EP 01: Answering the call to go all in (even when you've got bills to pay) w/ Samanee Mahbub image

EP 01: Answering the call to go all in (even when you've got bills to pay) w/ Samanee Mahbub

S1 E1 · The Modern-Day Healer
61 Plays2 months ago

In today's podcast, we're diving deep into the juicy realms of money mindset and spiritual wealth with my friend, and fellow Modern Day Healer, Samanee Mahbub. 

Samanee is a true alchemist when it comes to transmuting limiting beliefs around finances into pure, radiant abundance. She’s been there - ignoring her calling as a healer, drowning in debt, and struggling with self-doubt. But through sheer grit and determination, she's crafted a life of freedom, fulfillment, and overflowing prosperity. And now, she's spilling all the soul-shaking wisdom and practical gems to help you do the same. 

Are you ready to release the soul-crushing weight of money blocks and finally feel light, free, and wildly abundant? We’ve got you. We're talking real-life strategies to embody your future self as a wealthy healer or coach, tap into the frequency of abundance, and magnetize opportunities that align with your deepest desires.

This isn't just another money mindset podcast - it's an initiation into a whole new way of being. A soul-powered rebellion against lack, scarcity, and playing small. An invitation to fully inhabit your truth, own your magic, and unapologetically create the life you crave.

So grab your crystals, light some sage, and get ready to have your mind blown wide open. The abundance revolution starts now, and Samanee’s leading the way. No more letting money get in the way of your gifts that need to be shared with the world…it’s time to let it all go and let yourself shine.

Let’s dive in!!!

Don't forget your action items to make the most of today's episode!

  • Consider starting a daily internal practice of meditation, gratitude, journaling, etc. to develop self-belief.
  • Check out Samanee's, "Ultimate Debt Destroyer" course for strategies to clear money blocks and beliefs holding you back.

Connect with Dana HERE and Samanee HERE and let them know what you loved most about this episode and what resonated deeply.

**If you loved today's episode don't forget to give this podcast a 5-star rating! 🥰

Hello and welcome to the Modern Day Healer podcast. I'm your host, Dana Hayes, and I am so excited to share with you the stories, the trials, the tribulations, and most importantly, the triumphs of my own as well as many other successful modern day healers. We've gone all in to pursue our passion, to make an impact in the world by helping humans heal from the past and find true empowerment in their lives today. So what exactly is a modern day healer, you might ask? A modern day healer is you.
She is me and anyone else who feels a calling to help others heal, grow, and share their light. You could be a wife, a mother, a teacher, a writer, a speaker, a podcast host. You might be a workshop producer, a course creator. You're most likely an entrepreneur and can't shake the desire to make your calling your career because you know how much impact you could make if you went all in and had the opportunity to share your story with the world. That is a modern day healer. I'm a podcast host, a co-author of an amazing book about the journey of sobriety, a wife, a mom of two young children, and the creator of the spiritual lifestyle brand, Living in Power. I am Dana and I am a modern day healer. I am so glad you're here. Let's get started.
ah Welcome, welcome, welcome to the modern day healer podcast. I am so excited. I have my friend, Samani Mabub with me. She is amazing. And so I have Samani here today to talk with us about how a lot of us want to go all in our career as a healer. And a lot of times the number one objection And this is a personal experience of mine as well as a healer, as a coach, and as somebody who has helped other women start their healing businesses. The number one objection is money, finances. So Samani is here today to talk to us about that aspect and how possibly we can overcome that objection for ourselves.
and move forward as the healers that we are here to be and that we are being called to become. So, Samani, welcome, welcome, welcome. It is so awesome to have you here. Thank you so much for having me, Dana. I am so excited to get into this conversation. I think we are, well, not we, you, you have created this beautiful platform to encourage more people because we need more healers and more coaches, more mentors, more more light and magic out there so I love that we are having this conversation and I love being a part of it so thank you for having me. You are so welcome and I totally agree I think that that is our just human purpose in this world is to be here to be lights for each other to walk each other home and to really just
like you know I've heard so many people talk about wanting to change other people just in my line of work that comes up constantly and I think the number one goal for any person aka healer right we're just naturally healers is to work on ourselves and to become that light and to become the example of the light for other people to see so that they can Remove their own masks and walk through life as their own light and then become that for others as well. So I love this topic of conversation. That's why it is an entire podcast. And so I would love to start this entire
this episode asking you to basically give us your personal experience with becoming a healer, becoming a mentor, a guide for other people, how it happened because I think the most, I think one of the most interesting aspects of this work is that there tends to be an initiation and It tends to be very interesting. So I'd love to ask you about yours, how you came to this line of work and how it all worked out for you. And then we'll get into the more specific um topic of finances and yeah, so take it away.
I love it. i do know I think I've had five different initiations into coaching. So so if you ah folks who are listening, if you feel like you've gotten the calling and ignored it and it keeps coming back and you keep ignoring it, it keeps coming back. i have I am there with you. I've gone through that. so my story. So I grew up in Bangladesh where I basically saw like women in general, like my mother, my grandmothers were all almost like de facto healers. They were the folks that people came to for advice, for light, for joy, for their own sort of fulfillment. and I think a lot of women tend to take on that role, but I never saw them viewing it as a burden, but they they took so much joy and light in taking care of our family and our larger community.
And I would say I was like the the friend that everyone went to for advice. Like I was like the one for relationship advice, the one for school work, the one for like, my life is falling apart and I'm having a quarter life existential crisis at 16, like what do i I do? And so I've always been that friend that people would come to for advice. But the idea of becoming a healer, a coach, a mentor, that sort of role. It wasn't even in my purview. like I didn't even think you could make a career out of that. My mom was a doctor and my dad was an architect. My family was in law, so I was kind of expecting I would be a lawyer. And then as I kind of went into college, I didn't want to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer, which is what the three career professions but were given to me.
So I thought, let's go into banking, actually. So I went to Brown, and basically you were presented two career paths. You were going to finance or consulting and started to prove my mother are're wrong because I became a history major instead of an econ major. And she's like, what the hell are you going to do with that degree? Are you going to go be a history teacher? ah She just owned me for a year, which is a whole other story. But I wanted to sort of prove her wrong. So I actually ended up going into finance. I worked with Morgan Stanley my sophomore year of college and absolutely hated it. Like just did not feel it, did not enjoy it. And
I actually had a very, very dramatic life moment that I think basically made me reflect on life is really, really short. So that summer when I was working at finance, there was a terrorist attack back home in Bangladesh where I'm from. And three of my friends were actually killed in that attack. So they were 19, 19, and 20 years old, incredibly young. And it was basically like a whole hostage situation. It was like a Friday night. And literally, my my high school was tiny. We were like 200 people total.
So everyone knows everybody. We're all like on Facebook, trying to keep track of what's happening. And we're all up for 12 hours all around the world. And we found out that our friends didn't make it. And we actually found out that the terrorists actually let one of our friends go because he was Muslim and he could recite the Islamic prayers. This was the summer of a lot of ISIS attacks. And he actually said, what about my friends? They weren't Muslim. They couldn't recite the prayers. And they said, no, we're not letting them go. And he actually walked back in. He actually walked back in. And he is, like to me, the epitome of of bravery, of courage, of light, of like being there till the very end for his friends. He really embodied that.
and I you know remember finding out what happened, going to work on Monday, like a mess, just like a volunteer mess. And my manager caught whiff of what happened. And he basically said, go back home. None of this matters. And I remember like like movie moments, like on the subway in New York City, looking out into the sunset thinking, yeah, he's right. None of this fucking matters. I want my life to fucking matter. like I want to do work that like lights me up. I want to stop making basically rich white men richer, which is what I was doing working in banking.
So, I actually took a year off from college and as a young 19 year old actually made my first coaching investment. I had, I don't think I had 10k I think I like somehow found some credit card or some savings, or I may have used most of my banking internship money and invested in my first coach, because I felt like my calling was to help people. It was just so innate, you know the concept of your zone of genius from Gay Hendricks. I always felt like doing well academically or working in finance. I ended up start going into marketing later. I always felt like that was my zone of excellence, but my zone of genius always just seeing the best in people and getting it out of them.
to help them believe in themselves, to help them see their light. And so I invested my first coach at 19, and but was building a I believe I was building a career coaching business to help college kids find their purpose, find more fulfillment and financial stability. I like ran a survey with 100 of my friends, and that was sort of the two things they wanted. and i You know, did that for a little bit, but i I think there was like a part of me like my coach told me to go charge 10 grand to broke college students and something in me. I don't know what it was. Maybe it was my own self belief or just feeling like this wasn't right or you know, like there were so many like internal stories and we got into that, but.
There was like a good part of me. like I knew I wanted to do this, but that model didn't exactly sit right. and i was And I think I also lacked true confidence in myself to be able to deliver that. And at the same time, my mom and my dad were like, go back to college. Go get a real job. Go like you like make some money. And there was like another side story where that year I ended up dating somebody who was married and had two kids and didn't tell me for one and a half years, which is another side tang. Oh, we've got a lot of stories for that summer. But that, you know, threw a little wrench on my own like mental stability. So I thought, you know what, I still have this calling for coaching, but I'm going to shut it down for now. I'm going to go back to college. I'm going to go mend my heart and maybe go find a real job like my mom said.
And so Q going back to college, finishing up my two years and then ended up going into tech and working in marketing, you know, companies like Slack, like Zapier. So I've worked at like a lot of big tech startups, but I always had the calling for coaching. And I think once I found like a little bit of stability in coach it, oh sorry, found a little bit of stability in work. I had the calling again. I was like, I think I'm supposed to go do this again. So I actually invested 20 grand this time. I was like, let's go double the investment. I invested 20 grand in the next coach. But this is where it got really interesting and where I've seen a lot of coaches struggle with this too, which is I invested in a coach whose strategy absolutely works. There's no doubt that her strategy works.
but what I lacked was my own belief in implementing that strategy. like I found every excuse in the book to not do it. and i remember ah like I think I got like my first client or two and I was super excited about that, but like I just couldn't show up. And so, and I created some narrative of why this wasn't meant for me. Oh, and I think actually, sorry, even before that, I remember investing 10 K and another coach she issue before with that too. And I got like my first clients, I think I was doing like an ad model to like a webinar. And then like, again, just knowing that the strategy worked, but I didn't have the belief in myself to go do it. And I think both of them were some sort version of like burnout coaching and career coaching. Cause those were things I was really good at. And ultimately I realized it was more just helping people with confidence. So.
Q, i' I've done this three times. like I would make this big investment to prove to myself I was committed to doing this. I would get like the initial like momentum and the result, and then something in my head or reality or society or my boyfriends or my parents or the lure of like a very traditional career would always pull me back and this happened for about seven years until I would say the last time but was I was working at a job, but which I really did not like towards the end. And I remember thinking about looking for your new jobs and I was on the job board and I just like read
the job description. I was like, this doesn't light me up anymore and I don't need more money because I think we get caught up in this narrative that I need to save more, I need to make more, I need to push it and I need x, y, z, a million things before I'm ready to go take the leap and i I basically stopped doing that. I finally looked at all of this stuff externally and I was like, I don't need more money. I don't need more prestige. I don't need the fancy titles, the validation, nothing anymore to actually just go do the thing that I've always been meant to like meant to do, meant to be and share my magic. And so finally just quit the job and was like, fuck it, we're going to let all in. So I invested another coach, I think I invested like three coaches this time to create like ultimate accountability and structure for me. And really just like
dug deep into myself belief this time. Because I think I finally anchored into the fact that there are a million strategies that any coach or business coach will sell you. And guess what? Every single one works. Every single strategy works. But it's not the system that works. It's your belief in the system. And so you actually have to build that belief in yourself. And that's what I really started anchoring into was the belief in myself, in and my ability to go execute and implement any system and also understand that just because they do it doesn't mean I have to do it that way. So also learn how to trust my own intuition, my own um internal strategy, I call it, and let that guide me as well because
All strategy is, is somebody being able to replicate something twice? like That's how I think about strategy is, and once you realize that and you realize that you can do anything, people are just buying into you and your energy and your power and your spirit, then the world's your oyster. but i've had like a lot of ah I joke basically the universe kept slapping me. There's a lot of slapping to like keep coming back. What are you doing? For me, and I hope anybody who's hearing this, sometimes you don't listen the first time or the second time. or the third time or the fourth time. It might take the fifth time, but eventually that that voice is going to get louder and louder, and ultimately, you're going to have to hear it because I think that just shows like that is your calling. If the fact that I've gone through four different like career changes and kept coming back to coaching, that like let me know that this is ultimately what I'm meant to do.
Oh my God. Okay. This could not be a better first episode because it is all about answering the call to coach. And of course we're going to get into the the money stuff, but like you've mentioned the fact that you basically ignored the call five different times, even though you were putting up the financial investment. But the point is, is that if the belief isn't there, the strategy does not work. And I had the exact same experience. And I have to tell you, I started in a very similar situation. I felt like that calling. um And if if you're ah sitting here listening to this, and you are the person that's asking yourself, like, what is it that people come to me for?
And you're that advice person, right? ah You're the one that people come to you to really guide them. that Let this be another call. answer this call. okay Don't let the universe slap you around even more. This is this is it. like This is your calling. So it's time to follow it. But I want to just back up and say I started in the same exact space where I was working in um a wealth management firm. and I was studying to become a certified financial planner and I was sitting there um working with portfolio managers who were just making rich white men richer and I remember literally thinking to myself
how in the hell am I helping people right now? And I was like, well, I'm helping, I'm helping them get richer. And I couldn't lie to myself anymore. I was like, Oh my God, this is not helpful. And this is not where I want to come from. And so I i feel like I in that exact moment in that year anyway, like that was when coaching became Apparent to me. I like stumbled upon something online about coaching and this is back in like 2014 and I was like, oh my god Oh my god Like I just felt it in my gut and in my heart and I think that's where so many people start and what I don't think they realize is that You okay from that initial call to becoming a successful entrepreneur there might be
Like give yourself grace. There might be two, three, five, 10 years in between the call the initial call and you actually becoming the person that 100% accepts the call. Absolutely. I'm a big believer that it only stops working if you quit. Like truly. Like if you if you know this is the thing and you have felt the calling, you have felt the loving bitch slap as I described it, um then understand that life will throw, I always think about it as like tests, like they're really trying to test how how much do you want this? Is this really your calling? And if you can just like anchor into your self belief, anchor into
ah your own discipline and just be persistent. Just be so persistent and so resilient and surround yourself with great support, great mentors, just great, like a great tribe around you to hold you through the shit because there will be shit. I will not sugarcoat that. I don't think that you will sugarcoat that either. ah Just understand that it really only stops working if you quit. Because if you show up every day doing the things that feel like light, that feel authentic to you and you are sharing your message, you will figure out a way to make it work. You truly, truly will. And the second you quit, then you don't give yourself the opportunity to try, but understand that just
Like, there are days where it won't work. There are days where it feels like there's nothing happening. But you almost have to have that, like I call the bamboo analogy. It's something like the bamboo takes years and years and years to grow and it's like underground. And then it what feels like overnight, it shoots up like a few meters or something like that. But it has spent all of that a year doing that buildup. And so give yourself grace during the setup. during the buildup, building that inner confidence, that inner strength, that resilience, because that's what's going to hold you once you blow up, because you also have to hold you have to build the capacity to hold all of that um that light, the magic, that healing power, that gift you have, and to be able to share it with so many people. so It's all part of the process. like Sometimes your rest is the greatest work you can do. It's like understanding that it's all part of the path.
Oh my gosh, I love that so much. I literally took two full, full years off to focus fully on my healing because I found out but one of my um loving bitch slaps from the universe was that I was, I'm an alcoholic. So um I had to take care of that. I had to recover from that. um I'm not cured, but I am recovered from the obsession, but that took a full two years. Not, not so much for me to like, Um, it was healing, but I had to really prove to myself that I was willing to do anything it takes and anything meant dismantling what I had already quote unquote built. And I think for me, that's the reality of the situation is that me Dana is not building this. Me spiritual Dana is building this. Like the spirit within me is building this. And my job is to get out of my own way.
in order to allow that light to come through and to build the business, the the external pieces and parts that have to come together, but also the internal stuff. And um it takes time. And i remember like I remember back in I had a goal and it was by 2021, I would make my first million. And I laugh because ah some people really do hit that goal, which is amazing. um But that wasn't my journey. That wasn't my path. And I have learned that
Setting those goals is a fun thing to do, but it is not the thing. it is not like It's just another thing to attach yourself to and possibly get really bent out of shape over, which then will add more pressure to the situation and to your work, and it will close you off and limit you from the true possibilities. and so I had to really like reevaluate the way I set goals and to recognize that I am just on this journey. And like you just touched upon, it really is more about the journey itself. And I know so many people because we're driven entrepreneurs also. Like we also have this huge piece of us that wants to make it happen, you know? And so it can be very frustrating, but when you can allow yourself to actually have faith that it is
that is your calling for a reason and it will come together at the point in time when it was supposed to come together and you can release all of the expectations. that's when it comes together I so love that you touched on that. Cause I think I struggle with that too. I think like if you are generally just like an ambitious person and you have been driven by external Microsoft of success, which is like income goals, wealth milestones, hitting savings in the coaching world is like 10 K months and 50 K months and a hundred K months, a million dollar a million dollar days. Right. And you know, it's so easy for, for anybody who's watching this or listening to this. All right.
When you read about the coaches you know who hit their million dollar a year in like one year, two years, and if you're not there, you start to really beat yourself up and you're like, oh, am I not cut out for this? And to that I would say like, one, that's the exception, not the rule. And two, it's it's to focus on your light, it's to focus on your work, it's to focus on like why you're doing this, which is to help people, it's to influence people, it's to impact people, it's to help them heal and share your magic. And I can't remember if it's like a Gabby Bernstein quote, but it was something along the lines of like, when you just trust that it's inevitably gonna happen, like it removes all anxiety, it removes all pressure on the timeline.
Because if you want to be a millionaire, so like say you like really want to hit that seven figure a year, which is quite the milestone within the coaching world. Well, you might not hit it in one year and you might not hit it in two years, you might not hit it in 10 years, but if you're doing this for 30, 40 years, you absolutely will. Like if you give yourself that long enough timeline, it is inevitable. So why i not just release that timeline? Because the only person that is judging yourself is yourself. is yourself. And if you can learn to just come to yourself with self-love, to anchor in your own worth, to understand that these external external markers of success or all these like pretty milestones that the coach, like it's like ironic. It's like we almost trade one set of like fancy milestones and like finance or consulting or tech to like the other set of milestones in the coaching world. And when you can learn like it's all just a game and to
Take yourself out of like play the game, but don't tell your worth to the game. you know Have fun with it. Show up. Try different things. View it as a great experiment and but understand that it means absolutely nothing about who you are, your worthiness, your ability to help people. because I think it's so easy to get caught up in the social media, the the optics of it, the the screenshots you'll see of people's like Stripe accounts, just like understand like, that's not the point of this. The point and the why, you know, why you're feeling this calling, why you're listening to this podcast is you feel a calling to help people. That's why you want to do this. The money is a byproduct and it's all just an energy exchange. But if you're coming into it with the money, you will like
It is gonna be a hard path and that's the if that's what you're using as your motivation because you're gonna make it mean a lot about you when it means absolutely nothing about you. So I love that you touched on that. Um, okay. And I, I'm going to follow that right up with the fear that so many people listening to this have, they're like, okay, that's great. You know, I love the idea of just like going all in and giving myself this long timeline, but I have a family. I have kids. I have this, I have that I have bills. So what would you say to somebody that.
Is desiring to go all in but has that fear of like what's going to happen and also like i just want to start this conversation off by. Saying that you know for me like personally the pressure that i put on myself to make that money and. Um, that lack of faith that really comes with that pressure is what kept me. It's like that paradox, right? The more that you feel like you need the money, the less the money is going to come to you kind of thing. And the second I took my foot off of the break, it was really on the break. I thought it was on the accelerator, but it was totally on the break.
The second that I release that pressure from myself to need, need, need, even though I do, I have two children. I have a husband. I have a house. I have land. I have dogs. I have like a lot of things I have to pay for. And, um, and I do make money. So, and my husband does not pay for everything. Um, so there was a lot of pressure. And so the second though, that I took my foot off of the break for myself, um, and went all in. is when the pressure got released and then I was actually able to do what lit me up in actually a different way than I ever expected it to come. I thought it was just going to be a straight up coaching model like we've kind of touched upon, but it actually came in a completely different way, which is probably a conversation for another episode. But it it was very interesting because it was not in a way that I would have ever um thought or planned for myself.
but it was because I release that pressure. So can you can you speak to that and give us um some of your background on that? Yeah, I love that you brought that up. So for for contacts, for folks, so I'm a money mindset coach and I basically help people clear a lot of their money blocks, clear debt, clear any of like the limiting beliefs they have around money so they can actually step into their magic, share their light and lead a rich as fuck life. So that's sort of my timeline. And the way I do that is helping people both in the 3D and the 5D is how I think about it. So when it comes to the 3D, so we're talking about like you got real bills to pay, real finances, real expenses, maybe you got credit card bills, student loans, whatever. So on that front of things, I tell people like develop a very intimate but neutral relationship with your finances, your cash flow, and what just needs to get paid while you're fixed expenses.
And don't put any shame or guilt or judgment around that. So if you need to make a big investment, if you need to take on some debt, if you need to take out a loan because you really want to go all in, understand that one, that is okay. Two, that it's not you being financially irresponsible. And three, your belief in yourself is going to help you view that as you making an investment in yourself and your financial future to be able to take care of your family. Because if you're going into those kind of big investments and decisions with the belief that it's already not going to work,
you're going to create that reality. like You will tell the universe, like yes, I have all these bills to pay and I'm going to take out a 20K, I'm going to make a 20K investment into a coach and go into this debt. But I already believe like this is me being bad, this is me being irresponsible, this is me being dumb. And if you have that belief going into it, you will create that reality. like That is your energy state. But instead, if you go into it with the perspective of I'm going to make this work, no matter what, and I will be resourceful as hell and I will figure it out because I'm the type of person that figures it out, then you will make that reality.
so in that sense, like be intimate with your money, be intimate with your finances, understand like what money is coming in and what money is coming out, but also understand like in the 5D, you can tap into overflow, you can tap into abundance, you can create huge cash injections just by being in the frequency and the energy and the belief that that's gonna happen for you. Like there's, I'm like very big into like Joe dispenses world and essentially
if you can tap into the frequency of like gratitude of abundance. like The advice I usually give my clients is have a really clear intention with what you want. Is it you know making 10K, 20K, 30K, 50K, 100K months? Is it wiping out your debt? Is it being able to take your kids on a really fun vacation? Is it having you know having the money to make a down payment on your dream house? Have a really, really clear why, and have an emotion attached to that why, an emotion attached to that intention, and really like tap into that. So when you're thinking of it,
What does that feel like? Do you feel relaxed? Do you feel happy? Do you feel security? Do you feel abundant? Do you feel limitless? What is that feeling? Because if I just put a million dollars in your bank account, but you could never access it, that million dollars is really useless. It is what you do with it, and it's how it makes you feel after you do the thing with the money. That is the end state of any experience we live in this life. And so you get to tap into that emotional state now, and that's the really beautiful thing about being human. is that we could actually like access that future version of ou ourselves right now. So embody that emotional state. Sit in that for 10 minutes. like I literally they say like every morning, like like I'll help you manage your finances. I'll build your financial system. I'll automate all of that. So we'll take care of your 3D real fast. That's the easy part. That takes me 30 minutes of work to set up your finances.
What takes like a daily work over months is actually tapping into that energy and that frequency and that belief because what you're doing is you are um reversing and rewiring and unconditioning and unlearning the beliefs that somebody in your life has told you that money is hard, money is the root of all evil, that you're not good enough, that you're not worthy, that who the hell are you to do this? That is the work. So once you like, I always say like 15 minutes every day, just sit with yourself, get really, really attached to that big Y, that big vision, feel the feelings in your body. And I swear you will tingle, like you will tingle and you will like, feel yourself in a happier mood, in an elevated mood, and then just be open to receiving unexpected surprises.
like You're going to take action and for folks who are like, what the hell is inspired action? And like I was a very logical person. like I was not like in the spiritual world. But I always tell people, like if you have to ask me, should I do this or not, then it's not inspired. Because if if it's inspired, you should know. You should have this like weird intuitive download that this is a thing to do. And you don't need logic because we make decisions with our emotions and then justify with logic afterwards. But if you can just learn to develop self trust with yourself, and the way you do that just keeping little promises to yourself to do little things and keep little promises that you build your sense of self trust. So once you start to get those intuitive downloads after these kind of like meditations you know student tapping like whatever sort of like somatic practice works for you.
start taking actions, start doing the things, start being open to like hearing the the message from the coach or some random friend or an opportunity coming your way, but also be open to surprises. Like I think Dana, you mentioned like your coaching practice came in a way that was so unexpected and not what you imagined, but you had already, as i'm I'm pretty sure you did, you probably already embodied this energy, this frequency, this state of like this gets to work out for me and I'm open to, magic and mystery and surprises. When you stay in that state and just like live and breathe it, like the universe is going to answer like the universe will not do the work for you and Dana and I were talking about this earlier, it's not going to do it for you. But if you view it like almost like a travel agent,
If you go to a travel agent and you tell it exactly where you want to go at one date and what time, it will give you the exact ticket. But if you go to a travel agent being like, I think I want to travel, it doesn't know where to send you. It doesn't know how to help you. If you tell them I want to go between Timbuktu and Bali, it still really doesn't know how to help you. So if you have like a really clear intention, you have a clear emotional life and you can tap into that energy. the universe will start sending things your way and your brain is also literally switched on to be more open towards opportunities that align with that vision. We literally have a thing called the reticular activating system where your brain literally is like a filter and now that you have the intention and the clear why, it is now filtering things in your day to day, in your social media, in your world.
that it's going to align to help you meet that intention. And it's these little things every single day that is going to help you create this business, share your life, share your magic, go go on your healing journey, go help other people on their healing journey. So understand like 20% of this is your finances and your bills and stuff. 80% is just anchoring into that belief and the reality that this reality can't even exist for you. Because once you believe it can, you will you will make it happen. Yes. Oh my gosh. It was so good. That was so much gold. um I hope whoever is listening is taking notes because that was like, that's the work. That is the work. And, you know, if if you're somebody who is aspiring right now and you're not quite there and you're feeling like,
okay, I'm doing these strategies, right? Like just going back to the beginning of the conversation, you're doing the strategies, you're doing the quote unquote work when it comes to the tech or building your business out, but you're not having the the successes that you really feel like you quote unquote need in order to keep going and to to feel um secure in the path that you're taking. It most likely, and I would probably say this, I would say like 100% of the time, it's because there's a lack of daily work going on inside internally. It's the internal belief and there are specific ways to work on that because honestly, if I was not a clear container for my higher self to flow through,
There ain't no way this would have worked out. But I also know that the people listening are going to get there because like Samani was just saying, it's like you're giving yourself this infinite timeline. You're giving yourself this grace and this ah ability to stay open to the possibilities because you're not going to give up. because this is your calling. So you are going to be resilient. You are going to persevere, even if you're in that spot right now where you're like, I just don't know how this is going to work because I don't have that belief yet. Like, you know, you know whether or not you're there.
And I remember, I remember being there. I remember going, I want to believe in myself and I want to keep telling myself that I do. But on some weird level, it was like not congruent with my true like thought process. And at some point, if you do the daily work that Samani was just talking about, and there are other things that of course we're going to get into in other episodes, but it's all daily. If you do the daily work, you are going to get there because you are going to become the it's all about becoming, right? And for some people, like we were talking about, it happens very quickly, or they were just on a different timeline in general um with their spirit, with with who, you know, they came to this earth as to begin with, and I might be getting to like woo woo or whatever right now, but but it's, you know, for me, it's the truth. It's like some people started on a different level right off the bat. For me, it took some extra time and that's okay. so
I just wanted to make the point that it's like if you're coming into this with shame around how long it's taking you to feel the belief and to then create the financial stability um that you really, really, truly your human desires, um it's going to it's going to stunt you in growth. So doing the daily work is the thing that's I would say I would prescribe to anybody that's feeling that way. It's doing the inner work every single day and not just sometimes, not just going and doing a Reiki session here and there and then learning a ton of stuff about healing, but doing the healing, right? To actually do the work that it takes and not just having a bunch of self-knowledge coming in, but doing the work.
Yeah, exactly. Like you're not going to become like a great basketball coach or a basketball player by watching YouTube. It's like you're going to do it by actually playing. And I love what you mentioned as well. um you You mentioned this earlier, which is you had this like identity of like your previous version of Dana who wasn't the one who was going to build the business. You had spiritual Dana and your work with someone's get out of spiritual Dana's way to to allow that version of yourself to come in. and Something I try to tell my clients is we often think we are our past versions of ou ourselves. that We think our present is determined based on who we were in our past. and I'm here to say like your past does not determine your present nor your future is like the fun financial commercial you always hear is like past results don't indicate future results. and You have to remember that for yourself too.
but truly but oh So if in your past at a certain point, you know, you try something and you failed, you made a bad investment and it didn't work out. you have real proof that you know you felt like you weren't good enough or somebody showed you that you weren't good enough. That is in your past. What's really beautiful is while we can't change our past, we can change the meaning we give for our past. We can always reframe that story. and Instead of viewing it as, I can't do it, you can view it as,
I tried and I learned something from that. And so I will not repeat the same mistakes. I am a different person today. I have new knowledge, new experience, new skills, new networks, new connections, new belief, right? and And so powerful when you can view your past merely as a tool and not as a permanent thing of who you get to be today. And then on the flip side, and I love what you said here on like spiritual data, I viewed spiritual data as like your future self. And all your work was to do was to open the pathway so that future version of you could pull you forward, could like guide you to like like really show you the way. And so what I tell people is like who you are in your present isn't the version that's building you know like this this business or sharing your magic, sharing your light, your healing, whatever it is.
The future version of us and you have no idea who that future you is going to be like imagine like look at you today, you had no idea you're going to be who you are today you could not have predicted that you probably have a million iterations of it. So, instead, trust that. the future you is going to figure this out. And instead just ask like, what would like you know like what would Jesus do? It's like, what would future me do? Like embody that energy. It is literally like a fake it until you make it, but it's not because that is actually you. That is the highest version of you who has
undeniable self-belief, undeniable self-trust, unfuckable self-worth. And anytime you are faltering in that belief, and that's how you do the daily work like Dana mentioned, like whether that's meditation, gratitude journal, mindfulness, tapping, um just being around your friends who like hype you up, like whatever that practice is, be it somatic or not, woowoo or not, like Commit to a daily practice that is constantly helping you feel better and getting into that high vibe. Because when you do, you can access that that future higher version of yourself. You can hear their advice and you can start to take action as if you are them. And when you are embodying that higher version of yourself, you're going to build the thing. You absolutely will.
And like our work is to get out of their way. Like that is our work every day is to stop with the bullshit of our past, just like let that go. So we can actually create a clear as hell pathway for the future version of o ourselves to come in, to fill us up with their magic and take action as if we are that version. Yes, yes, yes, all the yeses. Exactly. That's been my experience. And that's why I'm so passionate about this because it is experiential. It's like this is what has happened. It's what I always knew would. So if you're listening and you're like, I know that for myself, too, it is just a matter of time. So do the next right thing. Take the actions. I think that's really like
for me for today. um If I was to give you one thing to take away from this, I would want you selfishly to take away that daily practice piece because it really is if you work on that and you do that diligently, you cannot not become the person that does the thing and and then give yourself all the grace because all of the things that you're learning right now whether it's the tech or the back end stuff or it's the internal stuff the healing the processes that you're going through whatever it is is eventually going to build up into this ball of momentum like this enormous rock that's just like building momentum and building momentum
and eventually it's going to hit the top of that hill and it's going to roll and it's going to start flying down that hill and that's what happens and you know that already so continue on and um samani this has been like everything i hoped it would be plus more i am so freaking pumped that you just spilled all of that truth, because that's what it really was. It was just truth. It's experience. um The people that are listening to this are going to get so much value, not just from not just from the actual practices, but from the, like I said, the experience. like It's actually sharing the frequency and just even doing this, listening to podcasts like this, where there's actual truth being spoken,
it can help. It can be a piece to the puzzle. So um I appreciate you so much and I would love for you to tell the people and the listeners where they can find you and um if you have any like amazing offers that they can ah they can grab up please like let us know. Yeah, I just also want to take a second to like thank you Dana for having me for this conversation for sharing your stories and your truth and your magic and creating a space for people like me to come and show people like it's not all you know daisies and rainbows and sunshine there's like real work to this but it it is so
so fulfilling when you realize you are actually following your soul's calling. It is the most fun, the most harrowing, and the most like hero's journey experience you will ever go through. Because you will come out on the other side. I promise you, anybody who's listening, you will go through trials and tribulation. You will have self-confession through all of it. And you're going to be so happy that you did it. So thank you so much again for having me. And yes, where to find me so you can find me on Instagram or TikTok. My handle is at samaniamabub. And I actually have a amazing flash sale going on right now for one of my favorite courses. It's called the Ultimate Debt Destroyer. So it is a course that basically helps people remove the shame and the guilt around debt, around your money blocks, around ah
believing that money and your debt and your finances are holding you back so i actually do so much of this money mindset work to help you remove the shame come into a place of power and neutrality with your money and then actually set up financial systems to clear that so you can actually go take the leap share your magic set up your finances to support you and lead a beautiful, rich, and abundant life. So you can check that out on Instagram. I have a link right in my bio to the course. I highly, highly recommend it. I love what I built in this course. It's been so healing for me as I was going through my money story and clearing out my own debt and standing in my power. And I hope for anybody listening to this, if like debt or money
and that sort of mindset is holding you back. This is an amazing course. It's on a massive sale right now, so there is no reason. It's like a week's worth of coffee, so give up your coffee for a week, although I don't make you give up your coffee because I'm all for your daily lattes, but it's literally worth a week of your coffee to go get this course, and it's going to be life-changing, so I hope you got it. Okay, so everybody go run out and get the ultimate debt destroyer. i ah That sounds awesome and very interesting to me as somebody who still has some serious student loan debt. So, Samani, thank you again for being here. This was absolutely brilliant and I love you and I love getting to know you. You're hilarious and super smart, super brilliant and just an awesome light. So thank you, thank you, thank you.