EP 04: The extraordinary healing power of developing a personal brand w/ Cheryl Geonanga image

EP 04: The extraordinary healing power of developing a personal brand w/ Cheryl Geonanga

S1 E4 · The Modern-Day Healer
30 Plays2 months ago

In today’s episode, you’ll meet the incredible Cheryl Geonanda, an intuitive branding alchemist who helps entrepreneurs create visuals and branding that resonate deeply with their souls. As the founder of "Dare to Be Woke," her work empowers people to heal, evolve, and courageously live their truth.

Cheryl believes every aspect of our lives and businesses can lead to greater self-understanding and remembering our sovereign, spiritual nature. Through her intuitive approach, she creates healing brand experiences that promote energetic expansion…something we all crave, which is why this episode is so 🔥.

Cheryl gets candid about building her business as a mom and the importance of embodying presence and joy to leave a legacy for her children. She dives into using branding as a tool for self-discovery, explaining how visually aligning with your higher self naturally attracts aligned souls.

This episode is a potent reminder that your brand has the power to be a beacon of your soul's truth. If you want to experience branding as a sacred journey of self-knowing and authentic expression, then tune in to receive Cheryl's wisdom. Her insights will inspire any spiritual entrepreneur ready to alchemize their brand from a place of radical truth.

Connect with Dana HERE and Cheryl HERE and tell them what you loved most about this episode and what resonated deeply.

You can also connect with Chery via Facebook by clicking HERE or go check out her website, HERE.

If you would love more information on Cheryl’s new program, Canva & AI Unleashed, click here to DM her.

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Hello and welcome to the Modern Day Healer podcast. I'm your host, Dana Hayes, and I am so excited to share with you the stories, the trials, the tribulations, and most importantly, the triumphs of my own as well as many other successful modern day healers.
We've gone all in to pursue our passion, to make an impact in the world by helping humans heal from the past and find true empowerment in their lives today. So what exactly is a modern day healer, you might ask? A modern day healer is you.
She is me and anyone else who feels a calling to help others heal, grow, and share their light. You could be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a writer, a speaker, a podcast host. You might be a workshop producer, a course creator. You're most likely an entrepreneur and can't shake the desire to make your calling your career because you know how much impact you could make if you went all in and had the opportunity to share your story with the world. That is a modern day healer. I'm a podcast host, a co-author of an amazing book about the journey of sobriety, a wife, a mom of two young children, and the creator of the spiritual lifestyle brand, Living in Power. I am Dana and I am a modern day healer. I am so glad you're here. Let's get started.
Welcome, welcome, welcome Cheryl Jananga to the Modern Day Healer podcast. I am so excited to have her. She is an intuitive branding alchemist and mentor and the founder of the Dare to Be Woke movement, Heal, Brand, Evolve, which is all about daring to live, express, and speak your truth. Cheryl believes that everything we're claiming in this lifetime is meant to serve as another path to gain a true understanding of who we really are and remembering that ultimately we are sovereign beings. Cheryl uses an intuitive approach to branding that creates healing environments where clients, visuals represent and resonate with their higher selves, promoting energetic expansion and evolution for the client. So I believe that every business, every aspect of business holds within it
another path to greater self-knowing. And so Cheryl, I'm so excited to have you here because I feel like that's exactly what you are exuding through your message, through your business, is that like branding, design, all of that can be another path to higher awareness. And then when you have that, when you are really embodying that higher awareness in your branding, it's going to attract more people to your brand, right? Can you speak a little bit, well, actually I'm gonna back up.
Can you share with us your initiation to this path? Like how did you become an intuitive branding alchemist? And then let's get into like, what is intuitive branding alchemy? How can people do this for themselves? Maybe how can, and then we'll get into how they can work with you and all of that. So take it away. Share your story. We want to hear it.
Yes, thank you. Thank you so much for having me. This has been obviously a whirlwind of um timing and now it's completely divine. And so I'm really, really happy to be here. Thank you so much for having me. And um the way that I started in this journey, um I've always loved art my whole entire life. You know, when I was younger, I was, you know,
People, you know, when you're kids, you kind of know what you're good at. And I was good at drawing. I was good at art. I was always winning like coloring contests and um like art contests like in school. And so, you know, I was also a very shy kid. So I just, you know, when people told me that I was really good at something, it was really kind of hard for me at the time to understand what that meant for me because I'm like, what do you mean I'm good at this? Like, this ah doesn't everybody do this? You know, like, but of course not, right? And so my journey started when I was younger, loving art. And then into high school, of course, I loved creativity, art classes, all the things I took all of those courses and classes. And then I got into college and I knew I wanted to do graphic design.
So that's where it led me into the corporate world. Now, when I got to the corporate world, I was like, oh man, this is not how I pictured my life to be. Why do I feel like this? Why do I feel lost? How come I'm not happy? Even though I'm making all this money, you know, like I was, you know, I had a great place to live, you know, all of these things, it was just The way that I felt, felt so out of alignment with what I actually desired to do. And now because of that conditioning, I was so confused.
You know, because when we're taught that, you know, having a good job and having this and that, like, this is what's going to make you happy. This is what's going to, you know, excel your life. I didn't feel excelled. I felt lost completely and utterly lost. And I was like, this is not it. And I had no idea where to go from there. And now I've been in the corporate world at this time for about seven years. And I was just feeling depressed, depleted,
I'm just energetically withdrawn. I didn't know who I was. I was just so energetically and and physically, mentally, spiritually, like I just didn't understand myself. And so I started going on this journey of understanding, trying to understand who who we are and why we're here. Because I'm like, what's the purpose of my life? If I'm doing something that I don't like, like what's the purpose? like What do we do?
so I started getting in touch with like spiritual people and um and then I discovered this whole idea of spirituality. So I feel like I had the spiritual awakening back then where I'm like, oh my gosh, other people exist where they believe and think you know the same thing that I do, that there's more to us, that we're healers, that we're you know like we're people of more than just being human. There's more to us. And I had known this my whole entire life, but I didn't know how to express it.
And so when that happened, I was like, oh my gosh. And so I ended up quitting the corporate world, but when I quit the corporate world, I wasn't following my heart because I still didn't know how to do that. And so I got into an MLM business and I sucked balls at it, by the way, I was like.
Right? Just because when you think that, oh, you're going to start this entrepreneur entrepreneurial journey, you're like, oh my God, it's going to be so easy. No, I had a lot of inner self work to do. And I didn't under understand what that meant at the time. Because even when you're selling to people, you still have to understand how to connect. You still have to understand how to talk to people, how to like truly understand what that means. The self-development was still very new to me. And so I went through this whole self-development process and I finally realized I'm like, you know what, why aren't I doing what I love? That's when I went back to graphic design. And so when I went back to graphic design, one of my girlfriends, um she was also in her entrepreneurial journey as well. And she didn't like the branding that she had received because it didn't look like her. The photos didn't look like her.
the graphics didn't look like her. The website didn't feel like her. And she's like, you know, I had this stuff, but i I want to redo it. And I was like, you know what? I'm like, why don't I do this for you? Why don't I just see what this is going to feel like for me? And so I redid her whole entire website, her whole entire graphics. And when I was done and I showed them to her, she cried. She was like, this is it. This is me.
And so this is how my journey started. This is when I was like, okay, well, what else can I do? Like, how can I make, how can I help people feel this way about their branding? How can I actually, you know, like help them see themselves within, within their branding, but not just like see it, but other people feel it too. And so this is how my journey really started to deepen.
This is how I i started ah out of nowhere it seems, but of course out out of somewhere, it seemed like now I started to get telepathic images of what people were talking about in their branding. This is where I started to really intuitively feel into someone's essence. So images would come, pictures would come, shapes would come, colors, ah all the things started coming to me naturally, like over time. And so this is why I believe in higher self.
branding, because we're all here on this planet right now to really understand who we are, as well as, you know, really aligned to our higher selves, which is like, what our mission and our purpose is here to understand. And so I just realized recently, within the last few months, it's like, we're here to reflect to one another with our gifts, who we truly are.
And this is what excites me about doing branding. It's not just branding, it's going deeper energetically, metaphysically, seeing people on a different level so that when they're seeing themselves, it's like we do have a picture of who we are and what we want to become. But it's like when I do branding for people, I do take an energetic snapshot of where they are in their evolution.
and it it becomes an energetic match to what they're creating, and therefore people also feel that. So it's not the it's not like you need branding per se, but if this is something that you desire in your heart where you know that branding is also an energetic like an energetic frequency, I can come in and also help match that for you with you. And I'm also now um understanding that I'm a healer as well,
Yeah, so this is like another part of the journey that I'm also including within my branding because to align to our higher selves with the branding and then actually branding people really feels like this energetic expansion that happens within someone's business. Okay, so many things to say.
I completely aligned with your first path, right? The corporate world, which by the way, I could literally only do for one year. It took me one year to go. I'm literally dying inside. and I'm killing myself. That was when my alcoholism was at its peak. I was a literally like leaving work, driving to the liquor store, buying mini bottles,
making some story up to the the salespeople saying like, I was like, I'm buying these for a birthday party. And they're like, I don't need an explanation. Thank you. And I would get in my car and literally like pour them into water bottles, which by the way, I realize is completely messed up and irresponsible, but I was so in my alcoholism as a disease, right? But the the corporate world being in a desk in an office Not that this is to blame, but it just, it really helped ignite the disease. It gave me justification for doing it um in my, in my head with my ego. But sitting at that desk, I literally felt like I was dying. I felt like my soul was gone. And I was so confused because I was like, my mom told me.
that My mom told me that this 401k is like really great and that this package that I got is so amazing. And I have every opportunity to climb the ladder. They're literally grooming me to be a money manager. I wanted to be a money manager. I fought for that job.
And I was so confused as to why I didn't like it. And it got to the point where they're like, Dana, let's just like get you a yoga ball for your desk so that you can sit on that instead of a regular chair. Maybe that's going to help. but Okay. I'll try anything. It didn't help. Yoga ball did not help. Um, but then I went into MLM and I did it. And I think a lot of people do that because the next thought is, well, I had a ceiling. I don't want a ceiling on my money.
But then you recognize there's a ceiling on you. Like there's a cap on you because it's not you that's coming forth. It's the MLM. It's the company. It's their vision. It's their, whatever they believe their values. And so then you recognize the cap on you. So then you go to the next level and you're like, what's next? And then it becomes this spiritual growth path, which is amazing if it gets to that point, but I had the exact same experience where I got led to spirituality, and didn't even realize that's what I was even delving into. I thought everything was personal development. And then I realized, oh, that's just like the bottom of the barrel. Like that's just a scraping the bottom, right? And then getting into spirituality, but not getting into it, like taking action.
and having a genuine spiritual experience and an awakening where everything internally changed and shifted. And I recognize the same as you that business is ultimately about that energetic shift that we've created within ourselves that that was always there, right? Like we just cleared the way for that to show and to shine. And it's about being able to, um,
to connect with other people using our essence so that they can see that it's available for them to do as well. ah And so I kind of want to ask you when you're talking about creating this healing environment in your own business where you're helping people create a brand, you're doing branding, you're doing design, do you find that that healing environment that you are now cultivating for people is essential to developing really aligned branding for the person? Yes, a hundred percent because there's a difference between someone who's at the very big beginning of their journey versus someone who is has been in it for a while. And of course, like, I mean, there is no comparison. That's not what it's about. It's just like a note, like, um,
just an observation, right? Because like when we're talking about feeling environments, it's not like someone it's not like there's something wrong with somebody. That's not the point of this, right? It's the idea that when we are understanding that we are holistic beings,
Sometimes when we are on our journey, we come across thoughts that we have that don't align to who we truly are, which is already holistic, which we're already loved, which we're already all of these things. And these thoughts are the things that quote unquote, need to be healed. And these thoughts go into things like disease, and you know, physical ailments and like all of these things, right? And so I believe, especially when it comes down to us knowing ourselves, understanding ourselves, becoming an entrepreneur, serving people and all the things, we start to get reflected back to us, who triggers us, who we want to be in the space with, right? And so this is why healing is definitely important in my opinion, because when we're being triggered,
Again, I do believe the bigger reason for all of us being on the planet right now is to literally help each other see each other as already whole. That's what we're here to remind each other of. That's why we are already healers in our own way, whether we call ourselves quantum healers or energy healers or whatever it is, even us like helping people change their perspectives,
is like a healing process for somebody else. And whether you choose to go deeper or not is a choice. So I believe that when we're going on this journey of becoming an entrepreneur, understanding who we are, learning how to serve serve others in like a higher capacity and also like in a higher level of awareness,
Right? The healing is a part of that because you're going to come across things where you're like, you get triggered with money. You get triggered by somebody else. You get triggered by clients. It happens. It's bound to happen. And so it's really good to be in a space with somebody who understands that, who can help lead you there, who is going through the process themselves.
And all of that is in line in alignment with becoming an entrepreneur with branding yourself, right? Because branding isn't just visuals. Branding is really the deeper inner work that we do. And when we speak and when we express ourselves,
that's branding too. It's the inner journey and the outer journey that reflects that. And so all of it coincides, all of it is just so, I feel like helpful to understand and know, and all of it is what we're going through right now, whether you like it or not. Totally agree. And especially with the triggers conversation, I was just having this conversation, I think it was in the last episode with Taylor Tozak, and we were talking about triggers and how um essentially they're opportunities, right? They're an opportunity for you to look at where you can grow. And so for you, I'm assuming that being a brand, an intuitive brand alchemist isn't just in the alchemy of like creating the design. It's about, and and correct me if I'm wrong, but to me it would be um because you are a healer,
It's about helping somebody who is your client, alchemize their emotional state, their spiritual state, and learn how to essentially transmute past experiences, triggers, all of the hard stuff that that's coming in, their their past perspective, whatever it is. Learning how to transmute that and turn it into this evolved version of ah who they really are, right? That's the higher self.
And then taking that essence and putting it into a design which conveys that higher self through the branding, through the marketing, and allows other people to feel the energy, that that higher self energy, that evolved energy.
which then becomes very magnetizing or repulsive, depending on who's looking at it, but it's great because that's a magnet, right? Like Autumn was talking about the other day in the vortex, but it is, it's it's that attraction and that repulsion that you create when you show up as your most authentic, highest self. And somebody like you is sitting there as the healer and as the the higher self brand consultant and taking all of that, merging it into one, And essentially creating a package where somebody else can look in and go, Oh my God, I feel that I want to work with that person. Um, and so I want to ask you, do you feel like when you're working with a client and they're asking you for branding, do you feel like branding is another
place where it's like almost like the soul's playground, like another place where the soul gets to learn how to evolve. And if so, how can branding help us to do that? Like, where have you found that there are triggers that come up? Where have you found um things, you know, the hard stuff? Where is the hard stuff in branding that you've seen through your clients?
Um, I love this. I love this question so much because yeah, like when we're talking about like the branding aspect and where the opportunities are to grow. Because I've had a lot of people where, you know, i I started off with higher self images, and what those are, are really like me creating, because you know, like you've seen AI before in professional, um in a professional sense, where, and you know, like you see someone in a suit, or, you know, like in a professional dress, and they're in an office, and none of my clients are like that. Okay, yes, they are professional, but there's deeper levels of understanding of
higher consciousness and how magical we are. And so part of this journey is allowing yourself to see yourself or who you truly desire to be, to to create, right? And so we are creators.
We're allowed to see ourselves as priestesses, magicians, queens, um you know, like all of those things. And so some of the people that I have branded or have done higher self images, sometimes they're like, these are so gorgeous and wonderful, and I love this so much. And then they hesitate to put that out ah out online. And the reason being is because they're actually scared of that higher level of being seen that way, right? And so it's really interesting how that is is like a an edge for us to look at, right? And I went through the same thing as well. It was like, oh, I've like, I really, you know, when I started creating higher self images or basically AI images, but, you know, created in the way that I see myself. So I see myself as a priestess or a queen or like someone, you know, like who,
who is a priestess, but also a creator. So I created an image where um I was sitting at a desk, and but I was wearing like a priestess outfit. and look It's obviously still me because I see myself as that. And I hesitated at first to put it out there. But I was like, well, why do I feel like that? It's because it's an edge for me. And where the uncomfortability lies is the opportunity.
hate And so this is where when we see ourselves as like higher beings or or whatever it is, we are we are already all of that. All of that. we It already exists. Now we're just matching our frequency to what we and how we truly see ourselves. That's all that it really is. So the lesson I feel every time that comes up is Can you allow yourself to feel this? Can you allow yourself to dream this about yourself? And can you allow yourself to align to this vision that you have for yourself? And I think that's where the healing part of it, and someone someone said this to me the other day, they're like, you know, you actually help people heal in terms of how they see themselves.
And I was like, yeah, you're right, because you know we're we're always going to different levels. We're always looking to evolve. We're always looking to like really deepen that understanding and knowing about ourselves. And so when you go there, it's it is uncomfortable. And that's where like I really help people see themselves in that way, but also in a way that feels good as well. Yeah. Wow. OK. So you are literally an expander. You are.
making people see this this next level iteration of self, which would be edgy. I mean, especially if you're, again, it it does come back down to the whole, the uncomfortable feeling is the opportunity idea. Because for me, I know that I had a photo shoot a couple of years ago. It was actually, it was back in 2021.
one And the photographer was taking photos for living in power, which was my brand. I've actually evolved out of that, but um at the time I was teaching empowerment and it was completely experiential. So I did feel very empowered. My perspective had completely shifted, but I i had this inspiration from a mentor.
for a photograph that I wanted her to take of me. And I wanted her to take a picture of me placing my hands on my chest and like being vulnerable and like um almost like in prayer, but being calm and having my face just be chill. And and I couldn't do it. So I did it. i She took the photos, but I hated them. I did not like them. And when she was taking them, I remember saying,
I just can't do this. This is not me. And I remember her saying something that actually triggered me in the moment. But looking back, it's almost as if a spiritual master said something that um I look back on but kind of often, I'm like, man, does she even know what she said in this moment? She said, well, maybe it's just where you're at right now. Maybe, you know, in your life, that's not where you're yeah you're at yet to to do that pose. And I was like,
Like, I'm so empowered, how dare you? And she was totally right. She was correct on that. And if you look at the photos, I look uncomfortable. I look, like, I don't use them, okay? But it's a testament to where I was, just like she said, where I was in that moment. And having, you know, I really think it's about having the willingness to just look at the truth of where you are in your journey, being okay with that,
Taking the photos, doing the branding, doing whatever it is that would really bring you joy in the moment and allowing yourself to see the next level iteration, even if it makes you uncomfortable and saying to yourself,
I might not be there yet, but I sure as hell am going to be. And knowing that that's your truth and that you're going towards it as opposed to away from it. And I i really just feel like that was a very powerful experience for me with my own branding. And you made me remember that because it was it was powerful. It was a moment where I just was like really uncomfortable. But now looking back, it's like if I took those photos again,
um First of all, actually, I think I would do it differently. I think I know myself on a different level to where it would have been a different picture anyway, um but it would be okay. And I would ah be really happy to do it and it would look natural and it's the embodiment piece, right? I love that. I love, you know, and it's, it's so synchronistic right now that you're talking about that because I had a conversation the other day with somebody about this exact thing.
where, you know, like when we're talking about the moments where we're uncomfortable, because, you know, part of this journey, we're we're going to come across these edges all the time. Of course, like we said, it's bound to happen. But in order to really be present with it, it's like, can you change your perspective? Like, i know you didn't you did just mention this too, can you change perspective?
where even though you understand that this is uncomfortable, that you're allowing yourself to understand that this is where you need to be in order to grow. This is the moment where, yes, you you feel the uncomfortability, but in actuality, in order to get to that next level, that like accepting that this is how you feel right now and loving yourself through it.
And so you know when I was hearing that yesterday, I was like, oh my gosh, that makes so much sense. And so what you're what you're speaking to in terms of, yes, like where you are, you had to go through that experience to understand it even more, to actually embody the idea of like your next level. And so can we look back and and you look at look back at it with grace and say, thank you for those moments.
Thank you for you know allowing me to feel that uncomfortability so I know i where I can grow and how I can grow and what my next level actually is. Can we accept ourselves in the moment, in the present, even when we feel the fear and the doubt of you know sales and clients and you know people being triggered, can we allow ourselves to look at it in a different perspective where were actually okay with it. And there was another conversation I had with a friend of mine a while back where, you know, she had told me, and this is something completely different, but still is parallel to what we're talking about because, you know, she's like, you know, sometimes I don't feel okay. And she's like, I just decided that I'm okay with not being okay. Right? I'm actually okay. I'm not making a story out of it. I'm not shaming myself for it. Like I'm actually daring to be woke about this
and like allowing myself to feel, yeah, I feel this, but it's not like I have to make anything out of it. I'm okay with being not okay. And I was like, oh, I love that. And like, I didn't realize it at the time, but to look back on it now and to understand what these present moments mean, like all of these little things about the uncomfortability, about like the fear and the doubt and like, oh yeah, like I don't, I don't feel like this and what I'm triggered as fuck, like,
These are the moments, these are the lessons. And when we melt into these lessons, we embody them so much faster because we're accepting where we are. We're accepting it.
Without acceptance, we can't move on. Without acceptance, there's denial. Without acceptance, there's like you know you're not feeling your emotions. And I was doing that for a long time with myself. I wasn't feeling my emotions. I wasn't accepting myself. I wasn't accepting that you know like i I'm not where I want to be. But as soon as you accept it, you start to move on. And this is where the journey is like leading us.
ah So good. It is. It is so good. It's so good also because how many people have come online in the past five, 10 years talking about acceptance, but aren't living it, right? And don't actually have the experience behind it and don't have practical applications to teach. And I feel like this is it. Like how do we accept it? Well, I mean,
in my experience when it comes to feeling edgy and feeling like, oh my God, should I show up in this way? Should I say this thing? Should I do this thing? It's really about getting out of that self-centeredness that we feel in the most loving way, right? I mean this with the utmost kindness for myself and for you, for the listener.
but it really is, it comes down to why are you doing what you're doing? Number one, it's not about you, right? It's ultimately about us as a whole being one and expressing yourself as your highest self so other people can feel comfortable enough to do the same thing. Like you're talking about really showing up as that highest, most conscious part of yourself, which is always there. That is you. That's the real you clearing out all of the negativity, all of the, all of the judgments, all of the fears of what other people who are going to think about you and allowing yourself to really show up and shine as that, like you said, woke part of yourself. That's the whole part of yourself. That is the true you because ultimately it's not, it's actually not about you. It's about,
the whole, it's about everybody and who you're going to be able to impact when you can get out of your own way. And I feel like getting out of your own way in a lot of ways is getting out of your self-centered thinking. And that was the perspective shift I had to have and that I consistently have to have on a daily basis. And you know, a lot of people hear that word self-centeredness or selfishness and they think all like instant negativity, you know, instant defense. Like I'm not selfish. I'm not, I'm not being self-centered. I'm sitting here trying to put myself out there for the rest of the world and impact people by serving. And that's beautiful. However, you know, and this might be a new edge for you. You also want to, when you are seeing these edges come up, these triggers come up asking yourself first and foremost, why are you having it? Is it because you're afraid of what other people think about you? Is it because
Ultimately, you're afraid of what's going to happen to you. And when you can see it in that way, you can see that that's the illusion, right? That's the illusion that ego is like trying to present as truth. And it's not. And you know that as a conscious business owner, as somebody who is on the path of evolution, who is constantly healing and growing, you do know that.
And so being really, really rigorously honest about the fact that that is an illusion and ultimately asking yourself like, okay, and is it my ego attacking me right now? Is this an attack thought or is this the truth of reality? And if it's not the truth of reality,
It's having the ability to know that, even if it's still uncomfortable. And even if it does produce fear in you, because fear is always going to be there. It really is. You're a human. You're going to take your human with you. You're going to be afraid. And that's okay. Having a lot of compassion for that part of yourself, saying you're safe, like making sure you know that you're safe. Really. You could just say it out loud, like I'm safe. And moving forward, knowing that those are just attack thoughts. Those are not real.
and And then seeing what happens without knowing what the actual outcome is going to be, because that's the courage, right? And when you do that, I feel like the results are so much more potent and powerful because again, people are seeing you express yourself in a way that is so vulnerable. And that's what we want. We want to be vulnerable. That's like getting to the to the soft part of us that is the real us and and using somebody like Cheryl who who knows how to do this and knows how to clear things out of you and bring forth that light and then take that and package it like as an artist right that is the coolest part I think about what you do Cheryl and also about the the conscious businesses that we're all creating is that each of us have our own way of helping other people express this higher self. And a it works together in tandem with other people's gifts, right? And then we build this cohesive package, this business that provides itself to other people to be another path, to do the same thing for them, to help them to become more of themselves and
It's just this gift that keeps on giving. Yes, a hundred percent. I love that because it's so true. Like this is where we're all moving and evolving to. And I want to really speak to when you were talking about like the triggers and how ego is coming in.
Those are the thoughts that we're healing is because when you're triggered, there's something there, a thought that you may have about yourself or some kind of belief that just needs to be healed about yourself.
And so I think you said it so well with all of those things because that's exactly you know where I feel like we're all heading right is that the gift that keeps on giving we are all gifts, whatever our gifts are again we're reflecting them to each other, so that we're helping one another grow, and this is where our evolution is going.
This is what they call the golden age that's happening right in the next like generation or two to come. This is why all of us are doing the inner work right now because the generations that are coming, we're giving them the space, the grace, and the opportunity to really allow them so themselves to shine. Yeah, I'm getting goosebumps too, like just talking about it because like this is bigger than all of us. like This is the time that we're embracing for all of us right now. Like I even see it in my, in my daughter too. I am. Oh my gosh. I just had a ah healing session a few days ago. And um this healer had helped me energetically align myself back to myself.
And he brought he brought my heart you know at the forefront of everything else. and in And in doing so, in the last few days, my daughter has told me, mom, I see your heart. Mom, your heart's there. Mom, your heart's on your chest. And I was like, oh my gosh. like Isn't that so amazing? we're Because we're doing the work, our children are benefiting so greatly.
on deeper levels that than we than we know, right? Like it's and it's becoming this huge tidal wave of truth that is now flooding our awareness and flooding, you know, yeah, I know. Isn't it so beautiful? Like I was crying in the last few days because of this data.
But this is like this is how it's so beautiful to see it like actually being authentically felt and seen by our little ones because our little ones still understand themselves to be whole. They're not programmed yet.
And this is why the work is so deep in like allowing ourselves to shine in the way that we see ourselves in as holistic beings so that our little ones feel the benefit and they're going to grow up and they're not going to have to live how we did. They're going to thrive. They're going to literally change the world. As we change ourselves, it's becoming a world changing impact.
And that's what's exciting for me in terms of higher self-imaging, healing, you know, being a reflection for one another. Like this is bigger than what we, than how we actually know what to be. Oh my God. I am literally crying over here. That was, it's so heartfelt and it's so touching. And if anybody here is listening,
It has children, right? Building these businesses. You have kids and a lot of, you know, this is why it's called the modern day healer because we're building these healing businesses with kids, with husbands, with real life stuff, with technology, with all with AI, with all of the things that we have at our disposal and in getting to have the full experience of life. That's modern. Like we get to have it all And we're learning how to balance it all out at the exact same time. And like you said, we're fleshing it out right now so that our legacies get to live in that and the joy of just getting to be getting to be who they really are and seeing us do that. Like you're doing this intuitive brand alchemy. Okay. So your daughter is seeing the art that you're creating for other people, the way that you look as your higher self, like literally seeing it with her eyes, taking that in.
My son is out there helping people park their cars in our yard for our cacao ceremonies and for our sound baths. And he's like totally into it. He's obsessed. He brings them blueberries from our blueberry twitches. It's so cute. But he sees all of this. He sees me coming out with this podcast and he's like, oh my gosh, what is that? Is that you? And like is so blown away and he's so impressed. And I'm like, wow, this is so exciting. but He gets to see this. This is real. Like we're taking action. And so if you're listening and you're taking action and you have kids and you feel at any time that it's ah it's an impediment to your business, please know it's not. It's actually a part of it. It's another part of it. and And talking about triggers and all the hard things. Children are, and I know I'm going off on a little bit of a side note, but it's so relevant, children are
the greatest tool for healing that you could ever experience. So if you're not yet using your children as an opportunity to look at where you need to grow, which I'm sure you probably already are instinctively, if not consciously, they are. Roman, he has the power to send me through the roof. as He's seven years old. He's got so much energy. And I talk about him all the time because I obsessed with him.
but he has taught me so much about myself and about my triggers and about where my edges are and about where I need to grow in order to become the version of myself that's going to not only help him, but the rest of the world in the best way that is meant for me personally, specifically. And for whoever is listening, your kids, it's it's the same. It's the same. They are there.
to help you not to become a burden to your ability to create an income or to, um, produce, you know, creative content or whatever it is that you, you want to do. Okay. This isn't, again, it's about getting out of yourself. You want to get out of your own way. You've got to get out of the selfishness. You've got to get out of the self centeredness.
And you've got to actually be able to come back to the moment, see the truth, and see what these kids are telling you. It's like, for me personally, it's been um the fear of not having control, you know, it has been the biggest trigger.
that Roman has showed me that I have. I have such a fear of not having control over him and over external circumstances. And this has been such a pivotal piece of the work for me. And it has allowed me to clear so much more out than just the controlling nature I have over him. But like I said, everything else in my life. So it becomes a complete holistic life endeavor And so a allowing your kids or allowing the images that are being created for you as your higher self in your branding, all of these things, everything is included. This is the beauty of this kind of a business model of when you are really trying to, instead of chasing the money, you know, chasing the dream kind of thing, going after your higher self, this is what can be, this is what is possible. Everything becomes a path to healing, everything.
I love that. It's so true. I resonate with that so much because the idea of like everything, looking at everything holistically, whether you have children, whether you don't have children, whether someone's triggering you, whether someone's not triggering you, whether you feel like you're on the right path, like all of this is in tandem to help you remember who you are. And if you look at the word remember, you know, like re is like,
ah a saying re is like, you know, like you're remembering yourself as a member, as a holistic way to look at it, right? So you're re remembering yourself. And that's something that I always take with me because that's exactly what it is. And your ego, yes, is there to protect you, but it's also there to teach you. And I think when you can shift that way and shift that perspective, then holistically as a brand, as you know a person of service, you can actually, it it helps you to actually elevate yourself in different ways so that when things get tough,
you're remembering yourself through they these challenges, the toughness, the things that you're going through, the things that you just, you know, the days that you want to give up and you allow yourself to be okay with it because as part of this remembrance, this is the journey. This is what we go through go through in order to be present with who we are again. So oh my gosh, this is, this is wonderful. Like this is like, it has gone through branding and has gone through like, you know, like the whole big impact of what we're creating here on this earth. Like, oh my gosh, this conversation is priceless. I love, I love, love, love these deep conversations Dana. Like, it just makes my heart so happy.
Me too, we've gone through the branding, we've gone through the the photography, we've gone through the the the children, that the healing. the bit I mean, it's all one, I love it. And I genuinely believe, I believe, believe, believe from my heart of hearts that like you just said, it all is meant to help us remember our whole self because that's what we really are, that's what we've always been, that's what we will always be.
And those hard moments will bring you back faster than anything else if you let it, if you're willing to let it do that. I'm gonna, this conversation has like flown by, I cannot believe it. And I am not editing one piece of this episode. Like it's going to show I'm flying up on air. I think I'm gonna put it up for next week, seriously. Cheryl.
Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I think I can just speak for everybody else listening, for everybody else's hearts. This was the, this was just the conversation. It was so good.
um Will you please do us all a favor and tell us where we can find you? And if you have any offers on the table right now, and like I said, I really, if this doesn't go up tomorrow, it's going up next Wednesday. So that's your timeline.
Thank you. I so appreciate this. So you can find me on Instagram. It's cheryl.jananga. And um on Facebook. um I'm on Facebook as well. And then I do have a website so you can find me there.
What I do have going on right now is I do have a Canva and AI Unleashed program where we unlock creativity and money together. Because again, and like everything that we talked about right now, everything in terms of creating higher self images, swapping out your face for your highest vision of yourself, plus using Canva is all integrated into one program. That is a four to five lesson program. It's starting next week, actually.
Um, but I mean, of course we can squeeze people in if, if you are, this is something that you're wanting or desiring for yourself. I love this so much because I'm taking design principles. I'm helping you understand them and I'm helping you understand Canva.
and AI so that you can bring everything cohesively together so that you can see yourself in your highest vision. And you I'm also mentoring you throughout that that whole entire process. And then the things that I'm creating, this is something that because of course I do graphics, I do Hire self branding, I do graphics for services and offers and websites and landing pages. I do all of that. But the thing that is coming very soon is that I am actually incorporating healing and branding together officially, I think in the next few months. And so I am going to be taking people through healing and then actually branding them.
you know at the same time after the healing because it's so important. I mean everything that we talked about just synchronistically just goes parallel and aligned to all of what we just said and so I'm actually going to be doing that um and I'm really excited about it because like've I've been able to help people on a physical level as well as an energetic level which is really interesting.
And um yeah, again, this is like the work that we're doing. So I'm creating like, um almost like a year long container for that. So people who know themselves or offers and they're going to their highest level levels and they're wanting to expand and evolve. I'm going to be there in the journey with you as you grow and evolve with your branding and also your higher self. um And so that is coming out on the table pretty soon. So please take a look for that. And yeah, of course, connect with me, DM me with any questions. I'm so here for all of it. And again, Dina, thank you. Thank you so much for having me. This is such a wonderful conversation. Okay. And I will have all of those links in the show notes as well. And again, thank you, Cheryl. That was incredible. And we'll talk to you soon. Thank you.