Okay, you said this particular thing wasn't covered. However, please join me in reading through the warranty together. Let's read it together. You see where it says, duh, duh, duh, duh. And every time they're like, oh, you're so right. Oh yeah, that's, that's a good point. I misunderstood or I've duh, duh, duh, duh. Like, and I think the people at the dealership, honestly, they do seem like perfectly decent people. I think they just don't care to get that deep into the weeds of what particular package you have for what particular vehicle. The people at the bottom must be told that in general, it doesn't work. And then if someone proves it to you, you have to go, Oh, I see what you're saying. Probably. But I, I'm, I'm excited because I got it back after it had a a breakage earlier this, um, the summer that, you know, 2,500 bucks of stuff was covered. Um, I had to pay like 500 bucks out of pocket. The truck is back and the transmissions clunking and the transmissions on this generation of trucks are the ones, I don't know if you know about these Casey, but like,