Introduction and Critique of Flow Sports
Jarrod Dyke
Hey everybody, welcome back. It is the Fantasy Rugby Yanks. My name is Jared Dyke.
Grumpy Old Prop
I'm Ben Glazer.
Jarrod Dyke
We're in Let's go. got some really good games to talk about at least. As many as we've had in the past, but we got some really good games to talk about.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like, I i hate, we I mean, you know, shouldn't say, really don't like Flow. It's way too expensive, and it tends to just shit the bed a lot, which is annoying.
Grumpy Old Prop
But goddamn, I want to get my players to have it. Make sure they have it so they can walk. Like, Super Rugby is just... Was there a like a you know, well, there's one that wasn't like decided late.
Grumpy Old Prop
That was about it.
Grumpy Old Prop
Each one of them could have, could have, yeah, gone a different way.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, they were all they were all pretty tight all the way until the till the final whistle there.
Jarrod Dyke
Chiefs Brumby's got a little out of hand, and that was about it.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, that one was, that was it.
Jarrod Dyke
That was even in the last like five minutes. It was comparative up until that point. ah The Chiefs just scored a couple of fun tries to say, ah look what we can do.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, like, okay. the I thought that was the thing. It always felt like one of those, you know, if if the Chiefs, well, we'll get it to it. Never mind. We'll talk later.
Podcast Promotion and Six Nations Update
Jarrod Dyke
get there. Don't you worry. we We have other things that we need data to do. Make sure that you find us on your favorite podcast app. Share, downloadly download, rate, review. Feedback always welcome per usual.
Grumpy Old Prop
We'll get real business to attend to first.
Jarrod Dyke
um by our good friend George the fantasy rugby geeky coffee or beer he is about to be a very busy man once again this this week with the six nations returning and obviously trying to keep up with super rugby and all that good stuff I think this yeah and next six nations as well yes agreed um and I think think there's a URC round this year this week too for him because he was that
Grumpy Old Prop
And the Six Nations starting soon.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, i I raise your hand if you forgot about that this last weekend. That was me.
Jarrod Dyke
I almost did. i almost did. And I saw the big red thing in the middle of my screen. was like, oh, I need to do that. Damn. So I got i got it and just under the gun.
Jarrod Dyke
Put a couple of the Lions players.
Grumpy Old Prop
i didn't I did not.
Jarrod Dyke
um So, yeah, that happens. But give the man buy the man a coffee or beer, however you wish to see fit.
Discussion on Discrimination and Politics
Jarrod Dyke
There is no discrimination here on this podcast, nor should there be in sports or in life. Speaking of discrimination.
Jarrod Dyke
We have people that did not think that they were included in certain categories.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. and And that's apparently women Republican candidates. um government employees who are white, I should say white women, who um usually you know most times, I mean, hey even look, any, first off, any person voting for him, what the fuck?
Grumpy Old Prop
Second off, um
Grumpy Old Prop
anyone not a white man, like, what the fuck are you thinking? Anyway, like even but the white man, seriously, what the fuck, stop. You stop. Everyone else, what the fuck were you thinking?
Grumpy Old Prop
um And it's like, but but I've seen these ah like complaints from conservative white women who got fired from their jobs in the DEI purges. And they're like, this wasn't supposed to be us. This is supposed to be black people. And it's like, well, first off, fuck you.
Grumpy Old Prop
and second off, no, no, no. You don't understand. It's everyone who's not a white man, straight white man.
Jarrod Dyke
Straight white man. at that
Grumpy Old Prop
And at that war, like, you know, well,
Grumpy Old Prop
I'm sure, yeah, closeted, at least closeted.
Jarrod Dyke
Well, claiming to be so claiming to be straight white.
Grumpy Old Prop
and Yeah, right. Presenting is straight. But
Jarrod Dyke
That's a good way to put it.
Grumpy Old Prop
yeah, that's all they care about. And everyone else is DEI. They don't think any of you have earned anything. and So I'll say, what the fuck are you thinking voting for these people? And it's like, you know, hurt hurt the people I want you to hurt.
Grumpy Old Prop
It's like, why the fuck is that your philosophy?
Jarrod Dyke
That doesn't work, dude
Jarrod Dyke
it's It's the same with... um The funding that's being taken from schools as well, like teachers in counties that voted for this dumbass were just like, well, we didn't think it was going to affect us.
Jarrod Dyke
It's like, really? you didn't think it was going to affect you? Like, what plan do you want?
Grumpy Old Prop
Like, and that's all because like, they're so blinded by their bigotry.
Jarrod Dyke
Like, I know you were immune, but.
Grumpy Old Prop
And that's why it's like, if nothing else, so, so let's put it this way. If being a good person isn't like, you know, a thing for you. That's not like a goal that you seek to attain.
Grumpy Old Prop
We have to persuade you another with other means. So with this whole, don't discreet, no discrimination. The thing about discrimination is eventually someone discriminates against you. We'll decide that you're out group.
Grumpy Old Prop
if you don't do it, it won't be done to you there. I think there was a guy ah while back who said something about like, you know do to other people kind of how you would want done. But it's like, that's what you're doing. and You're putting that energy out there. don't You don't get to complain when it comes back on you.
Jarrod Dyke
funny part is he probably wasn't white was probably brown
Grumpy Old Prop
I think the they killed him for his crazy beliefs of like loving each other and shit. Weird.
Jarrod Dyke
That did happen.
Grumpy Old Prop
Okay. All right.
Jarrod Dyke
Pretty sure about that. Pretty sure about that.
Grumpy Old Prop
and Yeah.
Grumpy Old Prop
So why don't you do good they put good things out there instead of being a fucking dick. It'll help you.
Grumpy Old Prop
There you go You have self-interest in it.
Jarrod Dyke
Agreed. Yeah, no kidding. Let's try that one instead.
Grumpy Old Prop
If I can't persuade you any other way, I will try that.
Super Rugby Analytics and Personal Updates
Jarrod Dyke
Grab our Patreon, because of you that are into the Super Rugby thing... we willll have a We will have an analytics sheet coming up tomorrow.
Jarrod Dyke
just I also don't. The little guy's at his grandparents' place, so i will I will be able to get shit done.
Jarrod Dyke
Or I'll fall asleep. I don't know.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, one of is live.
Jarrod Dyke
but one of those
Grumpy Old Prop
It'll be good.
Jarrod Dyke
One of those two. I can't promise you it's not going to be the the second one, but I'll do my best before that happens.
Grumpy Old Prop
I got to say with this whole thing, and I know, well, they should probably save it for the fantasy corner, but um I'm proud of, I'm so happy about this for two reasons. One, that Jared has the time to do it. And I, cause I don't, and I feel fucking bad about that.
Grumpy Old Prop
But also number two, that I made the sheet so doable that it's actually like, you don't even need to be the person who put it together to do it. So I must've done something right to make it,
Jarrod Dyke
No, I cloned it. i I found a couple of spots where where I porked it, but I fixed it. so
Jarrod Dyke
I found it very fixable.
Grumpy Old Prop
That's all right.
Grumpy Old Prop
No, no, you probably found something that i borked and fixed it, so thank you.
Jarrod Dyke
No, I think what what happened, because the Rebels not being in it this year, threw me off.
Grumpy Old Prop
Oh, yeah, that's true.
Jarrod Dyke
that That's what threw me off.
Jarrod Dyke
But I got it fixed. So, should be good to go.
Jarrod Dyke
I'm sure there'll be one or two bucks that, you know, punch me in the face. But for the most part, yeah.
Grumpy Old Prop
Whatever. Yeah, you're going to find it, but that's anything. any went Anytime you go from one season to another, it does that. Which is why I couldn't do it because I haven't had the enough time to un-bork things, so.
Jarrod Dyke
o Yeah. You and your big person job over here.
Jarrod Dyke
It's alright.
Jarrod Dyke
you You get to be the totem pole for a little bit, but then you'll be then you'd be better.
Grumpy Old Prop
I do. No, it's not that. That's my job. The problem is took a step up in the world and now it's like I don't have minutes at work to do even this anymore. Before it was like, I was so like, my job was so easy to me because I've been doing it for so long that, oh yeah, could take an hour in the middle of the day, cut it out, no problem.
Grumpy Old Prop
But This job does not allow me to do that.
Grumpy Old Prop
I guess that's a good thing.
Jarrod Dyke
Good and bad.
Jarrod Dyke
Keeps out of trouble.
Jarrod Dyke
Anyway, let's um let's go to PWR.
Premier 15s Semifinals Review
Jarrod Dyke
Semi-finals. Semifinals weekend was really good stuff from for both matches.
Grumpy Old Prop
Speaking of good rugby.
Jarrod Dyke
All four teams. Shame that only two get to go through. But damn.
Grumpy Old Prop
I kind of would like to see a third place match. I know it doesn't make, it doesn't, but like for the fun of it, especially the, you know, the two teams who we would see play, it would be a good time.
Jarrod Dyke
Give Lola one more game.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, that too.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. ah So let's stop at the Stonics first.
Jarrod Dyke
Oh, my. It was just a...
Jarrod Dyke
You know, they this is a team that I think we had been waiting to see, and there were some bumps in this team going going through the season, and we all know it.
Jarrod Dyke
They lost to teams they had no business losing to, and ah including... I know it was at Loughborough. I get it, but like still, you they shouldn't lose to Loughborough. Most of us would agree with that.
Jarrod Dyke
But... hu this team turned it on for this, for this game in particular and decide, no, we're not, we're yes. You know, Quinn's came to play. They, they were the first ones to to dot down that. That was a nice little dart down the sideline by Pena. And, you know, for a while, they, the Quinn's wouldn't go away.
Jarrod Dyke
The try that made it 2017, was like, all right, this is going be interesting. But then shortly after that, Corrigan's second try, Campbell's try not too long after that, and then Zoe Harrison.
Jarrod Dyke
Not Zoe Harrison.
Jarrod Dyke
I guess that was it. But yeah, Zoe Harrison did slot the the the last convert the last one, which made it ah you know a 15-point game and made that a three-score game.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, that was it. Right. Got the conversion.
Jarrod Dyke
And that was just such a huge mountain for wins to climb and not that it was insurmountable but you you got 15 minutes and you got to basically erase the clock that's annoying at the minimum that's annoying
Grumpy Old Prop
No, but yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Grumpy Old Prop
Because it almost like you don't want Like you don't want to try to do too much because the last thing you want to do is throw an interception or, um or like give away a stupid penalty.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like, you know, two, two close. You're like, just want to get the ball away. And like, you guys have it, but like not down here. Like we just want to play down there for a while.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, other end of the field, please.
Grumpy Old Prop
But that's really hard to do when, when the other teams is good as, as the Quinns are. So. Fuck, it puts you in a bind.
Grumpy Old Prop
But at least they, you know, and they champed through it.
Grumpy Old Prop
They, you know, they gave up they give up one, which, hey, one you know, when you need three scores giving up one, fine. Like, that'll happen.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, but it took ah it took Quinn so long to get that.
Grumpy Old Prop
It took ah an effort. Right.
Jarrod Dyke
that score they, know, they burned five extra minutes, you know, three extra minutes, whatever it was.
Jarrod Dyke
And yeah, it was right down the, almost right down the middle. So it helped, but, um, the longer that clock ticked on and the more time that Quinn spent away from the trial line, the, the more dire, the situation got clearly.
Jarrod Dyke
Um, one, one player i do want to highlight, um, a bit of a rusty game or for her first one back against, um,
Jarrod Dyke
I think it against Exeter. But Jess Breach looks like the Jess Breach that we all know and love because that...
Jarrod Dyke
ah She got it, and I was like, she's got that look in her face like, i am not going to be stopped.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah. no I saw i saw the but the angle from the tri-land.
Jarrod Dyke
Good luck, everyone else. and she just coughed to everyone.
Grumpy Old Prop
It was just like ah you could like, I don't the ah can see why they missed her. Let's put it that way. Yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it was never a question whether or not they missed her. It's just a matter of, you know, could they hold on to for dear life while she was out? she this was These were her first two, three games of the season.
Jarrod Dyke
She's been out since WXV. So, like, that's, yeah. So, glad to see her back in form, I'm sure. John Mitchell was extremely happy to see her back in form as well.
Jarrod Dyke
And, yeah, the other fullback was pretty good, too, on the other side there with Kill Dunn.
Grumpy Old Prop
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Jarrod Dyke
But, yep. Glad to see her back. That only makes things hard on other teams. When yeah when you do that, then yeah then you can let Corrigan score two tries and people kind of forget about her. and yeah Lottie Sharp did a good job when when she was in there. i think she eventually was the one that came off.
Jarrod Dyke
But yeah, 74 minutes. She's just a workhorse. That's all she is. So yeah yeah, I'm, this is by all accounts, the Saracens team that everyone's waiting for with this club. So, um, really good stuff from the Saracens women.
Jarrod Dyke
Great to see Quinn's back in the knockouts.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yep. It does.
Jarrod Dyke
No question about it. That, that, that, that does good things for this league and, um, um, keeps, you know, certain teams that shouldn't be in there.
Jarrod Dyke
Uh, speaking of certain teams, um, The news this past week was Susie Appleby has not had her contract renewed by Exeter, which kind of shocked me a little bit.
Jarrod Dyke
i was like, hmm. They did make, they made the last three knockouts, so and they made the one, they made two finals, neither of which they won.
Jarrod Dyke
That was, know, probably a little harsh on them, but really they lost to two. the kind of The first one they lost to Alev Kelter, basically.
Jarrod Dyke
like she just just She just owned in that game, you know, between her boot and her ball carrying. Like, she was she was a menace.
Jarrod Dyke
And then I think the second one, the the second final they lost was the beginning of the circus.
Jarrod Dyke
you know where where this Gloucester Harper team came and came to the fore, and everyone's like, wow, this team's got a lot of really good players on it. So much so that people have tried to have been sniping them since then, but they still keep reloading, and we'll talk about them in a minute.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, right? the and And that's the court yeah that's a cool thing about them. But yeah, and then... But the other thing is Exeter are losing a bunch of their American players.
Jarrod Dyke
They're losing... Rachel, we know that.
Jarrod Dyke
um Are they losing ah losing Hope, too?
Grumpy Old Prop
I thought they were losing hope. i could i Maybe I'm wrong.
Jarrod Dyke
Okay. No, that might yeah you might be right on that one.
Grumpy Old Prop
um i But I think they're they're losing quite a bit. And...
Grumpy Old Prop
Like, I'm not sure you want how would you want new, don't know. Hey, none of my business.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. No. Not my either. But they, I mean, the for the sake of, like, the Canadian and American and anybody else that's not playing in this coming Six Nations, like, that's a long time off.
Jarrod Dyke
You've got to go find some play time between now and even the warm-ups in in for the World Cup. So that's why you know some of these American women have decided they're coming back home.
Jarrod Dyke
They've got play in WER, which is great for for the for that league, but um also you know means they're leaving TWR, and who knows if they go they'll go back.
Jarrod Dyke
Hopefully, yeah good things happen with the league over here, but TBD.
Grumpy Old Prop
All I know is the Onyx have a ridiculous lineup.
Grumpy Old Prop
It's not fair. i
Jarrod Dyke
I did see that, yeah.
Grumpy Old Prop
It's rude.
Jarrod Dyke
That's the Denver team, right?
Grumpy Old Prop
I think so.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, pretty sure it is.
Grumpy Old Prop
i just remember like, I mean, the logos are all really cool, but I like their, because they have the
Grumpy Old Prop
Um, it's dark purple and, um, some bright contrasty color that looked really cool.
Jarrod Dyke
Kind of snazzy-looking thing there.
Grumpy Old Prop
I like the Banshees logo. That's pretty, that's pretty badass. I'm going to have pick up some kit.
Jarrod Dyke
See if we can find some stash to grab from that.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, let's go to Queen's Home.
Gloucester vs. Bristol Analysis
Jarrod Dyke
Appropriately renamed Queen's Home.
Grumpy Old Prop
I mean, the the women's team is better than the men's right now.
Jarrod Dyke
Absolutely. Maybe we should just keep it that way for a little bit.
Grumpy Old Prop
It's not that... Yeah, like, I think the men should have to earn back Kingsholm by, you know, winning three straight.
Jarrod Dyke
King's Home. Yep, I'm going to.
Grumpy Old Prop
Win three straight, then it can be Kingsholm again.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, right. um Anywho.
Jarrod Dyke
This started almost perfectly for Bristol. Almost.
Grumpy Old Prop
I mean, no, it did start perfect.
Grumpy Old Prop
The first 14 minutes were, or 24 minutes, I should say, we were but good. And then... then
Jarrod Dyke
right, in fact, they couldn't hit a goddamn conversion.
Jarrod Dyke
That would help them.
Grumpy Old Prop
But at least that didn't come back to bite him in the...
Jarrod Dyke
Hmm. I mean, overall, no, but like...
Grumpy Old Prop
No, I mean, overall, on but no, because they missed at least four conversions, right? That'd be...
Jarrod Dyke
They did. they they have They had four tries and they missed all the conversions.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, that'd be 28.
Jarrod Dyke
It was tough day off the tee.
Grumpy Old Prop
And when was the last try scored? Oh, the penalty. the Yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
There was... 33. Mm-hmm.
Grumpy Old Prop
Saying hit the pk Like then, it was...
Grumpy Old Prop
but still before then it was um
Grumpy Old Prop
It was That's five points right there. Like if you had hit all the conversions and if, you know, even if you'd hit only three of them, it's seven points.
Grumpy Old Prop
you're you're You're in touching distance.
Grumpy Old Prop
And then instead, you know, Singh's penalty makes it like, no, that's that's just game.
Jarrod Dyke
Just, yeah, puts it puts that nail in the coffin, as it were. Just, yeah. So, tough I mean, tough day off the tee for Bristol. Not, you know, they they deserved a lot better than the scoreline looks, for sure. they They were extremely brave in the way they played, as they had been all year, but just really showed it big time. But, you know, that last, i don't know,
Jarrod Dyke
12 yeah 12 or so minutes in in the half where Gloucester started to get going they they got Perry over they got Beckett over Singh converted that and then they got the one that right at the end of the half I was like oh man especially with Gallagher off that didn't help um
Grumpy Old Prop
yeah the yellow yeah yeah
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, once whats that Sing try went over right before half, i was like, I have a bad feeling about this potentially being a competitive game. And, yeah, Maher's try made it interesting for a little while.
Jarrod Dyke
We'll talk about her in a little bit. and But then, yeah, like Gloucester just respond as champions do. Less than 10 minutes later, Aldecroft is over. And, yeah, she had a world-healing game.
Jarrod Dyke
And just, yeah. Unsung hero, Hannah Jones. that was That was one I did not have on my bingo card. was like, you hear her name in the game a lot, but you don't see her breaking free a ton.
Grumpy Old Prop
yeah yeah
Jarrod Dyke
But finally found space and got herself over the line. just I was like, well, I didn't have that one down on my card, but okay.
Jarrod Dyke
but And those types of players pop up in these situations a lot.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, that's...
Grumpy Old Prop
They do, because...
Jarrod Dyke
And it's just a matter which one.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right, and because, you know, Bristol are are trying to stop Emma Singh. They're trying to stop Varney. like there's There's so many players that that they need to stop. So it's going to have to be, you know, ah Hannah George, Lakey Jones, like someone...
Jarrod Dyke
I hate it, Jones. if
Grumpy Old Prop
Lakey George, sorry. Hannah Jones, Lakey George.
Grumpy Old Prop
Did do that? Yeah, I did.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, he crossed it That's a good combo, though.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah. Yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
I like it. Yeah,
Grumpy Old Prop
um You know, or, or you you know, but you're just looking at Mohan too. They're really making sure she doesn't fucking kill him. So yeah, it's up to, right.
Jarrod Dyke
yeah they're keeping that guard tight there.
Grumpy Old Prop
It's up to like, didn't Pip Hendy get like smooshed because they were trying to like, they were making sure she wasn't going anywhere. Like, yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep. Yeah, they balled her up pretty well, I think.
Jarrod Dyke
So, yeah, it's a lot of...
Jarrod Dyke
It's a lot of threats, and then all of a sudden, the one that you kind of forget about finds space and takes advantage because she's a pro. So, of course.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, it was really good. Of course they are.
Grumpy Old Prop
ultimately these are all good rugby players so any of them can do it it's just give them the opportunities when you try to take them away from of the other players it's going to be those you know who don't get as much of an opportunity who will get their opportunity of course that's what makes you know legends and these kind of games
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. um Two things so as we wrap this up, but both from Bristol. Silly finish from Millie David.
Jarrod Dyke
just Catherine was watching it with me and she's like, no way she finished that. I was like, she finished that. And as we're going through the replay, you know Here it comes. I'm just like, shut down. It's over. It counts.
Jarrod Dyke
It was just as surprised as anybody.
Grumpy Old Prop
i I will be and we'll be talking about that in a future segment.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, that was pretty was just a very stupid finish.
Jarrod Dyke
um And then, obviously, we ah we know this is... Alona's last game is in this one. And likelyest ah likeliest thing as well ah is we won't see her in a 15 shirt apart from the World Cup again because she'll probably go back to sevens after this.
Grumpy Old Prop
It's wild. It feels like forever.
Jarrod Dyke
bar And then maybe she makes the next one as well in Australia, which awesome. Down for it. Do it. um But yeah, she she proved herself. She proved that she's not just a sideshow. She's not...
Jarrod Dyke
just there for the Instagram likes, although she's totally there for the Instagram likes, which I'm okay with.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, that's right.
Jarrod Dyke
um But she is just, ah she's just a goddamn good rugby player first and foremost. Like I think this stint in what is considered the best league in the world right now, you really prove that.
Grumpy Old Prop
and Yeah, did. I mean, she was like, she was one of the league's better players.
Grumpy Old Prop
And so, and that's not, you know, as you said, that that's not that's not a small feat and it's not an overstatement. um She more than proved she could, she belongs. She's one of the, she was one of the better wings in the league.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like not much else to say about it. um
Grumpy Old Prop
You know, lived up to the hype, which is, is, um is, is so rare and especially when it's someone you want to root for it's rewarding so um no i'm really glad for her and i think the league um learned a lot from her i don't know about you but uh well you're not really on the tiktoks but uh i seem like michela break everywhere she's doing like tiktoky things so it's like it's growing if if more uh more players are are willing to do it it'll get more attention on the game
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, no, that I can agree with. And they'll that'll be good.
Grumpy Old Prop
So it's like both, you know best of both worlds.
Grumpy Old Prop
She like got attention to herself. And plus, I mean, you, you know, me, if anyone wants to call attention to themselves because they think they're awesome and then they are actually awesome, like fucking props to you, you just you know, like if you want that kind of attention, cause you think you're that good and then you are that good.
Grumpy Old Prop
I wouldn't like, Hey, you can talk, you can do all those things. Why, why, you know, right.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, hands up.
Grumpy Old Prop
It's the ones who are the frauds that,
Grumpy Old Prop
are fucking annoying.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, have them sit down and get the hell back in their box. Totally.
Jarrod Dyke
Agreed. Agreed. So we got two weeks until we see Stonex host the series and Cluster Harper.
Jarrod Dyke
they They had a couple of good ones. They had a couple of good ones ah this year, so... I'm sure it'll be and another one to add to that chapter.
Grumpy Old Prop
Home match for Saries.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. and And I am aware that it's not that Stone X. Or not that. um No, it was Allianz.
Grumpy Old Prop
Because it was Allianz. Now it's not.
Jarrod Dyke
For a while, yes, but now it's Stonex. Keep your brain together, sir.
Grumpy Old Prop
I've had like a beer. No, it's too late.
Jarrod Dyke
yeah We lost Ben.
Grumpy Old Prop
I've been sick for a while, so um i've my tolerance is down to to Jared level.
Jarrod Dyke
hey listen here i'm not ah i rocked up the second day we were in england you did not sir you were banged up way more than i was
Grumpy Old Prop
Respect your elders. I got nothing. I got
Jarrod Dyke
right let's go let's go to super rugby um we'll start with moana highlanders moana back to ah call their new home north harbor for a little while um
Grumpy Old Prop
Punch themselves in the dick
Moana vs. Highlanders Critique
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, a couple times.
Grumpy Old Prop
Grumpy Old Prop
ah You want to see a team just punch itself in the dick? That that was Moana. Moana.
Jarrod Dyke
Oh, man. It was... They just found ways to screw themselves over and over again. Like, guys, what are we doing?
Grumpy Old Prop
Okay, first off, i I honestly, look, I understand the historical significance of those colors in that pattern.
Jarrod Dyke
Like, and they're still in this game, by the way.
Grumpy Old Prop
but I gotta say, it's the ugliest goddamn jersey. like yeah Like, they talk about look good, play good.
Grumpy Old Prop
Look like that.
Grumpy Old Prop
Throw that pass to Tangazel. Like... Like...
Grumpy Old Prop
i would like No, I don't like it.
Grumpy Old Prop
and And that the made the watching experience harder. It's like you're dressed like that.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, you' probably going to punch yourself in the dick. like
Grumpy Old Prop
I don't know. And they did. I was just surprised.
Jarrod Dyke
yeah they did a little bit.
Grumpy Old Prop
look Look, ultimately they made a game of it, which tells me if they didn't spend the entire first half just kicking their own ass, this this would have been their game.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, I mean...
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, Highlanders had... the last The last bit of the half, they had, what, three tries that got put over in the last, like, ten minutes or something like that?
Grumpy Old Prop
Exactly. Yes.
Jarrod Dyke
was like, damn. And one of them, I believe, was the Tangy Tau try.
Grumpy Old Prop
That was the first of them.
Grumpy Old Prop
That was at 30 minutes.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah. That was not good.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, and I mean, when Mitchell Dunshay scores, this game becomes almost irrelevant.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. That was my thought too. But then, you know, surveyor says, you know, um I'm making this, you know, where I'm going to do what I can.
Jarrod Dyke
Like, well, we have just been doing irrelevant.
Grumpy Old Prop
mean, that was a sweet try too.
Jarrod Dyke
I mean, he he is he is. who he is like one he's He's a former World Player of the Year.
Jarrod Dyke
he is yeah one one of the better Super Roogie players for a long time, if not ever. Yeah, he's going to make things happen and and try and drag your team into the game, even if you don't.
Jarrod Dyke
Even if you're doing everything you can to not be in the game, but he's going to do it because it's already submitted, that's just the type of thing he does.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. And so it was just like, if you didn't,
Grumpy Old Prop
just shit yourself those last 10 minutes the first half like as you said if you didn't do that the rest of the game it was it was very much like it was really literally like wanna playing really well and then doing one thing wrong and it's snowballing on them sometimes faster than others but it all you know snowballing and then giving up a stupid try
Jarrod Dyke
Getting bit by it. Yep.
Grumpy Old Prop
And then they scored a bunch of really cool tries.
Grumpy Old Prop
So I still... I i want this team to be just a little bit better than they are.
Jarrod Dyke
They're well. there Again, we we talked about the
Grumpy Old Prop
They're getting there.
Jarrod Dyke
they' They'll figure it out. you know This has not been a super successful team in the first few years of existence, but they're starting to figure out how to be competitive games, number one.
Jarrod Dyke
Number two, they have to now figure out how do we get over the line in these close games, and it's just something that you do from experience.
Jarrod Dyke
Unfortunately, it's really hard to do it without understanding what put you on the wrong side of it to begin with, and sometimes you get lucky, and then you're able to just carry it on from there, but unfortunately, it doesn't work that way a lot.
Jarrod Dyke
Although, speaking of luck, Nathan Hastie called into the team the day before because Fakatava dropped because illness. And surprise!
Jarrod Dyke
couple minutes in, we we got a Hastie try.
Grumpy Old Prop
Open opens the story. Yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
It's like, oh, okay.
Jarrod Dyke
Kid's good. I mean, R. Scott was the was the backup last year, and
Jarrod Dyke
This guy has surpassed him, and obviously Jamie Joseph coming in is has been ah big, big, big thing for them. um But yeah, um damn good for him. Nice job. Not bad, kid. Don't get penis-y.
Jarrod Dyke
All right. Let's go to... This place is called Allianz. Let's go to Sydney.
Jarrod Dyke
Let's go to Sydney. Taz and Druah.
Jarrod Dyke
You know, for all the play that... This is another team that was just like finding ways to shoot themselves in the foot. And they gave up a couple of funny ones. What was the first one the that they gave up? I'm trying to remember which which one.
Jarrod Dyke
doesn't matter. It was one of the first ones that they gave up that was just from nowhere on the wrong end of the field.
Jarrod Dyke
And they just turned it over like you but like a couple of idiots. I think Daryl Lange had some...
Grumpy Old Prop
wasn't that Gleason? Gleason had two. So,
Jarrod Dyke
No, no, no, no. ah the drew The one that Drew scored.
Grumpy Old Prop
Oh shit. Okay.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, the other way.
Jarrod Dyke
Because the Taz were mostly in control of this game in the first half.
Jarrod Dyke
Gleason had the first half double. That helped, obviously. But like they were mostly in control. But they just found ways to give away penalties or just give away the ball.
Jarrod Dyke
And... would just shoot themselves in the foot. I think it was the first try that they scored the Loganamasi. Yeah, because the other one was a silly finish from Carole.
Grumpy Old Prop
Carolyn. yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
my goodness. was like, oh, that's not right.
Jarrod Dyke
dot was a great finish. I was like, you you should not be finishing that. You, sir, should not be finishing that. And it was just stupid good. So... Lots of fun to watch this game.
Jarrod Dyke
But um if you're looking for some sort of organization, it was not to be found very often.
Jarrod Dyke
Bit of a shit show, quite honestly. and and um ah I think it was just the way the two teams were playing. didn't Jua will play unstructured all freaking day.
Jarrod Dyke
They don't care.
Grumpy Old Prop
They'll, they'll live in that. And that's not a like, I mean, that's kind of the, um, I don't know. I'm kind of impressed by the Taz in any way, because like, it's so easy to fall into that.
Grumpy Old Prop
And, you know, I still remember like, I, what, what I recall the Gleason drives were that they were both, you know team teamwork tries, like not just you know completely unstructured shit. like okay They had of had their shit together.
Grumpy Old Prop
like It's hard to keep that going and score tries against that because it gets you in this chaotic mentality. like When you play a team that just doesn't give a fuck, um
Grumpy Old Prop
it's hard to for you to stay thinking about, okay, what am I supposed to do within my structure? like It gets distracting as fuck.
Grumpy Old Prop
And I think ultimately um i'm like looking at Taz, like, could you be something this year? Could you like could
Grumpy Old Prop
be at like top of the table type team? Make some noise maybe in the knockouts um because they have the players to do it. And I think ultimately I think this is a ah big step forward for them in that because Drew are not an easy out this year.
Jarrod Dyke
No, no, not at all. They're, they're going to be, um, they're always, they're always a tough get number one. Like, don't, don't question that there.
Grumpy Old Prop
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Jarrod Dyke
That is not a fun, that's not fun team to play against. And then they just, they make life hard. Um, yeah, I like a lot of what's going on with this team.
Jarrod Dyke
Damien Keller coming into into this one after getting sacked from Lester. Hopefully he changed whatever plan he had in his head. Um,
Grumpy Old Prop
Well, i mean, it's easy because he's got to actually he's already got a really talented team right there.
Grumpy Old Prop
so like It's not like Leicester where he had a just a bad plan to rebuild.
Grumpy Old Prop
He doesn't really have to rebuild. He just has to get this team to go.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, agreed.
Grumpy Old Prop
And I feel like they're going really well.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, there. Yeah, they you have one of the better front rows in the competition.
Jarrod Dyke
Second row is kind of the... You need um ah you need one of... I don't think it's going to Sinclair. I think you need Amado Saro to just mature pretty quickly because he got he's got a boatload of talent.
Jarrod Dyke
You know, I said last year he reminds me a lot of Will Skelton just build-wise. um Kind of knuckle-headed sometimes, but, you know, could b an absolute destructor and just killing people on the field.
Jarrod Dyke
So he's just got to calm it down a little bit sometimes and keep his head because, yeah, like his ah his athletic ability and his size are just going to be an absolute asset to him.
Jarrod Dyke
He just needs to stay within himself.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah. Like my message to him would be just don't fuck up.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like, that's it. Do your job. If something, if you're doing your job and you get beat because, you know, someone wasn't there to help in a certain way, like, fine. Don't fuck up. Don't get it. Don't get a yellow.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like your job is to make sure that, well, like, you know, you don't fuck it up for the front row.
Grumpy Old Prop
That's that good. Their back row, like Rob Liotta is their worst back row player and fuck.
Jarrod Dyke
Back row solid, ye
Grumpy Old Prop
He's a solid player.
Jarrod Dyke
yep. That's his best position if he's going to play in the back row.
Jarrod Dyke
That's six spot.
Grumpy Old Prop
It really is.
Grumpy Old Prop
That's that that's a like Liotta, Gamble, Gleason. That's a good back row. That's not even like a solid back row.
Jarrod Dyke
I like Leeson a lot. Absolutely.
Grumpy Old Prop
That's above that. That's good. um
Grumpy Old Prop
Fuck, I'd take that over the sheet what the Chiefs are putting out right now. And I'm not saying what the Chiefs are putting out is bad. as just I would take that over it.
Grumpy Old Prop
um And then, yeah, 9-10 are great.
Jarrod Dyke
Your 9 and 10 are great. Your midfield, yeah, I mean, yeah, the back three is to be silly for a little while.
Grumpy Old Prop
got that back three.
Jarrod Dyke
It's going be quality for quite a bit here, I have a feeling.
Jarrod Dyke
They have some good things.
Grumpy Old Prop
and Henry O'Donnell's like, like Fuchetti's good role player and O'Donnell's a guy who can take advantage when, like yeah like we were talking about before with, um,
Grumpy Old Prop
um with Gloucester. It's like, okay, you want to bottle up Jorgensen and Callaway. You know, that's when Lancaster and O'Donnell are going to be like, okay, cool. Give us space. Fine. We'll take it.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, they self-souled you come back healthy as well, so.
Grumpy Old Prop
Oh, they still have to lead to like that. Yeah. There's a, there's some players there.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep. There's good things that can happen with this team. They just got to keep it together.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. And this was a good test. I thought.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep. Let's go to FMG. You guys. Who are able to overcome the curse of the Dolman. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah. Oh, I actually, you know what? I thought it was like, I thought both teams kind of played so that you like, he didn't have much impact on the game, which was kind of nice. Like, was he, was he a knob? Yeah.
Grumpy Old Prop
But like, right.
Jarrod Dyke
Always will be.
Grumpy Old Prop
I think they did their best to like, make it, make it so that he wasn't deciding any sort of outcome. um Not, not to say that like, and That could be taken as to me saying the Brumbies didn't play well. I thought they played very well.
Grumpy Old Prop
um It's just that like that was really a a k to like a rugby playing contest more than anything.
Grumpy Old Prop
And the Chiefs are just a little bit better. so like or a lot better, sorry, I should say.
Jarrod Dyke
get They got something cooking there. the
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, the the Jacob kid is coming into his own, which is really awesome to watch in that.
Jarrod Dyke
So that's that's really fun to watch. And, um you know, it only helps the Chiefs because we talked about, you know, really it it helps them if they can keep DMACC at fullback because it's hands down his best position. And he gets to see the field. He gets to use his vision and just find spaces to attack. And then you got to worry about other guys besides him.
Jarrod Dyke
breaking lines too. Like 2Pi obviously had a fucking great game.
Grumpy Old Prop
Gideon Rampling.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, who knew, right? Yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
Just many, many names, many players.
Grumpy Old Prop
But the center is both like, i mean, there's the two, you know, they they're two all black centers to pay it and Leonard Brown, both got, both got over like,
Jarrod Dyke
I would wager 2Pi is putting his hand up for that France series.
Grumpy Old Prop
I think so.
Jarrod Dyke
Because Jordy's not going to be available for it.
Jarrod Dyke
So I would wager he's putting his hand up for that.
Jarrod Dyke
that that'll be yeah i really won't we'll talk about yeah good
Grumpy Old Prop
But I also just want to mention that This was a game where and your head scored two tries, which is fucking silly. But it happened and we all saw it happen.
Grumpy Old Prop
And I don't know what to say about that.
Jarrod Dyke
i don't either he got set up by tool on one of them i think right one of those two one of those two like just kind of gave him
Grumpy Old Prop
I think so. he did He didn't have to do much work on either of them. Let's put it that way.
Jarrod Dyke
No. ran Ran straight caught the ball.
Grumpy Old Prop
Nobody in front of him just kind of went.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep. Run straight and catch the ball.
Grumpy Old Prop
Although I think one, I should say that was the first one. I think the second one may have actually been impressive, but I, I blocked it out of memory. Just that I was like, Andy, Andy, maybe hit score and what the fuck is going on here?
Jarrod Dyke
What planet are we on when this happened?
Grumpy Old Prop
Where, where am I right now?
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. As I said, you know, they there were had a easy a couple of easy they had an easy three that they took at the end, and and then the ALB pulled one in the coffin to to end it. But yeah, you know, this is this was a pretty good performance for the Brummies.
Jarrod Dyke
and know the result wasn't the the one they wanted, but still not not nothing to be super mad about. lot of good things to take home and watch the tape on and and move forward for Stephen Blackham there.
Grumpy Old Prop
Certainly. Certainly. think this it's Yeah, this is not a... There's no shame in this defeat. the The Chiefs could very well win the competition.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like they're, they're not a prohibitive favorite, but they're like, certainly, i don't know if I was, if I was getting wagering on it, they'd probably be my first bet right now.
Jarrod Dyke
I think there are a lot of people's birthright, honestly.
Jarrod Dyke
All right, well, let's go to Sky Stadium.
Hurricanes vs. Blues Analysis
Jarrod Dyke
Man, ah my guys gave this away. I think that's fair to say for a lot of reasons.
Grumpy Old Prop
I'm let you vent because I, i
Jarrod Dyke
you You look at so if you look at the timeline of this thing, one, two, three, four, five penalty goals taken by the, by the Hurricanes.
Jarrod Dyke
None were taken by the Blues. We scored two tries. One was Godfrey. The other one was Nihalo. And I thought Nihalo was a fucking knob for a little bit of this game too. The,
Jarrod Dyke
jumping over the rock to try and i was like no you dumb fuck you can't do that like was like what are you doing I was watching this at work and people were just like you okay I'm like yeah great um I'm great I'm fine I'm fine I'm totally fine I'm totally fine it's so frustrating and
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah. Fine. Leave me alone. Everything's
Jarrod Dyke
Really, the thing that, and as much as I want to put on the decision on Gus Gardner at the end, like I can't because the number of times they went for goal instead going for the corner and going for the try is just a dumb number.
Jarrod Dyke
the words, phrases. there was the the thing that set up the talia try was a really bad kick from harry godfrey and that's his you know that's his young young self coming through the right there and that that that he'll learn to do better and put that thing you know so it finds grass or so it is you know something that he compete with or whatever but it was just a really aimless kick and
Jarrod Dyke
Blue's got a pretty good back three, and they know how to do damage, and Talaya knows how to finish, and he was a pretty damn good finish, by the way. So, um yeah.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, that's like... That kind of sums it up.
Jarrod Dyke
Just frustrating.
Grumpy Old Prop
Too many penalties.
Jarrod Dyke
Frustrating for me.
Grumpy Old Prop
Too much kicking, period. like Because of all the danger people they have. Yeah, you can't just give them the ball.
Grumpy Old Prop
And you need to take more than threes. As we always say.
Jarrod Dyke
I'm glad the kid didn't kick a goal. Great. We know that he can do that now. let'ss Let's go for corner, please.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. that's the only way you're going to win. I just... Very much like the the finals from last year, except you know the Chiefs didn't even... don't think I scored until the very end.
Grumpy Old Prop
So, we're very similar. Like, oh, we're just going take kicks at goal. at least you were making yours, but still. Super frustrating. It's like, just try to win, please.
Jarrod Dyke
You know, they they need a little bit of help to come back for their, the Hurricanes do, to come back for um back three work a little bit.
Jarrod Dyke
You know, um the Harkin kid wasn't doing bad, but like... we need someone Ruben love needs to get healthy as fast as possible.
Jarrod Dyke
Honestly, as fast as that app can happen, that would be, that'd be great. Cause while I, my, in my head, I'm like, all right, drop Godfrey back to fullback and put whole hip in whole hip.
Jarrod Dyke
It hasn't been impressive by any means whatsoever. So i'm like, it's not really going to work either. So it's yeah. Ruben love, hurry up and heal the hell up. Would you? Jeez. Um, Because it's like, it's all it's, I think everyone knows how to pick on it.
Jarrod Dyke
Really? They're just like, yep, ah your fullback's a little bit exposed. So we're going to make life hard on him. And obviously Harry Godfrey's back there too with field kicks. and But he's young. Super talented.
Jarrod Dyke
No question about it. I think we can all agree on that.
Jarrod Dyke
But he's young. He's going to make mistakes, as I as i mentioned before. So they know it. They're just going to be like, yep, you wait you make your mistakes, kid. And we'll pounce on him.
Grumpy Old Prop
Plus you're still missing your 13 too. Yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, I know Billy Pratchett's killing us.
Jarrod Dyke
Umar, Jensen, and Sullivan take turns having good games at this point, and i really need them both to have a good game. Billy comes in, both centers are going to have a good game.
Jarrod Dyke
Right now, neither one of these guys can feed off each other necessarily.
Grumpy Old Prop
No, not really.
Jarrod Dyke
All right. Last one. Let's go out to...
Western Force vs. Reds Overview
Jarrod Dyke
Let's go out to perf Perth and Western Australia here. um
Jarrod Dyke
I, you know, this whole season so far, i am pretty impressed with the way the force have played. They were 2-0 going into this game, obviously. um Beat a Moana team last minute that doesn't know how to win, but still did it. So good on them and beat a Brumby's team that what they weren't supposed to beat.
Jarrod Dyke
And that was away from home. So I'm largely impressed by the way this team's played. There's, you know, that there's been some good players that have kind of come into play. coming to the fortisano is playing out of his skin by the way like i i don't think he's going to get that wallaby seven jersey yeah that belongs to mckwright right now but like really making a case to be and and yeah in the 23 somewhere in there yeah where that 20 you know at that point at this point it's a battle between him and um gleason for who's going to be the 20 because i don't see valentine getting removed from that at any point in time as long as he's healthy
Grumpy Old Prop
He really is.
Grumpy Old Prop
In the 23 to like the Yeah. certainly.
Jarrod Dyke
McWright, Wilson are definitely the two, seven and eight. So really it's about a good problem for Joe Schmidt to have going into the Lions series. That's for sure.
Grumpy Old Prop
yeah certainly
Jarrod Dyke
So good things from them. But yeah, I was, yeah, like I said, I was largely impressed by the way this, this force team played and played with some flair, but played with some grit too. And you gotta appreciate that. But this, this Reds team, when if they can just get a few things, few more things to stick,
Jarrod Dyke
it's gonna it's going to continue to click ah turn over and click, and it'll just continue to be fun to watch. so There were just just a few passes that just missed, and I was like, oh, man, that would have been great. That would have been great. I found myself saying that least twice, and i was just like, oh. So, yeah, some these passes are going to stick, and everyone's going trouble.
Grumpy Old Prop
Very much so. Like, there're yeah, it's... it's it's not yeah it's i mean It's coming together when it comes together and then even when it doesn't, it's still impressive. and Again, this is kind of like that um
Grumpy Old Prop
you know the Reds are are like yeah another team. like I would put them ahead of Taz. Certainly in Australia, it would be. um The Reds, I still think, could make damage could do damage. i I would have them as almost my second most likely to win.
Grumpy Old Prop
um it was just, you know, not right.
Jarrod Dyke
The other big test is coming this weekend, so we'll see how that how that pans out.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. Um, like they're doing the right things. They've, they've added the right talent. This is a, this is a real team that, um, that the force are playing in. Like, cause you mentioned that they've had a, um, they've, they've been building in confidence this year and,
Grumpy Old Prop
They're not far away. They're a lot closer than, i mean, the shit they're a lot closer than we thought they were at the beginning of the year.
Jarrod Dyke
Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Totally agree on that one. Did not have that one on my um my card here.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. And I hope this is like, ah this isn't just like a fluke. um No pun intended.
Jarrod Dyke
yeah He scored twice.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah. hum
Jarrod Dyke
So, fun fun fact. Fluke and Pasatoa played with each other when they were at Schoolboy.
Grumpy Old Prop
That's cute when that happens. Love it.
Jarrod Dyke
i'm sure they were I'm sure they were in each other's ear all day long.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
while At least while Flick was out there. Flick came off a little bit banged up, but at least while he was out there, I'm sure they were giving each other a boatload shit and I would have paid to have a microphone on one of them
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. got get They got to be mic'd up for that.
Jarrod Dyke
them. Just a tiny little mic. That's all we want.
Grumpy Old Prop
Just that's it. We need more players mic'd up. It's, I swear, like again, going back to football, like, do you remember when used to be like so rare that you actually got to hear players like on the field and all of the sudden they started mic'd them up in like the nineties and like, but you'd still have to wait till like the next week to watch what they had to say.
Jarrod Dyke
To hear it, yeah.
Grumpy Old Prop
and because it would be, and it would only be a couple of things, but it would be like, ah ah it's like the gods are speaking to us. Like we were not worthy. But that became a thing. And it would be really cool to hear more of that. Like, you know, more than what we can just hear on the ref, mic which is hilarious sometimes.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, some of the stuff we can hear on the referee is great sledging. It's just awesome.
Jarrod Dyke
um s Speaking of a referee, I did think Nick Barry bottled the decision pretty badly, and that was the yeah the Darcy Swain clothesline on McLaughlin Phillips.
Grumpy Old Prop
What? Wait, wait, wait. So Darcy Swain made a dirty play. You're you expecting me to believe that would happen.
Jarrod Dyke
yeah Wait a minute. We both know that'll happen.
Grumpy Old Prop
And now you're expecting me to believe that Nick Barry would miss it. And sir, I don't know what you're peddling here.
Jarrod Dyke
yeah Yeah. The thing about Nick Barry is when he misses, he misses. Like, it's really...
Grumpy Old Prop
This is big.
Jarrod Dyke
Like, he is swinging for the fence when he misses. It's bad. And this was like... Oh, yeah. no I was like, no. What? No. No. Number one, you need to consider the player. Like, you have to consider that.
Jarrod Dyke
Like, we know Swain is...
Grumpy Old Prop
I don't think, I don't know.
Jarrod Dyke
dirty like there's no question about my brain and then what what else is he doing other than just trying to stop here he could have left his arm and the arms in near he brought him down because he knew the only thing he could do to stop him was to close line him it wasn't a question you know it's oh this is much different than jeremy williams the other week when he got carded um williams was in the air and i don't remember who it was i think his mirror had just ran right into him i was like
Grumpy Old Prop
People remember that now for some reason.
Jarrod Dyke
Well, yeah, that's a tree right there. get the hell out of the way of the damn tree, you moron. You know, not Swain, who's out here to the side. And Ratham Phillips was doing everything he could to get the hell away from him and say, no, I'm going to go around you because you're way too large for me to run through.
Jarrod Dyke
And all of a sudden, it gets a nice, you know, forearm into his throat. It's like, yeah, awesome.
Jarrod Dyke
That's just what I wanted for a Christmas. No, no, no So, yeah, don' I don't know if he's been cited. I know I already saw the Situ sighting. He's missing three weeks. um
Jarrod Dyke
and I saw that and everybody is looking at me at work because i like i said, I was watching that one ah work and they were just like, is that good?
Jarrod Dyke
I'm like, no, he's getting sent off.
Grumpy Old Prop
No. Yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
And that they had the yellow and then they came down with the decision. i was like, told you. Like there was no mitigation in that whatsoever. i was Like, yeah, that was stupid. So maybe that's why Razor didn't want to pick you there, Hoskins.
Jarrod Dyke
Just... Just a thought.
Jarrod Dyke
Just a thought. Because if you have that in your game, that's not good.
Grumpy Old Prop
It does seem like he's got a point.
Grumpy Old Prop
does seem like he's got a point
Jarrod Dyke
yeah Yeah. He's proving people right about the criticisms that he ate last year. So really, he needs to pick it up once he comes back from the suspension.
Jarrod Dyke
and yeah you want you want You want to shut people up about that? Give him the middle finger and show them that they're wrong.
Jarrod Dyke
play like Play like they're wrong, you know? And thus far, not doing that.
Jarrod Dyke
Not good. Not good, sir. Not good all.
Jarrod Dyke
Okay, let's go to our superlative. event vi vibs um
Jarrod Dyke
Players, coaches, officials that impressed you a bit.
Jarrod Dyke
Oh, wait. Shit, I'm jumping ahead of myself. MLR. Damn it.
Jarrod Dyke
I mean, we don't need to talk about long.
Grumpy Old Prop
Oh, right.
Grumpy Old Prop
MLR. Fuck.
Jarrod Dyke
We don't need talk about long.
Grumpy Old Prop
No, can we just, can we just, can we just not, can we just pull a free Jacks?
Jarrod Dyke
Pounds kicked our ass. We played like shit.
Grumpy Old Prop
Can we just pull a free Jacks and, and not come just not be involved in MLR this week?
Jarrod Dyke
Not show up for it.
Jarrod Dyke
Oh, that was bad.
Grumpy Old Prop
Fuck. That was bad. i don't do i don't know.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, it was.
Grumpy Old Prop
I, I, I was watching it. Um, Jess was hate watching it with me.
Jarrod Dyke
I went back and watched it after. was just like, what the fuck did we do?
Grumpy Old Prop
That Coughlin guy owes us some some beer.
Jarrod Dyke
You owe everyone many beers.
Grumpy Old Prop
what oh What do you do? like When even the comms guy is like, why did you move the ball from your left shoulder or the left arm to the right? like
Jarrod Dyke
That was Petri, I think, that was saying that too.
Grumpy Old Prop
Patrick's dunking on you, dude. like Why? He's right, though. Why? Why why did you do that? like What are you thinking?
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, no. worthy It's worth the question.
Jarrod Dyke
i don't know what he was doing.
Grumpy Old Prop
And then he bottled another one later. Like, sued dude, dude.
Jarrod Dyke
Case race, it's all on Coughlin.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah. Yeah.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, it just didn't didn't doesn't look like, you know, some of the players still there, but it doesn't look like that. At least that didn't look like them. So, um ah yeah, like, oh, um yeah, and Joe Johnston going into the touch before putting it down.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like, that's so not like him. It's it's something was off. They had food poisoning or something like that.
Grumpy Old Prop
They have what I what i had.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, something going around around here. so Yeah, so, yeah. Hounds took advantage of a really bad Free Jacks team, and Houston beat Seattle. Free Jacks go to Seattle and play next week. I will not be watching that game live lately.
Grumpy Old Prop
No, that's a late one, huh?
Jarrod Dyke
kickoff. Yeah, nope. I'll watch that in the morning, see what happens.
Grumpy Old Prop
FD, no, thank you.
Jarrod Dyke
ah Big time. Old Glory lost again to the Legion. Utah is looking pretty good sound from all it sounds, so...
Grumpy Old Prop
They are. They're scoring points.
Jarrod Dyke
So look out for them. And then Anthem gave Miami a hell of a game. thirty one thirty two at the final. So, um, maybe that's a sign of things turning a little bit down there. Not like,
Grumpy Old Prop
How did that wait? Didn't that have like a fucked up ending? Hold on a second.
Jarrod Dyke
I mean, Miami's been involved in a couple of them.
Grumpy Old Prop
I swear something happened.
Grumpy Old Prop
I don't know.
Jarrod Dyke
they've had two kind of wild.
Grumpy Old Prop
I thought there was some fuckery in that.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. They've had two kind of wild, uh, endings there.
Jarrod Dyke
So, fun times. Anywho.
Jarrod Dyke
right, now we can go to Superlatives. Five who outdid themselves, or at least a few players outdid themselves this weekend.
Grumpy Old Prop
I'd have to say Emma Singh up there.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep. Yep. Totally.
Grumpy Old Prop
um I mean, it's crazy because they who you could pick if if you're you're coaching England, which full which which fullback playing this week do you pick?
Grumpy Old Prop
Because fuck, you have Emma Singh, you got Kildun, and you got Breach.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, and Abby Dow, who didn't play this weekend because she's on Trail Finders, who didn't make the semifinals. So, yeah.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. but Yeah, that's...
Jarrod Dyke
Spoil for choice. Spoil for choice to say the least.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. It's not. that's and They all played well this weekend. so
Grumpy Old Prop
But Sing, to me, was was the best.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. Outstanding player. ah Georgia Evans was one that really impressed me during the, during the Saracens game.
Grumpy Old Prop
Jarrod Dyke
And even the few times she made a completely knucklehead error, she almost immediately made up for it with either a steal or a big hit or ah big carry, whatever it was.
Jarrod Dyke
So yeah, super impressive the way she, she played. um They needed that that. That's one of those players that needed to have a big game and they did. So good on Georgia Evans. Yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
Sarah Byrne is a go goes without saying type of player, but yeah, noted her noted her this weekend as well.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like, yeah, ah I think there was, there's been talk of, is it time to recognize Sarah Byrne as the, um one of the best props of all time. And ah think we're there.
Jarrod Dyke
think she's the best prop in the world right now, honestly.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. No, certainly.
Jarrod Dyke
It's hard to argue otherwise.
Grumpy Old Prop
i don't, who? Yeah. No, I don't see anyone else close.
Jarrod Dyke
No, no, no, neither.
Jarrod Dyke
There's a lot of good ones out there, but i don't see anybody else.
Grumpy Old Prop
I was thinking what was, so my, my, my thought was, and this isn't, this is not a ah polished saying yet, but it's like in the loose, she makes, um,
Grumpy Old Prop
Alice Gange look like Dan Cole. And in the scrum, she makes Dan Cole look like Alice Gange.
Grumpy Old Prop
And then but I was thinking Sinclair cause Sinclair's a tight head, but he's, he's running days aren't what they used to be. So, um,
Grumpy Old Prop
But yeah, if we're going old school, that would work too. We're probably a lot better, but like she can do everything. She's ridiculous. And she had such a great, like it was evident when she came out, the game changed.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep, for sure. Yeah, her and Botts both. um I will give my boy Harry Godfrey credit, though. He had a great game. the decisions to kick for all those points were not his, you know, that, that that's on the shoulder of the, the hurricanes captains had the one bad kick, but again, it's a youngster's mistake.
Jarrod Dyke
Honestly, the talent level that this kid is just oozing out. I'm I'll live with the kick as long as he can remember it, fix it. And then if we play these, when we, when we play as fuckers again, fix it when we play them again and win the game this time.
Grumpy Old Prop
And then for the ah but forwards, i have Tisano and Gleason.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep, good ones. Uru as well. I thought he was like, he's he's, I was not an Uru fan about two years ago.
Jarrod Dyke
I saw nothing that impressed me whatsoever. Last two years, he's turned me. He's turned me. He's really become a notable guy. And, know, the back row is his place.
Jarrod Dyke
It's no longer, I was definitely a second row only for a long time.
Jarrod Dyke
But nope, he's he's turned me. he's He's playing really, really well.
Grumpy Old Prop
No, yeah. he's he's He's working his way into that six years. He'd certainly.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep. Any others?
Jarrod Dyke
all right. So i was I was appalled at myself when I skipped over this, but we also had a lot to talk about last week. Quick shout out the Spicy Plum, who we did not acknowledge last week.
Jarrod Dyke
um having to hang Having to hang him up, and there's a couple ah couple of the Irish guys that are hanging out this weekend. But yeah, just wanted to acknowledge, like, man...
Grumpy Old Prop
Grumpy Old Prop
Also true.
Jarrod Dyke
So sad to see him cut down early, but fuck, he's had a hell of a career.
Grumpy Old Prop
see See, so here's here's why andt this is why it annoys me when players like with coaches i should say give players like Ben Young, like, okay, we're gonna we're going to push him to the record.
Grumpy Old Prop
And it's like, that record should be earned, right?
Grumpy Old Prop
like so Sometimes guys like Kitsov, who, again, you know, would if he had been able to continue potentially have gone into the like goat status, like, like maybe the best male prop of all time. Sorry.
Grumpy Old Prop
Sarah Burns better than you still, but um still pretty fucking good.
Grumpy Old Prop
One of the best, but like he didn't, he didn't get that long a career. And like, sometimes you just don't get that. And so it should be the players who earn it, who have that.
Grumpy Old Prop
um It kind of diminishes things when you, when you extend someone just to get them over a line. rather than do what's right for for the team and really play the best players. and and um Yeah, you don't always let we always say you don't get always get to choose when you retire. so
Jarrod Dyke
Right. Well, I'm thankful I got to hang him up when I chose to do it instead of having, know, you and I have had many teammates that have been forced out early on even.
Jarrod Dyke
And, you know, so yeah, I can, I can feel for him.
Grumpy Old Prop
it's It's a shame every time. so But Kisoff, we're going to miss him because he's... He's always fun to watch. Like, the you know, some, that every prop who's a great scrumaging prop is also fun to watch. And he's, he's one of them. He makes it he makes it fun.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep. Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. um Anyone that's on your list have shot the bed beside besides your dick of the
Grumpy Old Prop
No, I thought, I thought this was a pretty good, damn good representation of rugby all all weekend. So, um, was yeah, yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
I put Barry down.
Jarrod Dyke
That one, that I mean, really that one decision, but it was such a bad one. it's like, oh, come on. You know, that's what that's how he is, unfortunately, and it's not good enough most the time.
Jarrod Dyke
All right, ah how about let's go Ref Coach Young Player the Week.
Grumpy Old Prop
Um, no ref, like don't care. Oh, well, Dolman, he didn't, he didn't have to do anything. He didn't, he didn't get to fuck up a game.
Jarrod Dyke
I didn't, I wasn't mad about the way um maybe did this weekend as well.
Grumpy Old Prop
He wasn't annoying at all. I.
Jarrod Dyke
The guy who was doing the Taz drew a game.
Jarrod Dyke
In different way, penalty tribe, which I thought was right. And I was like, yep, that's that that thing was going forward and it went down because you guys brought it down.
Jarrod Dyke
So I, yeah, I'll give him, ah I'll give him a bet.
Jarrod Dyke
He's still a unknown quantity for to a lot of people. So, um, what'd you have for coach?
Grumpy Old Prop
For coach, you know what? I don't really have a coach that really stood out. um
Grumpy Old Prop
So, no, I'm taking a pass on that one.
Jarrod Dyke
I think what is going on with Les Kiss and the Reds is notable. And we talked, as I mentioned before, like they're doing things and they're just missing the pass or it's just not sticking.
Jarrod Dyke
So, you know we're, they're only two games in, by the way, they, they sat out one of the first, first few weeks.
Jarrod Dyke
So they're still getting, getting it under them.
Grumpy Old Prop
This was a long, long trip for them. So.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. And they've got, and they've won um won both their games. So it's, Yeah, I like what's going on there. I'd be very, very happy if I was Les Kiss.
Grumpy Old Prop
fair. I, yeah, I, I expected it.
Jarrod Dyke
So I like what he's doing.
Grumpy Old Prop
So he's, he's where I expect, you know, that's why I'm not like, right.
Jarrod Dyke
yeah you're You're performing as ah expected or better.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like I want to see, you know, I want to see somebody who's like, Hey, I'm going to do much better than you think I should for this week.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, fair point.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, I don't have anybody like that that really outdid it for me.
Jarrod Dyke
Young player.
Grumpy Old Prop
I got to go with Millie David.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, that's a good one.
Grumpy Old Prop
She scored that try.
Jarrod Dyke
That's a good one.
Grumpy Old Prop
She got named to the England squad.
Jarrod Dyke
Finally. God.
Jarrod Dyke
It was criminal that she wasn't in there.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah. That's that's that's a good... way she Best week of the the young players. Hmm.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. No, that was a good one. I put um the hasty kid down from Highlanders.
Jarrod Dyke
Didn't expect to start until, know, a little bit later than just expected, to say the least.
Grumpy Old Prop
Also fair.
Grumpy Old Prop
Jarrod Dyke
And Put a point pretty a good performance in for a guy that most people would consider part of the, you know, should be considered probably all black squad.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, they're...
Grumpy Old Prop
And they're... they're
Jarrod Dyke
So pretty good for him.
Grumpy Old Prop
And they're they're throwing out young players left and right who are just having some performances. So good stuff for the Highlanders.
Grumpy Old Prop
that Like, you know, for a team that we thought would be floundering.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, we definitely didn't think that this was going to be anything to sneeze at with this team, but nope, they're proving it wrong.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. But, but that's why sometimes, you know, if you have a shit team, throw the young guys out there. What the fuck?
Grumpy Old Prop
What's, what's the worst that's going to happen?
Jarrod Dyke
Truth. Truth. Yep. Totally agree with that. All right. um Player
Grumpy Old Prop
I'm a saying.
Jarrod Dyke
Here, here. Love that.
Grumpy Old Prop
Basically, like, kind of just was like, no, this is my, this is our game.
Grumpy Old Prop
um you know, when when you, like, she had the opportunity, i think, to pass for the for for a try and instead says, no, I'm going to just win this battle myself. um
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, I i like when she that she does that. And she just kind of said, this is my game and I'm gonna i'm gonna i'm going to make sure my team doesn't lose to the Bristol ah at home in the semis. So...
Grumpy Old Prop
I think she kind of took that over by herself, which not that she didn't have help, but she's like, no, my game.
Grumpy Old Prop
And that's tough to do on that, that roster.
Jarrod Dyke
um Yeah, and on that on that stage, too.
Jarrod Dyke
you I gave it to Tupaya.
ALB and Jersey 13 Contenders
Grumpy Old Prop
I mean, you know, that's.
Jarrod Dyke
Really good game. Had a really great try. and some It wasn't my try of the week, but um which we'll get to in a second.
Jarrod Dyke
But, yeah, it was...
Grumpy Old Prop
And he had a sweet try assist too.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like he had, he, he,
Jarrod Dyke
Yes. Yeah, on ALB.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep. That was, it yeah. So I thought, like I said, I think that's the 12 shirts his right now. And really, you could make a case that 13 could be ALB because Rico Ioani is playing like crap.
Grumpy Old Prop
Right. It's like, because it who else would it be?
Jarrod Dyke
Right. Like, it's, Juani's playing like crap. If Billy Proctor comes back and really performs like he did last year, maybe him. But that's it right now.
Jarrod Dyke
That's all I have. You know, they were talking about Tabataba, not why he's always, he's obviously in the conversation as well. um Yeah, I think there's, I think there's names that'll be in that midfield that we haven't seen, to put that way.
Try of the Week and Celebrations
Jarrod Dyke
Or we didn't see a lot starts for last year, at least. so
Jarrod Dyke
Let's do Try of the Week.
Grumpy Old Prop
Millie David.
Grumpy Old Prop
That was a ridiculous finish.
Jarrod Dyke
Good one. Silly fish.
Grumpy Old Prop
Like, and as you said, like it was one of those, I want to see that again just because I wasn't not sure. and And like you see it, it's like it's a fucking beautiful try.
Grumpy Old Prop
It's like plops it right down, right in, stays
Grumpy Old Prop
Gorgeous. you couldn't You couldn't finish that better.
Grumpy Old Prop
You really couldn't.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, you don't yeah and you don't teach the way she can finish to because she's 19 or whatever she is.
Jarrod Dyke
She's a baby. um
Grumpy Old Prop
Too young.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, so you don't teach that. She that's just an instinct for her, which is really awesome.
Jarrod Dyke
I went with the return of the Jess Express and her dance moves getting herself into the tri-ary after that but returning that kick. It was really awesome for me to see her in flight again.
Jarrod Dyke
And yeah, maybe it made me happy for many reasons.
Jarrod Dyke
yeah And finally, before we go to pick them, our dick of the week.
Grumpy Old Prop
That's the 2-2.
Jarrod Dyke
Yep. I'm agree. We have the same. We have the same. Yeah, you're not doing yourself any favors, buddy.
Grumpy Old Prop
No. And like you'd already scored a try and then
Jarrod Dyke
You went and did that shit.
Grumpy Old Prop
and that's that's all anybody's going to remember. We've seen you so we've seen your score tries.
Grumpy Old Prop
We're okay with that. It's the the other stuff that we're right.
Jarrod Dyke
Don't do something that we're going to remember you for in a negative light. know, that's how she goes.
Grumpy Old Prop
Cut that shit out.
Ireland vs. France Match Preview
Jarrod Dyke
All right. Pick them. Six nations. Round four. Big one. um Start off with a big one.
Jarrod Dyke
Ireland, France.
Grumpy Old Prop
I got France.
Jarrod Dyke
Okay. In Dublin. That's the only thing that's doing it for me right now.
Jarrod Dyke
If it if it was in Paris, I'd totally be down with that.
Grumpy Old Prop
i know. i just.
Grumpy Old Prop
The, the, I think.
Grumpy Old Prop
I just think right now they're better. I think that's, that's all I have is that they're, they're that much better. And if they bring what they can to it, like if they don't shit the bed, like they did against England,
Grumpy Old Prop
I don't know that Ireland have the horses to stop them.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. but I don't know what the news is on. Last news I saw on Doris was he's not ready yet. So that will be that could be a factor.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. I'm going Ireland only because it's in Dublin. If it was anywhere else, if it was in Paris, a neutral site, I'd probably be with you. But...
Grumpy Old Prop
And yeah, there's, there's couple of guys who are retiring and this will be their last match at the Aviva, which um i don't know, might, might stir some emotions.
Jarrod Dyke
It's in Dublin.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, there. Yep.
Grumpy Old Prop
But Ireland aren't that like emotionally driven as a as a people or as ah as a rugby team. Very, very stoic.
Jarrod Dyke
ah Aren't they?
Six Nations and Super Rugby Predictions
Jarrod Dyke
All right. ah Scotland, Wales.
Grumpy Old Prop
ah Scotland.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, it's in Murrayfield. If this was at the principality, I might give it to Wales after their last performance. But yeah, no, up at Murrayfield. Bad news. ah England, Italy.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. I'll probably still put the same lame ducks out there too and not give anybody a shot.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, but like, you know, I could see Slade scoring a try in this match.
Jarrod Dyke
And trying to...
Jarrod Dyke
That would only be bad news for England, honestly, because that just makes everyone justify. It puts it in Bortho's head. Yeah, I'm totally justified in picking this total knob. No.
Jarrod Dyke
Someone put out the idea of um beard at 13 and Lawrence at 12. was like, yeah, I'd i'd be into that.
Jarrod Dyke
I'd be into that. I'd be very into that. Yes, please.
Grumpy Old Prop
You'd have to talk me out of it.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, no shit, right? Super rugby. Blues Brumbies.
Jarrod Dyke
It's technically on Thursday here because it's so early in the ceiling on Friday.
Jarrod Dyke
It's weird. ah
Jarrod Dyke
Time and all that shit. Drew a chiefs in Fiji.
Grumpy Old Prop
Oh, Chiefs.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. Two are going to figure themselves out.
Grumpy Old Prop
it's just But I think the Chiefs are just that much better than them.
Jarrod Dyke
Also, that that does not help or that does not hurt.
Grumpy Old Prop
And again, that that that like crazy shit that the drill pulled, the Chiefs are be like, oh, that's cute. You want to see some real fucked up shit? like Watch what I'm going to do.
Grumpy Old Prop
So, no, it won't throw them out of their game.
Grumpy Old Prop
It'll just push them right back into it. so
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, no kidding, right?
Jarrod Dyke
want lot of hurricanes.
Grumpy Old Prop
The hurricanes, I think they might be a little upset in this.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah, they're going to be pissed. Yep, they're going be pissed. They'll ride it. If I get out against Druah, they'll figure it out against these guys. And they got an old friend playing across them. couple of friends playing across from them.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yeah, you're not going to.
Jarrod Dyke
Um, I'm sure they'll be motivated as well too, but you know, uh, Taz force.
Jarrod Dyke
And Crusaders
Reds vs. Crusaders Debate
Jarrod Dyke
reds. And we talked about this being a big test for the reds, but, um, I'm
Grumpy Old Prop
I don't know because i don't um still not I'm still not a believer in the Crusaders. And as I said earlier, like this is what I expected from the Reds. So I picked them. ah right like Obviously, they're they had my full confidence.
Grumpy Old Prop
I'm i'm not. No, they should win this game.
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. i'm I'm hoping their luck on on Kiwi soil goes better, but I am going to try and go with my brain here and pick to the Crusaders. i will be I will be happy to be wrong.
Jarrod Dyke
I will be happy to be wrong. But, yeah.
Grumpy Old Prop
I'll be happy for you to be wrong. yeah Oh, up.
Jarrod Dyke
ah you're four You're four back now, Chief, so...
Grumpy Old Prop
What are you following this?
Grumpy Old Prop
Like, shit, I need to start doing that.
Jarrod Dyke
like I have the last like billion years.
Grumpy Old Prop
ah What's the closest I've been to you?
Grumpy Old Prop
ten No, I think we were, or didn't i win one year?
Jarrod Dyke
I can tell you. You won one year.
Grumpy Old Prop
Yay. like one.
Jarrod Dyke
I won by, but yeah, won by four last year.
Grumpy Old Prop
ah simple Yeah.
Jarrod Dyke
um Year before, oh, year before I smoked you. Seven. ah
Jarrod Dyke
And it wasn't better the year before that. It was ten it was like 10. but' So it's been a minute. It's been a minute.
Grumpy Old Prop
But I won one.
Reflections and Closing Remarks
Jarrod Dyke
you did I think you won like the first one that we were doing this with.
Grumpy Old Prop
That's all that matters.
Grumpy Old Prop
Ha ha ha ha.
Jarrod Dyke
yeah yeah the year Yeah. And then the year before that was four. And then. um
Jarrod Dyke
Yeah. No, there was there was a point where
Jarrod Dyke
He was, he was one of the first, think the first two seasons you beat me and I was, and we were doing it on the, on the paper.
Jarrod Dyke
So that was that that's probably the answer to that one.
Grumpy Old Prop
That's right.
Grumpy Old Prop
Oh, the paper.
Jarrod Dyke
That's probably answer to that one.
Jarrod Dyke
Okay. So that's that. um We appreciate everyone for listening to us and letting us yap into your ear for just a little bit. um We will be, heading over to talk fantasy chat.
Jarrod Dyke
If you're heading over there, we'll see you there. If not, and enjoy a big rugby weekend, and we'll talk to you guys next week. Thanks for listening, everyone. Have a good one.