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DLC 10. Octopath Traveler II Spoilercast and Review! | Midnight's first traditional JRPG | Games Over Plastic image

DLC 10. Octopath Traveler II Spoilercast and Review! | Midnight's first traditional JRPG | Games Over Plastic

Games Over Plastic
32 Plays1 month ago

Hello and welcome! In this episode Sean and Midnight sit down to discuss Octopath Traveler II! The amazing square enix jrpg from 2022. Midnight finallly beat it and this is his first real traditional JRPG experience. How did it hold up? how great is it? Which character and story is best? and lots more!

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00:00:00- Show Start

00:18:32- Spoilers begin


Introduction and Overview of Octopath Traveler 2

Good evening, sweet world, and welcome to a very special episode of Games Over Plastic, a DLC episode. Yep, we're coming at you with another DLC. And this one has been long awaited by me ever since I saw that our boy, one of my favorite co-hosts, my other one's not here, Midnight,
was playing Octopath 2, but we're here to talk about the game, go in depth, spoiler cast. We're gonna start off spoiler free for those who are wondering, give our initial thoughts, but then we're gonna get into the deep, nitty-gritty of Octopath 2. But before we begin, Midnight, how you doing?
Hey, what's up? I'm doing great. Thank you. I'm looking forward to this. Octopath 2, I finally beat it and it was an amazing game. This is my first, this is like my first true real JRPG, maybe, if you don't count Final Fantasy. And if we don't count Persona 4, which I did beat as well. But this is like, this is kind of like, our this is a real JRPG, you know what I mean? Lots of full-on turn-based combat.
ah difficult bosses at the end. um All that good stuff. Lots of grinding. yeah So fantasy monsters, fantasy, fantastical world. Yeah, definitely much a JRPG. um Yeah, so and I'm glad it was good. And I'm doing good. And hold on one second. And we're back. Okay. Yeah, it's great, man. I'm looking forward to this.

Hosts' Engagement and Audience Interaction

Yeah, me too. um Before we get into it though, I just want to say that if you are a fan of the show or you're just following us, um you can find us on YouTube. You can find us on all podcast services all over the globe. It would be really appreciated if you gave us a nice, leave us a review, leave us comments in the video, give us a like. Five star, one star, we don't care. As long as you give us a review, leave us a comment. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Highlights and Praise for Octopath Traveler 2

All right, so before we get into any spoilers, ah you would ah I'm gonna give some initial thoughts on the game. For those of you who don't know, Octopath Traveler 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. I got this game the day it came out back in February of 2023, and I absolutely fell in love with it right away. It took everything from the first game that I loved and just multiplied it by 10.
um From the eight characters, i I don't think there's a bad character in the game, honestly. I think they're all very compelling characters. Some of the themes in this game are insane. Some of them are extremely dark, while others are more light-hearted. But yeah, and this the the little quality of life adjustments they've done to the combat in this game, too. Introducing the latent powers, which was not in October, ah october which was not in Octopath Travel 01,
I really liked it. It gave each character a more unique feeling when they're battling, which was great. um I want to ask you, what do you think about the um the turn based combat? Because like you said, you're not a big turn based combat guy, but did you like it? Yeah, so i've I'm a big Western RPG fan for people who don't know.
ah My favorite games of all time are a freaking, you know, Skyrim and Baldur's Gate 3, Witcher 3, Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect. Those are my jam. I love those. so And most of those games, if not all of those games, are not turn-based. So turn-based has never been my bag, really. um This was one of my first forays into a game that was really like fully turn-based. And I got to say, I loved it. I loved how it was implemented in this. I loved like the whole BP or Battle Point, whatever system, how you could power up your attacks.
um And then when you did, you got like this aura around you and then like it looked cooler when you were doing the attack, it kind of like darkened and zoomed in and it was like, boom, you know, like a big hit or multiple hits. Dude, it was awesome. Very cool. Enjoyed it.
Yeah, the BP system is I really, really enjoy that in Octopath and I love the break system. We think you can break enemies and, you know, if you find out their weakness and the only way to really find out their weaknesses like by experimenting with different weapons. um For some reason, any time there would be a new web enemy, I would always try to dagger first, like always, no matter what. And I think that's mainly due to ah my affiliation for Throné, who is one of the the thief class. um I think she she she was my starter character and I really fell in love with her and I just loved using

Favorite Characters and Storylines

her. um But yeah, she was my favorite character. um do You want to do a quick rundown of ah the eight characters just in case yeah people. All right. So we have Hikari, the warrior, Agnia. Hikari was my starter character, by the way.
I figured you'd start with a nice warrior class, traditional JRPG. When you're building ah when you're building a team, you start with the warrior. um yep And then, go ahead, you go ahead. We have Agnea the dancer, Partishio the merchant,
We have Ozvald the Scholar, who, are if I recall correctly, um according to, I think it would um Square Enix ran like a poll like right after the game came out, and I think Ozvald was the most popular starter character. And I think that a lot had to do with, i he was, like a lot of in the preview, for the preview coverage, was like he was like heavily like thrown out there, like, this is the guy you need to start with.
um We have thrown a the thief as I mentioned my favorite character. We have ten of Temenos the Cleric the Cleric. Sorry Cleric one of again. What are the great great characters in this game? Oh Chet the hunter Mm-hmm Casti the apothecary apothecary. Sorry um Yeah, that's all eight um Yeah Great characters, like I said, none of them I felt were weak and they all the themes range from some of are really dark, some are mature, but then some of them are more lighthearted. But going off, ah who's your favorite character?
My favorite character by far was Temenos, the cleric, the Inquisitor. um I loved his dry, sarcastic humor. He was a badass. um Like right when you first meet him, I remember like he's taken hostage or whatever. And he's like, oh, no, they got me. And you could tell he doesn't care, because he could fuck these dudes up if he wanted to. um And then we meet Krik Koon. I love Krik. Oh, my god. He's so cool. He shows up to save the day, not that Temenos really needed him.
He's the the Sanctum Knight, newly appointed, right? It was the thing that he always mentioned because he was brand new. um I love his story. I love Temenos. He was awesome. um Very cool character, especially with his Japanese voice stuff. Like he was just really sarcastic and like you could just tell that he that he was a badass, um even though he was trying to act weak at times. But you could tell like he'll mess you up. And he was really smart, too. Oh, yeah, no, of course. Yeah, no.
Definitely. um I love the um overworld abilities for a lot of the characters too. um like And they change depending on the day and the night. Like ah with Throne A you can just steel you can steal things or you can take people out at night. I love that. um Did you have a, did you like, did you use Temenosus like overworld ability a lot?
A little bit, like he he could have people follow him and stuff. um I didn't really use that too often except for um in the late game when you could get Alrond or whatever. I could have him follow over that for power leveling purposes. Yeah. You can pull out Alrond and he could give you like that 100 times XP bonus, which is nice. um The one that I used probably the most was Steel with Ronay. She was always in my part. I was robbing everybody. I was robbing little kids. Like it didn't matter. Everyone was getting sold from because I needed that loot. so I love when you when you're on a steal something it's like you have like a 20% or like a let like a 2% and you're like I'm gonna take the chance but take I'm gonna take that I'm gonna take it um One of the really cool things I really liked about the game is sticking with the characters is Going into like the various pubs in the game and just hearing the little banter going on between them um What'd you think of that?
Yeah, it was cool. I mean, I love the banter between all of them. Yeah. You go in the pub, sometimes you talk to them and they would say something that was relevant to the story. something I think once or twice they even gave me like an item when I talked to them in the pub. yeah um And then sometimes when you're just like finishing a quest, it would pop up and and say there was like travel banter and you just have to pit like start or whatever. And then you could listen to it. And I always did that. And they would be talking like, Oh, so you, you believe in this, huh? And it was, it was cool. um All eight characters, like you said, were amazing. um This is one of the best cast of characters I've ever seen in a game. So.
I loved it. Oh, definitely. um And they all come from like various different locations. like It's all different landscapes and all. like you have Hikari starts in like the you know the the desert area. And it starts, oh, I love his opening, where it just starts off and there's a giant battle going on. like that is such a good That was such a cool ass, which throws you right in. It reminded me of 300. Yeah, really cool. um Yeah, I mean, should we what do we what we want to go over? we want go over our favorite characters which Should we go over what our main party was? Yeah, let's go over our like our our four. are though I mean, obviously, eventually you have to use all, eight just because you have to um for the final boss. But the the main four we love to run with. um You go first. So my main party, of course, I started with Hikari, so he was my warrior. Temenos, of course, was in every party, especially I loved when you rolled at night. He gave a buff or something or a debuff to the enemy.
Um, thrown a was in my party always as well. And she, she also had a night buffer debuff. So combined

Gameplay Mechanics and Strategies

you were buffed and the enemy was debuffed at night. So it was fantastic. Um, and then Oh, Chet was my fourth. Um, I loved Oh, Chet for the, um, for the awesome monster summoning abilities that you could have. There were some really great monsters that you could pop out and mess people up with. Um, so that was my main four here, Kari, Temenos, thrown a and Oh Chet. Those were the ones I rocked with for probably like 60% of it.
Okay, not bad. So obviously I rocked with Thronae because she was my starter. um Then I used Partishio. I really liked Partishio. I really liked the whole merchant aspect. One of his abilities, you could hire yeah um like people to come. And did you find, I'm wondering, did you find the guy You have to do a side quest to unlock him. I cannot remember the area he's in, but it's right outside of a main town, and if you beat him in battle, you can hire him, and he's just extremely OP. Like, completely destroys so many people, and you can just hire him, and you have, like, you get him for, like, five tries. It's a pretty OP, piece OP, um, like, briber, basically.
I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. I know that um I defeated some ninja or whatever, and then I was able to summon him for like 50,000 Leafs or whatever in a battle. um But he only popped out once and did damage. It wasn't like ah it wasn't like someone following you. I think you're talking about someone. No, it wasn't. It wasn't someone following you. No, it was not someone following you. It was someone you could like summon for like 50,000. Yeah, I think it was. Yeah, I did that. did A lot of damage. Yeah. Yeah. That helped me beat the the the main story boss.
Yeah, um so yeah, so I had Throne, I had Partishio, I used Kasti a lot. I really liked using the Kasti's ability. She has a lot of buffs and debuffs as well. um And I just overall liked her as a character. And my last person, I used Oswald a lot. I loved his Scholar. I loved being like just a giant mage basically doing these like crazy spells.
A lot of them can inflict damage on multiple enemies, which is huge, especially with the break system, because you're trying to like you know whittle down enemies so they're they're not in line to fight. um But yeah, that was like my main party. um But I did often swap out very quickly, but the the two that would usually always stay in there would be Thronae and Partishio. Hikari is probably my fifth most used. My least used character, and there's no shade thrown at her, is Agnea.
um the dancer, just because I didn't find the dancer class to be all that powerful. um But ah they it can't there are some later on late game abilities that she gets that can vastly improve your ability to defeat powerful enemies. Yeah. What about jobs? Like, which jobs did you have on them? Should we get into that? Let's do that. Yeah, let's do that. Yeah, we can do that. um So for, um, hang on, let me, arms master all six weapon types for the final boss. I had like a secret secret boss, the, um, arms master I put on Hikari.
I had Arms Master on Ikari as well. It just makes sense. Yeah, just because for those who don't know, ah um Arms Master is an unlockable advantage. It's not like a secret class. I mean, it's in most JRPGs. They have some type of class like this. You can wield all different six weapon types. um You get all these different special attacks. It's it's pretty it's pretty much like the the OP um you know ah class.
um For a while before I am not using it, but I use the inventor class a lot. Like when I first unlocked it and I use it on thrown a lot. I thought I was really cool. I've really unlocked it right at the beginning of the game, mainly because I started with thrown a and that area is like right after that. um Did you use that class at all?
Uh, I mean, at the end game, I put it on Agnea just so she could actually be more useful. Um, but no, I didn't really use that much. I, uh, on mine, see, I had Hikari with the arms master. Um, on Thronae, I gave her a merchant secondary since I wasn't rolling with Partitio, Partitio much. Um, Thronae

Game World Exploration and Atmosphere

was like my, uh, Partitio, like I could use her to summon people. I could use her to donate BP, which was something I did a lot. I would ah see that. Yeah.
That donating the BP was awesome. I would donate stack to hook you. but Let me guess, you donate to Hikari. Nope. Oh, Chad. And then I could power and then I could use her big ah monster summons to like take out the whole board like the like the light revenant and stuff. Yeah. All right. That's not bad. Did you use the Arcanist Arcanist? I had it on, I think, Oswald, um but I didn't use it much. That was kind of late game. um I guess like my core party. So Hikari was arms master.
Oh, Chet, I just gave her warrior just to give her a little bit more damage and weapons. Really, I mainly just use her for her monster summons like that. That was the main thing. Thronae, like I said, had a merchant secondary and Temenos. I gave him a scholar secondary, so he was both cleric and mage for me. that That's exactly what I did. I did the same thing with him. I had cleric and mage. Basically, i you know, I experimented a lot in this game with giving different characters, different classes and just running around the world and just fighting different enemies.
Um, one thing I really liked is when you switch classes too, like they get different outfits. Yep. I love that. And they're all unique to different, like, it's not like, Oh, well, this is the thief outfit. So everyone wears the same outfit. Like it's unique for the character, which I really enjoyed with that. Yeah, it was cool. Um, all right. Yeah. Um, any locations that you want to shout out before we get into some spoilers?
Um, I mean, not really. All the locations were pretty cool. um Quick shout out, I guess, to the the secret island or whatever, when you were doing Partitio's story and you had to go to the island that was owned by what was his name? so large and Yeah, the rival merchant. Hang on with his name. I Yeah. But his little secret island and the boss fight that occurs there was really cool.
I thought all of the environments were awesome, like all these different cities that kind of matched each character. Yeah. The secret

Deep Dive into Story Elements and Characters

island is Rogue Island, by the way. Yeah, Rogue Island. Yeah. Yeah, that was cool. But really, it was all cool. Like the whole game was awesome. The frosty environment with the scholar dude was awesome. Oswald. Oh, and he was in prison. He was in prison. That's pretty cool. I really like New Delta. It's like, do you remember that town?
Was that Throné's home, I think? Yes. It was like the yeah it was like the dark town, yep. Yeah, I really love that whole area. I think it's really cool. But there's so much variety in area. like You go from like a leafy forest to like this like like pouring snow to this desert. It's really, really interesting. And each area has like you unique do you um has like unique dungeons in them. like it's just really It's such a cool game. I just love exploring. like I would often find myself just running around the areas. like I didn't fast travel a lot.
Just running around soaking in the amazing, you know, 2D HD art style. Yeah, it was incredible. I agree. And the music. Oh, my gosh. Great music. No doubt you have to combat music. The the town music was great. And each the music that each character got when you were doing like their main story and stuff was cool.
Yeah, I actually put on today some of my students, we were writing papers, right? And I put on some Octopath 2 music in the background. And one of my students goes, I feel like I'm in the shire. It was so funny. Yeah, it was good, though. One kid asked me what game is this from? And I told him, he's like, all right, I'm going to look it up. And he looked it up. He's like, I'm buying it. And he bought it right there on Steam, which is pretty funny. Heck yeah. All right. Do you think you want to get into spoilers now?
Let's do it. Let's get into spoilers. Yeah, let's let's spoil. Let's spoil the crap out of this game. Here we go. So. Right away, I want to know. Which which character had the like any like crazy surprise surprises for you, like in the end, like the best story and surprise. Yeah, that story surprises anything really. Yeah, I say first of all, Hikari was who I started with. His story was super.
textbook and very obvious, like that story has been told a million times, where it's like the father wants to name his heir to the younger son. And you just knew that he was going to get killed before he could make it official. Like that always happens. um But that was a great story. My favorite story, probably again, my boy Temenos, I love his story. um There was a lots of ups and downs. It starts off with the pontiff gets murdered. um He likes he's the Inquisitor and that serves the pontiff kind of. um So he's trying to solve his his mystery.
And as he's solving the murder mystery, it just keeps getting deeper and deeper. You find out like that the Knights, the Sanctum Knights are corrupt, like the leaders at the top and yeah they want to usher in the darkness or something. And it's just, yeah, it's pretty dark. Um, and then of course, Crick, my boy gets murdered. Um, i i was when Crick got murdered, I was like, you, I'm like, no way. There's no way they're killing him off. And then they just kill him. saw it no I saw it coming.
Unfortunately, oh like when he was investigating by himself while we were asleep and he's like getting into books that he shouldn't. I was just I was like, he's going to die. This sucks. I was like, why didn't you wait for me? Speaking of like Temenos, the story, though, like that whole corruption of the church is so it's so interesting because there's so many parallels to real life with corruption and this corruption and all these major organizations. And like the church is not innocent of that itself.
um And um Vados, the architect, the you know like the final boss, who was in charge of everything, that was like awesome. Yeah. um Yeah, it's it's just so cool I love fly like flame church in general, like the whole like area to and just running around the church and just finding things and um he's a cleric, but he's also like a detective, which I love. Yeah, I love the mystery, you know, searching through the books and everything. That was that was great. He's like Batman. He's out here solving crimes. He was he was awesome. I just love him so much.
Yeah, ah my favorite overall story is thrown is though. um I really enjoyed the whole aspect of her, like basically trying to discover her past and discover like her family. And she starts out in this like rogues like Steve get like the Steve Corporation and then she's like the black snakes and she goes in and she tries to figure out like basically like why her life's like this. And it is like pretty crazy. Like, OK, the mother is so weird. The mother.
Yeah, the mother was she was a creep. I didn't like her at all. She was she was evil and I didn't like her. She was really. How about her, Judy? How about her sprite? Her sprite is so she was nasty. She looked like Ursula or whatever from like Disney, you know. Yeah. And then um the whole um like when you find out the final boss is Claude, like the true leader of the snakes. That was pretty cool. Yeah, I don't I don't know what was up. but He's like a vampire or something, apparently. You could do forever. And like every everybody was his kid.
pretty Yeah, everybody I was about to say everybody's his kid. He's like, oh, i'm not I'm the kid of that. I did like the whole aspect of like she's trying to find a key to like take off like the basically the bound the the thing that's finding her. Yeah, the collar, which even though she's like gone, she's like she's like left the black snake. She's got out.
um She still wants that collar off. Also, the opening is pretty cool how it's like you have to like they tell each of them like you're going out on this. Oh, there's a betrayal. Someone betrayed you. And they just tell everyone that to see who survives. Yeah, basically, they just make them kill each other to see who the strongest one is. Yeah. Yeah. Overall, though, that is like that was pretty cool. And I love the whole the the final location. Lost Seed with like all like the it's just such a dreary town. And it's like all this is like just It's like gives off so many creepy vibes. How about the guy who's like running the, um you know, what you call it? Like the gondola, not the gondola, but like the. um Do you know what I'm talking about when they get? Yeah. Yeah, it was a gondola, right? The gondola. Yeah, the sky thing. Yeah, I live. That guy was that guy was like, oh, you know, you know, I haven't haven't seen many people here. um Stuff like that. Like it just it sets off a really creepy vibe. And if it's the tone of the story. Yeah, he'd been living forever, apparently, and and he knew um he knew Throné's mom.
Because she took the same trip. So um yeah, that was cool. You could tell that he knew a lot more than he was putting on. Yep. Yeah. All right. So we've done kind of thrown a and 10 10 minutes of story. So one is hopping and I kind of had already to. We can. ah Yeah. You want to hop back to Kyrie real quick?
Yeah, let's go through them. I got notes for each one. So Hikari, my notes and what I'm gonna say, he's the prince, right? Very textbook case of betrayal. He's the good one, the good one. His older brother's the general guy who's evil. General Mugen or whatever. Mugen, Mugen, whatever. And he just wants to rage war and kill everyone, whereas Hikari, he's a half-blood because his mom was like a slave or a peasant or something.
yeah So he only has half of like their evil blood like they have this weird evil blood that like urges them to kill How about any time like it would like freeze and would zoom in it's like kill kill. Yeah, you had to fight it. Yep Yeah, that was pretty cool. I did like um The whole like when you go and visit like basically where he was born in like his hometown area and then it just gets like overrun like overthrown and it's like oh It hits He's basically his goal is basically does um reclaim his homeland. That's all basically. is Yeah, basically. that Yeah, his dad wanted to make him the heir. But as as they always do, he didn't publicly announce it and and make everybody swear allegiance to his heir. Instead, he just he tells both sons privately. So, of course, the old son, he kind of knew this was going to happen and he just kills his dad. So he takes the old son usurps the throne basically um and frames
Prince Zakarian says that like he tried to overthrow and you're an outcast. So then you have to gather allies and retake the throne, who's basically his story. How about Ritsu, though, his friends like basically betraying him going to Mugen? Yeah, that was lame. That was lame. He was just he was trying to get power, basically. Yeah. Rise above the station. Yeah. Yeah.
Um, but yeah, very, it's a very textbook, you know, cookie cutter story for a JRPG and a warrior class. It was cool though. You had, uh, you had, what's his name, uh, Kazan or whatever the eagle of coo. Yeah. Cause I really yeah smart, uh, strategist who later you find out is even smarter than you thought. Cause he, he plays into the end game. Um, and then my, I love that. Yep. My from like her clan or whatever the sphere people, uh, in the frost frozen area, she was cool. You finally won her over.
No, definitely. All right, wanna go to Agnia? Let's do it. yeah if you start Yeah, so she's a dancer. she her basically her She comes from a really poor family and the whole village is poor and

Endgame and Challenges

basically she's trying to like get money to help like her family basically make it big. And she is um a renowned dancer and she wants to bring joy to the world as well. um which is like her mother Her mother did the same thing. Her mother was like a world famous dancer as well.
um Basically, she idolizes this one dancer who is from the same village as her. Dulce. Dulce. Yeah, Dulce. I can't. It's a weird name. um But she ends up actually becoming her rival, which is that was kind of like weird. The whole mind blowing thing when she gets there and she finds out like that dancer is like not like.
this great person as she expected. Um, but what I really liked is when you went to different areas with her and you would like try to, bring you just try to bring happiness to the area. And, um, like you, you join that the bar, you know, when you, um, you go to new Delta and you end up dancing for that bar, that's like kind of like Like not a lot of one down bar, but it doesn't get many people and then people start coming there and then they start sending the other like popular places start sending people to like basically like you can't do this. Yeah. Yeah. Shut them down. That was pretty cool. And then it culminates in like the big festival at the end with the whole dance solution, that whole like set piece with the dance and you're fighting on like the giant crowd. That was so cool. That was cool.
Yeah. Agnea was cool. Um, you know, she was just like a all around good kind person. One to spread joy. Um, her mom was like a famous dancer. Um, and her mom died, I guess. Um, yeah she meets the biggest star in the land who we find out was the apprentice of her mother. Her mother trained Dulce de. Um, so yeah, but then she ends up defeating her in that big dance off. Um, so that's awesome.
And she ah she finds her own apprentice along the way. You find that little poor girl in the desert town ah yeah who was like ah kind of like a troublemaker, and you train her as a dancer. So she got she finds her own way. That was kind of cool, too. But yeah, that was a cool story, but one of Miley's favorite ones, but still very good. It was a much more lighthearted one. yeah It wasn't like, a oh my gosh, the end of the world's coming.
um And we have Partishio, the merchant, obviously. um And his basic goal is to eradicate poverty and revive trade across the land. That's ah all he wants to do. is like wants to you know He's always thinking about you know how can we like bolster the economy. He's very an economic man.
um I it it is funny, though, how he kind of got like his he looks back and his father kind of got screwed over and basically signed over the town. No, like and but it was and he was trying to help everyone. But in reality, the person he signed over the town, who was like new, he was just like a kind of jerk. It was rogue, basically. It was wrote. Yeah. Yeah, he played him. Played him like a fiddle.
Yeah, basically like they started that town together him, his dad and Roke. um They started the silver mine or whatever. And yeah, he basically had them sign something that basically says the landowner can take it back anytime and the landowner we find out was Roke all along. um yeah So like he leaves, Roke leaves the town and then everybody, everything goes to shit because they're getting overtaxed and stuff. um And you have to go beat up the the bully guy.
um And then you find out that Roke was the guy after all. Yes, yes. The greedy land owner. Yeah, you need his ass. um One of the cool one of the cool things is like, oh, go get go get I think it's a is it a million leaf? I don't know. I forget how much the money he has. 100 billion goes go get 100 billion. And he finally he and then he gets and he gets the loan from the really rich guy. OK, that was pretty obvious when it was when he was pretending to be the homeless guy. I'm like, this is definitely the rich guy who like runs the town. I didn't. know where is I didn't say that. Oh, you didn't. ah yeah I saw that right away.
Yeah, I didn't know that was him. um Yeah. Like he basically like, so there's like the steam engine, right? Um, and Roke invents the steam engine or his people do, and he wants to use it to just give it to the rich and powerful people. And our boy Partitio wants to set it free basically so that everyone can have a better life. Um, so yeah, he agrees to buy it for a hundred billion, which is an insane sum of money, like a crazy amount of money. Um, but yeah, you find Al Ron who's the richest noble in the West yeah and he agrees to finance it after you impress him by opening up that strip mall basically, or that department store. Oh yeah, at the department store. It's like the first version of a department store. I liked going in there, though. It was pretty cool to trade in there. Yeah, had some good stuff in there. um Yeah, so then you finally you get the money and then there was the showdown on Roke Island was super cool. yeah You beat like he's like the big train. Yeah. Yeah. Fighting the train was kind of cool. Fighting the Giants. I thought it was really cool how they incorporate the steam engine because I know you didn't play the first one, but if you go back to the first one, it's like.
It's like set like in a time period, like before this, like this is much more like they have it to steam it. It's like you can see the development of technology if you play the first one compared to this one. And the games are not related, obviously. I mean, well, if you do the secret, secret final boss, but the super secret one, ah they do have like a slight connection back to the first game, but it's not really. Yeah. um All right. Do you want to go to our TTO? Yeah, let's get to the next.
All right. Oh, check the hunter. She's a beast woman. um And you're basically trying to stop the calamity. Notice the night of the scarlet moon. um This is pretty cool. Okay. What part? You know how at the beginning you can pick like a partner? Which one did you pick?
Yeah, so you get to choose between the Fox and the owl. um I went with the Fox, which was Aca. What did I say? And the owl gets pissed and turns evil and runs away. Yeah. And you fight it. But and the same thing happens if you pick the owl first. Yeah. It just doesn't nothing really changes. um But I really like the whole um idea of like the beastlings versus the real humans that whole ask they're feuding the whole time. and i You know, in the end, they come together to, you know, save the day. And then in the aftermath, you see that they are still getting along to that day. And they're um that was a pretty cool story as well. I liked but but like you said, I liked Ochez character and I liked all the different beastlings and like talking to them and how they're like one with nature. And they're they're very different than the humans. They they're they're they kind of they remind me of like Native Americans almost. Yeah. Where they point out like the hypocrisy of the humans and they're taking land.
wow Yeah. Yeah, they were kind of like Native Americans. Yeah, they were just kind of hunt for what you need and ah use jerky as ah as a currency, basically. And yeah um yeah, they were just oh, Chet was like just super good person, good hearted. She wins people over with her with her good heart.
um Yeah, her main story is you had to go out and collect the three fabled monsters. Basically, yeah, before you like day be yeah we're gonna help protect the island against the calamity. Yep. And you get two of them plus the child of one um because the the one had died the ocean one. um And that was I like how you the I like I have to fight them to to like basically release them, which is kind of cool because they're um and you have to awaken them to because they're not awake.
and they're all in like different areas of the map and they're all that like I said vast different um like waste lanes and everything like that which is really cool um did you like the final boss of the of the ochette story ochette story um i'm trying to remember what it was i remember fighting the dark uh the dark uh owl like the corrupted one is that the final boss for her Yeah, I mean, that's what yeah it gets it takes. it It's either the owl or the fox. It takes it over. Yeah, yeah. It was good. It was a good fight. It was cool. And then you saved it, basically. um You kind of pushed away the darkness. um Yeah, I like Ocheta.

Side Quests and Additional Content

Yeah, Ocheta, that was great stuff all about it. All right.
Let's go to Cassie. Oh, Cassie. um i really Her story, though, is very cookie cutter JRPG, though. Character loses her memory trying to figure out what's going on. You find out there's a lot more to her past than that's believed, and you end up saving the day in the end.
ah You're trying to stop a deadly plague spreading across the land, basically set up by one of her um basically friends from the past who just it it is kind of weird. He kind of just like changes abruptly, like very much like I'm evil now. But I love the whole idea of like the rain coming down. It's like poisoning people and basically using like it's it's killing them. That was a really cool aspect. um What do you think of her story overall?
Yeah, I liked it. So Cassie, she was from the heiress apothecaries, like extending hand to all those in need or whatever was their slogan. um

Music, Atmosphere, and Final Thoughts

She lost her memories. She washes up in this town. When people find out she's an heiress apothecary, they're scared of her. like Yeah, they freak out. They're freaking out. And when you come to find out later, the reason why is because that her her member, her team member, her apprentice or whatever, randomly turns evil and poisons like that whole abandoned town by burning some kind of like herb and like the burning goes up into the cloud. yeah it goes in the rain and rain yeah um So that was cool.
um She saves the day. She defeats him at the end. um You know, you get, you get the guards to help you. I remember it because like ah she went to the desert town and she stopped like a little war there by, by saving the the people who were attacking. um And then later on, those same people, when you're convincing the guards in the city to make everyone go inside, they're like, Oh, I remember her. She's good. They saved the day over there. So they agree to help you.
Yeah, that's another thing I really want to praise this game about is that like each character each chapter each character is broken up into like chapters. So you have like chapter one, chapter two. A lot of characters you meet in previous chapters, they end up coming back later on, and they make references to what you did, and they overall like move the plot of the story, which is really cool. I really enjoyed that. Or you might just see them in new towns, and you can talk to them, and they have like different dialogue, even though even you don't even have to talk to them, but they have new dialogue.
yeah um yeah That was really cool. And I love the Harborlands where she floats up and like where you start. I thought that the whole area was really cool. yeah Just a town right in the water. I'm a sucker for that.
that was right yeah I think there's one more. Yeah, we have Oswald. Oswald. And who this is like, this is probably one of the more. This is one of the darker stories. so um He's basically just he's trying to avenge his family who was murdered, murdered by his former colleague and friend Harvey, who Has a really really messed up like overall storyline to the point where he convinces his daughter Well, Oswald's daughter that he's actually her father and that Oswald is like this crazed murdering man And it is so messed up, but in reality he's doing experiments on the daughter It's like so messed up and Oswald you can like you see him losing control and like tearing himself down and he basically like
he He almost loses it he like breaks down and you end up in prison the whole opening when you're in the prison you have to escape is so cool I love that whole area, and it's such like a it reminded me of like one of those old like prison experiments where they treat the prisoners basically like crap, and it's like alright You're just in this giant law anything goes as long as you like don't mess with the guards Mm-hmm Yeah, Osvalt was cool. He was betrayed by his partner Harvey Harvey. They basically framed him. They thought that he killed his wife and daughter. if They basically said he blew up the house. They burn it down, blew it up, whatever. um We come to find out later that, of course, like you said, his daughter is alive in his brainwash. We find out that his wife was like semi alive. She was turned into a monster and we had to fight her and kill her. Basically, that was great.
because Harvey's trying to get the one true magic. So he's like sacrificing everybody to get it. Dude was a a crazy bastard. It was great killing him. So definitely. Yeah. It is one of the darker stories. And when they revealed that, like, he's like basically brainwashed the daughter, I'm like, that is so messed up. So and then when you fight your wife, basically, that is again, that was like, oh, my gosh. And when when Oswald realizes that's what he has to do. Oh, my God, it kills him. Absolutely kills him inside. Yeah, it was really dark. But eventually you you kill Harvey, you save the day, you get it the daughter back.
um And you take the daughter back to like your assistant and she helps raise her while you're. Yeah. Yeah. And then in the end, he'll be reunited with his daughter. So that's great. least yeah In addition, yeah, in addition to the main stories, we also have the character. We have like the um crossing the path story where they, you know, they they go into a little bit deeper where. um You like they have, I didn't meant to write it down exactly who goes with who, but They like i could kind of remember. Yeah, they they it reveals a little bit more about the characters and it delves more in their relationships. Yeah, and it also helps explain some of the things to come in the final night or whatever. ah You had Hikari was teamed up with Agnea. Yeah, I knew that. Yeah. And their whole thing was basically to deal with that ah that chick who played the harp. Yeah, I don't remember a ton about that.
um I just remember that you you kind of I don't know. I forget. I forget that one a little bit. Yeah. Overall, overall, though, like those cross paths sections are pretty cool. um It was different than the first game, and it gave you more reason. It gave you more of like all these characters are traveling together. They are helping each other out, whereas in the first game, it really didn't do that, which is really cool.
um And yes, it does contribute to the overall end of the game where you know you're sitting there where all the characters interact and they have like one Basically feeling they have to like come out and fight and I know you struggled with ah the final boss a lot there I did. We'll get to that. I remember, yeah, two of the crossing paths that really played a key role in the ending. um There was so Casti and Ochete were paired together, I believe. oshette And yeah you save the forest from the shadow, like the yeah evil shadows, which later on come to play and are some of the enemies that you end up fighting in the night. um So that was cool. And then there was the one where you, uh, Temenos and Throné, hey, our two favorite characters, they were a duo.
Um, you release that girl, uh, from the top of the church, she ends up getting killed. You find out what she was protecting, which was like the mirror. And that mirror was how you reignited the flames. Um, so that came into play and in the finale. And then you find out that the the final, the final, final boss VD, the wicked. Yes. The wicked was the final boss.
manipulating everything behind the scenes. He was pulling the strings. He's the reason why all these, he had a he had a hand in all these enemies and all your major antagonists in this game. He had a hand in it, which is a pretty cool way to wrap it up and like connect everything. I did enjoy that.
Yeah, there were a couple little betrayals um that I want to maybe get into real quick. I don't know if you saw coming. I did. um For one, Temenos, when you first go back to Flame Church at the start of the night, you find out that that one girl, Mint, Mint or whatever, who was like super bubbly and friendly, it turns out she was actually part of the evil cult and you have to fight her. I saw that coming 100%. Did you see that coming?
I did not see it coming. I thought Mint was gonna be, I thought Mint was actually gonna play like a role in the end where she really helps you and you find out that she is helping the party all along.
No, I immediately thought that she was a secret villain. And the reason why is because you're at the start of Temino's story, you are with the ah the pontiff, right? And he's talking to you, but he won't tell you what he wants to say in front of Mint. He's like, no, no, ah we can't talk about this right now but with her.
uh, beat me later and then he ends up getting killed. So that immediately drew suspicion to her. And the fact that she was super friendly and bubbly, I just, just like, this is a cover. Like she's going to turn into a villain watch. But then when you finish Temenos' story, she's not the villain. So I started to think like, Oh, well, maybe she is good. But then When the final final comes with the night and you go back there, sure enough, there she is all evil. She's part of the cult trying to extinguish the flames. And that was actually a pretty cool boss fight against her. She was semi strong. It was good.
Yeah, no, definitely. And I think I thought the whole overarching the overarching like underground where there's people pulling the strings, the whole thing was really cool. I liked they did a really good job at putting all the stories together. And yeah.
um All right, we have that. All right. And you did not do the super secret secret boss. ah So we can talk about that after the final, bo the sorry boss, if you want so you want to talk about that first, which was the day.
Yeah, we can talk about that. Yeah. Yeah. So, of course, you know, you you you reignite the four flames and then you go to the the big island in the middle that appears um and you find out that the eagle of coup actually was kind of betraying you a little bit, too. He had a part in all this. ah He was playing everyone from the beginning in order to bring back V-Day, I guess. um So like he summons V-Day and then fucks off somewhere. I don't know. Maybe he turns into V-Day. I don't remember. But you end up fighting V-Day. That was the main boss, the story boss.
And yeah, I did struggle with this. I was not prepared. um I had basically mainly focused on my core four, and my other characters were like kind of weak, like level 24, maybe 30 at best. um Didn't have the best classes, didn't have the best equipment. So V-Day beat my ass like two, three times. I couldn't beat couldn't beat her. I was getting frustrated. I considered almost just dropping it and like just watching the ending on YouTube, because I wanted to move on to my next game, which was Mafia.
But I'm glad I ended up I spent three or four days grinding leveling up I had to reload a save I had to reload a save from before the night so that I could recruit our on to use this plus hundred percent exp to help me power level a bit which was very helpful.
um But yeah, I ended up getting all my characters like into the 70s and 80s Thanks to like the power leveling stuff um And I unlocked all of the subclasses I got I unlocked a bunch of more powerful weapons more powerful skills Like I was ready to go. So when I finally went back to fight V day with my powered up class um It was funny. He actually beat me the first time um but then the second time I whooped his ass like Finally finally beat him rolled the credits Very happy. Yeah, no, this is I know this boss can be challenging. There is a huge there is a big difficulty spike here, but it is supposed to be like, you know, the final final boss, you know, culminating, bring all these stories together. So I and kind of understand that. But yeah, it was it. I had an idea. So being familiar with so many RPGs, I knew that the final boss, they're going to make you use all eight party members. I already knew that games like this do it all the time.
It happens in very many of the classic Final Fantasy games like this a lot of the 16-bit games you end up having to use all your party members um And they usually get split apart and you have to break them up into two parties So I had a feeling that was like that So that's why a lot of the time I was actively switching out characters The only character who was always constantly overleveled was thrown a again It's because I started with her and you can't take her out until you finish her story. Mm-hmm But yeah, the boss was um, I mean I not super difficult for me just because I was like ready and I um like my characters were pretty much leveled up to the point and I had already done all the different side quests that you needed like I completed everything I thought all the extra bosses I had already had everything unlocked I only died a few times to her and then I um you know defeated him
Yeah, me too. I mean, I, uh, I died three times to her and then realized I was not leveled or ready for this. So I reloaded the save, lost like literally lost like five, six hours of gameplay. Um, but it was worth it because having Oswald was like such a, such a boost. It was way worth it. Um, the second time around I died once. So in the first section too, which I didn't even understand how, but I did. But then the second time I beat him.
Um, he was tough even when I was like level 80 and stuff and had all these stuff. It was still kind of tough. Um, finally though, my, the final attack that finished them was, um, uh, trying to remember what I think it was the higher skill, the 50,000 mercenary came out and took him out. And finally when he died, I was like, yes, finally.
And I got to roll the credit. So I'm glad I persevered I'm glad I put in those four days of grinding and preparing and actually beat it instead of just watching on YouTube So that was good and I beat the game in 69 hours that very nice. Nice. No exactly 69 hours and and a couple minutes um So that was perfect. I did try the the secret boss by the way. Yeah, Galvira Yeah, Galdera, I did do all the BS that you had to do to unlock him. um I went there and I tried. I did try to fight him one time. He absolutely freaking destroyed me. And it wasn't even close. Like it was so one sided. He destroyed my my ah first party like instantly. And I was like, oh, no, no, no, no.
I was like, im I'm not doing this. I was like, this ain't for me. This is um'm I'm not I'm not a JRPG vet enough to beat this. I'm not going for the platinum anyway. So I bowed out. I was like, you win, man. You got it. So do you know anything about Gaudier's backstory? I think he's the final boss of the first game, right? Yeah, he's the final boss. He basically comes from um like and he comes from the other world and just and is basically trying to um It's basically challenging you. Originally, they did not plan on having this in the game. It was one of the last minute, not last minute, but one of the last things they added, and they're like, hey, let's add this super secret boss. I really enjoyed it. It was very much more challenging than V-Day. But yeah, it can definitely, if you go in there and you're like, you're not ready, you get your butt kicked right away.
ah Apparently I wasn't ready even with level 80 characters and like all the best gear he put my ass and I was like, yeah No, I'm not doing this. I was like you have to have you have to have a ah Plan of attack to go in there because I've seen people with like level nine all party members over 99 and get wiped out I've seen people who are there's like runs that all the characters are like level 10 they can they can destroy it i yeah I saw one run where he he basically beat it with just Cassie. He powered her up so much where she was able to attack like with that wind attack like eight times in a row and they all did 99,000 damage each hit and just destroyed it. like if you If you have a perfect plan, yeah, you can do it. But I was like, no. I was like, not for me, man. I beat i beat the main story and that was good for me. I couldn't handle Gaudero or whatever. He was tough.
yeah very much so especially because there's just so much like if you screw up one phase, you're screwed though. You're like, oh, crap, you better just reset now. As you saw, I remember I was fighting him and I screwed up like one turn and I was like, oh, I'm so screwed now. I had to redo the whole thing. I'm like, oh, damn. But it works out in the end because I hundred percented it. You got the plat. Yep, I did. And I had to send it on steam as well. Oh, OK. Very nice Xbox, huh?
No, not on Xbox. You know, I'm a Sony fanboy. Yeah, that's ah fair enough. um All right. I do want to talk about some of the side quests. Do you remember any of the side quests at all? Yeah, I remember something some of the more memorable ones. Do you have a favorite one or a a memorable one you want to throw out there?
No, I mean, there were there were a couple. Obviously, Partitio had some nice ones, his little merchant ones, like where you had to you had to raise one hundred thousand and buy the ship from that girl, the ship maker. And that was pretty cool. um Also, you got the the music machine and then you were able to buy the songs and play them in the end. So that was cool. I did that.
um I had one where it was like up in the northwest or whatever like the cliff region um where like I went into like a secret dungeon or whatever and I Killed a boss and you find like ah a sister in there um And you find out that her sister was killed by said boss and then you go back to town and her sister lies to her parents and it's like oh, you know Yeah, she we found out that she left to go study abroad or whatever. Yeah, she didn't want to break it to her parents and Um, but yeah, I mean, there were others too. Um, what, what were some of yours? So one of my favorite ones is it's, I wrote down what it's called. It's called procuring peculiar tomes. And this is the one when you unlock, this unlocks the Arcanist job, but this one you go through and you get, you gather rare books, like you're going around finding the books and you can actually go in and like read some, read about the lore of the world. And I just think that's so cool. Cause it builds on like the, it again, it builds on the lore. It gives you a little backstory about what's going on in the entire.
um game and I actually did go through and read them and reading it is fascinating because it just builds upon like The timeline of the events of what's going on in the world like stuff that's happened before the game started Gives you a little bit more about that and then again you're you unlock the Arcanist job, which I really liked it's one of the more powerful secret jobs um I also like the the missing girl, you wrote you made a reference to earlier, the missing girl, sorry, where you end up finding her in the top of the church and then she ends up getting killed. yeah yeah that Very disturbing, very emotional, because again, it it it reveals like ah really it reveals a lot about the game, what's going to happen in the end game.
I like that one. um did I like the one where you unlock the the Reinforced Merchant Coin. it's one of the ah We can make a lot of money. It's like one of the coins. If you have it, you make more money from defeating enemies. um And it's when you get the Ancient Curse Box. Yeah, I don't i don't know if I remember that one.
um You have to, there's like a ton of, detect you have they give you a ton of clues. You have to solve a bunch of things. They give you like very vague, like hints at what to do. And you have to go do those like tasks. Yeah. I don't know if I might have not have done that one. I didn't do all of them. I did. I did. I did many of them, but not all. Um, but it was good. I was just remembering while you were talking, my boy, uh, Temenos, how he would always call crick, uh, my wayward lamb.
He was like, follow me, my lost lamb, my wayward lamb, and then Crick would get mad. Like, don't call me that. I'm a sanctum knight. Man, shout out to Crick and Temenos. That was one thing at the very end. They did a nice little epilogue. um I do wish that they would have had Temenos go back to Crick's grave and be like, you know, we we finished it, man. It's done. But they didn't do that. But that's OK. I did. I went back to his grave. Good. I was like, hey, shout out to him. And here's a screenshot, which you probably can't see. This is the very end of the game.
yeah where it says the dawn has come has returned or whatever the dawn has come nice little screenshot there you go when you beat the that's my hikari because he was my main character what a game dude what a game great game amazing game again just so much so like so many good things about this game just like the music and let's just talk about the music for a second like how Like some of the areas are so peaceful and like you just sit there and listen to it and you're like, Oh, this is awesome. But then you got some of the battle themes that are so uptempo and they're like a rock and you're like, Oh my gosh, this is so you just bobbing your head to it. Yeah. Some of the battle themes are awesome. Some of the boss themes too. Yeah. incredibly sound Really great, really great music. I loved it. I didn't listen to any podcasts or anything. I was just fully immersed in the game.
especially like when the night hits and you're fighting the shadows, like the the theme, the music that plays during that is just real dark and edgy. And I liked it. It was foreboding. Did you like the whole day night aspect of the game? Mm hmm. I did. And I mostly did. I did most of my stuff at night. um But I would I would switch to the day when I was in town so that I could rob people with thrown eggs.
Um, if you had Agni powered up, you could rob people at night with her in treat ability. She basically would just like, because she's a hot dancer, I guess she would just convince people to get their stuff. Yeah. She would seduce them basically. Yeah. Yeah. So you could rob people at night with her. Good stuff. Dude. got Talking about that in the first game, there's like a brothel. There's a whole brothel quest. Nice. Which it reminds me of that. Yeah. It reminds me of that. But yeah, overall amazing game. Absolutely love it. Um,
Yeah. Unbelievable. I really, I really wish we could get a third game, but we won't. We might. We might. Maybe one day. Is the studio dead? i be ah The studio that is no longer at Square Enix, they got rid of them. That's so lame. I don't understand the decisions that Square Enix makes sometimes. i really don't We could get like a spiritual successor to the game um made by that team, but it will not be Octopath 3.
That's fine. I don't care what they call it. I'll take it. um But yeah, this game was awesome. um I said that this game might have been in my top 10 of all time. I don't know if it is, but it's close. It's knocking on the door. um I love it. and This game's like a 9.5 out of 10 for me.
Really, really, really enjoyed it. Glad I played it. And I got to say that this this game has made me more excited about playing more JRPGs. um I'm really looking forward to playing East 8 soon. I'm going to play that. um I'm looking forward to playing the Star Ocean games and um all of these games. All great choices. Midnight might be turning into a weeb. We'll see. Weeb!
I'll never be a full weeb though because Western RPGs are still probably the best. They're amazing. So I'll never turn my back on the Western greatness, but I'm happy to add in the JRPG greatness with it and just enrich my life. Love to hear that. Yeah. Um, I don't, I, I guess that's all I have here. I don't think I have any more final thoughts. Let me look, here Oh,
A couple of my notes here. So Ori, the little Scrivener from the newspaper girl. yep yeah She was from Partitio's story. She also shows up at the end of Cassie's story to do a story about the heirs of Apothecary saving anyone. And then later we find out she was part of the cult.
Yeah. um And she almost died. I didn't see that coming either. I didn't either. I didn't see that coming. But I was wondering why she kept showing up. Yeah, she was one of the people who snuffed out one of the flames. um But she didn't die. She lived. She kill she goes to kill herself, right? But because of Partitio, we find out because like he won her over. ah She apparently stopped just short of a mortal ah thing. So she lives. That's cool. Let me see if there's anything else.
Oh, I thought it was cool that the clips that they play during the credits were actually from your gameplay. Yeah, from your individual gameplay. Yeah, no, I knew that. Yeah. Yeah, it shows the exact party that you were using and the exact classes and outfits fighting these bosses. So I thought that was a really cool touch.
um Let's see. and And your companions at the end of the game, they depart in reverse order that you got them. um I don't know if you noticed that, like the last person to depart the little fireplace was Hikari. The second to last for me was Kasty and she was the first person that I got. And then it was Ochett. It was literally in the order that you got them. They departed in that reverse order. So I thought that was cool. Like some really nice touches. um And I guess those are my final thoughts. Good stuff.
Yeah, no, definitely. i Like I said, I love this game. So many good things to say about it. I know the second we end this, I'm going to be like, why didn't I mention this? Why didn't I mention that? But yeah, amazing game. I definitely want to replay it eventually again. Maybe maybe I'll replay it on Switch. There you go. Switch 2. It's going to need that extra power. Oh, yeah. Yeah, man. Why not? You get 60 frames on it.
um But yeah, I mean, that's it, I guess. Let us know, guys, in the comments if you played this game. I'm assuming you did, if you're watching this episode. What did you think? How do you rate it? Is it in your favorite games of all time? Just any final thoughts? But yeah, take it away, Sean.
Anything else you got? No, that's it. Thanks for listening, guys. I really appreciate you coming out here. Leave us a like, leave us a comment. ah Tell us what you think. um Yeah. And if you like these kind of videos, these kind of podcast episodes, we have more comments. So I'm always down to talk JRPG. So at midnight, if you finish Ease 8 and you really like it, we can do an Ease 8 episode. Yeah. Anytime. Anytime. And maybe if I play a I don't know with some Western witcher game. I don't know. Maybe maybe we'll do it. You would love Witcher three. No, you would. You would. Yeah. I don't know. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of the length? I've tried the real time combat. I've tried. I just can't do it. I can't do it. Well, it took me a while to I dropped it like two times, three times, but then I finally committed and did it and loved it. But.
All right, but yeah, let's get out of here. Let's get out of here. It's been 58 minutes. Awesome minutes. Thank you, guys. Go ahead and do the ending, Sean. Thanks, guys, for listening. We're going to be back next week with a regular episode. We hope you listened, and we hope you enjoy. And see you, guys. Bye. Woo!