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Jim and John review Georgia’s 31-13 win over Auburn.

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made me kind of feel like we maybe kind of sort of almost know what we're talking about sometimes. Sometimes 60% of the time it works every time. Exactly. Exactly.
Welcome to My Gotta Podcast. I'm Jim Wood. In this episode, John Powell and I reviewed Georgia's 31 to 13 homecoming win over Auburn. We talk about our experiences on Saturday and what stood out to us during the game. As always, remember to check out the newly redesigned mygottapodcast.com to see our latest merch. And you can follow us on social media at mygottapodcast. Finally, if you need help with your website or your online presence, head over to workingwebmedia.com slash dogs. Now let's join the conversation in progress.
Okay. So I think this one actually was how we expected at least final score wise. We arrived, we arrived there eventually. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to hit that. ra I had 35 to 10. You had 38 to 16, 31 to 13 final actual score. ah that's That's pretty good. Made me kind of feel like we maybe kind of sort of almost know what we're talking about sometimes.
sometimes 60% of the time it works every time. Exactly. Exactly. ah So i mean I will say like, you know,
Obviously, I was not immune to this either. We had a collective like text message group chat, like, however, whatever, Twitter chat, like, all the all the things that was going on. I feel like that everyone and their brother, including myself was in the same boat as they watched that game, which was, oh, my God, what the hell is wrong with our team?
And I was in that boat too. And then as we arrived in in the fourth quarter, I think I messaged one of them. I'm ashamed of myself. ah Because because At the end of the day, all the f***ing and moaning sorry goter that happened in the first quarter and second quarter, we still beat the pants off of an SEC off of Auburn. Auburn. I realize they're they're not Auburn Auburn, but they're Auburn.
They're not your daddy's an Auburn. Let's just say, let's just put it that way. They're not. They're not younger us. Auburn, you know, I mean, the world that we live in is so crazy. Like I still like, I mean, just think about when we were in school, like this was like one of the games, and like this was huge game. But now we're at the point where a was homecoming be.
I have a freshman in college, she wasn't born the last time they beat us in Athens. Like what in the world? Like it's just so, it's so crazy what, uh, where this series has gone. I mean, I remember when we were in college, like the rival, like the all time series was a that was neck and neck B there was only like, there was something crazy stat where there was like 20 points separating the two schools all time and points scored against each other all time. Something like that back in the early 2000s.
Um, it's really taken a turn. I mean, for the better, obviously, like I'm not complaining, but like it's, it's just, it's kind of surreal. Yeah. It's, it's definitely surreal. Like what the Kirby smart Mark, Rick years have done to a lot of the rivalries, right? Like yeah yeah Rick but ribeck got over the hump. Couldn't, couldn't get past the Florida, the Florida situation, Florida, the Florida situation. Right. Um,
Kirby Smart has blown through that ceiling and kept kept on rolling. So like literally the only team that we are are struggling with is is Alabama and you know, it is what it is. yeah But fortunately we don't play them every single year. year Um, so I think that if I had to pick anybody to struggle with, I would struggle with the best team in the last college football and college football history, like whatever, however you want to describe it. Recent, modern college football history. the Sure. Yeah. Um, whatever. Um, greatest coach ever. And like for us to struggle against that team. Okay, cool. That's, that's fine. Um,
But this game has become not that big of a deal. And so, yeah, it it is what it is. I think that we didn't drop below, what, 80% win probability on on the ESPN gamecast? Yeah. Which, looking back on it, I'm like, that's that's crazy. um Because it definitely didn't feel like that when you were watching it live.
I never felt any kind of, I mean, I guess at what? It was 93% wind probability in the first quarter. Yeah, that is crazy. Well, there just weren't a lot of possessions. um We're not, we're in a ton of possessions. It's kind of the world we live in now. And yeah, I mean, when it was 1410, I guess, but and I'll say like my my kind of end of the day thing like I looked at my dad when the game ended and I was like I mean we just beat Auburn 31 to 13 and and we didn't like they didn't even turn the ball over because like that's been their thing like the reason Auburn has been losing is because they've been turning the ball over so much and so you kind of wonder what will what would an Auburn team look like if they were able to protect the football and they did protect the football against us and But we still beat them by that margin, which I thought, I mean, sure, I would have rather had turnovers and extended even more, but I thought that kind of showed how um soundly we were without any turnover luck, you know.
Oh, yeah, for sure. um no so I think that i think this says more about the overall team that we have than it does the offense, if that makes sense, um which I feel like that's probably the elephant in the room for lack of a better description that I just realized is quite ironic. But on but um the elephant in the room is the offense, right?
And I remember texting Josh on dog stats like, what's what's our success rate right now? Because it felt like it felt felt like we weren't doing that great, but it also felt like we were. And he's like, success rate is fantastic. I mean, it's not the success rate, it's the it's the efficiency. um Which like, that's talking about like the all all time splitting errors situation. Because like, that's what it felt like. It felt like we were having success, but like, it just didn't feel all that fantastic about it. I didn't feel all that fantastic about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, there wasn't much the like explosive that was happening, I guess, so. Right. Let me back up really quickly. I did want to kind of shout out the the the pregame, like a homecoming kind of festivities for the weekend. um It was a it was definitely hot in Athens, especially in the stadium. um But like, it was a beautiful kind of Chamber of Commerce Day, I guess you would say.
um So yes a kim and lily and i came in friday night shadow and panda for a dog and mom ah stay with them for the weekend um so came into that uh hit up campus we had a a tape deck uh pass for this game um my dad got ones Yes, this is pretty sweet so we came and we dropped my parents off of Morris Hall. Then we parked a tape we walked over and hang out with ah with Kelly and Jason our friends they they tell me like right by Jason so we're whenever what's our Kelly's husband is Jason but then I also met Jason Huggins so this was the first time we've been able to been able to go to Kelly and Jason's actual tailgate we've met them some other spots but
So I hung out with them for a bit. And I was like, wait a minute, we're right by a hug dog. So I walked over, found Huggins, talked to him for a bit, saw Joel. um And then he was like, hey, Robert Wolfe tailgates right next to us. And he said to to bring you by if you're here. So shout out Robert. Went and saw Robert. Had not seen him in years in person.
um Yeah. And then we walked back up to Morris Hall. Hugdog came with us. We moved to Morris Hall, hung there. ah Got to meet Coach Hayes up there. That was really cool. um And then Coach Trillbill and friend of the show Tim Riley got to meet each other. Apparently they they had never met. So that was, that was sweet. That's crazy. Yeah. It seemed like everybody and their brother was there. So it was a major FOMO day for me as well.
Hopefully I did just to send you pictures. At one point I was like, Oh wait, I was supposed to be saying John pictures. So I started i sent it to you. Yes. Uh, I think you did. I think you did a good job. ah You can never send enough pictures when you're, when you're trying to live vicariously through others, but yeah it was, it was, it was good. Yeah. I got enough to, the I got enough, uh, from you and seeing and everybody else posting, but, uh, I was like, Jesus, everyone was there.
There's a good time. It was it was a true homecoming. It was it was um Yeah, then we went back down and went by pug dogs again on the way because I told my group my parents by Which I will say also I got to meet Garrett plugins. I've never met her before Really? Yeah, I don't think that we had met so um she agreed with me.
So that was pretty funny. Um, she was talking to Hampton. I went up and talked with her for a little bit. So it was a good time. Good times. Oh, all the good people, all the good people. Yeah. Yeah. So again, always Morris, all crew, uh, rodeo Greg shout out amazing, fantastic, uh, event as always. So they know what they're doing. They do it right. Indeed. Okay. Sorry. I had to back up to that. but Yeah. No, I mean, that's the, that's the best part in my opinion. Um, it was pretty fun.
yeah Yeah, right. And then this was actually cool too, because I gave Lily, like, okay, well, how do you want to enter the game? my Like, what path do you want to take? Because we were down there by kind of like the Tate entrance. I was like, do you want to like go up, walk up the stairs and everything outside of the stadium and just kind of go direct? Or do you want to like walk into the tunnel, field level, walk along the hedges? And she was like, Oh, I want to walk along the hedges. Like, come on, like, what kind of choice is that, dad?
So um we went in there, yeah walked in under and the bridge, basically under the stadium, came out there and then walked along all the hedges. And Lily and Kim and I took a selfie, ran into the Riley family again. We kept running into them on the way in the stadium. It was kind of funny. But yeah, and then just walked up through the student section, you know, and then all the way up. So I feel like we got the full, the full experience, the full Sanford experience. It was good.
So you, you entered on the band side of, uh, we entered, uh, like basically right next to where the team runs out. Like on the, on the open end side, we walked in there and then we walked along the hedges. Yeah. And then like basically right before we get to the band, we walked up the the stadium stairs. Yeah.
Okay. So is that the better, is that a better attack crowd to get to where you guys sit? I went, we went in on the other side of the hedges last time and I felt like it was the planes, trains, and automobiles tuition to trying to get up to the seats. Oh, so you went like on the right side of the field, looking at the different.
Yeah. OK. Got it. Got it. Yeah. i You know what? I actually have never done that. I always go left. So probably, I guess the only thing is that when you get up to the top of the lower wall, like it's a little tighter there in that concourse um just to get through there. So you deal with a little bit of traffic there just said because like right by the student section, there's probably a a better aisle to go up than what we picked. But right. But yeah, it's a fairly straight shot.
Interesting not to try that that out next time. Um, yeah, that's, that I mean, that's, that's usually, that's usually our attack pattern as well as to walk in lower level and walk up. Cause it's, I mean, how many times there's only so many times you get to walk. that's the just so Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Lily got some good, uh, field level picks for her Instagram. yeah yeah She's pretty excited. exactly Yeah. Yeah. It's great. It's great. It's great. Uh, photo taking opportunities. Yeah.
Yeah. um i ah I also like the last time we went, I enjoyed um i enjoyed walking in. So on the on that side, of the side that we went in um opposite of the band, we actually got to be right underneath the the lone trumpeter.
um for for all that. And so that was a unique experience. I had never been down on the field level for for that experience before. Usually we're in the stands by that point. So gotcha it was cool.
Yeah, I don't think I, I don't think I've ever been down there for that. um I don't. Yeah. So yeah, that'd be cool. Yeah. Got up to our seats. Um, you know, talk to all the folks that we sit around and, um, then we had a friend of the show. Uh, the good lad led the, uh, the cheer led the, the pregame, uh, calling the dogs. So that that was good.
He was a good lad. He was a good lad. I didn't see any. I didn't see that on the on the broadcast. Obviously, how did he do? He's he did. He did a good job, you know, because like not everyone can get the timing down and they kind of throw the fans off with it when they hit the dogs and the go dogs. He did a good job. He had a nice the go was long enough. It was good. Not not everyone can successfully pull that off. Sometimes people it's a bit of a struggle. So, but dude, there were a ton of NFL guys there. um I guess just the way the bye weeks fell, like all the eagle all the Eagles guys were there.
Yeah, as I say, you basically have to have only a couple teams. whywe sure true Yeah, when the Eagles are off, it's like, oh, there is, there's everyone. So yeah, ah shocking. Jordan Davis has got like the biggest cheer of anyone when they, when they announced them all at some point.
It's going to be a true like homecoming experience to come back as a as as a national champion legend. Yeah, seriously. seriously a taste of what Get a taste of what it's like coming back for Herschel.
Yeah. Yeah. I know. I know. Yeah. I mean, we would always go crazy for him even though we were like, you know, babies. So. Exactly. Okay. Oh, man. It looks like it was, it looked like it was a fun day. Yeah, it was. It was a good day. But so, I mean, ah frankly, like, I'm sure the first swath of the, of the SEC fan base, they probably forgot that George even had a game this past Saturday. I know. There was just nothing, nothing but absolute chaos ensued after our Yeah, yeah, we were like the boring. Oh, you know, like, Oh, Georgia didn't cover this bread. Oh, yeah, whatever. You know, everything else. Yeah, it was absolutely haywire. So yeah, which I'm fine with. I'm fine with that, too. So let's talk about the game, I guess. Okay, yeah, sorry, we can get back to the game. I think you were you were starting to get into kind of the offense a bit.
Yeah, I mean, I guess that the biggest the biggest issue is right now is just the ah continuation of this this team that has these quote unquote slow starts. um I guess I don't know. I don't know what we're looking for. um When we're basically putting up enough points to win the game um in the first in the first half, but like, it just feels like that. And i've I've started to, I've started to feel that tug to that the the offense is just, I think I texted everybody, the offense ain't it.
yeah which is crazy to think about in a 31-13 game. But um yeah, I mean, it feels like these teams that we play, you know, and unfortunately Auburn is in that category right now. They're 0-3 in the conference. um But ah at some point, it's just like, we we should be motoring, like the game should be over by halftime, not that we start playing at halftime.
the The graphics, so i I mentioned to you, like I did rewatch most of this game, ah the graphics that were thrown up on like the graphics package on I almost said ESPN, I guess ABC um were pretty wild, like on how few points we had scored against the teams like the first half and then the you the first half, the first quarter. um I didn't run down or anything, but it was super low, like it was like The I mean actually that so the we scored the first time we got the ball was core touchdown That was our first first quarter touchdown against an FBS team all year. So yeah, I mean and that's the thing It's like, okay. So now to your point like what do what constitutes a fast start? So we did first time we touched the ball we scored and So we had a touchdown drive on our first position. So that's good But then we didn't have another then we didn't score again until the last year drive of the first half. So we hit a little bit of a lull, I guess you could say.
Yeah, I think that that that that's maybe it is that situation where we we should just have a ah scoring ah scoring percentage of you know are our series, right? like Every time we touch the ball, we're expecting to score points, basically, whether it be touchdowns or field goals. okay Right, right, right. Yeah, we're definitely not doing that. I mean, Brett Thorson's haven't actually punched the ball, like what's going on here.
Like, i need I need Carson back to hate punters a little bit more. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he had a workout. He had, and he punted three, three whole times in in this game. I mean, again, they're like the whole possessions thing. So I'm looking back up with the drive chart and we only had four drives in the first half. I mean, the game is just changing with this whole, like with the number of possessions. So we went touchdown, pun really touchdown, punt, touchdown, and then that's it. Then halftime. So we scored on 50% of our drives. Um, but yeah. And those two punt drives were what?
Six plays 22 yards With over three minutes of all the ball and then a punt this the other one was a frustrating 11 11 plays 37 yards Five minutes and 43 seconds a clock and punted that's kind of a crazy drive I need to go back and look at how many was that the one that we had penalties on that we and we ended up at like first and 30 or something like that and I think that was the last drive of the game, wasn't it? Wasn't the field? I think that was on the field goal drive. I don't remember, but I just remember one of the drives where we I think josh Josh was like first and 28 is ridiculous. Yeah, it was first and 40, wasn't it? First and 40. Yeah, something like it was something and stupid. It was something stupid. ah Yeah, we have like a shot block and a personal foul after the play. So 30 yards penalty is not good.
Yeah, I mean, it was a fairly even game statistically. You know, Auburn had 337 total yards. Georgia had 381 total yards. We had 21 first sounds and they had 18 first sounds. Yeah, and I know we're sitting here saying we didn't they didn't have turnovers, but we did block a field goal. And there was and there was a turnover and downs where we got we got to thorn on that fourth and one. So so I guess they're kind of kind of was kind of. Yeah, I mean, Carson Beck was 23, 29. Dude, I will say like, um this is this is this is for sure how I felt while I was watching the game i was like, geez, the Georgia versus Auburn game brought to you by Trevor Etienne.
but Yeah, like he had his his numbers don't speak like that he had like a insane day like 16 carries 88 yards and two touchdowns. But like, I felt like he was all he was an impact player all over the field. Like he was an impact in the passing game and he was an impact on on the running game.
Yeah, I agree. I, and that's, that I feel like we had been, or I had been at least like kind of waiting to see him break out in the passing game. And I thought, I felt like this was his best game there. Um, a just catching the ball, securing it. And then he made people miss. So, uh, I mean you mean, he was so close to breaking along, like long, like home run touchdown runs, uh, like twice. I think they got on like by the shoestring. So, um, could have been even a lot more if he gets by there, like one more guy.
Yeah, you're definitely waiting for him to bust one. um You know, he's been within a whisker. I think I was joking with the guys like, I feel like our running backs, you know, we've got some some folks that just can't seem to get downhill and and hit the hole. I think the Branson struggling in that regard.
um eight He had eight eight carries for 14 yards. um I don't know if he's not 100%. We finally got Dylan Bell um and in the run game, which you and I kind of talked about. like the yeah how we Why don't we have Dylan Bell? um We finally got Nate Frazier, some some carries, which we've been looking for since the Clemson game. Seven carries for 38 yards for him. um You and I have been looking for London Humphries, who was I think he was he was he was on the. ah He was on the entry report as being out, right? Yeah, I don't know what happened there. and Yeah, I haven't heard anybody give me like an explanation on what happened with London Humphries, but it was so great to see him in. I mean, by that point, the game was over when he came in, frankly. Yeah. Um, but as soon as he got there, you know, he instantly, instantly made an impact because he finished with 40 yards, which was good for second on the team. Um, you know, you got London Humphries involved. Colby young got involved. Um, so I think that Lawson lucky had, I mean, he only had one catch, but I think we targeted him a handful of times. We did. It felt like he had more than one. I guess that one was just so awesome that it felt like more. I don't know. Right. Right. You're just like, Oh, there he is.
Yeah, there there was a play where he was open for a touchdown, but our offensive line couldn't couldn't hold up on like a three man rush and somebody got got to beg. Should have been he should have had a touchdown catch.
That's probably a a good segue. So let's let's cap let's cap the offensive side. So know in the game, I think that there are signs that the offense is starting to figure itself out ah in terms of just the personnel the right personnel being on the field.
And if you've got the right personnel on the field, eventually the play calls are going to be there, right? um Offensive line, for sure, I think is still a little sus at times. um I do think that we had some, you know, self-inflicted wounds in terms of like penalties and stuff like that, whether it be an untimely holding call um on a on a big play.
which ends up being, you know, a ah big penalty. um But I mean, Carson back through, he was almost 80%. 80% completion percentage. Yeah. And that included what I thought was a couple of drops that were sprinkled in there.
And he had one pass play where he got kind of called out by the officiating career for like, I don't know what happened. I don't know what happened on that throw. Like this is not what we're expecting from Carson lately. He was getting, he was getting a lot invested by a what's his face McElroy. Yeah. um yeah there but Yeah. But then you go back and look at the all 22 view and it's because the ref was in the way.
Shout out Cochase. That was an amazing break. Cochase. Yes. I felt so much better. I felt so much better because I remember thinking exactly what the announcers were because I was like, I don't have any other way to look at this. We were dumbfounded. It looked terrible. Yeah, in the stands, we were like, what was that?
Yeah, we had basically at the same which which I guess like um It's kind of like it's kind of like baseball, right? Like when the catch when you when you're stealing a third when you're stealing third and the catcher Jumps up to throw the ball and you try to like the catcher just avoids the the right-handed batter And it messes up the flow of your throw like then coaches will coaches will um You know scream at the catcher like put it through his ear hole. He'll move Yeah. Yeah. Like put it put it through the ref's face. Eventually he'll move. Yeah. Anyway, that's ah that's my that's my two cents on that situation. um I think that Carson could have done better with that. But, um you know, the ref was in the way. um Yeah. Otherwise, it's big. Otherwise, it's a big game. um Yeah. I mean, and and I think he had he had some drops, too. There were some there were some drops sprinkled in on that 80 percent.
Um, didn't feel like we needed a whole lot for this game, but, um, you know, I thought, I thought they did. Okay. Um, that's why I was asking Josh, like the biggest thing that I wanted to know was the offense in a great, in a good spot from a success rate. And yeah he was like, yeah, yeah, we, yes. Like success rate wise, but we're fine. And so for me, like that showed progress in my opinion, but I'm looking for, I'm looking for them to just.
Hit on those hit on those those big those big pass plays, which it feels like that there are taking those shots down the field from an offensive standpoint ah um I do think that it's great that Nate Frazier is back in the game I think big George was like kind of questioning that during the game like is is is it a is it a discipline issue is it a injury issue. I was glad to see that it it wasn't an injury issue at least, but maybe um maybe there isn't a ah disciplinary issue that's that's not been publicized or talked about. but Yeah, they they said in the broadcast that it was blocking.
like I mean, yeah, I guess that you could ah make that excuse. I'm sure that if you were to ask Kirby Smart that directly, um he probably would give you give you some answers like that. But at the same time, like every time this Joker's been in the game, he's made a positive impact. Yeah, I know.
i'm not I don't buy it. I don't buy that. I don't buy the blocking situation. I think that there's just some there's i think that there's an un and unspoken, this is what's going on. I think there's an unspoken discipline issue. like he He didn't make grades. He didn't show up for something. I don't know. Something didn't happen.
um because it's it's puzzling to see a player like that that very clearly has an impact on the game when he jumps in. I guess the only person that's missing from what we were looking for is the Enigma that is um Anthony Evans.
um not yeah I mean, yeah. Yeah. that i I will say also another coach's shout out because I watched his film breakdown earlier tonight. He basically said that the issue with him is also blocking. So it was on the, um he broke down the, or one of the plays he broke down was the Dylan, the running play to Dylan Bill that you mentioned earlier, the reverse. um And his point was basically like, if anything happens held onto his block, then Bill probably scores.
Um, you know, as it was, it was, you know, it was the first down was like 15 or 18 yard runs like that. Um, but the guy that got him was the guy that, um, Anthony Evans was responsible for. So and that's another like very Kirby thing. You know what I mean? He's all in about the blocking and the receipt. Now it's not just the, you know, the line and the backs and the tight ends is the receivers too. So they have to block a lot.
Yeah, I mean, so here's here's my my retort, my devil's advocate on on that position. So there was one play where we had stacks set out wide, it was three on three, and I think that Carche's broke this play down. um And it was col It was a Colby Young pass and we had Oscar Delp and lost some Lucky out there blocking. And we we put Colby Young in a position where he had to basically, he got, he got, to he got manned up with someone out there. And you're expecting the wide receiver to make a play. Yeah. Okay, fine. Great. But like, if we are running these plays where we've got Delp and Lucky out there,
ah Maybe maybe that's some of the telegraphing of what we're doing with the personnel standpoint on what we're going to do. So like if Anthony Evans is in the game, statistically speaking, like our offense is showcased that when Evans is in the game. um You know he's not.
We're not running the ball or something like that. you know what i mean like if If certain players are not doing things that we know that they're not going to do, like then we're telegraphing to the defense. So the only counter to that is to like get them game time, particularly in ah in a game where um you know we're we're winning it pretty handedly.
Um, by the end. Um, um, yeah, I dunno. I just, I'm looking for them to like get past. but Can we, can we look past the, he can't hold onto the block long enough. And I feel like they're, they, they can't because of what you just said, cause it's like, if they don't trust in the block and then they're only going to throw run pass plays. Although this game, I feel like they did what you just said. They ran this reverse and he didn't hold on this block. Now granted, it was a positive play, but still.
Yeah, i don't I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. i don't know i don't I don't know what to say other than like when they're in the games, it seems like that good things happen and yeah they need to be targeted more. Like, I don't know. There's no other way to no other way to shake it. I mean, Aaron Smith had one catch in the game. Like, he's been the leading receiver all season long.
Yeah, yeah, he had more targets than that. But yeah, right. Right. Yeah, I guess that's probably what I want to ask you about the defense, like what? Because I feel like I actually felt better about the defense in the game than I did watching on TV. um And probably part of it is because I was in in the concession line and missed their only touchdown.
Um, um, so I didn't see that until today. I mean, really, it's just like the tech, like ah how concerned should we be about the tackling? Cause like that's basically, that's it for me. Like at this point, like I feel like the coverage is pretty good. I feel like we're getting decent pressures. Do I feel like we did a much better job setting the edge this drive, although the, the one touchdown drive, like we started letting thorn get loose and and running a bit. Um, but I mean, we, you know what? TID had two sacks, second, the first game, first play of the game. So we had some good big plays, but like, I mean, the touchdown run is a perfect example. I mean, we had him and could have tackled him for maybe, I don't know, five, eight yard gain, something like that. And then he breaks the tackle and he's gone. So I don't know. I don't. That's my concern at this point with the d defense.
Yeah, the the tackles are for sure. and tackling our first that's that's That's our issue right now. I felt like we got home pretty consistently. yeah um you know We got sacks.
There was only thing the only thing that I'm curious about and you know the exes and those guys. I feel like that they put up a graphic. The ah the football the social team put up a graphic that was like talking about all of the youth that was on the team. I'm trying to like scroll through and find out why I'm talking through this. but like There was a graphic that was put up, and I thought about this um during the game. like It seemed like we have a lot of youth on the defensive side. like There's a lot of sophomores that are that make that make up the defense, because I remember this graphic that they put together where they were like talking about all of all of the youth that was on the team.
and And as you read through the people that are in the graphic, like it's like all of the main players on defense, like a lot of a lot of the main players are on defense or like sophomores. So yeah, maybe there's maybe there's some youth components there. Like, but I don't know. I don't know what it is. Like even Malachi Starks, you know, Mr. Senior is senior leader is is struggling.
Yeah, I was, and I, I was talking about that with my dad too. I was like, what, like kind of what's going on there. Um, I mean, he's playing a different position than he's, I mean, they're moving him all around. He's been playing a lot of star instead of like, just kind of being able to freelance it at safety. Like he's used to be doing, you know, last couple of years. Um, but I mean, want to say, I thought he was looking better at star versus, um, when they asked him to do safety.
Like I thought that i thought that though i thought the working theory was that KJ Bolden has looked better at safety than Malakai Starks has and Malakai Starks excels more so when he's at the star position. Maybe, but i't that's kind of where he's been, right?
i I feel like that he's crashing down. like the the The situations where he's missing tackles, I feel like. I'm not an ex as an oath guy, but like I feel like when he's he's coming down as a safety is where he's missing these tackles in the open field, you know where you know the safety's got to make a play and on on these guys. I feel like that, I know that that sure was like what what I was seeing in the in some of the other games. um Nothing necessarily stuck out, but like i mean I think he did miss a tackle and in in this game, but I feel like it's when he's at safety. maybe um Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that in one of the chats that we were in, I thought that once someone was was kind of agreeing that that was the situation that they were seeing as well. Gotcha.
Could be Yeah, I mean I mean and they're you know, they their offense did like you were saying I mean they put up I guess decent numbers I mean thorn had what 200 yards passing but no, you know, no touchdown passes And then dark was hunter. I mean he looked pretty good 13 carries 91 yards in a touchdown with that long of 38 the 38 yard touchdown So yeah, I don't know Leading receiver is seven catches for 99 95 yards Lambert Smith So but again, you know, they got 30 points out of it when we were scoring 31 So like I don't want to be like overly critical and complaining and like, you know We did get we got to thorn we sacked him mobile time stopped me on fourth and one um So that was good. It's just I don't know. Maybe it's just like um
The other thing the other thing that's that's that is and not, um, smile has been out. That's true. Yeah. he was He was out. I mean, you can't really discount that because yeah you're talking about all SEC caliber player. Um, Christian Miller went down. Yeah. I saw that. that and Even like after the game, there was some folks that were walking off the field that looked like that they were, they were struggling at the, at the end too.
um we're we're We're definitely at the at that part of the season where no one's 100%, right? Right. it feels that way At least it feels that way. Right, right, yeah. So, Smile will be in... I don't think he was in pads during the game, right? No, yeah, no, he was out. Like, he was totally out. Yeah, but he like he didn't even like dress.
i Don't think so. I don't think like like like London Humphries was out but very clearly He had to he had to be removed from the entry report at some point, but he was definitely on that and on the initial one I don't know whether the other way, right? Okay um But yeah, I mean, yeah, the the defense is, currently but then on the on the flip side of that, like hope you you you talk about, and I guess if you're a fan, you're you're thinking back to the Stetson days, right? Where we're just like running up and down the field. Well, when we're running up and down the field,
The we have this all world defense that is like shutting everybody down like historic defense So like maybe things looked a lot better that way because they were shutting down so many drives um and maybe that might be the case case if the defense is able to um stop somebody so um and it's not to say that we haven't but like maybe that Maybe the coaching staff is just not as confident with the defense um and they're strategically trying to limit possessions in the game, which makes things look not as pretty on the offensive side. Maybe maybe that's ah maybe that's the angle. um I'd like to think that Kirby Smart's probably not playing that game.
But maybe he is playing the in in the NFL style, the NFL style um timing, like you talked about, like where the game is is incredibly short, which it felt short. like It felt like that we just didn't have that many opportunities. So if you're not stopping them on defense, the best way to not allow them to score is to not let them get the ball.
Yeah, it's weird in that it's like it feels shorter, but also longer. Like we need to do some analysis on like commercials and stuff and like, you know, like elapsed time versus time played in the game. Because I had this and this is is just like ah a sense of things I don't like. This could be way off base, but it feels like the games are longer, but they're shorter, if that makes sense. Like it feels like less plays are happening, but the game is still not any shorter, like elapsed time.
That tracks with probably what they want. right yeah right It's like stringflation. You get less football, but you have to pay more for it in time. yeah so I don't know. We need a statistic statistician to look at some of that stuff.
um I don't know part of me wonders if i'm just like being overly picky and like comparing this defense like you're saying like like this isn't the 2021 defense you know and like that's okay like now that we're probably ah we'll never see that again but i mean we may never see that again and certainly may not see that again for a long time um so they're not them still good um i don't know i don't know like i said you know like we said it was 31 to 13 against offer like can't complain too much Yeah, seriously. Yeah. I mean, you look at that. And so I don't know if there's, were there any other caveats that you wanted or any other topics that you wanted to cover from the game? I'm trying to think if there was any caveat to talk about some other stuff that's somewhat tacitly connected.
I'll say like quickly, special teams, we already mentioned earlier the block kick, so that was pretty cool. Also, that was Dan Jackson. I will say Dan Jackson continues to have, I mean, he was like the leading tackler again, ah and blocked a field goal. So he now has a blocked plant and field goal in his career. So dirty Dan, ah still doing to doing good stuff there. um And then the I did yeah ESPN, sorry, I keep seeing ESPN. I don't remember if it was Matt Roy who pointed out,
But they did call out our new version of the stat that while we did give up a punt return that we are yeah allowing a negative return yardage. That's right. So they picked up on it. So I did. I did like that. thats I thought that his characterization of that was like they did attempt attempt a punt return. Yeah. But it was for negative yards. Yeah. ah So that was good. And then no punt returns in in this in this game. So it's just that one.
You know, only because Ryan Williams, I don't know if you know this, but he's 17. So I feel like he made a bad decision as a 17 year old, uh, to return a plant for negative four yards. So you can't, can't blame Thorsen for that. I feel like that that was, uh, I feel like that that was a communicated to them to rec. That's the direct Thorsen to wreck Thorsen's no hitter.
Could have been and maybe that's just proof of that Alabama is focusing on the wrong things and that's why they lost a Vanderbilt. um that could be a That could be a good caveat. So so put yourself in like Tennessee shoes or Alabama shoes this past weekend.
Yeah, um you know our offense struggled quote-unquote um with these these other teams but like Tennessee is used to scoring like a but a billion points against all these like yeah teams thus far and all I've heard is how amazing their offense is I was actually talking about that with ah with a buddy of mine's like, it's like, man, we've got Tennessee coming off. It's going to be tough. And like, I mean, is it like, I don't know. Like I feel like the Kirby science figured out, um, Josh Hypel's offense, but like, you know, ah you hear about this offense, but like, I haven't been hearing about any of the wide receivers. Like it's not, it's not at all like, um, Jalen Hyatt or whatever. Like when right we played them, when they were ranked number one,
for a half a second. yeah um But like, yeah i don't hear I don't hear, I hear, all all I hear about is Nico Lamavilla or whatever, how I'm sure we'll get to the pronunciation on that week, but yeah um I butcher his name every time, but the all I hear about is the quarterback, and i all I saw was the quarterback completely fumble a game ending sequence, and they only scored 14 points. so So like, would you rather be,
Tennessee like blown teams out of the water and then all of a sudden like what the heck is going on. Right. um Or would you rather be a team that's on the upswing like and that's kind of where I feel like that we're going here and it it seems like it's trending in that direction where We're just gonna hit our stride right when we need to kind of like, you know you The baseball teams, you know put it in baseball terms, you know You get hot at the end of the season and and right before the playoffs start, right? So which is a thing now in college football, right?
Yeah, or or ah ah ah the team that gets hot at the at the end of college basketball, right? Like and they get hot right before the tournament and carry that into the playoffs. That is the reality that we're in in college football right now. um none of this none of this None of this matters. Sorry, Josh. um Like all you have to do is make the playoffs, right? So, um, yeah, I mean, and then, uh, Alabama, you know, like they, it turns out that when you turn the ball over on the road in the STC, poor performances happen. and Yeah.
I mean, just like period full stop, you turn the ball over in, in this league, you're going to have a higher likelihood of, of losing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think that, uh, yeah, that you cannot underscore that when you put yourself, when you put yourself in a hole in this league, that there's, there's just not a whole lot of success that can happen. Um, it put, it makes it a lot harder to win basically.
Yeah, it does give us great SEC Shores content though. I don't know if you saw the Vanderbilt. I did. I'm kind of tired of the hospital sequences here. I don't really understand what we're doing with the hospital situation. Although it is funny like shout out to Dogs Forever. Mr. Daniel, I think he tweeted out like Alabama lost to a hospital.
Oh man. It's amazing. Yeah, it was good. What a crazy weekend, though, like the the fighting Pittman's took down Tennessee, mighty, mighty Tennessee, and only held them to two second half touchdowns. I did it horribly in coach's pickup games. I went one and four this week in his in his pickup games. I think the only one I got right was Ole Miss being South Carolina. So that's funny, which, by the way, isn't Ole Miss like quietly putting together something?
I mean, they got a lot. They lost to Kentucky, though. But yeah, I guess. Oh, that's right. That's right. That's right. No, man, it's A and&M. Because A&M's only loss is non-conference in game. A&M is first place in the SEC right now, technically, by conference record. That's great. so yeah You can look at the conference standings. It looks kind of weird.
Well, I mentioned coach I'll say you also ah Extended your lead and over under so you in five and three I went four and four so you'll get to You get to keep ah deciding who goes first next next one says appreciate appreciate the updates coach and i keep I get to design things, and structure structure my play calls. Exactly. exactly um How did I do in the pick-ups? I didn't even see. You went three and two. I went one and four. um great So we're tied. We're tied on the season of the pick-ups. We're both at 11 and 10. I couldn't remember if I explicitly called the Arkansas game as a trap game. I can't remember if I called that one.
I think it was the one you said was a track game and I think the main, but I think you didn't pick it. You picked, you picked A and&M in Florida both to win and I picked UCF in Missouri. So that was where you got me. Got it. Oh man. That, that, that was, that was great. Like I remember, I remember seeing that Alabama was, was down 14 nothing, but it was like, Oh, they'll figure it out. They'll figure it out. And then after our game ended, it was like,
oh my and then you look at the time that's left on the clock and to to that point like talking about these these these head coaches like their fans just like we are um the the laner got distracted in his progress conference and was like how many time else to celebrate that was amazing That was funny. That was funny. He's like, he's like, he's like, ah I'm sorry. Sorry. that This is like a historic, ah a historic event. We'll probably never see this. Yeah. Yeah. That was nice, dude. And then the Vanderbilt stadium appar operations pulling out the Nick Saban clip and putting it on the jumbo drown. Did you see that where he said, Oh, I saw it because I tweeted it out and I feel like it's like still, I'm still getting like retweets on that thing right now. Well, he's like the only place it's not hard to play in the SEC is Vanderbilt.
Yeah, that that is that is hilarious. it is du all can we Can we camp out there for a second? Because sure the ending the ending of that game was was was drunk. right The ending of that game was just drunk. like From start to finish, like Alabama had to stop It's, it's like my brain breaks. Like Alabama had to stop Vanderbilt to even have a shot to win the game. And Vanderbilt, Kirby, Kirby death marched them down the field. Yeah. And yeah broke. I feel like Alabama broke right before our eyes because Malachi Moore, right? Malachi Moore. Yeah, you got it. Right. Yep. Number 13. Malachi Moore, number 13, just had an epic mount um meltdown. I didn't even realize how big of a meltdown he had until today when someone sent a video of what he was doing. yeah right It is absolutely mind-boggling how a senior leader, NFL like potential, like they the guy's supposed to be playing on Sundays, right? like
yeah You have a captain of the Alabama defense throwing his mouthpiece down the field, shooing off a substitution that's designed to come out and pull him off the field and telling and telling the coaching staff to go F themselves. um And then not only that, but to the the cherry on top of it is that the refs set the ball and he literally snaked his way from a safety position.
to weasel his way in into the into the line and then kick the ball away after the refs had said it. Yeah, it was absolutely wild. I heard them say that, but by that point I had been like I was so far into laughing with cardith as Carter. told Carter was like, Dad, is your ball going to win? I'm like, I don't know, dude. Yeah, dude, that's not that was really looked like it. That was Lily. Lily was like all in that. She was like, Dad, you don't understand. el how I was going to lose the interval.
She was all over it in the stadium. It was hilarious. Dude, talk about riding a roller coaster. If you're an Alabama fan, you go from the high of winning your Superbowl of the season, which is the Georgia game, um, to losing to Vanderbilt, like at that point.
ah went and I was just about to say at that point, you're you're speaking privileges on anything related to the football this season are revoked. Right. And then did you see Kirby's quote where he said something about like riding the wave? Like if you ride the wave of emotion, like that can happen or something like that. Like he basically took a shot at the war and said something about like riding the wave of emotion.
did he Did he was it was it explicitly on a question about the alabama game or was it just like a general statement that he made that i think it was about that we've that we've interpreted as as that because i maybe i'll have to do some research but i feel like it was when he was talking about because people were like asking him about the fact that they lost and he was like look i tried to it was one of those like i try to tell you guys that Every game in this league is hard and you know, that kind of stuff. Um, and then he went into the hole riding the wave of ups and downs. And then he said that like, we try to stay even keelers. It was interesting. I could have it wrong. I'll go back and I probably, I mean, that game, that game, turned that game got turned on its head because, because of a fluke interception and then a return. Yeah. Our game got turned on its head because of a fluke couple couple of fluke passes to a 17 year old.
um It happens when you party naked it in the SEC, right? like
so that that's that's the That's the reality of of of this the SEC. I mean, it's like, welcome to the SEC. And I feel like that Texas and and Oklahoma are just kind of like sitting on the sidelines watching this going on. And I actually think that it sets up nicely for us because, you know, they haven't they've largely been left on unscathed for the most part for for this. And they're just kind of like watching their your brother and sister fighting kind of thing. But eventually, eventually you get pulled into it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be interesting, man. Like I said, the top of the standings are not kind of like what you would think, I guess. So I'm going to have to look at where all the schedules are and who plays who and all that kind of stuff. It could get it could get interesting.
At one point at one point this weekend, I decided I'll save it. But like, I mean, just for some giggles here. Sorry, carter um I'll alsoll just say that I think that we may want to look at and take a peek at the the tiebreaker scenarios.
Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It can come down to a coin flip. It's possible. That's insane. If it comes down to a coin flip on some of these teams, that's going to be... Yeah. That's the last thing. This stuff, it is all written down. I can pull it up. Maybe if we do a bye week episode next bye week, we can talk about that in there or something. I don't know. There we go. There we go. I like that approach. I like that approach to All right, let's see where we're at from the tiebreaker. If the season were to end today. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because there's still a lot of football left to be played. Yeah, the season is long. Season's long, it feels like. It is long. I mean, there's an extra week because there's two bye weeks. And then then you get the long playoff. I mean, the stretch we're about to come up on is
is crazy. So we'll cross the bridge when we get there, but our schedule is, our schedule in particular is tough. Yeah. um All right. Let's see. So we talked about Vanderbilt. Oh, I would be remiss if I did not make this comment, but I don't know what those kids were thinking. All I got to say is that in my defense, I i dropped the goalposts in the vicinity of campus. right um I did not take it all the way downtown just to throw it in the river. That's all I'll say about that. like yeah Come on, guys. What are y'all doing? but like and They have to tell their grandkids this. And then what did you do with the goalposts?
Are we through in the river? what
ah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I saw something about it. They were going to try to find it and then like, uh, break it up and sell it off to pay for the fine. but Yeah, like they they should have, they should have totally, they should have totally done something like that. Yeah. Um, yeah. But man, imagine, imagine your bachelor at party. And then all of a sudden you see a bunch of Jack wagons carrying a goalpost into the bar. Yeah. I'm sure the people, the people that are in Nashville for that were super confused as to what was going on in the city. What is happening? Yeah. Yeah. Major confusion.
Um, yeah, so that's fun and then uh, I think arkansas which that part of the scc short was pretty hilarious when the vanderbilt fans When they come across the arkansas fans. Yeah, and then they did like the handshake meme like the It's like the arm sports nigger. Yeah in crawl weather is handshake. It was awesome. Yes Um, yeah, dude Did Sam Pittman save his job? He may have. He may have. five maintenances out yeah Selfishly, I was hoping that he would get fired and come over and help the off offensive line. ah georgia and Come back, come back.
chair but
I'm not a fan of Stacey right now. We're not um so we're not speaking terms right now. Um, and then in florida, uh, eventually figure florida figured it out, uh, against UCF, I think, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They did. They did win it. Yeah. But, uh, dude, is Missouri awful or is A&M good? I can't figure it out.
Uh, all I know is that, um, Missouri was number one in the speakeasy sports ain't played nobody index, um, that they released. So shout out, uh, the speakeasy sports show. Um, I don't know, man, it's tough because like, you know, a and m year one, um, with a new coach, you know, maybe like that and that Notre Dame game was what that means season opener. Um, so I don't know.
I don't know. i'm I'm still kind of waiting to see. oh Like Wegman, didn't they change quarterbacks? Because I don't think Wegman had been playing all year. So I don't know. My working theory is that Jimbo Fisher put together some good talent and didn't know what to do with it. Yeah. So if you've got talent on the roster, because weren't they like the number one recruiting class in the country like a couple of years ago? Yeah, but I think it a lot of those guys transferred. Did they all change, man? I don't know. Not all of them, i said but I think a lot of them. They went to the portal.
You just need an excuse to play in San Juan. That's my favorite one. Texas A&M blue chip ratio. That's what I wanted. Let's see. I mean, they have an 80% blue chip ratio, which is higher than, I mean, it's higher than a lot of teams. Yeah, I mean, it's higher than Oregon.
Interesting. OK. Yeah, I don't know, man. I don't know you know. I think it's probably Missouri already didn't have. I don't know. I mean, they're going to have to go on like finish with standings kind of stuff to make the SEC championship game to have a playoff shot at this point because they don't have the strength of schedule to survive two losses. And they do have Alabama on the schedule. So like the kind of common thinking at the beginning season from Missouri was like,
If you only lose to Alabama, maybe you still make the SEC championship, something like that. But, you know, they have to play those guys. So ah it's not looking great for Missouri, I would say right now. Yeah. Uh, so Georgia's sitting at 80% blue chip ratio, Texas say names at 79%. Okay. Texas A and&M actually on paper paper has one, the fourth, the fourth highest, um, blue chip ratio in the country. So maybe that doesn't like, maybe that shouldn't surprise us, but it does. Okay. Yeah. And they also lost the Notre Dame. Right. Right. Who has a 67% blue chip. pick Yeah. Um, yeah.
I like it. I like it. I'm a fan of chaos. Just throw a hand grenade into every other game but ours. Yeah, I'm good with it now. I felt like in the four-team playoff there would be times where it's like, I don't want chaos because that's going to throw things off and it could mess us up. Now it doesn't matter as much. So if chaos happens. You're like, let the chips fall where they may. Right, right. Now I'm like, whatever. Yeah. Oh, speaking of, uh, I feel like that we had a second half, uh, turnaround when I, when I changed clothes and, and put on my, uh, blackout attire, which if I had gone to this game, I w I would have worn black out of spite. Um, you would have died. It was so hot.
And that's that's a fair assessment, but I would have had shorts on, which sounded like Hunter were pants. I'm like, I don't even wear pants in this game. Hunter did wear pants. Hunter did wear pants. Yeah. Even if they're performance pants, I would have roasted. Which I will say that was another thing. Like we we did have we had three fourths of the OG of the Kirby we trust crew there. So you you definitely were miss JP. I missed John john um j and John and Hunter were there. Yeah.
Um, i mean we I got to meet Hunter's cousin too. So that was fun. That is fun. I saw him with the big hat on in the pictures. That's funny. I, uh, I was, I was roasting myself and and literally everyone else around everyone at the, at the homecoming festivities for, uh, my seven year old, they they had the homecoming thing for the junior Hoyas. Okay. Um, so we were just, we were out there on a natural grass field and it was just like,
I mean, it was 11 30 in the morning and we were all standing out there just like roasting. I was like, it's only going to get hotter. This sucks. I was like, I kind of, I kind of, I'm kind of glad I'm not in Athens, but, uh, as, as the picture started rolling in, I was very quickly like,
Should be it happens. But yeah, the ah the the junior Hoyas, um can't the the the team that came to the second grade Hoyas have had a ah tough ah tough season this thus far. they have They've only scored one touchdown in the season, which was in this game. So they scored their first touchdown of the season thus far. I think they played like five or six games or something like that. but Um, ah needless to say, we're not exactly there for the, for the football. and Right. So, um, my daughter, my daughter was, uh, she won the spirit, ski she won the spirit stick, which is like a, you know, their, their version of like the MVP of the game. Um, nice which, uh,
I don't know that cheerleading is going to be her sport, but um she's she's enjoying life with her friends. That's all I have to say about probably with that. then wrong but I think I have a picture of her frowning. um I was like, Kamen, can you smile for me? And she like was frowning because it was so hot.
Yeah. um But yeah, we had we had that going on. My oldest had at homecoming as well. Actually, Hillgrove's homecoming, but she had homecoming going on too. So there was a lot going on in the Powell household and then Carter had ah baseball literally from sun up to sun down.
um on Sunday, which he did it okay. Um, team didn't do all that well, but, um, it was also so their first game, like actually playing together. Well, first organized game plan together. Yeah. Um, but, uh, my Sundays will be for the next four weeks. I feel like are going to be absorbed by, uh, by Carter, my Carter's baseball.
Gotcha. Gotcha. That time of the year. It is that time of the year. Yeah. Although it does look like it's about to start cooling off for, um, the bizarro dogs, which I'm super excited about. Yeah. I was dying laughing when you texted me like a screenshot of the weather today. today You're like, yes. Uh, cool down a little bit. Super excited. Get some actual fall weather going. ah Exactly. That'd be nice. Run, run, run the dang fall weather, Bobo. Yeah. Seriously. Seriously. Oh cool, man. Um,
Yeah, I guess that's felt there's anything else trying to think if there's anything else I wonder I didn't see like well, I guess because it was at Vanderbilt, but like it would have been pretty awesome if that had been in um, In tuscans. I wonder how many times they would have shown uh, nick Saban then Yeah, yeah, no. Yeah. I don't, I mean, he was in Cal, I guess, or whatever for that Miami Cal game. Yeah. um maybe um All I gotta say is, um, you, you get, you, you reap what you sow. You reap what you sow.
Too fine. Well, yeah, I guess another another homecoming in the books another deep householders Ravery in the books still think it was weird that Auburn was a homecoming opponent opponent not a fan of that personally I would rather not do that again um Hopefully the schedule doesn't fall that way in in two years. Let's pick somebody else. I don't like it but where Yeah, I mean who yeah, i don't I don't know who's in charge of such things, but I don't know how that works You have no idea like how that gets determined um But feels like Mississippi State would have been a better homecoming opponent. Just me. Oh, yeah, seriously Especially with the game time like game time itself is gonna be a much better situation. Yeah. Yeah, so and but By the way, i'm I'm still of the opinion that the the four o'clock kickoff time frame is ideal
Yeah, I'm looking forward to that next week. Are you going to go? i guess we talk about we'll We'll talk about it. um yeah we got another We got another episode yet to go this week. On the Bizarro Dog, the Bizarro Dog preview. So we'll we turn the page, and I guess that i'll i'll leave I'll leave you, dog fans, with ah with this ah sentiment. I heard a lot of folks talking about the Alabama game ah well after the Alabama game. We've done it as well here to a certain extent, but like I know that I was messaging Jim that it feels like that everybody is still talking about the Alabama game, and we're literally about to kick off against
one of our biggest rivals, um, yeah, historically turn the page dog fans. Um, yeah. Our team is, our team is figuring things out and we have one loss that that required five turnovers. It is what it is, but, um, just, uh, just move on. I think we're going to be fine. Yeah, I agree. He made the bet and goog go go dogs.