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Ep. 199 – Crackpots, Cheap Shots, & MK Ultra Flunkies image

Ep. 199 – Crackpots, Cheap Shots, & MK Ultra Flunkies

Growing Up Christian
332 Plays4 months ago

This week we’re joined by Jeremiah to talk about the presidential debate, a self-important, globetrotting nut named Ryan, and Sam and Jeremiah exchange conversational purple nurples because sometimes when a boy likes you and doesn’t know how to show it, he does rude things to you… I can only assume that’s what’s happening there. It was a fun conversation and we hope you enjoy it!


Introduction and Humor in Shooting

i'm not good with them and it's hard to be good with them and that You have to have like ah the scope dialed in, right? Do you think this guy? Yeah, you got to turn the dials. You got to turn the dial soon. Is that what? Dude, just be real. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. OK, tell me how you got excited. I'm just giving you a hard time exciting it in. But like they they exaggerate that in movies because normally like unless there's a bunch of wind or something or and you know your exact distance to target, you're not going to be making a ton of adjustments. Most people. hard to be good with them.
I didn't come as much to saving Private Ryan as you, so it's hard to know exactly that. Most rednecks are going to do exactly this. Most rednecks are going to do exactly this. You guys have crispy-ass boxers due to that scene, and I can tell. They're going to be like, my rifle's sighted in at 200 yards. That looks like it's about 300. I'm just going to aim a little high. That's exactly what almost everybody does. My point is, he's a plebe.

Growing Up Christian: Setting the Tone

This guy, he's a plebe. What does he do?
Hey, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Growing Up Christian. I'm Sam. I'm Casey. I'm Jeremiah. And got we're starting out. We're going to come out swinging because Jeremiah thinks that Trump won the debate. I know last week we were recording. We were recording the night of and we just were just getting taxed after tax from Jeremiah. He's like, are you guys watching this? It's the craziest shit I've ever seen. It's three on one out there.
Yeah, he's he's standing his ground. Oh, it was, dude, you were impressed. And I just want to hear more about that. I think

Trump's Debate and Interviews: Strategy Critique

it's infinite versus one it's the infinite of reality versus one geriatric angry old man.
I think what's become very apparent, and I don't remember if we talked about this on the podcast, Casey, so but I'm not going to get too into it. The Trump Lex Friedman interview. I don't remember if we talked about it. Yeah, i'm tried I've tried to get into Lex Friedman a couple times. I just can't do it. He's the worst interviewer. like he not He's a robot. It's like you created an AI to interview people. But anything that he says, he'll say like, why did you do this thing? And then the person will be like, yeah, actually, I didn't do that. And they'll just go off on some tangent. Lex is like, oh, thanks for clearing that up. like Yeah, he has no pushback. He has no real like.
response to anything. I think one of the best questions to him was like, what do you think is more effective in negotiations? The carrot or the stick? Like that is a stupid question, dude. yeah Like for like a ah real smart like tech bro, you interview like a major idiot.
I think so if you're if you're still at this point asking Trump questions about like how to do good deals because you somehow still think that's a thing that he's ever done. Which I mean it depends on who and that very much defend depends on how you define good deals right because a lot of Trump's deals were good for him I mean, he walked out scot free from a lot of these he might have had to torpedo businesses and colleges that he started but his if you're talking like, did he walk away from that deal and good? That's true. That's true. And this isn't the best deals for himself. That's true. Even plea deals. He's not quite as good. Oh, he would not he wouldn't take a plea deal. No, he didn't. You're right.
Yes true there's one that you can say about trump it's he's too stupid to take a plea deal when federal charges are on the line cuz they only have like a ninety nine point something percent conviction rate for federal charges so oh really it's that.
Oh, well, that well, yeah, the federal government, because they have limited research, like they only charge when they are extremely confident that they will win. Like that's high okay. But that's also why they use that record then to also pressure people to take plea deals. Like so it's a they they don't like going to trial because to be fair, that's extremely expensive and take a very long time and all that stuff. So they pretty much say, like, we're ready to take these charges to trial. If we do, you know, we're going to win because we never don't win.
Wouldn't you like to take a plea? Yeah, which I don't know. Is that scummy? Maybe I also appreciate that they generally law, baby. They don't bring cases unless they're like, oh, no, we can we'll win this one, which ideally is current so is like federal stuff.
ah There's like the state of Georgia eli yeah yeah most because yeah most of it is not federal. Yeah, most of it's not federal. i'll just like Yeah, I got you. But OK, regardless, ah you mentioned geriatric. I was thinking of how when it was like Trump Biden, it wasn't everyone was just like, holy fuck. Biden is old is.

Trump's Legal Challenges and Comparisons

like it was hard to watch and now that he's out you're like, oh my god Trump's actually really old too. It's crazy. I know I always thought he was really old and geriatric It's just by comparison I think I like the quote someone said they were like Trump had the second worst debate performance of all time And you only don't notice that because he was standing next to Biden Yeah, I mean yeah Well, it shows how bad he is, like, the fact that, I think, because Kamala is not very good at that kind of stuff. I mean, that's always been her... I know, I feel like she did good in this one. Like, she's definitely... She did do better on this one than most, I feel like. Yeah. That's traditionally not been a strong suit of hers. Like, off the cuff, you know, unscripted stuff. And he is so bad at it that she just, like, picked away at him. I mean, the guy is imploding. He's...
Oh, God, he's just he was so obvious. She would telegraph. She was like, all right, everybody, I'm going to lay this banana peel in the road right in front of Donald. And then I'm going to point at it to everybody. And I'm going to say, you won't step on this banana. And before the words are out of her mouth, he's like, I'll step on it better than anyone's ever stepped on a banana. She's she's like doing the ah the old school windmill windup before the pitch. People leave his rallies because they're boring. And he's like, no, you didn't.
I was dead for that. That was, it was so funny because again, it's, I think it's a genius strategy. It's just like, cause people have tried Hillary for like, you could say whatever you want about Hillary Clinton. If you go back and rewatch those debates, she was articulate. She was on message the entire time. Like.
She did extremely hateable. Sure. But like, but as far as like who should quote unquote win a debate, she should have won. But Trump was like a different animal. People didn't know how to debate him. He's just coming out like being like, you'll be in prison. Like nobody knows how to talk back to him. So by this point.
But at this point, people have kind of like figured that out, right? And you figured out you can't out bully him. He's just going to over bully you. You can't come up with better nicknames. You can't like make more jokes. He's just that's what he's good at. So I think she did the best thing you can do, which is what's his biggest weakness, his ego. And so she just picked the tiniest little picks at it. And then he did all of the work. Yeah, she just dropped it here and there and he yeah he couldn't not take the bait. i Dude, what you just made me think of one of the most crazy things about the Lex Friedman interview with Trump that I'd forgotten about was Trump is all, he said it it like, oh, they were all like lock her up, lock her up. I didn't want to lock her up. I never said lock her up because I knew that that wouldn't be like
I knew we need to like, create unity, right? Like, and he's just going off on how he never had this idea to lock her up. And it's just like, there are hundreds of videos of you getting a crowd to chant, lock her up. Also, I'm going to put her in prison if you didn't do it. It's like, actually, he tried to and the Justice Department told me like, no, no, sir, that actually is not how that works. He's like, no, no, no, no.
She needs to be in prison. They're like, right, right, right. That is not how it works. And so like his the attorney general had to talk Trump off the ledge about like he can't just put Hillary Clinton in prison. So for anyone who's like, well, he doesn't do all the stuff he talks about. He tried to do a lot of it. He just literally doesn't know how the government works. He was genuinely dumbfounded that when he became president, he couldn't just send people to prison. He was like, what the fuck?
Right. He was like, what country have I been living in this whole time? I feel like I've been able to do literally whatever I want. And you're telling me as president, I can't do literally whatever I want. He bounces a lot of wackadoo crap off the backboard in those meetings, I think.
Oh, I would, I would love to hear the the the minutes from a lot of the meetings that would happen in the Oval Office, the Situation Room. Oh my gosh. Imagine a bunch of like career generals, like the sharpest minds we have trying to brief Trump on a situation and trying to like guide him like a toddler.
Towards the obvious choice. Well, he's like, what if we hollow out the middle of the earth and we move inside there to where the eclipse can't hurt us? And they're like, wow, that's interesting. It's a cool idea. Yeah. Right. Right. That on the blackboard. Here's, here's the what everybody else was kind of talking about. Did you just tell us what she, what she thinks best, but, uh, we were just going to wear glasses and not look directly at the sun.
He's like, well, as the leader of the country, I think I need to set ah an example for. Did you see at the ah the day after the debate was the 9-11 memorial?
And everyone's like, for the moment of silence, everyone's like has their head, like even Rudy Giuliani, who I guess like, even if he was in prison, they would let Rudy out for the night of left of a memorial. Like that kind of makes sense. You know, you can't really be bad about that. But anyway, he's there. And then Trump's just like looking around, just like, where am I? What's going on? He's all of us at youth group when they ask yes ah you to raise your hand if you've accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. Every head bowed, every eye closed. And Trump's just like, what's going on?
While everybody else contemplates how close we came to like burying Giuliani under like 60 feet of rubble. Yeah. And cursing that it didn't happen.
an alternate

Election Controversies: Gore-Bush and Beyond

universe that could have it could' have worked out. Just think what it could they think what would have happened in 2000, just if like a couple extra people in Florida voted, like think of the course of human history, what would have changed? Like any what time someone tells you your vote doesn't count that much, just because like, let's be honest, Al Gore probably won the election. Like it's I don't know that we need to go back and re-litigate that now, but like just to tell different America. I don't know anything about what that means. What do you mean he probably won the election? I mean he won the popular vote. Sounds like divine intervention to me. There was recounts. It was close enough to qualify.
Yeah, yeah, super short, super short recap. Casey, you probably could correct me on some of this if I'm wrong, but like it was close enough in a like a county or a couple counties that it needed to be recounted. that That was close enough that it like turned into a big court case and the state Supreme Court, I believe, ended up calling it for Bush. But there was lots of.
Yeah. And in the meantime, like the the Bush administration, just like they were just like, we're running with the narrative that we want. And they just started preaching. Right. There was a lot of like, we don't, the thing is when you're talking about counts that close, like people are arguing over disqualifying things for every single ballot.
They're drumming up old laws from like the 1700s. Like it gets really nasty when you're that close. And it it was close enough that the state Supreme Court had to make the decision. So like it also Jeb Bush, his brother was the governor of Florida, I believe, at the time. And there's a lot of insinuation. fair And then seriously, yeah, that then nine months later, Bush was like, fuck.
ah And Cheney was like, Same

JD Vance's Political Missteps

thing, but just a lot happier sounding. It must have been such ah such a brain melting event to be like sounding out words in a Dr. Seuss book in front of a bunch of kids and then have them whisper that in your ear. I'd be like, wait a minute, is this about my diet coke I ordered?
Right. This is one of the most, like, I think it's one of the most iconic images in American history of like his eyes getting wider while the guys talking to him. Cause just, yeah, just imagine what funnier situation could you be in to get that news than reading a picture book to children?
But all right so we unless you have Final thoughts Jeremiah on all things Trump debate and wow things I I don't I do go ahead. No, I won't get I won't shift yet. Okay, sorry events to get into but are you trying to say something Casey? Well, I did see some clips today from JD Vance on CNN or whatever he's crumbling, huh?
That guy has never seen a rake. He didn't want to just jump on with both feet. Like, he sucks so bad at this is full Looney Tunes style. My God. Genuinely, every terrible instinct is kind of like a young Biden, honestly. I don't know. young Young Biden had like charisma, though. Like, he had charmed. He charismaticly denied busing. Well, he was way better at selling lies than JD is, I guess. Right.
Right. Yeah, but charisma matters when you're the when you're the vice president, that's basically your whole job is to be charismatic. It's hard to hide the only thing that matters. right Like Tim Walz understands what his job is supposed to be like that man. He knows how to vice president already like I am so looking forward to the debate.
the wave of politics. I think it'll be so fun. I like because it's the vice president debate. Who cares? Right. Like it doesn't matter. But given the two unique characters we have for the vice presidential candidates, I have never cared about a vice president vice presidential debate before now. That's true. That will rip. That'll rip hard. I think this will be way more entertaining and this last debate is going to be hard to top for entertainment. I love that the moderators are like the team at ABC. They thought ahead to be like, we're going to need to call the town of Springfield, Ohio and verify that immigrants aren't eating people's household pets because that is going to come up. Like we need to have this answer locked and loaded because there's a non-zero chance this is going to be set on national television.
Well, so on CNN, I was watching clips of that on, I was like breaking points or do dissidence today or something, but they were, uh, they were showing this clip of CNN interview and JD Vance and they're asking him specifically about that. Cause it's hilarious because.
And a lot of people have made this point already, but they just just like, they should be, there should be a slam dunk on the immigration front for them in this like Springfield, Ohio story. Because there's like several legitimate problems that have sprung up with infrastructure and housing and all of that kind of, stuff yeah you know, ah ah real real things.

Immigration Issues in Springfield, Ohio

But instead they have completely sidelined the whole thing And centered the discussion around whether or not people are actually eating pets like today on this uh When the clip they were showing, you know The the interviewer is trying to pin him down on it because it's kind of clear now that that wasn't actually happening yeah and He's she's like, so, you know, are you able to fully denounce this story is untrue. And he's like, look, this is based on firsthand testimony from my constituents. And and that's who we heard it from. And and look here, the the the problem is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And like the media has turned a blind eye to this immigration issue. And if I have to if I have to make up stories to get the media to care about the plight of everyday Americans, then so be it. And she's like,
Wait, so are you saying that you made this story up? And he's like, I'm saying that it was firsthand accounts from my constituents. And like, you could just watch him sweating. It's like, he's like, oh, daddy's gonna yell at me so much later.
But yeah, I agree with you, Casey, like Springfield's not even a great example, like for what there's the narrative that they're pushing because those are legal immigrants. Like yeah it's it's pretty obvious at this point. I mean, Trump and i by extension, the Republican Party just hates immigrants in general. Not like illegal immigrants was just the way they opened that door. But they hate like all immigrants. It seems pretty obvious they're not making a differentiation between how you got here. It's just if you got here from the wrong country, ah you're bad.
But like, yeah, in Springfield, they're all like they're legal immigrants. They're there on a certain type of visa. I can't i don't remember. But like they're there on the something horrible happened to your country. Stay here for a bit. um And like so they automatically have a lot like everyone knows that Haiti got rocked. Like they've they've really picked probably the most sympathetic group of people. They could then make up an incredibly ridiculous story about like there are much they easier. They do voodoo.
I have that on firsthand account from a family member this weekend that came up. but Did you see Princess and the Frog? I'm like, yeah, that wasn't just doesn't look like that. to sweet She's like, I saw the video. and like i saw a video like Tim Dillon showed a video of a lady eating a cat, but she was an American citizen and clearly like, messed out of her mind. It was clearly a drug-related thing, and she's like, they also, they are really into voodoo.
okay well You got me there. I don't know. but Like it was heartbreaking. Did you did you hear the clip from the um the parents of the kid that was killed in that bus crash like that started this whole thing? um I'm not like, even I don't think I know what you talk I just all know the slightest bit about. so So there was basically just some some unrest in Springfield over the infrastructure stuff Casey mentioned. The school, like the town had been declining. So on the one hand, it's great. Like you have a bunch of new people have moved into a town that was in decline, like a lot of the Midwest. And so now you suddenly have booms in all these areas. Like that's like that's a good thing.
What's not a good thing is they didn't have enough like resources at the school. Their healthcare was getting overwhelmed. like All the problems you'd have if you just added 25% more people to a town in a couple of years. you know So like long term, probably gonna be overall good for them if a lot of these people end up staying, like because they're growing again instead of declining. Short term, there's a lot of legitimate concerns. But it was really just at that point, it was just like people starting to feel irritated. But then there was a a crash.
a year and a half ago where a Haitian immigrant um crossed the yellow line and a school bus swerved to avoid him and went off the road and it hurt like 20 something kids, but an 11 year old boy was ejected from the bus and was killed.
And he was driving without a license too. Right. But like he wasn't drunk. He wasn't on drugs or anything, but like it was an accident, right? Like it's not the fact that he's an immigrant doesn't really seem to be relevant to the accident overall. And he got a job driving a bus with no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He was in another car. The immigrant was in another car.
He crossed the yellow line. The bus swerved to avoid him. Gotcha. um So and which is, you know, obviously that is a tragedy. um But then that's when the like the town council meetings just erupted into racism of like every horrible thing you can think of people saying they were starting to say like and what really sucks. It's so heartbreaking. The the parents of the kid gave a statement like months later and the dad was saying like he wish he wishes It was just some like 60 year old white guy who was driving the car because it doesn't make a difference for his kid and they just the parents are like nauseated that people keep trying to make them angry at the immigrants and trying to use their sons.
story to like hate on these people who the parents obviously have nothing against. like Obviously, I'm sure they're mad at the individual person who swerved, but like they don't hate the immigrant community because of an accident. They understand it was an accident, right? And people are just using it to to like for the worst vitriol you can think of for stuff that like it doesn't appear has ever happened in Springfield. like That's just all it took and people were off to the races.
I think it's just it's the it's an expression of people's like general f Flustration over like economic decline and housing costs going up and stuff and it's just like A lot of that stuff is not easy to to find a convenient like enemy to put your sights on super easy. It's Companies buying private housing in renting it. It's actually very easy to it's not quite that but I mean, yeah, that's legitimately I think this is where it because you and I go back and forth on immigration and stuff, but like Why was 25% of the town like overnight you know Haitian? Because you have like companies locally that know that they can pay those people less and so they encourage more and more and more people to come you know by telling like hire some and you say, hey, you know recruit more of your family members and stuff to come here and everything. like
And ultimately, it's not as straightforward as just being like, well, people are racist, but like, you get a bunch of people into an area, the housing prices go up, you're, you're, you're bringing like immigrant community in. So ah you're actively suppressing wages in that way. And it's, hey, it's nothing but good for the company that's doing all the hiring, like manufacturing and warehousing and all that stuff, you know, it's good for them.
But like for the local community, it's just it adds a lot of stressors and this is just a really ugly way that it manifests i think Right like most of the people in the community have been getting along fine with the Haitian community there it's just it this incident got the Really loud racist folks to be louder and much more openly racist and that's what made it onto national news because they made up some Sensational stories and like that's it's not reflective of Springfield, Ohio overall but We see like a reverse version of this in places like, you know, my buddy lives in Austin, Texas, and people there kind of hate people from California and, you know, Phoenix and stuff like that that have flooded into that city and made housing like completely unaffordable and clogged it up. I mean, you just like the road system there sucks. It's not designed for like the amount of population that they have and stuff. And it's like,
You know, it's kind of it's it's silly to blame that all on like coastal. I blame Joe Rogan. He's partially to blame for sure. But like he's more to blame than your own sorts of things. Only there you don't have like this clear racial scapegoating. Right. That's going on. And it's not necessarily suppressing wages in the same way that it is in other places, in places where there's a high influx of immigrants.
But again, the

Housing Market Dynamics and Challenges

wage suppression, like again, to me, it's a pretty obvious person to be mad at, which is still and still bigger businesses and corporations. They're fucking everything up everywhere. In some ways, but a lot of that is individual people. like We were talking to our um boat captain when I was on vacation a week or so ago. You know how rich and white you sounded just then?
my boat captain okay it wasn't a private boat rental it's the boat we were riding on i know it it's not quite a yacht but like honestly an extra four feet who cares That's a good point. That's a good point. So when I was in the Caribbean ah scuba diving, we were talking to the dive master on the boat we chartered and no we were talking to him about like the economy in St. John. So we were staying in St. John, which is a smaller island. St. Thomas is the one that you would fly into. um You know that that's like the much larger U.S. Virgin Island. So St. John only has a couple thousand people. um It
ah It's very much like tourism and that's it. like There isn't really industry or anything. i mean They have to truck in everything or they have to bring it in on ferries and boats and stuff. and um My brother was talking to the boat captain because my brother lives in a part of Oregon where he as a side gig like cleans vacation rentals and stuff once people are leaving them. and All the houses are owned by like tech bros from Seattle and Portland and stuff that then buy houses on the coast and then they rent them out when they're not there.
When he's cleaning them, does he ever find like cool shit left behind and he gets to keep? Not stuff normally, but he gets a lot of groceries because he also is not shy about it. He's like, well, they probably weren't like licking this tub of butter. Like they've obviously taken butter out of it. Yeah, for sure. tub of butter I stand by that choice. Anything that's left, take it free groceries. Hell yeah. Groceries aren't cheap these days.
But he but like but but that's a he and the boat captain were kind of bonding over this because my brother was saying, like yeah, people want to come out to this rural area of Oregon because um of all these particular reasons. But like it's so hard for people to move out here and keep the economy here running because all of the nicer houses are bought up by these tech bros who want to live in them like two weekends out of the year that they rent them out the rest of the time. So they pay their expenses. But like that money is not really coming back into our economy. It's flowing through our economy.
but it's not coming into it. And the boat captain was saying, yeah, like he makes $32,000 a year, um, like piloting a boat in the, in St. John, which sounds awesome, right? Sounds like a really great place to be, but like him and the selling a lot of money right him and the rest of the dive crew, they're like, we literally do live on tips because rent is 2000 to 3000 bucks here for like a studio apartment. And your utility bills are like five or $600. Um, and like,
There's all cars it's obvious that most people can have one car tops on the island they all cost way more money like they just have very particular small island problems and he said. Almost all of the houses are owned by people who don't live here so the people who need to live here to make the tourism economy work can't afford to live here the people who can afford to live here don't.
So the only money that goes back into the economy is the people who come to stay here for the week. They spend money on some stuff, but like they're not paying taxes on a regular basis for you know for stuff they consume and everything. like they're you know They're going to pay restaurants and they're going to tip their scuba instructor and their boat captain and they're going to do that stuff. But like you know visit visitors are not really contributing to the long-term success of the economy beyond that part of tourism, which is huge for the for the island. but like I don't know that's not a large corporation buying up all those houses it's just like people buying second and third houses and they're like you know it'll make you pay for itself. and like I don't know it's hard to hate on it an individual homeowner who like if we you know if we moved we might keep this house and rented out or something like i don't i have a hard time.
not just because I want to do it, but demonizing people who own like an extra house or two, like that's in a lot of cases, they're not. and individual julie That's not the real problem. I don't think a person, I don't think a person going, I want to relocate and I can't really, I need to keep my house as a landlord. That's not the real problem. I don't think when it comes to housing problems. no I but we heard the same issues like that of like Costa Rica. Oh, sorry, Casey. I think you were frozen for a sec. Oh, whoops. Sorry. Yeah. ah We heard the same thing when we were in Costa Rica. We were up in Monteverde and like the cloud forest. And, you know, it's this kind of hustling, bustling little tourist town. You know, it's so it's totally built on tourism and it's local guides and things like that. You know, and it's interesting because it's ah it's a lot different than
I'm not very internationally traveled, but I did go to Belize at one point. And in Belize, at least at the time when I was there, they had not let like outside companies and stuff come in and buy up businesses or open hotels and things. So everything that's there is kind of like, you know, Belize and business owners and stuff like that, at least to an extent, I'm sure there's ways around all of that too, but the hotels that were there were not, you know, it wasn't Marriott's and things like that, but In, uh, in Costa Rica, you know, we were talking to this guy who was like our guide on this night tour thing. And he was like, he's like, yeah, you know, people are coming here from California and from other places in the U S and they open like, you know, a little, a fancy restaurant and a yoga studio or something like that, buy a little house up here that they rent out for Airbnb and stuff. And he's like, now, like.
You know, all of us native Costa Ricans that work here, they keep the place running. Like we have to commute from like out in the, you know, out in the mountain regions and stuff. You know, you have like a 45 minute or an hour commute because you can't live close to Mesa or, uh, Monteverde anymore. And like, I don't, it's tough because it's like you, that's, you need, like, that's where you need government to protect.
Native interests from that happening because people don't police it on their own. Everybody can, you know, like people can talk all they want about like, you know, um gentrification and stuff, but like individuals do not police themselves very well. Right. You need like a governing body to say like, okay, well, if you if you're not planning to live here, you know, for a certain percentage of the year, then like you can't You can't own a house where you can own a house, but your taxes are going to be way higher. I think the same thing should happen here too, because dude, there's been a lot of land come up for sale around me over the past year and a half here.
And it just keeps going up and up and up to skyrocketing to where it was, you know, like five, 10 years ago. And it's a lot of people from out of state. It's like these people that own, you know, massive amounts of farmland scattered across, you know, multiple states and stuff. And then they come in and they bulldoze all the trees and everything to get like another half bushel of corn out of it than they did before. And it, it drives me crazy. I would yeah would love to see somebody actually like enact something to protect that and He's like, Hey, you you want to, you want to own a bunch of Kansas farmland. Like you need to live in Kansas, you know, but the housing markets also just fucked anyway, because I, I bought my house seven years ago. It's not a big house. I finished the dream in time to buy a house. It was bought by six years ago. Could not a time do better. No, no. So when I bought mine seven years ago, I bought my house for two, like 270. And Massachusetts higher than plenty of other areas, not as high as some but 270. I
forget what my rate was when I bought the house, but then COVID happened. I refinanced. I'm at like fucking two eight. the i'll never That's the fucking golden handcuffs now. I'm never moving. I'm done. I'm going to just leave.
o point four two yeah chey that's but it's seventeen year unless i yeah into so money i'm I don't really have a lot of options in front of me. I just am locked into where I live, but I was, we were thinking we had this idea of like moving,
um And when I look at all the houses in the area, when I look at similar types of houses, when I i talked to a realtor at one point, because we were thinking we were more serious about it until we realized that we weren't, because a fucking 8.3% interest rate was murder, ah because the the housing market's gone up. So it's like, we have like,
We have a great interest rate on a slightly less than $270 loan because we refinanced. And then you're going to go up to over eight on... yeah um Dude, my I could sell my house right now for for like $430 and I bought it seven years ago. That's not okay. there's Everything is wrong with that. Yeah.
And, you know, I live on the i live on a end dirt road in the last house on a dead end dirt road. I have lake rights. There's a lot that's desirable about this location. But to get ah an extra $150,000 for your house in seven years, when interest rates are through the fucking roof, something's fucked up. And that it's just not. But what do you do? I mean, we all just are beholden to it. It's it's a definite bubble.
at some point, it's going to move in the other direction. Luckily, i don't think I don't think you could stack the cards in the same way that it did in like 2004 or whatever during the big, ah the housing market collapse and stuff because those those junk mortgages and stuff like that, that they were selling back then. Like I don't, I don't know a ton about this kind of stuff, but it doesn't seem to me like you can arrange those kinds of deals anymore. So I'm like derivatives and all that crap. No, you definitely, it's harder to do stuff like that. Like I, I think we're, we're not in a housing bubble because of something like that. We're in a housing bubble because of private equity and yeah stuff buying up so much of the real estate and because our current legislation does, does not incentivize people building starter homes anymore.
like starter homes aren't really a thing because part of it is, part of it is it's it's not as profitable for builders. So of course they are pursuing what's more profitable to them and on an individual basis, they're not doing anything wrong, but on a macro basis, obviously that's bad. Also, we're all greedy consumers and people don't want starter homes. They want like people, younger people, I think, get on my, the internet is bad soapbox, but like the idea i' I'm sure you can, each of us could look at our parents and see how they had to hustle at different stages of being younger and poorer to get into something that a lot of people kind of feel entitled to have now. Like starter homes used to be tiny, like 800 square feet, kind of crappy houses. And like, even if those are available, there are some available like in pretty much every town. people don't want to buy them. like They're not tricked out to be that nice. They're not that desirable. They're not in great areas of town. All that's fair, but like people, they want to go for a 2,000 square foot house or a 2,500 square foot house. I think the value of housing, it's definitely dried up and houses have gotten more expensive, but we're just building bigger, more expensive houses. by what My house was 1,180 square feet.
Yeah. And when I bought it, that was like, I honestly, it was like as average as it gets for what you're paying. 1180 square feet. Yeah. $270,000. That was the median in Massachusetts. That's insane. Are you done flexing? That's not a flex. I guarantee you, that's not a flex when you look at my...
We're educators. We work in school systems. I guarantee you, that's not a flex. It's like, how close can we be to house poor without without losing our livelihood? ah it's It's similar to to vehicles as well. like So adjusted for inflation, um even before COVID, because you know there's been a lot of inflation since that, but like even before COVID, adjusted for inflation, cars are not really any more expensive than they ever have been. like Is that fact? That's crazy. I trust you because you're a car guy, but that seems wild.
However, people are not buying the cars that they used to buy. like So cars aren't really any more expensive than they used to be adjusted for inflation, but nobody wants cheap base model okay small cars anymore. They want SUVs. and They want that new Bronco, baby.
But right, like and a new Ford Expedition when they first launched in, yeah I think of that as like a pretty typical mom SUV, right? And so when the Ford Expedition launched in like 97, I think, it's it was $32,000 or something. And the modern equivalent would be like 50 something thousand dollars. Guess how much a new Expedition starts at? And it has way more features and stuff than the old one did.
But now that's like, that's the baseline for a lot of people is a $50,000 vehicle. When you used to be able to get something that the modern equivalent people would be buying like a station wagon or a sedan or something, and they'd be carrying their family just finding that you can still buy plenty of cars for 20 to $25,000. It's just people don't want those cars. And so part of it is as consumers, we've just gotten used to having much nicer stuff like you can buy giant TVs for $500. And you wrote be You can get whatever car rate if you want so you can get like a 80 something month, 84 month car note. and you can like we've We've come up all these ways for people to have the lifestyle that they've wanted to have and it's not sustainable because it incentivizes the creeping ladder of like everybody has to be doing slightly better. if you look at
Our parents, people, our parents age and our grandparents age, like they would have been in way smaller houses and driving like fewer cars and they would have kept them much longer. And like, sure, relative to the cost of living, their wages were a lot higher. Like there were definite advantages. I'm not saying there wasn't, but as consumers, I think we also, our behavior has gotten worse. And part of that is we're paying for that.
Can I,

Consumer Markets: From Cars to Personal Responsibility

can I soapbox for just a second? gotta love them Because Jeremiah just did for 10 minutes. ah Sorry. Sorry. I'm just kidding. Talking about how how much of a savvy real estate investor you are. Yeah. Sam, I'm so sorry. What would you like me to be mad about instead, Sam?
Look, you're just preaching a lot. I feel convicted in the devil on my shoulder. He wants to come to the altar. He's making me push back. Just keep saying your peace, dude. I'm almost there. I'm almost about to get baptized in the holy water of Jeremiah's... All right. I feel like, yeah, no, I feel like we can bail out of this bit and we'll just move to Casey. I think that's probably for the best. Thank you. Thank you.
as much as I would like to see if you can land this plane. I couldn't. I appreciate you. OK, so I can't can't say a whole lot because can't cross streams here. Jeremiah knows what I mean.
um Because you listen to this show, I'm going to tell you something that people don't really aren't talking about like they should. But oh, my God, it's making me angry.
On a, on a, like ah on an every other day basis, it's making me just furious. Okay. A lot of immigrants in Wichita. yeah So I, I deal in automotive, right? I work in the car industry and.
Uh, we do mostly service stuff, but then we also like, we do some used car stuff and things like that. So occasionally we have to deal with i ah stuff like extended warranties and things like that. So I recently was handling a customer claim and it was on a, it was on a mid-sized car, a 2019, it had 75,000 miles on it. Okay.
base price on this car start out on the paperwork and this is all sketched out. Okay. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Was 19.2. Okay. Is it used? Sorry, say get used car? Used car 2019 75,000 miles. Okay. $19,200 is where we start And then they went to the F and I office and these people must have bought every single thing that they sold them and didn't scrutinize any of it. They bought, they bought paint ceramic paint protection. They bought the tire and wheel guarantee package. They bought, uh, some sort of anti theft thing. They bought nitrogen fill for the tires. You know how much they charged and put nitrogen in the tires. How much nitrogen?
$400. Oh my gosh. I had a tire shop. It, uh, Sam, it doesn't make a difference. That's what it does. what is what's f andni It's the finance. It's the, it's where they go. It's where you go they are and they say, well, how much of a payment are you comfortable with? Yeah. The number one question that makes me want to actually commit domestic terrorism. Yup. I know. yeah And rightfully so. Um, these people bought a,
Extended warranty on the vehicle which every guys let me tell you something. There's no margins in cars Not, there's some in used cars. There's no margin. Did they finance all this? So like all these add-ons? Oh, I'm sure. They're paying monthly on essentially, right? I don't think if you were holding a wad of cash, you could in good conscience look at that bill and hand it to them, right? What's the sell for nitrogen? What's the sell for nitrogen tires? I'm sorry to derail, but this is all new shit for me. It's just- It's quieter and more stable.
I had a tire shop once. It doesn't go up and down when you have cold weather. It doesn't matter. That's the answer is it doesn't matter. it's matter um I had a tire shop. $400 to not spend $1.50 in air to put some fucking air in your tires. That's crazy. Five cents. Five cents in electricity of air. i you have a entire shopor I have to go to my local gas station. Oh my gosh, Sam, you can buy an air compressor. like Why are you so mad at people who just don't have the things you have when it comes to cars? You guys are you two are just trying to out-booge each other. These horrible air compressors, Sam, they're $30. You have a boat master or a yacht master? What do you call them? A boat pilot. A boat captain. of The captain of a boat. That's what they're called.
Oh my gosh. And you're giving me shit for not having air compressor. I'm sick of your fucking- Anyway, I want to hear the rest of where Casey's going that there's no margin in in car sales. There's no margins in new cars, okay? They don't make squat on them. All of their margins, all of the money that they make.
comes from these upsell products that they sell, like the extended warranties and the service packages and stuff. you know I recently heard a stat from a company that, there's this company that, I'm not going to say their name, but they just help dealerships and stuff set up like ah oil change promotions.
So the whole deal is like, Hey, if you buy three we make women'll changes at once, you know, you can buy three oil changes for 180 bucks, or you can buy them individually when you come in for service and they're a hundred bucks piece. You know, it makes a ton of sense to buy the package, but 80% of people don't come and get the other ones done or they get one and they forget that they have another one left. So like.
the amount of money that just hangs in the air because nobody comes and redeems the services and stuff is is wild. But this person bought also bought a service contract, which is probably one of the more beneficial things that they bought. At the end of the whole deal, okay this car, which was 19.2 prior to going into the finance office, the the sell price on it was like 27.5.
ah $8,000 in crap, crap. 40% of the car's value in crap. Oh yeah. Like that's money you're never getting back. You are never getting back. And like, I'm going to tell you this, if you want to buy an extended warranty,
And there's reasons to do that, right? Do not just go in and sit down in the office and say like, okay, well, what do you got? Okay, I'll take that. You, we've said this before on this show, nobody is coming to save you from ah exploitation, from bad decisions, from all of these things. like You have to be responsible for yourself. Do not go in there and sign the line on something that you don't understand. If you want an extended warranty, shop some options and look for one. If you've go if you're not shopping really carefully, then buy a Ford extended warranty or a Chrysler extended warranty or something like that. Don't buy these self-financed dealer programs because I'll tell you what happens. I'll tell you what happens.
ah ah Eight months into you buying your car the transmission goes out and you take it back in and they go. Oh, well do You know the trans or you can't do that or this is one of these parts so it doesn't qualify um Yeah, so it's not gonna cover it and you will have to fight tooth and nail you'll have to scream at somebody in their office to get The part paid for that you that you thought you bought a warranty on. Yes. i like I have a story to go. Yeah I have a story to go with that. So when I bought mine, I also have a story to go with that. That's totally unrelated from cars. You go first, Jeremiah. So I have a story to go with it, Sam, to go with no what Casey said. But we're talking about no one's coming to save you from your bad decisions. I am. OK, we'll hand you this phone in a second. I made a bad decision to tell you between you two. So I bought I bought an F 150 like three years ago now and I got
Okay. It was, uh, at the time it was like four years old or something. And, um, it was high enough in miles that the factory warranty had expired like 10, 15,000 miles ago. It was overall in good shape. However, it was the transmission and engine combo that is the least reliable. Like consumer report says this is the year transmission and engine combo.
that you probably want to stay away from. But everything else about it was great and this one was in good condition and it had the right recalls done like out of all the different trucks I was shopping at this was fortunately or unfortunately the best one. So I i bought it from a Ford dealer um and got a an extended warranty because I was like this is a twin turbo engine with a very complicated like transmission and stuff. And like i I don't think I'm capable of working on some of this if it goes wrong. And the truck, for me, it's not a status thing. It's just a tool. like I just needed to do truck stuff. And I don't want to fuss with having to fix it, because I need it to haul my other broken cars around. Into your race cars. Exactly. So I got this in warranty, which is theoretically, like Casey said, get one through Ford. It's the easy care.
Ford promoted whatever extended warranty, there's the Ford logo on the paperwork. It just sounds so funny already. But I got the version that was like, this covers absolutely everything except tires and oil changes and stuff. Well, no, I liked it because the coverage level was, if it doesn't explicitly say something about it on here, it's covered. So I was like,
That is much better. Um, and because it was a used vehicle and I didn't get it for a super long period of time, the warranty, like it wasn't that bad. So I got it. And, uh, the warranty is going to be up in about a month and they have paid for every dime that I paid for that warranty. I have gotten back, but like Casey, what Casey said is true. I've had, had a lot of conversations with the service department about like.
Okay, you said this particular thing wasn't covered. However, please join me in reading through the warranty together. Let's read it together. You see where it says, duh, duh, duh, duh. And every time they're like, oh, you're so right. Oh yeah, that's, that's a good point. I misunderstood or I've duh, duh, duh, duh. Like, and I think the people at the dealership, honestly, they do seem like perfectly decent people. I think they just don't care to get that deep into the weeds of what particular package you have for what particular vehicle. The people at the bottom must be told that in general, it doesn't work. And then if someone proves it to you, you have to go, Oh, I see what you're saying. Probably. But I, I'm, I'm excited because I got it back after it had a a breakage earlier this, um, the summer that, you know, 2,500 bucks of stuff was covered. Um, I had to pay like 500 bucks out of pocket. The truck is back and the transmissions clunking and the transmissions on this generation of trucks are the ones, I don't know if you know about these Casey, but like,
This is the problem that these F-150s and F-250s and F-350s and Silverados and basically like it's a GM and Ford co-developed transmission and the 10R80s, they just have problems. They all go bad. And then apparently Ford like switched up their design a couple of years later and it largely got better, supposedly. But I'm like, this thing's clunking. I've made an appointment for actually this Thursday. I drop it off and I'm like, this thing better clunk while it's there. Like if I have to drive it over a culvert on the way over there, like,
This thing, it needs to be having problems because I got one month of warning left, baby. You're about to crash. You're about to put sugar in the gas tank just to test that warranty out. No, I think, depending on when this is resolved, I'm going to sell it and I'm getting a Toyota. I'm getting a used Sequoia. I'm tired of this. It's objectively a great truck, but even with the warranty, I'm just tired of dealing with having to drop it off and pick it back up anytime. That's annoying. Those bigger pairs are not fun to deal with no matter what. They had it for a month and a half.
For that last one. I'm just shy of 200 miles on my civic and. 200,000? Did I say 200, I said 200 miles, 200,000 miles. Okay, okay. On my civic, just shy, like a few thousand miles shy. And I have never once brought it in for any work.
Not once. So it's so call look different that way for some people that are Honda fit as 275,000 miles on it. I had to open up the valve cover, do a valve job, the cleanest 275,000 mile engine I've ever seen. And you can just redline it. You beat the crap out of it. It doesn't care. Mine's not aware. That's a problem. ever The the body looks like shit. I've made some mistakes driving it in parking garages with giant cement pylons that I didn't see in my blind spot. It doesn't look good. My car looks awful at this point, but 2011. Yeah, 2011. It's ah but that I'm going to drive it to the wheels, fall off. It does need I does seemingly need some work right now, but ah it's not a civic essay, is it?
Dude, you're asking what? I don't know. Okay, it doesn't have a stick. It doesn't. Okay, then I'm not interested. Honestly, I'm actually angry at you right now for looking at me right now and asking- No, no. That's like the sporty one.
Yeah, Sam, I saw like the little sport version. Yeah, it's a slightly sporty one. The reason I asked the SIs only come with manuals. I was just trying to determine if it had one. You could drive a manual. What do you think? I looked so down on you that I don't think you'd be capable of driving a manual. I mean, we've had enough conversations where it should be clear. And so now I'm actually just mad that you don't know me as well as you should. That's all the things I've said. That's fair. That's fair. Because if you had a manual, you would have been griping about it at some point of how much extra work it is to drive or something. yeah Oh, I can't I can't eat and look at my phone and drive with my knee at the same time. This is bullshit. I just got a ah manual Bronco and I don't know if that's a vehicle that needed to be a manual, but the crawler gear is really good for like drive throughs.
I don't know what that means, but I know the new Broncos are dope. So I creep right over top of the car in front of you. All right. Exactly. I want to tell you guys I'm shifting topics and we never even got into some new bitch trying to shoot Trump. But wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Sam, what about your story that goes along? That's what I'm going to say. I'm going to do this one quick because I made a mistake. I'm going to accept responsible. Actually, I'm not going to accept responsibility. I'm going to issue a charge back with my credit card company. But that's besides the point. I had been working with a shattered phone. Fully fucking shattered. Two years. Because I'm a cheap bitch. I don't like spending money. My phone's been paid off. I didn't even want to pay the $100 claim to get a new version of the phone I had. But finally, I decided... Did you wait? Did you have an extended warranty on your phone? No, I had nothing. I decided I wanted a new phone. I was working on a Galaxy Note 10.
And I never really liked that phone to begin with, but it was paid off. I didn't i just didn't want a phone payment. Um, so I, it's been almost two years since since I like fully fucking shattered the front screen. It almost looks like somebody just like took a po a knife and just smashed into the front of it because there was such a big gouge out of the glass. Did you ever go ask a phone repair place, like what it would cost to put a new screen on it?
Nope, because I just don't, i I don't, I just can't be bothered. but Yeah. like Okay, good. Great. We finally landed on the real, on the real answer. i don't I never, but finally I wanted a new phone. So I was like, all right, I'm going to, cause the front and back of the glass shattered.
Right. So a hundred bucks. They I make a claim because I have insurance. I just didn't use it. A hundred bucks. They send me a brand new note ten. And the reason I did that was to get the upgrade because I can get five hundred dollars for a brand new note ten. So minus the one hundred four hundred bucks off a new phone. Cool. That's like that works. um So I get the new one. It gets mailed to me. I have to mail the my shattered ass one back.
so when i get the new one i go in to i have t-mobile i go and get the phone i want pixel 9 i decided to go the pixel 9 solid ass phone love it t-mobile do they have to hand it to you in one of those like the little tray that slides underneath the glass It's T-Mobile holds their own these days, man. i got sam Sam lives in an area where he can choose from different phone providers, like he's just up in his lap of luxury being like, T-Mobile is a perfectly legitimate way to get your cell phone signal.
it It's weird that it's not for you because I feel like I actually live in an area where it shouldn't work, but I, okay. So got my new phone and then I transferred all the data from my, like, so I never even turned on the new phone. I just went to T-Mobile. I go, I'm trading this phone in.
They gave me my new phone, I got home, I transferred the data from my shattered ass phone to my new phone, and then I had to mail my old one back. hu I had what I understood based on the information provided to me to be 10 days to send it back. But because it took me a little while to get to a T-Mobile carrier, I was like- Because you couldn't be bothered, right? i'm Because i didn't have time i have kids and shit man go, oh, oh i'm sorry i didn't know if this was a couldn't be bothered or this was there's no okay because i really can't be bothered to do a lot of things ah i Am on day 10 i put this shit in the prepaid box with the the pre the box of the prepaid label put it in and tape that shit up, write my return address on it. It's USPS. I put it in my mailbox, put my little flag up, come home, boom, flags down, package is gone. Three days ago, I got an email that my phone that I'm sending back has not been scanned in to any system anywhere. And I am liable for the full cost of that stupid fucking piece of shit phone.
I've I spent three hours on the phone with my with the company that I had to file my claim with with the fucking USPS, which is not I don't they don't I don't think they have a real 1-800 of USPS. There's no point in talking to anybody ever there. And I think they just burn one in 10 packages. They probably do. And this new move of like, I think it's DHL.
like It's a USPS thing, but what that means is that they send it to another company and that company deals with the actual return. so it's like You know when you ship, you could ship ah us s you could ship UPS, but USPS does the final right like the final leg.
It's like that, but you ship it USPS and then they put all that shit in a bag and send it off to another company and that company sends everything else to where it needs to go.
So somehow because you haven't, you nobody scanned the postage thing on your account? Their assumption is that I got a brand new phone and thought it was worth keeping a broken ass phone.
for no reason other than to just lie and say I never sent it back so that I could be charged the full price of a phone and have no benefit. There's no benefit to lying about this, but they go, you can go ahead and fuck yourself. We're going to charge you $1,000 for this phone. You've never been a crackhead before ah because there's a lot of good reasons to get a brand new phone that you have Right, but the idea would be and if I got the brand new phone and sent back my old phone, I could sell the brand new phone for an actual dollar value.
Right, right. But then you just give them a fake payment card and then maybe your old phone wasn't broken to start with. It's not worth it if I don't send back the old phone because then I'm charged full price for the new phone. No, no, I understand the problem Sam. I'm saying you're saying why would anyone ever try to scam the system? I'm saying have you ever met people? Of course they do. Sure.
Sure people people are idiots some idiot. I don't even know how I could if I kept my old phone I guess I could get my screen repaired for a $200 front and back and camera You and you feel that T-Mobile is really thinking though the logic behind it's not even T-Mobile to show up T-Mobile subcontracts their insurance plans. So it's not even T-Mobile. Otherwise, when I went to T-Mobile, I was like, how about you take my broken phone, deduct the $100 and deal with the insurance claim yourself. And they said, we actually can't do that because it's a totally separate company. So my new plan is they know you'll wait till the last day, put it in the phone.
No, no, no, here's what fucking pisses me the fuck off, though, is I'm on the phone with the insurance company and they go, like, I know it says you have 10 days, but you actually have 40 to, like, actually 100, 40 to about 100 days. I have that in writing 40 to 100 days before they actually charge you. And I'm like, then don't tell people 10 so they don't just throw their shit in their fucking mailbox like a frog with an M80 up its ass and I mean, 10, it's almost, almost two weeks, Sam. That's a pretty decent amount of time to put something in a mailbox. not almost a Yeah, dude. I need a cut right now, Jeremiah, and I'm not going to stand for it.
i just i just buy back you understand what I literally just did a headphone upgrade where I traded my old Galaxy Buds for a new set of Galaxy Buds and I just took it to a UPS store and handed it in. And for that actual reason, that exact reason, Sam, I have them scan it right when I hand it in. But here's why I have zero respect for you in the story You just told me is that you can do whatever you want. Whatever you want. You have fucking race car money, dude You go race carring on the fucking weekends. I have kids and shit. I have I'm in fucking grad school. Okay so i don't but off right now like Across the country to like jerk off in front of my with chemical romance like next month or something and I spent a year and a half paying this shit off and still regret it so I
But you're you're not looking forward to going to when we were young? I just hate spending money more than I like doing things. Oh, yeah. Okay. I respect that. yeah But I- 10 days. It was a long weekend. Look, I'm just saying.
faces just on the cars. and Also, i need I had to get my new phone, I had to find time to go to T mobile, waste time with people who don't know what they're doing when they're upgrading your phone, get home, and then transfer all my data to a new phone and then put my shit in the mailbox. And I did it in time.
But my fucking UPS driver, of USPS person didn't scan their shit. And now I'm on the hook for 1000 bucks. ah And I'm going to issue a charge back with my credit card company. You should you should especially because you can give them the quote of like, have they actually put the charge in yet?
No, they will probably in about 40 business days. so The package might get scanned. It might get scanned. I don't know. It's been about four weeks. Oh, this isn't this didn't just happen. oh No, this happened. oh that the Well, the day after Labor Day is when I sent that package back.
So even if it doesn't get scanned in, it might get um it might get scanned when it reaches its destination. I had that happen before with a return for something where- I will believe in God again, if that happens. I dropped it off at a at a at a post office and then it never, the same thing, it never got scanned in. So I was talking to the company and they were like, well, have you talked to that post office? I went back, yeah, of course I talked to them. They're like, we put it in the bin, like in the bin with all the other packages. And like, yeah, they're not lying. It's like,
i They don't remember my package from three weeks ago. Like, who knows? They put it behind the counter with all the other packages and trying to convince this company. And they were like, look, we don't see it anywhere. Like no one was being jerks, but they were like, you're telling us you mailed this thing. We don't have it. And then it it showed up like a week after that. And it just had never been scanned at any point in the journey. And it was like the most ah frustrating things. I'm like, nobody at any point.
did what they were supposed to do with this thing and then it just magically shows up one day. I'm glad it showed up. iating but yeah i I did my USPS driver. Oh no. I was like, hey, look, I put it ah put a box in the mail and it never got, what's what's the protocol there? And she's like, I always take them out and scan it. I was like, it looks like you didn't actually though. And she was like, okay. I'm like, I'm on the hook for $1,000 right now and it's because you didn't scan my box. And she's like, I don't know what to tell you. I always scan the boxes. I was like, you didn't scan the box.
It's probably her fault. This sounds like a curb your enthusiasm. Oh my god. Wouldn't it be great if the corporate America had that big? You could make an entire episode on this. Like an international no-fly list of just like, Karens. Like, this guy scams and schemes. Don't give him squat.
but You're on the the the the clear skies list like Tulsi Gavrick. And the reason I trusted the system was because about eight weeks ago my wife put in a claim because her phone was broken and she wanted to do the upgrade. Same thing. Same company.
Put it in the mailbox, they took it, they scanned it, all good. I go, I can trust them. And they go, fuck this guy. Why are both of your phones broken? I feel like I didn't ask wanting a response. I just wanted to tee up my next thing. I feel like Casey will be able to empathize with me on this, not Sam, obviously. I've never broken a phone screen. Casey, have you ever? I literally ran over my iPad with a Jeep.
i did i did I did break an iPad. I broke an iPad. um This is when I was way too young and too poor to break an iPad. I'd recently got married. My ring, when I used to wear it, was tungsten carbide. And I was drumming my fingers on the side of an iPad. It was like an iPad Gen 2. And the ring dink right on the edge of the tempered glass and it just spider webbed the whole glass.
And I was

Trump Assassination Attempt and Gun Culture

just like, oh no, that what have I done? I think my wife has broken every screen of every device she's ever gotten within the first week of getting it. I'm pretty hard on them too. and I just buy them on Amazon or whatever and just slap a new one on there. Yeah. I, I, I normally buy used phones. It's only my last like two phones. I think I've been new, but normally I just buy used ones and I'd use them. And then I don't know. I, I use them more. And then I flip them and I just, I've never, I've never had one long enough to break maybe, but I have, I have one that has a crack in it, but that was from being dunked in the ocean and then getting dried out. And then the sun like it cracked in the sun. So I don't know. Maybe that counts. I still hold you personally responsible for that.
Thank you. You're welcome. I believe in personal responsibility. That's the party that I stand with. I don't... But you just couldn't get to the mailbox, which I presume is on your property, right? I was personally responsible. It's the USPS that doesn't have integrity. You know, it's just a net it's just a human thing to outsource blame. It's just a thing that we all do. so i i feel Sam sits here with his pretty fresh-looking tattoos on his arms,
bitch and at fresh Bitching at me, just because I you know own my own phone and have boat captain money. He cashed out his 401k. There's only one person here. yeah There's only one person here disclosed the cost of their house back in 2000. Yeah, my my house was minus seven years ago. 2017.
ah My house was cheaper than yours, but I live in a cheaper cost of living in Virginia. yeah like The hilarious thing is you make more money than I do too. I love that. Well, that's the thing though is like you were talking about houses going up in value. Like I don't know if we would have bought our existing house now. Like if we had to buy it for this prices with these interest rates, like could we technically afford it? Yeah. But we like our, our margin of safety would be way tighter yeah than it was back. when We bought it like that. It doesn't feel fair. I really feel for like the Gen Z people I have working for me, like I don't know how they're supposed to do it.
It's rough. I look at people who are under like 30 and they go, you're never going to enjoy the life that people over 30 know if they got in at the right time. Right. The boomers are dying. Like, I mean, we just, you know, it's the patience game. They're not going to enjoy it right at the same time we did, but they'll be able to enjoy it later. Later. there One in particular just can't seem to die.
oh Wow, what a good what a good way. Yeah, I know you have something for us and we should probably switch focus What do you got? We have to we have to at least talk about this for a second. But uh, yeah, there's another Attempted assassination. Oh, I know that Donald J. Trump It's getting so annoying that people keep trying to do this. God, dude the the the shooter is Gary Busey. He looks a lot like him. He looks like Gary Busey. Like a meth doubt Gary Busey, gaunt as fuck. Yeah, he looks like he put Gary Busey and Charles McBride into like one of those like, what's my baby gonna look like things? I saw the story you posted on our Instagram page. It's like, sorry, Charles McBride, that your dad got arrested or some shit.
So um there's not like, there's more and more info info coming out about this guy, which this is going to be really fun, I think, because dude, he is like prime conspiracy theory bait. Yeah, like he's a total lunatic that's been all over the place. And I mean, clearly,
Delusions of grandeur going on there. Yeah, for sure. It seems it. It's actually funny now, like reading some of the stuff that he's done, knowing that he's just like a nobody that wasn't qualified. Yeah. So this guy's name is what, Ryan or Messiah complex is the right way to say it. God, I'm blanking on his name now, but.
Uh, Ryan Wesley Ruth is, uh, or Ralph, I'm not sure which, but he's the guy that the, uh, the FBI took down what yesterday, I think. Right. Uh,
He was planning on taking a pot shot at Trump while he was out on the golf course in South Florida. And I thought it was at Mar-a-Lago. Apparently it wasn't at Mar-a-Lago, but it was real close to there. A lot of the reports said Mar-a-Lago, so that's. I think he's staying at Mar-a-Lago and this is just like one of the 300 million golf courses on the, you know, in Florida. Okay. He apparently.
Jeremiah, I've seen some conflicting reports on this, but it sounds like, according to InfoWars, the gun that he was staking it out with. Not a good lead-in, dude.
He had an SKS with a scope on it, apparently. Oh boy. Oh no. And he was, ah I mean, they said he was like 400 yards from Trump. He wasn't within direct line of sight from him at the time that he was arrested. He was like waiting to see, pursuite like we're assuming he was there to kill Trump.
um Like, I guess he would have waited until he wandered into view. Like I'm, I'm not trying to second guess this guy's master plan. It doesn't really seem like the plan was super well thought out. Like it's just hide on the golf course. no heing Yeah. See what happens. I think it's safe to assume he was trying to kill Trump and not like the my pillow guy or whoever. probably had him for
But, uh, an SKS is like a Russian slash Eastern European Soviet block military rifle. It's like a big heavy semi auto rifle. And when I was younger, there's a lot of like surplus military rifles that used to be so cheap. Like I bought an SKS at one point at an auction for like 130 bucks. Yeah.
And there's people, if you talk to older guys, they are, they bought them for less than a hundred at one point, you know, cause they just got shipped over in big containers, you know, all coded in well, whatever that stuff's called. amlarax No Like this, this is like grease. They pack them in that keeps them like, you can unbox, uh, unbox like some rifles that were packed up after world war two and they would look basically brand new. They just pack them in this grease and then like wrapping paper stuff called stock.
Tourmaline or yeah, I know what you're talking about. lean and No one who listens to this podcast is going to care. Yeah. Not exactly the rifle that you would want to try to make a 400 yard shot with. I mean, I'm assuming he was going to wait until he was closer, but I don't know what the with the scope. I feel like that that's not a bad choice. This is just talking theoretically. f Yeah. Scopes are weird. Not that I know shit about shit when it comes to guns, but all I know is that I'm not good with them and it's hard to be good with them.
and that you have to have like ah the scope dialed in, right? Do you think this guy- Yeah, you gotta turn the dials. You gotta turn the dials, Sam. Dude, just be real. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. Okay. Tell me how- I was just giving you a hard time. It's citing it in, but like they hope they exaggerate that in movies, because normally, like unless there's a bunch of wind or something, or and you know your exact distance to target, you're not gonna be making a ton of adjustments. Most people,
I didn't come as much as Saving Private Ryan as you, so it's hard to know exactly that. Most rednecks are going to do exactly this. Most rednecks are going to do exactly this. Most rednecks are going to do exactly this. Most rednecks are going to They're gonna be like, my rifle's sighted in at 200 yards. That looks like it's about 300. I'm just gonna do exactly this. aim a little high. That's exactly Most rednecks are going to do exactly this. what almost everybody does. My point is, he's a plebe. Most rednecks This guy, he's a plebe. What is he doing? I know he wants to, are going to do exactly this. he wants to be a badass. He goes to fucking, we'll get into it, I'm sure, Casey, but wants to like fight for the Ukraine, for Ukraine, sorry, the Ukrainians. I learned my lesson when we had
Charles McBride on, I didn't mean to misspeak there. It's just, it's so hard to shoot from a long distance. I don't care if you have a scope. And I don't believe for a second, this guy has the practice that he needs to be able to like nail a shot like this. Well, not 400 yards. I can't make it 400. I can't make a 300 yard shot. 400. What did you say? How many, how far away was he ish? Supposedly 400 yards. was that Okay. and nice saw guys That's insane. Well, yeah. And like the media is so annoying about stuff when it comes to guns, because even like after the last assassination attempt, I read this article by this guy and he was like, you know, the M4 AR-15 rifle fool is basically basically like making the case that like this is a gun designed to compensate for a bad shooter. It basically does the shooting for you. and it many yeah
ah right Like, ah, I guess you're, uh, you've never target shot before. Okay. I don't, that's not even a thing unless it's like, well, no, no. I mean, if you, a, a well set up gun with a really good, like dot scope on it, that's well-sided, it can feel like it's doing half the work for you, but you still have to be like a, a moderately competent shooter. yeah And at the end of the day, there's no call of duty auto play him here.
ewing in Yeah, for him to like install double lot gauges in Trump's ear at like 150 yards. still a Pretty impressive shot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, so this guy, he's, ah but he's a whack job. So like they they were, they've dug up a bunch of tweets and stuff from him, like,
he He's all over the map, but mostly kind of on the liberal side. I mean, that seems to be like where most of his tweets are. But finally, liberals are picking up their guns and fighting back. Let's give it to him. I'm just thinking exactly the A team that they're recruiting, though. But I'm sick of people being like, oh, it's go liberal. We know we know the other side has been like hoarding guns for decades, waiting for their moment. And it's just nice that liberals are finally ready to fucking commit.
to the game. Let's go. Let's go pick up the guns. Forget about this, like, in case you own this shit. ah Yeah, I don't know if I'm going to cosign this, but go you got it. Go ahead, man. It's a bit, dude. It's a bit been pussies forever also a bit. I think all liberals talk about all the time is about how like white supremacists and, you know, nut job right wingers are going to stage another coup or something like that. And yet they don't.
It's like, you guys you guys ought to buy guns if you're if you think that's true. You should arm yourself instead of just being like ah some warlord's gimp after the fact.
They don't want to be part of the problem unless it is about like renting out your house in the right neighborhood. Maybe then they'll be part of that problem. Who's that movie with like ah James Franco and and Danny McBride and stuff where they were like playing themselves basically and it was.
Supposed to be like armageddon. Oh, it's the end into the effing world. Is that what it was called? No, this is the end. No, this is the end. Okay. Yeah. And he comes out, Danny McBride comes out at the end and he's got, uh, Channing Tatum in a gimp suit. Yeah, that was great. What a great scene. That's a long journey we went on.
ah So this, but this guy's like posts or, I mean, he's tweeting directly at like Zelensky. He's tweeting at Kim Jong Un. He's tweeting at like, I mean, he just clearly like, yeah there was a tweet that I saw a second ago that he did towards Kim Jong Un that was like hilarious. And he has Twitter or X or whatever. It's hilarious that Kim Jong Un is using that.
Yeah. ah Well, I mean, I guess he must be, but. Oh, is he untruth social? Oh, okay. Here it is. Here it is. Ruth also displayed a sense of self-importance and messages to world leaders as early as 2020, when he reportedly tweeted at kim North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. In one tweet, Ruth wrote, quote, I would like to invite you to Hawaii for vacation. We would love to have you here and entertain you. I am a leader here and can arrange the whole trip. Please come.
ah wow that's not That's not the dumbest tweet about the assassination. The dumbest one is from Elon Musk who tweeted, and no one's even trying to assassinate Biden or Kamala. yeah He's another one. he Just looking for ranks all day long.
yeah that's a That's almost as bad as is his ah tweets to Taylor Swift last week. du I hate Taylor Swift. No, not not trump's Trump's tweets. Those were pretty funny. I mean, Elon's tweets to Taylor Swift. You see that? Oh, I saw something about that. So Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala. Yeah, she endorsed Kamala after the debate and she did it in a pretty like.
respectful way. Like she you she talked about like regardless of who you're voting for, it's important to do your civic duty, da, da, da. As for herself, she's going to be voting for Kamala. She promoted like registering to vote. Like as far as celebrity endorsements go, it was about as vanilla as you could possibly expect, except she is debatably the most famous person in the world. Yeah. And so 500000 clicks on the link that she posted to the voting website. Yeah, it's crazy.
Elon Musk tweeted in response to that, okay, Taylor, you win. I will like give you my babies and take care of you and your cats and like, with you, like, come here, come here, famous woman. I will give you my seat. And then within a day or two later, Trump is, I guess, anger tweeting from the toilet at 2 a.m. I hate Taylor Swift. Elon's kind of the, he's kind of of that Epstein ilk where he's got like a,
You know a stable of young lasses that he's trying to you know repopulate south texas with or something like that yeah but it doesn't feel like he's like. For a guy who's so obsessed with this idea of like greatness it doesn't feel like he's like doing IQ test on the women he tries to breed you know.
You'd think he would be one of those weirdly calculated people of like, Oh, the CEO of this guy. Like, well, it turns out he's, an and and people are too smart. Right. It turns turns out warren though, when people are just, just smart enough, they don't want to fuck Elon Musk anymore. It's weird. right Like it turns out he's, when you're a narcissist, you don't actually think about a lot of those details. yeah Dude I have the same I'm like a I built just like Elon Musk I think I have the like Slubby rectangle build where I'm just like I'm just like shoulders with two little sticks coming out the bottom You look like a cybertruck He modeled the cybertruck after his own weird torso
I keep being to posted on our Instagram. i I have a compilation of pictures of cyber trucks I've seen in the wild over the past year. yeah It's never good. You go. Oh, it's crazy. Like I'm in an area where only one person probably owns one of these and I saw them. And now I know who the dumbest fucking person is in this area is. Someone near someone near us got one and they wrapped it like a mustardy color.
Which is like the only way I think you can make that truck look worse is make it like a weird, pukey yellow. Yeah, because it's only in silver, isn't it? Yeah, it's only because it's stainless steel. How else would it rust going through a car wash?
nicepi ah it's god It's not a great car. It is not. So, uh, our boy here though, Mr.

Routh's Ukraine Adventure and Conspiracy Theories

Routh, he, uh, he got really into the war in Ukraine. Yeah. Like he's just like, a he's a perfect example of like how dummies look at foreign policy and, and international thing, like where he, and he's he dude, he got interviewed by several different organizations in Ukraine. He actually went to Ukraine after like talking about how he would fight and die for.
for Ukrainian freedom and this and that. ah did Did an interview with Semaphore, did an interview with a couple other organizations and stuff, media outlets. The one that's making the rounds where he's talking about like why he's there, he's wearing like this really gaudy American flag shirt. And then he has his hair split down the middle, dyed blue and yellow.
Like the Ukrainian flag yeah he claims that he's good. He's the head of an organization. That's there to recruit foreign fighters to join the Ukrainian military Okay, she's wild like what nation like who?
I just can't imagine any conflict in which they're like, Hey, by the way, if you like really agree with where we're at, if you're from any other country, you should join our fight. ah know that's That's actually, that's actually a pretty common thing that's happened tons of times. Really? Yeah. Guess I'm done. Explain to me have nothing to live for.
Yeah, I mean, that's it. And there's always been like contractors and stuff in war like it's military contractors. are different Yeah, know but I'm saying but but like more like freelance stuff, like a lot of wars have done that. I mean, like, again, we're also talking the history of war. It's only been modern for a very short period of time. like Civilians being like. I will go to this country to fight for these people's rights even though I'm a citizen of this country. Fight for the rights or like it's an opportunity to go fight and have adventure. I don't know the fight for rights thing like people have gone to war for a lot of reasons over the years and ended not a lot of them. Individuals outside of military contracting companies?
Yes. There were, there were, there's like, there was a rash of Americans that like went to Ukraine to fight for the Ukrainian freedom. I don't think it's a huge number of people, but it is a like really substantial. Like it seems like, but Oh, I'm sorry. or Well, cause they, cause they want to fight. I mean, that's, that's crazy.
Like it has to be more than twelve like cartoonish, Disney-fied Star Wars movie that's been pitched to them by CNN and whoever else. Not that it's two world powers like like playing chess with a bunch of like Eastern Europeans lives.
i I don't know. Dude, and like, listen to this guy talk about it. I mean, that's what he says, basic. He's like, you know, the he looks insane. And they're like, so what are what exactly, you know, brought you here? And he's like, well, I mean, you know, other conflicts around the world are gray and stuff. But you know, this one is just completely black and white. It's just good versus evil. And, you know, and that the Ukrainian government was Probably, I mean, they never accepted his help. And it seems like they didn't exactly give him a lot of time of day over there. I mean, he had some low level meetings by the looks of it, but, but he really planted his flag in this group of with this group of like Afghan commandos that wanted to join and and fight. And I don't, he didn't secure like a single visa, but he also said some like really weird things about like, uh,
You know, he claimed that he had orchestrated the delivery of like 120 drones. um Oh yeah, here we go. Okay. So go ahead according to a GoFundMe page posted by Ralph's fiance, Kathleen Shafer, which I haven't dug into her yet, but I'm sure she's pretty cool too. so Traveled to the country in April, 2022, photos Gia located by CNN show, Ralph posing with the pro Ukrainian signs, as well as a large number of drones at Kiev's maiden square.
My Don Square, my bad. The GoFundMe page, which has since been taken down, raised $1,865 of its $2,500 goal, which Shafer wrote would go toward tactical gear, lodging and supplies needed for volunteers. The routes had already arranged for delivery of 120 drones to the front line, though CNN could not verify those claims. Like, of course of course not.
yeah Like, it's just the whole thing's like bizarre. And I don't know, I just feel like there's so many conspiracy theories brewing right now about who this guy was. And like the last kid was weird enough as it was. I mean, he looked like he looked like an MK ultra dropout. Yeah, it's crazy that he's old enough to have more of a backstory for people to let his lore. Yeah, that's all it was a little bit of age and some like a few fucked up things he did in your past. But what this guy also like, i I think you were telling me Casey, he has like, he's been convicted of having weapons of mass destruction. What the fuck is that? Yeah, so I didn't get the full like rundown on exactly what happened. But whatever it was, it ended up I think it it I think this was in like 2002.
But it ended with him barricaded inside of his house with a fully automatic AK-47. And he ended up like charged with, right yeah. Yeah. And he, he ended up getting arrested. I don't know if yeah they actually like exchanged fire or whatever, but because of that fully automatic gun, he went, he, he got like a possession of weapon of mass destruction charge. Wow.
yeah you know like What's happening to him now because he's been charged with ah Possessing a firearm as a convicted felon and possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number So I guess he took a lot. She dreamt old is a SKS receiver what's crazy about that though is like most people are afraid of like a you know your normal everyday average american potential problems like i had one too many beers i have a dui and it ruined my life and i go to jail like ah you get in a little fight and things get out of control and now you're on trial for manslaughter like i'm not saying people actually worry about those things but those are like more like typical those are typical things right that
and then you think of people like this who are just like out and about going back and forth from Ukraine trying to fight fucking wars and shit for other countries with the charges he has like I'm afraid of getting a speeding ticket I'm afraid he's just waltzing through an airport like he go wherever he wants He has he has a a weapon that could be used to kill a former president of the United States and a current presidential candidate while he simultaneously has conviction for having

Gun Legislation and Security Concerns

weapons of mass. Yeah, he doesn't legally have the gun. How do some people just move through life like this? Being illegal does not prevent people from obtaining access to firearms. Right, but he was charged. in that
i yeah it's Yes, I know. i I said to Casey jokingly through text, I'm like, I'm sure this won't spur any conversations on the right about whether or not there should be universal background checks or close the fucking gun gun show loophole. Of course, that's not going to happen. But I'm just blown away that people like I feel like if I misstep once my life is over and then guys like this just constantly do shit that gets them fucking arrested for some serious crimes. And they're just going to different countries, gathering weapons and trying to assassinate former presidents. That shit's fucking wild. I feel like from what I've read about this guy so far, I'm sure he's he's just
He's loving being at the center of all this. And to my knowledge, I don't know that, he I don't think he actually like fired on anybody. No, well, everything I've read. Yeah. It doesn't sound like he did. He was spotted by what the FBI, they were doing a perimeter check or something like that, spotted him fired on him and he just basically like ran lot of coverages like and Which suspect that's where you go. That's where you go. This guy's going to be the center of conspiracy theories.
It's like the guy shows up, does nothing, gets fired upon, drops everything. Like you could run with a backpack bitch. You don't need to drop everything. But he dropped it all. He dropped it all, left his little bread crumbs. I don't know, man. Pardon me goes. niarianarian see They would say that he screwed the pooch.
Yeah, Michael Shea has a really good bit about how like there's there's shit that like white people can say that black people can't say. And he has this whole bit around screwed the pooch. And they're like, Oh, yeah, it means I just like, fuck something up. And he goes, No, man, that means you fuck dogs. That means you fuck dogs. Like, I've never heard a black person say screwed the pooch in my entire life. And I've been hearing white people say it lately. It's so good.
ah No, but this guy, it does make you feel like there the number one conspiracy has to be that Trump fucked up so bad on the debate that he like wanted to make it look like he was getting assassinated again, right? That has to be everyone's first thought.
I don't know. After the last one, people did a lot of the like false flag things. And then thankfully a lot of people shut that down as like, let's not be like them. Like, let's not, yes, Trump could have used a razor blade to cut his own ear when he was on the ground. But like, let's just assume like, was it Hanlon's razor? Probably it was from a bullet. It was probably the razor that we're talking about. Um, why I think. Or is Hanlon a person? Occam's Razor is like the most plausible and simple solution. Oh yeah, that's right. That's right. What's Hanlon's? Hanlon's Razor is similar. This is funny because- That's like Dollar Shave Club.
That's like- Oh, yeah. Okay. So I always mess these up. Hanlon's Razor is never attribute to malice, that which is adequately explained by stupidity. And then Occam's Razor is- Okay. The most explanation is most likely correct. Yeah.
I don't know. I think, I think the FBI is, or the, the secret service especially is going to be under a lot of scrutiny over the next couple of years because it's, it seems pretty clear that there's a level of, uh, there's, there's a level of incompetence that they've gotten pretty accustomed to that state needs for God that people might want to assassinate people. They're like, yeah, we're just here.
We're getting a good paycheck. We're chilling. He's golfing. It's nice out. They like forgot that they have to be hyper vigilant or something. ah Maybe. I mean, like obviously in Pennsylvania, they there was a number of mess ups on this one. Like they they spotted the guy. I think it's I guess it comes down to you how crazy is it that he got as close as he did? Is it reasonable that he did or not? And we just don't really know the layout or anything else. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, like I I don't think yeah, this one. I mean, I feel like maybe there will be some things to criticize as more comes out about it. But like, I don't know, they stopped the guy and they didn't, they didn't hesitate. Like the, the, the one in Pennsylvania was insane. Like the level of just standing by and letting a guy climb a roof with a gun and stuff was nuts. But this one, I mean, they, they rooted him out. They shot first and asked questions later. And I, wouldn't you think they would have some sort of like drone surveillance?
When the president is like playing golf or something, would you be able to see something through the tree? Oh, you mean like would have like, uh, like heat sensing, like thermal drones or something? I don't know. yeah That feels like that might be overkill. Yeah. yeah um I can't imagine that would be the case. I just don't.
Also think in the US, they'd have to deal with so many people calling in fussing about the drones. Like, you know. Yeah, probably so. it was just All I know is that, look, I worked at a concert venue over the summer doing security.
And my job was to just look out for problems and call the right people if some shit went down. And I know for the seven hours that I would stand there for these outdoor shows and festivals and shit, eight hours, I was standing there, arms crossed, looking everywhere. I felt like I couldn't relax.
Now if I got, and I was getting paid just above minimum wage, this was something to do so I could get free tickets to shows I wanted to go to for the summer. This is not important at all. Jscale have anything to do with muscle mass? I probably if they hired me to actually be on the journey then definitely. They're like this guy looks like he'll yell loud. He'll yell loud when they get him.
All I know is that when I did that, and I felt like I took that more seriously than I needed to, and it felt like I took that also more seriously than the Secret Service did in Pennsylvania, and that's what's wild to me. I think that was, I think it's more the local SWAT were the ones that were like, it was hot, so we- Okay, get on the that's not better. Again,
i like it's a little I was thinking just over minimum wage at a concert venue and I took that shit more seriously. When people would be like, can I go there? I'm like, absolutely not. And I will call the fucking cops if you move them in the wrong direction. See, that just seems like you're you're just living out of power fantasy like many people who join law enforcement. I think you're missing the point here, which is that I wouldn't have let a mass shooter on a roof.
but you would have because you wouldn't want to act powerful for a second. You'd be too scared. I don't, again, Sam, I don't know why you're targeting me with this tonight. You just accused me of essentially potentially letting in a presidential shooter based on a power trip. No, Sam, i I had no point. Did I say that? You don't have to say it. All right. It's there. I hear it. I hear your tone. I hear it in your sarcasm. I don't appreciate it.
I'm trying to make a point. I'm trying to make a point that those people dropped the ball because it doesn't feel like they took their shit too seriously. I saw one person move in the wrong direction making $17 an hour for a few hours and was like, hey, I don't think that's right.
So you said barely over minimum minimum wage, you meant like two and a half times minimum wage. Pretty barely, ah especially in Massachusetts. That is not good money. That can that yeah that is literally like you that. It's embarrassing to talk about how much money I made working there this summer. But it's a side job that you took on.
Because I got paid over the summer because im I work in a school. I know. I'm i'm not making fun of how much people who work in schools make because it's pitiful. We'll see. We'll see if you make fun of it. That felt that sounds like a backhanded compliment. i don't I don't know what I can do. I don't know what I've done wrong. You made a terrible decision and you kind of fucked your whole future. And i don't I would never make fun of you making horrible decisions like that because that's sad. I feel like you would.
yeah I don't know why I feel like I'm going really hard on you tonight and I don't apologize. I just think I should did cleared that up i feel like yeah should Just it out Can we close on it? I feel like ah I have a confession to make that we can kind of close on. You already got a logo too? You just didn't get a chance. Did you also not put a package in your mail early enough? That's why I haven't apologized because you actually are being a cunt. You're actually being a cunt to me tonight.
by what, by restating parts of the story. I know you're doing. Don't, oh my, oh, I just said what you said, but in a different way with a different tone. We know, everybody knows, dude.
Hey, look. Sorry, Casey, go ahead. We all know that everybody's out to get you, Sam. We're a quick ah InfoWars headline from a couple hours ago. Breaking deep state planning another Trump assassination attempt ahead of election as NATO prepares to bomb Russia Okay, pretty good. Pretty good. I can't wait till they never bomb Russia. Well, NATO is not a NATO is not really like a country. Yeah nato like I don't know. I mean are there standalone NATO troops that are not part of any other military at the same time? oh, maybe like 14 that just right there like I
headquarters building in whatever Copenhagen or whatever like said UN troops. It's like, well, sure. Yeah. They're parking cones. ah Yeah, i do I just, having followed this thing, you know, but I feel like fairly closely for the entire duration of the war so far. i I just think it's the notion that like Trump would actually do something to try and end the war is just, it's so absurd. It goes against like every possible thing that we've ever seen him do.
And like every chance that he's gotten to like dial down the case, you don't understand. He would end it. It would be ended before he was even in office. Casey, that is his plan is it would be ended immediately because it's actually his concept right and to be specific. But yeah, I hope that doesn't rely on J.D. Vance doing anything. It's also it's funny because they'll put him in a room. The reason put is Putin will be begging for mercy within like two hours of being put in a room just to have J.D. Vance entertain him.
So this guy's reasoning for potentially assassinating Trump is because he thinks Trump will end the war in a way that's unfavorable to Ukraine, right? What? Are you talking about the shooter's motive? Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's assuming a lot of steps to the shooter's motive. Like I don't really even get it. Like I don't get, I think the motive so much.
I don't know if he's really explained his motive, but that would seem to be like, I wouldn't be, I wouldn't be surprised if that was part of what he says was his motive. Like Biden and Harris have any intention of doing anything differently than what's going on now. I don't think Trump is all going to play out in stone either. No, nobody much a uniparty when it comes to like war anywhere. It crazily is. It's what Ukraine, Israel, Palestine, they don't, no one gives a fuck. They're just like, let's go. Cause the military industrial complex is sick guys. It's sick. It's sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, cool, sick, cool. It's it's it makes too much money. Who's going to fucking who's going to fuck with that? Nobody who cares.
That's a good point. I would be pro war if I can figure out how to dip my fingers in that sticky jar. Yeah. We just need to start a military, uh, like, uh, not a contracting company, but like some, no, not going in that direction. Some like faceless middleman group, like company that just, you know, does stuff. I don't know paint involved later. We're really good at paintball. We could probably end a war. Secures government contracts. If you put up a little bit and be Jonah Hill from, uh, war dogs. Hey, yeah.
definitely Yeah, you do that little comedic element, right? That's how you seal the deal. That being a little chubby jokester.
ah Okay, so I told you, to the audience, I told you my first bit of advice was um take responsibility for what you're purchasing when you go to buy a car.

Advice on Consumer Responsibility in Purchases

right Investigate, do research, do not sign things that you don't understand. Don't assume that there's some sort of you know overarching structure that's going to protect you because you spent money and signed a line. It's not there. Okay, so that's my first bit of advice. My second bit of advice, don't eat raw fish from Costco. Okay, what's the story? Was it sushi? Yeah, I mean, it was pokey. But yeah, I ate a lot of it and
Well, that might be an intense intestinal distress. That's a lot. Like I don't know if you're supposed to eat 18 ounces of it. And was like that for dinner or like, are you experiencing it right now or is this farther in the past? No, this was a couple of days ago. Okay. To be fair, it wasn't just me. April had the same problem. Okay. But yeah, it's just, just, you know.
I mean, Costco usually slaps, so that's disappointing to hear. Well, I don't know if it was the quantity at which I ate it or is it like, did I eat enough of it to like have like heavy metal problems in my colon or something like that? Or was it just like I ate a slippery bad fish and.
Yeah, when we were in St. ah St. John living the luxurious life, we went to a grocery store there. And me and my brothers were buying like we were going to make sandwiches to eat each day. So just getting like basic, you know, cold cut equipment and our supplies and There was boars head lunch meat for ninety nine cents a package and we were like how on earth if we got lucky and we scored so anyway when i got home for vacation i saw the news about boars head shutting down its virginia packing plant for a listeria outbreak. I think like some people have died. And apparently when you have like listeria outbreak, you just it's better to shut the whole factory down because you will never get it all out of there. Like you cannot get it clean. That's now crazy. That's a 95% discount on Boris had two men. I it tasted great. To be honest, everything worked out. Oh, you ate it. Well, I did. Yeah, we didn't know.
They found out. Oh, you found out afterwards. Yeah, I see. Yeah. And if I'm looking at the dates, it's very likely that ours was not part of the affected batch. I'm guessing they were just like, well, no one's going to want to buy this because they're recalling all of it. So we just need to dump it. Honestly. youre Yeah. Even if you knew about it, I would. You're pretty likely going to be safe. That's all it takes. Yeah, that's a crack. violence was for my life by That's why. OK, I made chili. I was making chili the other night.
i um I was using ground turkey because I didn't have any ground beef. I was like, I got home. I didn't i didn't thought about what to make for dinner that night. I had a couple cans of beans. i had I was like, oh, I get the shit I need to make chili. I'll use this ground turkey that's been frozen for a couple of months. Like, great. I cooked the onions, throw in the garlic. I forgot to thaw the turkey, so I just dropped the frozen turkey in. It's just a pound. It was just a pound of ground turkey frozen. That's easy to just like throw in frozen.
it's It's... I guess I was like confused. The scent might have been masked by the onions and garlic and all that good smelling shit. And it wasn't until like after I added tomatoes and beans and all that that I go, something smells pretty fucked up right now. And my wife was in our room. I was like, I need you to come out here. I was like, does this smell weird? She's like, I think so.
But i I get in my head all the time when I use frozen meat, I go, I bet this went bad. And it's never happened to me. Frozen meat, ah every time I'm like paranoid that it went bad, it's never been bad. And everyone tells me, if it's bad, you'll know it's bad. But then I'm like, it doesn't seem it, but I don't know. And they're like, no, I've never, I've never known something as bad. I've never been sure it was bad. I was after so then this smell started like filling my kitchen like this is something's fucked I finally just got the balls up to try it took a little piece of ground turkey shoot it for a second it was like
yeah yeah like instantly like this is horrific horrific it was I couldn't get the taste out of my mouth discuss it was some rancid ass ground turkey that ruined I had a full-ass pot of chili I had to dump the whole thing I ended up making it I had enough other things to make chili again I made a vegetarian chili because I was out of meat I had to go borrow an onion from my neighbor it's frustrating it was But god damn, I don't know if Listeria is anything like that. All I know is my turkey went bad. I didn't know it had been frozen for co- I froze it before the sell by date. i It must have thawed at some point by accident and refrozen, but holy fuck. Poultry that goes bad is
It's it's rants. I could do it. I'm like hours later. I could still smell it. It was in my nostrils, my hair, my shirt. I was like I had to change in shower. It was awful. It was one of the it's one of the worst like it's that smell you taste and that taste you smell for like hours. Yeah, that's that's a bad thing.
That's a I've had that happen before where it's like you've been kind of putting off cooking and then you finally like open the meat up and you're like, ah this doesn't something's not right. But like raw meat doesn't smell good. So you always think like, ah I don't know in my imagine cooking exacerbates a horrid smell. I just don't gamble with like pork or poultry.
If it's giving off a smell, it's i got I'm getting rid of it. But I don't know what any of the rules around meat storage, if it's frozen, because I've eaten some i mean some pretty old venison. As long as it never thaws that if it's frozen, you you should be good up. I feel like my understanding is you're good up to a year. I've eaten stuff that was quite a bit past that.
which fine i I probably would do I as long as they didn't thaw like I have some meat in my fridge that's freezer burnt as a motherfuck and I'm it's only still in my freezer because I just haven't felt like putting it in a trash Yeah. Like this, I'm never going to use that. You just can't be bothered. Yeah, I can't be bothered. I'll never live that down. It's like if you, if you happen to cook that three year old turkey with, with like a head cold where your smell was messed up, like you just send all of your family through health for 48 hours. All right. We should probably close this out. Any last thoughts, any last, uh, comments on all things that have happened and been discussed tonight?
Um, SKS, not my first choice if you're planning, if you're planning things. Okay. Notice yeah whoever, what you, whatever you're hunting. SKS isn't the choice. Uh, if you'd like a list of suggestions, uh, message Jeremiah.
All right. Well, that's it friends. Thank you for listening and we will see you next time.