Katie Howland, Brit Barbieri, Pricilla Stone & Steph Lizabeth - Women of Ufology image

Katie Howland, Brit Barbieri, Pricilla Stone & Steph Lizabeth - Women of Ufology

Anomalous Podcast Network
417 Plays1 year ago
Katie Howland, MPH is an award-winning humanitarian with experience managing programs related to genocide response, childhood literacy, and global health across the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. Currently, Katie leads aid effectiveness efforts at a multi-million dollar international disability organization. In the past few years, Katie advised a Presidential campaign on forced migration and MENA issues, partnered with Nobel Peace Prize winner Nadia Murad's NGO to rehabilitate a classroom destroyed by ISIS, and was recognized in 2021 as one of the country's top 20 LGBTQ foreign affairs leaders by New America and Out in National Security.

Katie Linktree: https://linktr.ee/katiehowland
Katie Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/katieshowland
Katie Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katie_s_how...

Brit Barbieri is a Ufologist, Cryptozoologist and Paranormal researcher and Investigator. She is also the host of the Podcast, No Earthly Explanation alongside Don Schmitt.

Brit also featured in the TV series: Unidentified with Demi Lovato. You can catch Brit in a new episode of the series UFO Witness with Ben Hanson where the team investigates Catalina Island in the search for USO's.

Brit Linktree: https://linktr.ee/brit_investigates

Pricilla Stone is a UAP Disclosure Activist, Mother, UFO Experiencer and Military wife. She is the host of Quantum Wytch Cafe on YouTube and is a member of The Anomalous Podcast Network.

Pricilla YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV4l...
Pricilla Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quantum_wytch/
Pricilla Twitter: https://twitter.com/quantum_wytch

Steph Lizabeth is the founder of UAP Experiencers

Introduction to the Anomalous Podcast Network

You're listening to the Anomalous Podcast Network. Multiple voices, one phenomenon.

Increasing Women's Participation in Ufology

Hey guys, welcome back to the channel. Good to see so many people here in the live chat already. Yeah, I'm really excited about this conversation. I've had a lot of requests over the past year since I've been doing the channel to always keep getting lots of females on and you know, I've done pretty well.
I think balancing it but one thing you've noticed that I've been doing recently as well is panel discussions and you know what better to then bring some of my good friends together who I've had on individually and on other shows and just have a women of ufology panel and like let's hear this aspect of it that we don't always
here as much as some people would like. And I think that it's time that they kind of were given more of a voice in this sort of male dominated world. So please keep the chat cordial, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it. If anybody wants to ask any questions, please pop them in capital letters and I'll get to see them. Yeah, so I think that was everything I was going to say. I'm still a little bit
dopey after COVID. So you have to bear with me a little bit. Yeah, let's bring

Meet the Panelists: Priscilla, Katie, Britt, and Steph

everybody in. So first of all, I'd like to introduce Priscilla Stone. Priscilla, how are you doing? Doing great. Glad to hear you're doing better. But the COVID fog is real because I had it last year. So I totally get it. Thanks for having me. And I'm excited to see everybody. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you. Next up, we have Katie Howland. Katie, how are you doing? Hey, Vinny. Doing great. Always happy to be on the channel. And thanks for putting this together.
It's my pleasure, my pleasure. Next up, we have another returning guest, Miss Britt Barbieri. How are you doing, Britt? Doing well. Thanks for having me. Everybody's excited to be a part of this panel today. Thanks. Thank you for coming. If you have any technical issues, Britt, just drop out, come back in, and it's always no problem at all. Finally, another good friend of mine, good friend of the show, Steph Elizabeth. Steph, how are you doing?
Wonderful and so great to see you ladies all together on Vinny's channel. Thanks so much for putting this together. Ah no, the pleasure is all mine. We've had a lot of good conversations individually behind the scenes on the channel and so this is just an extension of that and I think a lot of people are really going to dig this one.

Priscilla's Journey to Public Ufology

Yeah, let's jump straight in. I'd really be interested to hear from you guys how it's been for you being kind of in the kind of public eye in ufology rather than kind of behind the scenes and stuff. And I'd just like to hear how your experiences has been and changed if it has changed over time.
Priscilla, let's start with you. OK. I was like, do we right there? We need a button, mate. Like, buzz in. Yeah. So, I mean, I've been following this my whole life, literally, since, I mean, I grew up in a paranormal household and the UFO thing happened in kindergarten, as most people that know me know. But being public about it was totally kind of like a shock. Like, first, I came out of the room closet as a witch in 2014. And that was kind of like, holy cow. Like, I'm going to get burned. Like, I don't know what this fear comes from.
with like, I don't know, you know, weird, right? Maybe the Inquisition and being Native American lineage. Anyways, but the whole UFO thing kind of happened on accident and like coming public happened. It just happened like organically, as they would say, even though we know organically needs many things.
But I don't know. I never thought I'd talk in front of people. And right before Vinny kind of like, he shared one of my, I randomly showed a UFO post and then he shared it and I was like, who's this guy? And then I was like, whoa, he's got all kinds of cool stuff. And that's kind of how it started realizing that there's this whole community. I was terrified of Twitter. I didn't have a Twitter. I was terrified of public speaking. Some guy told me that like,
I got a reading one time and he's like, you're going to be talking about UFOs to people. And I'm like, no, I'm not. I hate public speaking. So so so here I am doing it anyways, I guess. And I don't sound like my voice is shaky or anything. I don't think so. Yeah. So far, it's been very welcoming. It's been very freeing. It's been a beautiful time to be involved in it, seeing all this amazing stuff happen and meeting all these beautiful people.
Um, there has been some, you know, um, some jerks here and there, but I guess that's expected once you join Twitter. It's just like initiation process. Um, mostly revolving around the way, uh, females look like how they're, how they present themselves like visually is the only time I've ever run into anything. But, um, I, I love it here and I'm glad to be here and I'm glad to stay here and keep helping the subject move forward. Excellent.

Katie's Mixed Experiences in the UAP Community

Katie, onto you.
Yeah, well, I guess kind of similar to Priscilla, I never like intended to join the UAP community. I, my background was kind of working in the foreign policy field in DC and had like 200 Twitter followers that I like to tweet about genocide too. So I was like super popular and tweeted about something I was putting together with Chris Mellon and kind of found myself embroiled in this lovely and
terrifying at times community. My experience has been mixed, honestly. I think I've met some of the most open and just encouraging and supportive people on here. Like people I know will be like truly lifelong friends. And that's what I focus on because that's rare to find anywhere, much less like on the internet. I get to meet some of them this week, which is so exciting.
Priscilla speaking up. And I think that the challenge is that there are some less than kind individuals. I think that everyone gets that on Twitter, but I do think that women tend to get it a little bit more.
And that's why I think events like this are important, because I think when we're talking about the notion of reality, it's important that we expand the perceptions and the perspectives that we have to talk about that, because we come from very different backgrounds and experiences. And so that's why I'm so grateful for you, Vinny, and for forums like this. So really excited to hear what everyone has to say. Awesome. Thank you. Steph, let's go on to you.

Steph's Platform for UAP Engagement

All right, well, I run UAP Experiencers and my family and I witnessed a black triangle craft hovering and falling our car back in 1985. And it over the years has been spoken upon throughout our family, but in privacy. And come about 2020, you know, we had a big event then.
it began to weigh on me. And so as that happened, I did find these different outlets such as Vinny, Danny Silva, a couple of people who just were very open to the topic. And so as I started to, you know, decide, well, I really feel that this is an important subject to speak on, because there were multiple witnesses. And, you know, we
if there's four people that had seen it, then I think that it's pretty real. And also coming from an aerospace background, I feel that I have to expound on that because we did grow up around aerospace, you know, airplanes and helicopters and what have you. So I felt that it was important to speak on. And now I provide a platform for people who have experienced, you know, UAP, even paranormal is starting to come to the forefront where I think that a lot of
these conversations are really going to start putting these pieces of this puzzle together because I do think that there is some relation to all of these subjects that we're all so interested in. So I'm happy to provide the platform. What I'm noticing is, yes, I noticed the Twitter drama, if you will, and I do intend to stay back from that. I'd like to keep this as serious as possible. I do think that it's something that
you know, needs to be taken with a high level of seriousness. And I understand that there has been a novelty to this subject throughout the years, and I would like to see that change. What I do really notice the most is I think that there needs to be a better protocol, one for identifying UAP, second, reporting, a proper reporting
system. And then also that witnesses are directed for proper treatment or therapy. And that's what I'm noticing. So glad to be on board. And, you know, I just I hope to continue the conversation. And, you know, we're all we're all here to learn. This is there's something new every day.

Britt on UAP Sightings and Investigations

Absolutely, yeah. Now, Britt, just before you speak, you've been actually kind of in this for probably a bit longer than all of us here, and you've even been on the sort of TV shows and stuff, so you really have, you know, been out there for everyone to see. So yeah, I'd be interested to see how that has been for you over the years.
Um, I mean, honestly, like growing up, I was never, um, you know, in my household, we always were very open about any experience we had, whether it be paranormal or UFOs. I remember my uncle, my mom talking about the UFOs they used to see all the time in Arizona and out West and things like that. Um, so for me, it was kind of like, you know, the only thing that always bothered me growing up was that people just kind of poo pooed it away. Like it wasn't a real thing. It was kind of just this weird folklore that wasn't a real thing. And,
I just was like, no, it is. And so I drove forward with it. And even if I tried to drift away from it, it always brought me back into it. And then getting into it from the level that I'm at, it's a difficult position because I work a lot with hotspots and major locations that really deal and see these things quite often as far as even I deal a lot with USOs, a lot of
you know, objects that are being seen in the water with different types of boat captains and things like that. And it's just really fascinating to me. And then, of course, being able to, you know, dive in the ocean and find things that just don't make sense as far as sounds. And, you know, the NOAA always tries to come out with whatever they can to explain stuff away. And sometimes they just can't. And of course, right now, what we're dealing with is
And I, I, I just want to say, I stay away from the Twitter. I'm on Twitter. I have like 20 followers. I'm not going to lie. I have like nothing. Cause I don't, I just don't actively work on it. And I, I get very frustrated with people. Just there's the bullying. There's the, I know more than you. So I'm going to put you down, you know, and it's like, you don't know what we do behind the scenes. All we're doing is either retweeting something that we agree with, or we're just putting out a quick comment of some really cool news update that we want to share. And for some reason, somebody feels it's okay to just.
lash on you. Even if you're a woman, I'm sure you guys have felt this too. It's like, oh, you don't know anything. You're a woman. Shush. It's like, okay. So I stayed away from that. I agree with Steph. I'm trying to keep it very, with all the congressional hearings that are in place and a lot of movement going on in-house within the government and a lot of reach out. I've been reaching out to the government trying to request certain things and details that I want to move forward with and sightings and stuff like that. I mean, we're getting to a point now where
our sightings have increased where it used to be. You'd get a couple of weeks, a couple of months. You're like, oh, this is great. Now it's daily. I'm getting daily reports that are coming in from airspace and from the ocean and from overseas. And so when you get this heavy amount that you can easily out of probably
Six out of the 10 videos you get are legitimate. The other ones can be explained. You sit there and you kind of go, okay, what is really going on and why is this happening? And I do think there's a difference between many of the vessels. I think some of them are coming from the ocean. Some of them are coming from outer space. And I think each one has a purpose and it's basically logging all that.
which most of you know, some of you may not. My production partner and investigator in crime is Ben Hanson and we work together very closely. We do everything together. We do reporting together. We have a lot going on. He has a couple of stuff that we're working on right now that we can't even discuss yet because it's going to be coming out that we're going to be promoting. But he does have a current video up on his YouTube channel, which I encourage everyone to please go see in regards to a pilot report. And these things are happening and it's extremely incredible what's being seen.
And so, you know, I always get really frustrated, which I'm sure Steph probably has too. When you get these people are like, Oh, I know what that is. That's such a ton. You're like, no, you're wrong. Cause we've got pilots that have been doing this for years that are saying, look, I've been in this airspace. I know planets. I know stars. I know, you know, flares. I know drones. I know these things that happen at night and everything has to be logged in a system when these things are taking place in our airspace.
So if it's not being logged, it's not in there. You can't track it. You can't target it. It is something unknown. It is a UFO, you know, and I know they want to call it a UAP, but it's still a UFO, especially when our last congressional hearing came out and basically said, listen, we know it's a tangible object. OK, then stop putting it under UAP. Go back to what it was. It's a UFO.
which I've had that discussion with Vinny before. I refuse. I refuse to call it a UAP. Oh, thank goodness. Thank goodness. I make like a joke. I'm like, it's UAP if you're fancy, because that's what all the people are calling it. I understand the removing of the stigma or trying to, but it's still exactly what you said. Even if it's like an orb, it's still something tangible.

Terminology Debate: UAP vs. UFO

Do you know? So I totally agree with that, and I'm happy that you stick with it. Oh, yeah.
Yeah. Do you agree that they rebranded it to get rid of all of the information that they've redacted over the years? I mean, they're trying to erase what had already happened. And here we are doing what we do now, and nothing's stopping us. We're going to continue to fight this. So
I'm with you. I like the UFO. I may go back to that. I won't change. I mean, I'll tell you straight up from like working in DC. I don't think it has anything to do with any of us. I think it has to do with political cover.
to be able to start putting these things into legislation. I think if you ask a congressman to do a UFO amendment, they're going to get skewered. If you ask them to do a UAP amendment, they have a little bit of cover. So I think it's a lot more to do with that, but I agree. It's really silly for those of us who are actually in the thick of it, either as experiencers or researchers to use the fancy term.
Yeah. Yeah. I like both. I'll always use both. What is the newest one, right? Isn't it? I always mess up the UO, UO, like UO now, AIMSOG and UOP and all that. They keep changing it. I can't keep up with it. It's like an alphabet for UFOs. I'm like, what's it going to be this week? I don't know. It's a UFO people. Just call it what it is.
It's funny because each time the office gets a new name and an acronym, I just about learn it, get it down. And then they bring out a new one. Like we've just heard they're going to rename the office at the end of the year with the NDAA. It's like, come on.
It's crazy. One thing that I did pick up on Steph as well that you said was you mentioned paranormal again and I think we've seen a lot in the last year or two that these connections are being made now between the paranormal aspect of things, the kind of esoteric and the kind of nuts and bolts. So I'd like to know how it is you guys feels that
And I'm not asking for the answers or the actual like, this is the relationship. But like, you know, I think a lot of people have seen it. So I just like your guys take on it. Agreed. And yeah, there's these amorphous type.
things that we cannot explain that we're trying to piece together, right? And then we have our Priscilla, where she specializes in those things, and then also has been a witness to a UAP. So the more conversations that we have, I can say that there's definitely some sort of a connection. I can say my sister was a witness to UAP after we had witnessed it a couple years later.
she did have some sort of an auditory illusion of an uncle whom had passed. So he was calling her name. And my sister doesn't, she doesn't follow all of this stuff. She's a total square. She's into software. She's, she's, she's just like, yes, I'll, I'll for sure tell you guys what had happened again. But you know, she's, she's not, you know, doing what we're trying to do. Here's our, I would like to call us trailblazers.
I've had another witness who had witnessed an orb over a cornfield. It blazed past him. It was the color green, which is different. We see all these different colors of orbs. Most of them are going to be orange. But it left no sort of trail of dust or dirt or anything such as that. It just blazed by.

Role of Consciousness in UAP Experiences

And then soon after that, the witness had
seen an image of his grandfather whom had passed, which I think is, you know, how do you put all of these events together from different people, you know, and people you're related to, and then total, you know, you know, I call them their friends now, you know, that that's what this platform is for. So, you know, it
if you don't share it, then how are we going to put this piece of the puzzle together? So I yeah, Priscilla, what do you Oh, yeah, everything you said, and it's common. And before I was actively like switched everything to Instagram, I was doing metaphysical and meditation type classes with my other friend. And we have like a business of it, we made little spiritual kits, whatever. But you know, I did do a I did like a starseed September, right, which I know people cringe at that term, especially
the more nuts and bolts people. But it is something, it is a group of people that still needs to be acknowledged that read about that sort of thing. And it's also a fun thought experiment to think about where are these different ships coming from. But the one thing I can tell you is people that have had sightings do, that I've met just throughout my life before trying to offer a safe space, which is kind of what my channel is about. Well, part of it
besides books, the people would come to me, they would just come to me and be like, Hey, like, I know you're not going to judge me. I saw this, like, I saw grandpa, right? Like, I'm giving my kids a bath and grandpa popped up. He's been dead for a while. Or the dream thing really fascinates me because it taps into the subconscious. And then that opens up other questions, like, like Jacques Vallรฉe's book, Messengers of the Deception, like, how do they tap into
our consciousness to help us experience or for us to experience or process them however we see it, right? Is that our brain operating in its limited capacity? Or is it them actually projecting these things that we're registering as a reality? And then you get into the paranormal stuff.
Does seeing a spirit, a Chupacabra, a Yeti, or a UFO suddenly open up your energetic feelers so you're more aware? Are you kind of stuck in this like ultra hypervigilant state after that? So that's why you notice more? There's just so many questions. And that's kind of the part that gets me. And I do believe that there is a lot of physics that we may start understanding that
is going to explain a lot of this, including the loo, including the nuts and bolts, and it's going to marry them.
Yep. Yeah. I agree with that Priscilla, especially when you're talking about having an experience.

Opening to New Perceptions through UFO Experiences

I think a lot of people are, you know, we're, we're taught from a very young age of what is what, right? We're taught this is what should be. This is what not supposed to be. So if you see a ghost, you're not really seeing a ghost is not really there. They're not real. So I think all along, like in life, most people have like a, um, like kind of a wall or shell up or even like a helmet on, like they just don't realize that they have been taught to zone these things out and not pay attention.
But a UFO, I think, is what cracks open that shell completely. Because if somebody sees something out of the flash corner of their eye, they kind of don't pay attention to it. Because I worked in paranormal for almost 20 years. And so I don't think they really pay attention. They see shadow figures. They're like, oh, that could have just been my eye. That could have been something stupid, you know, whatever. They try and explain it away, as we all do as adults, right? But as kids, we're innocent. We're like, oh my god, I just saw grandpa. Let me tell you what he said. You know, we don't have a barrier like that yet.
But when you see UFO, something that cannot be explained away, I think it truly cracks open that shell that we carried. And then all of a sudden now we're way more open. We're way more open with our energy, with everything around us to where now we are having these experiences because now we're starting to see the world a little bit differently.
So I think it does have a major impact. And I've noticed it a lot, like you were saying, and like Steph was saying, with people that have had experiences. I mean, I've seen UFOs myself, very close. I had a triangular experience that was like right above my head. It was very, very, like very weird. But when you have those experiences, you can't forget it. You don't poo-poo it away. It was what it was. And then all of a sudden, you start looking at the world very different. You're like, OK, well, if this is real, then maybe aliens really are real.
Okay. Let's, let's figure this out. Maybe the Egyptians weren't lying. There's, you know, all these different races, you know, like you started like putting stuff together, right? Because all of a sudden things are open, but that's something I encourage when I have witnesses come to me. I tell them all the time, you know, just because you've seen this, be aware now that you might start being more open to seeing things and don't be scared of it. The world around us is very,
It's deep and nobody explains it. We're only at, you know, basically the surface a day to day life, but beneath that there's so many things, especially when science comes out and talks about we're living in six different dimensions and they know that now scientifically. So it's like, wow, that's insane. What are these other dimensions that we don't know yet? But the fact that science now has come out and spoke about that, it really also helps you look at the world and go, okay, we're not in the fifties anymore. We're allowed to talk openly about this, which is fantastic.
No, absolutely. And I think that, you know, for most people who start nuts and bolts, right, there's, there's almost this this evolution where, you know, I'm not saying this is absolutely the answer, because no one knows the answer. But if you go down a path where you eventually come to consciousness, right, and what role does consciousness play, either in the manifestation, the presentation, the initiation of these events,
And I think that's where a lot of people who are turned off by the woo don't realize that, you know, a lot of people don't start there.
right? It's after a lot of research and a lot of understanding of different traditions that you can kind of find a way there, that like Priscilla said, marries the two, not not supersedes the other one. And one of the things I've always wondered, so I'm unique from all three of you in that like, I've had a ton of paranormal experiences my whole life. Not so much UAP experiences. I've had some weird experiences during meditation that
I don't know how to categorize, but you know I've never seen a craft, and so one of the things I've always wondered about too is I think there are people who act sort of as Gary Nolan's said lighthouses right that like.
whatever reason having these experiences turned something on, whether they're attracted to you or your perception is opened. But I've wondered why some people see physical craft, physical beings, things like that. Other people have these more esoteric, like out of body experiences.
And I've always been very curious if that is due to dual nature of these things, if it's due to some people have to be contacted in different ways, right, in order to kind of get the message across or the contact across. But I'd be curious to hear what you guys think about that.

UAP Interactions Near Military Zones

Who wants to go?
I only caught the last part because I had to go deliver snacks. But yes, I caught the last part. So I'll let you guys go first and then I'll see. I mean, I'm definitely curious, Katie, to know why are certain people being zeroed in on? Why are they being chosen? Also, they seem to be hanging out near military zones and installations. And so there's definitely a connection there.
great you go and you've done your research near Catalina which is right next to San Clemente Island where there's tons of military stuff being conducted as far as amphibious you know helicopters and we've had we've had helicopters actually
And we've had different types of vehicles, such as an amphibious one, you know, crash as well. And it's hard to talk about because it's real. And the thing is, is if they're altering, say, nuclear
mechanics, is there a potential for them to be able to alter other forms of mechanics which have been spoken about? So it's a definite concern that we need to know if there's a reason why they're zeroing in on our military craft. Not only are civilians and our people who are starting to come forth, which is promising and great, and we need to provide these platforms for them to speak on, but why are these certain
individuals and installations being chosen. So yeah, that's kind of what I have on that there. It's very interesting. It's concerning. It always fascinates me with the military bases because I almost feel like they're almost stopping us from ourselves in a lot of cases when it comes to missiles and
I mean, I have footage that was sent to me on some basis over the years where they were doing testing and these things would just shoot out of the sky and come and like literally observe and then just leave. And they're like, it's like they felt as if they're there being watched on purpose to make sure they weren't doing something that was detrimental.
You could go the far extreme of it and go, well, if they tried to teach us many, many, many years ago and they saw that we were just going to end up hurting ourselves and making the same mistakes they did, I could see them trying to protect this planet, tell us how to protect it. But we don't really know the whole purpose of why they're here. There could be hundreds of reasons. One reason that I've seemed to, I lean a lot towards is
there is substance and minerals that they need from our planet for themselves, for wherever they're from. And I think that a lot of times that is why like that whole Channel Island, Catalina Island, all of those islands there, the activity is insane. I mean, I can't, it would be like a 10 hour show. It's absolutely absurd, but it only leads me to believe that they are trying to gather stuff for whatever reason.
and they just want us to do the best to take care of this planet in the best way. Kind of like, look guys, I'm trying to stop you from yourself because this could go bad. Don't do what we did kind of thing. That's one theory that has been out there and it does make a lot of sense when they come around a lot of the bases, you know, and you're like, it just makes sense.
I totally agree with that. But my other question is how much of this interference is on purpose? And I'm not talking with the nuclear facilities because that definitely seems like a catch your attention. You're doing this to one of the biggest powers in the world or whatever.
on their bay on their home base where nobody messes with with us right or the united states there so um that one definitely seemed like it was purposeful but how much of the other stuff is on on accident or um as like a almost like a side effect kind of like what gary no one is studying with the brain or the mantel incident where he chased it or even in some food fighter incidents where they chased it you know
So to me, that's kind of interesting, you know, are they actually some of the stuff that they're doing, I'm sure is purposeful. But how much of it isn't how much of it is just kind of like a residual thing of like them just being them, whoever they are coincidence, you know, and I the mineral and resource thing is definitely key.
And hey, if you guys know if they're listening, if you guys know how to use saltwater, please share your secret because what are you using it for the technology that could be possible for for us as you know, a human race or humans.
in general is something that I feel like we would like to know about. Even though maybe we don't deserve it, we destroyed all our chances, or maybe we're just not there yet.

Ancient Cultures and UAP Studies

Maybe we would turn the salt water into money somehow and sell it. But it does make me wonder why so many are in the oceans. And then that brings up the other question is, have they evolved alongside with us? Like some people think. And I'm with you, Britt. I think some come from other places in the solar system.
I think some may have been here with us because we look at our ancestors all over the world and they've been having experiences as well. And then also you had to bring in the whole ultra terrestrial theory. You're talking about dimensions. There's the whole many worlds theory that is just like you try to fathom six dimension. Holy cow. Some of these theories go up to like 12. So there's just, it's just more questions. And do you guys feel like the more you learn
The less you know and the more questions you have. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. All the time. I think you have to go in with that perspective. Like anyone who the longer they've been in here thinks they know more, that's like the automatic red flag, right? Yeah. Just avoid those people. I like the people who have to say, I have no idea what the hell is going on. But I want to go back for one second before I dive into old and terrestrial because I could talk about that for hours.
to, you know, I think there's also a comparison to what's going on too with what we do with our allies in opera series, you know, we go and we buzz over and we keep an eye on what people are doing. It's basic intelligence gathering, you know, so whether that's for, you know, nefarious purposes or not, I mean, if you were trying to gain information, what would you do? You would buzz our military installations, you would try to keep an eye on what we're doing, what tests we're doing, what capabilities our experimental aircraft have,
you know, things like that. I also think one of the one of my biggest pet peeves with the UAP community is generally when people assume a singular motivation with like the government or like a singular perspective. And I think we have to be very careful not to do the same, right? There may be some policy or goal interacted by these various species groups.
But that doesn't mean that they're all acting 100% within that framework, right? So there could just be random people going off and doing their own thing as well. So I think that was really important to what Priscilla said. But yeah, I also think that it's, I think what really interested me was in Priscilla about our ancestors. I think that's one of the things we really need to give credence to is, you know, a lot of times
white people have a tendency to come in and be like hey guys look what we discovered and we have our indigenous people who have been saying for thousands of years like no shit right like we carved it on rocks for you we embedded it in our myths you know we did all these things
And I think we're going to decolonize this field a little bit. We have to really take seriously some of those stories and not just out of a desire to be good to people, but because there's a lot of truth and a lot of value and a lot of insight that we don't have yet.
And so that's why I think that I'm really happy to see that we're starting to move in that direction. And I think we definitely need to bring in some more Indigenous voices and some voices to have, like Brett said, history on like the Egyptian myths and whatnot and try to dig into those more deeply.
Yeah, agreed. Very well said. I've seen people do that. I've seen people do that, but unfortunately, it's the people with the money and the Hollywood, and we've seen it done on ancient aliens, and then it becomes part of stigma, like the hieroglyph of the, it looks like a gray. I can't remember where it's from right now. It's slipping my mind. But unfortunately, it's sort of been abused in that way. So I think that another interest in another point that gets overlooked is,
We've got plenty of people working on the nuts and bolts and we have so many people pushing for, you know, more public hearings, more world governments kind of getting involved in making that policy. But what we are missing out on is the history that we might be overlooking.
I know people are like, I'm sick of hearing the same case over and over again, but every time somebody looks at it with a fresh eye, I think that something gets interpreted differently, which could be good or bad, but we need fresh eyes on this. I love the people that have been doing this forever. They paved the way. They put so much work in. They've been so much passionate. They've been brave to talk about it when most of us were like,
Like a lot of us were like, oh my gosh, I won't talk about this. I'm afraid, you know, they've been fearless. So that's that's great. Thank you. But I think the more people we get in here kind of reassessing.
what we've seen in ancient cultures, plus what we've been seeing in present day, like what Britt is studying and what Steph is studying with experiences, and you with your government experiment experience, not experiment, oops, gave it away. You're a government experiment. But I think that that's something that we have to keep doing it. I know it seems redundant for people to keep going back and saying, ancient history says this, this case happened. It's important to revisit that.
because there's something new. Look what happened with people still studying the Calvine. If you guys gave up on that, we wouldn't see that photo. Whether we think it's a spaceship or government tech, we still have the photo now. And that's something new that if you give up on something, you might never get. Or if you don't re-examine it, you will not get it. Right.
Yeah, I agree. I think my biggest problem is the history. That was even in the congressional hearing, too, when asked about historical records from 70s and 60s and 80s. I mean, even current. And they were just like,
We didn't look. Never. Never heard of Maelstrom. Yeah. Oh, Gallagher got in now. Oh, Gallagher. Oh, Gallagher. Oh, Gallagher. Oh, my gosh. I was just like, we were all walking alive, and we were just like, yes. Like, I was not expecting that from him. But, you know, I was really upset, and I will interject and say this. I was mad at the fact that they have these two representatives who I know were just given a script. We know how this works. Here's what you're allowed to say. That's it. We're not. If you're asked another question, you just say, um,
Well, we will look at that and we'll get back to you at a later date. That's just your go-to, right? But what pissed me off, especially as a ufologist and my mentor is Don Schmidt, who is like King of Roswell. This is really passionate to me. We have got to make this happen because when those legends are gone, what happens?
When all of those stories are gone, those journals are now packed away in vaults. What happens to these people's lives and the legacies that they have?

Preserving Historical UAP Cases

It's up to us as the new ufologist to keep that candle burning for all of them. And I'm a JL and Hynek girl. I'm trained in the Hynek way, and that's how I will be. So I feel like I have to carry his torch with Don and with them.
And so it made me so mad when they're like, so was there any other investigative programs prior to Project Blue Book? And they both were like, no. No, there was not. And I about choked on my water, because I was like, do they? Come on, guys. You could Google it. Right. Thank you. Yeah, exactly. So I'm like, you could literally Google it. You could pull out your phone right now and be like, I don't know. Can you give me a second? I'm just going to pull it up. But they weren't allowed to Google it. No, I know.
But I'm sitting there going, this is absurd that you have two people representing this new division of investigative UAP word. And it's like, you can't even legitimately know the history. So in order to move forward into future or current times,
or somebody comes to you and says, Hey, I had a sighting. Like imagine if somebody came to Steph and Steph did no stuff or no crafts or no shapes or no location hotspots. So they came to Stephanie like, Hey, I had this sighting. This is what it looked like. This was the speed. This was the trajectory. This is how it moved. And it was this time of night. What do you think of us? And she was just like,
You know, I don't, I don't know. I'm going to have to, um, I'll get back to you. I'm going to look into that, you know, and I'll let you know. And it's like, what? No, you should have a go-to immediately in your brain, have a file and go, you know, what's really funny is what you're describing is a case that I remembered from 1978 that happened in Mexico. Right.
You need to be able to fricking pinpoint that stuff to help these people. And that is something that's not happening. So if you're going to call yourself an investigative team out of the government, you got to know your stuff. And it's not just what happened from 2017 and on. We need to go back. You have to know the history to move forward into the future, and including ancient history. I mean, I have stuff that is written in what looks like old journals. We're talking from the 11th century
of someone writing about a light that formed in the water and guided them to land when they were lost. Wow. Wow. That is not bioluminescence. Bioluminescence is like, Hey guys, I'm going to lead you. Follow the algae that came from the dark. That's communication essentially.
Yeah, I love it. I love it. I love a jelly. But it's similar to the pilots, right? Like those, okay, we think about 18th century, we think like they don't have all this cool equipment, whatever, they don't have sonar, but they had their eyes and these men were out there for months, years.
traveling to see you think they're gonna get confused about a glowing jellyfish or bioluminescent mass of algae traveling around same thing with the pilots like like my son is five and he's been able to point out Saturn and Jupiter for the since he was four at least
Do you think some guy in the sky is going to be like, Oh, that's Venus. I'm going to follow it. I think it's, you know, like, you know, if somebody actually knew the history, which like Priscilla, you know this and I'm sure all of us know this. If you know the history of how these guys sailed, that was the way of transportation. Okay. That's how they got around. We did not have the fancy technology then they actually based their travels off the solar system.
These stars guided their way. So they knew the solar system better probably than anybody at that time if they weren't on a vessel. So if they see something that all of a sudden moves like a broken leg in the sky and takes off, I think they're going to know. They're not going to be like, oh man, Mars is drunk tonight. What's going on?
It's not how it works, you know what I mean? So it's like, I don't know, I just get so frustrated with it. It's like, you have to know this history. The Mayans talk about this. You can actually read about contact through the Mayan people. Think about that. That's incredible. Why that isn't being added into the research of current right now within our government is insane. It needs to be and needs to be spoke about. I mean,
spoken about. It's just insane to me. And you're right. Indigenous people need to come forward. I want to hear what they have said because I talk to them all the time regarding Sasquatch. And I mean, this is the type of stuff. It all comes together. It all comes together. We all have to be able to be vocal about it. It's just insane. Right. Yeah, that's something I found. Go on, Steph. Go on. Oh, well, I was just going to say, I know Priscilla has spoken upon, you know, your ancient, I'm sorry, ancestors, time travelers. I mean, there's a myriad of types of people that are visiting us such
We've heard of ET, of course, but there's so many other avenues that we've been exploring that we're finding out about. And not only that, but Britta wanted to touch on these experiences that these people have been giving you these testimonies on, is that they've been living with this trauma for years also. So think about our ancestors whom have suffered through that trauma. I mean, it's not all good. So it's like, there's definitely all of this,
these different types of beings that are visiting, there needs to be a certain literature that's put in place for people. And I do want to say there is a colleague of mine that has put together its UAPMC, MCS for Medical Coalition, and it's going to serve as
what you're basically describing. So it's a free forum right now. You just sign up, you put on your name and your password, and you basically can find out historical issues, diagnosis, multiple witness situations, psychology discussions, publications. So there's all of these things that people can
Go to as a forum not only for say a treatment plan But doctors need to understand how do a treat a person whom has witnessed a UAP? So none of that's in place either and I get just as hyped up as you do about you know people needing to understand the the past and
So all of this will marry together, as Priscilla had mentioned earlier, and hopefully the right people are listening in on this conversation because I really, truly don't think that one has been had to this degree, to be honest.

Religious Interpretations of UAP Experiences

Yeah, you're right. Very cool. I just want to give a shout out to everyone in the chat. I have been seeing your questions and I've popped a few of them that we're going to get to in a little bit. But just following on from what we were just discussing is another aspect that I've only in the last sort of six to eight months been focusing on a little bit more and more is the religious aspect and the historical connections there, you know, with the work of Diana Pasulka really opened it up to me.
And I mean, I spoke to her about a case involving Saint Francis of Assisi seeing, you know, these golden orbs and stuff. And I've been looking more and more into that sort of thing more recently with the apparition side of things with Fatima and lords and stuff. And I find that really seems to be you can make connections. You know, it kind of makes sense. So what what have you guys kind of come across when it comes to religious sort of aspects of the phenomena?
from an experiencer standpoint, I thought I was seeing angels my whole life when I was having these visitations after, and they amped up after seeing the things in the sky, the UFOs. So this whole time, I'm having these beautiful, like religious experiences, I'm growing up Catholic, so I'm learning about these, you know, these, these saints that had these similar experiences, I'm like, I'm being visited by angels.
Well, getting further down this rabbit hole and talking about it more and kind of making it more my focus, I'm like, what have I actually seen? What was that? And so many people have described these beings that look a certain way.
And come to think of it, it's like they didn't have wings, you know, it's it's a being, it's an apparition, but it's glowing of it's like a like

Glowing Beings in Religious Contexts

a shape. It's almost like the reverse of a shadow person sometimes, you know. So just from an experiencer standpoint that learned about Catholicism from an early age, because my family was Catholic, even though my grandma was into weird stuff. It was like,
It was confusing. It got more confusing because you're learning about the saints and these angel visitations, right? And you're like, man, I'm not saying that's happening to me on a saint level. I would not consider myself a saint. But they've been visited by weird things, right? So if something visits you in the night and it's glowing, what is it when you're growing up Catholic?
an angel, even if from the Native American standpoint, it's a good spirit because it's glowing, it's not hurting you. And then the more creepy ones are what, demons? Like if it scares you, it's a demon. And then also, is it scaring you because it's just unfamiliar? Or it's not like jumping out and going, boo, you know what I mean? Or creepy, you know? So there's, again, more questions, but just from that standpoint, people have been seeing glowing beings for a very long time across very many
different religions, Hinduism, all the gods, all, you know, the things that people paint in the sky from old Renaissance paintings. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. For sure. Absolutely. And I think what you're getting to is that a lot of religion is also about
our words, our vocabulary for things and the ability for, you know, one person to interpret and to see the exact same thing and interpret it in completely different ways based on their background and their lexicon. They have to kind of
see that through reality. So I had like the opposite experience growing up basically as an atheist, right? And I think it's almost more alarming when that happens because you don't have any sort of framework for the anomalous, frankly, right? And so I've had this experience where I've kind of become spiritual, right? I'm not following Priscilla's path, thank God for her guidance there.
where you suddenly, I think Britt mentioned earlier, you have this sudden awareness that your conception of reality is different. And I think that honestly, as we move more and more towards some sort of just like full blown disclosure, not that I think that'll come top down necessarily, I think it's gonna be a lot harder on people who don't come from a background who have some sort of framework to interpret this from, right? At least that's been my personal experience.
Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Go ahead, Steph. Sorry. No, it's all you, girl. Go. No. In this field, I get questioned quite a bit on regards to, and I'm sure a lot of us have, is, well, what if aliens come down, then God's not real, and all this different stuff, right? And I grew up like Priscilla. I was Irish Catholic.
You know, so I knew all this stuff, you know, so like for me, it's not, I, I, I guess for me, I looked at it more like, well, this is cool. We weren't the only planet God made. This is pretty bad ass. You know, it was like, I never really looked at it any differently than that. You know, like that's just how I perceived it. And I guess when that question started coming about and hearing people say, Oh my God, a few of those are real and there's no such thing as God. And what does this mean? And you know, and it's like on the religious aspect of it. And I guess it just confuses me.
as to why that has to go hand in hand like that, you know, especially when our own Pope now is talking openly about it. And there was a UFO that was actually seen above the Vatican and was photographed, you know, and so we have these
things that have happened and we have past pokes, I've talked about seeing UFOs and extraterrestrials and things like that. So when you have this type of history and you have the Vatican who, man, I have so much stuff with the Vatican and it's insane, but it's like, they do know stuff, but they also have to stay on the side of science. They can't just come out and all of a sudden be like, yes, UFOs are real. Everybody let it go. Let it go. It's been around forever because everybody's going to just be in an uproar because now the Vatican is saying it.
But they try and stay mostly on the side of science and basically and I've come to learn from in-house from different fathers that now they accept the idea of ghosts, which was something that was never really considered or recognized before. And it has happened to many different pre-string exorcisms where they have spoken to a passing soul.
was not a demon that was trapped within the body and they were using the body as a vessel to speak to to help save their soul. So it's very fascinating to hear these things because I researched a lot into, I research everything on in regards to anything that has to do with paranormal and so it you know the whole religious question is always so interesting to me because I just never understand how
It has to be so segregated to such extent because you look at the Native Americans, you look at the Mayans, they all have their own religions, Egyptians, they all have their own gods and

Religion vs. Extraterrestrial Life

stuff like that. But they never thought about not talking about aliens or people from other planets. It wasn't a big deal. It was like we still have our God and our gods. And there's all these other beings that we also know about, you know, and it's like, I don't get I don't get now why in this in this day and age, it's so like, well, if there's aliens, there's no God. It's Prometheus. The movie is real. It's like, no, this is how it works. You know, I don't know, Steph, how do you feel?
Yeah, I agree. I mean, I grew up kind of a hybrid of Christian and Catholic also, you know, you have some friends on one side and families on the other. And, you know, I've always been a spiritual person also. So, you know, having that said, I agree. I don't know why it does have to be, you know, brought up into this. But I think that when people do see these light beings and these holographic experiences that they describe, it does
pose that kind of question as to, well, why are people who are religious and not religious stating these testimonials that they have seen, say someone whom has passed? So I think that there is something to be said there. I mean, I'm totally confused by it myself. I'm like, well, I want to understand this. I want to place this together because there's a lot of connections that are being made. So
Yeah, it's I can't really say, obviously, we none of us can say what it is, but there's there's a connection for for paranormal, you know, and that if that's an angel or demon visiting people, then maybe that maybe maybe that's what it is, you know, so. Yeah, I don't know. It's really it's tricky. I mean, I there's a woman who's actually Irish who sees angels. She can see them, seen them since she was a little kid.
And her angel told her that when we die, we are higher ranked. We have more access to coming and visiting our loved ones whenever we want. And she said that her angel said, we're basically the workers. Our job is to take care of the planet, to take care of things. So it's very interesting, because when you look into it, you're like, well, that's kind of cool. We can come and go when we want. So it's like, maybe that's the case in some instances.
So maybe when you leave the earth, it becomes a portal for you to visit your loved ones. I mean, because that's a couple of testimonials that I've described earlier is these people had passed and then they came back. And I mean, why would somebody make something up like that? You have to listen, you have to speculate and be open to what people are claiming. I do believe that there's other stuff going on also within the community. I mean, I don't want to say that there's
like a mental health crisis of any way, but I do think that there's a kind of crossover and that's something to be understood also, especially from doctors to understand, you know, these types of conversations that are being had. I mean, look, we have people who have notable experiences that have occurred and that we might have other people that we might need to redirect elsewhere. And the website that I brought up earlier is something that, you know, hopefully is going to be, you know,
placed out to the masses. And one day we'll have a better protocol for all of these experiencers to come forward and share. My brother, he was schizophrenic. So he also, he lived in another reality. He heard voices. There were people telling him certain things that nobody understood. But we had very normal conversations with him to try and understand what he was dealing with.
and therefore he went and we seek the proper treatment for him. So it's a very similar situation that's going on within this community. So, you know, keep the events coming. That's all I have to say is just keep coming forward. It's, you know, nobody's here to judge you. The stigma is being, it's been squashed. There's no speculation here. We want to hear what you have to say and then direct you in the right, under the right path.
I have one question for all the girls and Vinny, you're included. But I do have a question. Do you guys ever feel from your research? It's just something that I've personally experienced. And I say this because my son was recently diagnosed with Asperger's and it's something that I've come to learn

Societal Norms and Open-mindedness

Do you ever feel, and I know this may sound really crazy, but that we are meant to be dumbed down. So when people have, in your case, like your brother, schizophrenia, okay, my grandmother with dementia, you know, these certain cases that come forward or people that have Asperger's even, or a certain spectrum on the autism spectrum.
Does it feel, because it feels to me, and I might just be the only one, but doesn't it feel as though we as a general race are being pushed to be dumbed down, to close off that inner intelligence or understanding or openness of what we're hearing? And we're being told that's not normal.
Well, what if I'm normal, like I'm the one that's not normal and my son is normal, but we have bred that out. We have eliminated that. We have shut that off. And I'm curious if you girls feel infinite, if you guys feel the same way that I do from my research. And if you read, and I know people laugh, but I do bring it up a lot about like,
the stuff in toothpaste and all these different things, these certain chemicals. And if you read the history of them and what it actually does to the brain, it's fascinating of how it can shift your chemicals, your internal chemicals and the way you process things and certain programs that you have to send your kids to that just seems like, but why does he have to do this when you're basically saying, well, he doesn't have a chart for his intelligence of what he's actually capable of doing right now, but he needs to do what everybody else's age is doing.
Well, but he's, he's doing three years above his age and he's only five. Why do you want him to come back down to a mentality of that when he's almost like at a nine year old grade level, but you're putting him at a five? Why? You know, so it just makes me wonder if we all can agree that it feels like they're trying to still dumb us down as a control. It feels like it's a control, you know, the dumber we are, the easier we are to manipulate to control.
Yeah, I agree with you completely and I'll be really quick. I just think, especially in the Western world, it doesn't fit into what's considered to be the normal lifestyle of working a nine to five, working until you're 75 and retiring. We're just so ingrained in living in that materialistic society nowadays that we don't
We've lost what it means to be human, maybe even, or what intelligence actually is. So yeah, that's all I got to say on that. I completely agree that it seems that we've been dumbed down. Yeah, and I don't know if it's intentional. Go ahead. Go ahead, Seth. Katie, Katie, you went first.
Oh, no, I don't even know if it's intentional. But also, if you just look at evolutionary biology, there are certain things that we have to tune out. We have so much sensory input coming into us at any one time that in order to literally function in reality, we have to shut different parts off.
And whether that's learned, which perks we shut off, you know, and not, I think it's very interesting. I think it's fascinating that young children are much more open to reporting past lives, apparitions, anomalous experiences, and then we're kind of conditioned away from that. But I think it's definitely a matter of at least one part of it, our biology as well.
Yeah. I mean, our brain functions are only 10%. So imagine, I mean, they have studied in kids that are autistic that their brain function is higher. They use more percentage of their brain. So I think that scares a lot of what is supposed to be norm because how do you train or teach somebody to be normal when you know that they're not there? Actually that's their normal, you know, and it's us that have to learn to coexist with them because they're smarter than us, you know? And it's like, if we continue to have that kind of intelligence,
that what what could we do you know so i think it's fascinating and i just feel like sometimes we're just you know i don't know just feels very odd especially when you learn about like school systems and how it actually started how it became very mandatory in the early 1900s instead of people actually

Societal Conditioning and Historical UFO Cases

teaching their kids at home and the structure of the percentage of of intelligence was much greater and much higher but they needed to control more of how the process was and how the teaching was done and how the general idea of what the
kind of what they needed to be presented and what everybody needed to know all at one time was done by the way that the system needed to be given and how do you do that? You in-house everyone into one building and you teach them a curriculum a certain way and then there is no outside teaching.
So it just seemed like if you if you look into it, it just seems very weird. And I think that conditioning is also being done within house with paranormal paranormal aliens, UFOs. It's been happening since Roswell. What you saw, you didn't see. It just happened recently with the new logo that was out for like four days and they took it down. They're like, you didn't see anything. It was that was just an error. Yeah, they basically said my bad. Yeah, going exactly. And it's kind of like the same thing with Roswell. It's like, oh, our bad. But if you tell anyone this, you're all murdered. You know, it's like the same thing. It's just in a new time frame.
So it's a conditioning, it's a control of how they need to put stuff out and have an understanding of their public. Yeah. Well, humans have this little habit where once our physical body doesn't function the way that society says it should, or in a way that is easier for people to understand that something is wrong, right? Like with autistic children, I think they're beautiful. And I think that this world is just
I think that they are sort of, we're seeing more and more children being diagnosed now, whether that's diagnosis going up because of better tests, we don't know, or is it the environment? But this environment is not for people that don't have the mechanism to shut off everything. And like you said, maybe we're not supposed to shut off anything.
And it's just, does that open them up? You know, we talk about people's schizophrenia and dementia, is that giving them this extra, are they getting their senses back to where we were before we had to start zoning out and tuning out all this EMF stuff before our bodies had to just deal with processing artificial things that we don't really know the long term, because think about all the stuff in our food is fairly new when it comes to the human race.
And then also cars, planes, all this noise around us has kind of made us have to drown out a lot of things. And because of that, are we inadvertently drowning out things that people that cannot drown it out or block it out are able to see like autistic people or Alzheimer's people, maybe they're coming to the end of their life. And that's like the first stage of entering like the spirit realm. And it just turns
what we have turned on, they have off. So maybe they're perceiving more, or maybe it's like a whole other level of hyper perception or hyper vigilance that they have enhances their senses in other ways that we don't understand. And that plays into the phenomena because oh, I
Because the phenomenal way it works with us, it seems, is very outside of this Newtonian world that we know, live in and trust and rely on. It's what if the absolute is completely just bonkers and they're seeing what the absolute reality is versus what our brain is kind of making sense of the best that it can. And I agree with Katie that it's a survival mechanism.
Because what if there was a book I was reading, I'll have to put it up. He says, if we didn't process reality the way we do, we wouldn't have survived because we'd be lost to like an entropic soup. So I'm like, sweet. I like entropic soup because it's fun. But I just think that they might have the advantage when it comes to paranormal.
because they're not like closed off like us. And we had to fight our way back out, right? We had to have something crack us up in like a paranormal experience or UFO experience or a Sasquatch or sometimes both, right? At the same time. But yes, I do think that it's easier for people, especially the way we've engineered the world to kind of be dumber.
Not as perceptive to like actual reality and this might include beings from other places, right?

Double Standards for Women in Ufology

Things in the sky that may be cloaked that we don't even notice that are they might just be hovering around us right now Or in the water, right? You might swim by them stir fry them and you just don't see it
Right, just be accepting, accepting to these things. We need more acceptance right now, especially in the UFO community. Absolutely. Yeah, that leads me onto a question from Lara. Hey, Lara, good to see you. Lara says, as a female, what one thing would each of the panelists like to see happen or change within the UFO UAP community? Great question. Where to start? I'm scared. How long you got? Exactly.
He's going standards. Double standards. I'll go really quick because I think mine's pretty straightforward, even though I just started, even though I just stopped talking. But the double standards. So whenever there's a woman that presents herself, like Katie had posted something about her schedule for this week and somebody had said.
Oh, what makes her qualified? Whatever they said. But here's the thing, like if an OG like, not to put say Danny Silva is qualified because of his work, or you know, like if any other man posted that new to the topic, people just like embrace them like, Oh, this guy knows stuff, man, like he's such a deep thinker. But if a female steps out of her mind without credentials, and you're automatically a piece of crap, or if your credential is like,
humanities and you're trying to comment on nuts and bolts stuff. They'll be like, well, you're not an expert. When I think that it's funny that nobody is an expert when it comes to this. Even we think of the most brilliant people, they're an expert in their realm, but they don't know. Do you know what I mean? So the double standard of a man can pop up, say whatever he wants.
and people who'll get a following automatically, whereas a female has to be subject to, oh, she's trying to look a certain way to get through to you, to people or, or she's too sloppy, do your hair. You know, like it always goes back to the look. So I would like to see people kind of actually listen to what we have to say before judging, um, based on the way somebody looks or the fact that they're a female and you did a quick glance of their bio, because I guarantee you some of these people,
that don't put everything on their bio that they actually know. And if you actually ask them, you might learn something about them. Like the same thing with Katie. I'm going to go back to use an example because I've seen you attacked the most recently. And they're like somebody said that you're like mean to experiences. And then it was like Katie has had experiences, but if you would have asked her that you would have known.
Right. And also she's not being too experienced. I'm just saying like there's a whole, the whole double standard of you have to fit these criteria to speak if you're a woman, but if you're a man, you could just show up like whatever and run your mouth and think, I think this, and then people will automatically give you like a thousand like thumbs ups or follows or whatever you're looking forward to, to boost yourself, I guess. Yeah. Well said. I'm trying to not swear. Um,
Yeah, I mean, I think honestly, the one thing that always gets me, this is even outside the UAP community, but it happens here a lot. Stop with the damn mammals. Like, I'm serious. Every, every UFO conference I want to go to, there's the ones I've almost bought tickets to, that I look at it and there's 20 men on your poster. And I'm like, I'm not going.
You know, and that's not to say that those men aren't very qualified or very interesting, but there are a ton of women and I'm not talking about me. I'm not even talking to people in this room necessarily, you know, who have incredible perspectives. And I think as organizers, you know, that's why hats off any, you know, you have to intentionally make a choice.
to make your events more representative. That includes women, that includes people with disabilities, that includes indigenous folks, that includes folks whose first language is in English because there's a lot of UAP experts that are not from the UK and the US.
And I think that if we want to understand what's going on, we're not going to get to a new era of understanding by rehashing the same people over and over and over again. And so I think that's so important. And I'm going to just add one more thing. Someone said this to me yesterday and it pissed me off.
There is a perception, sorry, can you tell I'm passionate? There's a perception that I've had repeated to me on several occasions, that if you're a woman, you automatically have an easier way through in this, this community, that there's so few of us that if you're a woman, you just happen to be given more opportunities or more space. And I call bullshit to that, because I think the women who stick around here are the ones who by default had to develop a very thick skin.
And so for those who see that happening, step in, call it out. Don't let it go. I'm not saying cause more drama, but just shut it down. And I think that's what's really important in these situations.

Exploitation in the UFO Field

I don't want to offend anybody, but my, and I hope that I don't, and I hope no one takes this the wrong way, not in this group, but just anyone listening. My, my biggest, I agree. And I second everything Priscilla and Katie said hands down. And I want to add to that posers and by posers, I mean, people that don't know anything about the field, but they know it's a niche that sells.
And so all of a sudden they get asked to make appearances or they get asked to go do things or they get asked to be a part of these things. And then when asked the serious down to the nuts and bolts questions, they don't know it because all they've done is just googled a couple of things to make a cool Instagram or TikTok account.
you know, I can tell from everybody here from the research I've done with the group here and then my own research, there are legitimate and I say this like so passionately, but truly geeked out people in this field because we've had experiences on the paranormal. I've had paranormal, I've had Bigfoot, I've had all different experiences and it's all led me to where I am today and I'm passionate about it and I love it and I want to carry that torch. It's in my soul and I want my kids to do it. My son knows the Bigfoot call. It's going to happen.
so i just get really mad when i see especially women because they do try and do this to look cute on instagram and they have the little alien doll and they think it's so funny but it's like you know i love what you guys are doing but you're you're not actually doing us any good you're making us look stupid as a female
in the ufology community. And what we're really doing is a lot of behind the scene work that we don't post about. Like if I don't post for a couple of days, it's because I'm swamped with actual UAP work that's coming into my emails and coming into my phone. And these people are just posting like three reels a day of like ridiculous UFO stuff. And it's, I just don't want that anymore.
step aside and let the real people that are doing this hardcore and they really have a passion for it and they really love it and there's an interest for whatever reason, step forward and have a voice and then find another niche, find something else so that the serious women can finally be seen and recognized and put onto these panels in larger locations and be a louder voice for sure.
Agreed. And also, you're all starting to know if you're wrapped. I totally agree with you. And to speak on what you spoke on earlier, I wasn't able to chime in on that. But also changing the algorithm
to what kids are seeing. And even adults, I think, is also having a big effect on just developing as a person. And we need to continually develop as individuals. So I just wanted to chime in on that. And not everybody has the finances to homeskill their kids the way that they want to either. So that's just another thing to speak on later.
Laura, hi. How are you? So glad to see you, by the way. Glad you're here. I think the most important thing right now is we need to have a proper identification program placed out to the public. That's the first thing. We've got so much to do down the line. We need people to know how to properly identify, and we can go down to proper reporting. So let's know what we're looking at first.
then we'll report. Otherwise, our people are going to get inundated with these calls from people describing a satellite and a weather balloon. So I think that that needs to definitely be put into place. And I came from a logistics background. And I think that we go and we need to take our steps in starting to deliver what needs to be done. So that, to me, needs to be done, needs to come forth immediately.
immediately. That's, that's all I have to say on both of those. Wonderful, wonderful views, ladies and Vinnie. I just, this is such a great room to be in. So I appreciate it. And I respect all that you, you all are putting forth towards the subject. So
All of you made some fantastic points there and I'm really glad that you mentioned them because I think sometimes people are afraid to speak out whether that's some females that I've seen online or even people defending them or have been too afraid to
know rattle the horn its nest as it were like I'm just going to scroll past and ignore it and I feel like that's happened too much in the past as well but I've seen more recently people have stepped up to defend especially on Twitter so I think we're getting there I think we're getting there that's for certain and I think more conversations like this should happen across
all kind of podcasts and YouTube channels, I think, and conferences, especially like, you know, Kay, you mentioned so. And don't be afraid to be a voice. Don't be afraid to say it. That's that's a big fear right now. People are so afraid. They're afraid they're going to get backlash or canceled. And it's like, so if you are, you are. Then you know you're doing something right. You've got to be a voice for everybody and put this out there. You just have to. I think at the same time, people do seem to find the right crowd if they
if they just look you know like we we're all here friends we've all you know came from come from different angles and areas and stuff but we found a group where people are respected no matter what aspect of the phenomena they study how they look at it what they think of it you know there are places where people can have disagreements and still be friends um i think we've proved that here today i guess before we finish up i guess a good a good
Question or thing to say is what advice would you give somebody new coming into the the subject as a female or as

Advice for Newcomers in Ufology

a male? But you know I'll go first stand your ground Stand your ground know we know the history do as much reading as possible don't rely on the internet to guide you as far as the real history or your facts and
like dig into true documentations, read books by people that have done this, find out who were kind of the main figures that forged the way to begin with in ufology, study their work and create your own investigative style from there. You don't have to mimic, you don't have to copy, but definitely stand your ground because at first you will be targeted as all different types of things. But if you stand firm in it and
you bring really valid points forward and maybe your own theories, people will start recognizing that you really are taking this seriously and then there will be a nice respect that will follow. So just welcome to this community. You're welcomed by all of us. We definitely will not attack you as some might. We will play nice.
I think listen to your gut, you know, when you're, when you're starting to get to know people, there's going to be red flags that go off at the times and pay attention to them and find a sanity buddy. I mean, I was very lucky in that early on I came in and I made friends with any and a few other people.
I was like, okay, I know I'm with good people who, you know, I'm not saying you're perfect, but you have a good heart. And that's going to matter a lot because when you are banging your head against the wall, you'll be grateful for that. And last but not least, just stay true to who you are. I mean, there's been times when I thought I was going to say things that were going to piss people off and I was going to lose all my followers and whatnot. And the bottom line is it doesn't matter. Just be you. And people are either going to like you or they're not. That's their problem.
And that's where you can kind of make sure that you're at least operating from integrity for yourself. Well said. I second that. Agree with you ladies.

Approaching Ufology with Skepticism and Open Mind

I would say
There's a lot of different movies to watch. Moment of contact is coming out. It was incredibly, it was done incredibly well. A Tear in the Sky, Phenomenology. There's a lot that you can just start by learning from watching these documentaries. And then, yeah, I always come forth as a skeptic, even though I have seen, I'm still skeptical of some videos that I've seen.
I think when you have these more, I think people who are doing the research, getting the scientific data, getting the facts, you will follow their lead and realize, okay, well, there's this kind of novelty side and then we have this very real and serious side that needs to be taken with
some dignity and respect. So, you know,

Promoting Educational Engagement

don't ever feel like a fool or some type of a kook or whatever, because trust me, I mean, I've felt those ways in many different forums. But, you know, yeah, stick to your guns and
You know, we're here to learn. This is this is also informational. I think that that's something that needs to shift in our society is that we do need to see more of videos that are informational, science based, not, you know, all just fun and, you know, cooking shows are great and makeup is fun and all of that fun stuff. But we need kids to be feeding their brains. We need adults to be feeding their brains with something that you're going to learn from and exercise ideas from.
So just keep an open mind. Keep an open mind. We're here for good. We're here for the good. And sorry, I just lost my herpes. Hi, guys. We're here for the good. Just stick it out. Stick it out. We're not leaving.
Yep. Nice. Yeah, I agree with all that. And I would just add, I agree with standing your ground reading more, dig into the documents yourself. There's, there's great resources, you don't even have to go on CIA anymore, you have a couple of great websites that have them all in one spot.
The documentary Steph mentioned, I'm going to be putting out a top 12 must read book list that the book club and I kind of really thought about because we've been wanting to do it for a while. It's going to be a little bit of everything for books. Read the books. When you're looking on the internet, just double check everything. Approach it, like Steph said, a healthy amount of skepticism.
And just, I think the biggest thing that I learned is you have a piece of the puzzle to this, whether you think you do or you not, or you know what I mean, whether you think you do or you don't, you have the piece of the puzzle because I remember when I first started, I would tell a video, I'm like, I don't know, man, I'm just a little fish in the ocean. He's like, stop saying that. Like, you know, like you're just, you know, a fish, you're not a little fish. You know, like, we're all fish, right?

Exploring Space and Ocean Phenomena

whether you're the little boy that saw the light, if you're a Harvard professor that's the boss of astrophysics in the universe, Thanos, whatever, my little housewife on the prairie, like you still saw something and it's real if you're an experiencer and you still have, if you have a passion about this, you have a role to play and it's gonna come to you. No matter how hard I try to stick with all the witchiness,
I always end up back with this UFO stuff, like always goes back to this weirdness. So it's not getting rid of me. I'm not getting rid of it. And we don't want to get rid of you if you care as much as us do. So as much as we do. Exactly. One more thing I want to add. Study the space in the ocean. Yes. And by that study the airspace study, you know, the programs that are out there, SpaceX,
NASA, the different things that are happening that are being interjected into our space, learn about space debris. So if you are using iVision and you will know what each object is, you can actually identify it, learn the programs that you can have on your phone, easy, accessible on your tablet.
you can open it up and actually register and see what is around you at that time, whether it's an airline, you know, there's a bunch of different types of apps. And then also learn the ocean, learn the different sounds, what are natural sounds, what are not natural sounds, learn the vibrations, learn these things. So that way, if you are coming into ufology and someone says something about a pressure system within the sky and it creates a
a different type of, there's actually massive mirages that happen within our own atmosphere in the sky. People think it only happens in deserts, but it happens in the sky with clouds and learn these things. So if somebody comes to you, you actually can say, no, I actually think that's just a cloud formation. Let me explain why. You know, so that you are, like Priscilla was saying, you are an active piece. You are, no matter what you think, you are going to be a huge active piece in this puzzle and we need you. So do the studying. We need that help right now more than ever.

Conclusion and Future Collaborations

Yeah, absolutely. Really well said.
Well, I cannot thank each and every one of you enough. This has been a really, really amazing conversation. I'm so glad we got it arranged and done. And I think we should do a lot more of these in the future by all means.
Yeah, I think that's it really. So everyone in the live chat, thank you all so much as well. It's been so much positivity. That was just really beautiful to see. So thank you. Megan T, thank you for the donation. I really appreciate that. But I just appreciate everybody being here and showing that we can have such a really nice kind hearted community and we're all in it together. So
Yeah, once again, all of you, thank you so much. I'm sure we'll speak soon behind the scenes. Keep up the good work. Every single one of you, you're all doing amazing things. And yeah, that's about it. Whoever's going, I think Priscilla, good look at the weekend, co-hosting the conference with Jay and James and Kelly. I know, Katie, you're going to be there.
and yeah guys that's awesome thank you so much um i'm going to be back in a few days and yeah everyone go and follow all the links for all of these wonderful ladies are in the description below go and follow them across all the social media platforms and everything else for now i think that's it i'll see you on the next one take care goodbye bye everyone thanks many