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27. The Best and Worst Video Game Adaptations [featuring Lockmort] image

27. The Best and Worst Video Game Adaptations [featuring Lockmort]

Games Over Plastic
35 Plays1 month ago

This week, join us as we welcome back our friend Lockmort to discuss our favorite and least liked video game adaptations!  

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Video and Audio edited by: Hodge
Intro and Graphics by: Hodge
Intro music credits: Epic Cinematic Trailer | ELITE by Alex-Productions |
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Anniversary and Guest Introduction

Welcome everybody. This is games over plastic episode number 27. I believe this is our one year anniversary special. It has been a full year since we started this podcast. Please clap everybody, please clap. And what a fitting way to bring in one year anniversary than to bring back our very first ever guest, Lockmort. Let's just go ahead and start with the introductions. I'm midnight, by the way, Lockmort. Welcome back to the show. How you doing, my friend?
but Thank you, sir. Thank you for having me back. I can't believe it's been a year. I remember it like it was yesterday when you guys started this, so congrats. That's amazing. A lot of people start podcasts and then stop them after after a while, but you guys get going and your success is growing, so very proud of you guys. You're doing awesome. Keep going.
Yes, thank you. My cat is excited as well about our one year anniversary. um Yeah, it's been a great time, been a great journey. Couldn't be happier, of course, with the with the crew that we've assembled. And speaking of that crew, let's go ahead and get into the co-hosts

Sean's Vacation Plans

here. We have the man, the myth, the legend, Sean Mason, master of weebery and all things greatness. How you doing, sir?
I'm doing great. Just, you know, um getting ready for we have a little February vacation coming up from school. I'll be heading down to Florida. I'll be visiting one of our friends, Poot. I'm going to be visiting him in Port St. Lucie. I cannot wait. We're going to go to Met Spring Training. I'm so excited. that's a Yeah. So that's I have next week I have school and then that next following week I'm off for a week. I can't wait. Hey, shout out to Poot.
yeah Are you guys on trimesters? Is that why you have a fall or a February break?

School Breaks Discussion

Uh, no. So we don't have a March break. We have like a shorter break at Christmas. Like, you know, a lot of places get like two weeks off. We get like, we just get like a regular week off and then we get a week in February and a week in April. Oh, okay. So we don't have a March break. A March is very low. Like the stretch between February vacation and April vacation is very long. There's no days off.
Extremely. Oh, the though so it's so tough being a teacher, having a day off every other week. All right. Yeah. Damn. Roasted. OK. I don't care. And then, of course, last but not least, we have the master of graphics. Hodge. Nothing. that What else needs to be said? I mean, look at this man.
He's a beast. How you doing? I just I'm good. I have to ask you, are you doing your best Diglett impression because your head is just at the bottom of your camera? Yeah, I am. I am doing my best. Who is Diglett? It's a Pokemon. You guys know I've only played one Pokemon, Jesus. I'm not a Pokemon superfan. It was why. I'm sure he was in it, but it's not like I've played a lot of Pokemon to really remember them.
I remember Pikachu and Litten, of course. Yeah. Oh, Litten. Litten. Yeah, I liked Litten, man. Litten was cool, dude. Incineroar. Come on, quit hating. Oh, my. Yeah. But anyway, ah yeah, I'm ah happy. I can't believe it's already been a year. It feels like we just started doing this. So it's it's it's crazy that we're already a year into doing this podcast. and I'm in my 14th location. So yeah. So it's and I'm happy Lock is back. So this is going to be a fun topic to talk about. So let's do it.

Video Game Adaptations Introduction

And speaking of which, that topic, we're going to be getting into our favorites and least favorite video game adaptations. So, of course, TV and movies based on a video game. It's going to be a lot of fun. um But before. Go ahead and say it's great. It's crazy because there's no bad video game adaptation. So we're really scraping the bomb. and for this one Yeah, it was difficult.
um All right, so let me get in the administrative stuff real quick. Of course, games over plastic is available on all audio platforms, um Spotify, Apple Music, all of them. You can also find us on YouTube with video cameras, graphics and everything.
um At youtube slash at game games over plastic. Excuse me, ah please leave us likes leave us comments leave Questions if you have write-ins or questions leave them in the comment section and we will use your questions if it's a good one um We did not get any write-ins. I don't think on our last episode so there won't be any in this one But hey get us next week. All right um Yeah. And also subscribe. We're trying to hit 100 subs. We're close. I think we're at like 85, 86 subs. So we're getting there. So if you're on YouTube, hit that sub button, if you're enjoying the content, even a little bit, we appreciate that. Um, but yeah, let's go ahead and get into some gaming, shall

Recent Gaming Experiences

we? Let's go ahead and start with what we are playing. And I want to mix up the order so that it's different from the round Robin later. Um, so let's just go ahead and start with, uh, we'll go ahead and start with Sean. What are you playing, sir?
All right, well, I just want to say that I have finished ESX. I am currently still going through. I'm going to plan on getting the platinum there. So I'm going through like a nightmare mode run. I just want to say I'm going to be very quick. I love the game. The ending was awesome. You know, I talked about how I turned more it that I had grown. The game had grown on me last time and I talked about it. um Karja, she has quickly become one of my favorite Ys characters um ever. ah she's Her whole backstory is awesome. There's a huge twist in the middle of the game and it really blows your mind. I really like it. ah The combat definitely grew on me. and
um I put it on hard difficulty as I got later in the game because I was finding the combat too easy and it definitely it suited much more for hard hard mode because um just like the the way you can parry and the way you can block attacks is awesome. I love the world. The pirate ship combat really grew on me as well. um Yeah, the game is overall. It was awesome. Really good really good time. If you're a yeast fan, you should probably you should definitely play the game.
And, um, yeah, that's fit. I just wanted to give a little update for that for yeast 10, maybe one day, midnight. If you ever eventually play East 10, we can have a little, we can go into spoilers. Okay. Well, I will probably be playing East 10. Um, but I'll get into what I'm playing later, which is adjacent. So, um, I am also playing Pikmin one. Um, I've never played the Pikmin series, not a big real time strategy guy.
But, you know, I decided why don't I try this beloved game of in Nintendo lore? So I decided to try Pikmin 1. So I'm playing it on Switch and not playing the OG GameCube version or the Wii version. And I'm having such a wonderful time. i'm just curious Any of you guys ever played Pikmin? No. No.
Okay, it's such a fascinating game. Like you're, you're these like many, many creatures and you're dropped in like basically the real world and you're just running around. You can like find like batteries on the ground and there's like picnic baskets everywhere. And it's just, it's so cool to just explore these like huge levels and just see like real world objects, but they look huge. Cause obviously the Pikmin are tiny. Uh, Pikmin one has a time mechanic where you are like, there's a date, like you have to beat the game in a certain number of days. And if you don't, you lose basically.
Yeah, so it's really cool. You know, Pikmin, you to run around these crazy worlds with these like real life objects everywhere. um It is pretty cool how you have Olimar. He's like the main dude. How are you familiar with Olimar from Smash, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah um You are restricted. There's only three different type of Pikmin though in the game. So there's only yellow, red and blue right now. um Each can do like different things. But i I heard as the series goes on, you get obviously you get more and more Pikmin. And I also heard that There's different abilities for these original three. So I'm excited to see where it goes. I'm only about four or five hours in. So I am going to play through it and I am enjoying it. So I do plan on playing Pikmin 2. I do want to eventually just get to all of them. So should be fun. It's good. It's a nice little like a chill game. What console was the original on? Was it GameCube? Yeah, it was GameCube. It was ah like a launch year GameCube game. pv
okay I remember I always wanted to play these ones, especially when Four came out last year, the year before. I wanted to play it, but I just never got around it. but it's it's a series that interest like It didn't interest me too much for a while, but when I played Tinykin, which is basically the same thing, you have different Tinykins, which have different abilities to help you make you know puzzle your way through the world.
that people were telling me that's kind of what Pikmin was like. And I was like, oh, I really want to try it. And then four looked fun. So, yeah, these these games look cool. I just I haven't gotten around to them yet. I want to eventually. Yeah, you basically just run around the world just collecting things and bringing them back to your ship. But there's like the the insect creatures are like huge. They look like like these insane things. They're trying to kill you, basically. Yeah, like grounded. Yeah. Yeah, it's yeah kind of. Yeah, but better.
Nice. Did you ever play that? You didn't, right? No, no, no. I don't play games like that. No. Sorry, Sean. She got into the little kitty games like that. Oh, I didn't say that. I didn't say that. I just didn't grow up with it. I think Nintendo... That's like a Nintendo game, right? You've got to grow up with those games. And I didn't, so I never played it. I was...
When it launched, I was only five. So I honestly, I didn't even know what Pikmin was until Smash Bros. came. So Smash Bros. Brawl, when I unlocked Olimar, I'm like, who is this guy? And then I looked up like Pikmin, what the heck is that? And then I just never knew about it. But I had a friend who like really liked it. And I'm like, how come you never showed me this game? I don't know. I figured you'd never.
Yeah, I think mica mica's a huge fan. I think how about yeah, she's um, yeah She um, she likes the first I think she likes that. She wasn't as high on four i'm pretty sure. Oh, okay. Yeah Nice. Um, so that's maybe i'll try one of those when I get the switch too The probably yeah, you never know All right, so that's pickman and then I am playing you know Midnight you told me I had to play this game for our little um, you know secret santa So I decided just to start playing Sleeping Dogs. And I am actually playing on Xbox. Guys, I'm playing on Xbox, I know, right? Wow. Yeah, I told you to play because that's it. Are you using FPS boost? I hope. I am. Yes, I am. Yeah, I get that 60.
um And I am really enjoying this, enjoying myself. Midna, I want to say thank you for suggesting this. you You know my tastes well. I really love the overall world. ah Wei Shen, he's awesome. like I love the whole idea of an undercover cop that is like so... I love stories like that. I i just love things like that. um Running around just like the world and just trying to like navigate where you're going and... I like getting in contact with all these different people is really cool. I like taking on the small jobs for the Red Pole Winston too. That's pretty cool. um Yeah, I'm only a couple hours in so I really like the hand-to-hand combat. The parkour style movement is also
like really different. I didn't expect that in the game. I definitely feels like a ah more constrained GTA, but I'm enjoying it. I'm really excited to see where the story goes. Like I said, I'm only a couple hours in. ah Next episode, I probably will.
have a lot more to say. um But yeah, it really feels like a GTA game, but like a little different. It's set, you know, it's set in Hong Kong, so it's a little different. um Yeah, i'm I'm really enjoying it. The street fights are funny, too, just getting in like street fights with random people. That's always fun. Do you did you see that just announced a movie this week? Yes, I do. Yeah, maybe a potential sequel at some point. Yeah. Speaking of video game adaptations, huh? It all comes full circle.
I also I'm also curious to see because I've already seen a little bit um of him being like um Like feeling a little bit Like didn't know if he should like stick to his cop roads or be loyalty to his like friends his old neighborhoods so I'm like kind of wondering where that's gonna go in the future like yeah Is there gonna be like some type of choice you can make where you're like loyal to one group? I don't know. I'm interested to see where it goes.
Yeah, I don't know. You'll find out. um I love this game so much. what an ah What an awesome unique world being in Hong Kong. um I think they did an awesome job recreating the city. um i I believe they did send a whole bunch of developers over there and they spent a bunch of time and they took a ah millions of photos and they really tried to recreate it. Obviously shrunk down, but they tried to recreate it pretty faithfully. um And it's just such a unique vibe because you don't play a lot of games in like a modern day, like Hong Kong type setting, you know.
um And I love like the colors, the lights, the the Chinese signs, the the music. Have you got to drive around a bit and listen to like the Hong Kong rap and rock and stuff? It's great. Well, i have I have driven around a little bit. I haven't really paid attention to the music. I'm not really into that, like the Hong Kong. and rap music. I have I've listened to it a little bit. I'm like, yeah, it's not for me. So I kind of just ignore it while I'm driving around. But it is fun. The driving driving is actually it feels pretty good. Arguably, I think because this came out what year did this originally come out? Like 20? I want to say like 2012 ish maybe. Yeah. Well, originally, if I had to compare it to like GTA four, I think the driving in this game is so much better than in GTA four. Yeah. Yeah, it's good. I think everything is good about this game, honestly.
Yeah, it's good. I'm i'm like glad I'm playing it. I'm a little shocked that I didn't play it back when it came out because I was like such a big... like At that time, I was so big into GTA. I was playing GTA IV so much at that time. But even in 2012, I was still playing GTA IV a lot.
yeah I think this game kind of flew a bit under the radar, sadly. um It was like a sleeper hit kind of. um But yeah, I love this game and the deeper you get into it, like you'll get more moves and you'll get more fluent with the combat. And towards the end of the game, I was loving the combat so much and I was just busting combos on people and it just felt so fluid and good. um So i'm I'm excited to hear what you think later. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Locke or Hodge, did you guys have any thoughts on this game?
a Great game, great game. i'm I'm so excited to see what they do with a sequel. It should have gotten a sequel a long time ago. I remember, maybe I'm mistaken, but the driving was like more arcadey, right? Like you could do more stuff. that It's not like a really sim experience like a GTA, but the driving lets you do stuff, right? very Yeah, it it feels very arcadey to me. um it It feels so much easier to just pick up and drive around. And I don't know, it's just, it's so... I really like it. I'm really enjoying it. I think...
Like you have like in GTA when you're driving around you can just like you randomly hit people and it's like it feels like it's like giant like Almost like a movie. You're almost like you're watching a movie. I don't get that feeling when I'm playing this game It it also has this really cool feature now I remember that when you drive or when you do a race you can see your friends times to where you can break them in in the in the single-player game I think it's a race later on that you get to, but you can see... Yeah, I have times haven't done any races yet. Oh, okay. You can see the times of your PSN friends, which is or Xbox friends in this case, I guess, which is really cool. Yeah, you'll be able to see my time. Are we friends on Xbox? If not, add me. I'm using Claire's profile, so... Okay. But you still add me if you want, either way. um But yeah, I'm glad you're enjoying the game. um but and that was Is that the last game you had, Joe? Yeah, that's it. Yep. All right. Are you satisfied? Any more thoughts on your games?
and Well, I just very realized this game was released on my birthday. Oh, yeah, it was it was fated to be All right, then so that was what Sean's been playing ah some great games I must say um Let's see. Let's go. Who do we want to go to next? We will go to Lockmort Lock what have you

Game Highlights and Reviews

been playing sir? This is a big one. I'm excited to hear about this Oh, well, I've only been playing one game and that's Kingdom come deliverance, too I've been looking forward to this game for many many years and it's ah so far. It's my game I would say it's my game of the decade so far and it will be. um I think it's it's on par with The Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2, it's that good. um I think a lot of people agree will agree with that, a lot of people who played, a lot of people who won't play it won't agree with that probably. But I think it's level of detail, it's it's story, it's characters, the way that the simulation kind of works in in medieval times.
It reminds me a lot of Red Dead Redemption 2. The way the map works reminds me a lot of The Witcher 3. It's amazing. It's everything. I wanted it to be it exceeding my expectations every day. um I think it released on on Tuesday, so five days ago from or or four days ago from when we're recording this, and I already put over 20 hours into it. So it's downright amazing. I can't wait. I've heard from people who completed it that that they poured over 150 hours into it. So this is all I'll be playing probably for the next month, but I'm so excited.
I'm so excited to see you guys play it too, because have any of you guys played the first one? I played the first one for a couple hours after hearing you just like talk about how amazing the game is. And I was like, oh, my gosh, this is awesome. And Claire was like, yeah, we've had it for we've had it for a while. You've never ever played it, but she's played it. And she's like I said, she's loving Kingdom Come 2 right now. And she loved the first one. So but I am probably just going to jump into the second one.
Well, yeah, I know Midnight is going to love it for sure because he's like a Bethesda fan, but you two, I'm so excited because you two, well, I have a beef with you two because you you you talk shit about Skyrim I heard. Which is something that can't that can't go I'm honest Okay, okay, well have fun with Pikmin but um um If you I'm very excited to to to hear your thoughts if you don't like Skyrim what you think of this game because it's basically a way more involved Skyrim Way better in my opinion, too So I'm very excited if you two ever get to it, but what you guys think cuz maybe I know you're gonna love it for sure There's no question
Yeah, I'm sure I will. I played the first one a bit in like two different two different sessions. I dropped it and then I restarted and I played it. um I told you before, I think I got to the point where you like hang out with that priest and get wasted um in that town and then you end up filling in and giving a sermon or something. um So I think I was semi far, but I don't know. like i've just I never really got a hang of the combat. The combat is really difficult and unintuitive feeling. and uh you kind of start off with like no skills at all and you really have to kind of build by doing which is kind of like a Bethesda thing you know and the more you use the skills it levels up becomes better um so I didn't really give it a full shake as much as I would like to
What I think I will probably do is I will watch the amazing recap that you did on your YouTube channel. oh Let me, let me, by the way, for the listeners, let me give a quick shout out to our boy Lockmort. He has a new YouTube channel. It's youtube slash at lock plays. L O C K P L A Y S. It'll be in the description too. Make sure you go check out and support our boy Lockmort on his new YouTube venture.
um I can see he has six videos out right now and they've all been amazing. He's doing great work one video every week tomorrow is tomorrow's kingdom come deliverance to rivern too um Yeah, can't wait and next week about so we'll see who really can't wait for about yeah um So yeah, make sure you check and support our boy But but anyway, um, I will probably watch your full spoiler recap that you did the story recap And then I'll probably get into KCD to when the time comes but it's not it's not yet sure You guys have thoughts on this at all?
Lock I did have a student yesterday. I was sitting I was covering a study hall yesterday and a student just go He was talking to his friend. He goes that kingdom come game. That looks awesome yeah yeah i wanna to go home and get it i thought at you immediately as wow yeah it's good to give him a It's going to the youth Good good. Yeah, it's doing amazing too. It's selling like nuts It's so like 1 million copies in 24 hours, which is yeah not for a game like this way European mev So you're telling me the anti woke boycott did not work It's crazy. Yeah, I know. i know yeah It's nuts. Yeah. But but I got to say, ah I had actually never heard of this series until you talked about it. And so I was like, I've said this before. So with the Skyrim thing, I think I just didn't like it because it just doesn't age well. I don't think it's one of those like, I know I love like I love Kingdom Hearts, obviously, I've talked about a billion times. But a lot of people say those controls are dog shit now.
And it might be true, but I've played, I played, I've, you know, I grew up on it. So I'm used to it. So I think that's kind of what happened with Skyrim is it came out when that was intuitive gameplay and now it's bad. So, so I think that's because Well, Sean didn't like the story. I actually liked the story from what I got through. It's just the gameplay was, I couldn't do it anymore. And so I fell off of it. But Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, it looks cool. i Like I said, again, it it takes a lot for me to get into ah like a medieval fantasy type setting. so Sure.
that's kind of so it's one of those words its like maybe once it's on sale or something i'll give it a shot but it's not what i'm gonna sprint into but i do have to say as someone who's never played it and didn't finish witch or three or red dead two that comparison is terrible so yeah yeah i get it if you don't like don't yeah because it it it really is a combination of those two games with skyrim so if you don't like any of those three yeah you more the thing probably like The thing I've talked not played this i've i've talked about it before the thing I didn't like about Red Dead 2 what I got into it and I enjoyed like the story and acting all this stuff but the reason I actually fell off I was getting annoyed from the hunting and you have to shave and all that kind of crap but the thing that made me fall off was I was on my way to a mission and you know I have to do like the scenic route where you like watch the camera and they talk and all that kind of shit
It was a 10 minute drive and it crashed three times after I got to the destination. And so I spent over a half hour of my life just trying to get to this mission. I'm like, I'm done. and I'll wait for it to be patched and all that. So I'm waiting for them to I don't know. They've re-released GTA 5 17 times. I don't know how they haven't given us a 60 FPS patch for Red Dead 2. It's crazy. I don't get it. So.
If that ever comes out, I will jump back into it, because I so i still own it, obviously. So I do want to, because i Red Dead 1 is it's the only Rockstar game I've ever given a shit about. Like I said, great I've played GTA 3, I played ah a little bit of 4. I've never played 5, honestly. I'm the only person on the world the on the planet who hasn't played it, apparently.
But so I've never really cared about Rockstar, but Red Dead One and Undead Nightmare are two like amazing games. So I i do want to give Red Dead to another shot. But ah the Witcher three, I just it didn't grab me. i i sure I don't know what it was. That one just didn't grab me. But yeah, so I mean, Kingdom Come, it's like I said, it's one of those if it's ever on sale, I'll give it a shot. But it's definitely not like top of the priority for me kind of thing. I get that. Yeah. There there is just no chance In my opinion, from knowing you, there is just no chance that you would ever really play or especially beat that game. It's so big and so complex and convoluted. I feel like you would instantly be like, no, I'm out. There's I mean, you're probably you might be right about me finishing it, but trying it. No, i've I've tried games I don't normally like. And I mean, like like I said, I tried Hades because it was on Game Pass and now it's one of my favorite games of all time. I would never would have thought I would have liked a roguelike, but it's yeah like ah so one of my favorite games of all time. So.
Who knows? It might grab me. Sometimes it just takes one special game to grab you and put you into that genre. so Sure, sure. I know you're not going to like it. There's a two in there's a two in the title. You're not going to like it. Yeah, that's true. I do hate sequels of all of all kinds, except for Ripto's Rage. But yeah. All right. That's cool. Good stuff. All right. So that's what Lockmort has been playing, Kingdom Come Deliverance. Are you satisfied with that, sir?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, nice. Excited to see and hear more about that um on your channel and whatnot. Discord. All right, so let me get into what I've been playing real quick. I'm only playing one game currently. um I am playing some Weebri. It is East 8.
The Lacrimonia of Dana or whatever the fuck it's called. I don't know. East eight. ah This game's pretty cool. Pretty cool. I'm enjoying it so far. I'm like 10, 10 to 12 hours ish in right now. I'm like level 28, 29. I've been running around the island rescuing the castaways. um You know, it's pretty cool. I have a party of four. um My favorite three, Sean, are of course the main character. um What's his name? Adil or whatever? Adil. Yeah. Yeah. The main character, Adil. Of course, the chick. um What is her name? Why am I blanking on her name? You don't even know the character's name, but you like the game. Is it Roxy or something?
keep going. And also, and then the fat dude, the fat dude with anchor. There you go. So that's my favorite part. It's, like it's like laxia, lac, lacria. Okay. Honestly, like I probably could have told you the names very easily, but for some reason I just blank there, like on the spot while I was talking. I just had a moment. This is my first copy of the day and I barely touched it. So same thing. Yeah, no, but honestly, I really do like the game. I like the characters. There's also like this dude that like is like like the edgelord with like the ah the black hat. ah He has like a gun with like a bayonet on it and he's pretty sweet too. And honestly, I want to put him in my party. But the way they did it is there's like three elements. There's like the slash, there's Pierce and then there's Crush um and he's Pierce as well.
I don't want two pierces. I want to have all three elements so that I can switch through them. um So he's just kind of riding the bench right now. But he is a cool character though. um I like his abilities too. He like poisons people. um yeah So yeah, so far so good. Like I am enjoying it. The story is starting off a little bit slow. It's kind of like just kind of like peaceful like rescue people and scout the island vibes right now. But it's starting to ramp up.
um they just They just had a big reveal that there's a boogeyman out there. um And then, of course, we're dealing with beasts on the island. ah So it's pretty cool. I am enjoying it. My one complaint about this game, Sean, and this might be just me and me issue, but I don't think it is because I saw other people complaining, is that the map system is a little bit bad. like I find myself feeling lost a lot of the times. like like When you open the map and you select the waypoint, like it says, go here for the main quest.
um Like it doesn't give you a path or it doesn't indicate which exit to the map that you want to go. So I find myself sometimes a lot of times like running around randomly like lost trying to figure out where the hell I'm supposed to go to how to find this specific area where the objective is and it's frustrating at times. But then eventually you stumble on it and then the story resumes and you're like, yay, this is good.
um So I do wish the maps was slightly better. I wish there was like an indicator, even if they just like put like a little color coded indicator on the exit, like this is the exit that's going to take you where you want to go type stuff. But I like it. I think it's a good game and I know it's going to get much better. um I haven't even met like the main character on the ah the cover, Dana or whatever, the girl with the blue hair. She's like on the cover. I haven't met her yet. I know she's going to play a key role, um but yeah, it's good. um I'm definitely enjoying it.
And that's ah that's my initial thoughts for Ys VIII. I'm not that far. ah Sean, what do you think about but this game and that? Yeah. So you had mentioned the slow start. Ys games are ah notorious for slow starting. like they All of them start. The exception of Ys Origins, which I don't even really consider because that's like a completely different character. It's a completely different game, except 300 years before any of the other games.
All of them start off extremely slow, and it's very much like, a oh, let's go out and save these people. And then you get into like the real plot and the real thing. i do um I do agree with the map system. It does not really get any better as in any of the other games. That's like a problem I have with the Ys games. like the whole There's like no indicator on like what exit to go to, which I find so weird because in Trails, which is the same developer, they do it in Trails. And I'm like, how do you not just Like, you know what I mean? And it's weird because they they use a lot of the same assets for both games. A lot of the same it's the same art style, a lot of the same music as well. I was gonna ask you, what do you think of the music so far?
It's good. I think the music's good. I think it's actually really good. But the thing is, I don't find it to be super deep. It seems like the same like two or three themes kind of over and over all the time. um But the themes that we do have are good. Like the battle theme is upbeat and fun. At times when it's like more chill and you're at camp, it kind of has like this theme that reminds me of Zelda a little bit.
um It's really good. It's good. It's just not a ton of music. um But yeah, I'm really enjoying it. I'm enjoying like the really bright, colorful, weeby art style. um It's something that I'm not really used to, but like it's a different vibe. like It really pops, especially on the OLED, like the bright colors. You got the red hair and the orange hair and stuff. um And it's it's interesting. you know I'm not used to these types of games, but ah it's not bad.
I will definitely beat the game. I'm playing it on ah normal, by the way, not easy. um I thought about putting it on easy, but I was like, nah, I'm a Chad, you know, I can play this. So I've been playing it on normal and it hasn't been too difficult. I haven't had to lower the difficulty or anything. um Some of the boss fights have been the boss fights have been pretty good.
Um, the last boss fight I had was the first one that was actually slightly challenging, but it was also really fun. Like this, it was like this turtle thing under the water that had like eight little pods on top of his head. And it was pretty cool. Like you can see like air bubbles when he's under the water. So, you know, where he's going to pop out and then you just dodge right when he pops out. And then you jump to avoid the splash. And then you just beat his ass. It was a fun little, uh, little loop. I'm enjoying the game. I think it's good. Uh, Lockmort, I know you're there. You've, you've Yeah, go ahead. I would say you've put 10 hours in and you're only there. Wow, your're point you're going like at a very slow pace. I guess. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I'm level 28, 29. I found 12 or 13 of the castmates.
Am I going slow? Probably because I've been getting lost running around the damn bat. Probably. um um I think the last thing that happened, Sean, is there was a reveal about a killer, slight spoiler, I guess. I could believe that if it needed. But yeah, so like that we found out that there's ah some kind of killer. And then there was a big a big raid with the big dragon dude, ah the primordial. Oh, yeah. That's kind of where I'm at. And the game, the game starts to pick up a lot there.
Yeah, and the girl, um she climbed up onto the top of the tower kind of Final Fantasy seven vibes. And she kind of like, ah let she kind of explain why she's meant to count all this time a little bit. She's opening up a bit. So that's good. You're about to meet Dana. So you're about to meet her. So okay, I figured, I figured yes. I'm not. I don't know. How far do you think I am like 25%?
Not even, uh, no, East East eight's actually one of the longer East games. Like, I think it's, I think it's pretty sure it's like the longest game. It's like about 45 hours, 50 hours. Okay. Cool. Um, yeah. So that's what I've been playing East eight, uh, lock or Hodge. Any thoughts on this here? I know you guys love these games. Mmm. Maddie recommended me this game a long time ago, but I never played it. Um, but he said, he said it was amazing. So I, I trust him.
Yeah, that's pretty good. um All right. Last but not least, Hodge, what have you been playing, sir? um Well, yeah, I've been playing, you know, I hop into my VR every once in a while or, you know, my occasional live service games that I'm always playing. But the again I beat ah Indiana Jones in the great circle, finally. um i So as I talked about last week, there was a plot point that pissed me off so much that I almost dropped the game. But I um i did see my way through it. I enjoy it. The plot, I just... It ruined it for me. It was very Disney, Indiana Jones that i I couldn't that a lot of it didn't hit. I liked that it was biblical, like the original movies as opposed to, you know, fucking aliens and whatever the hell Dalit dysentery did. But um I did the plot. But other than the plot, I loved the game play. I loved except for the last open world. It it kind of sucked here. You have to be in a boat traveling around rivers and shit to get to islands. And it's annoying. But
ah The gameplay was fun. I went back after kind of letting myself cool down from the plot for a few days. I went back to clean up everything and sadly one of the trophies or trophies's achievements i is glitched right now so I can't get 100% on the game. ah Because in the game, if I don't think any of you have played it yet. Did you have you played a lock? Did you play a D?
Yeah, I loved it. Yeah, okay, but so, you know how you go around you take photos with the with your camera and shit There's one that if you don't get if you don't take the picture before the end of the game It's glitched and you can't take it. So it's it's kind of a it's part partially missable right now I'm hoping they patch it so you can go take that one last photo and get the get the achievement for taking all the photos Yeah, but other than that that the gameplay was awesome wasn't big on the plot near the end of it but Overall, I'd say it was kind of like a seven out of 10 game for me. i'm I'm happy. Definitely. It was better than when they revealed it, what I thought it was going to be. I was like, how is machine games going to because it should have been, in my opinion, a little more uncharted than Wolfenstein. But overall, ah the for a stew that makes Wolfenstein fast paced action shooter games, making a slower puzzler kind of game, they did a very good job with that. So, yeah.
Yeah, so what what did you think of the the game then, Locke? I loved it. It was my runner-up to Game of the Year last year. Well, third place, actually, third place. I thought it was i thought it was great, but I also love Indiana Jones and I fucking... Oh, sorry. I hate those last two movies. You can cut us a ton. Okay, I fucking hate those last two movies. They're a business to me. Both The Crystal Skull and especially The Doll of Disney. I hate those movies. So to to get like a good indie story, even though you don't you didn't like the plot, I get that the plot was very Disney-like.
ah But to get like a ah movie that actually fits in the lore and have a villain that fits in the villain role was really special to me. So I really, really liked it. You're right though, because when I played it, I was expecting a more uncharted-like experience. so But I didn't get that, and it was more like Dishonored. I was pleasantly surprised, because that that that made it a little bit more interesting to me. But I kind of want to see what they do with a more action-heavy game as well. like Yeah, and the and the fact that Disney, basic like upon release, seeing the critical of success, the fact that Disney picked up the phone was like, you're making another one. It's like, yeah awesome. I want another one. yeah Hopefully, i don't I don't want to spoil what ruined it for me, but ah was it was just a sidekick.
No, she no, because I've I like Temple of Doom and that sidekick is way fucking awesome. So I didn't I didn't mind her. She obviously did the you know, the arbitrary it's twenty twenty four. So one of the characters has to be a lesbian kind of side plot was annoying, but. especially in the 40s when that would have been acceptable but uh yeah or 30s but other than that it was yeah the the characters and all that and Troy Baker like i said did an amazing job like he sounded like he didn't he didn't do much like enunciating it was mostly kind of the mumbly Harrison Ford which he was able to do when he raised his voice it was a little off but
um But yeah, overall, I liked the characters and all like you said the villain he's a very, very Indiana Jones Nazi evil character. Yeah, it's very good. And ah how it ends with him is is actually I liked that part of how it kind of because it it was very, you know, Holy Grail kind of ending. And so ah I liked that kind of stuff. But yeah, there's just a moment. It's not really a spoiler to say they go to Shanghai and how they get there is what killed it for me. That legitimately almost made me drop the game. And so ah that that was what ruined it for me. But overall, I like kind of the reveal of what they're looking for and all that like that was kind that was cool. It's just kind of
What it did, I wasn't. Yeah, I wasn't big on. But other than that, like it did. Yeah, it definitely did feel way more Indiana Jones than either of those dog shit movies that those movies suck. Yeah, they're horrible. Like I just didn't watch the last one. I didn't think it could get worse than Crystal Skull, but it did. Dissentarium is even even worse somehow. It got worse than getting in a fridge to survive a nuclear blast. Somehow it got worse than that.
Like it was terrible. Yeah. But yeah, so I know I sounded very hateful when I was, you know, talking about the plot, but overall, it was still good. It's not as good as the original three movies, but it's way the fuck better than the fourth and fifth movies. That's for sure. Nice. so Nice. I'll have to play that sometime. I'll put it on the backlog.
Yeah, hearing it's much after i after everything I've heard about a hearing it's much more like Dishonored like that's got me even more excited for it. I'm not the biggest indie. Yeah, I'm not the biggest Indiana Jones fan. I didn't even see the movies. I only saw the first three movies. that I saw them last year. That's the first time I ever watched them. I enjoyed them, but I wasn't like over the moon for him. But hearing, like I said, hearing like it's Dishonored has me hyped.
Yeah. it's you You don't need to see the other movies, so it's fine. ah i didn't No, they don't exist, right? No, there's only three movies. Yeah. There's only three. All right, boys. Any any ah final thoughts that you have on the games here before we move on? yeah Everyone good? Yeah. and All right. Some great games. We love video games, don't we? All right. Oh, yeah.
Let's go ahead and transition and move into our main topic of discussion. And by the way, you this reminded me a little bit of a segue hodge when you're talking about Indiana Jones. it And this topic reminded me, um I want to watch an adjacent film, kind of. I want to watch, did anyone watch that 2018 Tomb Raider movie? I want to watch that. I'm going to watch that soon. I think I never saw it. It looks interesting. It was okay.
It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, but it's definitely not like a masterpiece by a new stretch. All right. Well, I told ah I told our boy sensei, I was like, can you hook this up? Yeah, he's plug I prefer the Angelina Jolie movies to that one. But yeah, OK.
Lock what were you gonna say? It has a good villain. Well, Tom. Well, Tom Gargan's He's awesome. I love him so much. Yeah, he's awesome. He is awesome. I suspect we might be talking about him here in a bit All right, boys, let's get into this So our main topic of discussion as previously mentioned we are going to be doing our top three and worst three video game adaptations of all time Whatever ah in our opinions and we're gonna go round robin ah just like you see on the video and the camera so we're gonna go midnight sean hodge lock that's gonna be the order we're gonna do our good three then our bad three and so on and so forth so let's go ahead and get it started shall we boys
Yes. All right. Let me pull up my notes here because you know, my memory's terrible. All right. So we're going to start with our good, our favorite adaptations of all time. And at number three, and these are in order for me anyway, um, I did my number three favorite video game adaptation is a, is a show that I am watching currently right now.

Favorite Video Game Adaptations

I haven't finished it yet. So maybe this is a little bit cheating if you will, but I love it. I like it. And it's going to be arcane.
Arcane League of Legends on the Netflix. I am in season two right now I'm about two episodes two three episodes in um I do like this show quite a bit as is evident from it being in my top three here um I Do for some reason find that sometimes I don't have a strong urge to go in and watch it for some reason But as soon as I fire it up, I'm instantly hooked and I'm like, this is so good. I love it um I don't know what that's all about but I It's a heavy shirt. You have to really be in the mood to want to take it in. It is heavy. It is heavy. And I found the first season, even though it was great, there were times that I was a little bit disappointed because it didn't go exactly how I wanted it to. Of course, I wanted the happy ending and you know you don't really get the happy ending ah so much with this. um But it's good. It's really good. Amazing art. Awesome story. Great characters. I like all the characters.
um And it's really good and man season two so far has been like a big step up from season one like they really ah they really ramped up the drama and the action and the yeah Surprises if you will it's been very very action-packed and very good um So arcane is gonna be my good number three any thoughts on that boys if it's gonna be if you're gonna mention it later Then you don't have to really get into it Does it make you want to play League of Legends? Not at all, no.
That's the correct answer. That's the correct answer. And I think it's failing at what it's trying to do then. Potentially, yeah. yeah but ah i I mean, it does. I mean, it does make me somewhat interested to know more about these characters. um So if i if I was somebody who was slightly inclined to play MOBAs like that, I probably would go play League of Legends, honestly. But I'm not somebody who's inclined to play these these click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click MOBAs. No, that's not me. I'm not doing that.
That's not me. We're not we're not doing that, boys. So no, not going to play it. But I bet I'm sure there's definitely, you know, some people that have gone and played the game as a result. yeah it's It's good. I would like to know more about these characters because you see these characters show up. You know, you got you got the dude with the freaking robot arm and you're like, oh, I wonder what his backstory is. I could play the game and learn more, but I'm not going to do that. This is this is what Overwatch should have done.
Yeah. Or Concord. Concord should have did this. Concord, yeah. Greatest game ever. Any thoughts on this before we move on? I'm going to be talking about it, so I don't i don't have much else to add. it it's It's fantastic. I'll stay there for now. All right, moving moving on. Sean Mason, what is your good adaptation number three?
All right. My good adaptation for my number three is the Super Mario Brothers movie. I absolutely adore this movie. Um, I think it's fantastic. I think it's arguably, um, one of the best children's movies out there right now. Um, I've seen it maybe four or five times. Um, even like my high school students even enjoy it. Like last year, um, they really, they, after we had like our state mandated testing and it takes like half the day.
the second half of the day I'm i always like alright guys what do you guys want to watch and a lot of them like they oh even think they're freaking 17 18 years old like let's watch the Mario movie like alright perfect um I think it's does I think it does a great job I think it does a it gives a lot of fan service to Mario fans there's a lot in there you have like your Mario you have your Luigi you have your you have your um Peach, I think they did a really good job. The one thing I don't like about it, I do not like Seth Rogen as Donkey Kong. I think it's horrendous. And now with the freaking Switch 2 reveal and the Mario Kart, they look like Donkey Kong looks like Seth Rogen. I cannot. If his voice is in that new Mario Kart game, I am going to be so mad. I'm going to be so mad because that's the only part of the movie I don't like. This actually got my dad, who's noted
um non Nintendo fan laps Nintendo fan he actually enjoys this movie and it makes them every time you watch that he makes them boot up Mario 3 and go play it. so um Yeah, I really like this movie. I think they did a really good job and I'm excited to see what they do with the future because they're obviously they're definitely gonna do like something like obviously they're making a s sequel. We already know that. I would not shock me if they did like a TV series based off of like a side character. Like I could see Toad getting his own side TV series. I can even see Luigi doing like a Luigi's Mansion show like a. Oh, I would love that. Each episode is his own but each episode is like its own standalone thing where he's just running around catching ghosts.
I don't know. I think it'd be cool. oh I enjoyed it. um I'm not big on like the the everyone was like, oh, Peaches, that song Peaches. I don't really care for that. that doesn't But it was funny, but it got overplayed very quickly. Yeah. um Although I do think I do think Jack Black did a really good job as Bowser. Yeah. You know about the Peaches song from the dead presidents of the USA or whatever?
Remember that? Remember that? Move into the country. Gonna eat a lot of peaches. Yeah. yeah You guys remember that? That's what that's a deep great song. it oh Well, you're not as old as me. Go listen to that later, boys. He's good. All right. Super Mario Brothers is your pick. Any guys, any got any thoughts of that before we move on?
Good choice. Yeah. um This is not on my list. it was It's an honorable mention of mine. I was going to kind of say a couple honorable mentions at the end when we're done. But ah it was definitely an honorable mention. I really enjoyed this movie. My biggest complaint, actually, even more than Seth Rogen as DK, was ah the dog scene at the start. That was very illumination of like Secret Life of Pets type of scene. I couldn't i did not like that at all.
and then the fact that they had to include like pop songs. like should like The Mario World universe has so many so much good music, you don't need to include licensed music like that. like When they get to the DK world and Take On Me starts playing, it's like, why?
Why does this need to play like just play like a Donkey Kong country song or something? Like you don't need this music in here. And so that's the kind of illumination stuff that I don't like. Like the Despicable movie, me movies are funny and like don't anymore I like them. But that kind of stuff just bothers me, especially when you're like, don't take us out of this world by playing real world stuff. It should be Mario universe.
exclusive. And so that's really what bothered me about the movie. But overall, it was definitely way better than what I thought it was going to be when they announced it. That's definitely for sure. It was a very fun movie that was like, yeah, it was a swan song to the series. And so I liked it for that. But yeah, that those just by of those two minor night nitpicks are really my only complaint about it. and All right. Satisfied, John? Yeah. All right. Next up, we have Hodge. What is your good three, sir?
I am going to go with Fallout. Fallout is actually the Bethesda world that I like the most, even though, as I've said before, very controversially, Starfield is my favorite ah Bethesda game that I played. I thought other than the loading screens, I actually love that game.
But great game yeah, but Fallout is the world that I like the most I love that post-apocalyptic retro future 50s like i it's awesome I love that aesthetics so much and the show did such an amazing job of like I understand like the hardcore Fallout fans are kind of like, oh, you're breaking canon by doing this, that, and their other thing. But as someone who's not that deep into the lore, I don't care. So so what they did, Ella Purnell, is so charming in that show. The only complaint I have is, oh, what's his name? The guy who's the soldier.
Who lets his buddy died so he could take our mixes. Yeah, maxim he's the only character who I was like and he's not that great But Walton Goggins in that show so good. Love it um So and the opening of just them being at the party and she she goes what what's the thumbs up thing? He goes? Oh, it's if you mushroom clouds bigger than your thumb blah blah and then she sticks up her thumb it goes dad and and you just like oh you're horrified like the world is ending and So it was just a great way to start a show. And yeah, I loved it. I'm excited for what it what it leads into. I'm definitely seeing as I don't want to spoil what happens at the end or what reveals at the end. But it makes me want to play a certain follow up game that came out a long time ago to in preparation for it. So um yeah, so I love that show. And so yeah, that's my number three. Nice.
Good stuff. Good stuff. I'll talk about that later. So no thoughts. um You guys have thoughts? I'll get to it later. a much later yeah I figured this might come up. Yeah. Yeah. All right, boys. Let's keep it moving. We have Lockmort. What is your good number three? Well, I cheated. um And I'm going to tell you why I cheated because I thought this was going to happen. I thought there was going to be a shit ton of overlap because there are not that many Um, good adaptation. So what I did, I flipped it for my number three, the other ones are, are fair. I didn't cheat there, but for my number three, I cheated because I picked a, uh, comic or a movie that was turned into a game. So I did it the other way around. Um, and it's one of the most underrated games of all time. I think so, at least it's a, it's a game that made me laugh. It's a game that didn't make me cry, but it was emotional. It was a, it had a really great story. Um, it came out in 2021.
And the game was Guardians of the Galaxy. um I never understood why this game didn't sell or I did understand why this game didn't sell because the marketing around it was atrocious. They did a really bad job marketing it.
um because they kind of made it seem like it was the Avengers again, and the Avengers marketing was was bad. But this game is nothing like the Avengers. The story is fantastic, I thought. It was such a heartwarming, super simple, but great story. The characters, did ah they did a way better job in the in the ah game than they did in the movie, I think, with the characters. But what really hit me um I just replayed it again last week because I want to make a video about it. And what really hit me is that the script doesn't stop. It's nonstop. From the second you you you start the game, it's nonstop talking until the end. I don't know how they did it. um I tried to break the game by just standing still for a while, but it just keeps going. They just keep talking all the time, which is amazing. I can't think of any other game that has ever done that in the way that that that they did it here because the character is also common on what you're doing.
Like, if you're walking into a wrong room, they they yell at you, like, where are you going? like they It's so reactive to everything you're doing, which is ah which is amazing. I think the combat was a little bit hit or miss. It could have been better. It was fun. It was serviceable, nothing special. But ah yeah, this was such a ah fun adventure to me. I love this game. I love it so much. So sorry for cheating. No, that totally doesn't count. But we will we' allow it, since you're a guest. Hodge, you were starting to talk. Go ahead, sir.
Um, yeah, I really liked it. I actually dropped it. It's not because it was anything to do with the quality of the writing or gameplay or anything. It was because I got to um Oh God, like the Nova Corps station or whatever. I can't remember what it was exactly, but I got there and there's this little optional dialogue thing where I think it's Drax. He's looking at a vending machine that has like something Nova related on it. And he and there's so there's a dialogue option to go over, talk to him about it. And I did it. And we both were just standing there doing nothing.
and it froze and so I was like god damn it so I restart the checkpoint and the checkpoint is me standing there at the thing frozen and I'm like god damn so I broke my game and so I just dropped it I'm like you know maybe a couple patches down the road I'll pick it back up and play it again when I'm less frustrated about the fact that I just put I don't know how many hours into this game and it crashed on me so or it died on me so I was very pissed off about that because I was really enjoying it. I liked the Guardians of Galaxy, the first movie. I actually liked the comic. I read a lot of the comics and the first movie was fantastic. The second two I don't have to talk about. But that game is I really enjoyed what I played of it, but until it crashed. So I am looking forward to going back to it one day. But yeah, that's ah that's a that's good choice.
You know, I'm starting to notice a theme here. Are you, you're kind of like the GJ of the podcast. Are you always having tech issues? Like first, like this is like first Skyrim. And then earlier you were talking about another game that broke on you and then this game broke on you too. Like, are you, what's going on, man? You just cursed.
Well, from before I answer that, I do have to say that those Skyrim videos, right yeah I've watched them a couple of times where my cart at the start of the game is just doing like your cart was raving. yeah true But ah no, um I have ah my mom has a family motto for us. ah If it weren't for bad luck, we'd have no luck at all. So ah that is kind of how I live my life. And yeah, everything always breaks on me and shit. So yeah, that's yeah, that's my luck. How are you? you hodge Are you like Stanley Yelena?
Pretty much. Yeah. I need to find the curse treasure so I can undo my family curse because, yeah, that was some bullshit.
All right. um Sean, you got any thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy there? I've never played it. Interested, but never played it. I'm not really I'm not into like Marvel. So I like Spider-Man. That's really it. And X-Men. That's about it.
right on Yeah, right on yeah ah this is a good pick, although it's not a valid pick, but it is good. um I did also play the Guardians of the Galaxy video game. Shout out to Game Pass. It was on Game Pass. So I was like, why not? It's free. I'm going to play it. So I downloaded and I played it and I beat it. And yes, it's a great game. Awesome story.
They never shut up, but in a good way. There's constant exposition in the background and laughing and arguing and stuff, and it's really good. I also love the small elements in this game, Locke. There was that random fridge or whatever that was always open on your ship, and you would close it, and then you would come back later, and it would be open again, and you would close it, and you would come back later, and it would be open again, and you would close it for no reason. They never explained or paid it all for anything. It was just a fun little Easter egg. It was just always open.
Um, it was, it was a good game. It was good. I enjoyed it and people should definitely play it if they haven't, if you find it on a sale or on a subscription or whatever, if you're interested, just buy it and play it. Uh, cause it, it is fun. Um, and it's a shame that that terrible Avengers game was so bad that it tainted this. People were like, we don't want another shit Marvel game. Fuck off. You know? Yeah. Cause it, the, the style of the two games looked similar. Like they were both kind of cartoonish, but realistic. So,
I think some people thought like, oh, is this a sequel to that dog shit Avengers game kind of thing. yeah And yeah, that definitely tainted it because I i'd never played the Avengers game. But my brother, who is a much bigger Marvel fan than me, hated it. And he like he gives bad MCU movies like a B minus as the worst rating because he's that big into Marvel. But he hated that game. So yeah.
All right, good stuff, boys. Let's keep it moving now. ah So I'm up next and we're going to go to the bad now.

Worst Video Game Adaptations

We're going to get to the bad side of things. So my number three worst or bad um adaptations. um I went with the first Super Mario Brothers movie, ah the one from the 90s or whatever. This was horrible.
um for For my bad ones I found that I don't really remember a lot of the details probably because they suck and they're all old too. They're from like the the newest one is from like two thousand and five. So I don't remember everything about this but I just remember that it was super cringe horribly acted like a cheesy stupid plot um and it was really bad it was so bad in fact that Nintendo basically gave up on their whole idea of creating movies. yeah until until just recently, they just started again, um like last year or whatever, or maybe the year before, I don't know. um But yeah, this this film was terrible. um And yeah, it kind of scarred my childhood a little bit. um Did you guys watch this? What do you guys think about this one here?
I've never seen it, but I've done so much. I've watched like videos of like the behind-the-scenes stuff of the movie, and it is insane how this movie was filmed and the stuff that was going on. You had a drunk Luigi running around. You had like just the characters constantly fighting with each other. um First of all, whoever greenlit like a like ah like a real-life, like ah a real human playing Bowser, that is such a weird idea. The whole thing is just messed up. I don't know how Nintendo greenlit this.
It's it's one of those movies where it was embarrassed of the source material and it wanted to it wanted to monetize it but it didn't want to be associated with it so it was just like it was Mario in basically name only and it was just a terrible fucking movie it was and apparently the directors were like relentlessly horrible so like Everyone was just like this is gonna be the worst fucking movie ever made like while making it like this is going to be terrible No one is gonna watch this. So ah Yeah, it's it's I didn't include it on my list because it's so obvious of a choice not saying you shouldn't have picked it But because I knew it would be on someone saying and it's such an obvious choice I was like, I'm not even gonna bother pick my list because it's just that fucking terrible Yeah, it's really bad. Yeah
Because it should be number one for me. It would have been number one for me. I mean, well, it to me, it's so bad that it's good. okay this i I don't like this movie, but I also didn't put it on my list because I watched it as a kid. And as a kid, I loved it because I didn't understand it was it was bad. But now that I rewatched it, I think I rewatched it like two or three years ago.
And I thought it was hilarious because it was so bad. And then like Sean said, if you watch the the behind the scenes stuff, it's it's insane. Everyone was drunk and coked up and it's, you know, they would have had to be for this. one Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. the The Goomba picture you just sent us. Yeah. It was just people with tiny heads. It was weird. So weird. It's so weird. Yeah. It's.
And then there's the post-credits scene or whatever of Yoshi's reveal, and it was just literally a dinosaur. Like, it looked like Yoshi was just like a velociraptor, basically. It's just like, oh, it's Yoshi. Yeah, bad, bad, bad, bad. All right. Good stuff. All right. I think we're good there. Let's keep it moving, I guess. ah Sean, what is your bad number three?
All right, my bad number three is Final Fantasy the spirits within this 2001 and I kid you not this is a Horrendous movie. This is so bad because it the only things from Final Fantasy that it like shares with Final Fantasy games are like the sphere like the names of like the character like certain names of characters the summons that enemy but everything else about it is nothing like Final Fantasy the story is like
Insanely stupid. It takes place in the way future and there's aliens in it. It's just out of control. I hate it. I absolutely hate it. When I find out that I watched this for the first time in 2003, because that was when I was like really falling in love with Final Fantasy. And my dad's like, oh yeah, this Final Fantasy movie. He knew it was terrible. He goes, oh, you want to go watch it? And he like, OK. So I went to Blockbuster and I had to have my dad rent it because it's rated I think it was rated, it was either rated PG-13 or rated R, I don't even remember. But he rented it for me and I remember, so I had it on DVD and I remember being like, oh, I instantly took out the DVD and was like, dad, we gotta to return this right away. I can't, I can't with this. Frickin' James Woods is in it. I'm like... it Donald Sutherland's in it. Alec Baldwin is like the weirdest, ah moulate like it's the weirdest cat. It's so bad. It's an insult to Final Fantasy. I'm sorry. So mad.
Yeah, I ah I remember ah thinking about like, oh, it's Final Fantasy. And then just seeing it and it's like it looks more like the animatrix than Final Fantasy. And it was yeah I watched it once and I purged it from my mind. I legitimately don't remember what it's about. Like ah it was just so terrible. Aliens, freaking aliens. Yeah, it should have been Mass Effect more so than Final Fantasy. And that would have even been ashamed of Mass Effect. I'm trying to put my headset in. There we go.
i didn't I didn't watch that movie, so I have nothing to say. but yeah ah yeah Sounds like I don't need to watch it, huh? No. I'd rather watch Advent Children. Advent Children's good. I like it. Not on my list, but good. I liked it more as a kid, but yeah, it's definitely not as terrible as this, that's for sure.
Yeah, unless you have anything to say lock I can get in mind. you No, no, no, I've never seen it. Yeah. um My third worst I'm gonna go with so I was actually looking for like the movies that you know, are obviously horrible. And I skipped to most of the very bad ones. So my I was like, I was actually having slim pickings of this. So I'm going to go with my third least favorite or just third worst is the Mortal Kombat movie from a couple of years. I think it was 2020 or something. um The only good part of this movie was that Australian dude was hilarious. ah His character was awesome. But everything else about this movie was horrible. And I was like, and it was
But it was kind of how you feel about the Mario movie where it's terrible. But some of the action scenes are actually pretty fun and it's kind of hokey and gory. So it had its moments. But overall, it's definitely more bad than good. So that's why I put it at number three, because there are worse movies, obviously, than that. But yeah, I it was very disappointing where I was like, why did I waste my time with this movie but when it got over with?
Yeah, I watched that actually recently. I watched it like within the last year and i I thought it was decent. I didn't mind it. um It wasn't a good movie by any stretch, um but it was fun enough. Like I didn't mind it. um You know, there were some cool scenes. The plot was okay.
um I already expected it to be relatively bad because it's a Mortal Kombat movie. So i my expectations were pretty low anyway. um So when it had like kind of mid CGI and stuff, I was just like, yeah, that's par for the course. You know, um I didn't think it was too bad, but it also it also wasn't good. So I don't blame you ah for picking this. You guys have any thoughts on that one, a locker, Sean? Well, I thought it was campy, but in ah in a good way to me, like I was obviously a bad movie, but a good bad movie to me. Like it was entertaining. I liked it. It's not memorable or anything, but What else can you do with Mortal Kombat? Like you can't really make an epic story about it. And the problem was is that it was, they almost made it an origin story where it's like the yeah the concept of Mortal Kombat wasn't even in the movie. It was like at the end where they teased like, and now it's time for Mortal Kombat. And she's like, oh, okay.
Yeah, it's definitely not like the worst movie ever But like I said, I haven't seen actually as many of the bad because I was looking through the list and I was like, oh, yeah, these are all horrible and I've never seen them because of that. So of of the ones I've seen and this was yeah up there for me. Oh, yeah Sure, Sean any thoughts on that? I've never played a Mortal Kombat game never seen a Mortal Kombat movie. So Okay, right on All right, then lock Mort. What is your bad number three? Oh Well, once again, I didn't cheat this time, but I did tackle it a little bit differently, because again, I thought there was going to be a lot of overlap here. So what I did, I looked at the the worst movies, and the worst movies to me, the worst video game adaptations are all the Yui Bo movies. Second German director, he directed Alone in the Dark, Blood, Rain, Far Cry, Postal, Dungeon Siege, all the worst movies at least to me.
So i I approached it a little bit differently and I looked at like the biggest missed opportunities. Movies that should have been good that were based on games but weren't. And my number three here is Max Payne from 2008. I forgot about that movie.
Which Max Payne is a Could be an amazing story and before this movie came out. We only had Sin City I don't know if you guys ever seen Sin City or know what it Sin City Well, it basically uses like the the noir elements of Max Payne So I figured oh they're gonna do that here as well, but they didn't they just made it into a regular movie They cast Mark Wahlberg, which is insane, as um as Max Payne. Mona Sacks was Mila Kunis, which was pretty well cast, but all the characters were completely different than they were in the games. The story didn't follow the same story at all. It had basically nothing to do with the game except for the name, which was so disappointing because this was a huge opportunity to finally break through. I remember the marketing for this game.

Anime and TV Adaptations

um When they when they promoted it to people was like finally we're gonna do this game justice This is the first real good video game adaptation and then it completely attacked So that's my number three Okay, right on I haven't played the Max Payne game Games and I haven't watched the movie. So can't add anything you will soon There's a remake remake coming. before That's see that's that thing I didn't play Max Payne when they came out because obviously I was a kid and I just played what I was given and And so I saw this movie thinking like, oh, it's a video game and I want to see it. And yeah, it was one of the worst worst movies I've ever seen. him I forgot about it. So it probably should replace Mortal Kombat on my list, but I'll keep it as is. But yeah, this movie was horrendous, and which sucks also because especially nowadays, Remedy is one of my favorite developers of all time. So I'm very excited to play these remakes. But
Yeah, just knowing especially that this movie is based off one of my favorite developers i'm like ah It's even worse now All right, shawn any thoughts before we move on a movie with marky mark in there I can't do it. Sorry parky ma i do it so Hey, he's not always bad insult the Bostonians Hey, he is in my favorite movie of all time the departed ah Departed he was in it and he was good Yeah Marky mark he left the Patriots Super Bowl and they were down 28 3 and then he tried to claim that he was there and then they have video of him leaving when he's twenty eight it's funny how Would you leave the Super Bowl Even if you paint so much money. Well, I guess you don't care about it. He's rich. He he shits money. So yeah All right moving on my good number two
It's going to be Cyberpunk Edgerunners, the anime TV series, Netflix, I think. This was an awesome show, really good, awesome art, awesome characters, great music, um just all around really good. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm not going to spoil the stories. There were some bit big surprise and powerful moments towards the end um that really kind of stuck with you.
I thought it was a really cool take into like the whole cyber psychosis thing, which the game ah ah briefly mentioned, but didn't go super deep into other than those missions that you had to track down the cyber psychos. But yeah, no, it was it was really good and I really enjoyed it. And despite the fact that it was anime, it was still good. So yeah, so that's cyberpunk. Edgerunners is my number two. You guys have any thoughts on this one?
lock. It's the one anime that I will give you that was actually really good. Yeah. So good job, whoever made it. The only anime ever that was good. So the only ever. Yeah. Good job to you. I don't know about that. But yeah. um Sean, any thoughts on this one, sir? I've never watched it. I did. watch it like I have so much other stuff to watch, and I've played Cyberpunk. I do like Cyberpunk. I think if I watched it, I would like it, but I never watched it. but Do it. Do it. Watch it this year.
see Please. Yeah. All right. I'm going to delete my Netflix soon. So I need to watch it before it. Because I haven't watched it either. I need to. Because I didn't watch it because I felt it. Because it's a Netflix show. I fell off the game twice. So I just never bothered getting into this. Because I was like, if I don't like the game, then why would I like the show? But I've heard obviously not. But it's obviously, especially after watching Arkane, I'm like, I guess I can't base it based on how I feel about the game. So I do want to watch the show. Because yeah, I've heard nothing but good.
Uh, I haven't watched yet. I'm hoping it'll also get me back in and want to wanting to play cyberpunk because I do own it. I just fell off it twice. But now that they've rehauled like the skill tree and all that stuff, I do want to give it away. It's way better. It's it's a way a different game. Yeah. Yeah. So I want to get back into it.
yeah Yeah, I want to get back into it. And I'm hoping after I watch this show, that'll kind of kick my butt into getting back into the that world. Because like I said, I've said before, the city is so cool in that game. Like, it feels so alive. So I really want to. I want to love that game. And I just don't at the moment. So I need to push myself into loving it.
one of the best games ever made. So you definitely should go play it. um And Cyberpunk Edgerunners is only 10 episodes, so it's not a steep ask. Definitely check it out is my advice. yeah All right, good stuff boys. I don't think we have any more thoughts on that. Sean, you want to go ahead and get into your good too?
I will all right my good number two here we go is the pokemon anime now before anyone says anything the pokemon anime came out after the games the games were in development way before the anime was ever thought of um this is more of like a nostalgic pick for me obviously i'm not still you know i'm not wearing i do watch anime but i'm not you know i'm not up to date with the pokemon anime i probably haven't Watched it in tough cheese probably since I was in 6th grade 6th or 7th grade but I have so many memories as a kid watching the you know ash and friends run through the Hoenn League and Run through Johto and just you know those two league I even watched through Sinnoh I really really loved it it brought so I have so many memories just like Playing the games while watching the show looking at my cards while watching the show discussing it with friends I mean and honestly any show that can run for I don't care I For you know, it's been on for almost 20 years. No, it's been on for almost 30 years now. Like that's insane um Yeah, I love this show as a kid. Like I said, this is a nostalgic pick Hodge is this on your list I had a feeling maybe it might be
No, it's not on my list, but it's definitely good because I didn't think about it because they were kind of the show and games were so simultaneous that I don't really i I didn't think of the show as an adaptation of the game, even though it is because it was the game first and then the show and cards and manga. So it is definitely technically an adaptation. But yeah, I didn't think about it. I love these. I love the show. I i just stopped watching basically around like whenever the third movie came out because I had just started losing interest. I lost interest. Huh?
The Entei movie. Yeah, the one was Entei. I saw I saw a lot of the first few seasons of the show and then those three movies. And then at that point, I had gotten old enough that I lost interest in Pokemon, so I didn't keep it going until I picked up Ultra Moon like years ago and played that on 3DS. I was the first time I returned to Pokemon since playing Pokemon Silver. So, ah yeah, I had a long, long, long gap of not playing Pokemon games or watching anything. But yeah, the original show, it's it's so much fun. I love that show and those three movies there.
i I own them all on Blu-ray because I just like those boys that much. But yeah, that's definitely a good pick. It's ah I love that show as a kid, for sure. Good stuff. Good stuff. um Yeah, I don't have any thoughts. Never watched it. Only played one Pokemon game. Never watched the anime or anything. um Haven't seen any of the films except for the first film in like 1998 or whatever. I saw that in the theaters. I saw that in the theaters. Some of my friends really wanted to go see it. So I went with them and it wasn't it wasn't bad. It was decent. um Lock any thoughts on this?
No, I had no idea that the games came before the show. I thought the show came before the game. So that's cool. I never knew that until now. So that's thank you, Sean. That's awesome to know. All right. ah You're up next. You want to get into your good, too? Yeah. Speaking of Pokemon, I'm going to go with Detective Pikachu. It's not like an movie it's not like an amazing movie by any means, but I really loved it. Like it's you know, if I if someone actually told me to grade or like based on it, you know,
Quality I'd be like it's like a six, but I've just really loved it it It was bringing it was something I've been wanting since I was a kid like real-life Pokemon like what would that be like and so they even though some of the Pokemon like mr. Mime or Or manky or whatever were like kind of creepy, but ah other than that like it was a very fun movie It was charming ah Ryan Reynolds as detective Pikachu is a choice but a funny one and it was just a it was just a fun movie that I really enjoyed and yeah Like, as I said, like all honorable mentions at the end of shows that are probably better, but I just really enjoyed this movie. And so I figured, ask screw it. That's my number two, i the Detective Pikachu. And I want to try the games one day and I hope they make a sequel to this movie because it was fun.
Dude, the Ludicolo real-life like look of Ludicolo freaked me out like so much. I remember when I first started, I'm like, that is so creepy. And it's in the movie. like It's prevalent throughout the movie. And ah kid i a kid on my floor in college had a poster of that in his room of just the Ludicolo. And I would walk in there and be like, I got to leave. I can't. I feel like it's staring at me. That's funny.
and All right. I have nothing to add to this. I haven't seen it. Locke, you have any thoughts on this and then feel free to get into your good. I haven't. I haven't seen it. So I have to jump in my ah into my number two. um My number two is a TV show. And its second season is about to start. Now, I think the games are way better than the show. And I think it's actually one of the most overrated shows of all time. But I still think it's good. um It has bad casting.
um It made a couple of bad choice. I know what it is. Of course, it has a couple of bad choices in the changes they made from the games, but it has that beautiful HBO quality and acting for some people um and cinematography. So my pick is The Last of Us. um I think the casting is horrendous. I think Pedro Pascal played an OK Joel, but they could have gotten better actors for that. I think I don't remember the girl's name who plays Ellie. Yes, shes she sucks she was was OK. I think in the last of us in the first season, the second season, the pictures they're showing, it looks ridiculous. It just looks looks like a like an eight year old girl paired with so with actual actors. So I i don't know. how I don't know how that's going to turn out. But
I thought the show itself, the things they added I thought were awesome. um Like they had this whole episode in this town with this female commander. I think it was amazing. I thought that was a great episode. Yeah. yeah um The one thing I didn't really like or actually hated was the stuff with Bill that they changed. I thought Bill in the show, in the in the game was way better. It was way more subtle, way, way better acted, way better character in the show, he was basically like the token, the token gay guy, um which is such a shame because they handled it so perfectly in the game, where he was gay, but it you found out through that letter that his lover that you then find later on, you found out that way, which is way more interesting than the way they blatantly shoved it into your face in in the show. um It's also a shame because in the game, he could technically still be alive, but in the show, he's just a side character. They devoted an entire episode
to character that is dead, which is kind of weird. Because if you've played the game, it makes sense. But if you haven't played a game, I don't get why people afterwards weren't like, well, well why don't you waste an entire episode of this character? That's not on the show anymore. um So I thought they made a bad choice there. But everybody else seems to disagree because that's that episode one. Oh, you're well, maybe your cat doesn't. But most other people, most other people, I guess disagree because that that that episode one awards and Everybody was raving about it, but I thought that was a mistake, what they did there. I thought the the yeah the game handled that better, but other than that, I thought the show was great. HBO quality, great stuff, can't wait for season two. I hope they stick to what they did and they keep faithful to the game and not prolong it or or the big thing that happens at the start of the second game should happen at the start of the season, not at the end. So I hope they do that, ah but we'll see. Yeah, so the last of us.
We will see. Sean, any thoughts on this? um This is not on my list. It would be an honorable mention. I agree with a lot of what Locke said. I think the show is good. I think the games are a lot better. I think the casting, I agree. I don't I don't I don't really enjoy the casting. I do think Bella Ramsey was a little bit of a strange choice for Ellie, um especially considering she hasn't really aged up.
Like she does in the games Pedro Pascal he's fine as Joel. I don't have a problem with it. But when I When I first heard them like oh, they're making a Last of Us TV show I never in my mind even considered Pedro Pascal. I'm like, oh I could see like I thought Hugh Jackman would do a great job. Yeah so yeah obviously That would be a lot more money probably Yeah, they can afford it yeah I mean, it is HBO, so they could afford it. Yeah, I mean, um even like Nathan Fillion, I could see as Joel, i know Nathan Fillion. Yeah, I could see him as Joel, too. yeah um So I need a fine job. but I do agree. i I didn't mind the bill episode, but I did think it was weird that they did kill him off in the end. um I thought that it they would leave it more in the U.S. like they do in the games.
Um, but the stuff they did add, I did enjoy, like you said, lock, but overall it's a good show. Games are much, much better. I think it's not, I think it's a tad overrated as a show. Cause people think it's like the greatest thing ever. Um, I do, but I do enjoy and I am very much looking forward to season two and I am going to rewatch season one. Cause I really like it. It's actually, it's one of my mom's favorite shows, which is funny. She like wants it. Oh, nice. Hi, Jenny thoughts on that one.
Oh, I have a lot. um But you know we're gonna we're going to dedicate a DLC, spoiler alert, to this first season before the second season comes out. So I'm very excited. I will get into it in depth for about seven hours in then and that episode. But um quickly, I agree. The casting is terrible. i ah joe I thought Pedro did all right. I was disappointed when they announced it. But he did a decent job of you know keeping that Texas accent and kind of keeping the the distance that Joel had in the first game.
I thought he did all right with that, but Bella Ramsey, I hated it since day one. She only got it because she was the funny little girl in Game of Thrones that everyone liked, even though her character also died in that show in the stupidest way possible. um And so I've i've been against, like I said before the show cat was cast, I said Caitlyn Devers should play Ellie because she looks exactly like her. And instead they cast her as Abby for some reason. I'm like, and like that's just like out of spite almost, it feels like.
Like, yeah, we know you wanted her, but we're gonna put her in for this character instead. It's like, and okay. But, ah but I will say the changes they made other than the bill episode, I agree. I was one of the ones who spoke out against it after the episode saying it was a waste of time. It has nothing to do with the rest of the plot other than to say, Hey, Joel, take care of your partner because you got to be a nice person to your partner.
I get it. Yes, we understand Joel needs to like Ellie at the end of the season. So the thing that happens at the end of the season happens. But ah yeah, it was so much better than game. It was so much more subtle. Bill was just like you thought he was just as grumpy old man. And then you get to the house, you see ah what's his nuts at hung himself. And there's the note of like, fuck you, Bill kind of thing. And and he's just like and he just goes, yeah, he was my partner.
And so you think kind of like, you know, business partner type thing. And then you find out later, you know, she throws the gay magazine out the window. And it's just like, what are these? Why are the pages sticky? And so you find out like, oh, no, they were lovers. It's just it didn't work out. They broke up and they're living on separate sides of the town, you know, as angry ex-partners. And So the the episode it would and the episode was like an hour and a half because they had to have a half hour of Joel and Ellie so you didn't get completely pissed off that it was only about villain was nuts. And so that episode was just I didn't like, like, as its own episode, if it was not Last of Us, it was a good story of a of a grumpy old man kind of learning to
soften a little bit because he found a partner and he has his own little paradise like it makes sense as a thing but when you're telling a ten episode story about jolan ellie you can't take an entire episode to be like it to introduce two characters have their entire life happen then they die and at the end just be like.
what like you can skip episode three and it's the same show it's it's doesn't change anything at least the Riley at least the Riley episode explains where Ellie came from like yeah that one makes sense and so yeah that episode is bad the casting is not good but overall like you said the HBO quality like I loved how they expanded the first episode adding more about Sarah like I thought that That's my favorite episode of the season but or of the yeah, the season because I'm showing like and then that that cold open where they're on the TV show in like the 70s or whatever and he goes, Well, what if the world gets warmer? What if they adapt and they just we lose and it that's exactly what happened. and It's off that cold opening so good. And so yeah, it's definitely got that HBO quality, but yeah, other than those, you know, minor, minorish things, uh, as you go, everyone knows I'm not the biggest fan of the second game. I don't think it's the worst game ever. Like, you know, the anti-woke Twitter people do. I just think that my worst complaint with the second game was the pacing. And so that's what I hope the second season does is I hope it fixes the pacing because the pacing in that game was bad.
And so I'm looking forward to the second season of the show. But like you said, seeing the photos, it looks like it's kind of a bunch of like preteens running around instead of, you know, young adults. And so it kind of takes me out of it a little bit. But I wasn't a fan of the photos of the first season's pre ah preview. So who knows? Maybe they'll maybe they'll surprise us. Hopefully they do, because I don't want to fall off the show and be a grumpy old man saying, I should finish.

Failed Adaptations Discussion

Yeah, so overall it's it's a it's a you know, it was a very good show That's why it was an honorable mention for me as well um But and I actually I rewatched it in October for Halloween cuz my cousin hadn't seen it So we watched it together and not comparing it to the game actually made it a little better for me So people who hadn't played the game it might have actually been better for them as opposed to me where I'm like the game did it better But yeah rant over
OK, all right, good. So yeah, my thoughts, this is, an I guess, an honorable mention for me, too. I considered adding it. The reason why I didn't add it is because I don't think this is a good adaptation at all. um I think it's an amazing story. It's one of the best stories ever told.
um It's this show is carried by the game's awesome story. But as an actual adaptation, it's not that great. um The casting of ah Bella Ramsey is horrible, as we talked about. In my opinion, I really think that they should have hey chosen Sadie Sink, who plays Max in Stranger Things to play Ellie. And I just if click on that link that I just put in the chat there and tell me that she doesn't kind of look like Ellie. And you you know, you could do her hair to make really look like Ellie.
yeah um I really feel like she could have been a good Ellie and she's a good actress too. Although I don't know about in part two because I think she still looks kind of young. But ah ah but yeah, but anyway, it's it's bad. um Like we talked about episode three was it it was a good story, but it had no purpose at all in this. Like it literally had nothing at all to do with the show. They're just like, oh, we're going to have a gay episode. And that's cool. um I didn't mind the episode, but it was pointless. I felt like they wasted my time, but that's fine.
um But yeah, we'll go ahead and keep it moving. The Last of Us is amazing. What a great story. And the show is decent. so And I am looking forward to season two. Hopefully it will be good. All right. Let's go ahead and keep it moving now. So we're going to move on to our bad. And number two, we're back with me. ah My bad number two is going to be this another 90s movie, the Street Fighter movie from 1994.
This movie was really bad. um It had really a stupid story, and very cringe acting. um The whole story was basically like Guile like kidnapped a bunch of like UN n people. um But his whole point was to create like genetic super soldiers or something ah to take over the world. So what did he need the UN n people for? That just brought unnecessary heat down on him. I don't really get it. um I don't really remember all the details, but I just remember that this was a bad movie.
um And yeah, it wasn't good at all I'll keep it short there because I it's been so long since I've seen it I don't remember all the intricate pop points. Did you guys see this movie? Do you have any thoughts on this? I have to disagree with you. I thought this movie was all great um But I only I have to say that because it it has Jean-Claude vo van Dam in it who is my fellow Belgian um It also had role Julian in it who's a great actor who died um shortly after he had cancer during the yeah during the recording of this movie, but this movie is very campy. It's very, when was it? Nineties, I think that it was 94. Yeah, it was, it's a very nineties movie. It's very campy. It is bad, but it's bad in a good way. Like, um, Batman and Robin are bad to me too. Like it's, it's, it's bad, but it's not, I don't get angry while watching it. It's like, Oh, this is bad. This is fun. This is, I like watching it. So, so I kind of disagree, but I get where I get where you're coming from for sure.
Batman Robin, I think is terrible. I'm sorry. I like the other Batman movies, but I hate Batman Robin. Yeah, that's an awful movie. Just like this one is an awful movie. But I'd rather watch Batman and Robin than any of the other movies we've we've we've mentioned so far. i think That's fair. All right. Sean, any thoughts on this? Did you see it? Never seen it.
Hodge, you? I've never seen this one either, no. Alright, let's go ahead and keep it moving then. Sean Mason, bad number two choice. Alright, my bad number two choice is Tack and the Power of Juju, the TV series from Nickelodeon. First of all,
Who thought it was a good idea to make this into a TV series? First of all, the video game was awful. So well yeah, let's make it into a TV series. That's a great idea. It lasted for two years. I cannot believe this cartoon lasted for two years. I don't know what Nickelodeon was thinking, making this into a show. I only seen maybe like an episode where it split into like two segments. I watched it over a friend's house and said, why are we watching this? Like, can we Can we just go do something else, please? I'd rather stare at paint dry. The game was awful, like I said. I don't know who Greenlit this is a show. I don't know whose idea it was. It freaking got a spin-off show, too. Like, I'm like, come on. It's crazy. Like, tacking the power of Juju. Like, what was m- What were you thinking, Nickelodeon? Like, this is not like you're- Oh my, I don't even know. I don't know. Absolutely terrible.
I've never even heard of this. i I've never heard of the game. I've never heard. I didn't know it at a show. Yeah. Nickelodeon made it into a CGI, like Jimmy Neutron-like show, like looking show. And it's, I'm like, what are you thinking?
That's crazy. Yeah. I didn't know they made a show. You can see people who bring you SpongeBob bring you this. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. I've never heard of this in my life. The show, the game. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Erase it. Erase it from your mind. We're done.
you've come Anyone else have thoughts on this before we move? Never heard of it. Yeah, I'd say one last thing. I was 11 years old watching this and after that I really contemplated like never watching Nickelodeon again. Oh, damn. Wow. Yeah, how bad it was. Sean's Joker moment at 11 years old. That's funny. All right. Hodge, bad number two, sir? Bad number two. This movie is, I mean, it's actually, honestly, a slight guilty pleasure for me, kind of like the, you know, how you said like Street Fighter stuff, but it is a horrible movie, is Assassin's Creed.
um because based off a game that's actually fun most of the time some of the games aren't as great but i do you i want just hearing like michael fastbender is gonna play an assassin from like the middle ages and you're like awesome and then while they're while before it comes out they go oh by the way 80 percent of it is set in the real world and only 20 in the past like Oh, yeah, let's dedicate most of the movie to the worst fucking part of the games. That's awesome. Cool. Great. And so you go and see it and it completely undoes everything. There's no Desmond Miles or anything. You're just like it would have been cool if he played as Desmond Miles and they follow that plot because I actually I don't hate it. It's just not what I play Assassin's Creed for. Like his plot was actually kind of entertaining. It would have made it OK. It would have been. Well, it would have been a better plot than this fucking one. But i and then the fact that the the
the the animus is like like a but like a big thing. You stick in your spine and you jump around the room and like, no, he's not actually doing it. You're in his brain, in his DNA, finding the past because of that. Like what is happening? This is so stupid, but it had a cool cast and the stuff that wasn't the past was actually pretty cool. Like the fact that they actually did do the high dive off of the the clock tower into the,
Uh, I don't know if he did it at hay in the game or in the movie or not But the the fact that they actually did that and it was a real stunt that a guy actually jumped off into a Into obviously a giant crash pad not into a bale of hay But the fact that they actually did that it was really cool and the past stuff was really really cool And they kept it in the language of the time and it like it was sweet But all of the real world shit was terrible and but it's one of those movies where it's like I don't completely hate it Like it's like I said, it's a guilty pleasure, but it's horrible So, but so that's, that's my number two. All right. I have nothing to add. Never seen it. You guys have thoughts on that? Sean.
I have never played an Assassin's Creed game, but I have seen this movie. It is awful yeah that it is awful write you lot Well, this is also my number two so I completely agree with hodge I think the base material they had for this movie was so incredible They could have made like an Ezio movie, which would have been amazing if they did it Well, they could have made a trilogy and made a shit ton of money but no they had to pretend that they knew what they were doing and pretend that they were good writers, so they had to tie to Columbus for some reason and make it set in Spain, um which doesn't make any sense for this movie. So yeah, no, I completely agree with everything that Hodge said. 80% of the movie was trash because it was set in modern times and it didn't have anything to do with Assassin's Creed. And then when they went back in time, it was just such a missed opportunity. it This movie really made me sad because I thought this this had the potential to finally be good and it just wasn't.
um Great casting though. Michael Fassman are amazing. yeah Um, but yeah, they just, they, they squandered it. They squandered it. Brendan Gleason's in it and stuff. Like the cast is great, but yeah, it's just, oh man. The shame. Yeah. And isn't Marion Colliard in it also? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like it's a great cast, but Jesus, what a missed opportunity. Yeah. They just say, yeah. It's the right, the writing was just bad. If they, if they hired actual people who played the games or knew what they were doing, this could have been great, but yeah, they didn't.
I think I think they are slowly starting to learn the lesson with like one piece and last of us and stuff like get the people who know what the fuck they're doing into this and it will be good. Exactly. Yeah. I hope they're learning that lesson. so Yeah.
All right. Shall we continue? Yeah, sure. Let's do it. All right. Moving on to our good number one with me. ah So my good pick number one is going to be to no surprise to anyone. It's going to be Fallout. The Fallout TV show was absolutely fucking incredible.
And it was completely unique. It was a whole new story. They didn't just rip the story from one of the games and then retread it like Last of Us did. um no No shade. Great game. A great story. But this was a unique story and it was a great story. I really enjoyed it. The casting is phenomenal in this. um Ella Purnell is fucking awesome. I love her.
I'm in love with her. She's amazing. um And also, um ah waltter Walter Goggins, Walton Goggins, whatever. is So good. Dude, him is the goal. He was so like those two carried the show like they both killed it. They were both awesome characters. Great acting great.
everything. um The dude Maximus or whatever. um he yeah He wasn't that great. He wasn't horrible. I wasn't like mad at him. I didn't want to like beat him up and kick him out of the show or anything, but he just wasn't as nearly as good as the other two. He was just like, okay. um And then they had freaking what's his name. um What's that dude's name who was like his mentor that ah he's always like cussing and is a crazy ass dude. Maximus Mentor. Thaddeus.
Yeah, Thaddeus, that dude, I can't believe that they casted that crazy dude to play him, but it was pretty funny when he was like, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, help. Oh, Michael Beller. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah um okay yeah that's not Thaddeus. Yeah, you're talking about, the yeah, you're talking about, yeah, okay, I know who you're talking about. Thaddeus is is is is um like the guy who used to make fun of him when he's in yeah in the school, and then he's like, oh my gosh, you're so cool.
Yeah, he he did the classic ah movie and TV cop-out when when you want someone to kill somebody, where he was just comically villainous. He's like, help me, you fucking idiot, you fucking loser. I'm going to report and kill you. Save my life. Help me, you fucking idiot. Because that's what you would say when you want someone to save you, right? Well, that that was just Michael Rappaport being himself, so. Yeah.
I was so amazed that he did that because he must have known that they cast him because he's a real life asshole. He's basically played himself there. He's also a huge and he's a noted huge Fallout fan. Oh, okay. In the video games. Yeah. Oh, I didn't know that. Okay. And he's been in, he's been in a lot of it. He's been, he was in GTA three. He was in the two saints row games.
All right, yeah, so Fallout, that's my number one pick. I don't think we need to go into too much detail on this because it's awesome and we'll probably do some level of spoiler casting later for it, who knows. um But yeah, Fallout's awesome. You guys have thoughts on this? It might be coming up on some of your lists, we'll see.
Lock, is this your number one? Yeah. It is mine as well. It is mine as well. so It makes it easier for timestamps to just put that in altogether. Sure, yeah yeah, yeah. Phenomenal show. This is one of the shows that like, you guys know, I'm not a big, like i was outside of anime, I'm not a big TV movie guy, but I was thinking about the show all the time after watching it.
And I even posted in a lock in your discord the other day. I posted like that is the best thing I watched in 2024. Same by far. And I watched the tunnel one piece in 2024 and this is better than one piece. Oh, yeah.
yeah yeah i mean I also thought the music choices were really great like the actual use the music from the first two and the connections to the first two games was what really caught me by surprise because i thought they were just gonna base it on three or new vegas maybe or four but they really base it on one and two which was. Great i thought that was it.
and You could tell this was another ex example where you could tell that it was made by the people who knew the games inside out like when they find that nrc flag in the new vegas team plays incredible goosebumps. All the connections to the games like had the at the red roaches like you did the power armor the way the brother of steel works in the in this show amazing to.
i thought it I thought it was great. And Ella Purnell, like you said, the Okidokis that progressively became worse and sadder. Great great stuff. yeah I love her so much. but How about when they get did they get they go to Vault 4? Oh yeah. yay That was awesome. yeah so good Everyone's like... You don't think this is weird like everyone's looking around but you don't think the everyone everyone here is weird. Yeah i was it It was also perfectly layered like you had you had multiple layers to get the brother out of steel you had ah Ella Pernod what's her name Lucy Lucy Lucy yeah lucy Lucy and the goal and then you had what was happening in the full so we had three layers that be every episode which is
So hard to do, but they pulled it off and it all came together at the end. Beautiful. I can't wait for season two. I hope we get it this year. Oh my God, I cannot. My mom asked me almost every time I see it. So when's the fall of season two coming on my mom? I've told you a million times. We don't know yet. Well, they're filming right now. So it is probably next year, but it is possible that we see it at the end of this year. Yeah. I love the fact that They took one of my favorite video game franchises and follow and made it into like an actual good show. Like they didn't screw it up. I love that. Yeah. Yeah.
I will say guys I did debate making this my number one. So we could have had four for four, but I just I just kept it up there because just because I'm not a big BGS fan, that's the only reason why I didn't have it at number one, because sure seeing it, it wasn't as impressive to me. Like, obviously, I love the show, but it wasn't as impressive to me of going like one of my favorite games is not one of my favorite shows. It was just it's a game that I know I've enjoyed at. But and then it was just an amazing show. So.
but God, I love the show so much. I love it. I need to rewatch it. I'll rewatch it before season two. Have you have um have you tried to follow La Luna, Sean?
um i'm PC no, I have not but I want you so bad. It looks so good. It's really it's amazing it's just a new follow game yeah Yeah, and i I do I want to put a mod that puts like New Vegas and three together. Oh, yeah yeah do waste that yeah Yeah, I want to try that too. Oh my I just I love that. I love three for New Vegas. I love one and two I love that I love every follow guy There's not a follow game. I play that I haven't liked Yeah, I need to play New Vegas because I've just heard it's the best. I've heard it's the best one. So I just really want to play it because of that. It has the best story and characters. Yeah, no doubt. And you'll definitely want to favorite. You definitely want to play. I'm definitely going to at least if I hope I fucking love it, but I'm definitely going to get to it before the second season comes out. Yeah, I i want to. I really, really want to play that game. Yeah. Please play it on PC because it will crash if you don't.
Yeah. What was he playing on Xbox? Yeah, it's I would not play for any Vegas on console. Why I did. It was fine. Actually, I played it on PC as well. I played it both. um All right. So Sean, your number one was Fallout lock. Your number one was Fallout as well. um That's going to make it a bit awkward, I think, for the the video portion with the graphics, but we'll figure it out.
Um hodge you're up now. What is your good number one, sir? My number one um is honestly almost one of my favorite tv shows of all time We discussed earlier a little bit but arcane. This is it's genuine like especially for Never giving a shit about League of Legends my younger brother plays it and even he says it's nerdy and sweaty and stupid but uh This show came out of because I only watched it because my brother was watching an episode once and I sat down and watched a little bit with him like wow this and of course everyone knows I'm a huge animation fan, so the animation blew me away like it's spider-verse level good and so it blew me away for that and then
I'm not going to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't watched it, but once you get to the third episode of the first season, I was all in. It was like a Game of Thrones like type moment from early on in the early on in Game of Thrones when it was still good. and i it was It just caught me and carried me and I never gave up. The only only thing It was almost what almost made me take it out of number one was the second season while good, very good. It was rushed. and They definitely rushed the second season a little bit. And that's really my only point against that show. But other than that, it is an amazing story that every character is someone you can give a shit about. You want to learn more about them. Obviously, I'm not going to go and play the game because of it. But the show itself is um but like I've gotten people who have who don't like my friends who are casual gamers, like they'll play Halo or COD or
mad And like they're those kind of gamers like the very casuals and even they're like that show is amazing. I'm like, yeah like GJ in yeah ah your server lock and our buddy he ah he just always asked me like should I watch our cane? I don't like League of Legends and I'm like, yes that you don't need to know like or give any shit about League of Legends It's generally one of the best TV shows I've ever seen in my life. And so yeah, I love this show is by far my favorite adaptation um But yeah, like Fallout and Last of Us are obviously all quality and stuff, but this one, it was just it blew my mind how good it was.
you You just convinced me to watch it. I've never seen it, but I will now. You made it sound oh interesting. interesting it's good It's genuinely one of the best TV shows I've ever seen. Awesome. And so this isn't a spoiler, but basically eat both seasons are nine episodes and each season is three trilogies. So if three episode chunks is like its own story almost and but they're all obviously connected and it's an ongoing story. But each third episode is kind of a finale in a sense and they're So if you if you ever need to like pace it at a certain way, I'd say watch it three episodes at a time. If you're not bitching it, that's the best way to watch it. And yeah, it's it's in incredible. I love that show so much. Wow. I did not realize that. I had no idea that they were that it was like that, even though I'm watching it. Yeah. All right. So, yeah, anyone else have any thoughts on Arkane? We talked about it earlier.
Sounds amazing. All right, we'll keep it moving. So we're gonna get we're gonna go ahead and end the show now with our bad number one to wrap up this segment in the show. ah So it's my turn, and my bad number one is going to be Doom, the movie with The Rock from 2005. This movie starred Dwayne The Rock Johnson, and it also had Carl Urban or whatever, um who's now in The Boys, right?
Um, he was in this. Yep. Um, so like the actors were decent, although the rock is a terrible actor and almost everything, he pretty much just plays himself. Like he has like no acting chops at all. oh yeah yeah Um, I used to be a huge rock fan. Like I was a big fan of him in WWF and stuff back in the day. If you smooth, right? But I think he's kind of played out in corny now. I'm not as much of a fan of him anymore, especially lately. He's gotten like super political, which annoys me.
because I don't like celebrities telling me how to vote and think. But anyway, I digress. This movie was terrible. OK, so they tried to do like this awkward like first person shooting camera. So like the a lot of the movie is shot in like a first person perspective with horrible CG, terrible, terrible plot. It was just all around awful. um And when I watched this movie, it made me want to kill myself. Like that's how bad it was. I was just like, wow.
um You know, last week, last week, Hodge, you were talking about how the Doom games are for school shooters. um And I would say this movie, this movie might have led to somebody shooting up a school. That's how bad it was. yeah um But yeah, no Stay safe kids. Don't shoot up schools. All right. let You guys have any thoughts on this? Please do not please do not do not do not do that But no, I never saw this movie because it looks so terrible But I remember watching the trailer where it's like it shows everything and then it like kind of cuts to black And then the camera comes on its first person. I was like, this is the stupid what is ever so I've never seen it but I I I'm sure you are correct in seconds one of the worst movies ever made
yeah You should watch it just to punish yourself one of these days. oh like If you're feeling really depressed, just watch this. If I lose a bat, I'll have to watch it. Locke, any thoughts on this? Have you seen it? Yeah, of course I've seen it. Yeah, this was back then when The Rock tried to be an actual actor. So this is one of those more serious roles, right?
Like all of his other roles after this one are always like a big tongue in cheek. But this one, he really tried to play like a serious, what were they, Marines in here. um But it didn't work. It was awful. Yeah, you're right. Awful movie. I think the only movie starring The Rock that I actually thought was semi decent was that ah was Scorpion King or whatever. I thought that okay that was that was his very first movie ever. days not not No, I don't think I've seen that song.
Oh, no, no. He was in the movie returns. Yeah. Gridiron gang's pretty good. OK. Any thoughts on Doom, Sean Mason? OK. So the my only industry with this movie is I watch 15 minutes of it on a UMD PSP. Oh, nice. My friend bought a PSP in 2008 from GameStop. He bought a used one and it came with like three UMDs and like three like games. And it was like a mystery grab bag thing GameStop was doing. And he ended up getting this and we watched 15 minutes of it. I'm like, this is awful.
even Even at that time, I was 12 and I knew I'm like, this is bad. Yeah, and it's and it's one of those where I obviously I haven't seen it so I don't I can't completely be a you know say on this but it was ah it seemed like it was another one those where it was a shame to be a video game movie because like He wasn't in like his green doomslayer costume. He's just in like black armor or something I think if I remember right and it's just like Just make him doomslayer. Everyone wants to everyone wants to be that like that's awesome. But yeah ah bad The movie sucks and the rock sucks as an actor. So, all right, Sean Mason, what is your bad number one, sir? All right. My bad number one is Donkey Kong Country, the animated series. Oh, any of you know the show or remember the show? No, no. The only video game cartoon I know of is they had a Sonic the Hedgehog TV show way back. in and Yeah, that's the only cartoon which was decent.
Was it? yeah which sell Depends on which one you watch. The Donkey Kong Country TV show came out in 1997. So after all the Donkey Kong Country games, it was so bad that like watching it, the frame rate like stuttered, like watching it. It looked like and like a late 90s, like PC game that was just chugging, just absolutely like like one of those like, like, you know, Grim Van Dango.
it almost looks like that but like chugging like terribly like like you could walk you could like count the frames almost it was so bad it was so cheesy like think of like the proto like it's like Donkey Kong they're like oh we gotta get the bananas we gotta go save the bananas banana every episode so i'm trying to get bananas like they have all the different cast of characters in it they make Donkey Kong look they have freaking idiot in it like so he's such a absolute moron. like Obviously, Diddy Kong's not going to be the smartest guy the way they portray him in the Mario games, but like he's an absolute downright idiot to the point where Diddy Kong has to like basically talk for him sometimes. He can't express his thoughts and Diddy Kong can like understand him.
it is so bad it was i i used to i rented like vhs tapes of it and i would always and i kept renting vhs tapes of it thinking it was gonna get better of course this is like four year old you know four three four year old me thinking it's like no each episode just got worse and worse and i remember Finally being like one day. I just can't do this anymore And this is why I like refused to play the Donkey Kong Country games for so long because I'm like awful Terrible character. Oh that made that makes my cousin cry on you my cousin his favorite games of all time are Ocarina of Time and Donkey Kong Country Those are his two like oh, they're great games now. Don't get me wrong. They're great. Yeah, but I look refused like like I
they They made like, there'd always be a villain who would look like Donkey Kong, but they'd give him like a different color, pay like a different color shading, and they put like a mustache on, you know, like got a mustache or something. It was like, the it was so dumb. it's a Like, talk about it as such a cash grab. Oh yeah, for sure. Yeah. That's that's hilarious. I have nothing to add to that, so. Anyone else have thoughts on that before we proceed?
Never seen it. yeah Oh my gosh. It's 3D animated. That looks terrible. Yeah. It looks like you can count the frames. I'm telling you you, count the frames. Oh man. I thought it was at least 2D. Jesus. It's bad. Oh wow. That looks bad. That looks wow. It looks like a late 90s PC game that just kept going. It really does. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Wow. Okay. Anyway, moving on. Hodge, what's your number one bad?
adaptation. I am going to go with fallout. No, I'm kidding. Um, I'm going to go with, uh, um, Resident Evil because the, like the old Mia joke of each one, not, not that I didn't see that Netflix one where there was like a dancing lesbian person or whatever. I i didn't watch that piece of shit.
But ah no, the original because it had nothing to do with Resident Evil, really. It's like they tried later on to like include characters from the games, but they weren't them. They just kind of wore the same clothes. And so it's kind of the the series as a whole is I mean, they got worse as they went on, obviously. But the first one had a little bit of fun, but overall, it was still dog shit like. But it.
And like I said, I've only played like three Resident Evil games, but even I knew that those games had or those movies had nothing to do with the games and they're not good. And so like I don't have anything nice to say about them. Really, they're just terrible. And yeah, so Resident Evil worst. I watched ah all of them last year actually, because I just was curious. And yeah, each one got perpetually worse. None of them had anything to do with the games I had played. And I was just like, I i can't. This is terrible. this They're just horrible. So the Resident Evil worst of all time.
um That Resident Evil movie, I'll never forget. Resident Evil is my dad's favorite video game series ever. And I remember he got so it's two this this is a 2002 one, right? You're talking about.
Uh, yeah, whatever the original one, I don't know what year it was, but yeah, the original, yeah. with ah Yeah. ah Yeah. Well anyways, he got our cousin to come over to babysit me and my sister. So him and my mom, him and my mom could go out and see it. And they came home like 45 minutes later, they left in the middle of the movie. Cause my dad was like, we're not, this is how I can't do this. And he never watched an adaptation of Resident Evil again. He was like, I'll never watch any.
movie or show or anything with Resident Evil again. you'll never I got to say, though, with ah hearing that Zack Krieger is going to reboot it as a movie to keep it close to its roots. I'm actually very excited because Barbarian was a fantastic horror movie. So if he's in charge of it, I actually do have faith because he's probably a big Resident Evil fan. You know, why does kids, you know, he's kind of a nerdy dude. So I'm sure he plays video games and I'm sure he has respect for it. So I'm excited to see what it is. But yeah, this this wasn't it.
Yeah, I remember that that that had that scene in the first movie with like the lasers right where they got the people up That's the one scene. I remember I saw it as a at a party when I was in high school at some point And this movie was on in the background and that's the scene I remember with the lasers and I remember everyone being mean discussed it with that But yeah, horrible. Yeah, it was but how many how many of those movies are there anyway? they they been like an yeah six i think like five or six Yeah Five or six, I can't even remember it's bad Yeah, absolutely. Like those first couple were especially bad, no doubt. I feel like some of the later ones were like, OK, that's like a guilty pleasure. Like can't be because they basically said exist and I think we're decent kind of. It's because they basically gave up on it being Resident Evil at that point. They're just weird post apocalyptic fantasy movies like that. Yeah, they weren't even Resident Evil anymore. True. I didn't mind Apocalypse and Extinction. But yeah, those early ones are horrendous. Yeah.
um All right. Locke, if you have any more thoughts, feel free and then give your yours. ah Well, my number one is a movie that came out last year. um And I watched it on the on the channel, Manny and I had on the Retro Rewind. And the casting for this movie is the worst I've ever seen. um The jokes in this movie are the worst I've ever heard. um The action in this movie is the worst I've ever seen. And the story in this movie was non-existent, because it didn't have a story. And that movie was Borderlands. um Atrocious. I kind of like the Borderlands games, or, well, let's say I like Borderlands 1. Let's put it like that. I tolerated Borderlands 2, Borderlands 3. Abysmal, great shooting, but horrible story. um This movie, I guess Randy Pitchford just made it by himself alone with the actors in a room, and they had a couple of green schemes or something, because
Nothing in this movie is about Borderlands. The story doesn't make sense The actors clearly didn't know what kind of movie they were in because some of them are trying to play it serious Others are trying to make it funny. It's never funny. It's never good um horrible horrible horrible all around them it also has Jack Black as claptrap I well, you might disagree with this but I cannot stand Jack Black whenever I I see Jack Black in a movie, except for a Super Mario. I already know it's going to be a bad movie. um He was in his Claptrap. Bad, bad, bad, bad. Everything is bad. um So Borderlands is my number one.
My before we discussed the that that movie, the the only defense I have for Jack Black is his movies used to be great. School of Rock and yeah, School of Thunder, all that. Those back then. But nowadays, if you see Jack Black, it's going to be a terrible movie. Yeah. Yeah. Like Minecraft looks horrendous. So yeah. But yeah.
I didn't see this because I heard of how to. Well, I've never cared about this series. I just I I tried the first one. I just couldn't do it. And so but I remember seeing the casting and I'm just even me who has never played this game like what Jamie Lee Curtis. Yeah. Cate Blanchett. Like apparently from what I read is that originally the script was really good. And that's why Cate Blanchett signed on to it. And then Eli Roth just butchered it and made it unbearable. And that's why it's so bad.
That's what I read. I don't know if it's true. Yeah, true. Yeah, I read that too. But yeah, and then Kevin Hart just playing Kevin Hart. It's just like um see so Kevin Hart. He's up there with the rock. um Not really a great actor, although funny at times. um He was hilarious. I love the scene of him in 40 year old Virgin where he he's like arguing with Steve Carella there. He's like, first of all, you're using too many big words now because I don't understand him. I'm going to take it as disrespect. Watch your mouth.
That was hilarious. Yeah, he's great. That's good. All right. Yeah, I didn't watch this because I heard it was horrible. One of these days as a guilty pleasure or just for the laughs, I might watch it. But yeah, I'm expecting it to be absolutely horrendous. That's what I've heard from everybody. The only good thing about the movie is that it's incredibly short. It's only like 85 minutes or something. Oh, that was like, I saw Love Hurts yesterday. It was only 80 minutes long. That's the only good thing about that movie is that it was only 80 minutes long.
And kiwi kwan is the lead actor in it and I really like him but other than that horrible movie So yeah, I'm never I'm never watching this Sean any thoughts on this? Have you seen it? I've not seen it But the only thing I know is that that movie poster for borderlands looks like the movie poster for holes. my second Oh Yeah, it's my second holes reference this episode. There we go There you go All right, guys, so that's going

Conclusion and Evolution of Adaptations

to do it for us. That was our top three and worst three video game adaptations of all time. And with that, we're going to go ahead and head on out of here. um Thank you guys for watching and listening to games over plastic. um Like we said before, leave us like leave us comment, subscribe, leave us five star ratings. Check out Lock's YouTube channel. It's it's awesome. Support our boy. and Let's go around the horn here and give our final thoughts.
um Let's go ahead and start with you, Hodge. Final thoughts for this episode, sir. It's a lot of fun. I love ah talking about adaptations and stuff because I like i am I'm happy that it seems like, well, it's now becoming oversaturated, sadly, but I'm happy that they're actually trying to lean into the video game. This of it, they're not afraid to do what like the games do like it was like remember early on superhero movies where like in x-men they all wore black spandex be or whatever because they were afraid of wearing the yellow and that kind of like they didn't want to admit what the source material was basically and so that was early on video game movies so the fact that we're actually getting like especially after the last of us to fall and everyone's like oh no we can make these really good if we actually want to
So it's nice to see that they're kind of improving. So hopefully we get to add more to the best list than the worst list other other than Borderlands because. But i but yeah, I'm i'm happy that the I love I love movies and TV, obviously, as much as I like video games. so So being able to have my friends who don't maybe play video games, be like, hey, watch this so you can get the story kind of thing. It's It's cool. So I love these adaptations. And this is fun. I'm happy we got lock back on because, yeah, you were first technically second guest. Also, I think you were on two episodes in a row back. to was Oh, yeah. So we're happy to have you back. And obviously you're welcome any time you want. Anytime.
um And with that segue, Lockmore, do you have final thoughts for us, sir? No, it's always a pleasure to see you guys. i'm Again, I'm so proud. I don't have to be proud of you. I'm not your daddy, but you you guys you guys are doing amazing. I think it's so cool what you're doing here. it's It's so cool to see you guys grow, um to see the numbers go up, too. You really deserve it. i Like I mentioned before, there's so many people starting their podcast, and then it's always like, oh yeah, good job. But no, you guys are really doing great. I always listen to it, always watch it, so awesome. Keep keep going at it. I can't can't wait to see where you go ah where you go next. And I'm very, very grateful that you had me on again. ah Congrats on your one year.
Great, great stuff here. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, you're always welcome. um My final thoughts, just the same as always. I just want to say thank you guys for listening. We appreciate you. We love you. We love video games. I'm excited to play some more East 8 this weekend and get a little bit deeper. um And yeah, it's ah it's good stuff. Video games are good. Sean, final thoughts, sir.
It was a great episode. I love talking video games with all of you guys. Lock. Love when you're on. It's great. Love talking with you. You're a great person. Great guy. Can't wait to eventually meet you one day in person eventually. Yeah. But yeah, overall, it's a great time. I can't believe it's been a year, guys. It feels like yesterday we started this. I remember, yeah, it just feels like yesterday. Midnight's the only one who's recorded in the same place every single time. I recorded that one episode in Hawaii.
um But yeah, I adore this show. I love doing this with you guys. And the more we do, the better the better it gets. Can't wait. Can't wait for the future. Yeah. All right, boys. We're going to go ahead and get up out of here. We're going to ride off into the sunset. Enjoy the rest of your Monday, people. Thank you for listening. um This has been Games Over Plastic, episode number 27, I think. Goodbye. Bye.
Lock say bye. Bye bye. Sorry. I never, I never say bye on shows. Okay. Bye. Bye. Those bad, those bad movies. That was a low wattage affair. Telling you that right now. Low wattage affair.