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Episode 148: HOTD Season 2 Finale Review!!! image

Episode 148: HOTD Season 2 Finale Review!!!

S8 E148 ยท The Popcorn Podcast
66 Plays7 months ago

This week on the show the boys review the season 2 finale of "House of The Dragon"! Tommy also gives a really special update on his personal life! This episode was a lot of fun and the boys had a blast recording it! We hope you all enjoy it and we will talk to you later!!

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Lastly, thanks to our editors Colin Gallagher & Carson Stienstra for making this show happen!

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Reactions to House of the Dragon Finale

Welcome back, everyone, to this week's episode of the Popcorn Podcast. I'm Tommy Crusta. Across from you, my co-host, Ryan Ferran. Today, we're here to talk about the final episode of season two of HBO's House of the Dragon. And yeah, before we get into that, Ryan, how you doing? Good. I'm just pulling up my notes. I forgot I took notes for this episode again. so um Man, what ah yeah what a reaction online from this episode so far. Yeah, I did. it's I will say, we'll talk about it, obviously. but I agree and disagree at the same time with a lot of people's arguments over this episode. I totally understand where they come from. It's something like they're stupid. Some of them are really stupid, and but there's always you know people stupid because they just you know people expect the biggest thing in the world and when they're not showing it, they just get angry and so with everything.
but I do understand both sides of the argument over this episode, but um yeah, divisive, the say to say the least. Anyways, you've been telling me for the past 10 minutes, the drive over here, that you have some big news to share with me. I do. And you said I'm going to be excited. I think you would be. Historically speaking. Going off of our friendship, and we've talked about this topic before. um I'm not a very excitable person, so we'll see how this goes. um So there's a girl that we've talked about on the show before. Oh, and I guess right.
Yes, it's the one girl that I've. Nice, dude. And she told me she liked me. Oh, my goodness. And we kissed yesterday. Oh, my goodness. That's pretty. It's so nice. That's nice. Wow. Pretty big. All right. On to House of the Dragon. You're such a piece of shit. We have one good memory moment. Nice, dude. Yeah. We? What the fuck? What do I have to do with that? No, I'm not. It could have been a nice moment between two co-hosts. It could have been. But, you know, I'm very proud of you, buddy. Thanks. Congratulations.
I got so, I, she was like, she said it. And I was like, it's like, motherfucker, I sent you a text explaining how I felt four months ago. It's like, I did like you then. I was like, oh, motherfucker. But yeah, no, I'm very happy. Good job, buddy. Proud of you. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. That's it. That's you made it sound like we were, you know, something happened. No, that's why I kept saying it's not anything that you were, you were excited. I'm very, I'm very happy for your friend. I can't wait to find out later.
No one knows. That's going to be a whole thing. I'm going to cry. You did. You're so happy, dude. Yeah. Listen how joyful you are. I know. I'm in a good mood. I'm ready to go. I'm ready to get into finale.

CGI Critique and Storyline Frustrations

The first note though I do have on this episode was that opening shot with the cat. The cat. Cat. Lizard, whatever it was. I don't even remember. Oh, the monkey. Yeah. I can't remember. Are you what? I can't remember. It's cat and lizard.
what are you talking about Well, I said it's the worst CGI that's been in the series so far. I didn't even notice that it was yeah and it made me so mad. It looked like walking through. Yeah, but like the whole thing was CGI. Yeah, maybe man. I don't know why. But okay. Yes, going from there, though, Tom Lancer goes to essence to bargain with their people to help fight against pretty much the blockade ways of break apart the blockade.
Yeah. Yeah. And then they want and then their whole thing is that they want the step stones, which is kind of a big deal to just give that up. Yeah. Especially after that was half of last season. Obviously not Thailand, not the greens taking it, but the blacks effect, you know, before they, the sides were split, it was still, you know, Damon and Corliss mostly fighting in the step zone. So for the greens to just give it back, it's kind of another. Yeah. What was the point of all this fight and all that fighting that other layer on top of that?
And then he ah eventually agrees to this deal, which he fears that he may be hung for accepting this contract, because it is very much so favoring the Esso side than it is the Greens. Yeah. But then he's told you must also get um their leader, Lรฉor. Lรฉor. Lรฉor, I couldn't. That's why you said her name. ah She must be willing to get her army behind you. And I'm just going to say straight forward, I thought the entire storyline was so fucking dumb.
I was getting so mad during the episode and because everything else I was actually really enjoying. I like where they ended it. I had no problems with anything like that. This part of the episode I hated. You're so flustered. You're so flustered. I do. I am. You just told everybody you had your first kiss. Oh my. Fuck you. So sweet. um Anyways, yeah, I agree. this the All the Thailand shit with the I don't know with the triarchy or whatever these people are at this point. It just like, you couldn't have done this in like episode five or six. Yeah, a nice little filler part. Or even you could do this in episode eight if it's a 10 episode season, but
That's, that's what I think. Like this whole episode as a whole, if this was an episode eight in a regular 10 episode season, people would have really enjoyed this episode. I still think they would have thought all the Thailand stuff, fucking mud fighting. I still think they would have been like, all right, why are we watching? You know, people would have been upset with that, but it would have been less. So if it was actually leading to something that we don't have to wait two years to see.

Character Aging and Manipulations

You know what I mean? I mean, it's just, that's, that's kind of the pain of it is that we have to wait so long for, you know,
Things to happen. Two years is a long time though. like Aren't some of these characters going to age noticeably? Yeah. I mean, it already happened this season. You see yeah the first scene of the show. You see Jusairus at the wall, and you're like, Jesus Christ, that is not the same kid. ah home then From there, we go back to see Aemon in Vhagar at Pillage Sharp Point. Just burned it for thousands. Not very happy, just because he's a little butthurt over what happened in the previous episode.
And from there, Aegon talks with the Grand Maester, telling him that he is a good man and which was a nice thing because you don't really get to see Aegon ever being genuine to people. So see him talk like that to the Grand Maester, which then goes with Lars appearing ah into the chambers.
telling Aegon that they must leave, since Rhaenyra now has all these dragons, and that they will kill him if he gets there. And he's like, what if I don't want to leave? He's like, then Aemond will kill you. yeah So he pretty much doesn't have any choice. Is he like, you died by dragon fire, or your brother kills you? Yeah. I'm getting the fuck out of King's Landing.
Yeah, it's it's the best choice he's got. And again, like, Laris is kind of trying to get on his good side because I think Laris sees something, it sees a way to manipulate him into getting power for himself. But I do love this scene, how Laris kind of convinces him to go is by, you know, the whole time, he's talking like, all right, we can go to Pentos or wherever he said, we can get away, you can live and, you know, try to get better over there and not be in danger.
And the whole time, Aegon's just sitting saying, like, oh, you know what happened to me? Like, my dick blew up and when I was on fire, which, you know, gross. That is horrible. um The whole time, Aegon's just, you know, crying, not crying, but crying about himself. It's pretty sad. It is sad. But I do like the way Laris finally gets him to believe him going aside. It's just by talking about him. He's like, all right, fine. If we go over there, you get to heal and then you come back and you get to be Aegon the worthy, Aegon the burnt, whatever.
I did love how the king of freedom. or Yeah, whatever he says. Aegon cuts and he's like the realms delight, which was Renier's a nickname yeah back when she was a kid. So I like that Aegon is still, he still hasn't learned. He's still very self conscious. So I thought that was a good way to show it just the second he starts hearing his name, and all the things people would call him all the positives. All right, I'm down for this. This is gonna be fun. And then from there, we go back to Dragonstone, where we see Jace,
hearing Ulf and Hugh talking as he enters the hall. Ulf has his feet up on the table, which Jace, of course, takes some insult to, which I mean, you don't put your feet up on the table, especially not Council's table. um And this leads to a disagreement between Jace and Ulf, but this whole time, Ulf has no idea that this is Jacerys.
sarah Yeah. And pretty much you just see Hugh being like, I'm so sorry. He's a fucking idiot. yes But I like that. Jace is starting

Targaryen Politics and Budget Constraints

to actually stand up for himself more and more like him kind of growing. But at the same time, he's kind of a little bitch in this episode. But he's been not. He's been he's been good this entire season.
He's made moves for the blacks. Yeah, but he's also been like, I can't do the dragons. They're not pure. Shut the fuck up. You're a bastard, too. Yeah. You're just a glorified male. That's his fear, is that they're older. If it becomes normal for bastard Targaryens to gain power like this, then how would that change his claim for the throne? Yeah. Because if they're older than them and if they're the son, if they're Viserys' direct cousin or brother, whatever, I forget their relations to whoever.
But if people will say like, all right, these bastards can be it, then that guy's next in line and then just Harris wouldn't have a claim to the throne. So but then that wouldn't make sense because they wouldn't have a claim to the throne. Third time would have passed. Because if you're near takes events for nearest heirs, most 90 percent of the time, probably not. They could still make a claim. They could make a claim like what's happening with the greens. They could just say like, I know you are next in line, but I want it. My dragon's bigger, so fucking move. That's just Harris' fear. So I understand where he's coming from, getting upset. But he can get upset. He's worked hard enough. His brother died tanked at. Don't care. He got the Starks. He got the Frays. He got everything. He was fucking killing it. I like Jase. I was just, I don't like him. He's like, oh, shut up.
be it Be a man about it. All right. You mature. It's like the whole thing. you're If you're going to be at the chance of being the king, that'd be much have shown maturity. Well, it's not showing maturity. Yeah. It's going to be the king. Just says knows how he's supposed to act. Oh, should be king. That westers will sink into the earth somehow. I fucking love it so much, dude. Um, Jason tells all that he must be ready to fight Vhagar. And if he's not, then he'll have all the hung. He's either you die from Vhagar, you die for me.
Probably taking the dragon as it might be faster. Maybe. You'd rather get hung than get killed by a dragon? Getting hung is pretty quick if they do it, right? Yeah, well, do you think they did it right? No, but I think burning alive by a dragon is not quick. What if he bites you? I want to get eaten by a dragon. um From there, Reneira speaks with Corliss about the three riders and how she fears that they don't know anything about them or their character, which then Corliss then begins to speak highly of his bastard child, Alan.
Yeah, Adam. That one's Adam. Yeah, Alan's the other older one. Yeah. I like that Corliss is kind of, you know, he's finally, he still won't admit to having the bachelor's. He still won't admit to, you know, being their father, but it is good that he's kind of, you know, showing that these are good guys. And he he kind of realizes his wrongs later on in the episode. But the main thing that I noticed with this scene is just the only fucking set of drift mark they had for this entire season.
No, you have the one shot from inside Adam and Alan's house. Inside, yeah. And then you have the one shot of Corliss in the throne room. But every other scene on Driftmark is here in front of this fucking boat. Yeah. That they've been building for eight episodes.
like ah that's that That's just, you know, speaks more to the the whole problem with this whole season is that it's just like, It dragged for so long. People are calling it House of the Dragging now. like it's you know That's the biggest problem they had this season. And I think this scene is where i finally like you finally clicked, like, all right, dude, nothing's going to happen this season. it's just It's just disappointing. Yeah, I pretty much got to that point, too, where I was like, OK, they're not going to start the war, the main battles yet. They're going to save that. Yeah. um From there.
Chorus tells Venera that Aemond is going to keep getting higher and keep taking out on the small folk Duda. As we said, her having all these dragons now and him feeling like he may have kind of lost like what made him so great. If that makes sense. like he He seems defeated by what happened. It was just Aemond. Yeah. That's why he's doing what he's doing.

Strategic Debates and Leadership Questions

Womp womp. But then Chorus tells her that she must be ready. She has six dragons and a naval army and that she must attack now.
I was in agreement with this. If you wait too long, you're losing that advantage because then you're just going to let them heal up, get more soldiers, can maybe get another dragon in the battle. that yeah yeah Especially giving them time to kind of regroup and say, like let's make a plan about this. that That's bad because right now, and the greens are so spread out. You know you have Kristin taking all the stuff in the crown lands and then um sun fires down.
The dragons are, you know, Helena doesn't want to fight with Dreamfire. Veigar is what they got right now. They don't, you got a dragon anymore. Yeah. That's Sunfire. Oh, is it? Yeah. And then the Hightowers haven't gotten there yet. Neither the Starks, but they might be closer or you could come to hurry up. It's tough to not attack right now if you're the Blacks. You really have to just get down there and start doing it. Taking advantage of your upsides right now. Totally.
So then from there we go to Harrenhal where Bruin has finally arrived to speak with Damon. I kind of forgot he was supposed to that he was going to Harrenhal. I did like that it took him so long to get there. yeah Because it made it feel it made the world feel big again. Yeah, it wasn't like Game of Thrones or everybody's just teleporting. You know what I mean? God.
First, he'd take some like a season to get across. Yeah. this file Literally. it's lay a Literally. The entire thing with like, what was it, season two when Arya and the Hound were going? Yeah. Yeah. It took her a whole season to get to the Vale from, uh, from Harrenhal, wherever they, wherever they started. Yeah. And then, you know, season eight, she goes from Essos to- Winterfell. Yeah, to Winterfell like that. Essos to, um, um, the twins or the Frey's place. And then to Winterfell in like two episodes like that. So I loved it. It took him so long.
But it also speaks to a scene later in this episode. When somebody shows up, I was like, how fucking fast did they get there? like ah From there, Brune tells Damon that Reneer's intentions are good and he does support her, but at this point, they need a king, not Reneerah. Yeah. And I responded with, fuck you, Brune. Yeah. And I do like, if you, I saw this, if you turn the subtitles on, you know how he hears like the whisper? What it says, Traitor. Oh, does it? If you turn the subtitles on or listen closely. I have the subtitles on. sort like oh It may have started there. I don't know. I just saw reconnecting and success. Oh, no. It doesn't allow. Anyways, yeah. He tries to, I mean, you know, you kind of saw it from all the guys in Reneer's counsel. They still want to do it. they They only do this because they swore to honor Reneer's claim. But at the same time, now that they're actually seeing it, they're like, you know, we'll still get her side in power, but ah we don't want her in power. Yeah. This is the guy that was kind of leading that. That's why she set him off. But now that he's with Damon.
Aemon then speaks with his council members and tells them that they must inspect every boat, even if it means stopping the fish in his bows and keeping food from the people. Again, Aemon's thinking way too much from a battle side of things, when if you want to be the, even if it's, is the king consort right now, you need to make sure that the people are on your side. yeah You need them to help you. So if you're taking their food from them and all those kinds of things, you're not, you're not going to get anyone to side with you.
um Oh, Helena and Allison begin to talk about leaving, with Aemon then appearing telling Helena that her and Dreamfire must enter the fight. As she refuses, Aemon tries to pretty much drag her out of the room, which Allison stops. Allison then tells Aemon that she he wants to rule, but at the smallest of insults he decides to burn thousands of his own people.
And again, it's leaning into the idea that Eamonn is a strategist most of the time. But anytime he. Oh, whoa. Anytime he feels that he's been wronged, he all of a sudden loses like any brains and strategy that he has. Yeah. He becomes very brash with his decision. Oh,
oh then we go out to what was the. What are those words that they're in? Cole. I don't, I don't remember. who said he did Crown land. The crown lands, but yeah, that's just like the area. ah Like the storm lands and the veil. Yeah. That's what I was saying. I didn't know where, I just said coal sits in the woods. Wait, I don't think, I don't think it's like the God's water or anything like that. I think it's just woods. Okay. You know, coal sits holding out in favor. Smells at water, but it threatens coal.
It's for being sent to the wall for having a relationship Allison Cole does not give a flying fuck what this guy has to say He's so defeated like he is depressed. Yeah after seeing all those dudes get burned through a crisp He's done. He does not want to fight. He doesn't want to live anymore This was his best scene this season. I agree. Oh, yes, he explains how he follows Allison's every beck and call because she has saved his life twice once for himself once from
There's true. God damn, I can't remember. He tries to kill himself. She saved him. And there's something else. What is it? He's going to get executed. Is it? I genuinely didn't remember that either. Okay. Was there a time in season one where he was going to get killed? I don't know. Maybe when, um, maybe he meant like he didn't let anybody find out that he banged Reneer because he would have gotten killed for that.
Oh, my God, I forgot he has actual manure. You forgot about that. How did you forget about that? I don't know. I remember that he liked her. I thought that was it, though. No, they bet. Yeah. She takes his helmet. Yeah, I remember now. Yeah, you remember that. Yeah. Yeah. Great scene. After Damon's like, Damon takes it. Man, that was fucking weird. We watched that episode with our friends. I remember that. Yeah, we watched the whole season with our friends. Well, some of them slowly fell out of it. Slowly. um Cole then speaks about how honor isn't a real thing.
Which, again, we we talked about it earlier, and the the last couple couple episodes ago, that the Kingsguard has changed drastically. Kingsguard has changed drastically, and these people aren't the same ones that we've seen in Game of Thrones. These people have no honor. yeah no They don't care to follow the rules that you're given. I mean, Westerling was a dog, but he's probably dead now. The first um first Lord Commander, or the Commander of the Kingsguard last season, when Kristin killed that dude and he was like, fuck this.
Yeah, he's probably dead. I do wish. Oh, definitely killed him. No, I don't think cold. then No, because I think he got out. He was too good, dude. You don't think Cole was like, okay, bitch. No, get rid of him. He was like, he's like, Barristan. Like, Barristan just got out. Who's Barristan? In Game of Thrones.
so Jesus Christ, silence your goddamn cell phone. The Lord Commander goes out and then he goes and helps them there for a couple of seasons and then he dies in the Sons of the Harpy, which is fucking stupid because he didn't die in the books yet. You know, we might know how he dies with George R.R. Martin, the lightest fucking book. Did you say that you could put him in prison? What? If he doesn't finish the book by a certain day, we can put him in prison. Oh, great. Yeah. Cole then explains how everything they've done is for nothing as the dragons now rule this world and as they march they as the soldiers begin to march that he finds relief in this which I mean if you've just been fighting this war and now you know that everyone that you've killed harm done anything to it doesn't mean anything it's not going to change the outcome of this war the dragons are I mean death might be a
what you think is the best option for it. Yeah, especially like Kristen. He needs to keep leading these armies so you can just please the greens and and aim and and Allison everybody. But he's realized that the armies are not going to do anything. It's just going to be useless, useless bloodshed. And whoever wins the dragon battle is the real winner. Doesn't matter how many men you lose. If your dragon wins, then you're going to win. You win you know, they can just kill everybody on the ground. So.
Yeah, well, they say it's like they're like dirt but below beneath their feet or something like that. It makes a common belief that they the soldiers are nothing. It's like when the Dragons dance. It's, you know. Yeah. um But then back with Thailand, he mudwrestles fucking layer again in all caps. I wrote what the fuck is this? This shit is fucking dumb. Yeah. Yeah, I was not a fan.

Character Attitudes and Prophecies

I really hate this scene. Why is this happening? when There's so much shit to do.
yeah I mean, no, no, I don't blame you again. Like this should have been earlier in the season. I feel like don't put it in there. Do it in the beginning of the next season. Yeah. I mean, it the mud fight stuff is okay. Like just pay him, just have him pay him. He's a fucking Lannister. I understand that he said earlier in the episode, like I can't pay you that much, but you know, figure something else out. Cause it was just not fun to watch him. fuck up a girl this shit Yeah. I don't know. Although they you they keep calling him her. He.
the, um, the triarchy guys. they all try Yeah. Yeah. I guess, why not bigger? I don't know. I know the actresses, um, transgender. I don't, I forget which way though to say I, you know, I mean, they were, yeah but I forget, don't take another hole. Yeah. Cause they were like, uh, they were YouTuber first and then me. Oh, really? Yeah. So good for them. But, uh, also the character did kind of suck. Sorry.
And also, dude, I swear to God, I thought it was going to be like Dario or something like it looked. Remember, first, the OG Dario looked exactly like everyone. Yeah, no. um It was Bayla speaking with Jase, right? Yeah. Thank God. I got it. It is out. Yes. You know, bullshit. You know, we're all going right now. Bayla speaks with Jase. Jase is kind of an asshole to the small folk throughout this sequence because he isn't. It's not just the people that can get dragged. He's mean to just everyone that isn't.
uh, high blood. Yeah. Which is, I think is why he makes me so mad. Like, I feel like if you're a king or anything, that you should care for those people. Yeah. I mean, he's just overcompensating because he's, he's self-conscious about his own bastard self. So, you know, it's like a bully, you know, the bullies are always sad in their own right. And then they go and beat up another kid, take it out of somebody else. That's what he's doing. He's like, you know, bitch, I might not be real, you know, a real high born might be a bastard, but fuck you. You know, you're not going to say that to me.
You know what I mean? And then I continue with Jace as a little bitch because he said he's a bastard. Fuck you, Jace. Baela, you're so G. Tylen then sings some bullshit song and later tells Tylen that she will sail with him and that she wants Tylen to have sex with her wives to give her babies. What the fuck was this whole storyline? I was getting so angry. Tylen's a fucking horned dog, dude. And then Tylen doesn't have a plan. I was like, how many wives do you have? Yeah. I like Tylen.
um Back on Dragonstone, the Dragon Mires have a feast, Ulf speaks out of tongue, and is shut up by Rhaenyra and Jace. Rhaenyra's told that Daemon has raised an army, and that there may have been some treachery, and this all has come now from Simon Strong, the real ah the real G of this season. Simon Strong was, he was dogging in the background, dude. Yeah. You see that? You're so funny. Daemon then speaks with the witch. She says that she will tell him his fate.
as Damon now is ready to touch the werewood tree and gets to see the events of Game of Thrones. He gets to see as what he will see is that Rhaenyra will sit on the throne, or at least that's what he saw, and he will also see Helaena, which I think is Helaena also speaking to him.
Yeah, definitely. Because Helena, the next thing we see is the exact same shot. yeah of what Helena was actually talking to Damon in that scene. Yeah, she's the one saying you know what you have to do. Yeah, but also that leads to a further question. Do you think maybe Helena- I think it's a change also. What do you mean? Like what he sees. I don't think that's- Yeah, I mean, the in everything in Game of Thrones in this whole world, you know, prophecy is always Prophecy it's not it's something backhanded that you just everybody reads wrong. So it's you know, it's tough to see and also Damon isn't gonna know who Daenerys is. He probably thought maybe that's maybe that's Rhaenyra Maybe that's one of me and Rhaenyra's kids in the future Like he is he has no idea what he just saw yeah just saw a bunch of random shit and maybe he's thinking alright I have to do this when in reality it's gonna happen in 200 years. He just doesn't know it long Yeah, um it was cool to see the night walkers ah
Yeah. They look pretty goofy. though They do look goofy. Although I don't i don't think that was the Night King. People said it might have been but it was just it could have been a little different. Yeah, it could mean I wasn't know as much. Yeah, it could have been but it was a practical fact. It was all really. Yeah. Oh, see, I thought I thought it wasn't. I thought I think they touched it up a CGI, which just they just did too much. Yeah, it just puts a fucking contact. But I do. Were you going to kind of go the idea that maybe Helena is working with playing both sides? Well, more so. I thought just working with um Alice.
Oh, she's gonna cut me doing this with Damon like to get these awesome. I mean, no, I think Alice has been doing it the whole time. But I think maybe Alice and Helena are kind of in cahoots because they obviously have, you know, the power of, you know, whatever you call the dreamers and green seers or whatever. yeah Yeah, that's like that. I mean, that's that's different. we did It was cool seeing him though. You see it. It's cool seeing him. We got to get through.
I don't care about Dunkin' Egg. I care about Dunkin' Egg. Dunkin' Egg, whatever. That's just going to be so much fun. Here's my hot take. I want a fucking Blackfyre Rebellion show over an Aegon's Conquest show. No, the Aegon Conquest show is in pre-production. That's fucking crazy. Blackfyre rebellions are so much cooler, dude. No. Absolutely. I want to see just people just get demolished. That's the Blackfyre Rebellion. Is there dragons? No. No. I want dragons. But there's big motherfuckers. They're very cool. There's giants, right?
No, we're Giants only north of the wall. The Giants are only north. They are I wasn't sure now. Yeah, there used to be some in Essos, but Yeah, I'm even tries to then as Ryan said we see him in next in the next sequence and then hold on Why are we gonna skip past all this fucking prophecy shit? We don't talk about that. I mean we thought about a little more. Also, what do you think of the creature that um, I He sees like, walk the thing with the fucking horns and the hooves. He just noticed for a second. Did you not? He didn't notice that? No. The fuck did you not notice that? I have no idea. It was scary as shit. I wrote in my notes, what in the narnia the fuck was that?
boy He forgot that they're remaking the narnia moves. Yeah. Oh, now you got to see this because it was fucking wild. ah I'm pulling it up. Fuck you.
Anyways, it has horns. It was a thing. It's a creature. I thought maybe it was like a vision of, you know, um what's his name? King, ah oh my God, Baratheon, Robert. Like seeing him, you know, before all that prophecy stuff, the guy who brings his house down finally. Although, you know, they kind of did it themselves, Aries and all them. But ah that's that's what I kind of saw it as. Here you go. I don't know if this is going to come through on the episode, but I'm playing this.
You didn't notice that thing? No. How the fuck did you not notice that thing? If I looked you on my phone and everybody knows. Oh God, we're going to echo. You definitely look down at your phone and take notes at that point. See what you miss? Sorry. See what you miss when you take notes like that. Unbelievable, Tom.
Okay, moving on. Anyways, what do you think that was? a de Because some people... Okay, it's a demon then. That's cool. Some people were saying it was... No, I do like the idea. Yeah, I do like the idea of it maybe being the Baratheons. Yeah, I thought it was like a vision of the Baratheons. Obviously not physically, but I think a culmination of both, like it being basically a stag on two feet. like You can hear it walking with hooves, which makes sense, like the stag that's also standing upright. I don't know what it was. It could have been children of the forest or something because they're in that area. they're not on the ah They're on that little island, the god's eye, yeah which next seat next um said episode scene is where Helena tells Aemon that he's going to die, which is
Man, that shut him up real quick. That did shut him up. And he's like, I have your kill. She's like, how? Like, she's really just like shutting him off. She's like, there's nothing you can do. Yeah. She's like, even no matter what you do, it will still end with you dead. Yeah.
She also tells him that she will, if she refuses, will he burn her like he did Aegon? And that kind of he was like, what do you tell? He's like, that's a lies. That's a horrible accusation. And she tells Aegon that, no matter, she tells Aemon, I'm sorry, that Aegon will rule again and that he will be dead by the end. Yeah. What was that face? Just ESPN notification. Competitor dies during CrossFit Games. The Fitbit things? I thought it was a Fitbit thing. CrossFit. CrossFit. Those fucking losers. I hate CrossFit. Not that person. Jesus, man. Rest in peace to them. Oh, I'm sorry. god CrossFit itself is stupid. I hate CrossFit.
It's in good shape. though I'm not built to be across. I am built to lift heavy weight. Hal and Reneer fly into Harrenhal to speak with Damon as Reneer enters the hall, enters Harrenhal's main hall. The hall falls silent. That was a tongue twister. ah Damon enters to speak with his wife. She says that he has done well, in which he says that they are all sworn to him, which she responds quickly and a little bit agitated of who is he sworn to.
David tells her an era in Hyrule. It's Valerian, right? Valerian. Valerian. Valerian that the war is just beginning and the winter will come with darkness and doom. David says that they need a leader who can reite the unite the realm and that Viserys has chosen her. He bends the knee and speaks that she is the one true queen and he will serve her till his death with the end of their story. All soldiers then bend the knee. Yeah.
I love that. This was one of my favorite scenes. It was good. I like just like the whole. Yeah. Damon kind of like knowing his place again. Yeah. And again, like he sees a woman, Targaryen woman with three dragons. Like I think, I think he says to Rhaenyra that you need to rule because of the vision, because he saw Daenerys. And I think he mistakes that as being Rhaenyra. I don't think that's what I thought. Like yeah how he.
I thought that's how we took it. not I knew that that was right. Yeah, I think that he, I think he thinks Renira is the one who's going to stop, you know, the perceived threat of the White Walkers that will come to attack them at some point in his mind, and that he saw that scary shit. Like, if you saw a vision of zombies coming at you from the fucking forest. I'd be pretty terrified. Yeah, be scary as shit. Actually seeing that thing walking the creature.
Yeah. I mean, he's all fucked up. But it is cool how he's kind of misinterpreting the prophecy, at least you know how I think of it. But I think that makes sense. um And I love to see it because it it's not something that happened as much as a dozen books in Game of Thrones in the show. That prophecy will bite your dick off is one of the lines in the books.
But um yeah, it's it's just super cool because there's so much in every like magical story. The prophecy is always like you're going to have to do this and be the hero. And it's always a good thing. And you know what's going to happen. But in this story, prophecy just turns around to bite you. Everybody misunderstands it. And it's just it's so much fun to watch. It's like what Allison did.
Yeah. Again, another misunderstanding of just something so simple. Reneer then tells Dan, this was ah this I thought was a really little

Peace Offerings and Season Critiques

funny thing. I think Matt Smith just made it better than what it needed could have been. Reneer tells Dan that if he leaves again, it will be it will be his parallel and Damon responds with he cannot and they just tried. And with that, he has that Matt. Matt Smith has that smirk. Yeah. That look. yeah And it just works perfectly for Damon. It works for that line. that' And then Damon just gets his soldiers fucking hype. And I was ready to run through a brick wall.
But yeah, it wasn't a bad speech. It was what is it? Every one of us is a thousand of them or something. I don't remember. It says something like that. And I was like, yeah, like three hundred. Yeah. I forgot that in the middle of this, I was watching. I had the Phillies like on ESPN on my phone in the middle of my notes. I just wrote Aaron Nola doing Aaron Nola things. And we gave up four runs in the first day of the game. Yeah. Yeah.
We should have won that game mean so came out won a series against a diet in a lot. Yeah, it's a big one First series win last series. Yeah, they playing that LCS now fully seven good advantage Coolest speaks with Alan of how he must improve as a leader Which Alan says he was never he never asked to become a leader then says he will improve though and attempts to leave course then says that he's trying to help and at Alan gives a great speech and Yeah, what it's like to be born a bastard and living in the port and seeing your father just not care for you, but these other two children with his. Yeah. It was really sad. And when he's like, you only came back now, your other two heirs have died. Yeah. I mean, it was a great scene. I really, really liked it. I love Corliss. Like the guy who plays him. And I love him. Yeah. Steve. I forget his last name. Some like that. Yeah. Yeah. The guy who plays Alan is great, too. Same thing with the guy who plays Adam. Adam. I like all three of them. Yeah, they're really great. Yeah.
yeah Yeah, it was a great speech though, and it was it was really fantastic And I love seeing him talk about it in the like the after the episode interview and stuff It was like that just it was supposed to be me and him like talking and I just started screaming at him Like he was just he just got so into the scene and you could tell yeah was really you And you can see why he feels that way. Yeah broken. Yeah, um it's totally understandable rain finds sheep stealer and then going back to Dragon Zone. Masara speaks with Rhaenyra of how the gods have sided with her. She tells me now that she must prevail. And then Rhaenyra wants to ask Masara who pays the price, um who will pay the price for this war? Which...
It's the innocent small folk that really had to pay for all this, especially when dragons, came because you can control a dragon to a point, I think. I think, but I think it's also like other animals, like instinct eventually kicks in. Yeah. I mean, it happened at the end of last season when Luke got killed. Yeah. He didn't want to do that. big um He didn't want to be going to kill. And even last episode, Vacar was ready to go and fight yeah on Dragonstone. Amen was the one who was like, no, we can't do this right now. That was, I really liked that. Yeah. Ooh. Ooh.
From here on out is some of the best stuff that we've gotten. I really liked the end of this episode. It was good. But at the same time, though. How the fuck did she get there that fast? Well, we don't know how many days it could have been. That's true. Because they don't really ever explain the days. Yeah. yeah And I mean, they're not far.
King, they're not that far. It's, it's further than, you know, Dragonstone to Driftmark. But King's Landing to Dragonstone. Yeah, it's not far. King's Landing to Dragonstone. You have to go all throughout the bay, if she only took a ship. And also she would have had to get through the blockade, assumedly. Like, so i you just, know how she did get that I don't know how she got there. Yeah. So it just, I don't know. I mean, it was like, it was a good scene, seeing them talk to each other and seeing it, you know, the ball kind of get put back in Reneira's court from Allison. Yeah, which has not been a thing for a while. Yeah. Reneira's going to be pretty much on the aggressive side of these conversations. Yeah. I mean, it was good. I did like the scene. But at the same time, I do have my problems with it. Go ahead. No, you talk. You just gave me the stink eye. You go first. I said I might have my problems with it. I want to hear what you like. I have a lot of hands. So I can crush you.
I said, as we just talked about, Reneer is called from her chambers. We see Allison has now come to speak of Reneer, which is switched from the last to two times that we talked about these characters. Reneer asks why she is there, and that Allison begins to speak of how she's lost her way. Reneer did not seem to give two literal fucks what Allison had to say. No. She just said that way, like, get the fuck it out. Like, yeah it's time for me to go to sleep.
um But I also think there was a lot of hiding her emotions, like trying to stay strong. good here yeah Especially at the end of the scene, you see her start like really tearing up. So I think it was tough for Reneer, but she's grown so much that she understands she needs to show strength in this moment. It was great acting by Emma Darcy.
um Allison says that she doesn't wish to rule, but just to live. She wants to take Helena and her child and leave. And then she wants to wash her hands of it. Which is some fucking bullshit. You're not going to do all that shit you just did. And be like, well, what do we now? I don't want to do it. I'm sorry. me so I was getting I was actually looking at my tears like this bullshit. Yeah. They thought me or Reneer was going to let her. I was like, Reneer, don't you dare do this dumb shit right here. Austin speaks of Viserys for a little bit and how she they do care for each other. Viserys and her did love each other, but never as much as Viserys loved her, Reneer's mother. And that love never went away. And that's what kept him going for school. I'm always the fucking best dude. So say what she does. Yeah.
It's the first or second episode. I think it's the first episode. Was it? Oh, yeah, because he's at the event. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because then that's the air for the air for a day. Yeah. That's a rough one. Allison tells me that Eamon is going to leave and the Helena will let Renier take the throne without a battle without anything in three days.
And that all Vernier tells us that it's not that simple. The only way to win this war and to officially take the throne is to take a gun's head, yeah which is a real way that these kinds of things went in medieval times this time. and We're just going to give it up and walk out. Totally. So, and you can see it on Allison's face that she's, you don't want, you don't want your son to die. You don't want your child dead, but Allison does officially accept and her sacrifice as a son for a son. And the acting in the scene, again, these two motherfuckers ate, get these motherfuckers their Emmys. That's how I wrote in all caps. Well, which one's going to win the Emmy?
Can she say one was the lead one? was the You can probably, yeah. She said a little bit. I think they're both leads. Yeah, I feel like Reneer was definitely the much more in the season than Allison was. Well, yeah, no. I mean, Reneer is pretty much the main character of the show. But it's also like Game of Thrones. Who's the lead? Is it Jon Snow? the there is definitely the It's It's Tyrion. If you go by screen time. It is Tyrion, because he's the only one who sees every character, every main character. yeah um and i went a little bit with the acting i loved how subtle it was with their mannerisms their body position the breathing and their movement because you could see which had it has to be of like a thing that they're the way that they would their neck would tighten like when when they would say something that maybe like was getting a little upset you'd see like tighten up and the breathing would slow down with breathing would speed up things like that and that's
People don't think about it. Like, oh, it's just how the like they're breathing. No, that's like a direct, like, this is what I want it to look like. Like, I don't know. I think that these two are two of the best actresses out there. I love those. Yeah, they did great. Also, Olivia Cook has not worn a wig in this entire show. You know that? I didn't think she did. She thinks you wore a wig? No, but everybody's been saying, like, damn. What kind of shampoo are you using? She just got nice. They moved very long. That was a wig. Yeah, Dorsey wears a wig.
Um, Allison agrees and tells her again to come to King's laying in three days' time and take the iron throne. That was a thick accent right there. Um, Venera tells Allison that history will call her a villain and which she accepts. Allison just wants to be free. She doesn't care what everyone thinks of her. Venera lets her leave and now we see our new dragon riders readying for battle in a great little compilation end of season with, which has some really cool ah visuals at the end, which we're going to get to. up Seen the green army and marching with Veigar with them, the black army marches on the bridge, the last army marches, Damon leaving Harrenhal in his armor. ah Looking upon all of his soldiers, it looked really cool. Did you see the tweets about Damon? No. That's a man who just got laid.
because He like looks so much like more at peace. They're like, oh, that man. I'm going to help the man out. um
We see the Ester ships riding into battle, Krosz looking like a fucking G ready for war. His armor is so cool. he hass a And then you could the he has the hand of the queen on his armor now. Yeah. Reyna is now with Sheepstealer. Otto shows up. Dude, that that scene was shot... First of all, more where the fuck is he that he's like captured in prison somewhere? On Dragonstone. You think he's on Dragonstone? You think so? Yeah. Well, then how do they get to him?
um Or maybe we're aiming put him there or a gun put him there. It's just in Kings Landing Maybe then he's not on Dragonstone. He's in King. No, I'm saying I'm throwing out ideas Okay, I mean, I don't know where he is, but the way that was shot it felt like a fucking like a Marvel post-credits scene I have one i like you play the lizard again like
It felt so weirdly, like, lit, but... It was very, like, as if they labored, just like, okay, go roll in this mud really quick. Someone hold up a lantern, and we're just gonna pull in that shot. Yeah, I don't know what... I don't know where he is or what the hell's going on, but Otto's back, so that's cool. Uh, Lyrus and Aegon have left King's Landing. Yeah. Uh, and then we get these two beautiful shots of Alistair mirroring each other as season two comes to an end, and war is now officially upon Westeros. Yeah. Remember when we said the same thing at the end of season one?
ah Yeah, yeah, I thought that well technically the war did start I wasn't wrong technically But I was wrong the last episode when I said where this episode was gonna end. Yeah technically Yeah, cuz the war the battle is gonna happen. Well, yeah, I mean I don't will be the net Yeah, the war did start cuz the burning mill was like the first war the first battle with everyone The first thing is when Luceris dies. Yeah dance of dragon. Yeah, pretty much but um, I It's still like, that's why people are so mad is cause season one ended with, all right, now the war begins and season two end with, all right, now the war, like what, you know, I spread them out a little bit. I'm going to stand by what I said though, if they can do these next two seasons really well, they could be like the best seasons of Game of Thrones universe and Tel Aviv. Like there's some really, really cool stuff coming. Yeah, totally. So that's why I'm not mad because I'm, that lets it breathe more, unless those stories get told a little bit more because there are so many things going on.
that I would rather than take a whole season, two seasons on that, than maybe put in one part of it now. So I really had no issues with the stuff like that. It's more, there seemed unnecessary things that could have been either put in the next season or just not in the story for right now. Or make it 10 episodes again. like I don't know. If they have a feeling they'll go back to that. ah Ryan Connell said no. Ryan Connell said it might just be the relationship. I think Ryan Connell's in way over his head.
Yeah, because I think he is a great ease. I think he's very talented. Yeah. But this is something that you need. This is a lot, especially without bringing him back. Yeah, get him to come back. Yeah. May that man the fucking mag come back for two seasons. I hope he gets back.
but um Yeah, I mean, it it just should have been 10 episodes. I don't get it. like If you would see it shown us like maybe a part of the war, you know ah just a couple more battles in episode 9 and 10 and really like let us go without a massive cliffhanger. like Give us a satisfying end of the season that isn't more or less the same place as as the end of season one. like they ah just showed you who's on whose side yeah It just felt like this whole season dragged so much and now we have, you know, two years of a war to put in two seasons. And the first
Obviously the first season took place over a number of years, but there was a big time jump. it's ten season yeah Season two took place over like a month or two, like not a long time. I got the hiccups. Yeah, season two took place over a very short period.
like compared to season one. Yeah, it's not long. So why do that? You should have spaced it out more added a couple of added two more episodes, make it a full season like we've been used to. Because I mean, Game of Thrones started going bad when they started shortening the seasons for no fucking reason. Let's go back to 24 episode television season. That's you know, it's a lot of fucking money. But I'm down. Especially if you're doing Game of Thrones. Oh my God. Yeah, I do miss like 24 episodes. You know, it's coming back every time the same year no matter what happened. Yeah.
Now you like, am I, is the show going to come out in two years or six years? Yeah. Misconsistency. Yeah. I hate this. Yeah. I mean, I mean, it makes sense because it's a lot, these are bigger. These are movies now that have been squeezed out. Yeah, totally. But, um, yeah, I mean this, I think the season was definitely a disappointment for me, but that's not to say it was bad. Yeah. I think I'm still going to keep watching the show. I think I'm a little bit less excited now than I was going into this season.
But um yeah, I just hope they can figure it out. And I hope they can get back to where they were in season one and just kind of get back into that stride of telling us the story in a good way and you know showing us things that are not only exciting, but also move the story forward and just give it enough room to breathe. Hit your landing here. Yeah.
Definitely need to stick this needs to be your weakest season.

Future Season Speculations

Yeah for it to hold it up quality wise Yeah, I think it it totally will be because I truly think it's Like it's hard to do a lot of battle stuff. But at the same time I feel like it's sometimes it can make it a little easier on the writer Yeah, she's like, okay. Well this episode can just be like a battle episode You don't have to work super tight on dialogue here like stuff like that. And then maybe they do give us pretty much like battle What have effects of this battle battle fix about? that Yeah Which I would be so fine with because it is a war and that every battle has a different effect. Yeah. You lose a thousand soldiers here, but only lose 20 soldiers there. It's a big difference between battles. And then if you focus on one, you see the, maybe the green side of things that they won. But then when they lose, you get to see, aim and lose his mind over something. So that's what I kind of hope that they go. And I hope that they don't try too hard to follow the narrative, like what you have.
Do enough to make it work. Yeah. It's like doing Messiah. Don't go, don't go full like follow page for page, but make your own little iteration. I mean, they've already, they are doing that. Yeah. They've already changed so much about the original story and I haven't even read it, but I know, I know a lot of the changes they've done, especially with like sheepstealer and that's, that's a big change. very Big change. Yeah. So.
I don't know. The actual person that gets it. Nettles. Yeah, Messles or something. Nettles, I think. No, that's M. it it It might be Nettles. Nettles. Yeah. Yeah. Don't bitch. She's out. Yeah. Probably. I mean, as far as we know. You know, they definitely gave Raina the Dragon's Den. I think so, too. But imagine in season three, she just probably was like, oh, Raina comes up, you had a rock. She's like, who the fuck are you? Like, there's a landing behind the trash can. Yeah. yeah yeah Yeah, so i'm ah I'm in the same, ah I agree with you. That would be so funny if next season's like, Ryan Connell's like, oh fuck, i we should have followed the book closer. We gotta just put this kid in. Just appears I know. Hi there. Yeah, I mean, fuck.
But yeah, I definitely agree with you. I don't think this is a bad season television by any means. Again, compared to season one, which is so fucking good. Yeah. I mean, it just disappoints when you're expecting so much more. Yeah. I don't think I'd call it a bad season either, especially with the number of good episodes we've had. Um, but at the same time, disappointingment but it's absolutely a disappointing season, you know, cause it, it just felt like.
It felt like it was half a season. It felt like an unfinished season. Like this episode felt like I was going into something big next week. What did we review that felt like that? We did another show recently, within a year, that we were like, that just felt incomplete. I don't remember. We would have been the boys. Was Jen V that we felt that way? Well, probably was the boys.
You could have been the boys because that's what we've been saying the entire episode or every episode. I meant last season boys. That's why I was confused. I don't know. But um but yeah, i I agree. I think it was disappointing. I think you just.
It could have been little decisions that could have changed everything. If you just maybe cut this there, cut that there, expand out to 10 episodes again. But I mean, I'm talking wrong. I'm still going to watch next season. I'm so excited to see them do these this war. That is something I'm super interested in. Yeah. And then kind of seeing those stories, they can really flesh out a little bit. Yeah, I agree. Let's see what these characters end up to. I know they end up, but I want to see them get there. Yeah.
I was, I was doing more like reading again. Yeah. Just do this. Well, these next two seasons, there's so much cool shit. Yeah. There is a ton of cool stuff we got to look forward to, but hopefully they can get it all in, in a, in a reasonable pace. 16 episodes. That's all that's left. I know 16 and imagine two years of war and then explain the, what happens after the war.
You still got to put everything in the perspective. That is true. Yeah, there's definitely the the last episode or maybe even the last two episodes are definitely going to be the last of seven games are so rushed. Yeah. I don't know. it'll It'll be interesting to see how they space out a ton of the stuff and and what they cut out from the original stories, especially if they stick with four seasons. I think they can do it if they go back to 10 episodes a season. Yeah, I definitely don't want another season. Do four. I think we talked about this when the first season we were reviewing. Three or four is when I think it needed to be. Yeah.
so i am happy that they're kind of sticking that idea i mean they said four four is confirmed yeah i know that about what i remember at the beginning when we first i was saying oh yeah it was what i think it's gonna be but we were thinking 10 episode season and now we we lost out on two hours of story you know because of this season so maybe our initial estimate could have been wrong yeah especially if they stick with eight episode seasons then we're down six hours yeah because that's if you if you did three seasons still would have been it would be Yea, you're still getting some, you're getting more episodes, you're getting more time. yeah yeah I like the idea of them doing 10. I would love for them to change their mind, do 10. But we'll see. We'll see where Castle Dragon goes, go out with this next season. But that is all I have to say about Castle Dragon. You got anything else you want to add?
Um, oh, we didn't mention how, um, the Allison and Renier scene, which one brings up a son for a son? Is it Renier brings it up and then Allison accepts a son? Yes. Did she forget that her grandson had her, his fucking head chopped off already? That can count. That does count. That should count. It wasn't Renier's decision. Allison should at least be like, be smart enough to be like, hold on.
My grandson already did die, so that kind of, you know, we're clear now. He's a grandson. not He's not coming up anytime for an heir. Actually, he was the heir. He was the heir. What the fuck are you talking about? I was thinking in the book. There is multiple. There is another one. They didn't do that because timeline doesn't match up. yeah Which I did like that they were smart about like him. Like, he's not alive. which one There's another boy, Aegon. He's just not born yet. It's 20 years in the book, the time jump. Gotcha. This is only 10. But yeah, um that's a good point, though. I didn't think of that. Yeah.
Allyson just forgot. Allyson's like, ah, it's whatever, it's a baby. It's fucking Daenerys. He just kind of forgot about Euron's fleet. God damn it, dude. Unless he's a Game of Thrones so disappointing. It was so dumb. In fact, the first, what is it, it's six episodes? It's six episodes. Yeah, first four and a half are okay, are solid enough.
It's the last one and a half is horrible. I mean, most of the season is bad. Yeah, but I like the long night. Like I've never had an issue with that. The long night. It's just so much plot armor for everybody. Yeah, there's they're like getting mobbed in the next shot. They're like, to yeah, but there are some dope shots of that. Like when they're all charging the battle with the fire.
and all gets you see it all get put whole. And then the next episode, they're like, we lost 10% of the Unsullied. I watched every single one of them die or not Unsullied. I watched besides the three that were behind guarding. That Unsullied, Dothraki.
No, there wasn't. Oh, no. Unsullied was the black one. The dothraki wrote in. They should have been wiped out, the Unsullied. You just watched them get bigger and bigger. gun or Even though they're saying they're losing them. i was like and some but They never got any more Unsullied after wherever she was. I'm saying the moment they show though, it looks bigger. No, that's what I'm saying. There is no more. No, they've been following her for like 10 years, and they haven't added any more on Sully. She took all the on Sully. They just haven't lost anything. There's so many funny little things with Game of Thrones like that. Like, they got a budget, and they just feel like, fuck it. Yeah. um But yeah, Ryan, what is your own recommendation for the week? Ooh, Noah Lyle's got COVID. Yeah, I saw that. After he won the $200, too. I like Noah Lyle's. It's crazy. No, he got bronze in $200. Oh, he got bronze in it? I thought he won. He won the $100. Yeah, he beat, yeah. That was actually a dope race. And now he's Noah Lyle's, but. Yeah.
Because he said that comment about the NBA. It's like, what are you saying? What are you saying? What are you saying? Like that we call ourselves. Hey, what happened when we played Brazil in basketball the other day? Well, beat them by 44. Yeah. It's so much fun watching the US play. It's like bad country. It's just a little bronze. But it sucks as baseball fans because It's in the Olympics next year, next summer. Yeah, 28 in LA. Did you hear what Tom Cruise is doing? Yeah, he's doing it. The Olympics? Yeah, he's doing a stunt, right? And ridiculous. What's the stunt? He's picking up the Olympic flag from Paris, flying it across to LA, skydiving out and dropping it on the Hollywood side. Really? Tom, what the fuck are you doing? He just wants to die.
I don't get it. But um yeah, baseball is going to be back and then we can lose to Japan again. World Baseball Classic, I'm going to try and go. World Baseball Classic. I want to go to the one for the game. yeah what is it Where's it going to be? It's always in Miami. Is it always? OK. I want to go to a a um World Cup game.
In Philly. Yeah, we're in Philly. It's the same year. It's the same with the All-Star game, isn't it? Same year? I think it's 26, right? Yeah, same year then. Yeah. Oh, my God. The Phillies All-Star game we're hosting. It's going to get wild. You know, Braves players getting murdered. Yeah, for sure. But what's your recommendation of the week? I'm going to recommend Civil War. I finally watched it after months of saying that the trailers don't look very good. And then I just didn't see it in theaters. Tommy said it was good. Finally bucked up, rented it on Amazon, watched it.
It's pretty good. Did you like the sound editing for the guns? Yeah. In movies, they muffle guns. Yeah, yeah. And they didn't muffle in that. No, it was light. So you hear the cracking. Yeah, no. It was a very specific noise. Yeah. So me and my dad right away were like, this is fucking dope. I didn't really notice it, but now that you put it out, yeah. Oh my god, dude. That final charge they do on the White House? That was my favorite scene. Dude, some of those boys, you hear the crack of it hitting something? Yeah. I'm like, fuck. Yeah. Yeah. No, everything was great about it.
Everybody's a little on the nose, but. Yeah, but that's also, I mean, we just talked about it earlier. You can't, not to spoil the movie, but we didn't mention that earlier with, you know, taking back power. Yeah. You gotta, you gotta do that. You know what I mean? No, I remember Kirsten Dunst's character. Oh, oh yeah. That was a little on the nose. Well, she also, I didn't really love her character throughout the whole thing. It was just, I love Kayleigh. She was the most one-dimensional character. Kirsten Dunst was. That might just be her act. Yeah.
I thought her acting was fine. No, so but I'm saying, I feel she that's the kind of character she plays. Yeah, usually. Cately Sweeney is a star. She's good. what she She got Alien coming, right? Yeah, she's in that. She just did that, and then she did Priscilla. Priscilla, yeah. je kill yeah but But yeah, the the final scene is my favorite, because I love i love that I like implement the the pictures throughout it. It just looks so cool. There's some great scenes in that movie.
Yeah, that was a good movie to see in IMAX. Yeah, it's crazy. I should have seen that in theaters. Sure. The Jesse Plemons scene was good, but I know everybody said that was like their favorite. It's not the best scene. I like I think that when they hang in the guys in the water in the car, watch is better. like That was a good scene. That scene freaked me the fuck out. Yeah, this place thing was good, though. But um go check out my review of Civil War earlier on. It's a solo episode. But my recommendation of the week is.
Civil War. MCU Civil War. Oh, Jesus. It's not a bad movie. It's not bad. It's a top 10. It's kind of boring. Yeah, it's a top 10 MCU movie. Yeah, it's not bad. Yeah, there's some really fun scenes. There's Spider-Man showing up. Yeah, there's some good stuff. Dude, that trailer came out. Oh, dude. I'm not actually recommending a Civil Man. I was just... You were just saying Civil War again. Jaws. 100% recommended Jaws. Jaws. I'm on HBO Max, finally.

Movie Day Excitement and Reviews

Is this so fucking good, man? That stupid asshole sat next to me. Yeah, I was going to say we should watch it. I'm asking that guy with his phone out the entire phone. That was a fun day. Cinema day. Yeah. Yeah. But so spicy. So, so spicy. Thank you guys so much for checking out the show. Continue to support every one of our episodes and downloading them and sharing them with your friends. Thank you for the continued support on our TikTok page, which is really starting to gain some traction. Oh, wow. Thanks for the continued support on YouTube. It's also starting to gain some traction.
And yeah, the next thing we'll probably review. I have no idea what the next movie that's coming out is. I don't know. We got the crow, though. I don't remember. Oh, my God. August 23rd. August 23rd. I'm not gonna lie.
Every trailer has been asked. The last two have been like 30 second trailers. Me and my dad were like, that was one of the best things that they've given us so far. Because it actually showed him like acting and not just the same four fucking shots that look terrible. Yeah. but Remember the like the scene they released though? Like the actual scene in the movie? I didn't mind it. It was bad. It was okay. The movie's gonna be bad. Shut up. Let me- Sixty your best. Let's go. I would cheer. For a sixty. No you wouldn't.
I've got a straight to video. That's how Vandalis C goes on. Don't you want an actually good one? 60 is good. It's average. 60? If you make a career as a director, you have nothing but 60s, you're doing a good job. Yeah, but would you not want an actual good movie? Oh, I love it i would love it to be better. But I'm saying if it's a 60, I'm okay with that. As long as it's not as bad as the second, the third, and the fourth. Okay.
Let me have my thing. that's um But yeah, thank you guys so much. We'll figure out what we're going to be reviewing next. Ryan still has to do his review of the bear. Oh, I figure forgot about that. Yeah, thank you guys so much for tuning into the episode. We will talk to you later. And Ryan, what is your final line for everyone? Is that it? No. I don't know. Go. What am I saying?