ah like a garage Avenger coin to sort of place it in there. And I made it such a perfect fit. It actually clicks in.
Yeah, it's super satisfying. So I'm really happy with that. So I've done one, just a prototype with just like a black insignia. I think that's kind of sexy actually.
Yeah, and I also did this one with like a white 3D print, like it's a dual layer, so it's black background with a white filament on top. So I think both look pretty good. I weirdly like the white one better as merch, because it stands out a bit more for branding. But I also really like the, what do you call it, the incognito version of this one. Yeah, it's like a black sexy mamba.
yeah So I don't know if they will be merch, but, you know, like these don't cost that much money, especially when you buy them in bulk. um You know, I think I worked out that these cost around about a little bit. If I bought a hundred of these, these would cost fire four kronas each. That's not bad.
Yeah. So, and then of course when you order so many, it's free shipping as well. AliExpress. Yeah. Let's go. So that could be an option just to bring in a little bit of money. I don't know how much I'd sell these for, to be honest. I feel like 50 crowns, couldn't you?
Yeah, I thought so. 50 or 60 crowns or five or six bucks for for something like that you could sell on your website. So we'll just see. We'll just see what comes of it. I don't know if anything will come of it. You know, it is a little bit of work, you know, printing.
each one and putting each one in, you'll have to glue each one in as well. So you have to add that into the time it takes to like produce and things like that. And then of course you have to work out the time that you take to package them and send them out to people as well. so You know, we'll just see. And um if you guys have seen them on my Instagram stories, um let me know if you think they're cool, because if I get no feedback, then I don't know if they're worth investing in. and So, yeah. What are the merch you're thinking about, though?
I think I just have to do the standard shirts and jackets and maybe ah maybe a beanie as well. I think I kind of weirdly like beanies as a bit of merch. o So we'll see what I can come up with. I yeah i think it's ah it's really hard to launch merch when you've got such a little following, unfortunately, because you you end up, you know, you can go like to a print a full account or whatever and do print on demand, which is good. But like things like these key chains, like, you know, you have to invest in that and do labor intensive stuff. But I would want to do something a little different because that's what I do. yeah I do things a little different. So maybe I'm going to print it all.
oh Eucharist merch is going full printable. I mean, it makes sense. yeah You know, it's it's not, you know, you've got to be able to make it like I can't spend all my time packaging and sending out merch orders like that. That's not a effective time for me because I use so much time on stupid projects. Yeah, you spend more time strapping motors to things.
Talking about strapping motors of things, I i got the, I finally picked up my KZ2 go-kart

Go-Kart Acquisition and Plans

today. I did see a picture of that on Instagram. It looked pretty boss.
It's so, it's so fat. Like I didn't realize, cause you see it on the ground, you think, Oh yeah. But then when I went to put it on the bench, it was wider my wider than my bench. Yeah. It's like, it's a massive fucking heat extra intercooler thing on the side that I didn't saw. It's like that I didn't expect, but I mean, it makes sense when it's when you're running them the way that you do.
Yeah, I mean, it's crazy fast, too. Like, we've talked about it in other episodes. It's the fastest thing I've ever driven in my life. So, um yeah, I've had it on the bench. I'm now trying to work out which way to approach it ah to change, basically, the bolt pattern. So you can bolt bigger wheels on it.
and also how to extend it because it needs to be a lot longer than it is. So that's something I need to to work out. So unfortunately though, I'm probably not going to get a chance to do that this week because majority of the rest of the week I think is just organization time for um prepping for Scarpa Festival.
Yeah, sweet. So doing, you know, making some short videos that will just be rolling, repeating um on this on a TV screen, i making signs and all sorts of things. And I want to shout out to Mike Troxel. What a legend. Mike's a legend. is He is. He came over here a couple of weeks ago and we talked about and he's like, oh, do you want me to laser out some signs for you?
And I was like, yeah, that'd be boss. And so i'm he sent me a message the other week and said, oh, if you've got the science, so I sent him the science that I wanted to get lasered out. He calls me on Friday evening and he's like, ah, yeah, look, I didn't like your designs. So I changed them.
And I was like, imagine with Mike, it's got all of a sudden it's got unicorns or something on it.
No, but I think you did a great job. And what I didn't realize is I just thought he was going to be laser like engraving plywood like everyone else does. Oh, no, no, no, no. He's doing some crazy acrylic thing that looks so freaking professional. No, what a fucking legend. Oh, he's such a legend.
So shout out to Mike Troxell, you are an absolute champ and i I can't wait to spend a bit of time with you on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It's going to be awesome. What's he going to be coming with? Because he's into all sorts of weird shit.
well ah so I don't know exactly what he's bringing, but last year he had like these crazy monsters and he had like, uh, like performers, paid performance wearing these like outfits and they were running around, scaring kids and making, doing fun stuff. how They had like this crazy dragon thing and they had like Peggy the Pegasus horse galloping around and you know, they had like,
Yeah, they had bikes and all sorts of stuff out. in Because he has those like bikes which are like bike frames welded on top of bike frames. Yeah, but it's not just that like he'll like one of them two years ago was like this dragon thing that was going around. So you could ride a dragon. It was just a bicycle underneath it. You know, like the guy works at Shilden Theatre, which is like a big, big theatre down in Christian Son, gets to make really cool stuff. The staff
that he works with just love being creative. So yeah, it's pretty, it'll be pretty interesting to see what he brings this year. yeah Legend.

Challenges with Norwegian Dialects

Yeah, so that's that's me for this week. Like I said, if you guys want to come to Scarpa Festival, please come along. It's ah open from 10 a.m.
till five on Saturday and 10 a.m. till four on Sunday. and There's going to be lots of people there, lots of different exhibitors. I'll be there with all bunch of my projects and I'm looking forward to meeting you all. Yeah.
ah Anything blowing your mind this week, Kieran? Do you know what is blowing my mind this week? Norwegian dialects.
Like seriously, we're in Stavanger. I like to think I'm fairly proficient in Norwegian. And ah just I was just telling you earlier, just I was like at the at the local Boonprice and buying a bunch of basically junk food. And the guy starts commenting on the stuff that I'm buying. I had no fucking clue what he was saying. Like no what no idea whatsoever. mike oh We're still speaking the same language.
But this Stavanger dialect is so different, I'm like, I haven't tuned my ear into it yet. And it blows my mind that geographically, the distance is not that far. But the dialects are so different.
And obviously like there's a geographical reason for that because of the mountains and fjords and all that stuff that happened over time. You know, before we had cars and roads and ferries everywhere, but like it still blows my mind that there's still how hang on to these dialects. And like you can come to one part of the country and just be totally lost.
Yeah, I mean, I've met people from the north and you're like, huh? English? yes ah Even my friend Ingvart, he's from Svalbard. Yeah. And, you know, sometimes he's speaking to me and then he'll just say a sentence. And I was like,
I just had to say to him, I got like one word out of that whole thing, you know, what did you say? And it's like, you know, obviously too, like you can go down further south, like Kristensen does one thing, but then you go down to like Linde's Nest right down the tip and it's influenced from, from the Danish side of it. So all of a sudden they're swallowing their fucking words there. And I'm like, my bonus mother-in-law is from that area. And sometimes I'm just like,
blank face. I have no idea what you just said. So, man, that's what's blowing my word mind today. They're just dialects. Norwegian dialects. There you go. What's blowing your mind, bro? It sounds very broad and you know generic, but the universe.
The universe is blowing my mind man. Do tell expand on that please brother. Yeah. Okay. So we're up at the cabin. There's very little light, you know, up there. Uh, we're looking at the stars. i Yeah. And I was trying to explain to my son, Henry, like what a star is, you know, and I said like a star is a sun.
And he's like, yeah, but it's so small. I was like, yeah, but if you drove 20 million kilometers that way, you'd meet a big sun that we have, just like we have. And he he just, you saw his brain just like. But then I started thinking about that. And sometimes you forget how little and insignificant we are.
in this universe. They do you worrying about your fucking YouTube views. Right? Me sitting there like watching my untapped score, like it's like the world's going to end. Yeah. Yeah. So ah just just by sharing that experience with my son and also with my daughter, because I i ended up speaking with her as well about it, you know, it got me really thinking about like shit, like
We're on this speck of rock in the universe of billions and billions of stars just in our galaxy, let alone all the other galaxies around there like, oh my God.

Reflections on Stargazing and the Universe

So mind blown with the universe. I'm going to ask you, have you ever seen like on such a clear night that you could actually see the Milky Way?
I have never. yeah That's I've i always I've always had too much light pollution around. I was down south like kind of south Perth area down in Mugger River camping one time. And that was like you fucking mind blown. Like actually seeing the Milky Way with your with your eyeballs like without a telescope or anything. It was just mental.
ah Crazy, beautiful. So I think we forget about that stuff. It's exactly what you're saying. Like we worried about my stupid fucking YouTube video and my my beer launched and untapped scores. Like it does really blow my mind. Like we have no idea what's out there. We have no idea. It's so interesting. Hmm.
I've listened to a lot of podcasts about the yeah conspiracy theories and and all that. ye So that was mind blown for you. What's the Yankee to chain this week, Bobo?

Logistical Challenges to the Cabin

Oh, my God. Here's what's Yankee to my chain. yep So, you may have heard in the yeah podcast earlier that I had to go to the cabin and miss my brother's beer launch. Why did I have to go to said cabin on said brother's beer launch? Tell me, tell me brother.
I was required to transport two new sofas plus a bunch of other shit, including a bed to go up to the cabin. My car and trailer were full.
Right. Actually, I didn't take a trailer. I lied. But my car was jam packed. So much so I couldn't close the doors and I had to like use straps to you know do to close the door. Like the boot was open for that four hour drive. Yeah, I did wrap everything with like a top, a top old one. Yeah, but still like driving with the back open for four hours.
Yeah, I was getting pretty high on all of you. It scar it' was a good drive. Carbon monoxide poisoning. just you Let's go. I had no wonder I was like, wow, look at the universe man.
You're probably that close to fucking meeting your maker after all the carbon mono monoxide. Jesus Christ. Yeah. So what's your ink in my chain is mainly the fact that I had to carry all this shit up there ye in my car. Like so much so that my passenger seat was filled with like sacks of like firewood and a bunch of other stuff that we probably didn't need. Then on Sunday,
we're getting ready to go back. Somehow, my car is just as full, if not fuller, on the way back. How does this happen? I guess all the old stuff has to come back here. Yeah. Do you know what else is going to keep my chain here? Hold on, you only got one thing.
No, no, this can't be left out. You know what's yanking my chain? Tell me. Your inconsistency. My inconsistency? Yeah. In this podcast, the fact that we've had two episodes, two weeks in a row, not delivered on time, and not the fact that you aren't able to deliver it, it's mainly the fact that Steve called us a bunch of hacks because of that. Oh, really? Yeah, Steve. Yeah, he called us a bunch of hacks. I had considered actually sending beer to Steve. No more. No more. Steve, sorry, you're going thirsty, buddy.
um I'm sorry. I'll have you know, Steve, 4.07 on untapped. You're not getting any.
I'm not sure you just send any to Pierre either because he didn't back us up. Yeah. You know, he just let Steve, like, say these insulting things about our podcast and about us as people.
Well, I mean, I talked to him the other day, well, the message between me and Steve, not Steve, but between me and Pierre the other day, because I heard on the podcast that he was coming to Norway. Turns out that was like last weekend. Didn't even do the courtesy. He was like, I even drove through the German area, he said. I could have fucking dropped by and picked up beer. Would have been happy to give it to him.
But, you know, no common courtesy. Swedes. Can't trust them.
They're rude bastards, aren't they? Yeah, Norwegians generally. No, Scandinavians just generally just... No, no, no, no, no. The three northern makers podcasts. They're just rude bastards. Oh, those guys. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. As rude as they come, really.
sure What's yanking your chain, Karen? You know what's yanking my chain? o There was a certain family member that didn't come to my beer launch.
Because he had to but again transport couches or some shit up to the mountain somewhere. You're telling me, right? I would have rather chilling and having beers instead of transporting. And all his friends came, assuming he was going to be there, and he wasn't even there. What a dog cunt.
That's a yank in my chain this week. That's a fair call, Karen. That's a fair call. Except I can't believe Conrad couldn't make it. ah ah I tell you though, I don't think you can really be annoyed at me because if we're going to complain about something, it could be the fact that you decided to like do your, organize your beer launch like a week and a half before.
before it was launched. so well ivin in in In my defense, there ah were other factors that were limiting my ability to plan ah in two foreign events.
um so yep There's a brewery that I may not be using anymore as a result. so Fair enough. yeah there's ah Sometimes you can't control these things.
All jokes aside, though, Kieran, I fully understand you your pain. yeah But it wasn't my fault, unfortunately. Whose fault was it, Justin? Kristin's call. His wife. She has a calendar. You have to put everything through her, otherwise nothing ever happens. Also, it's my fault for not going through your your calendar planner again, Kristin.
Yeah. Right. Okay. You should know this by now. Which I might add, when I sent her a message, when she sent a message telling me, not you, she sent me a message saying she that you you couldn't come. Correct. Because she's in charge of the calendar. they were Yeah, right. Yeah. Plus, I actually never saw the invite. But anyway. Well, you know, yeahp see i I expressed my disappointment. No response. Ghosted me.
Ghost, Kristen, ghosted me. What did you say? Maybe you said something so horrible that she's like, what the... I said, that's a real shame. to i'm I'm really disappointed that you guys can't come. And what's and then ghost. Ghosted. Yeah, but what's she supposed to say to that? so I'm sorry. Did you say that in the first message?
Empathy. Come on, man. I don't know about this thing, but it sounds like it clutches straws, Karen. Well, let the man clutch its straws if I want to.
Yeah, well, yep. The event went really well without you though, Jess. It's all right. If anything, it probably went smoother without me, let's be honest. Yeah, you would have, you would have like ruined it. Like this the style class taking a decline. Yeah. But then there's the other fact that people would be like, oh, congratulations on your beer. And I'm like, oh, that's Kieran. He's over there.
Yeah, but then then there would have been a story to tell. Yeah, but I would have taken 50% of your glory. Hey, what is it? Glory is meant to be shared, not taken for one's selfish ambition. So I'm on there to share. All right. Yep. What should people check out, Karen? What should they check out? That is a good question. ah Salt and vinegar chips.
Oh, yeah, baby. If you don't have salt and vinegar chips, chances are a Norwegian, probably never tried salt and vinegar chips. um Please do. There is a very Norwegian friendly brand available in Norway. The Surland's chips, so some salt or eddic, they call it, yeah. Hub salt or EpoChek eddic.
uh chips i'm currently eating a couple a bit here o not as um good as the old classic smiths from australia in my opinion but um pegas can't be choosers so i'm being I'm just glad that they have them, to be honest. I'm wondering, Karen, did you even have anything to check out or did you just turn around and see those chips and you're like, yeah, those chips will do for this episode? I already know, but did write it down. Salt and vinegar chips, there you go. Recommendations.
I had thought about it whilst I was at the store picking them up. It was like recommendation for the people, salt and vinegar chips. Very important. Because I mean, if you don't, if people don't keep buying them, then they'll take them out of like circulation. They'll stop production. And then I won't be able to get them anymore. So I've got to convert as many people as possible. I agree. I agree.
I am a big fan of those chips, and we do have to keep eating them, otherwise they won't exist here in noise. Yep. So many chips, get on it, people's. People need to go check out patent machines. Patent machines? No, pay-ton machines. Pay-ton machines. Yeah. P-A-T-O-N machines. OK. What is patent machines?
I came across this guy, I think he's from New Zealand, I think. I could be wrong. and And he just makes cool machines. He's made this like, what do you call those big, big wheeled, like bicycles? With a big wheel at the front and a tiny one at the back? I don't know, an old school bicycle. Old school, that's its technical term, Ciaran. Sure. Sure, it does have a name. I can't think of what it is, yeah.
Yeah, so he basically made one of those, but like with a tractor ah wheel. Okay. Yeah, and a little wheel at the back and motorized. And super cool project, looks looks pretty cool. He's done a bunch of other really fun stuff. A lot of it's kind of like a little bit what I do, but probably less refined, I guess you say. Okay. Which I kind of like that style sometimes where it's like a little bit janky, you know, a little bit Dodge.
Um, and he's just, he's making some really cool stuff. Um, and he's commented on the last couple of videos of mine. So because the guy's welding is probably worse than yours.
No, I just, I like, I like his ideas. I like some of these ideas. I think they're just fun. they just They're harmless. They're not like crazy high powered things. me is going to try yeah Yeah, but you know, it just looks like he's having fun. He's got a little YouTube channel. yeah um And I think he's just trying to to make cool shit. So I just want to support him and people should go out and check out Payton Machines. Payton Machines. You know, YouTube that as soon as we're finished with this podcast. Yeah. um I think that is time that we're finished here. care Sweet. I'll get on with my chocolate eating. Yeah. I saw many a lot of chips.
and enjoy the rest of my time on the west coast of Norway. um We will attempt to to be on time to appease two other stupid podcasters that we don't want to talk about. and so we will
We will see you guys next week. Cheers guys, thanks for joining. Toodaloo, auf Wiedersehen. Ciao. Au revoir.
I don't know. Is that what they say in Swedish? Yeah, don't you know? Hey door? No. Yeah, it's like, hey door. Like, what are they saying? Like, hey, there's the door over there. Get out.
Oh, I've just realized that's where the, that's what like Hodor got his.
but So they're just like, oh, he sounds like he's just saying, hey, dogs per in Swedish, you know, Hodor, Hodor, Hodor, Hodor. Yeah, I've seen the episode where he's like, hold the door. Yeah.
Yeah, but I think that's bullshit. You think it's all about, yeah. I think it's all Swedish people. It's just the Swedes influencing the writing. No, I think it's the writers are lazy and they were just hanging around in Sweden and they were just like, what should this guy say? And they're like, that's it. I can't believe you didn't know this.
I never sit and listen to Swedish dickheads talk. And really, when I speak... You've never heard... Hey, Thor, really? I'm amazed. Come on, Bob. Pierre speaks not Swedish to me. He speaks English to me. So, yeah. Yeah, there you go. Hey, Lord. I don't know if we're going to give this bit in, but thanks for listening, everybody. I'll get my win in the after show if we had one.
Yeah, we don't have enough to say. We'll just cut this bit out and send it to Pierre and be like, this is what we think of your language. Hej då!